Chiisai ouchi (2014) Movie Script

Eric Paroissien translation
"The Little House"
Family Nunomiya
Notice for the Nunomiya family.
You're invited to collect the remains.
Please wait in the lounge.
End of announcement.
That's it.
Grandma Taki died alone.
I told her many times.
"Don't stay on your own".
I invited her with us.
She'd say: "No way, I'm happy on my own".
You found her, Takeshi.
We couldn't get her on the phone,
I asked him to go check.
He found her squatting
by the sink in the kitchen.
The TV was on.
She raised me and your father.
I always wanted to repay her somehow.
I brought her a present for New Year.
I wanted to make her smile
I told her a men's joke.
She told me: "you're an idiot".
I thought she'd live a thousand years
No, really?
Taki Nunomiya was my grandma.
Why does God let her old age[].
She could be annoying or
hard to deal with sometimes.
But she certainly had a long
life with much happiness.
Come here.
It says, "this is for Takeshi".
Sir, what do we do with that picture?
Throw it away.
What is it written?
I told you she was writing
her autobiography.
She has a beautiful handwriting.
She like literature.
She was probably a good student.
Grandma was smart.
Let's throw this.
in the spring of 1935
I went to Tokyo to study.
Among 6 brothers and sisters
the 4 elders were sent as servants.
It was understood that I'd follow them.
The villages were overpopulated.
Some girls were sent as prostitutes.
In that time.
If a girl had a reputation to be pretty.
She could also be bought as a geisha.
As I wasn't that pretty,
it didn't come up.
Instead I was sent
to serve at relatives'.
Grandma, you're a good writer.
You make an occasional typo,
I'll correct it.
Keep writing like that.
You can flatter me, I won't pay you.
It isn't flattery.
I want 10 more pages for next time.
You do as you please but.
If I write your autobiography
you'll become a bestseller.
You'll be rich.
Don't talk nonsense.
What would you have for dinner?
Sorry, I'm with my buddies tonight.
I'll be back later [].
My sister said, don't forget
your medicine.
The keys of your motorcycle.
Call me if you need me.
About the electricity and the gas.
I still clearly remember
the day I left home.
I was only 18 more than the sadness
of leaving my parents.
My chest was filled with expections.
About that unknown life ahead.
Say, taki.
You have to learn to hold your
tongue, don't bother them.
You have to drop our dialect
and speak as they do in Tokyo.
You git it?
I git it.
You end your sentences
with "desu" and "masu".
I git it.
Don't tell them "I git it",
with that accent.
But you spoke to me with our accent,
I was only replying to you.
That's why I said "I git it".
I git it.
You're sure I didn't say "I gEt it"?
You sure didn't.
I git it.
Hey, postman.
I was longing for Tokyo, the City.
For a girl like me Tokyo
was a land of marvels.
The lively shopping streets,
people hasting to their business.
Bicycles rickshaws carriages.
Black luster cars,
and ringing streetcars.
Tokyo at that time was
such a fascinaating capital.
So you worked as a maid.
You worked hard.
Young people might think so.
In the early Showa era,
a working-class family in Tokyo.
A maid was a very common thing.
Is that right?
Now we call them an au-pair.
In my time it was a decent job.
And it prepared a girl for marriage.
No one would consider
it as a slaving job.
But you didn't get married.
Why is that?
But things happened?
Surely did.
You have to tell it all.
Fresh fried.
Let me sprinkle some salt.
My sister never managed
to cook a proper pork chop.
It's all in the know-how.
Your sister is no better
than you in a kitchen.
When I started as a maid.
There was a novelist named Hongo
living in a beautiful house.
There were two other maids older than I.
Trash this please.
This room is messy,
but many documents are important.
Please be careful.
Your name is Taki?
45 years ago.
Geisha I was seeing
sent me love letters.
I was careless and tucked
them in a corner.
At that time, a clever maid named Fumi.
Took them carefully and hid them
at the back of a drawer before my wife sees them.
Don't you think she was
a very smart maid?
The job of a maid is
very tricky in fact.
The harmony of a family rests
on the skill of a maid.
What's the chitchat about.
A general discussion about
the skills of a maid.
You can go.
A general discussion
or something more personal.
What's that nonsense.
The next year, when the cherry
blossoms fell.
His wife introduced me to
a household with kids.
If you don't mind I call you Taki-chan.
Call me Tokiko.
Taki and Tokiko, it sound similar.
Get me the sugar in that closet.
That's it.
Just 2 cups.
That girl is determined
to build her house.
What do you mean?
Even after the Great Kanto
Earthquake has burned Tokyo.
All the houses are gone.
It doesn't deter her the least.
You're envious of your younger sister.
Of course not, aunt.
I'm saying that for her own good.
Thank you for your present, sister.
You're welcome.
Your house is beautiful,
tastefully decorated.
Now the difficult part is coming.
What is that?
We borrowed so much from the bank.
Your money should be spent on children.
I know my advice comes a bit late.
What do you mean?
If you don't pay for a good elementary
school there's no access to a good middle school.
My Masato is is studying hard for his exams.
But he's still a small kiddo.
He has time to grplusw.
Sure but.
Not so long ago, he was still
wetting the bed.
Come on, aunt.
Your sense of humor.
Kyoichi, come here.
You've grown so much.
Your so tall.
Even today, closing my eyes.
I see everything so clearly.
A brand new house in 1935
with a red tiles roof.
Such a cute house.
I loved that little house.
You did n1?
Wash your hands.
They're talking about it at the company.
The next Olympics could be in Tokyo.
You're great.
Our rival is Helsinki.
A city like Tokyo has a sure advantage.
First Olympic Games in Asia.
We'll renovate the infrastructures
and the roads.
The whole world will come
to Japan and spend money.
My company will increase
the sales of toys.
That a big leap for Japan's economy.
