Catfight (2016) Movie Script
- Now as you know,
the election results are in
and as predicted,
senator Gary hubs
is our new president elect.
President hubs says that
the first thing on his agenda
is going to be waging a new
war in the middle east.
And I have to admit that
maybe it's the right way to go.
The threat of terrorism looms
larger than ever in America.
In fact, this week,
homeland security
updated the color-coded
warning system
that the bush administration
created after 9/11.
The old warning levels
were: Low.
And severe.
Now, the updated warning
levels are going to be:
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
Be freaking terrified.
Shit's about to hit the fan.
And you know what,
you're pretty much fucked.
Anyway, enough of
this political nonsense,
let's bring out
the fart machine.
- Oh man.
- Why are you watching this?
- I don't know.
It's funny.
- Why are you drawing that?
- I don't know.
- I don't know either
but it worries me.
What are you doing?
- Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. salt.
- How many glasses
is that for you?
- One.
- Two.
- It's three.
- Whatever.
Jesus drank wine.
- Carl says we're this close
to landing a deal.
Do you know what
that would mean?
A government contract in
the middle east during a war?
- That's great, honey.
Kip, eat your food.
- Well, I think
the war is wrong.
- Yeah? Well,
regardless of what you think,
it's going to happen.
And somebody's got to be
there to clean up the mess.
And what is this?
What are you doing with this?
You've got to
stop it with this.
- I don't know why
he's doing that.
- A deer?
- Sally.
Hey, Sally.
- Yeah?
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- I'm taking a break.
- Well, your break's over,
come over and look at this.
Now, what do you think
of when you look at that?
- The second world war?
- Really?
- Why does it
make you think of that?
- It makes me think of the
worst thing I can imagine.
And that would be the holocaust.
- Isn't every war a holocaust?
- Yeah, that's true.
- Do you want to see
what I'm working on?
- No.
- Do you think it
needs more red?
- I think I read somewhere
that the color red
evokes a sense of anxiety
in the spectator.
- Yes, so?
- So, if somebody
was going to buy this
and hang it up on their wall,
they might not
be able to relax.
- So what,
painters shouldn't use red
so the whole fucking world
can relax more?
- Well, wouldn't the world
be a better place
if we could all just relax?
- Sally,
get me another bottle of red.
- Goodnight, kippie.
- Goodnight, mom.
- Mmm, messy boy.
Mess, mess, mess.
- Sorry.
- Why do you have the need
to draw this stuff?
- It's fun.
- Not really.
Drawing is something
you do in kindergarten
to get out of your system.
You need to stop.
- Lots of people do it
for a living though.
- Not really.
Not if you want to be
taken seriously.
Art isn't a real thing, kip.
- What do you mean?
- Well, I had a friend
in college who painted...
- Was she good?
- She thought she was.
God, she was so
full of herself.
- Maybe I could go
to art school some day.
- Well, I will support
whatever you want to do.
As long as it means
going to Yale
and studying in the
financial sector.
- Goodnight, kip.
- Goodnight, dad.
- Come on, honey.
Let him sleep.
He's too big to get tucked in.
- I'm not tucking him in.
I'm just hanging out.
It's cool to hang out
with your mom, isn't it kip?
- Sure.
- Sweetheart, you can be
anything you want, okay?
Just don't be, you know....
- Let's go.
- Oh my god.
You know what?
I studied finance in college.
- Yeah well, you were
undecided until senior year,
and then you dropped out.
- Well, you give up
certain things to be a mother.
And being a mother
entitles you to some things,
like hanging out
with your son.
- Let's go to bed.
- Goodnight, mom.
- Mmm, goodnight, honey.
- I need you.
- But it's humiliating.
- Excuse me,
- it pays the bills.
- Right.
- It's the only thing
that pays the bills.
- So, somebody has
to be the breadwinner.
- Why is it always me?
- Because you're more masculine.
- I'm not masculine.
- I didn't say
you were masculine.
I said you're more
masculine than I am.
- How am I more
masculine than you?
- Well, I mean, many ways.
But you like to strap on
the dildo all the time.
- You are helping me tomorrow.
- I'm not.
I can't.
It's going to exhaust my brain.
I can't break
my spirit like that.
- I can't take it anymore.
- Oh god.
I'm working 12 hours
a day at the studio.
It's going to pay off.
You just have to just ride
it out with me a little bit.
- Ride it out? Really?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You really think that
painting shit like this
is going to pay off?
- What the hell is this?
- What?
- That painting?
- Yeah.
- It's the cycle of life.
- The cycle of life?
- That's the end of the cycle.
- What?
- I'm not happy.
- This isn't fair.
- Okay, okay.
This collector.
He's coming to the
studio tomorrow.
He's supposedly really rich
and he's, like, eccentric.
- Are we still religious?
- Not really.
- Then why do we still pray?
- Just in case.
- Are we going to war again
with the middle east?
- Yes.
- Why?
- Because they won't
do what we say.
Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. salt.
- No, don't apologize.
You're right.
Sweetheart, if someone
bigger and better than you
tells you to do
something, do it.
- Why?
- Because their knowledge
is what made them
bigger and better.
- Yeah, how's that for
a freaking birthday present.
It was a very encouraging
email, don't you think?
Yeah, you bet your
sticky sweet ass.
Okay, I'll see you
tonight, buddy.
Good morning.
It's a beautiful,
beautiful day.
- A beautiful, beautiful day.
- You're in a good mood.
- Well, we just got
a very encouraging email
from Phil price
at the Pentagon.
He's the head of the committee
for defense contractors.
- Oh, that sounds promising.
- Can you imagine
if we land this contract
tonight of all nights?
- Karl's birthday?
Wouldn't that be great?
- That would be great.
- I'm am praying this
deal goes through.
Oh Jesus.
- Oh, I've got it Mr. salt.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I'm just such a klutz.
- Not a problem.
- It's so shocking,
your work.
- Oh, you meant that
as a compliment.
- It's positively vulgar.
But in a good way.
- Oh, thanks.
- I do think most of us
are in some sort of stupor.
Clueless consumers
with lobotomies.
- Yeah, consumerism
is a big part of my work.
- You've heard of black Friday.
- Of course.
- You've seen the videos
of people storming the stores
like rabid cattle.
- Yeah, right.
Like rabid cattle.
- But this work.
This work seems to say.
Wake up!
- Right.
That's my hope.
To wake people up.
- Very interesting.
Of course, I could never
hang any of this on my wall.
My wife would never allow it.
- Maybe you should show your
wife who wears the pants.
- Ashley, be reasonable.
This is the kind of work
that could drive someone mad.
- What?
Because of the red?
Come on, I do other paintings.
I could use yellow.
- It's not--
it's not the red.
It's the subject matter.
It's insane.
- Isn't our state
of unawareness insane?
Don't we need insanity to pull
us out of our current insanity?
- Oh, this is interesting.
What is this?
Excuse me.
- Oh, yeah.
- Uh, do you draw these bunnies?
- Oh, yeah.
- Why do you express
yourself in this way?
- What are you talking about?
- Well, these blue bunnies.
They're so Sincere,
and so hopeful.
- Oh, um, bunnies are cute.
Um, and they're sexual
but unthreatening.
- Don't drink tonight.
- That's a strange request.
- Well, it's not a request.
Just don't drink tonight.
- What do you mean?
It's a party.
You're supposed to
drink at these things.
- This is an important night.
I don't want you
to embarrass me.
- What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
- No, but you're implying
that I'm embarrassing
- when I drink.
- Yeah.
- Stanley.
Do I embarrass you?
- When you drink too much,
yes, you embarrass me.
- Why are you
telling me this now?
I thought you
liked it when I drink.
- Why would I like it
when you drink?
- Come on.
A party without alcohol.
It might as well be aa.
- Maybe you should go home.
- Okay Stanley,
what is your problem?
- You're on very
thin ice right now,
and it cracks every time
you put a glass of wine
down your throat.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- What do you think it means?
- I have no idea.
You never speak in metaphors.
- Just go home
and I'll tell Karl
that you got sick
or something.
- But I'm not sick.
- Stanley, are you unhappy?
- Oh.
- Stanley, answer the question.
- Look at me.
Do I look happy?
- Maybe you're
happy on the inside?
- I am not happy, Veronica.
- Babe,
what are you doing?
Just stuffing your face?
Babe, I need your help.
Please, take this.
- I love you. Go.
- I'm sorry.
- Stop it.
You made a mess in here.
- You want one?
- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry.
- Go.
-'s that much.
Let it be bigger.
The more the merrier.
The bigger the war, the better,
as far as I'm concerned.
- You're going to
need more employees.
- Well, that's the
understatement of the year.
- You'll just hire
the locals, right?
- I can do whatever
the hell I want.
I'm captain of the ship.
More. Less.
It doesn't matter.
- That makes sense.
- I'm just glad that
the wealthy democrats
are finally coming around.
- Oh, come on.
There's no such thing
as wealthy democrats.
This culture was
built on the backs
of hard-working entrepreneurs.
- There he is,
the birthday boy.
- Oh, I love him!
- How are you?
You look great!
- So do you.
My god.
That's beautiful.
How are you?
- I'm really really good.
- It's silky. It's silky.
- I'm not--
I'm not good at this.
I think I should
get out of here.
Forget the
decapitated heads and shit.
I'll do flowers.
I'll paint flowers.
- I'll get us money.
- Baby.
- I can get us money.
- Baby.
- Just stand behind the bar
and serve drinks, okay?
going to be alright.
- Serve some drinks.
- So, how's kip?
- Oh, he's great.
- He's wonderful.
- May I offer you a drink?
- Oh, um... I'm fine.
Thank you.
- Are you sure?
- What is that actually?
Is it a cab?
- More champagne.
Spit this out.
- I need another one of these.
- Um... yeah, red.
- Yeah.
- Jesus, you look like
someone I went to college with.
- Lucky you.
- Jesus,
you look just like her.
- Hi, Veronica.
- Oh my freaking god.
Oh my god!
Holy shit,
i can't believe it.
What have you been up to?
I mean, besides this?
- Oh this?
I'm helping out a friend.
- No, of course.
I wasn't judging you.
- No, no.
I know.
- I mean, I waited tables
once for a week.
Maybe it was a day.
Wait, no...
I didn't.
Um, are you...
Are you in New York?
- Yep.
- I had no idea.
I've never seen you.
So, where are you?
- Um, bushwick.
- Oh.
Of course.
Um, we have
an apartment in soho.
And a little place
in the Hamptons.
- Mmm, cool.
- Mmm.
Oh my god,
this is so crazy.
This is my husband's party.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
- He's over there with his
big shot business partner.
They're like, uh, gonna
close a really big account.
- Oh, cool.
That's cool.
Which one is he?
- Uh, he's, uh...
- Oh, see those two guys
by the couch?
- Yeah.
- He's the tall handsome one.
- For real?
- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.
I thought those guys were gay.
They were acting so gay.
Like gay, gay, gay, gay.
- They were like...
- Why would you think that?
- No, nothing, I kidding.
- Don't--
he's great.
He's so lovely.
- Yeah, my husband's not gay.
- We have a son.
A beautiful son.
- No, I know.
- Don't get offended.
Honestly, it was a joke.
He's really... handsome.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- So, what about you?
Are you married?
Oh no. Wait. Yes.
You're right.
Because you're gay, right?
- Yeah, you remembered, huh?
- Of course, I remembered.
That's when...
I stopped hanging out with you.
- Oh really?
I... I...
You know.
I pretty much remembered
that I stopped
hanging out with you.
- You know what--
okay, hold on a second.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I didn't stop
hanging out with you
because you were gay.
- Oh my god.
- It's just, it's just,
I had to, you know,
make that call.
What is your story now?
Are you still doing
that art thing you do?
- The art thing?
Yeah, Veronica,
- I'm still doing the art thing.
- Yeah, the painting thing?
- Yeah, that painting thing.
I still do it. Yeah.
- Really,
you stayed with it, huh?
- I stayed with it?
You don't just stay with it.
It's your life commitment.
What am I talking
about this for?
I can't even believe it.
- My son, he wants
to be an artist.
Oh god, I'm trying to
talk him out of it.
- And why would you do that?
- Why do you think?
- Hey everybody, everybody.
Listen up.
Listen up. Listen up.
I know we're here...
- Oh, that's good news.
- To celebrate Karl's birthday.
- But what better gift
than to announce that we,
us, our company
will be handling
all the debris disposal
throughout the middle east
construction faze of this war.
