Chemical Wedding (2008) Movie Script

rip by warlock
( rock music playing )
How happy is the human soul?
Not enslaved by dull control
Left to dream and roam and play
shed the guilt of former days
Walking on the foggy shore
Watch the waves come rolling home
Through the veil of pale moonlight
My shadow stretches out its hand
And so we lay
We lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day
And so we lay
We lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day.
( clock ticking )
( big band music playing )
Children have you ever met
The bogie man before?
No, of course you haven't
For you're much too good I'm sure
Don't you be afraid of him
If he should visit you
He's a great big coward
so I'll tell you what to do
Hush hush hush
Here comes the bogie man
Don't let him come
too close to you
He'll catch you if he can
When the shadows of the evening
Creep across the sky
And your mommy comes upstairs
To sing a lullaby
Tell her that the bogie man
No longer frightens you
Uncle Henry's very kindly
Told you what to do
Hush hush hush
Here comes the bogie man
Don't let him come too close to you
He'll catch you if he can
Just pretend
your teddy bear's a dog
Then shout out,
"Fetch him, Teddy!"
And he'll hop off like a frog
say "Meow"
Pretend that you're a cat
He'll think you may scratch him...
I can't wait to meet
the wickedest man in the world.
Alex, you promised
to behave yourself.
But does that mean
I have to be good or bad?
Don't play games, Alex.
He's powerful
and dangerous if you cross him.
Here's one way
to catch him without fail...
- ( doorbell rings )
- Keep a little salt with you...
Oh, symonds.
And put it on his tail.
You know your way up.
Oh, take the post up, will you?
Come on, symonds,
look at this dump.
He's the forgotten man of magic.
Not so forgotten.
He still gets post
from followers in America.
One born every minute.
( knocks )
Mr. Crowley?
"Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law."
"Love is the law,
Iove under will."
( ticking )
I did have to speed
a bit to be on time.
Well done.
Time is important.
How go the studies?
I'm rereading the Bible
in light of what you said.
It's most interesting.
the last remaining source
of primeval magic.
Who is this?
Alex Lepard, sir.
I'm at Trinity too.
Reading theology
like symonds here?
No, sir-- science.
Ah. The new magic.
( laughs )
Excuse me?
You're no scientist.
You ooze disbelief.
A good ritualized fuck
will expand your consciousness,
not to mention
your constricted orifices.
so, symonds,
what have you got for me?
Nothing special--
your newspaper, the post.
Ah. Thank you.
stupid woman.
Ah. Now, symonds...
( coughs )
time is of the essence.
I do want to learn.
No no no, symonds,
that won't do at all.
It won't work
unless you believe in me
right down to your very soul.
I do, sir. It's just there's only three
weeks and I still don't understand.
Ah, yes.
Let's begin at the beginning.
Put that down!
My magical diaries
are not for blind eyes.
They contain every rite,
every sacrament
of sexual magic.
Thank you.
the oldest and most powerful ritual
comes to us
from Egyptian hieroglyphics.
It's tells of the murder
and betrayal
of Osiris by seth.
seth cut the dead body
into 15 parts
and scattered them
over the land of Egypt.
Isis found most of the pieces,
and using her magic
she fused them together
in resurrection.
she was missing
the phallus.
using a reed
as a substitute phallus
she performed
the wedding rite with Osiris...
and brought forth
a powerful son--
It's a non-carnal union.
A virgin birth.
Only four magnificent times
has this rite been performed--
Joshua with the Magdalene,
Abelard with Heloise--
these are the two you know already.
Who were the others?
On Friday, when you return...
we shall begin your initiation.
I'm not sure I can afford
to come back.
Don't worry, symonds.
This will...
where's the money?
Where's the money?
The head
of our Californian brethren
seems to have fallen
under the spell
of a writer of science fiction.
They invoke my scarlet ritual
to produce
a moonchild.
What are you going to do?
I shall invoke
such a miraculous illumination...
that Jack Parsons will--
( coughing )
Can I get you anything, sir?
No. No.
Leave me.
I need medication.
What the hell is a moonchild?
A moonchild is an elemental,
a reincarnated soul
in a body created by ritual.
By sexual magic?
It's elemental,
my dear symonds.
The fellow is a perverted nut.
Alex, you're mad.
He's traced back
nine previous lives.
Previous lives?
Ko Hsuan, Count Cagliostro,
Eliphas Levi--
each one fixed by the wedding rite,
what he calls the chemical wedding.
Chemical wedding?
- ( clattering )
- ( glass shatters )
( knocks )
Mr. Crowley.
Mr. Crowley?
Oh my God.
Alex, stay with him.
( ticking )
Mr. Crowley.
I curse the hand
that steals my time.
( groaning )
( ticking )
- He's dead.
- ( thunder crashes )
ticking away
the seconds of my life...
marking triumphs and failures,
Iove and loss
and the long painful path
to self-knowledge.
Then four days ago
he came from Cal Tech.
Four days that would change
the course of our planet.
( bell tolling )
Professor Mathers?
- Hi.
- Professor Mathers.
Thanks for the promotion,
but just doctor.
- Welcome to Cambridge.
- Thank you.
- You the welcoming party?
- Uh, no. Not exactly.
I'm Lia Robinson.
I was hoping for an interview.
- lnterview?
- For "Varsity," the college newspaper.
My work just isn't suitable
for interviews or magazines.
Why not?
I've read your "Mysteries of Chaos."
It's fascinating.
I know I could write
a really interesting piece.
Okay, you're standing on a moving
train and you jump up in the air,
- do you land in the same spot?
- Yes.
Um, no.
No, you'd land further back?
Lia Robinson.
From "Varsity."
- You got your interview.
- Really?
- I should be free by 5:00.
- Thanks. 5:00, yes.
Oh, was I right?
( keyboard clacking )
- ( computer beeps )
- ( door opens )
Ah. This is Victor,
our technical wizard.
Victor, Joshua Mathers.
- How do you do?
