Chor Nikal Ke Bhaga (2023) Movie Script

There were 150 people on the plane.
Why did they choose to beat up only you?
If I knew, I wouldn't be in this shape.
You might still
get beaten up, Ankit Sethi.
So you better spill the beans.
Sir, why would I try to hide anything?
Look at me. They broke my nose.
I've nothing to do with them.
No idea who they were,
or where they came from.
How was your stay, sir?
-Welcome, sir.
-Welcome, sir.
-Welcome, sir.
-Welcome, sir.
-Hello, sir.
-Hi, sir.
So cute!
Are you scared?
You'll be holding a cutie like her
in just six months.
Why the long face?
Did you and Ankit have a fight?
Excuse me, sir. Here you go.
-Thank you.
-Excuse me.
-Yes, sir? Any problem?
I'd booked a vegan meal.
No, sir. Let me just check.
"3A, Mr. Sethi." Sir, it says "non-veg."
Then just water for me. Chilled.
Sorry, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
Almond milk cold coffee and vegan pasta.
-Your vegan meal.
-Thank you.
-So you agree it was your mistake.
-No, sir, it wasn't.
This is my meal. I mean, it was.
-What will you eat?
-I'll manage, sir. It's all right.
Please enjoy your meal.
I'll get your chilled water bottle.
Neha, thank you so much for the pasta.
-I guess I owe you a meal now.
-Not at all, sir.
Look, what I really mean to ask is,
if you don't mind,
can we go out for dinner?
I already have plans, sir.
Thank you so much.
-Thank you, sir.
-My loss.
-Have a great evening.
-You, too. Thank you.
Neha, look, isn't he the same guy?
Your "pure vegan" dude.
What happened?
Neha, is this universe
trying to bring us together?
You are stalking me
and stalking is a crime.
Okay. But why were you
staring at me in there then?
I think you need to check your eyesight.
And I think you need to control your eyes,
which, by the way, are very beautiful.
After seeing your eyes
After seeing the stars
-It's not starting.
-Hi, excuse me. Can I help you guys?
Oh, Neha. Do you guys need a lift?
After seeing your eyes
Even the moon is feeling shy
The stars look at your eyes
And go and hide somewhere
Your eyes
Hurt my heart
You're welcome.
You must be expecting
that I'd invite you home
for dinner or at least a coffee.
But to your disappointment,
I already had my dinner,
and I've run out of milk.
So, sorry and thank you.
That's okay.
Anyway, I don't like milk in my coffee.
But you know, Doris has this
really great coffee for vegans.
-Good night.
-Good night.
I'm yours, you are mine, mine
I am yours, you are my beautiful queen
My soul is yours, my heart is yours
You are my fate, darling
You are my mad girl
Just how to love you
It hits me on my heart
I didn't think you'd come.
I didn't want to,
but I thought I should tell you in person
that we won't meet again.
Well, you messed up my plans.
I was planning on inviting you
for dinner this evening.
You are quite fast.
We can go slow if you like.
I AM IN DELHI. YOU'LL HAVE TO WAII am not able to talk like Heer
But I know
That you looking at me, being with you
It is everything for me
Shall I ask for a third chair
for the phone?
No, no. Actually, my friends
are kind of upset with me.
-I ditched them to come here.
Obviously. Boyfriend is more important
than friends.
You wanna take it slow.
-Excuse me, sir. Your champagne.
-That's my favorite, you know?
-I know.
You know?
-Because of your social media.
All your likes and dislikes.
Yeah, but your social media handle
doesn't reveal anything.
Because there's nothing in my life.
But when I met you, I felt
Your grace
Darling, you don't know
Darling, it is addicting
You got my heart
Your grace
Darling, you don't know
Darling, it is addicting
You got my heart
I haven't danced like this in ages.
Yes. Thanks to you.
You know, this is the first time
I danced like this.
Are you serious?
Thanks to you.
Every Sunday, Dad and I
used to dance our hearts out
to old melodies,
we danced till we dropped.
We used to just go on and on and on.
It was fun.
You know, to dance
you need people
with whom you don't need to pretend.
I've never had anyone
like that in my life.
Your grace
Darling, you don't know
Darling, it is like a prayer
You move quite fast, Neha.
What's this mark?
-Nothing. I got hurt in my childhood.
Forget it. I don't remember how.
Will you remember this night
or will you forget this, too?
No, never.
Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain, Michael Silvera.
I welcome you all on behalf of Max Asia
Yes, sir?
Can I get some hot water?
Really hot.
Sir, is everything all right?
I'm constipated.
Excuse me. Can I have a cold drink please?
Sure, sir. Anything for you, sir?
-I'll have a mixed fruit juice.
-Of course.
We are number four in the taxi,
which should be another ten minutes
for take-off.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy
our world-class services at Max Asia.
Ankit, wake up.
Ankit, I'm pregnant. Wake up.
-I'm pregnant.
What do you mean?
How is that possible?
We were careful, right?
Yeah, we were careful.
I, myself, don't know how
No, dear Fuck.
-We're having a baby.
Neha, we're going to have a baby
someday, anyway.
We are having one now. We'll manage.
What are you talking about, Ankit? Please.
Wait a second. I'll just
Come. Come here.
What are you doing?
Neha, will you marry me?
Ankit, how can
We're having a baby.
It deserves to come into this world.
Everything else is secondary.
What people say, nothing else matters.
It's our baby.
-So you're ready?
Neha, will you please
But the diamond is too small.
-Okay, give me your mom's number.
-To tell her she's gonna be a grandma.
-But I haven't told her about you yet.
