Chokehold (2023) Movie Script

"It was a dead world."
"Furthermore, it was
a dismally, grimly gray world."
"The weather was sharp and clear,
there was no moisture in the atmosphere,
neither fog, nor haze."
"Yet the sky
remained draped in a gray veil."
BURNING DAYLIGH"The reason for this was that,
although there were no clouds in the sky
to dim the brightness of day,
there was also no sun
to brighten it in the first place."
"Had he been asked
to describe how he felt,
he would merely have said
he was having a good enough time."
Welcome to your new home.
At the rallies, they were telling us that
a dollar would exchange for nine liras,
and a euro would be ten liras.
What's this mean, then? What's this?
I'm saying it again,
this is a rich man's world.
I mean, isn't the US dollar
something we can buy with money?
What? Don't we have any money?
If you don't, you own the mints!
Print money and buy dollars.
That's the solution!
Your house has been empty for a while.
Yeah, it has.
...has heightened inflation and diminished
purchasing power to such extent...
I don't see Mahir around anymore.
How is he? Nothing's the matter, I hope.
He's great.
Yeah, my dad takes good care of himself.
Yaln, you probably
don't remember this, but...
I used to bring groceries
to your house all the time.
But I never rang the bell
unless your car was there.
I used to wait outside until you got home.
I knew if I delivered it to you,
you'd definitely give me a big tip.
One time
my dad caught me waiting for you.
He said to me,
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Have you been hiding out here
for hours or something?"
Being a kid,
I immediately told him the truth,
that I wanted the tip.
He smacked me right there.
He told me that he was
already paying me for the delivery,
That I shouldn't be greedy.
That was the first and the last time
that my dad ever smacked me.
And it was all because of you.
Well, Yaln, uh...
There's something
I need to tell you, please.
I recently got married, you know.
Hmm, hey, congrats.
Thank you.
We got a lot of gold as wedding gifts.
What do you think I should do with it?
I mean, do you think that I should
sell it and buy cryptocurrency?
Or maybe use it for yielding interest?
Or, I'm not sure,
but it might be better to leave,
so I'd like to hear your thoughts on this,
it's so complicated, you see.
Um, Dad, you're here already.
You're a moron.
We're not open yet, son.
You've gotta go elsewhere.
We're still closed.
Did you run into someone you know?
Well, I talked to the grocer's son.
He was telling me he just got married.
His dad, yeah, I think his dad's okay.
In fact, he said
that since we're new in town,
it should be on the house,
but I said no way.
What's that?
Something for you.
How about that!
I thought, since there's no traffic here,
and you don't spend
as much time in the car...
Wow, so nice of you!
You can pick up where you left off.
- This is great.
- You like it?
It's all good.
This place will be good to us.
- Okay?
- Mm-hm.
How's it going?
Welcome, Mister Yaln.
Hey, this house of yours is
gonna kill me, I'm telling you.
Been trying to get things in order.
- God...
- Good to see you.
Welcome back.
The water tank's full.
The tank is fine. So if
the water's cut off, you'll be covered.
Good job, thank you.
And... how was the trip here?
Yeah, yeah, it wasn't bad.
But it took us around two
hours to get out of Istanbul.
Welcome to town, ma'am.
Thank you, sir.
- See what I planted?
- What?
- That's an apple tree.
- Cool.
- Hey, good for you.
- Thank you.
Your dad's been
wanting one for a long time.
- Has he?
- We never had the chance before.
So, that honor is yours.
I got something else for ya.
What's this?
It's a basket.
So, uh, we're gonna
be picking your olives.
Not this week, though, it'll be next week,
we'll put them into this basket
to take them to the press.
They'll give 'em a good squeezing
and you're gonna be using
your own, fresh, delicious olive oil.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh, you've put my name on it.
A basket's personal,
so be careful with it.
Oh, Selma's asking us to come over again.
Last time, we went without a present.
I think we should bring something.
You should get them something nice.
There's some great stores on Main Street.
I really don't feel
like going out.
I'll get something then.
Hon, I feel like Istanbul
has completely worn me out.