- Pleasure. How's it coming along?
Well, yes, I've begun
fitting the electromagnets
and vacuum pumps
to the floor and ceiling.
The porters call it the space coffin.
( stuttering )
I suppose we'd better start.
Miss Robinson seems to be later
rather than sooner.
The comparison
between "Julius Caesar" and--
I'm sorry, Dr. Haddo.
I had to meet someone
and the train was late.
( stuttering )
sit down please, Miss Robinson.
Can you illuminate, Mr. Jones?
"Julius Caesar,"
the Mark Antony speech--
"The evil that men do lives on."
Well, I suppose--
I tend to remember
the bad things about people
rather than the good.
But in the spiritual sense?
Miss Robinson?
Um, people abused,
Iike children abused
by devil worshipers,
their minds could be
permanently scarred
so that the evil lives on in them.
Devil worship
and evil.
Perhaps we're in danger of taking
certain value judgments for granted.
The church may have blackened
the name of Lucifer...
but who was it
who first asked man
to take a bite
of the apple of knowledge?
Was it the serpent?
The serpent.
Pity you didn't think
to take a bite
of that apple yourself,
Mr. Jones.
The Z93 should cope with the problems
your integrator's been having.
- It's really something, isn't it?
- Oh, yes.
Its speed comes
from a combination
of Josephson junctions and these
"weak link" macro quantum particles.
If it works,
then a joint paper,
I presume?
I shall take the journey if I am
to deal with the press and TV.
Mind you, if I put
my brain paths into the Z93,
maybe they'll sack me and have
the computer do my lectures.
- ( knocks )
- Come in.
Victor, look.
Water into wine.
Very good.
You'll be raising the dead next.
Oh, you've moved.
Yes, I'm really rather pleased--
Well, it's in.
The computer?
Aleister Crowley
transferred to binary.
His rituals reenacted
from Montevideo to Madras.
Would they be able to trace a virus
to the Z93?
No, not the way I'm working it,
with an external key.
Who would want to open it?
Well, sexual magic.
You see, that's what he recognized.
The one way
to our primitive emotions-- sex.
When we perform Crowley's rites,
then you see union.
The ceremonies
without him are useless.
Oh, you have
no understanding of ritual.
Look, the Z93 works
in a field of quantum physics
and quantum physics
is the modern alchemy,
but alchemy at a sub-particle level.
Your Z93
can't experience fear
or hatred
or passion.
What are you expecting it to do,
cast spells?
Cast spells.
Yes. Yes.
That's exactly what
I intend it to do.
( pulsating )
( knocking )
( knocking continues )
( sighs )
so your front-page scoop
on the visiting chaos professor
hasn't materialized?
- I'll get it.
- Man: But we won't hold our breath.
What about the Masonic story?
I've got a few names,
but I can't figure out
how far it goes
in the university hierarchy.
Not ready then.
Any ideas?
Did you see that Prince William
is going to st. Andrews?
Is that news?
We could try and find out
if Prince William was circumcised.
Well, Prince Charles was circumcised
by the chief rabbi.
It's part of the ancient rites
of all British kings.
Rick, I'll tell you what:
Write the first part
of your investigation into Masonry
as if the big revelation
will be in the next issue.
That should stir something up.
assist me to open the preceptory.
Is the lodge properly tiled?
Eminent preceptor,
the lodge is properly tiled.
( bangs )
I then call upon the chaplain.
it is time to commence our labors.
set a watch before my lips.
so mote it be.
Bring forth the novitiate.
"Thou shall take
a solemn obligation
to keep inviolate
the secrets of this order
or else thy tongue
will be torn from its roots."
( bell tolling )
Haddo. Haddo.
I need to talk to you.
I'll catch you in a minute.
symonds's voice: That was
the last time I know I saw Haddo alive.
You want human contact?
The link between
the Z93 and the soul?
There it is.
And I'll really be able
to experience him?
Are you scared?
What are you afraid of?
An encounter with him
or with your secret self?
Relax, Haddo.
what are you doing here?
This is a restricted zone.
- Is that Dr. Mathers?
- No, he went back to his hotel.
- I've been there.
- Haddo: Victor, hurry up.
Can you tell him if you see him
that Lia Robinson from "Varsity"
was looking for him
about the interview?
Yes. Yes, I can tell him.
And shut the door
on your way out.
Victor, I'm getting claustrophobic.
suit activated.
Electromagnets on.
Here we go.
( electricity crackling )
Haddo: Victor!
( electronic hum )
( bell tolling )
( knocks on glass )
- Dr. Mathers.
- Lia Robinson...
from "Varsity." Yes.
Weird, I thought I dreamt you.
You said 5:00,
but you didn't say where.
I'm sorry.
I'm jet-lagged.
Look, there's no one here, so why don't
you just fire some questions off?
so why did you come to Cambridge?
Well, we were having some problems
with the machine back in California
and here, the Z93 is--
sorry, excuse me.
Have you got it working?
Uh, yeah yeah.
I wired it up last night.
Have you tried it out yet?
No, I haven't actually tried it out.
I'll go and fire up the Z93.
It was personal, actually.
I watched my father
succumb to Alzheimer's.
And I thought that if I could
somehow save his memories...
( dialing )
( phone ringing )
Oh, where the fuck are you, Haddo?
...that reality is light;
That matter and time don't exist.
They're just byproducts
of the degradation of light,
the slowing down of light.
so you don't believe in time?
Well, chaps, are we all set?
Yeah, Victor is just wiring us up.
You can't go in
that suit, I'm afraid.
Why not?
I'm having
some problems with the...
time-date sequence.
Can I help?
Give me the morning
to work on it. Thank you.
And who might you be?
- she's a reporter.
- Lia Robinson.
I was hoping
to interview Dr. Mathers.
Press are not allowed on campus
without authorization.
I'm from "Varsity."
What faculty are you?
Who's your tutor?
Classics, Dr. Haddo.
Look, we've got to get back
to work, I'm afraid.
