Chak De! India (2007) Movie Script

Go for it. Go for it.. Go for it.. . lNDlA.
Go for it. Go for it.. Go for it.. . lNDlA.
National sports stadium is filled with audience.
Last two minutes of the final matcb of World Hockey
Championship Tournament.
lndia is behind Pakistan by 1 goal.
lndian captain Kabir Khan who is in his best format
the team with vigour.
For the suspence of the audience.. .
.. tension is on the faces of lndian and Pakistani official.
When these 2 nations figbts, the tempo becomes high
for the audience.
Just 2 and 1/2 minutes left... Something has to be done
for lndia.
Ball is witb the Pakistani defender.
Utham singh bas taken tbe possession of the ball from
Pakistani defender and moving forward.
lndia has gota Penalty stroke.
This is the last chance to save from losing tbe match
at the last minute of the game.
Now we will see who's taking the stroke.
With the decision of the team Captain Kabir Kban
takes the stroke.
The entire nation is watching Kabhir Khan.
Hello... where is Kabir?
Can you explain what happened on the ground?
Do you think that Pakistani team is better tban lndia?
May be.. .
Why did you take the penalty stroke at the last minute?
lts my mistake.
We heard that tbe player on tbe other side is
your friend.
We heard that tbe player on tbe other side is
your friend.
Because you hugged and shaken hands with bim
after the match.
Excuse me.
We heard that some one from your team purposely
lost the match.
Excuse me.
Tell us about the transaction and bribery of this deal.
What do you say?
Kabir Khan, ls there any money transaction on this
lt has come clear.
His anger and figbt agains us confirms the conclusion..
There is something behind tbis bribery scandal.
We got our conclusion.
Now it is your turn to decide whether Kabir Kban
is a Traitor or not.
Sathyavritav Yadav, National Stadium, New Delhi.
lmportant News: Pakistan beat lndia by 1 Goal at the
Mens World Cup Hockey Championship.
Greetings. You are watching AAJ TAK.
Today we are here to say that the lndian Hockey
issued notice to decide about Kabir Kban
after losing the match today.
Now its you the lndian public to decide on this issue.
We have two people here to discuss the issue.
Do you think Kabir Khan lost the match purposely to
l don't know whether he purposely lost or not.. But
they have lost it.
What do you think?
We must turn this kind of people upside down.
What do you think? This kind of people sbould have
sent to Pakistan during partition.
We don't know the whereabouts of Kabir Khan.
We couldn't locate him neither Hockey Stadium nor
lndian Sports
Authority Complex. Where is Kabir Khan?
Don't look backwards.. Lets go..
How come l not see? Kabir.
Your Grandpa saved every little penny to brought this
He struggled so much from his first savings.
lt hurts a log son.. .
Let us find some peace.
You see tbey will come to know the truth one day.
Don't look at that son.. .
lf you don't want, don't see anything... But l wantsee
Lets go from here.. .
Father. l want to see the Traitor. See.. Look.. .
l'll give the tiffen to them. Are you crazy? You want go
against the village people?
Whats your decision?
What ? Everytime you bring the same thing.
What do you want to do for the coach?
Now you tell me.. .
ln 3 months time tbere is a womens worldcup bockey
Time will gojust like that.
Let itgo. What is with that?
lndian Womens Hockey team can do nothing.
lts a govenment tour.
You also do something and go with them.
As it is, they will be finished within 3 or 4 matches.
As it is, they will be finished within 3 or 4 matches.
Thats why, you take Mrs. V adera and enjoy the tour
l don't understand, why you don't take seriously about
womens hockey team.
l don't understand why you take so serious?
They are lndian women. They can't play wearing
l'm sorry.
How come you guys talk like this sitting here at the
association office?
We are in association, public is watching thats l say
these words.
For that 1 players coming from differentstates.
Tamil Nadu
Andhra ailways.
Even from Mizoram and anipur
Where did you get a coach for them?
From the moon! Just kidding
You tell me this is it tbe girls mistake?
Not their.. lts people like you who are behind.
We must have atleast media coverage, tv channels
and sponsors.
Now tell me which coach will forward for womens
hockey team leaving his career. You tell me.
ls there anyone? Nobody.
There is one person.
Whos that?
Who? Kabir Khan.
ls that the same person? Yes.
When did be get the interest in womens hockey?
He went away long ago. lts long time no see..
Now you see him.
Where? 0utside.. At the eception.
We must capture the opponent teams strategy for the
using our brain.
Goal will come by itself.
Sir, They are calling you inside.
How many years since.. .? 7 Years. 3 Months... and.. .
What have you been doing all these days?
Preparing for tbis meeting.
He wants to become the coach for lndian Womens
Hockey Team.
Kabir Sir. You not a kid.
You must be knowing tbat country like ours keep
hockey team for tbe name sake. Not for the job.
As it is your reputation is already.. l mean.. .
.. you want to bring back your reputation witb
this team..
Team like this will never win even with an european
school team.
l need a team like that.
What do you mean? l can't understand.
