Che: Part One (The Argentine) (2008) Movie Script

Translate, boy.
What did she say?
Could you say something into
the microphone?
One, two, three...
MARCH 1952
JULY 1955
Do what you want,
but don't mess with the Americans.
It's pretty simple.
All we have to do... organize a coup.
What did Batista do? He led
a coup and took power in one day.
The main issue is to control power.
The rest is nonsense.
It's not about taking power,
but knowing what to do with it.
That's right.
That coup must be based
on principles.
Let's eat. Fidel is late.
Could you give me a hand?
It's not about making concessions
but establishing conditions.
- Sorry I'm late.
- It's about time!
Good evening.
Sorry I'm late.
This is Ernesto.
- The Argentine doctor.
- Pleased to meet you.
- My pleasure.
- Let's eat!
Twenty percent of all Cubans
are permanently unemployed.
control 46 percent of the land.
Half the population has no electricity.
Over half live in bohos.
Sorry, what's a "boho"?
What's a hovel in Argentina?
A shack.
Infant mortality is through the roof.
What's more...
...while the thugs
of the dictatorship...
...gun down anyone
who speaks out...
...most corrupt officials...
...steal hundreds of millions of
dollars from the public treasury...
...and deposit it into
U.S. and European banks.
It's the same
in all Latin American countries.
In the last few years...
...the balance of payments
between the U.S. and Cuba...
...has been favorable to the U.S.
by one billion dollars.
What does this mean?
That this poor Caribbean island... helping to support the economy
of the most developed country
in the world.
As Mart used to say,
if the U.S. takes Spain out of Cuba...
...then we would have to
take out the U.S.
Do you have a boat?
Not yet.
We've smuggled thirty into Mexico.
We'll get some more.
Do you think I'm crazy?
A little.
...some craziness is good.
Fidel had extraordinary faith...
that once we left for Cuba,
we would make it there.
And that once we made it to Cuba,
we would fight.
And that in fighting,
we would win.
And so it was that
in November of 56
we left Mexico...
... in a leaky boat
with 82 men on board.
And of those 82,
only 12 would survive
to witness our victory.
Murderer! Assassin!
Get out of Cuba, Che! Murderer!
MARCH 1957
Well, from this point forward,
we experienced ten bitter days.
The only way I could walk was
to hold myself up with the trees...
... or by leaning on my rifle butt.
As if that weren't enough,
I was traveling with a soldier...
... who panicked
every time my asthma
made me cough.
Soldiers! Soldiers are coming!
There's a lot of them!
They're going to kill us!
We have to hide!
That's Epifanio's house!
Close the door.
Where's Fidel?
My name is Ernesto Guevara.
What's yours?
Jorge Sots, why?
I have orders
from Fidel to command you...
...and your men,
and lead you to where he is.
Where are you from?
I don't trust anyone. I'm the
only one leading these troops.
Frank Pas said to deliver these men
to Fidel, personally.
Listen! We'll stop for five minutes.
Sit down, everyone.
Hey, what's going on?
- Fidel is coming!
- Go and tell the doctor.
- Stand up, come on!
- Fidel is coming.
Stand up.
Come on, up! Grab your rifle.
Good to see you. Are you all right?
This is Epifanio.
- Ral
- How are you?
Very good.
- How was your vacation?
- Vacation? What vacation?
Hello, Ramiro.
- Hi, Vilma.
- Good to see you.
- How are you, Che?
- Hello, Celia.
Fidel wants to talk to you
about what happened with Sots.
Let him speak.
If you say something,
it could sound defensive...
...and he's not going to like that.
I left you in charge
of the reinforcements.
I don't have anything
against Jorge Sots...
...but how can you let someone
with no experience
take charge of the troops?
You still have this complex about
being foreign, and it's pointless.
You trained with us... came in the boat with us,
you were wounded fighting with us.
You are as Cuban and revolutionary
as everyone here.
We are forming three columns.
Ral will lead the first one.
Almeida will be
in charge of the second one.
And Jorge Sots
will command the third one.
I did all my studies,
finished high school...
...then I worked as a mechanic
for two or three years.
I then delivered milk around the area.
Also worked as a boxer.
And in a circus, working as
a magician, among other things.
In a circus? How old are you?
- Who gave them to you?
- The one and only Celia Snchez!
He looks like John Wayne.
- A cowboy from the wild west.
- The Little Cowboy.
That's it: "The Little Cowboy"!
The army keeps moving up
and down the road, Fidel.
It would be pretty easy
to hunt a couple of patrols.
- We must be patient.
- I agree, it would be easy to do.
- We could do it fast and safely.
- No, listen a second.
If we attack one of the trucks...
...then the army would say
it was a crash on the road.
But if we launch a full attack
on the Uvero barracks... will be impossible
for them to deny our victory.
It will have a huge psychological
impact. Do you understand?
MAY 28, 1957
Sots isn't in position...
...but he can't move because
it's getting light out.
I don't know about the others.
It's hard to see because...
Fuck, I missed!
Get down!
I have a saint watching over me!
He protects me from everything!
Are you okay?
- It's my arm and leg.
- Stay calm.
Don't fall asleep.
In War and Peace,
Tolstoy remarks
that military science assumes...
... that bigger armies
with more men
wield greater force.
On the other hand,
only vaguely, do they recognize...
... that during military combat
the final strength of an army...
... is also its true physical capacity
multiplied by one unknown variable.
One unknown variable.
This variable is none other
that the spirit of the troops...
... measured as their greater
or lesser desire to fight
and confront danger.
Men with the desire to fight
who also understand
why they are fighting...
... regardless of
who they are fighting...
... whether under military geniuses
or those of normal intelligence...
... fighting with clubs or machine
guns that fire 30 rounds a minute...