It's a good prospect.
We're hiring a lot lately.
Now our Kewpie doll is
a big sale in the Sates.
Now we open on the world,
even the toy industry.
The war ended the prospect
of Tokyo Olympics.
It warms my heart to remember
Madam's excitement at that time.
Grandma what you write here
is not correct.
In 1936 people were not
so joyful in Japan.
You can't idealize history.
Japan was at war with China.
It's in the historical
chronology YOU gave me.
It is called "incidents"
but it's an ongoing war.
From 1931, the Japanese army
stormed China.
There was no storm.
The weather was sunny every day.
I had a great time.
That's a subjective angle,
you need to be objective.
If you're going to be that preachy,
I'd rather stop.
You can't idealize,
stick to the facts.
I did not idealize.
Didn't I say I was
not an ideal beauty.
It's not what I meant,
you're so stubborn.
Heater is back in order.
Let's go! If it's taken at
an early stage it will heal soon.
The doctor in Nihonbashi says so, quick.
I'll wait in the car.
The door key.
I got it.
Botchan had a high fever.
He stayed in bed for more than one week.
But then his legs went numb.
The Doctor diagnosed polio.
This caused a commotion
in the Hirai household.
Massages you say?
That's vital, the doctor said.
He can heal if we do it regularly.
From his toes to his buttocks.
He must be thoroughly
patted and massaged.
It will be painful.
It will give him comfort.
So he'll have massages
once or twice a week.
No, every day.
Every day?
The doctor said it has to be every day.
I know it costs money but.
It's okay, I received
this year's bonuses.
We're good.
But every day.
You'll manage?
I don't seem to have a choice.
It's my job, I'll carry Botchan.
You'd carry him every day.
Nihonbashi is far.
Several streetcar transfers.
School was an hour away
from my village.
Rain or snow.
I had to carry my youngest
sister sometimes.
Nihonbashi is nothing in comparison.
I'll help Botchan's rehabilitation.
You're so strong.
So we count on you, taki.
You can count on me.
Thank you.
Rain or shine, I carried little Botchan
to the hospital for his treatment.
I was determined to help
in Botchan's rehabilitation.
It didn't feel hard.
You're a brave boy.
It hurts.
But you'll walk.
You saw me do, try it yourself.
So hot.
We've done this for six months.
He's much better.
I'll teach you thoroughly,
you'll do it at home.
With emphasis on the knee cap perfect.
You're good at this.
And the little man is so brave.
I like it better when taki does it.
You heard that?
Poor me.
He fell asleep.
This child will owe taki a great debt.
Thank you so much.
It's normal.
You do so much for his recovery.
There's not much I can do,
mostly relying on you.
I tried to do it but he rejects me.
He say my touch is tickling,
he requests you.
Naughty boy.
How am I different.
Taki, how about you massage me?
Just like Botchan, please.
Not sure it's the same.
It's not the same size.
Please try anyway.
Come on.
You're tickling me.
Feels great.
I get it, your hands are warmer.
See my hands are cold.
I know why Botchan doesn't like them.
Feels great.
That year was spent on Botchan's legs.
He missed a year in elementary school.
This was a great concern
for Madam's elder sister.
His primary school is not yet decided?
All the kids in the area
go to Miyamae School.
You mean Kyoichi hasn't
taken any entrance exam?
You should do the right thing.
You're late, most exams
are closed already.
You've set up a nice home
and have a care-free life.
If you settle for one
of the schools around here.
He won't qualify Jokyu College.
So funny.
He won't catch up the year he has lost.
But at least I thought he was
studying hard for the entrance exam.
Even your Masato did not take
an exam for primary school.
No, but we applied long ahead.
The famous school are soon booked up.
Hongo Seishi school, Aoyama Seinan,
Kojima, Bancho primary school.
And Shirogane where Masato studies.
These are the ways
to a valuable college.
They're all so far from home.
How can you say so.
Masato classmates all commute distances.
They need that season ticket.
Never heard that before.
Is he back yet.
That late already! Gotta go.
Welcome back.
You have a guest.
Mrs. Azabu.
Good evening, I won't impose.
Make yourself at home.
I have other business, next time.
Have you seen the fall of Nanjing?
Victory in Nanjing City.
That's sensational news in Japan.
Tokiko, they have sales at
the department store, we'll go!
If you'll excuse me.
So cold.
2 years later we'll have
the Olympic Games.
Taki! Those will be busy years.
Let me ride your back.
Kyoichi, look at you walk now.
We'll go to the lantern procession.
We'll ride the train.
Since the fall of Nanking.
We, Japanese thought the war
was over, and were elated
Sales activity picked up, people
were lining up at department stores.
Flowered streetcars,
advertising balloons
That was the last buzzy, joyful
Tokyo we would experience for a long time.
That's like a nightmare.
We know what massacres were
committed in Nanjing.
Tokyo was celebrating the victory
with advertising balloons.
Banners singing the fall of Nanking.
Did it happen like that?
You told me to write the reality.
Let's conclude there about the war.
Now write about a lover, surely you had one.
During the war love wasn't easy to come by.
Grandma, don't lie.
It's always about me, how about you?
I saw you at the archery club with
a beautiful girl dressed in white.
How is it going?
We broke up.
You need to revive bitter memories?
My bad.
There the New Year soup.
Happy New Year grandma,
live a thousand years.
Happy New Year.
My wish is for you to find a girlfriend.
Can we move on.
The end of of the year was busy.
Madam and I were doing the big cleaning.
In every nooks and crannies.
The kitchen, the doors, even inside
the trash can with a rag.
Making sure that everything would
shine for the New Year's guests.
A pine bonsai in the entrance in a tray,
to receive the business cards.
Everything was settled
in good order in the house.
After a day spent greeting the visitors.
At last I could retire, open my futon.
Madam had given me a silk cover.
