Children of the Corn (2020) Movie Script

[ Down-tempo music plays ]
EDEN: Come on, Red.
Giddyup, come on.
Ride 'em, cowboy.
Let's get those outlaws.
We're almost there.
Come on!
Got it. We got it.
We're almost there.
Come on.
Hey, Boyd.
How long were you out
in the corn?
Not all night again,
I hope.
[ Ominous music plays ]
I don't want you
to cry anymore, Eden.
[ Voices whispering ]
Don't worry, Eden.
Nothing ever really dies
in the corn.
Boyd! Damn it.
Where the hell you been?
MAN: Boyd...
[ Screaming, metal singing ]
Boyd, no!
[ People screaming ]
WOMAN: All units be advised,
there is a hostage situation
at the
Rylstone Children's Home.
The local sheriff
and his farmer buddies
have used some kind of
animal sedative gas
to try and solve it.
By all reports, it sounds like
a total disaster.
Yeah, I'm here now.
These idiots are literally
pumping halothane in
to try to take this kid down.
[ Gas hissing ]
[ Tense music playing ]
Well, there goes
my reelection.
The only silver lining is that
goddamn space cadet in there.
That little runt was wandering
around the corn for four days
before anybody realized
she wasn't one of the casualties
from the goddamn gas.
Pastor, try and find out
if that boy said anything
that would explain
why he snapped
and killed all those people.
I guess it follows that, uh,
you'll need a place to live
after all this, huh?
Who knows?
If you're a good girl,
then maybe
we could manage it
for you to come and live
with me.
I have a stable with
a couple of old nags in it.
You can pick one out
and ride it.
How's that sound?
God dang it!
This one piece
is driving me nuts!
There she is.
The Red Queen.
You like the Red Queen?
The Red Queen makes the world
the way she wants it to be.
E-Eden, I'm -- I'm really sorry
about what happened
to all your little friends
in the home.
I really am.
It was
an unfortunate accident.
I-I have to ask you --
That boy,
did he say anything?
Not really.
Oh, uh, except just to say
he was sorry.
Sorry for killing every adult
in the facility?
I think he was sorry
for not killing all of you.
[ Mid-tempo music playing ]
Hey! Get back!
Hey, what's wrong with you?!
That should be public!
[ Rattles ]
Look at this stuff.
How many times
did I try and warn them?
The stuff that they put
into this ground
without even barely
reading a label.
Ever notice how the words
"maize" and "maze" --
like a corn maize
and a puzzle -- are the same?
A maze of maize.
Weird, huh?
Sure. "Amazing."
Bite me.
Toxins grow on the stalks
and leaves of rotting crops.
It's a fungus.
It can make you sick
or even die.
And, uh, hallucinations.
-Whatever you say, Bo.
-What? It's true.
You know, some people say
it was responsible
for the Salem witch trials.
Fun talking to you too, sis.
Mmm! Smell those toxins.
Velvety and delicious.
-So good.
-Ceece, stop.
Think I'll have
a second helping.
Cut it out. Stop playing
with that stuff, okay?
Now, listen to me.
That's not why
I brought you out here, okay?
This is.
I literally haven't been able
to sleep for a month
because I...
I leave next week.
Look, it's an undergraduate
degree in microbiology.
All right?
It's not an eternity.
It is.
It is!
Why would you ever come back?
I know you hate it here.
Because of you.
Because of Dad.
And look, Ceece, you know,
you'll leave here one day too.
With my cruddy grades?
I'll be stuck here forever.
In this creepy, dying place.
Rylstone's not dying.
It's been a hard couple years.
You know?
A lot of mistakes
have been made.
A lot of
shitty, shitty decisions.
But with -- with a little time
and care,
then all this... can be fixed.
Sounds awesome, Bo.
-[ Rustling, horse neighs ]
-[ Gasps ]
Eden! God, you scared
the shit out of us.
What's with the wig?
Today I am the Red Queen.
