Charlie: A Toy Story (2013) Movie Script

It's my birthday!
Birthday presents!
I gotta get
Mom and Dad!
I gotta get Mom and Dad!
Mom, Dad, wake up!
I'm nine!
It's presents time!
Let's go check it out,
- Jack.
- Dad.
Should I shake him?
Dad... Dad!
Where's Dad?
I don't know.
Come on, Mom!
What is he
up to now?
I see presents.
But not Dad.
Well, he's got to be
around here somewhere.
- Woof, woof!
- Oh my gosh!
what are you doing?
Dad, what are you doing
in a dog costume?
Happy birthday, buddy.
Can I wear it?
Caden, your presents.
Oh yeah, presents!
What do you think
it is, buddy?
Wide box.
A superhero cape?
- Come here.
- It's a bird,
it's a plane,
oh, it's Caden.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, that looks good.
- Perfect.
- Okay, open this one next,
open this one next.
Oh, well, what could that be?
In case he wants to
hide it or something.
Oh, right.
Oh, honey, you are
going to love this.
Oh, my goodness.
We started out with
so much promise.
Isn't that cute?
Oh, yeah.
I think this one
almost got away.
A... puppy?
A Puppy for me?
Yeah, it is.
Uh, Jack?
Who-- who is going to
take care of this puppy?
I mean, that is a big
Oh, honey, it's a rescue.
who can say no
to this face, huh?
- Look, we have matching capes!
- Aww.
You two are a dynamic duo,
what you are.
You need a cape too, Mom.
Oh, honey.
Mom doesn't need a cape.
She's already
a superhero.
I'll get it.
Yeah, of course.
Oh, Jack's fine.
He got Caden a puppy
for his birthday.
I know.
No, nothing has
changed since we last talked.
I know.
Yeah, I know.
It's a pterodactyll
It's a rocket!
No, it's Super Caden!
Nothing can stop
the vessel of power,
and just
total coolness!
Oh no,
it's the Destructo Puppy!
Help, Caden!
Help me!
It's the Decaffeinatorl
The boss of
the universe.
We're doomed.
You guys are too much.
Caden, can you go get
dressed please and take...
Um, does this little guy
have a name yet?
He's a real super dog puppy.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Yeah, no, he battled all
the puppies in the shelter
and I hear
he took a huge
bite out of crime.
A real hero.
what's his name?
Why Charlie, buddy?
Is that a dog name?
What about--
I don't know--
Sparky or Cooper or--
His name is Charlie.
It's Charles Radcliffe
Owenbrook Ill.
Charlie for short.
Where did you
come up with that?
That's cool.
You can call him
anything you want, kiddo.
All right, goofball.
Charlie it is.
Okay, now go get ready
for your day, okay?
Hey, if you do,
there might be some birthday
cake in it for you.
- Birthday cake?
- Oh yeah.
Come on, Charlie.
Superheroes unite!
- Come on!
Come on,
Charlie, come on!
So you sure you
won't come with us?
Delivering toys to
the toy drive
at the children's hospital?
It's gonna be
a lot of fun.
No, no, no, no,
that's okay.
You two go.
It's good to have
something, you know,
special for you two
to share.
it's really great of you
to do this, you know?
Well, you know...
I am a pretty great guy.
Got a great kid.
And now...
a new great dog.
A great wife.
- I want to make this work.
- Don't.
Let's not do this
in front of Caden,
especially on his birthday.
Oh, that is not fair.
No, honey,
I didn't mean it--
You are the one
who always gets to play.
I always have to be
the grownup.
I'm the one
who has to discipline,
I'm the one who has
to have a real job.
- Faith--
- No.
I wanted this to work.
I supported your
dreams for a long time.
But then those dreams never
became a viable business.
You're amazing at
what you do, Jack,
but it's become a hobby.
And we have
a child.
And now a dog.
And I cannot continue
to support a family
and an expensive
hobby on my own.
I know, I know,
but things are gonna
change really soon.
Honey, I've been
working on this new toy--
Once you can be more
supporting your
family's future...
What's this?
I love you.
- Open it.
- Oh.
Oh, I don't know.
We can't afford this, this...
Oh, Jack.
- Jack!
- What?
- Really?
- What?
No, honey, I'm gonna
give you an upgrade
as soon as I can, but...
Honey, this decoder ring
is the coolest.
Did you look at it?
We're ready, Dad.
Okay, buddy.
I picked these out for
the hospital kids and...
It's my birthday, not yours!
Oh, God, I spent hours
on that cake yesterday.
Looks like you
did a good job.
Look at him go.
This is your day,
and I am so proud
of you for sharing it
with the other kids.
