Choose Love (2023) Movie Script
[upbeat music playing]
[woman] Okay, don't get me wrong.
Um, I have a great life.
I'm in love with my boyfriend.
I love my job.
Okay, I don't love my job,
but I love what it could be.
My student loans and my car are paid off.
So... [inhales deeply]
Yeah, what's my problem?
- You feel there's something missing.
- I feel there's...
[music stops]
- She's good.
- Your friends are all getting married.
- [woman] Yeah.
- Everyone around you is so sure.
Yes. My... My sister already has a kid.
- Your work is unsatisfying.
- Yes.
- Your life lacks meaning.
- Well, not completely...
- Clock is ticking.
- Okay.
- It's... It's not loud yet, but it's there.
- Now it's loud.
Mm-hm. Sign your name.
[psychic] And think of a question
while you shuffle those.
- [Cami] A question?
- [psychic] Mm-hm.
Yeah, okay. Um, is Paul my person?
No. Um, am I gonna be recording ads
my whole life?
Wait. Is it a straight line
from here on out?
- Sorry.
- Uh... I got this.
[psychic chuckles]
[suspenseful music playing]
- Oh.
- Oh.
- [psychic] Oh.
- Oh.
- Ooh.
- [Cami] Ooh.
Yeah. [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckling] Yes.
- Uh...
Huh? Why "uh?"
[psychic] Oh yes.
Ooh, hoo-hoo-hoo.
No straight line for you.
This is your card. This is the lovers.
This is relationships and choices.
And you are about to be pulled
in all different directions.
Could you just, um, tell me where I land?
Ah, well, that depends on you.
'Cause destiny is a myth.
I see opportunities, I see challenges.
But... you will have to choose.
And do not make the choices lightly,
as the ramifications will be lasting.
[suspenseful music playing]
Is it just me or did that sound ominous?
You wanna hear good news or bad news?
Well, I mean,
can I have both?
- [laughs]
- [Cami chuckles]
Okay. Yeah. No.
You're gonna choose one
before your name disappears.
Oh. Oh, oh, okay. Fire.
Obviously I wanna hear the good news,
but bad news is probably more important,
because then I can try to avoid it.
But good news
is something I can look forward to...
- Um... Uh, good news.
- [music builds then stops]
This is the sun.
It represents innocence and joy.
A childhood dream could become a reality.
Um, I... wanted to be a singer.
- No, that's never gonna happen, so...
- Oh.
Who are these guys?
Well, these guys are your suitors.
That's the knight of swords,
the magician, and the fool.
But there's only Paul.
Not for long.
[music ends]
[dog barking in distance]
- [Cami] Okay, rearranging the deck chairs.
- [Paul] Titanic.
- But watch out for the...
- Iceberg!
- Yes! Okay.
- Yes!
Okay. Um... Oh, oh. I'm always trying
to get you to go to the...
- The Griffith Park Observatory!
- Yes!
- [Amalia] Time's up!
- [Cami] Boom!
- I didn't get to buzz the buzzer.
- Well...
You guys won by...
Well, let's just say a lot.
One last round, and the winner takes all.
- Okay.
- [Cami and Paul] Sure.
- [Cami and Paul] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- You little...
- You guys are adorable.
- We know.
- Paul.
Okay. Who's up?
[Amalia] Florian.
- A royal lady.
- Princess.
- [in Dutch] No.
- Queen.
[in English]
Yes, this is right. From Egypt.
- Oh, Cleopatra.
- You can't say "Egypt."
[speaks Dutch]
- [Amalia] Okay.
- I wanna know what that means.
You're doing great, baby.
You're doing good.
Do I throw the game or follow
my natural instinct and go for the kill?
I mean, English is his second language,
and I love my sister.
- [Paul] Good job.
- Okay.
- All right.
- [Amalia laughs]
You're a little behind,
but you're doing great.
- Okay. Uh, buzzer.
- It's a big achievement for us.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
Okay. Um...
Ooh, that creepy nightmare that you had.
Taylor Swift chasing me
with a slow cooker.
- [Amalia laughs]
- No. What? No, um...
- Uh, okay, large animal.
- [Cami] Mm.
And it lays the giant egg...
Charlie Sheen.
- Uh...
- [Paul] No.
- Close?
- [Paul] Not even.
What are you talking about? [laughs]
No, it's, uh...
Okay. What's between your head
and your shoulders?
- [buzzer] Uh-uh.
- Can't say "head."
Oh, time's up.
Did we win?
- Oh my God, we won!
- [Florian] We won!
[whispers] Ostrich.
- I know.
- [Florian] Ho-ho! Yeah!
- [Amalia] I think this is a first.
- [Florian] That is right.
You guys are loud.
[in Dutch] Hey, sweetie.
Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Come here.
You need to go back to bed.
It is a school night.
But school starts late tomorrow, remember?
Oh, damn.
Ah, I have an early meeting tomorrow.
Hey, I'll take Luisa
if I can have the last brownie.
I'll see you in the morning.
- [Luisa and Amalia laugh]
- Florian, this was fun.
Thanks for letting us win.
[chuckling] Hey, I don't know
what you're talking about.
- [laughs] Of course not.
- Yeah.
- I love you so much.
- [Amalia] Love you too.
- [Florian] Nice to see you.
- [Amalia] Thank you.
[pensive music playing]
You wanna stay over?
[groans] I can't. I have court tomorrow.
It's gonna be another all-nighter for me.
Can't you just say,
"Your Honor, this creep cheated
on my client for the last eight years."
- Uh-huh.
- "She should get everything."
- Oh.
- "And he should get diddly-squat"?
[chuckles] Wow.
Okay, well, I work too hard, then.
- You really do.
- [laughs]
- Ooh.
- Oh. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Yes, it came!
- Is this from you?
- Uh-huh.
- What is it?
- You have to open it and find out.
[Cami] Mm.
- Batteries.
- Mm-hm.
- Smoke Alarm Day. [gasps] It's tomorrow!
- Did I get the right amount?
- Mm. I added another in the linen closet.
- Ah, I owe you one.
Hey, how would you like
to go to Le Comptoir tomorrow night?
[chuckles] You will never
get a reservation.
Well, it's a good thing
I already did, then.
Well, all right, then.
- [Paul] Yeah?
- Yeah.
[Paul] It's a date?
It's a date.
- Ah.
- [laughs]
[tender music playing]
Good night.
Good night.
- I'm gonna go before I change my mind.
- [Cami] Yeah, you do that.
- All right. Oh.
- Oh, please, don't fall.
- I'm all right.
- M'kay.
[upbeat music playing]
[kids chattering and laughing]
So, every year, on the same day,
we put fresh new batteries
into all the smoke alarms,
and that day is today.
So we never have to worry about fire?
Well, no, not exactly. Um...
In the stars
Oh my God.
Like it's destined
All good things return
Who's Jack?
The one that got away.
We were lab partners in chemistry.
He's the reason I'm a vegetarian.
Last time I saw him,
we were crying at the airport.
He was heading off to Guatemala
to save the world,
and I was heading off to NYU.
- We just met too young.
- [Jack laughing]
I'm going in with you.
I'm eight. They're gonna make fun of me.
[clicks tongue] Well, I've gotta say hi.
- Hold my hand.
- [Luisa groans]
Look at little baby Luisa.
Do you have a dirty diaper, baby?
Ugh, pee-ew.
- She does.
- Shut up!
Poopy Luisa! Poopy Luisa!
- I mean, please...
- [boy] Loser!
I told you!
Well, you can't let the bullies win.
What am I supposed to do?
Well, I mean, I'm not your parent.
Hold on, Jack's coming.
Do I have lipstick on my teeth?
Never mind. I'm sorry I embarrassed you.
You're my favorite niece
in the entire world.
I'm your only niece. What's your advice?
That type of kid pulls this crap
because he can get away with it.
Someone needs to stand up to him,
and why not you?
You know, put those karate lessons to use.
Know what I'm saying?
- [Luisa] Really?
- Oh yeah.
[upbeat music playing]
- Ha-yah!
- [boy grunts]
- [both grunting]
- [Cami] Whoa!
- [Cami] Whoa... Oh.
- [Jack] Hey.
- [Cami] Oh my God.
- Time-out.
- Are you okay?
- Back there, okay? And then...
- [Luisa] Yeah.
- Cami?
- Oh.
- What...? Wow. Look at you.
- [clicks fingers] Stay.
- [Cami] Jack, I...
I can't believe it's you. This is crazy.
You saw him already.
It's why you walked in with me.
She said you were the one who got away.
Didn't say from what.
Kids. Can't take 'em anywhere.
Can I go?
- No, Dylan. We're gonna have a chat first.
- [Dylan] She started it.
And you are?
- Luisa.
- Hi. Mr. Menna.
- Nice to meet you.
- She's not mine, by the way.
Um, she's my sister's.
[school bell rings]
- Oh. There's the bell.
- [Cami chuckles awkwardly]
Kids, you know our school policy.
And you know you both broke it.
This is all my fault.
I, um, told Luisa to fight back.
And fighting back is important.
But with physical violence, guys? Come on.
- [Luisa and Dylan] No.
- No.
- [Cami mumbles]
- So... [snaps fingers]'s a plan.
Starting tomorrow, you both have two weeks
of clean-up
for the breakfast program, okay?
I'm not a morning person.
Are you a breakfast person?
Lucky you.
There are a lot of kids out there
who don't get to eat breakfast at home
because there isn't any.
They count on us to give them
the most important meal of the day.
Can they count on Luisa and Dylan
for just two weeks?
- Yeah.
- [Jack] Yeah?
- [Luisa] Yeah.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Put it there. Get out of here. Go on.
[clicks tongue] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- [Luisa] Bye!
- [chuckles] Bye.
- [Jack sighs] Oh God.
- Listen, um, about what Luisa said...
Oh, the... one that got away?
Don't... Don't do that. I am humiliated.
No, don't be.
I... I think of you the same way.
And that's just who we are to each other.
Is he giving off a vibe?
- Anyway, I gotta... I gotta go.
- [Cami] Oh. Yeah.
But, uh, how about lunch today?
I'm off at one.
[tender music playing]
God, you look beautiful.
You look exactly the same.
That's a vibe.
You got... You got any kids?
Are you...? Are you married?
- No. You?
- No.
Lincoln Park. Our old bench.
Sure. Why not? [chuckles]
I'll bring the wraps.
- Still no mayo?
- You remember.
Ah, let's get each other's number.
- Oh, yeah. Um...
- Right.
[Cami chuckles]
How are your folks?
They ever get remarried?
Um, yes, they did.
- To each other.
- No.
- Mm-hm.
- [Jack] Get out of here.
- Really?
- I'm... I'm being dead serious.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
[Cami] Yeah.
- [Jack] Ah, I'm...
- [Cami] Oh.
[Jack] It's nice to see you.
- Good to see you. Okay.
- This is crazy.
[Cami chuckles]
- There's a pole.
- [Cami] There's... Be careful.
- Go take care of kids.
- [Jack] Okay, bye.
It's only lunch.
Um, guess who works at Luisa's school?
Jack Menna.
He asked me to lunch, and said I look
as beautiful as I did in high school.
Call me back if you wanna know
what I said. Bye, Amalia.
- I have a ten o'clock in here today.
- It's been moved to Studio B.
[rock guitar playing]
Rex Galier?
As in Rex Galier?
I'm sorry. You got Rex Galier?
S... Sorry. Could you close the door
on your way out? Please?
[guitar stops]
How on Earth did we get Rex Galier?
And why didn't you give him to me?
Totally last minute.
Anyway, you got New Bone at 10:00.
Hm. "Where would I put
my best recording engineer?"
"Rock star? Mineral supplement?"
"Hard choice, I don't know what to do."
[laughs] Well, I do. I put my best
recording engineer with my best client.
And the best client is the one that writes
the most checks with the most zeros.
Not that hard.
Should I go easy on him
or let him have it?
So, uh, you agree I'm the best?
Of course you're the best.
Do I think Greg's gonna
hit it out of the park with the Brit? No.
So what? We're never gonna see him again.
Meanwhile, when your ad guy from Spark
shows up in ten minutes,
he's not gonna have the rug
yanked out from under him.
Using your metaphor,
I would be the rug
you don't wanna yank out, right?
Just an expression.
But an apt one.
Maybe you take your rug for granted.
Maybe this rug has hopes and dreams.
Yeah, I hear ya. But you know what?
What? [exhales]
It's a rug. [chuckles]
[chuckles, inhales]
Thanks. [sighs]
For nothing.
[man] You're welcome.
So much for the soft approach.
With New Bone,
age really is just a number.
[woman on recording]
I thought my running days were over,
but with New Bone,
age really is just a number.
[inspiring music plays then stops]
Let's break for lunch.
We'll be back in an hour.
[sucks teeth]
- You okay there?
- [laughs]
- No. Um...
- Yeah.
I'm a bit of a Luddite, actually.
Uh, would you be a dear
and show me how this works?
- Yeah. Um, well...
- [laughs] Ah.
- Take a cup.
- Right. Good start.
Great start.
- Take one of these...
- Here's where I get confused...
- [Cami] And you put it in there.
- [Rex] Oh.
- Lift it.
- Exactly.
- Gotta lift it up.
- Milk's already in.
Press the button and voil.
- [Rex] Voil.
- Magic.
- You're a genius. Thank you so much.
- [chuckles]
Um... so are you a musician or a...
I, uh... I work here.
Oh, right. Yeah.
["Car Wash" playing on cell phone]
- Sorry.
- Oh yeah. Sure thing.
Hey. How you doing?
No, um, the other studio had a bomb scare,
or, uh, termites or something.
[chuckles] No.
No, it's, uh... it's fine here.
Um, very complicated cappuccino machines,
but, uh, very beautiful women,
so, yeah, you know, all's, uh...
All's good.
Ooh, gotta call you back.
Sudden drop in temperature. Bye.
[laughs nervously] Sorry. That was dumb.
Uh, I'm sure you're much more
than a very beautiful...
whatever it is that you do here.
I'm a recording engineer.
Right. Yes. A fine and noble profession.
Mm. Yeah. This one's mine.
I hope you were paying attention.
[laughs] You know I wasn't.
Can you help me out?
[inhales deeply]
Do you want some real help?
[breathes deeply]
The mix on your last hit was a hot mess.
I mean, I'm all for some compression
and a little limiting,
but someone went in there
and strangled the damn thing to death.
You wonder why there's no dynamic range.
I... I mean, the soft sounds
were louder than the loud sounds.
[Rex] Mm.
Wow. [chuckles]
Tell me how you really feel.
[Rex chuckles]
Yeah. No, you might be right.
The teensiest bit mean, if I'm honest,
but... but...
you... you, uh...
yeah, you actually might be right.
I don't even drink coffee. Enjoy.
Yeah, so my first year in Guatemala
was the hurricanes.
[Cami] Mm.
Thousands of people were displaced.
It was 24/7 for months.
And, finally, I get a day off,
go to the coast, and I go surfing.
- And I break my leg in three places.
- No.
Yeah, I wound up recovering at a mission
that also happened to be an orphanage.
Is that when you started working
with kids?
Yeah. So hard to focus though,
because there's so many things to work on
in pretty much every country
around the world.
- I'm so sorry.
- [chuckles] Don't be.
You're their knight in shining armor.
[suspenseful tone plays]
- The knight of swords.
- [Jack] Enough about me.
Your turn. Go.
Um, I spend 50 hours a week
in a recording studio.
- Get out of here. You're a singer?
- I knew you were gonna say that.
- You did it. Cami...
- No. Calm down. Recording engineer.
No, that's so cool.
Wha... What kind of music?
Uh... jingles for heartburn remedies.
Mm, yeah.
- We love heartburn remedies. No.
- [laughs] Stop.
If you can help even one person
end their struggle with heartburn,
you've made a difference.
Well, I do like making a difference, so...
Are you, um, still doing photography?
In fact,
are you busy tonight?
There's a fundraiser for this organization
called Close to Your Heart Coalition,
and some of my photos
are being exhibited and auctioned off.
I'd love for you to... to come,
if you're free.
Oh, I'd love to.
I'm... I'm so sorry. I... I have plans.
You're welcome to bring someone. Friend?
Significant other?
Do I tell him about Paul?
Well, if anything changes...
[tender music playing]
[Cami] Aw.
I thought about you a lot.
For what it's worth.
Me too.
Oh God. Okay.
- Um, I do have a boyfriend.
- Mm.
- Paul.
- Paul?
- [Cami] Paul.
- Hate the guy already.
- No, he's nice! Stop it.
- I'm kidding. I'm sure he is.
He is a divorce attorney,
and we've been together three years.
Do you live together?
Well, no.
But, uh... No. [inhales]
Is something holding you back?
You know what? I... I don't know. I mean...
Probably my parents splitting up
and getting back together.
- Mmm.
- Uh, I don't know.
Maybe I just...
I don't know what "forever" looks like.
What about you? Are you with someone?
No. Noth... Nothing serious.
Not for a while.
[tender music playing]
- Uh, wow, look at the time.
- Didn't even look at your watch.
I did. It's really... It's late. I gotta
get back to a recording session. Oh.
- There's a... a thing there.
- There's a juice.
- Yeah.
- So good to see you.
Great. It...
[chuckles softly]
- [commercial jingle plays over speakers]
- [sighs]
[woman on recording]
They say 60 is the new 40.
With New Bone, I'm starting to believe it.
- [knocks on door]
- Try it yourself...
I've come to steal you away.
Will you do my mix?
Um, unfortunately,
it's... it's not up to me.
Ah. Mm.
I've already cleared it with your boss.
- How?
- [Rex] His daughter's a fan.
I always keep stuff with me in the car.
It didn't come cheap.
Two autographed T-shirts
and a selfie with Dan.
Come on. Let's go.
- [Rex] With you I feel alive
- [background vocals] Oh, oh, oh
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [background vocals] Oh
[Rex] Back to that first night
Holding you changed my life
When I saw you, I knew this was it
[background vocals] Yeah, yeah
Been looking for forever for this
[background vocals] Yeah, yeah
- [Rex] You lit a fire in the dark
- [background vocals] Fire...
It's way overdone,
but I can't say that, right?
Do I play it safe or be brutally honest?
[brass instruments playing in song]
That's a lot of trumpets.
[Rex] Everything you do
- [music stops]
- Um...
Wow. Big, big sound.
What can I say? I'm a fool for love.
[suspenseful tone plays]
The fool.
When you're in love, your feelings,
they... they just explode, you know?
They can't be contained within your heart
or your, um... or your body.
Or, uh... Or your music.
Yeah, the, um, "knock 'em over the head
with your feelings" sound.
Yeah, yeah.
"I'm in love,
and I got a brass section to prove it."
Are you mocking me?
No! No. I...
I totally get what you're going for.
- Cami.
- Mm?
It's not hard for me
to find people who echo my opinions.
It's hard for me to find people who don't.
Okay. Um...
Look, the emphasis in the chorus is off.
Yeah, you've... you've made it
more about you than the woman you love.
[Rex] Hm.
I think you'd get the longing more
if you held out the "you."
Honestly even if you made it
a little higher as well, like, um...
[inhales deeply]
[in higher pitch] All I want is you
All I want is you
Something like that. [chuckles nervously]
Do you want Greg back in here?
Let's make a promise.
You won't ever lie to me,
and I will never lie to you.
- All right?
- Deal.
Yeah. Okay.
- Okay.
- Show me what you have in mind.
- Well...
- ["All I Want Is You" playing]
[claps] Okay. Um...
I think first thing's first, we're gonna
wanna get rid of these background vocals.
Throughout the, um, whole song?
- Yeah, I think so.
- Yeah.
For right now.
There they go. Um...
[Rex] Hey, hey!
I think we're gonna wanna
take out these ad-libs.
No, not the ad-libs.
Yeah, I worked hard on those, actually.
Do you need to leave?
- No.
- You okay?
Yeah. [chuckles]
You're doing great.
[song continues]
Just for kicks,
why don't we just solo these horns?
Yeah, yeah.
- To understand clearly, you like these?
- [horns playing]
That is the correct answer.
So we're gonna take 'em out.
I'm so sorry. They're gone.
[Cami claps hands]
Time for the new vocals.
Come on. Into the booth.
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
["All I Want Is You" playing]
When I saw you, I knew this was it
- Been looking for forever for this
- [Rex] Hm.
- You lit a fire in the dark
- Uh, I tried to build in a sonic shift.
- And all I want is you
- Yeah. Uh, it's interesting. I like it.
- All I want is you
- Uh, maybe add a harmony here.
- [Rex] Everything you do
- [harmonizing] Everything you do
- [Rex] All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex] You light my...
Something like that. [chuckles nervously]
Yeah, that's great.
Great. Should I... mix this version?
Uh, yeah. No, but I was...
I meant your voice. It's beautiful.
Yeah, I was in a band
for, like, ten minutes.
Ah. [chuckles]
And then I developed
some pretty severe stage fright, so...
Do you love what you do?
I know it's a big question.
Do you love what you do?
You know what? Today, I do.
[chuckles] Me too.
- What do you want?
- [inhales]
My dream is to record and produce music
that has something to say.
Um, to be a part of making art
that adds to people's lives.
Long-term, I wanna
be my own boss.
Own my own studio.
- Yeah.
- The dream.
The dream. Exactly.
Well, I'd say if, uh,
that's what you wanna do...
I'm guessing you'll do it.
- You think so?
- Yeah.
- [Cami] Yeah.
- Why not?
Okay. Hey.
- Let's get back to work.
- Yes. [claps] Yes, boss lady.
- What's that one do?
- Hey. Don't touch my board.
- No, I get that.
- Isn't that funny about the other thing?
- It's exactly that.
- It took me a second.
- You're like, "I know what that is."
- "I know what you're talking about."
Uh, this is me. Um, do you want a ride?
No. This is me.
- [laughs awkwardly]
- Oh.
Thank you for requesting me today.
I had a good time.
Yeah. Yeah, I did too. Um...
[Cami laughs awkwardly]
[both laugh awkwardly]
Can I call you?
Sure. Yeah. Um...
- Do you got a phone?
- I do. I have one of those.
Wh... Why don't you put your number in,
and then... I can send you my info.
Yeah, and I can call you.
- Yeah, you can totally call me. [chuckles]
- [laughs]
[typing on cell phone]
Does he mean for work?
He's not asking me out, right?
Do I keep it business
or explain my situation?
I can't believe it was just this morning
you were taking the piss out of me
in the kitchen.
Then you took the piss out of me
in the studio.
- [laughs] Sorry.
- [Rex] No, it was good.
I don't think I've ever met
anyone quite like you, actually.
Thank you.
I, um, have uploaded the file
to your account.
If you have trouble accessing it,
you can just let me know.
- Which is why you have my number.
- Cell phone.
- Yup.
- [Rex] Yeah.
- Exactly.
- [Rex] Of course. [chuckles]
Hey, um... good luck
with the rest of your album.
Thank you. Yeah. Maybe I'll send you
a cut or two. See what you think.
- Yes, that would be amazing.
- Yeah. Till next time.
Till next time.
- Oh.
- Yes.
[Cami chuckles]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Mm.
- [car door closes]
- [car engine starts]
[Paul on voice mail]
Hey, I'm stuck at work.
Uh, I moved Le Comptoir to eight o'clock,
but I'll have to meet you there.
I'm sorry. I love you.
I'll make it up to you.
[cell phone clicks]
I've got a lot to process.
[Cami on speakerphone]
Guys, the psychic was right.
Three cards, three men.
I've been obsessing about Jack all day.
Except for the part
where I wanted to kiss Rex.
Meanwhile, Paul is taking me
to Le Comptoir tonight.
- Wait, tonight?
- [Cami] Yeah.
- [food sizzling]
- Hold on.
Hey. Easy. Maybe you should
just tell Paul what's going on.
Are you kidding me?
Doesn't he deserve to know?
Well, yeah...
- He is about to...
- Hey, Florian. [laughs nervously]
About to what?
Stir the pot.
- Never mind.
- Thank you.
Paul bought a ring.
Oh my God.
How? When?
I don't know. He... He didn't tell me.
But, Cami, Le Comptoir
is a really nice place.
Oh my God. Oh my God. I... I can't go.
I don't wanna be crushing on Jack
as I dig a ring out of my crme brle.
[both laughing]
Stop it. This is not funny.
Sorry. It's not funny.
[both laughing]
Um, well... [sighs]
maybe you could postpone. Right?
And then go to the fundraiser,
and may... maybe that'll
give you some clarity.
- [tender music playing]
- Does that make me a bad person?
Oh, Cami. You couldn't be a bad person
if you tried.
Besides, you're not
in high school anymore.
Don't you owe it to yourself
to see if this is just a fantasy?
And don't you owe it to Paul?
You always say the right thing.
Thank you. I love you. Bye.
- Bye. I love you.
- [cell phone chimes]
[cell phone clicks]
Okay. Easy.
- [line rings]
- [exhales]
Hi. Can we reschedule tonight?
I'm not feeling 100%.
I know. I'm disappointed too.
No, don't cancel the escape room.
I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
Love you too.
And I do.
Hey, Rex. Um, hold on.
Let me put you on speaker.
So you can hear.
Hey, I know it's last minute, but, um,
can you meet me at the studio tonight?
Uh, sorry, is there
something wrong with the mix?
Um, yeah, a bit.
You're not on it.
I wanna record your harmony.
Uh, I'm sorry, uh... Oh!
A... A temp track
till you find a real singer?
Of course not. I want you on the album.
You can't... You can't mean that.
And yet I do. [chuckles]
[mouths] Oh my God.
Oh my... Wow. Um, wow. Wow.
Uh, I'm so flattered, but I've got plans.
How about this weekend?
[inhales] Sorry, no,
I'm off to San Francisco on Saturday.
[sighs] You have no idea
how weird your timing is.
It's now or never. Come on. It'll be fun.
What do you say?
I say yes.
Yes, yes, yes. I am so in.
[chuckles] Brilliant.
[Cami] Uh, you know what?
Not at the studio, though.
I'd have to clear it with Dan,
and I'd rather not.
Uh, come to my house.
I have a home studio.
- I'll text you the address.
- All right. Bye. [chuckles]
[upbeat music playing]
[doorbell rings]
- Hm. Let's do this. Ah. Okay.
- [doorbell rings]
Let's get to work.
All right, so we'll just, um...
- Maybe start two bars before the chorus.
- Okay.
- [Rex] And all I want is you
- [Cami harmonizing] You
That's great.
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
That's really good.
- You light my soul like neon
- You light my soul like neon
- Let me be the one you lean on
- Let me be the one you lean on
Actually, that's nice. I wonder
if I should do that on the first one.
- Go into head voice?
- Oh yeah. Just give it a go.
- Yeah?
- I think it's great.
- [Rex] You light my soul like neon
- You light my soul like neon
- Let me be the one you lean on
- Let me be the one you lean on
- You made me wanna give it all I have
- You made me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- When I saw you I...
- When I saw you I...
- Yeah. That felt good.
- I like that one better.
All right, this next one, right?
This next chorus...
- Yes.
- Do it again, right?
- Okay.
- Um... Um... Just, um...
For this one,
just have a bit more fun with it.
I love that note.
I love when producers give that note.
- The best note.
- Yeah.
Um, I'm gonna give you fun.
Be careful what you wish for.
[Rex] And all I want is
- You
- [Cami harmonizing] You
- [theatrically] All I want is you
- [Rex] All I want is you
Oh, hello.
- [Rex] Everything you do
- [Cami clears throat]
- You can give me, uh, the Grammy now.
- [music stops]
- Yeah, do I send it to the house?
- Yeah, you just...
- Do you have space for it on your shelf?
- [laughs] Yes.
- [laughs] Okay.
- Can't believe I just did that.
Let's do that one, one more time.
Fun. Not that fun.
- [laughs]
- And, uh... [chuckles] I'll be out of here.
You know what? First, I need some tea.
Do you want a cup?
Only if you let me make it.
Americans can't make tea.
Oh. How dare you?
[Rex] Where's your kitchen?
- [humming]
- [water running]
I just spent the last three hours
singing with Rex Galier.
[Rex] Okay, but... but listen.
You are the most stubborn woman
I have ever met.
No, but you... you know I love you,
but, I'm gonna...
It's okay. It's fine, it's fine.
Mum, I gotta go.
Mum, I gotta go.
No, but I have to go.
All right, I love you. Bye.
- [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckles]
It's bollocks.
Oh, so, I bought my mum a new house,
and she's refusing to move in.
See, the sacrifices this woman made
for me and my brothers growing up,
and she says I owe her nothing.
She says it's what a mum's supposed to do.
- ["Car Wash" plays on cell phone]
- Look, she's calling me again.
Uh, you know what? Let me.
[Cami] Please?
Car wash
- All right.
- Thank you.
Sing it...
Hi. Rex's mom?
You don't know me, but I work with Rex,
and can I just say
you must be so proud to have raised
such an appreciative and lovely son.
I mean, what a reflection on you.
So if you think about it,
saying "thank you for my new home,"
is kind of like saying
"damn, I did a good job."
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, sure.
[laughs] Okay.
Yeah. You're welcome.
Okay. [laughs] I love you. Bye.
You're a goddess. How did you do that?
Hey, listen, um, come up to San Francisco
with me this weekend.
You can fly by my private jet.
Um, well...
- Well, uh...
- No, sorry. Not... Not like that.
I was just saying that, um,
I've got this song
that I want you to record with the band.
To make music?
- Nothing more.
- M'kay.
- Do you want something more?
- No. [laughs] Stop it.
I'm in no position to want something more.
This is a no-brainer, right?
But this isn't the time
to bail on Paul, given, you know...
And maybe there's another chance
to see what's there with Jack.
Plus, I'm attracted to Rex,
and I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual,
so that is a big, flashing yellow light.
God, I'm already regretting this, but...
I'm sorry, I just...
I have too much going on right now.
That's all right.
You'll call me if you change your mind?
Yes. Yes, absolutely. M'kay.
- Go on, have your tea before it gets cold.
- [Cami] Oh, thanks.
[water running]
[fanfare ringtone plays]
[inhales deeply]
- [exhales]
- [cell phone chimes]
[chuckles softly]
- [cell phone keys clacking]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
- [cat meows]
- [chuckles]
- [cell phone clicks]
- [sighs]
["Beggin'" by Frankie Valli
& The Four Seasons playing]
Put your loving hand out, baby
Ridin' high when I was king
Played it hard and fast
'Cause I had everything
Walked away
Wonderin' then
But easy come and...
[music fades out]
Oh. Oh. Oh, hey, hey, hey.
Um, uh, North by Northwest.
- Exodus. On the Waterfront.
- Ah. [clicks fingers] Eva Marie Saint.
- Yes. Try that.
- Okay.
Um, any luck figuring out
the White House clue?
- Uh...
- No.
- [in Dutch] No.
- That's okay.
- Keep looking.
- [Paul grunts] Oh.
- Hey, got it.
- Okay. Um...
- [Paul] Uh... Oh, it says...
- Whoo!
[Paul] A-ha. Okay.
Uh, "Premiere night."
"Dress warm, but remember,
it gets pretty hot under the lights."
Well, uh, keywords are, um, "dress warm,"
and "under the lights."
Does "As Time Goes By"
mean anything to anyone?
The song from Casablanca.
- Yes!
- [Amalia] Hm.
- Which is Spanish for "White House."
- [Cami] "White House."
- [Paul] Jinx.
- Jinx. Nothing to do with Washington.
- The clue is on the music.
- Uh, look for a sequence of numbers.
- To open the safe!
- Yes! Oh, this is so much fun.
I'm gonna check out the light. Okay.
[whimsical music playing]
[light switch clicks]
[gasps] Oh!
- Oh, nice.
- Okay. Um...
[gasps] It fits.
Okay, great.
[Cami] Ah!
And something warm for the premiere.
Yeah. Huh.
Come on, come on.
[music builds]
[suspenseful tone plays]
- Find something?
- Uh, no.
- Um...
- [Amalia] Hm?
[Florian speaking indistinctly]
Uh, well, hey, what's... [chuckles]
What's this?
Oh, no, no. Just some prop I found. Um...
You know, it's probably...
It's probably a clue.
Uh, diamond. Queen of diamonds.
That was a thing, right,
in The Manchurian Candidate?
- [Amalia] Uh...
- [laughs]
Cami, did you think I put that there?
Well, um...
maybe, just...
like, a little, for a second [chuckles].
Okay, well, I... Just because I'm curious,
bear with me here,
uh, if that were the case...
It's not, but if that were the case,
your first reaction would be to hide it?
God, I just, um... I just panicked.
It was silly.
Got it. Totally get it.
- You got it.
- [Paul] Yeah.
[Cami] Easy. I was just... [groans]
- I mean, I just... It was... I was...
- [chuckles awkwardly]
You know. Mm. Anyway.
Hey, one last question before we move on.
Just for me.
- Um...
- Yeah, yeah.
Does this have anything
to do with canceling dinner last night?
Like, has something happened, or...
Uh... Um...
Not really.
Not really?
[inhales sharply] I've just, um,
been a little at sea lately.
[scoffs] Have I done something?
Am I working too many late nights, or...
I mean, I'm good at solving puzzles,
but this one... [chuckles awkwardly]
- This one's got me beat.
- We should go.
- Do I tell him about Jack?
- Yes.
You heard that?
[knocks on door]
No, no, no. It's... It's me.
Um, I just feel like
the choices I make right now
have really big consequences.
Figuring out work,
making a commitment to a man.
A man?
To you.
And then...
[groans] Okay, the other day,
I ran into, um, Jack Menna.
Jack, the Guatemala guy from high school?
Yes. Yes. And, I don't know, it...
Ah. [chuckles awkwardly]
It made me feel old.
Um, and it made me feel young.
And it made me feel like...
I... didn't wanna be put on the spot.
- [taps on table]
- Like being proposed to?
No, she didn't mean it like that. I...
Well, I'm just trying to be honest.
I like Paul.
Please say something.
[exhales sharply]
Well, I... I don't want you to feel
put on the spot.
- Um, I mean, this is supposed to be fun.
- I know, I... I...
Something that we should want more of.
- Not less.
- I know.
[tender music playing]
Well, it seems like, um...
[clicks tongue]
[inhales sharply] It seems like maybe
we should take some time apart, then.
What do you think?
Um... [chuckles nervously]
All right, then.
- For how long?
- [Paul] I don't know, Cami.
[clears throat] Open up.
[bangs on door]
Please open up.
- [door opens]
- Paul...
Thank you.
He's right.
About not wanting to be with me?
I believe in you and Paul.
That's not what counts.
- If you don't, you need to let him know.
- [Cami sighs]
Let me know too. He's totally hot.
[footsteps receding]
["In My Head" by Rynn playing]
- I watched you leave
- [sighs]
From the apartment window
I knew it was the last time
I tried to breathe
Pretend I didn't know
I just walked into the fire
- [groans lightly]
- [kids giggling]
How long can you hold on
To something that you don't even have?
How far can you sink into the sand
Until you're out of the sea?
Traditional Mother's Day sushi rolls.
[Cami chuckles]
The kids helped, so you might not wanna
go in the kitchen for, um...
- Well, maybe ever. [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckles]
You know me so well.
Well, that's what love is.
Paying attention
and putting each other first.
Happy Mother's Day.
Hey. Remember how it was for us?
Making out for hours and hours.
[Cami] Mm.
And when we weren't kissing, we were
dreaming about changing the world.
["In My Head" continues playing]
- [Rex] All I want is you
- Oh.
["In My Head" continues playing]
It's all in my head
I see it in my head
- Is it just in my head?
- [chuckles]
[music stops abruptly]
You need someone that you can count on.
You stick with me, kid, and you'll be
recording mouthwash ads until you're 90.
Oh, hell no.
- Whoa!
- Guys, guys, guys!
- [Rex] Settle down.
- [shudders]
It's all in my head
I see it in my head
Is it just in my head?
[Paul sighs]
Cami, these guys
won't love you like I love you.
I go to sleep loving you,
I wake up loving you. And I will forever.
Choose me.
- Nah. No, choose me.
- Come on, choose me.
[Paul] It's us, Cami.
I know you.
We can make beautiful music together.
I can't lose you again.
Oh my God.
It's you, Jack.
It's always been you.
- [exhales]
- [laughs]
It's all in my head
- I see it in...
- Mm!
[exhales sharply]
- [line ringing]
- Please answer. Well, don't answer.
No, please, answer. No. Don't answer.
- [Jack on phone] Cami.
- Oh. Hi. Uh, Jack.
Um, I really was sorry
to miss your exhibit. Is it still up?
Uh, no. No, that was a one-night thing.
Oh. Well, um, next time.
Hey, uh, I don't suppose
you have any interest
in going to Vegas
for a demonstration tomorrow?
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but the guy's raking it in,
so, yeah, we're gonna...
We're gonna do something about it.
Great. Well, not the part
about the kids, obviously.
Um, but... count me in.
[upbeat music playing]
Uh, I'll pick you up at nine.
Okay. Perfect. Bye.
[sighs] I am on a roll.
Time for work.
- [knock on door]
- [door opens]
So, have you spoken to Rex
since we finished working on his mix?
Yeah. Yeah, he was pleased.
A little more than pleased, I would say.
I mean, we've essentially poached him.
[laughs] Yeah. It was great. Well done.
Have a doughnut.
Uh, well, uh, I'll actually pass
on the doughnut for now.
But I would like control of my schedule
and a piece of the gross.
That's not the structure of this company.
You get paid whether we're booked or not.
I don't,
and you don't hear me complaining.
Shut the door on your way out, will ya?
Um, with all due respect,
I'm not complaining either.
I'm asking you for what I want.
[inhales] What I need
is full control of my time
and a cut of my billings
on top of my salary.
Otherwise, I'm moving on.
[suspenseful music playing]
[inhales deeply]
I'll give you a raise.
Ten thousand a year. Take it or leave it.
I'd be taking Rex with me.
He records in San Francisco.
Mm? If I produce him, he'd record here.
That's a big if.
You want the 10,000 or not?
Thank you for putting it that way.
It's time I bet on myself.
It'll give me the freedom
to really pursue my producing,
and maybe even singing and songwriting.
- Ambitious much?
- Yes.
- Hm.
- Wait. You can't just quit.
I'm gonna need some notice.
I'll finish out the day.
Mm. Good.
- Hey... [sighs]
- [door opens]
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I quit.
- Just quit my job.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I quit.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Sunshine is breaking in
I could get used to this
And it goes like
I'm happy
I'm happy
[indistinct chatter]
'Cause I'm happy
[indistinct chatter continues]
Is Paul your lawyer?
Oh, he's my...
- He's a friend.
- Ah.
He's quite a guy.
- I agree.
- [chuckles]
He's in there
with my eight-year-old daughter,
explaining different kinds of custody,
addressing her concerns.
Who does that?
He's got a magic touch with kids.
[suspenseful tone plays]
The magician.
[Paul speaking indistinctly]
Okay? Your mom and dad
brought me in to help out.
- You know?
- Okay.
Just like in school,
if you have a question, feel free to ask.
It's true.
[Paul continues speaking indistinctly]
Hey. Um, I'll meet you in my office
in just a minute.
