Chakushin Ari Final (One Missed Call Final) (2006) Movie Script

Get the fuck off.
You idiot, get the fuck off.
Get off!
Looks like you have a lot of patience.
Get the fuck off now!
Azusa, please.
Let me out.
Azusa, please.
Wait a second.
Please, let me out.
Keep going, keep going
- hurry up.
- Here comes the second one.
It is... coming
"Death exemption
by forwarding the message."
-- One Missed Call --
-- Final --
The cellphones are lent by school.
Tied with respective chains...
we got prepared already...
the first group.
You are so excited.
Of course excited,
graduate travel!
Again, again!
Graduate travel!
Emiri, you are so concentrated
on registering your Korean friend?
Admiring you so much, Emiri. A boyfriend
waiting for you over there.
It's not like that.
- Really, show me his photos.
- Ah, you...
show me too.
- So handsome!
- Handsome truly!
Hey, girls.
I talk to you!
Hideki, Hiroyuki, you come here too.
Graduate travel in Korea...
would be one happy...
- in Korea.
- Doesn't make sense?
- You ruined it again.
- In Korea.
Graduate travel?
No, even if this Thing didn't happened,
I will not go there either.
I wouldn't be happy if I did.
PAM, you know what I mean?
PAM, after you hanged yourself.
They are all scared.
I thought that...
everybody realized,
they made a big mistake.
Punished by their conscience.
I overestimated them so much.
They, they are scared because...
once this Thing was discovered
they would be exposed.
The next day, they started joking already.
Left all you PAM and this Thing aside.
Seemed like PAM never existed...
I don't think it should be like that,
I can't stand it.
I heard, the year before my sister
got on this ship, there was a homicide here.
My sister, who slept on the lower berth
of bunk bed.
Had a nightmare that a man strangled her
then she woke up in the midnight.
At that time, she heard the murmur
of a woman from the empty upper berth...
"I'm so painful."
I'm so painful, I'm so painful.
I'm so painful, I'm so painful.
He must made it up by himself.
Sinyichi, why are you laughing?
You think it's so fucking funny?
I'll stuff my ass into your mouth.
See, see...
power cut?
Azusa, your cell's ringing.
The tone is not mine.
But it's from your cell.
Who called?
- Just say: Good-for-nothing...
- show me.
Azusa, you called yourself.
- You kidding?
- Shut up.
The time is not correct too.
Receive at tomorrow afternoon.
Ms. Azusa becomes a Buddha.
- Holy shit.
- Who's fucking joking?
Who the hell sent this?
What's it?
Trash message?
- Compare to that, isn't this similar?
- I felt too.
So similar.
Just like PAM at that time.
So similar.
Not only similar, it's exactly the same.
- Who made this photo?
- How should I know?
- Seems like Takehiro forwards it to me.
- But mine was sent by you, Teruya.
- Did you?
- Mine, was forwarded by Minori.
But the picture was so disgusting
that I deleted it at once.
Who the hell made it and sent it
was unknown until now.
Is it possible that your mail was cursed
by PAM?
AH? Are you kidding?
Hehe, it's curse. Curse.
Are you going back to the rooms?
Make an excuse for me if teacher's coming, OK?
Minori, you...
let's go.
- Let's go too.
- Unbelievable...
Hiroyuki and I, was fine at first.
It must be Minori alluring him.
Hey, don't go everywhere
follow the teacher. This way.
Follow the teacher tightly.
Hurry up.
Every body quiet.
Every body quiet.
Attention please.
- I'll repeat the rule of this game "finding roads
in cross-country."
- Already known.
There are 13 marks during the path.
Find them ASAP
take photos by cells, move to the finals
- understand?
- Understand.
- Especially you, Teruya
- yes.
"Turn your head."
This activity is for communicating
with locals...
- looks more handsome than photos.
- It's none of your business.
long time no see.
Very glad to see you.
I worry about you so much.
Worry about me?
Your latest mails seemed so gloomy.
It's fine. Don't worry.
She's the student from deaf and dumb school
named Syou.
I told her, we'll go right now.
So, let's start.
Excuse me, I have to go.
Keep in contact.
Still alive.
- Wow, so big.
- Hurry, make a photo.
So big the octopus.
- OK, we made the photos at port.
- Let me see.
- Nice shot.
- Of course.
Where we should go next?
- How about finding the hotel?
- OK, find the hotel, let's go.
What's the matter?
