Cecilia (1983) Movie Script

Good morning, Kan!
Good morning, ma'am!
Nice of you to have come
and got me,
I appreciate it.
If I may say so, ma'am,
it's a pleasure.
How did you know
I was coming?
I simply guessed.
You simply guessed it...
by checking
every passing car?
Don't you like me anymore?
Would it make
any difference?
Where are you going?
That's not the way
to the house.
It's the way to mine
and my brothers' house.
Never mention them again.
I've heard enough about
your terrible brothers
as it is!
Yeah! I know!
Three little
The boss fired...
they were peeping...
watching you undress...
hiding on the balcony
to look at you
taking your clothes off!
But there's a catch to it:
You knew it,
and you were deliberately
provoking them...
as you're provoking me!
That will do!
I want you to stop!
I'm not
taking orders anymore.
I just quit...
this very minute!
Stop the car!
Leave me alone.
Oh! No! Please!
Leave me alone!
Oh! No!
Leave me alone!
You bastards!
Oh, please stop it!
Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Oh yes!
O h yes!
You see...
you see,
I did lead them on.
What happened to you,
my love?
I was very worried.
I'll kill them for this!
There's something
I've got to tell you!
It's monstrous!
My wife violated by two
filthy pigs!
I didn't tell you all this
so you'd go and turn
the thing into a tragedy.
I don't want you to think
in terms of killing,
of punishing...
of revenge.
We've been married now
for over two years.
You know
I fell in love with you
from the moment
I saw you in Paris.
I left the man
I loved...
And I divorced.
My very dear friend!
I'd like to introduce you
to my niece, Cecilia.
Oh, she'll take
good care of you.
Yes, she adores
plush nightclubs,
and Latin playboys!
It looks like
a very, very nice party!
Yes, and I hope that we're
going to enjoy ourselves.
Ah, Cecilia!
May I present Andre,
son of the departed
Comte de la Motte.
Your father is dead,
isn't he?
Good evening, my friend.
You look in
pretty fine shape!
I am, thank you!
Just great!
Never felt better
in my Iife.
Thanks for inviting me,
it's a great party.
dance with Andre.
Oh, she doesn't look it,
but she's ever so shy.
You're so sweet!
You didn't see Hamlet...
with those dwarfs?
Simply divine!
You mean, you saw dwarfs?
Oh, it was beyond words!
''On s'en fout,
nous on s'aime! ''
What's that mean?
That's another one
that we'll miss, heh.
Come on!
Look at that over there!
- It's beautiful!
- Yes!
Great eh?
And right over there...
is the River Seine!
You want to see
the Cathedral?
Let's climb
all the way up.
All the way up there?
I'll race you!
You better be fast!
You want to bet?
I'll tackle you
flat on your bum
if you dare beat me
to the top!
Look at this!
You know, I think
I've just changed my mind.
Let's go
for a drink instead.
You're a sissy!
And then,
we got married.
And you brought me here...
into your world...
your land...
your life at the embassy.
Weren't you happy?
I was very happy...
yes, very happy!
I was yours -
body and soul,
for two years...
yours alone.
I'd never been faithful
to anybody before you.
The first few months
were marvelous,
deliciously exhausting!
We made love
for nights on end.
Then gradually...
it's true,
our passion died down.
I still love you.
So do I.
Our love
will last forever.
I could never love
another man ever again.
Nor I another woman.
When we made love today,
when I came back,
it felt like it used to,
in the beginning
when we first met.
I came so much,
I thought I'd faint!
And, do you know why?
I'm very conscious of it.
It's because these two boys
made me come so much,
I went mad.
They managed
to bring out in me
an extraordinary
The animal in heat!
making love with you...
came close to...
absolute happiness!
I desired you
like the first time.
Didn't you notice it?
And, in one single hour,
I gave you...
more love
than I'd even given you
over the past two years!
And I felt no shame
about my body,
which others
had just possessed.
Because genuine love
has nothing to do
with violent,
carnal desire.
Don't you believe so, Andre?
What are you
leading up to now?
I want you
to understand something
which is very important.
Wouldn't it be far,
far better, my love,
if we left our senses
a certain freedom?
You know what I mean...
If we renounced
physical fidelity?
It wouldn't
necessarily mean...
that we would cool
to each other...
or, that we'd grow bored.
Or, that we would become
indifferent to each other.
