Christmas Getaway (2017) Movie Script

Candles burning low
lots of mistletoe
lots of snow and ice
everywhere we go
choirs singing Carols
right outside my door
all these things...
It's called risgrynsgrot...
Which is basicallychristmas rice porridge.
...that's what christmasmeans to me,
my love...
Sounds great.
But the best part?
Based on swedishchristmas tradition,
whoever finds
the almond
will be married within a year.
Thank you.
All right, good luck!
...even thoughi love you madly
it seems I love you more
the little cards you give me
will touch my heart for sure...
...all these things and more
all these things and more
that's what christmasmeans to me,
my love
christmasmeans to me, my love...
I love sharing
all the different holiday traditions
that I've experienced.
You know, my editor thinks
that I should write them all down
and publish them in a book.
That's a good idea.
You always have the
most interesting stories.
Perk of being a travel writer.
That and global entry getting
me past the airport lines.
You know,
you should look into getting that.
The, uh... the almond, and your expression.
We've only been dating six months.
Listen, my parents called yesterday,
and they want me in bostonfor Christmas,
and I want to be with them.
It's Christmas, em,
and being with my family
is an important tradition for me,
and I would love to have you there.
You know I'm more
transient than traditional.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, people probably always tell you
that one day you'll settle down,
I don't know that you will...
At least, not with a regular guy like me.
We broke up...
Which doesn't seem to surprise you.
You can't fake chemistry,
especially when one half of the couple
is rarely in town.
That's because someone
whom I'm pointing at right now
keeps sending me out on assignments.
Would you like me to stop? know I love it.
I do know that,
though I don't know how you do it.
I grew up living out of my suitcase.
I guess I'm used to it.
And as your editor, I love that about you.
As your friend...
Say it.
I want you to get that almond.
That would require me
to stay in one place
for an extended period of time.
One day, you're going to find someone
who'll make you want to do exactly that.
I did.
Speaking of,
you're welcome to joinkeith
and me for Christmas.
The kids'd be over the moon
to have auntieemory there.
Aw, I love them,
but I was thinking about renting a cabin
up to the mountains
and relaxing
before someone sends memy next assignment.
You're going to be alone?
On Christmas?
It's not the first time.
I'll be okay.
You can't get that tie off fast enough.
Reminds Mei spent all day in court.
Oh, please.
You spend 90% of your time in jeans.
One of the perks
of leaving the corporate
counsel world behind.
Oh, maybe I should give it a try.
So you stay ata hotel for Christmas?
My Nana comes over, we open up presents,
and then we go to a hotel for brunch.
What do you and your mom do?
We go to pine grove.
It's my favorite place for Christmas,
like, ever.
-Have you ever gone?-No.
You've got to.
There's sledding, ice skating,
and we get to chop down our own tree.
Yeah, it's so much fun!
Hi, sweetheart.
Do you have to go back to work?
Nope, I'm done for the holidays,
and I figured we could do
some Christmas shopping today.
What are you guys doing for Christmas?
We'll probably just goto
brunch with my mom.
That sounds fun.
Yeah, it's fun. Right?
Some year,
you guys should try and get out
to the mountains.
It really brings out that Christmas spirit.
Yeah, maybe someday.
All right, put your hood on.
Let's make a run for it. You ready?
Set... go! Come on!
About your trip to the
cabin in the mountains.
How much relaxation do you actually need?
Are you about to give me an assignment
right before my vacation?
Here's the deal.
Phil laskert was supposed
to give me an article
to publish online for Christmas day,
but he apparently is stuck on an ice floe
in the antarctic.
So I'm in bit of a pickle.
Hey, did I ever tell you
about the German tradition
of the Christmas pickle?
And that's why you're going
to write me a 2,000-word article
on an old-fashionedamerican Christmas.
An old-fashionedamerican Christmas?
That's both broad and vague.
Think of it as an opportunity
to sit back and reflect
on all the christmastraditions
you missed growing up,
and I'm going to need iton the 23rd.
As an incentive,
and becausel'm also awesome,
I booked you a cabin in pine grove.
My treat.