We got to the Pusan Tower already...
what you say? Pusan Tower?
So fast!
What? We?
Hi, Sinyichi, come here rapidly
you are so slow.
- Sazaonida?
- Sazasumida
- great.
- Cool!
Well, where is Azusa?
- Mizue, she is not with you?
- No.
Where are they going?
- Right, let's use the cell.
- Good idea.
- She's talking to someone.
- Is she?
- Try again.
- Yes.
Who? Who is it?
After PAM hanged herself,
she said those words with smile...
she has a lot of patience."
Yes, yes.
You mean Kusunoki Azusa?
No, she's not here.
OK, I see.
Madam, what happened to Azusa?
I heard that she was lost
in the Jagalchi Market.
Is it true?
I need to go to the police station.
You go the venue OK?
Did she get in trouble?
who will be selected by us next?
Hey, has Azusa been found?
I don't know.
Looks like Kibe keeps calling all along.
She wasn't found.
- Please inquire to other branches, would you?
- OK.
Right, the weird call yesterday.
I heard they said, Azusa disappear
at the time that message showed.
So horrible.
Ah, it's mine.
"What's this?"
"You kidding me!"
it's your own voice, Teruya.
It's impossible.
What's this?
"Death exemption
by forwarding the message."...
so I forward it, it's done.
I'm so smart.
- Check this.
- So it is.
What's wrong with this cell?
Is it broken?
- Fuck shit cell, doesn't work.
- Useless.
But the receiving time is 5 minutes later.
It must have problems.
"It must have problems."
maybe the problem is your heads.
Why me?
What's this?
You kidding me!
- We move around together this afternoon?
- Not bad, all right.
Azusa's body was found too.
The police think she was suicide.
Why they conclude that?
Heard that she hanged herself.
You mean...
just like the picture in her cell?
You come and check...
did you shoot this?
I didn't
the camera shot by itself.
Impossible. Too scary...
check here.
What's that?
Isn't it really a curse?
No way.
So, you think, whose curse is it?
It's not possible...
PAM isn't dead...
isn't she still in coma now!?
- Wouldn't it be possible... if she died already?
- Enough!
Madam will show you Sign Language.
Please follow me.
Next would be "boat".
Boat, boat
what's wrong? Not finish yet...
"even if I learnt it,
I couldn't speak either." brother said.
Watch me...
Sign Language is a formal language.
It also has unique characters...
to express our minds
that's our most important thing.
You notice that sister this morning.
Learnt Sign Language,
we could communicate with Japanese.
Sir, you fall in love...
with that sister, do you?
"Friends are dead
the travel has been cancelled."
It's really PAM's curse?
Teruya, Azusa...
have both of them got a strange call?
- Damn it, we are cursed.
- Don't you believe that?
Believe it...?
It's impossible... they are 100%
because of accidents.
But Teruya, Azusa, their death time
match with their calls for sure.
- Tomoka, you believe it too?
- I never say that.
So, well, if any calls incoming
I'll forward to you.
- See, you still believe it.
- I don't believe.
Not mine.
Me neither.
I don't want it.
I don't want it, I don't want it!
Why it's me?
You should calm down, Tomoka.
It will be OK.
Ah? Was it just
destroyed and thrown away?
"Death exemption
by forwarding the message."
You don't forward it to me, do you?
- Tomoka, me neither.
- What are you talking about?
Would I forward it to both of you?
- You really think I will...?
- That's it, we are best friends.
- So it is.
- So you forward it to others ASAP.
- Whom?
- Well...
- Sinyichi or Akaike, whatever...
- whom the hell?
- You say, forward to whom?
- Well... anybody is OK.
I can't decide it...
if something wrong, somebody would die.
What are you talking?
Otherwise, you go to die, right?
- Mizue, your words are so...
- isn't it yours? It's your choice
I see.
You forward to whom?
You forward to whom at last?
Won't forward to us, please.
We are your best friends.
So you would die for me?
We are best friends, right?
We are best friends indeed, right?
Mizue, you answer me!
- Let go of me!
- Don't let her go!
Let go of me, please, Let Go!
- Tomoka, open the door!
- Tomoka, are you all right?
Tomoka! Tomoka!
What's wrong?
What the hell happened that made
three of them in hospital of being maniac
Emiri, what did he say?
I told Mister the thing about the death call
but he won't believe it at all.
Kibe, he is always stubborn.
This is...