Raise a glass to trash.
- Hey.
- Oh, my trash man.
- Oh, you're making us rich,
You're making us rich.
- Veronica, you're drunk.
- Oh. No, babe.
I'm totally not.
- You're hammered.
- I'm totally fine.
- And I asked you not to drink.
You need to go home.
- Now.
- What?
- I'll see you at home.
Just... just go home.
- Okay.
- You are going
to be very busy.
- God, watch it.
- You watch it.
- What are you doing?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Why are you standing in the
middle of the fucking stairwell?
- I'm just standing here.
- Oh my god.
Are you smoking pot?
Oh, you're pathetic.
- Oh my god.
- Oh, you're pathetic.
- What are you?
You're a fucking
caterer, Ashley.
- You're a fucking
trophy wife, Veronica.
- I am a mother.
- Oh man, I feel sorry
for your fucking kid.
Oh my god!
Oh my god.
- Ow.
Don't touch me.
- Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Karl.
Happy birthday, to you.
- We're approaching
the two year anniversary
of the new war
in the middle east.
It seemed to be
going well, at first.
Then, the president did
something nobody saw coming.
He reinstated the draft.
I know, I know, I know.
Very, very unpopular
move at first.
But as the president predicted,
the draft is having a positive
affect on the economy.
In fact,
the president's poll numbers
are actually surging in parts
of the south and midwest.
Well, that's what happens when
you force blacks and latinos
to leave the country.
The hillbillies just love you.
Anyway, anyway, enough
of this political nonsense.
Let's bring out
the fart machine.
- Oh!
Oh my.
Oh, Mrs. salt?
You're awake?
We need a doctor!
- My name is doctor Jones
and I'm the comatose doctor
at mercy general.
- The comatose doctor?
- Yes, I specialize in comatose
patients here at the hospital.
- Okay.
- I know this is going to come
as a bit of a shock, Mrs. salt,
but you've been in
a coma for two years.
- What?
- You've been in
a coma for two years.
- I know, I heard
you the first time,
but... what?
- You've suffered a massive
brain injury and frankly,
we didn't think you were
going to come out of it.
But I'm happy that you regained
consciousness when you did.
We've been unable to withdraw
funds from your bank,
actually, and we were in
the process of moving you
to another facility.
- But I have health insurance.
- Actually, you had a
government-issued health policy
and those were
discontinued last year.
We've been pulling funds
directly from your
savings account.
- But that doesn't
make any sense.
My family is rich.
There should be plenty
of funds to pull from.
- Mrs. salt.
I have some bad news.
- Mr. salt is dead.
- Wha- uh, what?
- A terrible accident.
- Where's kip?
I need to see my son.
Where's kippy?
- Mrs. salt, I don't know
how to tell you this.
- What?
- Your son is dead, too.
- What?
Are you joking?
This can't be happening.
- This is a... what is going on?
- It's okay. It's okay.
- What is...
This is a nightmare.
- I'll go get her a sedative.
- Can you get me one, too?
- I need one as well.
I'll be right back.
- This isn't happening.
This can't be happening.
- Yeah, but it is.
- No, it's not.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. salt.
I'm so sorry.
- Wait.
My son is dead?
- Yes.
- How?
- He died in the war.
- The war.
My son died in the war.
How long have i
been asleep again?
- Two years.
- Two years.
That means that...
Kip is only 17,
he's too young
to serve in the military.
- They lowered the age
to serve to 16.
- My own son was drafted.
- What?
- How can they do that?
- It was something
the congress decided.
They said if you're
old enough to drive,
you're old enough to kill.
- How old is the
drinking age then?
- It's still 21.
- Uh.
- This must be so much
of a shock to you.
I'm sorry. You--
no family, no home,
and you're broke.
But you're awake.
And you look great.
- What do you mean,
I'm broke?
- It's all gone.
Didn't you hear the doctor?
They used all your assets
to pay for the hospital.
- I don't understand.
I don't have anything?
- Oh, I have a small box
of your belongings.
I saved them for you.
- Oh my god, Donna.
Oh my god, Donna.
Hold my hand, please.
Oh Donna, hold my hand.
What am I going to do?
Oh my god, Donna.
What am I going to do?
I can't tell you
what it means to me.
I'm so grateful that you've
been by my side this whole time.
- Well, that's not quite true.
I - I work for the hospital.
They hired me last week.
I clean the rooms.
- How much is this one?
Excuse me.
- Oh.
- How much for this piece?
- Oh, this one sold
already this morning.
- Oh.
What about this one?
- That one sold, too.
- Well, if they're sold,
why haven't you put the
little red stickers on them?
- Oh yeah.
They've been selling so fast
that sometimes I just
forget about them.
- Her work is very grim.
- Yeah, it's pretty grim.
- These are grim times.
- Yeah.
- Has everything sold?
- Um, no.
We have one left.
Follow me.
There it is.
- Is that what I think it is?
- What do you think it is?
- A decapitated sperm.
- Yes, that's it.
It's a decapitated sperm.
- How much?
- Five thousand.
- I'll take it.
- Ta-da.
- Thank you, friend.
There's not as much
as last time.
- Yeah, can't really
control that though.
- Open up.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- More.
- Oh man.
- If I open up any more you
could go spelunking down there.
- Okay.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Ah.
- I have a good
feeling about this.
- Get your legs up.
- Okay.
- What if I'm too old?
- That's not what
the doctor said.
- How could you
possibly be infertile?
- It's okay.
- We're going to be mommies.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mommies.
- Mm-hmm.
- The last time I had sperm
in me was in the 2nd grade.
- You can't make
jokes like that
when the baby comes.
- What if this baby
has two heads?
- Well, then he'll breastfeed on
both breasts simultaneously.
- Ew.
- Come on, Veronica.
Oh, you're doing so good.
Just take one step.
And then, after that...
You take another step.
- Oh, is that how you do it?
You take one step
and then another?
- Really?
- Yeah.
- It's like riding a bike,
- Oh, is that how
you ride a bike?
You take one step
and then another.
- Okay, Veronica.
Try and stay positive.
- It's a beautiful day.
- Please don't say that.
- Oh, why?
- My husband used to say that.
- Oh, sorry.
- I was just trying
to keep things positive.
- Well, it's hard feeling
positive at the moment.
- I understand that.
- You know,
i don't think you do.
My husband blew his
head off with a shotgun.
- Well, that's a terrible
thing to think about.
So why don't we focus on you
putting one foot
in front of the other.
- My son is dead.
Did you know that?
- I know.
- He probably got his
head blown off, too.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be insensitive.
- My only living relative
is a madwoman
living in a cabin in Maine.
My life sucks.
- Who is this relative?
- My aunt.
- I was told you
didn't have any family.
- I haven't spoken
to her in years.
- She's crazy, like,
like, Courtney love crazy.
- I understand that, but
i think you should call her.
- Oh, no way.
I can't do that.
- I think you should.
- Why?
- Because you can't
stay here anymore.
- No, I'm not ready to leave.
- This is your last day?
- What?
- Oh, I know you're angry.
I know you're upset.
Oh, I feel it, too.
Sometimes I get so angry
i want to torpedo the world.
Oh, but just breathe.
Just breathe.
Just keep those tentacles
where they are.
- Aunt Charlie?
It's Veronica.
- Veronica?
- How are you doing?
- I'm rotting away, Veronica.
What do you want?
- Um, I don't suppose
you heard the news?
What happened?
- Fuck the news.
They don't report on what's
really happening, Veronica.
- Charlie,
i need a place to stay.
- They only report on things
that happen above the surface.
That's not the issue.
It's below us.
Inside the earth.
Deep down to the core.
The big mutiny is
happening down there.
- Listen, Charlie.
Listen to me. I need a--
- listen to me, Veronica.
I'm trying to assuage her.
But she's not happy.
Pretty soon,
she's going to blow,
and when that happens,
- tentacles the size
of skyscrapers...
- Okay, good-bye aunt Charlie.
- Lunatic.
- So, you sold all the work?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Very impressive.
- Thanks.
- I was wrong about you.
- Well, yeah.
- No, the war has changed
the country's mindset.
The draft has made people
accept the horrors of war
and you're capitalizing on it.
- Well, I wouldn't say
i was capitalizing on it.
I'm expressing the collective
dread of the country.
- More like exploiting
the dread, but...
- I wouldn't put it that way.
I'm merely expressing
what I feel
- and then I'm putting it
on the canvas.
- Are you still-- excuse me?
- Are you still
painting the bunnies?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Are you still
painting those bunnies?
- Oh, yeah.
- Huh, she's...
She's adorable.
- Yeah.
- So hopeful.
I love her work, too.
- Yeah, you should look
at it at her studio.
Oh yeah,
she doesn't have one.
- I remember what she said.
She said, "bunnies are sexual
yet innocent."
- You can talk to her
about that later.
- I don't remember anything
and I remember that.
- Sally.
Sally, is that a blue label?
Are you using blue labels?
- Is this a blue fucking label?
- Oh yeah.
- You're putting
a blue label on my art?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- What, do you think
i like blue?
I hate blue.
- I didn't know that.
- Well, you should
have known that.
Do I use blue in my art?
- Well, there's--
- no, I don't, actually.
Do I?
- So why would I want
it on my fucking box?
Don't you think when
people open up my box,
they see blue,
they think of blue.
That's a bit of a travesty,
don't you think?
- I don't know.
- Yeah, yeah. What?
- I don't know.
- Yeah, Sally.
You know.
- You fucking know.
If there aren't
any white labels,
you got to the store,
you walk your fucking
butt out to the store
and you get more white labels.
You don't use blue labels.
Blue is fucking cute.
My work isn't cute.
The world isn't cute.
Cute isn't truthful.
Blue isn't truthful.
Blue is fucking bullshit, Sally.
You get it?
You understand?
Tell me you understand.
Do you fucking understand
that blue isn't fucking cute?
- Hello?
- I - I - yes.
- Uh-huh?
Tell me you know blue
isn't fucking cute, Sally.
- I understand.
- Blue is bullshit.
- I get it.
I'm sorry.
- Take the fucking blue
label off your fucking box
and go get some white ones.
- In the meantime, take off
that blue fucking shirt.
You fucking shithead.
- I'm sorry my place
is so small, Mrs. salt.
But you can stay on the
couch as long as you like.
- Donna, call me Veronica.
- If you want,
you can sleep in my bed,
and I can sleep on the couch.
- Why would you do that?
- I just feel so bad for you.
This world doesn't
make sense sometimes.
But it's all part
of god's plan.
- Well, I wish he would
have planned better.
- I have something for you.
This is yours.
- What's in here?
- Pictures.
- You know, I'm not sure
if I'm going to
open it right now.
- No, of course.
I'll leave you alone.
- Oh no, you don't
have to do that. I just...
You know,
I'm going to open it later.
It feels like
a nice bottle of wine.
I should open it on
a special occasion.
- Yes.
- Wine.
I like wine.
I forgot.
- Would you like some wine?
I could pour you a glass.
- Oh no.
That's okay.
I'd rather just
rest if that's okay.
I'm very tired.
Why are you doing this?
- I'm being a good Christian.
When I think of how
little we paid you,
it's embarrassing.
- You gave me enough.
I was able to
provide for my son.
- You have a son.
- Yes, you know this already.
- Where is he?
- He's fighting?
- Is he a boxer?
- He's a soldier.
- Oh, a soldier.
That makes sense.
- He got drafted.
- Kip got drafted, too.
- No, kip did not get drafted.
- What do you mean?
- He volunteered.
- You're pregnant.
- Oh my god.
- Are you positive?
- I'm positive.
- You're eight weeks along.
- Oh my god.
- I'm shaking.
Is it bad to be shaking?
Is it normal to be
shaking after eight weeks?
- It's completely normal.
You're just excited.
It's all good.
- How is it possible?
How is this possible?
- It's totally possible.
I'm positive.
You can--
you can kiss.
- Oh, you're going to be
a good mommy.
- You sure you
want to do this?
- Donna, I'm broke.
I'm not qualified
to do anything else.
- You don't have any rich
New York friends
that can get you a job?
Isn't that how it works?
- I never really had
any friends.
- You look very pretty
in your uniform.
Thank you.
You look nice, too.
Do you know how
to make a bed?
- Of course, Donna.
What do you think I am,
a moron?
- No.
I just thought maybe
it was beneath you.
- I must have been
such a jerk before.
- You weren't a jerk.
You had a lot of money.
And it's human nature
for people to think they're
above this kind of thing.