Actually, I have a cousin. I can tell him.
-Who is it?
It's okay.
-Ankit Sethi.
-Yeah, speaking.
Turn around.
Not left, dude, look right.
Come outside, asshole.
I'm coming.
What's the matter?
No, I just have to go and meet those guys.
-All okay?
-Yeah, fantastic.
What Who were they?
They were from work. Don't get into this--
"Get into this"? I'm already into this.
Why were they misbehaving
if they are from work?
No, what No, I'm fine. Tell me.
Just calm down. Okay, come sit.
But who are they?
You have to tell me what's going on.
Ankit, you're scaring me now.
Neha, I started a diamond insurance
company two years back.
One of my employees misplaced
their diamonds worth 20 crores
and now they want me
to pay up but I can't.
And you're telling me about it now?
It's my problem.
Why do you wanna get involved?
We're starting a family, Ankit. You know?
They won't touch our family.
How do you know?
-They came for you, right?
-I'll clear their debt.
-I just need some time.
-So, tell them.
I did, but it is not so simple.
-What's the problem?
-They want me to steal for them.
Diamonds. From my company.
-Are you going to do it?
I don't know.
I don't know what to do.
You wanted to know
how I got this mark, right?
Dad laundered black money for criminals.
We made a mistake in the accounts and
Hurry up, Dad.
-Hide it, quick!
Is Sudhanshu here?
Dad, they are coming.
He's stuck somewhere. Let's go!
Right in front of my eyes, my Dad was
It was not an easy road out of that life.
And I don't want our child to go through
what I did.
I'm sorry, Neha.
I won't be with a thief, Ankit.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain from flight deck.
We are expecting good weather conditions.
We'll update you
about the weather conditions
when we're about to land in New Delhi.
Please note that use
of any electronic equipment
like laptops and tablets
is not permitted during take-off.
Mobile phones are to be used
in flight mode only.
We hope you enjoy
I like these diamonds.
And this idea
of using a cellphone as well.
But how will they reach India?
When your cash reaches
our money launderer in India,
we'll start your delivery process, sir.
But what if there's a problem
after we pay you?
There won't be, sir.
This is what we do on regular basis.
But he's not a regular person,
he's the Home Minister.
And his involvement
can't come to light, sir.
It won't, sir. Ankit will manage it.
A courier will carry your diamonds
in this case.
His identity will be kept a secret.
A combination code
will be needed to open the case.
Half of it will be with you
and the other half with us.
Moreover, the phone has
a GPS-enabled active SIM card
which will be tracked.
The SIM card will be tracked.
What if someone removes it
and takes off with the phone?
I'll get a message
if anyone touches the SIM.
What if someone takes off
with the whole case?
Please try to understand--
The diamonds will be insured
as soon as you make the payment.
If there's any problem with the delivery,
we'll be responsible for it.
This is what I wanted to hear.
Sir, madam is guaranteeing it, so
Bhagat will come to collect the diamonds
from the airport.
Are you having fun?
Fun? In this city? What's there to see?
Besides some crappy buildings
and sand. Fun
But, sir, the real city
is within those crappy buildings.
-Are you a pimp?
-No, sir.
I'm a businessman.
What new can you show me?
Ankit, the Middle East
is really something, man.
Everything is fantastic. Best quality.
But I don't get something.
Why am I being treated
with these free social services?
Who am I to you?
We aren't good friends.
It's not free, sir.
We'll share it. 50-50.
Look, Ankit, I don't want any trouble.
I'm happy working for Mr. Sanyal.
There won't be any trouble, sir.
And no one would make a loss.
But we'll benefit from it.
Sir, before the plane takes off,
send me your half of the code.
What will you do with it?
You know that your boss would be notified
if anyone touches the phone.
But at 30,000 feet in the air,
no one would be notified,
no one would know.
And how will you find the courier?
I'll manage it, sir, don't worry.
I'll handle it.
Your colleague did not board.
-What do you mean?
-No, sir.
-Did you check carefully?
-Of course I did, Ankit.
-Your man is not onboard.
-Cabin crew, to your seats for take-off.
What is that passenger doing?
Sir, I request you
to get back to your seat.
-This is against the rules.
-Stop him!
Sir, this is against the rules!
Hi, sir.
Just to let you know
that I have boarded the flight.
Good, Ankit.
The courier has also boarded.
-You're sure all this is as per the shift?
-Excuse me. Can I get some coffee?
Sure, sir. Take that coffee
to six alpha, yeah.
-There's a problem.
-What happened?
Omar Bin changed the courier
at the last minute.
Shucks. What do we do now?
Whoever he is, he won't eat or drink
anything on the plane,
not even water.
He'll carry everything.
-Please find him.
There you go. Enjoy your meal, sir.
Hi, sir. What can I serve you today?
Veg or non-veg?
Right, sir.
-Would you like some fruits?
Tea, coffee, juice?
I ate at home.
Okay. Water?
-I have everything I need.
-Sure, sir.
Here's your meal, sir.
What drink, sir?
-Just water.
-Of course.
Thank you.
-We're done.
Shradha, could you replenish the lavatory?
-Port side.
I'll take care of it.
He's not eating anything. It must be him.
It is him.
How do I knock him out?
He won't even have water.
You have to do something.
It'll raise red flags if I go near him.
Ankit, he's not eating anything.
What do I do?
How about this?
Send him to the bathroom for two minutes.
I just want to check his bag.
Mind your arm, sir.
Yeah. Thank you.
-What nonsense!
-I'm sorry.
I'm extremely sorry, sir.
-You ruined my clothes.