[ Gunshot ]
-[ Indistinct shouting ]
-[ Sighs ] Crud.
Um, speaking of which
[Clicks tongue] let's go.
Come on, Red!
Giddyup, come on.
Cecil, you're not
gonna want to miss this.
[ Shouting continues ]
[ Down-tempo music plays ]
[ Shouting continues ]
Wally Thomas Pratt!
"For the crime of cruel
and unusual treatment
of your very own hunting dog,
you are hereby sentenced
to die!"
You killed Gibber!
Hey! I know this is for play and
all, but that wasn't my fault.
I didn't give Gibber
that poison.
He ate it
out of some rat trap.
And you
just watched him suffer!
He was just an old hound dog.
-GIRL: Liar!
-Billy Barnes!
BOY: Dog killer!
Hey, Wally.
Screw you, Barnes.
Off the edge, Wally!
Walk the plank,
walk the plank
Walk the plank,
Wally Thomas Pratt
CHILDREN: Walk the plank,
walk the plank
Walk the plank,
Wally Thomas Pratt
Ow! Jeez! Dang it, Billy,
quit jabbing me with that thing!
Quit stalling!
Off the end!
Off the end!
Jump! Jump! Jump!
Do what they say!
Come on!
Hey! What the hell
are you doing?
BOY: Hey, Calder.
What in frick's name are
you doing on my grandma's car?
Get off.
Get the hell off.
Are you effing crazy?
You dumbass idiots.
You've dented
the quarter panels.
You cracked the window.
You've even
busted the gas tank.
Wait, Calder,
this is your car?
Yeah. My grandma's.
'66 Olds.
So why is it parked out here
in the middle of nowhere?
How about mind your business,
I want to park my grandma's car
in my dad's field, I will, okay?
What the hell are you doing
out here anyway?
We're executing
Wally Pratt.
He let Gibber die
a long and painful death.
Gibber? No way.
I loved Gibber.
Screw that.
Off the edge
with his punk ass.
Now, quit stalling!
Off the edge!
-Off the edge!
Dang it, Billy!
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Archie, get ready to light up
that corn when he lands in it.
Whoa! Wait.
You can't do that.
With that car leaking gas
and the grain dust in the air?
That stuff
is like gunpowder, okay?
There won't be anything left,
including you.
Yeah. Boleyn's right.
Just shove him off.
We'll pretend the part
where we burn him to death!
BOY: Yeah!
CHILDREN: [ Chanting ] Death!
Death! Death!
Off the edge!
-Push him off!
-Off the edge!
-I'm out.
-Off the edge!
-Off the edge!
-Off the edge!
Walk the plank!
Off the edge!
Walk the plank!
-You're kidding, right?
-Off the edge!
-You're kidding?
-What? They're my friends too.
And after you leave next week,
probably my only friends.
CHILDREN: [ Chanting ] Walk
the plank! Walk the plank!
Walk the plank!
Walk the plank!
Walk the plank!
Walk the plank!
Walk the plank!
Walk the plank!
[ Indistinct shouting ]
[ Laughter ]
[ Giggles ]
Death! Death!
A lot's changed since the last
time we played pirates, Bo.
You okay?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm just...
[ Corn rustles ]
Look, I think the little ones
have just been breathing in
too much rotting corn fungus.
[ Chuckles ]
Wouldn't be hard around here.
So do you want
to explain the car?
Jeez, Bo, do I really have to
spell it out for you?
I mean,
not if it's spelled w-e-e-d.
Corn's all dying.
Might as well use these fields
to grow something.
I turned 18 last week, Bo.
I'm building a bridge
just like you.
I'm getting out of here.
Except it's not just
Rylstone's dying corn
you're escaping, is it?
Come off it.
It was an accident.
Cal, you're not...
My face hit his fist
when I inserted it stupidly
between my little brother
and him.
I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
Be sorry for the ones
who don't have a way out.
speaking of getting out --
last weekend before school.