You know, I think it's about
time I get these superheroes
out of here, huh?
A lot of crime fighting to do,
gifts to give.
People to see,
places to go,
that sort of thing.
Yeah, that's
probably best.
Unless you guys want to make
more of a mess, you know,
maybe spill some milk
or, I don't know,
break some of my dishes.
Have a good day, honey.
Your phone.
Oh, I'd forget my head
if it wasn't screwed on.
Come on, Charlie!
Bye. Mom!
Love you!
Love you, honey, bye!
Come on!
Come on, Charlie!
Come on!
Ready, Charlie?
Come on, Charlie!
Come on, come on!
Remember, Charlie,
anything's possible.
- Ready for anything?
Come on.
All the hours of preparation,
all the planning,
all the blood,
sweat and tears,
it's all lead up to this one
sweet, glorious moment.
- Think it'll work?
Me too.
I believe in us.
Let's go.
It's showtime!
What was that?
It's a brainless bully brigade.
Sounds like we're under attack.
Hey there, freak show!
Why don't you go play with
an actual human being?
What you waiting for?
You and your
scaredy-cat dog afraid?
You hear that, Charlie?
He called you
a scaredy-cat!
No dog should have to
deal with
- that kind of talk.
Let's show them
who they're messing with.
Come on, chicken!
Yeah, chicken!
Ready. boy?
Superheroes unite!
Can you understand us
or should we start barking?
Are you gonna let your
flea-bitten mutt
do all the talking?
I always knew
he was the smarter one
between the two of you.
Looks like you got yourself
into a sticky situation.
Actually, it looks like you
got yourselves into
a sticky situation!
Want some pancakes with that?
This isn't over!
You're right, it's not over,
is it, Charlie?
Well, let's show
the nice little children
what else we have
in store for them.
You look like
a pink rooster.
So do you, dude.
We're gonna
get you for this!
Oh, I'm so scared.
Looks like your three-year-old
sister's bedroom
exploded in your face!
We're going to
find you, punk!
Hey, Dad.
Pink feathers, huh?
Can you hand me
those pliers?
Scooter and Robbie
think they're so cool.
Well, you didn't let 'em
get to you now, did you?
You know...
those two are bullies.
And you're an amazing kid
and they're just
jealous of you.
I don't think so, Dad.
All right, talk to me.
Well, Dad, why would
they be jealous of me?
I mean, they have all
this awesome stuff.
Scooter has
a big-screen TV in his room
with three different
video game systems
and Robbie carries his video
games everywhere he goes.
I don't have
any of that stuff.
I just have these stupid toys
that don't do anything.
They think I'm weird.
- Maybe I am weird--
- Hey.
You stop right there, Caden.
You're not weird.
Toys we make here
are way cooler.
So what if you
have to use your mind
and your imagination to
play with them?
When did that
become a bad thing?
They're spoiled bullies
that stare at
screens all day.
I don't think that's very
awesome at all.
It can't be doing much
for their brains, either.
Come on, they throw
eggs at you?
How original is that?
You shot
syrup at 'em.
I mean, everybody knows
that syrup
is a way more advanced
breakfast-based battle toy.
And then you top it off
with pink feathers?
That's classy, buddy.
And besides, their big,
technified" bully brains
came up with some of the worst
that I've ever heard.
How'd you know?
Your mother called.
She was worried.
I mean, come on.
The best they
could come up with was
flea-bitten mutt"?
And scaredy-cat dog.
All right.
Hey, why don't you grab
your attack dog over there
and follow me,
'cause I have something
to show you.
Can you chill?
Have you ever
heard of pause?
Put that baby toy away
and focus.
It's not a baby toy.
It's got two
ARM processors,
an ARM 7E-S main CPU
and a TDMI
at clocked speeds
of 67 megahertz
and 33 megahertz,
You are such a techie tool.
Come on.
We are not letting
Wonder toy boy
get away with
feathering us.
We're almost there.
Now, where are we going
and what exactly
are we going to do?
We're going to your
grandma's house
for cookies and milk.
My grandma lives
four hours away,
and, dude, you know
I'm lactose intolerant.
Come on!
Can't you reboot your
brain or something?
We are going
to get dog boy.
He wasn't at his little
girly playhouse
so he must be at his daddy's
pathetic excuse for
a toy store.
My dad has a real toy store.
Too bad for
Lame and Lame -Jr.
They're going down.
What are you
gonna show me, Dad?
It's what I've been
working on
for the last three years.
Now, I've been
waiting to show you
until I knew for sure
that it worked.
Does it?
Well, what is it?
It's just...
I think I've done
it this time, son.
