Children of Mud (2017) Movie Script

You drill holes in our
backs with your eyes
No remorse
No remorse
Threw us into the darkness
Veins pumping ice and dust
Ice and dust
There was fear in my eyes
I tried not to let it show
Pucker up
Don't you fall down
Dreamboat's about to float
It's about to float
So could you not close your eyes
When I'm trying to fly
I need your air beneath my wings
Help me please
So run little muddy child
And break the ceiling
Don't believe them
Spread your wings out
You're in the wild
But you will survive and learn to fly
Oh why don't you run
little muddy child
And break the ceiling
Don't believe them
Spread your wings out
you're in the wild
But you will survive and learn to fly
Oh muddy child
[MIRACLE] Emem, is that you?
Who else?
I knew it was you.
I was wondering why you
didn't come back since.
I was counting time for
you to come back, oh.
Usually when sun comes to
the left side of this place,
that's when you come back home.
[EMEM] Go back, I want to change.
I can't see anything.
[EMEM] What if your
eye miraculously opens?
Is the first thing you want to
see your sister's nakedness?
See, you'll be cursed forever
and wander the earth for eternity.
So I won't see you again?
[EMEM] Yes.
Ah, okay, oh.
[EMEM] Have you had your bath?
[MIRACLE] Am I smelling?
Why are you asking me?
[EMEM] To make sure you're clean.
[MIRACLE] When I have my own house, Em,
I want to bath every day.
You're stupid.
[MIRACLE] So I heard noises
when Mr. Enigbe came back.
He was flirting with
Manse's granddaughter.
How do you know it was her?
'Cause she was laughing
like this, he he he he he he.
[EMEM] In this life,
it is better to mind your own business.
Well I have to sit on the
veranda all day doing nothing.
You're lucky to get to go to school.
I want to go to school too.
Agbo lives in the town of Lagoon
which is not far from Ibadan.
He went to primary school.
He was in primary four.
Everyone liked Agbo
because he was always happy and friendly.
Agbo was a lucky boy because
his parents were rich.
His father gave him a watch
and Agbo was very proud of it.
One day Agbo woke up very late.
He looked at the watch
and it was 7:30 a.m.
Emem, you're sleeping!
You have finished eating my food,
and you came here to sleep.
Huh, oh so we don't have a farm, eh?
We don't have a farm that you can go?
After a hard day's work, I
will still go to the farm
so we're picking grass.
Do you want to kill me?
You want to kill me like you killed
your mother and your father?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you children?
I don't know why you're
crying, that's more flogging.
[MIRACLE] I want to go home.
Is Auntie really Mama's sister?
[EMEM] She is.
Why does she hate us so much?
What did Mama do to her
when they were small?
Maybe she doesn't hate us.
Maybe she just wants us to work hard.
If you love somebody, why
do you have to hurt them?
[EMEM] That's how humans behave.
[TV ANNOUNCER] Ladies and gentlemen,
it is now time for the Funny Man.
[EMEM] Okay, Hulk Hogan
is lifting the other man.
There is reduce tied to his arms.
Is that the Ultimate Warrior?
[EMEM] Yes, he slams him on the floor
but the Ultimate Warrior quickly gets up.
He's charging, he's charging.
[MIRACLE] What do you
mean, he's charging?
Well he's shaking the rope
violently like a crazed person.
He's angry.
He swings Hulk Hogan against
the rope and clothesline.
What do you mean clothesline?
When he basically opens his arm
and the other runs into it.
That's silly.
That's wrestling.
When is Frances starts our program?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Let's watch this.
Another wrestling fights?
No, there's a healer, he heals people.
Is it real or drama?
You know many times,
people look to the wrong
places for miracles.
We always have aspirations,
we always have dreams and hopes,
but today is that one
day that your miracle
is served to you at your doorstep.
Now here we are expecting a huge miracle,
expecting a huge turnaround in our lives.
Now do not forget that miracles
follow you everywhere you go
and today is your day of miracle.
Now if you believe that
your miracle is today,
I'd like for you to stretch
forth your arm like this,
towards your TV set and say
after me, "I am healed."
I am healed.
I didn't hear you.
I am healed.
Beautiful, you are
healed today, hallelujah!
Thank you very much.
Can you see now?
No, maybe we should
coming again tomorrow.
Are you sure you cannot see?
No, still blind.
