Casper (1995) Movie Script

Okay. One picture
and we're history.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Come on.
Oh, man, do we
have to do this?
You want everyone at school
to think we're chicken?
I could live with that.
You wuss. Come on.
Oh, whoa!
Oh, man!
I- I don't see anything.
Do you?
No, I don't
see anything.
Let's just take the picture
and get outta here.
Fine, fine. Here,
take the picture.
Now, wait a minute. I gotta be in the picture
too, or no one will believe I was here.
Just shut up and take the
picture. No, you take the picture.
You take it.
Guys, guys, don't fight.
I'll take the picture.
Say cheese!
A ghost!
And to the Save The Dolphins
Foundation: $11 million.
To the Save The Pumas
Foundation: $1.2 million.
To the Patagonian Wasp
Salvation Fund: $1.4 million.
To the Dyslexic
Dalmatians Foundation:4...
To hell with the livestock.
What'd the old stiff leave me?
Um, I believe that
what the bereaved...
is trying to express
is that the sudden death...
of her only father has
left a great gaping void...
in her bank...
in her life.
Carrigan wonders what he has
left her to fill it up with.
Hmm. Let's see.
Bobcats, owls,
Daughter: Carrigan.
Whipstaff Manor in Maine.
And I'm late for lunch,
so if you'll excuse me.
Are you trying to tell me that
I just spent the last two days...
holding his clammy hand,
waiting for him to kick,
and all I get in return
is one lousy piece of property?
No, it was lousy 50 years ago.
Now it's condemned.
Wait a minute!
This is not fair!
I'll contest it, then I'm gonna drag you and
every one of those damn dolphins into court!
Knock yourself out.
Dibs! This is all
your fault, as usual.
If you would have just
forged the damn will.
Carrigan, this is
condemned seafront property.
Oh, Dibs!
Don't you get it?
Flipper got more money
than me.
the deed's in there!
Oh! Ouch!
Ow. Ouch!
and buried gold.
Whipstaff doth
a treasure hold."
Treasure? Dibs, you idiot! Get it out!
I knew that place was worth something.
There's treasure in that house.
And finally, I'm gonna
get what I deserve.
Carrigan, I think I need a doctor.
Oh, there's plenty in Maine.
So... what do you think?
I think you're
gonna get wet.
Hey! Wait!
Dibs, light, light!
What a dump.
Wow. Wow!
This place is fabulous. You
could just do so much with it.
I mean, it's a bit spooky. Dibs.
Aaah! Aaah!
Who is it?
Who is it?
Afraid I can't
answer that.
Why not?
Why not?
It's kind of hard
to explain. Uh...
Is he the caretaker?
Are you the caretaker?
Is he a transient?
Is he... Are you a
transient? No, not exactly.
Tell him to show himself. Show yourself!
Here's the thing.
If I do, don't scream, okay?
I get that a lot.
Are you a burglar? I must
warn you that I am armed.
If you don't show yourself, I'm gonna
have you arrested for trespassing!
Okay, okay. Geez, calm
down, lady. Here I come!
Hi! I'm Casper!
You shouldn't do that
or you'll wake up...
Too late.
So tell me,
you have experience?
I have-a quite a bit
of experience.
Not, you know,
like, exactly doin' it.
But I've studied it, and I've
talked to people who have done it.
I've-a seen videos, and I feel very
confident with-a my knowledge...
I could do it,
no problem.
Then you can handle
this? It's-a no problem.
It's-a like no problem whatsoever.
Piece of cake. Piece of crumb cake.
How did it go?
Oh, it was-a fine. Was, uh,
no problem. Piece of cake.
Who you gonna call?
Someone else.
What do we do now?
What do I usually do when
something stands in my way?
Check those fuses!
Um, are you sure we're not
going a tad overboard here?
Dibs, I have huffed and puffed.
Now I want to rip this place down.
I want my treasure--
People, people, please!
You're sweaty male
construction types!
Dibs, do something.
Charlie, quick, keep runnin'!
Don't look back! Run, Charlie, run!
Wait, wait. They were
just kidding. Honest!
Oh, every time.
All I want's a friend.
Did you ever feel the way
Priscilla Cow felt?
That you'd like to be
completely different?
Almost everybody feels
like that once in a while.
But most of the time, I hope
you can be glad to be yourself.
That's really
something to celebrate.
A g-g-ghost!