I don't feel like doing anything
but sitting around at home
and watching stupid shows.
These four widely-known businessmen
are said to be
the partners of Yaln Sahin,
who has been
released until his next hearing,
and whose assets have been confiscated.
His partners were arrested
and sent to prison.
- What were the terms of your release?
- Well, uh...
My attorney will keep you posted, thanks.
The four businessmen
are facing allegations of having embezzled
over 100 million
dollars from victim investors.
Their attorneys' request
for an appeal was rejected.
The families of the suspects claim
that the whole affair is a smear,
and the charges are far from the truth.
Well, we're still alive
and life goes on.
At least we're not dead.
I know.
We left all that behind us.
Like you said, we're here now.
Let's see how in-the-moment you are.
Anybody here?
Good morning!
I was just looking around.
I'm looking for a gift.
We got magnets here.
Nah. Not really what I'm looking for.
Some knick-knacks here. This is Aristotle.
He had a school out here.
No, I'm looking for something else.
Well... you go back to your business.
I'll let you know if I find
what I'm looking for, all right?
Look, people put these on their walls.
There's no need to worry about me at all.
Do you know sometimes...
a dignified-looking person walks in,
takes a look around, and then,
thinking he's super slick,
takes the magnet, puts it
in his pocket, and off he goes.
If you judge by the way the guy dresses,
you'd never think that he'd stoop to that.
You're serious?
Of course.
That's why we have to keep an eye out.
To protect ourselves from theft.
Because then things can get ugly.
Like, say we catch the guy,
and we ask him to return the magnet.
And then, of course,
he tries to deny it all,
and he makes a whole scene,
and then we have no choice
but to punch him in the mouth.
Then he starts cursing at us.
And what then?
You start hitting him harder.
And once I start punching a guy,
I just can't stop myself.
I go blind with rage.
Then the guy's face gets all fucked up.
His mouth and nose are all bashed in.
Then come the police and whatnot,
and you get in trouble.
All this shit we go through.
The guy could easily die
on our friggin' watch!
You think these shitty
magnets are worth killing for?
No way, of course not.
That's what I say all the time.
Niyazi knows what I'm saying.
He owns this place.
"Niyazi," I tell him.
"They steal from me,
they better go big."
Magnets are never worth all that trouble.
If you're gonna steal...
gotta do it like Yaln instead.
You have the nerve to come in here
like nothing's happened, huh?
Is that right, Mr. Yaln?
What's wrong? Where you going?
We were having a nice little conversation.
Aren't you gonna take something? Huh?
I've only got
two animals left, take them, too.
My mother has a gold tooth,
you can have that, too!
The whole damn country is yours!
Take it, and be done with it!
Stop, man.
Hey, what took you so long?
Did you get them a gift?
I... totally did!
Certainly these lands have seen
more than their fair share of war.
However, these lands have also
borne witness to something else.
In fact,
a historical anomaly.
There was a time when
this region was dominated
by an invading force.
But no battles were fought
nor blood was shed.
Who could do that?
An incredible man whose name was...
Eubulus, he lived in the 4th century BC.
The man was a banker, you see.
At this point in history,
the Persians had turned
this entire region into a war zone.
And Eubulus, being
the genius banker he was,
did what he had to.
He gave out unlimited loans
to the men in combat
in order to keep them
involved in the fight.
Though one day, those Persians
couldn't pay him back.
And so instead,
they gave Eubulus the land,
So this is how a banker
became the king of the region.
Suffice it to say
that he'd acquired all the land.
Eubulus had a slave, Hermias.
After Eubulus died,
this man took over the throne.
Do you know what Hermias did then?
He brought Aristotle to live here.
So, thanks to that banker,
Assos then become home
to one of the greatest
philosophers of all time,
the one and only.
And so that's why this place
is not ruled by force,
is not ruled by ignorance,
but is instead ruled by reason.
And this explains why, for many centuries,
this land here
has attracted the greatest thinkers ever.
And today, among us...
we have one of them right here. You see?
Welcome, Yaln.
Welcome to Assos.
Welcome back to your home.
Welcome, Yaln.
