Chello hongmijoo ilga salinsagan (Cello) (2005) Movie Script

Presented by Tube Entertainment
Directed by Lee Woo-Chul
Nice job.
Let's stop here for today.
Thank you, Professor.
Didn't see you there,
Professor Hong.
Now, where was it...?
I must keep it here.
What are you looking for?
Yes, here it is.
Do you remember Hae-young?
You remember,
Tae-yeon's little sister!
Kim Hae-young
Homecoming Concert
Oh yeah... What about her...
all of a sudden?
She came back from
Austria last month
Gave me an invitation
to her homecoming concert.
Next week, huh?
You saw the notice, right?
The full-time instructor job
for next semester.
I really want you to
get it this time.
It's not that simple.
That's why...
And don't take this the wrong way.
But... it's about time the dean
bought a new car.
...Can you look into it?
Put your stupid pride aside for a second
and think about it. Okay?
This could be your last chance!
...Sun-ae, I'm...
No. I'm gonna go...
Oh... I almost forgot...
Hae-young asked me
to give this to you.
...Do I know you?
You don't remember me?
I took your lecture last semester.
How typical... As if you would pay the least
bit of attention to someone else's student.
Can I help you?
You really don't know? This is
worthless now, all because of you!
Don't act all innocent with me!
My mom and I worked
so hard to get ready...
I was a shoo-in for that school,
but now it's all over, thanks to a grade
I got from a worthless
part-time instructor like you.
If you've got a problem with your grade,
file an appeal.
Don't make a fool of yourself here.
I'm the fool?
Do you think you're so perfect
when you've ruined my life for
some stupid harmonics questions?
You're just a lousy
theory instructor...
I have nothing more to discuss with you,
so could you get out of the way?
And if I don't?
Watch your back! I'm gonna pay you
back for every single thing you did to me!
I hope you'll be very happy,
...Are you happy?
You should be...
I hope you'll be very happy,
Honey, honey!
Mom, Mom!
Is anybody home?
Yoon-hye Song!
Aunt, Aunt!
Yoon-jin, where are you?
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
- Happy bithday my lovely mom
- Happy birthday my darling
Mi-ju. Here's your present!
Thank you, Kyung-ran.
Can I open it now?
How in the world did you find
such a rare album?
Hyun-woo searched every
single antique shop in Manhattan.
To be honest, I got it two months
ago, but I wanted to give it to you
for your birthday.
Do you like it?
Of course.
Please thank Hyun-woo for me.
So, what did you get,
big brother?
Kyung-ran, sit down here and...
Close your eyes.
Do you like it?
Thank you, honey.
The kids prepared something too.
Yes, sir.
Watch closely, Mom. Sis!
One, two, three, four,
Yoon-jin, I'll be helping Yoon-hye
with her homework,
so go to bed without me
if you're tired.
Okay. Uh, Jun-ki!
Long time since you said my name.
Thank you.
...I guess
I haven't been doing too well
if you're so moved
by a little necklace like this!
No, it's not that...
I'll be better from now on...
to you and to the kids.
Yoon-jin, sleep tight!
Thank you, Yoon-jin!
Mommy is really grateful
for you, honey.
I'll be better from
now on too, okay?
She seems to be maturing at a faster rate
than other children.
Nevertheless, it's a perfectly
normal menstruation.
Then is there nothing wrong?
Yes. Although,
children like Yoon-jin
who show developmental
disability symptoms tend
to express, in some way,
their reaction
to the physical changes.
If you can handle the situation
without panicking,
then everything will be fine.
So... Mrs. Hong,
how are you doing lately...?
I noticed that you took home a hefty
amount of medications recently...
Mrs. Song, Yoon-jin's
symptoms aren't
your fault.
I've told you before,
the medications that you were on
in no way affect the foetus
during a pregnancy...
Our Yoon-jin's a big girl now,
so she'll need some
pretty underwear...!
Right, Doctor?
Wow! You're younger than
I expected.
The windows can be cleaned
once a week,
and the bathroom floor needs
to be cleaned everyday.
There's so much hair, because of
the number of women in the house.
And this is my room.
It's a bit messy.
Just leave them there.
I'll get to it later.
Please, it's okay.
That's my fiance. He's working
on his MBA in the U.S.
He said
he'll be back next month,
so you'll see him then.
Handsome, isn't he?
Sunny, what's wrong with you?
Be quiet.
Who, who are you?
I asked you, who are you?
Oh, you're home?
How did the shopping go?
But, who's this?
Our new housekeeper.