More on the Pentagon playboys
as the story unfolds, but now:
Step aside, Sigmund Freud.
Jump back, Joyce Brothers.
It's Dr. James Harvey,
therapist to the dead?
Are you depressed, anxious?
Are you lonely?
Do you need someone to talk to?
No problem,
if you're a ghost.
You can call them ghosts,
if you like, or as I prefer,
the living impaired.
But the bottom line is,
they need help sometimes.
Just like the rest of us.
After the sudden, unexpected
death of his wife Amelia,
Dr. Harvey gave up conventional psychiatry
and, some say, conventional sanity.
Now, along with his loner
daughter, Kat... short for Kathy...
Doc Harvey travels from town to town,
searching for paranoid poltergeists,
scared specters,
the depressed and the dead.
How do you feel about what
your father does for a living?
Could you please
not ask me any questions?
Do you believe in ghosts? Ever seen
one? Does your father ever hurt you?
He's my father.
Could you just talk to us?
Look, it's the first day of school.
I'm sure I'm gonna have homework,
so would you please?
What part don't
you understand?
But who is this man...
No, not "I ate fish." I hate
fish. Don't you have cows here?
Listen, I have had
a long and trying day.
Do you think you could bring me a pint of
Haagen-Dazs ice cream, rum raisin, and a Diet Pepsi?
Think you can handle that?
Now you want me to hold.
With therapy, they can
begin to process this pain.
They can pack up their emotional
baggage, and they can move on.
My Harry passed away
five years ago,
but he was so miserable, his
spirit wouldn't leave the apartment.
So I called Dr. Harvey.
He came over.
And in a few weeks,
Harry left, smiling.
The living impaired
are known for haunting us.
My question is,
what's haunting them?
It's a lack of resolution.
Ghosts are simply spirits without
resolution, with unfinished business.
It's my job to find out
what that is.
And so Dr. Harvey continues his work,
dragging his daughter along for the ride.
This week they're in Santa Fe.
But next week? Boo knows?
Now, from the ghost shrink to
shrinking thighs. Yes, I'm still here.
- The miracle fat cream
experiment, next. - Get me Santa Fe.
# That's life #
# That's life #
# That's life #
# That's what
all the people say #
# You're ridin' high in April
shot down in... #
Oh, honey, I'm sorry about
your Cactus Spooners. Crooners.
I don't care what they said.
You are not demented.
You're a picture of mental health.
They were talking about you.
Try explaining afterlife therapy
to a bunch of junior high kids.
Some people go through life
never questioning the norm.
But you and I, we're doing something
extraordinary with our lives.
No, we aren't doing anything.
You're the one who's been packing up my
stuff and moving me around the country.
In two years, I have been
to nine different schools.
I have eaten in nine
different cafeterias.
I can't even
remember anyone's name.
For once, I would
just like to be...
in one place long enough
to make a friend.
Honey, you will.
I mean, come on. We're
movin' to Friendship, Maine.
Even I might make one.
You better, Dad.
'Cause a single guy your age is more
likely to become a bank hostage...
than to make new friends.
You sound like your mother.
You're not gonna find her.
Mom's not a ghost, Dad.
Oh, yes, she is.
She has unfinished business.
There's no such thing
as ghosts.
I'll tell you what. You go
with me this one last time.
If I don't find what
I'm looking for, it's over.
No more moving,
no more ghost mining.
You promise?
I promise.
Wow! It's not
so bad, huh?
If you're Stephen King.
Dr. Harvey, hello.
I'm Carrigan Crittenden.
And this is Dibs.
I'm a close,
personal friend.
And this is my daughter, Kat.
His close,
personal daughter.
- How nice to meet you, Kat.
- Very nice to meet you.
- You have a beautiful daughter.
- Very beautiful.
I can't tell you how happy we
are you could come to Whipstaff.
- Very happy.
- The both of us.
You're kind of
hurting my face.
Sorry. Now, Dr. Harvey,
exactly what time frame
are you looking at?
Tell me you go in the house
and spray and that's it.
No, no, no.
As with a traditional psychological
cure, it can take weeks or years for...
Excuse me. You didn't just
say the word "years," did you?
It's conceivable.
No, it isn't.
- Days is conceivable. Weeks, maybe.
- Possibly.
- Months? No. Years? Forget it!
- Forget it.
Dibs, check.
Get the bouquet.