- Lia: It was just getting interesting.
- Mathers: I know.
I'm sorry.
Are scientists superstitious?
A few. Why?
This interview is
beginning to feel cursed.
I hope not.
Hope? Forget it.
Just give me the probability.
Very probable.
With how much uncertainty?
Only what can't be ruled out
in the Copenhagen interpretation.
Oh, that means I can't calculate
my position at any moment--
the where or the when.
You did your homework.
I'm impressed. Okay.
I'll be at the bursar's office later,
and maybe we could have dinner.
Maybe I'll get better service
with you at my table.
- I'll be there.
- Great.
But that was British service--
it won't get any better
with me by your side.
Well, at least the wait
will be a little more enjoyable.
Did you just say that
Dr. Haddo was your tutor?
- Have you seen him today?
- No,
but he's giving the Modern Classics
lecture this afternoon.
Oh, Christ.
Where the hell did you
get a move like that?
Normally he's so punctual.
Fuck him.
He's coming.
This year's Modern Classics lecture
will be given by Dr. Oliver Haddo,
who will be discussing
the psychology of "Hamlet."
Hallelujah, hallelujah
( without stutter )
William shakespeare was an occultist.
His characters
Titania and Oberon
are veiled facsimiles
of the ancient Egyptian gods
Isis and Osiris.
Moreover, Hamlet is not
and never was
a man of indecision.
On the contrary,
he is a man moved to action
by a spiritual encounter
with a ghost.
Academia's attempts
to prove otherwise
confirm that they are mere boils
- on the Bard's asshole.
- ( students laugh )
For enlightenment,
we must look to the works
of England's
greatest living poet--
Aleister Crowley.
( whispers )
"To pee or not to pee:
that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows
of outrageous stricture,
Or take arms against
a closed urethra
And by abscission, end it?
To fuck: to come:
No more;
And, by that come,
To say we end
The cockstand
and the thousand natural lusts
That flesh is heir to.
'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.
To fuck:
To come;
To come, perchance to clap!
Ay, there's rub.
There's the chordee
That makes calamity
of so wet dreams!
There the jerks
And drops of piss."
( women screaming )
( playing classical music )
( whispering )
"England's greatest living
poet Aleister Crowley."
- Is he crazy?
- I like the haircut, though.
- Who is Aleister Crowley?
- Was. He died years ago.
He was a 1920s occultist.
He's one of the characters on
the front of the sergeant Pepper album.
He scandalized the world by practicing
an A to Z of ritual fetishes.
You know he was here at Cambridge.
I just we'd had a camera.
What a front page it would have made.
shall I write it all up?
Yeah, one of Crowley's books
is in the library.
Hold on. The university is gonna
clamp down on this big time.
They can't stop us
printing what happened.
If he's ill or having a breakdown,
it would appear totally callous.
Well, Lia can get an interview.
she could,
being teacher's pet and all that.
Teacher's pet?
Are you joking?
( mimicking stutter )
Oh, come now, Miss Robinson,
surely you've noticed
the way he looks at you.
( all laughing )
( ticking )
He's late.
- ( door opens )
- ( wind blowing )
"Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law."
sit down, please.
Perhaps you could start by explaining
your behavior at the lecture.
In 10 years' time,
that is the only lecture that
those students will ever remember.
That's hardly an explanation,
Dr. Haddo.
Haddo resides in the abyss.
You are now addressing
the reincarnation
of Ko Hsuan,
Count Cagliostro,
Eliphas Levi.
You may refer to me
as the Beast.
Delusional behavior may impress
the undergraduates,
but it's hardly an explanation,
- Dr. Haddo.
- ldiot!
I've already told you
Haddo is in the abyss!
And save the Masonic signals,
Professor Brent,
for the promotion boards.
I am, I must admit,
a little unclear of your identity.
I suggest we suspend your classes
until you've had time
to visit a good doctor.
But I'm in excellent health.
And as it says in satan's book,
in three days my resurrection
will be complete.
I see no reason
to blaspheme a book
you clearly know
nothing about.
Oh, really?
Open it anywhere you like.
I do not intend to get involved--
No no, please. Open it.
A reading will do
nothing but good.
Genesis, 6:4.
"ln those days the sons of God
came into the daughters of men
and they bore them children."
Am I right?
Does it say "sons of God"?
Yes, it does.
Numbers, 31 :7.
"They warred with the Midianites
as they had been commanded by the Lord;
They burnt the cities
and they killed the men.
They brought
their captives to Moses.
He said, 'Have you left alive
all the women?
Even those who tempted
the lsraelites
to transgress the Lord?
Therefore kill every male
among the little ones
and every woman who has
known a man intimately.
And keep for yourselves
the young girls
who have not known
a man intimately."'
These are Old Testament interprets.
Let us see the words
of our Lord
in the Gospel.
Are you sure?
Mark, 14:51--
it's the homosexual rituals
in Gethsemane.
"Now a certain young man
followed Jesus
and he wore only a linen cloth
over his naked body.
And the men laid hands on him,
and he left the linen cloth
and ran from them
That's enough
of the amateur magic.
I shall return in three days
and then you will be as ants
beneath my feet.
You will not succeed in threatening
this university, Dr. Haddo.
Not a threat, a promise.
That watch of mine still keeping
good time, symonds?
- What?
- Oh, it's all right.
It's not your fault.
It was that thieving
young friend of yours--
( door opens, closes )
What the hell was
that about, symonds?
I've no idea.
But I've only ever
encountered one man
who knew the Bible like that.
( bell tolling )
Dr. Haddo.
I'd just like a comment for "Varsity."
The new age has dawned,
the Aeon of Horus.
"Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law."
Did the board suspend you?
Those cockless wonders
hiding in their darkened bedrooms
to perform the rite
of magical impregnation?
You're not advocating
sex in public, surely?
Miss Robinson, you're forgetting
your "Midsummer Night's Dream."