Oh, didn't Jun-ki
tell you yesterday that
the housekeeper was starting
from today?
Oh... yes, I heard.
He's acting strange today...
Usually doesn't bark at all...
Yoon-jin, you don't press there.
Like this...
Press here and don't force
the bow on the strings.
Mi-ju, stop and come to dinner.
Yoon-jin must be hungry too.
We will, so start without us.
Okay. Yoon-hye,
let's go downstairs.
Can't I try it too?
Later, after your sister is done.
Can you handle it?
Handle what?
Teaching Yoon-jin the cello.
I have no choice.
Never mind. Hurry on down
so we can eat together.
I will...
Yoon-jin, let's stop for now
and get washed up for dinner.
...Are you happy?
You should be...
That's fine, miss.
I'll take it up myself.
...What's that playing?
It's Kyung-ran's present.
It's an album from 1942,
and the vocal's nickname is
Rainy Melody,
because it always rains
on the day that he sings.
I've been trying to
get it since college,
so Kyung-ran's basically
made my wish come true.
Hmmm... I like it!
Say, honey...
about the new housekeeper...
...Can we just let her go?
I understand how you feel,
but it was a special
favor for a friend
who is moving to Canada.
But still,
don't you think
she's a bit too depressing?
...Her family was
in a car accident last year
and she was the only survivor.
She couldn't get over the shock and
tried to commit suicide a few times after that.
So my friend even asked her to move
with them and try to move on with her life.
She turned him down, saying
that she needed to
tend to their graves.
She's a real hard worker,
but he asked me because he thought
it would be hard
for her to get a job,
not being able to speak and all.
...Then is the accident the reason
why she can't talk?
Yes, she...
- She drank acid.
- What?
That's how hard it was for her,
you know?
I hope you'll understand.
Fine! Is this yours?
Wow, it's so pretty.
Flattery will get you nowhere.
I'm not sucking up.
Is this for the wedding?
That'll look so good on you!
...You think?
The color is a bit inappropriate,
so I'm only gonna wear it
for the outdoors pictures.
But I don't know
if I can get in to it by then.
There's plenty of time.
Don't worry, Kyung-ran!
it'll fit by then, right?
Of course. Aunt Kyung-ran?
After you and
Hyun-woo get married...
Why, are you gonna miss me?
No, who's Sarah gonna marry?
...You know, Auntie's fist is craving
for its next target.
Get out while you can.
Can't you tell me, just this one
last time? Come on, please?
First or last, my answer's no.
Hello? Oh, Hyun-woo!
- What's the occasion,
- Hello?
- you calling me first? Is class over?
- How are you?
Yoon-hye Song,
go back to your room.
I'm gonna talk to Hyun-woo too.
Didn't you hear me?
Hurry up and
close the door...
I see
Mi-ju, open your eyes.
Honey, honey!
What's wrong...?
I just... Didn't you call out
my name in your sleep?
Never mind, it's nothing.
...Please get rid of
it before the children see.
Hey sis, it's me.
Open the door. Yoon-jin!
Open the door!
Yoon-jin, is it fun?
Can I try it once?
Let me try it for a second.
Come on, you've had it all
to yourself, didn't you?
I'll only try it a little.
Ahhh! ...Fine, I won't.
That's so cheap.
You can have it.
Aunt... Aunt Kyung-ran!
What happen?
Mom, Mom!
Why, what's wrong?
Aunt... Aunt Kyung-ran,
there's something wrong with her.
Mommy, I'm scared.
I'll talk with Hyun-woo!
Let's not make any decisions before
you talk with him in person,
don't be scared.
It's okay, it's okay.
Hey, Kyung-ran!
First, just open the door.
let's sit down and talk about this.
No, it's all over.
It's over!
Just leave me alone!
Honey, what should we do?
...Let's leave her alone for now.
She'll be better in the morning!
Mom, Mom!
Hyun-woo! I understand.
You're in a foreign country
by yourself,
you must feel lonely and
want to lean on somebody,
so I think it's all okay.
I forgive you,
so pick up the phone.
Please? Come on.
You wanna see me go crazy?
Hey! Pick up the damn phone.
Hyun-woo? Is that you?
Please, just say something.
Hello? Hello?
Hello, Hyun-woo...
she doesn't seem
to feel any stress
from emotional damages.
However, if she's exposed to
an environment that
causes her to bring back
that past situation,
the dormant stress
can be expressed outwardly.
Mommy must take care her
Prosecutor Kim.
Did you look into it?
Yes. I understand that
you're in a lot of pain,
but I don't see anything
much suspicious.