So since you left, eh,
you people are just now coming back.
Welcome, okay, so since you didn't see
when the sun was setting, eh?
You didn't see it?
Where did you go?
We came straight home.
No, you didn't come straight home.
Miracle, where did you go?
[MIRACLE] Auntie El,
we stopped by to watch wrestling.
I said it, did I say it?
Didn't I say it?
I know you didn't come straight home.
I said it.
So you people went to be
watching wrestling, eh?
Emem, you went to watch wrestling.
Oh, so now you are a big girl.
You are be misbehaving in this house.
I'm going to kill, in
fact you already dead.
You already dead.
So now you're a big girl,
you have breasts like me.
Do you want my bra?
You want it?
Eh, so you want to be watching wrestling?
Is okay.
Okay, I will show you.
Blind Bartimaeus, take this grass.
Go and feed the goats.
Emem, go inside, I'm coming.
Go and wait for me.
Go and wait for me.
Kneel down oh, just kneel down.
[EMEM] Auntie, no.
Auntie, no.
[AUNTIE EL] Take this.
[EMEM] Auntie El.
Auntie El.
[MIRACLE] Emem, Emem?
[EMEM] Leave me alone.
I'm sorry, I don't just like to lie.
I didn't want to say anything.
I don't know what made me say it.
You open eyes in dust
You betrayed me.
Ice and dust
Please, forgive me.
There were fears in my eyes
Pucker up, don't you fall down
Dreamboat's about to float
It's about to float
So could you not close your eyes
When I'm trying to fly
I need your air beneath my wings
Help me please
So run little muddy child
And break the ceiling
Don't believe them
Spread your wings out
You're in the wild
But you will survive
And learn to fly
Oh why don't you run
little muddy child
And break the ceiling
Don't believe them
Spread your wings out
You're in the wild
But you will survive
And learn to fly
Oh, muddy child
[MIRACLE] What took you so long?
Where have you been?
[EMEM] I had to fetch water.
You can help me some times.
[MIRACLE] You know I
will help you if I can.
So Binta had a colorful bird.
She found it when the
wind blew it off its nest.
She built a cage for the bird.
She fed it every day
and the bird was getting
bigger and bigger.
How is Binta's house?
It has a big window, like
our city trees outside.
She's about your height.
I will marry Binta.
Yes, bido.
When I have my own house
and a job and I grow.
You will see now.
It's just a story.
Maybe there is no actual Binta.
What if there is?
Maybe the parents won't
give you the right Binta
and you'll be wondering which one.
I will ask her of the birds.
Stop interrupting me when
I'm reading you a story
or I'll just read it to myself
and you won't hear it again...
Oh read some more, read
some more, tell me more.
So one day Binta let the
bird out and it flew away.
Binta was sad and she cried and cried.
[MIRACLE] And then what happened?
And then one day the
bird flew back to Binta
to say thank you.
[MIRACLE] Can birds fly?
[EMEM] No, they can swim.
Someday all our troubles will be over.
This children want to burn my house!
Now you also want to kill me too!
I will kill you first.
[EMEM] Please stop, Auntie, no.
They wanna kill me,
especially the blind one.
They just wanna kill me.
Maybe they (SPEAKING
You they get bad dream?
I no they sleep.
LANGUAGE) me for dream.
My sister now saw my
brother wife house girl.
They use witchcraft they oppress Amoh
now they man, they sick,
she they just sick.
If not be one prophet you come save am.
See all those your children,
eh, they need deliverance, oh.
Serious deliverance.
Who know where they them
kill their parent now,
their mom, papa.
See that your blind boy, that one
be like say don't use
the eye to do sacrifice
for witchcraft them na,
na way thing dear to them
pass na they use they do sacrifice.
You don't know?
Now you take on.
I said they do there na,
as I sprinkle on the water
na he pick risk, start to they run.
They shout, they confess like person
in the fire they burn.
He later tells I kill my grandmama.
So them be oh.
May be time now for you
family everything they happen?
So, no lie to sit upon the liar.
No I no talk soon, I just they observe.
As you see me so look me,
as you see me so I be fire.
I no they gree, I no they gree at all.
Witch know bring their
fire come near me, oh,
because me I they hot well, well.
Even for my village, witch
people you know they chop person
where get sharp mouth.
They know they even come near them.
Then they go there,
they go there our lane.