Invented a toy that can not
only change things for me,
but... for us.
But it could be
so much bigger than that.
It's just
I'm a little nervous.
I thought I had it
in the past
and, well,
for whatever reason,
things just didn't
take off.
You mean like
My Funky Pet Skunky?
That was just a little
too lifelike.
The Helium Plus
Super Balloon.
Somehow I forgot
to test on under-sixes.
Ultimate Army Ant Farm.
The Supersonic
One-Man Band Set.
Life-size Bubba
Bubble Gum.
- The Turbo Skateboard that--
- Yes.
Yeah, yes, okay.
In the past,
not everything has
worked out as I planned.
I think I did it
this time.
I just hope it works.
I want to keep the toy store.
And I want to
make you proud.
You're my dad.
I'll always be
proud of you,
no matter what.
What if I could change back
the way children play?
To tap into
their imagination
like no one else has?
Dad, seriously,
show me.
The suspense is killing me.
Breathe in this moment, Caden.
Ready, Dad.
Go ahead.
Ready, buddy?
Ready, Dad.
Here we go.
Hold on to your seats,
Dad... it's amazing.
What is it?
It's Wondermation.
It's everything.
It's anything
you want it to be.
Imagine something that
can transform
more amazingly
than any transformer,
that can sculpt more
than any modeling clay,
that can create more
creatively than any dream.
All you have to do is
use your imagination.
It can be anything
you want it to be.
- Anything?
- Anything?
But how?
I've been working on it
for years,
creating the ultimate
transforming, creationin""
imaginationing" toy.
Do you see that?
It's just another one
of his crazy ideas.
I needed to perfect
the scientific formula for
the ideal substance
that could access
the wildest gamut
of toy-making material.
Well, that's a bunch of
technical boring stuff.
Basically, it can...
Well, I think it can.
No, I believe it can
become any
toy you desire.
All you have to do
is believe and use
your imagination.
Oh yeah, and it
has to be a real toy.
None of this silly
electronic stuff.
Can you see?
- Take a video with your phone.
- What?
Have you lost your mind?
What he's talking about
is impossible.
Shut up, I know.
Just take it,
just in case.
My dad has to see this.
If Professor Looney Tunes
has created something
we're gonna
get our hands on it
before anybody else does.
Good plan!
Dude, I said take a video,
not a picture!
Come on, let's go!
Don't let them see us!
It's okay, buddy.
There's nobody out there.
Come on, I want to see
what Wondermation can do.
Come on.
Okay, so-- so what
you're telling me
is that
the completely bonkers
toy Wonder man-child
has made a toy
that not only works
but is also absolutely
Not possible.
He's a total fruitcake.
What, sweetie?
Did you say fruitcake?
I think we still have some
left over from your mother's--
No, Misti, no.
But didn't you just say
I can get you
boys some, it's no trouble.
- No.
- No.
But you can make me dinner
later, how's that?
Uh... is this it?
I'm telling you,
I didn't get
a really close look
but it actually looked
pretty amazing,
which is too
cool for his loser
and his loser son to have
for themselves.
- Just look at this.
- Okay.
Scooter, I really
can't tell anything
from this video, son.
See how it shuts off there
with the bright flash?
You're gonna have
to bring me something
better than that for me
to bother with
a lower-level competitor
who makes
magical toys "
Okay, Dad.
I'll get you what
you wanted.
How's dinner coming, baby?
Oh, what a day.
There you go.
Can I get you guys
anything else?
Want anything?
Aw, thanks, boy.
That's why I let you
stay inside.
Where's your manners?
I am so sorry.
- He's a hopeless flirt.
- Oh, no worries.
He's adorable.
Now, I don't want to
rush you guys,
but just to let you know,
we close in about 15 minutes.
Wait, it's almost 9:00?
Yes, sir,
it's a quarter 'til.
Oh, your mother
is gonna kill me.
Where did the time go?
No, that's not for you.
- Dad?
- Yeah.
Your Wondermation toy box
is really amazing.
Thanks, buddy.
I knew you
could do it, Dad.
I knew you could make
the awesome-st toy
in the whole world.
Oh, come here.
I never stopped
believing in you.
That means
so much to me.
- No.
Okay, I gotta
get you home.
Hand me your book bag.
- Come on, come on.
- Okay.
Got everything?
What's this, buddy?
Well, open it already.
You didn't have to...
Just believe.
Is this a falling star?
Do you remember
what you told me the time
we saw a falling star
at the lake?
You said,
Look, a falling star!"
And I said, Can I make
a wish?"
- And you said, You know--"
- You know...
I don't think
you need any wishes.
