Christmas for Sale (2021) Movie Script

Oh, hey.
What are you doing here?
I let myself in.
You don't live here anymore.
I know, but you told me
to get my things
from the house,
so that's what I'm doing.
That was six months ago
when we broke up.
You don't have anything
else here, I checked.
You know, I thought
about the same thing
and then I remembered...
Since when do you
even like Christmas?
You know, it's not me.
I don't.
It's Bianca.
She's my fiance.
Yeah, I know you're
engaged, Alex.
Ah, she loves, loves Christmas.
Oh, ooh, yay.
- Yeah, she does.
- Fun days...
Oh, good.
- Yeah, she does.
- Great.
You know what she did?
- Hmm?
- She got us a vacay
during the holidays.
- No!
- Yeah.
- Can you believe it?
- No.
She completes me so much.
- Oh...
- Yeah, she completes me.
- Oh!
- Oh, my goodness.
Great, take whatever
you need, take everything.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
I think, uh, I think that's it.
Good, okay, great.
Get out.
Merry Christmas.
I just...
- Happy holidays.
- Gotta get ready.
- You know, so out you go.
- That's... Yeah.
- And you know what,
actually, hey.
- Hmm?
I want to say thank you
for being everything
- that you've been.
- No, that is mine.
- Okay.
- I think that's...
Just so understanding
of our situation, you know.
- Uh-huh...
- I know when couples
tend to break up,
especially on the terms
that we did,
they're usually
at each other's necks,
like, you know...
Yeah. Oh, yeah, no.
Especially when your boyfriend
of five years breaks up with you
to find himself
and then gets engaged
six months later.
- Yes.
- A lot.
Yeah. See, exactly.
- Yeah.
- And that's why you're cool.
Yeah, right,
I'm a super cool ex-girlfriend.
I guess I'd have
to be, you know,
'cause I just wanna,
ahhh, kill you,
'cause, you know, you got
engaged on our anniversary.
- Yeah, but you're the best.
- Hmm...
- Out, out. Okay, bye! Bye!
- Okay. Bye.
Yeah, thank you.
Alex, put that back.
Okay, thank you.
I'm going back to bed.
Hello, answer the phone, sis.
I know you're up, Terri.
I know you're up,
answer the phone.
Terri, sis, come on.
I don't want to talk.
Not now, not ever.
What time is it?
Oh, my...
Sis, you and Alex
were not meant to be.
I mean, come on,
he ordered cooked fish
at a sushi restaurant.
Shauna, please, just let me
lay here and wither.
I just want to wither.
Terri, you're beautiful,
supermodel gorgeous,
pre-Botox, impeccable skin,
with a heart like Mother Teresa.
You can do this.
Get up,
get out of the house.
We have a business to save.
I can't do this without you.
I don't want to run a business.
I don't want to leave the house.
I just want to go
live in a monastery.
I think you mean convent.
Oh, that Trinity School
education is really kicking in.
Daddy would be so proud.
I miss Daddy.
I wish he was here.
Daddy's always
here with us, sis.
He's always looking down.
And if he was here,
what would he say?
He would say I was his sunshine.
And not to cry because
joy cometh in the morning.
Amen, sis.
How are you?
Well, not good.
We're not good.
We have not had a new client
in six months.
Not sold anything in months.
I'm terrified we're
going to lose everything.
We need our star back.
I wish I could be there for you.
I want... I want to...
I just...
I need you, Terri.
I need your help.
Dad left this business
to the both of us, not just me.
Plus, you're the best
real estate agent ever.
You could sell ice to an Eskimo.
It's true.
And I need you to use
all those skills like right now.
T, you remember Claudia?
The girl in our hot yoga class?
I did not, no.
Well, she just gave me
the juiciest tidbit
of information.
Get this.
George Camden.
George Camden, Black
billionaire hedge fund dude?
Yep. It seems like
George caught
his lovely wife
doing the backstroke
with the pool boy.
It was a huge scandal
and created
a big wave
in the financial industry.
This is not Page Six.
What does this
have to do with me?
Well, he owns a magnificent
penthouse on Park Ave.
And he'd like to dump it,
quick, before the divorce.
He doesn't know it yet,
but he needs the service
of Manhattan's
best real estate broker
before the judge offloads it
to his wife and Mr. Phelps.
Okay, so what do we do?
How do we get him?
Well, that's where I need you.
I need your ice selling skills
and your perfect form
doing the downward dog.
Yes, sis.
He attends Claudia's class
on East 39th
faithfully every Tuesday
for the past eight years.
He's not going to talk to me.
What did Dad say?
Make opportunities.
So whatever you have to do,
we need that commission.
How am I supposed to do that?
How am I supposed to get him?
Heh. Again, I thought
you'd never ask.
I traded my hair appointment
with Bronte,
the diamond district diva,
who was literally booked
a year out with Claudia.
In advance, she accidentally
double booked
you and our billionaire
boy wonder
in one private session together.
The depths of your deception
never cease to amaze me.
Bronte's had eyes
for my trainer Jacques
for two years.
A blind date is currency
exchange in these times.
I'm a business woman.
I really, I don't care
and I don't want to know.
Tuesday, 8:00 a.m.
And whatever it is,
it better be tight.
Come on!
Bye, love you.
Man, can't even work out.
Yes, Vivian.
I'm in yoga, same as every week.
Why, why do you ask?
Okay, I don't have time
for this right now.
Shake it off, shake it off.
Having a stroke?
Heh! I'm not really sure what
you're trying to do there.
No, no, I'm just...
Just a little stressed.
And besides, it seems like
my yoga instructor
isn't here yet, so yeah.
Well, then I guess
I'm just on time.
Yeah, you are.
You want me to help or...?
By all means,
you can help, yeah.
- You know what, so if you, um...
- Whoa.
- I was gonna show you
warrior pose.
- Okay.
Um, if you just put
your leg out in front...
It's very good
for stress relief.
If you just push down
on your shoulders.
- Okay.
- Yeah, oh, okay.
- Need a little challenge.
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh, if you've got that,
then you come up
to your front leg and pick up
the back one.
- All right.
- Yeah.
- Ooh.
- Tip forward... Oh.
Okay, you're a pro.
- Ooh. Whoa. No, not a pro...
- Excuse me.
But you'd at least think
I'd be halfway decent
with all the money I've spent
on these private lessons.
Ah. Yeah.
Do you know where Claudia is?
- She's usually never late.
- No, I... Oh, my gosh!
- It's my first day.
- Are you okay?
You all right?
- Um, yeah.
- Whoa.
All right.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I am sorry about that.
- No problem.
For being in your space.
