Catacombs (2007) Movie Script
i 200 years Ago, to Paris
he ran out of the space...
i ... to bury to their deads /i
i For real ordinance, 7 millions
of remains they were relocated /i
i ... in a mine of calcareous stone
abandoned under the city /i
i Today, the city but romantic
of the world it lies 30 meters above...
i ... of the collective tomb
but big of the world /i
i The empire of the deads /i
My name is Victoria
My name is Victoria
How do you call yourself your?
Health... no... no...
i My sister sent me a postcard /i
i he/she Only said: They "Come to Paris
He/she will make you well" /i
i 48 hours after my arrival...
i ... her and all those that I knew
they had died /i
Open the bag
- Open the suitcase
- That he/she opens my suitcase?
Had he/she already come to Paris?
No, it had never traveled
What is this?
I become sometimes nervous
Does he/she speak French?
Pardon, I don't understand
He/she asked him/her if he/she speaks French
No, not
Will he/she stay in a hotel?
No, with my sister
Hello, welcome to Paris
Are you already having a good time?
Not I know where he/she lives...
... but here he/she studies
In Sorbona
Their home?
I don't know it, I sit down it
It will pick up me in the airport
I don't know it
Welcome to France
This trip will change you
Are you excited?
If but it hurts my head
That is the sister that I remember
To where do we go?
Here you do live?
Yes, he/she gives fear
But the rent is a bargain
He/she listens
The first murderer in series
of France he/she lived in the 5o floor
It quartered to several until you
they complained about the noise of the handsaw
When facing it
the type became crazy
When the police arrived, it had killed
to all in the 4o and 5o floor
Then d ela slaughters
all moved
Too much blood, they said
I am taking the hair
It is only a building of dirt
Calm. Not there is maniac
homicidal in each corner
Does he/she light the light, if?
Not I know where this
I didn't tell to you
Imbecile, you always have
that to scare people?
The corzn breaks me. Carolyn
Not it is personal, him him ago
to all. Are you well?
If. No. Alone-
Where will I sleep?
In Baltimore, Vic
Neither the deads sleep in Paris
It is that last night I didn't sleep in the airplane
It was nervous for the flight
so I didn't sleep-
Not there is time
We should get ready for a party
Neither madwoman will be able to go
And fewer dressed as mom
We go shopping
Do you feel well?
Sure that don't want him/her
to say anything to Quasimodo?
That you find up to now?
What? Paris!
He/she looks around to your
The city but beautiful of the world
The City Luz. Romance,
art, architecture, beauty
It is incredible that it is on the tomb
collective more big of the history
Not we can go to a party
without using for the first time shoes
He/she hears
You scared me
To you, always so calm?
What are you taking?
Anything, hurts my head
Good, vmonos
A taxi comes
He/she Looks, the Tower Eiffel
A cono of Paris
He/she hears... hello
How's it going?
Happy of seeing you
Victoria, he is my dear friend Hugo
one of the hosts...
... of the fabulous today party. Hugo,
my famous one mates Victoria
My name is Victoria
Here we speak English, it mates
- It is well
- Of agreement
What? Am I interested?
It is for your sister
For my?
Happen, young ladies
We go, sister
Carolyn, waits
Where do we go?
It is too much afternoon
to return
Not I understand, Carolyn
What party class is it?
The party class that
it will change your life
It changed mine at least
Outside of joke, why they make
parties here below?
Because here the cadavers are
You only want to get scared again
I swear that not. everything is true
It is the dark secret of Paris
"Abandon all hope
when entering"
to bury to their deads
The cemeteries were replete
the bodies one on another
The cadavers rotted
in the streets of Paris
Somebody brilliant he/she decides that there is
that to begin of zero
To exhume all the cadavers
in Paris, 7 millions of them...
... and to toss their bones in the mines
under the left bank
- Seven millions?
- Not it is amusing?
Doesn't the police try to stop them?
He/she attempts it. They created a squadron
to stop, those Taste-polis
There are almost 500 km of tunnels, and those
parties are never in the same place
Do you remember them?
Nico and Len
We go, move
Jean-Michele he/she waits for us
Who is Jean-Michele?
You will already know it
To him and Hugo they were happened
to make the parties here
As our parties you
they have made more popular...