Mizue's cell.
Hey, let me see.
Tomoka received the mail "death exemption
by forwarding the message."
But now the mail was only left
What does it mean?
It means the letter which was forwarded
couldn't forward to others.
So anyone receive this letter
would die in no doubt?
I can't stand anymore...
I wanna go back to Japan right now.
Don't shout!
Keep quiet
Azusa and Teruya, plus
the things happened to Mizue and others...
police are working hard on it.
We don't be so panic, got it?
By the way... some bored guys
are spreading a rumor about the cells
I don't think you are those
idiots that would believe that rumor.
But, considering your psychological
making the worst preparation
your cells will be kept by me.
Hand in.
- Get away.
- Takehiro, hold your step!
What do you mean!?
Giving you the cells...
what should I do when death call comes?
How old are you?
You think carrying a cell would kill people?
Three has died, is it true?
- Hey! Stop!
- Don't get close to me!
- Hey! Takehiro! Takehiro!
- Every body calm down, calm down!
Every body comes back!
Hey, isn't it PAM's curse...?
No way...
of course not! How could she do this?!
but, if she died indeed...
- did PAM die or not?
- Emiri, how is she indeed?
"Kusama Emiri's calling"
what should I do?
Yes, until today...
she always ignores me.
"Another student was still lost."
What's up?
Asuka? Is that you, Asuka?
Emiri, why are you so nervous?
Are you Asuka?
Asuka, I...
Emiri, do you know
the roosters' "Pecking Order"?
Listen, when vertebrate is locked
in a small place they would tease...
those weaker ones
the weakest one among them...
would only peck the concrete floor.
I think, people are the same...
the weaker ones
would be pecked by others.
Asuka, where are you now?
Can you hear my voice?
But, people are different...
got pecked not because of weakness.
Those who peck others
wouldn't know they will be pecked too.
Just like Azusa and Teruya
and Mizues...
how do you know them three...
people who pecking others
don't need any reason.
No matter who they are.
Just for protecting themselves.
No matter they are friends or lovers...
no matter they are parents or siblings...
people will peck them... until they die!
Asuka, what's the hell happened?
"I'm at the hall."
I heard it too
the story about the death call
where did you hear?
In Japan.
The Japan & Korea Sign Language meeting
I where met Emiri for the first time...
a deaf violinist
do you remember?
He told me that...
his girlfriend died because of
the death call
you mean...
that call existed before?
Let's find out.
- Hurry up!
- No!
- Release me!
- This way, here!
Come inside!
- Don't! Let me out!
- Shut the door!
- You just stay there.
- I don't wanna die!
It's a life! Don't do that!
- Yukio! Open the door! Open the door!
- You guys will kill him, don't do that!
What if you help him forward
the mail to your own cell?
- Yukio! Let me out! I don't wanna die!
- Yukio, you make decision.
Let me out! Let me out!
Open the door! Let me out!
"You mean the death call?"
"You can enter if you dare.
You response for all your curse."
"The death call"
"curse from a girl who was abused to death."
Jinu, what's the writing here?
Curse from Mimiko.
What's that?
Is this Mimiko!?
I'll try to call again.
Emiri, you are here.
I'm so worried about you.
What are you doing here?
We're looking for the information
about the death call on net.
Any relationship, with PAM?
Wait a second.
Excuse me, have you found out something?
Doesn't matter...
I can read your lips.
"PAM" is...?
Our classmate who hanged herself.
Everyone said...
this is her curse.
About Azusa and Kouhei
how do you know that?
Added one now... Akaike Tooru
what's hell happened?
you have anything to do with this?
You never paid any attention to me.
Why you're asking me now?
Asuka, are you real Asuka?
What are you talking about?
You know the things about Mimiko?
Put Mari on the phone.
Asuka, please.
Answer my question, OK?
Put Mari on the phone!
Asuka want you to listen.
I'm Mari
death exemption
by forwarding the message.
Why, why me?
I never teased you
and did nothing wrong to you...
why it's me?
She said it's the same.
The roosters that tease,
laugh and watch the others...
everybody should go to hell!
Wait, don't do that.
Please, don't do that...
"death exemption
by forwarding the message."
Don't close up to me!
Emiri, it's all your fault...
that you helped her to call
if you leave it along,
I won't receive the call.
- Mari!
- Don't come closer!
Don't, don't close up...
"Death exemption
by forwarding the message."