Now, Dr. Harvey.
I will be watching you
very closely.
These are for you!
Have a lovely night.
It's her. She's here.
She's in my house. I did it!
What if she likes me?
What if she doesn't?
Hi, I'm Casper.
I'm a ghost?
No, that's total disaster. Oh!
Yo, I'm Casper.
So, give me four.
Oh, God,
I'd kill for a pinky.
Huh? See?
That was easy.
Yeah. These should hold for now, but we
ought to get a box of 20 amps in the morning.
Oh, uh,
right, yeah.
Uh, twenties
should be fine.
All right, I'm gonna
go find a room, Dad.
You gonna be
all right alone?
Hey, if I'm not back in ten
days, send a search party.
and "Stinkie"?
Man, they had cruel parents.
Wonder where
Doc and Dopey sleep.
Dad! I found my room.
There's a girl...
on my bed. Yes!
Hey, space master.
In here.
It's very scary.
Have you seen
any surprises yet?
Please. This is
the deadest place yet.
Oh, this is
a nice room.
Yeah, right. This place
is a freak's holiday.
Hi... Ooh! Ooh!
- Oh.
- Oh.
Mom belongs over here.
Hey, how about
if I help you unpack?
Why bother? We'll just be repacking
in two weeks anyway, right?
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
This place is... fine.
Good. Night, Bucket.
Night, Dad.
We're gonna be glad we came.
You watch.
Wh... Whoa!
Ooh, ooh!
I... No.
Uh... Hi?
Oh, man!
Perfect first impression.
What a jerk.
Hon... Honey?
Honey, what?
Dad, Dad,
I saw a ghost!
- It was a real ghost. It was a
real, live ghost. - Slow down. What?
I saw a ghost. It had a head, and it was
round, and it was white and see-through.
- Honey, wait. Now maybe...
- Dad, please.
Do not think I'm as crazy as
I thought you were. I promise.
No, no, no. But remember,
ghosts can't hurt you, okay?
They're simply spirits
with unfinished business.
Let's just see
about this ghost.
Come here. Come on.
Check here. Oop, see?
No ghost there.
Now we can check over here.
Oh! No, there's
no ghost in there.
We can even check over here.
There. See?
Pleasure to meet you, sir.
Put me down!
This is insane.
What are you doing?
I can walk, you know?
Oh, my God,
this is big.
Um, Dad?
We're in a closet.
Right. Now, I want you
to stay in here...
no matter what
you hear, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Dad, I'm sorry.
For what?
For not believing you. For
thinking you were a total loser.
Aw, honey...
Apologize later.
Blew it, blew it,
blew it, blew it...
Uh-oh, it's them.
Here they come!
Man, oh, man, them ponies run
faster when we go down to Belmont.
Here, Flicka.
Hey, guys.
Have fun?
Oh, look, it's Casper.
You know on a scale of one
to ten... ten being fun,
and one being you...
yeah, we had fun.
Giddyup there.
Say, bulbhead, why ain't you
inside doin' your chores?
Yeah, where's dinner? I'm
starvin'. I'm wastin' away.
I know. How about you guys relax out
here, and tonight we'll eat al fresco?
Hey, sounds great.
Who's that?
Short sheet, you wouldn't be trying
to keep us outta the house, would ya?
No! No! I can see right through
that bulbous head of yours.
It's just such
a lovely night.
I thought we'd have fun
eating under the harvest moon.
# Shine on #
# Shine on, harvest moon
Up in the sky #
Hey, hold it.
Hey, Fatso, you smell somethin'? Yeah!
No, besides him.
Huh? Hey!
No need to be afraid.
The idea, don't be afraid.
I'd like to make contact with you,
but just one little thing, please.
Don't pop out from under a rug
or through a keyhole. No spooking.
Let's get beyond that.
I would like to approach you.
Now, I'm coming
in the room now.
I'm in, in the room.
Can ya deal with that?
Can you?
Dive! Huh?
I'm gonna kill you,
your mama and all her
bridge-playin' friends.
You think you got it tough? I got a face-lift.
There was one just like it underneath.
Hmph? Hmph?
Aah! Aah-aah!
Dad? Dad?
Hey, boys, we got
a closet case here.
Sushi, anyone?
California roll coming up.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
All for one, and one for all!
Catch your pants
before they fall.
On the runway now, we have Dr. James
Harvey, wearing smashing underwear.