Can you get the door, please?
What the heck are you doing?
Can't you get the door?
- Welcome. Please come in!
- Thank you.
Sure! We can go if you're ready.
Oh yeah, we are.
Yaln, you ready?
Time to go. We're gonna go out for a walk.
I'll hang back, you go ahead.
Oh, come on, don't stay here!
But... you did promise me.
We'll go somewhere really nice.
You're gonna love it.
Do you have
bugs in your place, too?
Like, you know,
those giant, gross black bugs.
They're in the kitchen,
in the bathroom too.
They're everywhere,
and it's making me crazy.
No, I don't think we have any.
Oh wow,
that's great, you're lucky.
Yeah, living out in nature
is great and all, but... hmm...
I wish there were no bugs...
Because I really can't stand them.
Yeah, I mean, okay, I know,
living the country life is great,
but you miss all the comforts
of the city you see, absolutely.
What you're calling "the comforts"
are just slabs of concrete.
Oh, I don't miss that.
Not the concrete. No, not that.
But you still want your own vineyard.
How are you gonna do that?
What's that supposed to mean?
Girl, you're working the soil,
you're obviously gonna
see a few bugs, you know?
Oh, no, absolutely not.
I don't wanna see them.
- Beyza.
- Hmm?
I'm thinking
I should start growing grapes,
make wine, build a brand.
I think a great idea.
But, yeah, you're gonna
have to get over the bug thing.
Unless you want to spray
your whole crop with horrible bug spray!
You okay? What's up?
I don't feel too good for some reason.
I think I'm running a fever.
You have a fever?
Let's go!
Let's go, fresh air
will do you good. Come on.
Two hundred. I think that's
a pretty good rate, don't you think?
Yeah, that's not bad at all...
Come, you guys. Hurry!
Yaln, please hurry!
Can't you at least
just try to have some fun?
Come on.
How's the bridge looking, Selma?
Still there?
Yeah, it is.
It's really beautiful, we're loving it.
We haven't been introduced.
I'm First Sergeant
Selami Toker, State Police.
Hi there. I'm Yaln.
And she's Beyza.
- Hi there, how are you?
- Hi! It's a pleasure.
So, Mister Yaln, you like to hunt?
Have you ever hunted?
Well, uh... Well, I'm not...
- No, don't think I have, actually.
- Oh.
You'll learn with me.
Ladies, if you'll excuse us,
we'll take a quick walk.
He's not feeling well, actually.
- No, I'm fine.
- Don't worry, we won't be long.
We'll just take a walk,
see the village. Right, Yaln?
Hey, hey,
I'm feeling better now, I'm fine.
- You sure baby?
- Mm-hm.
I'll see you later.
Let's go, then.
- Have a nice day.
- You too.
Tell Daim I say hi.
Let's take a quick stroll together.
There's this guy, Cevdet,
he's a pretty short-tempered man.
Sometimes he works
at Niyazi's store, this antique shop.
They say "antique shop,"
but it's just a junk shop.
He buys old crap from
the locals for practically nothing,
and then sells it
to the tourists at mark-up,
telling them it's "antique."
And yesterday Niyaz had to
go deal with some county business.
And he asked Cevdet
to look after the store.
And the guy said, "Fine."
Niyazi goes into work this morning,
the place is trashed,
Cevdet isn't in there.
His mom said he never
came home from work, you see.
Your car was spotted near the store.
So were you there?
I dropped by, yeah.
And when?
In the afternoon.
And what was he doing?
You mean?
Cevdet, Cevdet.
I was there for a short time,
looked around and left.
So, there was no trouble?
Uh, no.
Yaln, I know you.
You screwed over a lot of people.
You caused a lot of damage.
Didn't you?
I have.
You took people's life savings with lies,
then kept all of it for yourself.
You screwed over
hundreds of thousands of people.
Let me be honest with you,
you really, really screwed me.
I sold my car to invest in
your fucking Ponzi scheme.
But don't worry,
there's lots of people
ahead of me in line to fuck you up
before I do it myself.
Cevdet is definitely one of them.
He invested his mother's
full retirement fund with you.