-Please calm down. You can wash up, sir.
Please wash up. This way.
-Is this how you are trained?
-I'm so sorry, sir.
They call themselves the best airlines.
It's okay. This happens.
Hands up!
Hands up! This plane has been hijacked!
Everybody, sit down!
Don't play smart or else I will shoot.
Hey, sit down! Down!
This plane has been hijacked!
Come on, sit down.
Hey, keep your head down! Hijack!
Heads down!
-I'll shoot you!
-Keep your head down!
Shut the fuck up!
No one will make a sound!
Shut up!
Keep your head down!
-No one will make a sound!
-Heads down.
I'll shoot you!
No one will raise their head!
Long live Mobin ul Ansar!
Sir, flight MX 3413
has tuned it's frequency to 7500 MHz.
It's a hijack.
Connect to ATC Delhi.
Who's the flight marshal?
Can't you hear me?
Who's the flight marshal?
-Come this way!
-I don't know! No, sir!
I will shoot her!
-Who's the flight marshal?
I know there's a security officer onboard.
-Tell us now!
-Tell us, otherwise I will kill her!
Do you wanna die?
-We don't know, sir!
-Who's the flight marshal?
Who's the flight marshal? Tell us!
-Sir, can we talk, please?
-I'll shoot her!
Who is it?
There he is.
Zaheer, here he is. Take him.
Hey, don't move!
-Take his gun.
-Give me your gun.
Don't you hear me? Do you wanna die?
Take out your gun. Throw it.
Don't do anything stupid or you're dead.
-Give it to me!
-Tie him up and take him to the back.
Hey, get up! Tie him up.
Hurry up!
Go sit down! Stand up.
Take him back there! Take him!
Come on, move!
Sir, please don't!
Please don't hit him!
Please, sir. Please don't hit him!
-Sir, can we talk this out?
-Sit down!
Nobody move!
Break his legs.
Hit him hard!
Put your head down, or I'll shoot.
Please don't hit him, sir. He'll die!
-Break this bastard's face.
-Sir, he'll die!
I'll shoot you, bitch!
Sit down!
Anyone else feeling heroic? Yeah?
Then stand up.
If anyone tries to stop us,
we'll kill him!
Sit down!
Mobin ul Ansar will free Kashmir,
if God wills.
Hey, what are you shooting?
Shall I shoot you? Give me the phone.
Hand us your phones!
Zaheer, collect the phones.
Take out your mobiles.
Hey, give me your phone.
Mobin ul Ansar will free Kashmir,
if God wills.
Come on. Take their phones.
Get up! Come on. Everyone, go to the back.
Get up, everyone!
Men, move to window seats!
Women and kids, move to aisle seats!
Come on, hurry up!
Come on, hurry up!
Hey, didn't you hear what I said?
Salaam alaikum.
Sir, can I please sit here?
I won't be any trouble to you.
-You wanna enjoy the business class?
Did I ask your opinion? Get moving!
Hey, come on!
Hey! Do you wanna get off now?
-My bag.
-Shall I will throw you out with your bag?
-Look straight. Move ahead.
-Do I have to ask you to sit down?
Sit here.
You, too, uncle.
Hey, keep your head down.
Keep your head down!
-Hey, down!
-Stay down!
-Stay down!
-Stay down!
Stay down!
Sit quietly!
-Get up.
-What did I do?
-Keep walking!
-Where are you taking me?
What are you doing, sir--
-Sit down! Do you wanna die?
-I'll keep quiet.
-I'll not say anything.
-The rest of you, heads down!
Keep moving.
Come on!
-Open the door.
-I said, open the door!
Sir, we can't open the door.
Open the door!
Sir, we're not allowed to open the door.
Stay there. Don't try anything.
Get back.
Tell your government to release Adil-Mir.
Or I'll shoot them one by one.
And she'll be the first one to die.
And now the plane will go
to Kullu instead of Delhi. Kullu.
They're heading to Kullu.
Are they mad?
Commercial airliners can't land in Kullu.
It's a small runway.
No, there's an update.
Kullu is renovating to handle
large aircraft. The runway is ready.
But why are they taking them to Kullu?
Because Kashmiri separatist
Adil-Mir is in Manali jail.
They are demanding a helicopter for it.
Shaikh, you'll carry Adil-Mir
from Manali jail to Kullu airport.
-Sir, are we releasing him?
We're not releasing him.
Take him there. We have a plan in place.
-Yes, sir?
-Head to Kullu right away.
Why, sir?
The flight carrying the diamonds
has been hijacked.
And the hijackers
are taking the plane to Kullu.
What would I do there, sir?
Ankit is there.
Once the hijack situation is resolved,
he'll get the diamonds.
I didn't hire you to tell me what do.
If anyone gets wind of the diamonds,
it'll be a mess.
Listen, you'll be there
on behalf of the government.
To take care of the passengers. Okay?
Okay, sir.
Get going. Do not talk to anyone.
Stay down.
-What are you--
Where are you going?
Sit down!
Everybody, keep your heads down!
Do not look up!
Sit down!
What happened?
Shall I give some water
to the passengers, please?
Only after we reach Kullu!
-Did you hear?
-Keep quiet!
Keep quiet!
Keep sitting, or I'll shoot.
Shut up!
This little peanut size,
that is your baby.
It's about eight weeks.
And the due date
should be around June 19th.
We're all done.
I'll give you some tissues.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, Doctor.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
I didn't know how you'd react.
I wasn't sure.
I'm ready.
And I promise you,
I'll be the best father ever.
I love you.
We love you, too.