This is the time when Mr. Shouji Itakura
came to the red roof house.
Happy New Year.
I'm Shouji Itakura.
Please wait.
Dear, Mr. Itakura is here to see you.
Thank you for your invitation.
Mr. Shouji Itakura is from
our design department.
He graduated from a School
of Fine Arts he's excellent.
He'll take our company to the lead.
This way please.
Happy New Year.
This visitor is so charming.
He's really atypical compared
to my husband's colleagues.
I have a good impression.
You should go and see him.
I think we can trust Prime Minister
Konoe for our country.
He's not like other politicians.
He's smart.
This is the difference.
The Chinese conflict wasn't too good.
But now we can get it right.
Let's have a toast for Itakura.
To the Empire of Japan.
Not so loud.
I'm excited.
If the situation could
settled down in China.
We'll be able to sell toys
to their kids.
They're a huge population,
close to 400 millions.
An enormous market.
That will require a large-scale factory.
I am looking forward
to Itakura's young input.
Let's go for it.
Eventually we'll have to land
the American market.
President, would you tell us about
your business trip last year?
Aaah the US.
First, the food is not the same.
they don't eat like anywhere in Asia.
For us it's like, fried or algae.
In the US, a steak that thick,
fried in a cupful of butter.
They have strong built bodies.
But the women are beauties,
with such loooong legs.
It's true.
What is it you're so happy about?
It's about the unfolding
of the Chinese conflict.
Come on, boss!
It's a serious conversation,
you should listen.
Men are annoying.
Always about war and politics,
do they ever have any other concerns?
So you're a man too?
You in this season,
it's snowing in Taki's village.
The snow piles up roof high
around the house.
So the shutters stay closed.
The furnace burning hard,
eyes are filled with tears from its smoke.
It's tough living in snow places.
Snow piled up to the eaves.
Excuse me.
Come in?
Is that your boys room?
Yes it is.
Mr. Hirai told me to have
a look at the house.
May I come in?
Come in.
This is a very nice room.
Between you and me I ran away
from their politics discussions.
My specialty is oil painting.
But when I entered art school
I wanted to be an architect.
I saw your house before,
I found it interesting.
A friend of mine lives in the neighborhood.
That little red roofed house on the hill.
I was wondering what kind
of people would live there.
Mr. Itakura Where is your hometown?
That's so far north, this young
lady is from Yamagata.
It is snowing right now.
She said the snow piles up to the eaves.
Hey, there.
Give us wine.
Take your time.
So many toys.
His father produces toys, of course.
First, I came to Tokyo for my exam,
what a surprise!
In the midst of winter,
blue sky and sunshine.
Didn't you feel that?
I was so surprised.
We from the North don't git how
people live here [North dialect].
We don't git it.
Taki, could you come down?
It's okay I'll talk with the boy.
I'm Shouji Itakura Masaharu.
What is your name?
Kyoichi? Hello!
You have such a beautiful room.
"The Kingdom of the Children",
who offered it to you?
Your beautiful mom bought it
I could read for you?
Ah The Titanic.
The British steamship Titanic
crashed into an iceberg.
It was carrying 2,223 people and
sank in the middle of the Atlantic.
I'm fine.
Thanks for everything
let's work hard this year too.
Let's go.
Where's Itakura?
I told you he's drunk, he fell asleep.
Well, nothing we can do.
Madam, please take care of him.
Yes, I sure will.
Good night.
Thank you.
Itakura fell asleep by Botchan's
side, we need to wake him.
Get him something to eat,
I'm going to bed.
Tell him I'm sorry I had to retire.
So exhausted.
Mr. Itakura.
Mr. Itakura.
Where are the others.
Just went.
I'm in trouble, the boss was mad?
'You hungry? Taki is cooking
New Year soup.
That's great, with pleasure.
The conductor is Leopold Stokowski.
You saw the movie.
Diana Derby orchestra.
That was great.
The performance of such
a small orchestra was amazing.
Stokowski, coming crescendo.
And his conducting baton-less.
That was great.
"Baton-less" is without a baton?
His abandoning the conductor's baton
is a characteristic of Stokowski.
He was like that.
Quite right.
During the movie.
Maybe he was baton-less
too for this recording.
Like this?
You must be hungry for New Year's soup.
Thank you.
New Year's soup, I'm longing for summer.
What do you mean?
Living alone, these celebrations
don't mean much.
Why don't you come more often?
Thank you.
You're pleased.
Mr. Itakura's was living
two train stations away.
Close enough to visit us sometimes
to listen to music.
When Madam was away, sometimes
we'd listen religiously to classical music.
Saturday night, we have a dinner in town.
An Association meeting.
But we have a concert on that day.
A concert?
Oh right, I forgot the gave us tickets.
Please don't forget.
The boss has an important reception.
That's why I have to represent
him at the meeting.
It was the same Association
meeting last time.
But this time it's for toy exportation.
The other time was about the industry.
It's all the same.
It is not the same.
But what do I do with these 2 tickets.
So I'll return it to the boss.
Taki, next to the altar there's
an envelope with concert tickets.
Fetch it please.
You don't return a gift?!
You'd rather it'd be wasted.
Right, I get it.
You're complicated,
don't return them, then.
It's okay, dear,
I'll do as you requested.
Now you're upset?!
I'm not angry the least.
You are.
You're making a scene in front
of the maid.
Well, in that case.
I give him back one ticket,
you go alone.
Dear, if you don't go,
I'm not going either.
How about inviting someone?
Your sister?
The boss doesn't mind if it's wasted.
You don't dispose of gifts that way.
It's in 2 days I don't have time
to find someone.
You're complicated.
I return one ticket, you go alone.
You can't do something so awkward.
But you like concerts.
Liking them is not the issue.
it's a gift from your boss.
I was invited only as the wife
of his director.
You don't have to be so loud.