Marky Mark he's not!
You are good.
Oh, stop. It's you.
Are we scary or what?
Oh, and it looks as if we're gonna
go into sudden death overtime.
Anybody for a little
shish ka-doc? I am!
En garde!
Ha, ha!
Who do you think you are,
defiling our domicile, huh?
Dr. James... Harvey,
your... therapist.
Dad? Dad?
Are you okay?
He's down for the count.
The winner...
by a clean stink-out!
Get back. What the hell is that thing?
- Ha, ha!
Not the nose!
I'm bein' hosed!
No, no, no, no, no!
Th-Th-This sucks!
Are you okay?
Oh, I'm fine. Why don't
we go, uh, regroup?
Get your hand
out of my mouth!
Oh, man, who let one?
Well, who do you think?
Who's got their pointy head
in my... That's not my head.
You know, fellows, we're
never this close anymore.
Oh, no, please don't scream.
I- I promise I won't hurt you.
I'm a ghost, yes, I admit it. But I'm
a friendly ghost. You have to trust me.
If you scream, you'll wake up my
uncles, and they get awfully cranky.
I'm gonna
let you go now, okay?
You're so cold.
Yeah, but it saves
on the heating bill. Ha!
Come on.
It's okay.
I can see
right through you.
Kind of happens
when you don't have any skin.
Wh... What are you made of?
Well, you know that tingling
feeling when your foot falls asleep?
I think
I'm made of that.
Um, sunny-side up
kind of makes me yak.
No problem.
So, can you go invisible?
Ha, ha.
That one's easy.
It's fresh.
Go ahead.
I've never done this before. Me neither.
Can you hurt me?
N- No.
Can I hurt you?
Morning, Dr. Harvey.
Uh, some breakfast?
Uh, hmph. Uh...
Well, uh, yeah.
Honey? You okay?
How about a paper? The New
York Times? The Journal?
Hong Kong Press?
Comin' at ya.
Hope you're hungry.
# Da, da-da-da, da
Da, da-da-da, da #
I love the smell
of fleshies in the morning.
I'm melting!
I'm melting!
Auntie Phlegm!
Auntie Phlegm!
Oh, what a world!
What a world!
They're gone.
What happened?
They must have
crossed over.
Don't think so!
Guess again, bonebag!
Fellas, good morning.
How dare you serve these
air-sucking intruders before us.
I was just...
Give me...
My meal!
Okay, okay.
I feel like Oprah
on hiatus.
You look like
Oprah on hiatus.
Ketchup, please.
Yum, yum! Yum!
You know what the problem is?
Casper's got no respect for us.
After all we've done
for the little glowworm.
Yeah. What the hell do you
think you're doin', bulbhead?
This floor used to be
dirty enough to eat off of.
But we have company.
Oh, yeah?
Well, company loves misery.
You guys are disgusting,
obnoxious creeps.
Thank you!
What's your problem?
He's just cleaning the floor.
- Take a hike.
- Get a grave.
Honey! You've got the school
thing. - You don't wanna be late.
Drop dead!
- It's too late!
- You'll have a lot of fun.
I know you will!
All right, guys.
We've obviously gotten off
on the wrong foot here.
Now, you know and I know
that you really shouldn't be here.
So I'll tell you what.
Why don't you go ahead
and finish your meal...
and we can meet in my office and
start the process of crossing over.
What do you say?
Well, it's your hour.
Watch it!
Hey, Amber!
Wait up!
Hey, you guys.
Had that locker
last year.
My name's Vic.
Coming, Vic?
Okay, gang, let's settle down.
Put a lid on it!
Okay, I've got a couple
of announcements to make.
the asbestos removal from the
gym is taking longer than planned.
We're gonna have to push back the
Halloween dance by a couple of months.
Well, as most of you know, my parents
have finished the new boathouse.
So I'm sure it'd be no problem
having the party at my place.
That's done. Secondly,
we have a new student today.
I'd like you all to meet
Harvey Kathleen.
Would you like to come up
and say hi to everyone for me?
So, why don't you tell us something
special about yourself, Kathleen?
Um, well, it's Kat.
And, um, I guess
I just moved here...
with my dad
from Santa Fe.
And Friendship seems
like a pretty friendly place.
So where are you guys living?
In outer space?
No. Whipstaff?
You've heard of it?
You actually live there?
I know it looks kind of funky
and stuff from the outside.