You can't understand.
May l take it like l am appinted.
As it is you don't have any alternative coach.
l have done my job.
Even now you think it again.
l thought about it.
This is not a Team.. lts a Grave yard.. .
Why do you step into it?
This team won't get better coach than you.
Butyou think about you..
l'm thinking the same...
You have changed a lot.
l haven't changed. Nothing has changed.
You are not responsible for that match. You have been
very hard for the match.
But they killed me, my team and my nation.
But they killed me, my team and my nation.
Against my family wishes.
Kabir. Why did you come back here?
l am going to bring the World Cup with this team.
Which is not possible.
When is your 1 girls are coming?
Tomorrow from differentstates.
Listen sister. They are notallowing me to leave from
this Hockey association.
Here is the Human being players. Tbey say the same
ls she from the ailways? Whats her name?
vidya. vidya Sharma.
l heard she got married.
Why is she here? She has come.
You are asking 10o rupees, do you keep tbis meter on
your head?
Meter is faulty. You have to give 1o0.
Whom are you talking? l am talking to you and lf you
are in punjob you will be..
Don't get angry, it will damage your brain.
You are not telling anything at him?
He is my child or you are my cbild?
Hey Komal.. .
See how you are playing infront of your dad.
You come here to play this.
l'll take care of you. You don't worry.
Lets get into the car.
My dear.. Your grand fathers, fore fathers played this
lts ourfamil tradition.
Now its your turn. Keep yourfamily in mind.
Name please? Ah.. .
l am asking your name.
Surmayi.. l am not asking about your healtb. Your
Surmayi.. ls it your name?
Yes.. . Tell me your full name?
Surmuyi Kelketta.
She doesn't know english.
Who are you? ani.
Haven't you come from any mental hospital?
what do you want? ani Distotha
We are not amleela drama people. Stadium will
notavailable before Diwali. Go.
Ammorni Govt. High School, Jharkand.
Name? Nethra eddy.
Are you adarasi?
Not tamil, Telugu.
Yeah.. . Whats the difference between Tamil or Telugu?
Just like Punjabi or Bihari.
How these beauties are made with choclate
ice cream with vanila, butterscotcb?
How these beauties are made with choclate
ice cream with vanila, butterscotcb?
lf they go to disco or nite club defenitely everyone will
What they are players? Let them come.. we will play..
Who will make them understand? Ji.. whos tomotos and
whos potatos.
Everyone is looking. lt looks like they are nepalis.
Mouli amage, anipur. Marry alter, izoram.
Wow.. Players come all over lndia.
You are my Guests. what happened?
Are you thinking something?
You be happy with your countires guests.
Then Bindyalaya.. How are you?
Fine.. Wbatelse..
How is your injury Guljar? lt will go on by itself.
You are seniors, and be like seniors.
Everything will be fine.
Sukram, you have become more old.
My name is Kabir Khan.
l am the coach for lndian Womens Hockey which will be included you people.
ls everone here? Yes.. but except one.. .
Priety Sabarwal.
eporting time is 10 O'clock right.
Excuse me.
ls this the place for registering for womens team.
lndian National Hockey Teams registration is over.
Bloody hell.. .
l am Preity Sabarwal.
Bloody hell... Preity Sabarwal
You are very late. Try next year.
Sorry.. Next year.
Sorry.. Next year..
Everybody fall in line please.
Go and line up everyone.
Chandigarh.. ls this chandigarh team?
But l'm the captain of a state team. And lam tbe coacb
of the
lndian National Womens Team.
l won't hear or see any state.
l hear only one countries name. Thats lNDlA.
ln this team there is no place for late comers.
Everyone understand that?
lf not you to take Chandigargh train.
Now everyone come to front and introduce yourselves.
You. Balbir Gaur, Punjab.
Go outside and wait.
Komal Chuttana, Haryana.
Mouli Jammic, Manipur. out.. .
Netbra eddy, Andhra Pradesb. 0ut.. .
achna Prasad, Bihar. Out...
Gola Sqora, aharashtra. 0ut.. .
vidya Sharma, lndia.
Mmm.. vidya Sharma, lndia.
Little bit louder...
vidya Sharma, lndia.
Thank you. You are on the team.
ls there anyone else who play for states or railways?
Listen carefully and understand now. l'm not going to
l need players for tbis team, only those who play for
With team spiritall together.
lf not you can as you wish.
lts not for getting government job and flat.
Balbir Gaur, lndia. Komal Gazzara, lndia.
Mouli Jimmic, lndia. Nethra eddy, lndia.
athna Prasad, lndia. Nicola Squara, lndia.
vidya sharma, lndia. Gaulik Bahr, lndia.
ani Discotta, lndia. Surmuyi Kerketta, lndia.
Neena Fernandez, lndia.
Marry azt, lndia. Haliya Bose, lndia.
Gunjan Lakkani, lndia. Bindiya Nayak, lndia.
Priety Sabarwal, lndia.
Move, move...
Sister, You are Bindya Nayak, igbt.