... they accuse me of being in love
of the death
As a species
of necrfilo, I suppose
In old Greece, the philosophers
they had the habit...
... of conserving a human skull...
... on their desk
The idea is that...
... alone concientes being
of our imminent death...
... we can appreciate fully
the life
I always found one
good form of thinking
The only problem is...
... that I never had an escritrio.
Welcome to the Catacombs!
Do you give me water, please?
Do you give me water, please?
Not you have to drink here
You are Jean-Michele
Carolyn spoke to me of you
What did he/she say?
That you fear to the darkness
Not it is certain
No? Because me if
We all fear him/her
Then, why they come
to this place?
"God frightens us with its kindness
so that we become strong"
Where can I drink?
You lose your time, Jean-Michele
Not I drink alcohol
Not it is alcohol
It is absinthe
We go, we go, we go...
This will finish bad
Hear! He/she listens
space cadet
Are you well?
Then, since
you arrived in Paris...
Have you seen some ghost?
That sentence is so wornout
It is in Paris, the city more
charmed of the world
It is a legitimate question
He/she looks around to your
Six million bodies
pulled up of the earth...
... and stacked under your feet
as firewood
If the ghosts exist, they are in
Paris. There are ghosts in this place
He/she has the whole reason
The catacombs are charmed
But not for demons or spectra
but for people
For the degenerate and crazy that lower
of the surface for the illness
The death is a show
An opera
When the Black Virgin's cult
it began to invest...
... the rites of the catoliscismo
painting of black Mara's statue...
i ... and adoring Satan...
Still when they alleged to have
given birth to the Antichrist...
i ... any sensible person
he/she took them seriously /i
But they made it
They take a boy...
i ... born of the incest...
... servant with raw meat...
i ... and they don't allow him/her to see
the light of the day /i
i they teach Him/her that it is the destroyer
of the man /i
i they put Him/her a hideous mask
of goat. That you wait?
For when he/she is 18 years old,
he/she believes it to him
they have created...
... a moonstruck being...
... not thinking
and unmanageable...
... so evil...
... that it could really be
call the Antichrist
Please. a murderer
with goat mask...
... it is alone a myth
Terrifying, but only a myth
It is spoken of people that lowers to
the catacombs and it leaves never
This is not a myth
That mounstro that created...
... it is here below
You don't go to the school
with Carolyn, truth?
We will swim. You want
of wetting you, sister?
We go, Vic, cares anybody
Undress and enter to the water
Do we go for that not?
It is your body
You have a beautiful body
Of what are you embarrassed?
Anything, I am only cold
It is everything
Clear. If not, it would be
the first in entering
But it is cold
I am a coward
For once in your life you would rot
to be about not being the most boring
Not it would be myself if not.
I believe that I will return to the party
That sounded more hateful
of what I wanted
Somebody tells me how
to return to the party?
Over there
Such it seems that you will have
that to swim
He/she neglects
I will see as returning
Not be idiotic, Vic
You will get lost
It is a labyrinth
Vic! I speak seriously!
"Soon you will be as us"
It is what says
You scared me
I am happy. People as you
he/she needs to get scared
I speak seriously, silly
Don't go away this way, it is dangerous
The Catacombs have bad acoustics
You could get lost
Not you are lost, if?
No. I don't believe it
I believe that if
Do you speak seriously?
At what do you laugh?
The one that wrote that didn't care it
toward where we were
What does he/she say?
"There is only an entrance to this life...
... but those of the death
they are countless"
What demons was that?
You said that there was
bad acoustics
And it is certain
Stay here
I already understood
They want to get scared
They love to make that
Not bother!
Carolyn, I want to leave
Wait! He/she waits
The music under your feet, the serious ones
Almost we arrive. He/she dances with me
He/she lights the light
That it happened? Why did he/she fade?
The battery finished
He/she waits
How that finished?
When he/she descends the battery
the light blinks
What will we make?
- Calm down
- We will be left without light!
- It is well
- No!
He/she is being left without battery
You are so silly!
My God, what will we make?
Why do they continue making that?
Not it is amusing
Not you can be my sister
you should be adopted
How can you be so calm?
First rule of the Catacombs
he/she always brings but of a light
Do you see, silly?