Mom says it's a bad omen
to shop for the baby before they are born.
There's no such thing.
I believe if you do something
with all your heart,
it can never be a bad omen.
All right, whatever you say.
But you must listen to me, too.
I don't want to live in India.
I want to move to a better country
because I want the best life for my kid.
Our kids.
-Oh, yeah, our kids.
-Our kids.
-Sorry. Our kids.
This is even cuter.
-Sir, I asked you for some time.
How can I arrange 20 crores so quickly?
Please ask them not to follow me.
-I can't give you more time.
-But I don't have the money.
-But you have money for your family?
-Sir, I lost the money.
I'll repay you.
Please don't drag my family into it.
Don't pay me, then just see
what I'll do to your family.
-Shut up! Don't cross that line.
-Then pay me back.
No lines will be crossed.
I don't have the money. How do I pay you?
How about this? Send Neha to me.
You better watch your mouth.
I won't pay you. Do what you want.
-Just fuck off!
-Watch your language!
What's wrong?
-Neha, let's go.
Ankit, what's the matter?
Why are we running? Ankit?
-What's wrong?
-Just go.
-I can't run that fast. Ankit, please.
What's the matter, Ankit?
I'll fucking kill you!
Please! Please don't hit him, sir!
-How dare you hit me?
-Sir, please!
-You're fucking dead now.
-Neha, stay out of this!
She's pregnant, bastard!
She's fucking pregnant!
My baby.
My baby!
My baby!
-My baby!
-Ankit, where's my baby?
I want my baby!
Where's my baby?
No! No, please!
-Ankit, I want my baby!
-I know, Neha.
-I want my baby!
Neha, I'm sorry.
Sorry. I'm very sorry, Neha.
Talk to them right here.
-Take rest. I'll--
-Talk to them right here!
Put the phone on speaker!
Please talk.
So, Ankit, how are you?
How's your family doing?
So, when are you paying me back?
Where do I get the money from?
Just agree to steal the diamonds then.
I know you can't arrange so much money.
Your only option is to steal the diamonds.
Listen to me carefully.
I won't steal, I won't repay you.
Kill me if you like
You'll get your money.
Oh, Ms. Neha?
I should have talked to you sooner.
Make him understand--
What are you talking about?
Where will we get it from?
You Do you want us to steal the diamonds?
Are you out of your mind? No.
Neha, this is my fault.
It's all because of me. I did this.
I'll sort it out. I promise.
You've already suffered enough
because of me.
I can't let this happen too.
They killed our baby, Ankit.
If something happens to you,
what will I do?
We've already lost our baby.
I can't lose you.
I love you.
We lost our baby.
-We lost our baby.
-I love you.
Hey, where are you going?
Sir, the baby must be hungry.
I think he needs something.
He doesn't need anything.
Go and sit down! Come on!
Please, sir.
He's crying, sir. Please, sir.
Hey, shut him up!
Yes, sweetheart?
What happened, son?
-Can't breathe.
Stay there.
Hey! What's the matter with you?
-Where's your pump?
-Get up, go and get it.
Got it?
No, sir
I'm checking the other pocket.
Weren't you sitting there?
I kept the bag here.
Move! Let me check.
-Sir, what--
-Shut up.
What is in this?
It's a gift for my mom.
-Weren't you looking for your pump?
-Yes, sir.
Why aren't you out of breath now?
-Got the meds?
-What are you doing?
-Stand up!
-Sorry, sir!
Move! Asshole.
Trying to act smart with us.
-Sir, he's bleeding. He needs first-aid.
-Where are you going?
-No way! Go back to your seat.
-Please, sir, only first-aid.
Rest of you stay down.
Ma'am, please, one second.
Are you crazy?
What were you thinking?
What if they killed you?
This is the last chance, Neha.
If we don't do this today
we won't get another chance.
We must do something.
We used to bring him out,
but when some prisoners attacked him,
we started keeping him in his cell.
-Who are these people?
-I don't know.
You speak against the terrorists.
Then why do they want to free you?
God knows.
They might have
found a new way to take revenge.
Those creeps will free me
and then kill me.
It's possible.
Or is it possible
that you've received
secret orders to take me out?
I've been bleeding heavily.
Can I wash it off?
Excuse me, ma'am.
Yes, sir?
Can I get something to clean this up?
I've been bleeding heavily.
Yes, sir.
-You have to go to business class.
What are you doing?
I've opened the suitcase.
Just get the diamonds out of it.
How can I?
Forget this.
Listen to me. Tell them you have to keep
the first-aid box back. They'll allow you.
Yeah, no.
It's risky.
When I said we won't steal,
you said we have to do it,
and now you say it's risky?
Yeah, because I didn't know
the plane would get hijacked.
If they saw me doing it,
I don't know what they'll do to me.
Can't you do this for me?
I did all of this just for you, Ankit.
Who else?
But it's too risky. You also come back.
Listen to me!
I'm not giving you an option.
You have to go there right away, got it?
But, Neha, try to understand. Please.
This is our last chance.
Ankit, I can't.
I'll be dead, Neha.
Listen, let's try something else.
-Ma'am, may I? Thank you.
-Yeah, sure.
-Yes, sir?
What took you so long?
-What were you doing?
-There was a lot of blood--
-Sir, he's already hurt--
-Sit down!
You're talking too much.
This is called heavy bleeding.
-Chopper status?
-Ten minutes ETA.
-Open it.
-Open it.
Go in.
Do not allow anyone but me, near him.
Yes, sir.
Whatever he asks, check with me
before giving it to him.
We have orders
to be prepared for an ambush.
-What do you mean?
