Christmas Eve (1947) Movie Script

Hello, doctor. I hope it
isn't an imposition, Judge.
Not at all. I've often wondered what
was at the back of these grim doors.
It's exactly what you would expect.
In 1890.
Excellent taste. Inherited wealth.
The face of our forefathers.
It's not always what meets
the eye, gentlemen.
When you see my aunt Matilda...
You will understand why I sometimes
think I live in a booby-hatch.
Well, that's too bad.
I used to walk by here with father on my
way to the cathedral when I was a kid.
I remember how the carriage
with green lamps stood outside.
A span of chestnuts in park harness.
Footman holding the bridle.
A lackey at the carriage door.
A coachman up on the box.
Waiting to take the old Wall Street
pirate and his two daughters to church.
Now you can see why I would give
anything to avoid a court action.
She's such a lovely old heirloom
despite her eccentricities.
[ Gong sound ]
I always ring that gong gentlemen to
warn people to stop talking about me.
Behind me back.
Aunt Matilda, this is Judge Alston.
And Dr Doremus.
I expected the judge.
But why the doctor?
Do you wish to take my pulse?
No, Miss Reed. I'm a psychiatrist.
You live by your wits.
And that isn't an insult.
I love men who live by their wits.
Tea is served.
Oh no. No.
Just a minute.
My bluebirds.
Williams. Robert.
Now... ready?
And now gentlemen,
shall we have our tea?
Doctor, over there please.
Judge Alston. Phillip.
I understand Judge Alston...
That Phillip wishes to spare me
the ordeal of a court hearing.
This is purely an informal
visit, Miss Reed.
Nothing official, I assure you.
Well, I won't let you
drag me into court.
I've no intention of
ordering you into court.
You think Judge Alston is
afraid if I go to this court...
I'll find out how crazy
everybody else is?
The Judge makes sense sometimes.
I'll make sense.
Lemon or cream?
Lemon, please.
Make mine cream.
Do you mind if I just have
a drink, aunt Matilda?
We have no license to transport whiskey.
You see, this railroad
system was founded...
When my boys were little.
Your boys?
Didn't Phillip tell you
I have three sons?
No. He told me you once
adopted three wards.
They were sons.
And Jonathan.
I suppose you're wondering
about these little trains.
They belong to my sons.
In the old days, up in the
playroom when teatime came...
We always played railroads,
to bring their food to them.
But lately...
It's been too much effort for me to play
with them down on my hands and knees.
So I...
It's fun pretending...
My boys are here with
me at the big table.
Would you say that's crazy?
No-one minds if you
play trains, aunt Matilda.
But it's these other things.
A little item of $1,675,000
in the past nine months.
She bought half a million
dollars' worth of dead rats.
I gave a great many poor
children a dollar apiece.
For catching those rats.
And they gave me this medal.
It's worth half a million dollars to me.
And that camp for the unhappily married,
three quarters of a million dollars.
And she only prevented one divorce.
A blacksmith and his wife.
I got this ring for that.
Of course, it's only made
out of a horseshoe nail.
But it was made by a
very happy blacksmith.
It is worth.
750 thousand dollars.
To me.
If you want to know where
the rest of the money went...
There is a diploma out
there in the front hall.
And when I think how hard I worked
to build up those income properties.
That Rayon plant in Canada.
And the rubber plantation
up the Amazon. Yes.
Phillip has managed very well.
Then why Miss Matilda can't
you settle all this amicably...
Without a lot of dull court procedure?
It will be so simple to make Phillip
the administrator of the entire estate.
Oh, no.
Phillip has done well,
but the bulk of my estate?
Oh no. No.
Then who would you trust?
Any one of my three sons.
I'd like very much to meet them.
- Indeed, you must.
Where are they?
I haven't the faintest idea.
You probably wouldn't
even recognise them now.
That's what is so
pathetic, Judge Alston.
Aunt Matilda adopted three boys.
Gave them every advantage she gave
me and then when they grew up...
They walked out on her.
And you haven't heard from them since?
They refused to sponge on me.
They decided to go out in the
world and make their own way.
Didn't you try and stop them?
I loved them for it.
We'll be alright, they said.
So don't try to find us.
But if you ever need us.
We'll be there.
That's the kind of men my sons are.
And I respected their wishes.
Now, if you're suggesting I turn
my affairs over to one of my boys...
You would trust a fortune of millions
to boys you once befriended?
From whom you haven't heard in years?
Yes. And you would too,
if you could meet them.
But how can I meet them?
Drop in for a cup of
punch on Christmas Eve.
I'll have them here.
Right by the tree.
Then you can judge for yourself.
On Christmas Eve?
That's the time when
families are together.
And now gentlemen,
if you will excuse me.
All this talk of money.
Makes me a little tired.
It was awfully nice of you
Miss Matilda to let us drop in.
Don't forget to be here.
Good evening, Miss Reed.
From the United and Benevolent
Order of Scrub Women.
Four hundred and forty thousand dollars.
I've seen enough.
- She's a very interesting old lady.
Admittedly Judge,
I'm no financial wizard.
But proposing to bring
back one of those three...
Yeah. On Christmas Eve.
I wouldn't even recognise them. Ha.
That fast train, madam.
That would be Mr Michael's wouldn't it?
If Michael knew what they were trying
to do... he'd come speeding back to me.
Michael always did like
the fast things in life.
Come in.
Put it over there.
No, no.
Put it over here by the love seat.
First, you must come
over here to get it.
Thank you, sir.
[ Door knocks ]
It's me.
- Oh.
Come in and get it over with.
It must be a lot easier
with snow on the ground.
You're going to make
that maid lose her job.
Well, I told her I was your wife.
You're expecting somebody?
- Natch.
Who is she?
Now look.
If you want a glass of wine
go on down to the bar...
Order a quart and sign my name.
I think you'd better
order another glass.
And another quart.
Let's drink to us.
You're getting out of here.
For good.
- Not me.
Now, I told you yesterday
we were through. Finished.