... these men
will put themselves
in the best positions...
... and so they will win.
Light this up! Come on!
What are we going to do, now?
Take the barracks.
Come on!
Take this, motherfuckers!
From them on,
Batista began shutting down
his Sierra Maestra barracks.
Fidel was right.
It was exactly
as Jos Mart said...
... whoever takes
the Sierra Maestra,
takes Cuba.
On our side, six comrades are dead
and 17 are wounded.
Of the seventeen, six can't walk.
- How is Almeida?
- He's fine. He's being treated.
Get the prisoners.
They're coming with us.
Excuse me, doctor. I have no
experience in this kind of situation.
There's a man
over there who is choking.
Okay, guys, we got to get out of
here. Come on, they're coming.
Let's go, guys.
Leave that.
You're okay. Help him.
Che, we have to leave right now.
Hey, shithead. Leave that.
We have to go! Come on!
Israel Pardo's farm is not far.
- Ernesto can take the wounded there.
- No.
When they recover...
...we can meet up with you later.
That could be very dangerous.
They're going to flood
this area with troops now.
We don't have a choice.
Let's think about it.
Anyway, give him the best weapons.
A real revolutionary goes
where he's needed,
it may not be direct combat.
Sometimes it's about doing
others task...
... finding food,
dressing wounds,
carrying comrades for miles...
... and then,
taking care of them until
they can take care of themselves.
This is what it means.
I always knew
why I was fighting...
But I can tell you...
... that it was during
the March of the Wounded
in June of 1957...
... that I became the fighter
I am today.
And once that happens,
it leaves you only one path.
I don't have any plans to retire.
It's infected.
We'll have to leave it uncovered.
I have to walk with my ass naked?
(Vilo smells something.)
Let's pick some
guavas before going back.
Stop there, buddy.
What are you two doing here?
- We're from here.
- What's your name?
- Israel.
- Israel what?
Israel Pardo.
- What's his name?
- He's my brother, Guile.
- Ernesto Guevara.
- Did we scare you?
Good, man, good.
We have to take him to a hospital.
Give me a swig.
Can we trust anyone
to take him out of here?
Soldiers tell people that the rebels
kill them and steal their food.
My mother is from here
and my father came from Haiti.
When he met my mother...
...we moved to a farm that belonged
to Juanito Echevarra.
He gave us a piece
of land to grow coffee.
But we had to clear it
and plant the seeds.
And we had to give
him a third of our crop.
And one day Juanito
decided to kick us out.
When my father knew
he had to leave...
...he stood in front
of Juanito Echevarra and said:
"I'll leave if you want,
but you have to pay... have to pay me for
the four years that I worked here."
Do you know
what Juanito Echevarra
paid us for four years of work?
One hundred pesos.
My old man got
one hundred pesos for four years.
Be careful.
This is the bullet
I removed from your body.
You're a champ.
- I'm going to get better now.
- Yes.
Maybe a little powder.
... and from that comes...
If I don't work, I don't eat.
And you are on welfare.
Go back to work in Cuba.
What's the point of the U.N. if our
fate is determined by the O.A. S... organization that expelled us
and to which we no longer have ties?
Excuse me, Comandante.
Will you need me tonight?
Little boy, no one is so necessary,
or indispensable in this life.
Don't go thinking
that you are indispensable.
Go, do what you need to do.
I am going
to give you a little checkup...
...beginning with your ears.
Is that okay?
Too much work
and not enough to eat.
Maria, try to eat meat
whenever you can.
- Alright?
- Thanks, doctor.
- Let's go, Laura.
- Goodbye.
Mommy, that guy's a liar.
He says the same thing to everyone.
- Where does it hurt?
- Nothing really hurts.
I just came to see you because
I've never seen a doctor before.
Well, you've seen one now.
I'm here for you.
Excuse me.
Can I have your canteen,
so I can fill it?
Thank you, Guile.
Listen, Doctor.
I want to go with you all.
First you have to
learn to read and write, man.
I can learn.
Very good, Guile.
But I still can't take you because
I don't have a gun to give you.
But I don't care, I want to help.
We need your help here.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Where do you come from?
- From Bayamo.
All of you?
If you are armed, you can stay.
If you're not,
you have to leave right now.
Esteban, come here.
Man, didn't I tell you to only
bring men with weapons?
If we're attacked, how the hell
are they going to defend themselves?
Have you been drinking?
Where did you get that from?
I found it.
Listen, what's your name?
How old are you?
They gave you
a tremendous shotgun.
They must like you.
If they liked me
they'd let me keep my rifle...
...and not this stupid shotgun.
They would have
made me leader of a column...
...and we would be fighting by now
instead of crossing these mountains.
With your permission, Doctor...
...we were standing guard last night
but our relief never came.
We stayed
until six in the morning.
We never found out
where they were.
We try to follow the rules,
but it's not easy.
Hey, Joel!
Didn't you organize
the watch last night?
Yes, sir. Why?
Omar and Carlos were on watch for
four hours and relief never showed.
Those guys are stupid shitheads!
No, you're the only shithead here.
Me? Why?
Ernesto, they should've found out
where their relief was sleeping.
- That's not my fault.
- What the fuck were you thinking?
That was your responsibility.
You organized the watch! You had
to guarantee the shift relief!
- Fuck!
- Yes, sir.
Tonight you'll
stand watch for four hours.
Stay focused!
It's ready, Che.
Esteban left to meet
Cuervo at the sentry post.
- When did he leave?
- Half an hour ago.
Those bastards are gone!
Bandera, come here.
Esteban and Cuervo took off.
We have to find both of them.
We're from Fidel's group.
We're looking for food and money.
You can put the money in this bag.