That's why I'm trying to find him.
'cause maybe you saw each
other in the shop and things got ugly.
No. It didn't.
Don't you ever feel bad?
Don't you feel anything?
What'd I do? I was there.
I don't know...
I don't know what you're talking about.
- What did you do?
- Yes.
You're fuckin' hilarious.
What did I do?
I don't get it, what is this?
Listen, listen...
How'd you avoid that trial?
How'd that happen?
So you were locked up,
they kept you for ten days,
and you walked outta there.
How the hell you get out of prison?
We did have some partners, yeah.
I mean, silent partners.
They co-operated
with the prosecutor.
Oh, yeah, the people
who've just been arrested. It's on TV.
Oh. So you ratted the guys out.
Then went ahead and pinned it on them.
That must've been easy.
Wow, you're a real snake, aren't you?
I'm guessing your partners
have all sent their people after you.
It makes sense they'd want payback, right?
And now you're scared of getting killed
by someone you screwed over.
Is that it?
Well, Mr. Yaln,
I don't know who's gonna take you out,
but I won't be the one to stop them.
I won't be looking for them.
You said you didn't
know how to hunt, right?
When you go boar-hunting,
you gotta pay for it.
Really. For every boar you kill,
you have to pay the government a fee.
Even that's not free.
But here, hunting you is free of charge.
And everyone here fully knows that.
And now it's open season, bud.
I was worried about you. What happened?
Uh, I'm fine. It's okay.
What did that officer want?
What did he say?
What do you mean, "nothing?"
What were you
talking about this whole time?
Beyza, go inside, please.
I need you to tell me the truth, come on.
Beyza, go inside.
Come on.
Go on.
You gonna tell me
what's going on or what?
Nothing's going on,
I already told you that.
The guy took me for a ride in his car,
then he showed me around,
and we talked about
the villages in the area. That's it, okay.
Nothing happened.
You really have to stop doing this now.
- Come on!
- Stop what?
Stop, I'm begging you to stop it,
why the hell can't you?
You gave your word,
I mean, you gave your word. Damn it!
You swore you wouldn't lie anymore.
Hey, but I'm not lying to you!
If you're hiding something from me,
now's the time to come clean.
I'm hiding nothin' babe.
You mean it?
Absolutely. Yes.
Well, that's wonderful.
That means all's going well then!
Where you going?
I'm going out.
Going out where?
Don't ask!
Beyza, come on, let's sit down and talk.
- I'm suffocating, I'm gonna go.
- Can't you stay?
I don't know.
We can have a little
quality time at home together.
So that's what you talked about?
- Sorry?
- He told you to stay inside?
He wasn't warning you about anything?
No threats or danger, huh?
Okay, I'm going out.
Hey, I was about to call you.
What's going on out there? How're you?
Fine, how are you?
Um, is this a bad time?
I have to be at court soon,
but go right ahead, I'm all ears.
All right, I can just call you later.
No, no, no, you go ahead.
I've got something to tell you, too.
I did, uh...
What did you do?
Well this thing happened,
and I, uh, did something...
What happened?
So two days ago...
- You know...
- Yes?
I... I stepped out for a little fresh air.
And there's this, uh...
place in town, and I went there.
And there was, uh...
a man I met there.
And he's from, uh, here. He's a local.
He's a local.
Then he, uh...
he started asking me lots of questions.
He started talking about some stuff.
You mind if I call you back later
when you're less busy?
That way we can talk more freely, huh?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
You can call me later,
but I wanted to tell you something.
I was talking to the DA earlier,
and he's mostly pleased
with our cooperation so far.
But, you know this is
more serious than it looks.
So, the DA says "Tell Yaln
until the verdict
is reached and he's off the hook,
he should avoid speeding through
the yellow lights."
Mind you, he said
the yellow lights, not the reds.
So, remember that if there's
any kind of unfavorable development
everything's off.
- What's up?
- Hey! How're you doing?
Hey, I'm fine. I've been out for a walk.
Have a seat.
The weather was nice earlier,
but this is weird.
Can I have a cappuccino,
whole milk please!