Anyway, I leave one here.
You had to ruin the mood
as I start my day!?
Have a good day.
You think I crossed the line
this morning.
First time I saw you so upset.
Maybe I was wrong.
While Mister told you to go alone,
it was simpler to just go.
For some reason I often
get upset lately.
Bang bang bang.
Mother, I'll play with ken.
Bye, Aunt.
That evening, Mister came back home.
The boss had told him it was
fine if she went alone.
And I was relieved when Madam
accepted with grace.
Oh it's you Madam.
I was wondering who would
take the ticket.
The boss just gave it to me?
I'm glad I came.
Thank you.
I'm back.
Welcome back.
Sorry to be back so late.
You went to a concert?
It was a great concert.
Botchan, look, I have a present for you.
Tanku Tankuro! I wanted this comic!
Mr. Itakura bought it,
he thought you'd love it.
You were with Mr. Itakura.
We met by chance.
When my husband returned the ticket,
the boss gave it to him.
at the end of the concert,
we had a coffee at the opera bar.
On the way back in Ginza we bought
the comic at Kondo bookstore.
He said, this is for Kyoichi!
So thoughtful, what a gentleman.
Father is back.
Welcome back.
I went to the concert.
I met your boss's wife
as well as Mr. Itakura.
The performance was great.
I see.
Thinking about it, in retrospect.
The company was facing difficult times.
But that said.
Madam's mood started to improve steadily.
Must be my husband.
Taki, it's me.
Madam, it's Mr. Itakura.
What happened?
Your husband went
to our plant in Fujisawa.
I'm starting to be worried
about his lateness.
Because the storm they
were stopped at Tokaido.
They'll probably stay in Yokohama.
We received a call at
the office a while ago.
I wanted to tell you right away.
It has caused such a commotion
at the company.
Thank you.
Now my mind is at peace.
I'll get a towel.
Please come in.
I think I should take a look
at these shutters upstairs.
I just saw it banging.
The shutters?
Taki, do you have a ladder?
There is one in the kitchen.
How about a little board and tools.
I'll get it.
Could get a coat and come help me?
A ladder on the roof but
it's too dangerous.
If I don't see to it now,
it could turn to trouble in the night.
You Madam, stay with Botchan.
Taki, I'm meeting you round the house.
Be careful
The board.
Here you are.
Prepared in a haste, can't be too good.
Eat up, this'll warm you up.
Udon-noodles, that is great.
Thank you.
How is it?
I'm glad.
Kyoichi, you sleep here with mom tonight.
Taki's next door.
He'll be at peace if he's not alone.
Taki, sleep with me.
Shall spread your futon here.
It's okay, I'll be closer in Botchan's bed.
Taki, sleep with me.
We can set Mr. Itakura's bed
on the parlor's sofa.
I'd rather go back.
I can still catch a train.
Please stay.
Such a night, you never
know what could happen.
Right, taki?
Please stay.
I'm embarrassed.
Power outage taki get
the flashlight in the kitchen.
I'm sorry.
You're staying, right?
Alright then.
I'm glad.
I'm sure the sky will clear up
in the morning.
Mr. Itakura please wake up.
Something strange with
the entrance door.
What is it?
Please have a look.
The latch is broken.
Give it to me, Madam.
What are you doing?
I'll use the shoe cupboard.
This will do.
The typhoon is past Tokyo now.
Tomorrow you call a carpenter.
Fortunately, you stayed.
There sleep in peace.
I have no peace, with this storm,
and with you here.
Was I sleeping soundly.
You were so cute.
So finally a boyfriend shows up.
Shouji Itakura, you liked him too,
a triangle relationship.
Then with the draft came the sad parting.
Smart as you are, your imagination is poor.
It's a mistake to link imagination
to intelligence.
If you saw the politician on TV.
They may be top university graduate.
But this bunch have no imagination.
The kerosene stove is repaired yet.
Time to replace it with
an electric heaters.
There's always a risk with an elderly.
"Elderly" is a term you don't use
in front of an elderly.
What a lack of tact.
Long ago people were licking
their pen before usage.
Does that make the color darker?
I'll cook pork cutlets, you eat?
Pork cutlets, this'll trigger
my poor imagination.
In return I correct your mistakes.
Five years after leaving my village,
they decided to marry me.
The suitor was.
The suitor was a high school teacher
in my hometown.
Such an educated person, he was past 50.
He had 3 children and grandchildren also.
It was his third marriage.
I'll do it.
This is Taki Nonomiya.
Taki this is Mr. Hanawa and his aunt.
Nice to meet you, this is my nephew.
Sit down, please.
Mr. Hanawa, where are you from
in Yamagata?
I'm from Shonai.
You can say that Yamagata's culture differs
in the mountains and on the seaside.
Miss Taki is from Yonezawa.
Madam was telling us that since you arrived
in Tokyo you've never been sick?
You have a strong constitution,
that's a must.
She can bear many children.
Kazuo love children, he wants many more.
That's my duty toward the increase
of the nation's population.
You sure have a personal motive too.
Please drink your tea.
Thank you.
Such a good tea.
Our tea is coarser, the leaf
comes with the stem.
Little sticks.
That's tough.
I understand you don't like this.
Don't worry, I'll refuse.
People will say I'm complicated,
I'll never marry.
It's okay, I had no idea
he was so much older.
And what shameless manners.
Don't cry.
Then again, with a younger husband.
They say he'd soon be conscripted
into the army, better an old one.
People say that.
Don't be silly, such an old dude.
What kind of future can you consider?
You'll be fine, I have a clear vision
of you make a good marriage.
Alright, Taki.
I don't have to marry.
I want to live my life in this house,
take care of you and little Botchan.
What a silly idea.
You'll find a young husband.
And build a happy family.
Good night.
After a long war in China,
Japan was running out of metal.
The toy company had to give up
using metal.