-We have orders.
After the hostage exchange,
and they're on the helicopter
we'll storm it with our commandos.
-Why couldn't they tell me this earlier?
-You'll get a call.
Keep your eye on the hostage exchange,
I'll handle the attack.
-And the pilot?
-He's a paratrooper. He'll manage.
Hello. I'm here
on the Home Minister's orders.
To escort the passengers
to the rescue plane
on behalf of government.
-I hope you don't mind.
-That's okay.
-Please take him. Please.
-When will the plane land?
-Twenty minutes, sir.
One of you please come to the cockpit.
Indian authorities
would like to talk to you.
-One of you please come to the cockpit.
Indian authorities
would like to talk to you.
Who is this?
This is Parvez Shaikh,
on behalf of the Indian government.
Salaam alaikum. Tell me.
Sir, can I serve some water
to the passengers now?
-No need for that.
I said no.
-Shut up and sit down.
Yes, I am listening. Tell me.
You've said enough, Mr. Shaikh.
Now listen to us.
If you care about the passengers' safety,
as soon as the plane lands,
send Adil-Mir to us.
We will release the passengers
only after that. Do you understand?
Things will not go great for you,
Mr. Shaikh.
Yes, this is our demand and we know
you will attack us.
-Two passengers will go with us
-I don't have permission.
Then get it, Mr. Shaikh!
We're in no hurry.
Do they think we're stupid?
I know what do they want.
We're about to land at Kullu airport.
Please fasten your seat belts.
-Please fasten the seat belts.
-Sit down!
-Sir, seat belts are--
-Hey, sit down.
-Nobody moves until we tell them to.
Indian authorities
would like to talk to you again.
Please come near the cockpit.
Yes, Mr. Shaikh?
Hey, hero.
What's going on with the bag?
What's going on?
-What are you doing here?
-What, sir?
What are you doing here by yourself?
Nothing, sir. I was hurting,
so I came here for a pain killer.
-What is this?
-It's nothing, sir.
-Move. Show me what's in the bag!
-It's nothing.
Step back.
Bring it over quickly.
Keep it here. Open it. No more tricks.
Open it.
-Sir, look--
-Step back.
It's just clothes.
Don't move.
What is this?
You have something else brewing here.
Hello? Listen!
Hello. Can you hear me? Hello?
Sit down!
Do not get up from your seat!
Zaheer? You killed Zaheer?
Get him!
-He killed Zaheer.
Smash his face!
Hit him some more!
Take him to the toilet.
I'll teach him a lesson.
Shut up!
Shut up, bastard!
Break his teeth!
Bloody fucker! Break his jaw!
Hijackers are killed! Hijack is over!
Hijack is over.
Hijackers have been
neutralized by the flight marshal.
Let's go.
All the hijackers have been killed.
Hijack is over!
Send the stair car in.
Stair cars are on their way.
Crew, please prepare for disembarkment.
There's a bomb on the plane.
Please, everybody, evacuate!
There's a bomb on the plane.
Please send the bomb squad.
Get down quickly, but please don't run.
One by one.
Come on, evacuate please! Everybody!
Ma'am, keep your hands here.
Walk in a single line.
Move this side.
Excuse me, sir. Please leave your bag!
Come this side.
Excuse me, sir! Move!
-Sir, you can sit down.
-Hands on your shoulder.
Keep moving straight ahead.
Keep moving. Go.
Come here, come here!
Any update from the plane?
Wake up, sir! Please wake up!
Sir, wake up!
Sir, there's a bomb on the plane!
Sir, hurry up please.
-What's going on?
-Please come.
We have to go in that direction.
Ma'am, please come.
The bomb squad is going in!
Wait a--
Why don't you get it?
It's risky. Please come!
Please come down here! Come on.
The biggest news of the day!
Today's breaking news!
The hijacked Max Asia flight MX 3413
has made an emergency landing in Kullu.
We take you straight to Delhi,
where Home Minister
Harish Sanyal is addressing the media.
We took action as soon
as we were informed of the hijack.
All passengers are safe now.
And all the hijackers
have been neutralized.
There's nothing more important
than the safety of our citizens
for our government.
Don't move. The bomb might go off.
I'll take off the gag.
Nothing will happen to you.
Trust me.
Give me the cutter.
We love
Each other
We are restless for each other
We love
-Sir, please untie my hands.
-Yes, sir.
We are restless
The bomb is a dud.
-I mean, it's fake, sir.
-I know what a "dud" means.
-Sorry, sir.
Send a team in.
Negi, come in.
-Go for Negi.
-Move in.
Identify the bodies
of the three hijackers.
Okay, sir. Check that wing.
-Please leave.
-They'll be here.
He's the last passenger.
I can't leave him!
-Please leave!
-He's the last passenger.
He's coming.
Ankit, what happened?
-There's blood!
Yes, sir.
What happened to your nose?
They tied a bomb on me. But I'm okay.
-They tied a bomb on you?
-I'm fine.
-Don't talk here. Go to the terminal.
-Yes, sir.
Wait a second. Sir?
All the passengers are out. Where are you?
I It's Bhagat.
-Leave! What are you doing?
He's here. I'll go wrap up the deal.
-Okay? Come on.
Wait a minute, sir.
-I'll manage.
Listen, where's
the airport manager's office?
This side, please.
This side.
Excuse me, sorry.
There are no bodies in the plane.
They were killed,
the bodies must be there.
Sir, there's no one in the plane.
There are no bodies.
-Did anyone approach the helicopter?
-Peripheral walls, any movement?
-No movement, sir.
Seal the terminals!