I was getting so
tired of the bank, you know.
grueling hours
in those tiny, enclosed spaces.
You know, dealing with money
gives me anxiety.
And then I remembered this place.
You know?
I've always kinda wanted
to live here, I love this place.
I said, "The time is now."
So, what do you think?
Are you getting used to it here?
Do you think you'll
be able to live here or what?
I just wanted to live someplace
where Yaln and I could be alone.
That's all.
You think he can live in a village?
I mean, can he live or what?
Yaln can live anywhere.
What do you think?
What is it?
- My hair.
- What?
I cut it.
Ah, it looks so good.
When did you cut it?
This afternoon. I said I'd surprise you!
Do you like it?
Looks beautiful, babe.
You look beautiful...
Yaln, hey there, man,
Cevdet's been missing for days now.
He's officially
considered a missing person.
So... we're launching an investigation.
We need you to come in
and make a statement.
Drop by so we can get
your version of what happened. Bye.
So what's going on
in that head of yours?
What do you mean?
What are you gonna do now?
I'm sure you have a plan, right?
I'm sure that you do.
No. I mean, I don't for now.
You're kidding me!
Something's gotta be cooking
in that head of yours.
There must be something
going on in there.
Oh, but listen,
whatever you do now,
I'll be the first one to know about it.
You hear me?
Man, I mean it.
What is going on with you?
You're distracted.
Something bothering you?
Or are you possibly getting worried about...
About what?
You know what I mean.
Ending up like...
those guys who
shoot themselves after going broke,
and then their wife and children
go from one TV network to the other
crying their eyes out
in front of everyone.
Don't do it. Do not.
Why would you care?
It's not your problem, all right?
It's an investment.
It's money.
You either make it or break it.
Who made them invest with you?
You follow me?
Did you actually run around
forcing people at gunpoint to invest?
Whatever happened
to that thing called free will?
I'll always remember how
people lined up like sheep
to invest their money with you.
Feels great if you're winning,
but you stir shit up when you lose?
What a paradox!
See what I mean?
They give two shits
if their families get fucked up!
You hear that?
You wanna hear the truth?
These people are fucking greedy.
Plain and simple.
They're money hungry!
They're all slaves
to this funny idea of becoming rich!
And only losing all of it
fucking wakes them up!
Dumb motherfuckers.
Get back to work
because no one owes you shit!
Seize the opportunity.
After sinking into a deep
depression following his bankruptcy,
he went to
the investment firm's headquarters,
where he set himself on fire.
The thirty-four-year-old teacher suffered
third degree burns all over his body
and later succumbed
to his injuries in the hospital.
Sources say that the young teacher
bought the gasoline using
what little money he had
after selling his wedding ring,
and he left behind
a widow and a three-year-old child.
Yes, Yaln.
All right, listen, you sent me
all those questions about
if we can find out who ratted you out,
and whether it's possible to lift
your international travel ban.
Now listen to me good, man.
One, we're never gonna find out
who blew the whistle, you got that?
Just forget about that,
it's not in the cards.
And two, I decided to take a chance,
and I went to the DA's office
to ask about your travel ban.
The guy almost blew a fuse.
He told me I was
out of line for even asking.
That man really busted my balls,
he was furious.
Look, man,
requests like this
will only put us in tighter spots.
And it raises suspicion
during the trial process.
Just let me handle this.
And stop harassing me with
all these ridiculous questions, man.
Talk to you later, okay?
Take care of yourself, see ya.
What the...
The fuck, man?
What're you doing, man?
- What the fuck, huh? What the fuck!
- You fucking ruined us!
Stop it!
Leave me alone!
He had a heart attack!
Help, please help!
Come help me!
The man is dying!
Move it! Let's go, move it!
Move it!
He's always acted like this.
It's how Yaln's always been,
it's nothing new.
I think it's great
that he knows what he wants.
No, actually, he doesn't.
I wish, but he doesn't.
So, then what does he want?
He wants it all.
He wants everything
in the world, all of it.
What about you?
What about me?
What do you want, though?
Beyza, tell me.