The Comandante here wants
to talk to your daughter.
We searched all over...
...but nothing.
Of course, defeating
imperialism is impossible...
...if you don't recognize its source
is the United States of America.
In capitalist system,
people live in an invisible cage.
For example, they accept
the myth of the self-made man.
But they do not understand...
that opportunities
for the majority...
... are determined by forces
completely beyond individual control.
This is ugly.
I want the vanguard a hundred yards
ahead of us at all times.
We should bury them.
Because yours is the kingdom,
the power and glory forever and ever.
Locals say there's a terrible battle
in the Estrada Palma military base.
They say Ral is wounded and that
the army is coming toward us.
Forget about it. We're surrounded.
The only way out of here... to cut through El Turquino.
I'm ready to take the mountain.
That was a good party.
- He says he wants to talk to you.
- I'm sorry.
The problem is that one of your men
who says he is Lalo Sardias... down there
with a group of rebels...
...and if a patrol arrives...
...they're going to burn my shack,
and kill my family.
And that can't happen! No way!
Pleased to meet you.
My name is Ernesto Guevara.
- What's your name?
- Emilio Cabrera.
Emilio, don't worry.
No one is going to touch anything.
Vilo, tell people to get ready,
they're about to meet Fidel Castro.
No, now listen to me.
Ral wasn't really wounded. We were
the ones surrounding the army.
And those bastards escaped.
Come on, motherfucker.
Give me a hand.
How are you?
- Where did you get those peasants?
- Those are my troops, man.
They're working out all right.
I don't speak out loud
because they'll get big heads.
We've missed you.
Some coffee?
Hey, Joel.
Fidel asked me why I
hadn't made you lieutenant.
I told him because you didn't know
how to read or write.
Well, I want to learn.
But I need someone to teach me.
Then get a pencil
and a pair of notebooks...
...and put them in your backpack.
Look, Che.
This is the new recruit I wanted
to introduce to you.
Doctor Martnez Pez.
Pleased to meet you.
I have a present here.
From now on...
...I stop being the medic
to become a guerrilla.
What, are you giving up your job?
Yes, sir.
- Who are they?
- Chibs and Pazos.
They're signing an agreement.
What agreement?
A political alliance.
I would say that
the only conflict we had
was with Batista and his allies...
We differed in our tactics.
They wanted to oust Batista
with a general strike...
... and we wanted to overthrow him
with an armed struggle.
As you can see
our method proved effective
for removing Batista.
All right, gentlemen.
The provisional government, first...
...will free all political
prisoners, civilian and military.
Second, it will guarantee freedom of
information for the radio and press...
...and individual and political rights
established in the 1940 Constitution.
The provisional government
will also establish terms
for the Agrarian Reform...
...leading to
the distribution of public lands.
Have a good trip.
Excuse me, Fidel.
I can't understand how you can meet
with those clowns...
...and much less, how you can make
an agreement with them.
They're fighting against
the same enemy we are.
No, you're fighting,
they're negotiating.
They have lots of followers, Ernesto.
People I can't afford to turn away.
Let's see how it goes.
But I'm sure that if we win the war...
...those guys will
hand the keys over to the U.S.
Listen, when this war is won, no
one's handing any keys to anybody.
I'll guarantee you that.
Come here, I need you
to sign something for me.
It's a letter
of condolence for Frank Pas.
They killed his brother in Santiago.
They killed his brother?
Sign as "Comandante."
Sign as "Comandante."
I'm forming a new column in
the eastern side of Mount Turquino.
You'll have three captains...
...Lalo Sardias...
...Ramiro Valds...
...and Ciro Redondo.
You have to wear out
Mosquera's troops...
...harass them constantly.
Don't let up on them.
Don't even let them breathe!
You cannot give them a break.
I want you to establish a base
at El Hombrito.
Got it?
No one can leave a wounded comrade
on the battlefield.
If any of you leave weapons behind
during battle or anywhere else...'ll have to go back for it, alone.
And if anyone falls asleep on guard
duty, he won't eat for three days.
Is that clear?
Thank you, Ciro.
I want to say something else... make myself clear.
We respect the peasants... no one is allowed
to touch their harvest...
...or mess with them...
If anyone does...
...he will be punished to the full
extent of the revolutionary code.
Come here.
Here you go. Take care
of it like it's your girlfriend.
Thank you, Comandante.
Do you need help, Comandante?
- Gustavo.
- Yes, Comandante.
Take your math notebook out
and do some work.
I'm exhausted, Comandante.
Let me tell you something
at the risk of sounding ridiculous.
A true revolutionary is guided
by great feelings of love...
... love of humanity,
and truth.
It's impossible to conceive
of an authentic revolutionary...
... without this one quality.
Don't move, asshole!
Freeze! Don't shoot!
I'm a doctor.
Che, they're shooting mortars!
How many men are in your troops?
One hundred forty.
Under whose command?
Merob Sosa.
- Mortars!
- Let's go.
- Tell me.
- Ramiro.
Go back and keep shooting until
Lalo Sardias' squad has passed.
We'll do a second line of resistance...
...up there, on the hill,
two hundred meters away.
- See you.
- Let's go, gentlemen.
That's Gustavo!
No, Roberto! Roberto!
It would be very difficult,
it would take a long time.
By this I mean
with the U.S. government...
... because we have nothing
against the American people.
There's not even a trace of hate in
our country for the American people
Comandante, there's a page missing.
- How is this possible?
- The fourteenth.
Here is the page. It's torn out.
Excuse me, Comandante.
There's a small problem.
- What did he say?
- There's a bomb threat at the U.N.
They called the station
Hector, you go with Pedro and the
Cuban delegation in the second car...
...and I will go in the first car.
I think I should go with you.