Seal the entry and exit points.
Who is the flight marshal?
-Who is the flight marshal?
-Who is it?
-Who is the flight marshal?
-Flight marshal!
Excuse me.
Bhanu Yadav is the flight marshal.
-Who is Bhanu Yadav?
-Bhanu Yadav!
-Bhanu Yadav!
-Flight Marshal Bhanu Yadav!
-Bhanu Yadav!
-Bhanu Yadav!
Bhanu Yadav! Who is Bhanu Yadav?
Speak up! Who is Bhanu Yadav?
Where are the bodies
of the hijackers you killed?
Your plane was hijacked.
You killed the terrorists.
Where are their bodies?
No, sir, I did not kill anyone.
What nonsense!
I didn't kill anyone.
I was unconscious.
If you didn't kill them, who did?
I don't know who killed them, sir.
I was unconscious.
Find out.
Who killed the hijackers?
Whoever killed the hijackers,
please step forward!
They were killed in front of you!
Someone must have seen them.
Who killed them?
-Did anyone leave the terminal?
-Yes, sir. An officer.
-I had asked not to let anyone go.
-We received the orders later.
The officer had left by then.
Did you find him?
Check every entry and exit.
Sir, he's not here.
He never killed the hijackers.
Because he was with them.
The hijackers are alive
and they are right here.
Then why did they hijack it?
It was not a real hijack.
-This is something different, sir.
We must find out what it is.
Gather them.
Look, you'll have to wait
for some more time.
Please calm down!
Please listen to me.
We just want to find out
what actually happened in the plane.
These are fake.
What? Check it properly.
They are all fake.
He says these are fake.
What are you saying?
I exchanged it myself.
Sir, I've been doing this for 20 years.
Come here, you good-for-nothing manager.
Are you trying to fool me? Me!
-I knew you are a two-faced bastard.
That's why I brought
a diamond expert with me.
Give me the real diamonds!
What are you saying, sir?
-Sir, these are the real diamonds.
-Shut up!
Cut the crap,
or I'll beat you up so bad,
you won't be able to stand or sit.
Where are they?
Sir, these are the real diamonds.
Are you crazy?
Where are they?
Where are the real diamonds?
Tell me where they are!
What will I get by cheating you?
If I wanted to, I would have taken off.
Why would I come to you?
Look, I don't know. Do what you must,
but I want the diamonds. Do you hear me?
I want the real diamonds.
Get it?
Go and get it. Get up!
How are they fake?
-What's the matter, Ankit?
-Those diamonds are fake.
What? How?
-I don't know how, but they are fake.
-Oh, shit.
I'll be ruined.
-I'll die.
-Ankit, no. Please.
Don't worry, okay?
We'll find another way
to return their money.
Don't worry. We'll
Forget all of this.
We'll have a fresh start.
We'll have a fresh start?
What will we start?
-You think this is a fucking joke?
You think I had a fun ride till here?
No, what will we start again?
Should I plan it all over again?
Or should I have my face punched again?
Or should I try to trick you again?
There was nothing between us, Neha!
I charmed you,
just to steal the diamonds, okay?
I don't give a damn about girls like you.
Fuck you!
Get some rest. I'll go talk to the doctor.
Neha, are you okay?
What was that noise during your call?
I have sent you a recorded call.
Sir, please! Ankit!
She's pregnant, bastard!
You shouldn't have hit the girl!
-Sorry, sir.
-Get out of here! Go!
Sir, please! Ankit!
She's pregnant, bastard!
-You shouldn't have hit the girl!
-Sorry, sir.
Get out of here! Go!
Asshole, didn't I tell you
not to hit the girl?
Sir, shouldn't you be thanking me?
The girl has agreed to the plan
and the baby is out.
Didn't I tell you not to hit the face?
Collateral damage?
Didn't it work?
It worked.
-Yes, Neha?
-Where are you?
I'm just talking to the doctor.
She is trapped.
Who is she?
A fool.
That might be so,
but I'd specifically booked a vegan meal.
There must be a problem in your system.
If you don't mind,
can we go out for dinner?
Is this universe
trying to bring us together?
Hi, excuse me.
Can I help?
Neha, we're having a baby.
So will you please?
-Don't get into this--
-"Get into this"? I'm already into this.
We're starting a family, Ankit.
-They won't touch our family.
-You shouldn't have hit the girl!
Look, the patient has fallen.
Immediately pick her up now!
What's up, sis?
What made you think of me
after all these years?
Are you back in business?
Are you active or retired?
Depends. What's the job?
I have to take revenge.
I understood
when I got your distress call.
But you know I don't work for free.
No charity.
-Diamonds worth 120 crores.
I get it about the diamonds
and taking revenge on that bastard.
But why do it in a plane?
The diamonds will be connected to a GPS.
They'll be tracked every second
before take-off and after landing.
That's when you get the clear window.
And we have a special connection
with the plane.
You knock him out. I'll exchange
the diamonds and you take off with them.
I don't just want the diamonds, Sudhanshu.
I want to hear him scream.
I want to ruin him in a way
that he'll never forget me.
What do you want to do?
-Plane hijack.
Plane hijack?
Are you serious? Have you lost it?
Stealing might get us three years.
But hijack means
nothing less than execution.
Do you want to or not?
There'll be many takers for 120 crores.
What has he done to you?
He has murdered.
I trust Sudhanshu and he trusts you.
So, welcome. You'll get paid
one week after the job is done.
And no one will
talk about it on the phone.
You'll get your tickets.
For Al-Barkat.
Passengers of the hijacked plane
haven't come out yet.