Yeah, the...
Um, it's all right, yeah.
- It's your space.
- A lot better than...
the assistant
she had before,
that's for sure.
Oh. No, I'm...
I'm not the assistant.
Sorry I'm late.
- Hey, there she is.
- I'm never...
never, never late.
Yeah, she's never late.
George, I'm so sorry.
Let me set my things down
and I'll be right with you.
Again, I'm so sorry,
this never happens.
No, no problem, it's fine.
See, your assistant's been
very helpful and kind.
I'll say.
Vivian, what are you doing here?
Stopping you from making
the biggest mistake
of your life.
Ladies, I'm so sorry. Sorry.
Look, you're
too late, all right?
It's over.
- Oh, no, not that.
- What?
You've reduced the spending
limit on my credit card.
- It's Christmas,
for crying out loud.
- Are you kidding me?
I'm not gonna have these
talks with you, all right?
You cheated on me, remember?
It always has
to go back to that.
Can we stop living in the past?
That was weeks ago.
I have nothing more
to say to you.
If you don't like the way
the proceedings are going,
then have your lawyers
talk to my lawyers.
Heh, well, funny you say that.
You've got some nerve
to hand somebody...
Are you insane?
Why does everyone keep
saying that about me?
- Maybe you are.
- Yeah. Heh.
Is this a conversation
you two wanna have in private?
- Mm-hmm.
- We're fine, thank you though.
Look, you're the one
that filed the injunction on me
to have me to stop
from moving my money.
It's our money.
No, no, no, no,
this is my money.
I just...
Keep it.
See, that's your problem.
You've lost touch with reality.
This is real life,
not an episode of Good Times.
How do you expect someone
to live off of $12,000 a day?
- Are you kidding me?
- It's Christmas!
- Get out of here.
- Fix it.
We need the entire team.
We're going to go full war room.
I need the entire team.
Yeah... No, this is priority.
I need a plan
to end this
once and for all.
Yeah, I need it done
within 48 hours.
No, Vivian's gone way
too far this time.
All right.
Thank you.
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
This is very stressful
and I really
don't wanna be stressed.
Is it possible I could have
both of you there, yes?
We'll be there.
Okay, thank you.
I appreciate it.
Thanks again, I'm sorry.
And thank you as well,
and Merry Christmas to you both.
- Merry Christmas.
- I...
What was that? Heh.
It's complicated.
What's complicated?
In my defense,
he's a billionaire
and you don't say
no to a billionaire,
especially with the rent
prices of this place.
Okay, what?
Heh. What's going on?
You helped him, I guess?
Oh. Okay.
And he thinks
you're my assistant.
- I'm not your assistant.
- Okay, but I need you to be.
George Camden is
assembling a war room
to bring down his wife.
He's talking lawyers,
a PR team, a tech department,
health and wellness.
Health and wellness?
That'll be us.
And he only wants me there
because he wants you there.
So I really need you there.
What... Me? Where?
And I need this job,
so you need to learn yoga.
I hate yoga.
Oh, my God,
I'm gonna kill Shauna.
No, I can't do it, I...
You should've seen her.
She's like...
Jessica Rabbit came to life
and walked into the yoga studio.
Well, you better double up
on your air squats,
bat your little eyes,
and tap dance
like Sammy Davis Jr.
On the Vegas strip.
Whatever it takes,
we need this listing.
We have minus $14.07
in our bank account.
The bum on the side
of the street
that I just passed
has more than us.
And he's at zero.
Let's go.
Uh-uh. No, I can't,
I can't do it.
Terri, please.
You have to.
I don't think
we're going to make it.
I've literally done
everything I can.
I've called everyone
that I know.
He thinks I am
a yoga instructor.
This is better
than we can ever imagine, sis.
How is this a good scenario?
He's got an emergency meeting
at the Deer Lodge Resort
to finalize
his divorce proceedings.
He's literally going
to divide his kingdom.
We need somebody
on the inside and you're it.
You'll have untethered access
to his most vulnerable moments.
Untethered access
as a yoga instructor,
not as a real estate agent.
We'll figure that part out.
Right now, you need to pack.
Oh, my God, you are
so the evil sister.
I'll do an evil laugh,
but this is serious.
This can really work.
No. No.
I should have walked in
and given him my business card.
Hello, how are you?
Here's the card.
That's it.
Why did I have to be helpful?
Which makes you the good sister.
So go be the good sister
that you are and save
our jobs and apartments
and everyone that works for us.
That, that was
spot on, that was a good one.
Seriously, sis, we need this.
Shauna, there are too many
things that could go wrong.
I'm sorry,
there will be other listings.
Not like this one.
This one listing
puts us back on top,
covers all of our bills,
all of our debt,
and can even give some loyal
employees a Christmas bonus.
You know, that's
the other thing...
it's Christmas.
Who hauls their staff away
this close to Christmas?
I mean, who is this guy,
Ebenezer Scrooge?
Well, show up as the Ghost
of Christmas Real Estate,
but get that listing.
George Camden thinks
I am a yoga instructor.
How many yoga instructors
do you know
that land multi-million
dollar listings, Shauna?
I told you,
we'll figure that part out.
This is a stupid idea, no.
What is that?
What are you showing me?
That's our debt.
You see what I just sent you?
Is...? Is that...?
Our business account.
And that's a negative sign.
I'll go pack.
I'm packing.
I'll go pack. I'm going.
I'm doing this,
I'm going, I'm packing.
Just going to be
a yoga instructor.
Welcome to
the Deer Lodge Resort.
Don't be alarmed,
your TV is on a motion sensor.
Be excited about all
the amazing things you can do
during your stay here.
Hi, I'm Marvin,
and this is
the Deer Lodge Resort,
Santa's home away from home.
He and Mrs. Santa
come for the skiing,
but they stay
for the magical environment.
This is our most romantic
time of the year.
We're completely
booked up because of
all the love in the air.
So whether you are looking
to sit by the fire
-and sip some hot chocolate
with that special someone...
- No. No.
- Or if you'd like to
take a long romantic walk...
- No. Not gonna...
we've got what
you're looking for.
Perhaps you'd like
to get a couples massage
or rev up the romance
and hit the slopes.
We've got what you're looking...
We'll let you know exactly
what we can do to help you...
Or maybe I'm not interested
in any of that, Marvin,
because love
doesn't exist, okay?
And all I do is lie
to everyone anyway.
Did you ever think
about that, Marvin, hmm?
Coming. I'm coming.
You must be Terri McKenzie.
How did you know that?
We know all sorts of things.
That's not creepy. Heh.
Most importantly, you're here
for the George Camden retreat.