Do you mean that you've
had enough of me?
Of course not!
Tell me,
over the past two years,
didn't you ever desire
another woman?
Yes, I did.
But we didn't make it.
You want me to swear?
But you were mentally
unfaithful to me.
Now, will you admit it?
Why not just be sincere?
Why not always try
to live with the truth?
It might be better...
far better to admit
that I couId love somebody
with all my might,
but enjoy sex
with another...
And that coming back to
the one you want and love
is the biggest thrill!
Who could have thought of that?
I never hoped
for such a thing.
Ah, I won the race!
I wouldn't mind a kiss
from my loving husband.
I'm sure you'll have
no trouble finding a man
who'll kiss you
far better than me.
And if I'm right,
a kiss from me
would probably bore you.
Looks like we're in
for stormy weather.
I can't stand it anymore,
Alright, tell grandmother
all about it.
Come on;
don't make fun of me.
I'm making fun of him!
No man
loved by a woman like you
has a right
to get angry at her.
I mean it.
Help me, Antonin!
I propose we drink
to friendship!
Yes, let's drink
to friendship!
And now, to love!
To freedom!
Yes, to freedom.
I'll drink to that.
My dear guests...
I think...
I think I'd better
beg your permission
to retire now.
I think I'm drunk...
wine, brandy, cocktails
and whatnot...
would you mind...
helping your grandmother
to her room?
You will, huh?
You don't mind, huh?
Jingle bells,
jingle bells,
jingle all the way...
all the way...
You want to dance?
Why not?
Exactly what
do you want?
I want to
make love with you.
Roll me over
in the clover!
Roll me over!
Put me down!
You don't have
to play the part
of the drunk and decadent
marquis any longer.
How was I, huh?
That was no part.
I am a drunk
and decadent marquis!
Do you think
we've got a chance?
She likes the idea,
and she'll pull it off.
It seems to me
that a lot of women
seduce men
just to prove to themselves
that they're beautiful
and utterly irresistible.
And, making love is,
for many of them,
a formality afterwards.
And, what about me?
You too, my sweet friend!
Don't tell anybody,
because you'd damage my
reputation as a man-eater!
But you are
a real man-eater!
And you'd want...
quite a few of them!
You're all excited!
What excites me
is the way you speak.
We'd better get back to
the dining room,
don't you think?
We've got to stick
to our timing.
So soon?
That's what I call
fast work!
I can explain!
Wait a minute, Cecilia!
You're a macho,
that's what you are.
You machos can do
anything you please.
It doesn't mean a thing,
For Christ's sake,
let me explain!
Go ahead, explain.
wait a second!
Listen to me.
Let me tell you.
Let me explain.
open the door!
Come on!
Thank you
for the lesson.
I love you and I want you
more than ever!
Andre, it's funny,
but it feels like
my life began
- the day I met you!
- You mean that, darling?
- You love me?
- Very much!
You know, it's kind of
weird being in this house,
like being thrown
into the past.
Come on!
Let's go in
and join the others.
The house
is still beautiful!
Ah, so there you are!
We'd almost given up
on you,you know?
Nice to see you.
How are you?
So, you're still in love!
Some people
have all the luck!
I'm so glad to see you.
Oh, come on,
let's join the crowd.
May I present my niece.
She doesn't live in Paris,
We've known each other
for a long time.
Of course.
What's the matter with me?
You owe me half a dance;
Yes, of course.
See you later.
They look good together,
don't they?
Yes, they do at that.
Ah, come one, Andre.
Why are you looking so sad?
Oh, she isn't lost,
you know.
He'll bring her
back to you.
Enjoy yourself!
Let's enjoy ourselves too!
Come on; cheer up!
Somebody told me
that your first novel
was autobiographical.
Yes, one day,
I sat down and decided
to write a story
about my first abortion.
What do you call it?
'Neither Virgin,
Nor Martyr'.
Wow, that should sell!
That is one
hell of a title.
Come on,
don't be such a prig!
Will you come
and dance with me?
Oh, of course.
Cheer up, young man!
A beautiful flower
for a beautiful lady!
What's wrong?
Listen to me, Cecilia.
I've wanted you
for years and years.
--listen to me!
-- For Christ's sake!
Will you leave me alone!
Cut it out!
They won't miss us,
--let's get away.
-- You're crazy!
