Caught in His Web (2022) Movie Script

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Olivia, time for school.
It could be your daughters
that fall victim to this.
It could also be your sons
or anyone who has access
to an electronic device,
which is pretty much everyone,
especially teens.
Now, the fact that
they have smart phones
in their pockets,
combined with their propensity
to share
personal information online
makes teen girls easy targets,
and that's why it's important
to get ahead
of game changers like this.
Game changers?
Game changers.
We can't fight these perps
because we don't know
if it's a close friend,
the mailman,
or someone living
2,000 miles away in a trailer.
but don't you think
you might be giving them
just a little too much credit?
I mean, we got real criminals,
real problems,
just outside of that door,
that's all I'm saying.
Well, let me tell you
what I'm saying.
These vics are subject to fraud,
mental abuse,
and trauma,
and most of the times,
the perps get away with it.
When are we supposed
to go searching
for these
invisible criminals, hmm?
Would that be after
our double shifts?
In between
our daily online shopping?
You know who says
shit like that?
People who are
part of the problem.
Okay, gentlemen,
that's enough.
All right,
go, go, go. Run.
We're gonna be late.
Just go, go, go.
Say hi to Mom.
I caught you. Oh!
Hi, Mom.
Mwah. Okay, don't miss the bus.
- Have a good day.
- You too!
Hi, love.
- Hey, Mom?
- Yeah?
Are you okay?
Uh, breakfast is on the stove.
Thank you, sweetie.
Have a good day!
Please open up
to chapter three,
and we're going
to go through the homework.
Headphones off, Miss Lawrence.
All right, is there anyone
who would like to volunteer
to begin
with the homework answers?
All right,
who has an answer for me?
We'll start from the top.
Anybody want to volunteer
for the first answer?
This is so nice.
Like, look at this color.
Is that the one
you were telling me about?
Yeah, that's the one
I was telling you about.
You literally
just put it right there.
She's probably
auctioning off her virginity.
Chill out.
Please. Don't go
all High School Musical on me.
What up, loser?
Did you miss me?
What did you say?
I said, did you miss me?
You are wanted at the office.
Did you just take a pic of me?
You kind of have
this whole depressing
beauty thing going on.
So what'd they get you for?
Don't know yet.
As if they make class
so entertaining.
Miss Coleman.
My office.
Wish me luck.
I want you
to look at these.
And tell me what you see.
I see my report card
from last year
and last semester.
You know what I see?
I see two different Emmas.
One who was driven
and going places,
and the Emma who skipped school,
missed assignments,
and stopped caring.
I know high school
can be a difficult place,
especially for girls like you.
Girls like me?
All I mean
is that high school is a time
when you want
to express yourself,
but with social media,
how your present yourself
can lead to gossip.
I already told you that--
Somebody else made those posts.
I know.
Regardless, it proves that...
when you put yourself
in those positions,
things can get out of hand.
Now, the good news is
you have the power
to reinvent yourself.
Think about this summer
as a blank canvas,
where you get to choose
which Emma you want to be.
He wants me to do
summer school.
Well, that's not
such a bad idea.
Are you kidding me?
Why not?
Because I'd rather
claw my eyes out
than go anywhere
near that school.
Okay, well,
honey, I just want to see you
get back on track.
I mean, freshman year,
you loved school.
I know things change, but...
come on, Em,
I was nowhere near popular
and I managed to make
a few friends.
I mean,
what's wrong with trying?
We had an agreement--
no more bad grades--
so I want you--
Em, honey!
Where's your head?
bye, guys.
In bed by nine.
Listen to your sister.
Okay. I'll see you
in the morning.
Be good.
I know, exactly.
- For real.
- We had, like, dinner, and...
I... I need to talk to you.
I'll talk to you later.
What the hell?
Where did you get these?
From Blake.
Oh, my god,
this can't be happening again.
Wait, has he done this
to you before?
Yes, but I thought
it was being handled.
Well, do you know
who it is then?
Have you spoken to him
or seen him?
No, no, and no.
And keep your voice down.
Look, I don't know who he is.
He hit me up on Facebook,
I friended him, and...
Sending him those pics
was a stupid mistake.
He's-- he's been messing
with me, too.
He's the one that hacked
into my Facebook last semester
and posted
all that crap about me
until I sent him
photos of myself.
I thought I was the only one.
Wait, what do you mean
it was being handled?
I filed a complaint
with some detective
at the police station.
They said they'd handle it,
and, honestly,
that's all I care about.
- But they haven't--
- Look, I just want to drop this.
So, whatever you do,
just keep my name out of it,
because if my parents find out,
I'm dead.
Will you at least tell me
who you spoke to?
Her name's Detective Holland.
No. I will get to it.
I promise I will.
Good morning, Detective.
Nice work
on the Tenth Street bust.
Thank you, sir.
A couple of mistakes
on your DD 5.
The D.A. needs it fixed immediately.
I will get to it.
I have to make
a quick house call.
What time did you get in
this morning?
Um... six?
- Six?
- Yes.
June, there's a pile
of case files on your desk
stacked a mile high.
You're the best cop I have--
I'm sitting right here, boss.