- Yes.
- I'm Marvin.
I'm the head bellhop here
at the Deer Lodge Resort.
I just wanted
to personally welcome you.
- Again.
- I'm sorry?
- Hmm?
- Hmm?
No, nothing. Um...
I think you were
saying something?
I was saying that I hope
that you're finding
everything to your liking.
Now, how are you enjoying
your stay so far?
This is a magical place.
- So I've heard. Heh.
- You heard right!
Gosh, you're
just like a little human
espresso machine, aren't you?
And you're here at the most
romantic place on earth alone.
- Right?
- Uh...
There's only two people
that are single
- staying at the entire resort.
- This is a work trip.
It's business.
Speaking of which,
I have something for you.
Here are your accommodations
for this weekend's activities.
Thank you.
"Yoga instructor."
Yoga instructor.
See, that's, that's me.
Nice to meet you.
Now, is there anything
I can do for you?
Yes, yes.
It is a little bit cold in here
and, actually, they made me
leave all of my luggage
at the car.
Your things will be
up here shortly.
Now, if there's anything
that we can do
to accommodate you,
my staff will stop at nothing,
so do not hesitate to call.
I will not dare. Heh.
I will call.
Will do, thank you.
I had to leave my purse
in the rental... everything is...
Of course they did.
Well, you have yourself
a nice day now.
A meet and greet today at...
Okay, okay.
I'm late.
To my very first meeting.
Oh, God.
Shauna's going to kill me.
I can do it.
Okay, I can do it.
No, I... need a second.
'Cause I'm late.
It's probably...
It's probably too late.
I am a yoga instructor.
I do yoga.
I'm going.
I can't do this.
This is such a crazy idea.
Okay, okay.
Okay, I'm just...
Go, why would I be...?
Excuse me, hello.
Oh, are you okay?
You're the yoga
assistant, correct?
Yeah, just, um,
practicing my Zen poses.
I see.
Well, come on up, come on in.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, uh-huh.
Heh. Namaste.
- Hey. Yeah.
- Come on up.
Whoa, whoa.
Nice to meet you.
- Or see you again, I should say.
- Yeah...
- see you again.
- Heh. Yeah.
- This way?
- This way.
Well, I really do
appreciate you stopping by.
The actual war room doesn't
start till tomorrow though.
Oh, but the itinerary said
that there was a meet and greet.
That's just an excuse
to get people here
a day early
so they can settle in.
My staff and crew work
pretty hard for me,
as you probably know,
and sometimes on a whim.
Like to give them a chance
to settle in with their family
and loved ones,
take a view of the entire place.
But no one seemed to come
to the meet and greet.
It's not because
I'm an Ebenezer Scrooge.
- Oh, heh, wow.
- Oh, God.
I was, um...
You know what, I'm going
to get out of your hair.
I've definitely embarrassed
myself enough for today.
Well, I'll definitely
remember to...
And you're, uh...?
You're, uh...?
Are you sure that I, um...
- Your...
- Oh!
I'm Terri actually,
not that you would know
from that. Heh.
Yeah, I'll make sure
we get you another one of these.
At least I know the next time
I have a meet and greet,
one person will show up.
And by all means,
bring your boyfriend.
I'll set out wine,
crackers, and cheese,
and you guys can have
the whole run of the place.
- No boyfriend, just me.
- Oh, really?
- Mmm.
- I don't find too many people
that come up here alone.
This place is magical.
Yeah, I've heard a lot
about the magic and...
I'm sorry, I'm gonna
see you tomorrow.
Okay, all right.
Hey, and, um, I'll be here.
But one question,
if you didn't mind.
- Yeah.
- Do you ski?
I'm Black.
- So there's that.
- There you go.
Well, the fact is
that you're here alone,
and, technically,
you still have more time
with the meet and greet,
so would you like to learn?
You're a very hard man
to say no to.
Well, that sounds like a plan.
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- Jinx. Heh.
- Yeah. Heh.
Right this way.
Be careful of the stairs.
Okay, so they just close
ski lifts to civilians?
Private lessons.
Should we go around
again, or...?
Uh, we can, or we can, uh...
Or we can just
sit here and talk.
That okay with you?
All right.
So what's on your mind?
If you had told me last week
that I would be at a ski resort
with George Camden,
I wouldn't have believed you
in a billion years.
Well, if you would've told me
that I would've
have been fighting
to keep my finances
from my cheating ex-wife
so close to Christmas,
I would have said that, uh...
Ah, I guess that wasn't,
that isn't too hard
to believe, after all.
So why here?
And not at one of your skyrises
or an exotic beach somewhere?
Well, I think
you've seen Vivian.
She's a disruptor.
She cheated on me
and there's already
12 articles in the newspaper.
She's going
to contest the prenup,
then she's going
to contest half,
and then she's going
to protest getting it all.
Is that even possible?
Yeah, well, I'm not
going to wait to find out.
- I have to move now, so...
- Hey, everything is...
No, really, everything
is going to work out.
- Here, look at me.
- We'll see.
Um, you should close your eyes
and take a few deep
breaths from here.
Good, good.
- That felt great.
- Feel better?
Yeah, I do, thank you.
So, why fight with her?
You don't really
seem like the type
that cares about money.
I'm a billionaire, Terri.
When people look at me,
they see money.
What do you see?
Just a kid from Queens.
I did people's math homework
to keep 'em from beating
me up, that's all.
I don't know how
to date supermodels
or live this public
relationship life
I've been thrusted into.
Then what is this all about?
She manipulated me.
I'm never going to let anyone
use me like that again.
She didn't love me.
And this may sound silly,
but, uh...
fighting for true love,
whoever that is,
she at least deserves that.
My future kids deserve that.
You can make more money
and buy more penthouses.
I bought that penthouse
to raise a family.
It's the same building
my mother used to clean.
You know, I used to have
conversations with...
her wanting to provide
such opportunities for her kids.
I just wish she could see
how well her son was
doing now, you know?
If Vivian gets that penthouse,
all she's going
to do is rent it out
for Instagram photo shoots.
I'd rather give it
to a deserving family
than have it rack up emojis
and likes on IG.
That's... No.
You're romantic.
You are.
- Stop it.
- Hmm.
I'm also a terrible skier,
so I hope
you are ready. Heh.
You invited me!
- Hey, it's...
- Are you being serious?
I'm very serious.
- You're joking.
- No.
- I don't know what I'm doing.
- I don't either.
We'll learn together.
- Oh, no.
- Yes.
How do you get off
of this thing?
- All right, it's time.
- Okay.
- Stand up, right?
- You don't even know.