You headed to the river
with everyone else?
I got to hang back,
look after my investments.
Guess you and I
will be having
Rylstone all to ourselves
one last time.
Just us and the little ones.
Don't forget the little ones.
See you.
See you.
[ Voices whispering ]
-Walk the plank! [ Laughs ]
Jesus, what...
So are the Salem witch trials
over already?
It was pretty sweet.
Wally was freaking out.
Everybody was screaming
and yelling and shouting
and dancing through the corn.
It was pretty dope.
[ Woman laughing ]
Let's go. Come on.
Ceece, that's between
Mom and Dad.
Okay? Ceece.
Come on.
Bo, you are so blind.
It's not about Mom.
It's not about Dad.
It's about Rylstone.
It's about this place
that's so broken
that nobody even gives
a damn enough to try to fix it.
But, then, I guess that's not
your problem anymore, is it, Bo?
Enjoy Boston.
[ Car door opens ]
[ Car door closes ]
Corn -- our corn --
is dying.
In the fields
not 500 yards from here,
as far as the eye can see,
is a sea of dying brown.
What happened
to the glorious golden grain
that we grew up with,
that our forefathers
planted here?
Well, we know what happened.
We voted, and a majority --
a majority you know
I disagreed with -- ruled.
So we invited Big Corn,
right into our fields
with their arsenal
of herbicides and GMOs.
And look what happened
to the corn.
Just didn't even know.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
MAN #2: That's what happened
to my corn.
-That's right.
-That's what happened.
ROBERT: There's no sense
pointing fingers
because what's done is done.
But what that means is
we have to face a new reality.
Or maybe, just maybe,
all those fingers are pointing
the wrong way anyhow.
That blight
that struck our corn,
maybe it's got a lot less to do
with GrowSynth
or any GMOs
we put in our soil
and more to do with us,
more to do with you.
[ People murmuring ]
Sit down, old man.
Maybe what's happening
out there in our corn
is less about
an agricultural calamity
and more about a moral
and spiritual abomination
that has engulfed this town!
Okay, now that
we're done listening
to that sanctimonious,
Holy Rolling horse crap.
It isn't about any of the
cheating or the backstabbing
that's been going on.
It's about one thing
and one thing only.
Now, we was sold
a hill of beans.
-That's right.
All we had to do,
they said,
was put this
put that in the soil
and alter our corn
so we could sell more soda
to the poor kids
in the Third World.
Do that, they said,
and we'd be rich.
Richer than we could dream.
But instead,
look at what happened.
Sick corn
and economic disaster.
And that's why Rylstone
has to leave corn behind.
This is how we can do it.
WOMAN: Subsidies?
Federal government
will subsidize -- pay us --
not to grow corn.
But this program's fiscal year
ends in less than two days,
so we got to say yes
and we got to do it now.
We got earthmovers
right at the edge of town
ready to dig the trench
to bury our corn.
And I don't want this
any more than you do.
And look, it's not ideal,
I admit that,
but I don't think
we have a choice.
Yeah, well,
I disagree, Dad.
You all should be ashamed.
Instead of being the adults
when we needed you to be,
you helped yourselves and left
the rest of us traumatized.
Rylstone sold its soul
once already.
And all you're doing
to solve the problem,
instead of trying
to repair the soil,
is infighting.
Infighting and selling
all our souls all over again
as fast as you can,
just to a different master.
But you do have a choice.
Trust me,
it's not the one you're making.
My beautiful daughter, Bo.
Thank you.
Most heartfelt and passionate,
as always.
And I wish
I shared your optimism.
But trying to restore the soil
could take years.
We're simply out of time.
If you try to fix this,
something this broken... mark my words, you're
just going to make it worse.
So let's put it to a vote.
No, Robert,
I-I really must --
Sit down, Pastor.
No one cares.
I say aye.
Let those threshers roll.
Let them big boys go!
Yeah. Florida time-share,
here I come.
Corn economy can kiss my ass.