And you bave played many world matches, right.
So what? l'm happy to meetyou.
Can you dance?
Can you dance?
This is my bed.
You go there and sleep.
Forget it.. . Correct.
Hello.. l'm Nethra. vidya.
Yeah. l know. l saw you scoring 4, 5 goals at the
south zone tournament.
My time and luck was good.
For good people, luck will always be with them.
She has taken treatment for the stomacb pain.
You take treatment like this?
l don't know what you guys say?
l'm coming from Jharkand.
Jungle.. There are jungles.
So you come from Jungle.
You don't beat anyone right.
Whatare you doing girl?
Sorry.. Don't say sorry, just take your bags, thats
What are you doing?
This is my bag.
l've kept such a big box and you kept iton it.
So what?
l kept the box first, so bed becomes mine.
Do you think bed belongs to you because
you kept the box?
Then wbat? Have you ever traveled by bus on roads?
l reserved it first.
But my name is on the list for this place.
You have broken it.. .
Hey.. . Come here.. .
Come here.. .
Every fight will not end immediately.
They keep something inside.
Until you get a cbance.
Gitwal, Get down.
Come here with us.
l've been told that 1 of you have been selected
out of 50 crore women in this country.
This sounds nice and bad too.. .
Now l'm going to tell my decision on this.
For me only 16 girls has come, which is a shock to
Don't keep anything other than this.
We are playing or running for marathon.
We have done enough after getting up at 4am.
He doesn't know how to treat the national level players.
lts you?
Take your positions. What happened?
whats your proble?
Yours is rigbt side position right. Sir.. .
l think you better take the right side position.
l used to take centre forward position with baryana
Then go and play with the Haryana team.
Everybody is in position.
Hi.. Coach told me to play on tbe forward line.
You go home and play.
Do one thing?
You go and play with them. But coach sir.. .
Can you do whatever he says?
But coach.. .
Coach will come and go.
But you are living with us, right.
Look.. Everyone goes to drink water. Go..
And listen, don't take my name.
what happened?
Every year l play forward position.
But in tbis team you play only centre.
This team or that team...
Makes no difference to me.
But its a problem for the team.
You are senior and strong player.
Team requires you at the Center balf.
Go to your new position.
Sit outside and let others play. 0ut.. .
Sit outside and let others play. 0ut.. .
Komal.. Komal.. .
What is it? l've made the goal.
Did you see whatshe done before?
l know what l'm looking at.
When sbe put the goal, nobody went near.
When you put the goal she was with you and in
scoring position?
Yeah.. Look at her..
When she makes mistake, you keep quite.
Come bome. l'll let you know who am l.
Sad we got him as coach.
Coach.. God is not with him.
very good.. Hands, closer.. .
Ah.. Lets relax.
Hey look.. .
lf you angry, will pour chilly sauce so everything comes
Stop. Whats happening?
You knew that she doesn't speak Punjabi.
l was coming on tbe right side.
Say sorry to her.
l never asked sorry with anyone.
You must have given witb the ball.
l know before and avoided playing with the Jungle
You get so much angry?
Looks like you take his head away. Shall l take yours?
Sir, how many does we are going to keep them
like tbis?
l don't know.
l don't tbink they will all play together.
Playing hockey is long way ahead.
Before that we must teach them something else.. .
Good Evening.
Look. New sleeping room.
According to the old list.
But the list is no more..
Hey.. Go back to your place.
No girl sbould stay with a girl from the same state.
Coach has told us.
Let him keep on telling. l am notchanging.
Everyone has changed. lf you bave any problem, talk
to the coach.
Whole day sitting on tbe bench and nigbt also they
won't leave us.
They are running a national camp or refugee camp.
No. This is also no need. Letevery one siton the bench.
How are you? lt bas become big proble.
l come here..
But l can'tcome. lts my brother-in-law Sameers sister
Dad asked me to call you.
But akesh you know that this is National Camp.
Dear, we come first then only the playing.
But dad.. Look we sent you to play there.
Now we are asking so you take the next bus and come
But dad.. Look we sent you to play there.
Now we are asking so you take the next bus and come
akesh, please understand. l can't come.
l have waited my entire life for this camp.
But vidya, you could wait i can't.
l can't wait for entire life for you. Tomorrow is the
lf you can come, come or else never come back.
They need wife, children and service.
But l have nothing else apartment from this Hockey
Your people also scared of you.
lf you want to go, go for one or two days.
But if l go never back.
This side or thatside.
But before marriage..
l told everything. They were all happy.
l got a flatand government job on sports quota.
Then what happened now?
Now they forget everytbing and need me.
Sometimes l think this is tbe fate for all the players.
Everybouse they play this.
Politics and Cricketcan be played.
But Hockey.. . little bit problem.
Have you ever heard of ohammed Bin Tukluk.
ls he smart?
He was an Emperor long ago.
Everyone tell him mental. entally ill.
He kept all the gold and silver and sbowed everyone
the bronze.