Puck, Robin Goodfellow--
the ancient's spring fertility rite
of dancing around
the phallic Maypole
was followed by a sexual romp.
Offspring of that
caper were known
as Robin's son.
so a very great ancestor of yours
in some past time
performed a most public sexual rite.
Um, in the lecture
you quoted Aleister Crowley
as England's greatest living poet.
Without question.
Isn't he dead?
Death is but a short sleep
to eternity.
Meaning he's not dead?
Do you believe in the resurrection
of Jesus the Nazarene?
Nazarene is a mystic
who does not cut his hair.
sampson was a Nazarene.
And speaking of hair,
you have the wonderful red hair
of the Magdalene.
Perhaps your chance of immortality
will come sooner rather than later.
Ah. Here's the man
you should interview.
The man with the Lazarus touch.
Wonderful machine, Dr. Mathers.
Have we met?
Only on the astral plane.
Born in Pasadena,
schooled in Westcliff High,
first girlfriend susan, yes?
You two should get on
very well together.
His mother was a redhead--
of course you're an orphan.
He never met
his magnificent mother.
Who is that?
Dr. Haddo--
my classics tutor.
Is your mother a redhead?
I don't know.
I was adopted.
Have you been researching me?
No, it's nothing I did.
something to do with him.
Aleister Crowley.
He's dead.
Not according to Dr. Haddo.
( ticking )
Oh, I didn't hear you.
Listen to this.
"The universe is full of obscure
and subtle manifestations
of energy."
( through voice box )
Why are you reading his books?
Well, I just never noticed it before.
He's come back, hasn't he?
( switch clicking )
Hail the conquering hero.
How the hell did you get in here?
The lock does not exist
that can stop the Beast.
Another one of your tricks?
Oh, Victor, ye of little faith.
Hiding away,
wanking over
your paltry pictures.
Why do you not take
my laws seriously?
Your laws?
"Do what thou wilt."
"Love is the law,
Iove under will."
Who is it you think you are?
who is it you think I am?
You are Oliver Haddo.
Oh, Victor,
would you deny me thrice
before the cock grows?
Oh, God,
what-- what have you done?
Don't stutter so, Victor dear.
Don't worry.
I come not to bury Victor
but to praise him.
Oh, Jesus.
Another one of your stupid tricks.
- Mathers: What do you think?
- It's really weird.
Aleister Crowley was born
in the same year
Eliphas Levi died
and he claimed to be
his reincarnation.
Levi wrote,
"An elder from the line of David
would impregnate a young girl
to preserve the bloodline."
I meant the menu.
Oh, God.
I'm so sorry.
You must think I'm--
No no no, not at all.
It's just that this
will make a great article.
"Resurrected lecturer reveals
hidden truths about"--
A visiting physicist?
What hidden truths do you have?
Born in Pasadena,
schooled at Westcliff High,
researching at Cal Tech,
first girlfriend susan,
mother redhead... maybe.
He really shook you, didn't he?
Yeah. I mean,
some random professor
announces that he knows
who my birthmother is?
Well, maybe he just
read it somewhere.
I don't even know who she is.
And susan was my first girlfriend...
when I was nine.
( sighs )
- Are you ready to order?
- Mmm.
Wait a minute,
you're from Cal Tech.
The founder of Cal Tech
was a propulsion chemist
and the head of the Crowley
organization in America.
Jack Parsons, and...?
They're both Crowley fans.
Maybe Haddo knows him
and got the information from him.
He'd need a medium.
Parsons blew himself up
in our lab years ago.
Well, how did he do it then?
Magical meeting on the astral plane.
Come on,
scientists don't believe in magic.
You've got to believe
in cause and effect.
What about the uncertainty principle?
What about it?
The implications are
in my equations.
the inability to link
cause and effect.
The unexpected.
You've got it.
To the unexpected.
Long may it surprise us.
I can't bear to think of you
perverting your natural urges,
the power of your sexual magic.
see how the flame
burns through her
just as your red-hot
passion calls forth...
the whore of Babylon.
The mother of abomination.
she hath defiled herself
to suck dry
its mysteries.
How did you...?
Touch her.
Caress her.
Come, O serpent of passion,
grasp the moment now.
O great whore of Babylon,
Iet us gaze upon the cavern
where lies Choronzon.
In man rages.
( Victor moaning )
Let your fingers draw open
the chasm of creation.
Call her.
Name her.
The serpent strikes!
( moans )
suck him.
Oh God.
( moaning )
Who rewards you, Victor?
What's my name?
What's my name, Victor?
- What's my name, Victor?
- Oh, Crowley!
Oh, Crowley!
On him, whore.
Take him through to the abyss.
And now...
the final journey.
( screaming )
( bell tolling )
Hi. still jet-lagged?
Just thinking about an equation
that came to me at the station.
When the car pulled away,
I looked back and I thought
about your light chasing us.
- My light?
- Yeah,
and-- why are we whispering?
Rose might hear us.
- Who's Rose?
- My flatmate.
Will she mind?
"Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the law."
- What?
- It's what Crowley said.
The late magician.
Not so late, according to Haddo.
speaking of late,
what time is it?
- 9:00
- You're kidding.
- ( laughs )
- What?
I didn't think you believed in time.
( rock music playing )
How was he,
your Mr. Wonderful?
I hope you didn't commit the cardinal
sin on a first date, young lady.
Rose, this is Josh Mathers.
- Oh.
- How do you do?
Thank you.
I'm going to go and die now.
Oh my goodness.
What happened there?
Oh, I fell.
sometimes it's hard to keep
your balance in Cyberia.
No, the environment on the other side
of the computer screen.
Oh, Cyberia as in cybernetics.
Of course.
( laughing )
Dr. symonds,
this is how I found it.
( groans )
Crowley's holy God.
And he claims
Aleister Crowley's not dead.
Not dead?
Okay, I'll dig out a picture of Haddo
from the prospectus.
You see if you can get
a picture of Crowley.
I'll try the library.
Is there any way of getting one
of Haddo with his head shaved?