- Yeah, well.
When you hit rock bottom,
there's nothing really
beneath you is there?
- Rock?
Yeah, ha-ha.
Sucks. Sucks.
Sucks. Sucks.
This piece sucks, too.
I hate this piece.
- Hey, Sally!
- Yeah.
- I can't stand the lines
you're draw--
they're too thick.
I asked you to draw
a nice precise line
over the lines
that I already drew.
You're my assistant,
you've got to assist me.
You've got to help me do it.
Just a nice thin line.
Loosen your hand.
Draw the line.
- Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I know.
I just thought for this one,
the thicker line looked
a little bit better.
- Sometimes I want to
punch you in the face.
- I'll do it good.
I'll try--
- I don't care.
I don't care. It sucks.
Alright, Sally.
Sally, bring me the pink.
Bring me the pink paint.
Uh, face color.
uh, you know, face.
Sometimes I want to
punch you in the face.
i want to punch you--
- get over here and bring
me that fucking paint!
Sometimes I want to
punch you in the face.
- Housekeeping.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- No, no, no, no.
You can come in now.
I will sit on the floor.
I won't be in your way.
That's okay.
I can just give you
these clean towels.
- Look, I have no
need for clean towels.
I'm going to pay you
to come in and clean.
I will sit on the floor.
I will do my stretches,
my kegel exercises.
I'll watch you work.
You clean the room.
And I'll give you
one hundred dollars.
- No, that's okay.
- Not bad.
What do you think?
- It's really good.
- It's a fucking masterpiece.
- Well, the tone in
Washington right now
is very somber.
We lost another
600 troops this week.
The military has responded
with an onslaught
of carpet bombs
and bunker busters.
We're not clear how many
civilian casualties
have resulted
from the campaign,
but does it really matter?
Let's bring out
the fart machine.
- I spoke to my son today.
- Oh, that's nice.
- He's getting a month
leave from the war.
- Oh, that's wonderful.
You must worry about him.
- Always.
I don't know what
it's like over there,
but I imagine the worst.
- Well, no one seems to be
taking it seriously over here.
- I think people are
taking it very seriously.
- What,
with the fart machine?
That's all everyone watches.
- Well, it's good to laugh.
- Do you think people are
laughing in the middle east?
This is a war on terror.
- What does that even mean,
There is no war on terror.
It's not even real.
Do you know what I was
doing during the war on drugs?
Getting stoned.
- You dishonor your son.
- It's weird.
- No, it's not.
- It is so weird,
I'm telling you.
- I'm just practicing.
The more prepared we are,
the better parents we'll be.
- It's creepy as fuck.
- Don't swear
in front of the baby.
- Would you stop.
- The baby doesn't
even have ears yet.
- I know.
- It's probably going
to be born without ears.
- I wish you'd stop
saying things like that.
- I just think you're
being way too premature.
- And you're being immature.
- Immature? Really?
- You're walking around
with a fake baby.
- I'm excited, Ashley.
- It's just that
you're being unrealistic.
Honey, you're making
all these preparations,
what happens if the
baby falls through?
Then we've got all
this crap that just,
I don't know, reminds us
of the one that got away.
- When the baby comes,
she's going to be beautiful...
And healthy.
Even if she has two heads
and no ears,
I don't care.
- What if it's a he?
Then he'll be an idiot
like all the rest,
but we'll love him
all the same.
- Mommy's just scared.
- Oh, creepy.
- Oh, it's so cute.
Thank you, rose.
- Of course.
- Oh.
- But it says,
"10 percent polyester."
A baby's skin
can't touch polyester.
I'm so sorry.
It's so cute though.
Thank you.
- I put the gift
receipt in the bag.
- Oh, great.
I'll return it.
- It's from me.
- Thank you, Rachel.
- Oh, look.
- It teaches you to crawl.
The baby to crawl.
- Where did you get it?
- This summer when
Doug and I were traveling...
In the tiniest,
cutest little shop,
this artist makes
everything by hand.
- Didn't you say that you and
Doug went to China this summer?
- Yeah.
That's where I got it.
- Rachel.
We have terrible standards here.
But China?
There's like, no standards.
- Oh honey,
this is a renown artist.
You've nothing to worry about.
- Well, I'm sure
he knows nothing about
not using lead paint.
Who knows
what's in this thing?
- It was really expensive.
- So is getting
your stomach pumped.
- This paper is recycled.
- Thanks, christie.
Oh, what's this?
- It's a baby monitor.
It's for if you're outside
or in the other room,
you can hear him crying or...
- But it says, "wifi."
- Yeah.
- I don't trust wifi
around the baby.
All those electronic signals,
it's not good for the little
baby's developing brain.
- I'm pretty sure
it's safe, Lisa.
I mean, they wouldn't
release it to the public--
- well, look at all the things
they release to the public.
- I actually used one when
i had Sam and it's fine.
- Yeah, you need one.
- A lot of them are wireless.
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm, yeah.
- Um, didn't you say
that Sam didn't do
very well in first grade?
That they almost held him back?
- He just wasn't ready to be
around children at that time.
- Well, maybe if he hadn't
been exposed to wifi
at such an early age,
maybe he would have
done better.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- Do you clean
the rooms on this floor?
- Yes.
- Did you take that
magazine out of my room?
- What?
- The magazine in your pocket,
this is my magazine.
- No, it's not.
- I am in room 412.
Did you clean room 412?
- I manage the
housekeepers on this floor.
The only ones who actually clean
the rooms are the Mexicans.
- So you bought this magazine?
- Of course, I did.
- What are you,
an art collector?
- Maybe.
- This is my magazine.
Yeah, yeah.
You see this circle?
I circled that quote.
- Really?
Why did you do that?
- Because she speaks to me.
Because she's a fucking genius.
- Well, I don't think
she's a genius.
My son draws better than her.
- I wonder what else
you stole from my room.
- It's just a magazine.
If you're staying here,
you can probably afford
another one.
- Well, that doesn't entitle
you to take what's mine.
- No.
I'm not entitled.
You are the entitled one.
- Why?
Because I'm rich?
- Because I'm white?
- No.
- Because you're a dick.
- I hate it, okay.
No, put it here
for one second.
Let me see it.
I need yellow
next to the debris.
If there's one here,
a little bit smaller.
- Ashley.
- Yes.
- Indieart magazine is here.
They want to interview you.
- Indieart.
They never wanted to
interview me before,
now they're here.
Tell them to go fuck themselves.
I'm kidding.
Of course, I'm kidding.
Would you bring them in please.
Oh, the pressure, you guys.
I can't believe it.
I've been under
a rock for so long.
So misunderstood
and fucking ignored.
- Okay, I...Uh...
- Ashley.
- Leave that wall for a second
- and let's come over here
and start looking at some...
- Ashley.
- Some... sorry. Excuse me.
- This is indieart.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Frederic. Indieart.
- I'm Ashley.
- So nice to meet you.
- How are you?
- Let's get right to it.
- Okay.
- Ah!
- I'm home, mom.
- I'm home.
- Oh, look at you.
- All in one piece.
- It must be so
dangerous over there.
- It is.
It's supposed to be.
- They should respect us.
- They'll be more
respectful of us,
when we're more
respectful of them.
- Well, when someone's
pointing a gun at you,
- what choice do you have?
- What do you mean?
- You have to respect them.
- So, my mom
used to work for you?
- Yeah.
- And exactly how long do
you plan on staying here?
- She'll be going to her
aunt's in a few days, right?
- Yes.
- You bought that
bus ticket already?
- Yes.
- Wait. Whoa.
What are you--
what are you doing?
- I'm painting these walls.
- There's no way we're
keeping these walls red.
- Well, why not?
- Why do you think?
- Can we just wait
until the baby's born,
maybe, and then we
can decide whether or not
we want to change the walls.
- No.
Because this red
reminds me of a miscarriage.
Is that what you want?
Miscarriage red?
- Oh, is that a color?
Yeah, that's what I want.
I want miscarriage red
for our walls.
- I hate these walls.
- Since when?
- Since always.
They freak me out.
- Oh, you know what
freaks me out?
- You obsessing over a baby
that isn't even born yet.
Do you know that every single
time you have this little thing
on your chest, it makes me
want to jump out of a window.
- What are you doing?
- This is a fake baby.
- It's a fake baby.
- It's my baby.
- Give me my baby.
- This is a fake baby!
- Let go of the baby!
- Give it to me!
- It's a fake baby!
- It's not a fake baby!
- It is a fake baby!
- It's my baby!
- Give me my baby.
- I hate you.
- Fucking fake baby.
- I hate you.
She didn't mean it.
She didn't mean it.
- Thank you.
And how many nights are
you going to be staying here?
- A couple.
- Yeah?
And where are you
visiting from?
- Um, nowhere?
- What's that?
- Nowhere.
- Did you say nowhere?
- Yeah.
I just said "nowhere."
What are you, deaf?
- Yeah. I, uh...
I am actually.
I lost eighty percent of my
hearing when I was a teenager
because my dad
wasn't a very "nice man".
But here are your keys.
- Room twelve.
- I didn't know.
- I didn't know.
- Have a great night.
- I also have psoriasis,
all along the inside
of my thigh.
So, if you want to
make fun of that, too.
- No.
- And, I have ringworm.
On my genitals.
You ever heard of
"ring around the collar?"
- Um, yep.
- I have "ring around
the scrotum."
- Okay. Okay.
- Just try to be
nicer to people.
- Hi, mom.
It's me.
Uh, you've been asleep now
for about six months.
I don't know what happened
the night you fell
down the stairs,
but I have been thinking
a lot about my life since then.
And I got accepted
into art school,
but I'm enlisting in
the war effort instead.
I'm shipping off to
the middle east tomorrow.
I thought about what you
said about making a difference
and I think I can make
more of a difference
making peace over there
than making art over here.
So, I love you, mom.
And I'll see you
when I get back.
- Uh, hey.
Have you seen Lisa?
- Oh, no.
- Where the fuck is she?
Is she coming?
Lisa, where are you?
You're not going to show up?
Call me back.
- Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
- It's brilliant.
- It's radiant.
- Radiant?
Now come on, no one's ever
said that about my work.
- It really is, Ashley.
And you're radiant.
You're positively glowing.
- Maybe there's a reason.
I don't know.
- Uh...
Why don't you tell me
about that one over there.
- Sure. Yeah.
- Um... uh...
- This one right here.
- Oh.
- I haven't seen all the work
- yeah.
- But I just gravitate
to this one.
- Yeah.
One of my favorites.
I'm thinking about buying it.
- Oh, it's not for sale--
I don't know if I'm going
to sell it, actually.
- Well, you know.
Every painting has a price.
- Okay. Well.
We can talk about it later.
- What inspired it?
- Sometimes people
just need their ass kicked.
- . ..It's like the
celebration of life, it's...
I mean, or the human spirit.
In order to create, you have to
destroy the worn out paradigms
that prohibit progress.
You know
and that's what this is about.
This is about...
This is what art is for.
This is about
changing the world.
That's what this is... to me.
I mean,
hopefully at that point...
- That would be tough.
- Because it is.
It's like, this is art.
Art is about changing the world.
- You're a hack.
- Veronica?
- In the flesh, baby cakes.
In the flesh.
- Knock it off.
- Get out of my way!
Get out of my way!
This is mine.
This is mine!
This is mine!
- Fuck.
- Brilliant.
- Hey!
Huh? Huh?
How about this?
- Ahh!
- Look at me.
Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh.
How about this?
Get up!
- Oh my god.
- That's all you fucking got?
- Fuck you!
- Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
- Fuck you.
You want another one?
- Ah!
- Ah!
- Well, it's official.
The war on terror is over.
Yes, incredibly,
the draft worked.
Committing millions of troops
in the middle east
gave us the competitive
edge that we needed
to take control and conquer.
And as a result, western
culture is spreading like kudzu.
People in the middle east
are watching netflix.
They're using social media.
They're eating fast-food.
They're even dropping acid.
And not the kind you throw
in people's faces either.
Americans are saying that
for the first time since 9/11,
they feel a real sense
of ease and comfort.
In fact, homeland security
has once again updated its
color-coded warning system,
let's take a look.
As you can see, the new
status levels are: Safe.
- Oh my goodness.
- Really safe.
- Doctor! Doctor!
- Incredibly safe.
Unbelievably safe.
- And not a fucking
care in the world.
- My name is Dr. Jones.
I'm the comatose doctor
at mercy general.