All you have to do...
... just believe in
yourself and never give up.
You'll make your own magic."
And you did, Dad.
You did.
You made
your own magic.
You are the most...
magical thing
I ever helped make.
Oh, your mother.
- Oh, gosh.
- She is going to kill us.
Here, grab your book bag.
You got everything?
I know, Charlie did
so good, didn't he?
I know.
When he took that first step...
I know.
He did so...
Looks like you two
had a good, long time.
We did, Mom!
It was so much fun!
We had cupcakes,
and Charlie almost
ate a stuffed cat...
Okay, okay,
slow down, baby.
Listen, why don't you
take your stuff,
go upstairs
and get into bed, pronto.
Good night, buddy.
Good night, Dad,
love you!
It's almost 10:00, Jack.
I know.
We were just
having so much fun
and I just... I lost
track of time.
I'm glad you guys
had fun,
but you can't just
lose track of time, okay?
And now I've got
an overexcited
ten-year-old boy
hopped up on sugar
at almost 10:00 at night.
I understand.
I mean, I know, Faith.
I just hate that
I don't get to spend
all the time with
him anymore.
I know.
It's hard on me, too.
just try, okay?
Just... try to
grow up a little bit.
For Caden.
I mean, you don't have to
grow up entirely.
Just a little bit.
I could come in.
Help you settle Caden down.
Maybe we could
talk a little bit.
I can't.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's...
Not-- not tonight.
See you Wednesday?
I come pick him up?
Have a good night.
Have a good night.
- Fight!
- We're gonna have to take
matters into our own hands.
We're gonna have to get
those plans for
whackman's" new toy.
And how are we
supposed to do that?
The dude lives in
his toy store.
So we get him out of there.
Wait a minute, I think my
battery's low or something.
I can't see.
- Ow!
- Body blow!
Way out of there.
We're gonna have to send him
away for an entire night.
And you're in no problem!
- Ow!
- Body blow!
Game over.
Hey, what is that?
Every year, Mr. Amrak
and his team invite
only ten of
the most promising,
innovative toymakers
in the country
to share their
most amazing creations.
The grandest toy will receive
with our company
and the opportunity
to be shared with
all the children in the world."
That's it!
Robbie, come on, man.
There's no time
for resting now.
I've got our plan.
Game over.
Come on, kiddos.
Lunch is served.
Hey, Dad.
I'm just making lunch
for the boys.
Mom, phone!
Yeah, he had Caden last night.
Took him home
at almost 10:00 at night.
Oh, it's Dad!
Hey, Dad.
Hey, buddy.
- Is your mom there?
- Sure.
I know.
That's okay,
we talked about it, it's fine.
Well, she's kind of busy.
You want me to give her
a message?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Do me a favor.
Let her know that
I'm going out of town
for a couple of days,
and I know I'm supposed to
pick you up on Wednesday
and I am so sorry.
I got this big invite in
the mail this morning
and it's a big
deal in Los Angeles,
so I have to drive straight
through if I'm gonna make it.
Los Angeles?
Like, California, Los Angeles?
How long you
gonna be gone?
Just for a couple days
and I'm gonna be home
on your birthday,
buddy, I promise.
What about the store?
I'm just gonna shut it down
for a couple days.
I can't pass up
this opportunity.
This is Amrak's Annual
Toy Search.
It's an honor
just to be invited.
You'll let your mom know,
won't you?
Sure thing, Dad.
I came by earlier,
you guys weren't there,
so I left the invite
underneath the mat
in front of the door.
It has all the information
on it and stuff
in case of emergencies.
Make sure your mom gets it.
Hey, if l wasn't in such
a rush, I would run by.
I could talk to your mom
if you want to run and grab
her real quick.
Dad, it's cool.
It's handled.
Just chillax, 'kay?
If it's cool, then...
and it's handled,
I will chillax.
You know, it's all...
it's all good
in the hood, yo.
Did I say that right, buddy?
Dad, please.
Right, I'm sorry.
Okay, I gotta go.
I gotta lock up the store
and I have to
get on the road.
I have a long drive
ahead of me.
I love you, buddy.
I love you too, Dad.
How about
I call you later?
All right, great,
love you too.
Mm-hmm, bye-bye.
Come on, Charlie!
Caden, lunch!
You too, Charlie.
I see you haven't gotten
that beast trained yet.
I can say the same thing.
You think you got all
the answers, don't you?
Did you girls need something
or you just like
carrying flowers
around the neighborhood?
My stepmom wanted me to
give these to your mom.
How nice.
She obviously must feel
sorry for her or something.
Have a nice day, loser.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
How mature.