Started to use mainly wood
and card-board.
Soon they'll ask for our household
metal gear.
Iron, ladders, door knobs,
chandelier, etc.
That's where we've come to.
We thought the Nanjing fall was
putting an end to it.
No one expected the Chinese conflict
to drag us so far.
They're backed up by the US.
We'd enter a conflict with 'them'?
It doesn't seem like a good idea
to fight America.
If they saw the US they'd know
right away.
For one thing, the food is different.
For us it's like, fried or algae.
In the US, a thick steak,
fried in butter.
Let's hope the Prime Minister
will handle this.
You and the Prime Minister see eye to eye.
He is also very smart.
Of course, in the face of such circumstances,
a toy company isn't much
There it is.
You're always so pretty Madam.
I have to go.
You can spend some time with us,
no one is expecting you.
What? Your still single?
I'll find someone for you.
I'm not ready.
If you're not a good catch,
who else is?
In these times of war a fine
lad like you is rare.
So many young beauties are desperate
for a husband.
True dat.
What's your military service status?
because of a lungs condition
and a poor eyesight, I'm exempted.
It's good that way.
Get married quick and have plenty
of children.
For the prosperity of the Asian Continent.
For the future of Japan
we need to make kids.
Get married quick and have
plenty of children.
Unlike women, we can have kids
even in old age.
If you'll excuse me.
I have to finish this design.
In the meantime I'll find you
blind dates.
Get married soon,
"order from the hierarchy".
I'll see you to the door.
Thank you Madam.
You'll go on a blind date.
No one.
Are you kidding me?
Bring the food, quick.
Taki, don't you think it's too
early for Mr. Itakura to get married?
You're right.
Much too early.
Definitely too early.
You read it?
One of them is the daughter of a deputy.
Another the daughter of a government
official's relative.
The both is asking me to chose
for Itakura.
As a bride for Mr. Itakura?
The war conscription left us
with few eligible men.
The country has launched a campaign
to urge marriage.
Families with a young daughter
are desperate for a son-in-law.
Itakura has been exempted
because of his health.
A company employee, not yet 30.
You can hardly find one
of these nowadays.
If we could get him one
of these two prospects.
It would be a good connection
for the company.
Could you persuade him?
That "I" persuade him?
Women are good at this.
You think so?
Do you mind?
You have a good tie with Itakura.
Did you ask what kind
of woman he likes.
We don't discuss such issues.
He has only one brother in Hirosaki.
His parents died young.
I'm quasi operating as his father.
If he got married you'd be
like his mother.
Come on, talk him into it.
That one is pretty.
Good evening.
You're back.
Taki, I'm hungry.
Sunday I'll invite Itakura.
Please talk to him, alright?
Come, I have a gift.
That Sunday afternoon was terribly hot.
New gifts
that Sunday afternoon was terribly hot.
That Sunday afternoon was terribly hot.
Mr. Itakura sleeves rolled up
clothes came to the house.
Let's go.
Wipe the corridor.
The floor is sticky.
Look Shouji.
All the way.
Shouji gave it to me.
It's stuck in the tree.
Come help me Shouji.
Mr. Itakura.
I have here two photos for blind dates.
Let me see.
Look, it's sideways.
We try?
Launch it softly.
I'm not ready.
It's high time.
Not yet.
Get married soon.
It's gone.
How can you say that?
The boss is pressing me.
It's because the boss asked.
That you're discussing it?
Not only that, I also think it's good.
How can you say that?
You're of age.
Not yet.
Get married.
Why do you say that?
Shouji look.
Look at the photos.
You may fancy one of those faces.
I won't.
I won't look.
It's stuck again, Shouji come.
let me do it.
You get it.
Throw it.
Very good.
It's so easy to fly.
Quick, give me a slice.
Don't come here.
Germany is strong,
no one can face them.
Even if the United States
entered the war.
They'd have to take care of Europe.
The Pacific would be a long stretch.
They also know how strong
the Japanese are.
We won't fight them?
The boss thinks they'd look for a truce.
The US demand the withdrawal
of Japan from China.
That would be a silly move.
Taki, please bring the prospects photos.
Itakura came?
He chose?
He says he's not ready.
He could act his age.
Since the boss is asking, he should abide.
He's just a kid.
This marriage is our duty.
His dragging is troublesome.
Go to his place, press him.
No one cares.
The next Sunday.
Madam went to Mr. Itakura's place.
Mr. Shouji Itakura lives here?
He's here.
Mr. Itakura.
You have a guest.
Sorry to come unannounced.
You startled me.
What is it?
We need to talk.
What I said last time.
I see.
You may come in, it's not clean.
If you don't mind.
Thank you, Taki.
I'll find my way back.
You're going back?
It's okay?
Come in.
Such a pretty lady.
A good family, she has a maid!
Auntie, if we could have some tea?
A simple task we asked from you.
Your function as my wife.
We gave you two prospects.
Refusing both is unreasonable.
You don't come back empty-handed.
He's really not into it.
I'm not his mother to insist
more than that.
How about the young Tashibara or Akagi
at the company, they could marry them.
They're soldiers now and long gone.
Itakura is the only eligible young man.
What's that about?
Enough I'll give him a photo directly.
This blind date is an order from above now.
You'd order him?
You don't impose a date forcefully.
Let me talk to him once more.
And I hope he'll be grateful.
I've been begging you for ever now.
Taki, bath.
Please mail this postcard
tomorrow first thing.
Sure Shouji Itakura.
Your room is so hot.
To: Shouji Itakura
from: Tokiko Hirai.
"I understand your feelings".
The situation gradually grew bitter.
But I have to write it down.
I promised I'd do it.
"I understand your feelings"
"I'll visit you on Sunday"
Good morning.
"I'll be waiting for you,"
"Come without fail."
"Shouji Itakura".