Uhuh. I love you.
- Gee, I know.
You told me.
What's the matter, dreamboat? Didn't
you have your vitamins this morning?
What has she got that I haven't got?
I'll do anything for you.
I'll learn to use those snow shoes.
I'd jump off the highest mountain.
I don't want you to jump.
Just ride downstairs in
the elevator by yourself.
But quick.
You'll break your arm.
Are you going to put those things back
or shall I throw you out the window?
[ Door knocks ]
Get in there.
I'll get it, dear.
A package for Mr Michael Brooks
from the jeweller in the lobby.
'Darling, this is how much I love you'.
'Think about me while
I'm on the way up'.
Don't stand there. Slip him a buck.
What do you suppose was in it?
But Michael, the room.
I thought you'd be packed by now.
Well, she just came by to help me pack.
This is my sister, Ann.
Oh how nice. I'm Harriet.
I'm Michael's fiance.
Of course.
Didn't you tell her we were to
be married this afternoon?
That's why I asked her round. To tell
her that we were going to get married.
Well, we haven't much time, Michael.
We don't want to keep
the minister waiting, do we?
No. I'll say we don't.
Go ahead and pack.
You pack him this time and
I'll take him from hereon in.
Don't forget his long flannels.
Why don't you thank her
for her lovely present?
Oh darling, it was just what I wanted.
That gold locket with my picture in it?
- I loved it.
Look, you don't have
to hide your relatives.
I have a few myself that we
don't let out until after dark.
Don't mind me. I'm the orphan
that aunt Matilda didn't adopt.
Some champagne, dear?
Here. Sis.
Darling, you are too extravagant.
But you are wonderful.
Sapphires are my weakness.
And this beautiful sable coat.
Just a few little wedding presents.
I am awfully sorry that
she had to drop in here.
If we don't get out of here, she'll try
and go on our honeymoon with us.
True. How true.
Let's scram.
I'll tell Ann where to forward my stuff.
I'll just take an overnight suitcase.
Darling, could you spare
me just one moment?
What's the idea of bringing
my clothes in here?
[ Door knocks ]
Aren't you the lady that
sent me up here with this?
It came sailing out the window and
hit the doorman right on the head.
Thank you.
Now, is that nice?
I'm supposed to be here
talking to my sister...
And I've to go back in there
with cherry pie all over my face.
I'm not going to let you marry her.
What's the matter with me?
Haven't we had fun?
Don't you love me?
Look sweetheart. Of course I love you.
But my marriage to Harriet?
That is destiny.
Two wealthy families.
So. Here I go.
- You're not going anywhere.
I'm going out there to talk with...
- Ann. Come here.
Come here!
Did you arrange things
with your little sister?
Everything is all set.
Say, we have a loving cup
with Ann before we go?
Not I.
I wouldn't be your sister if I
didn't tell this lady that...
She's making a big mistake.
You aren't the marrying type.
I wouldn't say that, Ann.
In my experience with husbands
he is the perfect marrying type.
You should know...
- It may interest you...
Ladies, please.
- Alright.
It may interest me to know
that Ann isn't your sister.
Look, Harriet. I can explain everything.
I'm terribly sorry about
all this, Michael.
The moment I laid eyes on
you I said: 'That's the guy'.
But I am selfish enough
to want you just for me.
Thank you for all these
beautiful presents.
Take good care of your little sister..
I knew she was yellow.
I'll break every bone in your body.
Michael, if you were just a few
jumps ahead of the Sheriff...
I wouldn't have let that moneybags
get out of here. Honest.
I would have taken a powder.
If that's another rich widow, I'll...
"Phillip Hastings is
calling on Mr Brooks."
Give it here.
Tell him I can't be disturbed.
"He's already on his way up."
Well, stop the elevator.
Pull him out. I won't see him.
Send up the dinner menu please.
Aren't you hungry?
Maybe I had better...
- Oh, no you don't.
You're so good at getting rid of people.
Just try your hand on this bird.
Where you been all these years, Michael?
- I've been fine.
I didn't ask you how you'd been.
And I didn't say where I'd been.
I wouldn't know you were here.
But I ran into Dickinson at
the club the other night.
He's President of Madison
Bank now, you know.
Well then, Phillip.
We must get together one of these days
and hear about the boys but right now...
Aren't you going to introduce me?
This is Mr Phillip Hastings.
Miss Ann Nelson.
Phillip is aunt Matilda's nephew.
That sort-of makes you
first cousin, doesn't it?
Well, isn't this cosy.
Won't you stay for dinner?
The menu is coming right up.
- Now, Ann.
Phillip is one of the
busiest men in New York.
He manages aunt Matilda's estate.
- Only part of it.
No, I really can't stay for
dinner Miss Nelson, but I...
I never pass up the chance of a
glass of wine with a pretty girl.
Still the best of
everything, eh Michael?
Michael does have the best, you know.
Phillip, an occasional bottle of wine.
If it were only an
occasional bottle of wine.
That's why I'm here, Michael.
Just a chance remark that Dickinson made
at the club about your bank account.
Perhaps I had best go.
- No. Please stay where you are.
You see, Michael.
Aunt Matilda is getting along.
We just cannot put her
through another shock.
If that sainted old lady knew that
Michael was back here in town...
And had cashed $75,000 in bad checks.
Michael has been bouncing rubber?
Phillip, I did have a deal.
I was about to wrap it
up this afternoon but...
Something happened.
I know, Michael I know.
You always have a rainbow.
Just around the corner.
He just can't go on
doing things this way.
He can't pay $32,000 for a sable coat.
He can't buy sapphire wristwatches.
Those things get around.
Yes... usually they get
around the wrong people.
Now, Phillip. You know you have
to send money after money.
And at the time they seemed
like good investments.
Can I help it if a pal ratted on me...
At the psychological moment that
I was about to close the deal?
Mr Hastings.
If I had known about
this terrible expense.
Of course, my dear.
I am not criticising you.
But I know you can get
an elegant cloth coat...
