Cats Don't Come When You Call (2016) Movie Script

You retrieved them
My brother
I dont really like cats
catsHow to describe
They are mean
Or you can say theyre drama queens
After all, this kind of creature
What should we name it
Listen to me when Im speaking
You're black, so Ill call you Blackie
And youre so tiny, so I'll name you Petty
Thats too direct
Dont give they names like that
Its a boy
Blackie is a boy
Petty is a girl
Okay, then take care of them
Dont say that
You're really going to keep them?
I told you
I hate cats
I am a dog person, a dog person
Its almost the deadline
Give me a minute
he day of the competition is almost here
I have no time to take care of them
What the heck
Are you going to pay the rent?
I have no jobs.
Why do cats dont come when we call?
living under other peoples roof
Shovel-feces officer (cat poo digger)
Not me
I am a professional boxer
A holder of Class B certification in boxing
And just one more victory to be Class A
then I'll be on the Japanese Boxing Leaderboard
so I can go abroad to compete
I used to be a dabbler
so it was hard for me to win the game
But Ive quit all my jobs
Moved into my cartoonist brother's house
Just to win for the next victory
The world awaits me
Petty and Blackie, heres the water!
hey, dont ignore me
I command you to come
what now
Now that you come
Why are you guys doing
I dont really understand
You hungry?
Your tail is so cute
I'm sorry to bother you
I really dont understand cats
Im going to bed, brother
Why did you come here
This is my quilt
Dont creep in
Hey dont creep in
You guys are so noisy
I'm going to sleep
You are so noisy
No, they are noisy
You urinated here?
Wait, Wait, Wait
Do not move, fool
Dont do that
Are you kidding me
This is not the shit
Who did this
is it you
Why do I have to do these things
You were the one who should take responsibility
Wait and see
BEST KID is so karate
I'm a boxer
Do not drink the water
Go play yourself
Do not play this
You guys are really naughty
Let me sleep a little more
So annoying
If you dont be quiet, Im going to swallow you
it hurts
God damn
Gave you an inch now you take a yard
Better dont look down on me
I'm not a shovel-feces officer
Mr. Sugita, Mr. Sugita
Mr. Sasaki on the second floor said that
he heard some cat meowing recently
Do you know anything about that?
I have no idea
Oh really
What are these cats
No, no
No no no
No no no
Is it your first time to keep the cats?
Actually I had a dog before
Its a faithful dog called Rocky
He was so cute
You a Dogs person?
It feels subtle for a dog person to keep cats
Youre right
Is it?
Cats are not like dongs
They dont come when you call them
When you dont want them to come, theyre here
So annoyed
what happened
This action
Do you know what it means
Now you ask
Ive noticed it for a while
This is an action when a kitten trying to suck the milk
If the kitten was separated with its mother when it was very little
This will make them to keep the habit
Abandoned Kittens often do
These little guys unexpectedly saddled with heavy stuff
Do they see you as their mother
Like licking my fingers
I think so
He urinated
Oh well
Dont follow me
Come over
Why do you run away when I come along
And when I leave then you follow
This is very dangerous
You guys
What are you doing
Its not a game
Im leaving
Why do you come over
surrender yet
surrender yet
So dangerous
what happened
You are back earlier today
What the
I won
Take it
Like a dog
He is a genius
He is a genius cat
You see there's more
Go boy
Pick it up, come on
Blackie, come on
Why are you eating it
hey come on
come on
Mitsuo, youre so loud
Have you took the plastic bag yet
Why dont you take it by yourself every time
They are following
Just like dogs
Are these guys different than other cats
Theyre like faithful dogs
Theyre probably the faithful cats
Yall going to be hit by the car
Go home
Are you ignoring me
This side
Come here
Where are you going
Here here
Why come along
Getting familiar with me?
Easy, easy
You are their mother, right?
They are close to me because I feed them
Cats are like this
I accidentally bought too much
Thank you very much
Its not for you
Its for the kittens
Don't crave it
I'm really sorry
Hello there
Eating now?
Can I come in?
Excuse me
Grew a bit bigger
Still doing this
apart from me
Of course
He does it to everyone
After all, its a cat
Even when youre not feeding
Of course, because they are cats
They would lick other people, too
It is said that cats lick to absorb salt
Thats the reason why
I dont care
Who cares
Bye bye, see you
good night
Can you wait outside for me
Petty and Blackies palms are cold
But still very cute
go have dinner
Did you lose it again
What are you laughing at, disgusting
I won
Although I have been beaten like this, but I won
A class licensed
Im in the Japan Leaderboard now
I can challenge the world
They really are truly special
Perhaps its my goddess of victory
Mr. Kato, its time for next examination
This way, please
Its retina rupture
Retina rupture?
