Charlie's Country (2013) Movie Script

How are you, Pops?
Yeah good!
Good morning.
You come from far away
and bring us alcohol, ganja, tobacco, all bad!
G'day Luke.
G'day Charlie.
You white bastard.
You black bastard.
Have a good day.
Is that it?
I'm off then.
Lot of rubbish in your truck.
Lot of rubbish in your head.
Don't just walk past.
- I don't need a big note.
- No worries.
Forty-three forty cents.
But I've only got $20!
- Here you go.
- Need some more?
I'm okay now.
Hey, hey, hey, not so many!
- Another one.
- No.
Leave some for me!
Hey old man,
bring me back a cigarette!
This house...
...this is the sort of
house I want.
If it's like this house,
then it'll be okay.
Sit down, Charlie.
What do you want, Charlie?
I want a house.
- You've got a house.
- Nah.
Too many people.
My family.
No room, see?
I want a house for me.
Government's already
given you one good house.
You wanna walk away
from that,
that's your problem.
But Errol,
you got a wife, ey?
You get a house.
While I'm here
I've got a house.
Goes with the job.
You've got a job...
...and you got a house...
...on my land.
Where's my house?
Where's my job?
Anything else you want,
You coming hunting?
There's a buffalo around,
up the road a bit.
You not working?
Truck broke down,
waiting on a new one
from Darwin.
Got the starter?
In the back.
Make way.
Let's get going.
Away you go.
Where are we going?
Where I saw some tracks.
You ready?
Good to go.
Look, there, there, there!
- Got him!
- Beautiful shooting!
- Right in the heart!
- Straight through the heart!
One shot and he went down.
- Watch out!
- He's come alive!
Run! Run!
Turn! Turn! Shoot! Shoot!
Got him this time!
Shot him properly!
This time we both got him!
My legs are aching...
...and I'm hungry for meat.
We should have shot...
...a small one.
This one is wrecking my car.
No this is a good one,
plenty of meat.
There's a car parked there!
In the trees.
It's a policeman!
A policeman's parked there!
Sit down, sit down!
Don't panic, sit down slowly.
Sit down very slowly.
I better sit down slowly too.
We're searching
every car for grog, Charlie.
No alcohol comin'
in here anymore.
What's in there?
keep the car going.
You got cigarette?
Get out of the car.
Who owns this?
Me, that's mine.
And the other one
was mine.
Did y'all purchase
permits for 'em?
You got a license?
We're not gonna drive them...
...we're just gonna shoot 'em.
They've got my car...
...bugger shit.
And your rifle and my gun.
And all that tender meat.
That'll soon stink up
the whole police station!
And then the maggots will be
crawling through it in no time!
Pst! Pst!
It's Gaz.
Charlie! It's Gaz.
Are you awake?
It's Gaz.
What do you want?
We need to camp somewhere
out of the way.
I know you.
You got anywhere?
You got any ganja?
Yeah, yeah, later.
We need the camp first.
Sure, why not?
Now, Charlie...
...this is primo shit.
The best of the best.
Gonna make you
really happy.
Stop here, stop, stop.
What now?
See that tree there?
That's where
you're gonna go.
And this road'll take you
right up there.
Watch out for crocodile, too.
Are you serious?
Oh, great.
- And?
- Yeah, I'm comin'.
Wait now... much for them?
Fifty, like always.
- Fifty?
- Yeah.
Anything to eat?
I can't eat this.
I have no money left...
...or food.
I'm hungry.
There's lots of food
in the bush.
It's like
a supermarket out there.
Why don't you
answer your phone?
Got no recharge left.
We need you
to teach the kids... to dance...
The kids go to school now.
They don't care anymore.
We need to teach them...
...the traditional ways.
Get Bobby to teach them.
He can do it.
He knows how to lead them.
Oh shit.
Hey Charlie.
Charlie, how are you?
Um, some white guys
in town,
we think they might
be trouble.
Selling the ol' ganja.
Heard you might be able
to track 'em for us.
Come on.
I'll owe you one.
Now, I don't really
like this postin' too much.
I mean, the people are nice
like good ol' Charlie here, it's just...'s isolated, it's remote.
Don't know.
I'm one for the big city,
you know PC?
- Yup.
- I like the high life.
Stop, stop, stop.
Stop, stop.
Get out.
That drive there
means stop.
And here,
came back here,
and then he went this way.
Yesterday 10 o'clock.
Damn, you black fellas
are smart when you wanna be.
Hey, hey, come here.
Shh, down, down, down,
down, down, down.
Come, come.
Right there. It's...'s two cars
with a tent.
They're camping.
- Okay?
- Okay.
You'll be all right now?
I'm going back to town.
It's 15 kilometers away.
Shortcut through the bush.
See you later.
Anything to smoke?
The cops nearly caught me,
but those white fellas
got caught good and proper.
And I'd got this...
...but I hadn't
paid him yet either.
Serves him right,
always ripping us off.
Is this worth fifty dollars?
- No fucking way!
- It's big money.
And I didn't pay him!
Can you look
after him for a bit?