Smart... for around $135.
And a wristwatch to charm any
girl for around for $49.50.
Alright. Alright.
I've got $75,000 worth of
rubber smoking up the town.
What are we going to do about it?
I hope you won't go to aunt Matilda.
About that deal I had this afternoon.
I still think there is a chance...
Not a chance, Michael. Not a chance.
Who asked your opinion?
- Please, please.
I didn't come out here to start a
squabble between a pair of lovebirds.
You know, I almost envy Michael.
Sapphires, sable, vintage champagne.
I sometimes wish I had
spent a little more money.
I got those checks from Dickinson.
$75,000 out of my own pocket.
Phillip, you?
You picked up those checks
out of your own pocket?
I would rather take the loss
myself than involve aunt Matilda.
She's an old lady, Michael.
It would kill her to read that
you'd been put in jail.
Phillip, I'll walk into your office
next week and buy those checks back.
I hope you do, Michael.
I'll just hold them for you.
I enjoyed the wine.
$75,000 without a whimper.
Hasn't it all turned out wonderful?
- Oh, you're crazy.
Oh, Michael.
I thought I'd lose you as you're a rich
man and now you haven't got a quarter.
Isn't it wonderful?
Thank you all for being
kind enough to come here.
And humor the vagaries of an old woman.
I am sure that through
this worldwide publicity.
We shall find... my three sons.
And I hope the ghost of my sainted
father will forgive me for...
Having newspaper people in his house.
Would you say Mr Hastings, your nephew
was back at the surrogate's visit?
Oh. The surrogate made
it quite clear that...
His call was merely as a family friend.
In other words, Phillip Hastings
tried to put the pressure on you.
Refreshments, madam.
In the dining room.
Tell me more about this nephew, Phillip.
And what was the
surrogate's real attitude?
He thinks I'm crazy.
Morning, Mr Brooks.
- Morning.
Imagine that?
They say the old lady is crazy.
The whole world is crazy.
Read all about in the papers, mister.
Well... did you know they were
trying to put the old lady away?
Imagine living in a gloomy
mansion like that. I'd go nuts.
Seeing that guy Phillip every day.
He's probably the one
that's driving her crazy.
You know, Michael.
Too bad the old lady can't have
a fling now and again with you.
It would do her good.
Waltzing around dance floors.
Phillip paid off those checks
out of his own pocket.
He said he did it because he wanted
to spare aunt Matilda the shock.
At this time.
How you can sit there not caring if
they lock her up in a padded cell.
Just my luck. Carrying a torch
for a man who's mean enough...
To see an old lady go to the
booby-hatch without raising a finger.
Phillip is managing her estate.
That guy who was so sweet.
So Phillip shells out 75 G's.
Because he knows they will try and
put aunt Matilda in the booby-hatch.
Who's trying to put aunt
Matilda in the booby hatch?
I'm asking.
Don't sit there. Rob a bank.
I'll help you.
Get those checks back from
that heel of a nephew.
Don't let them think that lady was crazy
enough to raise a big grafter like you.
Phillip is a snake.
A baby-faced chiseller who
buys cheap wristwatches.
Suppose you do go to jail
for a little while. Imagine.
Phillip paid all that dough
to get a stranglehold on me.
If I could only get those checks back.
A smart boy, that Phillip.
I don't care if we live
under the Brooklyn bridge.
I don't expect people to be on
the level about little things...
But this...
Well, don't sit there like that.
Do something.
Come on. We are going
to call on cousin Phillip.
Waiter... waiter.
Hello, Mr Brooks.
- Good morning.
You just sit here baby, and learn
all about the Navajo Indians.
They'll be lucky to get out of
here with their wigwams.
After reading the morning papers I've
figured your angle on those bum checks.
Well, the papers are wrong.
I don't want any more responsibility
about Matilda's estate than I've got.
But Phillip.
Don't come here accusing me of trying to
take over more of Matilda's fortune...
Than she's already
heaped upon my shoulders.
It turned my hair grey making this
Rayon factory in Canada pay off.
And that rubber plant up the Amazon.
I got malaria there.
I picked up your checks only to
save aunt Matilda further shock.
Then I guess you were right in dropping
me that $75,000 hint to get out of town.
I don't suppose I would make much of
a showing at aunt Matilda's hearings.
Especially if the surrogate
got his hooks into me.
Now you're getting at the
heart of the thing, Michael.
I dare say the...
The further away I am...
The better it will be for aunt Matilda.
But I do want to work
out that debt I owe you.
What shall it be?
Canada or...
The Amazon?
For heaven's sakes stay away
from those dreadful places.
But Phillip, I haven't got a button.
Well, make the girl hock the sable
coat and the sapphire watch.
Oh, the girl who got those...
She's just water over the dam.
What did you do with the body?
Will you marry me?
Would you go in there and tap him again?
And after we're married, ten thousand
dollars' worth of Palm Springs.
I thought you'd punch him on the nose.
Horseback riding in the moonlight.
Winter fruit. Desert sun.
Bingo in the lounge.
You finally taught me a lesson.
Always glad to help a girl out.
Been nice knowing you, Michael.
I've had a thousand calls since you
brought in the newspaper people.
I make a friendly visit...
And suddenly find myself accused of
trying to railroad you into an asylum.
But I had to take a long chance.
How else can my sons know
that I'm in trouble?
You wouldn't be in trouble if you
would only stop these eccentricities.
You don't understand.
Dear Miss Reed. It is you
who don't understand.
If you make it appear...
That I'm trying to deprive you of your
freedom in some sort of unethical way...
I told you Judge,
that you can't stop her.
You see? Now the judge has
got to take this into court.
Don't put words into my mouth, Phillip.
If you persist in this hue and cry.
You will force me to do what I
came here off the record to avoid.
Then I assure you I won't do it.
And I am very sorry if I have
caused you any embarrassment.
But don't forget.
That you promised to
drop by on Christmas Eve.
Yes, yes. I promised.
Providing you do nothing further...