Great, it's working.
It's flying.
Okay, Professor.
Victor is going to fire off
the coordinates.
- What's that?
- Oh, you'll want to see him.
What's going on?
It's pitch black, you know.
Uh, just a slight technical hitch.
We did it together--
you and me.
What is the matter with you?
Oh, sorry.
We're just very excited.
Oh, go on. Go on.
You fired up?
- ( computer beeps )
- All fired up.
Okay, Professor,
welcome to Cyberia.
You're on the 50th floor
of the Wi-Fung Corporation building.
My goodness.
I'm going to activate the squids now.
Look in the mirror behind you.
But I'm not in the suit.
No, because you're not really there.
The Z93 is regenerating
your thoughts.
Now let's see if your computer
can take itself seriously.
"Do what thou will."
Professor Brent,
introduce yourself.
Hello, I'm Professor Brent.
Hello, Professor.
My name is Mei Ling.
Pretty damn good.
We're getting a lot
of information back from you.
- How are you feeling?
- How is it for you?
Perfectly natural.
I'm pleased.
Would you like to come this way?
- Brent: What do I do?
- Follow her.
Ask her if she does blowjobs.
Damn it, there's supposed
to be a corridor in that space.
- Why isn't the Z93 generating it?
- ( alarm beeping )
No, don't go in that space.
There's no information for it.
Enter and kneel before
the eminent preceptor.
Close the door of my lips.
What's that?
Professor Brent,
are you all right?
We meet again
in the kingdom of the Beast.
( screaming )
( yells )
( screaming )
( alarm beeping )
Disengage the suit.
I'll do the electromagnets.
( flatline beep )
"Every man and woman is a star."
I always say, Mr. Crowley,
there's a little bit of good and evil
in every one of us.
Rene, you are a philosopher.
Now you should be
more careful with this in the future.
Only minor bruises.
No lasting damage.
Let's hope so.
so it's a redheaded girl
you want for tonight?
I have one in mind.
Let me see what I can do.
so be it.
Good afternoon, ladies.
Up the west end,
that's the best end
Where the nightclubs thrive
Down into a dive you go
There's a jazz queen,
she's a has-been
Has been Lord knows what
Every night she's there on show
she dances underneath
her magic spell
she's full of charm
and beer and stout as well
she's 66 but looks 16
Her friends don't know her,
now her face is clean
Fanlight Fanny,
the frowsy nightclub queen
see her glide around the floor
Then glide around
into the pub next door
Fanlight Fanny,
the frowsy nightclub queen
she looks well in the lime,
a queen all the time
You get your money's worth
By day, you'd say
It's her second time on earth.
- Dr. Haddo.
- The Earl of Boleskine.
I haven't prepared
anything for tonight.
What have you done to your hair?
And who is
this charming young lady?
This is my sister stella.
she's helping out.
Not that much help.
My back's bad.
How very fortunate.
I happen to know an ancient ritual
which redirects
the body's chi to the spine.
Never fails.
Dr. Haddo is very clever.
( laughs )
But until you figure it out,
no one is to go
into that suit, understand?
That suit is a danger.
Look, I understand.
It's just-- it's not real.
It's an illusion.
Dean: Well, whatever it is,
it's caused a serious injury here.
Who was in that suit last?
I was, at Cal Tech.
so this was the first time
it was linked with our computer?
- Uh, l--
- Yes, Doctor?
Well, it seems that traumatic
shock initiated a heart attack.
Well, is he going to be all right?
The heart will recover, but...
the brain appears frozen.
something seems to have caused
a complete shutdown of the senses.
( bell jingling )
Her back is cured.
That's amazing.
Now for the ceremony. We shall be
performing the Pentecostal Eucharist.
- Not the--
- Only 12 initiates will be admitted.
There are some
important items that I need--
some of them quite expensive.
- Yes.
- I shall also require the key
to the upstairs room.
Neither you nor anyone else
will enter without my permission.
Do you understand?
( bell jingles )
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Where's Victor?
- He just grabbed his coat and went.
- What's going on?
- There's been an accident.
There's something seriously wrong
with the program.
It's generating a tremendous
amount of information.
Information? Is that bad?
No. Yes.
What are you doing here?
Nothing. I-- look at this.
- You didn't write this, did you?
- I wouldn't write in your books.
It's not my book, I just--
it doesn't matter.
I just don't understand
why it's veering off like this.
It was working perfectly fine
when I was last in the suit.
Well, you weren't
the last person in the suit.
Yeah, I was, at Cal Tech.
No, Victor had someone in it
the other night.
Victor's out of his mind.
Out of his mind he may be,
but he had someone in that suit...
and I know who it was.
- It was Dr. Haddo.
- Dr. Haddo?
I'd recognize that stutter anywhere.
What stutter?
- The astral plane.
- What?
The astral plane-- that's where
he got the information about you--
when he was in the suit--
from the computer.
so, for some mad reason,
you think Dr. Haddo
believes himself
to be the reincarnation
of Aleister Crowley?
What do you make of that, symonds?
Didn't he mumble something about being
the reincarnation of Count Cagliostro?
Count Cagliostro,
Ko Hsuan, Eliphas Levi--
exactly the same people that Crowley
claimed to be in his previous lives.
I'm surprised he doesn't think
he's Napoleon and George lll as well.
You know what Oscar Wilde
said about him:
"Aleister Crowley is a madman
who thinks he's Aleister Crowley."
I don't see how any of this
excuses or justifies
what has happened to Professor Brent.
Dr. Haddo was in the suit
before Professor Brent.
- In the suit?
- Yes.
see, I believe Victor
somehow introduced information
in from the Z93.
What sort of information?
My guess is, amongst other things,
energy coordinates
that specifically relate to Crowley.
Fanlight Fanny,
the frowsy nightclub queen.
Mr. Crowley,
my name is Ruby.
Rene sent me
from the massage parlor.
I've got a wedding dress
and a white veil.
step this way.