I know.
You know it's okay
to ask for help.
I got it, sir, really.
I got it, Lou.
Thank you for the food
we're about to receive
for the nourishment
of our bodies.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Amen. What?
You know better.
No phones at the table.
Sorry, yeah.
Just some school stuff.
What were you saying?
We have two home visits tomorrow.
Mrs. Morgan and then Greens.
Mm, we need to stop by
the pharmacy tomorrow.
Didn't you just
pick up a refill?
I know.
Feels like they're going quick,
but it's been a few weeks.
Well, this looks great.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
Excuse me.
I'm looking
for Detective Holland.
She's not in.
What can I help you with?
I need to file a complaint.
Hey, Ross.
Can you help
this young woman here?
She needs to file a complaint.
Uh, yeah.
Yeah. Send her through.
Right through that door.
what's this about?
Someone is harassing me.
Do you see that office
just over there?
You see that seat
right in front of it?
Just in that chair in the front.
We'll have someone come over
and talk to you real soon.
- Just...
- Okay.
Yeah, just over there.
I so do appreciate
you dropping by, Pastor Carter.
Of course.
Of course.
to help with the church.
Thank you.
It's our pleasure.
Thank you, Mrs. Morgan.
I suppose we can expect
Olivia to follow
in her father's footsteps
and become a leader
of the town one day?
She's a model student as well.
On track to be valedictorian
of her class.
Shall we get started
with an opening prayer?
Yeah, actually,
I just have to run
the washroom.
Sorry. Excuse me.
Can I help you?
I'm looking
for Detective Holland.
And you said he would
ask for explicit photos of you?
Yeah. As blackmail.
Who told you
to come talk to me?
Um, it was Olivia Carter.
- Carter...
- Yeah.
Do you know the name
of the person doing this to you?
He goes by Blake.
Oh, no.
There are two reports filed.
It looks like this Blake
might be a serial predator.
Hi. I'm here to--
Cops are here.
Gabby's in trouble again!
So, this has nothing to do
with her last run-in
with the law?
No, Mr. Coleman.
Actually, I'm not here
because of anything Gabby did.
I'm here about
the harassment complaint
you filed.
Harassment complaint?
Okay, some jerk
was messing with me online,
and then he hacked into my email
and was sending insane things
to everyone in my contacts,
and he said
he wouldn't stop unless...
I sent some photos.
Like your professional stuff?
Explicit photos.
Jesus, Gabby.
I didn't know what to do!
I just really wanted
to get rid of him.
And that made
the most sense to you?
- Send photos of yourself?
- I don't know.
I know this is
a complicated situation,
but actually,
you filing that complaint
is a big reason
why I'm here at all.
Without it,
this might've been overlooked
as an isolated incident.
Whoever this person is,
he's harassing
other girls in town.
There's other girls?
You're not the only one.
Thank you for coming in today.
All three of you
have filed harassment complaints
regarding the same person,
and I want to find them.
So what do you need from us?
Well, my goal is
to find factors
that will lead to a suspect.
If this Blake person
targeted all three of you,
then maybe there's a connection
with each of you.
So you all go
to Haney Regional, correct?
Any mutual friends?
What about hobbies?
After-school activities,
Well, what about
outside of school?
Do you girls
go to the same places?
I do school council,
or I'm at church
and doing family visits.
I'm a preacher's kid.
What do you expect?
Well, I actually
have real hobbies.
I'm usually outside
doing street photos.
I work at the hardware store
after school,
or I'm just, like, taking care
of my younger siblings.
Is there anybody at school
that would give you reason
to think they would do
something like this?
- Haters.
- Pervs.
Literally all the boys.
You trusted Blake enough
to send photos of yourselves.
And there was something
about him
that drew you
into a relationship.
How did that happen?
I guess I'll go first.
I don't know, we kind of
just started talking,
and he was flirting,
so I was flirting back.
And then he saw the work
that I upload online
and asked for more of myself.
And it wasn't really
anything serious,
but we bonded,
and so...
when he asked for a nude,
I just sent it.
I thought he was kinda hot,
at least based off
the photos he sent me,
which, of course,
probably aren't even his.
But, I mean...
he was the one
who sent me a dick pic first,
so I thought,
what was the harm
in giving a tease,
you know?
I guess I just thought
that I found someone that...
you know, actually loved me.
I know it's dumb,
but I shared things with him
that I never shared with anyone.
It was like he, um...
like he saw the real me.
And I guess I just thought
that if I...
if I didn't send the pics,
then it wouldn't have been real.
Okay, so that was
pretty embarrassing
for us to admit,
so do you think you have
enough info to find him?
We keep saying "him",
but how do we know
it's not a she?
I mean, it could be
anyone, right?
Yeah, that's right. Yes.
It's-- it's not a girl.
How do you know?
I don't know,
I just have a feeling, I guess.
Oh, great, you have a feeling.
All right,
it's most likely that--
that Blake is a man,
but we're not going to rule
anything out.
I know this is a lot.
Let's just take a break.
Going that well, huh?
If they don't kill me,
this migraine will.