Mari, are you there?
the one forwarded the mail to Minori
is you!
I, I...
you son of bitch!
You are a murderer!
What a pity!
I was thinking Mari would forward
it to you.
Is it really forwarded from you, Asuka?
If it's to you Emiri
who would you forward to?
Please, stop doing that!
It doesn't matter to me, but...
PAM says, it couldn't stop yet.
Asuka, what are you talking about?
Emiri, you think PAM has died already
do you?
PAM is still alive...
now, she's sitting beside me.
Watching computer, while thinking
...who will be the next.
How could that be possible?
So I'll put her on the phone.
Asuka, you must cheer up!
PAM, she...
something wrong with Asuka.
She says, PAM is just sitting beside her.
PAM is the girl who hanged herself?
Was she dead already?
Even though the body was found in time,
kept her alive, but...
but her consciousness
has not recovered.
What if she has recovered?
So now she can sit next to Asuka.
That's impossible.
PAM is Asuka.
Asuka and PAM are one girl?
Asuka, we called her SPAM
but it's not so smooth in reading...
it converted to PAM naturally.
Emiri, you never teased her, right?
So Asuka only called you.
Is it right?
We let's try to call the hospital
I just walked out of Matuda Asuka's room
she is here indeed.
How is her consciousness?
Asuka has got it recovered?
Very sorry, not yet.
How could this...?
So just now...
who just talked with me?
- Hand in!
- No, I won't.
- Everybody has handed out.
- Mister, release him.
You make the students so scared.
Ruining group's order is not allowed.
It's all for you.
Just because of these things,
the students got problems.
Give it back to me.
You are so stubborn.
- Megumi, hand in yours too.
- Mister, you...
- hand in, stop running, stop, hand in!
- Let me go!
- Give to me.
- Mister, no.
Release me! Megumi!
"Death exemption
by forwarding the message."
Foolish adult, please go to die.
Mr. Yoshitaka, you are too tough
to do that.
They were so scared already.
Ms. Sonota, you are too optimistic.
Our numbers
are recorded in their cells too.
What if the mail comes to us?
What? So you worry about yourself?
- But you just said, it's a stupid...
- I don't believe that rumor.
The students' deaths however
is the truth.
Always thinking of the next step,
that's called adults.
Right, give me your cell too.
- Defending in case.
- What are you talking about?
- Ms.,
- don't do that.
- Give me your cell.
- Don't.
Anybody there, anyone could hear me?
Help me!
Let me out, let me out, please.
Let me out, anyone hear me?
Anyone could hear me?
Any one's there?
Ms.! Don't close up, don't!
Mister? Where is the Mister?
- What's wrong? Everybody calm down.
- Where's Mister? Where?
Not only you wanna live.
What do you mean!?
Stop! Every body calms down!
Takehiro! Hideki!
Sinyichi, give me that phone.
- Don't come up.
- Sinyichi.
Don't come up.
- Don't come up.
- Sinyichi, wait.
Get out of the way!
Get out of my way!
- Sinyichi! Open the door! Trust me!
- Open it, or I will kill you!
- Sinyichi, don't forward to me.
- Me neither. - Sinyichi, open the door.
- Sinyichi!
- Open the door!
Sinyichi, you... Sinyichi!
- Give me the phone.
- No
- give me... - Sinyichi...
- I won't...
- Sinyichi, you...
- it's all your fault.
- It's all your fault.
- You dare to...
help me, help me!
You replace me...
to the hell!
Die, die, to die!
Asuka called you.
Won't she ask for help from you?
No, she won't.
Asuka won't ask for help from me.
Because she hates me.
Hates me more than anyone
in the class.
Why you think of her in that way?
At the beginning, the one whom was
being abused... was not Asuka. It's me
because begging for me,
she became the object to be abused.
But I didn't help her.
Couldn't help her.
I was afraid of being abused again.
Really so scared.
It's for me, Asuka get abused.
You could tell Asuka these words.
Even if I did,
Asuka wouldn't forgive me.
It might be possible.
But if you don't say,
she will never know.
The violinist I met
at the meeting of Sign Language.
You know why he became a deaf?
Because he was afraid to hear
that death ringtone?
I heard if he could receive that
death call for his girlfriend.
She would be saved.
He knew it...
but he didn't do it.
He regrets what he had done.
Punishes himself until now.
Using his precious hearing as a cost.
You're always regretting
that you couldn't help Asuka.
Just face it.