Stay here,
just a moment!
Come on,
let go of me!
Listen to the birds,
how happy they sound.
They do!
so close to Paris --
and yet so far!
Oh, there you are!
Ah, bravo!
Oh, congratulations!
Oh, you were marvelous!
I was?
You're too modest;
I want to congratulate you.
If that's the way
you feel about it.
Oh, yes, you were sublime,
the way you held on to her.
-- Gave me a thrill.
-- What are you talking about?
Yes, you did, and I'll
have you know, my friend,
we both expected
no less from you.
What a wonderful display
of mastery!
Sheer mastery!
You were
too much for words!
Last week on television,
we lost the cup.
Ah, tragedy!
We would have kept it
if your horse
hadn't tripped.
Tough luck!
Oh, yes.
So, that's what
you're talking about.
We're going to love,
and want each other
more than ever.
Yes, you know
the way I feel.
You're not only my wife
and my mistress --
You're also --
my confidant.
Well, now --
Now, we can do anything
we want to!
Not quite.
We can't love
anybody else --
nor be infatuated.
The love we feel
for each other
must remain...
the greatest.
Of course, darling.
But then, we've
got to tell each other
everything --
everything we do.
You know, I read
in a book a long time ago
about lovers
who came to an agreement.
They allowed themselves
total freedom
to make sure
that they'd stay faithful.
That's what we'll do.
Want to know
what happened next?
She killed him
with jealousy.
And you --
Would you
have done it too?
Of course!
I would have done
the same thing.
And you?
I don't know.
Maybe the same.
Who are your friends?
No idea!
I just met them.
I met them yesterday
at the riding club.
They're a strange couple.
I hope they're fun --
we throw them overboard.
The way i tlooks to me,
she can hardly wait
to get me into bed!
And he brings incestous ideas.
If it's that funny,
would you mind
letting me in on it?
Sure, why not.
That's what we do
for a living.
I used to be a pretty good
classical dancer, but --
when George finished school,
I whipped up this act here
we have together.
And can George
do this?
I don't get it.
He's my son.
I had him
when I was just fifteen.
How old
does that make him now?
Is it true
you make love with him?
I'm a bit leery
what people say.
I taught him on several occasions.
Who could have
taught him better than me?
And what does society
have to say about you?
No, that's precisely
why we moved here.
We earned
quite a bit of money
since we started
working together.
We just bought ourselves
a club in town.
Will you be
putting on your act there?
Of course!
I hope you'll
come to see me.
In fact,
we may come every evening.
It's hard to believe
you have a son!
You've got
marvelous breasts.
I'd like mine
to be as nice.
Don't be an idiot.
Your breasts are --
Yes, ma'am.
My husband isn'there yet?
No, ma'am.
The telephone
isn't working.
I called to get it fixed.
Will you run me a bath?
Andre, where are you?
I'm still downtown.
Yes, but where?
I'm at Madam M's place,
with three pretty girls
straight off the farm --
They're helping me forget
yesterday's inanities.
I want you.
So do I.
I'll tell you all about it
when we make love.
Will you belong?
It depends --
I'm smack
in the middle of things.
You're a pig.
I love you!
So do I.
Will you pour me another
glass of that crap?
Yes, sir.
You're not
from around here.
You must be Portuguese;
they're all over
the goddamn place.
Come back.
Oh - come in, lady.
What can we do for you?
They're all family:
Come on?
Would you mind
driving the car back?
I'd rather not.
I'm glad you came, ma'am.
You made us all very happy.
I'm happy too, Al.
How will you get home?
I don't mind
walking a bit --
don't mind.
I wanted to tell you --
about my brother, Kan.
How should I tell you --
he loves you.
He shipped out
on a boat.
He was gone
a long while.
He wants to see you.
He told me...
Then why did he go away?
He's a proud man.
I've got to run.
Hello, Kan.
Morning, ma'am.
If you want to go in
for a swim,
I'll take care
of your horse --
like I used to.
You can count on me.
From here on in,
I'll do whatever you say.
Kan, I'm so glad
that you're back.
Me too.
Who's there?
Oh, sir!
What is it?
The missus' horse
comes back alone.
Do you know
what time she left?
No, sir.
She must have left
bright and early.
I didn't hear her leave.
Why did you come back?
You preyed on my mind.
You lived in me
like an obsession.