I've got three
teenage girls in there,
and for the life of me,
I can't find
a single commonality
between them.
They all go to the same school,
don't they?
Yeah, but that literally
means nothing to these kids.
They're teenage girls.
Just go in at their level,
get on the inside.
I want to know
about Haney Regional.
Take me through
your day-to-day.
I want to understand
the culture.
Well, it's hell...
especially if you're a girl.
Why is that?
The rumors,
the slut shaming.
I mean, why wouldn't it be?
Tell me more.
How serious are you?
I take all my cases seriously.
I just mean,
this isn't the first time
I've come here for help.
I need to make sure
that something's
going to be done about it,
because my par--
It just, it wouldn't be good
if anything got out.
Olivia, this isn't going
to be an easy road.
But it's going to be harder
if you don't
tell your parents yourself.
I just need to know
that you're real.
I'm real.
We'll see.
You wish I was
more like Henry, don't you?
That's not true.
It obviously is.
Just admit
that he's your favorite.
Gabby, I don't wish
you were your brother, okay?
But he certainly is
more obedient,
and, yeah, you know what,
that makes my life easier.
I'm trying to do my best
by you and your brother,
I don't know.
Maybe I gave you
too much freedom.
You slack off in school,
you get detention
at every chance,
and then all you do
is fumble around
with this photography stuff
instead of getting serious
about your future.
Are you kidding me?
This photography stuff
is my future,
because I'm really good at it
and I'm very passionate
about it,
so just because I'm not
the, like, Disney-channel kid
that you expect
from me and Henry
doesn't mean
I'm not serious about something.
Well, you sure have
a funny way of showing it, Gab.
Let's just
get through this, okay?
Oh, good.
You're here.
You worked late.
Kids in bed by nine.
I'll see you.
- Mom?
- Yeah?
I wasn't at work.
I was at the police station.
Why were you
at the police station?
How could you not tell me?
All this time?
I'm sorry.
I just, I didn't know how.
I mean, you're always
working and tired,
and the last thing
that I wanted to do
was stress you out even more.
Okay, well, I want everything.
I want your computer,
I want your phone.
I can't, okay?
Detective Holland
needs us to act
like nothing's changed
or it'll look
really suspicious to Blake.
I want to know
who this bastard is!
This is why
your grades are slipping,
isn't it?
This is why
you're struggling in school?
Oh, my god.
Okay, well, I'll take
the rest of the week off.
No. That's exactly
what I didn't want.
I don't care, Emma!
I am talking to everyone.
I'm talking
to Detective Holland,
to Principal Monroe.
I need some answers!
Mom, we don't have
any answers right now!
Well, I need something!
I can't help you
if you don't talk to me.
this isn't your fault.
Okay, I trusted someone
that I shouldn't have.
I see that it is my fault.
It is my fault
because it is my job
to protect my daughter.
And I can't do my job
if I am in the dark.
Is that everything?
I'm sorry.
I gave naked photos of myself
to a guy I met online.
"And why the hell would you
do that, Olivia?"
I don't know.
Maybe because I'm a slut
who's desperate for attention.
Why are you still up?
No computers after ten,
I'm just finishing
this assignment for tomorrow.
The day before it's due?
You know we don't put academics
second to hanging
and chatting with friends.
I know.
I'm almost done. Promise.
Ten minutes, then lights out.
What's all this?
About time you came home.
You can get dinner started.
When we agreed I would move in,
you knew I wasn't a cook.
Well, I'm just saying,
it'd be nice if my daughter
didn't subject me
to takeout meals for once.
You mean, your daughter
who's the only detective in town
and barely has time
for a sit-down dinner?
That daughter?
Dad, really, what's all this?
I'm starting a garden.
Well, you'd have better luck
outside in the garden.
I know that face.
Wanna talk about it?
You should've seen the way
this has affected them.
He crushed their spirit.
It feels really messy.
Is this even something
the PD is capable of handling?
You mean is it something
I'm capable of handling?
Well, what does anyone
really know
about this kind of stuff?
Dad, this Blake person--
he's gonna target more girls
if I don't do something.
Look, all this is over my head,
but if it's computer stuff
you need help with--
No. Mm-mm.
My job
is not one of your hobbies.
Not me.
Remember that computer class
I took a few months ago?
Yeah, when you went through
your tech phase
and you enrolled
in that web-design class
that, of course,
you did not stick with.
Well, that teacher is a wiz.
Sharp as a nail.
I need
a cyber-security specialist,
not some community college professor.
Sam Finley?
In the flesh.
You're the cyber expert?
That's me.
I'm a T.A.
and teach night classes.
CE's just my thing, actually,
but I gotta be honest,
I'm not really
too fond of cops, Detective.
Teaching those night classes
wasn't exactly by choice.
It's more a condition
to keep my ass out of juvie
from back in the day.
Well, I could really use
your kind of expertise.
I mean,
I can't make any promises--
maybe a job reference.
In Haney? I'm good.
But your dad
was the nicest person
in my class a few months back,
so I'm really happy
to do him a favor.
It's too bad
he dropped the course.
He has a habit
of not sticking with hobbies.
No offense.