Yeah. Of course.
Um, of course, yeah.
- Bye.
- [Paul clears throat]
- So...
- Yeah. Great. Smart little girl.
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I quit my job. Yeah.
I, um... I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
Wow. [chuckles]
Well, good for you.
I also wanted to tell you...
Uh, God,
this is gonna be a lot harder. Um...
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow...
to take part in a demonstration.
And the thing is, I'm, um...
I'm going with Jack.
[chuckles softly]
Why are you telling me this?
It felt like a show of good faith to be
transparent with you right now, you know?
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- It's not my place to stop you.
You know? Is that what you want?
For me to stop you?
I... don't know what I want.
Look, I'm sorry
for what I said at the escape room.
It just... It... It... It came out all wrong.
Well, it was honest.
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
- You want guarantees.
- Yeah, I... I do.
[Paul] But it doesn't work that way.
It doesn't.
We make a great team.
And if we commit,
and then we hit a roadblock someday,
well, then,
we'll just figure it out, together.
Paul, you spend all day
with clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
- But we're not those people.
- I don't know.
We're not those people,
and we're not your parents.
I get that. I do.
I just...
need to figure it out for myself first.
You do what you have to do.
But let's stick to the break.
All right? Until we have more clarity.
Yeah, yeah. All right. Yeah.
- Okay.
- [Cami] Okay.
- Yeah, I should go.
- Okay.
How long did we stay up in that tree?
- Seventy-eight hours.
- Seventy-eight? Wow.
- But we saved it.
- [laughs]
You were always up for anything.
And you. You never stopped.
How do you do it?
I actually lost it a few years back.
Yeah, sometimes,
you can't even save the tree.
[inhales deeply]
There's just so much in this world
that needs fixing that
I started to believe
my drop in the ocean didn't matter.
How did you find your way back?
I had to remember that a little bit
is better than nothing.
And then there's the kids.
Since I don't plan on having
any of my own,
the least I can do
is help the ones that are here.
You don't want kids?
You're so amazing with them.
I don't feel the pressing need
to pass along my DNA.
Well, what if one day, hypothetically,
you get married...
...and then your hypothetical wife
wants hypothetical, biological children?
Never say never.
Like a bird set free
I'm finally taking flight
Speaking of which,
you haven't mentioned your boyfriend.
How does he feel
about our going to Vegas together?
We've recently parted ways.
Am I allowed to say I'm glad?
Okay, our first concert?
Pink. At the Wiltern, sophomore year,
and my dad drove.
- Impressive.
- Mm-hm.
Our first kiss?
Oh, front seat of this very car.
I knew it looked familiar.
You always open the door for me.
Always will.
- Thank you.
- [Jack] Stop.
Don't move.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.
[Jack] Still don't like
having your picture taken?
I never know what to do with my face.
- [camera beeping]
- Just act natural.
That is literally impossible now.
No, stop. Stop! Okay, if I pose
for one photo, will you stop?
- Yes.
- Promise?
- I don't like you. Okay. Fine. Fine.
- [Jack] You're gonna be great.
[laughs] What... What is that?
I told you I hate this.
- Uh... [snapping fingers] Zombie.
- Zombie?
Brains. Arms.
[growls] Like, just get ugly.
- [growling]
- [camera clicking]
- Yeah, great.
- I eat brains!
- Perfect. Great.
- Aah!
- [growls] Okay.
- That is terrifying.
You were so good at that.
- [Jack exhales]
- Okay, next one.
- [camera beeps]
- [Jack] That's the one.
- Wow.
- Why zombies? Just why?
I have no idea.
- [Cami laughs]
- But I'd kiss that zombie.
You're ridiculous.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh, yeah. Okay.
- All good.
- I got that.
- Right.
- Yeah.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
Help us help them. Help us help them.
- [Jack] Please.
- [Cami] Help us help the children.
[protestors]...are not for profit.
Children's lives are not for profit.
- [Cami] Help us help the children.
- [Jack] Children are not for profit.
- [crowd screaming]
- Cami.
- [fan 1] You guys! He's here!
- [fan 2] Rex Galier!
- [Rex] Hello. Hello.
- [fan 3] Rex!
- How are you? Nice to meet you.
- [fan 3] Rex!
- [fans clamoring]
- [Rex speaking indistinctly]
Nice to meet you all.
Is that Rex Galier?
Yeah. We... We kind of know each other.
- Ha, look at that.
- [camera shutters clicking]
That's great.
- I love your lip color. That's beautiful.
- [swoons]
Hello. I can't believe it. Here you are.
You are here. It's like fate.
What happened to San Francisco?
Change of plan. I'm actually singing
at a private party for Lucky Lena.
Ooh, you should come
and do your lovely harmony with me.
Uh, I can't. I'm...
I'm protesting.
Lucky Lena's husband runs the worst
refugee shelter in the country.
Ah. No, her ex-husband,
and I can guarantee
he will be nowhere near the party.
Besides, have you heard Cami's voice?
It's beautiful.
Yeah, of course I have.
I've known her since we were 15 years old.
Well, technically, um, not the whole time.
I mean, just if we're... if we're being
technical about it.
What we're doing here is very important.
Yeah. No, no. It seems, you know...
[mock roars]...with the thing.
But it's not really
up to you though, is it? [chuckles]
[imitates English accent]
It's not really up to you either.
- [protestor] Use another casino!
- Yeah.
I can't believe
you think I'm even ready for that.
But obviously,
it's a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.
But it would feel like crossing
a picket line. I've never done that.
Jack, Rex. Rex, Jack.
Cheers, mate.
- I like your music.
- Oh, thanks, man. That means a lot.
Ugh, I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm gonna stay with Jack.
Next time, eh?
Yes. Hopefully, there is a next time.
[fan] Oh my God. It's him!
Look, I didn't... I didn't think you'd go,
but if I ever took you for granted,
I never will again.
[man] Cami!
This is like that dream I had.
Um... Um, that's Paul.
- The guy you're not seeing?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Um...
- Hey, listen.
I... I... I can't live in limbo, okay?
I was so upset that
you haven't been honest with me...
- Well, I... I realize that.
- But... But I haven't been honest either.
Uh, can you give us a minute?
No, let him... let him hear. I don't care.
Look. Hey.
You are the most fun, caring,
passionate, brilliant woman
that I've ever met,
and I want you on my team forever.
When you told me that you were coming here
yesterday, I thought I'd lost you.
And I let you walk out the door anyway.
I don't know why I'm so afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you.
Oh. Oh my God.
- I love you. I believe in us.
- [woman 1] Did you see that?
- [woman 2] So adorable.
- That's guarantee enough for me.
[Cami] Um... Oh, okay. You're really...
- You're, um... Oh, you're doing this.
- [Paul] Uh-huh.
Will you marry me?
Wait. Wait. Before you give him an answer...
- I'm sure you're a great guy.
- I am a great guy.
What we had,
that wasn't a fluke or... or puppy love.
That was... That was real.
I don't wanna see you
slip out of my life again.
God, this is gonna...
this is gonna sound crazy,
but if I don't say it now,
I might not... get another chance.
I love you.
[chuckles sadly]
Do you sense a pattern here?
Like, am I the most resistible
irresistible woman ever?
I think you're feeling it too.
It's Jack and Cami. Always will be.
Three years. Thursday.
Three years. Thursday.
Um... Uh...
This is the craziest it's gotten, right?
[Cami sighs]
I love you.
- Yes?
- [laughs] Yes!
[Paul] Oh.
[tender music playing]
- Um...
- Yeah.
Looks like congratulations are in order.
You and I had a great past.
No small thing.
Paul is my future.
I'm happy for you.
You're a lucky man.
Get in here.
[Cami sighs]
[Cami] Bye.
I'm not gonna give you
the chance to change your mind.
Oh, okay.
["So Marvelous" by Danger Twins playing]
We are in Vegas.
We are in Vegas.
- But we gotta do it right.
- Ooh.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Um, I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
- I love that you're here. [chuckles]
- [officiant chuckles]
Do we have a ring?
- Oh yes. Yes, we do.
- [Cami chuckles]
[Paul clears throat]
[inhales deeply]
Sorry, I'm a little nervous.
[Paul exhales]
[exhales sharply]
[rhythmic tender music playing]
Wait a minute. Is that the ring
from the escape room?
Oh, that totally didn't register.
Oh my God, what I've put you through.
Totally worth it.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be.
[Cami sighs]
- Do you, Paul Swartz...
- [Paul clears throat]
...take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- [chuckles]
Well, I pronounce you husband and wife!
[laughing] Oh my God.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Thank God.
Nobody does it like we do
- [Amalia] Whoo!
- [Florian] Hooray!
No turning back now.
- Nobody does it like we do
- We do
- Nobody does it like us
- Nobody does it like us
Jaw dropping, no stopping
It's just so marvelous
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
So marvelous
Just comes so natural
Now that we've got it all
Eh, eh, I'm really into this
Eh, eh, I'm... [fades out]
- Okay, uh, bad news.
- [music builds then stops]
The ten of cups
is a really, really positive card.
Unless it's upside down.
[laughs nervously]
[Cami] Huh.
You may encounter a child
in threatening circumstances.
If you give them courage, you could make
a significant difference in their life.
[exhales sharply] Okay.
Um... who are these guys?
Well, these guys are your suitors.
That's the knight of swords,
the magician, and the fool.
But there's only Paul.
Not for long.
[Paul] Okay. Um...
- Ooh, that creepy nightmare that you had.
- Ostrich.
- Um, "Do not pass go."
- Monopoly.
- Yes!
- Yes.
Uh... I... I... Um...
Okay! Flip-flops in the shower at the gym.
- Oh, athlete's foot.
- Come on!
Yes! Yes.
- Time's up!
- [Cami] Oh-ho-ho!
[Amalia] Oh! Guys, that was...
Mm, mm, mm, hey, hey, hey
Diggie, diggie, ow!
Okay. Nobody likes a sore winner.
Oh, I don't know. I do.
- Mwah.
- [Cami] Mm.
You guys are loud.
- [Paul] Hey there, sport.
- Hi.
[in Dutch] Hey, sweetie.
Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Come here.
Aunt Cami and Paul won, right?
Ugh, I love this kid.
You need to go back to bed, missy.
It's a school night.
But school starts late tomorrow, remember?
Oh, damn.
Ah, I have an early meeting tomorrow.
Hey, I'll take Luisa
if I can have the last brownie.
I'll see you in the morning.
This was fun.
- For some people, yeah.
- Hey! [laughs]
[laughs] I mean, if you can't take it...
- I love you so much.
- [Amalia] Love you too.
- [Florian] Nice to see you.
- [Amalia] Thank you.
[upbeat music playing]
[kids chattering and laughing]
So, every year, on the same day,
we put fresh new batteries
into all the smoke alarms,
and that day is today.
So we never have to worry about fire?
Well, no, not exactly. Um...
In the stars
Oh my God.
Like it's destined
All good things return
Who's Jack?
The one that got away.
We were lab partners in chemistry.
He's the reason I'm a vegetarian.
Last time I saw him,
we were crying at the airport.
He was heading off to Guatemala
to save the world,
and I was heading off to NYU.
We just met too young.
I'm going in with you.
I'm eight. They're gonna make fun of me.
[clicks tongue] Well, I've gotta say hi.
- Hold my hand.
- [Luisa groans]
Look at little baby Luisa.
Do you have a dirty diaper, baby?
Ugh, pee-ew.
- She does.
- Shut up!
Poopy Luisa! Poopy Luisa!
- I mean, please...
- [boy] Loser!
I told you!
Well, you can't let the bullies win.
You may encounter a child
in threatening circumstances.
If you give them courage, you could make
a significant difference in their life.
What am I supposed to do?
You need to be strong.
And there are lots of ways to be strong.
[sighs] Usually, the best way
to deal with bullies is to ignore them.
- Be like a rock in the stream.
- [Zen music playing]
Let the water flow around you, Zen-like.
[music distorts then stops]
Better go, you're gonna be late.
Come on. [sighs]
- Um...
- Cami?
- [Cami] Hi.
- Oh my God!
- [Cami laughing]
- [Jack grunts]
- This is wild.
- [Cami laughs]
Uh, what are you...
what are you even doing here?
My niece goes here.
Amalia's daughter?
Uh, yes. Um, is she in your class?
No. No.
Uh, I... I can't...
I teach English as a second language.
- Oh, that's lovely.
- [school bell rings]
No. Ah. Mm. Mm.
- I gotta go.
- Yes. Of course.
How about lunch? I'm off at one.
Been thinking about you
ever since I got back to LA.
- [tender music playing]
- Is he giving off a vibe?
You look beautiful.
Like every bit as... Ah, you look
exactly the same, it's not even possible.
That's a yes.
Are you married?
You got any kids of your own, or...
No. You?
No. No.
Lincoln Park. Our old bench.
Sure. Yes, why not?
I'll bring the wraps. Still no mayo?
You remember.
- Let's get each other's number.
- Yes. Yes, of course.
- Okay.
- Ah, this is...
- Ah.
- Here you go.
How are your folks?
They ever get remarried?
Yes, actually. Um, to each other.
- No.
- Yes.
[Jack] Wow. Wow.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
- I'm gonna give your phone back.
- [Cami] Yes.
- And then I gotta go teach some kids.
- [inhales]
- [chuckles] Okay.
- It's so good to see you.
So good to see you.
- [Jack sucks teeth]
- [Cami chuckles]
[sighs] Hm.
It's only lunch.
[music fades]
I shouldn't go, right?
I can't.
[clicks tongue]
Another time.
But let's... let's exchange numbers.
- Yeah.
- Yes, of course. Yes.
Hey, how are your, uh... your folks?
They ever get remarried?
Um, yes, they did.
- To each other.
- No.
- Mm-hm.
- [Jack] Get out of here.
- Really?
- I'm... I'm being dead serious.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
Uh, are you... are you free tonight?
Some of my photographs
are being auctioned off
to benefit
a child poverty organization, so...
Would love for you to come,
if you're free.
Uh, I... I wish I could,
but I've got plans.
Well, if anything changes...
- I gotta...
- [Cami] Uh... Yeah. [chuckles]
- Oh.
- It was lovely seeing you.
It was so good seeing you.
- Yeah.
- [Cami] Yeah.
[tender music playing]
I shouldn't go, right?
I can't.
Another time.
But let's exchange numbers.
Yes. Yes, of course.
Obviously. Yes. [sighs]
How are your folks doing?
They, uh... They ever get remarried?
Yeah. Um, to each other.
- No.
- [Cami chuckles] Yes.
- Wow. Wow.
- Yeah. I'm still getting used to it.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
Are you free tonight?
Uh, some of my photographs
are being auctioned off
to benefit a child poverty organization.
You could totally come.
I wish I could, but I...
- [inhales deeply] I've got plans.
- Okay. Well, if they change...
[Cami chuckles]
Ah, this is... Yeah.
It was so good seeing you.
So good to see you.
- [Jack sighs]
- [Cami laughs]
[tender music playing]
[breathes deeply]
He's so good.
I have no interest in being a rug,
or a doormat,
or anything at all for that matter
that people walk on.
It's an expression.
You know what else is an expression?
"Bite me."
Yeah, okay.
[whimsical music playing]
- You can go.
- Yeah.
I will.
- Watch your step.
- I will also do that.
Thank you for caring.
"Bite me." That's telling him.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Damn. Rex is even hotter in person.
[inhales, exhales]
Oh, I'd be meeting Jack
for lunch right now.
[clicks tongue]
"Helping the world, one child at a time."
[chuckles softly, inhales]
Like some knight in shining armor.
[pensive music playing]
The knight of swords.
Mm. Nope. No. You made the right choice.
No good could come of it, so thank you.
I don't need closure.
I'm in love with Paul.
That doesn't mean I'm never gonna be
attracted to another man.
Or two.
Um, you just avoid temptation.
Like this.
[footsteps approaching]
[upbeat music playing]
- [music ends]
- No judgment.
- [tender music playing]
- [breathes deeply]
- I... I have to admit...
- Mm.
...when we said goodbye at the airport,
I never thought
that would be the last time I saw you.
Me neither.
I'm right here, Cami.
We were kids, Jack.
That we were.
We don't know each other anymore.
We could change that.
[tender music playing]
- Wow. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
- Um...
- Oh. Oh!
- Didn't see that coming. Um...
- [exhales sharply]
Oh, it must be the, um...
It must be the bench.
Not the bench.
Uh, sorry. I gotta get back
for a recording session.
Yeah. Totally.
Uh, well, text me
if you can make it later tonight.
Or if you wanna take this
to the next level.
Which is lunch inside.
Oh. Okay.
Bye. [chuckles] Okay.
Uh, I'll see you. Bye.
- You're... You're going the wrong way.
- [Cami] Oh. Yep.
Amalia, I kissed him.
Him, being Jack. Not Paul, my boyfriend.
I'm a terrible person.
Just, um, what's the opposite of closure?
- Call me back.
- [cell phone clicks]
Oh, sorry.
I've... I've gotta go back for a session.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- [Cami] Um...
- Uh, text me...
- Oh.
...if, uh, you can make it
after all tonight.
Yes. Of course.
Or if you wanna take this
to the next level.
Which is lunch inside.
Oh. Okay.
Bye. [chuckles] Okay.
Uh, I'll see you. Bye.
- You're... You're going the wrong way.
- [Cami] Oh. Yep.
um, what's the opposite of closure?
- Call me back.
- [cell phone clicks]
This could bite me in the ass.
Okay, listen,
you are too talented of an artist
to bury your voice under all those tracks.
Especially a love song.
I mean, come on.
If I'm the woman you love,
I don't wanna be distracted
by all that noise.
[Cami breathes deeply]
That noise?
[mellow guitar music playing]
[worried groan]
What's Dan's extension?
- Oh, um... Uh, 302.
- Ah.
[phone beeping]
That's not a good sign.
Don't worry, I'm not blaming you.
Hey, listen. Uh, look, this Cami,
she's the real deal.
I'll... I'll make Sound Scene
my home in Los Angeles
if I can work with her exclusively.
Think about it. Goodbye.
[phone beeps]
I would have blamed you.
Are you about to kiss me?
Because I have to tell you,
I'm pretty much on overload right now.
I just ran into my high school boyfriend,
who I haven't
really completely ever gotten over.
And he invited me to his exhibit tonight,
but I can't go because I'm going out
with my grown-up boyfriend.
Plus, I met you, and I am getting
this vibe, and I'm kind of feeling it too.
And yesterday, a psychic told me
I was gonna have three suitors.
And it's just an awful lot to process.
Yeah. Wow.
I actually wasn't gonna kiss you.
Just because, you know,
I trust we'll work again together soon.
Oh, okay.
But do I wanna kiss you?
That's a different question.
Bye. Okay.
- Bye.
- Yep. Bye.
- Feeling it, too, eh?
- Yeah, okay, bye.
Bye, bye, bye. Bye. Goodbye.
[sighs] Oh my God.
[cell phone chimes]
[car engine starts]
[Paul on voice mail]
Hey, I'm stuck at work.
Uh, I moved Le Comptoir to eight o'clock,
but I'll have to meet you there.
I'm sorry. I love you.
I'll make it up to you.
I've got a lot to process.
[Cami on speakerphone]
Guys, the psychic was right.
Three cards, three men.
I've been obsessing about Jack all day,
which is totally my own fault,
because I kissed him.
I mean, I stopped almost
as soon our lips touched, but even so.
Ugh, I'm so confused.
At least I didn't kiss Rex,
but, huh, I wanted to.
Meanwhile, Paul is taking me out
to Le Comptoir tonight.
- Wait, tonight?
- [Cami] Yeah.
- [food sizzling]
- Hold on.
Hey. Easy. Maybe you should
just tell Paul what's going on.
Are you kidding me?
Doesn't he deserve to know?
Well, yeah, but...
- He is about to...
- Hey, Florian. [laughs nervously]
About to what?
Stir the pot.
- Never mind.
- Thank you.
Paul bought a ring.
Oh my God.
How? When?
I don't know. He... He didn't tell me.
But, Cami, Le Comptoir
is a really nice place.
Oh my God. Oh my God. I... I can't go.
I don't wanna be crushing on Jack
as I dig a ring out of my crme brle.
[both laughing]
Stop it. This is not funny.
Sorry. It's not funny.
[both laughing]
Um, well... [sighs]
maybe you could postpone. Right?
And then go to the fundraiser,
and may... maybe that'll
give you some clarity.
- [tender music playing]
- Does that make me a bad person?
Oh, Cami. You couldn't be a bad person
if you tried.
Besides, you're not
in high school anymore.
Don't you owe it to yourself
to see if this is just a fantasy?
And don't you owe it to Paul?
You always say the right thing.
Oh, uh, Cami?
Don't kiss him, okay?
You know?
Got it.
Thank you. [chuckles] Okay. Love you. Bye.
Bye. I love you.
[cell phone clicks]
Okay. Easy.
- [line rings]
- [exhales]
Hi. Can we reschedule tonight?
I'm not feeling 100%.
I know. I'm disappointed too.
No, don't cancel the escape room.
I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
Love you too.
And I do.
Hey, Rex. Um, hold on.
Let me put you on speaker.
So you can hear.
Hey, I know it's last minute, but, um,
can you meet me at the studio tonight?
I know you have plans
with your, uh, "grown-up boyfriend,"
but, um, you didn't really
wanna do that anyway, did you?
[Cami] Um...
Is there something wrong with the mix?
Um, yeah, a bit.
You're not on it.
I wanna record your harmony.
Uh, I'm sorry, uh... Oh!
A... A temp track
till you find a real singer?
I wouldn't intrude upon
your confusing love life for that.
No, I... I want you on the album.
You can't... You can't mean that.
And yet I do. [chuckles]
[mouths] Oh my God.
Oh! Oh wow!
Look, I'm on my way
to San Francisco on Saturday
and tomorrow's completely booked,
so it's now or never.
Wouldn't your boyfriend understand
if you bailed?
I already did.
[Rex laughs] Oh, you've been busy.
It'll be fun. What do you say?
You know what? I... I wish I could,
but I've got some unfinished business
I've really gotta put to bed.
That sounds intriguing.
And a wee bit naughty.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
[inhales deeply]
[upbeat music plays over speakers]
[indistinct chattering]
You made it.
[chuckles] I'm as surprised as you are.
These are all yours?
Uh, hopefully not by the end of the night.
[Cami chuckles]
They're lovely.
They're Nepali.
- This little rock star is Apsara.
- [Cami chuckles]
And that is her big sister, Etisha.
- What a beautiful name.
- Mm.
It's Sanskrit.
And it means "beginning after the end."
[Cami] Hm.
When something ends,
you don't usually think it'll begin again,
do you?
Life is full of surprises.
And anyway,
Etisha there... is a very optimistic child.
I love how you say Etisha is optimistic,
not was optimistic.
Like... she's still in your life.
Well, she's still in my head.
All these kids are.
- They've been through some rough stuff.
- [Cami] Mm.
But they're still so full of hope.
I wish I could help.
How would you like to come
to a demonstration with me on Saturday?
[Cami] Mm.
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but he's raking it in.
The less he spends on the kids,
the more he... makes.
[sighs] Don't get me started.
Oh, that's awful.
We're gonna picket one of his hotels.
The Lucky Lena.
Bring attention to the shelter,
take collections, talk to the press.
It's in Vegas.
Do you wanna... Do you wanna come?
I can't go to Las Vegas this weekend.
I can bid on this photograph.
Okay. Opening bid, $50.
250 buys it outright.
Fifty could start a bidding war,
but then I might not get it.
Does it come with a frame?
Yeah. You take it off the wall
and you take it home.
What do you say, girls?
Wanna come home with me?
- [falsetto voice] Yes.
- [Cami chuckles]
[inhales deeply] Okay.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You mind? Thank you.
[Cami] Oh.
Oh, okay. Yeah.
Go big or go home, right?
[both laugh]
I'm sorry.
- Wow.
- [Cami chuckles]
Don't go home.
I'm sorry.
You have someone in your life,
and I'm trying not to cross the line here,
but it's just...
Can we... Can we talk for a sec?
["Let It Hurt"
Cami, you're not a was to me.
You're an is.
It's alive,
and it's... it's kicking for me.
Is it for you, at all?
There you are.
I've got a major donor.
They wanna know if you'd take
a photoshoot with their kids.
At the beach, everyone in white.
Can't talk right now.
Oh, copy that.
[Cami sighs]
You don't have to answer that.
I feel it too.
So I'm not delusional.
- [Cami sighs]
- [Jack chuckles]
I guess our timing's always been off.
Anyway, you've got my number.
- I gotta go.
- Of course. Yeah.
Let it hurt
Let it bleed
It feels like I lost him all over again.
Feel it all...
Okay, yesterday, a psychic told me...
- [chuckles]
- ...a childhood dream of mine
was about to become a reality, so... Mm.
- Would that be flying on a private jet?
- No!
Being a real singer.
You are... You are a real singer though.
- It'll be fun.
- [Cami inhales]
Ah, it'll... it'll be fun.
Okay, yes. Yes, I would love to.
It's always been
a childhood dream of mine.
- What? To fly in a private jet?
- No.
Being a real singer.
You are... You are a real singer though.
- It'll be fun.
- [inhales]
Ah, it'll... it'll be fun.
They're lovely.
They're Nepali.
- This little rock star is Apsara.
- [Cami chuckles]
And that is her big sister, Etisha.
- What a beautiful name.
- Mm.
It's Sanskrit.
And it means "beginning after the end."
[Cami] Hm.
When something ends,
you don't usually think it'll begin again,
do you?
Life is full of surprises.
And anyway,
Etisha there... is a very optimistic child.
I love how you say Etisha is optimistic,
not was optimistic.
Like... she's still in your life.
Well, she's still in my head.
I mean, all these kids are.
- They've been through some rough stuff.
- [Cami] Mm.
But so full of hope.
[Cami] You definitely capture that.
So, where are you off to next?
I'm not sure.
Uh, there's a job in DC
that I'm hoping to get.
It's with
the National Immigrant Justice Center.
He's great, right?
- [sighs]
- Tell me about you.
All I know so far
is that you have a... a niece.
So, uh, what do you do?
Um, I am a recording engineer,
mostly for commercials.
[Jack] Mm-hm.
I'm not changing the world like you.
I... I always thought
I'd end up doing something meaningful.
How did I get lost
in the shuffle of my twenties?
Well, it's never too late, Cami.
I mean, how would you like to join me
at a demonstration on Saturday?
[Cami] Mm.
This, uh...
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but he's raking it in.
The less he spends on the kids,
the more he... makes.
[sighs] Don't get me started.
Oh, that's awful.
We're gonna picket one of his hotels.
The Lucky Lena.
Bring attention to the shelter,
take collections, talk to the press.
It's in Vegas.
Do you wanna... Do you wanna come?
I can't go to Las Vegas this weekend.
- I'm gonna check out the trunk.
- [Paul] Yeah.
[gasps] Ooh!
Hello there. [chuckles]
[light switch clicks]
[Cami grunts]
Oh, that does not seem to work.
Oh, hey, hey.
Uh, will this work?
- It might.
- [Paul] Well, let's give it a shot.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
[Cami] Okay.
[gasps] It fits.
Okay, great.
[Cami] Ah!
And something warm for the premiere.
Yeah. Huh.
That is very generous. Thank you.
You're welcome.
- There you go.
- Oh. That's great, thanks.
Go big or go home, right?
Don't go home.
Can we... Can we talk for a sec?
["Let It Hurt" playing]
Look, Cami, you're not a was to me,
but you're an is.
And it's alive, and it's... It's kicking.
Is it... Is it for you, at all?
There you are.
I've got a major donor.
They wanna know if you'd do
a photoshoot with their kids.
They're a big get. I'd love to set it up.
Can't talk right now.
[woman] Okay.
You don't have to answer that.
You'll always be the one that got away.
Jack, please. We're gonna lose him.
Please don't move.
I just need to know
That you're still here
So let it hurt
Let it bleed
Feel it all lose everything
[song fades]
Can we... Can we talk for a sec?
["Let It Hurt" playing]
Cami, you're not a was to me.
You're an is.
It's alive, and it's...
It's kicking for me.
I mean, is this
when I tell him about Paul?
I have a habit of comparing every woman
to you, and it's a high bar.
I thought I was kidding myself,
but I wasn't.
we don't know each other anymore.
We could change that.
Beginning after an end, yeah?
Is this okay?
I'm not alone
But I'm not in the clear
Um, I'm sorry. I just... I... Well, I...
It's a little complicated.
Um, I should go.
So let it hurt
I'm a terrible person.
- Let it bleed
- [sighs]
To you.
Well, I... I don't have those doubts
about you. At least I didn't.
I... I'm...
just trying to figure things out.
[whispers] I like Paul.
Please say something.
[exhales sharply]
Well, I... I don't want you to feel
put on the spot.
- Um, I mean, this is supposed to be fun.
- I know, I... I...
Something that we should want more of.
- Not less.
- I... I know.
[tender music playing]
Well, it seems like, um...
Maybe we should take
some time apart, then.
What do you think?
Um... [chuckles nervously]
All right, then.
- For how long?
- [Paul] I don't know, Cami.
[clears throat] Open up.
[bangs on door]
Please open up.
- [door opens]
- Paul...
Thank you.
You'll always have
a special place in my heart.
I'm not alone
- What we had was...
- Yeah.
But I'm not in the clear
[Jack] So...
I'm firmly past tense for you?
So let it hurt
I'd still love to be friends though.
Me too.
Feel it all
Lose everything
Let it hurt
Let it bleed
[gasps] I, um...
I have a boyfriend.
I'm not alone
You buried the lead.
I know. You're right.
You're... You're absolutely right.
I'm so sorry. I just, um...
Uh, I... I should go.
So let it hurt
I'm a terrible person.
- ["In My Head" playing]
- [chuckles] It's you, Rex.
[both chuckling]
- [Cami moans]
- [Rex] Mm!
[exhales sharply]
Time to shake things up.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [sighs]
- Okay.
- [line ringing]
Please answer.
Don't answer.
Please answer.
Don't answer.
- You've rung Rex Galier. Leave a message.
- Voicemail. Hm.
- [line beeps]
- Hi. Um, it's Cami Conway.
Uh, you told me to call
if I changed my mind about Saturday,
so I, um...
Hopefully, you haven't changed your mind,
and we can make beautiful music together.
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
- ["In My Head" playing]
- It's you, Paul.
I'm so sorry
it took me this long to be sure.
were always worth waiting for.
It's all in my head
I see it in my head
[chuckles] Damn.
["All The Way Up"
by J. Pollock ft. Manwell playing]
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Be bold.
Done. Okay.
[music ends]
["All The Way Up" playing]
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Be bold.
Okay, doing it.
[cell phone keys clacking]
[cell phone chimes]
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
[exhales sharply]
- [line ringing]
- Please answer. Well, don't answer.
No, please answer. No, don't answer.
- [Jack on phone] Cami.
- Oh. Hi.
Uh, Jack,
um, I really was sorry
to miss your exhibit. Is it still up?
Uh, no. No, that was a one-night thing.
Oh. Well, um, next time.
Hey, uh, I don't suppose
you have any interest
in going to Vegas
for a demonstration tomorrow?
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but the guy's raking it in,
so, yeah, we're gonna...
We're gonna do something about it.
[sighs] Tomorrow?
You won't believe this,
but I'm going to San Francisco
to sing with Rex Galier and his band.
I'm gonna play mahjong with Beyonc
on Sunday, so that doesn't work anyway.
[laughs] No, it's real.
Well, if you come with me,
you'll get to walk around in circles
for hours holding a sign.
[Cami sighs]
- Count me in.
- Cool.
Uh... [snaps fingers]
I'll pick you up at nine?
["All The Way Up" playing]
- Okay.
- [Jack] All right.
- [cell phone clicks]
- [exhales] Okay.
[exhales deeply]
[cell phone chimes]
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
Time to shake things up.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Okay.
[cell phone keys clacking]
[cell phone chimes]
[birds chirping]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, Rex. Um, I... [chuckling]
I was just thinking about you too.
Yes, singing, obviously.
[inhales deeply]
Do I wanna go with you to San Francisco
to record with your band?
On your private jet?
- Oh, this choice is mine.
- [upbeat music playing]
Uh, yes, I would love to.
Okay. Um, thank you. See you tomorrow.
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
- Be bold.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Okay.
- [cell phone clicks]
[cell phone keys clacking]
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
I'm sorry. I... I just can't.
I guess our timing is still off.
Call me sometime.
I will.
[indistinct chatter]
Twenty thousand,
and I control my schedule.
Fifteen. And I have final say.
I'm gonna wean Spark off of me
and give them to Greg.
Nice and slow.
- I don't want them to get the bends.
- Deal.
[whimsical music playing]
[Cami] Oh.
- Great doughnuts.
- [Dan] I know.
- They're good doughnuts.
- [door closes]
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I got a raise.
- Just got a raise.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I got a raise.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I quit.
- Just quit my job.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I quit.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I got a raise.
- Just got a raise.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I got a raise.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I quit.
- Just quit my job.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I quit.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I got a raise.
- Just got a raise.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I got a raise.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
I quit. I quit!
I may go broke, but nonetheless, I quit.
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What... What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I don't know. When they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning, I guess.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I quit my job today.
- You...
- [Cami] I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
And I only did that because you told me
to figure out what I want... so I did.
That's great. That's good...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold... hold that thought.
Oh, okay. I'm gonna be holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- [Paul] No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
You managed to have a happily ever after
with each of my beautiful men.
The fool.
The magician.
The knight of swords.
There you are
Proving me wrong
In ways that only you can
Do ya read my mind?
Is that how you do it?
Do it every time
I'm electrified
Buzzin' in my bones
There ain't no way around
The way I'm feeling now
I like that
Do, do, do, do, do, yeah
Every single thing about it
I like that
Do, do, do, do, do, yeah
I like, I like, I like, I like that
- This could be
- This could be
Revolutionary healing for my soul
Oh, oh, oh
- You're wakin' up
- You're wakin' up
All the better parts of me
Thought I let go
Do ya read my mind?
Is that how you do it?
Do it every time
I'm electrified
Buzzin' in my bones
There ain't no way around
The way I'm feeling now
I like that
Thank you for sticking by me.
I could not have done this without you.
Every single thing about it
I like that
I like, I like, I like, I like that
I quit. I quit!
I may go broke, but nonetheless, I quit.
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What... What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I don't know. When they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning, I guess.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I quit my job today.
- You...
- [Cami] I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
And I only did that because you told me
to figure out what I want... so I did.
That's great. That's good...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold... hold that thought.
Oh, okay. I'm gonna be holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- [Paul] No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
God, I... I don't know.
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I guess when they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I almost quit my job today.
But I wound up getting a big raise
and a lot more control.
I'm moving forward.
I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
Well, that's... [chuckles] That's great.
I'm... I'm... That's...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold that thought.
Oh, okay. Holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- [Paul] No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
God, I... I don't know.
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I guess when they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I almost quit my job today.
But I wound up getting a big raise
and a lot more control.
I'm moving forward.
I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
Well, that's... [chuckles] That's great.
I'm... I'm... That's...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold that thought.
Oh, okay. Holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
[inhales] I quit my job.
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
[chuckles] Wow.
[Cami] Yeah.
Well, good for you.
And I'm going to San Francisco
to sing with Rex Galier's band.
I have so many questions.
[chuckles] That's amazing, Cami.
I know. I... I had to tell you.
And, um, since I'm gonna be
gone this weekend,
I wanted you to know why.
I appreciate that.
I'm sorry for what I said
at the escape room.
It... It came out all wrong.
Well, it was honest.
[inhales deeply]
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
You want guarantees.
I do.
It doesn't work like that.
Look, you and I are a great team.
And if we commit,
and then hit a roadblock someday,
then we'll figure it out together.
Paul, you spend all day
talking to clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
We're not those people,
and we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need
to figure it out for myself first.
[Paul] Well, you do what you have to do.
Let's stick to the break
until we have more clarity. Okay?
- [tender music playing]
- Okay.
I should go.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Talking at the party, laughing later
Starting to get personal
- Oh, some libations.
- [stewardess] There you go.
- Cheers.
- Thank you. Ooh! Okay, hold on.
- [Rex] There she goes. There she goes.
- Ooh! Okay, wow!
- Wanna come back and have a sip?
- [Cami] I'm gonna come back. Thanks.
- [laughs] Hey.
- Cheers.
Cheers. Mm.
Right, so we have a tradition
that when the seatbelt light goes off,
we play Truth or Dare.
For real? Or are you just messing with me?
I am messing with you.
But it is your turn. Truth or Dare?
That wasn't a turn.
Oh, you asked me a question,
and then I said the truth.
But you had just lied.
But then I told you the truth.
My jet, my rules.
- What'll it be?
- Um...
[Cami inhales deeply]
Why are you so afraid of singing?
- [Cami groans, sighs]
- [Rex laughing]
- Should've given me a trigger warning.
- [Rex] Yeah.
- Oh, it's that bad, huh? Yeah?
- Uh, yeah. Um...
Go on.
Okay, uh... it's my sister's wedding.
- Right.
- [Cami] I'm the maid of honor.
- Naturally.
- I gave a speech.
And then, as a special treat
for the 175 people,
I sing with the band,
because I'm the singer in the family.
Of course. Yes.
So... what did we sing?
- "Rolling in the Deep."
- Oh, I adore Adele.
- You'd love her.
- Ah, she wouldn't love me.
I... I murdered her song.
No, I just... I never found the pitch.
[inhales deeply]
And then what happened?
No, no, no. I... I never found it.
Like I came in on the wrong note
and just started flailing around.
Never came close.
Oh my God. Feel my hands.
I'm getting clammy just thinking about it.
- [Rex] You are a bit clammy.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
[Cami laughs]
Um, so that's it?
That's the reason... That's the reason
why you don't sing anymore?
I don't know.
We... We don't all bounce back
so easily from total humiliation.
Okay. Truth or dare?
- Ooh, dare. Yeah. 100%.
- Hm.
[whimsical music playing]
Which should we make him do?
Are there any parachutes onboard?
- Maybe?
- [Cami] Mm?
I was hoping to survive this little game,
thank you very much.
Oh, okay, just so I know,
you prefer looking ridiculous
over putting yourself in danger?
- I have no shame.
- [Cami laughs]
All right.
With your best ballet technique,
perform the death of the girl swan
in Swan Lake.
I didn't bring my tights,
but we will have to make do.
- Okay. I'll get the music.
- [Rex] Okay.
Oh. I need a tutu, obviously.
["Swan Lake, Excerpt Scene"
playing over speakers]
[both laughing]
Ah. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.
Interesting. [laughing]
Ooh. Ooh.
[both laughing]
I feel like I could do a jump.
- [Rex grunts]
- [Cami laughs]
[Rex laughs]
Do swans cough?
- [coughing]
- Oh.
- Oh, okay.
- [groaning]
[laughing] Stop!
Thank you very much.
Oh, bravo! Brav...
Oh, should I say brava! Brava!
To the crowd.
[both laughing]
How long have you lived in San Francisco?
Um, I don't. Um, I just, uh...
I just record there.
Okay, so where is home?