But, I mean, I don't know...
Inside it's kind of cool.
Well, yeah,
if you drink blood.
Mr. Curtis, check this. We're dead
for the Halloween dance, right?
This girl has a seriously, seriously
creepy house with room to spare.
I thought we were having
the party at my place.
Oh? Okay,
we'll take a vote.
Whoever wants the party
at my house, raise your hand.
Johns Hopkins University?
Very impressive.
Very. Pull!
Not... this one.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Hey, what a dish, Doc!
The little missus perhaps?
Hubba, hubba!
Fatso, you animal.
She available, Doc?
She's my wife Amelia.
She's deceased. Even better.
But... we're not here
to talk about me.
See? Now don't you feel just
awful? I was just goofin'.
Don't be goofin' on Amelia. She's
as nice a person as they come.
She's always treated you right,
huh, Stinkie?
I got no complaints. She's
always been an angel to me.
Wait a minute.
What are you saying?
I'm sayin:
She's a peach.
None better. Why?
You've actually seen her?
You think I'm blind?
Of course I've seen her.
Who hasn't? You're not
lookin' for her, are ya, Doc?
Well, that's not really the
focus of our sessions here, is it?
But as long as
you raised the issue,
you wouldn't have a way...
of contacting others
like yourselves, would you?
I didn't think so.
Now, that's not generally
allowed there, Doc.
Ya gotta go
through channels.
Red tape.
A holy mess, you know?
But for you?
I don't know. Maybe we
could work somethin' out.
You keep that ghoul
Crittenden off our backs,
and I'd say we got
a deal, right, boys?
Fatso, you know where Amelia floats. Go!
It's that easy, huh?
We got a ghost-to-ghost
We share haunting stories.
We throw parties.
The parties are always
pretty dead, though.
That was fast.
I... I think
it's for you, Doc.
My man!
What are you do...
I mean, hi.
Can I come in?
Uh, no, no.
It's so much nicer
out here...
in the flesh...
fresh air.
So did ya ask your dad
about the party?
Y- Yeah, yeah. He, um,
kind of hit the ceiling,
but, um, I think
it's gonna be okay.
Cool. So, listen, if you're
not hooked up with anybody else,
you wanna... I don't know...
hang out with me at the party?
I'd love to.
All right, cool.
All right, see ya.
Well, did you ask her?
And she actually
believed you?
This really bites.
No, it's absolutely perfect.
See? I'm a good dancer.
Don't need a costume.
I'm always the life
of the party.
Casper, listen.
I know you want to go.
Come on. We'd have
a great time together.
Casper, I have a date.
What's this Vic guy got
that I don't, huh?
A pulse?
Big fleshy deal.
A tan.
Very bad for your skin.
How about a reflection?
Okay, okay,
but can he do this?
Come with me if you want to live.
Casper! No! Don't!
Casper, no!
Casper, no! No, no, no, no!
Casper, no. Oh, my God!
High! This is very high!
Casper! Casper!
this is beautiful.
I come here every night.
What were you like
when you were alive?
I was... I was...
I don't remember.
You don't remember
anything from your life?
So... Nothing?
You don't remember what school
you went to, how old you were?
Your favorite song?
What about your dad?
Not even your mom?
Is that bad?
It's just kind of sad.
I wonder why you
don't remember anything.
Hmm? Guess 'cause
when you're a ghost,
life doesn't matter
that much anymore.
So you forget.
Sometimes I worry
that I'm trying to forget.
Forget what?
My mom.
Just certain things.
The sound of her making
breakfast downstairs.
The way she put on
her lipstick...
so carefully.
I do remember...
she always used Ivory soap.
And when she'd hug me,
I'd breathe her in...
so deep.
And I remember,
before I'd go to sleep,
she'd whisper in my ear,
"Stardust in the eyes,
rosy cheeks and a happy girl
in the morning."
If my mom's a ghost,
did she forget about me?
No, she'd
never forget you.
If I were alive, would you go to
the Halloween dance with me?
Can I keep you?
Casper, close the window.
It's cold.
Hey, Dad!
Found your Visa card.
Where was it?
Um, in your wallet.
Maybe I could use it to buy this perfect
costume I saw in a store downtown.
You always made your
costume. No, Mom did.
I think I could come up
with something pretty good.
Why don't we roll you in aluminum
foil, and you could go as a leftover?