None taken.
Plus, he mentioned
something about a hacker,
and, well, I like a challenge.
Well, I imagine
it'll be just that.
In November 2008,
Barack Obama
defeated John McCain
in the federal election
to become the 44th President
of the United States.
Because I'm a slut
who's desperate
for attention.
Because I'm a slut
who's desperate for attention.
Because I'm a slut who's
desperate for attention.
Because I'm a slut
who's desperate for attention.
Because I'm a slut--
What's the meaning of this?
I don't know.
My computer must've recorded...
I'll fix it.
I'll fix it.
Looks fine to me.
It's probably just a glitch.
These programs
can get finicky with the audio,
but sounds like
it was hilarious.
Does it look
like I'm laughing?
Whoa, chill.
What's up with you?
A lot.
There's just so much drama
with my mom--
I don't do family drama.
I just need something
to take the edge off.
I got it.
I hear you, Detective,
I really do,
but we can't control
what these kids do
when they go home
and get on their computers.
Well, that may be,
Principal Monroe,
but it seems
the culture at Haney
seems to be a part
of the problem.
And what culture
are you referring to?
Because I can assure you,
we certainly
don't condone bullying.
That doesn't mean
it's not happening.
And I'm assuming
these students
reported this to someone
before bringing it
to your attention?
- They did.
- Good.
Well, feel free to give me
the names of the faculty
and I'll sort this with them.
It was you.
And a counselor,
Mr. Klein.
Nothing was done,
and that's why they came to me.
teenagers say things
and send things online.
It's impossible to track
who says this or who sends what.
These young women
willingly share things
and end up regretting it.
The consequences of that
are messy.
We simply can't control that.
So I'll ask one last time,
what is it I can do for you?
You could be doing a lot more,
especially given the fact
that what's happening
under your roof
bleeds into sexual harassment.
If you had daughters,
it would be a shame
if they needed help.
I have sons.
Yeah, that much is clear.
Blake has to be using
a message software.
What do you mean?
Like a text app.
Subscribers can use
an endless amount of numbers
to contact someone,
including numbers
that have already
been registered,
so even if
one number is blocked,
he can just pick
a different one to use.
This guy lives underground.
This is a person
who would hide
and be on the defense
rather than the offense,
but if you look hard enough,
they're usually hiding
right under your nose.
Doesn't feel like it.
Yeah. I think our best bet
is finding his IP address.
What is that?
Like a fingerprint--
for any computer or phone.
Every time
Blake visits a website,
that device's IP address
is recorded,
along with data
of when and where
he visited those sites.
So if we find
his IP address...
We find him.
Or at least
his general whereabouts,
maybe registration information.
Okay, and I'm guessing
these records
are highly private,
meaning I have to issue
a subpoena.
What's wrong with that?
Sam, subpoenas take time,
and if he's looking
to harass more people,
then we're giving him
the perfect window.
You hungry?
So you still
don't eat the crust?
So what?
I know what I like.
It's just a waste, is all.
I sense there's
some kind of history.
The frenemy vibe
is a little bit strong.
There's no beef.
We were friends,
then we grew up
and we grew apart.
Simple as that.
Well, that's--
that's not how I remember it.
I remember rumors
being spread about me,
and instead of having my back,
you iced me out.
Okay, look, beef or not,
I'm just honestly glad
that I found you guys,
because these past few weeks
have been miserable.
Consider yourself lucky.
I've had to deal
with this asshole
for two whole months.
What about you, Emma?
Since May.
- As in--
- Last year.
Hey, every time I blocked
one of his numbers,
he contacted me back
with a new one.
Until now, we thought
we were the only ones,
and I doubt he anticipated
us finding each other,
so let's compare
blocked numbers blocked,
see if there's a match.
That's a good idea.
Okay, 1-996.
Do you guys have
a number like that?
- I don't.
- I don't think so.
I don't think that I have 2480.
No, wait--
no, the last four digits
are different.
I don't have any 800s.
So, there's not
a single match between us?
How the hell is he doing this?
If you want to get accepted
into the summer program,
you're doing a good job
of messing up your chances.
What's going on?
I just have a lot on my plate.
Look, Gabby, I'm not buying it.
You haven't even
developed the film
from your last two assignments.
I haven't gotten
the right shots yet.
I can only recommend one person
for the Rhode Island
summer program.
This is not the Gabby
that I know.
You're sleeping in class,
forgetting assignments...
Do you want to realize
your potential?
Or do you want to just
sit around Haney all summer?
Because the Gabby that I know
wouldn't let
whatever's holding her back
stop her
from doing what she loves.
In use.
Ms. Parker?
Ms. Parker?
Is anyone there?
You've got to be kidding me!
Open the door, please!
Please open it! Please!
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god...
Oh, my god.
[Ms. Parker Gabby?
Ms. Parker?
Ms. Parker?
So, what are you saying?
Start an investigation
of our own?
I know I can't continue
to feel like
someone's preying on me
all the time.
Anyone in there can be Blake,
and all I'm saying is,
the three of us can figure out
a way to fight back.
Who says we should?
I mean, what if interfere
with Holland's investigation?