You call to beg me
not to send that mail to you?
Put Asuka on the phone.
Couldn't remember my voice?
PAM could talk stead.
I said, I wanna talk to Asuka.
I am Asuka!
I wanna talk to the real Asuka.
Asuka, can you hear me?
Can you hear my voice?
Asuka, I make an apology to you.
I always stand aside, without helping you.
It's all my fault.
The weakest rooster... is me.
Let's finish it together, all right?
Send that death call to me.
I won't forward it to anybody.
I won't escape any more.
Let this be the last one.
Asuka, please.
Asuka said,
PAM is using the computer...
to select the next one, did she?
If Mimiko is using the computer,
to connect to the internet
from her place.
We may try to make
that computer down...
maybe it could stop her forwarding it.
We could try.
"Please send more letters
to the address..."
"for stopping her actions, we need to
shut down her computer."
Can we do some help too?
I wrote the content, let others
spread it.
"Every body helps us."
"Some of my classmates died
after picking up the death call"
"the number of the cursed is increasing."
"Hope you could send more letters
to the root of devil, the computer with evil..."
the more, the better."
Please help, please help.
"For preventing the spread of curse
we need to shut down that computer."
"Please help us,
hold back the devil's intention all together."
We need help. Check this note,
please help us.
Please, help us.
Please, help us.
"Please, help us."
"We must stop the cursing mail."
Sister, what are you doing?
this... is not kidding.
"The death call has kill many of
my friend, the deaths is increasing"...
Ms. Miho, it's time for the show
what are you doing?
- Helping.
- Helping?
You must have courage.
Live up strongly.
One word, I help you.
It's not a dream.
"Don't give up the hope."
It's fine, you wait here.
is that Asuka?
Are you real Asuka?
You recovered!
That's so great!
I feel so sorry to you.
- It's for you... a present.
- A present?
Open it.
- So cute.
- To memorialize that we went in
the same high school.
- Where you bought it?
- Near the seashore.
- The seashore? With whom?
- My cousin.
- It's one series
- one series?
- See?
- Wow, really.
Thank you, Asuka
I will cherish it with my heart.
I... I saw Asuka got abused.
So I took this chain off.
I'm afraid of involving, abused with you.
I'm so mean.
I heard it in the hospital.
Heard Emiri's words.
the one who did wrong... is me.
- Emiri, I make those people...
- I knew...
- I knew it's not you.
- No...
I remember clearly
the feeling that
my finger tapped on the mouse.
It's me... who killed them.
While I was hanging
...I was really scared.
Attempt to die for peace.
But... getting more scared to
when thinking about it.
Why I had to die?
I hated them very much.
The one pushing you to do that...
is me.
Emiri, I can feel...
you are always sad about me.
So don't blame yourself.
Emiri, can you hear me?
Emiri, Emiri!
"death exemption
by forwarding the message."
Receiving date: Feb. 8
All right.
Let's finish it.
"Fight together."
"Cheer up! Cheer up!"
"The death call will be stopped by us."
Asuka, please.
You can't die.
I'm the bad one.
It's all because of me.
let me finish it.
Don't you have a promise with me?
Don't you have a promise with me?
We go to the seashore together?
Sorry, Emiri...
I can't keep that promise.
- Next time, we go to seashore OK?
- OK, OK.
you must keep it.
It's a deal.
Emiri... forward it to me.
Please, hurry up!
Forward it to me!
I can't.
"Death exemption
by forwarding the message."
I won't escape any more.
I won't regret any more.
I won't forward it to anybody.
Won't forward it to anybody.
So, please.
Let me be the last one.
You agree that I should be
the last one, did you?
Emiri, you can't...
Emiri, don't eat.
"Don't be defeated by death."
"Live up!"
"Don't be defeated!"
"Don't give up the hope."
"Keep on..."
"let's stop it."
"You are not fight along."
It's OK now
you are stronger than ever.
I feel so happy of knowing you.
Why you say that?
I wanna let you know...
after I knew you, I became stronger.
Me too...
I feel so happy of knowing you.
I won't regret again.
Emiri, we must say good bye now.
that deaf violinist...
is you?
Good bye.
Good bye.
Don't pick up.
It's not coming for you.
Why? Why?
I hear your voice.
You say... let me be the last one.
No, I don't want this!
I won't let you die.
Jinu, please, no!
No! No!
Emiri, do you feel cold?
We are... finally here