The next Sunday
Madam said that she would
go out alone
Yes give me these zoris.
I'm going.
Have a good day.
Come in.
Oh it's you Madam, with such
a hot weather.
Mr. Itakura, right?
Mr. Itakura.
A guest.
Come in, please.
Who is that?
My guess, they are lovers.
But she's a rich housewife
Frequenting our house.
So many young husbands
are fighting in China.
Life must go on.
You want to sue them for adultery?
What kind of silly talk.
Who may she be?
We won't have that tea.
I'm back.
Welcome back.
I still clearly remember.
Her hair, her kimono,
all had been fixed up sloppily.
Compared to this morning.
The corridor is sticky, please wipe it.
Taki, go out buy soap.
I'll buy some from Juntendo's shop.
Less and less commodities are available.
That was the first time I saw Madam
changing kimono during the day.
My heart was racing in my chest.
So itchy.
After that she visited
Mr. Itakura a second time.
She came back disheveled again.
It's now difficult to find snacks.
Sorry this is all we have.
Never mind.
I love your pickles, dear.
Mrs. Mutsuko was Madam's close friend.
She was manly.
Where has Tokiko gone?
At Mr. Itakura's.
Itakura, that young man from
Mister's company?
What? Something happened?
Madam is behaving strangely lately.
How strangely?
Mister must never hear about it
A matter he should never hear about?
But maybe I can hear it?
I don't know what to do.
Tell me everything, Taki, dear.
That young Itakura did something?
That kind of affair.
What affair could that be?
No way?
Mr. Itakura likes Tokiko.
So a relationship came to be,
that should not be?
This is it.
In school Tokiko was so beautiful.
She was the most beautiful.
Everyone liked her.
When her wedding was decided
some even committed suicide.
It was a shame, that just
one man would monopolize her.
You can understand that, dear?
You too are hurt.
I know that too well.
You can't tell Tokiko that
we spoke about it.
Swear secret.
I'm back.
Hey, Mutsuko, here you are.
I just arrived.
I can't anymore.
I can't find peace anymore.
This should not be.
I told him it's the last time.
I told him I'm not going anymore.
What's happening, Tokiko?
The last time for what?
What did you say?
I can't do this anymore.
This can't be.
What can't be?
Come on, it's that blind date.
Mr. Itakura doesn't want it either.
If he stands like that, I'm done.
I told him I'm not going.
So that's the trouble?
Yes, this is it.
How come the tea is so hot?
Take it back.
Poor girl.
The following month I saw Madam
gradually losing her joy.
A Saturday night in November.
Mr. Itakura came after a long absence.
In the paper this morning.
They announced that exempted people.
Have to enter the draft.
I was supposed to get married
because I was exempted.
But now I'll be drafted.
You don't know that, you can't decide.
If you say that you'll never get married.
I can't accept.
I'd keep my wife waiting or
I'd die in battle.
I'll serve my country
then I'll build a family.
Alright, this is an honorable sentiment.
I'll take back the photos.
While your here, have a drink.
Please, even if it's our meager rations.
It will be a pleasure to share.
Thank you but I have to work.
Too bad.
This situation is turning sour.
It's a dead-end.
Because of the American economic blockade.
There's no more metal or oil.
The Toy Industry can't work like this.
On all parts Europe, the US,
Japan exportations are boycotted.
The war is not over yet in China.
We don't get customers there.
A dead-end.
Soon we'll be at war with the US.
I have to say good-bye.
You were so considerate to come.
Good-bye Madam.
Right, Dinner!
Japan was going to enter war.
The Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor,
on December 8.
Anybody home?
It's the delivery.
Banzai! Banzai!
What's the matter?
You don't know?
At last, we're at war with America.
This is grrrreat.
The war?
You don't listen to the radio?
Not yet today.
It's awful.
Come on, you're not thinking clearly.
We're gonna teach a lesson
to those arrogant States.
Last time you ordered Mirin Sake.
I got my hands on one, it's yours.
With all this rationing.
These are going to disappear.
Any orders?
For you Taki, I'll find anything.
Thank you, sir.
Your Madam, doesn't she have
a boyfriend in Nagahara?
In such troubled times, be careful.
Fortunately, at this point,
only I know.
Alright? Taki-chan.
Thank you.
Botchan, you heard how
we attacked them?
Banzai !
The next morning I read the news with fear
War with de US and the UK.
victories striking triumphant
I thought a new era was coming
Violent Anglo-American war.
For some reason I was happy too.
The British battleship sunk
Attack on Pacific Islands.
Now I think it was a sorry day.
Heroic bombing of Pearl Harbor.
I heard what you write your autobiography?
Takeshi told me.
He said you were at Pearl Harbor.
He said, please write a lot
for when I get out of the hospital.
How long does he stay?
About 2 weeks.
That's his fault, driving so recklessly.
It must be painful, and with this heat.
What does he say?
Says "I'm lonely.".
Is he that sad?
Course not.
He has girls from college
visiting every day.
They bring him cookies and snacks.
The nurse is complaining,
this commotion hinders her work.
He's successful with girls.
He's so gentle.
Gentle!? He treats them like cattle.
"I'll take that one, maybe this one".
And when he's finished he drops them.
He's your small brother, be nice.
I'm going.
Car keys.
Eggs and butter in the fridge.
Vegetables in the basket below.
You have rice.
Call if you need me.
She can be heavy.
By 1943 all goods were rationed.
We heard only about "full war",
"battle", "final victory".
Bad words were used against countries.
This country was radically transformed.
Even in our little house serious
events happened.
Taki, what did I do last Friday?
You told me in Shinjuku
there was a margarine sell.
You went to Shinjuku.
How about you sister.
I had a tea at Nakamuraya's, of course.
You sure did.
You were not alone.
I saw someone?
Who cares.
A person close to you.
There was a young man sitting
in front of you.
He looked like an artist.