The symptom is the main reason leading to retinal detachment
It can be healed by using a laser to solidify the cracks
Its just
You are a boxer right?
you might have to consider other careers
If you receive any impact that leads to the retinal detachment
It may lead to blindness
Its vert likely to lead to retinal detachment
If you receive any impacts on the ruptured retina
Even after the surgery
I guess you dont consider boxing as a lifetime job, right?
Mr. Sugita
Mitsuo Mitsuo
When are you going to get up
Excuse me
Take it to get something to eat
Anyway, you don t have to lose weights
Take it to have a good meal
Go have fun for a while
Its also not good for the eyes if you keep sleeping, right?
Uncle, give me some other kushiage
Kushiage, here you go
I am back
This early?
Played Pa-chin-ko for a while
Also had a great meal
Thank you
Ill call you back
Is it good? Its about the career right?
I feel energetic after eating
Let me help you
Take this, this is the rest of the money
Or changes
Go play
Youve always been Self-restraint
I misunderstood you.
Dont worry
Go outside for a walk
Im going
Take care
Im leaving
Good shot
Do you want to become a cartoonist?
You drew better than me when we were little
What are you talking about
Keep it up
It feel great to have a brother
Only a brother whod sincerely care about me
do you understand
I think so
Arent you brothers, too
Which one is the brother
Or sister
Some things can only be understood between brothers
Wait, I dont understand at all
Im going to marry my girlfriend and go back to the countryside
Why so suddenly
Its not sudden at all
I told you before
to motivate you
This is the reason why
it is to motivate me
I also think its the time to get married
Isnt it awkward to see two brothers keep being together
And because I am a cartoonist
My girlfriend keeps complaining that we dont have too much time to be together
So you gave me the money
To dispatch me
That's it
Its better than to blame everything on you
Or, do you want to return the money
Nothing left
Notthing left
Petty and Blackie seemed to be close to you
So I fee l at ease
Are you really going to leave them?
they were retrieved by you, brother.
So was Rocky
Leaving everything to me
You dont do nothing, brother
How capricious
I used to take Rocky out for a walk regardless of windy or rainy days,
You seemed to be a perfect one to take care of them
I want you to listen to what I said
I think it grew bigger
Ill walk myself out
Blackie, take care
Petty, take care too!
The feeling of deja vu
Im abandoned
Yes, me too
Brother left a little money around 200k
The rent costs 40k
And gas costs
Its not really a time to keep cats
Nothing at all
Lets go buy something
Wait a minute
Im about to put the food in
what are you doing
That's my dinner
Dont argue
Yours is the canned tuna
Dont rob my mackerel
Its really delicious
Deserves the name of tuna
I think it can tastes better
If we pour some soy sauce
Do you want to exchange it with my mackerel
Well, today I want to start saving money
This is the cat cans, sardines
Compared to Tuna, its so much smaller
After all, they are small sardines
But it taste almost the same
The heck are you doing
Anyway, is a very light taste
What about this, small sardines are acceptable
Eat it after you licked it
Otherwise dont even touch it
Here is your croquette
Thank you
I am back
With your food
I bought the usual kind of canned cat food
No they didnt come here
sorry for disturbance
Blackie, Petty
Blackie Blackie
We have the usual canned cat food
Not the cheap ones
Hey Blackie
Oh, theres not only canned tuna
We also have scallops and bonito
Even the cats abandoned me
Finally found you
Excuse me
Are these your cats
I dont recommend keeping them outdoor
Because its unsanitary
Are you a vet
Please take the female one to ligation
And please castrate the male one
You are not allowed to enter the quilt
No, you cant
Do you understand
Do you think thats alright
To be with someone like me
Really warm
Can you eat it?