- Home? Mm.
- [Cami] Mm.
Nowhere, everywhere, you know.
I stay in hotels mostly.
But where do you keep your socks?
On my feet. [chuckles]
Wait, I'm... I'm sorry. Um...
[inhales deeply]
You don't have a big rock star mansion
with seven swimming pools and a helipad?
- No, no.
- [Cami] Really?
No, I, um... I'm always on the move.
I, uh, go wherever I want,
whenever I want.
- Uh, only have to please myself.
- Mm.
- [Rex] I'm like... Okay, I'm like a turtle.
- [laughing] Oh, my...
Stay with me.
- I have this intensely extravagant shell.
- Mm.
My manager told me that I have stayed in
over 230 different places this past year.
I mean, who...
who wouldn't wanna live like that?
[Cami] Hm.
[gentle music playing]
You know, there is a fine line
between having it all
and... missing out.
Is there? [laughs]
Yeah, I... I love
going somewhere exotic and new.
But the best part is coming back home.
Uh, why?
I get to go back to my own kitchen,
to the reading light by my bed,
and most importantly,
my big old sock drawer.
Sock drawer?
- [Cami] Yes!
- Very important.
- It is.
- [laughs]
- It's where I keep my socks.
- You're funny. [chuckles]
- I know.
- ["Car Wash" playing on cell phone]
Working at the car wash
Speaking of managers.
Hello, mate.
Oh, congratulations.
Well, what if I don't feel like it?
Uh, suddenly, I feel like it. [laughs]
All right, yeah, I guess we'll, um...
We'll turn around.
So the session is no longer happening.
- Oh.
- [Rex] My bass player's gone into labor.
And we sort of need the whole band
at this point.
- Oh yeah.
- [Rex] So, uh...
I'm sorry. Unless you're relieved,
in which case, you're welcome.
So we're going back to LA?
No, no.
Las Vegas.
- Las Vegas?
- [Rex] Mm.
- [Cami] Um...
- I'm playing a private party now.
Uh, solo?
[Rex] Yeah, vocally.
- [laughing nervously] Oh no.
- [Rex] Unless...
- No!
- [Rex] Yes.
Cami, it's just one song.
You can do the harmony that you made up.
In public?
This is a private party. Like, 20 people.
That's 19 more than my shower.
- You sing in the shower?
- [Cami] Yes.
That is not the point. What?!
Totally up to you.
Just... Just come, hang out for the party,
and then we'll fly back tomorrow.
Separate rooms.
Darling, separate suites.
[sighs] Okay, one song.
Yeah, we'll see about that.
[chuckles nervously]
- [suspenseful drumbeat playing]
- Oh, what have I done?
[drumbeat stops]
["Ready Right Now"
by LNIS and Shelly Fairchild playing]
[exhales deeply]
["Caution To The Wind" by Trella playing
over car speakers]
How come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[both chuckle]
[breathes deeply]
Don't be nervous.
Um... [chuckles]
- We're gonna rehearse, right?
- Yes.
And what if I'm terrible?
Well, then you will have failed,
and you can fade away into obscurity.
Okay, so one chance at my lifelong dream?
No pressure.
I don't believe in pressure.
What... What does that even mean?
- [laughs]
- What if this all went away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
["Caution To The Wind" continues playing]
That actually helps in a weird way.
You are welcome.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [woman] Say it again!
[man 1]
Guys, they are not for profit! Come on.
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 2] Keep it going, guys!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Uh, sorry, what's happening?
- The valet line's backed up.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Well, can we walk?
- [seat belt clicks open]
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Walk? I suppose.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Rex? Oh my God!
[Rex] Oh, hello. Hey.
[fans clamoring]
- Rex! Hello?
- [Rex] How are you? Okay.
- A lot of you today.
- [clicking]
- Rex.
- [Rex] All right, we'll take...
- [woman yelling]
- Children's lives are not...
- [Rex] Two, three, and four.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Bye, sweethearts. Thank you so much.
- [fan] No, no, no! Don't leave!
Hey, do we have to stay here?
- Yeah, the party's for Lucky Lena.
- Well, then I can't go.
[Rex] What? Why?
Because of the protesters?
- [indistinct chattering]
- What are you doing in Vegas?
I'm actually singing here tonight.
Uh, this is the hotel
that I was telling you about.
Well, obviously, I had no idea.
It's a private party,
so I can also guarantee
that no children will be harmed.
You should come with me.
Pick up a sign. It'll be like old times.
Or... Or you can come on stage,
live out your dream?
[protestors] Help us help them!
Are you Rex Galier?
Yes, I am.
Wow. You know Cami?
Yeah. Yeah, we go way back. Shall we?
[protestors] them!
Help us help them!
[protestors] Help us help them!
Jack, I'm so sorry.
I'll never get
another chance like this. Please...
Please tell me you understand.
Of course.
I understand.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
[protestors] Help us help them!
Help us help them!
Help us help them!
[upbeat music playing]
Look at this.
Alcohol, chocolate, nuts, gourmet cookies.
[gasps] And my favorite part.
"Enjoy the refreshments,
with our compliments."
In other words,
whatever you don't eat, take home.
These are literally
Paul's favorite chips. [chuckles]
[camera shutter clicks]
Oh. Um, he called.
But no message.
Should I call him back?
He'd be happy to hear
I'm not here with Jack.
But he also asked me to respect our break.
[phone rings]
This is she.
Hair and makeup?
A stylist?
Half hour would be perfect. Thank you.
[inhales deeply]
[line rings]
[cell phone rings]
- Hi.
- [Cami on phone] Hi.
Wait, where are you?
Oh, I'm in Las Vegas.
Listen, I'm singing with Rex Galier
tonight at a private event.
Well, you, uh...
You're... You're not here with Jack?
Well, I... I drove up with Jack, but...
Wait, did you say "here?"
Yeah. I, uh... [chuckles]
I'm outside the Lucky Lena Hotel.
I'm inside the Lucky Lena Hotel.
I don't wanna lose you, Cami, okay?
And I'll be damned if I lose you
because I was too afraid to propose
without knowing your answer.
That's not passion. That's...
- It's lawyering.
- [chuckles]
[breathing heavily] Will you marry me?
Oh! Oh, okay, so no more break?
No. No, no more... When you told me
you were going out of town with Jack,
it made me ill, like, sick to my stomach.
I just sat there,
saying I wasn't gonna stop you.
But why? Why am I so afraid to tell you
what I want? I don't want a break.
I want a commitment. I wanna marry you,
I wanna raise a family with you,
and I wanna go on bad vacations with you.
I wanna make rules about how many nights
we can be apart. I want everything.
All right?
Oh. Okay, okay. [chuckles]
[Paul] Look familiar?
- The one from the escape room.
- Yeah.
- That was yours.
- [Paul] Yeah.
- [sighs]
- No, whoa. Aren't we skipping a step?
Yes. I will go on bad vacations with you.
[romantic guitar music playing]
[inhales] Oh my God.
[Paul] Uh-oh.
Oh, no, no. No!
Amalia said size 4. Is that not...
Ah, it's... it's my nerves for tonight.
My fingers get all sweaty and puffy.
- Yeah, they are a little clammy.
- Hey!
- But they're perfect.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Can't wait to spend my life with them.
- Mm-hm.
You've got stuff to do,
so I'll let you go.
But, um, hey, actually, one last question.
- Yes, I love you.
- [Paul] No. [chuckles]
That's important, but that's not it.
Can we get married tonight?
Here, in Vegas? I mean,
is a big wedding important to you?
You are.
That's an excellent answer.
- Hey.
- [Paul] Yeah?
I don't wanna spend
any nights apart from you.
Yeah, we can do that.
[Cami] Mm.
I see you looking
Yeah, I know what's up
We do it different
Yeah, we shake it up
We got the fire
Yeah, we got the touch
We do it better
Yeah, we shake it up
Shake it up, up
This is beautiful.
It'll go great with your coloring.
Though it's a little safe. I could
make it pop with a spiked dog collar.
Oh, please don't make me
wear a dog collar.
Okay. [chuckles]
Uh, hm.
Hm. [gasps]
- This!
- Ah.
- Oh!
- This one's stunning.
Oh! With these.
- Whoa. [chuckles]
- [stylist] Imagine.
We so fly
When we ain't nothing like you
Yeah. Uh, is it a... is it a bit much?
Honey, it's Las Vegas.
[Cami] Huh.
Yeah. [inhales deeply]
Does it feel a little desperate to you?
Like, "Look at me, don't listen to me."
On the other hand,
maybe that's a good thing?
It guarantees I'll bring
entertainment value. [inhales deeply]
- What do you think?
- I love it.
And Rex will too. Guaranteed.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- You like it, like it, don't ya?
- Ooh
You like it, don't ya?
Can I pull this off?
Darling, no one could.
- I know.
- Let's get something else.
- Please.
- [Rex] Yeah.
[chuckling] Okay.
- [Rex] Ooh, so shiny.
- Don't you dare touch it. Stop it!
[strums end of song]
[audience clapping and cheering]
He's great.
- He is.
- [Rex] Thank you very much.
The last song we're gonna do tonight
is called "All I Want Is You."
I had the good fortune
of meeting a very special lady
who explained my own song to me,
which was very helpful.
[audience laughs]
She reminded me that when you're in love,
you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Love is enough.
And she's here tonight, keeping me honest.
Cami Conway, everyone.
[Paul] Yes!
Are you all right?
Uh, uh-uh. [chuckles]
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my...
[clears throat]
Hello, everyone. Sorry, uh, I messed up.
It was a long flight.
Bit tired.
Just one more time, yeah?
Is that all right? Yeah? All right.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[mouths] Me?
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [Rex plays guitar solo]
- [crowd cheers]
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
- Nice job.
- Nice job yourself.
[Rex speaking indistinctly]
- Cami Conway, everyone.
- [Paul] Go, Cami!
Thank you. Thanks.
- Not too shabby.
- Not too shabby.
- [goofy groan]
- [laughing]
Happy birthday, Lena.
- Ah, thanks, darling.
- Mwah. I love you.
Good night, everyone. Thank you.
- [man 1] Lena, happy birthday.
- [Paul] Hey!
- [man 2] Happy birthday, Lena.
- [laughs] Oh.
I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
[romantic music playing]
You ready?
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
Do we have a ring?
- Oh, yes, we do. Yeah.
- We do.
We do. [inhales deeply]
[exhales sharply, clears throat]
[officiant] Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- ["54321 Let's Go" by Anna Mae playing]
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I got a raise.
And I get to call my own shots.
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
Well, that's great. Good for you.
And I'm going to San Francisco
to sing with Rex Galier's band.
- Well, I...
- [Cami chuckles]
- I have many questions.
- [Cami chuckles] Yes.
That's amazing, Cami.
I... I know. I had to tell you.
And since I'm gonna be gone this weekend,
I... I wanted you to know why.
Well, I appreciate that.
I'm sorry for what I said
in the escape room.
It... It... It came out all wrong.
It was honest.
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
You want guarantees.
I do.
[Paul] Uh, it doesn't work like that.
You and I are a great team.
And if we commit,
and then we hit a roadblock someday,
then we'll figure it out, together.
Paul, you spend all day
talking to clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
But we're not those people.
And we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need to figure it out
for myself first.
You do what you have to.
But, um, let's stick to the break. Okay?
Just until we have more clarity.
I should go.
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I got a raise.
And I... I get to call my own shots.
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
That's great. Good for you.
[Cami] I also wanted to tell you...
This is gonna be a lot harder. Um...
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow...
to take part in a demonstration.
I'm going with Jack.
[inhales, exhales]
Why are you telling me this?
I guess...
it felt like a... a show of good faith
to be transparent with you right now.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Do you want me to stop you?
'Cause it's not my place to do that.
I... I don't know what I want.
Look, I'm... I'm sorry
for what I said in the escape room.
It just...
- It... It came out wrong.
- No.
Not the way I wanted it to. Um...
It came out honest.
commitment doesn't come easily for you.
You want guarantees.
I... I do.
[Paul] But it doesn't work that way.
Look, you and I, we're a great team, okay?
Okay. [sighs]
And if we commit, and then someday
hit a roadblock, then we'll figure it out.
Together, you know?
Paul, you spend all day
talking to clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
We are not those people,
and... and we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need to figure this out
for myself first.
You do what you have to do, then.
But, um, let's stick to the break, okay?
Until we have more clarity.
- Um, I'm gonna go.
- [Paul] Yeah.
Yeah. Okay, you keep doing... your thing.
- Congrats on your raise. That's very good.
- [Cami] Thank... Thank you.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I quit my job.
- You...
- [Cami] Yes! Yeah, I know.
I... I actually don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
- But I did it.
- [Paul] That's great.
You've been talking about that forever.
Good for you.
Yeah. Um...
I also wanted to tell you,
and this is gonna be
a... a little harder to say,
but I'm...
going to Las Vegas tomorrow
to take part in a demonstration.
Do you remember Jack Menna?
Wait. Uh, the... the Guatemala guy
from high school?
- I ran into him recently.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
Um, he's really involved
with child refugees,
and there's hope for some press attention.
Come on, Cami. Are you telling me
that I'm competing with first love?
Against some fantasy?
Is that what you're telling me?
It isn't a competition.
It sounds like it's a competition.
How long has this been going on?
There's nothing going on.
It just feels like a show of good faith
to be transparent with you right now.
It's not my place to stop you, if that's
what you want. Is that what you want?
I don't know what I want.
Look, I'm sorry for what I said
at the escape room.
It... It came out all wrong.
But it was honest.
I mean, commitment
doesn't come easily for you.
I know that.
- You want guarantees.
- I do.
[Paul] But there are no guarantees.
It doesn't work that way.
You and I, we're a great team.
And if we commit, and someday
down the road, we hit a roadblock,
you and I are gonna work it out, together.
Paul, you spend all day
with clients who thought that,
and now won't sit in the same room.
- But we are not those people.
- Everybody thinks that.
But we're not. And we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need to figure it out
for myself first.
You do what you have to do.
But let's stick to the break, okay?
Until we have more clarity.
- I should go.
- Yeah.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I got a raise.
- And I get to call my own shots.
- [chuckles]
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
[chuckles] Well, that's fantastic.
Good for you.
[Cami] I also wanted to tell you...
This is gonna be a lot harder. Um...
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow
to take part in a demonstration.
[Paul] Mm-hm.
Do you remember Jack Menna?
The Guatemala guy.
- Yeah.
- [Paul] From high school.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Well, I... I ran into him recently.
He's really involved with child refugees,
and there's hope for some press attention.
- So he's gonna be there, and...
- [Paul] Come on, Cami.
I'm competing against first love?
Against some fantasy?
- Is that what you're telling me?
- No, this isn't a competition.
Sounds like it. I mean,
how long has this been going on?
There is nothing going on.
It just feels like the right thing to do
is to be honest with you,
so I'm being honest.
It's not my place to stop you.
Is that what you want? For me to stop you?
I... I don't know what I want.
Look, I'm sorry for what I said
at the escape room.
It... It came out all wrong.
Well, it was honest.
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
I know that. You want guarantees.
- I do.
- [Paul] But that's not how it works.
Look, you and I...
you and I are a great team.
And if we commit, and someday
down the line, we... we hit a roadblock,
then we'll work it out together.
Paul, you can't promise that.
You can't.
I mean, you spend all day with clients
who thought that exact same thing,
and now won't even sit
in the same room together.
We're not those people.
Everybody thinks that.
Well, I believe in us.
We're not.
And we're not your parents either.
I get that.
And I know that. I do.
I just...
I need to figure this out
for myself first.
That's fair.
Then you do what you have to do.
But, um, let's stick to the break, then.
Until we have more clarity.
I should go.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
- No, no, no.
- It just...
[door opens]
How long did we stay up in that tree?
Seventy-eight hours.
Wow. But we saved it.
You were always up for anything.
Well, I thought I could change the world.
- [Jack] Hm.
- [Cami] Ah.
Yeah, somehow that got lost
in the shuffle of my twenties.
Oh, I lost it too, a few years back.
Sometimes you can't even save the tree.
There's just a lot in this world
that needs to be fixed,
that I just started to believe,
I don't know,
my drop in the ocean didn't matter.
How did you find your way back?
I had to remember
that a little bit is better than nothing.
- And then there's the kids.
- Hm.
Since I don't plan
on having any of my own,
the least I can do
is help the ones that are here.
You don't want kids?
You're so amazing with them.
I don't feel the pressing need
to pass along my DNA.
Okay, well, what if, one day,
hypothetically, you get married
and your hypothetical wife
wants hypothetical, biological children?
Never say never.
All right.
- Okay.
- Ask Marie what time we're landing, right?
But pretend, yeah,
that you don't understand
the concept of time.
- [imitates explosion]
- [Cami] What?
[inhales deeply] Marie?
- Yes, miss?
- What time are we landing?
At 1:35.
Uh, in 135 minutes?
No, in about 40 more minutes.
- Is a minute longer than an hour?
- No.
Then why is the minute hand
longer than the hour hand?
I mean, that makes no sense at all.
That's a strong point, isn't it, Marie?
Good to see you're enjoying yourselves.
Oh. Sorry. [chuckles]
I feel bad. Do I... I feel bad.
- I know.
- Oh, well.
Okay, okay, okay.
Right. Okay.
Truth or dare?
Ooh. Uh... [blows raspberry]
Dare, obviously. [chuckles]
Which one should we make him do?
Are there any parachutes onboard?
- Maybe?
- [Cami] Mm?
I was hoping to survive this little game,
thank you very much.
Oh, okay, just so I know,
you prefer looking ridiculous
over putting yourself in danger?
- I have no shame.
- [Cami laughs]
Like a bird set free
I'm finally taking flight
You haven't talked
about your personal life.
...all I've been afraid of
I'm glad.
Okay, our first concert?
Pink. At the Wiltern, sophomore year,
and my dad drove.
- Impressive.
- Mm-hm.
Our first kiss?
Oh, front seat of this very car.
I knew it looked familiar.
You always open the door for me.
Always will.
- Thank you.
- [Jack] Stop.
Don't move.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.
[Jack] Still don't like
having your picture taken?
I never know what to do with my face.
- [camera beeping]
- Just act natural.
That is literally impossible now.
No, stop. Stop! Okay, if I pose
for one photo, will you stop?
- Yes.
- Promise?
- I don't like you. Okay. Fine. Fine.
- [Jack] You're gonna be great.
[camera shutter clicks]
- [camera shutter clicks]
- Great.
[camera shutter clicks]
I'm gonna get a bit closer.
[camera shutter clicking]
[tender music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
That was good.
- [chuckles]
- [Jack] You crushed it.
Well, thank you.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [Cami chuckles]
- I got that.
- Thank you.
All right, let's go!
- Oh. All right, let's do this.
- Mm-hm.
[camera shutter clicks]
All right.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- You are killing me.
[camera shutter clicks]
You're so gorgeous.
- [tender music playing]
- No, I'm not.
Yeah, you are.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [Cami chuckles]
- I got that.
- Thank you.
All right, let's go!
Okay. Show me
your most embarrassing tattoo.
- Really?
- [Cami] Mm-hm.
- Doesn't matter where it is?
- Mm.
Are you sure?
["I Gotcha" by Joe Tex playing]
You made me a promise
And you're gonna stick to it
- Ooh.
- There goes a button.
- Ooh, what's that?
- [laughing] Yes.
You're welcome. [laughs]
You never should've promised to me
Give it here
There goes another button.
[Rex humming]
Oh. Okay.
Give it here
[Rex] What's down here?
No. Okay. You win. You win.
- [laughing]
- ["I Gotcha" stops playing]
It's not even over there.
It's on this side.
[Cami laughing]
- Interesting.
- Yeah.
Is that because, um, you and your mom
are joined at the hip?
God, no.
No, I just got it on a dare. [chuckles]
Yeah, it's all starting to make sense now.
- Your turn.
- [Cami laughing] No.
What are you doing here?
I'm doing a private performance
for Lucky Lena.
Um... Oh, you should come
and do your lovely harmony with me.
Uh, I can't. I'm...
I'm protesting.
Lucky Lena's husband runs the worst
refugee shelter in the country.
Ah. No, her ex-husband,
and I can guarantee
he will be nowhere near the party.
Besides, have you heard Cami's voice?
It's beautiful.
Yeah, of course I have.
I've known her since we were 15 years old.
Well, technically, um, not the whole time.
I mean, just if we're...
if we're being technical about it.
What we're doing here is very important.
Yeah. No, no. It seems, you know...
[mock roars]...with the thing.
But it's not really
up to you though, is it? [chuckles]
[imitates English accent]
It's not really up to you either.
- Yeah.
- [protestor] Use another casino!
It sounds absolutely terrifying.
But in a good way.
It's obviously
a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.
But it would feel like crossing
a picket line. I've never done that.
Jack, Rex. Rex, Jack.
Cheers, mate.
- I like your music.
- Oh, thanks, man. That means a lot.
Oh, congratulations.
Well, what if I don't feel like it?
Uh, suddenly, I feel like it. [laughs]
All right, yeah, I guess we'll, um...
We'll turn around.
So the session is no longer happening.
- Oh.
- [Rex] My bass player's gone into labor.
And we sort of need the whole band
at this point.
- So, uh...
- Yeah.
I'm sorry. Unless you're relieved,
in which case, you're welcome.
So we're going back to LA?
No, no.
Las Vegas.
- Las Vegas?
- [Rex] Mm.
- [Cami] Um...
- I'm playing a private party now.
[Rex] Yeah, vocally.
[protestor 1] Help the kids!
- [protestor 2] Support the children!
- Rex, I'm sorry. I'm gonna stay with Jack.
- Oh.
- [protestor 2] Join us!
[Cami] Yeah.
Wait, no, is he the, uh,
high school boyfriend?
Okay, bye, Rex.
- I don't know anything.
- You can go. Why don't you keep going?
- [Rex] All right, I'm going.
- Yeah, no. Don't turn around.
- All right. Fine. I get it. I get it.
- [fan] Oh my God. It's him!
Look, I didn't think you'd go,
but if I ever took you for granted,
I never will again.
[man] Cami!
This is like that dream I had.
[gentle guitar music playing]
I gotta see where this goes.
It's always been a dream of mine.
Please say you understand.
I understand.
Follow your bliss.
[protestor 1] Save our children!
- Save our children!
- [protestor 2] Save our children!
- Okay. We must away.
- [protestor 3] Help us help them!
Help us help them!
Children are not a commodity!
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
Are you okay?
Um, absolutely.
I'm sensing that this is about
more than just the cause.
- Was that the guy you never got over?
- Yeah.
I'm afraid any thought I had
of a second chance has certainly gone now.
I dunno. You didn't see the way
he looked at you when you walked away.
["You Know You Hit The Spot"
by New Perspectives playing]
Thank you.
Can I make you mine?
Can you take your time?
'Cause you feel all right
And you get me high
[line rings]
You've reached Cami Conway.
Leave a message.
[Paul groans]
You know you hit the spot
[gentle guitar music playing]
I gotta see where this goes.
It's always been a dream of mine.
Please say you understand.
I understand.
Follow your bliss.
[protestor 1] Save our children!
- Save our children!
- [protestor 2] Save our children!
Save our children!
- Okay. We must away.
- [protestor 3] Help us help them!
Help us help them!
Children are not a commodity!
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
Are you okay?
Um, absolutely.
I'm sensing that
that was about more than just the cause.
Was that Jack someone special?
He was.
I'm afraid any thought I had
of a second chance has certainly gone now.
Dunno. You didn't see the way
he looked at you when you walked away.
[fan laughing]
- ["You Know You Hit The Spot" playing]
- [speaking indistinctly]
Thank you.
Can I make you mine?
Can you take your time?
'Cause you feel all right
And you get me high
[line rings]
You've reached Cami Conway.
Leave a message.
[Paul sighs]
You know you hit the spot
- Um...
- Hey, listen.
I... I... I can't live in limbo, okay?
I was so upset
that you haven't been honest with me...
- Well, I... I realize that.
- But... But I haven't been honest either.
Uh, can you give us a minute?
Who is this guy?
We've been together for a while,
but we're on a break.
- Right.
- No, let him... let him hear. I don't care.
Look. Hey.
You are the most fun, caring,
passionate, brilliant woman
that I've ever met,
and I want you on my team forever.
When you told me that you were coming here
yesterday, I thought I'd lost you.
And I let you walk out the door anyway.
I don't know why I'm so afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you.
Oh. Oh my God.
- I love you. I believe in us.
- [woman 1] Did you see that?
- [woman 2] So adorable.
- That's guarantee enough for me.
[Cami] Um... Oh, okay. You're really...
- You're, um... Oh, you're doing this.
- [Paul] Uh-huh.
Will you marry me?
Wait. Wait. Before you give him an answer...
- I'm sure you're a great guy.
- I am a great guy.
What we had,
that wasn't a fluke or... or puppy love.
That was... That was real.
And I... I don't wanna see you
slip out of my life again.
God, this is gonna...
this is gonna sound crazy,
but if I don't say it now,
I might not... get another chance.
I love you.
[chuckles sadly]
Do you sense a pattern here?
Like, am I the most resistible
irresistible woman ever?
I think you're feeling it too.
It's Jack and Cami. Always will be.
Three years. Thursday.
Three years. Thursday.
Um... Uh...
This is the craziest it's gotten, right?
I'll stay.
But no singing.
I'm... I'm just not ready for that.
You are.
You just don't know it yet.
- I'm not.
- [chuckles]
- But you just don't know it yet.
- [Rex] Mm.
["Ready Right Now" playing]
Okay, I gotta ask.
How come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[Cami] Hm.
["Good To Be Alive" playing over speakers]
What happens if this all goes away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
[man 1] Come on, guys. Let 'em hear it!
- [woman] Say it again!
- [man 2] Guys, they are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Keep it going!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 4] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Uh, sorry, what's happening?
Children's lives are not for profit!
Or, you know, we could look out the window
if we really wanted to know.
- Eh... [laughs]
- Crazy.
Children's lives are not for profit!
Yeah! Children's lives are not for profit.
Where's the money gone?
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Hey, can we stay somewhere else, please?
Ooh, no, not really.
The party's for Lucky Lena, so...
[Jack] Cami?
Children's lives are not for profit!
What... What are you...
What are you doing in... in Vegas?
Well, I was supposed
to be in San Francisco, but, um...
here I am now.
- Yeah.
- It's fate.
This is the... This is the hotel
that I was telling you about.
[clicks tongue] Oh.
Come with me. Grab a sign.
It'll be like old times.
[inhales] I don't really know
what's going on,
but just so you know,
it's a private party,
and, uh, I can... I can guarantee you
no children will be harmed.
Is that Rex Galier?
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
You know... You know Cami?
Oh, yeah, me and Cami, we go way back.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Sorry.
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Please stop.
[brakes squeal]
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
I can't.
It just feels all kinds of wrong.
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Do what you gotta do.
- [Cami sighs]
- Yeah?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- [seat belt clicks open]
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
This weekend is full of surprises.
Um, not what you think.
It's about music. Thank you.
No, I'm just... I'm glad to see you again.
Oh, good.
- [Jack] Come on.
- Okay. Let's do this.
- Let's do this.
- [Cami chuckles]
- [Cami] Help us help them!
- [Jack] Justice for refugees.
[Cami] Help us help the children.
Help us help the children.
Hi, help us help the children.
Justice for refugees.
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
- Uh, excuse me, sir, hi.
- Hello.
Any casino would be happy
to take your money.
But they called it Lucky Lena,
and I need some luck.
Yeah, but so do the child refugees.
Here's a thought. Donate half
of your gambling fund to the cause.
The karma alone should give you a big win
with the other half.
It's worth a shot.
[upbeat music playing]
Hey, you're making a great call. Um,
the guy with the clipboard will help you.
All right.
[mouths] What?
I'm jazz hands?
No. Fire. You're on fire.
Fire? That's not fire.
Can you do it better?
- I couldn't do it worse.
- [man 1] Jack!
- Oh, hey, they want you.
- Jack! Come here!
Oh, good, they came.
- Excuse me.
- No, go. Just show them who you are.
- [reporter] Yeah.
- Yeah, they're ready for you, man.
Okay, we're gonna ask you
a series of questions.
- [cell phone ringing]
- Hi, can you... Thank you so much.
- [man 2] Protect the children!
- [cell phone continues ringing]
- [cell phone clicks]
- [protestors speaking indistinctly]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- [Paul on phone] Yeah. Um...
No. No.
I can't live in limbo, Cami. I can't.
I was gonna wait to tell you this
until you got back, but I couldn't wait.
I was so upset
that you hadn't been honest.
I realize that.
[Paul] But I haven't been honest either.
I haven't proposed yet because...
because I'm... I'm too scared
that you'll say no.
But why am I too afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you?
Wait. Where are you?
I'm in Las Vegas.
You lied to me?
No. No, Rex and I
were on our way to San Francisco,
and then the plan changed,
and we wound up here,
and when I saw Jack on the picket line...
Jack? Jack again?
Yes. But I swear
it was just a coincidence.
Okay, I believe you.
You do? Um...
Thank you. Thank you.
Cami, I'm always gonna give you
the benefit of the doubt,
because I'm in love with you.
I'm in love with your mind.
I'm in love with your kindness.
I'm in love with your laugh.
I'm in love with your hair.
I mean, I'm trying to do work over here,
and I keep scrolling through photos of us,
and we look really happy.
[gentle music playing]
Because we are.
Marry me.
Okay, you've been with me a few days.
This is the craziest it's gotten, right?
I mean, is my life spiraling
out of control, or falling into place?
Oh boy, I gotta decide.
- [exhales]
- [music fades]
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
This is a moment
we deserve to have in person.
I'll see you tonight.
So will I see you back in LA?
I don't think so.
- [tender music playing]
- I'm happy for you.
- Get out of here.
- Bye.
[uplifting guitar music playing]
Maybe you'll see it differently next time.
I hope so.
[music fades]
[pensive music playing]
I found something.
- Is it a clue?
- Oh, definitely.
Thank you.
- [chuckles] That was yours.
- Well, not for long, I hope.
This is the part
where you tell me your answer in person.
Will you please marry me?
[tender music playing]
- Well, I can't just say yes.
- Oh, dear God.
[laughs] No, listen,
I'm not just accepting your proposal.
I... I need you to know
I am choosing you with my whole heart.
I'm sorry it took me so long,
but I'm sure.
I'm ready to commit myself to you
and our life together.
[exhales sharply]
- May I please have my ring now?
- [Paul] Oh yeah. [chuckles]
[Cami sighs] It's perfect.
You're perfect.
[Paul] Oh.
[romantic music playing]
I saw our kids in a dream, by the way.
They're adorable.
- Oh. Well, of course.
- Durr!
[woman over intercom]
You have 15 more minutes.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
- [Cami] Mm.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
Look at this.
Alcohol, chocolate,
nuts, homemade cookies.
Ooh, and my favorite part.
"Enjoy the refreshments,
with our compliments."
In other words,
whatever you don't eat, take home.
These are literally
Paul's favorite chips. Aw.
[camera shutter clicks]
Should I call him?
He was so sweet yesterday.
But he also asked me to respect our break.
[phone rings]
This is she.
Hair and makeup?
A stylist?
Half hour would be perfect. Thank you.
[inhales deeply]
- [sighs]
- [line rings]
[cell phone ringing]
- [chuckles]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Hi.
- Hi.
So I'm singing with Rex Galier tonight.
- I know.
- [Cami] No, no, no.
Sorry, let me clarify.
Um, in person, live, with no do-overs,
at this swanky private event in Las Vegas.
I'm about to get my hair and makeup done
in a half an hour.
I know you said not to call, but I had to.
No. No, this... this is... this is big.
Oh. You wanna see big?
This is my dining room.
- [chuckles] Okay.
- Ooh, look, and your favorite chips.
Oh, man. You have to smuggle
some of those back for me.
Also, no biggie,
but, like, this is my view.
[chuckles] Oh wow.
- Amazing. You're living the life.
- [Cami] Ooh.
Did I mention the Steinway?
[plays piano]
It's gorgeous. It's huge.
Okay, listen,
I can bring the chips back for you,
but I don't think
I can smuggle out the baby grand.
Oh, please try. [chuckles] You can do it.
[groans] I wish I could be there.
Is there any chance of that?
Um, I... I guess.
Could you even make it on time?
Yeah. It's... It's only a 45-minute flight.
I'm gonna be nervous enough.
Well, you've always said
that I'm a... a calming influence.
Look, if you don't want me there,
just say so.
You know what?
I do.
I do want you here.
Consider yourself invited.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
[Paul] Great. Awesome.
Well, I'll, uh... Ooh, what should I wear?
- [chuckles]
- I'm just kidding. [chuckles]
I'll see you soon.
- Hey, um, Paul?
- Yeah.
You know, we're not really good
at this whole break thing.
I'm glad you noticed. [chuckles]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
[Cami sighs]
I love you.
- Yes?
- [laughs] Yes!
[Paul] Oh.
[tender music playing]
- Um...
- Yeah.
Looks like congratulations are in order.
You and I had a great past.
No small thing.
Paul is my future.
I'm happy for you.
You're a lucky man.
Get in here.
[Cami sighs]
[Cami] Bye.
I'm not gonna give you
the chance to change your mind.
Oh, okay.
["So Marvelous" playing]
We are in Vegas.
We are in Vegas.
- But we gotta do it right.
- Ooh.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Um, I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
- I love that you're here. [chuckles]
- [officiant chuckles]
Do we have a ring?
- Oh yes. Yes, we do.
- [Cami chuckles]
[Paul clears throat]
[inhales deeply]
Sorry, I'm a little nervous.
[Paul exhales]
[exhales sharply]
[rhythmic tender music playing]
Wait a minute. Is that the ring
from the escape room?
Oh, that totally didn't register.
Oh my God. What I've put you through.
Totally worth it.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be.
[Cami sighs]
- Do you, Paul Swartz...
- [Paul clears throat]
...take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- [chuckles]
Well, I pronounce you husband and wife!
[laughing] Oh my God.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Thank God.
Nobody does it like we do
- [Amalia] Whoo!
- [Florian] Hooray!
No turning back now.
- Nobody does it like we do
- We do
- Nobody does it like us
- Nobody does it like us
Jaw dropping, no stopping
It's just so marvelous
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
So marvelous
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
You know, I've been trying to figure out
what's missing for us.
Or whether or not I was holding out
for some unattainable perfection.
What, like him?
No. No, this has nothing to do with Jack.
This has to do with us.
I've realized that
if you were my person, and...
Oh my God, I do not mean
to sound like the Bachelorette, but...
Paul, if you were my person...
I wouldn't be so confused.
[tender music playing]
I'm sorry.
[exhales, chuckles]
It's not the answer I was hoping for.
But at least I finally have an answer.
- I'm sorry.
- [Paul] That's...
[Cami] Mm.
I, um...
I wish you nothing but the best. Truly.
I feel the same way about you.
[breathes deeply]
- Goodbye.
- [Cami] Goodbye, Paul.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- [Paul groans]
You know, this isn't about Jack.
Just because Paul
isn't the right person for me
doesn't mean Jack is.
And I have no idea
how to take it slow with him.
Maybe... I need some time on my own.
[Jack] Jack and Cami.
Meant to be, right?
A psychic told me there's no such thing.
She said we control our destinies.
One choice at a time.
Well, I'm a little surprised
to find myself agreeing with a psychic.
- [chuckles]
- I choose you.
I don't need another decade
to be sure of that.
Jack, at 16,
you showed me what love can be.
Now all these years later,
you've reminded me,
and I'm... grateful.
It helped me realize
that Paul isn't the man for me.
[tender music playing]
And neither am I.
Your dreams aren't my dreams.
It's time for me to follow my own.
Well, I hope they all come true.
[tender music playing]
I'm gonna call you when we're 50.
It's a date.
[indistinct chattering]
I feel the breeze
Rolling through the trees
All the necessities
To have a good time
Fresh new attitude
Got a vibe, got a mood
Watch me glide, watch me move
[woman] This is the fun part.
When you don't know how it ends.
[Cami] Hm.
If life is what you make it
Then I'm gonna make it me
- Aye, yah, yah, yah
- Oh
If life is what you make it
Then I'm gonna make it me
Aye, yah, yah, yah
If life is what you make it
Then I'm gonna make it
Aye, yah, yah, yah
I'm gonna make it me
["Ready Right Now" playing]
[exhales deeply]
["Caution To The Wind" playing
over car speakers]
How come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[both chuckle]
[breathes deeply]
Don't be nervous.
Um... [chuckles]
- We're gonna rehearse, right?
- Yes.
And what if I'm terrible?
Well, then you will have failed,
and you can fade away into obscurity.
Okay, so one chance at my life-long dream?
No pressure.
I don't believe in pressure.
What... What does that even mean?
- [laughs]
- What if this all went away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
That actually helps in a weird way.
You are welcome.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
[man 1] Come on, guys. Let 'em hear it!
- [woman] Say it again!
- [man 2] Guys, they are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Keep it going!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 4] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Uh, sorry, what's happening?
- The valet line's backed up.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Well, can we walk?
- [seat belt clicks open]
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Walk? I suppose.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Rex? Oh my God!
[Rex] Oh, hello. Hey.
[fans clamoring]
- Rex! Hello?
- [Rex] How are you? Okay.
- A lot of you today.
- [clicking]
- [Cami] Rex?
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man] Boycott this place!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Bye, sweethearts. Thank you so much.
- [fan] No, no, no! Don't leave!
Um, hey, can we not stay here?
Uh, well, the party's for Lucky Lena, so...
Well, I can't go in.
It's like crossing a picket line.
What... What is this? Is this nerves?
- It's gonna be okay.
- No. Shh.
- [Rex] It'll be great.
- [Jack] Cami?
[Cami] Mm.
What are you doing in Vegas?
[Cami] Um, I'm actually...
singing here tonight.
For Lucky Lena.
Lucky Lena's husband runs the largest
for-profit shelter for child refugees.
- Conditions are appalling.
- Obviously, I had no idea.
Well, uh, it's her ex-husband, right?
And I can guarantee
he will be nowhere near the party, so...
Hey, right?
Come with me. Join the protest.
It'll be like old times.
Or you could go on stage,
live out your dream.
Is that Rex Galier?
[indistinct chanting]
Yeah. It is. Hm.
And you know... You know Cami?
Uh, Cami? Yeah.
No, me and Cami go way back. Yeah.
- Way back?
- I wouldn't...
Shall we? [mumbles]
["Ready Right Now" playing]
Okay, I gotta ask,
how come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[Cami] Hm.
["Good To Be Alive" playing over speakers]
What happens if this all goes away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
[man 1] Come on, guys. Let 'em hear it!
- [woman] Say it again!
- [man 2] Guys, they are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Keep it going!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 4] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Uh, sorry, uh, what's... what's happening?
Or if we wanted to know, we could,
crazy idea, look out the window?
Oh, I suppose.
- Ah.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Where's the money gone?
Um, it's like crossing a picket line.
Can... Can we stay somewhere else?
No. Sorry, the party's for Lucky Lena,
so we have to stay here.
- [Cami] What?
- [Jack] Cami?
- Oh God.
- [footsteps approaching]
What... What are you...