...I see...
There's no record of a phone call
with Hyun-woo that night.
You didn't clear her things out yet,
I think...
we should investigate this further...
I guess
there is another thing.
Hello? Mr. Hong...
Mi-ju, what are you doing? Huh?
What happened?
...I'm not gonna take it anymore.
Was it fun to watch and hide?
Since I kept ignoring everything...
do I look like some retard to you?
Mi-ju, calm down.
Okay? I don't know
- what she's done, but first...
- Get out of my way...
I said, I'll pay for it!
I offer to pay,
and you, the police,
treat us like criminals!
That's not the
problem here, is it!
The professor isn't looking to
get money for...
What professor?
Yeah, professor?
Over my dead body, you are.
You're just a damn instructor
that ruined my daughter's bright future.
As if that weren't enough, ugh!
This should settle the small hole
in the tire
and the mild joke
with the baby.
Don't even think of trying to
take us for granted.
Let's go,
before this day gets worse.
Get up, Hyun!
Hey, lady!
Where do you think
you're going?
Hey, detective Cho!
- Give me a record of phone
- Here, sir!
...Excuse me, professor.
Please step outside with me
for a minute.
You said that you received
a threatening message, right?
There was no return number,
but that student has been...
Yes, I certainly
understand your situation.
Is this the student's number?
No, it's my husband's.
As you can see,
there's nothing else
besides this number.
This... No,
there must be something wrong.
I can't show you
because I erased them all,
but I really did receive
a threat message.
Yes, I don't think
you would play a joke
on us busy detectives either.
However, if you ever have
to come back again,
I suggest that you first check things
If you'll excuse me.
who put this on?
Answer me.
Where did you get this!
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Yoon-jin, from now on,
you don't play this.
Play the song
Mommy taught you! Okay?
What's the big deal with
that song?
You can never play this again,
you hear me...?
I'm asking you,
what's the deal with that song?
It's nothing.
What's nothing?
I said, it's nothing.
About what?
I said
I have nothing to talk about!
If you have nothing to say,
I'm leaving.
...Who's Tae-yeon Kim?
She was in your college class,
Tae-yeon Kim!
And only her picture was
cut out of the yearbook.
What happened between
you and her?
Tell me something!
There's nothing!
What do I tell you?
Why you act to Yoon-jin?
This song on the tape is that
you play with Tae-yeon.
I never play with her.
So, what's this?
Is it another Mi-ju
on this tape?
That's a...
What do you mean?
Oh, I must have been thinking
of something else.
Never mind.
It's nothing.
What's nothing?
Why are you acting
like an insane person?
Who the hell is Tae-yeon Kim?
I don't know,
I really don't know.
Don't lie to me.
If you really didn't know her,
why would you cut out
her picture and scream at Yoon-jin
for playing your song?
Do you think that makes sense?
Does it make sense!
I didn't kill her.
I, I didn't kill her.
What do you mean,
what are you saying?
you didn't kill her?
...You know, don't you?
That I quit the cello
because of this. was the night of our
graduation recording.
Let's take five.
Excuse me, professor! Do we
have to continue recording like this?
...I don't know.
Both students seem to be great...
but one student is
particularly great...
It's gonna be hard to continue
this way, as an ensemble.
I think we should make the one
on the right our first choice and
the left will be our second cellist.
We were in driving in her car,
after the graduation recording was over.
That was when Tae-yeon first told me what
she had been keeping to herself all along.
She said that maybe
if one of us didn't play the cello,
we could've been great friends.
She told me that she hated herself
for being in my shadow all the time.
And... because of that,
she wished I would just disappear.
I don't think that
she was trying to kill me.
It was more of my being unlucky.
Of all the days,
I was with Tae-yeon that day.
If I hadn't been sitting next to her,
Tae-yeon wouldn't have died
like that.
Uh, sir...
Oh, that'll be all.
We'll go with this.
Nice work.
Kim Hae-young
Homecoming Concert
What are you doing here?
Hey, you made the right choice.
You're just in luck too,
the dean is here today.
I'll arrange a meeting
after the recital.
It feels like forever since you and
I last came to a recital, doesn't it?
Yeah, it does.
Sis, can I come inside
for a second?
Sis, I come in.
What's wrong,
are you sick?
Hey, where are you going?
Hey? Mi-ju!
Hehe, no one would notice
if someone was in here.
Right, sis?
Huh? Where'd the cello go?
Mi-ju, Mi-ju!
Mom! Mom!
Ji-sook, Ji-sook!