Don't worry.
You always look cute.
I don't wanna look cute. Cute's
like when you're nine years old...
and you've got papier-mache
around your head.
I want to look... nice.
Like... Like date nice.
Really? Uh...
Honey, I think maybe
it's time that we...
sat down and... It's a
little late for that, Dad.
- How late?
- Oh, don't worry. Not that late.
Oh, good.
You know that I would love
to buy you everything you wanted.
But until Miss Crittenden pays
me, that thing is pretty worthless.
Oh, well, that's okay.
Don't worry about it.
I'm sure I can come up with
something perfect for the party.
# It's my party and
I'll die if I want to #
# Die if I want to #
Dad, please,
whatever you do,
don't let those guys
crash it.
Oh, no, I think they're actually
getting to be quite focused now.
# You will die too
when it happens to you #
# Da, da, da-da, da, da #
Big finish!
Scream or sugar?
Vell, vell, ze patient
has finally arrived.
Late again, I see.
Could this be an expression
of hostility, Doc?
It's your hour, Freud.
What? So silent? No pearls
of wisdom today, Doc?
Come on, Doc.
Stay tough. Don't stop.
Come on, Doc.
Hang with us homeboys.
Hey, wait a second.
You ain't thinkin' about
packin' it in now, are ya, Doc?
We were just startin'
to have fun.
It ain't often we meet
a bonebag as amusin' as you.
Boys, this is serious. I think the doc
is havin' one of them fleshy breakdowns.
Time for drastic measures.
Think we should break into a song? No!
It's time we gave the doc
our own prescription.
What about the party?
The party will have to wait.
Are you thinkin' what
I'm thinkin'? Gentlemen?
Happy hour! Happy hour! Happy hour.
# Ninety-nine bottles of beer
on the wall #
# Ninety-nine bottles of beer #
Just the dead guys!
This is an outrage.
This is appalling.
You pay a man to get the ghosts out
of the house, and what does he do?
He gets the ghosts out
of the house. Exactly.
It's about time.
Look familiar?
This is...
This is...
I know this.
I had five fingers.
I remember!
And wait!
Check it out.
Hands up, Kat.
Oh, wow.
It was my mom's.
Can I...
Go ahead.
Oh, Casper,
it's perfect.
You think I could wear it
to the party tonight?
I begged and begged my dad
to get me this sled,
and he acted like
I couldn't even have it,
'cause I didn't know
how to ride it.
And then one morning, I...
I came down for breakfast,
and there it was,
just for me.
For no reason at all.
I took it out,
went sledding all day,
and my dad said, "That's
enough," but I couldn't stop.
I was having so much fun.
Then it got late.
It got dark.
Got cold.
And I got sick.
My dad got sad.
What's it like to die?
Like being born.
Only backwards.
I remember I didn't go
where I was supposed to go.
I just stayed behind...
so my dad
wouldn't be lonely.
Is that your dad?
"McFadden claimed that he was
haunted by the ghost of his dead son,
"and that he invented a machine
to bring him back to life:
The Lazarus."
The Lazarus.
Hee-hee. Sorry. I guess we'll
have to take the long way.
Hurry up!
Come on!
My dad hid it so no one can find
it, but I remember where it is!
Wait'll you see it.
- Don't you know a shortcut?
- You got it.
Casper, no!
Wall... human?
Hey! Over here.
Go ahead.
Sit down.
I would hold on.
What was that?
The "Up and At 'Em" machine.
My dad was a great inventor, but he had a
little trouble getting going in the morning.
Didn't he ever hear
of caffeine?
- Dibs!
What is all this?
My dad's lab. Kind of a slob, wasn't he?
Down here, he could do whatever he
wanted to. But no matter how busy he was,
he would drop everything
to play pirates with me.
Man, we had
so much fun.
Aye, matey. Buccaneers and buried
gold. Whipstaff doth a treasure hold.
Come on.
So where's this Lazarus
thing? You're lookin'at it.
Down there?
Huh. That's useful.
Oh, I know there's a way to
get it going. I just can't...
- What about that?
- That?
Nah. That's the vault.
It's gotta be this!
Hey, I did it!
Ah. Ooh. Ouch.
- What is this?
- Careful!
That's what makes
the whole thing work.
Kind of an instant
primordial soup mix.
It's what brings ghosts
back to life.
Just enough for one.
- Pull the lever.
- Which one?