As per our sources,
they are being held for interrogation.
We have not received any information
about the reason for this interrogation.
Why didn't you ask for hot water
at your seat?
Can I get some hot water? Really hot.
Are you asking me
to take an enema in my seat?
Other passengers
wouldn't be very thrilled with that.
But you ate the whole biriyani.
I emptied my stomach
before I had biriyani, sir.
So much fuss about a biriyani.
I won't touch it again in your plane.
Sir, the flight commando
was in the seat in front of me.
The air hostess
served the juice to him first.
I asked for it, but she denied it, sir.
-Anything for you, sir?
-I'll have a mixed fruit juice.
Sorry, sir?
Fruit juice.
The Delhi girl took the order,
but the South Indian girl served it.
Yes, I remember. South Indian.
Sir, Neha was busy, so I served it.
But I served what they ordered.
You mean to say that he slept
for four hours after having a fruit juice?
I don't know, sir.
Maybe he was tired.
I promise you,
we'll surely find out
what was going on in the plane.
Have you ever hit anyone in life?
Then why did you take them on?
I thought other passengers will join in.
But no one did.
We didn't dare after that.
-They pointed a gun at my head.
-He yelled at my daughter.
Sir, he had an asthma attack.
What happened, son?
He went to the business class.
He kept trying
to go to the business class.
He had something going on
even before the hijack.
After some time, the hijacker
brought him back and said he's acting.
-What were you looking for in the plane?
-Nothing, sir. Why?
Why were you talking to the air hostess
in the galley time and again?
There was a problem with my meal,
so I went there to sort it out.
So you made a call during take off
to solve a problem with your meal?
No, sir, that was a business emergency.
During take-off,
there was a business emergency.
After that, I was sorting out my meal.
The two things
Sir, do you suspect
that I'm with the hijackers?
I'm not saying this, you are.
-No, sir, I'm not--
-Shut up.
It's possible, right? It's possible.
The hijackers were beating up only you.
And yet you kept going back to them.
And the fake bomb was also tied to you.
-Sir, how would I know?
You should ask them.
Passengers are still being interrogated
at Kullu airport.
But the media
has not received any information
about the identity of the hijackers.
-Can you identify the hijackers?
-No, sir.
-They were wearing masks.
-Black ones.
They all looked alike.
Jinu Varghese.
-Are you from Delhi?
-No, sir. I'm from Kochi.
-Were you going to Delhi for work?
Al-Barkat to Kochi flights
were not easily available.
-Do you have connecting flight tickets?
-Yes, sir.
Probably must be fine.
-What's your height?
-What, sir?
What's your height?
Who was sitting next to you?
Sir, I have something for you.
When the flight was being hijacked,
I recorded them secretly.
I'll show you, sir. This one.
Mobin ul Ansar will free Kashmir,
if God wills.
I travelled on a tourist visa, sir.
To look for work.
But it didn't work out.
-And you returned in just five days?
it's actually not
how they say the Gulf is.
The sheikhs treat us like servants.
They take our passports.
Sir, I might earn lesser in my country,
but I won't have to be a slave to anyone.
You understood this within five days.
Sir, I understood this in two days.
My friends, who called me there for work,
live in terrible conditions.
He wasn't answering my calls,
so I arranged a ticket and left.
But to my bad luck,
the plane got hijacked.
But I'll try again.
My cousins drive taxis in Australia.
I'll drive, learn English.
In Dubai, people just talk in Hindi.
About 150 passengers of this flight,
their families,
their relatives are worried.
They want an update about their families.
They feel helpless.
After all--
Did you get the diamonds?
We did, but they are fake.
-How do you know that?
-I brought along a diamond expert.
He confirmed it.
And Omar Bin's man, the courier,
he said someone
messed with his bag in the plane.
Hold the line for a minute.
Yes, Ranjith?
Sir, we have to do
another press conference.
-It was a staged hijack, sir.
And the bomb's fake.
And the hijackers aren't dead, sir.
And that air marshal,
he disappeared.
He was fake, too.
But I've already given
my statement to the press.
I totally understand that, sir,
but we need to change the statement.
Are you crazy, Ranjith?
My statement has been
telecast on every news channel.
The government will look like a joke.
Sir, what do we do then?
Wait for my next order.
And keep your mouth shut till then.
Listen, Bhagat, it was not a hijack.
It was a robbery.
Someone made off with our diamonds
using the hijack as a distraction.
So we lost our diamonds.
But don't worry, sir.
We are insured. Madam had guaranteed it.
Please talk to Omar Bin.
We won't have to bear the losses.
Wrap up the things there and head back.
The news about the diamond theft
must not come to light.
Sir, I came to India to help my friend.
I'm funding his startup.
But why did you have to travel
from Muscat to Delhi via Al-Barkat?
Actually, all my relatives
live in Al-Barkat
and they have the money. That's why.
But money can be transferred now.
I wouldn't have gone
if they'd transferred it.
They are relatives. It takes some cajoling
to get the money.
-It's for a friend. You can understand.
-I do.
Did anyone see you at your seat
during the hijack?
Yeah, they must have.
We were asked to keep
our heads down and hands up.
And they changed the seats too.
Who was sitting next to you?
Next to me? The tall guy who just left.
He said someone else
was sitting next to him.
-Sir, he was tall
-Did anyone see you on your seat?
She served the juice to him first.
I asked for it, but she denied it, sir.
The Delhi girl took the order
Sir, Neha was busy, so I served it.
Neha Grover!
Who's this?
The diamonds
you were smuggling in the plane
-Neha Grover!
-it's gonna reach the media.