This is bribery.
Yes. Yes, it is.
I know that look. What's up?
I was just thinking
that maybe we could do something different
this Christmas.
Like, different how?
Not a hotel for brunch.
Hey, hey, hey.
What's going on?
We had an assignment in class today.
We could write about anything.
I started thinking about Christmas.
Oh, yeah?
No, I mean, like...
The ones we used to have with mom.
We'd go up into the mountains
and have snow,
and everything smelled
like Christmas trees.
You remember that?
It's fuzzy, but yeah.
"Make cookies. Build a snowman."
"Gingerbread house."
That was your mom's favorite.
I suppose you have some place in mind?
Pine grove?
Apparently, her best friend from school
has been talking about it non-stop.
She even made this "bucket list"
of things to doto make
it the best Christmas,
and most of them involve snow.
Oh, Scott, this is so adorable.
I don't think we actually spent a Christmas
in a cabin in the woods.
Or we just stay here, you know?
I mean,
the important thing is that we're together.
Yeah, but that's not what Katy asked for,
and she asks for so little.
Tell you what.
Why don't I get this as a Christmas present
for you and Katy?
No, I insist.
I'm going to find the most
charming cabin in pine grove
for both of you to stay in.
What about you?
Well, I've gotbree tenner's birthday
in a few days,
and I promised I'd attend.
Okay, fine, so you attend,
and then you join us.
I mean, you never go anywhere.
Oh, that is not true.
I went to your auntruthie's July 4th.
That was three years ago,
and that was in Oakland.
I mean,
I basically can seeoakland from here.
You barely leave the bay area.
That's because I'm a homebody,
and you know it.
I'm not letting you be alone forchristmas.
If you don't go, we don't go.
Please, Nana?
Now, how am I supposed to resist that?
You're not.
Of coursel'll go.
Hi, dad!
Hey there, pumpkin!
How's Hong Kong?
Well, we just got here a little while ago.
Not too late for you to join us.
You'll be in meetings the entire time,
and mom'll be on the phone
dealing with her charities.
Boy, it's as if you've met us before.
Once or twice.
Mom says hi.
Hi, mom!
No, I'll wait 'til we can take
a real vacation together,
maybe in the spring.
All right,
done. We'll look forward to that.
So, what are you doing for Christmas, huh?
Are you going to be jetting off
to some far corner of the globe?
I've rented a cabin up in pine grove.
Pine grove?
Haven't been there since you were little.
I've been to pine grove?
You have.
We went there together
for Christmas one year.
You were maybe four or five, I think?
I don't know.
It was before I started the company.
I don't remember that.
I do.
Might've been the last
old-fashioned Christmas
we had together.
We had an old-fashioned Christmas?
We did.
Once upon a time.
It's like I stepped into another world
made entirely of Christmas.
Did I mention the guy
that I rented the cabin from
also runs the candy store?
Uh, you didn't,
but somehow, it makes perfect sense.
Maybe it'll be good for your writing.
Have you figured out your
angle on the article yet?
Uh... nope.
Well, don't over-think it.
Just experience it. It'll come.
Well, that's just it.
I haven't experienced it...
I mean,
not the way that people think of here.
Italy, Brazil, Tibet?
But snowmen and Santa?
I got nothing.
I know,
but at least it sounds
like you're in the right spot
to give it a try,
and who knows?
You may even be inspired
to finish that book idea we discussed.
That would require meto stay in one place
for an extended period of time.
It's been known to happen.
To others.
Okay, I've got to go find
this cabin-rental slash-candy-man.
Excuse me,
do you know wherei can find hal hindry?
That would be me.
Oh, great, um...
So I'm Emory Blake, and I'm...
Hey, hal?
What do you want meto do with the posters
for the ginger bread house contest?
Oh, good! Hang one in the front window.
Sorry about that. What was your name again?
Excuse me.
Can you help Mrs. Chase?
It's a crazy time of the year.
I'm just hereto pick up some keys
for a cabin rented under Emory Blake?
Ah, my other job.
This way.
Looks like you're in cedar bluff.
That's a wonderful cabin.