You look like the fairy
off the top of a Christmas tree.
More than 12 days late.
Not at all.
You know
what those 12 days are?
Looking to take
the decorations down?
Jesus Christ was born
on January the 6th.
December the 25th was
the old Pagan winter solstice.
They were sun worshippers, you see.
It was the Emperor Constantine
who pushed Christmas back
to December the 25th.
so all those Christian simpletons
are really worshipping the sun.
I'm not a simpleton.
stand here.
- ( cloth tears )
- ( gasps )
Redhead, my ass.
This your idea?
No, it was Rene's.
"What fools these mortals be."
- ( rips )
- ( groans )
( gasps )
He thinks I'm crazy.
He won't believe that Haddo
could be programmed by a computer.
Well, why don't you
get ahold of Haddo?
Or better still, Victor?
The bursar will have his address.
Victor... what's his name?
Newman. I wonder if I could have
a word with you?
It's okay, I'll get Victor's address
from the bursar's office.
- see you later.
- Okay.
Look, I may not know much
about computers,
but I know a hell of a lot
about Aleister Crowley.
Vile locks of deception.
Offending filaments,
thy time has come.
- ( razor scraping )
- It's starting to tickle now.
What a fool I was
to trust such vermin.
Oh, scarlet woman,
I wasted time.
"And now doth time
waste me."
- ( scrapes )
- ( gasps )
It must have taken years
to input all this stuff.
But it's just information,
it's not a program.
Victor has got to have
an external key.
Did that mean anything to you?
Hmm, yes, it's all
obvious occult imagery.
How do you know so much
about this stuff?
I met Crowley.
- The original?
- Mmm.
I was a student.
He was an old man.
He was quite a showman,
but underneath he had access
to some extraordinary knowledge.
Have you seen this?
Rites of Eleusis.
It's tonight.
What's this?
- Victor Newman?
- Yes.
- I have a few questions for "Varsity."
- What?
The other night
you had Haddo in the suit.
Whatever you did
affected Dr. Brent, didn't it?
- The ghost in the machine.
- Where's Haddo now?
- Haddo's been possessed...
- Possessed? the greatest spiritual leader
of modern times.
Aleister Crowley.
The Aeon of Horus,
his second coming.
In Haddo's body?
The ultimate transplant.
That's just not possible.
Then tonight the chosen
Where? How?
E equals MC-squared.
What's that supposed to mean?
Reverse it, what do you get?
Mass times the speed of light
squared equals energy.
The creation of matter
from thin air.
You don't believe that.
Victor: Einstein did.
( hammer pounding )
( keys jingling )
( screaming )
Hey, how come he's allowed in?
sorry, strictest instructions.
He's one of the 12.
But I've come all the way
from Glastonbury.
Oh, Mathers, oh, I'm glad you came.
You can be a witness.
It'll change your life.
No one's supposed to go in.
Crowley, I've got it.
- Did he say Crowley?
- Yes, I think so.
( thunder crashing )
sip the wine
which represents the holy blood.
sip the wine
which represents the holy blood.
sip the wine
which represents the holy blood.
sip the wine
which represents the holy blood.
sip the wine
which represents the holy blood.
( glass shatters )
( heart thumping loudly )
( door opens )
Let the Holy Ghost descend.
Aren't we staying?
The 12 apostles will
announce my resurrection.
We must prepare
for the scarlet bride.
Aleister Crowley alive!
It was the Beast!
( laughing )
( bell jingles )
( women crying )
( car honks )
- ( rock music playing on radio )
- Do you want to take a drive with me
and check out my sounds?
Can you spare some change?
Your time will come!
Your time will come...
Time! Time!
- Your time will come...
- I'll give you time!
No, master! You'll kill him!
Your time will come
( mutters )
Your time will come
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa.
Are you all right?
( woman crying )
( people moaning )
( screams )
It's the Beast! The Beast!
- ( glass shatters )
- ( woman screams )
( timer clicks, ticking )
( doorbell rings )
Can I help you?
I thought this was the residence
of Lia with the red hair.
- she's out.
- How very unfortunate.
Maybe Victor and I can go
for a last one at The Green Man,
or perhaps
this charming young lady
might be prevailed upon
to allow us to wait.
There's a chance
she might not be back.
- she's with a friend.
- Ahh.
Well, give her this.
Tell her Mr. Crowley called.
- ( woman crying )
- Just take a seat.
- You have to believe us.
- I saw it!
He was there!
Aleister Crowley alive!
He was the Beast!
That's right. Very good.
And now the bra.
It's so warm on the beach.
You should enjoy the sun.
Take your skirt off.
Don't you agree, my dear?
What a very pleasant figure
the young lady has,
eh, Victor?
You must free yourself
of your restrictive knickers.
Am I allowed?
Of course you are.
Clothes are such a burden.
take this as a present.
I want you to lie on that couch.
And now...
Dr. Victor will give you
a thorough examination.
I want to show you something.
- Hmm?
- symonds gave it to me.
It's a letter Crowley wrote
to Parsons in 1947.
Look at the handwriting.
- It's identical.
- Yeah.
And this book was published
less than five years ago.
Who are you saying wrote this?
- Crowley.
- You don't believe that.
Why not?
There's no scientific principle
that says it's impossible.
We transfer memory
from one computer to the next.
- Why not human memories?
- But you can't think--
What, reincarnation?
Basic tenet of several religions.
so are delusions of grandeur.
Look, I'll confront Haddo
with it tomorrow.
No no no no.
symonds told me that
Crowley could always spot a weakness
and learn how to exploit it.
Are you saying I'm not perfect?
Just promise me you won't go.
( bell tolling )
( keyboard clacking )
she's thinking of me.
Get up!
Let's go home.
she's thinking of me.
What time is it?
Time, you imbecile?!
"The innocent and the beautiful
have no enemy but time"!
We have work to do.
she awaits my call.
What's this? Can't sleep?
I've got a new front page.
Your story's already front page.
Everything's changed.