Ah so, they're no fit.
[EMEM] Uh.
No, no.
[MAN] Shut up.
You shut up, you shut up.
You shut up.
You shut up.
What are you doing to my sister?
What are you doing to my sister?
[EMEM] Leave him, leave him.
Emem, what did he do to you?
He just beat me.
We should run away.
We have no where to go.
You think I haven't thought about it.
At least if you go I will be fine
then you can come get me.
You seriously think I will you behind?
Is he the one?
Yes that's him.
Angel Gabriel.
Who are those?
Prayer warriors.
Angel Gabriel talk to me.
Angel Gabriel.
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me.
Ehoo, is the one, yes he is.
Yes is him.
Is the one.
Ehoo, please bring this boy for me.
What's going on?
It doesn't look good.
Is he the one?
- He's the one.
- He's the one.
Ah, they're a lot of
dark forces around here.
Dark, dark forces.
This boy is a big time wizard
Prophet are you sure?
You dare question the man of God?
No, no sir.
Now you're a wizard Miracle.
Do you have a child?
I asked, do you have a child?
No at all.
How will you have a child
when this boys has eating
all the children in your womb
not only the children
you know what is called
eat and leak plate?
Even your womb is gone.
[AUNTIE] Why now?
Eh, I said it.
Oh let's pray, let's pray.
Is a good thing you
called me when you did
this boy was planning to
kill you and your husband.
Look at his face is manifesting already.
It is manifesting already.
Somebody should get me anointing oil.
Anointing oil.
Get me anointing oil.
Get me anointing oil, yes.
Anointing oil.
Anointing oil, yes.
We will make him to drink,
no, no, no, no, we're not
going to make him to drink.
We're going to anoint his head.
[AUNTIE] Okay.
With this anointing oil.
Pour it.
Can you see the anointing
is manifested already.
Holy oil is manifesting, oh.
Is manifested, can you see that?
He's manifesting.
Now, oh boy, confess.
Confess now, Miracle.
- Confess, you're a wizard.
- Confess.
You're a wizard, say.
I told you there are
dark forces around here.
The dark forces will not
allow this boy to answer me.
His case is too strong for this area.
His case is not here, oh.
Holy ghost
Holy ghost
Holy ghost
Fire, fire
Holy ghost
Holy ghost
Holy ghost
Fire, Fire,
Fire, fire
Holy ghost
Holy ghost
Fire, fire
Fire, fire,
Fire, fire
Fire, fire, fire
Fire, fire
Fire, fire
Fire, fire
Fire, fire
Emem, you know your brother is a wizard.
I know this because the
Prophets cannot lie.
He doesn't tell lies.
Eh, see he was even going to kill you.
Emem, do you want to die?
You want to die?
See even the Prophet told me that.
He's the one that has
made me barren like this.
I can't even have any children
But doesn't everyone look strange to you?
The way he will suddenly
wakes up at night.
Or just the way he is, doesn't
it look strange to you?
Look in this life we
have to be very careful.
Even with the people
that are closest to us,
we cannot just think,
trust completely like that.
We need to be very careful.
Eh, even the people that are closest to us
are the ones who hurt us the most.
this prophet he only just
wants to remove the wizard
from your brother, will be a process,
but he will be home very soon.
He will come back now once
the demons are out of him.
Hey, see?
See how he has turned your hearts to stone
you need to be very prayerful oh.
You need to pray.
You need to pray very well.
See standing there so just don't think
that your mother did anything for me oh.
She never did anything for me.
She never helped me and
she was always going around
being the pretty one
everything, everything.
And then she now met that wealthy man
and married him and thought
her life was very fanciful.
Until that evil man carried and
squandered all their wealth.
And your brother kill them both.
You better think this my loving husband.
This my husband he's the reason
why you're not on the streets right now.
You're will be on the street.
So be there, be disrespectful.
Don't be prayerful.
Look me, I'm going to
the temple I need to see
how they're going to remove
this evil spirit from Miracle.
I need to go and see.
I'm coming with you.
Huh, no, you're going to
stay here until I get back.
Oh, Michael, angel of light.
Come down and take away
every spirit of darkness
in the life of this one.
Take it away.
Take it away.
Take it away.
Take it away, take it away.
Take it.
Take it away, take it away.
Michael, take it away.
Now confess.
Confess, confess, confess.