No, no. Of course not.
So don't worry about me.
I'll have my sons here on Christmas Eve.
I heard it all, dear lady.
That's my trade: a private peeper
with an ear through every keyhole.
Yes. Well...
Pour yourself a drink and
then make your report.
I have some news for you, dear lady.
Good, say it.
I located your playboy.
Michael is here?
He is in New York.
Then he'll be here Christmas Eve.
I know it.
Not a chance, dear lady.
Some checks bounced right back in
his face and he had to blow town.
Checks? Bounced?
Yeah. Bad checks.
Just when he had a deal all set
to marry a lady by the name of...
By the name of...
Harriet Rhodes.
Harriet Rhodes?
All the money in the world wouldn't
make Michael marry that... moneybags.
Well, he could have done with some
of her money before he disappeared.
Michael was never a bad boy.
He should have come here.
What about the others? What about Mario?
I'm getting through to some pals of his.
And they know where he is?
- Maybe they know. But they dummy up.
They ain't talking, see.
But I'm working on it.
Maybe he's so far away...
He hasn't heard about me.
It's about time.
I'll never go away again.
Seor Mario.
[ Spanish language ]
It wasn't any fun without you there.
I thought you loved the mountains.
I thought so too.
But in the mountains I loved only you.
Oh, we're not dining at
your club tonight, darling.
I thought it would be
nicer at my little house.
The two of us.
I've got to stop by my place first.
Then I go with you.
You see, I'm not going
to let you out of my sight.
Can I talk to you a minute?
Excuse me.
There's an FBI guy in your office.
I figured you didn't want anyone
like that waiting around outside.
Tell him I'll be right in.
Give me two minutes, please.
Alright. But not one second more.
Sit down.
Sorry he didn't offer you a drink.
Thanks. He did.
But I never drink when I'm working.
Thanks for warning me.
I'd be glad to give you a record
of anything I say to an FBI man.
Look, fellah. You are not my pigeon.
I didn't fly down here to nail you.
You wouldn't like to be in New York?
Walk in to the Stork Club?
See everybody?
I've just seen everybody.
She came in on the evening train.
So if you'll make it snappy...
I suppose you can guess the
business I'm on down here.
In my business we don't
play guessing games.
Especially in front of the FBI.
And besides, I...
Go on. Go on.
Say the rest of it.
I've no authority down
here to make you guess.
It saves me the trouble
of asking you that.
It still is a pretty good
deal living in the States.
Uncle Sam may appreciate your help.
What help?
We need a little assistance...
- I'm no stooge for the cops.
Here or anywhere else.
This is a swell country.
I'll be glad to introduce you
to the Minister of Police.
I forgot to ask you one question.
Did you ever hear of Gustav Reichman?
That's his picture.
I never saw the guy before.
Back in Nuremberg there's a
piece of rope waiting for that lug.
He salted away plenty
down here before the war.
But we're not interested in his dough.
We just want to loop those 13 knots
around this tricky devil's neck.
And let him jump off into space.
Everybody wanted him.
But he slipped through
the back door of Europe.
It could be he's headed for these parts.
I wonder whom he will try to contact.
Would you like to make a guess?
There you go with your guesses again.
It seems to me you'd feel awfully good
if you squared yourself back home.
I'm satisfied here.
Why would I want to go back?
Well, that little old
lady back in New York.
Aren't you going to
answer her call for help?
What are you getting at?
They're trying to get her
fortune out of her hands.
They're trying to say she's insane.
You are lying.
Why don't you read the New York papers?
Show this man out.
If you don't mind.
This way please.
Not at all.
If you're thinking about going back
they'll pick you up on that old rap...
And you'll spend the next twenty
years in the jug sewing mailbags.
It won't be much help to the old lady.
Have you been gabbing with that guy?
Not me.
I just happened to overhear
what you were talking about.
Look, boss.
Down here you're an important guy.
Look at the setup you got.
A big-paying business.
It's a swell life. And...
A wonderful girl.
Even if the old lady is crazy, you'd be
screwier than she is if you went back.
Make a reservation for me on the
8 o'clock plane in the morning.
I'm going to the States.
- But, boss...
And get in touch with the
manager of the Casa Almeida.
Find out if Claire spent the
weekend in the mountains.
I'm going home to change. Call me there.
Have you any idea how many toy trains
are wrecked by fathers on Christmas Day?
How difficult it is to
work a railroad system.
This one is over ten years old.
- Yeah.
You see, one has to stay young.
I guess I'm getting too old, Miss Reed.
Yes, well.
Pour yourself a drink
and make your report.
I'll take it a little later
if you don't mind.
I got the dope here on your boy, Mario.
Where is he now?
- S.A. dear lady.
Ah, South America.
He's a lamster. He's got a 20-year rap
if he comes back to God's country.
Can't you talk English?
Well, our friend Mario.
He stepped into a deal that
was strictly from Limburger.
You understand, he...
He was in trouble about
a certain deal and...
Well, he got hot-tempered.
Mario was always hot-tempered.
Take my advice, dear lady.
You'd be better off if Michael
or Mario never come back.
And who asked you for your advice, pray?
I pay you to get information.
Not to interpret it.
Now don't tell me you
can't find Jonathan.
A man like Jonathan doesn't
just vanish into thin air.
Hire a thousand detectives if you
need them to help you. But find him.
You are a mother alright.
If even one comes back, you'd be...
I don't care if Michael is
ashamed to come back.
Or what Mario's past has been.
And wherever Jonathan is,
you must find him.
They've got to be here on Christmas Eve.
They are my boys.
And they need me.
They need me.
"Hello, Mario?"
Ah... say...
I had a kind of tough time getting hold
of the manager of that mountain place.
Well, he says...
Claire wasn't up there over the weekend.
You're sure?
"That's what the guy said.
That's all I know."
Your obstinacy has become quite trying.
I dislike using persuasive methods.
But you...
You force me to do so.
You know nothing about
the beautiful Frulein.