What are you doing in... in Vegas?
It was supposed to be in San Francisco,
the thing I was gonna do,
but I'm not doing now.
So, what are you doing here?
The owner of this hotel runs the largest
for-profit shelter for child refugees.
- Conditions are appalling.
- That is horrible.
Well, obviously, I... I had no idea.
Lena's not the owner. [chuckles]
Your gripe is with her ex-husband,
and I can guarantee
he'll be nowhere near the party,
so we all win. Eh?
Right. What do you say, Cam?
Come with me. It'll be like old times.
Also, is that Rex Galier?
And you know... You know Cami?
Oh, yeah, me and Cami, we go way back.
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Okay.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
[inhales deeply]
[inhales sharply]
Children's lives are not for profit!
I can't.
- It just feels all kinds of wrong.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Oh.
- Do what you gotta do.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [fans clamoring]
- Children's lives are not for profit!
I can't believe you're here.
- [Cami chuckles]
- Let's get you some more pamphlets.
[Cami] Yeah.
- [Cami] Help us help them!
- [Jack] Justice for refugees.
[Cami] Help us help the children.
Help us help the children.
Hi, help us help the children.
Justice for refugees.
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Uh, excuse me, sir, hi.
- Hello.
Any casino would be happy
to take your money.
But they called it Lucky Lena,
and I need some luck.
Yeah, but so do the child refugees.
Here's a thought. Donate half
of your gambling fund to the cause.
The karma alone should give you a big win
with the other half.
It's worth a shot.
[upbeat music playing]
Hey, you're making a great call. Um,
the guy with the clipboard will help you.
All right.
[mouths] What?
I'm jazz hands?
No. Fire. You're on fire.
Fire? That's not fire.
Can you do it better?
- I couldn't do it worse.
- [man] Jack!
- Oh, hey, they want you.
- Jack! Come here!
Oh, good, they came.
- Excuse me.
- No, go. Just show them who you are.
- [reporter] Yeah.
- Yeah, they're ready for you, man.
Okay, we're gonna ask you...
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Um, I'm sorry, Jack.
- It was great seeing you.
- Yeah.
- See ya.
- Bye.
- Right.
- [Rex] Nice guy.
[Cami] Sorry.
- [exhales]
- [tap on window]
I'm glad you stayed.
I, um...
I don't want you here.
Uh, wow.
I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it
until the words came out.
Well, I, uh... I, uh...
[chuckles sadly]
I guess we got our clarity then.
Look, um,
if I was the man for you,
you'd... you'd know by now.
[inhales sharply]
I haven't wanted to admit that,
but it's probably true.
[tender music playing]
Yeah. Okay.
Uh, well, I have to go. [chuckles sadly]
Um... good luck tonight.
And, uh... And after tonight.
You too.
Goodbye, Paul.
[cell phone chimes]
- [protestors speaking indistinctly]
- Neither do I.
by Sugar & The Hi-Lows playing]
- [Cami] Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, great.
- Okay, wait, wait.
- Yeah, yeah. Mm.
- [Cami] One more thing about the psychic.
- All ears.
Um, it's just, it's the wildest thing.
She told me I was gonna have
a youthful dream come true.
[Jack] Okay.
And that dream is you. So...
there you go. [chuckles]
- Anything else?
- Mm-mm.
- Can I kiss you now?
- Mm-hm.
...really want you
So hold me close
Take me where your dreaming
Lift me up...
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
[music fades]
Neither do I.
["Happiness" playing]
- [Cami] Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, great.
- Okay, wait, wait.
- Yeah, yeah. Mm.
- One more thing about the psychic.
- All ears.
Um, it's just, it's the wildest thing.
She told me I was gonna have
a youthful dream come true.
[Jack] Okay.
And that dream is you. So...
there you go. [chuckles]
- Anything else?
- Mm-mm.
- Can I kiss you now?
- Mm-hm.
...really want you
So hold me close
Take me where your dreaming
Lift me up...
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
And happiness has no sound
[music fades]
Neither do I.
- Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
["Beat Stops My Heart"
by Young Summer playing]
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Say the word and let it start
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
...stops my heart
[music fades]
Neither do I.
- Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
["Beat Stops My Heart" playing]
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Say the word and let it start
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
...stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Say the word and let it start
[music fades]
[man] Gamble someplace else!
Rex, I can't. No, listen. I'm... I'm sorry.
It just... It feels all kinds of wrong.
- [protestors] Help us help them!
- Oh.
[protestors] Help us help them!
- Do what you gotta do.
- [fan 1] Rex!
[fan 2] Please stay!
I just want you to sign one more thing!
I can't believe you're here.
- [Cami chuckles]
- Let's get you some more pamphlets.
[Cami] Yeah.
- [Cami] Help us help them!
- [Jack] Justice for refugees.
[Cami] Help us help the children.
Help us help the children.
Hi, help us help the children.
Justice for refugees.
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Uh, excuse me, sir, hi.
- Hello.
Any casino would be happy
to take your money.
But they called it Lucky Lena,
and I need some luck.
Yeah, but so do the child refugees.
Here's a thought. Donate half
of your gambling fund to the cause.
The karma alone should give you a big win
with the other half.
It's worth a shot.
[upbeat music playing]
Hey, you're making a great call. Um,
the guy with the clipboard will help you.
All right.
[mouths] What?
I'm jazz hands?
No. Fire. You're on fire.
Fire? That's not fire.
Can you do it better?
- I couldn't do it worse.
- [man] Jack!
- Oh, hey, they want you.
- Jack! Come here!
Oh, good, they came.
- Excuse me.
- No, go. Just show them who you are.
- [reporter] Yeah.
- They're ready for you.
Okay, we're gonna ask you...
[strums end of song]
- [audience cheering]
- [bartender speaks indistinctly]
All right, uh, thank you very much.
So the last song we're gonna do tonight
is called "All I Want Is You."
I had the good fortune
of meeting a very special lady
who explained my own song to me.
- So that's good.
- [woman howls]
She reminded me that when you're in love,
you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Love is enough.
This is either the most embarrassing
or most romantic moment I've ever had.
[inhales, sighs]
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Or both.
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
All I want is you
All I want is you
Everything you do
All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
All I want is you
All I want is you
Forever with you
All I want is you
All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
Thank you very much. Happy birthday, Lena.
- Oh.
- [Rex] Oh.
Thanks, darling. Come here.
Oh, I love this green on you.
Mwah. Oh. Gorgeous.
- Oh, hello.
- [fan 1] Hey.
- [fan 2] Hi.
- [fan 3] That was amazing.
Oh, thanks so much. [mouths] Sorry.
- [fan 2] We love you.
- [Rex] Oh yeah. Thank you.
Uh, I just might, you know, go sit around,
get a drink, you know?
[fan 4] You can sit with us.
[Rex] Yeah. I've gotta...
I'm actually on my way. Yeah.
- [fans speaking indistinctly]
- [Rex] Sorry, guys.
Thank you. Thanks very much.
[Cami] Hi.
[inhales deeply]
- That was incredible.
- Yeah.
I feel like we've just made love.
Do... Do you not feel it too?
I, um...
I guess we don't need words.
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
Walking me home last night...
[Rex chuckling]
- Wow.
- [Rex] Ah. [chuckles]
Look, uh, Cami,
I know I'm asking you
to take a leap of faith with me,
but, uh, there's obviously
something here, right?
We should just go with it.
We should just find out what it is.
We could do anything, go anywhere.
We could go... A... A New Zealand inn.
We could go to The Gritti Palace in Venice
if you haven't been. It's lovely.
Or we could, uh, I don't know,
go glamping in Mammoth or something.
- Um...
- [Rex] Around Mammoth?
You hike?
- No. Not really. Um...
- Yeah. I could tell that.
Well, I... I might
if there was room service,
and someone to carry the bags,
and a hotel at the top of it.
Okay, imagine this.
All right, the two of us on a private jet,
we're alone, we're sipping champagne,
and then the pilot says,
"We're ready for take-off.
We're on our way to..."
Fill in the blank.
[Cami] Hm.
["In A Manner Of Speaking"
by Nouvelle Vague ft. Camille playing]
[Rex] Have you ever been to Paris?
Nope. But I did take a year of French
in middle school,
so I know how to ask
where the train station is.
Oh. That's all you really need to know.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything by saying...
I could get used to this.
I hope so.
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
Look at this.
Alcohol, chocolate,
nuts, homemade cookies.
Ooh, and my favorite part.
"Enjoy the refreshments,
with our compliments."
In other words,
whatever you don't eat, take home.
These are literally
Paul's favorite chips. Aw.
[camera shutter clicks]
Should I call him?
He was so sweet yesterday.
But he also asked me to respect our break.
[phone rings]
This is she.
Hair and makeup?
A stylist?
Half hour would be perfect. Thank you.
I mean...
[inhales deeply]
[line rings]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone chimes]
Well, my singing career
is over before it began.
Rex isn't recording this weekend.
We're in Vegas,
and he's about to sing at a private event.
Yeah. Okay. [chuckles]
But on the plus side,
they have Wise Potato Chips here.
Oh, my favorite. [chuckles]
And this is my dining room.
Wow, swanky.
And this... is my view. [chuckles]
[whistles] Nice. Very nice.
[Cami] Did I mention the Steinway? I mean...
[plays melody]
Um, you know, I, uh, can bring back
the chips for you,
but I don't think
I can smuggle out the baby grand.
Yeah. Probably not. [inhales deeply]
Uh... I gotta... Actually, I gotta go, so...
See ya.
[cell phone chimes]
[chuckles awkwardly]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, can you just... Thank you so much.
[man] Protect the children!
[cell phone continues ringing]
- [cell phone clicks]
- [protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- [Paul on phone] Yeah. Um...
No. No.
I can't live in limbo, Cami. I can't.
I was gonna wait to tell you this
until you got back, but I couldn't wait.
I was so upset
that you hadn't been honest.
I realize that.
[Paul] But I hadn't been honest either.
I haven't proposed yet because...
because I'm... I'm too scared
that you'll say no.
But why am I too afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you?
[man yelling indistinctly in background]
Wait. Where are you?
I'm in Las Vegas.
- You lied to me?
- [Cami] No.
No. Rex and I
were on our way to San Francisco,
and then the plan changed,
and we wound up here,
and when I saw Jack
on the picket line, I...
Jack? Jack who?
From high school?
Well, when did he come back
in the picture?
A... A few days ago.
You and I were on a break.
And you didn't see him before then?
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
[sighs] Briefly.
[sighs, chuckles]
You're breaking my heart here, Cami.
[chuckles sadly]
So that's what this is about?
This is about some guy from high school?
No. No.
Even before I ran into him,
I was feeling confused.
Okay, stop. Please. Just...
I've listened.
I've tried to understand.
I've given you room.
I don't really know
what I'm fighting for now, Cami,
but clearly, I'm fighting alone, so...
good luck and, um, I really...
I hope you find what you're looking for.
[cell phone chimes]
[tender music playing]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I screwed up.
Not blaming you.
[gentle guitar music playing]
Are you okay?
I've been in a relationship
for three years.
His name's Paul.
We were on a break.
Now it's permanent. His choice.
Do you want him back?
That's the question, isn't it?
Look, I don't wanna be the reason
you let this guy go.
You're not an easy woman
to get over, Cami.
If you still love the guy, go get him.
[music ends]
[dog barking in distance]
Thank you.
Okay. This could go
either really, really well
or really, really badly.
- [keys clattering]
- Wish me luck.
[grunts] Okay.
[eerie atmospheric music playing]
- [Paul] Hey!
- [Cami screams]
Oh my God. I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry! [laughing]
I thought you were a burglar.
[operator] What is the nature
of your emergency?
- [Cami] You called 911?
- It's a big scary house.
- I mean, I'm a very small person.
- I didn't know that.
I heard the jingling at the door.
I didn't know who was there.
Okay. I should've called, but I was scared
you'd tell me not to come.
[both breathing heavily]
Why are you here?
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Because... I want you to know
I forgot how much I love you.
[Paul sighs]
Paul, you were right.
There are no guarantees, but...
I know this.
If I lose you,
I'll regret it forever.
You're my magician.
Well, I, um...
I never thought I'd be proposing to
the woman I love after calling 911 on her.
[both laugh]
I guess it'll be a good story
for the grandchildren.
Wait, um...
- Our grandchildren?
- If you'll have me.
- [operator on phone] Did she say yes?
- [Paul and Cami] Mm-hm.
[operator] Sir, do you still need a unit?
[Paul and Cami] Mm-mm.
[music continues]
[Cami laughs]
- [Cami] Hi.
- Hi.
[Cami] I love you.
[romantic music playing]
[music fades]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, can you just... Thank you so much.
[man] Protect the children!
- [cell phone continues ringing]
- Protect the children!
- [cell phone clicks]
- [protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- [Paul on phone] Yeah. Um...
No. No.
I can't live in limbo, Cami. I can't.
I was gonna wait to tell you this
until you got back, but I couldn't wait.
I was so upset
that you hadn't been honest.
I realize that.
[Paul] But I hadn't been honest either.
I haven't proposed yet because...
because I'm... I'm too scared
that you'll say no.
But why am I too afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you?
[man yelling indistinctly in background]
Wait. Where are you?
I'm in Las Vegas.
- You lied to me?
- [Cami] No.
No. Rex and I
were on our way to San Francisco,
and then the plan changed,
and we wound up here,
and when I saw Jack
on the picket line, I...
Jack? Jack who?
From high school?
Well, when did he come back
in the picture?
A... A few days ago.
You and I were on a break.
And you didn't see him before then?
[sighs, chuckles]
You're breaking my heart here, Cami.
[chuckles sadly]
So that's what this is about?
This is about some guy from high school?
No. No.
Even before I ran into him,
I was feeling confused.
Okay, stop. Please. Just...
I've listened.
I've tried to understand.
I've given you room.
I don't really know
what I'm fighting for now, Cami,
but clearly, I'm fighting alone, so...
good luck and, um, I really...
I hope you find what you're looking for.
[cell phone chimes]
[tender music playing]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I screwed up.
Not blaming you.
[gentle guitar music playing]
Is everything all right?
No, not really.
Uh, that was my boyfriend.
We were on a break.
- Now it's permanent.
- Huh.
His choice. So...
[Jack] And what's your choice?
Do you want him back?
That's the question, isn't it?
Look, I don't wanna be the reason
you let this guy go.
You're not an easy woman
to get over, Cami.
If you still love the guy, go get him.
["In A Manner Of Speaking" playing]
[Rex] Have you ever been to Paris?
Nope. But I did take a year of French
in middle school,
so I know how to ask
where the train station is.
Oh. That's all you really need to know.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything by saying...
I could get used to this.
I hope so.
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
["In A Manner Of Speaking" playing]
[Rex] Have you ever been to Paris?
Nope. But I did take a year of French
in middle school,
so I know how to ask
where the train station is.
Oh. That's all you really need to know.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything by saying...
I could get used to this.
I hope so.
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
[music fades]
["How Do You Love"
by KUMA ft. Torii Wolf playing]
I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry.
Oh, right. [chuckles]
Am I that bad of a kisser?
One of the best kisses I've ever had.
- No, no, no, that's not it. Um...
- That's not it? Mm.
The thing is,
I... don't date men I work with.
- [Rex] Hm.
- [Cami] Rex, I wanna be your producer.
Your... Your engineer. And maybe...
Maybe even one day sing.
Ah. All right, now... now you wanna sing.
- Okay.
- Well, yes.
I've... I've realized that I'd rather
do what I love than be afraid.
No. Too right.
Yeah, fine. Let's give it a go.
And you know what's great about this?
If this doesn't work out...
- What?
- You could still date me.
Oh my God.
No, I'm just teasing.
I'm just teasing. Not really.
[Cami inhales, chuckles]
No. Um...
Yeah, Cami, this is good.
This is good for you.
- Right?
- Thank you.
Look, you only get one shot in life.
No do-overs.
["Brand New Heart"
by Laura Marano playing]
There are for you though.
If you wanna look at my life
Sorry, who... Sorry, who are you talking...
Don't think too much about it.
Well, this all starts Monday.
- Mm.
- And it's not Monday, is it?
- It's not. It's fun day.
- Okay.
Tonight, we make merry.
[Cami] Whoo!
Okay, so how does one make merry?
- Dunno. It starts with a drink, I think.
- Okay.
Uh, it's the first part of it.
- And then, uh, we sort of... Ooh!
- Oh, hello. Drink.
- Ah.
- Check on the first one.
- Rock star. It happens for me.
- [Cami chuckles]
Okay, so, what is your go-to move?
Oh, it depends, it's got, like,
more, like, hips. Sometimes splits.
[laughing] Stop!
It depends on how tight the pants are.
- These are quite...
- Stop! Stop! [laughing]
You know what I'm saying?
Like a James Brown sort of thing.
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand-new heart
Feel amazing
'Cause I got a brand-new start
Brand-new start
Hey! Hey!
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand...
[music playing indistinctly]
I'm sorry. I'm... I'm gonna have to say no.
Right. Yeah. No, it's all right.
- [Cami] I'm sorry.
- That's all right.
Am I that bad of a kisser?
No. You're, um, amazing, to be honest.
- I've done some practicing.
- Oh my God! But I just...
[Rex laughs]
I really need to go home.
Lucky guy.
[inhales deeply]
Well, if you change your mind,
chances are excellent I'm still single.
Go on. Go see your boy.
I'm gonna...
get out of this.
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
This is a moment
we deserve to have in person.
I'll see you tonight.
So will I see you back in LA?
I don't think so.
- [tender music playing]
- I'm happy for you.
- Get out of here.
- Bye.
[uplifting guitar music playing]
Maybe you'll see it differently next time.
I hope so.
[pensive music playing]
I found something.
- Is it a clue?
- Oh, definitely.
Thank you.
- [chuckles] That was yours.
- Well, not for long I hope.
This is the part...
where you tell me your answer in person.
Will you please marry me?
[tender music playing]
- Well, I can't just say yes.
- Oh, dear God.
[laughs] No, listen,
I'm not just accepting your proposal.
I... I need you to know
I am choosing you with my whole heart.
I'm sorry it took me so long,
but I'm sure.
I'm ready to commit myself to you
and our life together.
[exhales sharply]
- May I please have my ring now?
- [Paul] Oh yeah. [chuckles]
[Cami sighs] It's perfect.
You're perfect.
[Paul] Oh.
[romantic music playing]
I saw our kids in a dream, by the way.
They're adorable.
- Oh. Well, of course.
- Durr!
[woman over intercom]
You have 15 more minutes.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
- [Cami] Mm.
[music fades]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I do love you.
And our relationship checks every box.
[exhales] That's not a bad thing.
But it feels like we're playing it safe.
And that shouldn't be enough
for either of us.
I don't know what my future holds,
and it used to scare me,
but now it excites me.
I wanna live it, not try to predict it.
Well, then, I...
I wish you nothing but good surprises.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Cami.
- [tender music playing]
- [sighs]
Is everything all right?
I just broke up with a really good man.
[Jack] Hm.
So, what happens now?
That's the question, isn't it?
Well... I think...
we take it a day at a time.
A day at a time.
Can I kiss you now?
[romantic music playing]
Stick around. I might need you.
[music fades]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I do love you.
And our relationship checks every box.
[exhales] That's not a bad thing.
But it feels like we're playing it safe.
And that shouldn't be enough
for either of us.
I don't know what my future holds,
and it used to scare me,
but now it excites me.
I wanna live it, not try to predict it.
Well, then, I...
I wish you nothing but good surprises.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Cami.
- [tender music playing]
- [sighs]
Is everything all right?
I just broke up with a really good man.
[Jack] Hm.
So, what happens now?
That's the question, isn't it?
Well... I think...
we take it a day at a time.
A day at a time.
Can I kiss you now?
[romantic music playing]
Stick around. I might need you.
[music fades]
[dog barking in distance]
Thank you.
Okay. This could go
either really, really well,
or really, really badly.
- [keys clattering]
- Wish me luck.
[grunts] Okay.
[eerie atmospheric music playing]
- [Paul] Hey!
- [Cami screams]
Oh my God. I'm so sorry! [laughing]
I thought you were a burglar.
[operator] What is the nature
of your emergency?
- [Cami] You called 911?
- It's a big scary house.
- I mean, I'm a very small person.
- I didn't know that.
I heard the jingling at the door.
I didn't know who was there.
Okay. I should've called, but I was scared
you'd tell me not to come.
[both breathing heavily]
Why are you here?
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Because... I want you to know
I forgot how much I love you.
[Paul sighs]
Paul, you were right.
There are no guarantees, but...
I know this.
If I lose you,
I'll regret it forever.
You're my magician.
Well, I, um...
I never thought I'd be proposing to
the woman I love after calling 911 on her.
[both laugh]
I guess it'll be a good story
for the grandchildren.
Wait, um...
- Our grandchildren?
- If you'll have me.
- [operator on phone] Did she say yes?
- [Paul and Cami] Mm-hm.
[operator] Sir, do you still need a unit?
[Paul and Cami] Mm-mm.
[Cami laughs]
- [Cami] Hi.
- Hi.
[Cami] I love you.
[romantic music playing]
[music fades]
Well, um...
[protestors chanting indistinctly] long did it take you
to, you know, um,
stop loving me?
[tender piano music playing]
I'll let you know.
Moments move slow
God only knows
That's actually the answer
I was hoping for.
But look in my eyes
I will stand and fight
On the darkest night for you
What happens next?
We take it a day at a time.
It's not the end
It's not the end
Stick around. I might need you.
When your world caves in
Nowhere left to go
When you're crumbling
In a cloud of smoke
If you only knew
Well, um...
[protestors chanting indistinctly] long did it take you
to, you know, um,
stop loving me?
[tender piano music playing]
I'll let you know.
Moments move slow
God only knows
That's actually the answer
I was hoping for.
But look in my eyes
I will stand and fight
On the darkest night for you
What happens next?
We take it a day at a time.
It's not the end
It's not the end
Stick around. I might need you.
When your world caves in
Nowhere left to go
When you're crumbling
In a cloud of smoke
If you only knew
You can take a breath
I will carry you
Be your oxygen
Your oxygen
Your oxygen
Oh, Paul.
"Oh, Paul, I can't live without you"?
[tender music playing]
- [exhales]
- [Cami sighs]
Huh. [chuckles sadly]
If I were the man for you, Cami,
you would know it by now.
- [sighs]
- I haven't wanted to admit it...
but it's probably true.
I'm sorry.
No, it's... [inhales deeply]
I'm still glad I asked. [chuckles]
Um, I'm gonna go. [chuckles]
Um, wait, wait. Just...
[sucks teeth] Uh...
[Paul laughs]
- Want some chips?
- [laughs]
My favorite. [chuckles]
[exhales deeply] Do you have any more?
[chuckles] The last of the original.
I'm so sorry.
- What a day I'm having. [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckles]
[Paul sighs]
- Have a good show tonight.
- Thank you.
Take care.
Yeah, just...
This place is insane, by the way.
- I know. [chuckles]
- Bye.
[door opens]
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- You like it, like it, don't ya?
- Ooh
Ta-da! [chuckles]
You like it, don't ya?
Wow. You look...
You look absolutely ravishing.
Yeah, I know what's up
Do you wanna go over the song
a few more times before we go on?
No. I... I got it.
Totally confident.
Of course I wanna run through it!
- Get on in here.
- Hm.
Isn't it strange?
- [audience clapping]
- [Rex strums guitar]
[Rex] Thank you very much.
All right, uh, so, uh, this final song,
it's called "All I Want is You."
- Oh my God.
- [Rex] Um... [chuckles]
Uh, I had the good pleasure
of meeting, uh, a lovely lady
who, uh, explained my own song to me,
- which is good. [laughs]
- [audience laughs]
Um, she reminded me that love,
um, it doesn't need
all the bells and whistles.
Um, it's enough.
- [Cami chuckles]
- She's here. Look at her. There she is.
- Hi.
- Keeping me honest.
- Cami Conway, everyone.
- [audience clapping and cheering]
- You all right?
- No, but... Okay.
- You'll be fine.
- Let's do this.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [off-key] A movie freeze-framed in...
- [mouths] Sorry.
- Uh, sorry, that was my bad.
Um, it was a long flight.
I did a mess up. [chuckles]
Can we do it again? Is that all right?
- [audience clapping]
- We'll do it again.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
Cami Conway, everyone.
- Uh, thank you.
- Um, happy birthday, Lena.
Thank you for having us.
[fan 1] That was so good.
- [fan 2] That was so great.
- [fan 3] That was amazing.
[fan 4] Oh my gosh.
- Oh, thanks very much.
- [fans speaking indistinctly]
- [Rex] Uh, yeah.
- I don't love that. Would you?
Come and see me
when you're a little more polished.
I've got a lot of venues to fill.
Thank you.
I hate to be a buzzkill,
but are you aware that your ex-husband
runs a giant refugee shelter
and rakes in millions in profit?
[scoffs] Nothing about him surprises me.
I'll sic my lawyers on him.
[Rex] Thank you, guys.
- Sorry.
- Please stay.
- Favorite artist ever.
- It was nice to meet you.
So, wait, how do you feel?
Um, like, thank God it's over,
and I wanna do it again. [chuckles]
Well, I feel like we've just made love.
Oh. [chuckles]
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
Uh, Cami, listen, um...
I'm asking you
to take a leap of faith with me.
Yeah, there's something here, obviously.
Right? We should just...
We should just follow it.
We could go anywhere, do anything.
We could go to a New Zealand inn.
We could go to
The Gritti Palace in Venice.
We could go glamping at Mammoth.
- You hike?
- Mm, not really... Well, no. I might.
- If there was, like, room service.
- [laughs]
All right, imagine this. The two of us,
in the back of a private jet,
sipping champagne,
the pilot turns and says,
"We're ready to take off.
We're on our way to..."
Fill in the blank.
[Cami] Hm.
Isn't it strange?
- [Rex strums guitar]
- [audience clapping]
[Rex] Thank you very much.
All right, uh, so, uh, this final song,
it's called "All I Want is You."
- Oh my God.
- [Rex] Um... [chuckles]
Uh, I had the good pleasure
of meeting, uh, a lovely lady
who, uh, explained my own song to me,
- which is good. [laughs]
- [audience laughs]
Um, she reminded me that love,
um, it doesn't need
all the bells and whistles.
Um, it's enough.
- [Cami chuckles]
- She's here. Look at her. There she is.
- Hi.
- Keeping me honest.
- Cami Conway, everyone.
- [audience clapping and cheering]
- You all right?
- No, but... Okay.
- You'll be fine.
- Let's do this.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [off-key] A movie freeze-framed in...
- [mouths] Sorry.
- Uh, sorry, that was my bad.
Um, it was a long flight.
I did a mess up. [chuckles]
Can we do it again? Is that all right?
- [audience clapping]
- We'll do it again.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
[Cami] Yes! Whoo!
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
Cami Conway, everyone.
- Uh, thank you.
- Um, happy birthday, Lena.
Thank you for having us.
Oh, right. Yeah.
Two seconds. I'll be right over.
Right. Yeah. Oh, hello.
[Rex laughs]
- [fan 1] Your song was amazing.
- [Rex] Oh, thanks so much.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
- [fan 2] How long have you been playing?
- Not very long. I love your nails.
All these colors.
Thank you, guys, for coming to the show.
I really appreciate it.
- Yeah. I've gotta... I'm actually on my way.
- [fan 3] Really?
[Rex] So, how do you feel?
That was incredible.
Like, thank God it's over,
and I wanna do it again.
- I feel like we've just made love.
- [Cami] Oh. [chuckles]
Do you feel the same way?
I, um...
I guess we don't need words.
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
[Rex chuckling]
- Wow.
- [Rex] Ah. [chuckles]
Look, uh, Cami,
I know I'm asking you
to take a leap of faith with me,
but, uh, there's obviously
something here, right?
We should just go with it.
We should just find out what it is.
We could do anything, go anywhere.
We could go... A New Zealand inn.
We could go to The Gritti Palace in Venice
if you haven't been. It's lovely.
Or we could, uh, I don't know,
go glamping in Mammoth or something.
- Um...
- [Rex] Around Mammoth?
You hike?
- No. Not really. Um...
- Yeah. I could tell that.
I might if there was room service,
and someone to carry the bags,
and a hotel at the top of it.
Okay, imagine this.
All right, the two of us on a private jet,
we're alone, we're sipping champagne,
and then the pilot says,
"We're ready for take-off.
We're on our way to..."
Fill in the blank.
[Cami] Hm.
[strums end of song]
[audience clapping and cheering]
He's great.
- He is.
- [Rex] Thank you very much.
The last song we're gonna do tonight
is called "All I Want Is You."
I had the good fortune
of meeting a very special lady,
who explained my own song to me,
which was very helpful.
[audience laughs]
She reminded me that when you're in love,
you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Love is enough.
And she's here tonight, keeping me honest.
Cami Conway, everyone.
Are you all right?
Uh, uh-uh. [chuckles]
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [off-key] A movie freeze-framed in...
[clears throat]
Hello, everyone. Sorry, uh, I messed up.
It was a long flight.
Bit tired.
Just one more time, yeah?
Is that all right? Yeah? All right.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
[Paul clears throat]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[mouths] Me?
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
- Nice job.
- Nice job yourself.
[Rex speaking indistinctly]
Cami Conway, everyone.
Happy birthday, Lena. Ah, thanks, darling.
- [Lena] Mwah. I love you.
- Good night. Thanks, everyone. Good night.
- Hey. Oh right.
- [Paul] Hey!
[both laughing]
Oh, I wouldn't have missed this
for the world.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Mm. Usually, I am. Let's see.
- [Cami] Mm-hm.
Okay. It's that we should
get married tonight
and spend the rest of our lives together.
Oh. Um...
[tender music playing]
- Yes!
- Wait, really?
- [Cami] Yes.
- Really?
Okay, you know what, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna take yes for an answer.
Okay, listen,
if we're being honest with each other,
I was gonna suggest
trying our luck on the slots, but...
[Paul laughs] know, I like trying our luck
on each other better.
Leap of faith time, baby.
I am all in.
- Ooh, in that case...
- Mm.
...I have something for you.
- What?
- Yeah.
Wait, stop.
The one from the escape room.
That was yours?
Yeah, it was.
But, uh...
it's yours now.
- Yes, it is.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
And so are you.
[Paul] Oh, good.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Uh, I'm sorry.
I'm just a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
He loves that.
[clears throat] Well...
Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do, yeah.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
So no backsies. We clear on that?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
I do.
I pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
["54321 Let's Go" playing]
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
[song ends]
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
Do we have a ring?
- Oh, yes, we do. Yeah.
- We do.
We do.
[exhales sharply, clears throat]
[officiant] Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- ["54321 Let's Go" playing]
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
[song ends]
When the water's gettin' higher
And you're sweatin' it out
I'm picturing someone else.
Ouch. [chuckles]
And you can't find direction
I'm sorry.
And you can't get ahead
I... I gotta go.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
[Cami] Jack!
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
Ever since we went our separate ways,
I've wondered, "What if?"
I always felt so alive when
we were together, and that's still true.
This is just the beginning
God, I... I guess what I'm trying to say is
I've just realized
I've never fallen out of love with you.
The storm's gonna clear
Neither have I.
Yeah, you made it here
We have to pursue both of our dreams.
They won't all be the same.
Are you in?
When do we start?
Right now.
I mean, we can't go back in time.
- No.
- No.
But you can.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
Stronger every minute
Just the beginning
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
When the water's gettin' higher
And you're sweatin' it out
I'm picturing someone else.
Ouch. [chuckles]
And you can't find direction
I'm sorry.
And you can't get ahead
I... I gotta go.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
[Cami] Jack!
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
Ever since we went our separate ways,
I've wondered, "What if?"
I always felt so alive when
we were together, and that's still true.
This is just the beginning
God, I... I guess what I'm trying to say is
I've just realized
I've never fallen out of love with you.
The storm's gonna clear
Neither have I.
Yeah, you made it here
We have to pursue both of our dreams.
They won't all be the same.
Are you in?
When do we start?
Right now.
I mean, we can't go back in time.
- No.
- No.
But you can.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
Stronger every minute
Just the beginning
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
Stronger every minute
This is just the beginning
["How Do You Love" playing]
I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry.
Oh, right. [chuckles]
Am I that bad of a kisser?
One of the best kisses I've ever had.
- No, no, no, that's not it. Um...
- That's not it? Mm.
The thing is,
I... don't date men I work with.
- [Rex] Hm.
- [Cami] Rex, I wanna be your producer.
Your... Your engineer. And maybe...
Maybe even one day sing.
Ah. All right, now... now you wanna sing.
- Okay.
- Well, yes.
I've... I've realized that I'd rather
do what I love than be afraid.
No. Too right.
Yeah, fine. Let's give it a go.
And you know what's great about this?
If this doesn't work out...
- What?
- You can still date me.
Oh my God.
No, I'm just teasing.
I'm just teasing. Not really.
[Cami inhales, chuckles]
No. Um...
Yeah, Cami, this is good.
This is good for you.
- Right?
- Thank you.
Look, you only get one shot in life.
No do-overs.
["Brand New Heart" playing]
There are for you though.
If you wanna look at my life
Sorry, who... Sorry, who are you talking...
Don't think too much about it.
Well, this all starts Monday.
- Mm.
- And it's not Monday, is it?
- It's not. It's fun day.
- Okay.
Tonight, we make merry.
[Cami] Whoo!
Okay, so how does one make merry?
- Dunno. It starts with a drink, I think.
- Okay.
Uh, it's the first part of it.
- And then, uh, we sort of... Ooh!
- Oh, hello. Drink.
- Ah.
- Check on the first one.
- Rock star. It happens for me.
- [Cami chuckles]
Okay, so what is your go-to move?
It depends, it's got, like,
more, like, hips. Sometimes splits.
[laughing] Stop!
It depends on how tight the pants are.
- These are quite...
- Stop! Stop! [laughing]
You know what I'm saying?
Like a James Brown sort of thing.
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand-new heart
Feel amazing
'Cause I got a brand-new start
Brand-new start
Hey! Hey!
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Mm. Usually, I am. Let's see.
- [Cami] Mm-hm.
Okay. It's that we should
get married tonight
and spend the rest of our lives together.
Oh. Um...
[tender music playing]
- Yes!
- Wait, really?
- [Cami] Yes.
- Really?
Okay, you know what, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna take yes for an answer.
Okay, listen,
if we're being honest with each other,
I was gonna suggest
trying our luck on the slots, but...
[Paul laughs] know, I like trying our luck
on each other better.
Leap of faith time, baby.
I am all in.
- Ooh, in that case...
- Mm.
...I have something for you.
- What?
- Yeah.
Wait, stop.
The one from the escape room.
That was yours?
Yeah, it was.
But, uh...
it's yours now.
- Yes, it is.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
And so are you.
[Paul] Oh, good.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Uh, I'm sorry.
I'm just a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
He loves that.
[clears throat] Well...
Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do, yeah.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
So no backsies. We clear on that?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
I do.
I pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
["54321 Let's Go" playing]
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
["Feelin' It" by Danger Twins playing]
Whoo! Yeah!
Yeah! Whoo!
I'mma go ahead
And do my thing like only I can do
State of mind
My position is an attitude
Show the world I'm the real deal
- I'm the truth
- I'm the truth
- Yeah!
- I got skills
You know I'm crushin' it
I got skills
No use discussing it
I got skills
They rumble
Like the thunder in my soul
And there ain't nobody stealin' it
- 'Cause I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Don't gotta prove it
I'mma do it how I do it
I'mma do it
- Whoo!
- Oh!
- Whoo!
- Pockets overflowing
- Got my dancin' shoes on
- I like 'em
They think I'm lucky
But it's just that I'm the bomb
Won't even know what hit 'em
Till I'm long gone
I got style
I... I... I'm killin' it
I got style
You know I'm milkin' it
I got style
It rumble like the thunder in my soul
And there ain't nobody stealin' it
- 'Cause I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Don't gotta prove it
I'mma do it how I do it
Holler if ya feeling it
Holler if ya feel it too
Holler if ya feeling it
Holler if ya feeling it
Holler, holler, ho...
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
- I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Yeah, you know
- I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Don't gotta prove it
I'mma do it how I do it
[upbeat music playing]
[atmospheric music playing]
[funky music playing]
[tender music playing]
[music swells]
[pop guitar music playing]
[romantic music playing]
[music fades]
[woman] Okay, don't get me wrong.
Um, I have a great life.
I'm in love with my boyfriend.
I love my job.
Okay, I don't love my job,
but I love what it could be.
My student loans and my car are paid off.
So... [inhales deeply]
Yeah, what's my problem?
- You feel there's something missing.
- I feel there's...
[music stops]
- She's good.
- Your friends are all getting married.
- [woman] Yeah.
- Everyone around you is so sure.
Yes. My... My sister already has a kid.
- Your work is unsatisfying.
- Yes.
- Your life lacks meaning.
- Well, not completely...
- Clock is ticking.
- Okay.
- It's... It's not loud yet, but it's there.
- Now it's loud.
Mm-hm. Sign your name.
[psychic] And think of a question
while you shuffle those.
- [Cami] A question?
- [psychic] Mm-hm.
Yeah, okay. Um, is Paul my person?
No. Um, am I gonna be recording ads
my whole life?
Wait. Is it a straight line
from here on out?
- Sorry.
- Uh... I got this.
[psychic chuckles]
[suspenseful music playing]
- Oh.
- Oh.
- [psychic] Oh.
- Oh.
- Ooh.
- [Cami] Ooh.
Yeah. [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckling] Yes.
- Uh...
Huh? Why "uh?"
[psychic] Oh yes.
Ooh, hoo-hoo-hoo.
No straight line for you.
This is your card. This is the lovers.
This is relationships and choices.
And you are about to be pulled
in all different directions.
Could you just, um, tell me where I land?
Ah, well, that depends on you.
'Cause destiny is a myth.
I see opportunities, I see challenges.
But... you will have to choose.
And do not make the choices lightly,
as the ramifications will be lasting.
[suspenseful music playing]
Is it just me or did that sound ominous?
You wanna hear good news or bad news?
Well, I mean,
can I have both?
- [laughs]
- [Cami chuckles]
Okay. Yeah. No.
You're gonna choose one
before your name disappears.
Oh. Oh, oh, okay. Fire.
Obviously I wanna hear the good news,
but bad news is probably more important,
because then I can try to avoid it.
But good news
is something I can look forward to...
- Um... Uh, good news.
- [music builds then stops]
This is the sun.
It represents innocence and joy.
A childhood dream could become a reality.
Um, I... wanted to be a singer.
- No, that's never gonna happen, so...
- Oh.
Who are these guys?
Well, these guys are your suitors.
That's the knight of swords,
the magician, and the fool.
But there's only Paul.
Not for long.
[music ends]
[dog barking in distance]
- [Cami] Okay, rearranging the deck chairs.
- [Paul] Titanic.
- But watch out for the...
- Iceberg!
- Yes! Okay.
- Yes!
Okay. Um... Oh, oh. I'm always trying
to get you to go to the...
- The Griffith Park Observatory!
- Yes!
- [Amalia] Time's up!