Is the other half of your party with you?
Uh, no.
It's just me.
Is it?
What should I do with the rest of these?
Hang one in every store
window out by the rec center, then.
-Okay, you got it.-Sorry.
It's our ginger bread house contest,
pine grove's version of the super bowl.
This has everything you'll need,
and a map to the cabin.
Now, there's a big snow storm
headed our way soon,
so I hope you have snow tires.
It's going to be a doozy.
There you go.
Gotta try and escape for Christmas
lie awake underneath the moon
find a place to leave our troubles
lay under the winter moon
go easy
and knowl've tried to change
tried to see it from the other side
take it up...
It's snowing!
It is.
All right, we'd better hurry.
I don't want to be driving
when this gets worse.
...i won't mind
if you get up and you walk away
it takes time
to understand me and love me
I hope you find
that I'm nothing but...
Head over heels with you
Neat, huh?
All right.
Okay. there you go.
Thank you.
Wow, this is awesome! Can I go outside?
Just stay close, okay?
I love you, sweetheart.
All right...
That is not safe.
My knee! What the...?
You have ten seconds to get out of here.
What just happened?
I know krav maga,
and I am not afraid to use it!
There's a sledding hill out there!
It's okay, honey.It's... it's okay.
You broke in with a kid?
We didn't break in. We used a key.
We're renting this place.
This is my place!
I swear,
the only thingl'm reaching for in my coat
is my phone, okay?
I'm going to show you
our booking reservation.
Just a phone.
Booking confirmation.Hal...
Cabin rentals and candy man.Yeah.
Pretty sure there's only one.
My confirmation is right there.
So we're all going to stay here?
Oh, dear.
I am truly, truly sorry.
I don't know how...
Skip, put the licoriceon the top shelf...
This happened.
It's a mystery.
The important thing here
is that we have a place
for Ms. Blake to stay.
Oh, um, you're just going to assume
that I'm the one
that's going to give up the cabin?
I have a kid.
You don't even hesitate
to play the kid card?
My mom comes in tomorrow.
Yeah, well...
Your confirmation says
that you booked just two days ago,
which means I booked first.
There are three bedrooms in this house,
which is too big for one person.
I rest my case.
Are you an attorney?
I am.
That makes me want to stay put even more.
What do you do?
Travel writer.
I'm sure you're accustomed to
accommodation inconveniences.
Yep, so I can tell you from experience,
that you're going to have no trouble
finding someplace else.
I'm terribly sorry,
but there are no other cabins.
Pine grove is booked solid at Christmas
months in advance.
The only reason cedar bluff was available
was because of a last-minute cancellation.
What about someplace else?
I called around as soon as
you told me what happened.
There's nothing.
I'm so terribly sorry.
Where do I put the
white chocolate pretzels?
Up front.
Right over here, skip.
So there are no rooms at any inn.
Strangely appropriate.
This would be perfect for sledding.
Ugh, fine. Kid card wins.
I'll head back to San Francisco
with my Christmas cabin experiment
officially over.
But it's snowing really hard.
You didn't want to drive when
it was snowing bad, remember?
Katy, don't worry.
I've motorcycledthrough the andes.
I can handle this.
Yeah, see?
She'll be fine.
Thanks for this.
All right, hays family,
merry Christmas,
and, uh...
Enjoy my cabin.
Our cabin.
Hey, thanks again. We appreciate it.
Oh, no...
Please don't be like this.
Start, start, start...
How's it going?
Oh, she just gets a little, uh, sensitive
when it's cold.
Well, it's only going to get colder.
Fair point.
You know, you can always just come back
and stay at the cabin
until the storm passes.
Just for tonight.
Just for tonight.
I will be out of here
just as soon as the shop gives me the okay.
It's the alternator.
How can you tell?
You can hear it.
You're both a lawyer and a mechanic?
No, my dad and I used
to tinker around with cars
when I was younger.
Expand on the "huh."
You don't seem like a car guy.
How can you tell?
We just met.
you don't get first impressions of people?
No, not that specific.
Hey, are you sure
you don't want to sleep upstairs
in the extra bedroom?