Confess, confess.
Confess, confess, confess.
Yes, yes, yes.
I'm a wizard.
Yes, I'm a wizard, yes, yes.
I'm a wizard, yes, yes.
Yes, yes you're a wizard eh?
Fine, you've also killed your
mother and father, have you?
Yes I did.
Yes you did, fine.
Michael, angel of light, thank you.
You have shed your light upon this matter.
You have shed your light.
Right now I know what to do.
Oh, hmm, ah.
This work is very, very hard.
Is not easy at all.
We need just like 50,000 naira
because I will have to
go to the underworld
and then fight serious battle with Satan,
and rescue your womb from Satan.
And I must also do the
most important thing,
impact you with holy seed.
So that purifications can begin,
so as to purify your womb.
Ah, eh.
But I only have 30,000 naira.
30,000 naira ah, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
You must find the rest.
See, when I said you must find the rest,
you have to do it fast
before it's too late.
Anyway see let's just put
that one aside for now, okay.
Let me quickly sow the
holy seed into your system
so that purification
can begin immediately.
Mm, ah, mm ah.
Somebody collect this from me.
Ah, see this one that I'm about to do
is very, very important, okay.
- Oh, you know eh.
- Yes.
Holy Michael, that means
you're in the spirit with me.
You must always obey your prophet.
Yes, sir.
please hold her.
Eh, oh.
Obey your prophet.
Hold it like this.
Don't come.
Miracle, Miracle,
see what you made me do.
See what you made me do.
All of this suffering
because you took my womb.
Miracle, why?
Why all this wickedness?
I have been nothing but
nice to you and your sister.
Why do you want to kill me, eh?
Auntie, I'm not a wizard.
[AUNTIE] Shut up, you're
in the house of God.
God doesn't live here.
I will slap you now.
You offspring of Satan.
Didn't you kill your mother your father?
My mother died of diabetes
and my father of heart attack.
Keep quiet, oh what a coincidence.
Everybody died of different things.
Miracle, please set me free,
I'm sorry, just set me free.
I didn't do anything to you.
I still can't believe
you're still telling lies.
What is wrong with you?
Why are you lying?
Auntie, I'm not a wizard.
I'm gonna go home.
But I can't take you with me.
[MIRACLE] Auntie please.
I just need my house to be
free of some of the darkness.
You heard the prophet, is darkness.
I just need my house to be free of it.
[MIRACLE] I'm not your wizard.
I can't believe you're
still doubting the prophet.
I'm not a wizard, Auntie, please.
Auntie, please, Auntie, please.
Wipe your eye.
Why, why?
I don't know, that is
just the thing they say
to people who are crying.
I'm not a wizard.
I know.
Once we get there and see
the Healer you will see again.
How do you know?
Because I saw it on TV.
But how are we going to get there?
Maybe beg,
maybe we'll beg the trucks
and they might take us there.
What if people don't help us?
The world is filled with good people.
We'll meet some.
You sound so sure.
Always look on the
the bright side of life.
But I'm blind.
Let's go.
Where are they going?
What am I doing?
You're doing the right thing.
It's so beautiful.
It's freedom.
[MIRACLE] Can we stay out here forever?
[EMEM] Mosquitoes and malaria
will kill us but we can try.
Good morning, class.
[STUDENTS] Good morning, sir.
Can we have some silence.
Stop writing everybody.
I said stop writing, Emem.
If you have not paid your
school fee please stand up.
Do you want me to read from the list?
If you have not paid your
school fee, kindly stand up.
All right, can you please walk out?
That's the end of your test.
[EMEM] Sir, sir.
What's the problem?
Sir, see.
Yeah, what's the problem?
You have to let me come to school.
No, Emem.
I can't let you come to school.
But I love coming to school.
You see, we enjoy having you around
but there's nothing I can do about it.
The system here dictates that,
well, if you don't pay your fee,
you shouldn't be allowed
to come to school.
So there's nothing I can do about that.
Sir, but I can pay next month.
I know, Emem.
You people think I'm a bad vice principal.
When people see me they run away.
But it's not true.
Unfortunately, no matter how good you are,
you see, the system
makes you a bad person.
In really sane societies
education is meant to be free
and this is what our politicians promise
when they run for elections
what they do otherwise
and they don't even care.
Do you know why?
Their children are away overseas studying
and so they don't care
whatever happens to us.