- The comatose doctor?
- Yes, I specialize
in comatose patients
- here at the hospital.
- Okay.
- I know this is going to come
as a bit of a shock, Ms. Miller,
but you've been in
a coma for two years.
- What?
- You've been in
a coma for two years.
- I don't understand.
- You've been in
a coma for two years.
If you'll excuse me.
- Wait.
Where are you going?
- I'll come back later
when I have more time,
but congratulations
are in order.
- Congratulations?
- We were planning on
removing your breathing tube
so it was a good thing that
you woke up when you did.
- My breathing tube?
- Yes, we were using
a breathing tube on you.
- Why?
- To help you breathe.
- But if you were removing it,
then that means, that...
- You wouldn't be able
to breathe.
- Why would you do that?
[Stomach gurgling
- you're out of money.
- I'm terribly sorry.
- What?
- I've got the runs.
I mean, I've got to run.
Excuse me.
- This is a joke.
- Oh no, no,
this is not a joke.
- Why are you laughing?
- Because the doctor farted.
- Where is Lisa?
Why isn't she here?
- Ashley, listen.
You're in shock.
- Why did he say that
i didn't have any money.
- Well, you've been in the
hospital for two years.
That's expensive.
- But I have insurance.
- Oh, you have to renew your
insurance every year now
and you didn't.
- But why didn't I do it?
- Well, you were in a coma.
- But I would still have money.
- No.
You lost everything.
- Wait, what about Lisa?
Where are my paintings?
- Lisa sold your paintings
to pay for the hospital bills.
- And then where did she go?
- Oh.
- Where did my baby go?
My baby.
- I'm sorry.
- This can't be happening.
Please tell me
this isn't happening.
- Just, hold my hand.
- Okay.
- You just stood by me
all these years.
That's so nice.
- Yeah,
that's actually not true.
- What do you mean?
- I was just dropping off
a box of my comic books
to the children's ward,
and I was walking by this room,
and I saw you lying there
and I thought,
"oh yeah, Ashley's here.
I'll stop by."
And that's when you woke up.
- Wait.
You wrote a comic book.
- Yeah.
Can you believe it?
It's a big success.
People all over the world
are reading it.
They're even adapting it
into a Hollywood movie.
You know, Ron Howard
wants to direct it
but I really want David lynch.
- Veronica!
- Hey, I'm here.
- Are they here?
- No, aunt Charlie.
Not yet.
- They're coming.
I can feel it.
- I know.
- The tentacles are going
to rise up from the earth
and they're going to
destroy all the wretched
souls in this place.
- I know, aunt Charlie,
but the tentacles
aren't here yet.
- If I go before they come.
You know what you're
supposed to do, Veronica.
- I know.
- Tell me, so I know.
- I'm going to bury you
in the garden.
- Bury me in the garden.
- I will.
- That way,
Gia can consume me,
and then I'll be recycled
into the earth,
and I can be born again
as something else.
- Oh yes.
Our good friend Gia.
- The tentacles are coming.
They're coming.
- Oh.
- That's it.
See, you're doing great.
Just put one foot
in front of the other.
- Oh, is that how you walk?
- Put one foot
in front of the other.
- You remind me of someone
who was here a few years ago.
- Oh, my legs
feel like Linguini.
- I love Linguini.
You're doing great.
This is great.
- Okay.
- Alright, just a little...
- That's enough.
- Okay, you can't quit.
- I'm not quitting.
I'll do it again tomorrow.
- You won't be here
tomorrow, Ashley.
We've got to get you
walking out of here today.
- What are you... why?
- Because this is
a for-profit hospital,
not a charity.
So come on.
Al dente.
- Oh god.
- Hey mom.
Uh, it's me.
And I started drawing again.
I do think
creativity is important.
There's a lot of artists
in this town
and I love it here.
- Wow, this is a nice place.
- Yeah, it's pretty small.
I'm thinking of buying
a place in bushwick.
- Yeah?
You make that much money
on a comic book, huh?
- Well, yeah.
I mean, I sold the
rights to Hollywood.
I got really lucky.
- I appreciate you
letting me stay here.
- I feel so bad about
what happened to you.
But you can paint in my studio,
and you'll be back on
your feet in no time.
- You have a studio?
- Yeah, it's the same
studio that you used.
- Huh.
- Do you want some water?
- Do you want something to eat?
- No. No. No.
Thanks. No.
- Do you want some milk?
- I'm good.
- Do you want a cheese sandwich?
- I just want a little sleep.
- This is Sam.
- You name your tree?
- Yeah, of course.
This is Veronica, my niece.
Say "hello" to Sam.
- Hello, Sam.
- She's nice.
Oh, you're so beautiful.
Isn't it a beautiful day?
He's a good tree.
That's Bernie, he's an oak.
Sweet and grounded.
That's hilary.
Strong but
a little untrustworthy.
Ah, that's Donald.
He's an asshole.
- Ashley, it's just nerves.
- Oh yeah, I'm sure.
- You just need to ease
your way back into it.
- Yep.
- Maybe you could help me
draw my comic in the meantime.
- Oh, I don't think so.
I don't think I could do that.
- Sure you could.
- Your line work
is really... precise.
I don't think
i could do that anymore.
- There's no mustard in this.
Aw, they forgot the mustard?
I don't like to eat Turkey
without mustard.
In my comic book, the happy
blue bunnies love mustard.
- That's fuckin'...
That's... that's so cute.
- Did you get a chance
to read it yet?
- Oh... I...
I want to so bad.
- Ashley,
will you do me a favor?
- Will you run out
and get me some mustard?
- Aunt Charlie,
I made you an omelette.
Aunt Charlie?
It's time to wake up.
Charlie, get up.
Wake up.
Wake up--
there you are.
You can sleep through anything.
- Why do you do that?
It's so jarring.
- You were lying so still,
I just wanted to make
sure you weren't dead.
- Of course my body is still.
What do you expect me
to do when I'm sleeping?
- Well, it's a beautiful day.
We should go outside.
- Rest is good for the body.
What are you
trying to do, kill me?
- Of course not, aunt Charlie.
I just...
- Then why are you
trying to get me up?
I'm trying to sleep.
- It's just that I realized
today is kip's birthday.
- Are you okay?
- I need some air.
- Can you get me
a seltzer when you're out?
- Fuck.
Fucking seltzer.
Fucking shit.
Ah, shit.
- Sally told me you were here.
I can't believe it.
- I can't believe it's you.
Is that yours?
- He is, yeah.
He is.
His name's Ben.
- Hey, Ben.
Wow. He's a really,
really beautiful... baby.
- I'm sorry, Ashley.
I didn't know if you
were ever going to wake up.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I know.
- And I didn't have any money
and I still don't have
any money but...
- I met someone.
- Oh, good,
- good, that's good.
So, what's she like?
- He's nice.
- Oh.
- I brought this for you.
Yeah, I know.
You want to go home, I know.
- What is it?
- It's just some things I saved.
- Anyway,
it was nice to see you.
I've got to go.
I'm glad you're okay.
I know, baby.
I know.
- Why the hell did he join?
- I don't know.
He believed he was
making a difference.
- So naive.
They think they're
fighting for a cause
and they're really fighting
for the defense industry.
Young people...
They're so stupid.
- Oh my god,
i love this one.
- Oh.
- His glasses.
- We live in a society
that doesn't value life,
the earth.
Just money.
Adults are so stupid.
- Okay, well, if the young
people are stupid
and the adults are stupid,
who are we supposed
to turn to?
The babies?
- Yes, the babies.
- You're not serious.
Of course, you're serious.
- You know why?
Because babies,
as soon as they're conceived,
all they are
concerned with is life.
Like the earth, like kudzu.
Developing... growing.
- Kudzu is a parasite.
- Ashley.
Wake up.
It's time to wake up.
- Can I just... can I just
sleep a little bit longer?
- But you've been
sleeping so much.
I'm getting worried about you.
- No, no, no, no.
I'm just tired, that's all.
- Do you want to go
to my bed and sleep?
- No.
- I don't know.
Am I in the way?
- No, no, you're not.
Just make yourself at home.
Um... but, I have to go
to the studio, so...
Well, I have a lot
of work to do.
Um, but I'll see you
when I get back.
- Sally.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry for
how I treated you.
- Oh, you don't need
to apologize.
- No, I was a real bitch.
- Well, sometimes.
But it actually motivated me.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I mean, humiliation
can cripple some people
- but it made me work harder.
- Mmm.
- So, you didn't hate me.
- Of course.
But, sometimes,
the best revenge is success.
- So, why are you
helping me then.
- I'm not.
I'm taking great joy
in seeing you like this.
I mean, your life is over.
You can't paint.
You lost your girlfriend.
You lost your baby.
- Ugh.
- What are you doing here?
- We have some
unfinished business.
- Well, that's so dramatic.
- I lost everything
because of you.
- That's even more dramatic.
- It's true.
- I lost everything
because of you.
- Well, it looks like
you're doing okay now.
- Do you want a glass of water?
You look dehydrated.
- I didn't come here
to make peace, Veronica.
- How did you find me?
- Instinct.
- I'm not buying it.
- I followed your smell.
- I'm still not buying it.
- I found your bus ticket
from two years ago.
- I'll buy that.
We don't have to
do this, Ashley.
- My spirit's broken.
My heart is filled with hate.
I have nothing left to do
in this life but destroy you.
- Well, why don't you come in
and I'll make you
some breakfast first.
- I haven't eaten.
- Come on.
I'll make you an omelette.
You love omelettes.
- You remembered.
- Come on.
- How old was he?
- He would have been
19 yesterday.
- Mine would have been two.
One and a half, I suppose.
- I would have never
let kip enlist.
I would have stopped him.
But I couldn't.
I was asleep.
- You didn't think
the war was right?
- I never really thought
about it being right or wrong.
It just made us rich.
- It put me on the map.
- God, I miss
buying things though.
- This seems like
a pretty good option,
dropping out of everything.
- Yeah, you know,
i never thought I'd love
living in a place so remote.
I could never live
in the city again.
- You don't get lonely?
- Actually, no.
- Hmm.
- This is my aunt's place.
She's sleeping
in the back room.
- Wait, she's here?
- Oh, she could sleep
through an apocalypse.
No, I'm really
lucky to have her.
She's my last living relative.
Do you want to see my son?
- Sure.
- He made these videos for me
when he was in the war.
- Wow, what a gift.
- Yeah, here.
- Hey, mom .
Um, I hope you're well
and getting a lot of rest.
That was a joke.
Um, I actually met this girl
a couple of weeks ago.
Um, she's beautiful
and amazing
and we've been
hanging out a lot
and going on walks and stuff.
She doesn't really speak
that much English
but I'm teaching her.
- So, she...
- He's so handsome.
- Isn't he?
I was so angry for so long.
But these videos have...
Have saved me.
It's like...
It's like he's still
here with me.
- Oh shit. Oh shit.
- Hold on. Hold on.
- Oh my god. Oh my god.
- Give me that...
Give me that napkin.
Please, please, please.
- Dry it... dry it off.
- Oh shit.
- Oh shit.
- Oh my god,
it's going to be fine.
- Oh my god,
it's not working.
- Veronica,
it's going to be fine.
- Oh my god,
it's not fucking working.
- It's going to be fine!
- You broke it!
- I didn't break--
- Ashley, you fucking broke it.
- Look, it's playing!
It's playing!
- You broke it.
You fucking broke it.
- It was an accident,
There's water spilled...
- Why are you
drinking water near it?
- What are you talking about?
You put it on the table!
- This is all I have.
- What?
- Ashley.
- You backed them up?
- Oh, come on.
- No, I didn't back it up!
- Surely, you backed up
your son's videos!
- How?
- How? Where are we?
- What are you talking about?
- Put it on the cloud!
- I'm in the middle
of a fucking cabin.
- Oh my god,
are you serious?
- You didn't back up
those fucking videos?
- No, I didn't back it up.
- How many times
do I have to tell you!
- I didn't...
- Do not fucking blame me
- for your stupid
fucking mistake!
- Blame you?
You are killing my son
all over again.
- You bitch!
- Uh.
- Fuck you!
Get up.
Get up bitch!
- Uh.
- Fuck you!
- Look at me!
Look at me!
- System reboot. System reboot.
System reboot. System reboot.
- I was on this mountain
and I took this landscape,
I drew this landscape,
and I thought it was
so peaceful and beautiful
and I just wanted to show it
to you because it was so...
Um, I think I need to go.
Wake up soon.