- [Cami] Boom!
- I didn't get to buzz the buzzer.
- Well...
You guys won by...
Well, let's just say a lot.
One last round, and the winner takes all.
- Okay.
- [Cami and Paul] Sure.
- [Cami and Paul] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- You little...
- You guys are adorable.
- We know.
- Paul.
Okay. Who's up?
[Amalia] Florian.
- A royal lady.
- Princess.
- [in Dutch] No.
- Queen.
[in English]
Yes, this is right. From Egypt.
- Oh, Cleopatra.
- You can't say "Egypt."
[speaks Dutch]
- [Amalia] Okay.
- I wanna know what that means.
You're doing great, baby.
You're doing good.
Do I throw the game or follow
my natural instinct and go for the kill?
I mean, English is his second language,
and I love my sister.
- [Paul] Good job.
- Okay.
- All right.
- [Amalia laughs]
You're a little behind,
but you're doing great.
- Okay. Uh, buzzer.
- It's a big achievement for us.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
Okay. Um...
Ooh, that creepy nightmare that you had.
Taylor Swift chasing me
with a slow cooker.
- [Amalia laughs]
- No. What? No, um...
- Uh, okay, large animal.
- [Cami] Mm.
And it lays the giant egg...
Charlie Sheen.
- Uh...
- [Paul] No.
- Close?
- [Paul] Not even.
What are you talking about? [laughs]
No, it's, uh...
Okay. What's between your head
and your shoulders?
- [buzzer] Uh-uh.
- Can't say "head."
Oh, time's up.
Did we win?
- Oh my God, we won!
- [Florian] We won!
[whispers] Ostrich.
- I know.
- [Florian] Ho-ho! Yeah!
- [Amalia] I think this is a first.
- [Florian] That is right.
You guys are loud.
[in Dutch] Hey, sweetie.
Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Come here.
You need to go back to bed.
It is a school night.
But school starts late tomorrow, remember?
Oh, damn.
Ah, I have an early meeting tomorrow.
Hey, I'll take Luisa
if I can have the last brownie.
I'll see you in the morning.
- [Luisa and Amalia laugh]
- Florian, this was fun.
Thanks for letting us win.
[chuckling] Hey, I don't know
what you're talking about.
- [laughs] Of course not.
- Yeah.
- I love you so much.
- [Amalia] Love you too.
- [Florian] Nice to see you.
- [Amalia] Thank you.
[pensive music playing]
You wanna stay over?
[groans] I can't. I have court tomorrow.
It's gonna be another all-nighter for me.
Can't you just say,
"Your Honor, this creep cheated
on my client for the last eight years."
- Uh-huh.
- "She should get everything."
- Oh.
- "And he should get diddly-squat"?
[chuckles] Wow.
Okay, well, I work too hard, then.
- You really do.
- [laughs]
- Ooh.
- Oh. Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Yes, it came!
- Is this from you?
- Uh-huh.
- What is it?
- You have to open it and find out.
[Cami] Mm.
- Batteries.
- Mm-hm.
- Smoke Alarm Day. [gasps] It's tomorrow!
- Did I get the right amount?
- Mm. I added another in the linen closet.
- Ah, I owe you one.
Hey, how would you like
to go to Le Comptoir tomorrow night?
[chuckles] You will never
get a reservation.
Well, it's a good thing
I already did, then.
Well, all right, then.
- [Paul] Yeah?
- Yeah.
[Paul] It's a date?
It's a date.
- Ah.
- [laughs]
[tender music playing]
Good night.
Good night.
- I'm gonna go before I change my mind.
- [Cami] Yeah, you do that.
- All right. Oh.
- Oh, please, don't fall.
- I'm all right.
- M'kay.
[upbeat music playing]
[kids chattering and laughing]
So, every year, on the same day,
we put fresh new batteries
into all the smoke alarms,
and that day is today.
So we never have to worry about fire?
Well, no, not exactly. Um...
In the stars
Oh my God.
Like it's destined
All good things return
Who's Jack?
The one that got away.
We were lab partners in chemistry.
He's the reason I'm a vegetarian.
Last time I saw him,
we were crying at the airport.
He was heading off to Guatemala
to save the world,
and I was heading off to NYU.
- We just met too young.
- [Jack laughing]
I'm going in with you.
I'm eight. They're gonna make fun of me.
[clicks tongue] Well, I've gotta say hi.
- Hold my hand.
- [Luisa groans]
Look at little baby Luisa.
Do you have a dirty diaper, baby?
Ugh, pee-ew.
- She does.
- Shut up!
Poopy Luisa! Poopy Luisa!
- I mean, please...
- [boy] Loser!
I told you!
Well, you can't let the bullies win.
What am I supposed to do?
Well, I mean, I'm not your parent.
Hold on, Jack's coming.
Do I have lipstick on my teeth?
Never mind. I'm sorry I embarrassed you.
You're my favorite niece
in the entire world.
I'm your only niece. What's your advice?
That type of kid pulls this crap
because he can get away with it.
Someone needs to stand up to him,
and why not you?
You know, put those karate lessons to use.
Know what I'm saying?
- [Luisa] Really?
- Oh yeah.
[upbeat music playing]
- Ha-yah!
- [boy grunts]
- [both grunting]
- [Cami] Whoa!
- [Cami] Whoa... Oh.
- [Jack] Hey.
- [Cami] Oh my God.
- Time-out.
- Are you okay?
- Back there, okay? And then...
- [Luisa] Yeah.
- Cami?
- Oh.
- What...? Wow. Look at you.
- [clicks fingers] Stay.
- [Cami] Jack, I...
I can't believe it's you. This is crazy.
You saw him already.
It's why you walked in with me.
She said you were the one who got away.
Didn't say from what.
Kids. Can't take 'em anywhere.
Can I go?
- No, Dylan. We're gonna have a chat first.
- [Dylan] She started it.
And you are?
- Luisa.
- Hi. Mr. Menna.
- Nice to meet you.
- She's not mine, by the way.
Um, she's my sister's.
[school bell rings]
- Oh. There's the bell.
- [Cami chuckles awkwardly]
Kids, you know our school policy.
And you know you both broke it.
This is all my fault.
I, um, told Luisa to fight back.
And fighting back is important.
But with physical violence, guys? Come on.
- [Luisa and Dylan] No.
- No.
- [Cami mumbles]
- So... [snaps fingers]'s a plan.
Starting tomorrow, you both have two weeks
of clean-up
for the breakfast program, okay?
I'm not a morning person.
Are you a breakfast person?
Lucky you.
There are a lot of kids out there
who don't get to eat breakfast at home
because there isn't any.
They count on us to give them
the most important meal of the day.
Can they count on Luisa and Dylan
for just two weeks?
- Yeah.
- [Jack] Yeah?
- [Luisa] Yeah.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Put it there. Get out of here. Go on.
[clicks tongue] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- [Luisa] Bye!
- [chuckles] Bye.
- [Jack sighs] Oh God.
- Listen, um, about what Luisa said...
Oh, the... one that got away?
Don't... Don't do that. I am humiliated.
No, don't be.
I... I think of you the same way.
And that's just who we are to each other.
Is he giving off a vibe?
- Anyway, I gotta... I gotta go.
- [Cami] Oh. Yeah.
But, uh, how about lunch today?
I'm off at one.
[tender music playing]
God, you look beautiful.
You look exactly the same.
That's a vibe.
You got... You got any kids?
Are you...? Are you married?
- No. You?
- No.
Lincoln Park. Our old bench.
Sure. Why not? [chuckles]
I'll bring the wraps.
- Still no mayo?
- You remember.
Ah, let's get each other's number.
- Oh, yeah. Um...
- Right.
[Cami chuckles]
How are your folks?
They ever get remarried?
Um, yes, they did.
- To each other.
- No.
- Mm-hm.
- [Jack] Get out of here.
- Really?
- I'm... I'm being dead serious.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
[Cami] Yeah.
- [Jack] Ah, I'm...
- [Cami] Oh.
[Jack] It's nice to see you.
- Good to see you. Okay.
- This is crazy.
[Cami chuckles]
- There's a pole.
- [Cami] There's... Be careful.
- Go take care of kids.
- [Jack] Okay, bye.
It's only lunch.
Um, guess who works at Luisa's school?
Jack Menna.
He asked me to lunch, and said I look
as beautiful as I did in high school.
Call me back if you wanna know
what I said. Bye, Amalia.
- I have a ten o'clock in here today.
- It's been moved to Studio B.
[rock guitar playing]
Rex Galier?
As in Rex Galier?
I'm sorry. You got Rex Galier?
S... Sorry. Could you close the door
on your way out? Please?
[guitar stops]
How on Earth did we get Rex Galier?
And why didn't you give him to me?
Totally last minute.
Anyway, you got New Bone at 10:00.
Hm. "Where would I put
my best recording engineer?"
"Rock star? Mineral supplement?"
"Hard choice, I don't know what to do."
[laughs] Well, I do. I put my best
recording engineer with my best client.
And the best client is the one that writes
the most checks with the most zeros.
Not that hard.
Should I go easy on him
or let him have it?
So, uh, you agree I'm the best?
Of course you're the best.
Do I think Greg's gonna
hit it out of the park with the Brit? No.
So what? We're never gonna see him again.
Meanwhile, when your ad guy from Spark
shows up in ten minutes,
he's not gonna have the rug
yanked out from under him.
Using your metaphor,
I would be the rug
you don't wanna yank out, right?
Just an expression.
But an apt one.
Maybe you take your rug for granted.
Maybe this rug has hopes and dreams.
Yeah, I hear ya. But you know what?
What? [exhales]
It's a rug. [chuckles]
[chuckles, inhales]
Thanks. [sighs]
For nothing.
[man] You're welcome.
So much for the soft approach.
With New Bone,
age really is just a number.
[woman on recording]
I thought my running days were over,
but with New Bone,
age really is just a number.
[inspiring music plays then stops]
Let's break for lunch.
We'll be back in an hour.
[sucks teeth]
- You okay there?
- [laughs]
- No. Um...
- Yeah.
I'm a bit of a Luddite, actually.
Uh, would you be a dear
and show me how this works?
- Yeah. Um, well...
- [laughs] Ah.
- Take a cup.
- Right. Good start.
Great start.
- Take one of these...
- Here's where I get confused...
- [Cami] And you put it in there.
- [Rex] Oh.
- Lift it.
- Exactly.
- Gotta lift it up.
- Milk's already in.
Press the button and voil.
- [Rex] Voil.
- Magic.
- You're a genius. Thank you so much.
- [chuckles]
Um... so are you a musician or a...
I, uh... I work here.
Oh, right. Yeah.
["Car Wash" playing on cell phone]
- Sorry.
- Oh yeah. Sure thing.
Hey. How you doing?
No, um, the other studio had a bomb scare,
or, uh, termites or something.
[chuckles] No.
No, it's, uh... it's fine here.
Um, very complicated cappuccino machines,
but, uh, very beautiful women,
so, yeah, you know, all's, uh...
All's good.
Ooh, gotta call you back.
Sudden drop in temperature. Bye.
[laughs nervously] Sorry. That was dumb.
Uh, I'm sure you're much more
than a very beautiful...
whatever it is that you do here.
I'm a recording engineer.
Right. Yes. A fine and noble profession.
Mm. Yeah. This one's mine.
I hope you were paying attention.
[laughs] You know I wasn't.
Can you help me out?
[inhales deeply]
Do you want some real help?
[breathes deeply]
The mix on your last hit was a hot mess.
I mean, I'm all for some compression
and a little limiting,
but someone went in there
and strangled the damn thing to death.
You wonder why there's no dynamic range.
I... I mean, the soft sounds
were louder than the loud sounds.
[Rex] Mm.
Wow. [chuckles]
Tell me how you really feel.
[Rex chuckles]
Yeah. No, you might be right.
The teensiest bit mean, if I'm honest,
but... but...
you... you, uh...
yeah, you actually might be right.
I don't even drink coffee. Enjoy.
Yeah, so my first year in Guatemala
was the hurricanes.
[Cami] Mm.
Thousands of people were displaced.
It was 24/7 for months.
And, finally, I get a day off,
go to the coast, and I go surfing.
- And I break my leg in three places.
- No.
Yeah, I wound up recovering at a mission
that also happened to be an orphanage.
Is that when you started working
with kids?
Yeah. So hard to focus though,
because there's so many things to work on
in pretty much every country
around the world.
- I'm so sorry.
- [chuckles] Don't be.
You're their knight in shining armor.
[suspenseful tone plays]
- The knight of swords.
- [Jack] Enough about me.
Your turn. Go.
Um, I spend 50 hours a week
in a recording studio.
- Get out of here. You're a singer?
- I knew you were gonna say that.
- You did it. Cami...
- No. Calm down. Recording engineer.
No, that's so cool.
Wha... What kind of music?
Uh... jingles for heartburn remedies.
Mm, yeah.
- We love heartburn remedies. No.
- [laughs] Stop.
If you can help even one person
end their struggle with heartburn,
you've made a difference.
Well, I do like making a difference, so...
Are you, um, still doing photography?
In fact,
are you busy tonight?
There's a fundraiser for this organization
called Close to Your Heart Coalition,
and some of my photos
are being exhibited and auctioned off.
I'd love for you to... to come,
if you're free.
Oh, I'd love to.
I'm... I'm so sorry. I... I have plans.
You're welcome to bring someone. Friend?
Significant other?
Do I tell him about Paul?
Well, if anything changes...
[tender music playing]
[Cami] Aw.
I thought about you a lot.
For what it's worth.
Me too.
Oh God. Okay.
- Um, I do have a boyfriend.
- Mm.
- Paul.
- Paul?
- [Cami] Paul.
- Hate the guy already.
- No, he's nice! Stop it.
- I'm kidding. I'm sure he is.
He is a divorce attorney,
and we've been together three years.
Do you live together?
Well, no.
But, uh... No. [inhales]
Is something holding you back?
You know what? I... I don't know. I mean...
Probably my parents splitting up
and getting back together.
- Mmm.
- Uh, I don't know.
Maybe I just...
I don't know what "forever" looks like.
What about you? Are you with someone?
No. Noth... Nothing serious.
Not for a while.
[tender music playing]
- Uh, wow, look at the time.
- Didn't even look at your watch.
I did. It's really... It's late. I gotta
get back to a recording session. Oh.
- There's a... a thing there.
- There's a juice.
- Yeah.
- So good to see you.
Great. It...
[chuckles softly]
- [commercial jingle plays over speakers]
- [sighs]
[woman on recording]
They say 60 is the new 40.
With New Bone, I'm starting to believe it.
- [knocks on door]
- Try it yourself...
I've come to steal you away.
Will you do my mix?
Um, unfortunately,
it's... it's not up to me.
Ah. Mm.
I've already cleared it with your boss.
- How?
- [Rex] His daughter's a fan.
I always keep stuff with me in the car.
It didn't come cheap.
Two autographed T-shirts
and a selfie with Dan.
Come on. Let's go.
- [Rex] With you I feel alive
- [background vocals] Oh, oh, oh
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [background vocals] Oh
[Rex] Back to that first night
Holding you changed my life
When I saw you, I knew this was it
[background vocals] Yeah, yeah
Been looking for forever for this
[background vocals] Yeah, yeah
- [Rex] You lit a fire in the dark
- [background vocals] Fire...
It's way overdone,
but I can't say that, right?
Do I play it safe or be brutally honest?
[brass instruments playing in song]
That's a lot of trumpets.
[Rex] Everything you do
- [music stops]
- Um...
Wow. Big, big sound.
What can I say? I'm a fool for love.
[suspenseful tone plays]
The fool.
When you're in love, your feelings,
they... they just explode, you know?
They can't be contained within your heart
or your, um... or your body.
Or, uh... Or your music.
Yeah, the, um, "knock 'em over the head
with your feelings" sound.
Yeah, yeah.
"I'm in love,
and I got a brass section to prove it."
Are you mocking me?
No! No. I...
I totally get what you're going for.
- Cami.
- Mm?
It's not hard for me
to find people who echo my opinions.
It's hard for me to find people who don't.
Okay. Um...
Look, the emphasis in the chorus is off.
Yeah, you've... you've made it
more about you than the woman you love.
[Rex] Hm.
I think you'd get the longing more
if you held out the "you."
Honestly even if you made it
a little higher as well, like, um...
[inhales deeply]
[in higher pitch] All I want is you
All I want is you
Something like that. [chuckles nervously]
Do you want Greg back in here?
Let's make a promise.
You won't ever lie to me,
and I will never lie to you.
- All right?
- Deal.
Yeah. Okay.
- Okay.
- Show me what you have in mind.
- Well...
- ["All I Want Is You" playing]
[claps] Okay. Um...
I think first thing's first, we're gonna
wanna get rid of these background vocals.
Throughout the, um, whole song?
- Yeah, I think so.
- Yeah.
For right now.
There they go. Um...
[Rex] Hey, hey!
I think we're gonna wanna
take out these ad-libs.
No, not the ad-libs.
Yeah, I worked hard on those, actually.
Do you need to leave?
- No.
- You okay?
Yeah. [chuckles]
You're doing great.
[song continues]
Just for kicks,
why don't we just solo these horns?
Yeah, yeah.
- To understand clearly, you like these?
- [horns playing]
That is the correct answer.
So we're gonna take 'em out.
I'm so sorry. They're gone.
[Cami claps hands]
Time for the new vocals.
Come on. Into the booth.
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
["All I Want Is You" playing]
When I saw you, I knew this was it
- Been looking for forever for this
- [Rex] Hm.
- You lit a fire in the dark
- Uh, I tried to build in a sonic shift.
- And all I want is you
- Yeah. Uh, it's interesting. I like it.
- All I want is you
- Uh, maybe add a harmony here.
- [Rex] Everything you do
- [harmonizing] Everything you do
- [Rex] All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex] You light my...
Something like that. [chuckles nervously]
Yeah, that's great.
Great. Should I... mix this version?
Uh, yeah. No, but I was...
I meant your voice. It's beautiful.
Yeah, I was in a band
for, like, ten minutes.
Ah. [chuckles]
And then I developed
some pretty severe stage fright, so...
Do you love what you do?
I know it's a big question.
Do you love what you do?
You know what? Today, I do.
[chuckles] Me too.
- What do you want?
- [inhales]
My dream is to record and produce music
that has something to say.
Um, to be a part of making art
that adds to people's lives.
Long-term, I wanna
be my own boss.
Own my own studio.
- Yeah.
- The dream.
The dream. Exactly.
Well, I'd say if, uh,
that's what you wanna do...
I'm guessing you'll do it.
- You think so?
- Yeah.
- [Cami] Yeah.
- Why not?
Okay. Hey.
- Let's get back to work.
- Yes. [claps] Yes, boss lady.
- What's that one do?
- Hey. Don't touch my board.
- No, I get that.
- Isn't that funny about the other thing?
- It's exactly that.
- It took me a second.
- You're like, "I know what that is."
- "I know what you're talking about."
Uh, this is me. Um, do you want a ride?
No. This is me.
- [laughs awkwardly]
- Oh.
Thank you for requesting me today.
I had a good time.
Yeah. Yeah, I did too. Um...
[Cami laughs awkwardly]
[both laugh awkwardly]
Can I call you?
Sure. Yeah. Um...
- Do you got a phone?
- I do. I have one of those.
Wh... Why don't you put your number in,
and then... I can send you my info.
Yeah, and I can call you.
- Yeah, you can totally call me. [chuckles]
- [laughs]
[typing on cell phone]
Does he mean for work?
He's not asking me out, right?
Do I keep it business
or explain my situation?
I can't believe it was just this morning
you were taking the piss out of me
in the kitchen.
Then you took the piss out of me
in the studio.
- [laughs] Sorry.
- [Rex] No, it was good.
I don't think I've ever met
anyone quite like you, actually.
Thank you.
I, um, have uploaded the file
to your account.
If you have trouble accessing it,
you can just let me know.
- Which is why you have my number.
- Cell phone.
- Yup.
- [Rex] Yeah.
- Exactly.
- [Rex] Of course. [chuckles]
Hey, um... good luck
with the rest of your album.
Thank you. Yeah. Maybe I'll send you
a cut or two. See what you think.
- Yes, that would be amazing.
- Yeah. Till next time.
Till next time.
- Oh.
- Yes.
[Cami chuckles]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Mm.
- [car door closes]
- [car engine starts]
[Paul on voice mail]
Hey, I'm stuck at work.
Uh, I moved Le Comptoir to eight o'clock,
but I'll have to meet you there.
I'm sorry. I love you.
I'll make it up to you.
[cell phone clicks]
I've got a lot to process.
[Cami on speakerphone]
Guys, the psychic was right.
Three cards, three men.
I've been obsessing about Jack all day.
Except for the part
where I wanted to kiss Rex.
Meanwhile, Paul is taking me
to Le Comptoir tonight.
- Wait, tonight?
- [Cami] Yeah.
- [food sizzling]
- Hold on.
Hey. Easy. Maybe you should
just tell Paul what's going on.
Are you kidding me?
Doesn't he deserve to know?
Well, yeah...
- He is about to...
- Hey, Florian. [laughs nervously]
About to what?
Stir the pot.
- Never mind.
- Thank you.
Paul bought a ring.
Oh my God.
How? When?
I don't know. He... He didn't tell me.
But, Cami, Le Comptoir
is a really nice place.
Oh my God. Oh my God. I... I can't go.
I don't wanna be crushing on Jack
as I dig a ring out of my crme brle.
[both laughing]
Stop it. This is not funny.
Sorry. It's not funny.
[both laughing]
Um, well... [sighs]
maybe you could postpone. Right?
And then go to the fundraiser,
and may... maybe that'll
give you some clarity.
- [tender music playing]
- Does that make me a bad person?
Oh, Cami. You couldn't be a bad person
if you tried.
Besides, you're not
in high school anymore.
Don't you owe it to yourself
to see if this is just a fantasy?
And don't you owe it to Paul?
You always say the right thing.
Thank you. I love you. Bye.
- Bye. I love you.
- [cell phone chimes]
[cell phone clicks]
Okay. Easy.
- [line rings]
- [exhales]
Hi. Can we reschedule tonight?
I'm not feeling 100%.
I know. I'm disappointed too.
No, don't cancel the escape room.
I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
Love you too.
And I do.
Hey, Rex. Um, hold on.
Let me put you on speaker.
So you can hear.
Hey, I know it's last minute, but, um,
can you meet me at the studio tonight?
Uh, sorry, is there
something wrong with the mix?
Um, yeah, a bit.
You're not on it.
I wanna record your harmony.
Uh, I'm sorry, uh... Oh!
A... A temp track
till you find a real singer?
Of course not. I want you on the album.
You can't... You can't mean that.
And yet I do. [chuckles]
[mouths] Oh my God.
Oh my... Wow. Um, wow. Wow.
Uh, I'm so flattered, but I've got plans.
How about this weekend?
[inhales] Sorry, no,
I'm off to San Francisco on Saturday.
[sighs] You have no idea
how weird your timing is.
It's now or never. Come on. It'll be fun.
What do you say?
I say yes.
Yes, yes, yes. I am so in.
[chuckles] Brilliant.
[Cami] Uh, you know what?
Not at the studio, though.
I'd have to clear it with Dan,
and I'd rather not.
Uh, come to my house.
I have a home studio.
- I'll text you the address.
- All right. Bye. [chuckles]
[upbeat music playing]
[doorbell rings]
- Hm. Let's do this. Ah. Okay.
- [doorbell rings]
Let's get to work.
All right, so we'll just, um...
- Maybe start two bars before the chorus.
- Okay.
- [Rex] And all I want is you
- [Cami harmonizing] You
That's great.
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
That's really good.
- You light my soul like neon
- You light my soul like neon
- Let me be the one you lean on
- Let me be the one you lean on
Actually, that's nice. I wonder
if I should do that on the first one.
- Go into head voice?
- Oh yeah. Just give it a go.
- Yeah?
- I think it's great.
- [Rex] You light my soul like neon
- You light my soul like neon
- Let me be the one you lean on
- Let me be the one you lean on
- You made me wanna give it all I have
- You made me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- When I saw you I...
- When I saw you I...
- Yeah. That felt good.
- I like that one better.
All right, this next one, right?
This next chorus...
- Yes.
- Do it again, right?
- Okay.
- Um... Um... Just, um...
For this one,
just have a bit more fun with it.
I love that note.
I love when producers give that note.
- The best note.
- Yeah.
Um, I'm gonna give you fun.
Be careful what you wish for.
[Rex] And all I want is
- You
- [Cami harmonizing] You
- [theatrically] All I want is you
- [Rex] All I want is you
Oh, hello.
- [Rex] Everything you do
- [Cami clears throat]
- You can give me, uh, the Grammy now.
- [music stops]
- Yeah, do I send it to the house?
- Yeah, you just...
- Do you have space for it on your shelf?
- [laughs] Yes.
- [laughs] Okay.
- Can't believe I just did that.
Let's do that one, one more time.
Fun. Not that fun.
- [laughs]
- And, uh... [chuckles] I'll be out of here.
You know what? First, I need some tea.
Do you want a cup?
Only if you let me make it.
Americans can't make tea.
Oh. How dare you?
[Rex] Where's your kitchen?
- [humming]
- [water running]
I just spent the last three hours
singing with Rex Galier.
[Rex] Okay, but... but listen.
You are the most stubborn woman
I have ever met.
No, but you... you know I love you,
but, I'm gonna...
It's okay. It's fine, it's fine.
Mum, I gotta go.
Mum, I gotta go.
No, but I have to go.
All right, I love you. Bye.
- [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckles]
It's bollocks.
Oh, so, I bought my mum a new house,
and she's refusing to move in.
See, the sacrifices this woman made
for me and my brothers growing up,
and she says I owe her nothing.
She says it's what a mum's supposed to do.
- ["Car Wash" plays on cell phone]
- Look, she's calling me again.
Uh, you know what? Let me.
[Cami] Please?
Car wash
- All right.
- Thank you.
Sing it...
Hi. Rex's mom?
You don't know me, but I work with Rex,
and can I just say
you must be so proud to have raised
such an appreciative and lovely son.
I mean, what a reflection on you.
So if you think about it,
saying "thank you for my new home,"
is kind of like saying
"damn, I did a good job."
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, sure.
[laughs] Okay.
Yeah. You're welcome.
Okay. [laughs] I love you. Bye.
You're a goddess. How did you do that?
Hey, listen, um, come up to San Francisco
with me this weekend.
You can fly by my private jet.
Um, well...
- Well, uh...
- No, sorry. Not... Not like that.
I was just saying that, um,
I've got this song
that I want you to record with the band.
To make music?
- Nothing more.
- M'kay.
- Do you want something more?
- No. [laughs] Stop it.
I'm in no position to want something more.
This is a no-brainer, right?
But this isn't the time
to bail on Paul, given, you know...
And maybe there's another chance
to see what's there with Jack.
Plus, I'm attracted to Rex,
and I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual,
so that is a big, flashing yellow light.
God, I'm already regretting this, but...
I'm sorry, I just...
I have too much going on right now.
That's all right.
You'll call me if you change your mind?
Yes. Yes, absolutely. M'kay.
- Go on, have your tea before it gets cold.
- [Cami] Oh, thanks.
[water running]
[fanfare ringtone plays]
[inhales deeply]
- [exhales]
- [cell phone chimes]
[chuckles softly]
- [cell phone keys clacking]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
- [cat meows]
- [chuckles]
- [cell phone clicks]
- [sighs]
["Beggin'" by Frankie Valli
& The Four Seasons playing]
Put your loving hand out, baby
Ridin' high when I was king
Played it hard and fast
'Cause I had everything
Walked away
Wonderin' then
But easy come and...
[music fades out]
Oh. Oh. Oh, hey, hey, hey.
Um, uh, North by Northwest.
- Exodus. On the Waterfront.
- Ah. [clicks fingers] Eva Marie Saint.
- Yes. Try that.
- Okay.
Um, any luck figuring out
the White House clue?
- Uh...
- No.
- [in Dutch] No.
- That's okay.
- Keep looking.
- [Paul grunts] Oh.
- Hey, got it.
- Okay. Um...
- [Paul] Uh... Oh, it says...
- Whoo!
[Paul] A-ha. Okay.
Uh, "Premiere night."
"Dress warm, but remember,
it gets pretty hot under the lights."
Well, uh, keywords are, um, "dress warm,"
and "under the lights."
Does "As Time Goes By"
mean anything to anyone?
The song from Casablanca.
- Yes!
- [Amalia] Hm.
- Which is Spanish for "White House."
- [Cami] "White House."
- [Paul] Jinx.
- Jinx. Nothing to do with Washington.
- The clue is on the music.
- Uh, look for a sequence of numbers.
- To open the safe!
- Yes! Oh, this is so much fun.
I'm gonna check out the light. Okay.
[whimsical music playing]
[light switch clicks]
[gasps] Oh!
- Oh, nice.
- Okay. Um...
[gasps] It fits.
Okay, great.
[Cami] Ah!
And something warm for the premiere.
Yeah. Huh.
Come on, come on.
[music builds]
[suspenseful tone plays]
- Find something?
- Uh, no.
- Um...
- [Amalia] Hm?
[Florian speaking indistinctly]
Uh, well, hey, what's... [chuckles]
What's this?
Oh, no, no. Just some prop I found. Um...
You know, it's probably...
It's probably a clue.
Uh, diamond. Queen of diamonds.
That was a thing, right,
in The Manchurian Candidate?
- [Amalia] Uh...
- [laughs]
Cami, did you think I put that there?
Well, um...
maybe, just...
like, a little, for a second [chuckles].
Okay, well, I... Just because I'm curious,
bear with me here,
uh, if that were the case...
It's not, but if that were the case,
your first reaction would be to hide it?
God, I just, um... I just panicked.
It was silly.
Got it. Totally get it.
- You got it.
- [Paul] Yeah.
[Cami] Easy. I was just... [groans]
- I mean, I just... It was... I was...
- [chuckles awkwardly]
You know. Mm. Anyway.
Hey, one last question before we move on.
Just for me.
- Um...
- Yeah, yeah.
Does this have anything
to do with canceling dinner last night?
Like, has something happened, or...
Uh... Um...
Not really.
Not really?
[inhales sharply] I've just, um,
been a little at sea lately.
[scoffs] Have I done something?
Am I working too many late nights, or...
I mean, I'm good at solving puzzles,
but this one... [chuckles awkwardly]
- This one's got me beat.
- We should go.
- Do I tell him about Jack?
- Yes.
You heard that?
[knocks on door]
No, no, no. It's... It's me.
Um, I just feel like
the choices I make right now
have really big consequences.
Figuring out work,
making a commitment to a man.
A man?
To you.
And then...
[groans] Okay, the other day,
I ran into, um, Jack Menna.
Jack, the Guatemala guy from high school?
Yes. Yes. And, I don't know, it...
Ah. [chuckles awkwardly]
It made me feel old.
Um, and it made me feel young.
And it made me feel like...
I... didn't wanna be put on the spot.
- [taps on table]
- Like being proposed to?
No, she didn't mean it like that. I...
Well, I'm just trying to be honest.
I like Paul.
Please say something.
[exhales sharply]
Well, I... I don't want you to feel
put on the spot.
- Um, I mean, this is supposed to be fun.
- I know, I... I...
Something that we should want more of.
- Not less.
- I know.
[tender music playing]
Well, it seems like, um...
[clicks tongue]
[inhales sharply] It seems like maybe
we should take some time apart, then.
What do you think?
Um... [chuckles nervously]
All right, then.
- For how long?
- [Paul] I don't know, Cami.
[clears throat] Open up.
[bangs on door]
Please open up.
- [door opens]
- Paul...
Thank you.
He's right.
About not wanting to be with me?
I believe in you and Paul.
That's not what counts.
- If you don't, you need to let him know.
- [Cami sighs]
Let me know too. He's totally hot.
[footsteps receding]
["In My Head" by Rynn playing]
- I watched you leave
- [sighs]
From the apartment window
I knew it was the last time
I tried to breathe
Pretend I didn't know
I just walked into the fire
- [groans lightly]
- [kids giggling]
How long can you hold on
To something that you don't even have?
How far can you sink into the sand
Until you're out of the sea?
Traditional Mother's Day sushi rolls.
[Cami chuckles]
The kids helped, so you might not wanna
go in the kitchen for, um...
- Well, maybe ever. [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckles]
You know me so well.
Well, that's what love is.
Paying attention
and putting each other first.
Happy Mother's Day.
Hey. Remember how it was for us?
Making out for hours and hours.
[Cami] Mm.
And when we weren't kissing, we were
dreaming about changing the world.
["In My Head" continues playing]
- [Rex] All I want is you
- Oh.
["In My Head" continues playing]
It's all in my head
I see it in my head
- Is it just in my head?
- [chuckles]
[music stops abruptly]
You need someone that you can count on.
You stick with me, kid, and you'll be
recording mouthwash ads until you're 90.
Oh, hell no.
- Whoa!
- Guys, guys, guys!
- [Rex] Settle down.
- [shudders]
It's all in my head
I see it in my head
Is it just in my head?
[Paul sighs]
Cami, these guys
won't love you like I love you.
I go to sleep loving you,
I wake up loving you. And I will forever.
Choose me.
- Nah. No, choose me.
- Come on, choose me.
[Paul] It's us, Cami.
I know you.
We can make beautiful music together.
I can't lose you again.
Oh my God.
It's you, Jack.
It's always been you.
- [exhales]
- [laughs]
It's all in my head
- I see it in...
- Mm!
[exhales sharply]
- [line ringing]
- Please answer. Well, don't answer.
No, please, answer. No. Don't answer.
- [Jack on phone] Cami.
- Oh. Hi. Uh, Jack.
Um, I really was sorry
to miss your exhibit. Is it still up?
Uh, no. No, that was a one-night thing.
Oh. Well, um, next time.
Hey, uh, I don't suppose
you have any interest
in going to Vegas
for a demonstration tomorrow?
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but the guy's raking it in,
so, yeah, we're gonna...
We're gonna do something about it.
Great. Well, not the part
about the kids, obviously.
Um, but... count me in.
[upbeat music playing]
Uh, I'll pick you up at nine.
Okay. Perfect. Bye.
[sighs] I am on a roll.
Time for work.
- [knock on door]
- [door opens]
So, have you spoken to Rex
since we finished working on his mix?
Yeah. Yeah, he was pleased.
A little more than pleased, I would say.
I mean, we've essentially poached him.
[laughs] Yeah. It was great. Well done.
Have a doughnut.
Uh, well, uh, I'll actually pass
on the doughnut for now.
But I would like control of my schedule
and a piece of the gross.
That's not the structure of this company.
You get paid whether we're booked or not.
I don't,
and you don't hear me complaining.
Shut the door on your way out, will ya?
Um, with all due respect,
I'm not complaining either.
I'm asking you for what I want.
[inhales] What I need
is full control of my time
and a cut of my billings
on top of my salary.
Otherwise, I'm moving on.
[suspenseful music playing]
[inhales deeply]
I'll give you a raise.
Ten thousand a year. Take it or leave it.
I'd be taking Rex with me.
He records in San Francisco.
Mm? If I produce him, he'd record here.
That's a big if.
You want the 10,000 or not?
Thank you for putting it that way.
It's time I bet on myself.
It'll give me the freedom
to really pursue my producing,
and maybe even singing and songwriting.
- Ambitious much?
- Yes.
- Hm.
- Wait. You can't just quit.
I'm gonna need some notice.
I'll finish out the day.
Mm. Good.
- Hey... [sighs]
- [door opens]
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I quit.
- Just quit my job.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I quit.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Sunshine is breaking in
I could get used to this
And it goes like
I'm happy
I'm happy
[indistinct chatter]
'Cause I'm happy
[indistinct chatter continues]
Is Paul your lawyer?
Oh, he's my...
- He's a friend.
- Ah.
He's quite a guy.
- I agree.
- [chuckles]
He's in there
with my eight-year-old daughter,
explaining different kinds of custody,
addressing her concerns.
Who does that?
He's got a magic touch with kids.
[suspenseful tone plays]
The magician.
[Paul speaking indistinctly]
Okay? Your mom and dad
brought me in to help out.
- You know?
- Okay.
Just like in school,
if you have a question, feel free to ask.
It's true.
[Paul continues speaking indistinctly]
Hey. Um, I'll meet you in my office
in just a minute.
Yeah. Of course.
Um, of course, yeah.
- Bye.
- [Paul clears throat]
- So...
- Yeah. Great. Smart little girl.
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I quit my job. Yeah.
I, um... I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
Wow. [chuckles]
Well, good for you.
I also wanted to tell you...
Uh, God,
this is gonna be a lot harder. Um...
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow...
to take part in a demonstration.
And the thing is, I'm, um...
I'm going with Jack.
[chuckles softly]
Why are you telling me this?
It felt like a show of good faith to be
transparent with you right now, you know?
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- It's not my place to stop you.
You know? Is that what you want?
For me to stop you?
I... don't know what I want.
Look, I'm sorry
for what I said at the escape room.
It just... It... It... It came out all wrong.
Well, it was honest.
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
- You want guarantees.
- Yeah, I... I do.
[Paul] But it doesn't work that way.
It doesn't.
We make a great team.
And if we commit,
and then we hit a roadblock someday,
well, then,
we'll just figure it out, together.
Paul, you spend all day
with clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
- But we're not those people.
- I don't know.
We're not those people,
and we're not your parents.
I get that. I do.
I just...
need to figure it out for myself first.
You do what you have to do.
But let's stick to the break.
All right? Until we have more clarity.
Yeah, yeah. All right. Yeah.
- Okay.
- [Cami] Okay.
- Yeah, I should go.
- Okay.
How long did we stay up in that tree?
- Seventy-eight hours.
- Seventy-eight? Wow.
- But we saved it.
- [laughs]
You were always up for anything.
And you. You never stopped.
How do you do it?
I actually lost it a few years back.
Yeah, sometimes,
you can't even save the tree.
[inhales deeply]
There's just so much in this world
that needs fixing that
I started to believe
my drop in the ocean didn't matter.
How did you find your way back?
I had to remember that a little bit
is better than nothing.
And then there's the kids.
Since I don't plan on having
any of my own,
the least I can do
is help the ones that are here.
You don't want kids?
You're so amazing with them.
I don't feel the pressing need
to pass along my DNA.
Well, what if one day, hypothetically,
you get married...
...and then your hypothetical wife
wants hypothetical, biological children?
Never say never.
Like a bird set free
I'm finally taking flight
Speaking of which,
you haven't mentioned your boyfriend.
How does he feel
about our going to Vegas together?
We've recently parted ways.
Am I allowed to say I'm glad?
Okay, our first concert?
Pink. At the Wiltern, sophomore year,
and my dad drove.
- Impressive.
- Mm-hm.
Our first kiss?
Oh, front seat of this very car.
I knew it looked familiar.
You always open the door for me.
Always will.
- Thank you.
- [Jack] Stop.
Don't move.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.
[Jack] Still don't like
having your picture taken?
I never know what to do with my face.
- [camera beeping]
- Just act natural.
That is literally impossible now.
No, stop. Stop! Okay, if I pose
for one photo, will you stop?