And that spells trouble for you.
An anonymous call to scare me?
But you should know
that I'll find each one of you.
Please check your messages, sir.
You won't have to look any further.
Neha Grover!
Who is Neha Grover?
Neha Grover!
Yes, sir.
Neha Grover?
They have called you in.
Why did you serve a drink to Sudhanshu Roy
before the other passengers?
Sir, Sudhanshu Roy?
That fake flight marshal
who is missing now.
Right. Sir, he asked for a drink.
And Bhanu Yadav?
Sorry, sir, Bhanu Yadav?
He's outside, the real flight marshal.
Right. I had no idea
he's the flight marshal.
So, tell me
-Vinita served the drink.
-Yes, sir.
But you prepared it.
Yes, sir, but I didn't do anything.
I have no idea why he was unconscious.
What are you doing on my phone?
I'm deleting my photos.
-Neha Grover, right?
-Yes, sir.
Ms. Neha Grover, I think
you planned it with Sudhanshu Roy.
What, sir?
-What plan?
-That's what we're trying to figure out.
No, sir, there is no plan.
Sir, you saw this huge hijack,
I'm still reeling under the shock.
Sir, there is no plan.
I don't know Sudhanshu, sir.
Sir, if you suspect the drink,
it is I'll Sir
Wait a minute. This call is important.
Hello, sir.
Shaikh, what the hell is going on?
If the hijack is over,
why are you holding up the passengers?
No, sir. The hijackers
are among the passengers.
I can't let them go.
Tell me what you're investigating.
A hijack or a robbery?
What, sir?
I asked what are you investigating.
A hijack or a robbery?
Sir, hijack.
Which hijack? One that never happened?
The mastermind fooled you and disappeared.
Listen, I don't want to make
a fool of myself in front of everyone,
like you have done.
You have to let the passengers go.
You can retain their passports,
and carry on with the investigation.
Do you get it?
Yes, sir. What do I tell the media?
Just tell the media
that all three hijackers have been killed,
and Flight Marshal Bhanu Yadav
is a national hero.
Right, sir. Bye, sir.
What's the matter, sir?
It's nothing. The plan worked.
-Sir, there is--
-You may go.
-I can go?
-Yeah. Please.
-Please escort her outside.
-Sir, my passport?
-You'll get it. Don't worry.
-Okay, sir. Thank you, sir.
Please collect your luggage
and move towards the main gate.
You will get your passports there.
Don't talk to me, Ankit.
The way you behaved with me there?
You know how it hurts.
Cut the crap. Where are the diamonds?
Diamonds? With me?
-Have you lost your mind?
Apart from us, only you knew
what the diamond case looked like.
So? I won't cheat you.
Neha, I know you stole the diamonds.
Just tell me how.
-My God. What's wrong with you?
Stop playing these games with me.
Tell me where the diamonds are.
You know what?
I won't take this seriously.
I know you are really upset.
I'm asking you one last time.
I won't ask again--
-You're coming with us.
Sir, where are you taking him? Sir?
Keep moving. Come on.
Hurry, up, sir. Please.
All passengers are allowed to go.
These passengers will be taken
to Chandigarh by bus,
and then to Delhi by flight.
You can see the joy on their faces
Sir, did that girl know something?
and Abbas will be the hijackers.
And till the plane takes off,
no one should know
where exactly you are seated.
I'll knock out the real flight marshal.
Vinita, serve this, please.
We can't carry a real gun on the plane.
Gaffar will make guns for us.
This plane has been hijacked!
Do not hurt any passengers.
Except one.
So, scare them from the start.
After the hijack, phones will be
taken away from the passengers.
Except Gaffar's.
Then take Sudhanshu
and his gun under control.
The gun that Sudhanshu exchanged
with the unconscious flight marshal.
And fill it up with dummy bullets.
After that, do what you need to
using the fake bullets in the real gun.
And during this ruckus,
we'll exchange the diamonds.
That's okay, but why are we
taking the plane to Kullu?
Kullu has a small airport.
It can't handle so many passengers.
And it'll be easier for Sudhanshu
to sneak out the diamonds.
But why do we need to set a bomb?
Not a bomb, a chocolate bomb.
It'll buy us 20 extra minutes.
There's a bomb.
Everybody needs to evacuate!
And in that mayhem,
the hijackers will change their get-up
and come out as passengers.
Madam, we can
steal the diamonds elsewhere,
why take the risk of hijacking?
Because the job
isn't just to steal the diamonds.
I want to teach a bastard a lesson.
Mess his face up so bad,
that he won't ever
look in the mirror again.
I didn't know you had so much of guts.
We didn't do anything, sir.
This is a misunderstanding.
Sir, please call Omar and check with him.
Please let us go.
We didn't do anything, sir.
Then who the hell sent this to you?
Who sent this to you, sir?
I don't know.
But I know someone
is taking revenge on you.
Are apples allowed in a vegan diet?
I like seeing you like this.
You tricked me, so you could
steal the diamonds, right?
Or you won't give a damn
about girls like me.
But who will give a damn about you now?
You think you played me?
But actually I played you.
I didn't want to get back in this work.
But you asked for it.
Bravo, Ms. Neha.
I thought you double-crossed me
for the diamonds.
But revenge
Would you like to meet again?
I'm in love with you.
It will be fun.
You wanna meet again?
Ma'am, your champagne?
-Thank you.
-Anything else?
Hi, may I speak
to Ms. Neha Grover, please?
Yes. Who's this?
Ms. Neha, you forgot
your boyfriend already?
Subtitle translation by:
Sheela Sijin Mathews