Oh, no.
Your mom's coming tomorrow.
This way,
the room'll be nice and fresh for her.
Besides, I like sleeping next to a fire.
Next to the net of a cat
am a ran in the Caribbean,
I'd say it's my favorite place to sleep.
The net of a catamaran?
Don't knock it.
Once you fall asleep
with orioncoming over the ocean horizon,
you realize you just fulfilled a dream
you never knew you had.
All right, I'm starting
to get a small sense of who you are.
You're adventurous.
I am.
Rarely in one place for too long.
All my life.
Army brat?
Sort of...
Minus the army.
My parents worked in international finance.
I grew up traveling my whole life.
And tomorrow, I'm hitting the road again.
Thanks again for letting us stay.
No, thank you.
Sleep well.
Good night.
Don't be.
I was just about awake anyway.
Are those from all the places you've been?
Some of the placesl've been, yeah.
I want to travel one day,
see everything.
Oh, yeah?
There's a lot to see.
Would you want to look
through some of my travel photos
while I go get cleaned up?
Yeah, sure.
There you go.
Have at it.
I think you made the right call.
I'm monitoring the weather conditions,
and it looks like all the
roads going into the mountains
are closed right now.
Well, how long is that going to last?
Mm, at least a day to clear them?
That's what I read.
So your guest is stuck,
even if her car is ready today.
What's with that expression?
Don't "nothing" me.
I raised you.
Is there something wrong with this woman?
No.she's, uh...
What's her name again?
Emory Blake.
She's a travel writer...
And no, it's fine.
It's just unexpected.
Your granddaughter just texted me,
demanding breakfast in bed.
Oh.well then, you'd better go.
I'll let you know
as soon asl'm on the way to you, okay?
Love you.
Emory... Blake...
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
At least you didn't hit me
with krav maga this time.
The day is young.
Well, good.
Then I have something to look forward to.
Well, I plan on spending the day writing.
I've got my eye
on this little office attic space up there,
and I claim dibs,
so please don't get any ideas.
It is all yours.
Katy and I will be
working on her bucket list.
Her what?
It's her list
of all the awesome things
she wants to do for Christmas.
Oh, well...
You'd better get cracking.
All right. We'll stay out of your way.
Yeah, good luck.
I don't want much for Christmas
I love louisand I love dior
but I've got my heart
set on something different
one special thingl've been wishing for
I've been waiting all year long
underneath the mistletoe
the time has come
Santa gave me just one wish
baby, I want your Christmas kiss
I think I found my perfect present
wrap you up and put
you under my tree...
Whatcha looking at, buddy?
Emory let me look at it.
It's all her travel photos.
These are from
christmasall around the world.
Quite a few photos here.
Yeah, I want to travel a lot.
But then I would spend
all of my time going,
"where's Katy?
What is she doing?
Is she having fun? Is she safe?"
It's okay.
I'll come back every Christmas.
I'm holding you to that.
I'm so excited. We're finally doing this.
All right, so you're going to be doing it.
I'm going to let you cut down this tree
with your big old muscles.
Why do you have a saw?
cutting down a tree with my bare hands
is ineffective.
Ha ha...
Don't quit your day job, counselor.
We're getting our Christmas tree.
There's a tree farm near town
where you can cut down
your own Christmas tree.
And I've wanted to do this my whole life.
Ha, that long, huh?
Have you ever cut down a Christmas tree?
I have to say,
in my whole life, I have not.
Is it fun?
Well, we're about to find out.
It's our new tradition.
Isn't that an oxymoron?
So we've never done it before,
but the tradition is old.
Which I saw on your list in there.
I took a little peek.
It's very thorough.
Very long as well,
so... we're going to get going.
Right, um, so, ha...
Here's the deal.
I have to write an article
about an old-fashionedamerican Christmas,
and, uh...
I haven't been in the states for Christmas
in, well, forever.
What are you trying to say?
Could I... tag along?
Just to observe.
You want to observe our Christmas?
Just to get some inspiration?
I think your list is exactly what I need.
Christmas is for sharing.
Right there.
That is whati am talking about.