I want
a second chance, that's all.
I just want peace.
I don't wanna worry about
what's gonna happen tomorrow.
- Excuse me!
- Yes?
Is there another pier nearby?
This is the only one around here.
Okay thanks.
How's it goin'?
Nice work!
Thanks, man.
can I have a word, please?
Yeah, hop on.
Do you know who I am?
No, should I know you?
Ah, so you're the guy
who was in the woods earlier.
It was you, right?
Let's go inside, I'm making bait.
Hey, you know how
to make the perfect bait?
You take the fish here,
you cover it with grains of sugar.
This one, it'll be glowing
like a jewel under the sea.
This bait's gonna say,
"Come here, little fishy.
Come here and bite me."
I need to cross to the other side.
- By the other side, you mean Lesbos?
- Yeah.
There's a ferry from Kkkuyu.
Take that, and you'll be there.
Why? Isn't this what you do?
Excuse me, captain!
Can we take people over to Lesbos?
Just real men. Yeah.
I got a nice truck.
It's practically brand new.
It's parked out there.
It's the black 4x4
and it can totally be yours
if you take me tomorrow, you see?
I... think this was a mistake.
Just... Just forget it, sorry.
Be here at five tomorrow morning.
And you'll give me your car keys.
The captain's gonna keep you in there,
and you're not
gonna make any sound at all.
No one can ever see you,
hear you, or know about this.
He'll be sailing for
half an hour, and voila,
you're in Lesbos.
Tomorrow morning at five.
Have you been following me?
Uh... Well, no. Why?
Why were you in the woods last night?
Be back soon.
Yeah, okay. You all right?
Stop it!
Beyza, you go on ahead
and pack up a bag for us.
Just try and make sure we travel light.
We gotta leave here. And...
we're leaving tonight, all right?
What do you mean we're leaving? Where to?
Yaln, what? Yaln?
What bag? Where are we going?
Don't you trust me?
Go pack a bag, please.
No, I will not.
No, not before you tell me
what's going on here.
Where are we going and why?
Come on now, you're scaring me.
I'm begging you.
Fine, I can tell you.
These people are out to kill me.
They're trying to kill me.
Who's gonna kill you?
Well, everyone here.
Everyone at this place
When I say everyone,
I really mean every single resident
living in this village.
Everybody who's lost their money.
Understand that?
Did they threaten you?
Did someone say something about that?
It's not about threats.
I'm telling you, I'm about
to be murdered. You understand?
You got it?
Hey, while you were sitting there
at that concert,
I went over to the men's room.
There was this guy in there,
he pulled a gun on me.
You hear me? He pulled a gun.
Uh, which man?
I have no idea who the guy was.
He was just some guy...
I don't know him,
but he put a gun to my head.
I... I could've died in there,
somehow I managed to get out.
Okay. Uh...
All right,
we'll tell the police.
There was this trooper,
we should go tell him.
The police are out to get me too.
What're you saying?
Everyone here's trying to murder me.
Even the cops are eager for someone
to make a move and take me out.
Everyone around here is in on it.
Where are we going?
Are we driving back to Istanbul?
We're not going
back anywhere, I've had it.
'Cause it's pretty clear that
I won't be safe for long in this country.
What are we gonna do?
There are these dockworkers,
we made an arrangement.
Tomorrow we leave for Lesbos.
What are you talking about?
You made a deal?
- Yaln?
- We're crossing over to Greece tomorrow.
What's in Greece?
Who are these people? What kind of a deal?
Who are they? How can we trust them?
What if they try to hurt us?
Don't worry about them,
they're not gonna hurt us.
How do you know though?
Hey, just trust me,
they can't do shit to us.
How'd you find these people?
Where'd you meet them?
I already thought this through,
I know what could happen to us,
which is why I went
looking for these people.
All right, let's say we go to Greece.
How are we gonna survive there?
What you get from your father
isn't enough to start a new life there.
We have this.
we've got...
one million euros in cash.
Is that what you want?
Where you going, Beyza?
Come on, Beyza,
get back here, where are you going?
All right, I'm sorry
I didn't tell you about the money,
but this is no time to get pouty about it.