I love you, mom.
the election results are in
and as predicted,
senator Gary hubs
is our new president elect.
President hubs says that
the first thing on his agenda
is going to be waging a new
war in the middle east.
And I have to admit that
maybe it's the right way to go.
The threat of terrorism looms
larger than ever in America.
In fact, this week,
homeland security
updated the color-coded
warning system
that the bush administration
created after 9/11.
The old warning levels
were: Low.
And severe.
Now, the updated warning
levels are going to be:
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
Be freaking terrified.
Shit's about to hit the fan.
And you know what,
you're pretty much fucked.
Anyway, enough of
this political nonsense,
let's bring out
the fart machine.
- Oh man.
- Why are you watching this?
- I don't know.
It's funny.
- Why are you drawing that?
- I don't know.
- I don't know either
but it worries me.
What are you doing?
- Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. salt.
- How many glasses
is that for you?
- One.
- Two.
- It's three.
- Whatever.
Jesus drank wine.
- Carl says we're this close
to landing a deal.
Do you know what
that would mean?
A government contract in
the middle east during a war?
- That's great, honey.
Kip, eat your food.
- Well, I think
the war is wrong.
- Yeah? Well,
regardless of what you think,
it's going to happen.
And somebody's got to be
there to clean up the mess.
And what is this?
What are you doing with this?
You've got to
stop it with this.
- I don't know why
he's doing that.
- A deer?
- Sally.
Hey, Sally.
- Yeah?
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- I'm taking a break.
- Well, your break's over,
come over and look at this.
Now, what do you think
of when you look at that?
- The second world war?
- Really?
- Why does it
make you think of that?
- It makes me think of the
worst thing I can imagine.
And that would be the holocaust.
- Isn't every war a holocaust?
- Yeah, that's true.
- Do you want to see
what I'm working on?
- No.
- Do you think it
needs more red?
- I think I read somewhere
that the color red
evokes a sense of anxiety
in the spectator.
- Yes, so?
- So, if somebody
was going to buy this
and hang it up on their wall,
they might not
be able to relax.
- So what,
painters shouldn't use red
so the whole fucking world
can relax more?
- Well, wouldn't the world
be a better place
if we could all just relax?
- Sally,
get me another bottle of red.
- Goodnight, kippie.
- Goodnight, mom.
- Mmm, messy boy.
Mess, mess, mess.
- Sorry.
- Why do you have the need
to draw this stuff?
- It's fun.
- Not really.
Drawing is something
you do in kindergarten
to get out of your system.
You need to stop.
- Lots of people do it
for a living though.
- Not really.
Not if you want to be
taken seriously.
Art isn't a real thing, kip.
- What do you mean?
- Well, I had a friend
in college who painted...
- Was she good?
- She thought she was.
God, she was so
full of herself.
- Maybe I could go
to art school some day.
- Well, I will support
whatever you want to do.
As long as it means
going to Yale
and studying in the
financial sector.
- Goodnight, kip.
- Goodnight, dad.
- Come on, honey.
Let him sleep.
He's too big to get tucked in.
- I'm not tucking him in.
I'm just hanging out.
It's cool to hang out
with your mom, isn't it kip?
- Sure.
- Sweetheart, you can be
anything you want, okay?
Just don't be, you know....
- Let's go.
- Oh my god.
You know what?
I studied finance in college.
- Yeah well, you were
undecided until senior year,
and then you dropped out.
- Well, you give up
certain things to be a mother.
And being a mother
entitles you to some things,
like hanging out
with your son.
- Let's go to bed.
- Goodnight, mom.
- Mmm, goodnight, honey.
- I need you.
- But it's humiliating.
- Excuse me,
- it pays the bills.
- Right.
- It's the only thing
that pays the bills.
- So, somebody has
to be the breadwinner.
- Why is it always me?
- Because you're more masculine.
- I'm not masculine.
- I didn't say
you were masculine.
I said you're more
masculine than I am.
- How am I more
masculine than you?
- Well, I mean, many ways.
But you like to strap on
the dildo all the time.
- You are helping me tomorrow.
- I'm not.
I can't.
It's going to exhaust my brain.
I can't break
my spirit like that.
- I can't take it anymore.
- Oh god.
I'm working 12 hours
a day at the studio.
It's going to pay off.
You just have to just ride
it out with me a little bit.
- Ride it out? Really?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You really think that
painting shit like this
is going to pay off?
- What the hell is this?
- What?
- That painting?
- Yeah.
- It's the cycle of life.
- The cycle of life?
- That's the end of the cycle.
- What?
- I'm not happy.
- This isn't fair.
- Okay, okay.
This collector.
He's coming to the
studio tomorrow.
He's supposedly really rich
and he's, like, eccentric.
- Are we still religious?
- Not really.
- Then why do we still pray?
- Just in case.
- Are we going to war again
with the middle east?
- Yes.
- Why?
- Because they won't
do what we say.
Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. salt.
- No, don't apologize.
You're right.
Sweetheart, if someone
bigger and better than you
tells you to do
something, do it.
- Why?
- Because their knowledge
is what made them
bigger and better.
- Yeah, how's that for
a freaking birthday present.
It was a very encouraging
email, don't you think?
Yeah, you bet your
sticky sweet ass.
Okay, I'll see you
tonight, buddy.
Good morning.
It's a beautiful,
beautiful day.
- A beautiful, beautiful day.
- You're in a good mood.
- Well, we just got
a very encouraging email
from Phil price
at the Pentagon.
He's the head of the committee
for defense contractors.
- Oh, that sounds promising.
- Can you imagine
if we land this contract
tonight of all nights?
- Karl's birthday?
Wouldn't that be great?
- That would be great.
- I'm am praying this
deal goes through.
Oh Jesus.
- Oh, I've got it Mr. salt.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I'm just such a klutz.
- Not a problem.
- It's so shocking,
your work.
- Oh, you meant that
as a compliment.
- It's positively vulgar.
But in a good way.
- Oh, thanks.
- I do think most of us
are in some sort of stupor.
Clueless consumers
with lobotomies.
- Yeah, consumerism
is a big part of my work.
- You've heard of black Friday.
- Of course.
- You've seen the videos
of people storming the stores
like rabid cattle.
- Yeah, right.
Like rabid cattle.
- But this work.
This work seems to say.
Wake up!
- Right.
That's my hope.
To wake people up.
- Very interesting.
Of course, I could never
hang any of this on my wall.
My wife would never allow it.
- Maybe you should show your
wife who wears the pants.
- Ashley, be reasonable.
This is the kind of work
that could drive someone mad.
- What?
Because of the red?
Come on, I do other paintings.
I could use yellow.
- It's not--
it's not the red.
It's the subject matter.
It's insane.
- Isn't our state
of unawareness insane?
Don't we need insanity to pull
us out of our current insanity?
- Oh, this is interesting.
What is this?
Excuse me.
- Oh, yeah.
- Uh, do you draw these bunnies?
- Oh, yeah.
- Why do you express
yourself in this way?
- What are you talking about?
- Well, these blue bunnies.
They're so Sincere,
and so hopeful.
- Oh, um, bunnies are cute.
Um, and they're sexual
but unthreatening.
- Don't drink tonight.
- That's a strange request.
- Well, it's not a request.
Just don't drink tonight.
- What do you mean?
It's a party.
You're supposed to
drink at these things.
- This is an important night.
I don't want you
to embarrass me.
- What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
- No, but you're implying
that I'm embarrassing
- when I drink.
- Yeah.
- Stanley.
Do I embarrass you?
- When you drink too much,
yes, you embarrass me.
- Why are you
telling me this now?
I thought you
liked it when I drink.
- Why would I like it
when you drink?
- Come on.
A party without alcohol.
It might as well be aa.
- Maybe you should go home.
- Okay Stanley,
what is your problem?
- You're on very
thin ice right now,
and it cracks every time
you put a glass of wine
down your throat.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- What do you think it means?
- I have no idea.
You never speak in metaphors.
- Just go home
and I'll tell Karl
that you got sick
or something.
- But I'm not sick.
- Stanley, are you unhappy?
- Oh.
- Stanley, answer the question.
- Look at me.
Do I look happy?
- Maybe you're
happy on the inside?
- I am not happy, Veronica.
- Babe,
what are you doing?
Just stuffing your face?
Babe, I need your help.
Please, take this.
- I love you. Go.
- I'm sorry.
- Stop it.
You made a mess in here.
- You want one?
- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry.
- Go.
-'s that much.
Let it be bigger.
The more the merrier.
The bigger the war, the better,
as far as I'm concerned.
- You're going to
need more employees.
- Well, that's the
understatement of the year.
- You'll just hire
the locals, right?
- I can do whatever
the hell I want.
I'm captain of the ship.
More. Less.
It doesn't matter.
- That makes sense.
- I'm just glad that
the wealthy democrats
are finally coming around.
- Oh, come on.
There's no such thing
as wealthy democrats.
This culture was
built on the backs
of hard-working entrepreneurs.
- There he is,
the birthday boy.
- Oh, I love him!
- How are you?
You look great!
- So do you.
My god.
That's beautiful.
How are you?
- I'm really really good.
- It's silky. It's silky.
- I'm not--
I'm not good at this.
I think I should
get out of here.
Forget the
decapitated heads and shit.
I'll do flowers.
I'll paint flowers.
- I'll get us money.
- Baby.
- I can get us money.
- Baby.
- Just stand behind the bar
and serve drinks, okay?
going to be alright.
- Serve some drinks.
- So, how's kip?
- Oh, he's great.
- He's wonderful.
- May I offer you a drink?
- Oh, um... I'm fine.
Thank you.
- Are you sure?
- What is that actually?
Is it a cab?
- More champagne.
Spit this out.
- I need another one of these.
- Um... yeah, red.
- Yeah.
- Jesus, you look like
someone I went to college with.
- Lucky you.
- Jesus,
you look just like her.
- Hi, Veronica.
- Oh my freaking god.
Oh my god!
Holy shit,
i can't believe it.
What have you been up to?
I mean, besides this?
- Oh this?
I'm helping out a friend.
- No, of course.
I wasn't judging you.
- No, no.
I know.
- I mean, I waited tables
once for a week.
Maybe it was a day.
Wait, no...
I didn't.
Um, are you...
Are you in New York?
- Yep.
- I had no idea.
I've never seen you.
So, where are you?
- Um, bushwick.
- Oh.
Of course.
Um, we have
an apartment in soho.
And a little place
in the Hamptons.
- Mmm, cool.
- Mmm.
Oh my god,
this is so crazy.
This is my husband's party.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
- He's over there with his
big shot business partner.
They're like, uh, gonna
close a really big account.
- Oh, cool.
That's cool.
Which one is he?
- Uh, he's, uh...
- Oh, see those two guys
by the couch?
- Yeah.
- He's the tall handsome one.
- For real?
- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.
I thought those guys were gay.
They were acting so gay.
Like gay, gay, gay, gay.
- They were like...
- Why would you think that?
- No, nothing, I kidding.
- Don't--
he's great.
He's so lovely.
- Yeah, my husband's not gay.
- We have a son.
A beautiful son.
- No, I know.
- Don't get offended.
Honestly, it was a joke.
He's really... handsome.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- So, what about you?
Are you married?
Oh no. Wait. Yes.
You're right.
Because you're gay, right?
- Yeah, you remembered, huh?
- Of course, I remembered.
That's when...
I stopped hanging out with you.
- Oh really?
I... I...
You know.
I pretty much remembered
that I stopped
hanging out with you.
- You know what--
okay, hold on a second.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I didn't stop
hanging out with you
because you were gay.
- Oh my god.
- It's just, it's just,
I had to, you know,
make that call.
What is your story now?
Are you still doing
that art thing you do?
- The art thing?
Yeah, Veronica,
- I'm still doing the art thing.
- Yeah, the painting thing?
- Yeah, that painting thing.
I still do it. Yeah.
- Really,
you stayed with it, huh?
- I stayed with it?
You don't just stay with it.
It's your life commitment.
What am I talking
about this for?
I can't even believe it.
- My son, he wants
to be an artist.
Oh god, I'm trying to
talk him out of it.
- And why would you do that?
- Why do you think?
- Hey everybody, everybody.
Listen up.
Listen up. Listen up.
I know we're here...
- Oh, that's good news.
- To celebrate Karl's birthday.
- But what better gift
than to announce that we,
us, our company
will be handling
all the debris disposal
throughout the middle east
construction faze of this war.
Raise a glass to trash.