He is gone within 5 years.
very soon tbe coach will also go like that.
He will do anytbing.
You have so much brain, why don'tyou play the game?
He'll go very soon.
Association people will through him out.
Just few days.
Tukluk. Nice name. lsn't it?
Brindyalaya. Sit on the bench.
He will keep me on the bench until l say sorry infront of
This tukluk is fully becoming mad.
lts ok. We are also mad.
Sir.. . Sir.. .
Sir, e too want to play.
l am sorry.
l told you sorry. Lets go.
Sorry. Sorry.. Sorry.. .
She does a nice stroke.
You are praising your enemy.
Sister, Lets go play.. .
Sit quitely.
We will play only on our position.
l'll go.. lts been 7 days.. .
Sir, please forgive me.
Hey.. You forgive me or go to tbe police station.
lf you forgive me ourfight will end.
lf there is no fight, then we both will be clear.
No need to go the Police station.
Tell me. Forgive or go the police station?
Lets go.. .
We are reversing the play.
Defenders will attack and forward will defend.
Sorry sir.
Lets go and back them.
They lost tbe match with Pakistan on the
world Cup match.
He was the captain for the team, right.
Pakistans captain in lndian uniform.
Wbat are you talking?
Not me.. Everyone is talking the same.
Then how come he become coach?
This is lndia. Anything can happen here.
They were talking about the world cup.
They are going to send us to the world cup.
They are going to send us to the world cup.
What are doing here? Look who has come down.
Guest has come.
What happened? Any filmstar has come?
Abhimanu Singh. What?
You are just kidding. Go.. What?
Lets go see him. He has come to see someone.
l'll be his girl before she meets him.
Lets go see him.
She never told us. Sbe is getting married to him.
Kabir sir given ber leave until tomorrow morning.
Leave until tomorrow morning? What tbey will do at
lts confirmed. They are making me vice-captain.
ls it true?
Yeah.. l don't believe this.
l knew before, how many days they can postpone?
vice captain of the lndian Cricket team. Now l will have
watch and teach all seniors.
Now i can come to know how the team performs.
Get out of the way everyone, its my turn.
Now, you too leave all these things?
Whatshould l leave?
Your Hockey.
Come on babe. Just leave it.
Whatcan l do after leaving this?
wbat to do?...
Spend lavishly, be with me and travel tbe world witb
Live the life King size witb the King.
You are tbe wife of vice captain of the lndian Team.
l didn't tell you that.
Yesterday l spoke to your dad.
l told him l am ready and he said he will give you to me.
Thats it.. Engagement is over.
l havejust settled down my career.
Then my career?
Whatabout my career?
Yours, which career?
Now l am on the lndian Hockey Team.
Thats nota career Priety. lts just a stupid game.
So as cricket. Priety.. .
l knew you like this game.
But lets face it. where is cricket? and where is your
She is playing while dancing.
Lets leave it. We toojoin them.
Hey.. Lets go.. We have been sitting on this bench
for 7 days.
We are players notonlookers. Lets go.. .
Lets go.. .
l'll play such a game that l'll be in forward position, or
my name is not Bindiya Nayak...
nor bis name ohammed Bin Tukluk.
Sorry sir, lt will not bappen again.
Thank you sir...
ever thing is under control
lt must be under control.
lt was allmostoutof control.
igbt .. Left..
ight .. on your Left..
Fast ... Fast..
ight .. .. . Left.. .. .
To tbe ball
Fast... .Fast... .
Fast... .Fast... . keep on going...
Thank you..
That pass you move forward..
No players should bold the ball more then five seconds
you know how to coun't ? 5 4 3 2 1
Fast.. Fast ...
quick.. quick..
quick.. . make it fast.. fast.. .
what is your problem??
you are not concentrating on the ball
ight.. left.. .
now leave the ball
sitdown Go ight... .
look and pass..
Stop look and move forward
you must not move forward before the ball ..
do one thing carry the ball..
keep the ball in your pocket go and
play some wbere else.. ..
There is no need play here..
And you.. .
Why do you get angry..
you have to be gentle to your team members.
one more time if i hear you raise your voice
you will be out from the team
you are a center player and.. ..
.. .wrost senior player in the team you sbould know that
you are suppose to feed tbe ball them. not to dispose
ln ever team there can be only one
villain and thats me
Yeah.. girl
from where you come
Go back to your parents forger about playing Hockey.
what are you all looking at.. .
come on let's move..
ight Left
ight Left
ight Left
Krishnajee... ..
Give her water and take her out from the field
Quickly... ..
Hey.. .
This is what you call the best
Hockey players in lndia.. .
Going to compete in
world Hockey championsbip..
To go the world cub bring
prestige to lndia.
No discipline No commitment
What you all want to play Hockey??
Cannoteven play as a team
How to win the World Cup???
Whatare you looking there?
That is not belong to us .. .
Krishna jee take bere out from here.. .
ive been telling you all again again
tbat this team only needs players who only plays for
After that they plays for the team and tbere after
if there life to survive then its for them self..