Stuff to do...
See you later.
See you.
He won't go anywhere.
You know I'm sick don't you?
My kidneys are no good.
Soon they'll stop working.
I know you're sick.
I know that.
It's all that...
...white man junk food we eat.
They'll take me to Darwin.
Then you'll die
in the wrong place...
...a long way
from your country.
A long way.
There'll be no one with you... one to look after you.
Right, we'll put you down
as a recreational shooter then.
Hunting is not
It's for food.
You still need a license.
How much it gonna cost me?
Sixty dollars.
Sixty dollars
to buy my gun back?
Charlie, you're not
getting your gun back.
It's been confiscated.
You're stealing it.
Look, you can't have
a purchase permit for it.
All right, you illegally
modified it
to be a concealable weapon.
You're lucky Brum
didn't charge you!
But I didn't know that.
I know,
it's just not an excuse.
I'm not
a recreational shooter...
I am...
...a hunter.
I danced for...
...the Queen of England...
...when they opened
that building.
I bet you never did that.
And again.
Good thing you gave up
smoking when you did, Charlie.
Your lungs
are packin' it in.
Next time you're in Darwin,
we should get
your chest X-rayed.
But you gotta
look after yourself.
No more ganja, okay?
And you need
to eat better.
Eat what?
White fella junk food?
Yeah, it's a problem.
Fuckin' yeah, it's a problem.
See this? Doesn't fit.
I can't eat with 'em,
and I can't eat
without them.
I'm starving.
Well, look,
I'm not the dentist.
You gotta wait
for the dentist to come.
I'll be dead by then.
What are you doing?
Making a spear.
For hunting.
Catch something to eat.
Why don't you use a gun?
Why don't you go away?
Go and play somewhere.
One, two, three.
- Hey Charlie.
- Hey Luke!
What do you got there?
I made a spear.
Hunting spear.
It's incredible
but I'm gonna have to take it.
Well, you can't just go
walking through town
with a dangerous weapon.
It's not a dangerous weapon.
It's a hunting spear,
not a battle spear.
You know what happened
in that other community.
One bloke dead and the other
one in the hospital.
But you took my gun!
Come on.
It's a dangerous weapon,
I'm gonna have
to destroy it.
Well, fuck you then.
Treacherous bastard!
Fuck those thieving...
...white bastards.
Why did you come here?
From far away...
stealing people's stuff!
Is this your land?
Fucking bastard.
I need to get money too.
I want my money!
All my money, the whole lot!
Where is it? I need it now!
What's going on?
That's a police car!
I'm borrowing it.
They took your rifle...
...and your car.
They took... spear...
...and my gun.
I work for them
catching criminals
and they don't pay me.
They stole our land
and put a police station on it.
They're lucky.
I'm only borrowing their car!
We'll bring it back later.
Where are we going?
Live the old way.
What's that for?
No electricity there.
Carrying water.
Where we used
to sleep as kids...
...we'll hunt and fish there.
...going bush, going bush...
...going to my
Mother Country...
...yes, your Mother Country...
Second, second.
This is not
your Mother Country.
No. This is where
we run out of fuel!
The fuel's run out!
We've barely left...
...and we've already
run out of fuel!
- I'm off then. See you.
- Yeah.
You'll be back as soon
as you're hungry!
Plenty of food out there!
Yeah eh?
Good tucker, this.
Our food...
He took my spear,
that policeman.
"This spear got no license."
Why take my spear?
Are you going to throw it?
Good, good, good.
Not bad.
Long time since
I painted anything...
I've been waiting
for you, Fish.
Oh! You're beautifully cooked.
That's what I want.
Yes! My Barramundi.
Well done.
Oh! You're cooked
just right, Fish...
Ah Fish...
Hey Fish...
Good Fish...
Very good, Fish.
Good fish, yeah.
I've been away fishing,
now I'm home.
I'm eating well.
It's my own supermarket.
Here, I'll wrap
some fish for you.
Just a minute... I'm busy.
I'm free now!
Lot of fish,
I have my own supermarket!
And this is my country!
I can dance with it!
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!
The ancestors
used to eat these.
They'd sit by the fire here.
They've all passed on.
No one left.
Me... at the Opera House.
...and to its cultural
and community life.
The Queen was there...
the Sydney Opera House...
...and opened it...
...the Opera House.
Just a boy...
...and the Queen.
Mother Country
is a long way...
...too far...
...I can't see it... Mother...
Fuck, you're hard to find.
Charlie, Charlie.
I thought I told you
to look after yourself.
We need to get him
to hospital.
See if the medevac's
Charter a plane
if you have to.
It's off to Darwin
with you now, my friend.
Well...'re looking
much better, huh?
Do you mind if I call
you Charlie?
I have difficulty
pronouncing foreign names.
Now I'm a foreigner?
You a doctor?
Yes, yes.
Well, I, uh...
I believe you were
found in the bush, Charlie.
I born in the bush.
I didn't find me
in the bush.
I see you still have
your sense of humor, ey?
I want a doctor.
Fuck this.
...we have to go home.