- Hey.
- Oh, my trash man.
- Oh, you're making us rich,
You're making us rich.
- Veronica, you're drunk.
- Oh. No, babe.
I'm totally not.
- You're hammered.
- I'm totally fine.
- And I asked you not to drink.
You need to go home.
- Now.
- What?
- I'll see you at home.
Just... just go home.
- Okay.
- You are going
to be very busy.
- God, watch it.
- You watch it.
- What are you doing?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Why are you standing in the
middle of the fucking stairwell?
- I'm just standing here.
- Oh my god.
Are you smoking pot?
Oh, you're pathetic.
- Oh my god.
- Oh, you're pathetic.
- What are you?
You're a fucking
caterer, Ashley.
- You're a fucking
trophy wife, Veronica.
- I am a mother.
- Oh man, I feel sorry
for your fucking kid.
Oh my god!
Oh my god.
- Ow.
Don't touch me.
- Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Karl.
Happy birthday, to you.
- We're approaching
the two year anniversary
of the new war
in the middle east.
It seemed to be
going well, at first.
Then, the president did
something nobody saw coming.
He reinstated the draft.
I know, I know, I know.
Very, very unpopular
move at first.
But as the president predicted,
the draft is having a positive
affect on the economy.
In fact,
the president's poll numbers
are actually surging in parts
of the south and midwest.
Well, that's what happens when
you force blacks and latinos
to leave the country.
The hillbillies just love you.
Anyway, anyway, enough
of this political nonsense.
Let's bring out
the fart machine.
- Oh!
Oh my.
Oh, Mrs. salt?
You're awake?
We need a doctor!
- My name is doctor Jones
and I'm the comatose doctor
at mercy general.
- The comatose doctor?
- Yes, I specialize in comatose
patients here at the hospital.
- Okay.
- I know this is going to come
as a bit of a shock, Mrs. salt,
but you've been in
a coma for two years.
- What?
- You've been in
a coma for two years.
- I know, I heard
you the first time,
but... what?
- You've suffered a massive
brain injury and frankly,
we didn't think you were
going to come out of it.
But I'm happy that you regained
consciousness when you did.
We've been unable to withdraw
funds from your bank,
actually, and we were in
the process of moving you
to another facility.
- But I have health insurance.
- Actually, you had a
government-issued health policy
and those were
discontinued last year.
We've been pulling funds
directly from your
savings account.
- But that doesn't
make any sense.
My family is rich.
There should be plenty
of funds to pull from.
- Mrs. salt.
I have some bad news.
- Mr. salt is dead.
- Wha- uh, what?
- A terrible accident.
- Where's kip?
I need to see my son.
Where's kippy?
- Mrs. salt, I don't know
how to tell you this.
- What?
- Your son is dead, too.
- What?
Are you joking?
This can't be happening.
- This is a... what is going on?
- It's okay. It's okay.
- What is...
This is a nightmare.
- I'll go get her a sedative.
- Can you get me one, too?
- I need one as well.
I'll be right back.
- This isn't happening.
This can't be happening.
- Yeah, but it is.
- No, it's not.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. salt.
I'm so sorry.
- Wait.
My son is dead?
- Yes.
- How?
- He died in the war.
- The war.
My son died in the war.
How long have i
been asleep again?
- Two years.
- Two years.
That means that...
Kip is only 17,
he's too young
to serve in the military.
- They lowered the age
to serve to 16.
- My own son was drafted.
- What?
- How can they do that?
- It was something
the congress decided.
They said if you're
old enough to drive,
you're old enough to kill.
- How old is the
drinking age then?
- It's still 21.
- Uh.
- This must be so much
of a shock to you.
I'm sorry. You--
no family, no home,
and you're broke.
But you're awake.
And you look great.
- What do you mean,
I'm broke?
- It's all gone.
Didn't you hear the doctor?
They used all your assets
to pay for the hospital.
- I don't understand.
I don't have anything?
- Oh, I have a small box
of your belongings.
I saved them for you.
- Oh my god, Donna.
Oh my god, Donna.
Hold my hand, please.
Oh Donna, hold my hand.
What am I going to do?
Oh my god, Donna.
What am I going to do?
I can't tell you
what it means to me.
I'm so grateful that you've
been by my side this whole time.
- Well, that's not quite true.
I - I work for the hospital.
They hired me last week.
I clean the rooms.
- How much is this one?
Excuse me.
- Oh.
- How much for this piece?
- Oh, this one sold
already this morning.
- Oh.
What about this one?
- That one sold, too.
- Well, if they're sold,
why haven't you put the
little red stickers on them?
- Oh yeah.
They've been selling so fast
that sometimes I just
forget about them.
- Her work is very grim.
- Yeah, it's pretty grim.
- These are grim times.
- Yeah.
- Has everything sold?
- Um, no.
We have one left.
Follow me.
There it is.
- Is that what I think it is?
- What do you think it is?
- A decapitated sperm.
- Yes, that's it.
It's a decapitated sperm.
- How much?
- Five thousand.
- I'll take it.
- Ta-da.
- Thank you, friend.
There's not as much
as last time.
- Yeah, can't really
control that though.
- Open up.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- More.
- Oh man.
- If I open up any more you
could go spelunking down there.
- Okay.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Ah.
- I have a good
feeling about this.
- Get your legs up.
- Okay.
- What if I'm too old?
- That's not what
the doctor said.
- How could you
possibly be infertile?
- It's okay.
- We're going to be mommies.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mommies.
- Mm-hmm.
- The last time I had sperm
in me was in the 2nd grade.
- You can't make
jokes like that
when the baby comes.
- What if this baby
has two heads?
- Well, then he'll breastfeed on
both breasts simultaneously.
- Ew.
- Come on, Veronica.
Oh, you're doing so good.
Just take one step.
And then, after that...
You take another step.
- Oh, is that how you do it?
You take one step
and then another?
- Really?
- Yeah.
- It's like riding a bike,
- Oh, is that how
you ride a bike?
You take one step
and then another.
- Okay, Veronica.
Try and stay positive.
- It's a beautiful day.
- Please don't say that.
- Oh, why?
- My husband used to say that.
- Oh, sorry.
- I was just trying
to keep things positive.
- Well, it's hard feeling
positive at the moment.
- I understand that.
- You know,
i don't think you do.
My husband blew his
head off with a shotgun.
- Well, that's a terrible
thing to think about.
So why don't we focus on you
putting one foot
in front of the other.
- My son is dead.
Did you know that?
- I know.
- He probably got his
head blown off, too.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be insensitive.
- My only living relative
is a madwoman
living in a cabin in Maine.
My life sucks.
- Who is this relative?
- My aunt.
- I was told you
didn't have any family.
- I haven't spoken
to her in years.
- She's crazy, like,
like, Courtney love crazy.
- I understand that, but
i think you should call her.
- Oh, no way.
I can't do that.
- I think you should.
- Why?
- Because you can't
stay here anymore.
- No, I'm not ready to leave.
- This is your last day?
- What?
- Oh, I know you're angry.
I know you're upset.
Oh, I feel it, too.
Sometimes I get so angry
i want to torpedo the world.
Oh, but just breathe.
Just breathe.
Just keep those tentacles
where they are.
- Aunt Charlie?
It's Veronica.
- Veronica?
- How are you doing?
- I'm rotting away, Veronica.
What do you want?
- Um, I don't suppose
you heard the news?
What happened?
- Fuck the news.
They don't report on what's
really happening, Veronica.
- Charlie,
i need a place to stay.
- They only report on things
that happen above the surface.
That's not the issue.
It's below us.
Inside the earth.
Deep down to the core.
The big mutiny is
happening down there.
- Listen, Charlie.
Listen to me. I need a--
- listen to me, Veronica.
I'm trying to assuage her.
But she's not happy.
Pretty soon,
she's going to blow,
and when that happens,
- tentacles the size
of skyscrapers...
- Okay, good-bye aunt Charlie.
- Lunatic.
- So, you sold all the work?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Very impressive.
- Thanks.
- I was wrong about you.
- Well, yeah.
- No, the war has changed
the country's mindset.
The draft has made people
accept the horrors of war
and you're capitalizing on it.
- Well, I wouldn't say
i was capitalizing on it.
I'm expressing the collective
dread of the country.
- More like exploiting
the dread, but...
- I wouldn't put it that way.
I'm merely expressing
what I feel
- and then I'm putting it
on the canvas.
- Are you still-- excuse me?
- Are you still
painting the bunnies?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Are you still
painting those bunnies?
- Oh, yeah.
- Huh, she's...
She's adorable.
- Yeah.
- So hopeful.
I love her work, too.
- Yeah, you should look
at it at her studio.
Oh yeah,
she doesn't have one.
- I remember what she said.
She said, "bunnies are sexual
yet innocent."
- You can talk to her
about that later.
- I don't remember anything
and I remember that.
- Sally.
Sally, is that a blue label?
Are you using blue labels?
- Is this a blue fucking label?
- Oh yeah.
- You're putting
a blue label on my art?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- What, do you think
i like blue?
I hate blue.
- I didn't know that.
- Well, you should
have known that.
Do I use blue in my art?
- Well, there's--
- no, I don't, actually.
Do I?
- So why would I want
it on my fucking box?
Don't you think when
people open up my box,
they see blue,
they think of blue.
That's a bit of a travesty,
don't you think?
- I don't know.
- Yeah, yeah. What?
- I don't know.
- Yeah, Sally.
You know.
- You fucking know.
If there aren't
any white labels,
you got to the store,
you walk your fucking
butt out to the store
and you get more white labels.
You don't use blue labels.
Blue is fucking cute.
My work isn't cute.
The world isn't cute.
Cute isn't truthful.
Blue isn't truthful.
Blue is fucking bullshit, Sally.
You get it?
You understand?
Tell me you understand.
Do you fucking understand
that blue isn't fucking cute?
- Hello?
- I - I - yes.
- Uh-huh?
Tell me you know blue
isn't fucking cute, Sally.
- I understand.
- Blue is bullshit.
- I get it.
I'm sorry.
- Take the fucking blue
label off your fucking box
and go get some white ones.
- In the meantime, take off
that blue fucking shirt.
You fucking shithead.
- I'm sorry my place
is so small, Mrs. salt.
But you can stay on the
couch as long as you like.
- Donna, call me Veronica.
- If you want,
you can sleep in my bed,
and I can sleep on the couch.
- Why would you do that?
- I just feel so bad for you.
This world doesn't
make sense sometimes.
But it's all part
of god's plan.
- Well, I wish he would
have planned better.
- I have something for you.
This is yours.
- What's in here?
- Pictures.
- You know, I'm not sure
if I'm going to
open it right now.
- No, of course.
I'll leave you alone.
- Oh no, you don't
have to do that. I just...
You know,
I'm going to open it later.
It feels like
a nice bottle of wine.
I should open it on
a special occasion.
- Yes.
- Wine.
I like wine.
I forgot.
- Would you like some wine?
I could pour you a glass.
- Oh no.
That's okay.
I'd rather just
rest if that's okay.
I'm very tired.
Why are you doing this?
- I'm being a good Christian.
When I think of how
little we paid you,
it's embarrassing.
- You gave me enough.
I was able to
provide for my son.
- You have a son.
- Yes, you know this already.
- Where is he?
- He's fighting?
- Is he a boxer?
- He's a soldier.
- Oh, a soldier.
That makes sense.
- He got drafted.
- Kip got drafted, too.
- No, kip did not get drafted.
- What do you mean?
- He volunteered.
- You're pregnant.
- Oh my god.
- Are you positive?
- I'm positive.
- You're eight weeks along.
- Oh my god.
- I'm shaking.
Is it bad to be shaking?
Is it normal to be
shaking after eight weeks?
- It's completely normal.
You're just excited.
It's all good.
- How is it possible?
How is this possible?
- It's totally possible.
I'm positive.
You can--
you can kiss.
- Oh, you're going to be
a good mommy.
- You sure you
want to do this?
- Donna, I'm broke.
I'm not qualified
to do anything else.
- You don't have any rich
New York friends
that can get you a job?
Isn't that how it works?
- I never really had
any friends.
- You look very pretty
in your uniform.
Thank you.
You look nice, too.
Do you know how
to make a bed?
- Of course, Donna.
What do you think I am,
a moron?
- No.
I just thought maybe
it was beneath you.
- I must have been
such a jerk before.
- You weren't a jerk.
You had a lot of money.
And it's human nature
for people to think they're
above this kind of thing.