I don't know.
Try one.
- Casper?
- I'm gonna be alive.
Oh, man, how am I
gonna do this?
I couldn't even get
my Easy Bake oven to work.
Am I alive?
Dibs, do you have any
idea what this means? Yes!
No. You don't have to be
scared of death anymore.
One minute you'll be a ghost;
next, you're back on your feet,
free to come and go
as you please.
Hell, you could even
fly through... Walls.
Thick walls.
Thick as steel.
Certainly could get to
whatever's behind those walls.
Like a, a treasure, for
example? And snap, crackle, pop:
You're back alive and on
your way to the Riviera.
If you were a ghost.
If you were.
Damn it, Dibs.
This won't hurt a bit.
Stop being such a weenie!
It's just business. Come on!
- If you would just...
So there you are.
Dibs, you're takin' this
way too personally.
Are you
a ghost yet?
What a tragic waste.
She had my favorite sunglasses.
Not so fast, little man.
# Warden threw a party
at the county jail #
# The prison band was there
They began to wail #
# The band played hard
The joint began to swing #
# You should've heard those
knocked-out jailbirds sing #
# Let's rock #
Hey, this Dr. Harvey's got a lot
of spirit, you know what I'm sayin'?
Yeah, but he's got his whole
miserable life ahead of him.
So we could do him a favor
and put him out of his misery.
Yeah. Hey,
good idea.
We been the ghostly trio
long enough.
Time to make it a...
Could I just
say something here?
- And get a little personal?
- Oh, yeah. You know how it is. Okay.
Well, I just
got to tell you...
you guys remind me of what it's
like to hang out with the boys.
I mean, you are absolutely
there for each other.
# Falling in love... #
I mean, you look life
right in the face.
You say, "I'm a ghost.
I don't need you. Mmm."
You know what? I'm gonna
tell that Miss Critten Picken...
Uh, Crichton Critten...
I'm gonna tell that lady
you aren't goin' anywhere.
It's your house.
You're haunting it.
Possession is
nine-tenths of the law.
No. No. No. Yes.
No. No. No. Yes.
Aww. Aww. I didn't
think so at first, but...
you guys are great.
I love you... guys.
Hey. Hey!
What a sweetheart.
I can't croak him now.
Me neither.
No way.
All right, boys!
The night is young.
We are gonna clean out
every bar this town has got.
We're gonna booze it
until we lose it.
Come on.
Come on.
Think my ears
just popped.
Come to Mama.
- My treasure!
- You mean my treasure.
Miss Crittenden?
In the flesh.
Well, in a couple of minutes.
- Oh! Ah! Oh!
Dibs! What are you doing?
This is no time to shave.
Helping you, remember?
Remember what?
You stole that.
That's Casper's.
So sue me. Dibs!
The capsule! Now!
I'm coming, okay?
Keep away from me.
Here. Jump in.
- Oy.
- Perfect.
- We're here.
- Uh, okay.
Hi. Come on in.
This is the room.
Um, stay together; you'll be
safe. And I'll be right back.
Amber, do we
have to do this?
Hey, she wants a Halloween party,
she's gonna get a Halloween party.
Hey, that's my treasure! Stay back!
- Keep away from me.
- Casper!
Don't come near me, you spiteful spook,
or I'll knock you into the next world.
Come on.
Let's go.
# Ta-da #
Hey, "poppin' fresh,"
it's my turn in the oven.
Dibs! Get this thing cooking,
you blasted little worm you!
Ah... Carrigan.
How kind of you to drop in.
You know,
if there's one thing I've
learned from you, it's:
Always kick 'em
when they're down.
And, baby, you're six feet
under. Oh, what a shame.
Sorry, sweetheart.
We're through.
I am not gonna forget this, you
ungrateful, lousy little worm you.
Oh, you can haunt me
all you want,
but it's gonna be in a
great big, expensive house...
with lovely
purple wallpaper...
and great big
green carpets...
and a little dog
called Carrigan...
just like you.
I got the power.
I got the treasure.
And you have
a flight to catch.
Any other takers?
No. But aren't you
forgetting something?
Your unfinished
- My what?
- You know,
unfinished business.
All ghosts have unfinished business.
That's why they don't cross over.
Unfinished business?
I have no unfinished business.
I have my treasure, my mansion.
I have everything.
I'm just perfect.
Wait! Wait!
I lied.