- Yes.
- Promise?
- I don't like you. Okay. Fine. Fine.
- [Jack] You're gonna be great.
[laughs] What... What is that?
I told you I hate this.
- Uh... [snapping fingers] Zombie.
- Zombie?
Brains. Arms.
[growls] Like, just get ugly.
- [growling]
- [camera clicking]
- Yeah, great.
- I eat brains!
- Perfect. Great.
- Aah!
- [growls] Okay.
- That is terrifying.
You were so good at that.
- [Jack exhales]
- Okay, next one.
- [camera beeps]
- [Jack] That's the one.
- Wow.
- Why zombies? Just why?
I have no idea.
- [Cami laughs]
- But I'd kiss that zombie.
You're ridiculous.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh, yeah. Okay.
- All good.
- I got that.
- Right.
- Yeah.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
Help us help them. Help us help them.
- [Jack] Please.
- [Cami] Help us help the children.
[protestors]...are not for profit.
Children's lives are not for profit.
- [Cami] Help us help the children.
- [Jack] Children are not for profit.
- [crowd screaming]
- Cami.
- [fan 1] You guys! He's here!
- [fan 2] Rex Galier!
- [Rex] Hello. Hello.
- [fan 3] Rex!
- How are you? Nice to meet you.
- [fan 3] Rex!
- [fans clamoring]
- [Rex speaking indistinctly]
Nice to meet you all.
Is that Rex Galier?
Yeah. We... We kind of know each other.
- Ha, look at that.
- [camera shutters clicking]
That's great.
- I love your lip color. That's beautiful.
- [swoons]
Hello. I can't believe it. Here you are.
You are here. It's like fate.
What happened to San Francisco?
Change of plan. I'm actually singing
at a private party for Lucky Lena.
Ooh, you should come
and do your lovely harmony with me.
Uh, I can't. I'm...
I'm protesting.
Lucky Lena's husband runs the worst
refugee shelter in the country.
Ah. No, her ex-husband,
and I can guarantee
he will be nowhere near the party.
Besides, have you heard Cami's voice?
It's beautiful.
Yeah, of course I have.
I've known her since we were 15 years old.
Well, technically, um, not the whole time.
I mean, just if we're... if we're being
technical about it.
What we're doing here is very important.
Yeah. No, no. It seems, you know...
[mock roars]...with the thing.
But it's not really
up to you though, is it? [chuckles]
[imitates English accent]
It's not really up to you either.
- [protestor] Use another casino!
- Yeah.
I can't believe
you think I'm even ready for that.
But obviously,
it's a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.
But it would feel like crossing
a picket line. I've never done that.
Jack, Rex. Rex, Jack.
Cheers, mate.
- I like your music.
- Oh, thanks, man. That means a lot.
Ugh, I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm gonna stay with Jack.
Next time, eh?
Yes. Hopefully, there is a next time.
[fan] Oh my God. It's him!
Look, I didn't... I didn't think you'd go,
but if I ever took you for granted,
I never will again.
[man] Cami!
This is like that dream I had.
Um... Um, that's Paul.
- The guy you're not seeing?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Um...
- Hey, listen.
I... I... I can't live in limbo, okay?
I was so upset that
you haven't been honest with me...
- Well, I... I realize that.
- But... But I haven't been honest either.
Uh, can you give us a minute?
No, let him... let him hear. I don't care.
Look. Hey.
You are the most fun, caring,
passionate, brilliant woman
that I've ever met,
and I want you on my team forever.
When you told me that you were coming here
yesterday, I thought I'd lost you.
And I let you walk out the door anyway.
I don't know why I'm so afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you.
Oh. Oh my God.
- I love you. I believe in us.
- [woman 1] Did you see that?
- [woman 2] So adorable.
- That's guarantee enough for me.
[Cami] Um... Oh, okay. You're really...
- You're, um... Oh, you're doing this.
- [Paul] Uh-huh.
Will you marry me?
Wait. Wait. Before you give him an answer...
- I'm sure you're a great guy.
- I am a great guy.
What we had,
that wasn't a fluke or... or puppy love.
That was... That was real.
I don't wanna see you
slip out of my life again.
God, this is gonna...
this is gonna sound crazy,
but if I don't say it now,
I might not... get another chance.
I love you.
[chuckles sadly]
Do you sense a pattern here?
Like, am I the most resistible
irresistible woman ever?
I think you're feeling it too.
It's Jack and Cami. Always will be.
Three years. Thursday.
Three years. Thursday.
Um... Uh...
This is the craziest it's gotten, right?
[Cami sighs]
I love you.
- Yes?
- [laughs] Yes!
[Paul] Oh.
[tender music playing]
- Um...
- Yeah.
Looks like congratulations are in order.
You and I had a great past.
No small thing.
Paul is my future.
I'm happy for you.
You're a lucky man.
Get in here.
[Cami sighs]
[Cami] Bye.
I'm not gonna give you
the chance to change your mind.
Oh, okay.
["So Marvelous" by Danger Twins playing]
We are in Vegas.
We are in Vegas.
- But we gotta do it right.
- Ooh.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Um, I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
- I love that you're here. [chuckles]
- [officiant chuckles]
Do we have a ring?
- Oh yes. Yes, we do.
- [Cami chuckles]
[Paul clears throat]
[inhales deeply]
Sorry, I'm a little nervous.
[Paul exhales]
[exhales sharply]
[rhythmic tender music playing]
Wait a minute. Is that the ring
from the escape room?
Oh, that totally didn't register.
Oh my God, what I've put you through.
Totally worth it.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be.
[Cami sighs]
- Do you, Paul Swartz...
- [Paul clears throat]
...take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- [chuckles]
Well, I pronounce you husband and wife!
[laughing] Oh my God.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Thank God.
Nobody does it like we do
- [Amalia] Whoo!
- [Florian] Hooray!
No turning back now.
- Nobody does it like we do
- We do
- Nobody does it like us
- Nobody does it like us
Jaw dropping, no stopping
It's just so marvelous
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
So marvelous
Just comes so natural
Now that we've got it all
Eh, eh, I'm really into this
Eh, eh, I'm... [fades out]
- Okay, uh, bad news.
- [music builds then stops]
The ten of cups
is a really, really positive card.
Unless it's upside down.
[laughs nervously]
[Cami] Huh.
You may encounter a child
in threatening circumstances.
If you give them courage, you could make
a significant difference in their life.
[exhales sharply] Okay.
Um... who are these guys?
Well, these guys are your suitors.
That's the knight of swords,
the magician, and the fool.
But there's only Paul.
Not for long.
[Paul] Okay. Um...
- Ooh, that creepy nightmare that you had.
- Ostrich.
- Um, "Do not pass go."
- Monopoly.
- Yes!
- Yes.
Uh... I... I... Um...
Okay! Flip-flops in the shower at the gym.
- Oh, athlete's foot.
- Come on!
Yes! Yes.
- Time's up!
- [Cami] Oh-ho-ho!
[Amalia] Oh! Guys, that was...
Mm, mm, mm, hey, hey, hey
Diggie, diggie, ow!
Okay. Nobody likes a sore winner.
Oh, I don't know. I do.
- Mwah.
- [Cami] Mm.
You guys are loud.
- [Paul] Hey there, sport.
- Hi.
[in Dutch] Hey, sweetie.
Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Come here.
Aunt Cami and Paul won, right?
Ugh, I love this kid.
You need to go back to bed, missy.
It's a school night.
But school starts late tomorrow, remember?
Oh, damn.
Ah, I have an early meeting tomorrow.
Hey, I'll take Luisa
if I can have the last brownie.
I'll see you in the morning.
This was fun.
- For some people, yeah.
- Hey! [laughs]
[laughs] I mean, if you can't take it...
- I love you so much.
- [Amalia] Love you too.
- [Florian] Nice to see you.
- [Amalia] Thank you.
[upbeat music playing]
[kids chattering and laughing]
So, every year, on the same day,
we put fresh new batteries
into all the smoke alarms,
and that day is today.
So we never have to worry about fire?
Well, no, not exactly. Um...
In the stars
Oh my God.
Like it's destined
All good things return
Who's Jack?
The one that got away.
We were lab partners in chemistry.
He's the reason I'm a vegetarian.
Last time I saw him,
we were crying at the airport.
He was heading off to Guatemala
to save the world,
and I was heading off to NYU.
We just met too young.
I'm going in with you.
I'm eight. They're gonna make fun of me.
[clicks tongue] Well, I've gotta say hi.
- Hold my hand.
- [Luisa groans]
Look at little baby Luisa.
Do you have a dirty diaper, baby?
Ugh, pee-ew.
- She does.
- Shut up!
Poopy Luisa! Poopy Luisa!
- I mean, please...
- [boy] Loser!
I told you!
Well, you can't let the bullies win.
You may encounter a child
in threatening circumstances.
If you give them courage, you could make
a significant difference in their life.
What am I supposed to do?
You need to be strong.
And there are lots of ways to be strong.
[sighs] Usually, the best way
to deal with bullies is to ignore them.
- Be like a rock in the stream.
- [Zen music playing]
Let the water flow around you, Zen-like.
[music distorts then stops]
Better go, you're gonna be late.
Come on. [sighs]
- Um...
- Cami?
- [Cami] Hi.
- Oh my God!
- [Cami laughing]
- [Jack grunts]
- This is wild.
- [Cami laughs]
Uh, what are you...
what are you even doing here?
My niece goes here.
Amalia's daughter?
Uh, yes. Um, is she in your class?
No. No.
Uh, I... I can't...
I teach English as a second language.
- Oh, that's lovely.
- [school bell rings]
No. Ah. Mm. Mm.
- I gotta go.
- Yes. Of course.
How about lunch? I'm off at one.
Been thinking about you
ever since I got back to LA.
- [tender music playing]
- Is he giving off a vibe?
You look beautiful.
Like every bit as... Ah, you look
exactly the same, it's not even possible.
That's a yes.
Are you married?
You got any kids of your own, or...
No. You?
No. No.
Lincoln Park. Our old bench.
Sure. Yes, why not?
I'll bring the wraps. Still no mayo?
You remember.
- Let's get each other's number.
- Yes. Yes, of course.
- Okay.
- Ah, this is...
- Ah.
- Here you go.
How are your folks?
They ever get remarried?
Yes, actually. Um, to each other.
- No.
- Yes.
[Jack] Wow. Wow.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
- I'm gonna give your phone back.
- [Cami] Yes.
- And then I gotta go teach some kids.
- [inhales]
- [chuckles] Okay.
- It's so good to see you.
So good to see you.
- [Jack sucks teeth]
- [Cami chuckles]
[sighs] Hm.
It's only lunch.
[music fades]
I shouldn't go, right?
I can't.
[clicks tongue]
Another time.
But let's... let's exchange numbers.
- Yeah.
- Yes, of course. Yes.
Hey, how are your, uh... your folks?
They ever get remarried?
Um, yes, they did.
- To each other.
- No.
- Mm-hm.
- [Jack] Get out of here.
- Really?
- I'm... I'm being dead serious.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
Uh, are you... are you free tonight?
Some of my photographs
are being auctioned off
to benefit
a child poverty organization, so...
Would love for you to come,
if you're free.
Uh, I... I wish I could,
but I've got plans.
Well, if anything changes...
- I gotta...
- [Cami] Uh... Yeah. [chuckles]
- Oh.
- It was lovely seeing you.
It was so good seeing you.
- Yeah.
- [Cami] Yeah.
[tender music playing]
I shouldn't go, right?
I can't.
Another time.
But let's exchange numbers.
Yes. Yes, of course.
Obviously. Yes. [sighs]
How are your folks doing?
They, uh... They ever get remarried?
Yeah. Um, to each other.
- No.
- [Cami chuckles] Yes.
- Wow. Wow.
- Yeah. I'm still getting used to it.
The heart wants what it wants.
[tender music playing]
Are you free tonight?
Uh, some of my photographs
are being auctioned off
to benefit a child poverty organization.
You could totally come.
I wish I could, but I...
- [inhales deeply] I've got plans.
- Okay. Well, if they change...
[Cami chuckles]
Ah, this is... Yeah.
It was so good seeing you.
So good to see you.
- [Jack sighs]
- [Cami laughs]
[tender music playing]
[breathes deeply]
He's so good.
I have no interest in being a rug,
or a doormat,
or anything at all for that matter
that people walk on.
It's an expression.
You know what else is an expression?
"Bite me."
Yeah, okay.
[whimsical music playing]
- You can go.
- Yeah.
I will.
- Watch your step.
- I will also do that.
Thank you for caring.
"Bite me." That's telling him.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Damn. Rex is even hotter in person.
[inhales, exhales]
Oh, I'd be meeting Jack
for lunch right now.
[clicks tongue]
"Helping the world, one child at a time."
[chuckles softly, inhales]
Like some knight in shining armor.
[pensive music playing]
The knight of swords.
Mm. Nope. No. You made the right choice.
No good could come of it, so thank you.
I don't need closure.
I'm in love with Paul.
That doesn't mean I'm never gonna be
attracted to another man.
Or two.
Um, you just avoid temptation.
Like this.
[footsteps approaching]
[upbeat music playing]
- [music ends]
- No judgment.
- [tender music playing]
- [breathes deeply]
- I... I have to admit...
- Mm.
...when we said goodbye at the airport,
I never thought
that would be the last time I saw you.
Me neither.
I'm right here, Cami.
We were kids, Jack.
That we were.
We don't know each other anymore.
We could change that.
[tender music playing]
- Wow. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
- Um...
- Oh. Oh!
- Didn't see that coming. Um...
- [exhales sharply]
Oh, it must be the, um...
It must be the bench.
Not the bench.
Uh, sorry. I gotta get back
for a recording session.
Yeah. Totally.
Uh, well, text me
if you can make it later tonight.
Or if you wanna take this
to the next level.
Which is lunch inside.
Oh. Okay.
Bye. [chuckles] Okay.
Uh, I'll see you. Bye.
- You're... You're going the wrong way.
- [Cami] Oh. Yep.
Amalia, I kissed him.
Him, being Jack. Not Paul, my boyfriend.
I'm a terrible person.
Just, um, what's the opposite of closure?
- Call me back.
- [cell phone clicks]
Oh, sorry.
I've... I've gotta go back for a session.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- [Cami] Um...
- Uh, text me...
- Oh.
...if, uh, you can make it
after all tonight.
Yes. Of course.
Or if you wanna take this
to the next level.
Which is lunch inside.
Oh. Okay.
Bye. [chuckles] Okay.
Uh, I'll see you. Bye.
- You're... You're going the wrong way.
- [Cami] Oh. Yep.
um, what's the opposite of closure?
- Call me back.
- [cell phone clicks]
This could bite me in the ass.
Okay, listen,
you are too talented of an artist
to bury your voice under all those tracks.
Especially a love song.
I mean, come on.
If I'm the woman you love,
I don't wanna be distracted
by all that noise.
[Cami breathes deeply]
That noise?
[mellow guitar music playing]
[worried groan]
What's Dan's extension?
- Oh, um... Uh, 302.
- Ah.
[phone beeping]
That's not a good sign.
Don't worry, I'm not blaming you.
Hey, listen. Uh, look, this Cami,
she's the real deal.
I'll... I'll make Sound Scene
my home in Los Angeles
if I can work with her exclusively.
Think about it. Goodbye.
[phone beeps]
I would have blamed you.
Are you about to kiss me?
Because I have to tell you,
I'm pretty much on overload right now.
I just ran into my high school boyfriend,
who I haven't
really completely ever gotten over.
And he invited me to his exhibit tonight,
but I can't go because I'm going out
with my grown-up boyfriend.
Plus, I met you, and I am getting
this vibe, and I'm kind of feeling it too.
And yesterday, a psychic told me
I was gonna have three suitors.
And it's just an awful lot to process.
Yeah. Wow.
I actually wasn't gonna kiss you.
Just because, you know,
I trust we'll work again together soon.
Oh, okay.
But do I wanna kiss you?
That's a different question.
Bye. Okay.
- Bye.
- Yep. Bye.
- Feeling it, too, eh?
- Yeah, okay, bye.
Bye, bye, bye. Bye. Goodbye.
[sighs] Oh my God.
[cell phone chimes]
[car engine starts]
[Paul on voice mail]
Hey, I'm stuck at work.
Uh, I moved Le Comptoir to eight o'clock,
but I'll have to meet you there.
I'm sorry. I love you.
I'll make it up to you.
I've got a lot to process.
[Cami on speakerphone]
Guys, the psychic was right.
Three cards, three men.
I've been obsessing about Jack all day,
which is totally my own fault,
because I kissed him.
I mean, I stopped almost
as soon our lips touched, but even so.
Ugh, I'm so confused.
At least I didn't kiss Rex,
but, huh, I wanted to.
Meanwhile, Paul is taking me out
to Le Comptoir tonight.
- Wait, tonight?
- [Cami] Yeah.
- [food sizzling]
- Hold on.
Hey. Easy. Maybe you should
just tell Paul what's going on.
Are you kidding me?
Doesn't he deserve to know?
Well, yeah, but...
- He is about to...
- Hey, Florian. [laughs nervously]
About to what?
Stir the pot.
- Never mind.
- Thank you.
Paul bought a ring.
Oh my God.
How? When?
I don't know. He... He didn't tell me.
But, Cami, Le Comptoir
is a really nice place.
Oh my God. Oh my God. I... I can't go.
I don't wanna be crushing on Jack
as I dig a ring out of my crme brle.
[both laughing]
Stop it. This is not funny.
Sorry. It's not funny.
[both laughing]
Um, well... [sighs]
maybe you could postpone. Right?
And then go to the fundraiser,
and may... maybe that'll
give you some clarity.
- [tender music playing]
- Does that make me a bad person?
Oh, Cami. You couldn't be a bad person
if you tried.
Besides, you're not
in high school anymore.
Don't you owe it to yourself
to see if this is just a fantasy?
And don't you owe it to Paul?
You always say the right thing.
Oh, uh, Cami?
Don't kiss him, okay?
You know?
Got it.
Thank you. [chuckles] Okay. Love you. Bye.
Bye. I love you.
[cell phone clicks]
Okay. Easy.
- [line rings]
- [exhales]
Hi. Can we reschedule tonight?
I'm not feeling 100%.
I know. I'm disappointed too.
No, don't cancel the escape room.
I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
Love you too.
And I do.
Hey, Rex. Um, hold on.
Let me put you on speaker.
So you can hear.
Hey, I know it's last minute, but, um,
can you meet me at the studio tonight?
I know you have plans
with your, uh, "grown-up boyfriend,"
but, um, you didn't really
wanna do that anyway, did you?
[Cami] Um...
Is there something wrong with the mix?
Um, yeah, a bit.
You're not on it.
I wanna record your harmony.
Uh, I'm sorry, uh... Oh!
A... A temp track
till you find a real singer?
I wouldn't intrude upon
your confusing love life for that.
No, I... I want you on the album.
You can't... You can't mean that.
And yet I do. [chuckles]
[mouths] Oh my God.
Oh! Oh wow!
Look, I'm on my way
to San Francisco on Saturday
and tomorrow's completely booked,
so it's now or never.
Wouldn't your boyfriend understand
if you bailed?
I already did.
[Rex laughs] Oh, you've been busy.
It'll be fun. What do you say?
You know what? I... I wish I could,
but I've got some unfinished business
I've really gotta put to bed.
That sounds intriguing.
And a wee bit naughty.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
[inhales deeply]
[upbeat music plays over speakers]
[indistinct chattering]
You made it.
[chuckles] I'm as surprised as you are.
These are all yours?
Uh, hopefully not by the end of the night.
[Cami chuckles]
They're lovely.
They're Nepali.
- This little rock star is Apsara.
- [Cami chuckles]
And that is her big sister, Etisha.
- What a beautiful name.
- Mm.
It's Sanskrit.
And it means "beginning after the end."
[Cami] Hm.
When something ends,
you don't usually think it'll begin again,
do you?
Life is full of surprises.
And anyway,
Etisha there... is a very optimistic child.
I love how you say Etisha is optimistic,
not was optimistic.
Like... she's still in your life.
Well, she's still in my head.
All these kids are.
- They've been through some rough stuff.
- [Cami] Mm.
But they're still so full of hope.
I wish I could help.
How would you like to come
to a demonstration with me on Saturday?
[Cami] Mm.
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but he's raking it in.
The less he spends on the kids,
the more he... makes.
[sighs] Don't get me started.
Oh, that's awful.
We're gonna picket one of his hotels.
The Lucky Lena.
Bring attention to the shelter,
take collections, talk to the press.
It's in Vegas.
Do you wanna... Do you wanna come?
I can't go to Las Vegas this weekend.
I can bid on this photograph.
Okay. Opening bid, $50.
250 buys it outright.
Fifty could start a bidding war,
but then I might not get it.
Does it come with a frame?
Yeah. You take it off the wall
and you take it home.
What do you say, girls?
Wanna come home with me?
- [falsetto voice] Yes.
- [Cami chuckles]
[inhales deeply] Okay.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You mind? Thank you.
[Cami] Oh.
Oh, okay. Yeah.
Go big or go home, right?
[both laugh]
I'm sorry.
- Wow.
- [Cami chuckles]
Don't go home.
I'm sorry.
You have someone in your life,
and I'm trying not to cross the line here,
but it's just...
Can we... Can we talk for a sec?
["Let It Hurt"
Cami, you're not a was to me.
You're an is.
It's alive,
and it's... it's kicking for me.
Is it for you, at all?
There you are.
I've got a major donor.
They wanna know if you'd take
a photoshoot with their kids.
At the beach, everyone in white.
Can't talk right now.
Oh, copy that.
[Cami sighs]
You don't have to answer that.
I feel it too.
So I'm not delusional.
- [Cami sighs]
- [Jack chuckles]
I guess our timing's always been off.
Anyway, you've got my number.
- I gotta go.
- Of course. Yeah.
Let it hurt
Let it bleed
It feels like I lost him all over again.
Feel it all...
Okay, yesterday, a psychic told me...
- [chuckles]
- ...a childhood dream of mine
was about to become a reality, so... Mm.
- Would that be flying on a private jet?
- No!
Being a real singer.
You are... You are a real singer though.
- It'll be fun.
- [Cami inhales]
Ah, it'll... it'll be fun.
Okay, yes. Yes, I would love to.
It's always been
a childhood dream of mine.
- What? To fly in a private jet?
- No.
Being a real singer.
You are... You are a real singer though.
- It'll be fun.
- [inhales]
Ah, it'll... it'll be fun.
They're lovely.
They're Nepali.
- This little rock star is Apsara.
- [Cami chuckles]
And that is her big sister, Etisha.
- What a beautiful name.
- Mm.
It's Sanskrit.
And it means "beginning after the end."
[Cami] Hm.
When something ends,
you don't usually think it'll begin again,
do you?
Life is full of surprises.
And anyway,
Etisha there... is a very optimistic child.
I love how you say Etisha is optimistic,
not was optimistic.
Like... she's still in your life.
Well, she's still in my head.
I mean, all these kids are.
- They've been through some rough stuff.
- [Cami] Mm.
But so full of hope.
[Cami] You definitely capture that.
So, where are you off to next?
I'm not sure.
Uh, there's a job in DC
that I'm hoping to get.
It's with
the National Immigrant Justice Center.
He's great, right?
- [sighs]
- Tell me about you.
All I know so far
is that you have a... a niece.
So, uh, what do you do?
Um, I am a recording engineer,
mostly for commercials.
[Jack] Mm-hm.
I'm not changing the world like you.
I... I always thought
I'd end up doing something meaningful.
How did I get lost
in the shuffle of my twenties?
Well, it's never too late, Cami.
I mean, how would you like to join me
at a demonstration on Saturday?
[Cami] Mm.
This, uh...
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but he's raking it in.
The less he spends on the kids,
the more he... makes.
[sighs] Don't get me started.
Oh, that's awful.
We're gonna picket one of his hotels.
The Lucky Lena.
Bring attention to the shelter,
take collections, talk to the press.
It's in Vegas.
Do you wanna... Do you wanna come?
I can't go to Las Vegas this weekend.
- I'm gonna check out the trunk.
- [Paul] Yeah.
[gasps] Ooh!
Hello there. [chuckles]
[light switch clicks]
[Cami grunts]
Oh, that does not seem to work.
Oh, hey, hey.
Uh, will this work?
- It might.
- [Paul] Well, let's give it a shot.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
[Cami] Okay.
[gasps] It fits.
Okay, great.
[Cami] Ah!
And something warm for the premiere.
Yeah. Huh.
That is very generous. Thank you.
You're welcome.
- There you go.
- Oh. That's great, thanks.
Go big or go home, right?
Don't go home.
Can we... Can we talk for a sec?
["Let It Hurt" playing]
Look, Cami, you're not a was to me,
but you're an is.
And it's alive, and it's... It's kicking.
Is it... Is it for you, at all?
There you are.
I've got a major donor.
They wanna know if you'd do
a photoshoot with their kids.
They're a big get. I'd love to set it up.
Can't talk right now.
[woman] Okay.
You don't have to answer that.
You'll always be the one that got away.
Jack, please. We're gonna lose him.
Please don't move.
I just need to know
That you're still here
So let it hurt
Let it bleed
Feel it all lose everything
[song fades]
Can we... Can we talk for a sec?
["Let It Hurt" playing]
Cami, you're not a was to me.
You're an is.
It's alive, and it's...
It's kicking for me.
I mean, is this
when I tell him about Paul?
I have a habit of comparing every woman
to you, and it's a high bar.
I thought I was kidding myself,
but I wasn't.
we don't know each other anymore.
We could change that.
Beginning after an end, yeah?
Is this okay?
I'm not alone
But I'm not in the clear
Um, I'm sorry. I just... I... Well, I...
It's a little complicated.
Um, I should go.
So let it hurt
I'm a terrible person.
- Let it bleed
- [sighs]
To you.
Well, I... I don't have those doubts
about you. At least I didn't.
I... I'm...
just trying to figure things out.
[whispers] I like Paul.
Please say something.
[exhales sharply]
Well, I... I don't want you to feel
put on the spot.
- Um, I mean, this is supposed to be fun.
- I know, I... I...
Something that we should want more of.
- Not less.
- I... I know.
[tender music playing]
Well, it seems like, um...
Maybe we should take
some time apart, then.
What do you think?
Um... [chuckles nervously]
All right, then.
- For how long?
- [Paul] I don't know, Cami.
[clears throat] Open up.
[bangs on door]
Please open up.
- [door opens]
- Paul...
Thank you.
You'll always have
a special place in my heart.
I'm not alone
- What we had was...
- Yeah.
But I'm not in the clear
[Jack] So...
I'm firmly past tense for you?
So let it hurt
I'd still love to be friends though.
Me too.
Feel it all
Lose everything
Let it hurt
Let it bleed
[gasps] I, um...
I have a boyfriend.
I'm not alone
You buried the lead.
I know. You're right.
You're... You're absolutely right.
I'm so sorry. I just, um...
Uh, I... I should go.
So let it hurt
I'm a terrible person.
- ["In My Head" playing]
- [chuckles] It's you, Rex.
[both chuckling]
- [Cami moans]
- [Rex] Mm!
[exhales sharply]
Time to shake things up.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [sighs]
- Okay.
- [line ringing]
Please answer.
Don't answer.
Please answer.
Don't answer.
- You've rung Rex Galier. Leave a message.
- Voicemail. Hm.
- [line beeps]
- Hi. Um, it's Cami Conway.
Uh, you told me to call
if I changed my mind about Saturday,
so I, um...
Hopefully, you haven't changed your mind,
and we can make beautiful music together.
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
- ["In My Head" playing]
- It's you, Paul.
I'm so sorry
it took me this long to be sure.
were always worth waiting for.
It's all in my head
I see it in my head
[chuckles] Damn.
["All The Way Up"
by J. Pollock ft. Manwell playing]
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Be bold.
Done. Okay.
[music ends]
["All The Way Up" playing]
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Be bold.
Okay, doing it.
[cell phone keys clacking]
[cell phone chimes]
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
[exhales sharply]
- [line ringing]
- Please answer. Well, don't answer.
No, please answer. No, don't answer.
- [Jack on phone] Cami.
- Oh. Hi.
Uh, Jack,
um, I really was sorry
to miss your exhibit. Is it still up?
Uh, no. No, that was a one-night thing.
Oh. Well, um, next time.
Hey, uh, I don't suppose
you have any interest
in going to Vegas
for a demonstration tomorrow?
This tycoon who owns a couple of hotels
also runs a for-profit shelter
for child refugees.
Conditions are lousy,
but the guy's raking it in,
so, yeah, we're gonna...
We're gonna do something about it.
[sighs] Tomorrow?
You won't believe this,
but I'm going to San Francisco
to sing with Rex Galier and his band.
I'm gonna play mahjong with Beyonc
on Sunday, so that doesn't work anyway.
[laughs] No, it's real.
Well, if you come with me,
you'll get to walk around in circles
for hours holding a sign.
[Cami sighs]
- Count me in.
- Cool.
Uh... [snaps fingers]
I'll pick you up at nine?
["All The Way Up" playing]
- Okay.
- [Jack] All right.
- [cell phone clicks]
- [exhales] Okay.
[exhales deeply]
[cell phone chimes]
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
Time to shake things up.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Okay.
[cell phone keys clacking]
[cell phone chimes]
[birds chirping]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, Rex. Um, I... [chuckling]
I was just thinking about you too.
Yes, singing, obviously.
[inhales deeply]
Do I wanna go with you to San Francisco
to record with your band?
On your private jet?
- Oh, this choice is mine.
- [upbeat music playing]
Uh, yes, I would love to.
Okay. Um, thank you. See you tomorrow.
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
- Be bold.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Okay.
- [cell phone clicks]
[cell phone keys clacking]
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
I'm on a roll. Time for work.
[music ends]
I'm sorry. I... I just can't.
I guess our timing is still off.
Call me sometime.
I will.
[indistinct chatter]
Twenty thousand,
and I control my schedule.
Fifteen. And I have final say.
I'm gonna wean Spark off of me
and give them to Greg.
Nice and slow.
- I don't want them to get the bends.
- Deal.
[whimsical music playing]
[Cami] Oh.
- Great doughnuts.
- [Dan] I know.
- They're good doughnuts.
- [door closes]
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I got a raise.
- Just got a raise.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I got a raise.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I quit.
- Just quit my job.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I quit.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I got a raise.
- Just got a raise.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I got a raise.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I quit.
- Just quit my job.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I quit.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
Tried to be who they want
Hit a dead end
Not the girl that they thought
But I'm back again
Yeah, I'm me again
'Cause I'm happy in my skin
Never thought it'd feel like this
Hey. I got a raise.
- Just got a raise.
- [woman] Oh.
- You don't care, but I got a raise.
- [man, disinterested] Great.
I quit. I quit!
I may go broke, but nonetheless, I quit.
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What... What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I don't know. When they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning, I guess.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I quit my job today.
- You...
- [Cami] I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
And I only did that because you told me
to figure out what I want... so I did.
That's great. That's good...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold... hold that thought.
Oh, okay. I'm gonna be holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- [Paul] No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
You managed to have a happily ever after
with each of my beautiful men.
The fool.
The magician.
The knight of swords.
There you are
Proving me wrong
In ways that only you can
Do ya read my mind?
Is that how you do it?
Do it every time
I'm electrified
Buzzin' in my bones
There ain't no way around
The way I'm feeling now
I like that
Do, do, do, do, do, yeah
Every single thing about it
I like that
Do, do, do, do, do, yeah
I like, I like, I like, I like that
- This could be
- This could be
Revolutionary healing for my soul
Oh, oh, oh
- You're wakin' up
- You're wakin' up
All the better parts of me
Thought I let go
Do ya read my mind?
Is that how you do it?
Do it every time
I'm electrified
Buzzin' in my bones
There ain't no way around
The way I'm feeling now
I like that
Thank you for sticking by me.
I could not have done this without you.
Every single thing about it
I like that
I like, I like, I like, I like that
I quit. I quit!
I may go broke, but nonetheless, I quit.
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What... What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I don't know. When they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning, I guess.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I quit my job today.
- You...
- [Cami] I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
And I only did that because you told me
to figure out what I want... so I did.
That's great. That's good...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold... hold that thought.
Oh, okay. I'm gonna be holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- [Paul] No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
God, I... I don't know.
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I guess when they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I almost quit my job today.
But I wound up getting a big raise
and a lot more control.
I'm moving forward.
I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
Well, that's... [chuckles] That's great.
I'm... I'm... That's...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold that thought.
Oh, okay. Holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- [Paul] No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
[knocks on door]
Guess who I wanna tell first.
What are you doing here?
I was scared if I called,
you wouldn't pick up.
I was... Uh, come in.
What, you're not mad?
Well, you know,
we're in very different places right now,
which I pretty much found out by accident.
[Paul sighs]
When did you stop
trusting me with your feelings?
God, I... I don't know.
When I didn't understand them anymore.
I guess when they didn't feel
like they did in the beginning.
Look, I'm not trying
to rush you into anything.
I almost quit my job today.
But I wound up getting a big raise
and a lot more control.
I'm moving forward.
I'm gonna be my own boss.
Yeah, I'm gonna get into producing
and singing and songwriting.
Well, that's... [chuckles] That's great.
I'm... I'm... That's...
And I want you, Paul.
Yes, you.
That's another thing I figured out.
[tender music playing]
No more time apart.
- [chuckles]
- Please. You and me.
[Paul chuckles]
Uh... Uh, just hold that thought.
Oh, okay. Holding.
Am I really doing this?
- [Paul] Uh...
- Oh.
[Paul inhales deeply]
I love you, Cami.
Will you please accept this
battery for your new smoke alarm?
Yes. Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes.
[tender music continues]
- How did you...
- A little sleight of hand.
My magician!
Wait, this is the one
from the escape room.
- That was yours.
- Yes.
Oh my God.
- I was... I was too scared to admit it.
- [Cami chuckles]
Though that might have had something to do
with you stashing it
and running in the opposite direction.
Mm. Yeah, no, that was... that was my bad.
- No, my bad too.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
Okay, you're doing this.
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Did I mention yes?
Mm. Soon, before you change your mind.
I'm not gonna change my mind.
But you might.
[romantic music playing]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[music fades]
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
[inhales] I quit my job.
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
[chuckles] Wow.
[Cami] Yeah.
Well, good for you.
And I'm going to San Francisco
to sing with Rex Galier's band.
I have so many questions.
[chuckles] That's amazing, Cami.
I know. I... I had to tell you.
And, um, since I'm gonna be
gone this weekend,
I wanted you to know why.
I appreciate that.
I'm sorry for what I said
at the escape room.
It... It came out all wrong.
Well, it was honest.
[inhales deeply]
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
You want guarantees.
I do.
It doesn't work like that.
Look, you and I are a great team.
And if we commit,
and then hit a roadblock someday,
then we'll figure it out together.
Paul, you spend all day
talking to clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
We're not those people,
and we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need
to figure it out for myself first.
[Paul] Well, you do what you have to do.
Let's stick to the break
until we have more clarity. Okay?
- [tender music playing]
- Okay.
I should go.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Talking at the party, laughing later
Starting to get personal
- Oh, some libations.
- [stewardess] There you go.
- Cheers.
- Thank you. Ooh! Okay, hold on.
- [Rex] There she goes. There she goes.
- Ooh! Okay, wow!
- Wanna come back and have a sip?
- [Cami] I'm gonna come back. Thanks.
- [laughs] Hey.
- Cheers.
Cheers. Mm.
Right, so we have a tradition
that when the seatbelt light goes off,
we play Truth or Dare.
For real? Or are you just messing with me?
I am messing with you.
But it is your turn. Truth or Dare?
That wasn't a turn.
Oh, you asked me a question,
and then I said the truth.
But you had just lied.
But then I told you the truth.
My jet, my rules.
- What'll it be?
- Um...
[Cami inhales deeply]
Why are you so afraid of singing?
- [Cami groans, sighs]
- [Rex laughing]
- Should've given me a trigger warning.
- [Rex] Yeah.
- Oh, it's that bad, huh? Yeah?
- Uh, yeah. Um...
Go on.
Okay, uh... it's my sister's wedding.
- Right.
- [Cami] I'm the maid of honor.
- Naturally.
- I gave a speech.
And then, as a special treat
for the 175 people,
I sing with the band,
because I'm the singer in the family.
Of course. Yes.
So... what did we sing?
- "Rolling in the Deep."
- Oh, I adore Adele.
- You'd love her.
- Ah, she wouldn't love me.
I... I murdered her song.
No, I just... I never found the pitch.
[inhales deeply]
And then what happened?
No, no, no. I... I never found it.
Like I came in on the wrong note
and just started flailing around.
Never came close.
Oh my God. Feel my hands.
I'm getting clammy just thinking about it.
- [Rex] You are a bit clammy.
- Yeah, sorry. [chuckles]
[Cami laughs]
Um, so that's it?
That's the reason... That's the reason
why you don't sing anymore?
I don't know.
We... We don't all bounce back
so easily from total humiliation.
Okay. Truth or dare?
- Ooh, dare. Yeah. 100%.
- Hm.
[whimsical music playing]
Which should we make him do?
Are there any parachutes onboard?
- Maybe?
- [Cami] Mm?
I was hoping to survive this little game,
thank you very much.
Oh, okay, just so I know,
you prefer looking ridiculous
over putting yourself in danger?
- I have no shame.
- [Cami laughs]
All right.
With your best ballet technique,
perform the death of the girl swan
in Swan Lake.
I didn't bring my tights,
but we will have to make do.
- Okay. I'll get the music.
- [Rex] Okay.
Oh. I need a tutu, obviously.
["Swan Lake, Excerpt Scene"
playing over speakers]
[both laughing]
Ah. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.
Interesting. [laughing]
Ooh. Ooh.
[both laughing]
I feel like I could do a jump.
- [Rex grunts]
- [Cami laughs]
[Rex laughs]
Do swans cough?
- [coughing]
- Oh.
- Oh, okay.
- [groaning]
[laughing] Stop!
Thank you very much.
Oh, bravo! Brav...
Oh, should I say brava! Brava!
To the crowd.
[both laughing]
How long have you lived in San Francisco?
Um, I don't. Um, I just, uh...
I just record there.
Okay, so where is home?
- Home? Mm.
- [Cami] Mm.
Nowhere, everywhere, you know.
I stay in hotels mostly.
But where do you keep your socks?
On my feet. [chuckles]
Wait, I'm... I'm sorry. Um...
[inhales deeply]
You don't have a big rock star mansion
with seven swimming pools and a helipad?
- No, no.
- [Cami] Really?
No, I, um... I'm always on the move.
I, uh, go wherever I want,
whenever I want.
- Uh, only have to please myself.
- Mm.
- [Rex] I'm like... Okay, I'm like a turtle.
- [laughing] Oh, my...
Stay with me.
- I have this intensely extravagant shell.
- Mm.
My manager told me that I have stayed in
over 230 different places this past year.
I mean, who...
who wouldn't wanna live like that?
[Cami] Hm.
[gentle music playing]
You know, there is a fine line
between having it all
and... missing out.
Is there? [laughs]
Yeah, I... I love
going somewhere exotic and new.