I'm telling you,
I at least know this part.
- You stand up...
- Okay, stand up.
Then you lean forward
and just go.
- Ah, yeah, all right.
- This is beautiful.
I like it, this is nice.
It's beautiful.
So what time is this lesson?
Well, we are
a bit early, so, uh...
This is the place
he told us to meet,
so I'm pretty sure
he'll be here soon.
Heh. What?
Oh, no, it's just funny.
The three times we've
bumped into each other,
I was either on time,
late, and now we're early.
Maybe it's fate.
Hey, hey.
- Hey, there he is.
- Is...?
That's the ski instructor,
the bellhop guy?
You know, your guess is
as good as mine.
I don't know.
He doesn't seem
like he knows what he's doing.
I... No. Oh...
I'm okay!
I think we're in trouble.
I'm alive!
Looking good.
Look, we can just back out.
That's a big hill.
Um, again, Black.
Not gonna be mad
about skipping that.
Let's go.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, come on.
Oh, thank you.
All right.
Hey, dude!
You guys here for
the beginner lessons?
I thought you said this
was a private lesson.
No, it is a private lesson.
It's a maximum of two couples.
Just because I don't like crowds
doesn't mean
I don't like people.
Hey, we were just leaving.
We were just about to leave.
No, heh, you can't leave.
You can't fully
appreciate Deer Lodge
without experiencing the slopes.
This is Santa Claus'
favorite mountain.
Rumor has it he learned
to ski in this very spot.
Only way back to the ski lodge,
down that hill.
- Oh, boy.
- You guys should stay.
You're such a cute couple.
- Oh, thank you.
- Not as cute as us, baby.
I love you so much.
- Maybe we should just stay.
- I love you, sweetheart.
- We're already here.
- Oh, I love you.
Oh, come on. Come on.
Oh, gosh.
I'm Alex and this is Bianca.
Oh, I'm Bianca Harris,
but soon to be
Mrs. Bianca Wright.
Oh, yeah,
under the glove,
I see, right on.
I'm George Camden,
nice to meet you.
This is...
You're George Camden?
Uh, yeah. Heh.
Is that Vivian Camden?
- Oh, my God. Vivian?
- No.
- Dude, are you famous?
- No.
Well, if it's not football
or a Will Smith movie,
then I'm lost, bro,
you know what I'm saying.
Are you guys trying
to work it out?
Oh, my God, that is so cute.
No, that's not...
- It's so cute.
- Uh, no.
They think that you...
- Yeah. Totally, yeah.
- Vivian, I am such a huge fan.
Viv... Oh, my God.
Oh, hey, hey.
Oh, wait, whoa... Hey, whoa!
Wait! Wait!
Oh, my gosh.
I thought we were going
together, come on.
Wait! Hold on...
Just wait.
Wait, I haven't gone
through the waiver yet.
I have an entire speech prepared
on the history of this slope.
I hope this won't
reflect negatively
on the customer
satisfaction survey.
Don't panic.
Nobody panic.
Everything's fine.
Come back!
You're not even supposed
to be down there yet!
Okay, okay. No, no.
Oh, slow.
You're supposed to... Agh!
You all right?
You okay? Heh.
Let's do that again.
Give me five minutes,
I'm gonna head...
Catches up with ya.
- Ah. Ah.
- Yes.
Well, so much for Black
girls that can't ski, right?
- That was amazing!
- That was.
- I'm a professional.
- Yes.
The smallest hill
on the entire slope,
but it was still cool.
And you can never
say that again.
- Yeah!
- And that would be just...
- No...
- I feel like I did it.
- We're good, we did it.
- I'm done.
All right.
Let's get out of here.
- Okay.
- Let's go home.
Oh, baby, I love you.
I love you too.
Don't let me fall.
I won't, not like that.
Oh, be there, baby.
- Yes!
- Namaste!
I don't even
know why we're laughing.
I could have died.
You couldn't have.
You don't have to walk me
back to my cabin, you know.
Well, for the next 48 hours,
you're on payroll.
From what I've seen, you are
definitely an insurance risk.
Okay, I don't think
you're getting
like the full picture
of who I really am.
- Really?
- Mmm.
Well, from what I've seen
thus far, you are amazing.
Don't think I've ever met
a yoga instructor
quite like you.
Ah, yes.
Well, I am
an amazing yoga instructor.
Right this way,
Miss Amazing Yoga Instructor.
This door.
Oh, wow.
Whew, it is freezing in here.
Goodness gracious.
You sure like it cold, huh?
Definitely do not.
I think it's broken.
- Oh.
- Oh, my goodness.
What a day this is
turning out to be.
Hey, I'll tell you what,
I can call the front desk,
see if they can get
you another room.
Well, the bellhop slash
ski instructor guy said
they're totally sold out.
In fact, there are only
two single people staying
in the whole resort.
Well, um, there's got to be
some way that I can help.
There's gotta be
somewhere else
you could stay.
Or maybe that works?
That was the way I can help.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Oh, please, I wouldn't
know what to do with that.
I'll figure it out.
Ah, let's see.
Well, I have good
news and I have bad news.
Oh, all right. Ah.
So what's the good news?
The heat will be
back on in two hours.
- Oh, that's what
I'm talking about.
- Yes.
Bad news?
- My luggage.
- No!
Somehow between the car
and the cabin, they lost it.
- They don't know where it is.
- Are you kidding me?
- How is that even possible?
- Have you met me?
George, that's like probable.
- After you, by all means.
- Oh.
- Yeah, ladies first, right?
- Yeah.
No, it's fine.
I'm gonna call my sister,
have her wire me some cash.
You know, I'm sure
the souvenir shop has
- like the coolest mom jeans.
- Right.
Oh, I've heard
the Deer Lodge sweatshirt's
like to die for, so...
Well, you know,
if I had my laptop,
I'd go to their website
and check right now.
Yeah, I think it's a sign.
I need a new wardrobe...
I've been a bit
of a sweatpants
and fluffy slippers
kind of girl.
- I get it, I get it, yeah.
- Yeah.
Mmm. It's nothing.
- What are you laughing at?
- It's you.
- Me... You're laughing at me?
- No.
I've never seen
someone roll with the punches
as well as you do.
How do you do it?
I think I've just had
a lot of practice.
Thank you, I really appreciate
you starting the fire for me.
I'm sure you have like
a thousand things to do.
- Oh, no.
- I'll be fine.
You know what, actually,
that is very kind of you.
Do you mind?
Just a quick check.
Is that all right?
Thank you for that.
Wasn't expecting
that many calls.
Anything important?
Uh... no.
Nothing my lawyers can't handle.