See a show of hands?
All right. We're doing this.
Everyone's voted.
Except everyone hasn't voted.
Not us.
The children.
They're right.
It's the little ones'
futures too.
Yeah, they don't even get
a vote, a say.
'Cause Bo is right.
We have a choice.
All right, enough horseshit.
Having a say?
I thought 17-year-olds
mouthing off was bad enough.
-[ Laughter ]
-Stupid kids.
MAN: Hear, hear.
Little kids!
[ Laughter continues ]
Yeah, well, I vote you go home
and play with your toys.
Okay, little girl?
How does that sound?
You too, boy.
You just wait till I get home.
You just wait, boy.
Hey, come on!
Hey! Hey!
[ Laughter continues ]
That's a child,
for Christ's sake.
-You're gonna be fine.
All right, knock it off.
That's enough. Knock it off!
What is wrong with you?
It's settled.
In less than 48 hours,
corn will be dead
in Rylstone forever.
-[ Applause ]
-MAN: Yes. Thank you.
You're saying
what we've been thinking.
[ Down-tempo music plays ]
[ Sobbing ]
[ Engine starts ]
[ Horse neighs ]
[ Music continues ]
[ Man speaking indistinctly
on TV ]
[ Door opens ]
Listen, it doesn't
have to be like this.
It's not too late
to do something.
Give it a rest, Bo.
It's done.
Since when do you ever,
ever run from a fight?
I distinguish, Bo,
between fighting for
and fighting with.
Are you talking about Rylstone
or Mom?
It's just...
It's done, Bo.
It's over.
It's done.
What happened to you?
You used to be
so different.
[ Door closes ]
[ Man and woman
arguing indistinctly ]
I have had enough of you!
You need to get out of
this house!
Get out of this house!
[ Arguing continues ]
[ Crockery shatters ]
EDEN: The adults.
I know.
It sucks.
It's so hard sometimes
you can hardly breathe.
But I can help.
With your pain.
[ Voices whispering ]
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Voices whispering ]
BOLEYN: My father thinks
if we try to fix this,
it'll only make things worse.
But he's wrong.
We can fix this.
And this is how --
public humiliation.
We graphically show the world
what they did to Rylstone,
to us, to the corn.
Sheila Boyce.
Reporter for NowCloud.
I DM'd her and told her
about our situation,
that maybe she could cover
the story, and she responded.
So are you with me?
We doing this?
You in or out?
Let's do it.
-Are you kidding?
-What are we waiting for?
Here goes.
[ Line ringing ]
Hello? Hi.
Boleyn Williams?
Yeah, yes!
Miss Boyce, thank you so much
for taking my call.
[ Flies buzzing ]
Jesus, what --
what is all that?
What blood?
From Dylan's pop's hog.
We're painting
the corn roots red.
Like the Red Queen.
"Alice in Wonderland."
Got to feed the corn somehow.
Okay, so you really
you want to heal the corn, huh?
You want to save the corn?
All right.
As the, uh, queen,
I need your help.
I need you and all your little
army of friends to go out,
tell Pastor Penny,
tell your parents, everyone,
all the adults.
Kind of fib, okay?
You tell them that my father
is calling an emergency meeting
about that corn
they're gonna plow under.
And I need you
to make absolutely sure
they're at the community hall
by 10:00 p.m. tonight.
Think you can do that?
Yeah. Okay.
I'll help you do this, Bo.
But why the community hall?
Oh, 'cause we are gonna
have us a trial.
And you know, you can't have
a trial without a courthouse.
Plus, we got this big-time
newswoman coming in from Omaha.
So I need you to meet her
on the road in,
bring her
to the community hall too.
Don't forget --
10:00 p.m. sharp.
I'll see you later.
EDEN: Come on.
MR. HOLLIS: You murderer.
Sneak up behind you
and lay something heavy
across your skull
and end this once and for all.
You're a bad man.
You're a very bad man!
MR. HOLLIS: You think that.