Not everything is a crisis
We go
The party is there
Carolyn! No!
Carolyn! please!
It aids!
Help me!
It aids!
My God
Please he/she lights
Please, he/she lights...
We go, we go...
It aids!
Leave alone me!
Leave me!
Help me!
Is somebody?
It aids!
Help me!
Does somebody listen to me?
Does somebody listen to me?
Oh, not!
Leave alone me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
It aids!
Want to kill me!
Want to kill me!
It aids!
Help me!
That somebody helps me!
Somebody helps me!
That somebody helps me!
It aids!
Jean-Michele! Jean-Michele!
Jean-Michele... !
Be dead!
Oh not
Is somebody?
Is somebody there?
Can somebody hear me?
Please! do they listen to me?
Can they hear me?
I am caught here!
Somebody can hear me
there out?
... 64 ... 65 ...
... 83 ... 84 ...
... 85 ... 86 ...
... 91 ... 92 ...
... 93 ... 94 ... 95 ...
... 102 ... 103 ... 104 ...
... 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ...
Somebody listens to me
there out?
Somebody please helps me!
It aids!
Help me!
It aids!
I don't understand you
Stay there!
Don't move!
Don't come closer!
Stay there!
Stay there!
Don't come closer!
Not I understand
I don't understand you
Not I know that you say. What?
The exit?
Is it blocked?
Don't tell me, idiot!
That is my lantern, imbecile!
Hear, wait! Not I see!
You don't take yourself the lantern
of somebody but, idiot
He/she waits
Do you know to where you go?
Do you know it?
Be careful
Are you listening to me?
What is that?
A map?
Of this place?
Allow me to see
It is a map of the street
Of up!
For heaven's sake, don't make that
Rue Saint Medard?
What? And... ?
Hear, hold! Hear!
Do you have idea of that faces?
They are the same ones
intersections that up?
Is there another exit?
It is well, he/she waits
where we are?
God, is very far
What did it happen to you?
Were you in the party?
Did you also get lost?
Do you want to wait?
Could you go but slowly?
Please, you go but slow
Don't play me!
He/she hears, you go too quick
Not I see anything
Where do you go?
What do you make?
Why... ?
Why do we stop?
We have to continue
What do you hide?
What is that?
Don't come closer me!
Don't play me!
What do you make?
Don't play me
Take away from my
Don't injure
Don't come closer me
You are hysterical
Is your name?
I am Victoria
My bigger sister died yesterday
I believe that it was yesterday
We have to leave
Damned you are! Unfortunate!
Don't leave me here!
I will die here!
Where rays did you leave?
Give me the lantern
Imbecile's piece
Take off!
Vmonos!, Henri
It is necessary to find the other exit
Care, Henri
Be careful
Put attention, Heni
Are you well?
Henri! Henri!
My God!
Everything will come out well
Henri! Do shake hands me, if?
Shake hands me, please!
Shake hands me
Please, stop!
Henri, give me the...
Well, well...
It is well, it is well
One, two, three... already!
Not look!
Look at me to my!
Let us go!
Tu can! Walk!
If! Let us go!
Pull with but it forces!
Now we will attempt it with two
hands, if? Two hands
Let Us Go, Henri!
I regret it... I regret it
No, I regret it. I will return
I will find the exit and I will return
I swear him!
I swear you that I know where these
I promise you that I will return
I promise it to you
No! No! Victoria!
I believe that I ended up
giving the turn
Leave alone me!
Damned it is!
Stay lit!
Don't fade!
Please! Don't fade!
Don't fade!
Light! Light!
No! Don't fade!
Don't fade!
Light... please!
Please, he/she lights again
Don't fade!
He/she knew it. My sister...
Truly you believed that
was it dead, certain?
i he/she knew It...
It is so comic /i
i truly you believed it /i
He/she knew it! My God...
It is so comic!
You really believed that
had he/she died, certain?
We fake the cut
It is false blood
Not there is any mounstro, it was one
joke. Hugo with a mask
Show him/her
Do you see it?
It was only a joke
A joke?
Not a joke
A play, an initiation
The Black Virgin's Cult and
the mounstro with goat mask...
i ... they are tricks that the boys have used
per years to scare to other /i
We will explain to you it, but he/she appeared
the police and it dispersed us
i we have been looking for You, screaming
your name 12 hours /i
And you believed that us
were we the bad?