We won't.
Holland's on her own,
but she's not the one
who has to go to school
all the time.
Aren't you guys tired
of feeling like you have
no control over your life?
Okay. I'm in.
I'm out.
What do you mean?
Blake could be any guy in there.
What's the harm in figuring out
what we can?
Running the risk
of him leaking worse things.
What's worse
than leaking nudes,
which by the way,
he might do anyways?
Look, you guys do what you want,
but leave me out of it.
Come on.
We need to go. Come on.
Let's go home.
I want in.
Whatever you guys have planned,
I want to do it.
Okay, you're kind of killing me
with the back and forth.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry that I bailed.
I was just--
I was in my head about this.
But, Gabby, I am tired
of playing his games.
Okay, so you swear you're good?
- Yeah.
- Okay, cool.
Um, I'll tell Liv,
and then all we need
is more reinforcement.
At first,
I thought it was someone
from school,
'cause he seemed like
he knew me.
Like, sometimes, it felt like
he knew where I was
or what I was doing.
I was so freaked,
I couldn't even
sleep alone anymore.
I really think we can help
if you're interested.
Hell, yeah,
'cause it's not just me.
Wait. Like,
you know more girls?
A lot more.
So whatever this thing is,
I'm down to join.
See ya.
Yeah. Yeah, that's him.
I tried telling
Principal Monroe about it.
but all she did
was accuse me of being
reckless and irresponsible.
Trust us.
We get it.
And we're sick of waiting
for something to be done.
Whatever y'all are doing,
I'm in.
Yes, I'm looking
for some information
on a device
registered to your company.
Detective, you need to see
what's in the conference room.
Let me call you back.
These are the girls like us--
the girls who aren't willing
to take any more shit
from Blake.
I don't believe it.
We took our cue from you.
They just needed
someone who would listen.
You know?
Someone who was real.
What's this?
It's the rest
of my conversations.
With Blake.
Come on in.
I'm sorry I didn't give you
everything sooner.
That's okay,
but why didn't you
give me these?
Because I wasn't lying
when I said I met him online.
I just...
I thought that the person
that I was
in a relationship with
was a girl.
I see.
And I figure...
since there's so many of us now,
and they all put themselves
on the line for me,
I should do the same for them.
And what's crazy
is I actually--
I thought that I could,
like, live two lives.
I could just be the real me.
No one here ever had to know.
Now I just feel dumb.
What's dumb is some jerk
posing on an LGBTQ site
trying to take advantage
of young girls.
You should never
have to apologize
for who you are.
Well, you're the only one
who seems to think that.
'Cause that's not the case...
not here.
The power you think people have
over you...
doesn't exist.
Well, I'll be damned.
He's local.
What? What are you
talking about?
Here he is--
posing as a girl named Tiffany
to get close to Emma.
When she figured out it's Blake,
she confronts him.
Look at their exchange
at the end.
"If you don't tell me
who you are,
I'll go to police."
Tiffany: "Ha, you're dumber
than I thought
if you think the police
actually care about community,
honor, or service.
Do it. I dare you."
What does any of this
have to do with
a potential suspect from Haney?
"Community, honor, service."
That's Haney's PD's mantra.
Who else would know that
unless you live here?
Blake is from Haney.
Detective. A word.
We need to call the case.
Says who?
Says me.
And the pile of unfinished cases
that are on your desk.
And the fact that it's been
weeks since this all started
and you have nothing
to show for it.
We just got a lead.
Do you have a name?
I need you on other cases.
Lieutenant, these girls
need me on this.
Holland, we can't be there
for every he said-she said
teenage squabble
that happens online.
Come in.
Sorry to interrupt.
This came in for you, Detective.
Thank you.
We're not shutting this down.
And there it is.
I subpoenaed
as many call providers
as I could.
All these names
are the real identities
of people who are
legally registered
to those numbers.
So our suspect could be
any one of the names
on this list?
Yes. But now we know
he's local.
All we have to do
is find the person on the list
who lives in Haney.
All right, find him.
- I got the names.
- Great.
The only name in Haney--
Nathan Reilly.
Got you.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm gonna send you over
my best guy.
You too.
You have a good day.
Got a call for a repair.
Oh, good, you're here.
A little late, but come on in.
Okay, thanks.
We have reason to believe
Blake is a young man
named Nathan Reilly.
He's 19 years old,
he lives in Haney.
He was actually a student
at Haney Regional.
And the messages did come
from devices
registered in his name.
I used to know him.
My dad was
his little league coach.
I thought he'd be,
like, an old man or something.
He was a senior
when we were freshmen.
Girls, we have to keep this
under wraps.
He cannot know
that we're on to him.
If you know who he is,
why can't you arrest him?
Because what we don't have
is proof that Nathan is actually
the person
physically behind the screen.
Now, as much as I've pleaded,
the judge refuses to believe
that we have enough evidence
to issue a warrant.
So we're stuck?
There is another option.
We wait.
Wait for what?
For the opportunity
to collect more evidence
that would actually prove
that Nathan is the guy
that was harassing you as Blake.
And once we have that,
we can bring charges against him
that would put him away
for years.