You and me, Emem, we are
the scums of this Earth.
The only time the
government cares about us
is when we have done
something really, really bad.
Look at the walls of this classroom.
Look at the walls, they are broken.
We can't fix it because
we don't have money.
All right, I can't let you come to school.
There's nothing I can do about it.
You just have to pay your fee.
Sir, but I can pay next month.
Do you know where they are?
You should, you chased them away.
Am I suppose to know where they are?
They're my blood.
[MAN] They want to kill,
the witch and her brother.
What if we were wrong?
What if the reason I'm
barren is medical or natural.
Look at yourself.
How can you say you're barren?
You're a fruitful soil and I
have been sowing relentlessly.
Is only that the crops are not growing.
They're my family, I can't sleep.
They are family.
I don't think you realize
that those who are really
going to kill you are family.
In our place they say
those who are going to kill you
are the ones that are very close to you,
not the ones that are far away from you.
Hey, come here, come here.
Where to now, two you
they look for this road?
[EMEM] We're trying to get to town.
Which town?
They're dead.
Una uncle, auntie, sister, brother,
where do they?
This town where now they run, go now?
We want to go and see the healer,
the healer on TV.
The one with white jacket
so he can make my brother see again.
We don't have money but I
can trade you this radio.
Which radio?
No spots on my car, oh.
I told you some secrets before
This one I've never told you
You know the way they before
Before I grew up in a new house
Everybody they look round
My father they get small money
Na he like
[EMEM] This is big.
Looking for happiness
Is it very big?
[EMEM] Is just a church.
[MAN] And what do you
think you're doing here?
[EMEM] We're here to see the healer.
No, you can't go in.
This is a church.
[EMEM] But we came to see him.
Ooyah ooyah, take some money
and go buy yourselves some
food, you and you're brother.
Ooyah go, go, go, go, go.
All I'm saying is I'm sorry
All I'm saying is I'm sorry
All I'm saying is I'm sorry
All I'm saying is I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Win lots of free drinks.
The drinks jackpot for here.
Just 200, chilly 200, come for lost play.
You go win free drink.
Hey, this girl get luck, ooh.
Come on stop there.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Come in, come in, come in.
Why was he chasing you?
He's a bad person.
Is this your brother?
Surely you can speak.
We came to see the
healer in white jacket
that's always on TV.
So he can get me to see again.
Have you eaten?
I told you we'll meet some good people.
I wish I could see the room.
You will see in no time I promise you.
Do you think the
healer will make me see?
If you have faith, you'll see.
Do you have faith?
I have faith.
Better have faith, oh.
Better have faith, oh.
All right.
Fine eat I give you some more.
Oh, honey I'm home.
Oh welcome dear.
Are you hungry?
I'm guessing this is one
of your charity cases again.
Don't be rude dear.
Honey, you can't be
bringing random strangers
to the home all the time.
Stop it, stop it, please.
Okay, Emem and Miracle,
go to your room and rest.
We need to talk.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't help it.
I saw them stranded.
I have no choice, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
This bed is really soft.
Poor people's bed are made of stone.
I want to be rich.
Me, too.
Can we stay forever?
Let's not worry about forever.
Let's worry about tonight.
Benny do you have paracetamol?
What's wrong?
What's Emem's pants doing here?
I have no idea.
That girl she is a witch.
Benny, what did you do?
I didn't do anything.
She came unto me.
What did you do?
I knew something was wrong.
I should have trusted my guts.
I didn't do anything to her.
And do you want to choose between
myself and that witch girl?
[AUNTIE] Benny!
You know I love you.
I didn't do anything.
Seeing the golden
Over the gray
Through the guilt
I hear it still and
I see not the grass
From your lips whispers shall I
Go off with you
Don't say that to me.
You are jeopardizing
my family by continually
bringing people here.
You may have lost your mind.
But you know that this is who I am.
That's how I've always been.
I can't bear to see people suffer.
I saw this two kids
looking lost and stranded
and I just took them in.
You are not Jesus
Christ or Mother Teresa.
You should have given
them money and let them go
or better still take them to an orphanage.
Oh, Saheed, please don't
be difficult I beg you.
I need those kids out
of this place today.
Where will they go?
Where they came from.
You know,
you used to be a very caring person.
You actually cared.
I remember when we were young,
you used to take in stray animals.