After that they plays for the team and tbere after
if there life to survive then its for them self..
Now let startagain.. .
This is result of giving too much of respect to the
The bleeding flow is not stoping..
lve told you all before..
dont be as senior player..
He makes us wake up 4'o clock in the morning..
un for 2okms and
when you want play he will notalllowed you too play.. .
How much he care for us..
ls it very painful..
lt is very painful in the heart..
What was he calling ever one of us.. .
Hit with the ball.. .
He know that you do not how to speak
English but yet he stills want you to learn to speak.. .
He expect you to learn in one day. or
lf not you will be out from the team..
How can she just go like that..
you dont worry i will teach you.. .
how can he just remove her..
What is your oppinion Aleya..
he not concern about our welfare...
He just know how to scold us. only...
He treat us like a primary school student ..
We have got silver medail on the stage.
That wby we are here..
lf any one is a failure must be him only
he sole the final world cup match.. .
He left out team and game ..
How to tell i am felling shy too others.. .
ls it painful l have spray with me ..
how are you rekha.. i am ok
Doctor said that in 2 or 3 days time i can practice ..
have you gone mad
From today onwards there will be no more practice
From tomorrow no body will go to practice..
Look Bindya. you see..
We all know that you like him..
But you mustalso know that the team are here... .
How you want to stay you think aboiut it .. .
l have thaugbt about it..
the hockey assosation has only the right to decide
of how to run the team.. .
The way the run the team like before or
How Tukluk wants it to be...
Can all girls sign on this petition letter
ls either the coach or tbe team will remain here.. .
Girls please sign here ... .
Sir.. .
hmm eat.. .
is a little bit too much already
They are girls how much can they withstand
The pressure unless they are man .
tbis is notquestion of strength but it is the intention
To play in a team you dont require strengtb
your intention must be good .. .
they will treat you like an enemy ..
lf they make me as an enemy and they can be good
to make a team l considered it as a very small
sacrifice.. .
Why are you all gatbering here?
what's the problem??
The team does not want to practice with you
what nonsense you are telling..
we want to change the coach
l will hit you rightand proper
krishna jee why should we give way
to a person who bas sell the country.
shut up or else i will smack you
After 7' years i decided to make a come back
to the Hockey team.
The reason why i make a come back is because
l wanted to win back the glory whicb i and
my team had fail to do before
but today... ... ..
l've lost itagain... .
l dont have any difficulties
But l feel very painful tbat
l had force u all to play together with one and another...
iv'e thought you all to put the team before
you'r self and also to put lndia before your state..
you all have won and i've lost.. .
i have no regrets that i've lost to all of you but
l fell sorry for myself that i have lost to my nation.. .
Even after giving my sweat,blood my heart i can't
believe tbat
l had played with the Team and for life
l will be playing for the team.. .
l resigned as a coach of the state.. .
please reconsider your decision..
please reconsider your decision..
A good team in the making will be destroyed..
Today in tbis camp is my last day.. .
Before i leave
l want to take all staff for lunch..
lf any one of you want's to follow
You may come..
Anyway is not important...
Hi beautifulls come an joint us please come on..
she is very hot yaar
hey babe.. ..
hey.. . bey... .
You want tease girl come an tease me ..
sister hammer him hammer him ..
Stop wait wait
Not from behind.
be like a man fight from the front..
What is that? This will not happen in our Hockey.
Look. ls it a team or an army of evil.
As l said, you don't need the strength its only the
intention to win.
First time, l saw that intention on them.
Sir, what l want to say is.. .
.. i mean.. .
Whatever happened is happened. There is no point
of talking about it.
Hey girl.. Tell him..
Sir.. whatshe wants to say is..
What we wants to say is...
Tomorrow morning 5 A l want everyone
to be on the field.
We are to run 2kilometers extra today.
We are to run 2kilometers extra today.
How can you go?
Why? we are getting married.
What? You can't go on the 25th, we getting married
on the 2nd.
What? After asking your parents the date has been
finalised. Why you never ask me?
There is nothing to ask you. You want to marry me.
But not like this. l need time.
For what? l'm going to the World Cup.
what mad are you talking?
Will you postpone the marriage because of the
lf it is your Worldcup? Thats a different story.
Thats cricket world cup. lts very big.
This is also big for me.
Even bigger than marriage?
l've to go. Good night.
Go and play the Worldcup. lf you lose you'll be my wife.
lf you win also you'll be my wife.
lt'll not like that you come with the world Cup and
you'll be famous all over lndia.
happen or not, this will defenitely happen.
You have made a wonderful team. Yeah.. .
This team captain will be vidya.
Congratulations vidya.
He left us.
There is no chance left to talk.
First time something good happens. You must be part of
You have become partof it, right?
Bindya is totally upset. lt will be better if we keep her
in the team.
l don't know, Krishna a'am.
And it is notgood if we don't have an experience
We can't strike a deal with ber.
Without her we will win the match.
ls this is your world cup silver medal sir?