Open the door, Ji-sook!
Yoon-jin, help me,
please! Quickly, Yoon-jin!
- One, two, three.
...Yoon, Yoon-jin! No, no.
- four, five,
- Yoon-jin, don't do that! No!
...You've lost a child before too,
haven't you?
First, I need you to stay in here
tonight, deadly silent.
You can't come out,
no matter what!
Wasn't there a lot of traffic?
It being Friday,
raining and all.
What about dinner?
I don't feel like it.
But where's Yoon-hye?
She didn't even come out
when I came home.
Yoon-hye went to camp today.
You didn't say...
I forgot it...
What changed your mind?
You didn't let her go before, saying
that it's too dangerous and everything.
Oh... well, she seemed very depressed
since Kyung-ran's accident...
so I sent her to cheer up a little.
- Did she get there safely?
- Huh?
You haven't talked to her?
I talked to her on
my cell phone before.
She's safe.
The rain won't affect them,
will it?
They, they're at a youth hostel,
so you don't have to worry about that...
She told me that she hated herself
for being in my shadow all the time.
And... because of that,
she wished I would just disappear.
I don't think that
she was trying to kill me.
It was more of
my being unlucky.
Of all the days,
I was with Tae-yeon that day.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
If you wait a little bit,
I'll let you hear my voice.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
If you wait a little bit,
I'll let you hear my voice.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
If you wait a little bit,
I'll let you hear my voice.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
If you wait a little bit,
I'll let you hear my voice.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
If you wait a little bit,
I'll let you hear my voice.
Hello, this is Yoon-hye Song.
I talked to her on my cell phone
before. She's safe.
Calm down and...
and listen to me.
What the hell is this?
What the hell happened?
It... it was an accident. Really.
No one killed her.
What do you mean, no one killed her?
It was you, wasn't it?!
Why did you kill her, why?
Please believe me.
Who killed her?
You killed her!
You killed her!
Honey, I'm not!
It's nice weather
you know Rainy Melody?
Rainy Melody?
the vocal's nickname is
Rainy Melody,
because it always rains
on the day that he sings.
That's pefract song
to this wheather...
Don't you like it?
Why do you always give something
to me?
I don't present to you
Don't say that
You'll always be by me
Well, always...
Even when you are
at the brightest peak.
Excuse me, professor! Do we
have to continue recording like this?
I think we should make the one
on the left our first choice and
the right will be our second cellist.
That's a best choise
Hong Mi-ju
Don't start?
Mi-ju... then
I'm so happy
because you are by me
I hope that
you are also happy because of me
So that...
Please, be quiet?
Help me.
...Mi, Mi-ju! Help me.
Ah, no. No!
No... I didn't do that.
...Oh, no, not Yoon-jin.
Tae-yeon, please!
It's all my fault.
I'll do whatever you tell me to.
If you want me to,
I'll cut off my fingers.
I could pry out my eyeballs.
No, I could even rip out
my heart! Please...
Please, anything
but my Yoon-jin...!
anything but my Yoon-jin...!
Yoon-jin, Yoon-jin...
Yoon-jin, get out of the way!
Get away!
Yoon-jin, please!
Please, calm down.
Or else we're gonna die!
Mi-ju. Open your eyes, please!
When Mi-ju first arrived at the hospital
right after the accident,
her brain waves came out in
two different types of wavelengths.
People usually only have
one type of wavelength...
Her wavelength now is
pefrectly normal,
so everything's fine.
Doc. Why did she think that
All of her family
were dead?
Well, I think that's a kind of
trauma stress
Now, the family's role is more important
than anything else.
So, don't worry too much.
It's normal.
I think you've got yourself
a great husband.
You didn't know that
he stayed by your side
until you woke up, right?
He kept telling you to wake up soon...
and talk to you...
It was almost saddening to watch.
Mi-ju. Open your eyes, please!
Yoon-jin... Yoon-hye...
Mommy, don't cry!
Okay, Yoon-hye.
Mommy won't cry...
I won't cry ever again...
I'm so happy.
Still, at least you came out of
such a big crash like this...
Hey! Drive safely!
Thanks... I'll see you.
...Are you happy?
You should be...
Is anybody home?
Song Yoon-hye...
Kyung-ran, Kyung-ran!
Yoon-jin, Yoon-jin!
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday,
Here's your present!
Is it too thoughtless?
Still, Hyun-woo searched
every single antique shop
in Manhattan for this...
Mi, Mi-ju!
At least say something
for her effort!
Tell her anything.
Thank you.
This is only the beginning...