I think so
Fry and burn it
With butter
I can buy some butter
Actually I have a little margarine
what do you think
We can make some sashimi
Or eating it raw
Hey idiot
It was my dinner today
Blackie, arent you leaving
Now what
I have to pay after 3 days
Mr. Sugita Mr. Sugita
Just bumped into you
Rent rent
What a bad luck
Even cats have different personalities
of course
Although Blackie is male, but hes timid
Petty on the other hand
Is a small girl but very strong
She goes out hunting a lot
If she doesnt like the food, shed be like this
Its not because she dislike cat foods
But to hide for later
Maybe its her wild instinct
Thank you for waiting
Thank you
Thank you for coming
Now you are a complete cat person
Am I a cat lover or a shovel-feces officer
Hes the cat boss around here
Time to caress you
It feels just like the portrait hanging in the music room
Thats why hes called Baroque
Very handsome
Hey boss, hows it going
Blackie, punch punch
Punch this as its Baroque
Hey Blackie Blackie
Blackie Blackie
Not you Petty
You are a girl
You, as a male cat
Dont you even have the ambition to be the cat boss
Listen Blackie
If you dont make up your own mind, youll never be strong
I have to train you
You are going to be the boss
Do you understand
Come on
hat can I do
if you're man then go have a fight
Come on, one two one two
Don't always turn back. This way, one two
Look here, don't be lazy
Well, youre not doing it right
Come on, one two one two
Don't stop your hands
who is it
Express delivery
Dont be lazy
Please sign here
Listen Blackie
Are you listening to me
Listen to me carefully
Do you want to be the Boss
Boss, get it?
Champion, a champion
Although there is no gold belt
Well, after all, it is a cat
No gold belt
Nor heavyweight
No Heavyweight
What. I'm not talking about myself
Forget about me
You want to be a champion
Or lets say
I'm going to make you a champion
I'm going to make you a champion
I say, Blackie
Do you know where did Petty go?
What happened to that girl recently?
Get up and exercise sometimes
Otherwise you're going to be fat
Chicken breasts
You didn't eat them
Remember to eat all the chicken breasts
It is also good for weight loss
Its is the food for men in wars
where did she go
Are you there, Petty?
Youre in love?
[A chapter called "Cat's growth and life calendar" from the book "For people and cats to get along in harmony"]
Petty is about 10 years old in human age
I was too focused on Blackie that I almost forgot about Petty
Blackie, get up now
Bring Petty back from Baroque
Go ahead, Blackie
Its going to be your debut fight
Get up, Blackie
Yo're back too late
What time do you think is it now?
I don't remember to teach you coming back so late like this
it's not growing bigger
it's not growing bigger
It doesn't seemed to be pregnant
I recommend to do a ligation surgery
Cats usually give birth to 5-6 kittens at once
and they get pregnant two or three times a year
I see
By the way
How much does the surgery costs?
With the hospital expenses, it's about 22k
Twenty thousand?
Hello, my brother. It's me
Mitsuo, how is it going?
Have you received the package yet?
Can I borrow twenty-two thousand
Now I'll let you out
Blackie, Petty is back from the hospital
She had Anesthesia injection, so don't treat her too intensively
Petty is excluded by nearby cats
I always wonder
did I do something mean
then she never goes out again
Nor sleeping with Blackie
Petty Blackie
come and sleep together
Since then, Blackie has changed
He might has to stay in the hospital
the wound is very serious
stay for 2 to 3 days
Blackie is back
Don't go
you have to stay inside for a while
give it up
why did you fight with them with serious injury
even if you knew you'd lose
what a brave cat
Blackie is now fighting with his own battle
In the battle
I'm Sugita, this is my first day in here
Please give me advice when you can
Please take it to the castration surgery
I am Mazer, the nutritionist
I am Sugita, nice to meet you
Please wear a mask and gloves before you enter the food distribution room
Otherwise it's unsanitary
Ah, sorry
I am back
I brought some gifts
I went to work today
so these are particularly special gifts
There are canned tuna and canned beef
Beef tongue fish
I've never eaten before
you look good today, Blackie
I'll cook for you soon
How does it taste? Is it delicious?
Have some more, Blackie. Regain your strength.
Petty, you too.
Good morning, Petty.
Did Blackie go on patrol?
I will keep it up, too
I am leaving
Have you tried it before?
Only in home economics class
Cut it down like this
Be gentle
Like this, gently
now you get it
Thank you
yup, keep doing it like this
nice work!
nice work!
goodbye teacher
See you tomorrow, bye bye
how awesome it is
to have a job that keeps children healthy
it's nothing
it's fantastic
how are the kittens
Although I didn't do what you said at that time
Petty has done the surgery
Ah, Petty is the female cat
I see
Blackie is still the same
It's better for the male cat to do the castration surgery, too
or they might get sick in the battles of scrambling for female cats.
Male cats rut throughout the year
They will continue to mate
as long as female cats are in estrus.
It's nothing
You know really well
Blackie is working on to be the boss in the neighborhood now
Even if he comes back with injuries
He'd still go out to fight on the next day
He used to be so weak
now he's brave enough to face it
If the guy wants to be the best
How can I not support him
Wouldn't it be distracting if I get you to do the surgery now?