I am tired of hearing you say that.
Such a lovely girl.
So wealthy.
Together you must have
had such wonderful times.
Spending her money.
You don't know what I'm talking about.
You don't know where
the money came from...
That built your magnificent nightclub.
You shut your eyes and then it...
Just grew.
Now you're going to the States
taking the rest of it with you.
And she will meet you
there later perhaps.
I don't know what you're talking about.
What a pity.
Let me refresh your memory.
I sent her here with ten million
dollars in cash and jewels.
One day.
I told her... I'll come for it.
To enjoy our fortune together.
I have come.
But the money?
Where has it gone?
Has it two legs?
Has it wings? Has it?
How do I know?
Let's start afresh.
Think carefully.
What has she told you about our affair?
Look, Reichman.
You can work me over. You can kill me.
But how can I tell you
something I don't know?
Bring her in.
It was very nice of
you to come, Frulein.
May I introduce you to...
Oh, but of course.
I had almost forgotten
that you knew each other.
What is this?
I'm on my way to your house to
see why you left the office...
And then strongarm men pick me up.
What is the score?
You animal.
Come now, Frulein.
If you had been more informative...
This wouldn't have happened.
I can be very persuasive.
Stop it, Gustav. He knows nothing
about you. Nothing about your money.
With two people.
As close as...
Well, that's very difficult to believe.
Is all this true?
A guy in a fancy uniform and
a smooth line and you fell for it.
What a hero.
Well, if that's what you
want you can have it.
Leave him alone, Gustav.
I'll tell you about the money.
Now we're beginning to get somewhere.
Darling, I was a fool.
I didn't realize how rotten they were.
And how rotten he was.
When I came to my senses...
I swore the money would
never get back to him.
I told him so tonight.
I am not interested in your
sentiments, Frulein.
Gustav, I'll make a bargain.
If you'll let him go, I'll
tell you where the money is.
Now you are sensible, my Liebchen.
Do you promise?
Why not?
He's no longer important.
It's in a bank in St Julian.
St Julian?
- Yes.
Now, please cut him loose.
You are too impulsive.
A charming trait but...
First, I must have
proof of what you say.
This is the key to the strongbox.
It's in the wardrobe at my house.
You'll find the bank receipt there.
Now cut him loose, please.
First, I must see the receipt.
You heard the lady. Hurry.
You mean... you mean Mario
must wait until that man returns?
Mario must wait.
Don't let him kid you.
He isn't going to turn me loose.
To let you go ashore and
notify the authorities?
Of course, I could put you ashore
somewhere along the coast.
But you won't.
But I won't.
Gustav, you can't do this.
You promised to let him go.
Promises, my dear lady, are
the counterfeit currency...
That inferior people
exact from each other.
When unsure of their own strength.
Tell the engineer to
warm up the engines.
You mean you're sailing?
As soon as my man returns
with your bank receipt.
You sure walked into that one.
Did I?
Well, we'll settle this right now.
You never had any intention
of letting him go, did you?
The sea is a quiet place.
And it has no tongue.
As for you?
After you have returned
my money back to me.
Well, you won't find it that easy.
Because I promised to tell
you only where your money is.
Not who is going to get it.
Who is to get it then?
The American Occupation
Authorities in Berlin.
That's where I went over the weekend.
To St Julian.
To make final arrangements
for sending the money back.
I knew when he found out about it
my life would be worthless but I...
I tried to save you.
That's why I left your office.
To make you think the worst of me.
And keep you out of this.
All I wanted to do, all I could think
of was to... to get right with myself.
To settle my score.
Lock him up.
Oh yes.
You are worrying about the
charming Frulein Claire.
What will happen to her
is something that...
I'm sure a clever man like
you can well figure out.
Sit down.
[ Gunshots! ]
The engines are stopping.
Your friend is fast, Frulein.
But when he tries to come in here.
First you, then him.
If the Germans have a fault.
It's that sometimes perhaps they...
Underestimate their enemies.
It won't happen again.
[ Gunshot! ]
Have I made myself right with you?
Have I?
You bet you have.
Oh. I am so glad.
Mario, hold me closer.
Have you...?
Seen anybody that looks like him yet?
Not even remotely like Jonathan.
There is more film, Miss Reed.
Maybe one of them will
be your little Buckaroo.
That's Jonathan.
Look, Williams. There he is.
Yes, Madam. I see him. I see him.
My now, doesn't he look fine?
Wonderful, madam. Wonderful.
Let us out of here.
Go on, Jonathan.
Ride him, cowboy. Ride him.
Jonathan, that's the boy.
Get up off the ground
Jonathan and ride it.
Shall I rewind it Madam
and run it again?
We're going to run that fifty times.
- Yes, madam.
What are you sitting there for?
You've found him. Now go and get him.
Hurry up, Williams. Hurry up.
I am rewinding it as
fast as I can, madam.
Perfect, Williams.
It's a perfect Christmas punch.
- Thank you, madam.
Oh, are there any further orders
for Robert before we leave?
Huh? Robert?
Remember, Robert.
When Williams brings
Mr Jonathan to the car.
You must conduct yourself as
though he had never gone away.
Yes, ma'am.
I even have the packet of aniseed to
give to him before he kisses you.
Well, he may not be
ashamed of drinking now.
What are you up to?
We're meeting Mr Jonathan, sir.
At Grand Central station.
Judge Alston, a very
Merry Christmas to you.
Bless my soul, what a Christmas Eve.
My chauffeur has gone to the
station to meet my son Jonathan.
They had better lead him
blindfold past the saloons.
And what about the others?
Oh, they will be here.
I'm sure.
Shall we drink a toast...
To their safe arrival.
Why, it's old Bill himself.
- How is ma?
Miss Matilda will be even better when
she realises how strong you are, sir.
The car is here.
- Is Robert still driving?
He insisted upon coming this
afternoon sir, in your honor.
Oh. Then let's get him and have
a little snort in his honor.
Robert has to stay with the car, sir.
Then we'll take him his
share in a paper cup.