I didn't ask your opinion.
Comandante, with all due respect...
...I came here to protect you.
And I'd like you to give me
that opportunity, at least.
- That way we'll die together if...
- No one is going to die.
Go away! Traitor! Murderer!
Not only did you desert
with yourweapon...
...and terrorize the area,
stealing from the poor... the name of the revolution...
...but also,
because of your betrayal...
...peasants were tortured
and murdered by Batista's army.
Why, Esteban?
The punishment for treason is death.
And you...
...boasted of your authority
as a messenger for the Rebel Army...
...and passing yourself off
as Comandante Almeida... raped
Juan Carlos Estvez's daughter...
...a teenager...
...and this also
deserves the death penalty.
Bring him here.
Would you like a sip of rum?
Roberto, give him a swig.
Do you have a last wish?
Let me confess to Father Chvez.
We can't bring you the priest.
He's far away, we have no time.
- Something else?
- Then give me another swig.
Give him another.
Make sure everyone knows I asked
for my last confession.
Mr. President, fellow delegates...
The world has developed a great deal
in this political arena...
...but American imperialism,
above all...
...has led people to believe
that peaceful coexistence... the exclusive right
of the world's most powerful nations.
Cuba, my fellow delegates,
free and sovereign...
...with no chains
tying it to anyone...
...without foreign investments
in its territory... from occupant military bosses
determining political status...
...can stand tall at this assembly...
...and demonstrate the correctness of
the cry with which it was baptized.
Free territory of America!
The United States
intervenes in Latin America
claiming they defend freedom.
One day this assembly
will acquire enough maturity... demand equal rights for blacks...
...and Latin Americans living
in this country... they awaken
from the long,
brutal sleep to
which they've been subject.
We need to say here...
...something that is a known truth.
And this is a truth we have always
presented to the world.
Executions? Yes, we have executed.
We execute, and we'll continue
to execute when it is necessary.
Our fight is a fight to death.
These are the
conditions in which we live...
...because of the imposition
of American imperialism.
Good morning.
- How are you, doctor?
- Good.
- And my brother?
- Very good.
- What's your name?
- He's Enrique, my brother.
We're from Remedios.
We worked
for the 26th of July Movement.
My brother and I, with a group...
...tried to burn down the stable
at the town barracks...
...but one of the soldiers
identified my brother... we came here to find Fidel.
- What's your name?
- Rogelio Acevedo.
- How old are you, Rogelio?
- Sixteen.
- And you?
- Fourteen.
Sixteen and fourteen.
I can't accept you, you're too young.
- What are you here for?
- Same reasons as you.
Is that so? Very good.
Do you know how to read and write?
Raise your hands, the ones who
know how to read and write.
So you know how to read and write?
Yes, Comandante.
I made it through sixth grade.
We are not here in the middle
of the mountains just to fire guns.
A country that doesn't know
how to read and write... easy to deceive.
Since none of you have weapons...
...l'm picking only eight of you.
The rest will have to go.
This is no piece of cake,
we're here to fight.
We won't eat for days. We'll sleep
on the ground in the rain...
...we're risking our lives here.
Is that clear?
- Yes.
- Is that absolutely clear?
- Sure?
- Yes.
Good. You will be a teacher.
And the rest will learn from her.
You came here to fight and to learn.
And you?
- Come on, boys, you gotta go.
- No.
Fuck no. You have to go.
If I have to go back to Remedios
I'd rather shoot myself.
Me, too.
My God...
- Are you listening?
- Let's go, man.
Let's get moving.
Come on.
Wait, wait, wait!
You can't do that, man.
Stand up!
You're stopping the column!
- Hold my gun.
- Let's go.
The next letter is...
No, look.
Here. Yello...
Excuse me, Che.
He says he needs to talk to you.
What's going on?
Comandante, Camilo calls me a
bad word every time he sees me.
- What bad word?
- Something rude I don't like.
Go and get Camilo.
Like what?
I don't want to be a bother, but I'm
a man who shouldn't be disrespected.
Everyone is laughing
and making fun of me.
I don't really understand what
he's saying, but I don't like it.
What's going on, Comandante?
What's the story?
Okay, friend, now tell me
what Camilo's been saying to you?
He calls me "vanilla piss".
Ventriloquist, man, ventriloquist.
- That's not a bad word.
- But it sounds bad. I don't like it.
A ventriloquist is someone who talks
without moving his mouth.
- Why are you calling me that?
- Yes, Camilo, why?
Because he's
a good messenger and he's...
...always popping
up with information, and...
...he reminds me of a ventriloquist
puppet that moves like this.
Albertico, it's not a bad word.
It's not an insult, man.
I say it with affection.
- He's a very good messenger.
- Really?
No, it's true. He's doing things
really well, he's always there.
Yes, he is.
You wanna play ball, Che?
Today is a perfect day to
abandon the guerrilla movement.
Another chance like this
may not come along for weeks.
Let's see.
Anyone who'd like to leave
this column, step forward.
Stand up there.
Come on,
the quitters and the horses' asses!
Stay there.
I'm not leaving because I'm scared.
I have a pain and...
You are a moron. Shut up.
- My mother is sick.
- You are a moron!
You'll have to give back everything
that belongs to the column.
You're a bunch of cowards.
You have
thirty minutes to get out of here.
If we find you, you're deserters.
Israel, Roberto, take them out.
aren't you leaving with them?
Another faggot.
Anyone else?
So, did you grow balls?
We can still stand a little bit more.
You already behaved
with dignity...
...but you have no chance of
adapting to this warfare.
Okay, I'll make an exception.
I'll let you take your things
with you, I'll give you a guide...
...and 10 pesos to each of you.
I think you should
forgive me in advance... I know you will not
like what I'm going to say.