- Yeah, well.
When you hit rock bottom,
there's nothing really
beneath you is there?
- Rock?
Yeah, ha-ha.
Sucks. Sucks.
Sucks. Sucks.
This piece sucks, too.
I hate this piece.
- Hey, Sally!
- Yeah.
- I can't stand the lines
you're draw--
they're too thick.
I asked you to draw
a nice precise line
over the lines
that I already drew.
You're my assistant,
you've got to assist me.
You've got to help me do it.
Just a nice thin line.
Loosen your hand.
Draw the line.
- Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I know.
I just thought for this one,
the thicker line looked
a little bit better.
- Sometimes I want to
punch you in the face.
- I'll do it good.
I'll try--
- I don't care.
I don't care. It sucks.
Alright, Sally.
Sally, bring me the pink.
Bring me the pink paint.
Uh, face color.
uh, you know, face.
Sometimes I want to
punch you in the face.
i want to punch you--
- get over here and bring
me that fucking paint!
Sometimes I want to
punch you in the face.
- Housekeeping.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- No, no, no, no.
You can come in now.
I will sit on the floor.
I won't be in your way.
That's okay.
I can just give you
these clean towels.
- Look, I have no
need for clean towels.
I'm going to pay you
to come in and clean.
I will sit on the floor.
I will do my stretches,
my kegel exercises.
I'll watch you work.
You clean the room.
And I'll give you
one hundred dollars.
- No, that's okay.
- Not bad.
What do you think?
- It's really good.
- It's a fucking masterpiece.
- Well, the tone in
Washington right now
is very somber.
We lost another
600 troops this week.
The military has responded
with an onslaught
of carpet bombs
and bunker busters.
We're not clear how many
civilian casualties
have resulted
from the campaign,
but does it really matter?
Let's bring out
the fart machine.
- I spoke to my son today.
- Oh, that's nice.
- He's getting a month
leave from the war.
- Oh, that's wonderful.
You must worry about him.
- Always.
I don't know what
it's like over there,
but I imagine the worst.
- Well, no one seems to be
taking it seriously over here.
- I think people are
taking it very seriously.
- What,
with the fart machine?
That's all everyone watches.
- Well, it's good to laugh.
- Do you think people are
laughing in the middle east?
This is a war on terror.
- What does that even mean,
There is no war on terror.
It's not even real.
Do you know what I was
doing during the war on drugs?
Getting stoned.
- You dishonor your son.
- It's weird.
- No, it's not.
- It is so weird,
I'm telling you.
- I'm just practicing.
The more prepared we are,
the better parents we'll be.
- It's creepy as fuck.
- Don't swear
in front of the baby.
- Would you stop.
- The baby doesn't
even have ears yet.
- I know.
- It's probably going
to be born without ears.
- I wish you'd stop
saying things like that.
- I just think you're
being way too premature.
- And you're being immature.
- Immature? Really?
- You're walking around
with a fake baby.
- I'm excited, Ashley.
- It's just that
you're being unrealistic.
Honey, you're making
all these preparations,
what happens if the
baby falls through?
Then we've got all
this crap that just,
I don't know, reminds us
of the one that got away.
- When the baby comes,
she's going to be beautiful...
And healthy.
Even if she has two heads
and no ears,
I don't care.
- What if it's a he?
Then he'll be an idiot
like all the rest,
but we'll love him
all the same.
- Mommy's just scared.
- Oh, creepy.
- Oh, it's so cute.
Thank you, rose.
- Of course.
- Oh.
- But it says,
"10 percent polyester."
A baby's skin
can't touch polyester.
I'm so sorry.
It's so cute though.
Thank you.
- I put the gift
receipt in the bag.
- Oh, great.
I'll return it.
- It's from me.
- Thank you, Rachel.
- Oh, look.
- It teaches you to crawl.
The baby to crawl.
- Where did you get it?
- This summer when
Doug and I were traveling...
In the tiniest,
cutest little shop,
this artist makes
everything by hand.
- Didn't you say that you and
Doug went to China this summer?
- Yeah.
That's where I got it.
- Rachel.
We have terrible standards here.
But China?
There's like, no standards.
- Oh honey,
this is a renown artist.
You've nothing to worry about.
- Well, I'm sure
he knows nothing about
not using lead paint.
Who knows
what's in this thing?
- It was really expensive.
- So is getting
your stomach pumped.
- This paper is recycled.
- Thanks, christie.
Oh, what's this?
- It's a baby monitor.
It's for if you're outside
or in the other room,
you can hear him crying or...
- But it says, "wifi."
- Yeah.
- I don't trust wifi
around the baby.
All those electronic signals,
it's not good for the little
baby's developing brain.
- I'm pretty sure
it's safe, Lisa.
I mean, they wouldn't
release it to the public--
- well, look at all the things
they release to the public.
- I actually used one when
i had Sam and it's fine.
- Yeah, you need one.
- A lot of them are wireless.
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm, yeah.
- Um, didn't you say
that Sam didn't do
very well in first grade?
That they almost held him back?
- He just wasn't ready to be
around children at that time.
- Well, maybe if he hadn't
been exposed to wifi
at such an early age,
maybe he would have
done better.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- Do you clean
the rooms on this floor?
- Yes.
- Did you take that
magazine out of my room?
- What?
- The magazine in your pocket,
this is my magazine.
- No, it's not.
- I am in room 412.
Did you clean room 412?
- I manage the
housekeepers on this floor.
The only ones who actually clean
the rooms are the Mexicans.
- So you bought this magazine?
- Of course, I did.
- What are you,
an art collector?
- Maybe.
- This is my magazine.
Yeah, yeah.
You see this circle?
I circled that quote.
- Really?
Why did you do that?
- Because she speaks to me.
Because she's a fucking genius.
- Well, I don't think
she's a genius.
My son draws better than her.
- I wonder what else
you stole from my room.
- It's just a magazine.
If you're staying here,
you can probably afford
another one.
- Well, that doesn't entitle
you to take what's mine.
- No.
I'm not entitled.
You are the entitled one.
- Why?
Because I'm rich?
- Because I'm white?
- No.
- Because you're a dick.
- I hate it, okay.
No, put it here
for one second.
Let me see it.
I need yellow
next to the debris.
If there's one here,
a little bit smaller.
- Ashley.
- Yes.
- Indieart magazine is here.
They want to interview you.
- Indieart.
They never wanted to
interview me before,
now they're here.
Tell them to go fuck themselves.
I'm kidding.
Of course, I'm kidding.
Would you bring them in please.
Oh, the pressure, you guys.
I can't believe it.
I've been under
a rock for so long.
So misunderstood
and fucking ignored.
- Okay, I...Uh...
- Ashley.
- Leave that wall for a second
- and let's come over here
and start looking at some...
- Ashley.
- Some... sorry. Excuse me.
- This is indieart.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Frederic. Indieart.
- I'm Ashley.
- So nice to meet you.
- How are you?
- Let's get right to it.
- Okay.
- Ah!
- I'm home, mom.
- I'm home.
- Oh, look at you.
- All in one piece.
- It must be so
dangerous over there.
- It is.
It's supposed to be.
- They should respect us.
- They'll be more
respectful of us,
when we're more
respectful of them.
- Well, when someone's
pointing a gun at you,
- what choice do you have?
- What do you mean?
- You have to respect them.
- So, my mom
used to work for you?
- Yeah.
- And exactly how long do
you plan on staying here?
- She'll be going to her
aunt's in a few days, right?
- Yes.
- You bought that
bus ticket already?
- Yes.
- Wait. Whoa.
What are you--
what are you doing?
- I'm painting these walls.
- There's no way we're
keeping these walls red.
- Well, why not?
- Why do you think?
- Can we just wait
until the baby's born,
maybe, and then we
can decide whether or not
we want to change the walls.
- No.
Because this red
reminds me of a miscarriage.
Is that what you want?
Miscarriage red?
- Oh, is that a color?
Yeah, that's what I want.
I want miscarriage red
for our walls.
- I hate these walls.
- Since when?
- Since always.
They freak me out.
- Oh, you know what
freaks me out?
- You obsessing over a baby
that isn't even born yet.
Do you know that every single
time you have this little thing
on your chest, it makes me
want to jump out of a window.
- What are you doing?
- This is a fake baby.
- It's a fake baby.
- It's my baby.
- Give me my baby.
- This is a fake baby!
- Let go of the baby!
- Give it to me!
- It's a fake baby!
- It's not a fake baby!
- It is a fake baby!
- It's my baby!
- Give me my baby.
- I hate you.
- Fucking fake baby.
- I hate you.
She didn't mean it.
She didn't mean it.
- Thank you.
And how many nights are
you going to be staying here?
- A couple.
- Yeah?
And where are you
visiting from?
- Um, nowhere?
- What's that?
- Nowhere.
- Did you say nowhere?
- Yeah.
I just said "nowhere."
What are you, deaf?
- Yeah. I, uh...
I am actually.
I lost eighty percent of my
hearing when I was a teenager
because my dad
wasn't a very "nice man".
But here are your keys.
- Room twelve.
- I didn't know.
- I didn't know.
- Have a great night.
- I also have psoriasis,
all along the inside
of my thigh.
So, if you want to
make fun of that, too.
- No.
- And, I have ringworm.
On my genitals.
You ever heard of
"ring around the collar?"
- Um, yep.
- I have "ring around
the scrotum."
- Okay. Okay.
- Just try to be
nicer to people.
- Hi, mom.
It's me.
Uh, you've been asleep now
for about six months.
I don't know what happened
the night you fell
down the stairs,
but I have been thinking
a lot about my life since then.
And I got accepted
into art school,
but I'm enlisting in
the war effort instead.
I'm shipping off to
the middle east tomorrow.
I thought about what you
said about making a difference
and I think I can make
more of a difference
making peace over there
than making art over here.
So, I love you, mom.
And I'll see you
when I get back.
- Uh, hey.
Have you seen Lisa?
- Oh, no.
- Where the fuck is she?
Is she coming?
Lisa, where are you?
You're not going to show up?
Call me back.
- Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
- It's brilliant.
- It's radiant.
- Radiant?
Now come on, no one's ever
said that about my work.
- It really is, Ashley.
And you're radiant.
You're positively glowing.
- Maybe there's a reason.
I don't know.
- Uh...
Why don't you tell me
about that one over there.
- Sure. Yeah.
- Um... uh...
- This one right here.
- Oh.
- I haven't seen all the work
- yeah.
- But I just gravitate
to this one.
- Yeah.
One of my favorites.
I'm thinking about buying it.
- Oh, it's not for sale--
I don't know if I'm going
to sell it, actually.
- Well, you know.
Every painting has a price.
- Okay. Well.
We can talk about it later.
- What inspired it?
- Sometimes people
just need their ass kicked.
- . ..It's like the
celebration of life, it's...
I mean, or the human spirit.
In order to create, you have to
destroy the worn out paradigms
that prohibit progress.
You know
and that's what this is about.
This is about...
This is what art is for.
This is about
changing the world.
That's what this is... to me.
I mean,
hopefully at that point...
- That would be tough.
- Because it is.
It's like, this is art.
Art is about changing the world.
- You're a hack.
- Veronica?
- In the flesh, baby cakes.
In the flesh.
- Knock it off.
- Get out of my way!
Get out of my way!
This is mine.
This is mine!
This is mine!
- Fuck.
- Brilliant.
- Hey!
Huh? Huh?
How about this?
- Ahh!
- Look at me.
Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh.
How about this?
Get up!
- Oh my god.
- That's all you fucking got?
- Fuck you!
- Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
- Fuck you.
You want another one?
- Ah!
- Ah!
- Well, it's official.
The war on terror is over.
Yes, incredibly,
the draft worked.
Committing millions of troops
in the middle east
gave us the competitive
edge that we needed
to take control and conquer.
And as a result, western
culture is spreading like kudzu.
People in the middle east
are watching netflix.
They're using social media.
They're eating fast-food.
They're even dropping acid.
And not the kind you throw
in people's faces either.
Americans are saying that
for the first time since 9/11,
they feel a real sense
of ease and comfort.
In fact, homeland security
has once again updated its
color-coded warning system,
let's take a look.
As you can see, the new
status levels are: Safe.
- Oh my goodness.
- Really safe.
- Doctor! Doctor!
- Incredibly safe.
Unbelievably safe.
- And not a fucking
care in the world.
- My name is Dr. Jones.
I'm the comatose doctor
at mercy general.
- The comatose doctor?