Yeah, fine.
Great! thank you.
I'm just going to grab
some gloves and a hat,
and... one second. Please
don't leave without me!
These are nice.
You guys like any of these?
That one.
That one it is.
Can Emory cut it down?
I thought this was something
you wanted to do your whole life.
Well, yeah, but...
You need help with your story,
and besides, I have more time.
Hey, you watch it, pal.
We're about the same age.
Are you sure?
What? you think I can't?
No, you seem like you could do
anything you put your mind to.
Mm, how would you know? We just met.
Been around you long
enough to form an opinion
based on observation
and empirical evidence.
Oof, there's the attorney.
By the way, the garage called
when you were in the shower.
It's the alternator.
Bet you're proud of yourself, aren't you?
It feels pretty good.
It'll be fixed by tomorrow,
but until then...
Thank you. Oh!
Would you take my picture?
Oh, right, um...
It's an actual camera.
You just point and shoot.
You just press the button?
Little different than your phone, huh?
All right, guys.
Here goes nothing.
Ha ha... Oh!
There we have it!
Nice work.
Thank you.
You did it. All right.
That is a beautiful tree.
All right, one more picture?
Stand next to the tree.
You too, dad.
Say cheese!
Or Christmas tree!
It's fun having a real
one to play around with.
Oh, yeah?
You can keep it.
Oh, no, hey, that's...
No, come on.
'Tis the season, and all that.
I took a lot of my travel photos
with that camera.
It's good luck.
Thank you so much!
All right,
I think I'm going to need some help
carrying this tree.
I got this. I got it.
Thank you!
Follow me.
You excited?
Let's take this home.
Well, well, look who we have here.
Why didn't you tell me
you were coming tomy neck of the woods?
I'm sorry.
I just got a little distracted.
I see.
Hi. I'm Alice. Alice Bennett.
My son, Johnny,
goes to school withscott's daughter.
Oh, great!
Hi. I'm Emory Blake.
So, are you guys here together?
No, we had a mix-up with our cabin rental.
and then my car had troubles,
and I got stuck by the snowstorm.
That's unfortunate.
But I'm heading back to San Francisco
as soon as possible.
Oh, what a shame you
won't be here for Christmas.
Pine grove is just
magical this time of year.
I'm so glad that you and Katy
-are finally getting to
see it.-It was about time.
I've been hearing you
talk about it long enough.
Yeah, I practically deserve a commission.
I don't thinkhal would like that.
Oh, so you met hal! Isn't his shop great?
Johnny makes sure
it's our first stop every time we come.
I'm sure it'll be Katy's, too.
Although his record-keeping
could use a little work.
All right, well...
We should get this thing home.
Okay, well, now that we know you're here,
I'll be in touch.
There are so many fun
events you shouldn't miss.
It was really nice to meet you, Emory.
You, too.
Hey, my man.
All right, let's go, kiddo.
I'll go get more Christmas lights.
That is a good-looking tree,
if I do say so myself.
And you did.
And I did.
You know, I think Alice thought
it was good-looking, too...
Amongstother things.
I'm just saying, she's very pretty,
and... very interested in you.
She is a parent at Katy's school.
See how much you guy shave in common?
It's not like that.
The thing is,
I haven't really dated in a long time.
My wife passed away when Katy was six.
I'm so sorry. I just assumed...
But Katy told me that
Christmas in the mountains
was the one thing that she could remember
about her mom.
Now I see.
And so she came up with this list...
And that's why you're here.
That's why we're here.
Nana's going to love this tree.
All right, what do we have on that list?
Building a gingerbread house.
I saw that there's a
gingerbread house contest
in town.
Dad, we have to do it.
Oh, we have to? It's a requirement?
Yes. it's number four.
It's number four.
Well, then you've got to.
All right,
what else do we have to look forward to?
Baking cookies...
Hanging lights around the cabin.
Also... ice skating.
Oh, good. I saw a rink on the way in.
Do you ice skate?
I've watched a lot of ice skating
when I lived in Finland.
It's not really the same thing.
You think?
All right, have fun. Be safe.
You too.