But the best part is coming back home.
Uh, why?
I get to go back to my own kitchen,
to the reading light by my bed,
and most importantly,
my big old sock drawer.
Sock drawer?
- [Cami] Yes!
- Very important.
- It is.
- [laughs]
- It's where I keep my socks.
- You're funny. [chuckles]
- I know.
- ["Car Wash" playing on cell phone]
Working at the car wash
Speaking of managers.
Hello, mate.
Oh, congratulations.
Well, what if I don't feel like it?
Uh, suddenly, I feel like it. [laughs]
All right, yeah, I guess we'll, um...
We'll turn around.
So the session is no longer happening.
- Oh.
- [Rex] My bass player's gone into labor.
And we sort of need the whole band
at this point.
- Oh yeah.
- [Rex] So, uh...
I'm sorry. Unless you're relieved,
in which case, you're welcome.
So we're going back to LA?
No, no.
Las Vegas.
- Las Vegas?
- [Rex] Mm.
- [Cami] Um...
- I'm playing a private party now.
Uh, solo?
[Rex] Yeah, vocally.
- [laughing nervously] Oh no.
- [Rex] Unless...
- No!
- [Rex] Yes.
Cami, it's just one song.
You can do the harmony that you made up.
In public?
This is a private party. Like, 20 people.
That's 19 more than my shower.
- You sing in the shower?
- [Cami] Yes.
That is not the point. What?!
Totally up to you.
Just... Just come, hang out for the party,
and then we'll fly back tomorrow.
Separate rooms.
Darling, separate suites.
[sighs] Okay, one song.
Yeah, we'll see about that.
[chuckles nervously]
- [suspenseful drumbeat playing]
- Oh, what have I done?
[drumbeat stops]
["Ready Right Now"
by LNIS and Shelly Fairchild playing]
[exhales deeply]
["Caution To The Wind" by Trella playing
over car speakers]
How come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[both chuckle]
[breathes deeply]
Don't be nervous.
Um... [chuckles]
- We're gonna rehearse, right?
- Yes.
And what if I'm terrible?
Well, then you will have failed,
and you can fade away into obscurity.
Okay, so one chance at my lifelong dream?
No pressure.
I don't believe in pressure.
What... What does that even mean?
- [laughs]
- What if this all went away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
["Caution To The Wind" continues playing]
That actually helps in a weird way.
You are welcome.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [woman] Say it again!
[man 1]
Guys, they are not for profit! Come on.
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 2] Keep it going, guys!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Uh, sorry, what's happening?
- The valet line's backed up.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Well, can we walk?
- [seat belt clicks open]
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Walk? I suppose.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Rex? Oh my God!
[Rex] Oh, hello. Hey.
[fans clamoring]
- Rex! Hello?
- [Rex] How are you? Okay.
- A lot of you today.
- [clicking]
- Rex.
- [Rex] All right, we'll take...
- [woman yelling]
- Children's lives are not...
- [Rex] Two, three, and four.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Bye, sweethearts. Thank you so much.
- [fan] No, no, no! Don't leave!
Hey, do we have to stay here?
- Yeah, the party's for Lucky Lena.
- Well, then I can't go.
[Rex] What? Why?
Because of the protesters?
- [indistinct chattering]
- What are you doing in Vegas?
I'm actually singing here tonight.
Uh, this is the hotel
that I was telling you about.
Well, obviously, I had no idea.
It's a private party,
so I can also guarantee
that no children will be harmed.
You should come with me.
Pick up a sign. It'll be like old times.
Or... Or you can come on stage,
live out your dream?
[protestors] Help us help them!
Are you Rex Galier?
Yes, I am.
Wow. You know Cami?
Yeah. Yeah, we go way back. Shall we?
[protestors] them!
Help us help them!
[protestors] Help us help them!
Jack, I'm so sorry.
I'll never get
another chance like this. Please...
Please tell me you understand.
Of course.
I understand.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
[protestors] Help us help them!
Help us help them!
Help us help them!
[upbeat music playing]
Look at this.
Alcohol, chocolate, nuts, gourmet cookies.
[gasps] And my favorite part.
"Enjoy the refreshments,
with our compliments."
In other words,
whatever you don't eat, take home.
These are literally
Paul's favorite chips. [chuckles]
[camera shutter clicks]
Oh. Um, he called.
But no message.
Should I call him back?
He'd be happy to hear
I'm not here with Jack.
But he also asked me to respect our break.
[phone rings]
This is she.
Hair and makeup?
A stylist?
Half hour would be perfect. Thank you.
[inhales deeply]
[line rings]
[cell phone rings]
- Hi.
- [Cami on phone] Hi.
Wait, where are you?
Oh, I'm in Las Vegas.
Listen, I'm singing with Rex Galier
tonight at a private event.
Well, you, uh...
You're... You're not here with Jack?
Well, I... I drove up with Jack, but...
Wait, did you say "here?"
Yeah. I, uh... [chuckles]
I'm outside the Lucky Lena Hotel.
I'm inside the Lucky Lena Hotel.
I don't wanna lose you, Cami, okay?
And I'll be damned if I lose you
because I was too afraid to propose
without knowing your answer.
That's not passion. That's...
- It's lawyering.
- [chuckles]
[breathing heavily] Will you marry me?
Oh! Oh, okay, so no more break?
No. No, no more... When you told me
you were going out of town with Jack,
it made me ill, like, sick to my stomach.
I just sat there,
saying I wasn't gonna stop you.
But why? Why am I so afraid to tell you
what I want? I don't want a break.
I want a commitment. I wanna marry you,
I wanna raise a family with you,
and I wanna go on bad vacations with you.
I wanna make rules about how many nights
we can be apart. I want everything.
All right?
Oh. Okay, okay. [chuckles]
[Paul] Look familiar?
- The one from the escape room.
- Yeah.
- That was yours.
- [Paul] Yeah.
- [sighs]
- No, whoa. Aren't we skipping a step?
Yes. I will go on bad vacations with you.
[romantic guitar music playing]
[inhales] Oh my God.
[Paul] Uh-oh.
Oh, no, no. No!
Amalia said size 4. Is that not...
Ah, it's... it's my nerves for tonight.
My fingers get all sweaty and puffy.
- Yeah, they are a little clammy.
- Hey!
- But they're perfect.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Can't wait to spend my life with them.
- Mm-hm.
You've got stuff to do,
so I'll let you go.
But, um, hey, actually, one last question.
- Yes, I love you.
- [Paul] No. [chuckles]
That's important, but that's not it.
Can we get married tonight?
Here, in Vegas? I mean,
is a big wedding important to you?
You are.
That's an excellent answer.
- Hey.
- [Paul] Yeah?
I don't wanna spend
any nights apart from you.
Yeah, we can do that.
[Cami] Mm.
I see you looking
Yeah, I know what's up
We do it different
Yeah, we shake it up
We got the fire
Yeah, we got the touch
We do it better
Yeah, we shake it up
Shake it up, up
This is beautiful.
It'll go great with your coloring.
Though it's a little safe. I could
make it pop with a spiked dog collar.
Oh, please don't make me
wear a dog collar.
Okay. [chuckles]
Uh, hm.
Hm. [gasps]
- This!
- Ah.
- Oh!
- This one's stunning.
Oh! With these.
- Whoa. [chuckles]
- [stylist] Imagine.
We so fly
When we ain't nothing like you
Yeah. Uh, is it a... is it a bit much?
Honey, it's Las Vegas.
[Cami] Huh.
Yeah. [inhales deeply]
Does it feel a little desperate to you?
Like, "Look at me, don't listen to me."
On the other hand,
maybe that's a good thing?
It guarantees I'll bring
entertainment value. [inhales deeply]
- What do you think?
- I love it.
And Rex will too. Guaranteed.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- You like it, like it, don't ya?
- Ooh
You like it, don't ya?
Can I pull this off?
Darling, no one could.
- I know.
- Let's get something else.
- Please.
- [Rex] Yeah.
[chuckling] Okay.
- [Rex] Ooh, so shiny.
- Don't you dare touch it. Stop it!
[strums end of song]
[audience clapping and cheering]
He's great.
- He is.
- [Rex] Thank you very much.
The last song we're gonna do tonight
is called "All I Want Is You."
I had the good fortune
of meeting a very special lady
who explained my own song to me,
which was very helpful.
[audience laughs]
She reminded me that when you're in love,
you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Love is enough.
And she's here tonight, keeping me honest.
Cami Conway, everyone.
[Paul] Yes!
Are you all right?
Uh, uh-uh. [chuckles]
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my...
[clears throat]
Hello, everyone. Sorry, uh, I messed up.
It was a long flight.
Bit tired.
Just one more time, yeah?
Is that all right? Yeah? All right.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[mouths] Me?
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [Rex plays guitar solo]
- [crowd cheers]
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
- Nice job.
- Nice job yourself.
[Rex speaking indistinctly]
- Cami Conway, everyone.
- [Paul] Go, Cami!
Thank you. Thanks.
- Not too shabby.
- Not too shabby.
- [goofy groan]
- [laughing]
Happy birthday, Lena.
- Ah, thanks, darling.
- Mwah. I love you.
Good night, everyone. Thank you.
- [man 1] Lena, happy birthday.
- [Paul] Hey!
- [man 2] Happy birthday, Lena.
- [laughs] Oh.
I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
[romantic music playing]
You ready?
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
Do we have a ring?
- Oh, yes, we do. Yeah.
- We do.
We do. [inhales deeply]
[exhales sharply, clears throat]
[officiant] Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- ["54321 Let's Go" by Anna Mae playing]
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I got a raise.
And I get to call my own shots.
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
Well, that's great. Good for you.
And I'm going to San Francisco
to sing with Rex Galier's band.
- Well, I...
- [Cami chuckles]
- I have many questions.
- [Cami chuckles] Yes.
That's amazing, Cami.
I... I know. I had to tell you.
And since I'm gonna be gone this weekend,
I... I wanted you to know why.
Well, I appreciate that.
I'm sorry for what I said
in the escape room.
It... It... It came out all wrong.
It was honest.
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
You want guarantees.
I do.
[Paul] Uh, it doesn't work like that.
You and I are a great team.
And if we commit,
and then we hit a roadblock someday,
then we'll figure it out, together.
Paul, you spend all day
talking to clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
But we're not those people.
And we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need to figure it out
for myself first.
You do what you have to.
But, um, let's stick to the break. Okay?
Just until we have more clarity.
I should go.
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I got a raise.
And I... I get to call my own shots.
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
That's great. Good for you.
[Cami] I also wanted to tell you...
This is gonna be a lot harder. Um...
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow...
to take part in a demonstration.
I'm going with Jack.
[inhales, exhales]
Why are you telling me this?
I guess...
it felt like a... a show of good faith
to be transparent with you right now.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Do you want me to stop you?
'Cause it's not my place to do that.
I... I don't know what I want.
Look, I'm... I'm sorry
for what I said in the escape room.
It just...
- It... It came out wrong.
- No.
Not the way I wanted it to. Um...
It came out honest.
commitment doesn't come easily for you.
You want guarantees.
I... I do.
[Paul] But it doesn't work that way.
Look, you and I, we're a great team, okay?
Okay. [sighs]
And if we commit, and then someday
hit a roadblock, then we'll figure it out.
Together, you know?
Paul, you spend all day
talking to clients who thought that,
and now won't even sit in the same room.
We are not those people,
and... and we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need to figure this out
for myself first.
You do what you have to do, then.
But, um, let's stick to the break, okay?
Until we have more clarity.
- Um, I'm gonna go.
- [Paul] Yeah.
Yeah. Okay, you keep doing... your thing.
- Congrats on your raise. That's very good.
- [Cami] Thank... Thank you.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I quit my job.
- You...
- [Cami] Yes! Yeah, I know.
I... I actually don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
- But I did it.
- [Paul] That's great.
You've been talking about that forever.
Good for you.
Yeah. Um...
I also wanted to tell you,
and this is gonna be
a... a little harder to say,
but I'm...
going to Las Vegas tomorrow
to take part in a demonstration.
Do you remember Jack Menna?
Wait. Uh, the... the Guatemala guy
from high school?
- I ran into him recently.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
Um, he's really involved
with child refugees,
and there's hope for some press attention.
Come on, Cami. Are you telling me
that I'm competing with first love?
Against some fantasy?
Is that what you're telling me?
It isn't a competition.
It sounds like it's a competition.
How long has this been going on?
There's nothing going on.
It just feels like a show of good faith
to be transparent with you right now.
It's not my place to stop you, if that's
what you want. Is that what you want?
I don't know what I want.
Look, I'm sorry for what I said
at the escape room.
It... It came out all wrong.
But it was honest.
I mean, commitment
doesn't come easily for you.
I know that.
- You want guarantees.
- I do.
[Paul] But there are no guarantees.
It doesn't work that way.
You and I, we're a great team.
And if we commit, and someday
down the road, we hit a roadblock,
you and I are gonna work it out, together.
Paul, you spend all day
with clients who thought that,
and now won't sit in the same room.
- But we are not those people.
- Everybody thinks that.
But we're not. And we're not your parents.
I get that.
I just need to figure it out
for myself first.
You do what you have to do.
But let's stick to the break, okay?
Until we have more clarity.
- I should go.
- Yeah.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[indistinct chattering]
[clears throat]
- Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you at work.
- No, no.
I was afraid you wouldn't take my call.
I got a raise.
- And I get to call my own shots.
- [chuckles]
I don't know
who was more surprised, Dan or me.
[chuckles] Well, that's fantastic.
Good for you.
[Cami] I also wanted to tell you...
This is gonna be a lot harder. Um...
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow
to take part in a demonstration.
[Paul] Mm-hm.
Do you remember Jack Menna?
The Guatemala guy.
- Yeah.
- [Paul] From high school.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Well, I... I ran into him recently.
He's really involved with child refugees,
and there's hope for some press attention.
- So he's gonna be there, and...
- [Paul] Come on, Cami.
I'm competing against first love?
Against some fantasy?
- Is that what you're telling me?
- No, this isn't a competition.
Sounds like it. I mean,
how long has this been going on?
There is nothing going on.
It just feels like the right thing to do
is to be honest with you,
so I'm being honest.
It's not my place to stop you.
Is that what you want? For me to stop you?
I... I don't know what I want.
Look, I'm sorry for what I said
at the escape room.
It... It came out all wrong.
Well, it was honest.
Commitment doesn't come easily for you.
I know that. You want guarantees.
- I do.
- [Paul] But that's not how it works.
Look, you and I...
you and I are a great team.
And if we commit, and someday
down the line, we... we hit a roadblock,
then we'll work it out together.
Paul, you can't promise that.
You can't.
I mean, you spend all day with clients
who thought that exact same thing,
and now won't even sit
in the same room together.
We're not those people.
Everybody thinks that.
Well, I believe in us.
We're not.
And we're not your parents either.
I get that.
And I know that. I do.
I just...
I need to figure this out
for myself first.
That's fair.
Then you do what you have to do.
But, um, let's stick to the break, then.
Until we have more clarity.
I should go.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
- No, no, no.
- It just...
[door opens]
How long did we stay up in that tree?
Seventy-eight hours.
Wow. But we saved it.
You were always up for anything.
Well, I thought I could change the world.
- [Jack] Hm.
- [Cami] Ah.
Yeah, somehow that got lost
in the shuffle of my twenties.
Oh, I lost it too, a few years back.
Sometimes you can't even save the tree.
There's just a lot in this world
that needs to be fixed,
that I just started to believe,
I don't know,
my drop in the ocean didn't matter.
How did you find your way back?
I had to remember
that a little bit is better than nothing.
- And then there's the kids.
- Hm.
Since I don't plan
on having any of my own,
the least I can do
is help the ones that are here.
You don't want kids?
You're so amazing with them.
I don't feel the pressing need
to pass along my DNA.
Okay, well, what if, one day,
hypothetically, you get married
and your hypothetical wife
wants hypothetical, biological children?
Never say never.
All right.
- Okay.
- Ask Marie what time we're landing, right?
But pretend, yeah,
that you don't understand
the concept of time.
- [imitates explosion]
- [Cami] What?
[inhales deeply] Marie?
- Yes, miss?
- What time are we landing?
At 1:35.
Uh, in 135 minutes?
No, in about 40 more minutes.
- Is a minute longer than an hour?
- No.
Then why is the minute hand
longer than the hour hand?
I mean, that makes no sense at all.
That's a strong point, isn't it, Marie?
Good to see you're enjoying yourselves.
Oh. Sorry. [chuckles]
I feel bad. Do I... I feel bad.
- I know.
- Oh, well.
Okay, okay, okay.
Right. Okay.
Truth or dare?
Ooh. Uh... [blows raspberry]
Dare, obviously. [chuckles]
Which one should we make him do?
Are there any parachutes onboard?
- Maybe?
- [Cami] Mm?
I was hoping to survive this little game,
thank you very much.
Oh, okay, just so I know,
you prefer looking ridiculous
over putting yourself in danger?
- I have no shame.
- [Cami laughs]
Like a bird set free
I'm finally taking flight
You haven't talked
about your personal life.
...all I've been afraid of
I'm glad.
Okay, our first concert?
Pink. At the Wiltern, sophomore year,
and my dad drove.
- Impressive.
- Mm-hm.
Our first kiss?
Oh, front seat of this very car.
I knew it looked familiar.
You always open the door for me.
Always will.
- Thank you.
- [Jack] Stop.
Don't move.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.
[Jack] Still don't like
having your picture taken?
I never know what to do with my face.
- [camera beeping]
- Just act natural.
That is literally impossible now.
No, stop. Stop! Okay, if I pose
for one photo, will you stop?
- Yes.
- Promise?
- I don't like you. Okay. Fine. Fine.
- [Jack] You're gonna be great.
[camera shutter clicks]
- [camera shutter clicks]
- Great.
[camera shutter clicks]
I'm gonna get a bit closer.
[camera shutter clicking]
[tender music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
That was good.
- [chuckles]
- [Jack] You crushed it.
Well, thank you.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [Cami chuckles]
- I got that.
- Thank you.
All right, let's go!
- Oh. All right, let's do this.
- Mm-hm.
[camera shutter clicks]
All right.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- You are killing me.
[camera shutter clicks]
You're so gorgeous.
- [tender music playing]
- No, I'm not.
Yeah, you are.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [Cami chuckles]
- I got that.
- Thank you.
All right, let's go!
Okay. Show me
your most embarrassing tattoo.
- Really?
- [Cami] Mm-hm.
- Doesn't matter where it is?
- Mm.
Are you sure?
["I Gotcha" by Joe Tex playing]
You made me a promise
And you're gonna stick to it
- Ooh.
- There goes a button.
- Ooh, what's that?
- [laughing] Yes.
You're welcome. [laughs]
You never should've promised to me
Give it here
There goes another button.
[Rex humming]
Oh. Okay.
Give it here
[Rex] What's down here?
No. Okay. You win. You win.
- [laughing]
- ["I Gotcha" stops playing]
It's not even over there.
It's on this side.
[Cami laughing]
- Interesting.
- Yeah.
Is that because, um, you and your mom
are joined at the hip?
God, no.
No, I just got it on a dare. [chuckles]
Yeah, it's all starting to make sense now.
- Your turn.
- [Cami laughing] No.
What are you doing here?
I'm doing a private performance
for Lucky Lena.
Um... Oh, you should come
and do your lovely harmony with me.
Uh, I can't. I'm...
I'm protesting.
Lucky Lena's husband runs the worst
refugee shelter in the country.
Ah. No, her ex-husband,
and I can guarantee
he will be nowhere near the party.
Besides, have you heard Cami's voice?
It's beautiful.
Yeah, of course I have.
I've known her since we were 15 years old.
Well, technically, um, not the whole time.
I mean, just if we're...
if we're being technical about it.
What we're doing here is very important.
Yeah. No, no. It seems, you know...
[mock roars]...with the thing.
But it's not really
up to you though, is it? [chuckles]
[imitates English accent]
It's not really up to you either.
- Yeah.
- [protestor] Use another casino!
It sounds absolutely terrifying.
But in a good way.
It's obviously
a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.
But it would feel like crossing
a picket line. I've never done that.
Jack, Rex. Rex, Jack.
Cheers, mate.
- I like your music.
- Oh, thanks, man. That means a lot.
Oh, congratulations.
Well, what if I don't feel like it?
Uh, suddenly, I feel like it. [laughs]
All right, yeah, I guess we'll, um...
We'll turn around.
So the session is no longer happening.
- Oh.
- [Rex] My bass player's gone into labor.
And we sort of need the whole band
at this point.
- So, uh...
- Yeah.
I'm sorry. Unless you're relieved,
in which case, you're welcome.
So we're going back to LA?
No, no.
Las Vegas.
- Las Vegas?
- [Rex] Mm.
- [Cami] Um...
- I'm playing a private party now.
[Rex] Yeah, vocally.
[protestor 1] Help the kids!
- [protestor 2] Support the children!
- Rex, I'm sorry. I'm gonna stay with Jack.
- Oh.
- [protestor 2] Join us!
[Cami] Yeah.
Wait, no, is he the, uh,
high school boyfriend?
Okay, bye, Rex.
- I don't know anything.
- You can go. Why don't you keep going?
- [Rex] All right, I'm going.
- Yeah, no. Don't turn around.
- All right. Fine. I get it. I get it.
- [fan] Oh my God. It's him!
Look, I didn't think you'd go,
but if I ever took you for granted,
I never will again.
[man] Cami!
This is like that dream I had.
[gentle guitar music playing]
I gotta see where this goes.
It's always been a dream of mine.
Please say you understand.
I understand.
Follow your bliss.
[protestor 1] Save our children!
- Save our children!
- [protestor 2] Save our children!
- Okay. We must away.
- [protestor 3] Help us help them!
Help us help them!
Children are not a commodity!
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
Are you okay?
Um, absolutely.
I'm sensing that this is about
more than just the cause.
- Was that the guy you never got over?
- Yeah.
I'm afraid any thought I had
of a second chance has certainly gone now.
I dunno. You didn't see the way
he looked at you when you walked away.
["You Know You Hit The Spot"
by New Perspectives playing]
Thank you.
Can I make you mine?
Can you take your time?
'Cause you feel all right
And you get me high
[line rings]
You've reached Cami Conway.
Leave a message.
[Paul groans]
You know you hit the spot
[gentle guitar music playing]
I gotta see where this goes.
It's always been a dream of mine.
Please say you understand.
I understand.
Follow your bliss.
[protestor 1] Save our children!
- Save our children!
- [protestor 2] Save our children!
Save our children!
- Okay. We must away.
- [protestor 3] Help us help them!
Help us help them!
Children are not a commodity!
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
Are you okay?
Um, absolutely.
I'm sensing that
that was about more than just the cause.
Was that Jack someone special?
He was.
I'm afraid any thought I had
of a second chance has certainly gone now.
Dunno. You didn't see the way
he looked at you when you walked away.
[fan laughing]
- ["You Know You Hit The Spot" playing]
- [speaking indistinctly]
Thank you.
Can I make you mine?
Can you take your time?
'Cause you feel all right
And you get me high
[line rings]
You've reached Cami Conway.
Leave a message.
[Paul sighs]
You know you hit the spot
- Um...
- Hey, listen.
I... I... I can't live in limbo, okay?
I was so upset
that you haven't been honest with me...
- Well, I... I realize that.
- But... But I haven't been honest either.
Uh, can you give us a minute?
Who is this guy?
We've been together for a while,
but we're on a break.
- Right.
- No, let him... let him hear. I don't care.
Look. Hey.
You are the most fun, caring,
passionate, brilliant woman
that I've ever met,
and I want you on my team forever.
When you told me that you were coming here
yesterday, I thought I'd lost you.
And I let you walk out the door anyway.
I don't know why I'm so afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you.
Oh. Oh my God.
- I love you. I believe in us.
- [woman 1] Did you see that?
- [woman 2] So adorable.
- That's guarantee enough for me.
[Cami] Um... Oh, okay. You're really...
- You're, um... Oh, you're doing this.
- [Paul] Uh-huh.
Will you marry me?
Wait. Wait. Before you give him an answer...
- I'm sure you're a great guy.
- I am a great guy.
What we had,
that wasn't a fluke or... or puppy love.
That was... That was real.
And I... I don't wanna see you
slip out of my life again.
God, this is gonna...
this is gonna sound crazy,
but if I don't say it now,
I might not... get another chance.
I love you.
[chuckles sadly]
Do you sense a pattern here?
Like, am I the most resistible
irresistible woman ever?
I think you're feeling it too.
It's Jack and Cami. Always will be.
Three years. Thursday.
Three years. Thursday.
Um... Uh...
This is the craziest it's gotten, right?
I'll stay.
But no singing.
I'm... I'm just not ready for that.
You are.
You just don't know it yet.
- I'm not.
- [chuckles]
- But you just don't know it yet.
- [Rex] Mm.
["Ready Right Now" playing]
Okay, I gotta ask.
How come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[Cami] Hm.
["Good To Be Alive" playing over speakers]
What happens if this all goes away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
[man 1] Come on, guys. Let 'em hear it!
- [woman] Say it again!
- [man 2] Guys, they are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Keep it going!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 4] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Uh, sorry, what's happening?
Children's lives are not for profit!
Or, you know, we could look out the window
if we really wanted to know.
- Eh... [laughs]
- Crazy.
Children's lives are not for profit!
Yeah! Children's lives are not for profit.
Where's the money gone?
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Hey, can we stay somewhere else, please?
Ooh, no, not really.
The party's for Lucky Lena, so...
[Jack] Cami?
Children's lives are not for profit!
What... What are you...
What are you doing in... in Vegas?
Well, I was supposed
to be in San Francisco, but, um...
here I am now.
- Yeah.
- It's fate.
This is the... This is the hotel
that I was telling you about.
[clicks tongue] Oh.
Come with me. Grab a sign.
It'll be like old times.
[inhales] I don't really know
what's going on,
but just so you know,
it's a private party,
and, uh, I can... I can guarantee you
no children will be harmed.
Is that Rex Galier?
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
You know... You know Cami?
Oh, yeah, me and Cami, we go way back.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Sorry.
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Please stop.
[brakes squeal]
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
I can't.
It just feels all kinds of wrong.
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Do what you gotta do.
- [Cami sighs]
- Yeah?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- [seat belt clicks open]
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
This weekend is full of surprises.
Um, not what you think.
It's about music. Thank you.
No, I'm just... I'm glad to see you again.
Oh, good.
- [Jack] Come on.
- Okay. Let's do this.
- Let's do this.
- [Cami chuckles]
- [Cami] Help us help them!
- [Jack] Justice for refugees.
[Cami] Help us help the children.
Help us help the children.
Hi, help us help the children.
Justice for refugees.
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
- Uh, excuse me, sir, hi.
- Hello.
Any casino would be happy
to take your money.
But they called it Lucky Lena,
and I need some luck.
Yeah, but so do the child refugees.
Here's a thought. Donate half
of your gambling fund to the cause.
The karma alone should give you a big win
with the other half.
It's worth a shot.
[upbeat music playing]
Hey, you're making a great call. Um,
the guy with the clipboard will help you.
All right.
[mouths] What?
I'm jazz hands?
No. Fire. You're on fire.
Fire? That's not fire.
Can you do it better?
- I couldn't do it worse.
- [man 1] Jack!
- Oh, hey, they want you.
- Jack! Come here!
Oh, good, they came.
- Excuse me.
- No, go. Just show them who you are.
- [reporter] Yeah.
- Yeah, they're ready for you, man.
Okay, we're gonna ask you
a series of questions.
- [cell phone ringing]
- Hi, can you... Thank you so much.
- [man 2] Protect the children!
- [cell phone continues ringing]
- [cell phone clicks]
- [protestors speaking indistinctly]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- [Paul on phone] Yeah. Um...
No. No.
I can't live in limbo, Cami. I can't.
I was gonna wait to tell you this
until you got back, but I couldn't wait.
I was so upset
that you hadn't been honest.
I realize that.
[Paul] But I haven't been honest either.
I haven't proposed yet because...
because I'm... I'm too scared
that you'll say no.
But why am I too afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you?
Wait. Where are you?
I'm in Las Vegas.
You lied to me?
No. No, Rex and I
were on our way to San Francisco,
and then the plan changed,
and we wound up here,
and when I saw Jack on the picket line...
Jack? Jack again?
Yes. But I swear
it was just a coincidence.
Okay, I believe you.
You do? Um...
Thank you. Thank you.
Cami, I'm always gonna give you
the benefit of the doubt,
because I'm in love with you.
I'm in love with your mind.
I'm in love with your kindness.
I'm in love with your laugh.
I'm in love with your hair.
I mean, I'm trying to do work over here,
and I keep scrolling through photos of us,
and we look really happy.
[gentle music playing]
Because we are.
Marry me.
Okay, you've been with me a few days.
This is the craziest it's gotten, right?
I mean, is my life spiraling
out of control, or falling into place?
Oh boy, I gotta decide.
- [exhales]
- [music fades]
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
This is a moment
we deserve to have in person.
I'll see you tonight.
So will I see you back in LA?
I don't think so.
- [tender music playing]
- I'm happy for you.
- Get out of here.
- Bye.
[uplifting guitar music playing]
Maybe you'll see it differently next time.
I hope so.
[music fades]
[pensive music playing]
I found something.
- Is it a clue?
- Oh, definitely.
Thank you.
- [chuckles] That was yours.
- Well, not for long, I hope.
This is the part
where you tell me your answer in person.
Will you please marry me?
[tender music playing]
- Well, I can't just say yes.
- Oh, dear God.
[laughs] No, listen,
I'm not just accepting your proposal.
I... I need you to know
I am choosing you with my whole heart.
I'm sorry it took me so long,
but I'm sure.
I'm ready to commit myself to you
and our life together.
[exhales sharply]
- May I please have my ring now?
- [Paul] Oh yeah. [chuckles]
[Cami sighs] It's perfect.
You're perfect.
[Paul] Oh.
[romantic music playing]
I saw our kids in a dream, by the way.
They're adorable.
- Oh. Well, of course.
- Durr!
[woman over intercom]
You have 15 more minutes.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
- [Cami] Mm.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
Look at this.
Alcohol, chocolate,
nuts, homemade cookies.
Ooh, and my favorite part.
"Enjoy the refreshments,
with our compliments."
In other words,
whatever you don't eat, take home.
These are literally
Paul's favorite chips. Aw.
[camera shutter clicks]
Should I call him?
He was so sweet yesterday.
But he also asked me to respect our break.
[phone rings]
This is she.
Hair and makeup?
A stylist?
Half hour would be perfect. Thank you.
[inhales deeply]
- [sighs]
- [line rings]
[cell phone ringing]
- [chuckles]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Hi.
- Hi.
So I'm singing with Rex Galier tonight.
- I know.
- [Cami] No, no, no.
Sorry, let me clarify.
Um, in person, live, with no do-overs,
at this swanky private event in Las Vegas.
I'm about to get my hair and makeup done
in a half an hour.
I know you said not to call, but I had to.
No. No, this... this is... this is big.
Oh. You wanna see big?
This is my dining room.
- [chuckles] Okay.
- Ooh, look, and your favorite chips.
Oh, man. You have to smuggle
some of those back for me.
Also, no biggie,
but, like, this is my view.
[chuckles] Oh wow.
- Amazing. You're living the life.
- [Cami] Ooh.
Did I mention the Steinway?
[plays piano]
It's gorgeous. It's huge.
Okay, listen,
I can bring the chips back for you,
but I don't think
I can smuggle out the baby grand.
Oh, please try. [chuckles] You can do it.
[groans] I wish I could be there.
Is there any chance of that?
Um, I... I guess.
Could you even make it on time?
Yeah. It's... It's only a 45-minute flight.
I'm gonna be nervous enough.
Well, you've always said
that I'm a... a calming influence.
Look, if you don't want me there,
just say so.
You know what?
I do.
I do want you here.
Consider yourself invited.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
[Paul] Great. Awesome.
Well, I'll, uh... Ooh, what should I wear?
- [chuckles]
- I'm just kidding. [chuckles]
I'll see you soon.
- Hey, um, Paul?
- Yeah.
You know, we're not really good
at this whole break thing.
I'm glad you noticed. [chuckles]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
[Cami sighs]
I love you.
- Yes?
- [laughs] Yes!
[Paul] Oh.
[tender music playing]
- Um...
- Yeah.
Looks like congratulations are in order.
You and I had a great past.
No small thing.
Paul is my future.
I'm happy for you.
You're a lucky man.
Get in here.
[Cami sighs]
[Cami] Bye.
I'm not gonna give you
the chance to change your mind.
Oh, okay.
["So Marvelous" playing]
We are in Vegas.
We are in Vegas.
- But we gotta do it right.
- Ooh.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Um, I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
- I love that you're here. [chuckles]
- [officiant chuckles]
Do we have a ring?
- Oh yes. Yes, we do.
- [Cami chuckles]
[Paul clears throat]
[inhales deeply]
Sorry, I'm a little nervous.
[Paul exhales]
[exhales sharply]
[rhythmic tender music playing]
Wait a minute. Is that the ring
from the escape room?
Oh, that totally didn't register.
Oh my God. What I've put you through.
Totally worth it.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be.
[Cami sighs]
- Do you, Paul Swartz...
- [Paul clears throat]
...take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- [chuckles]
Well, I pronounce you husband and wife!
[laughing] Oh my God.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Thank God.
Nobody does it like we do
- [Amalia] Whoo!
- [Florian] Hooray!
No turning back now.
- Nobody does it like we do
- We do
- Nobody does it like us
- Nobody does it like us
Jaw dropping, no stopping
It's just so marvelous
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
So marvelous
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
You know, I've been trying to figure out
what's missing for us.
Or whether or not I was holding out
for some unattainable perfection.
What, like him?
No. No, this has nothing to do with Jack.
This has to do with us.
I've realized that
if you were my person, and...
Oh my God, I do not mean
to sound like the Bachelorette, but...
Paul, if you were my person...
I wouldn't be so confused.
[tender music playing]
I'm sorry.
[exhales, chuckles]
It's not the answer I was hoping for.
But at least I finally have an answer.
- I'm sorry.
- [Paul] That's...
[Cami] Mm.
I, um...
I wish you nothing but the best. Truly.
I feel the same way about you.
[breathes deeply]
- Goodbye.
- [Cami] Goodbye, Paul.
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- [Paul groans]
You know, this isn't about Jack.
Just because Paul
isn't the right person for me
doesn't mean Jack is.
And I have no idea
how to take it slow with him.
Maybe... I need some time on my own.
[Jack] Jack and Cami.
Meant to be, right?
A psychic told me there's no such thing.
She said we control our destinies.
One choice at a time.
Well, I'm a little surprised
to find myself agreeing with a psychic.
- [chuckles]
- I choose you.
I don't need another decade
to be sure of that.
Jack, at 16,
you showed me what love can be.
Now all these years later,
you've reminded me,
and I'm... grateful.
It helped me realize
that Paul isn't the man for me.
[tender music playing]
And neither am I.
Your dreams aren't my dreams.
It's time for me to follow my own.
Well, I hope they all come true.
[tender music playing]
I'm gonna call you when we're 50.
It's a date.
[indistinct chattering]
I feel the breeze
Rolling through the trees
All the necessities
To have a good time
Fresh new attitude
Got a vibe, got a mood
Watch me glide, watch me move
[woman] This is the fun part.
When you don't know how it ends.
[Cami] Hm.
If life is what you make it
Then I'm gonna make it me
- Aye, yah, yah, yah
- Oh
If life is what you make it
Then I'm gonna make it me
Aye, yah, yah, yah
If life is what you make it
Then I'm gonna make it
Aye, yah, yah, yah
I'm gonna make it me
["Ready Right Now" playing]
[exhales deeply]
["Caution To The Wind" playing
over car speakers]
How come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[both chuckle]
[breathes deeply]
Don't be nervous.
Um... [chuckles]
- We're gonna rehearse, right?
- Yes.
And what if I'm terrible?
Well, then you will have failed,
and you can fade away into obscurity.
Okay, so one chance at my life-long dream?
No pressure.
I don't believe in pressure.
What... What does that even mean?
- [laughs]
- What if this all went away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
That actually helps in a weird way.
You are welcome.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
[man 1] Come on, guys. Let 'em hear it!
- [woman] Say it again!
- [man 2] Guys, they are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Keep it going!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 4] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Uh, sorry, what's happening?
- The valet line's backed up.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Well, can we walk?
- [seat belt clicks open]
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Walk? I suppose.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Rex? Oh my God!
[Rex] Oh, hello. Hey.
[fans clamoring]
- Rex! Hello?
- [Rex] How are you? Okay.
- A lot of you today.
- [clicking]
- [Cami] Rex?
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man] Boycott this place!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Bye, sweethearts. Thank you so much.
- [fan] No, no, no! Don't leave!
Um, hey, can we not stay here?
Uh, well, the party's for Lucky Lena, so...
Well, I can't go in.
It's like crossing a picket line.
What... What is this? Is this nerves?
- It's gonna be okay.
- No. Shh.
- [Rex] It'll be great.
- [Jack] Cami?
[Cami] Mm.
What are you doing in Vegas?
[Cami] Um, I'm actually...
singing here tonight.
For Lucky Lena.
Lucky Lena's husband runs the largest
for-profit shelter for child refugees.
- Conditions are appalling.
- Obviously, I had no idea.
Well, uh, it's her ex-husband, right?
And I can guarantee
he will be nowhere near the party, so...
Hey, right?
Come with me. Join the protest.
It'll be like old times.
Or you could go on stage,
live out your dream.
Is that Rex Galier?
[indistinct chanting]
Yeah. It is. Hm.
And you know... You know Cami?
Uh, Cami? Yeah.
No, me and Cami go way back. Yeah.
- Way back?
- I wouldn't...
Shall we? [mumbles]
["Ready Right Now" playing]
Okay, I gotta ask,
how come he's sitting on the right?
[laughs] Yeah, I always request that.
It's both adorably demanding
and a shout-out to king and country,
so win-win.
[Cami] Hm.
["Good To Be Alive" playing over speakers]
What happens if this all goes away?
The arenas, the fans,
the right-hand driver?
What is your backup plan?
Do I look like a man with a backup plan?
Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
No, I just wanna fly
as high as I possibly can, you know?
No looking down, unless it's for the view.
It's the only way to live.
And if you fall?
It's worth it. I'm all in.
I... I don't know another way to be.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[engine roaring]
[speaking indistinctly]
Children's lives are not for profit!
[man 1] Come on, guys. Let 'em hear it!
- [woman] Say it again!
- [man 2] Guys, they are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 3] Keep it going!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [man 4] Let me hear it!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Uh, sorry, uh, what's... what's happening?
Or if we wanted to know, we could,
crazy idea, look out the window?
Oh, I suppose.
- Ah.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Where's the money gone?
Um, it's like crossing a picket line.
Can... Can we stay somewhere else?
No. Sorry, the party's for Lucky Lena,
so we have to stay here.
- [Cami] What?
- [Jack] Cami?
- Oh God.
- [footsteps approaching]
What... What are you...
What are you doing in... in Vegas?
It was supposed to be in San Francisco,
the thing I was gonna do,
but I'm not doing now.