I have unfinished business,
lots of unfinished business.
I- I'm not ready
to cross over yet.
Wait! You tricked me,
you rotten little brats!
My treasure! A ball?
That's your treasure?
Are you kidding? It's autographed
by Duke Snyder, the Brooklyn Dodgers.
My favorite player.
Casper, it's time.
I'm home!
No! What have you
done to him?
Nothin'. He's just
a little... dead.
I'm free! I've never
felt so good in my life.
I can fly-y-y-eee!
Rookie. Stinkie, work with him.
Hey! Who's the girl? Dad, it's me.
I- It's Kat.
Kat. Kat?
- Kat Ballou.
- Katatonic.
Kreplach soup.
- Flesh flood alert.
- Dad?
Don't you remember?
Oh, yeah!
I remember!
No. No!
Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Oh, Kat!
Oh, sweetheart.
Oh, what have I done?
I... Oh, Kat.
Don't cry. I...
Oh, please.
Come on, Dr. Harvey. You
need this more than I do.
This is the way
it's gotta be.
Oh, Kat!
Oh! Ohh, Kat.
Aww. Hey.
Oh, honey.
Oh, that felt like
the strangest dream.
I... I thought we almost lost
each other for a minute there.
Oh, Bucket.
Your party started
without you.
Your date's
probably waiting.
Maybe we should
get going.
where are we?
Well, go ahead.
What about you?
Hey, this is your party.
Go do your thing.
Go hang. Or chill or kick
it or whatever you call it.
I think you got
a date out there.
Thanks, Dad.
I hope no one saw that.
Hold still! I'm trying.
Could you weigh any more?
Just shut up and
get your head down.
Oh, my... Oh,
you gotta see this.
People are gonna freak.
Let me see.
Thank you.
That's right.
Kat's mom?
Are... Are you
an angel?
That was a very noble thing
you did tonight, Casper.
I know Kat will never forget
it. She needs her father.
And I know yours
will never forget it either.
You fulfilled
his greatest dream, Casper,
and I know he is
very, very proud of you.
And for what you've done, I'm
giving you your dream in return.
But it's just for tonight.
Sort of a Cinderella deal.
- So I have until midnight?
- 10:00.
Hey, Cinderella
got until midnight.
Cinderella wasn't 12 years old.
# Every now and then #
# We find a special friend #
# Who never lets us down #
# Who understands it all #
# Reaches out
each time we fall #
# You're the best friend
that I've found #
# I know you can't stay #
# But part of you
will never, ever go away #
# Your heart will stay #
# I'll make a wish for you #
# And hope it will come true #
# That life
will just be kind #
# To such a gentle mind #
# If you lose your way #
# Think back on yesterday #
# Remember me this way #
# Ooh-ooh #
# Remember me #
# This way #
I told you
I was a good dancer.
Can I keep you?
Hello, James.
It's all right.
It's just me.
I thought I'd have a hundred
things to say when I...
Let's just say you know three
crazy ghosts who kept their word.
James, I know you've
been searching for me.
But there's something
you have to understand.
You and Kat loved me
so well when I was alive...
that I have no
unfinished business.
Please don't
let me be yours.
But, Amelia,
I don't...
I don't really know
what I'm doing.
What parent does?
James, Kat is growing up
beautifully because of you.
No wonder
I miss you so much.
Just a couple things,
Don't pick up the extension
every time she gets a phone call.
French fries
are not a breakfast food.
And don't ask her
to wear a T-shirt...
under her...
Ah, under her bathing suit.
I know.
Our daughter is...
A teenager.
A teenager.
Where are you going?
Where I can watch over
both of you...
until we're
together again.
- Good-bye, James.
Uh, ha. Boo?
Not bad for
my first party, huh?
Couldn't have
been better.
It ain't over yet.
# Casper the Friendly Ghost #
# The friendliest ghost
you know #
# Though grown-ups might be
lookin'at him with fright #
# The children
all love him so #
# Casper the Friendly Ghost #
# He couldn't be bad or mean #
# You know he jump and play
sing and dance all day #
# He's the friendliest ghost
you've ever seen #
# He always says hello #
# He's really glad to meet ya #
# Wherever he may go #
# You know he's kind
to every living creature #
# Grown-ups don't understand #
# Why children
all love him the most #
# 'Cause the kids all know
that he loves them so #
# Casper the Friendly Ghost #