Go ahead, Anthony.
I'm a very bad man.
Keep thinking that.
Somebody sneak up
behind him.
Somebody end this now
while he's thinking about me!
MR. FREMONT: Wish it
into the cornfield.
Please, son, wish it
into the cornfield, please.
[ Yawns ]
Well, beddy-bye for me.
I'm beat.
How about you, Dad?
A jack-in-the-box
that still had his bad face.
You mustn't think
bad thoughts...
Don't stay up too late,
Or I'll do the same thing
to you.
Are we making
a childish mistake, Ceece?
It's never a mistake to try
and change the world, Bo.
[ Footsteps ]
What are you guys doing?
Dad, you know
how you told me
some things
are worth fighting for?
Well, I guess
you raised me right,
because that's what's happening.
We're holding a mock trial,
and you're the guest of honor.
Don't wake Mom.
Come quietly, and I promise you
this will be over soon.
You sure about this, Bo?
Yeah, come on, Calder.
We're already late.
[ Horn continuously blaring
in distance ]
Where is everyone?
EDEN: No, it's okay.
Trust me.
Hi, Bo.
Where's everybody?
Where's the reporter?
Sheila Boyce.
The reporter.
From Omaha.
You were supposed to
pick her up.
She never showed.
Guess something more important
must have come up.
BOLEYN: Did she...
Doesn't really
matter anymore, Bo.
It's over.
What is?
What's over?
You were late.
So we just went ahead
and did it.
You did what?
The trial.
[ Gunshot,
horse neighs in distance ]
Where are the parents?
Where is everyone?
Where's Dad?
What the hell is going on?
Want to see something, Bo?
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
[ Rope creaking ]
[ Muffled grunting ]
[ Gagging ]
Didn't agree with the verdict,
I guess.
It was always gonna take more
with these kind of people, Bo.
A lot more.
-BOLEYN: Help me!
-Lift him! Lift him up!
Lift! Lift him!
[ Calvin grunting ]
Let's go.
No! No! No! No!
[ Grunting ]
[ Neck cracks ]
[ Calder whimpering ]
He's not laughing now.
[ Calder sobbing ]
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Chainsaws revving ]
[ Children cheering
and shouting indistinctly ]
GIRL: Check us out!
[ Laughs ]
Come on!
Come on!
[ Laughing ]
This is outrageous!
I swear, it's gonna
rain down with hellfire.
I'm talking to you, Eden.
-PENNY: Eden, honey...
-[ Electricity zapping ]
It's not too late
to turn back.
-You're my daughter now.
-[ Laughs ]
Do you think this is
how you should behave?
God damn!
Any more questions?
I didn't think so.
-Are you okay?
[ Cheering and indistinct
shouting continues ]
This is insanity.
This is completely insane.
Did you see what it was like
out there?
All the dead bodies.
I don't know
where my parents are.
I don't know
what happened to them.
BOY: Let's tear this place
to the ground!
My phone.
My phone doesn't work.
Mine either.
Could these little freaks
have done something
to the cell tower?
My brother is with them now.
GIRL: Rip 'em up!
Do something.
Help us if you can.
Hit 'em!
We have to.
We can do something.
GIRL: Look at this!
[ Laughs ]
Yes, Bo.
You're right.
We have to stop this.
[ Sobbing ]
My God.
Jesus Christ. What is it
you intend to do here?
If you really want to know.
I hope you can hold your breath
better than Timmy Cain,
Ava Foster, Boyd Bowden,
or any of my other
delinquent friends.
MAN: No!
It's halothane!
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Cover your mouths!
Eden, no!
[ Coughing ]
This is for my friends.
How does it feel?
How do you like it?
[ Valve squeaks ]
[ People coughing,
groaning softly ]
Heya, Sheriff Gebler.
What in God's name
do you think you're doing?
Rendering the verdict.
You just wait till I get
my hands on you.
You little, bitch.
Oh! Really?