What's going on here, Charlie?
-I'm leaving.
-Are you? Okay.
Um, is there something
I can help you with?
No, you can't
keep me here.
Yeah, but you're
not well, okay?
You haven't been discharged.
Come back with me,
come on, come on!
You gonna buy some grog?
Are you banned?
I'm okay...
I'm allowed to buy it.
This one.
Something else as well.
Give him your I.D.
Got some I.D., mate?
Yeah, yeah.
That's me.
Yeah, all good.
You really are not banned.
Yeah I'm good.
Where are we going?
Going home to have a drink.
Wait! It's the cops.
We've got better things
to do than clean up
after you lot!
Quick. Hide the grog!
- I'm allowed.
- But I'm banned.
I'm banned!
If you give me grog then
you'll be banned and go to jail.
You know you're not
supposed to camp here!
Piss off!
Go back to your community!
Look at the mess!
My home, what a mess.
What a mess!
They should just shoot us... in the old days.
Hey you lot!
All's clear,
you can come out now!
We've got one here
not banned!
Come out from that grass,
we got grog!
You bring shame to us.
She's wrong skin for you.
You've broken the law.
And that's poison
you're drinking,
it rots your brain.
I don't know
what's wrong with him...
...shaming us.
Who knows?
Why is he like that now?
He didn't go
the straight way...
...he went any which way.
He just helped himself
to a woman.
Nothing left.
I'll get some,
there's some
in my account.
You can't be drinking
all this by yourself.
You buying this for her?
Mate, you wanna be careful.
Coppers are trying
to stop this sort of thing.
They came here
and asked me to report
any suspicious
grog purchases.
I've done nothing wrong.
Yeah, well, you try
telling the coppers that.
They're talking about
changing the law again.
Automatic 18 month
jail sentence
for anybody supplying
a banned person with grog.
Oh, sorry.
A police car!
Watch out, policemen coming!
Where's your home?
Where's your home, eh?
This is our land, you bastards!
You treacherous fuck!
Come on, I trusted you!
You fuckin' turn on me,
you fuckin' useless
black bastard!
Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Watch your head.
Should've hunted
you down that day, Charlie.
You know that,
but I did nothin'.
That is a big mistake by me.
I've learned my lesson,
you know?
You don't go soft
on a black fella,
they take advantage of you.
Shut up!
Come on.
Get in.
Sorry for hittin' you, Charlie.
You know, you can't just
sit on the grass all day
and call it "the old ways."
These times have changed.
No, they haven't.
You're still trying
to change our culture
to your bastard culture!
Fuck you!
In... in this particular
...moreover the defendant... no way denies the attack...
...and has shown nothing
in the way of remorse.
I find against him
on all charges.
Does the defendant have
anything to say
before sentencing?
This mean my country
is my home.
That means...
...I was living in my home...
...nice and peacefully.
Then the police came... throw me out.
That mean...
nothing more to say.
Attention! Attention!
All areas will report
Hard to talk to you
when you don't look like you.
I got that license
for my rifle.
They're teaching me here,
then I'll go back,
and I'll work
in my own country.
I'm going.
Ah, shit.
All right,
so when you're considered
for parole, Charlie.
- When?
- When?
I don't know,
not for a few months yet,
but when you are...
...where do you think
you might go?
I don't know.
What about going back
to your community?
You can live
your own way.
White fellas locked me up
for being aboriginal.
I wanted to live in
the white fella's way now.
You're gonna
report to me weekly.
You're gonna
show up on time.
And another condition
is that you'll be banned
from buying alcohol.
I'm giving up drinking anyway.
That's good.
And you won't be allowed
to associate with known drinkers.
Everyone in this country
are known drinkers.
Yeah, this means
known to the police.
Police are known drinkers.
Tell them not
to associate with me.
Okay, all right.
I'm gonna arrange
for you to stay
at a dry house
for the first month.
It's not the easiest
of places, Charlie.
But given what you want,
that's the best I can do.
I want to go home now...
...back to my own country...
...where my place is...
Same old junk,
same old prices.
Where's all the decent food?
The food in prison
is better than this.
Ah, doesn't matter.
What are you doing
in the bush?
You know I like it here.
I had to get this ranger
to find you.
He's always finding me
in the bush.
How come you don't
answer your phone?
Old number.
What's the new number then?
Only got old number.
You going to come
and teach the kids to dance?
No... not me...
...get Bobby
to teach those kids.
He knows how to do it.
Bobby's crook.
His lungs are bad.
Yeah, Bobby smokes too much.
They've taken him
to hospital in Darwin.
Okay, I'll teach them.
I'd like to do it.
I went from this land,
by myself.
Not just me,
other boys too.
We went far,
all the way to...
We danced there,
all the boys.
Dancing... for...
Queen Elizabeth... Queen...
...from England, London.
I've danced there!
For the opening
of the Opera House
and the Queen was there too.
Me, and all them boys.
Number one didgeridoo player,
and number one
clapstick player.
Very big.
Many, many people were there... the Opera House.
Do you want to give it a try?
I'll show you, eh?