You gotta have your mutt
fight your battles, huh?
Hope your loser dad has fun
in Lost Angeles, loser!
How do they know Dad's
going to Los Angeles?
Hey, there you are.
Who was that?
Robbie Hutchins
and Scooter Reed.
Well, this is nice.
Scooter Reed.
His mom is Misti Reed?
Yeah, she and her wardrobe
have been a very interesting
addition to the PTA.
Big brick house at
the end of the street, right?
It's his stepmom.
Yeah, the big Greek house.
Are you okay, sweetie?
Okay, good.
Hey, look, don't you
worry about this, okay?
We're gonna get this
all cleaned up.
Come on, goofballs.
Come on, Charlie.
Come on, come on.
See, that's the--
that's the thing
I was telling you about.
- Nice.
- Right.
Hey, Dad.
I'm working, son.
Dad, can we play
superheroes together?
Come on,
come on, come on!
Put the hand in the air,
let's fly up to
the Empire State.
Shh... shh...
All right, gonna knock out
your nemesis, Lex Luthor.
Give me one
right here, quick!
Bases loaded,
here's the pitch!
Holy mow!
Right between
the pitcher's legs!
All the way to home base.
The ball's in the outfield.
And he scores.
The Yankees
lose to the Rangers.
At 5:00, he met a boy.
...Hey, you'.
said the grouchy lady bug,
'You wanna fight?'
Waited for
the answer to reply.
'Oh, you're not big enough,'
said the grouchy ladybug,
and flew off."
That's one
grouchy ladybug.
At 5:00, it met a wave.
'You wanna fight?'
The wave
didn't answer at all.
You're not big
enough anyway,'
said the grouchy ladybug
and flew off."
And flew off.
And flew off, that's right.
Yes, yes?
What is it?
Remember when we used to
play superheroes?
What made you
think of that?
I was just... remembering.
Well, I just bought you
a bunch of
expensive Wii games.
Why don't you
remember that?
You're a little too old to
be playing make believe.
Don't you think?
I was just kidding, Dad.
I can't hear you
when you mumble, son.
I was just kidding, Dad.
Hey, this is Chip.
Did you call me?
What happened,
the alarm go off?
Well, call the police.
I almost forgot.
You are invited to attend
the exclusive
Amrak Toy Company's
Every year, Mr. Amrak
and his team invite only
ten of the most promising,
innovative toymakers
in the country
to share their
most amazing creations.
The grandest toy will receive
distribution with our company
and the opportunity to be
shared with all the children
in the world."
This is Misti's stationery!
It's a setup, Charlie!
Those bullies
tricked Dad!
I gotta get you home.
But why?
What do they get out of this?
Why do they want
Dad out of the store?
There must be a reason.
Whatever they're up to,
we need to be one step ahead.
That's it, Charlie!
We'll stay at the store
while Dad's gone!
And be ready for whatever
those bullies are planning.
Mom thinks we're
going to Dad's.
Dad thinks we're
going to stay with Mom.
I'm a genius!
Fine, you're a genius.
Well, have you packed
for your Dad's yet?
Sure, Mom,
I'm packed.
I'm gonna ride my bike over.
You are becoming
so grown up.
I love you, sweetie.
Love you too, Mom.
He fell for it.
Operation Steal The Plans is on.
We commence tomorrow.
Don't worry, Dad.
I'll make you proud.
Lord, not now, please.
Why didn't I fill up earlier?
the next gas station?
No, we're never gonna
make that.
Is that...
Oh, is that
a gas station?
It can't be a gas station.
It just said 50 miles.
Looks like a gas station,
looks like a gas station.
Oh please, Lord,
be a gas station.
Please be a gas station.
How are we
this morning?
I trust you're pleased
you got here
just when you did.
Yeah, thank God
you're here.
For a minute,
I thought I was out of luck.
And then-- poof--
here you guys are.
Yeah, we often get
confused with luck.
Right... all right.
Oh, hey...
do you pump it
or do I?
We're full service here, sir.
All right, fancy.
Does that cost me
Don't worry.
I'm on your side.
No extra charge.
Thank you.
Charles Radcliffe
Owenbrook Ill.
Hello, what can I do you for?
Is your name really
Charles Owenbrook Ill?
People call me Charlie.
Oh, this...
Oh, what are the odds?
Well, they say truth
is stranger than fiction.
I've driven this road before
and I've never seen
this gas station here.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
I'm glad you're here,
because I am
completely empty.
Of gas?
Or are we talking about
something else?
No, gas.
Your employee is
pumping it now, I think.
Well, it's good you stopped in.
We haven't had a customer
in quite some time.
No offense,
but you're kind of remote.