Ah, you know...
Yeah, I could tell you're
kicking me out, it's all right.
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
- Oh.
- It's all right.
You could at least
finish your cocoa.
I mean, it's kind of
the perfect setting.
Well, I can't say I don't agree.
- It is a cocoa moment.
- Mmm.
I mean, this moment
could be on the box.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
It really could.
I'd buy anything
you were selling.
I'll be right back.
Oh, well, you'll be back?
Why am I just now
hearing from you?
Things must be going well.
A little too well.
I don't think we should do this.
Is he not
putting the penthouse
on the market anymore?
He's definitely putting
the penthouse on the market.
So what's the problem?
He thinks I'm a yoga instructor.
Just tell him
that your sister, me,
the one who is doing
everything in her power
to keep this business afloat,
is in real estate.
You're already in good with him.
Just make the referral
and I'll close the deal.
It's not that easy. I...
I just, like
a small itty, itty-bitty...
I think I like him.
You said love was for suckers.
Never said anything
about a budding connection.
We need this.
I can't. I can't.
He's been hurt
and used before and I just,
I don't want to do it like this.
I feel bad and excited
for you all at the same time.
But right now,
being broke trumps all of that.
We need this.
You know I wouldn't ask you
if we didn't really need it.
Fine. Fine.
Call you when it's finished.
Love you.
Ah. Sorry, my sister's
a bit of a chatty Cathy.
No, it's-it's fine.
I should really get going.
I did finish
the cocoa, so you know.
Oh. Yeah.
But what happens
if the fire goes out
before the heat comes back on?
You know, I could throw
some more logs on the fire
if you'd like,
yeah, by all means.
- Could you?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
I mean, the heat could
come back on any minute.
- It could... come back on.
- So maybe you should stay.
Yeah, I could stay
a little longer if you like.
Yeah, it could be any minute.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
So it's settled.
You want...
- What do you...?
- My place?
Do you have heat?
Oh, do I.
The best.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, I...
- I'm just going to change.
- Okay, that's fine, totally.
I'll change too,
when I get back over
- to my spot.
- Yeah.
You know what I mean?
All right, I'll see you
in a minute.
- I'll be back!
- Okay.
Everything in life...
Oh, my gosh.
Comes smooth and easy.
That boy good!
Has anybody ever told you
that you are a sore winner?
Just joking.
That was humble.
What are you talking about?
Oh, maybe in your tax bracket,
not in mine.
Oh, man.
Play another game?
Sure, why not?
Oh, I might like
getting whupped.
You know what?
- Rack 'em.
- What do you mean? I won.
Oh, okay, well,
I'm going first, so...
- Heh. Okay.
- Rack 'em.
Ladies first, all right.
Do you mind if
I ask you a question?
Is there any way I can stop you?
What happens after
this weekend is over?
What do you mean?
Well, you and your lawyers
find some clever way
to protect your money
in warp speed time,
and then what?
You hide all your assets
in offshore accounts or...?
Ah, you know,
someone has been watching
too many movies.
- Movies, Twitter, Tik Tok.
- Yeah.
These are my go-tos
for learning, in that order.
Come on, George,
you know what I'm saying.
What happens when this is over?
Are you going to downsize,
move back to Queens?
Don't really think
I want to stay in New York.
Think I want to downsize too.
Why do you ask?
Just didn't seem
like you really wanted
to sell your penthouse.
Maybe you should keep it.
Well, people like
my soon to be ex-wife,
only thing that makes
them happy is money,
so sooner I sell,
the faster
I can come to a settlement
and an agreement
and get her out of my life.
Just want this done, you know.
- Um, you're rich.
- Oh.
You probably have dozens
of properties you could sell.
- That is true.
- Mmm.
You are absolutely right.
I am rich.
But penthouse property,
that is the only one
I bought with my heart.
But it is my heart that got me
in this current situation.
it's a hot and sexy property.
My lawyers tell me that
if I put it on the market,
it should get an offer
within the hour.
Hour, please.
That place
will be gone in minutes.
The commission alone's
like winning the lottery.
Ah. Market-savvy
yoga instructor.
That's a first.
Yeah, no, I'm like full namaste.
- Oh, I see.
- Uh, my sister is a realtor
and, uh, she talks
about it all the time.
I think the lingo
is just, ahem,
rubbing off on me.
You should talk to her.
I mean, she probably knows
more about this stuff
than your lawyers do, right?
I don't know,
I'm just a yoga instructor.
Just a yoga instructor.
Ah, I'll tell you what.
Have her call
my office on Monday.
Just like that.
Just like that.
I trust you.
From the moment I saw you,
you made me feel at ease.
Never felt more like myself
until right now, with you.
Really raising the bar
for the next meet and greet.
Heh. Well, that's
my way to clear the way.
For the second date.
This is a date?
I don't know.
Tell me.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I don't know
what just happened.
Don't know what happened either.
I'm pretty sure you and me
were as close as one might...
Okay, can we just not...?
Can we just pretend it
didn't happen, George?
Just wait a second, wait.
Okay, if that's
how you want it.
That's what I want.
You know, because...
- I don't...
- Yeah.
I don't believe
in love at first sight.
- Oh?
- I'm jaded and I'm cynical.
- I don't even like romcoms.
- I see.
But this isn't
the first time we met,
so give yourself
a little wiggle room.
But duly noted.
The heat is on.
Yeah, it is.
In your room...
- Oh, my God.
- through the vents.
They said it should
be on by this time.
Heat is on in my room.
Okay, yeah, thank you,
ahem, for telling me that.
That's what you were saying,
the heat in my room.
The heat in my room is on.
What if I don't want to pretend
that this didn't happen?
If I want it to happen?
Terri, you're
a breath of fresh air...
George, George, whatever
you think I am, I'm not.
Trust me.
You're beautiful.
You're smart.
You calm me.
- You're honest...
- Okay, you know what?
I think we should
just keep this professional.
I'm sorry,
I definitely misled you.
Just friends.
Oh, good old friend zone, huh?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Okay, friend.
I'm going to go.
I'm gonna go.
- I'll walk you out?
- No.
I was hoping you could stay.
Hi, Shauna.
What am I looking at?
Is that a wall or a ceiling?
It's a ceiling.
Well, I didn't call
to look at the cobwebs.
I want to see my sissy.
What's the matter?
I can't tell
if you're happy or sad.
I don't know
if I should ask you
if the plan worked
or if you kissed him?
What if I told you both?
I know, I know.
I don't know what to do.
If he finds out I'm a fraud,
he will never forgive me.
And if I tell him the truth,
we lose the business.