If we joined the troops,
it wasn't to go back humiliated.
We prefer, and I speak for both... die on this mountain rather than
return home as failures.
We'll make the maximum effort
even if it costs our lives.
This is the last straw.
While the strong
grow weaker and leave...
...these snot-nosed kids
get more courageous.
Is there any logic here?
The important ones aren't the ones
who leave, but the ones who stay...
...and the ones
who will join us in the future.
Listen to me.
Comandantes Ral and Almeida
will come with me.
They will open the second and
third front with their columns.
...will replace Sardias
as your new captain.
Look how generous the revolution is.
Individualism, the isolated action
of a person in a social environment...
... must disappear from Cuba.
It's very easy
to claim that in capitalism...
... the individual
has the option to satisfy...
... or to express true human nature.
A child has one toy and wants two...
... that child gets
two toys and wants four.
This is human nature. Isn't it?
But when a whole society
behaves in that same way...
... or when it becomes a monopoly
oppressing the less fortunate...
... is that human nature?
This is exactly
when you have to do something.
Ye, of course,
we are individuals...
... who have accepted the
challenge and the responsibility...
... to lead in the name of society
as a whole.
Long live free Cuba!
Will they have much time to respond?
Each one will have ten minutes.
- From the podium?
- No, from the floor.
- And my rebuttal?
- Ten minutes.
- Also from the floor?
- No, from the podium.
My government has nothing to do...
...with the fact that every day... Cuban circles, to bolster
the illusions of the Cuban people...
...they announce
the formation of invading brigades...
...armed with revolvers...
...and small-caliber weapons
to confront an army that...
...according to
the declarations of their leaders...
...has at their disposal,
the most modern nuclear arms.
Absolutely false are...
...the accusations...
...that acts of genocide are being
committed in Venezuela.
it is simply absurd and intolerable...
...that a Cuban representative...
...dares to make judgements
about Venezuelan sovereignty...
...the unique and exclusive patrimony
of the Venezuelan people...
...a truly free people...
...which has
a democratic government...
...with elections whose legitimacy
are known to the entire world.
The tragedy
of the Cuban Revolution...
...lies in not having known how to
institutionalize this great movement...
...into an administration
with legal rights in the Americas.
The greatest flaw of their leaders... that they suffer from excessive
vanity which blinds them...
...and prevents them
from observing past examples...
...which are typical of America... the Mexican revolution
in 1910.
I, who lived
many years of my youth in Cuba...
...and who perhaps
feels more than Che Guevara...
...that there has
been enough suffering...
...and pain for the Cuban people.
In my brief reply to your capricious
intervention into Panamanian issues...
...l'd like to finish
by saying to you...
..."don't defend me, compadre."
JANUARY 1, 1958
Take the sick to the shelter!
To the shelter!
Take them to the shelter.
Don't run. Don't run.
Hurry up!
Come on!
Let's go in!
One, two, three.
Polo. Take the prisoners
to your house and keep them there.
Polo. Make sure no one mistreats
them, verbally or physically.
- Understood, Roberto?
- Sure.
Come on, walk!
They killed Ciro,
they shot him in the head.
We couldn't recover his body.
May I talk to you for a second, sir?
They were very well organized.
- More than we expected?
- Much more.
They have a school, hospital,
printing press, a power plant.
They must have been here months.
What do you want me to do
with this?
Torch it.
I need you to go to Minas del Fro...
...and create a training camp.
What for?
I want you to be personally
in charge of the new recruits.
What about my column?
Ramiro can take your place for now.
You know
we're days away from an attack.
- I don't understand.
- This is more important.
It makes sense, teach.
Who can do that better than you?
Tell me. No one, man.
Look, when this is over...
...Cuba and the revolution
will need you even more.
Even if I had a different opinion...
... even if I felt I had been demoted...
... I knew Fidel had his reasons,
you can be sure of that...
Yes, that's why
Fidel backed the General Strike...
But he always made it really clear...
... that we were the only ones
capable of defeating the enemy.
After the failure
of the General Strike of April 9th...
... there was no more doubt.
The 26th of July Movement was the
only group that could defeat Batista.
That's what a leader does. He
convinces people to share his vision.
Tell her she's proved
one thing to me for sure...
... that I'd rather face a soldier
than a journalist.
They see us rebels as agitators...
...people who want to gain prestige
by complicating Batista's life.
But we don't see ourselves like that.
We see ourselves as a small army
that will become a bigger army...
Fidel has to be the Commander
in Chief of the entire rebellion.
But we have to propose it with tact.
Our relationship with the Communist
Party still makes people nervous.
We raised funds by naming Fidel
as leader of our revolution.
Outside of Cuba, he's the only
recognizable figure we've got.
No one is saying that in the plains
they screwed up.
But what is clear
in Sierra Maestra... that defeating Batista doesn't
assure the end of the dictatorship.
We also have to overthrow
Batista's army... order to prevent another coup.
Being under
the command of the Soviet Union...
...isn't any better than being under
the command of the United States.
Latour, you're still thinking
like a colonized person does.
Cuba won't be
under anyone's command.
Cuba is for the Cuban people.
I'll do everything I can
with the Stalinists from the PSP...
...but I don't think
it will be worth it.
And we understand it, Faustino.
we always want to include...
From now on, the coordination
of the plains militias...
...will serve the needs of
the guerrillas in Sierra Maestra.
Fidel Castro will become Commander
in Chief of all the armed forces.
Long live the Revolution!
MAY 3, 1958
I want to congratulate you, Fidel...
...because today you entered the path
of the greatest men of the Americas.
A path that...
...will prove to the world...'s possible to get to power
with an armed struggle...
...supported by the people.
It's not only me, Ernesto.