Victoria Hears!
He/she stops to run
Didn't you listen to us?
For that reason you continued escaping
They are the walls. Anything is not heard
One screams and anything is not heard
Leave alone me!
My God. Henri!
He/she hears he/she stops to be so melodramatic
Not they should make it
No, but we made it
It is what these boys make
Imbecile. All your life has that
to be scaring people?
Have you already seen a ghost?
They want to get scared
They love to make that
We believed that he/she would make you well
You scared me!
I am happy. People like your
he/she needs to get scared
Not there are homicidal maniacs
in each corner
According to Jean-Michele, when you survive
to your own death, you reborn
i for that reason we lower
to the Catacombs /i
Alone concientes being of
our imminent death...
... we can appreciate
fully the life
Why you believe that I wanted
that you came here?
He/she wanted you to overcome your problems
and you left those damned pills
- Where it is Jean-Michele?
- I don't know it
Have you seen it Victoria?
Shit, Jean-Michele!
My God! My God!
Stop to shake it!
- Let us go, let us go!
- This dead one?
- Jean-Michele!
- God!
Leave it!
No longer shake it!
No, no, not
Jean-Michele! No!
Revise him/her the pulse!
How could this happen?
No... no...
Piece of stupid!
This dead one! How you could
to be so stupid?
What do you have in the head?
Look at that you made!
Come and he/she looks at that you made!
Stop and he/she looks at this!
Look at that you made!
- I sit down it
- You are an idiot!
I hate you
All that you have made
in your life it is an error. The ones!
Always the ones,
but that made to lose everything!
I hate you so much!
Look at that you made!
What does he/she spend?
Look at that you made!
i you are a perfect idiot!
God willing you died!
i you are so silly that not even
you could kill yourself /i
i you attempted It 20 times
and you didn't achieve it /i
i you are a stupid dog!
All that you have made in your life...
i My sister sent me a postcard /i
i he/she Only said: They "Come to Paris
He/she will make you well" /i
i 48 hours after my arrival...
i ... her and all those that I knew
they had died /i
To the airport, please
i 200 years Ago, to Paris
he ran out of the space...
i ... to bury to their deads /i
i For real ordinance, 7 millions
of remains they were relocated /i
i ... in a mine of calcareous stone
abandoned under the city /i
i Today, the city but romantic
of the world it lies 30 meters above...
i ... of the collective tomb
but big of the world /i
i The empire of the deads /i
My name is Victoria
My name is Victoria
How do you call yourself your?
Health... no... no...
i My sister sent me a postcard /i
i he/she Only said: They "Come to Paris
He/she will make you well" /i
i 48 hours after my arrival...
i ... her and all those that I knew
they had died /i
Open the bag
- Open the suitcase
- That he/she opens my suitcase?
Had he/she already come to Paris?
No, it had never traveled
What is this?
I become sometimes nervous
Does he/she speak French?
Pardon, I don't understand
He/she asked him/her if he/she speaks French
No, not
Will he/she stay in a hotel?
No, with my sister
Hello, welcome to Paris
Are you already having a good time?
Not I know where he/she lives...
... but here he/she studies
In Sorbona
Their home?
I don't know it, I sit down it
It will pick up me in the airport
I don't know it
Welcome to France
This trip will change you
Are you excited?
If but it hurts my head
That is the sister that I remember
To where do we go?
Here you do live?
Yes, he/she gives fear
But the rent is a bargain
He/she listens
The first murderer in series
of France he/she lived in the 5o floor
It quartered to several until you
they complained about the noise of the handsaw
When facing it
the type became crazy
When the police arrived, it had killed
to all in the 4o and 5o floor
Then d ela slaughters
all moved
Too much blood, they said
I am taking the hair
It is only a building of dirt
Calm. Not there is maniac
homicidal in each corner
Does he/she light the light, if?
Not I know where this
I didn't tell to you
Imbecile, you always have
that to scare people?
The corzn breaks me. Carolyn
Not it is personal, him him ago
to all. Are you well?
If. No. Alone-
Where will I sleep?