That was one of the reasons
why I fell in love with you.
You cared, you cared.
Well, I've said my own.
I need those kids out of this place today.
I've said my own.
Don't cry everything will be all right.
How do you know everything
will be all right?
I don't.
Poor child.
We have to go.
To where?
To see the healer.
Now that we have nicer
clothes they will let us in.
So now they will make my brother see.
I'll take you there.
But go in and get dressed.
Why didn't we wait for her?
It's our burden, let's go.
She would have hide us in her car.
That's better than walking.
Let's not enjoy
something that is not ours.
She has done her best.
Let's continue with our journey.
I don't know why we have
to suffer when there is help.
Just stop complaining.
Why don't they come out?
There is another exit for them.
[HEALER] Get out, out, out, out.
I say get out.
Get out.
[MAN] Coming out.
[HEALER] Get out.
[MAN] Let me go.
[HEALER] Get out, out.
[HEALER] I cast you out in the name
of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
You people have to come back tomorrow.
Hey, lower your voice
this is a holy ground.
You can't be shouting here.
The healer is tired.
We will stay here.
Obedience is better than sacrifice.
I need to see the Healer.
And so you will, tomorrow.
I don't believe you.
Are you calling the
servants of the Lord a liar?
I need to say the Healer
I have come very far.
I won't leave until my brother can see.
That's all
that matters to me.
Okay, I promise you
will see him tomorrow.
You won't be lying to a
poor girl like me, would you?
What are you?
Please I beg, help me see.
Hello I beg, bross.
I beg.
Help me see them.
O god I beg.
I beg, let me see them I beg.
Who help me see them now.
I beg, who gonna help me, I beg.
Bross, I beg.
Where you see, ah.
You no them.
Who gonna help me, I beg.
Ah, madam no you get this two big kids.
No, yes, no, them.
Them be my sister's children them.
See this two big kids, say.
I no go ever like see them
again for my life, oh.
Eh, what happened?
This girl just they,
this particular one where her eye there,
she just they win, they win, they win.
I beg, you see her?
Where you see her?
See, as they small they
just chop all my money,
clear my market like that.
I be see them they just go down sa.
I beg help me.
You see the side where they go?
I beg, I beg help me I beg,
help me I beg, help me.
Ma, help you I be.
See, you go just give me 15 naira.
Bros, I beg I only 5000
naira bring car from.
You're a wicked woman.
Now because of your wickedness
they run come out of your house I bet.
I beg na, I beg help me I beg.
See, because I be good
person, correct guy like me,
just give me 7k.
I collect too many?
I beg make I take 500 gwaass.
Now because I be good person know.
Aah, wait now, you see.
Just go down that end of the streets,
that brown house with green roof.
On that side, (SPEAKING
Bross, where you go now?
[MAN] Aah I don't give
info now and to remain?
For 7,000 naira.
[MAN] So now today you come, they goes.
We'll be sleeping here tonight.
At least there is breeze.
What's that?
Who are you?
We just want a place to sleep.
What's be your name?
What's be your name?
I say what's your name?
Why are you run from house?
I didn't run, I was chased out.
Welcome home then.
All of us will be like you.
We no get house.
We no get home.
Now this place we turn into our house.
For money we they go out go beg.
Night, we go come back go sleep.
When the owners of the
building come to complete,
we pack our things, find another building.
You're pregnant?
Now my uncle rape me.
Accused me of witchcraft
and they send me for house.
Be like I say you be that story.
No problem we all get our story.
No worry, Remi here get six fingers.
Are the reason why they
threw me for house.
It talk say I devil.
If we don't lose our family, oh.
But for her we get each other.
We be family.
So you go chop?
[SCREEN GIRL] Oyah, come.
So, Emem,
tell me what do you really want?
She now big warm house.
I be now better food, you
know big, big chicken.
Like that they they sell for restaurant.
Emem, what do you want.
Tell me.
If they they talk say
make you wish no, no, no.
What thing you go say?
To get my brother to see.
You want to?
That's all I want.
That's why we're here.
It's all my fault.
Oh yeah eat,
I know say you they angry.
Morning dawn reach.
Oh make now wake up,
wake up, time don't
reach you if we go out.
So wake up, wake up.
Morning dawn reach oh, make we go out.
Dawn they reach make we go out.