- Yes, I specialize
in comatose patients
- here at the hospital.
- Okay.
- I know this is going to come
as a bit of a shock, Ms. Miller,
but you've been in
a coma for two years.
- What?
- You've been in
a coma for two years.
- I don't understand.
- You've been in
a coma for two years.
If you'll excuse me.
- Wait.
Where are you going?
- I'll come back later
when I have more time,
but congratulations
are in order.
- Congratulations?
- We were planning on
removing your breathing tube
so it was a good thing that
you woke up when you did.
- My breathing tube?
- Yes, we were using
a breathing tube on you.
- Why?
- To help you breathe.
- But if you were removing it,
then that means, that...
- You wouldn't be able
to breathe.
- Why would you do that?
[Stomach gurgling
- you're out of money.
- I'm terribly sorry.
- What?
- I've got the runs.
I mean, I've got to run.
Excuse me.
- This is a joke.
- Oh no, no,
this is not a joke.
- Why are you laughing?
- Because the doctor farted.
- Where is Lisa?
Why isn't she here?
- Ashley, listen.
You're in shock.
- Why did he say that
i didn't have any money.
- Well, you've been in the
hospital for two years.
That's expensive.
- But I have insurance.
- Oh, you have to renew your
insurance every year now
and you didn't.
- But why didn't I do it?
- Well, you were in a coma.
- But I would still have money.
- No.
You lost everything.
- Wait, what about Lisa?
Where are my paintings?
- Lisa sold your paintings
to pay for the hospital bills.
- And then where did she go?
- Oh.
- Where did my baby go?
My baby.
- I'm sorry.
- This can't be happening.
Please tell me
this isn't happening.
- Just, hold my hand.
- Okay.
- You just stood by me
all these years.
That's so nice.
- Yeah,
that's actually not true.
- What do you mean?
- I was just dropping off
a box of my comic books
to the children's ward,
and I was walking by this room,
and I saw you lying there
and I thought,
"oh yeah, Ashley's here.
I'll stop by."
And that's when you woke up.
- Wait.
You wrote a comic book.
- Yeah.
Can you believe it?
It's a big success.
People all over the world
are reading it.
They're even adapting it
into a Hollywood movie.
You know, Ron Howard
wants to direct it
but I really want David lynch.
- Veronica!
- Hey, I'm here.
- Are they here?
- No, aunt Charlie.
Not yet.
- They're coming.
I can feel it.
- I know.
- The tentacles are going
to rise up from the earth
and they're going to
destroy all the wretched
souls in this place.
- I know, aunt Charlie,
but the tentacles
aren't here yet.
- If I go before they come.
You know what you're
supposed to do, Veronica.
- I know.
- Tell me, so I know.
- I'm going to bury you
in the garden.
- Bury me in the garden.
- I will.
- That way,
Gia can consume me,
and then I'll be recycled
into the earth,
and I can be born again
as something else.
- Oh yes.
Our good friend Gia.
- The tentacles are coming.
They're coming.
- Oh.
- That's it.
See, you're doing great.
Just put one foot
in front of the other.
- Oh, is that how you walk?
- Put one foot
in front of the other.
- You remind me of someone
who was here a few years ago.
- Oh, my legs
feel like Linguini.
- I love Linguini.
You're doing great.
This is great.
- Okay.
- Alright, just a little...
- That's enough.
- Okay, you can't quit.
- I'm not quitting.
I'll do it again tomorrow.
- You won't be here
tomorrow, Ashley.
We've got to get you
walking out of here today.
- What are you... why?
- Because this is
a for-profit hospital,
not a charity.
So come on.
Al dente.
- Oh god.
- Hey mom.
Uh, it's me.
And I started drawing again.
I do think
creativity is important.
There's a lot of artists
in this town
and I love it here.
- Wow, this is a nice place.
- Yeah, it's pretty small.
I'm thinking of buying
a place in bushwick.
- Yeah?
You make that much money
on a comic book, huh?
- Well, yeah.
I mean, I sold the
rights to Hollywood.
I got really lucky.
- I appreciate you
letting me stay here.
- I feel so bad about
what happened to you.
But you can paint in my studio,
and you'll be back on
your feet in no time.
- You have a studio?
- Yeah, it's the same
studio that you used.
- Huh.
- Do you want some water?
- Do you want something to eat?
- No. No. No.
Thanks. No.
- Do you want some milk?
- I'm good.
- Do you want a cheese sandwich?
- I just want a little sleep.
- This is Sam.
- You name your tree?
- Yeah, of course.
This is Veronica, my niece.
Say "hello" to Sam.
- Hello, Sam.
- She's nice.
Oh, you're so beautiful.
Isn't it a beautiful day?
He's a good tree.
That's Bernie, he's an oak.
Sweet and grounded.
That's hilary.
Strong but
a little untrustworthy.
Ah, that's Donald.
He's an asshole.
- Ashley, it's just nerves.
- Oh yeah, I'm sure.
- You just need to ease
your way back into it.
- Yep.
- Maybe you could help me
draw my comic in the meantime.
- Oh, I don't think so.
I don't think I could do that.
- Sure you could.
- Your line work
is really... precise.
I don't think
i could do that anymore.
- There's no mustard in this.
Aw, they forgot the mustard?
I don't like to eat Turkey
without mustard.
In my comic book, the happy
blue bunnies love mustard.
- That's fuckin'...
That's... that's so cute.
- Did you get a chance
to read it yet?
- Oh... I...
I want to so bad.
- Ashley,
will you do me a favor?
- Will you run out
and get me some mustard?
- Aunt Charlie,
I made you an omelette.
Aunt Charlie?
It's time to wake up.
Charlie, get up.
Wake up.
Wake up--
there you are.
You can sleep through anything.
- Why do you do that?
It's so jarring.
- You were lying so still,
I just wanted to make
sure you weren't dead.
- Of course my body is still.
What do you expect me
to do when I'm sleeping?
- Well, it's a beautiful day.
We should go outside.
- Rest is good for the body.
What are you
trying to do, kill me?
- Of course not, aunt Charlie.
I just...
- Then why are you
trying to get me up?
I'm trying to sleep.
- It's just that I realized
today is kip's birthday.
- Are you okay?
- I need some air.
- Can you get me
a seltzer when you're out?
- Fuck.
Fucking seltzer.
Fucking shit.
Ah, shit.
- Sally told me you were here.
I can't believe it.
- I can't believe it's you.
Is that yours?
- He is, yeah.
He is.
His name's Ben.
- Hey, Ben.
Wow. He's a really,
really beautiful... baby.
- I'm sorry, Ashley.
I didn't know if you
were ever going to wake up.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I know.
- And I didn't have any money
and I still don't have
any money but...
- I met someone.
- Oh, good,
- good, that's good.
So, what's she like?
- He's nice.
- Oh.
- I brought this for you.
Yeah, I know.
You want to go home, I know.
- What is it?
- It's just some things I saved.
- Anyway,
it was nice to see you.
I've got to go.
I'm glad you're okay.
I know, baby.
I know.
- Why the hell did he join?
- I don't know.
He believed he was
making a difference.
- So naive.
They think they're
fighting for a cause
and they're really fighting
for the defense industry.
Young people...
They're so stupid.
- Oh my god,
i love this one.
- Oh.
- His glasses.
- We live in a society
that doesn't value life,
the earth.
Just money.
Adults are so stupid.
- Okay, well, if the young
people are stupid
and the adults are stupid,
who are we supposed
to turn to?
The babies?
- Yes, the babies.
- You're not serious.
Of course, you're serious.
- You know why?
Because babies,
as soon as they're conceived,
all they are
concerned with is life.
Like the earth, like kudzu.
Developing... growing.
- Kudzu is a parasite.
- Ashley.
Wake up.
It's time to wake up.
- Can I just... can I just
sleep a little bit longer?
- But you've been
sleeping so much.
I'm getting worried about you.
- No, no, no, no.
I'm just tired, that's all.
- Do you want to go
to my bed and sleep?
- No.
- I don't know.
Am I in the way?
- No, no, you're not.
Just make yourself at home.
Um... but, I have to go
to the studio, so...
Well, I have a lot
of work to do.
Um, but I'll see you
when I get back.
- Sally.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry for
how I treated you.
- Oh, you don't need
to apologize.
- No, I was a real bitch.
- Well, sometimes.
But it actually motivated me.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I mean, humiliation
can cripple some people
- but it made me work harder.
- Mmm.
- So, you didn't hate me.
- Of course.
But, sometimes,
the best revenge is success.
- So, why are you
helping me then.
- I'm not.
I'm taking great joy
in seeing you like this.
I mean, your life is over.
You can't paint.
You lost your girlfriend.
You lost your baby.
- Ugh.
- What are you doing here?
- We have some
unfinished business.
- Well, that's so dramatic.
- I lost everything
because of you.
- That's even more dramatic.
- It's true.
- I lost everything
because of you.
- Well, it looks like
you're doing okay now.
- Do you want a glass of water?
You look dehydrated.
- I didn't come here
to make peace, Veronica.
- How did you find me?
- Instinct.
- I'm not buying it.
- I followed your smell.
- I'm still not buying it.
- I found your bus ticket
from two years ago.
- I'll buy that.
We don't have to
do this, Ashley.
- My spirit's broken.
My heart is filled with hate.
I have nothing left to do
in this life but destroy you.
- Well, why don't you come in
and I'll make you
some breakfast first.
- I haven't eaten.
- Come on.
I'll make you an omelette.
You love omelettes.
- You remembered.
- Come on.
- How old was he?
- He would have been
19 yesterday.
- Mine would have been two.
One and a half, I suppose.
- I would have never
let kip enlist.
I would have stopped him.
But I couldn't.
I was asleep.
- You didn't think
the war was right?
- I never really thought
about it being right or wrong.
It just made us rich.
- It put me on the map.
- God, I miss
buying things though.
- This seems like
a pretty good option,
dropping out of everything.
- Yeah, you know,
i never thought I'd love
living in a place so remote.
I could never live
in the city again.
- You don't get lonely?
- Actually, no.
- Hmm.
- This is my aunt's place.
She's sleeping
in the back room.
- Wait, she's here?
- Oh, she could sleep
through an apocalypse.
No, I'm really
lucky to have her.
She's my last living relative.
Do you want to see my son?
- Sure.
- He made these videos for me
when he was in the war.
- Wow, what a gift.
- Yeah, here.
- Hey, mom .
Um, I hope you're well
and getting a lot of rest.
That was a joke.
Um, I actually met this girl
a couple of weeks ago.
Um, she's beautiful
and amazing
and we've been
hanging out a lot
and going on walks and stuff.
She doesn't really speak
that much English
but I'm teaching her.
- So, she...
- He's so handsome.
- Isn't he?
I was so angry for so long.
But these videos have...
Have saved me.
It's like...
It's like he's still
here with me.
- Oh shit. Oh shit.
- Hold on. Hold on.
- Oh my god. Oh my god.
- Give me that...
Give me that napkin.
Please, please, please.
- Dry it... dry it off.
- Oh shit.
- Oh shit.
- Oh my god,
it's going to be fine.
- Oh my god,
it's not working.
- Veronica,
it's going to be fine.
- Oh my god,
it's not fucking working.
- It's going to be fine!
- You broke it!
- I didn't break--
- Ashley, you fucking broke it.
- Look, it's playing!
It's playing!
- You broke it.
You fucking broke it.
- It was an accident,
There's water spilled...
- Why are you
drinking water near it?
- What are you talking about?
You put it on the table!
- This is all I have.
- What?
- Ashley.
- You backed them up?
- Oh, come on.
- No, I didn't back it up!
- Surely, you backed up
your son's videos!
- How?
- How? Where are we?
- What are you talking about?
- Put it on the cloud!
- I'm in the middle
of a fucking cabin.
- Oh my god,
are you serious?
- You didn't back up
those fucking videos?
- No, I didn't back it up.
- How many times
do I have to tell you!
- I didn't...
- Do not fucking blame me
- for your stupid
fucking mistake!
- Blame you?
You are killing my son
all over again.
- You bitch!
- Uh.
- Fuck you!
Get up.
Get up bitch!
- Uh.
- Fuck you!
- Look at me!
Look at me!
- System reboot. System reboot.
System reboot. System reboot.
- I was on this mountain
and I took this landscape,
I drew this landscape,
and I thought it was
so peaceful and beautiful
and I just wanted to show it
to you because it was so...
Um, I think I need to go.
Wake up soon.
I love you, mom.