In Baltimore, Vic
Neither the deads sleep in Paris
It is that last night I didn't sleep in the airplane
It was nervous for the flight
so I didn't sleep-
Not there is time
We should get ready for a party
Neither madwoman will be able to go
And fewer dressed as mom
We go shopping
Do you feel well?
Sure that don't want him/her
to say anything to Quasimodo?
That you find up to now?
What? Paris!
He/she looks around to your
The city but beautiful of the world
The City Luz. Romance,
art, architecture, beauty
It is incredible that it is on the tomb
collective more big of the history
Not we can go to a party
without using for the first time shoes
He/she hears
You scared me
To you, always so calm?
What are you taking?
Anything, hurts my head
Good, vmonos
A taxi comes
He/she Looks, the Tower Eiffel
A cono of Paris
He/she hears... hello
How's it going?
Happy of seeing you
Victoria, he is my dear friend Hugo
one of the hosts...
... of the fabulous today party. Hugo,
my famous one mates Victoria
My name is Victoria
Here we speak English, it mates
- It is well
- Of agreement
What? Am I interested?
It is for your sister
For my?
Happen, young ladies
We go, sister
Carolyn, waits
Where do we go?
It is too much afternoon
to return
Not I understand, Carolyn
What party class is it?
The party class that
it will change your life
It changed mine at least
Outside of joke, why they make
parties here below?
Because here the cadavers are
You only want to get scared again
I swear that not. everything is true
It is the dark secret of Paris
"Abandon all hope
when entering"
to bury to their deads
The cemeteries were replete
the bodies one on another
The cadavers rotted
in the streets of Paris
Somebody brilliant he/she decides that there is
that to begin of zero
To exhume all the cadavers
in Paris, 7 millions of them...
... and to toss their bones in the mines
under the left bank
- Seven millions?
- Not it is amusing?
Doesn't the police try to stop them?
He/she attempts it. They created a squadron
to stop, those Taste-polis
There are almost 500 km of tunnels, and those
parties are never in the same place
Do you remember them?
Nico and Len
We go, move
Jean-Michele he/she waits for us
Who is Jean-Michele?
You will already know it
To him and Hugo they were happened
to make the parties here
As our parties you
they have made more popular...
... they accuse me of being in love
of the death
As a species
of necrfilo, I suppose
In old Greece, the philosophers
they had the habit...
... of conserving a human skull...
... on their desk
The idea is that...
... alone concientes being
of our imminent death...
... we can appreciate fully
the life
I always found one
good form of thinking
The only problem is...
... that I never had an escritrio.
Welcome to the Catacombs!
Do you give me water, please?
Do you give me water, please?
Not you have to drink here
You are Jean-Michele
Carolyn spoke to me of you
What did he/she say?
That you fear to the darkness
Not it is certain
No? Because me if
We all fear him/her
Then, why they come
to this place?
"God frightens us with its kindness
so that we become strong"
Where can I drink?
You lose your time, Jean-Michele
Not I drink alcohol
Not it is alcohol
It is absinthe
We go, we go, we go...
This will finish bad
Hear! He/she listens
space cadet
Are you well?
Then, since
you arrived in Paris...
Have you seen some ghost?
That sentence is so wornout
It is in Paris, the city more
charmed of the world
It is a legitimate question
He/she looks around to your
Six million bodies
pulled up of the earth...
... and stacked under your feet
as firewood
If the ghosts exist, they are in
Paris. There are ghosts in this place
He/she has the whole reason
The catacombs are charmed
But not for demons or spectra
but for people
For the degenerate and crazy that lower
of the surface for the illness
The death is a show
An opera
When the Black Virgin's cult
it began to invest...
... the rites of the catoliscismo
painting of black Mara's statue...
i ... and adoring Satan...
Still when they alleged to have
given birth to the Antichrist...
i ... any sensible person
he/she took them seriously /i
But they made it
They take a boy...
i ... born of the incest...
... servant with raw meat...
i ... and they don't allow him/her to see
the light of the day /i
i they teach Him/her that it is the destroyer
of the man /i
i they put Him/her a hideous mask
of goat. That you wait?
For when he/she is 18 years old,
he/she believes it to him
they have created...
... a moonstruck being...
... not thinking
and unmanageable...
... so evil...
... that it could really be
call the Antichrist
Please. a murderer
with goat mask...