But that option
requires more time.
Well, how much more time?
How much longer do we have
to put up with this?
It's hard to say.
That is why I wanted
the three of you
to have the opportunity
to decide.
Take the weekend,
but either way,
I will only wait
if the decision is unanimous.
Hey, at least we now know
who it is.
I guess.
Guys, look, come on.
As obnoxious as it sounds,
my dad's always talking about
finding the good in everything.
Which is what, exactly?
Hello, the three of us.
We're still here
and we're still fighting.
Okay, you guys aren't
extremely terrible.
To getting what's ours.
It's nothing.
Okay? It's from
a really long time ago.
It's fine.
I've been taking pills.
Not, like, all the time
or anything,
ever since
this whole Blake thing started,
I've been so anxious...
all the time.
My friend was saying about
how it'll calm you down,
just slow everything down.
So, you know, I tried it.
well, this is weird,
I can't actually remember
the last time I slept at night.
Without having a panic attack
or a night terror.
It just feels like
being paranoid
is my new life now.
You guys aren't
the only ones struggling.
But we have each other now.
Oh, my--
What are you doing?
You ready to head back?
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, let's go.
Thank you so much for coming.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Yes. God bless.
Thank you so much for coming.
See you next week.
- Hi. Thank you.
- Thank you for speaking.
Thank you so much.
Oh, could you go see
who that is?
- I got it.
- Thank you.
Good morning.
Haney Baptist Church.
- Hello?
- Knock-knock.
Who is this?
A sinner.
Like you.
I've been calling for you.
I need you to get the extra box
of nails from the back
and then take over
at the register.
I gotta help a customer
load up outside.
Of course.
Can I help you?
I don't think so.
Emma, hey.
We made a decision.
We're done with his games.
We're done with
Nathan controlling our lives.
He came to my work
and followed me
through the store.
All right.
I'll make the arrest.
No, that is why we want you
to find everything you can...
and we want you
to bury him for good.
You've got my word.
I wonder how long it'll be
until that squirmy asshole
gets what's coming to him.
Honestly, a huge part of me
wanted it to be us
who found him,
just so I could go
Ronda Rousey on his ass.
Lord knows
we've tried everything
short of being on
that new catfish show on TV.
Speaking of which,
I guess there's no need
for that fake profile
we tried to make.
Guess not.
Wanna do the honors?
Do you guys remember
the password we made for this?
I have no clue.
Just answer
the security questions.
Um, okay,
Gabby, what was the name
of your first dog?
I'm just a little bit offended
that you forgot, but...
Okay, um...
And, Liv,
what was your favorite
childhood book?
I mean, really, Emma,
do you even know us at all?
It's embarrassing.
Oh, my god.
You guys, that's how he did it.
Did what?
Nathan knows this town.
He knows us
like the back of his hand.
What if he's been able
to hack into our accounts
by correctly answering
the security questions
and guessing the passwords?
I mean, how many times
has he asked us about
our favorite color,
or the music we're into,
or childhood memories?
This has to be
how he's doing it.
Yeah, but every time?
We've all had to set up
new questions
for every time we set up
a brand-new account.
I mean, sometimes,
I've even created
fake answers to those questions
just to be safe.
How did he find that out?
I don't know. But how else
could he have done it?
But the door swings
both ways, doesn't it?
I mean, we know him.
Yeah, so?
And now we know that Blake
is really Nathan,
so we know a lot of stuff
about him--
and we've picked up a lot
during our conversations.
If you're thinking
what I'm thinking...
I'm thinking if we have to wait
months for justice,
who says we can't give him
a taste of his own medicine?
What do we say?
I don't know.
Oh, okay, um...
Should we just say
It needs to be,
like, suspenseful.
- Right.
- Uh-huh.
Is a bitch.
Payback is a bitch.
Wouldn't you like to know?
How does it feel to know
that I'm smarter than you?
- Smarter than you.
- Smarter than you.
- Good luck.
- Good luck.
Good luck.
Olivia, come in here, please.
I got a call from Mrs. Morgan.
She told me she was missing
medication from her bathroom.
Olivia Carter, look at me.
I almost went to town
on this woman
at the nerve of her
suggesting you took them.
And then...
I found these.
Are you out of your mind?
What could possibly compel you
to sell pills?
I'm not selling.
I'm taking them.
I mean, I was taking them...
to calm my anxiety.
It's no excuse,
I was stressed all the time,
and I couldn't
talk to you about it.
I couldn't tell you
what was going on.
What do you mean?
What's going on?
Just school.
These AP classes.
I promise I'm not
taking them anymore.
You're damn right you're not.
Nor will you continue to lie
under this roof.
Do you understand
how dangerous this is?
Every time
you took one of these
was a gamble.
I just don't want anything
to happen to you.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Get in here.
Take a seat.
There's no need to beat around
the bush on this.
I'm letting you go.
I've gotten calls from clients.
You show up late,
you go missing
for periods of time.
I'm willing to overlook
all of that
because you're
the best guy I got,
then there's this.
Our customers
need to be able to trust
my guys that I send
to their homes,
so I'm gonna ask you
to clean out your cubby.