Look, I feel partly responsible
for the situation
you got yourself into.
Oh, really?
Do you think so?
I know it.
Are you sure about him?
No. No. We just met.
I mean, how can
I be sure about him?
He could be a serial killer.
I mean, he could hate sushi,
and you know what happens
when we overlook guys
who hate sushi.
It's a very important detail.
I mean, he could hate dogs.
You hate dogs.
No, I d... I hate big dogs.
I love little dogs.
They have cute names.
So what are you saying?
I don't know what I'm saying.
I think he deserves the truth.
I mean, honesty should be
the least of it, right?
Whatever you want to do,
I'm going to support you.
Shauna, what about our business?
We'll figure it out, okay?
You have to do
what's best for you.
I got you, sis.
I don't know what I want to do.
It'll come to you.
Just sleep on it.
Sleep on it.
You're going
to obsess about this
all night, aren't you?
I could write him a letter.
That's a terrible idea.
Please don't do that.
Okay, I won't do that.
I'll just sleep on it.
It's been a long day.
A little sleep
will do you some good.
You're right, you're right.
I'll sleep on it.
I love you.
Bye. I love you.
Yes, yes.
Oh. Hmm.
Mr. Camden felt horrible
about the whole bag
switcheroo thingy,
you get a wardrobe!
You get a wardrobe,
you get a wardrobe,
you get a wardrobe,
you get a wardrobe!
I get... I get a wardrobe.
No, I get it.
That's right, Santa
came early this year.
No, no, no.
Stop, please.
This is not nec... Thank you.
This is not necessary.
This doesn't even
make any sense.
Getting gifts
around Christmas time
doesn't make sense?
No, I mean, of course
that makes sense.
But we did have
a great night together
and it was...
We really connected
like it could be
something long-term,
but you know, I just,
I just met this guy.
You know, I mean,
this is too much.
Well, you just met me
and you already told me
way too much.
That's fair. This is...
This is my problem.
Wait, wait, wait, no, no.
I will just tell him
I can't accept.
Is that a Fendi?
No. No.
No, I will just tell him
no thank you
and he'll understand.
I'm sure he's not gonna mind
having his kindness
and generosity rejected.
Exactly what I was going for.
Just rejecting kindness.
Thanks, Marvin.
But wait, there's more.
Okay, look, if this is
about yesterday, I can explain.
- Actually, I... can't.
- Ah.
Well, look what else
Santa brought.
Oh, thank you.
Ooh. Thank you, Marvin.
I don't know how I'm ever
going to be able to repay you.
Yeah, we'll
just tuck under there.
Yeah, I just don't carry cash...
Well, that's not a problem...
I take Venmo, PayPal, Zelle,
or you can CashApp me
at $marvy1482.
Marvin, I don't have
any of those things
and I need to deal with this,
but I promise I am going
to get you, I swear.
- Okay, I will get you, I swear.
- That's no problem.
- You are the center
of my universe.
- Okay.
- Let me know
if you need anything.
- Okay.
By the way, I still need you
to sign that waiver.
Okay, bye!
Kindness rejected,
that's, that's my thing.
You wanna...?
Okay. Heh.
Venmo, is it?
Oh. Heh.
Fendi? Really?
George, I just think
that if we...
Okay, well, come on,
spit it out.
We file for divorce
in New York, not California.
New York's divorce procedure
differs drastically
from that of California.
In New York, there is
no formal waiting period
for a judge to grant a divorce
where fault is alleged.
So what are you telling me?
We file for divorce in New York
before she files in California.
There's a mandatory six month
waiting period in California.
What does that mean?
A court will not
finalize a divorce
before those six months are up.
That can't be waived.
Vivian can do a lot of damage
in six months with your money.
We file first in New York.
Okay, what's next?
Make her an offer.
Uh, but before you do,
liquidate your assets and fast.
Fast, how fast?
Is yesterday fast enough?
I don't want the B-team here.
I need you
and the rest of the A-team.
So get on a plane, drive a car,
jump in a sleigh with reindeer,
whatever you have to do,
just please get here, all right?
Thank you.
Are you serious?
Are you the only person
that works here?
- Heh. No.
- Heh. Okay.
But I lobbied
for the opportunity
to be the resort ambassador
for the George Camden retreat.
And how can I help you today?
I just need
to get in there, I'm, uh...
Oh, I'm a part of the health
and wellness team.
Ah. Staff uses
the side entrance.
I'm not exactly staff.
You just said you were.
And you just saw the...
You... The gifts?
"You get a wardrobe!"
- Okay.
- I'm sorry,
he's really busy
in there right now.
Can you give him
a message for me?
- I can do that.
- Great.
Can you tell him that
I need to talk to him?
I will.
And you are?
Random angry lady.
Thank you.
Thank God, for a minute
I didn't think you'd show.
Why did you think that?
Because I don't know you!
Okay, why are you here?
We have to yoga.
We have yoga
and we couldn't use the lodge.
George has been super busy
at his place,
so now we're here.
Just stand over there
and look Zen-ish.
- Zen-ish?
- Yeah, just don't talk, okay?
The last time you did,
you got yourself a free trip,
and next you guys are going
to be kissing by the fireplace.
by the pool table actually.
Listen, this is
really important.
Mr. Camden is really stressed
and we have to have
an extreme yoga session
to calm him.
Okay, Claudia, I really
need to talk to him.
Not my problem.
It's important.
My job is important, okay?
I didn't do 200 hours
of online yoga for nothing.
If you have to talk to him,
just do it after the session.
- George.
- Hello, hello.
I need to talk to you.
Whoa, you got gifts
and presents.
- Yes, I need to talk...
- That's really good.
Okay, no, I need to talk to you
and that's kind of
what this is all...
And I need us to do yoga.
- Claudia...
- Mr. Camden, I prepared
a beautiful session
that I'm more than
confident you'll enjoy.
Not right now, Claudia, okay?
I'm freaking out, thank you.
Yoga might help.
Yoga later, yes?
Can we talk now, please?
- Yes, thank you.
- Thank you.
Oh, gosh.
All right, so you said
that your sister is
a real estate agent, correct?
Okay, is she good
at what she does?
- The best.
- All right.
I need her to sell
my penthouse and fast.
Can you please call her?
George, slow down,
wait a second.
Is... Is this what you want?
I have to sell it.
it is an albatross
hanging around my neck, okay?
I don't think
you want to do this.
It's not about what I want.
I need your sister's help.
Can you please call, please?
Of course.
Yeah, I'll call her.
Thank you.
Like you're heaven-sent.
God, you always know
exactly what I need
at the time that I need it
and I appreciate it.