Don't worry, I've laid it out.
Let's have a look.
- How are you all?
- shh.
( whispers )
I'm sorry I spoke.
"Pale or purple,
veiled or voluptuous,
thou who art all the pleasure
of the innermost sense
desire you."
Now the spell to bring her to me.
Hand me my stick.
( thunder crashes )
Get my stick.
You damn fool.
My scarlet woman awaits.
( grunting )
Now read.
"Put on the wings
and arouse the coiled splendor
within you:
- Come! Come unto me!"
- "Come!
Come unto me!"
Come! Come!
( fax machine rings )
It's for you.
Oh, God!
There's something wrong
with this machine.
It's leaking ink
or solvent or something.
( phone ringing )
Hey, where the hell are you going?
You said you wanted
a photo of Crowley, didn't you?
Crowley? It's Haddo.
( computer beeping )
- ( phone rings )
- "Varsity."
Lia? she just left.
No, she never said.
( doorbell ringing )
( ringing continues )
Ah. Mathers.
( ringing stops )
I thought you were going
to bring the girl with you.
I can't find her anywhere.
- ( whispers ) shit.
- What?
Well... it's her hair.
Mathers: Her hair?
( door creaking )
- symonds: Do you see that Rafael?
- Mathers: Yes.
- And that Bellini?
- Mm-hmm.
Ah. And that one there?
All paintings of the Magdelene.
Painted centuries apart.
But do you notice
how something similar?
Perhaps it's more obvious
in that Rosetti.
They all have red hair.
The occult power
of the scarlet woman
was something Crowley
always emphasized.
Crowley: Behold the place
where I have led you.
Mate in one.
I mean is Haddo playing a role,
or is he actually Aleister Crowley?
How could we tell?
Being possessed
by the spirit of Aleister Crowley,
he wouldn't appear any different
than actually being Aleister Crowley.
( through voice box )
That's nonsense, symonds.
sorry, did we startle you?
I'd like you to meet a friend.
Alex, this is Dr. Mathers.
Alex is in the same field as you--
theoretical physics.
Pleased to meet you, Mathers.
And you, sir.
Remember I told you,
Alex was with me when Crowley died.
He cursed me.
We can't say that for sure, Alex.
( thunder crashing )
( Crowley whispering )
( footsteps approaching )
Well, she was at the college
newspaper earlier,
Ieft a little while ago.
since then nobody's seen her.
Jack Parsons.
Excuse me?
Jack Parsons.
Alex has a theory that
you carried something from Cal Tech.
As Crowley was dying,
Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard
were performing Crowley's ritual
to produce an elemental.
A moonchild.
Crowley was furious.
At such a time
when all conditions combine--
do you believe in destiny?
Excuse me,
I need to use your phone.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Here we are theorizing.
Yes, of course.
Help yourself. It's over there.
( phone rings )
- Hello?
- Who's that?
This is Dr. Mathers.
I'm with the faculty.
What is it? Lia?
There's been an accident.
Wait, I'll drive you.
I'm sorry, sir, but you can't enter.
- Are you Dr. Mathers?
- Yes, I am.
"l will open my mouth in parables.
I will utter things
which have been kept secret
from the foundation of the world."
You see, Victor?
Now Romans, 16:25.
"Now to him that is of the power,
according to the revelations
of the mystery
which has been kept secret
since the world began."
The ceremony will begin at 9:00.
Nine, the number of life and death.
Very good, Victor.
You will be the only witness
to secrets hidden from history
since the sphinx aligned with Leo
Got my altar knife?
Now we shall embark
on the greatest
occult event of history.
Will you walk
or shall I get the car?
We'll walk,
- but let us make haste.
- ( thunder rumbling )
I feel a storm coming on.
Police think it was a suicide.
should I have told them?
What, go to the police
about a dream?
Am I being crazy?
Take a look at that
and tell me I'm being crazy.
"Massage Parlor Atrocity.
Police search for a Mr. Crowley
after gruesome crucifixion."
Do you know where he lives?
Yes, I do.
( doorbell rings )
( glass shatters )
she has been here.
she's in serious trouble, isn't she?
I wonder where they might be.
- Have you seen this?
- ( ticking )
"Thou shalt conquer space,
And lastly climb
the walls of time,
And take the golden path
the great do tread."
What is that?
Crowley wrote it.
- He's scared.
- What's he scared of?
If he's not fixed in this time,
he'll need to perform
the chemical wedding.
What is that,
some kind of ritual or something?
I mean, where does he do this?
I'm not sure,
but there's one person
who might know.
The curious cat
comes willingly.
( door slams )
- Ow! Fuck!
- I'm sorry.
( gasps )
Down down
into a deep deep sleep.
You'll hear nothing
but my voice.
Do you understand?
What did you see in the suit?
We are forbidden to speak.
Who forbids you to speak?
- No.
- Was it Crowley?
He can't hear you.
He can only hear my voice.
Was it Aleister Crowley?
( gibbers )
Closes the door of my lips.
Look, Haddo knew
everything about me from the suit.
He must know what's going on.
What do you need
for the chemical wedding?
The relics
of Joseph of Arimathea.
A knife,
a cup to catch the holy blood
and a reed.
Ask him where it's performed.
Professor Brent,
where is this ceremony performed?
Notre Dame.
He's taken her to Paris?
No no no no. Crowley told me
that's where it last took place
with Abelard and Heloise.
Okay, well, the knife, the cup to catch
the blood-- what's the reed for?
A substitute phallus
to perform a non-carnal union--
a virgin birth.
she's not going
to participate in that.
she just has to arrive willingly,
and then--
where did you see Crowley?
He can't hear you.
Hold on, I'll hand him over.
The next voice you hear
will be Dr. Mathers.
You will answer his questions.
where did you see Aleister Crowley?
High throned between-- no! No.
What was through the door?
Was it the ho tekton?
The blackness!
- ( crying )
- I'm sorry.
I can't have you
upsetting a patient like this.
Now bring him back.