It's all of us.
This wouldn't be possible
if I were on my own.
I want you to organize a new front.
Once we start this offensive...
...I want to take the war down from
Sierra Maestra into the plains.
You'll have to unite
all the rebel factions.
We have to take control of Las Villas
Province, dividing the island in two.
Camilo's going to head in the same
direction, leading his own column.
There will be no victory in Havana...
...without victory in Las Villas.
Getting all the groups to work
together will be difficult, Ernesto.
So, I hope you have
sharpened your political skills.
And one other thing.
I know you are very reckless...
...but you can't always
put yourself on the front line.
You are too important to us.
It's an order.
I want to respond
to the Nicaraguan delegate...
...even though I did not understand
his argument about accent.
I believe he referred to Cuba...
...Argentina and somewhat
to Russia of the Soviet Union.
In any event,
I hope the Nicaraguan delegate
found no North American accent
in my speech,
because that
would be truly dangerous.
But one thing is for sure,
we don't commit assassinations... the ones being committed
right at this moment... the political police of
Venezuela who are called DIGEPOL...
...if I am not misinformed.
This police force has committed
a series of barbarous acts...
...executions, which is to say:
The Panamanian delegate...
...who has been kind
enough to call me "Che"... I am called
by the Cuban people...
...began speaking
about the Mexican Revolution.
While Cuba spoke
about the North American
massacre in Panama...
...the Panamanian delegation...
...continued speaking in this vein,
without referring at all... that American
massacre forwhich...
...the Panamanian government
broke off relations
to the United States.
On to Mr. Stevenson.
Regrettably, he is not present here.
Mr. Stevenson again claims
there is no violation of the law...
...that neither airplanes nor boats
leave from here and, of course...
...that pirate attacks just happen.
They just come out of nowhere.
Due to the demands of imperialism,
our Prime Minister
declared five points... secure peace in the Caribbean.
And these are...
A halt to the economic blockade and
all forms of commercial pressure...
...imposed by the United States all
over the world against our country.
Halt all subversive activities,
such as...
...the launch and distribution
of arms and explosives
by air and water...
of mercenary invasions...
...infiltration of spies and saboteurs...
...and all actions carried out from
the territory of the United States...
...or accomplice countries.
Halt all pirate attacks
carried out from bases located... the United States
and Puerto Rico.
Halt all airspace
and territorial water violations... U.S. aircraft and warships.
Withdrawal from the
Guantnamo naval base
...and return of Cuban territory
occupied by the U.S.
This great mass of humanity has said
"Enough!" and has stepped forward.
This march of giants will not stop
until true independence is won...
...forwhich so many died in vain.
All of this, my fellow delegates... the new stance of
the American continent...
...a stance captured by the cry...
...that is shouted
every day by our people... an expression of our
irrefutable decision to fight...
...paralyzing the strikes
of armed intruders... outcry that counts the support
of all working classes of the world...
...and especially the socialist camp
headed by the Soviet Union.
This cry is "Homeland or death!"
That's Las Villas,
behind the clouds.
OCTOBER 16, 1958
Camilo arrived a few weeks ago and
we put ourselves under his command.
- Very good.
- Oh, I see you received our supplies.
Yes, thanks. Of all the groups
operating in the area...
...the Communist Party was
the only one to send help.
I'm not surprised, Comandante.
Most of these groups
are too busy fighting each other.
Months ago, Menoyo broke from the
Directory, creating a Second Front.
Since then, each one has carved out
its own territory.
There's been open hostility
between the two factions.
Where does the 26th of
July Movement stand in all of this?
Menoyo met with Vctor Bordn.
I think both groups...
...are on the brink
of an armed confrontation.
We're ready to cooperate
with the 26th of July Movement... all military maneuvers.
We even agree with
agrarian reform... long as it's done reasonably...
...and brings in money.
Landowners should be pressured... sell their idle land
to the peasants.
But it should be sold at cost.
Will you be the one fixing the price?
How can a peasant
with no money buy land?
But, what do you want?
Just give it to them?
So they can destroy it
like they did in Mexico?
The owner of the land
is the one who works it.
you have permission to institute
agrarian reform in the region...
...but the Second Front will continue
to charge the land taxes.
Menoyo, the region belongs to us all.
What we have to do here is fight.
The only thing
the Directory won't do... any kind of deal
with Menoyo's Second Front.
We'll never do business
with that bunch of bandits.
We need to attack
all the army garrisons in the area.
But you can't attack Gina de
Miranda because that zone is ours.
We have more experience
and more weapons than you do.
Do you think the Americans are just
going to sit and watch this happen?
No, man, listen.
We shouldn't be
doing things so openly.
So, you're one of those who think
we can make a revolution...
...behind the backs of the Americans?
No, man.
A real revolution cannot be hidden.
I can do more
with the four hundred rifles I have...
...than you can
with your little bazooka...
...and all the balls
your troops may have.
Look, Pea, the day I have
to take arms against my comrades...
...will be the day I stop fighting.
If you don't take Gina de Miranda
in five days, we'll do it ourselves.
I am Comandante Ernesto Guevara.
He is Comandante Ramiro Valds.
And he is Captain Victor Bordn.
I just want to say three things.
From now on, I am the only one... charge of
the region of Las Villas.
We will enforce strict discipline.
And third:
The fighting is going to intensify.
Whoever is not ready to sacrifice
himself for his homeland...
...can leave his gun on the ground...
...and abandon the column...
Give it to me, damn it!
Homeland or death!
You're ready?
Thank you.
Tell Oltuski the money
will be put to good use.
Will do.
Excuse me.
The police are looking for me
in Santa Clara and want to arrest me.
I need to stay here.
I'm not going anywhere.