Thank you for your help.
What you mean, no?
I can't help you, George.
I won't call my sister.
You trying to joke with me?
You talkin' about a joke?
George, you don't
want to sell it.
Everyone's just running
around here afraid to tell you
that there's another way.
Hey, I'm not a tyrant.
If everyone is afraid
to tell me the truth,
obviously you didn't
get the memo, huh?
That's what we need
to talk about, George.
Oh, you know, if this is
about the wardrobe,
okay, in my defense,
I had my assistant do that.
Ah, it was after the phone call
with your sister,
but it was before the kiss.
Which was really nice.
It was before the kiss though,
it really was.
Okay, it's not about that.
I mean, it is
a little bit about that.
So what is it about then?
There's just another way.
There has to be.
You know there's another way?
Well, I don't...
I don't know, but doesn't
there have to be a way
to change course
when you've made a mistake?
But how do you know?
Because I've made
a huge mistake, George.
And I'm praying
with every fiber
of my being
that I can change course.
Hey, it's gonna be all right,
but what are you talking about?
I have no idea.
I just need it to be true.
Terri, Terri, Terri, Terri.
You seem more stressed.
Maybe you're the one
that needs to lighten up.
It's going to be
all right, all right?
Isn't that the pot
calling the kettle black?
I have...
I have to tell you, George.
I'm falling for you.
Okay, I said it.
Stop... No.
- This is crazy, George, stop.
- I mean it is crazy,
but look, us meeting,
you kissing me.
Twice, yeah?
I'm keeping count.
And then the realtor
that you recommended me,
and then you won't,
you won't call her
when I need you
to call her, right?
All of this is happening
while I'm planning my divorce
about a woman that's
cheating on me.
Matter of fact,
I'm afraid it's going
to cost me millions of dollars.
Oh, I really
just can't stand her, but...
through all of this,
all I keep thinking about
is another moment,
another moment with you.
What are you doing here?
Would you believe...
Dude, why do you look
so familiar?
Baby, it's George Camden.
Yeah, I met you guys
at the slopes the other day.
Right, you're married
to the famous woman,
the one who's divorcing
the rich dude.
Uh, do you know this guy?
They were just leaving.
Goodbye, Alex.
Well, we should hang out.
How... How do you know him?
Just, just, we just know
each other from work.
- Can we go?
- Oh, so you're a yoga
instructor too, huh?
No, I'm lactose intolerant.
I'm a real estate agent.
We were competing
real estate agents.
Actually, we were,
we were engaged
- and we had an apartment and...
- Oh, Walking Dead.
And we used to watch
Walking Deadtogether.
Oh. You what?
I'm a sucker for zombie
movies, what can I say, bro?
Yeah, not that.
Um, what?
A real estate agent?
Hey, she's the top agent
in Manhattan.
- What are the odds of that?
- Please, please,
you have to let me explain.
- George, you have...
- You don't have to explain.
What's his problem?
So no drinks?
We can get drinks, baby.
Oh, baby.
Merry Christmas.
Welcoming committee.
Okay. Yeah.
I thought you'd be
buried under your blanket.
What are you doing here?
What I should've
been doing all along,
helping you run this place.
- Terri...
- Let me show you something.
I know that I blew it
with the penthouse.
You didn't blow anything.
I did, but I've been
doing research, okay?
And I have landed us
three new listings.
Not as nice as the penthouse
and the commission
won't be as massive,
but this will get us
through the month.
- Terri...
- Look, I already called.
I got us extensions.
It's Christmas.
No one is that cruel.
I am making this work.
Terri, stop.
This is my fault.
I should've never
asked you to do this.
Shauna, please don't, okay?
Because you were right,
this is what I'm good at.
It's the love life
that's the whole other thing.
I'm going to let you
do this to yourself.
I'm not.
Doing it to myself, okay?
I've been moping
and I'm done playing that song.
I can't control
all of the other...
All of the mistakes
and all of...
This, I can fix this.
- I'm going to save this firm...
- Sis.
Even if I have to work
through Christmas to do it.
- Terri.
- Shauna.
We need to talk.
Yes, I'm talking to you.
And so who are you
and how did you know
I was here?
I think you two should talk.
You owe me big for this one.
I got you.
So if you're one of
those Vivian drones
or paparazzi
or just looking for a sucker
to take advantage of,
just so I can let you know
in advance,
I'm all used up.
I'm here about Terri.
Like I said, I'm all used up.
You're making a mistake.
And who are you again?
I'm her sister.
Yeah, I should've known.
What was the plan, huh?
Find a vulnerable rich guy,
make him fall head over heels
for her, then just use him?
Been there, done that.
So what are you gonna do?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
A business card.
The first time you guys met,
she was going to give you
our business card
and make the pitch
to use our company.
So you come to my yoga studio.
Couldn't just make
an appointment?
Have you met you?
That would have taken years.
Look, I know we went
about it the wrong way,
but don't blame her, blame me.
And what if I want
to blame both of you?
Blaming me is better.
She really likes you,
Mr. Camden.
And from what I can tell,
you really like her too.
Because if you didn't,
you wouldn't be
sitting here still.
Well, how about now
that I'm not?
You're right.
What we, mostly me,
did was wrong.
Let me ask you.
Does being right
change the way you feel
about my sister?
Oh, man.
Come on, Farrah,
this isn't rocket science.
Yeah, it's more nuanced.
I mean, do, do you have
any what you're asking?
In addition to stopping Vivian,
I want you to help me sue
my yoga instructor's assistant.
- Can we do that?
- Well, I'm Farrah Hightower.
I can make any
and all things happen.
That's what I'm talking about.
Uh, but I do have one question.
What is it?
On what grounds?
Come on, you know, she...
I don't know.
Look, that's why I pay you.
You figure that out.
Okay, look, I am not aware
of any legal principle
that requires someone
to be truthful
with their significant other,
or potential significant other.
Okay. Uh...
Uh, uh...
What about fraud?
Yeah, you know, uh,
breach of promise?
There you go, bingo.
Breach of promise.
Wow, that's a...
Maybe, just maybe
you met someone
and you made a real connection.
Come on, man,
you know, it happens.
Okay, just keep working.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Whew, okay.
Breach of promise,
I'll have to write that down.
I know, I know
it's Christmas Eve,
but if you give us that listing,
I swear to you,
no one will work harder for you.
You will?
Great, I will send the contracts
over tomorrow and we...
Not tomorrow,
tomorrow is Christmas.
Um, enjoy your holiday.
I will send
that paperwork over soon.
And, um, again, thank you
and Merry Christmas.
I just got us two new listings.