Appears we are, yes.
Can I get you
something else?
Nope, just the gas.
You sure?
About the gas?
Yes, sir.
You have a family, Jack.
A son?
Um, yes, I have a son.
He's, um...
He's a great kid.
He's got a vivid
imagination and--
That's wonderful.
Vivid imagination is important.
You know, creativity
is highly
underestimated these days.
Yes, I know.
I mean, isn't it
a shame, the kids today?
Me, personally, I blame it
on the parents.
You know, they're
all wrapped up in
electronics and technology,
they're focused on
the quickest way to anything.
The quickest way to
I mean,
they completely ignore
anything else that's
I know.
It's a shame.
But it is true that some
people do focus on one thing
and forget about paying
to the things that are
most important in life,
the things that are right
in front of them.
That's $80.
Oh, yes, sir.
Let's see.
There you go.
But the good thing is
that it's never
too late to make it right,
to make things the way
they ought to be.
You're all set.
Have a good trip.
Um... yeah.
Tell Amrak I say hello.
Oh, and, Jack?
just believe.
You called me Jack.
Just believe"
is our thing.
You got a ways to go to
Los Angeles, Jack.
And remember,
real success begins with
that first leap of faith.
And for you, that leap
is your trip.
It was random
that I got the invite.
I mean, I'm excited about the
trip and everything, but--
But nothing's random, Jack.
There's an
order to everything.
Okay, what's
going on here?
Okay... okay.
Okay, I gotta be
losing my mind.
What is this,
The Twilight Zone"?
It's never too late
to make things right.
God, come on.
Our biggest mission ever.
We have to be ready
for anything.
Hey, honey.
Are you about ready
to go to your Dad's?
Sure, Mom,
I'm almost ready.
Okay, 'cause I'm about to
head to work, okay?
Is that everything?
So are we set?
Excuse me.
Not you, moron.
The game moron.
Okay, can you join
the real world for
just a minute?
Yes, I told my mom
I'm going to your house.
My dad thinks
I'm going to your house.
So where are we going?
We're breaking into
Wonder Free Toys and taking
the Wonder freaking plans,
You're not wimping
out on me, are you?
No, dude, chill.
It's cool, I'm in.
Just wondering where we're
actually going is all.
So where are we going?
Just shut up
and meet me at the square.
We'll scout out the place
and make sure
he's out of there.
We lay low for a while,
then we make our move.
- Moron!
What was that?
Where did you say
we were going again?
I'll see you in a few.
Robbie, what are you
doing in there?
What's he doing there?
And who's the dame?
I don't know.
Looks familiar, though.
Clear a path, sister.
Now maybe you can afford to
pay attention next time.
That's not
how you treat a girl.
But then again, what do you
guys know about girls?
Shut up, dog boy
Yeah, dog boy.
What was that about?
Who knows?
Who cares?
Change of plans,
What do you
want to do now?
I'm paralyzed with options.
This is Robbie Hutchins
and I'm here
with Scooter Reed.
We're about to embark on
a risky expedition.
If we don't
make it back alive,
we want our parents to know
that we love them
and... Mom,
I'm sorry I lied about
your grandmother's
crystal jewelry box.
It was me who broke it,
but it was an accident.
I just want you to know that
if I had made it out alive,
I would have sold
all my gaming systems
to buy you a new one.
I know it's not
the same, but...
Robbie, we're not
going to Iraq.
We're stealing one measly little
set of plans from
a toy store
that is going out of business.
Come on.
It's go time.
All quiet over here.
How about you?
Copy, over.
Copy that.
Dude, are you playing a game
while you're
supposed to be working?
Is Joker Jr.
even in there anymore?
- Dude!
- Coming.
Come on!
Come here, Charlie!
Whose phone is this?
Hi, Robbie.
I'm so sorry to bother you
and your little friend
but you left
your blankie at home.
I know how you have a hard time
falling sleepy-bye
if you don't have it to snuggle.
Call me if you want me
to drop it by.
Bye-bye, poo-poo buns
Poo-poo buns?
we are not going to Iraq.
We're stealing one measly
little set of
plans from a toy store
that is about to
go out of business.
There's nobody out there.
Hope your loser dad has fun
in Lost Angeles, loser.
They're trying to steal
That's why they wanted
Dad in Los Angeles!
Too bad for them,
we-'re still in town.
Come on, Charlie!
We're walking right in?
That's right, game boy.
No fear.
No fear is right.
Ha-ha, suckers.
Are you gonna
bring the pain or not?
Like right now?
But I've almost
beaten level 12.
And I'm about to
beat your head.
Let's go, come on.