Wearing a necktie.
That was Mr. Itakura.
He's a new employee at
my husband's company.
It was a chance encounter,
nothing wrong.
There's nothing wrong about it.
It's improper to whisper face to face.
What era do you think you live in?
In Guadalcanal and New Guinea
thousands of soldiers.
Fight and die hungry.
When did you become
a nationalist advocate?
You are something.
You parade with that man
and the shame falls on me.
People call us un-patriotic.
Not my fault.
I'm going.
But tea has just been served.
If you can afford it
there's a war you know.
I want you to report her moves to me.
if she does anything odd,
tell me secretly.
Mrs. Azabu told everything to her husband.
He called Madam at their home in Hongo.
Sadako told me she had to admonish you.
You've been seen with a young man.
It you only drank tea with him, fine.
Are you infatuated with that young man?
It's not like that.
He's a person close to my husband.
Meeting him by chance and drinking tea.
Sadako says, "this is indecent."
With such hysterical voice.
So I wanted to apologize to you.
She's so fussy.
I'm so sorry you had to be bothered too.
The world has become
such a serious place.
Even a casual guy like
me receives criticism.
everyone's become a judge.
They can't solve things quietly
anymore, it's all yells.
What an annoying era.
Am I interrupting?
It's okay.
I have something for you, come.
You're not needed.
You've grown so pretty, I hadn't
seen you in a long time.
You were so busy at Tokiko's place.
Shall I massage your feet.
This is great, thank you.
When you worked here we had 3 maids.
Now only one.
Your feet are warm it feels good.
My wife's feet are cold, I quiver.
There is a shop serving pork cutlets.
Let me buy you a pork cutlet.
A pork cutlet.
That's great.
No one was eating pork cutlets.
October 1943, there's a famous
parade in Jingu Temple.
Sending the young troups to battle.
They marched in the rain.
At that time.
There was nothing to eat in all Japan.
Not fair to distort the facts.
There was the black market.
The shop's front door was closed,
at the back door.
They were secretly serving
the regular customers.
Only the privileged class
had such luck.
You're making it difficult.
If that's your consideration,
I'll stop.
Don't get mad.
It's generally very well written.
Come on, keep writing.
It's Yuki come in.
Yuki is giving me a lift.
Please cook a cutlet for her next.
My grandma is a chef with pork cutlet.
Where's the car?
Over there.
Finally he came one day.
Why do you come so late?
My husband went on a business
trip to Fujisawa he's not back.
I was at the company, I know.
I see.
Thank you.
It happened before.
My husband was on a business
trip on a stormy night.
You came in the storm one night.
Is it the same purpose.
No, Madam.
What is it?
Something happened.
I received my draft papers.
I'll make tea.
What time do you depart.
I'm joining the next contingent.
Ueno Station, tomorrow evening.
I takes a day to reach
my hometown Hirosaki.
What happens to you there.
They may send me to war.
To China or the South.
This is not you at all.
It's what I think.
I had to muster my courage
to visit you.
Better not meet, I thought.
Meeting you will make it harder,
and make us both suffer.
Had you left without a word
I'd have hated you.
So I'm glad I came.
The rain is pouring.
Taki, a towel.
Welcome back.
-The blackout is really unbearable.
Totally dark.
Someone here?
Mr. Itakura just arrived.
Welcome back.
Such a late visit.
Dear, Mr. Itakura received
his draft papers.
So they came finally.
He would be more useful, drawing
for us here, than sent abroad.
Sending you to kill is a stupid decision.
Well, I'm not qualified to judge.
Say, Tokiko, how about a toast.
That cheap ration sak.
Please Madam.
I'll go back while the rain is light.
Sorry, I need to go.
I need to get ready too.
Please call Kyoichi.
When's the departure.
The day after tomorrow at night.
I dispose of my room tomorrow.
After tomorrow at noon
I will go to the company.
We all see you to Ueno Station.
We'll shout "Banzai" and wave the flag.
Thank you very much.
If you'll excuse me.
I'll say my goodbyes properly
at the company.
But here, I want express
my gratefulness to you Mr. Hirai.
Madam, Taki-san you treated me so well.
I'm sorry I can't repay you.
You'll do so by fighting bravely.
You'll study well and become a great man.
If you'll excuse me.
Mind your steps, the streets are dark.
Taki, give him the flashlight.
Tell him it's a spare.
Mr. Itakura.
Not too considerate of him
to turn down my sak.
What a strange fellow.
My bath is ready?
You were great Taki, thank you.
I will not forget you.
In case I ran out of luck.
Take care of Botchan and Madam.
Promise you won't die!
Taki, I have an errand.
Where to?
It's quick.
When do you come back?
I'll be quick.
I immediately understood
her intention.
My mind was a battlefield.
There was 2 persons in me.
One saying, she can't see him,
it's too risky.
Another saying, this is the last time.
No matter what happens, she has to.
I was wavering.
Madam, it would be better
if you didn't see him.
What are you talking about?
You'd better not see Mr. Itakura.
I'm just buying snacks.
-So I'll buy them.
Taki, you're kind of pushy today I have to
-You can't.
Taki, are you giving me orders.
Since when are you so bossy?
What if I was.
Write him a letter.
I bring it right away.
You write: "come see me right after noon".
Why should I do that?
Mr. Itakura's landlord.
Plays go with our sak provider.
People say you've been seen
repeatedly visiting Mr. Itakura.
Of course, I told them there's
mistaken identity.
But if it came to Mister's ears.
That would be dreadful.
But if Mr. Itakura came here,
it doesn't look suspicious.
Please do as I say.
I'm begging you!
From Hirai Tokiko
Wrote it, you're happy?!
Be sure to bring him with you.
Even a little later, it's fine,
be sure to say.
Sure, see you later.
However, Mr. Itakura didn't
make it that day.