And you don't seem...
Did someone ruin your coffee?
What are you doing still here?
It's funny that you would ask.
I'm just in here
saving your whole life.
I mean, look what I found.
Could you imagine
if somebody else
had found this evidence?
Look, I can explain about...
Yep, I'm sure you can.
I mean, I'm sure you have
a reasonable explanation
for lying, but why print up
every single picture
on her social media?
Right? Right.
Ugh. You see this one?
Oh, and what about this one?
Because this right here...
Sorry I got you into this mess.
What you did is
give me motivation.
It's not like we're living
in a romantic comedy.
You know, we're not defined by
whatever relationship
we have with a guy.
We're business women,
we tried to land a deal,
it didn't go our way,
so can we just drop it?
You would've made
a cute couple though.
No more man talk,
subject change.
Oh, and this one.
This is definitely proof
of manipulation.
I get it.
Do you though?
I mean, you're standing here
in the office kitchen
with your attorney
on Christmas Eve.
You're here too.
Well, I'm trying
to avoid my mother-in-law.
What's your excuse?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Merry Christmas. Mr. Camden.
Merry Christmas to you as well.
Heh. See you later, George.
- Terri.
- Hmm?
- Shauna.
- What is this?
I told you, no money
for gift exchange this year.
Yeah, well, this is also
our first Christmas without Dad.
With a card for coffee.
I know it's not much,
but it's the least I could do
for the one who's been
burning the midnight oil
to keep us afloat.
- I love it.
- Do you?
It's perfect.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
- Give me a Twizzler. Heh.
- Ah!
I want it, I want it, I want it.
What do you want to watch?
Shauna, your feet, gross.
Answer the door,
I don't have any friends.
- It's for you.
- All right.
Sis, the FBI's here,
somebody in a suit, FBI.
Look at the guy.
Just go get the door.
- For me?
- Go.
But why?
Is this about the tipping?
Not this time.
What is this?
I'm not at liberty to say.
Marvin, what are you doing here?
I'm not at liberty to say.
Not at liberty to say.
- Sis...
- Who's this?
This is the bellhop,
the ski instructor bellhop.
Heh. Former bellhop
that she was telling you about.
- Oh. What's he doing here?
- Great.
He's not at liberty to say.
What's that?
He won't tell me.
So open it.
Is this a bill?
You're not
at liberty to say, right.
This is "Please meet me..."
Will you be attending?
There'll be a car waiting
for you downstairs
if the answer's yes.
What now, Marvin?
I'm not at liberty to say.
I didn't think you would show.
You're a hard man to say no to.
- Terri...
- George.
Can I go first, please?
I'm sorry.
What I did was wrong
and I did have
my reasons, George, but...
You're such a great guy
and I wanted to tell you
the truth, George.
I've heard it all before.
George, please.
But I really have
heard it all before.
I'm the one that
should be apologizing.
I wanted to tell you
the truth about...
but I was afraid that if I did,
we'd have never gotten
the chance to know one another.
And I'm ashamed of how we met.
Oh, I will regret it
if you read one more word.
I will regret it
if we don't give each other
a second chance to start over.
I just, and I shouldn't have.
I'm the fool.
Heh. How did you...?
Marvin, he found it
in your cabin.
That's why you hired him?
Not at liberty to say.
Your sister,
she helped a lot as well.
I bet.
Don't tell me you're
going to hire her too.
So why here?
This is where we met.
This is where everything just...
Fell into place?
Fell into place.
I'm going to keep the penthouse.
Got some really
good advice on that.
I think your sister
can help me unload
the other properties I have.
I'm gonna keep it.
Think I wanna raise
a family there.
Pretty sure my mother
would be proud.
She's so proud.
There's one other thing.
I promised I'd get you
another one.
- For me?
- Yeah.
Aw... Heh.
By all means.
I love it.
It's really perfect.
How about that first lesson?
Do you see it?
I know, so pretty.
Did I ever tell you,
before Daddy passed,
he made me promise
to look after you?
I know, it's kind
of funny, right?
It's always been the opposite.
You are my little
guardian angel.
Come on, sis, you know
there's no crying
in Gotham City.
I'm not crying.
You're the one who's crying.
You're always the one
who's crying.
I love you.
I love you, love you,
love you, love you, I love you!
Love is not a big enough word
to describe
my feelings for you, sis.
You have been our rock,
a rock for me
and a rock for our family.
You saved us,
you saved our business.
I'm so happy for you
and you deserve all of this.
Joy cometh in the morning,
like Dad always said.
Heh. Yes, he did.
I'll see you when you get back.
And I'm helping you
with the wedding plans
because you have
tacky tendencies.
So thoughtful, thank you.
Your love story's coming next...
I love you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
- Hey. Cheers.
- Cheers.
- So?
- So?
What do you think?
Think it's beautiful,
just like you.
No, don't change anything.
- Okay, I just...
- I like it there.
All right, no problem.
It can stay.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
They're trying to tell me
Tell me that I'm good
Without you
Just stay with the things
That make you feel good
But I don't see
It's saving me
Pretty on a shelf
It's clear to see
That I can see
Right through
And lookin' so translucent
Being all elusive
That's why all I want
For Christmas is you
Ain't nobody else
Gonna love me like you
Not entertaining thoughts
Of the mysteries
Or the fairy tales
All I want
For Christmas is you
Why, oh
Why, why, why, why
To try
Try, try
Too high
Behind like
We just want to look good
Give 'em the attention
We don't know when to stop
So we keep going
Till we drop, yeah
Let me tell you
About a little thing
That I know of
We can give you
Everything you need
I just looked up
All I want
For Christmas is you
Ain't nobody else
Gonna love me like you
Not entertaining thoughts
Of the mysteries
Or the fairy tales
All I want
For Christmas is you
Yeah, yeah, I got you
You got me
We gonna hold it down, eh
Can I ask you why
You fell on me
No one else around, eh
I'm feelin' blessed
So I'm giving thanks
We're one of a kind
You cannot replace
Gonna need no upgrade, yeah
He made us new
No update
And I'm hoping
That she'll stick around me
To stay in the circle
We are connected
Just like an Audi
When I feel like
I go enough on the revs
You're keepin' me grounded
You're showing me love
And takin' me up
I'm glad that you found me
Found me
All I want
For Christmas is you
Ain't nobody else
Gonna love me like you
Not entertaining thoughts
Of the mysteries
Or the fairy tales
All I want
For Christmas is you
All I want
For Christmas is you
Ain't nobody else
Gonna love me like you
Not entertaining thoughts
Of the mysteries
Or the fairy tales
All I want
For Christmas is you