So, what are you doing here?
The owner of this hotel runs the largest
for-profit shelter for child refugees.
- Conditions are appalling.
- That is horrible.
Well, obviously, I... I had no idea.
Lena's not the owner. [chuckles]
Your gripe is with her ex-husband,
and I can guarantee
he'll be nowhere near the party,
so we all win. Eh?
Right. What do you say, Cam?
Come with me. It'll be like old times.
Also, is that Rex Galier?
And you know... You know Cami?
Oh, yeah, me and Cami, we go way back.
Children's lives are not for profit!
- Okay.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
[inhales deeply]
[inhales sharply]
Children's lives are not for profit!
I can't.
- It just feels all kinds of wrong.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- Oh.
- Do what you gotta do.
- Children's lives are not for profit!
- [fans clamoring]
- Children's lives are not for profit!
I can't believe you're here.
- [Cami chuckles]
- Let's get you some more pamphlets.
[Cami] Yeah.
- [Cami] Help us help them!
- [Jack] Justice for refugees.
[Cami] Help us help the children.
Help us help the children.
Hi, help us help the children.
Justice for refugees.
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Uh, excuse me, sir, hi.
- Hello.
Any casino would be happy
to take your money.
But they called it Lucky Lena,
and I need some luck.
Yeah, but so do the child refugees.
Here's a thought. Donate half
of your gambling fund to the cause.
The karma alone should give you a big win
with the other half.
It's worth a shot.
[upbeat music playing]
Hey, you're making a great call. Um,
the guy with the clipboard will help you.
All right.
[mouths] What?
I'm jazz hands?
No. Fire. You're on fire.
Fire? That's not fire.
Can you do it better?
- I couldn't do it worse.
- [man] Jack!
- Oh, hey, they want you.
- Jack! Come here!
Oh, good, they came.
- Excuse me.
- No, go. Just show them who you are.
- [reporter] Yeah.
- Yeah, they're ready for you, man.
Okay, we're gonna ask you...
Children's lives are not for profit!
Children's lives are not for profit!
Um, I'm sorry, Jack.
- It was great seeing you.
- Yeah.
- See ya.
- Bye.
- Right.
- [Rex] Nice guy.
[Cami] Sorry.
- [exhales]
- [tap on window]
I'm glad you stayed.
I, um...
I don't want you here.
Uh, wow.
I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it
until the words came out.
Well, I, uh... I, uh...
[chuckles sadly]
I guess we got our clarity then.
Look, um,
if I was the man for you,
you'd... you'd know by now.
[inhales sharply]
I haven't wanted to admit that,
but it's probably true.
[tender music playing]
Yeah. Okay.
Uh, well, I have to go. [chuckles sadly]
Um... good luck tonight.
And, uh... And after tonight.
You too.
Goodbye, Paul.
[cell phone chimes]
- [protestors speaking indistinctly]
- Neither do I.
by Sugar & The Hi-Lows playing]
- [Cami] Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, great.
- Okay, wait, wait.
- Yeah, yeah. Mm.
- [Cami] One more thing about the psychic.
- All ears.
Um, it's just, it's the wildest thing.
She told me I was gonna have
a youthful dream come true.
[Jack] Okay.
And that dream is you. So...
there you go. [chuckles]
- Anything else?
- Mm-mm.
- Can I kiss you now?
- Mm-hm.
...really want you
So hold me close
Take me where your dreaming
Lift me up...
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
[music fades]
Neither do I.
["Happiness" playing]
- [Cami] Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
Okay, great.
- Okay, wait, wait.
- Yeah, yeah. Mm.
- One more thing about the psychic.
- All ears.
Um, it's just, it's the wildest thing.
She told me I was gonna have
a youthful dream come true.
[Jack] Okay.
And that dream is you. So...
there you go. [chuckles]
- Anything else?
- Mm-mm.
- Can I kiss you now?
- Mm-hm.
...really want you
So hold me close
Take me where your dreaming
Lift me up...
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
And happiness has no sound
[music fades]
Neither do I.
- Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
["Beat Stops My Heart"
by Young Summer playing]
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Say the word and let it start
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
...stops my heart
[music fades]
Neither do I.
- Uh, hold on.
- Right.
- I do wanna have children one day.
- Children.
If anyone should pass along their DNA,
it's you.
- I need to know that door is open.
- Yeah. Open. [blows lips] Wide, wide open.
- [Cami] Really?
- Yeah.
["Beat Stops My Heart" playing]
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Say the word and let it start
Did you pick him
because he's so damn good-looking?
Looks are the first thing to go.
Anyway, remember that next time.
[Cami] Mm!
...stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Oh, your beat stops my heart
Say the word and let it start
[music fades]
[man] Gamble someplace else!
Rex, I can't. No, listen. I'm... I'm sorry.
It just... It feels all kinds of wrong.
- [protestors] Help us help them!
- Oh.
[protestors] Help us help them!
- Do what you gotta do.
- [fan 1] Rex!
[fan 2] Please stay!
I just want you to sign one more thing!
I can't believe you're here.
- [Cami chuckles]
- Let's get you some more pamphlets.
[Cami] Yeah.
- [Cami] Help us help them!
- [Jack] Justice for refugees.
[Cami] Help us help the children.
Help us help the children.
Hi, help us help the children.
Justice for refugees.
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Uh, excuse me, sir, hi.
- Hello.
Any casino would be happy
to take your money.
But they called it Lucky Lena,
and I need some luck.
Yeah, but so do the child refugees.
Here's a thought. Donate half
of your gambling fund to the cause.
The karma alone should give you a big win
with the other half.
It's worth a shot.
[upbeat music playing]
Hey, you're making a great call. Um,
the guy with the clipboard will help you.
All right.
[mouths] What?
I'm jazz hands?
No. Fire. You're on fire.
Fire? That's not fire.
Can you do it better?
- I couldn't do it worse.
- [man] Jack!
- Oh, hey, they want you.
- Jack! Come here!
Oh, good, they came.
- Excuse me.
- No, go. Just show them who you are.
- [reporter] Yeah.
- They're ready for you.
Okay, we're gonna ask you...
[strums end of song]
- [audience cheering]
- [bartender speaks indistinctly]
All right, uh, thank you very much.
So the last song we're gonna do tonight
is called "All I Want Is You."
I had the good fortune
of meeting a very special lady
who explained my own song to me.
- So that's good.
- [woman howls]
She reminded me that when you're in love,
you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Love is enough.
This is either the most embarrassing
or most romantic moment I've ever had.
[inhales, sighs]
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Or both.
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
All I want is you
All I want is you
Everything you do
All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
All I want is you
All I want is you
Forever with you
All I want is you
All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
Thank you very much. Happy birthday, Lena.
- Oh.
- [Rex] Oh.
Thanks, darling. Come here.
Oh, I love this green on you.
Mwah. Oh. Gorgeous.
- Oh, hello.
- [fan 1] Hey.
- [fan 2] Hi.
- [fan 3] That was amazing.
Oh, thanks so much. [mouths] Sorry.
- [fan 2] We love you.
- [Rex] Oh yeah. Thank you.
Uh, I just might, you know, go sit around,
get a drink, you know?
[fan 4] You can sit with us.
[Rex] Yeah. I've gotta...
I'm actually on my way. Yeah.
- [fans speaking indistinctly]
- [Rex] Sorry, guys.
Thank you. Thanks very much.
[Cami] Hi.
[inhales deeply]
- That was incredible.
- Yeah.
I feel like we've just made love.
Do... Do you not feel it too?
I, um...
I guess we don't need words.
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
Walking me home last night...
[Rex chuckling]
- Wow.
- [Rex] Ah. [chuckles]
Look, uh, Cami,
I know I'm asking you
to take a leap of faith with me,
but, uh, there's obviously
something here, right?
We should just go with it.
We should just find out what it is.
We could do anything, go anywhere.
We could go... A... A New Zealand inn.
We could go to The Gritti Palace in Venice
if you haven't been. It's lovely.
Or we could, uh, I don't know,
go glamping in Mammoth or something.
- Um...
- [Rex] Around Mammoth?
You hike?
- No. Not really. Um...
- Yeah. I could tell that.
Well, I... I might
if there was room service,
and someone to carry the bags,
and a hotel at the top of it.
Okay, imagine this.
All right, the two of us on a private jet,
we're alone, we're sipping champagne,
and then the pilot says,
"We're ready for take-off.
We're on our way to..."
Fill in the blank.
[Cami] Hm.
["In A Manner Of Speaking"
by Nouvelle Vague ft. Camille playing]
[Rex] Have you ever been to Paris?
Nope. But I did take a year of French
in middle school,
so I know how to ask
where the train station is.
Oh. That's all you really need to know.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything by saying...
I could get used to this.
I hope so.
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
Look at this.
Alcohol, chocolate,
nuts, homemade cookies.
Ooh, and my favorite part.
"Enjoy the refreshments,
with our compliments."
In other words,
whatever you don't eat, take home.
These are literally
Paul's favorite chips. Aw.
[camera shutter clicks]
Should I call him?
He was so sweet yesterday.
But he also asked me to respect our break.
[phone rings]
This is she.
Hair and makeup?
A stylist?
Half hour would be perfect. Thank you.
I mean...
[inhales deeply]
[line rings]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone chimes]
Well, my singing career
is over before it began.
Rex isn't recording this weekend.
We're in Vegas,
and he's about to sing at a private event.
Yeah. Okay. [chuckles]
But on the plus side,
they have Wise Potato Chips here.
Oh, my favorite. [chuckles]
And this is my dining room.
Wow, swanky.
And this... is my view. [chuckles]
[whistles] Nice. Very nice.
[Cami] Did I mention the Steinway? I mean...
[plays melody]
Um, you know, I, uh, can bring back
the chips for you,
but I don't think
I can smuggle out the baby grand.
Yeah. Probably not. [inhales deeply]
Uh... I gotta... Actually, I gotta go, so...
See ya.
[cell phone chimes]
[chuckles awkwardly]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, can you just... Thank you so much.
[man] Protect the children!
[cell phone continues ringing]
- [cell phone clicks]
- [protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- [Paul on phone] Yeah. Um...
No. No.
I can't live in limbo, Cami. I can't.
I was gonna wait to tell you this
until you got back, but I couldn't wait.
I was so upset
that you hadn't been honest.
I realize that.
[Paul] But I hadn't been honest either.
I haven't proposed yet because...
because I'm... I'm too scared
that you'll say no.
But why am I too afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you?
[man yelling indistinctly in background]
Wait. Where are you?
I'm in Las Vegas.
- You lied to me?
- [Cami] No.
No. Rex and I
were on our way to San Francisco,
and then the plan changed,
and we wound up here,
and when I saw Jack
on the picket line, I...
Jack? Jack who?
From high school?
Well, when did he come back
in the picture?
A... A few days ago.
You and I were on a break.
And you didn't see him before then?
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
[sighs] Briefly.
[sighs, chuckles]
You're breaking my heart here, Cami.
[chuckles sadly]
So that's what this is about?
This is about some guy from high school?
No. No.
Even before I ran into him,
I was feeling confused.
Okay, stop. Please. Just...
I've listened.
I've tried to understand.
I've given you room.
I don't really know
what I'm fighting for now, Cami,
but clearly, I'm fighting alone, so...
good luck and, um, I really...
I hope you find what you're looking for.
[cell phone chimes]
[tender music playing]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I screwed up.
Not blaming you.
[gentle guitar music playing]
Are you okay?
I've been in a relationship
for three years.
His name's Paul.
We were on a break.
Now it's permanent. His choice.
Do you want him back?
That's the question, isn't it?
Look, I don't wanna be the reason
you let this guy go.
You're not an easy woman
to get over, Cami.
If you still love the guy, go get him.
[music ends]
[dog barking in distance]
Thank you.
Okay. This could go
either really, really well
or really, really badly.
- [keys clattering]
- Wish me luck.
[grunts] Okay.
[eerie atmospheric music playing]
- [Paul] Hey!
- [Cami screams]
Oh my God. I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry! [laughing]
I thought you were a burglar.
[operator] What is the nature
of your emergency?
- [Cami] You called 911?
- It's a big scary house.
- I mean, I'm a very small person.
- I didn't know that.
I heard the jingling at the door.
I didn't know who was there.
Okay. I should've called, but I was scared
you'd tell me not to come.
[both breathing heavily]
Why are you here?
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Because... I want you to know
I forgot how much I love you.
[Paul sighs]
Paul, you were right.
There are no guarantees, but...
I know this.
If I lose you,
I'll regret it forever.
You're my magician.
Well, I, um...
I never thought I'd be proposing to
the woman I love after calling 911 on her.
[both laugh]
I guess it'll be a good story
for the grandchildren.
Wait, um...
- Our grandchildren?
- If you'll have me.
- [operator on phone] Did she say yes?
- [Paul and Cami] Mm-hm.
[operator] Sir, do you still need a unit?
[Paul and Cami] Mm-mm.
[music continues]
[Cami laughs]
- [Cami] Hi.
- Hi.
[Cami] I love you.
[romantic music playing]
[music fades]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, can you just... Thank you so much.
[man] Protect the children!
- [cell phone continues ringing]
- Protect the children!
- [cell phone clicks]
- [protestors chanting indistinctly]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- [Paul on phone] Yeah. Um...
No. No.
I can't live in limbo, Cami. I can't.
I was gonna wait to tell you this
until you got back, but I couldn't wait.
I was so upset
that you hadn't been honest.
I realize that.
[Paul] But I hadn't been honest either.
I haven't proposed yet because...
because I'm... I'm too scared
that you'll say no.
But why am I too afraid
to tell you what I want
when what I want is you?
[man yelling indistinctly in background]
Wait. Where are you?
I'm in Las Vegas.
- You lied to me?
- [Cami] No.
No. Rex and I
were on our way to San Francisco,
and then the plan changed,
and we wound up here,
and when I saw Jack
on the picket line, I...
Jack? Jack who?
From high school?
Well, when did he come back
in the picture?
A... A few days ago.
You and I were on a break.
And you didn't see him before then?
[sighs, chuckles]
You're breaking my heart here, Cami.
[chuckles sadly]
So that's what this is about?
This is about some guy from high school?
No. No.
Even before I ran into him,
I was feeling confused.
Okay, stop. Please. Just...
I've listened.
I've tried to understand.
I've given you room.
I don't really know
what I'm fighting for now, Cami,
but clearly, I'm fighting alone, so...
good luck and, um, I really...
I hope you find what you're looking for.
[cell phone chimes]
[tender music playing]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I screwed up.
Not blaming you.
[gentle guitar music playing]
Is everything all right?
No, not really.
Uh, that was my boyfriend.
We were on a break.
- Now it's permanent.
- Huh.
His choice. So...
[Jack] And what's your choice?
Do you want him back?
That's the question, isn't it?
Look, I don't wanna be the reason
you let this guy go.
You're not an easy woman
to get over, Cami.
If you still love the guy, go get him.
["In A Manner Of Speaking" playing]
[Rex] Have you ever been to Paris?
Nope. But I did take a year of French
in middle school,
so I know how to ask
where the train station is.
Oh. That's all you really need to know.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything by saying...
I could get used to this.
I hope so.
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
["In A Manner Of Speaking" playing]
[Rex] Have you ever been to Paris?
Nope. But I did take a year of French
in middle school,
so I know how to ask
where the train station is.
Oh. That's all you really need to know.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything by saying...
I could get used to this.
I hope so.
In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that I feel about you
Is beyond words
Oh, give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything
[music fades]
["How Do You Love"
by KUMA ft. Torii Wolf playing]
I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry.
Oh, right. [chuckles]
Am I that bad of a kisser?
One of the best kisses I've ever had.
- No, no, no, that's not it. Um...
- That's not it? Mm.
The thing is,
I... don't date men I work with.
- [Rex] Hm.
- [Cami] Rex, I wanna be your producer.
Your... Your engineer. And maybe...
Maybe even one day sing.
Ah. All right, now... now you wanna sing.
- Okay.
- Well, yes.
I've... I've realized that I'd rather
do what I love than be afraid.
No. Too right.
Yeah, fine. Let's give it a go.
And you know what's great about this?
If this doesn't work out...
- What?
- You could still date me.
Oh my God.
No, I'm just teasing.
I'm just teasing. Not really.
[Cami inhales, chuckles]
No. Um...
Yeah, Cami, this is good.
This is good for you.
- Right?
- Thank you.
Look, you only get one shot in life.
No do-overs.
["Brand New Heart"
by Laura Marano playing]
There are for you though.
If you wanna look at my life
Sorry, who... Sorry, who are you talking...
Don't think too much about it.
Well, this all starts Monday.
- Mm.
- And it's not Monday, is it?
- It's not. It's fun day.
- Okay.
Tonight, we make merry.
[Cami] Whoo!
Okay, so how does one make merry?
- Dunno. It starts with a drink, I think.
- Okay.
Uh, it's the first part of it.
- And then, uh, we sort of... Ooh!
- Oh, hello. Drink.
- Ah.
- Check on the first one.
- Rock star. It happens for me.
- [Cami chuckles]
Okay, so, what is your go-to move?
Oh, it depends, it's got, like,
more, like, hips. Sometimes splits.
[laughing] Stop!
It depends on how tight the pants are.
- These are quite...
- Stop! Stop! [laughing]
You know what I'm saying?
Like a James Brown sort of thing.
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand-new heart
Feel amazing
'Cause I got a brand-new start
Brand-new start
Hey! Hey!
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand...
[music playing indistinctly]
I'm sorry. I'm... I'm gonna have to say no.
Right. Yeah. No, it's all right.
- [Cami] I'm sorry.
- That's all right.
Am I that bad of a kisser?
No. You're, um, amazing, to be honest.
- I've done some practicing.
- Oh my God! But I just...
[Rex laughs]
I really need to go home.
Lucky guy.
[inhales deeply]
Well, if you change your mind,
chances are excellent I'm still single.
Go on. Go see your boy.
I'm gonna...
get out of this.
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
This is a moment
we deserve to have in person.
I'll see you tonight.
So will I see you back in LA?
I don't think so.
- [tender music playing]
- I'm happy for you.
- Get out of here.
- Bye.
[uplifting guitar music playing]
Maybe you'll see it differently next time.
I hope so.
[pensive music playing]
I found something.
- Is it a clue?
- Oh, definitely.
Thank you.
- [chuckles] That was yours.
- Well, not for long I hope.
This is the part...
where you tell me your answer in person.
Will you please marry me?
[tender music playing]
- Well, I can't just say yes.
- Oh, dear God.
[laughs] No, listen,
I'm not just accepting your proposal.
I... I need you to know
I am choosing you with my whole heart.
I'm sorry it took me so long,
but I'm sure.
I'm ready to commit myself to you
and our life together.
[exhales sharply]
- May I please have my ring now?
- [Paul] Oh yeah. [chuckles]
[Cami sighs] It's perfect.
You're perfect.
[Paul] Oh.
[romantic music playing]
I saw our kids in a dream, by the way.
They're adorable.
- Oh. Well, of course.
- Durr!
[woman over intercom]
You have 15 more minutes.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
- [Cami] Mm.
[music fades]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I do love you.
And our relationship checks every box.
[exhales] That's not a bad thing.
But it feels like we're playing it safe.
And that shouldn't be enough
for either of us.
I don't know what my future holds,
and it used to scare me,
but now it excites me.
I wanna live it, not try to predict it.
Well, then, I...
I wish you nothing but good surprises.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Cami.
- [tender music playing]
- [sighs]
Is everything all right?
I just broke up with a really good man.
[Jack] Hm.
So, what happens now?
That's the question, isn't it?
Well... I think...
we take it a day at a time.
A day at a time.
Can I kiss you now?
[romantic music playing]
Stick around. I might need you.
[music fades]
[protestors speaking indistinctly]
I do love you.
And our relationship checks every box.
[exhales] That's not a bad thing.
But it feels like we're playing it safe.
And that shouldn't be enough
for either of us.
I don't know what my future holds,
and it used to scare me,
but now it excites me.
I wanna live it, not try to predict it.
Well, then, I...
I wish you nothing but good surprises.
Thank you.
Goodbye, Cami.
- [tender music playing]
- [sighs]
Is everything all right?
I just broke up with a really good man.
[Jack] Hm.
So, what happens now?
That's the question, isn't it?
Well... I think...
we take it a day at a time.
A day at a time.
Can I kiss you now?
[romantic music playing]
Stick around. I might need you.
[music fades]
[dog barking in distance]
Thank you.
Okay. This could go
either really, really well,
or really, really badly.
- [keys clattering]
- Wish me luck.
[grunts] Okay.
[eerie atmospheric music playing]
- [Paul] Hey!
- [Cami screams]
Oh my God. I'm so sorry! [laughing]
I thought you were a burglar.
[operator] What is the nature
of your emergency?
- [Cami] You called 911?
- It's a big scary house.
- I mean, I'm a very small person.
- I didn't know that.
I heard the jingling at the door.
I didn't know who was there.
Okay. I should've called, but I was scared
you'd tell me not to come.
[both breathing heavily]
Why are you here?
- [gentle guitar music playing]
- Because... I want you to know
I forgot how much I love you.
[Paul sighs]
Paul, you were right.
There are no guarantees, but...
I know this.
If I lose you,
I'll regret it forever.
You're my magician.
Well, I, um...
I never thought I'd be proposing to
the woman I love after calling 911 on her.
[both laugh]
I guess it'll be a good story
for the grandchildren.
Wait, um...
- Our grandchildren?
- If you'll have me.
- [operator on phone] Did she say yes?
- [Paul and Cami] Mm-hm.
[operator] Sir, do you still need a unit?
[Paul and Cami] Mm-mm.
[Cami laughs]
- [Cami] Hi.
- Hi.
[Cami] I love you.
[romantic music playing]
[music fades]
Well, um...
[protestors chanting indistinctly] long did it take you
to, you know, um,
stop loving me?
[tender piano music playing]
I'll let you know.
Moments move slow
God only knows
That's actually the answer
I was hoping for.
But look in my eyes
I will stand and fight
On the darkest night for you
What happens next?
We take it a day at a time.
It's not the end
It's not the end
Stick around. I might need you.
When your world caves in
Nowhere left to go
When you're crumbling
In a cloud of smoke
If you only knew
Well, um...
[protestors chanting indistinctly] long did it take you
to, you know, um,
stop loving me?
[tender piano music playing]
I'll let you know.
Moments move slow
God only knows
That's actually the answer
I was hoping for.
But look in my eyes
I will stand and fight
On the darkest night for you
What happens next?
We take it a day at a time.
It's not the end
It's not the end
Stick around. I might need you.
When your world caves in
Nowhere left to go
When you're crumbling
In a cloud of smoke
If you only knew
You can take a breath
I will carry you
Be your oxygen
Your oxygen
Your oxygen
Oh, Paul.
"Oh, Paul, I can't live without you"?
[tender music playing]
- [exhales]
- [Cami sighs]
Huh. [chuckles sadly]
If I were the man for you, Cami,
you would know it by now.
- [sighs]
- I haven't wanted to admit it...
but it's probably true.
I'm sorry.
No, it's... [inhales deeply]
I'm still glad I asked. [chuckles]
Um, I'm gonna go. [chuckles]
Um, wait, wait. Just...
[sucks teeth] Uh...
[Paul laughs]
- Want some chips?
- [laughs]
My favorite. [chuckles]
[exhales deeply] Do you have any more?
[chuckles] The last of the original.
I'm so sorry.
- What a day I'm having. [chuckles]
- [Cami chuckles]
[Paul sighs]
- Have a good show tonight.
- Thank you.
Take care.
Yeah, just...
This place is insane, by the way.
- I know. [chuckles]
- Bye.
[door opens]
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Ooh
- You like it, like it, don't ya?
- Ooh
Ta-da! [chuckles]
You like it, don't ya?
Wow. You look...
You look absolutely ravishing.
Yeah, I know what's up
Do you wanna go over the song
a few more times before we go on?
No. I... I got it.
Totally confident.
Of course I wanna run through it!
- Get on in here.
- Hm.
Isn't it strange?
- [audience clapping]
- [Rex strums guitar]
[Rex] Thank you very much.
All right, uh, so, uh, this final song,
it's called "All I Want is You."
- Oh my God.
- [Rex] Um... [chuckles]
Uh, I had the good pleasure
of meeting, uh, a lovely lady
who, uh, explained my own song to me,
- which is good. [laughs]
- [audience laughs]
Um, she reminded me that love,
um, it doesn't need
all the bells and whistles.
Um, it's enough.
- [Cami chuckles]
- She's here. Look at her. There she is.
- Hi.
- Keeping me honest.
- Cami Conway, everyone.
- [audience clapping and cheering]
- You all right?
- No, but... Okay.
- You'll be fine.
- Let's do this.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [off-key] A movie freeze-framed in...
- [mouths] Sorry.
- Uh, sorry, that was my bad.
Um, it was a long flight.
I did a mess up. [chuckles]
Can we do it again? Is that all right?
- [audience clapping]
- We'll do it again.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
Cami Conway, everyone.
- Uh, thank you.
- Um, happy birthday, Lena.
Thank you for having us.
[fan 1] That was so good.
- [fan 2] That was so great.
- [fan 3] That was amazing.
[fan 4] Oh my gosh.
- Oh, thanks very much.
- [fans speaking indistinctly]
- [Rex] Uh, yeah.
- I don't love that. Would you?
Come and see me
when you're a little more polished.
I've got a lot of venues to fill.
Thank you.
I hate to be a buzzkill,
but are you aware that your ex-husband
runs a giant refugee shelter
and rakes in millions in profit?
[scoffs] Nothing about him surprises me.
I'll sic my lawyers on him.
[Rex] Thank you, guys.
- Sorry.
- Please stay.
- Favorite artist ever.
- It was nice to meet you.
So, wait, how do you feel?
Um, like, thank God it's over,
and I wanna do it again. [chuckles]
Well, I feel like we've just made love.
Oh. [chuckles]
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
Uh, Cami, listen, um...
I'm asking you
to take a leap of faith with me.
Yeah, there's something here, obviously.
Right? We should just...
We should just follow it.
We could go anywhere, do anything.
We could go to a New Zealand inn.
We could go to
The Gritti Palace in Venice.
We could go glamping at Mammoth.
- You hike?
- Mm, not really... Well, no. I might.
- If there was, like, room service.
- [laughs]
All right, imagine this. The two of us,
in the back of a private jet,
sipping champagne,
the pilot turns and says,
"We're ready to take off.
We're on our way to..."
Fill in the blank.
[Cami] Hm.
Isn't it strange?
- [Rex strums guitar]
- [audience clapping]
[Rex] Thank you very much.
All right, uh, so, uh, this final song,
it's called "All I Want is You."
- Oh my God.
- [Rex] Um... [chuckles]
Uh, I had the good pleasure
of meeting, uh, a lovely lady
who, uh, explained my own song to me,
- which is good. [laughs]
- [audience laughs]
Um, she reminded me that love,
um, it doesn't need
all the bells and whistles.
Um, it's enough.
- [Cami chuckles]
- She's here. Look at her. There she is.
- Hi.
- Keeping me honest.
- Cami Conway, everyone.
- [audience clapping and cheering]
- You all right?
- No, but... Okay.
- You'll be fine.
- Let's do this.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [off-key] A movie freeze-framed in...
- [mouths] Sorry.
- Uh, sorry, that was my bad.
Um, it was a long flight.
I did a mess up. [chuckles]
Can we do it again? Is that all right?
- [audience clapping]
- We'll do it again.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
[Cami] Yes! Whoo!
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
Cami Conway, everyone.
- Uh, thank you.
- Um, happy birthday, Lena.
Thank you for having us.
Oh, right. Yeah.
Two seconds. I'll be right over.
Right. Yeah. Oh, hello.
[Rex laughs]
- [fan 1] Your song was amazing.
- [Rex] Oh, thanks so much.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
- [fan 2] How long have you been playing?
- Not very long. I love your nails.
All these colors.
Thank you, guys, for coming to the show.
I really appreciate it.
- Yeah. I've gotta... I'm actually on my way.
- [fan 3] Really?
[Rex] So, how do you feel?
That was incredible.
Like, thank God it's over,
and I wanna do it again.
- I feel like we've just made love.
- [Cami] Oh. [chuckles]
Do you feel the same way?
I, um...
I guess we don't need words.
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
Walking me home last night
Ah-huh, ah-huh
[Rex chuckling]
- Wow.
- [Rex] Ah. [chuckles]
Look, uh, Cami,
I know I'm asking you
to take a leap of faith with me,
but, uh, there's obviously
something here, right?
We should just go with it.
We should just find out what it is.
We could do anything, go anywhere.
We could go... A New Zealand inn.
We could go to The Gritti Palace in Venice
if you haven't been. It's lovely.
Or we could, uh, I don't know,
go glamping in Mammoth or something.
- Um...
- [Rex] Around Mammoth?
You hike?
- No. Not really. Um...
- Yeah. I could tell that.
I might if there was room service,
and someone to carry the bags,
and a hotel at the top of it.
Okay, imagine this.
All right, the two of us on a private jet,
we're alone, we're sipping champagne,
and then the pilot says,
"We're ready for take-off.
We're on our way to..."
Fill in the blank.
[Cami] Hm.
[strums end of song]
[audience clapping and cheering]
He's great.
- He is.
- [Rex] Thank you very much.
The last song we're gonna do tonight
is called "All I Want Is You."
I had the good fortune
of meeting a very special lady,
who explained my own song to me,
which was very helpful.
[audience laughs]
She reminded me that when you're in love,
you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Love is enough.
And she's here tonight, keeping me honest.
Cami Conway, everyone.
Are you all right?
Uh, uh-uh. [chuckles]
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- [off-key] A movie freeze-framed in...
[clears throat]
Hello, everyone. Sorry, uh, I messed up.
It was a long flight.
Bit tired.
Just one more time, yeah?
Is that all right? Yeah? All right.
[Rex plays "All I Want Is You"]
[Paul clears throat]
Everything disappears
When you're smiling
With you I feel alive
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
- A movie freeze-framed in my mind
Back to the first night
Holding you changed my life
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[mouths] Me?
You light my soul like neon
Let me be the one you lean on
[Cami humming]
You make me wanna give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- Give it all I have
- No turning back
- No turning back
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Everything you do
- Everything you do
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
[Rex plays guitar solo]
- All I want is you
- You
- All I want is you
- You
- Forever with you
- Forever with you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- [song ends]
- [audience cheering]
- Nice job.
- Nice job yourself.
[Rex speaking indistinctly]
Cami Conway, everyone.
Happy birthday, Lena. Ah, thanks, darling.
- [Lena] Mwah. I love you.
- Good night. Thanks, everyone. Good night.
- Hey. Oh right.
- [Paul] Hey!
[both laughing]
Oh, I wouldn't have missed this
for the world.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Mm. Usually, I am. Let's see.
- [Cami] Mm-hm.
Okay. It's that we should
get married tonight
and spend the rest of our lives together.
Oh. Um...
[tender music playing]
- Yes!
- Wait, really?
- [Cami] Yes.
- Really?
Okay, you know what, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna take yes for an answer.
Okay, listen,
if we're being honest with each other,
I was gonna suggest
trying our luck on the slots, but...
[Paul laughs] know, I like trying our luck
on each other better.
Leap of faith time, baby.
I am all in.
- Ooh, in that case...
- Mm.
...I have something for you.
- What?
- Yeah.
Wait, stop.
The one from the escape room.
That was yours?
Yeah, it was.
But, uh...
it's yours now.
- Yes, it is.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
And so are you.
[Paul] Oh, good.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Uh, I'm sorry.
I'm just a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
He loves that.
[clears throat] Well...
Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do, yeah.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
So no backsies. We clear on that?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
I do.
I pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
["54321 Let's Go" playing]
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
Here we go, here we go, here we go now
Here we go, here we go
[song ends]
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
I am a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
Do we have a ring?
- Oh, yes, we do. Yeah.
- We do.
We do.
[exhales sharply, clears throat]
[officiant] Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
[chuckles] Old ball and chain. [chuckles]
Signed, sealed, delivered.
Binding contract. No backsies. [chuckles]
Got that clear?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
- I do.
- ["54321 Let's Go" playing]
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
[song ends]
When the water's gettin' higher
And you're sweatin' it out
I'm picturing someone else.
Ouch. [chuckles]
And you can't find direction
I'm sorry.
And you can't get ahead
I... I gotta go.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
[Cami] Jack!
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
Ever since we went our separate ways,
I've wondered, "What if?"
I always felt so alive when
we were together, and that's still true.
This is just the beginning
God, I... I guess what I'm trying to say is
I've just realized
I've never fallen out of love with you.
The storm's gonna clear
Neither have I.
Yeah, you made it here
We have to pursue both of our dreams.
They won't all be the same.
Are you in?
When do we start?
Right now.
I mean, we can't go back in time.
- No.
- No.
But you can.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
Stronger every minute
Just the beginning
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
When the water's gettin' higher
And you're sweatin' it out
I'm picturing someone else.
Ouch. [chuckles]
And you can't find direction
I'm sorry.
And you can't get ahead
I... I gotta go.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
[Cami] Jack!
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
Ever since we went our separate ways,
I've wondered, "What if?"
I always felt so alive when
we were together, and that's still true.
This is just the beginning
God, I... I guess what I'm trying to say is
I've just realized
I've never fallen out of love with you.
The storm's gonna clear
Neither have I.
Yeah, you made it here
We have to pursue both of our dreams.
They won't all be the same.
Are you in?
When do we start?
Right now.
I mean, we can't go back in time.
- No.
- No.
But you can.
This is not the ending
This is just the beginning
Stronger every minute
Just the beginning
This is just the beginning
Just the beginning
Stronger every minute
This is just the beginning
["How Do You Love" playing]
I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry.
Oh, right. [chuckles]
Am I that bad of a kisser?
One of the best kisses I've ever had.
- No, no, no, that's not it. Um...
- That's not it? Mm.
The thing is,
I... don't date men I work with.
- [Rex] Hm.
- [Cami] Rex, I wanna be your producer.
Your... Your engineer. And maybe...
Maybe even one day sing.
Ah. All right, now... now you wanna sing.
- Okay.
- Well, yes.
I've... I've realized that I'd rather
do what I love than be afraid.
No. Too right.
Yeah, fine. Let's give it a go.
And you know what's great about this?
If this doesn't work out...
- What?
- You can still date me.
Oh my God.
No, I'm just teasing.
I'm just teasing. Not really.
[Cami inhales, chuckles]
No. Um...
Yeah, Cami, this is good.
This is good for you.
- Right?
- Thank you.
Look, you only get one shot in life.
No do-overs.
["Brand New Heart" playing]
There are for you though.
If you wanna look at my life
Sorry, who... Sorry, who are you talking...
Don't think too much about it.
Well, this all starts Monday.
- Mm.
- And it's not Monday, is it?
- It's not. It's fun day.
- Okay.
Tonight, we make merry.
[Cami] Whoo!
Okay, so how does one make merry?
- Dunno. It starts with a drink, I think.
- Okay.
Uh, it's the first part of it.
- And then, uh, we sort of... Ooh!
- Oh, hello. Drink.
- Ah.
- Check on the first one.
- Rock star. It happens for me.
- [Cami chuckles]
Okay, so what is your go-to move?
It depends, it's got, like,
more, like, hips. Sometimes splits.
[laughing] Stop!
It depends on how tight the pants are.
- These are quite...
- Stop! Stop! [laughing]
You know what I'm saying?
Like a James Brown sort of thing.
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand-new heart
Feel amazing
'Cause I got a brand-new start
Brand-new start
Hey! Hey!
Bang, bang
Don't be aiming at the wrong mark
Wrong mark, wrong mark
Got a brand...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Mm. Usually, I am. Let's see.
- [Cami] Mm-hm.
Okay. It's that we should
get married tonight
and spend the rest of our lives together.
Oh. Um...
[tender music playing]
- Yes!
- Wait, really?
- [Cami] Yes.
- Really?
Okay, you know what, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna take yes for an answer.
Okay, listen,
if we're being honest with each other,
I was gonna suggest
trying our luck on the slots, but...
[Paul laughs] know, I like trying our luck
on each other better.
Leap of faith time, baby.
I am all in.
- Ooh, in that case...
- Mm.
...I have something for you.
- What?
- Yeah.
Wait, stop.
The one from the escape room.
That was yours?
Yeah, it was.
But, uh...
it's yours now.
- Yes, it is.
- [Paul] Mm-hm.
And so are you.
[Paul] Oh, good.
Cami and Paul, you're here
to celebrate your love and commitment
and launch your adventure together
as husband and wife.
[in singsong]
Ooh, this is gonna be a fun one!
- [Paul] Yes, it will be.
- [Cami] It will be.
[both] Jinx.
- Stop it.
- Get out of my head.
Get out of my head.
Rex, Amalia, Florian,
you're here to bear witness.
- We're already drinking!
- Cheers!
Uh, I'm sorry.
I'm just a big fan, by the way. [chuckles]
Oh yeah. Cheers.
He loves that.
[clears throat] Well...
Do you, Paul Swartz,
take Cami Conway
to be your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you gladly marry her
and join your life to hers?
I do, yeah.
And do you, Cami Conway, take Paul Swartz
to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Do you gladly marry him
and join your life to his?
Because this is the real deal.
It is a big commitment. Big.
You know, he's gonna be the man you spend
forever and ever and ever amen with.
So no backsies. We clear on that?
[suspenseful music playing]
I may have imagined the last bit.
I do.
I pronounce you husband and wife.
Well, go on, kiss your bride.
Best happy ending ever!
[both] Whoo!
Or is it?
["54321 Let's Go" playing]
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let's go!
- Hey!
- Whoo!
[Paul and Cami laughing]
Here we, here we go
["Feelin' It" by Danger Twins playing]
Whoo! Yeah!
Yeah! Whoo!
I'mma go ahead
And do my thing like only I can do
State of mind
My position is an attitude
Show the world I'm the real deal
- I'm the truth
- I'm the truth
- Yeah!
- I got skills
You know I'm crushin' it
I got skills
No use discussing it
I got skills
They rumble
Like the thunder in my soul
And there ain't nobody stealin' it
- 'Cause I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Don't gotta prove it
I'mma do it how I do it
I'mma do it
- Whoo!
- Oh!
- Whoo!
- Pockets overflowing
- Got my dancin' shoes on
- I like 'em
They think I'm lucky
But it's just that I'm the bomb
Won't even know what hit 'em
Till I'm long gone
I got style
I... I... I'm killin' it
I got style
You know I'm milkin' it
I got style
It rumble like the thunder in my soul
And there ain't nobody stealin' it
- 'Cause I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Don't gotta prove it
I'mma do it how I do it
Holler if ya feeling it
Holler if ya feel it too
Holler if ya feeling it
Holler if ya feeling it
Holler, holler, ho...
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
That's how I like it
- I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Yeah, you know
- I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- Yeah, I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
- You know I'm feelin' it
- Ooh
Don't gotta prove it
I'mma do it how I do it
[upbeat music playing]
[atmospheric music playing]
[funky music playing]
[tender music playing]
[music swells]
[pop guitar music playing]
[romantic music playing]
[music fades]