I didn't write this.
You know I need this job.
it's just not gonna work.
That's a week's pay,
including the full workday
for today.
It's time.
I'm not done with this.
Then make an arrest
and you will be.
We got another case.
Emma Lawrence.
Emma Lawrence
was sitting right out there.
Just sitting and waiting,
and everybody went by her
as if she was invisible.
We can't do this to them.
They deserve better from us.
June. Make an arrest.
Close the case.
- Detective.
- Taking a five.
No, June.
The subpoena files for Reilly.
They're here.
Sam, I hope you know
how grateful I am for you.
We have to go through
all of these, don't we?
Every single one.
Facebook, Amazon, Skype,
AOL, Google.
Our best chance to prove
that Nathan is guilty
is in one of these boxes.
Except first,
we just have to sort
through each file,
match his IP address
to time and date stamps,
then match that
to his location information,
and hope to God
there's a connection
to his whereabouts?
Let's get to work.
Let's go.
What is it
that he's trying to say...
...with the jungle?
Because that really is
what the Heart of Darkness is.
What is that?
So embarrassing.
Hey, isn't this you?
What does
the heart of darkness represent?
What is its meaning?
What does the jungle mean?
Watch it, dyke.
Detective Holland.
Got it.
I need hands!
What's wrong?
Nathan just released everything
on Emma, Gabby, and Olivia.
As far as I'm concerned,
he went from misdemeanor
to a felony
for distribution
of underage pornography.
I want his ass now!
I tried to tell you guys.
I did, I just--
I didn't know how.
Our phone
is ringing off the hook.
The church inbox
is flooded with emails,
and now the assistant pastor
has to take over.
We raised you to be truthful.
But not about stuff like this.
When you're
the preacher's daughter,
how can you expect
to be an example on this town
if their child is involved
in something like this?
We don't care about this town,
we care about you, Liv!
I'm sorry.
But you also raised me
to use my voice
and fight for myself,
and that's what
I was trying to do.
I was the first
to say something.
I was the first
to go to the police.
And we're proud of you
for that.
But it's our job
to fight for our daughter--
and we couldn't do that
because you lied
and kept things from us.
Say something.
It's okay.
Okay. Okay.
We understand.
Thanks, Holland.
Holland said
they have Nathan in questioning.
I can't believe my dad
let me out tonight.
My dad won't even talk to me.
But, honestly,
we should be out tonight.
We can't let this stop us.
What about Emma?
Has she said anything?
I don't know.
I'll check.
No, nothing.
That doesn't make sense.
She's always on time.
I know.
Do you think something's wrong?
Yeah. We should go.
Oh, no, no!
Oh, my god, oh, my god.
I missed
every single one of these.
Hi, baby.
I didn't...
I wasn't--
I wasn't trying to kill myself.
It's okay.
You don't have to explain.
No, I do.
I want to.
I needed something,
anything, to distract me
from what was going on.
And then it just
kept happening again,
and I just...
I don't know
what's wrong with me.
There is nothing wrong with you.
I've been sitting here,
trying to think of
what I was gonna say,
and what all I wanted to say,
I just kept thinking about
when you were learning
how to walk.
You were
such a determined baby.
You know, every few steps,
you'd fall right back down,
but for hours,
you'd just pick yourself up
as though nothing even happened.
And I said to myself...
I am so lucky.
My little girl is so strong,
and so tough.
And somewhere,
I took that for granted,
and I'm sorry.
Oh, baby.
It's gonna be okay...
It's gonna be okay.
Tell me about Blake.
Don't know who that is.
Sure, you do.
Why'd you create the profile?
What profile?
The one you use to befriend
and manipulate the girls
into giving you
personal information
so you can hack
into their account
and use it as blackmail.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Is that so?
Because with
all the evidence we have,
you're liable to be charged
with interstate threats,
aggravated identity theft,
computer fraud,
and, oh, let's not forget,
child pornography.
That's a whole lot.
Anything coming back to you?
Let's talk about Mr. Richardson.
That's your neighbor, right?
And there's also Carol,
your sister's neighbor.
We know that Blake
uses all their wifi
when interacting
with the girls online.
That's an awfully
weird coincidence
that they all have
a connection to you,
don't you think?
You can make this
easier on yourself.
You've got the wrong guy.
We'll see about that.
Please tell me
you got something on his phone.
He wiped everything.
No messages, no search history.
He knew we were coming.
Your one tomato, Dad?
Really, you shouldn't have.
Woulda had more
if those squirrels
hadn't ravished the rest.
So we'll make do.
That is one damn good tomato.
I was hoping to put
a smile on your face.
I can't pin this one
on him, Dad.
I just want these girls
to finally have some peace.
You'll get him.
You always do.
So, I wanted to capture
the young women of Haney,
and, you know,
like, the real of it.
So, it's different for everyone,
but it's beautiful.
spectacular, Gabby.
Oh, I like this one.
This one's my favorite.
This is beautiful.
Look at you.
Yeah, it feels good to be home.
But I just wanted to say
thank you, guys,
you know,
for being there.
Yeah, of course.