Well, you can stay
and work in the infirmary...
...because we don't
allow people to just hang around.
I want you to know that
for the last two years...
...l've been working in the
clandestine movement.
I've been taking weapons, bombs, and
fugitives all across the province.
I think that gives me the right
to become a guerrilla
We've started taxing...
...some of the largest landowners.
I need someone to collect the money.
You can start with that
and then we'll see.
The girl here will collect the taxes.
We were finally
working with the other groups.
It was like a wave.
When we arrived in the towns,
people received us with open arms.
And many of them even joined us.
True, but in reality, that battle...
... had been buildingsteam...
... for nearly 100 years.
When people hate their government,
it's not too hard to take a town.
One machine gun, 180 rifles...
...and 9,000 rounds of ammunition.
Vctor, we need you to blow
the Cabaigun bridge.
The Cabaigun bridge? Now?
Yes. Now.
How did it go?
I couldn't collect the money.
In Placetas, the police
are looking for me, too.
Take the compaeras back to camp.
Wait a minute.
With all due respect...
...I know these towns like the back
of my hand. Let me be your guide.
I already have a guide.
Don't worry.
I know you're going to stay with us.
Don't be like that. Calm down, girl.
Don't worry.
Do you know Cabaigun?
And tell Millin
to have his people ready.
We'll attack the garrison.
We have to give you a tetanus shot.
No, it might trigger
an asthma attack.
Give me some aspirin.
Comandante, this is the Virgin
of Caridad del Cobre...
...the patron saint of Cuba to help
your arrival in Havana.
I hope it helps us
arrive in Placetas.
- How are you? Does it hurt?
- A little, but that's unavoidable.
Here, for your arm.
Long live the revolution!
Shit, Argentine.
You broke your paw?
What happened to you?
- I just spoke to Fidel.
- And?
Santiago has almost surrendered.
Santa Clara is the only thing
standing between us and Havana.
Batista's throwing everything
he's got to Santa Clara.
That's why...
...when you take Remedios
and I take Yaguajay...
...we can then take
Santa Clara together.
Give me a light.
I know what I'm going
to do when we win this thing.
I'll put you in a cage...
...tourthe country
and charge admission.
We'll be rich, man!
What made you join the Movement?
Well, I was in college when Fidel
attacked the Moncada barracks.
When I read his speech defense
plea, "History Will Absolve Me"...
...I knew he was the only one
who could take down Batista.
And that he would do it fighting,
and I liked that.
- Does your family support you?
- Of course.
My cousin was killed.
The brutality of the army
intensified after the general strike.
I think they got scared...
...when they saw
so many people against them.
You don't look like a Communist.
And what do Communists
look like?
Well, not like you.
We come in all colors.
Do you expect to stay in Cuba
after the success of the Revolution?
My wife and my daughter
are in Mexico.
I have to keep them in mind.
Of course.
I'm Lieutenant Prez Valencia.
The rebel army... not what you have imagined.
Hand over your weapons
and no one will be injured.
Stay on the air, over.
Santa Clara
hasn't sent reinforcements.
It's a lost cause for these people.
Attention, Che, attention.
Che, attention, Che.
Listen, could you resolve
the problem and follow...
...the instructions, the instructions
you gave me with the man I sent...
... so tell me if you understand,
understand, understand me.
Over, Che.
Camilo, I hear you perfectly...
...your record is broken,
you have to change it. Over.
How long will you be in Yaguajay?
Three days, maybe a week.
The more time you stay there...
...the harder it will be here, Camilo.
Don't dare to enter the city
without me, do you hear?
Camilo, it's fair to
share the glory sometimes. Over.
Sharing the glory is fine,
but with an Argentine...
...don't do that to me.
Over and out, Che.
It's good to have you in Santa Clara,
Colonel Casillas.
The city's forces
are at your disposal.
Can those forces
get me some coffee?
The best beans in the world, Colonel.
Sit down.
Santa Clara was all they had left.
... the only thing linking Havana
to the country as a whole.
... though we hadn't slept for days...
... and the army
outnumbered us nine to one...
... at that point, safely waiting
for Camilo seemed to us,
more dangerous.
People of Santa Clara...
... this is Comandante Guevara
The enemy wants us to live in fear...
... but it is they who should be afraid.
The situation of the military regime
is getting worse every day...
... because their soldiers
don't want to fight.
Santa Clara...
... if there has ever been
a time to fight
... for our freedom,
that time is now.
That moment has come.
I want air strikes...
...all around the neighborhoods.
Torch those bastards!
He's dead.
Cover him with that sheet.
I need more help.
- Aleida.
- The situation is critical.
Talk to Camajuani
and ask for more doctors.
Comandante, it's Rogelio
calling from the station.
Speak to me, Rogelio.
we took the train station.
Is it safe?
Go with 16 men to the train tracks
between Toscano and San Pedro...
...and wait there.
The tank is screwing us...
The machine gun
doesn't let us get closer.
For Guile and Ramiro.
- What's the highest position?
- The church at the end of the street.
Then you have to take the church,
you must take the church.
Of course, Comandante.
Hit it hard.
How many houses
do we have to cross?
Little Cowboy, it's too many.
Hit it hard. Fuck.
We have to break it down now!
Get down, Little Cowboy,
you're going to get hit.
Stay here.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- The SIM is on the hotel rooftop.
They hit Little Cowboy.
Tamayo. What happened?
They got Little Cowboy,
What happened to him?
We claimed a rooftop
to get a good position...
...and then, he got shot in the head.
They killed him.
Take him to the medical station.
You are now in charge
of the suicide platoon.
Keep breaking the walls
until you reach the church.
They need to pay for this.
The rebels
have surrounded the city
and our tanks
can't cross the barricades.