Sit down, Williams.
Any labelled whiskey?
Give us two glasses full with an
extra in a big paper cup to take out.
It's against the law to take
liquor off the premises, sir.
Hold on there, stranger. Keep pouring.
That ain't for Robert.
Go on and drink it, Williams.
Need a little help?
Shall we go now, sir?
- Where do we go?
The liquor is good. Pretty scenery.
Miss Matilda will be alarmed, sir.
Oh, I forgot. Hey, partner.
Keep the change. Come on.
Who will give me two dollars
for this priceless bassinet?
When, for all we know one great American
might have been rocked to sleep in it.
Perhaps even George Washington.
Two dollars.
- Two dollars and four bits.
I'm bid two dollars and four bits.
Five dollars.
Four bits isn't four dollars. All you
had to bid was two dollars and six bits.
Going once for five dollars.
Going twice for five dollars.
- Five dollars and two bits.
Five dollars and four bits.
- Five dollars and six bits.
It's yours.
Going for five, six bits.
Going twice for five, six bits.
Sold to the gentlemen for
five dollars and 75 cents.
Here is six bucks.
Keep the two bits for yourself.
Here is your priceless treasure, sir.
What's your hurry, ma'am?
I want to give you this,
this rock-a-bye thing.
Why, sure.
I only bid like that to stop someone
else rustling it away at a higher price.
Besides, I wanted to meet you.
Maybe you will do after all.
Yes. I'll take a chance on you.
A chance on what?
What's the matter, ma'am?
At 6 o'clock I am going
to become a mother.
A mother?
And it's your fault.
My fault?
- If I'm late.
You won't be late, ma'am. I'll take you.
- Really, sir. Aunt Matilda is waiting.
Williams, I can't leave the lady.
She's about to have a baby.
Well, let's not be excited, sir.
I've had three myself.
Would you like us to call
a policeman, madam?
A policeman?
Are you afraid to take me
there without a policeman?
Ma'am, I'd be glad to take you anywhere.
But really, sir. Your aunt. I mean...
We could never explain this delay.
We haven't time to explain, Williams.
I've got to get going.
Yes, we've got to get going.
Quick, Williams. The car.
Where do you wish to go?
128 West Meredith Street.
128 West Meredith Street.
- Tell him to hurry.
I've always heard it ain't best to
drive fast under these conditions.
It's all set for 6 o'clock.
Where I come, from they
don't go by the clock.
They just sort of, well...
Take you by surprise, natural like.
I know.
But stick with me, cowboy.
This is something special.
Oh sure. You know...
You kind-of had me
wondering at first, but...
I guess I know now why you were
so anxious to get that cradle.
Won't you please take it from
me as a gift to the little fellow?
Look. Can't you make them hurry?
I simply must be there
on time or I'll...
Yes, ma'am.
Put the spurs to them, Robert.
If your husband don't mind my saying so,
you're an awful pretty little mare.
My husband?
Oh. Oh yes, My husband.
Thanks, stranger.
You're kinda pretty yourself.
Maybe the fresh air will
give you a little extra time.
Mr Jonathan.
Be careful, she'll pin more things
on you than she will on the baby.
Now look, lady. I...
Please, not right here on the sidewalk.
Give it a real ring.
- No. No.
Everything must be very discreet.
It's quite an illegal proposition.
Maybe I've gone as far as I should go.
Are you going to abandon me now
after things have gone this far?
Can I have a baby now,
and take it away with me?
I've heard of Indian
squaws doing that but...
Who sent you?
- Does it make any difference?
Please forgive him.
A prospective father. Highly nervous.
Hadn't we better get inside?
The doctor will be here in a moment.
I think you'd better
relax on this couch.
Isn't this going to be wonderful?
What's this all about, Mama?
We've come to adopt a baby.
You must pretend to be my husband.
- Pretend? Well, that ain't hard.
We must be a childless, loving couple
or they will never let us adopt one.
Then that game you played
at the station, that was just...?
Oh please, play it my way.
Just for five minutes.
Trust me?
- Sure I do.
Just as long as you don't try
to pin down my gun hand.
Yes. Please, let's be a loving couple.
My name is Jean.
And mine is Jonathan.
There are hopeless babies in this house.
Lying in their cribs defenceless.
Each day it's one baby's turn to be sold
over the counter to the highest bidder.
It's a shame a girl like
you has to buy one.
Did you pick me out because I looked...
I picked you out because you looked
the part of a big, tender-hearted hero.
Ain't you putting too
much jam on the bread?
No. No.
It's all in fun.
I'm not complaining.
I'm only doing this in
case somebody is spying.
I don't mind it under any circumstances.
Care to make it a lifetime job?
Now. Don't let being a prospective
father go to your head, stranger.
Good evening.
- Howdy.
Now don't be bashful, Jonathan.
We'd like to look at
some of your yearlings.
Who sent you here?
We were told to say 'Max'
and ask to see Dr Bunyan.
I'm Dr Bunyan.
You see how it is, doc.
We've been married now 5 or 6 months
and we don't have a single baby.
Oh, he means 5 or 6 years.
I'm afraid I don't like
your looks, madam.
She doesn't like your looks either,
but we didn't come to adopt you.
You threaten me in my own house?
- He is so quick tempered, doctor.
It's because he's never
had any children.
I bid you good evening.
Raise the hands to the perpendicular.
I came here to buy my little wife a baby
and by golly, I'm going to buy her one.
Come on honey, let's go to the
corral and look at his stock.
Jonathan, this is no way to
go about adopting a baby.
What makes you so trigger happy?
Put back that cannon before I take it
from you and spank your little hand.
I'm sorry, Doc. But you know
how it is with expectant fathers.
I admit it's a little irregular but...
We're prepared to make
it worth your while.
A hundred white-faced heifers
for one little pink-face calf.
Well, right now we have only
three baby girls up for adoption.
You understand everything must be legal
before we can entrust you with a child.
Why, you talk like a horse thief.