Um, I think I'm gonna come
check in on you tomorrow.
I'll see you then, okay?
'Kay, bye. Love you. - Love you.
Put your phone down, Gabby.
You don't know
who you've messed with.
I told you before.
I will always own you.
So, I panicked,
and then I deleted my account,
and then
that's when he spoke to me.
It has to be him.
That sounds like a virus
or some type of malware,
but it just--
it doesn't make any sense,
because when the heck
would he...?
Wait, go back to the beginning.
Which beginning?
The first time
your Facebook was hacked.
Take me step by step.
What happened?
So, once I realized
he hacked my account,
I messaged
the privacy support team
to report it,
and then I deleted my account.
And then a few hours later,
they emailed me this link
to redownload the app
before creating a new profile.
Yeah, same here.
Yeah, me too.
I mean, that's--
that's what I did.
We got played.
What do you mean?
Nathan hacking
their social medias
was only a portion of his move.
He didn't just hack
their profiles.
He hacked your entire devices.
There are different ways
hackers can take over a device,
and one of those ways
is phishing.
They send out a fake email
masquerading as legitimate
with the purpose
of getting you
to click on a link.
And when you do,
a malware is installed.
It gives them complete access
to all of your data
and the entire device.
Microphone, cameras,
stored data,
Facebook didn't send you guys
that email.
That was Nathan.
He knew that
if he masqueraded himself
as a security member
of the Facebook team...'d trust it
and click on the link.
So what do we do?
I thought we seized
all of his devices.
We did.
Unless he's using another one.
One that we didn't know existed.
But how do we find him?
There is one way.
I'm gonna need the list
of local IP addresses
we ruled out before.
If he is still in Haney,
the chance that he's using
one of the same wifis
as before is high.
If that's the case,
I'm betting
one of those local
IP addresses we ruled out
belongs to a device
we didn't even know existed,
like a secondary phone
or a laptop.
Got it.
Tracking him now.
- Got him!
- That's gotta be it.
- I need a team!
- I'm on it.
Keep tracking him.
Yeah, you bet.
Hey, are you still
getting the signal?
It's still
coming from the house,
but I don't know
how long that will last.
Just get there. - I'm on it.
All this time,
he was keeping track of us
like the back of his hand.
Our conversations,
our whereabouts,
all of it.
He was spying on us
like animals.
I just really hope
Detective Holland
puts an end to all of this.
She will.
She has to.
Haney PD, open up!
Sweep the main floor.
I'm going up!
The rest
of the house is clear.
It's like nobody lives here.
Where the hell could he be?
He's not here!
He's rerouting his IP address
off of multiple servers at once.
He must've found a way
to signal his location
off of different servers
as a decoy.
He's manipulating the grid
to camouflage his true location.
I've got to see
if I can track him.
He's trying to run.
Set up a perimeter.
No one is leaving town
until they go through
a checkpoint.
This is a person who would hide
and be on the defense
rather than the offense,
but if you look hard enough,
they're usually hiding
right under your nose.
Stop the car!
Hands behind your head!
It's over!
He wiped
all of his drives ahead of time,
so his computer
didn't give us much ammo.
We've just gotta wait
on the FBI crime labs,
and, hopefully,
they can dig deeper.
Let's hope he's got
another device
hidden here somewhere.
So no phone, no tablet,
no flashdrives, no nothing?
We have to find
something to hold him
and prove
he violated the court orders
and contacted the girls.
There's a crack
in this gaming console.
There's something in here.
We got him.
We got him.
Ms. Emma Lawrence,
would you please
come up to the stand
and read
your victim-impact statement?
I didn't exactly know
what I would say coming up here.
But I'm here.
And I'm still standing.
There was a time
when I wished I was invisible,
when I felt so small
that I just wanted to disappear.
But I'm standing here
because I want everyone
to see me for who I am...
...a daughter,
a sister,
a fighter.
Not your victim.
The truth is,
I learned who I was
throughout all of this.
You tried to break me,
but I became stronger.
You tried to silence me,
but I found my voice.
You tried to hold me back,
but you couldn't.
You couldn't
because whatever amount of power
you thought you had over me...
...well, it doesn't exist.
You manipulated us,
betrayed our trust,
and used our most intimate
and vulnerable secrets
against us.
And you didn't care,
because girls like us
are just...
to people like you.
But we're not your victims.
We're strong,
and we're resilient...
...and for
the rest of your life,
you'll regret that
you ever messed
with girls like us.
Thank you,
Miss Lawrence.
You may leave the stand
when you are ready.
That was great.
You did so good.
Did I really?
Will the defendant
please rise?
Mr. Reilly,
in accordance
with your plea agreement,
you are hereby sentenced
to 20 years and eight months
in a federal penitentiary.
Not too shabby.
I think it'll do.
How are you?
I'm-- I'm good.
I'm really good, actually.
I mean, it'll take some time,
but I'm in therapy,
and I'm getting through it,
thanks to you.
You don't have to thank me.
I should be thanking you.
Your bravery
changed this town.
And it actually changed me, too.
Hey, it's Holland.
Okay, got it.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- I'm on my way.