We make our own magic.
- Where are they?
- I don't know.
You guys need some help?
I think it's you that's
gonna need the help,
- loser boy!
- Yeah!
Well, catch us if you can!
- Let's get him!
- Right!
Come on.
Target in sight.
- Let's move.
- Oh!
They're not here.
He took the plans.
Looking for these?
Come on.
- Let's get him!
- Right!
We're gonna get you, dog boy!
What are we
gonna do now?
What is this?
It's... it's vanilla!
- Get in there.
- I don't think--
I don't pay you to think.
But you don't
pay me at all.
Exactly, now get in there!
Come on, go!
Ow, help me, I'm stuck!
Help me, dude,
I'm stuck!
Get in there!
Get in there, man!
Go, go!
Come on!
Is this better or worse
than the feathers?
I mean, so far.
Come on!
Come on, let's get him!
- May I help you?
- Yes,
- I guess I need to check in.
Amrak Toys.
Yeah, I understand.
I understand
your dilemma,
but there's simply
nothing I can do.
No, sorry.
It's out of my hands.
Alrighty, bye-bye
May I help you?
Amrak Toy Search,
I need to check in.
Alrighty, name?
Jack Wonder.
Nope, there's nothing here.
Have a good day, then.
- Bye-bye.
No, excuse me.
Amrak Toys.
I'm sorry, I cannot
accomplish that for you.
I understand your dilemma.
I really don't need to hear
any more of this story.
Alrighty, bye-bye
Excuse me.
Is there something else
I can do for you, sir?
Yes, could you
please check again?
I'm sorry, Mister...
- Wonder.
- Right.
You are not on my list.
This convention
is invitation only.
I have an invitation,
so please, check again.
I'm sorry, that won't
be necessary.
You're not on the list.
- Have a great day.
Amrak Toys.
Sir, you're not on the list.
Nothing you
say or do right now
will make your name appear
on that list.
There's simply
nothing I can do.
Does that make sense?
You have to get me
in that convention.
I just drove halfway across
the country
and I shut down
my toy store.
I have an invitation.
It came in
a pink envelope.
You're mistaken.
We don't send our invites
via pink envelopes, sir.
This is out of my hands.
Good day.
Here, now maybe
you can afford to
pay attention next time.
You look like
an ice cream sundae!
Let's get him!
What's your problem, man?!
- Come on, let's go!
- Right!
All you have to do...
... just believe in
yourself and never give up.
You'll make
your own magic."
And you did, Dad.
You did.
You made
your own magic.
Mr. Blunder.
Of course.
What are you gonna
try to do now, sir?
You may just want to
hold your breath
'cause I simply don't
care what you have to say.
I need you to check me
into this convention.
Right, I understand your
It'll be your dilemma
if you don't check me in.
You can take time away
from your monotonous,
secretarial existence
and playing with whatever power
you think you have
on the good people that care
to hear me out
for one second.
Mr. Amrak built this
on a philosophy,
a philosophy of
wonderful toys,
simple, real toys
that could be the gateway
for children to nurture
their imagination.
A philosophy that
challenges kids to find
strength in fantasy,
and power in creation
and ingenuity
in original thoughts.
He wanted to allow kids,
people the opportunity
to think broader than
conventional thoughts.
And I believe--
I know, that I have a toy
that champions
that philosophy.
And if Mr. Amrak
was here right now,
he would insist that
you not hinder
me showing it to him.
And being the largest toy
distributor on the earth,
in tum, sharing it with
all the kids in the world...
he would insist
on you extending this
opportunity to me.
Just like somebody...
extended an opportunity to him
when he was
an unknown toymaker
with nothing but great ideas
and a dream
to show them.
You're absolutely right.
He'd insist.
Good evening, Mister...
Yes, Mr. Wonder.
I'm Phillip Amrak.
Are you?
And, uh...
I really liked
what you had to say.
But unfortunately,
the convention
has just wrapped up.
Mr. Wonder,
you got me interested.
Let's see what you got.
- Ahh!
- Whoa!
What's your problem, man?
He's making
a break for it!
Good thinking, Dad!
Those plans are mine!
You forget I know
where you live, Caden!
So much for bringing the pain.
I'm about to
deliver it.
Hey. guys, over here!
Over here!
You guys must really be
desperate for toys
at your dad's shop.
Why don't you quit running
like a little girl
and face us?
If I'm running like a girl
and you still can't catch me,
what does that make you?
He's got a point there,
Shut up, Robbie!
Well, he does!
He's making a break for it!
- We're gonna get you, Caden!
- Yeah!
Are you serious?
Wait, go the other way!
Hey. girls!