- Jonathan.
Please, doctor.
Well, if you'll follow me.
I'll let you look at our babies.
Oh, Jonathan.
Why, hello blue-eyes.
What happened to your hair?
It's time you were weaned and
given the run of the range.
Oh, they're all adorable.
- Don't touch the children, please.
Ah, that's what they need. Someone
like her to love them and kiss them.
That's no way to hold a baby.
What the cattlemen out my way
wouldn't give to have you around.
Any reduction if I take the whole herd?
You can't even take one without
the proper adoption papers.
I haven't seen any brand on them.
Where's your bill of sale?
I told you not to mind him, doctor.
He's frustrated.
If we pay the adoption costs...
And leave you money to cover the expense
of taking the necessary steps required.
Don't get me wrong, sir.
I feel sure this lady is an investigator
for a busybody humane society.
That she brought you along as a stooge.
Out of respect for this man's sincerity
and his obvious wholesomeness...
You are both free to go,
before I call the police.
Is what he says true?
Are you working for the police?
Well, in a way I am.
Can you prove it?
Here is a fire pass, a police card
and the rest of my credentials.
Now let's see your doctor's papers.
Well, if you'll come with me I'll
be glad to show you my credentials.
This way, sir.
They have a car waiting outside.
- I'll take care of it.
Operator, get me the police.
You lousy little rat, you.
What are you trying to do, murder her?
- Come on, get her up here.
Well, what's the matter, kids?
Now brown-eyes, take it easy.
Everything is going to be fine.
Look, girls. I can't leave you here.
I know of three other kids that were
fished out of a joint like this.
[ Buzzer ]
What do you say we all stick together?
That's the girl.
Alright boys.
Why, Williams.
That preposterous doctor sir,
tried to sell us a load of clams.
So we had to leave, Mr Jonathan.
Then we took the liberty of assuming
you would be leaving by the back way.
Good point.
What have you in the basket, sir?
Babies, Williams. Babies.
- In the plural?
I've suddenly become the
father of three children.
Take a look upstairs, Paul.
- Yes, sir.
Find the light switch.
Quick, Williams. Let's get out of here.
- Certainly, sir. We can take a powder.
What happened to you?
What happened to you, Miss?
I came here to investigate
a baby racket.
All on your own?
Has someone looked after the babies?
You're the only baby around here.
We found these two runners
down the street, Sergeant.
We thought you may want to talk to them.
That heel.
That cheap heel stole my babies.
Miss Matilda, it's been
an hour and a half.
My grandchildren will never forgive
me if I don't help them trim the tree.
You can't go until my three boys arrive.
I am sure of that.
- Phillip.
You must take good care of your aunt
Matilda in this terrible disappointment.
Sometime after the holidays.
We will...
I got here, Mom.
Oh that's nothing, Mom.
I just cut myself while shaving.
There is just no knowing what my
boy has been through to get here.
Mom, let's not stand here on the
sidewalk. Let's go into the saloon.
A real Merry Christmas to you.
Same to you, Phillip.
I have a charming
interest in this youngster.
Will someone tell me what
I'm to do with it next?
Let me have it.
What do you think of
the family? All girls.
Wonderful, Jonathan. Wonderful.
- Yes, ma'am.
You must go to the drugstore to get some
formula and nursing bottles right away.
Oh, sweetheart.
And Edith, you sterilise
those bottles thoroughly.
We'll put them right to bed
upstairs in the old nursery.
It will be like old times.
Except there will be three
little fillies in the old corral.
Sorry I'm late, Mom. But I had to swing
my rope round those three little strays.
Jonathan, this is Judge Alston.
It's not the first time I've been
face to face with a judge.
Now tell us all about your
three lovely little girls.
Well, Mom. It was this way.
The only woman I ever loved
was a girl named Tricky.
She got killed bulldogging a
steer at the Pendleton Round-Up.
And when I went to bury her.
My shovel hit a goldmine.
A vein of pure ore.
Three feet thick.
Now I've struck it rich and got
me a big 30-room house I...
Well, I don't want to get lonesome
so I arranged to pick up...
Ten or fifteen head of children.
Orphan children.
- Orphan children.
Have you the proper adoption
papers for these children?
Can't they grow up without them?
I am very happy one
of your sons got here.
But madam, now I must be going.
There he is.
Still wearing those
phony cowboy clothes.
Where's my babies?
Aren't you interested in me
with my skull broken open?
Aren't you Isaiah Bradford's
Miss Matilda, I'm sorry to intrude...
- Jean, are you mixed up in this?
Glad you're on their
trail too, Judge Alston.
There is the meanest man in the world.
A baby thief.
- Now look here, Jean.
The Judge knows all
about my coming here...
To adopt a small herd of children
to take to my place out west.
Why, you're not going to
believe that, Judge Alston?
You weren't even thinking of
babies when I picked you up.
Why honey, you didn't pick me up.
I just took you along for the ride.
Going up there to pick up a few little
mavericks and put my brand on them.
Just out of gratitude for the way aunt
Matilda raised her three little strays.
Tell this madman, Judge,
they are my babies.
I need them for evidence.
- Evidence? What evidence?
I was on an assignment for
the Welfare Association.
Adopt a child, pay for it.
And crack open that phony
baby adoption racket.
But I needed a husband.
And he looked so big and strong and...
Where are my babies?
They're safe in bed
upstairs in the nursery.
Thank you for bringing them here.
Sorry if I was a little
rough on you but...
You see, it just so happens
that I am interested in babies.
Ma'am. If you're that much interested
in babies, it's time we got acquainted.
You see how it is, Judge?
And he's the best of the three.
Now look, Miss. You have
got to make up your mind.
I have.
The babies. What about the babies?
The whole thing is in Judge
Alston's hands now, Sergeant.
They're nuts. Just plain nuts.
I beg your pardon?
Why not go in where it's warm
with the rest of the screwballs?
Because I like it here.
I waited to see if you'd show up.
You bingo player.
Now, Ann. Not in front
of aunt Matilda's house.