Get Havana on the phone.
Tell them to airlift
men from Cienfuegos.
We're going to secure this city
neighborhood by neighborhood...
...and street by street.
Send a battalion.
Where are you going?
I don't want to fight anymore.
I'm tired of this.
Let me go.
Anyone else want to leave?
Cease fire!
Cease fire!
Tell your men
to put down their arms.
I'm not going to negotiate
with a subordinate.
You forgot to leave your gun.
- Give me that gun.
- No, no. Take your belt off.
I said I wouldn't negotiate
with a subordinate.
That's okay.
This isn't a negotiation.
I give you my word of honor that
if you let us return to Havana...
...we won't fire another shot.
I believe your word of honor.
But I can't let those bullets kill
more Cubans. Here or anywhere else.
You have 16 minutes
to convince your men to surrender.
If not, you will be
responsible for any bloodshed.
Send this box to Camilo in Yaguajay.
Aleida, come here.
Call them on the telephone.
We agree to a ceasefire to get
our dead and wounded.
- I advise you to surrender.
- Over my dead body.
What's wrong with you?
Where are you going?
Your Colonel wants you
to fight to the death.
We don't want more Cubans to die.
Give up yourweapons...
...and you will live.
Turn in your weapons!
The Colonel and I...
...are going on a special mission
to check our positions.
Keep up the resistance
until I return, is that clear?
Whatever you say, Colonel.
Shoot anyone who tries to leave.
Who is this?
That's Snchez, the police captain.
We found torture instruments
in the station.
You know,
I have an idea to take the hotel.
Tell me.
Leave it to me.
Don't shoot,
don't shoot, we surrender!
Turn in your weapons!
Come on, hurry up!
Camilo took Yaguajay and he
and his troops are heading this way.
We just heard the news
on the shortwave.
It looks like Batista
abandoned the country.
Yes, sir. Right now.
It's General Cantillo calling
from Havana.
Okay, leave.
Yes, General?
I'm negotiating directly with
the U.S. ambassador.
I'm in command of the army now,
acting on behalf of Fidel Castro.
I authorize you to negotiate
a truce, but not to surrender.
You can't surrender
under any circumstances.
As you say, General.
I need to talk to Guevara.
I've spoken to Fidel Castro. There's
been no deal with General Cantillo.
This is a revolution, not a coup.
It's either unconditional surrender
or we'll take the garrison... force.
And you'll be responsible
for the bloodshed.
Be aware of the possibility that
the U.S. government will intervene...
...militarily in Cuba.
If that happens,
it would be an even bigger crime... you will be supporting
a foreign invasion.
In that case, your only
remaining option would be...
...foryou to shoot yourself
for committing treason.
Mr. Guevara, I need to talk
with my superiors about that.
It's nineteen minutes past ten.
At eleven, I'll give the order
to attack using all our forces.
Sir, may I return home
to my family?
But we won the revolution already!
We just won the war,
the revolution begins now.
Get all your things,
we're leaving for Havana tomorrow.
Aleida, you, too.
I'll need a guide.
- But I don't know Havana very well.
- Neither do I.
This man
wants to say hello to you.
Thanks for all
you've done for Cuba.
Not me - all of them.
All of them.
Get ready.
We're leaving for Havana tomorrow.
He told me he was heading
to Havana to participate
in a military junta...
...which was going to resolve
the problems of the Cuban people.
I told him murderers like him weren't
going to resolve anything anymore.
When I told him I was bringing
him to you, he pissed in his pants.
He begged me
to take him to another chief.
What do you want
me to do with this guy?
Keep him as a prisoner of war.
He will be judged by a tribunal.
Comandante, place him under
special watch.
- Son of a bitch!
- Bandit!
I can't see anything,
then I turn around...
...and I see Roberto in the jeep,
holding the grenade...
...with the pin still in it.
You're kidding.
So he's looking at me, smiling,
like I'm stupid.
But, when he came out of the jeep
I swear to you...
...he stood up,
acting like a tough guy...
...still holding the grenade
in his hand...
...just like this, boy.
He could barely walk because
his knees were shaking so hard...
...and suddenly...
...his eyes went up and then...
...he fainted with the grenade
in his hand with the pin still in it.
Good one!
Who has a light?
Not me.
Hey, this was mine!
- Gentlemen.
- So, then?
I'm going to the Capital.
Thanks for everything.
- See you in Havana.
- Of course.
- Take care.
- Yes, Che.
Don't worry, my man.
So then?
Are you coming with us?
Yes. Under one condition.
When we're done in Cuba... let me bring
the revolution to all Latin America.
You, too, are a little crazy.
It's a thing that I haven't seen
anybody doing, look.
The rice is the most
important thing, if you take...
do you need my services tonight?
Son, you're killing me!
Did I make you angry
with what I said the other night?
I'm sorry,
I don't know what I was thinking.
No, son, you are loved,
as they say in Cuba.
- Goodnight, Comandante.
- Do what you need to do.
A symbol of what?
I can tell you one thing.
We were very aware...
... that we represented the hopes
of the unredeemed Americas.
And all eyes,
the oppressors...
as much as the oppressed
... were on us.
I was thirty.
See you in Havana!
It's Rogelio.
Tell him to stop.
- What?
- Rogelio.
Yes, tell him to stop.
What are you doing with that car?
I'm driving it to Havana.
Who gave you authorization?
I took it. It belonged
to one of the snipers, man.
Don't "man" me, Rogelio.
Even if it was Batista's,
this car isn't yours.
Go back to Santa Clara
immediately and give it back.
And then you will go to Havana
by bus, by jeep or on foot!
I'd rather walk than drive
to Havana in a stolen car. Let's go!
JANUARY 2, 1959