We need to head out now.
What kind of a monster are you?
The boat's waiting, we gotta go.
- Come on, we gotta get outta here.
- You hid money from me?
My God.
You're really something else.
Let's go, come on.
So, if that guy hadn't
put a gun to your head,
that money would've never been used.
But I'll tell you something right now.
That's not ours.
It's not our money.
What do you mean by that?
It's not. It's not ours.
I am the whistleblower.
Excuse me?
I turned you in. It was me.
You've been wondering.
You've been dying
to know how they found out
and how they knew so much.
Now you know.
I got you busted.
Cut it out, you're not
making any sense now.
Are you messing with me or are you high?
- Come on, I mean it, we gotta go!
- It was me, I did it all.
- You hear me?
- How could it be you?
I'm the goddamn whistleblower.
But you wouldn't.
Like, why would you even...
I mean, why is it...
Why would you do something like that?
Why would you even do that?
What'd you do it for?
Answer me!
That is precisely what the DA said.
"No, no way, he wouldn't do that."
"No way Yaln
would do something like that."
"He's a highly respected businessman."
"What kind of a businessman?" I said.
"The company's a Ponzi scheme,
it's all a scam."
But the guy wouldn't believe that.
Then, obviously, I told him
how you cooked all the company's books,
and how you misrepresented
the company's profits,
and then he believed me.
But I get how
he'd have trouble believing it all.
You can make yourself believe any lie,
but when you're finally hit
with the truth, you don't see it anymore!
That's it?
You sent your husband to jail?
Hmm. Mm-hm.
My own...
What... But what if I never
got out of prison or...
What if I didn't make that deal
to get out or if the deal was rejected?
You'd stay there.
Don't know how long.
And that's what I thought.
So, you were gonna send me to prison,
and wait for me to get released?
That it?
Yeah, exactly.
- I'm hearing this correctly, right?
- Yeah, you heard me correctly.
That's exactly right.
I was hoping it
would knock sense into you.
Are you crazy or what?
Are you listening to what you're saying?
How could you do that to your own husband?
We live in a really nice place!
How could you do that to us?
You don't realize what you've done?
Everything you've ruined?
Who is "us," huh?
Who is that?
Is there such thing as "us," Yaln?
- You're sick!
- Yeah, I'm sick.
I am sick!
I am sick, I am,
because you made me that way!
That's it!
And now the money's finally dug up.
You brought out that cash
because you were scared for your life.
I don't believe that you love me anymore.
Yeah, just admit it!
You've never loved me!
Love? What the hell are you talking about?
- I don't think you ever loved me!
- What are you saying?
The hell are you talking about?
My parents disowned me because of you!
What the hell are you talking about?
I have no friends, no one!
Even my brother
won't talk to me because of you!
It's all because I didn't leave you,
because I stayed with you!
You're pathetic.
You're pathetic and I pity you.
You would never have realized this,
but you know
what you were like in Istanbul?
Like a scarecrow...
that doesn't move.
Like you were stuffed
with bundles of money,
with cash shoved under your jacket
there in the middle of the field
with crows pecking at you.
A scarecrow crammed with cash.
That's why all the people around us
were always scared shitless, you know.
They worried you'd screw them too,
so they'd do whatever you asked.
What the hell happened to them?
Tell me! Huh?
There's no one left.
Everyone's gone now.
Except me.
I stuck around.
And because I'm a giant idiot,
I actually thought I could save you,
and I thought we could start a new life.
But you deceived me, again.
You told me
you wouldn't hide anything from me,
you said you'd never tell another lie!
And like an idiot I believed you!
I fucking came with you!
I came all the way here
to this village, this goddamn village!
Goddamn it!
But you're not even trying to live here.
You're just here to hide out.
You wanted a hole to hide in until
everyone forgot about your crimes,
that's it.
And people are setting themselves on fire,
and you're asking me
to run away with their money?
This is exactly why I turned you in.
This money goes to the DA.
- You goddamn piece of shit...
- Leave it.
I said leave it!
You goddamn piece of shit.