Brother Omnia Vincarn,
you're watching me
like a hungry dog.
I've had the meal.
Would you like the scraps?
"By the pricking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes."
"'Tis now the very
witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn,
and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world:
now could I drink
hot blood..."
But before we start, Victor--
get that fucking watch off!
And be a good chap
and make sure
that she isn't wearing one.
Time, after all,
is only...
What did you say to Brent?
Hoticon, or something?
No, ho tekton.
It's the Greek rendition
of the semitic word "naggar."
The Bible mistranslates it
as "carpenter."
The actual translation
of the word
is the Masonic term
for "master of the craft."
Professor Brent mentioned
several other Masonic terms.
Does this relate to anything
you saw in the suit?
Mathers: No, we only saw part
of the event that happened in the suit,
but there is one way
to find out what Brent knows.
Come on.
These are the instructions you enter
into the computer when I'm ready.
The last person who went in there
didn't come out in one piece.
This disc contains
Professor Brent's experience.
Are you sure about this?
What other choice have I got?
If you think I'm in trouble,
enter this.
"space flight simulator."
How does that help?
Acceleration changes
the speed of time.
Take this.
It belonged to Crowley.
In demonology
if you possess an object
belonging to a person,
it gives you power over them.
Good luck.
Uncertainty may be your best chance.
( watch jingles )
I feel like schrodinger's cat.
Let's hope God doesn't throw dice.
( speaking Latin )
( yells in Latin )
Who's that?
she's computer-generated.
I'm pleased to meet you, Dr. Mathers.
How do you know my name?
Professor Brent
implanted that information
as he came through.
How can I help you?
I would like
to follow Professor Brent.
Where is the door?
I'm afraid that was
Professor Brent's creation.
symonds, feed in Brent's records.
( computer whirs, beeps )
"Now are our brows bound
with victorious wreaths."
"Give me my crown;
I have immortal longings in me."
"The earth was
without form and void,
and darkness was upon
the face of the deep."
( whirring )
It's working.
Damn it.
What was there before?
I don't know.
Professor Brent saw something we didn't.
He was mouthing some religious ritual.
Brent's blackness.
( speaking Latin )
I summon thee
from the dark abyss
to enter this Holy Union!
( screams )
- What's happening?
- It's a singularity! It's a black hole!
- ( grunting )
- ( Mei Ling screams )
( alarm blaring )
( grunts )
( gasping )
As above, so below!
( screaming )
( watch ticking loudly )
( snaps, ticking quickly )
( screams )
( alarm blaring )
- ( alarm stops )
- ( beeping )
( gasping )
( stuttering )
Why, that bloody fool Victor!
Where is Mathers?
Who's Mathers?
What's going on down there?
You damned idiot!
I could have drowned in here.
What are you talking about?
After 30 seconds?
It was much longer than that,
you bastard!
You fat idiot, you panicked.
A girl came in looking for Mathers.
I had to get rid of her.
( bells tolling )
( knocking on glass )
Dr. Mathers.
Lia Robinson from "Varsity," yes.
Weird, I thought I dreamt you.
You said 5:00,
but you didn't say where.
I'm sorry. I'm jet-lagged.
Thank God you're all right.
I'm sorry.
Have we met?
You don't know me, do you?
No, I don't.
should l?
Um, the interview.
so why did you develop
the suit in the first place?
symonds: suddenly,
I felt strangely out of place,
as if I was on a different planet
or a different time zone.
Not one other person noticed
those missing days. Why just me?
You witnessed his death.
And so his resurrection.
Ah. Maybe I just dreamt
the whole idea.
No, scientific equations
are reversible,
even those with time.
The uncertainty principle
almost demands
parallel universes exist.
What could have happened is
theoretical experiment
of the cat in the box.
Only when the experimenter
opens the lid--
or in your case
takes off the helmet--
only then will he find out
what universe he's in.
so in some parallel universe,
Aleister Crowley is wandering around.
And in that other universe,
the world will be
a more evil place--
wars, earthquakes,
Thank God he's not in ours.
It's time.
There's a couple of details
I don't understand.
How did Mathers
get out of the ceremony
when the door was locked?
And who killed Rose?
- Brent: What happened there?
- Mathers: Oh, I fell.
sometimes it's hard to keep
your balance in Cyberia.
- Brent: Russia?
- Dr. Mathers?
- Yeah.
- Is it possible the suit
- could be carrying a virus?
- I don't think so. Why?
Well, there's a problem
with the computer's date-time sequence.
- Yeah, so?
- I don't know, it's weird.
The Z93 is set
two days in the future
and it's not allowing me to correct it.
Is there a code to access
the helmet's computer?
Try 1 2-1-47.
My birthday.
( beeps )
Oh, it's Aleister Crowley's death.
- Hi.
- ( Haddo clears throat )
( stuttering )
It has become a commonplace
of critical discourse...
"The time is out of joint:
O cursed spite,
That I was ever born
to set it right!"
You set it right
because you had the watch.
That's another thing.
Where is the watch?
"O, that this too
too solid flesh
would melt,
- Thaw..."
- ( watch ticking loudly )
"...and resolve itself
into a dew!"
Here in a church
A schoolboy is kneeling
He prays to a God
He does not know,
he cannot feel
All of his sins of childhood
He will remember
He will not cry
Tears he will not cry
Man of sorrows
I won't see your face
Man of sorrows
You left without a trace
A small boy wonders
What was it all about?
Is your journey over?
Has it just begun?
The vision of the new world
From the ashes of the old
"Do what thou wilt"
He screams
from his cursed soul
A tortured seer
A prophet of our emptiness
Wondering why
Wondering why
Man of sorrows
I won't see your face
Man of sorrows
You left without a trace
A small boy wonders
What was it all about?
Is your journey over?
Has it just begun?
Man of sorrows
I won't see your face
Man of sorrows
You left without a trace
A small boy wonders
What was it all about?
Is your journey over?
Has it just begun?
Has it just begun?