... it is alone a myth
Terrifying, but only a myth
It is spoken of people that lowers to
the catacombs and it leaves never
This is not a myth
That mounstro that created...
... it is here below
You don't go to the school
with Carolyn, truth?
We will swim. You want
of wetting you, sister?
We go, Vic, cares anybody
Undress and enter to the water
Do we go for that not?
It is your body
You have a beautiful body
Of what are you embarrassed?
Anything, I am only cold
It is everything
Clear. If not, it would be
the first in entering
But it is cold
I am a coward
For once in your life you would rot
to be about not being the most boring
Not it would be myself if not.
I believe that I will return to the party
That sounded more hateful
of what I wanted
Somebody tells me how
to return to the party?
Over there
Such it seems that you will have
that to swim
He/she neglects
I will see as returning
Not be idiotic, Vic
You will get lost
It is a labyrinth
Vic! I speak seriously!
"Soon you will be as us"
It is what says
You scared me
I am happy. People as you
he/she needs to get scared
I speak seriously, silly
Don't go away this way, it is dangerous
The Catacombs have bad acoustics
You could get lost
Not you are lost, if?
No. I don't believe it
I believe that if
Do you speak seriously?
At what do you laugh?
The one that wrote that didn't care it
toward where we were
What does he/she say?
"There is only an entrance to this life...
... but those of the death
they are countless"
What demons was that?
You said that there was
bad acoustics
And it is certain
Stay here
I already understood
They want to get scared
They love to make that
Not bother!
Carolyn, I want to leave
Wait! He/she waits
The music under your feet, the serious ones
Almost we arrive. He/she dances with me
He/she lights the light
That it happened? Why did he/she fade?
The battery finished
He/she waits
How that finished?
When he/she descends the battery
the light blinks
What will we make?
- Calm down
- We will be left without light!
- It is well
- No!
He/she is being left without battery
You are so silly!
My God, what will we make?
Why do they continue making that?
Not it is amusing
Not you can be my sister
you should be adopted
How can you be so calm?
First rule of the Catacombs
he/she always brings but of a light
Do you see, silly?
Not everything is a crisis
We go
The party is there
Carolyn! No!
Carolyn! please!
It aids!
Help me!
It aids!
My God
Please he/she lights
Please, he/she lights...
We go, we go...
It aids!
Leave alone me!
Leave me!
Help me!
Is somebody?
It aids!
Help me!
Does somebody listen to me?
Does somebody listen to me?
Oh, not!
Leave alone me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
It aids!
Want to kill me!
Want to kill me!
It aids!
Help me!
That somebody helps me!
Somebody helps me!
That somebody helps me!
It aids!
Jean-Michele! Jean-Michele!
Jean-Michele... !
Be dead!
Oh not
Is somebody?
Is somebody there?
Can somebody hear me?
Please! do they listen to me?
Can they hear me?
I am caught here!
Somebody can hear me
there out?
... 64 ... 65 ...
... 83 ... 84 ...
... 85 ... 86 ...
... 91 ... 92 ...
... 93 ... 94 ... 95 ...
... 102 ... 103 ... 104 ...
... 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ...
Somebody listens to me
there out?
Somebody please helps me!
It aids!
Help me!
It aids!
I don't understand you
Stay there!
Don't move!
Don't come closer!
Stay there!
Stay there!
Don't come closer!
Not I understand
I don't understand you
Not I know that you say. What?
The exit?
Is it blocked?
Don't tell me, idiot!
That is my lantern, imbecile!
Hear, wait! Not I see!
You don't take yourself the lantern
of somebody but, idiot
He/she waits
Do you know to where you go?
Do you know it?
Be careful
Are you listening to me?
What is that?
A map?
Of this place?
Allow me to see
It is a map of the street
Of up!
For heaven's sake, don't make that
Rue Saint Medard?
What? And... ?
Hear, hold! Hear!
Do you have idea of that faces?
They are the same ones
intersections that up?
Is there another exit?
It is well, he/she waits
where we are?
God, is very far
What did it happen to you?
Were you in the party?
Did you also get lost?
Do you want to wait?
Could you go but slowly?
Please, you go but slow
Don't play me!
He/she hears, you go too quick
Not I see anything
Where do you go?
What do you make?
Why... ?