LANGUAGE), I say wake up,
wake up, wake up, no hear.
Aha see all of you, please.
We can now stay safe eh.
No enter anybody car oh.
No follow any strange person go oh, I beg.
And you, no fight any body today.
If you carry any injury, come this house.
I beg, I don't want.
No fighting, no trouble.
Take care of this small, small ones I beg.
For this side is rain now I don't know.
See this one today shake.
Just watch them and if she done the shake
put am under one shade or something?
Remember, what thing I teach you,
how talks say make you beg,
very good stretch your bowl
and you say auntie, brother help me.
You don't hear?
All of you go I beg six p.m.
Six p.m. make you come back girls.
I don't want make another day out
when time don't they go, I beg.
Take care.
Oh God.
What's wrong?
Is it time?
Be like so I don't know.
Maybe you should go to the hospital.
I don't small well money for corner,
I go meet that nurse
with them that pharmacy.
If she go feel help me.
Now today do you go see the healer?
Yes, I want to go early
so I can see him first.
Once he gets Miracle to
see, we will hurry back.
That one be miracle, true, true oh.
Emem, don't worry,
it is well.
Will you be fine till I get back?
I done be homeless,
before you come.
I go be all right, cherrie,
don't worry about me.
Don't worry.
Ma, you told me I would be
the first to see the Healer.
You did not come early enough.
These people slept outside.
But you promised me yesterday.
Sufficient so each
day is the evil thereof.
[EMEM] What does that mean?
It means all things have passed away
and all things are become new.
Today is a new day.
Go and sit down, you will see him soon.
Sir, sir, excuse me sir.
Sorry sir, I have been here before.
I came here yesterday and they said
I will see the Healer first.
My brother is blind and
we've come along way to see...
Hey, little girl hey, come back here.
Do you believe?
Help us.
Do you believe?
Yes, I believe.
What do you want?
My brother is blind
and I need him to see.
So why are you here?
Because I saw you on TV.
I saw you healing different people.
I know you can do it, please help us.
Please help us.
You see, the power is not mine.
But you have to help us.
Do you believe?
Yes, I believe, I believe, I believe.
And your brother,
does he believe he does?
He does, he does, he does.
I promise you he does.
Young man do you believe?
I believe.
Open your eyes now.
What do you see?
And now, what do you see?
Still dark.
How can you not see?
How can you not see?
Open your eyes.
I can't see.
Ye of little faith.
We have faith please help us.
How can you not see?
Open your eyes.
How can you not see, open your eyes.
[MIRACLE] I can't see.
Open your eyes.
Yes may I help you?
How may I help you?
Please Ma, have you help
me to see these children?
Oh yes.
I've been looking for them.
You see them, hey. (LAUGHING)
Yes, they are my sister's children.
I'm their auntie, thank you so much, Ma.
You threw them out of your house.
No, it was a a mistake, I regret it.
I'm sorry, Ma.
Please, Ma, help me, thank you so much.
I wish I knew where they are.
They were with me for some time,
but they left to see a healer
who can make your nephew see again.
I hope it works for them.
[MA] I was supposed to take them there
but before I knew it
they just disappeared.
You just allow some small children
just leave your house.
How can you just allow children,
just go like that now, eh?
I'm sorry, oh.
I'm sorry.
Please help me to look for these children.
Do you know where I can find the church?
Please, Ma?
I'm sorry.
Help me.
I'm sorry.
Your heart was filled with doubt.
Do you think I don't want to see?
You think that?
Do you really think I don't want to see?
I want to see you.
I want to watch football.
I want to see your face when you smile.
I want to see your hair, how
it looks when you plait it.
I believed.
I believed, I believed.
I believed.
I think the baby is coming.
Hold her head and don't look.
Oh, Emem, I don't think
I can reach nurse, oh.
Are you?
Now boy.
What should we call him?
I never think of any name.
Ah, Miracle, call him Miracle.
Miracle, sweet.
I go call him Miracle.
Miracle, I'm sorry you can't see this.
At least the other
Miracle will be able to see.
Got my arms and my legs
Is that what it's
gonna take to love you
Got my eyes and my ears
Is that what it's gonna take
To love you tonight
Got some preconceived notions
'Bout what it's gonna take to love you
I got my head in the clouds
'Cause I'm about to love you
So go home
And play with me
So go home
And play with me
Got my fingers and my toe