Whatare you doing with that?
l'm just trying to find a way to make gold.
lf l sell to the Theif arkt, l'll get the rigbt name.
Kabir sir.. .
lt'll be better if youforget about the worldcup.
Tell the girls too tbat you bad given tbem false dream.
But our plan is to prepare this team for the Worldcup.
ls there any paper that we have sigbned, so you can
bold our neck.
We discussed everything before my presence.
Now also we are talking in your presence.
Look.. Atleast the Mens team will bring the Bronze
But this team has been is ready for the Worldcup.
By cbance if the team is ready for the worldcup,
do you think we will send them? This team is not going
to worldcup.
Why are you snatching away from them and giving
it to tbe male counterpart.
You are so talented. Why are you talking about
things which you have no say?
We have to go.
Sir.. .
Lets arrange for a match.
Match between my team and your team.
l mean, between mens team and womens team?
Your team and my team.
lf they lose, they lose.. . lf they win, they will go to
Think carefully r.Kabir.
You want to lay a bet?
we have told you before also.
Lets have tbe match on day after tomorrow.
Atleast give them the time to prepare.
Day after tomorrow means day after tomorrow. Be
there by morning.
We will meet day after tomorrow morning on the field.
Lets go.. .
Sir.. We also need some practice.. . Come outside.. .
First thing we will not win. Even by fault.. By fault!
By fault also we can't win the match.
Think by how many goals are we going to lose.
Once we lose, they will talk forever.
Why are you putting us into big trouble?
Trouble.. .
Trouble.. .
l've all the confidence on the team.
Do you all have the confidence of yourselves?
Come on.. . Lets go.. .
Look.. .
You all are not playing against the Mens wishes.
Come on, Get ready... Lets go...
Don't think that the match is against 1 men.
You must sbow the entire nation that women can
better than man.
How good are the men also, that they don't do work.
They can'teven make simple decision.
Your match is against tbose fools.. .
They have forgotten, that the women has more power
tbat they can do anything.
Anything... mmm.. .
lts such a big matcb that is bigger than you and me.
Thats why l want to tell you all ''Play without fear''?
Join bands and play together.
Play with all your strength.. Play like this, Play like
that.. . But...
l want to say one thing.
Go for it.. .
Foul... This is foul.. .
Come on girls.. Well played.. .
lf it is enough, we can stop the match.
Sir, the match is not yet over.
Your girls can't even reach tbe mens area.
What they will do? Sir What are you... ... . Krishna ji.. .
He is telling the truth.
We already told you, where this indian women wearing
shorts can play the match.
where? You ask tbem?
Whatcan you do? What will you do?
Sir, You had a big fall?
Can you get up? or you need the girls for assitance?
Well done sister.. . Well done..
Well done sister.. . Well done..
You all played very well.. Good defence.. .
Well played girls.. .
Where should we send them to? 0h.. Them.. Yeah.. .
Send them.
Yes.. Yes... Kabir. World Championship. Yes.. .
Greetings. l'm Kapil varma welcomes you.
We are at the elbourne's Hockey Center and tbe first
match is
between lndia and times world champions Australia.
Both teams are infrontof eacb otber.
Australian team look like true champions.
Coach Kabir Khan with his contingent of players.
For the excitement of Audience, the match is about to
Within tbe first minute Australia got their firstgoal.
Within tbe first minute Australia got their firstgoal.
Whatare you doing? She will get the Card.
Balbir Kaur got an Yellow Card and the Australia got
a Penalty Corner which is dangerous for lndia.
Did you see, how rude sbe was? lts not her..
lts you.. .
No point in tbat. Give ber some water.
Coach Kabir Khans lastchance to save tbe matcb
by replacing one player.
Sister.. Sister.. . Where should l pass? why are you
asking me?
Ask your Captain.
Komal.. Pass it on to me.. What are you doing?
This is the whole lndian Sickness.. .
Because of the confusion, australia got another
Penalty Corner.
Match is over. Autralia 7, lndia 0.
This is very shameful for lndia.
Bindya.. Bindya.. .
What were you doing? Me.. Where?
What were you doing on the field?
From now on, you will not play the World Cup Match.
Whats so great about her?
What is great she bas that l don't have?
Your Captain, sir.
Since we have come so far on this issue,
lets talk freely.
There are no kids here. Neither you nor me.
Whatever she can do for becoming captain,
l can also do the same.
Much more tban that.
Now tell me sir.. .
Why can't l be a captain?
You have given the answer by yourself.
After the first matcb thrashing by Australia, lndias
of surviving in the tournament, looks very slim chance.
The only chance they have is to beat England in
tomorrows match.
Looking at their team form, there is no hope
for them to win the match.
Looking at their team form, there is no hope
for them to win the match.
You all must keep on passing to one another.
You've got 2o more minutes for practice.
Welcome to Melbourne. ln today's England from Group
playing with 2 points.
But lndia must win to save tbeir hope
to be in the Worldcup Tournment.
The English has challenged, they will score
more goals tban Australia.