You want to mess with me?
Yeah. Okay, fine.
Yeah. Let's play.
Steve! Joe!
Let's go!
-Eden, no, please.
-You don't have to do this.
[ Indistinct shouting ]
You can't do this!
Eden. Eden!
WOMAN: Let us out!
[ Dramatic music playing ]
Bo, no!
[ Indistinct shouting ]
What are you doing?!
No, no!
[ Screaming ]
No, don't do it!
Stop! No!
Mom! Mom!
[ Screaming ]
[ Sobbing ]
[ Voices whispering ]
[ Sobbing ]
I am sorry.
My dad was right.
He warned me
if I tried to fix this
I'd only make it worse.
So get out if you can.
Save yourselves.
But my dad is still alive.
So I'm gonna stay
and stop Eden
from killing him too.
Okay, Bo.
Well, go to Candlestick.
And get help.
[ Mid-tempo music playing ]
Hi, Bo.
Eden, you can't.
You cannot do this.
They kill
everything they touch.
Putting them on trial
was your idea.
What did you think
would happen?
Not this.
It's us against them.
Whose side are you on?
What are you gonna do
with my father and the others?
I'm gonna send them out
to the corn, Bo.
He's sick.
He needs to feed.
He Who Walks.
That week I was out there...
...wandering alone
in the corn...
...he talked to me.
He took care of me.
No adult in Rylstone
ever did that for me.
So now I'm going to
take care of him.
By killing all the adults?
For starters.
They ate the seed-corn, Bo.
Now it's time
to pay the price.
ROBERT: If one of us can just
get out of here,
make it to Candlestick,
we can get help, all right?
-[ Door opens ]
-BOY: Check this out!
-ROBERT: This is insanity.
-Dad, I need you to trust me.
Right now, they want to know
who's side I'm on,
so I need you to do
exactly what I say.
Listen, they want to take you
all out into the corn.
-What? What for?
-Go! Go!
You'll be safe.
You can get help.
[ Door opens ]
If that creature wants us
to go into the corn,
then we should be doing
the exact opposite!
I wouldn't worry about it.
You were never going
into the corn anyway.
Because you
stood up for it.
That's right, Eden.
I never had a thing to do
with killing the corn.
In fact, I-I spoke out strongly
against it!
Eden, remember that thing that
happened in the foster home?
Who took you in, hmm?
It was you, Pastor.
You did.
You took me in.
You never sinned against
the corn like all the rest.
But, come on, Pastor.
You did sin.
Didn't you?
[ Keys jingle ]
-Shut up.
[ Groaning ]
No, Eden!
No, please, no!
No, Eden, no!
No, no, no, no!
No, Eden, no!
[ Sobbing ]
Oh, God, no!
-[ Squelches ]
No, Eden!
[ Moaning ]
No, no!
[ Moaning ]
God, no, no!
[ Moaning ]
Oh, Eden...
[ Children roaring ]
Bo, where is she?
Please, don't ask me that.
Don't ask me about Mom.
I need to know
where my wife is!
Listen, you need to go
out to the corn.
That's it.
This is our chance to get help.
This is it.
I'll go.
But you fight.
All right?
I love you.
I love you too.
[ Chainsaws revving ]
You did good.
He'll feed well tonight.
Drop it, Cam.
She's not a threat.
Okay, Dad.
I will.
I will fight.
And guess what else.
From now on, no one in Rylstone
and no one out!
And if anyone cares
to stop here,
guess what we're gonna do.
Take them!
Take them into the corn!
That's right.
Get them into the corn.
Because we don't need
a single thing
they have to offer!
Everything we've ever needed
is right here,
right out there
in those fields.
The corn, the earth, will take
care of its children.
This is our world now,
and we're gonna run it
the way we want for a change.
And we're gonna run it right!
And isn't
just gonna be Rylstone either.
We're gonna spread the word
all across this country.
You think there aren't
others like us?
Kids seeing their world and
future just being traded away?