Watch this!
Hey, streamer boys!
Catch me if you can!
Well, I certainly do
thank you for the call
and thanks for
the heads-up.
It was my pleasure.
Right on time.
Just like we planned.
Come on, Robbie!
I'm new at this.
I've never run this much
in my entire life.
No one has.
Shouldn't we just cut our
losses and go home?
Failure is not an option.
That's why all my
video games
have reset buttons.
Look up, buttercup.
My neighborhood's up ahead.
It ends there.
Victory is imminent.
I'm gonna step out for a minute.
I'll be back.
Dog boy-
Ooh, I'm so scared.
You're gonna
dry me to death?
Well, this baby's actually
a bit modified
from its original
factory condition,
if you catch my drift.
Dude, I play video games
for a living.
I've faced on mega tanks,
rail guns the size of Texas.
Your salon special
scares me not.
Plus, two of us, one of you.
Do the math.
You can't blast us both.
You were saying?
Hasta la vista, boys!
How touching.
That really was
sweet to watch.
Let me out of here!
Get me
out of here, Caden.
I take it you've had enough?
You recognize this?
My phone!
It's says Mommy.
Wanna answer it?
I better.
Hi, Mom.
You're where?
Caden's house?
But why?
I was sure you guys
would want to share this
special time with
your parents,
so we called
them ahead of time.
And here
they come now.
Poindexter Scott Reed!
You are in very big
trouble, my friend.
Very big trouble.
- Ow!
- You think that hurts?
Just wait until
we get home.
And what possessed you to
do this in the first place?
Scooter made me do it, Mom.
You know I have
self-esteem issues.
You want to explain
this to me?
Right now,
young man, right now.
We tried to get the plans
for Mr. Wonder's toy,
the one I told you about.
The one you said
I needed to get more info on
before you'd listen to me.
Don't try to
put this on me, son.
I just wanted you to listen
to me, for once.
Like you used to.
What is going on
in my backyard?
Why are you not
at your Dad's?
Well, that's a long story.
Start talking.
But before you do,
based on
this explanation,
which I'm sure
is very logical,
just know that you may not
see the light of day
until you're 18, okay?
Spill it.
This is inexcusable.
You know that, right?
You can't just go around
corporate espionage, son.
You know, there are gonna be
consequences for this,
serious consequences.
What were you thinking?
When did you
even think of this?
I know it was wrong, Dad.
I just wanted to
get the plans for
Mr. Wonder's invention
and give them to you.
I thought
you'd be proud of me
if I did something that could
help your business.
Yeah, but not like this, son.
You don't do business
this way.
You understand that, right?
All right.
Scooter, you are...
by no means off the hook.
But I think I know what you
were trying to do.
You were just
trying to get my attention,
weren't you, son?
I haven't been there for
you much lately, have I?
Get you out of this.
You Okay?
I want you to know
something, son.
All that
not-being-there-for-you stuff...
that's gonna change.
Listen, I know that you
wanted to protect your dad
but you really should
have told me.
What is it, boy?
Hey, buddy.
What's going on here?
Caden, go ahead
and tell him.
Uh, first--
Dad, what happened in LA?
I tried to call you
to tell you that
the invite was a setup,
but your phone was in
my backpack.
They loved it.
- Really?
- Really.
Okay, who loved what?
I'm completely in
the dark here, so...
First, these are for you.
Thank you.
And they loved it.
I'm talking head over heels,
chills down your spine,
want to distribute it"
loved it.
Loved what?
What did you do?
You didn't
tell me this part.
It's what I promised.
To build
the ultimate toy
and set our family up for life.
Things are gonna
change for the better for us.
I knew you could do it.
I believed in you.
So... what exactly
did you create?
That's what I was
trying to tell you!
The Wondermation Imagination
Toy Box, Mom!
Dad's new invention!
That's what Scooter and Robbie
were chasing me for.
I saved the plans.
Your phone?
Don't forget to show your
mom that cool video
about your
grandmother's jewelry box.
Thanks a lot, dude.
Jewelry box!
I knew it was you!
Wait 'til we get home,
Robert Francis.
Ow, ow...
Thanks, April.
Can you believe this?
When did our little boy
get big enough
to even think about
doing something so crazy?
I think our little boy
is growing up.
I've been doing
some growing up, too.
Oh, Jack.
No more decoder ring,
This is the real deal.
the ring never mattered.
You did.
I love you.
I love you too, Faith.
You think they'll
forget about this whole
running around the town,
setting traps,
making a huge mess all over
the place" thing we did?
Not a chance.
I don't know.
I mean, he was pretty creative
as he went about it.
- Superheroes unite!