Thats why, there is not enough audience on the
lndian players got better coordination than the
match. But Englands forward is still attacking.
Penalty corner and its a dangerfor lndia.
This time, lndia make no mistake.
Second half begins, againstall tbe odds lndia has not
conceded any goals.
Well done.. Well done.. .
Chautala set the ball for Priety. Long live.. Preity Long
Chautala set the ball for Priety. Long live.. Preity Long
Last 20 seconds of the match.. .
Without anyones expectation, lndia won tbe match
and keptalive the chance to be in the tournament.
Well done.. Well done.. .
We don't know wbat will happen next, but lndia
bas survived.
Sister.. Water please? You want me to give you a
Priety going ahead. Komal, don't let her go ahead.
Take your revenge on the next match.
Coach Kabir Khan's lndia team has surprised everyone
by going
top of the table in the tournament.
lf they win the Quarter Finals, they will advance
to the semi final. lf not they have to go out of the
Tomorrows clash is against Argentina, a team
that plays very rough and tough and they
had injured somany players in the tournament.
Take water and clean the wounds.
From this second, ball must be in our bands.
Balbir, you play your game.
Sir, l will crush them. Then you break them.
lf they beat two, you beat 4 of tbem.
lf they beat 4, you beat 8 or 9 of them.
Beat them nicely so that tbey must be scared of
holding the hockey stick.
lf anyone of them and block the way of Komal and
they should dare to come again.
We will attack.
Keep on attacking until they are broken
or we.
Coach Kabir Khan's lndian team has entered into
tbe semi finals.
Now lndian team will be meeting Korea. So far the
never allowed the opponents to come close to their
Goal post.
Man to man marking?
Behind every opponent tbey keep their players.
Tbats is their style of game.
lf it is like tbat, we can't even move also. Forget
our playing the game.
lf they play like this, who will be able to break them.
Their is one player.
whatyou say is true?
You have something extra ordinary thats something
sbe doesn't have.
Even others in the team don't have that.
Take this.
At tbis moment, lndia needs such an experienced
player like you.
The match is about to start. Go and break them.
As expected, korean team kept their players atevery
indian forward position to lock them up.
Komal, Preity, Haliya Bose three of them can't move
Substitution. No.5 Bindya Nayak come to the field.
Suddenly the lndian team changed the game totaly.
lndian defenders moving forwad and started attacking
which has confused tbe Koreans.
lts a Goal.. .
lndia enters into the worldcup final.
From the condition of the stadium you may guess the
of the lndian National Team.
and also the feeling of the coacb, few months ago
tbe indian sports authorities refused to send tbem to
the world cup.
and also the feeling of the coacb, few months ago
tbe indian sports authorities refused to send tbem to
the world cup.
Who knows the bestcentre forward of india can make
such an impact in this semifinal.
You are the one who can get high scorer of the
world championsbip trophy.
How can it be like tbat? Komal scored 8 Goals and
moving ahead.
You all having your own worldcup championship or
Hello.. Mr. Sukhlal, please speak little bit louder.
Sister, you bave done magic.
The team has done wonders. Your
blessings always with the girls.
Sister, tbat amleela group has come here. l told them
that this is lndian Women Hockey Team's ground.
We are waiting for our team. We won't give to anyone
Mr. Sukblal, please talk to them.
r. Sukhlal, we always remember your curd rice. You
bring tbe world cup and i'll make curd rice for the rest
of your life
Please don't lose.. Don't lose... No r.Sukhlal, we'll
come back dead but we will not lose the world cup.
Sir, what are you doing here?
Look at that.
First time l'm looking at an Englishman bringing up the
flag. We have come to the final and its not a dream.
What do you feel? lt must be a dream.
lts also a dream for you, right.
Today is an official reception night for both the
lnternational Hockey Federation is hosting tonigbts
Tonight they will forgetof winning or losing in
tomorrows final
to show tbe world the true spirit of sportsmanship.
ls it necessary to wear this saree?
l'll thrown water to save youfrom bad luck.
Nethra? What is that? Sir is calling ber.
What is it?
You mean.. .
Why did you call me here?
lts you who called me.
Am l crazy to call you here.
l called you all.. .
ls that you?
Why did you call us?
To inform you tbat we lose tomorrow's match.
Because, two of our players will make Australia to win.
No sir, Nothing like that.
What do you think? Australian coacb or players are
Can't youfeel that they knew two of our farward
do not pass tbe ball to each other.
What do you think? Won't they take advantage of it?
l don't know about her, but l'm with the team. Komal.. .
She also can't cheat you. Atleast you don't cheat
You left yourfamily and come to delbi to play Hockey.
But you are playing something else.
She was the one who started first.
And you finish it on tomorrow's match.
Hey, ls this your plan?
And you.. .
Preity Sabarwal.
Captain of chandigarh team
You was fainted when you wanted to come into the
But now you bave lostall your sense? Why?
You are all nota child.
You know very well that, if you both don't play together
we will lose the match.
The same tbing happened to an lndian team at the final
that tbey have lost the match.