Well, they're gonna take
their towns, too,
and make this whole world
right again!
Like this thing.
It was going to use us,
was going to sell our future.
So we should cut her head off,
right, Bo?
I mean, yes.
She sinned.
She sinned against you.
Against all of us.
And that's why we shouldn't
waste her blood here.
Not when I can send her
into the corn.
That's a pretty good idea, Bo.
But, Bo...
An even better idea would be
to take her straight to him.
[ Chain clanking ]
This way.
[ Door opens ]
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Creaking, flies buzzing ]
[ Creaking, flies buzzing
intensifies ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Whimpering in distance ]
[ Whimpering continues ]
[ Dramatic music playing ]
BOY: That's it.
Take her up.
[ Sobbing ]
He Who Walks!
Come to us!
[ Music fades ]
[ Insects chirping ]
He Who Walks,
he doesn't exist.
Don't you dare say that!
[ Chainsaw idling ]
Stay back.
[ Creature roars ]
[ Footsteps thudding ]
[ Thudding continues ]
[ Creature roars ]
It can't be real.
[ Creature roars ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Metal creaking ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Thudding departs ]
[ Screaming ]
Help me!
You can't hurt me, Bo.
[ Grunts ]
[ Liquid sloshing ]
[ Laughter ]
[ Coughing ]
God, you idiots!
You're goddamn little idiots!
Brace yourself.
Are you --
Are you crazy?!
Grain dust.
This place is full of it.
You light a fire, this whole
place will blow sky high.
The corn
and everything in it
will burn.
Let's chop her up.
Go on.
Get her.
[ Children groaning
and coughing ]
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Come on!
Let's go!
Into the corn!
Come on!
[ Dramatic music playing ]
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Come on!
[ Whimpering ]
I'm so sorry.
[ Panting ]
Help me.
[ Screaming, sobbing ]
[ Creature growls ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Roars ]
[ Roars ]
[ Tense music plays ]
[ Thudding ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Music fades ]
[ Thudding approaches ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Thudding and snarling stop ]
[ Rustling ]
[ Breathing shallowly ]
[ Rustling stops ]
[ Roars ]
[ Screams ]
[ Suspenseful music playing ]
[ Roars ]
[ Shrieking ]
Car! Yes!
Keys, keys, keys.
[ Children shouting
in distance ]
[ Engine cranking ]
[ Cranking stops ]
[ Cranking ]
[ Engine starts ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Fuck that shit.
[ Engine stalls ]
No. No.
[ Cranking ]
No, no, no, no.
[ Cranking ]
[ Engine revs ]
Oh, thank you.
Oh, thank God.
[ Sobbing ]
-Hi, Bo.
-[ Screams ]
Eden, Eden.
This is madness.
Craziness, insanity.
You know?
It's pretty crazy.
I'll give you that.
What is that, Eden?
Depositive bolt, Bo.
You know, a cattle gun.
I know what you're thinking.
Forget it.
You know I'm not the only one
out here.
[ Voices whispering ]
[ Engine stops ]
It's past my bedtime.
Let's go.
A l-last cigarette at least?
You smoke?
Bad habit.
...was about to quit.
Come on.
Get down on your knees.
Don't be scared, Bo.
Hey, Eden?
You really think
the second you soaked me
in all that tractor fuel,
that I wasn't
gonna make sure
I ended up right...
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Shrieking ]
No, no, no!
Candlestick and everyone else
for miles around
will be here soon.
Face it.
It's done.
Your fantasy's finished,
[ Creature gasps ]
[ Growls weakly ]
I'm sorry.
[ Fire whooshes ]
[ Creature shrieking ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Dramatic music playing ]
[ Music fades ]
[ Tense music plays ]
[ Footsteps ]
[ Hoarsely ] Don't worry, Bo.
Nothing ever really dies
in the corn.
[ Laughing ]
[ Screams ]
[ Scream echoes ]
[ Ominous music plays ]