Madam watched out for him all day.
What I did say no law [].
[the curtain closed].
So, the curtain closed on their
Love in the little red roof house.
Grandma What is it?
Why are you crying?
I shouldn't have lived so long.
After that, Madam lived like a ghost,
her soul sucked out of her body.
The war situation steadily worsened.
They couldn't afford
the luxury of a maid.
I went back to our countryside
in Yamagata.
I'm going, Madam.
After the war, when it's all
back in order.
If you're not yet married.
Please, come back.
I wonder if the war will end.
Course, if something begins,
it has to end.
Then, it's time.
I'll surely be back.
I'll be waiting.
May 25, 1945.
Then from the countryside I heard
of the air raid on Tokyo Yamanote.
Madam never answered
my inquiries after the bombing.
I can only pray that
they lived through it.
Run! Run!
The bomb was dropped on Hiroshima,
6th Aug. And on Nagasaki 9th Aug.
And on the 15th, I heard the voice of
the Emperor on the radio at the temple.
As Madam had said "if something
begins, it has to end".
The war was finally over.
At the end of the year I was lucky
to get a ticket to Tokyo.
The red roof house had been burned.
In their bomb shelter in the garden.
I found Madam and Mister holding
each other.
Holding each other.
They were dead.
Grandma ended her autobiography here.
The beautiful lady is Madam,
the boy is Botchan?
They didn't find the child's
remains in the ruins.
He could be alive.
Grandma didn't say more about that kid.
Both his parents were burnt.
Grandma cried so much.
That's the end of the story.
What's the letter?
It's not opened.
Just a memory she kept.
Take good care of that box.
I finished the packing.
The birds have migrated for winter.
It's getting cold.
The following year I graduated.
I was hired in a civil
engineering company in Tokyo.
[The Little House -
Virginia Lee Burton -
translation Ishii Momoko].
Virginia Lee Burton's famous
illustrated book.
"The Little House" was offered to me.
First I saw it.
A beautiful book.
A little present.
What's the occasion?
-Your birthday.
You're right I forgot.
It's a famous book, you didn't know?
Since you're designing
high-rise building.
You should know such book.
Please gift-wrap it.
Thank you.
16.80 dollars.
What are you looking at?
[Itakura Shouji -Exhibition].
Oh, this poster.
I love the illustrations
of that artist.
Shouji Itakura.
Sounds familiar.
Of course, he's famous.
Of course, the man my grandma
was in love with.
I mean, her mistress was in love
with him, it's the same name.
Could it be him?
No way, he went to the front.
That doesn't mean he died.
I'll check.
Shouji Itakura.
Sent in 1944 to New Guinea,
they were defeated.
He returned in 1946.
He lived longer.
Where did he live?
Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture.
That was the man.
After a week we went
to Nerima near Tokyo.
For an exhibition
of Mr. Itakura's work.
Do you have a question
about this picture.
Did he use a model for this painting?
We only know that it was
Hirai family's home Tokyo Otaku.
It seems it was destroyed
in the air raids.
It was painted after the war.
That means he painted it from memory.
Shouji said it was hanging
in his bedroom.
It's a special works.
Was Shouji Itakura married?
He always remained single.
His private life is a mystery.
3 years ago, the boy
of that house called.
We inquired by mail about it,
but he said the past was a blur.
So, their son is still alive?
Do you know his address?
I remember it was Hokuriku,
Ishikawa prefecture.
Wait a moment.
Botchan is still alive?
I see.
Taki-chan wrote an autobiography.
It's a pity three years ago,
I could still see and walk.
Now I can't.
I live a long life.
She wrote a lot about your childhood.
She wrote about my mother?
She says she was a beauty.
Beautifully dressed too.
I'd like to show you something.
If you could hold it.
It's a letter from Tokiko Hirai.
My mother?
It's not opened, there's no addressee.
Without an addressee it should
have returned to sender.
But since your mother passed,
it returns to you.
What does it say?
I wouldn't dare open it.
Despite your youth, so considerate.
I'm giving you permission.
Now open it and read
I'm borrowing the scissors.
I read.
Her handwriting is beautiful.
After noon today come see me at home.
I so badly want to meet you.
Mr. Shouji Itakura don't fail to come.
Hirai Tokiko.
What does that mean?
This is the day before
Mr. Itakura was drafted.
The letter she send him.
Grandma Taki didn't deliver it.
She wrote, Mr. Itakura
didn't come that day.
It's not exact.
Grandma didn't let them meet.
And your grandma kept
it all these years.
Mr. Hirai, I'll explain.
Well, let it be.
The proof of my mother's
infidelity at that time.
It's all in the past now.
You have nothing to be sorry about.
After that, we talked a lot.
Mr. Hirai had a clear memory
of the young Taki.
Why didn't she convey that
letter to Mr. Itakura.
Probably because it was too painful.
Mr. Hirai shed many tears
at that thought.
As a boy I wanted to live by the sea.
What is the landscape like now?
The see is quite, yet the crests
of the surfs are foaming.
I often went to the beach in Enoshima.
Also once with Mr. Itakura.
I always thought they were a good match.
Let's walk.
Finally Taki-chan didn't get married.
You wanted to meet her.
I looked for her very hard.
But I only knew she was
from Yamagata, not a clue.
Had I met her, I would have told her.
Told her what?
Taki didn't have to suffer so much.
Such a small mistake.
Had been forgiven long ago.
That would have made her cry.
She weeped sometimes.
It was my turn to shed tears.
That was a dreadful time.
The Japanese were forced into
something they hadn't chosen.
Some went to war willingly.
And didn't realize it
was against their nature.
That was a dreadful time.
This happened late fall.
After university I went to grandma's
place and opened the door.
I remember that time.
Why are you crying?
I shouldn't have lived so long.
But what was the real reason
for her sadness?
Eric Paroissien Translation