How heavy is the burdon of the lose?
You will not be able to understand.
But when you understand
You can't take it.
Both of you don't have the strength.
And no one else has that kind of strength.
You both knew wbats tbe problem between you.
l only know that whether you play together or not.. .
.. the restof the team will figbt together witb australia.
lf necessary they will also go against you.
lf necessary they will also go against you.
Now both of you will play together with the team.
Whatever happens, l'll be the leading scorer.
So, What do you want to show me?
l am notshowing it to you.
l want to show to a man, what a woman can do.
l'll be the leading scorer.
l'll see bow it will happen.
Tbe night has come for which
we all have been eagerly waiting for.
Tonight is the Womens Hockey World Championship
such a final
will happen.
Because current and times world cbampion team
Australia will clash with a team that has come as a
and that team has captured heart of the people with
their performance..
A lot of difference between winning peoples hearts and
the world cup championship.
This is coach Kabir Khans team's biggest test.
ln today's final test what would be Coach Kabir
Khan's strategy.
will it be a magic or dream?
How could the lndian team going to win
against 6times world cup winner
May be this 70 minutes is something special in your
Today you play well or lousy you will remember this 70
for the restof your life
l'm not going to say how you are going to play today.
l'll only say this.
You make most out of this 70 minutes.
ln outside world you may succeed or you fail, you win
or lose this
tournament, nobody can take away that 70 minutes
from you.
l've thought that l'll not tell you how to play this matcb
you are going to tell me how are you all going to play.
By playing.. .
Because l know in this 70 minutes, if everyone plays
to the best of their life.. .
.. then this 7o minutes, god also notask you back.
Go by yourselves in this life, from your god,
and also to tbe person who did not trust you take that
Go by yourselves in this life, from your god,
and also to tbe person who did not trust you take that
lndian team has showed everyone at the first minute of
match that they will not play like any other underdogs
lts very important to score the first goal to keep the
of the team, which is very clear on the face of lndian
Australia counter attacks.
Australia is notan easy team to give up, they will put
which will be uneasy for indian team.
Preity... Go and show it to the man.. .
End of Extra time.
We can see the smile on lndian camp because they
brought australia in this tie-breaker.
Now tbere is a genuine chance for lndia to win this
by penalties.
l am reminding you that both team will be taking
Whichever team scores the most, they will be crowned
as World Champion.
Preity, Bindiya, arry, Nethra come.. Quick.. .
When you take the penalty, remember one thing.
lnstead of concentrating on the goal post, you bave to
the goal keepers mind. The Goal will come by itself.
Come on girls... Well don..
Sir, l want Komal to take my stroke.
Komal.. Come on.. Quick.
Preity wish thatyou take her stroke.
lndian Teams first stroke is taken by Nethra eddy
Andhra Pradesh.
lndia missed the first cbance.
ln this shootout, every stroke is very crucial.
This is Australias turn to take the first penalty against
the lndian
Goal keeper vidya Sharma.
This is Australias turn to take the first penalty against
the lndian
Goal keeper vidya Sharma.
The short was very fast. No chance for the goal keeper
to save the goal.
Haliya Bose.
Second penalty miss for lndia.
The gap bas become wide and their hope looks slim.
lf lndia wants to stay they can't afford to lose even
single stroke.
And they have to stop the penalties by australian side.
Komal Chauttala is coming to take tbe stroke.
Komal is Haryana teams Center Forward and lndian
right band.
lts Goal.. .
vidya Sharma is ready to stop the stroke.
Raechal Taylor is ready.
There no chance for mistakes.
They can't afford to miss any of the two strokes.
lndia's nextstriker Marry alte is a penalty
lndia and Australia are now equal.
Now australia has two strokes and india has got 1
lndias last chance.
lts very important to score thats why lndias well
experienced senior player Bindya Nayak has come
to take tbe stroke.
This is what you call an experience player.
Not its the last stroke of this penalty sbootout.
lf australia takes this penalty properly, this shootout
will continue.
lf vidya saves this stroke, this team will be on the
lndian history.
She will shoot the ball on to the left.
But ber foot is on the rigbt side and she can
shoot the ball onto the rightside.
l think she will take the centre shot.
vidya.. Look at me.. .
vidya.. Look at me.. .
Ladies and Getlemen, We present to you the new
World Cbampion Team lNDlA.
The lndian Womens Hockey team, who brings the world
came back with heroes welcom.
The man bebind their is non other than the
countries best Center Forward Kabir Khan.
Every one is jubilantand we can see on their faces.
Where is Kabir Khan?
As a tax payer, what do you want say about
r.Kabir Kban who has left 7 years ago?
As long as our country has a player like Kabir Khan,
lndian Hockey will nourish and will be recognized.
lts difficult to find sucb a caliber player.
Now let us hear from the Public, what they think about
Kabir Khan?
He saved our National Hockey Team.
Kabir Khan has sbown us wbat is it to be true
Go for it. Go for it.. Go for it... lndia.
Go for it lndia.