Don't you want to be the boss?
but you're such a stud
I heard you are in estrus throughout the year
If you really become the boss, many female cats will fall in love with you
After all, you're the boss
Hey Boss
soon after
Blackie becomes the real boss
Loner style
Imma be late
Today is holiday
Blackie, you're back
Is it a gecko
Does it count as a return
A return
Like a kind of Cat Returns
It's like saying "Thank you for taking care of me."
"Because of you, I'm a boss now."
Although there are many claims
But it should be teaching you hunting skills
It is said that this is how they presenting hunting skills
to the humble ones who are not good at hunting
Low class
Oh, after all, it is only a hypothesis statement
Dang it
We will see
Excuse me
Do you sell pens & inks for drawing comics?
To draw comics
I thought you went back to boxing
Rocky is movie. It's not that simple in reality
Comics are not easy, either
Who cares. Just teach me how to draw.
You should know how to do it. After all, you helped me a lot before.
No. Teach me how to draw in the style that I can use to enter a competition
That's not a problem
But why do you want to draw comics
I'm going to draw comics because you don't do it anymore
If I only work as a part-time worker and don't challenge myself
It's just like escaping
Blackie's gonna take me as a joke
I'm not sure what's happening
But you seem very motivated
Even Blackie became the boss
I want to become a worldwide champion of Comics
Blackie, please don't stay on there
Thank you
No way...
What the...
Stupid cat
Results for inspection
Go ahead
Cat immunodeficiency virus infection
Commonly known as cat AIDS
Probably infected by cats he fought with
can it be cured?
It has paralyzed the Immunity
The boss will soon be replaced by other cats
Wait for me, Blackie
I am going be the first
I lose?
I see
We will contact you if your work is chosen
but please stop calling us to ask about the result
you will call?
I'm sorry
I lose
I'll try again
I'm not going to give up so easily
You don't look really well, are you alright?
Sorry, I'm fine.
You look bad
did you have balanced meals?
It's really nothing
I see
not again
how many time sdo I have to warn you
I am also very tired
Stop messing with me
I am sorry
You don't want that either
it's all my fault
it's all my fault
it's me
I'm the one who wanted you to be the boss
It's me who made you like this
I ignored everyone's advices
This is all my fault
I am sorry
Blackie don't die
Don't go away
you can't
I'm hopeless
That day, Blackie went outside
he went on the path where he used to take a walk
seemed to be yearning something
he went home until the sunset
Then he laid down. Looked very painful
Petty reacted this way, means Blackie has passed way
Yes, only the two of us left
I see
It's my fault
If only I listened to your words
If only I listened, he wouldn't die
I'm the one who is to blame
There's a saying that a cat will choose it's owner
Animals can't speak
so owners always think a lot
about what they were trying to express after they pass away
yet, people never get the answers
Cats probably live more free than we imagine
Mankind has always sided self-righteous
But it does not matter
The time you spent together with Blackie
Was very happy. Very happy. Wasn't it?
That's enough
I decided to think this way when the cat I kept passed away.
Just do the pose once again
the paws and the waist
Just for a second. Cheapskate.
Petty Cat
Such a cat
These kittens were born at the same time.
Please adopt them and give them a home.
Petty and Blackie
Don't ignore me. Come here when I call you.
Did you call me?
Why did you call me?
shovel-feces officer
Why cats don't come when you call
by Sugita Mitsuo
Now I get it
I don't need boxing and Comics
But they probably need me
whether "Shovel-feces official" or "owner"
Because of them
they motivated me
I couldn't make it without them
For me, Petty and Blackie were a special presence
Maybe they were only normal cats in other people's eyes
But they were special to me
I see
When I drew down the time I spent with them
I began to understand all these
I was a fool, wasn't I
Nothing much
It's very good
No really, it's nothing.
it's really great
what did you say
I'm such a failure
Because during the time you were only resting
I thought you were exhausted
About that
What is this! It looks amazing.
Bon appetite
So delicious
Nutritionally balanced is the key term of dieting, understand?
If you don't pay attention to nutritional intake, you will be malnutrition
Did you hear that, Petty?
so delicious
Rarely to see you going out
Mind the cars
uh? Have a safe trip
We are currently unavailable to get to your call
please leave a message after the beep
We want to have an interview with you about the storyboard you sent.
Morning sun shines on the earth
Lightens up the outline of streets
While you are away
flowers are still dancing