Aunt Matilda?
Haven't you done enough damage?
If you go in there you
will ruin the old lady.
Besides, they'll throw the book at you.
Book or no book, it's Christmas Eve.
If you go in, I'll tear you to pieces.
- Alright, tear me to pieces.
But in here where it's warm.
Mr Michael.
Miss Reed, I am very sorry
but I can't wait any longer.
But you've only seen one of my boys and
you promised to meet all three of them.
But, madam.
It's Michael.
I hope you don't mind my muscling in.
Judge Alston.
This is Michael, my second son.
Sorry I am late, sir.
Merry Christmas, Phillip.
I didn't think you would have the nerve.
And you, my dear?
- I'm Ann Nelson.
I came here because...
Because Ann is my fiance.
Yes. I asked her to marry
me in Phillip's office.
And very good stock too.
We need new blood in the family.
In fact... Phillip.
You didn't tell me you had seen Michael.
I didn't want to break
your heart, aunt Matilda.
He bilked me out of $10,000 cash.
Besides quoting $75,000 worth of rubber.
Yeah, and speaking of rubber.
Have you still got that factory
3,000 miles up the Amazon...
And that Rayon plant in Canada?
You know, I spent $10,000
trying to find those.
Phillip, you should be ashamed of
stealing money from aunt Matilda.
I want you to stop it.
There is no Rayon factory in Canada.
And there's no rubber plantation.
I've known what Phillip
was doing all the time.
But it's none of your business.
That's right, aunt Matilda.
Make Michael stop picking on me.
Judge Alston.
If Phillip had the ability
to go out in the world...
And make his own way.
As my three boys have done.
I wouldn't kick up all this fuss
about turning everything over to him.
Gee, I'm glad you made it.
Look what I collected on the way.
This is my son Michael.
Oh. How do you do?
Miss Nelson - Miss Bradford.
- Why, you are just a baby.
We have three children upstairs.
Do you hear that music?
What music?
How Mario loves that song.
Aunt Matilda sometimes has
bells ringing in her head.
Mario is here.
[ Church bells ringing ]
I suppose I don't hear
church bells either?
Yes. Now you do.
I'll go and meet Mario myself.
I'm beginning to think
you all need guardians.
[ Church bells ringing ]
Mr Mario.
Merry Christmas, Williams.
Thank you, sir.
I figured you would
head straight for here.
You took an awful chance, Mario.
Let's go.
A little later.
It's Christmas Eve.
Come on in. I want you
to meet a great lady.
How are you, beautiful?
You came here.
You came to me in
spite of all the obstacles.
Let me look at you.
How are you, darling Mario?
I couldn't be better.
How are you? That's the thing.
Just fine.
I am Joe Bland, Miss Reed.
My partner wanted me to meet you.
But we have to leave
for Washington tonight.
It was very good of
you to come, Mr Bland.
Won't you please join us?
- Thank you.
I didn't think he would dare.
Hello, Phillip.
Judge Alston, this is my son Mario.
How do you do?
- How do you do, sir.
And look who's here.
- Jonathan.
Glad to see you.
- Glad so see you.
Mario, I want you to meet Jean.
How do you do?
Well Johnny, you still
got an eye for them.
He's just wearing blinders tomorrow.
Good to see you, Mario.
- How are you?
This is Ann, the future Mrs Brooks.
- It's a pleasure.
Shall we all have some Christmas cheer?
Children, this is Mr Bland.
How do you do?
Mario, Williams made this punch from
the fine New Orleans recipe you sent me.
Yes, Mario. This is one of your
memories of New Orleans.
A pleasant one for a change.
But I have evidence here.
Of some unpleasant memories.
Oh yes.
Phillip has always
kept close tabs on me.
Come, come, children. Please.
This is Christmas Eve.
And my dream has come true.
All three of my boys are here, and...
And here is the Christmas punch.
I'd like to talk to you, Phillip. Now.
Judge Alston, you know that diploma
I got from the Scrub Women was...
For giving them six little club houses.
- Is that so?
Well. I am going to give them six more.
Merry Christmas everybody.
- Merry Christmas.
- Shut up.
Phillip, ten years ago I took a rap for
you for that deal in New Orleans.
But Mario...
- You ran out on me.
You left me holding the dirty end of a
deal I didn't even know you made.
You had aunt Matilda
right in the middle of it.
But Mario, aunt Matilda...
- Yes, aunt Matilda.
But I made it my business go get
back here in time to stop you.
But you're not going to turn me in now?
I wouldn't let you hurt her 10 years ago
and I'm not letting you hurt her now.
I'm not going to turn you in.
Thank you, Mario. I knew you wouldn't.
Phillip, we're both
leaving town tonight.
You are going first.
Where is your hat and coat?
And I still don't see how my
partner ever got out of it alive.
It was really the most...
Sorry mother, but Phillip was
called away unexpectedly.
Well, I must run along.
Goodnight and Merry Christmas.
- Goodnight, Mr Bland.
And thank you.
I'll pick you later, fellah.
- I'll be here.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Mr Bland has told us all about Mario.
And Jonathan lives in a goldmine.
And Michael has found
himself a fine wife.
And now I want to wish a
very wonderful old lady...
A Merry Christmas.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much and the
same to you, Judge Alston.
Goodnight, all.
- Goodnight.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
A broken-down rodeo rider.
Who had to sell his saddle
to buy a Christmas dinner.
And a Beau Brummell.
Who will probably wind up in a garret.
Just as the original playboy did.
And a very important
man from South America.
On his way to Washington.
To close the biggest deal of his life.
I told my partner he'd
meet a great lady.
Dinner is served.
Thank you, Williams.
Well, run along children. Run along.
You heard what Williams said.
I know now, Mario.
That you covered up for
Phillip in New Orleans.
But I am sure everything is
going to turn out right.
Mario, dear.
And children, a toast.
Merry Christmas to my sons.
To my daughters.
To my grandchildren.
A Merry Christmas to all.