So then you hate yourself, too,
because you're no different
than me after all.
You goddamn piece of shit...
I am not like you.
I'm not a cold-hearted prick like you.
You goddamn piece of shit.
My very first day in prison,
I decided to repent.
I'd leave other people's money alone.
I would never hurt anyone.
I wouldn't be unfair,
that was my promise to you.
You promise everyone too much.
You lying piece of shit!
Everything about you is a lie.
You're a coward.
How was I stupid enough to believe you,
my God, how did I ever believe you?
I came here to try and reinvent myself,
but it wasn't in the cards.
I wasted my life for you.
I stood by you through all your shit.
Through all your bullshit.
I hope you rot in hell.
If I don't hand over the money to you,
you'll go back to the DA
and report me, won't you?
I should've left a long time ago!
Look at this.
I'm still trying to clean up after you.
I'm still trying to save you.
I'm still trying!
You've made your decision.
You know the day you were hauled off,
I remember the first thought I had.
I started thinking about...
what if you and I had somehow never met,
if we had never met each other like that,
what would my life have been like?
I'd much rather have been cheated on.
Ah, this betrayal I can't handle.
Take the cash and get out.
Don't you realize who the fuck I am?
Don't you know what I'm made of?
What? Have you forgotten
who the fuck I am?
You won't forget now.
What's taking you so long?
Open it up now.
Jail's hard, you know.
To be confined within walls like that.
An endless waiting period.
It'll be hell for you.
The things I've seen.
There were people begging us...
to literally kill them.
A big guy,
crying his eyes out every night.
And they're all like you.
Educated and filthy rich.
All scared but without
the guts to commit suicide.
So, I know that even in detention,
at night, the feeling
of being safe all but disappears.
But you get used to it.
All about a man's nature.
You gotta be born with it.
So, I suppose that you too...
were born with it.
Hey, remember Cevdet?
Who again?
The guy from the junk shop.
The one who's missing.
I bet he's in Greece now.
Then we have that fat Galip guy.
You know, the hotel's groundskeeper.
He's been missing too apparently.
He too went across the sea.
Anyone that's missing here
has definitely gone across the sea.
How can you just pack up and leave?
It beats me!
Tell me.
They head to Europe like
there's something for 'em there.
They're all just greedy for more money.
Hi there!
You mind if I join you for breakfast?
Good morning.
Beyza's not here?
She's gone.
That's too bad.
I thought we could all
have some breakfast together.
I guess I'll go... make it.
For sure, please do.
Good morning, neighbor!
- Hi there!
- How are you?
Yaln? How are you?
I have great pears here.
Mr. Yaln, I brought a few for you.
Here, enjoy.
Spring's finally here. About time!
Yeah, it'd better be.
It was freezing cold!
I can't believe how cold the winter was.
Good morning, gentlemen.
- Good morning.
- Oh, Daim's here!
- Hey, everyone.
- Please.
Good morning.
Hey, Mister Yaln,
on the way here I checked
that tree I planted, it's thriving.
Those apples'll taste great.
I'll go and do the graft soon.
And you know what I was thinking?
I'd like to plant a lemon tree.
I'd put it right over there.
What do you think?
The concert was pretty great, huh?
Oh, it was just great. Uh...
It was an absolute feast
for the ears. Thank you.
I know.
I'm so glad we decided to organize that.
It felt so authentic.
I wish you could've stayed till the end.
Are you feeling any better today?
I am.
I was thinking
you may have some new ideas.
Genius as usual.
All made up.
I promise I went over
everything you sent this morning.
I'm looking forward to it.
I'm more than ready for it.
I'm in!
Bring the basket here.
All right.
- Tea is ready.
- Oh.
Here you go.
The weather's so perfect today.
It's windy, but not too cold.
Let's go for a walk today.
Maybe we can go walk in the woods.
Yeah, do that.
It's great this time of the year.
Put it there.
Have you been to Hasan Boguldu, Mr. Yaln?
The waterfalls.
Yeah, sure. We took him there.
This place really is paradise
Aren't you glad you're here?
Look at this, Yaln.
It's heaven.