Why do we stop?
We have to continue
What do you hide?
What is that?
Don't come closer me!
Don't play me!
What do you make?
Don't play me
Take away from my
Don't injure
Don't come closer me
You are hysterical
Is your name?
I am Victoria
My bigger sister died yesterday
I believe that it was yesterday
We have to leave
Damned you are! Unfortunate!
Don't leave me here!
I will die here!
Where rays did you leave?
Give me the lantern
Imbecile's piece
Take off!
Vmonos!, Henri
It is necessary to find the other exit
Care, Henri
Be careful
Put attention, Heni
Are you well?
Henri! Henri!
My God!
Everything will come out well
Henri! Do shake hands me, if?
Shake hands me, please!
Shake hands me
Please, stop!
Henri, give me the...
Well, well...
It is well, it is well
One, two, three... already!
Not look!
Look at me to my!
Let us go!
Tu can! Walk!
If! Let us go!
Pull with but it forces!
Now we will attempt it with two
hands, if? Two hands
Let Us Go, Henri!
I regret it... I regret it
No, I regret it. I will return
I will find the exit and I will return
I swear him!
I swear you that I know where these
I promise you that I will return
I promise it to you
No! No! Victoria!
I believe that I ended up
giving the turn
Leave alone me!
Damned it is!
Stay lit!
Don't fade!
Please! Don't fade!
Don't fade!
Light! Light!
No! Don't fade!
Don't fade!
Light... please!
Please, he/she lights again
Don't fade!
He/she knew it. My sister...
Truly you believed that
was it dead, certain?
i he/she knew It...
It is so comic /i
i truly you believed it /i
He/she knew it! My God...
It is so comic!
You really believed that
had he/she died, certain?
We fake the cut
It is false blood
Not there is any mounstro, it was one
joke. Hugo with a mask
Show him/her
Do you see it?
It was only a joke
A joke?
Not a joke
A play, an initiation
The Black Virgin's Cult and
the mounstro with goat mask...
i ... they are tricks that the boys have used
per years to scare to other /i
We will explain to you it, but he/she appeared
the police and it dispersed us
i we have been looking for You, screaming
your name 12 hours /i
And you believed that us
were we the bad?
Victoria Hears!
He/she stops to run
Didn't you listen to us?
For that reason you continued escaping
They are the walls. Anything is not heard
One screams and anything is not heard
Leave alone me!
My God. Henri!
He/she hears he/she stops to be so melodramatic
Not they should make it
No, but we made it
It is what these boys make
Imbecile. All your life has that
to be scaring people?
Have you already seen a ghost?
They want to get scared
They love to make that
We believed that he/she would make you well
You scared me!
I am happy. People like your
he/she needs to get scared
Not there are homicidal maniacs
in each corner
According to Jean-Michele, when you survive
to your own death, you reborn
i for that reason we lower
to the Catacombs /i
Alone concientes being of
our imminent death...
... we can appreciate
fully the life
Why you believe that I wanted
that you came here?
He/she wanted you to overcome your problems
and you left those damned pills
- Where it is Jean-Michele?
- I don't know it
Have you seen it Victoria?
Shit, Jean-Michele!
My God! My God!
Stop to shake it!
- Let us go, let us go!
- This dead one?
- Jean-Michele!
- God!
Leave it!
No longer shake it!
No, no, not
Jean-Michele! No!
Revise him/her the pulse!
How could this happen?
No... no...
Piece of stupid!
This dead one! How you could
to be so stupid?
What do you have in the head?
Look at that you made!
Come and he/she looks at that you made!
Stop and he/she looks at this!
Look at that you made!
- I sit down it
- You are an idiot!
I hate you
All that you have made
in your life it is an error. The ones!
Always the ones,
but that made to lose everything!
I hate you so much!
Look at that you made!
What does he/she spend?
Look at that you made!
i you are a perfect idiot!
God willing you died!
i you are so silly that not even
you could kill yourself /i
i you attempted It 20 times
and you didn't achieve it /i
i you are a stupid dog!
All that you have made in your life...
i My sister sent me a postcard /i
i he/she Only said: They "Come to Paris
He/she will make you well" /i
i 48 hours after my arrival...
i ... her and all those that I knew
they had died /i
To the airport, please