I had to come back
and hold you in my arms.
I had to tell you
I love you.
I don't love you.
I know.
A lady like you
could never fall in love
with a guy like me.
I've got to ask you, Kan.
Please don't try
to see me again.
Okay, I won't!
In any event --
my boat leaves
tomorrow morning.
That's the reason why
I followed you today ;
it was my last chance.
Would you be gone
a long time?
Who knows.
The best thing
is to forget you.
Yeah, try to forget.
When I'm anywhere near you,
I live through you --
I breathe through you --
I sleep through you --
It's more than I can bear.
Cecilia --
you know, I've been
all over the world --
but the sea
was the same --
It made me think --
of the waves
right on this beach --
on your naked body --
That the wind,
which blew in my hair --
was going to tousle yours.
Go away!
Go away, you hear!
Okay, I'm going.
But I won't come back.
I don't want
to see you anymore.
Me neither,
my wonderful love.
Let's say goodbye here.
My husband
must be looking for me.
I'll close my eyes
so I won't see you go.
My ship leaves
tomorrow at dawn.
I'll have the whistle
blown three times --
once for each time
we made love.
Maybe you'll hear it
from your room.
You frightened me!
Well, so did you.
When your horse
came back alone,
I was so afraid something
had happened to you.
Something did happen.
I was swimming
when she --
bolted away
for some reason.
Bravo! Bravo!
Why are they applauding?
I didn't like her at all.
She bored me.
I'm better than that.
Show us then.
There's nothing to it.
I could do it better.
That little bitch
turns you on, right?
Well, I thought
she was pretty good.
What did you call her
a bitch for?
that's what she is.
That makes three of us.
So am I.
And if that gets
a rise out of you,
wait till
I'm through with you!
that's enough.
Easy does it.
I'm still thirsty.
I want another drink.
You think I'm drunk?
Well, I'm not.
I'm as sober
as a teetotaling judge.
And if you think
she put on a show,
wait till you see mine.
Come on!
Wait and see!
That's enough now!
She's pissed.
come back here.
Come and dance.
Come on now,
that's more than enough.
Come back here!
The bitch!
Fucking A!
Come on!
That does it!
We're going home.
Comeon; get up!
Come on!
The party's over,
come on!
How about that, eh?
The dancing girl!
What do you know?
Hang on!
I can tell
she's going to run.
She just might at that.
Well, let's catch her.
What good do you think
that will do you, huh?
How the hell can she run
so fast?
Come on, you guys!
Leave me alone!
Stop it!
No! You don't know
what you are in for!
So you finally
came around!
Any idea where he is?
But I know
who he is with.
Her name is Ruth,
and she's American.
She's the daughter
of an oil magnate --
or, is it gas?
How could he
leave this way --
knowing the state I'm in?
When they found you
that day in the weeds,
in pretty bad shape --
raped --
he said,
''I hope she'll be okay.
In any event,
she probably got a big kick
out of the whole thing.''
When you came to,
and it looked like
you'd be alright --
he went away with Ruth,
whom he'd met
a few days before.
Where did they go?
They left for the Far East.
But I don't know
exactly where,
or, how long
they'll be gone.
He said
you'd understand --
He said
you had made a pact,
and that you
didn't stick to it.
So, he knows about Kan?
Of course.
is an intelligent man.
All he had to do
was bring Kan's coat
back to his brothers.
What can I do?
The question is:
do you still love Andre?
I do!
I swear I love him!
You know, this thing with
Kan was just plain crazy.
It was --
well, poetry --
And poems are usually
very short -- too short.
We're the ones who shorten
poetry to our measure.
Poor woman!
With or without freedom,
we remain -- victims.
Always the victim --
of a man's world.
And you know why?
It's because we're
slavesof love, that's why.
That's how it is.
We may try our best --
but, it'suseless.
Just try to relax.
Calm down!
And don't think
about him anymore.
Don't think about him!
He doesn't deserve you
any more than
the others do.
You're right.
I love you, darling.
Andre is here --
He told me everything.
He can't live without you.
All these girls --
and there haven't been
that many.
It was just
to make you jealous.
He doesn't want to keep on
living this absurd way.
You decide --
Either it's him,
or it'sher.
He'll wait downstairs
for a few minutes.
If you don't come --
he'll leave,
and never come back.
Is this for good?
It's for good.