Okay. Here goes nothing.
You okay?
Uh... just a bruised ego.
You're not supposed to laugh.
You get points for determination.
Yes, well, that is one of my skills...
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Unlike ice skating.
I will be doing a triple Axel in no time.
Yes, because you have an amazing coach.
Because I ama warrior
when it comes to a challenge.
Hey, Alice.
We are seeing you everywhere.
Hi, Emily!
Uh, Emory.
Oh! Sorry.
Good news!
One of the roads has opened up,
so you should be able to head home
as soon as your car's fixed.
Oh, fantastic.
Also fantastic...
I scored two extra tickets
to the local production
of "the nutcracker."
I would've gotten a fifth,
but I assumed that you
would be going home by then.
Oh, of course.
So it's, um, tomorrow night.
What do you say?
You and me, Katy and Johnny?
Sounds amazing.
Great, then it's a date!
See you then!
"Date" is just a figure of speech.
One often associated with going on a date.
Yeah, but it's... I mean, it's not a date.
Little pro tip from a woman's p.O.V.?
She thinks it's a date.
All right, triple Axel time.
So, what are you doing now?
Following them around and taking notes?
No, I'm participating in
parts of Katy's Christmas list.
Oh, good.
I told you,
I cut down the tree.
And I'm very proud.
Is it helping? With the article?
You know, it is, actually.
I hada mostly productive morning.
That's encouraging.
You know... And it's been fun.
Yeah, I mean...
Bruisesfrom the ice skating aside.
it was very entertaining
watching Scott try to pretend
this wholealice-nutcracker thing
isn't a date
when it so obviously is.
That doesn't bother you, does it?
I mean...
Sure, he's a nice guy,
albeit pretty goofy at times,
but, you know,
he should date whoever he wants.
And you're sure that's not you?
I'm sure.
Anyway, I'm leaving just as
soon as his mother gets here.
What's keeping you there now?
Oh, well, I promised Katy
that I'd help her decorate the tree
once her grandma gets here...
Which is the quintessentialchristmas
experience, right?
Especially with a cute kid
and her handsome single father.
I never said he was handsome.
Is he?
Only in the most
conventional sense of the word.
Meaning obvious to those who have eyes.
So, he's handsome.
And you like him.
I believe the word you're searching for
is "correct".
Veronica, if you could see this woman
he doesn't realize he's
going on a date with...
I mean, she's perfection.
Nice dodge, and no one's perfect.
Alice is close.
She's pretty and nice
and has her own cute kid...
I mean, she's exactly what
a guy like Scott would want.
But do they have chemistry?
Because, like I said,
you can't fake chemistry.
We made it...
We made it.
And it was worth it.
-This place is beautiful.-Isn't it lovely?
Oh, my goodness.
I've got to go.
Where is everybody?
Oh, my goodness.
I've missed you!
You made it!
Good. glad to have you.
Come meet my mom.
Emory Blake? How nice to meet you.
You too.
I'm so happy that you
finally could make it.
So am I.
It has been quite the adventure so far.
I bet.
I'm going to go help halwith the luggage.
Did you see the Christmas tree?
It's beautiful.
Aw... mwah!
Emory cut it down.
Did she now?
She travels a lot.
She's had christmasesall around the world,
but she hasn't hada Christmas in america
for a long time.
Yeah, so long
that I can't even remember
the last time I celebrated here.
Well, then I'm so glad
our family could share it with you.
I am going to talk Scott
into making a roast for Christmas dinner.
Ooh, that sounds amazing,
but I'm out of here just
as soon as my car is fixed.
And when the bridge is repaired.
The bridge?
It is out.
That's why I broughtmarilyn
up the back way,
by atv.
They should have it fixed
first thing in the morning.
That means you get to stay here longer!
All right.
Now, by show of hands,
who wants to finish decorating the tree?
How comet hey went out?
Uh, one of them must be out.
Well, which one?
You have to figure out which one it is.
Well, that's inefficient.
you wanted a genuine Christmas experience.
When do we get to the cookies?
Here's an extra. Find it.
Oh, here we go.
Ha ha!
O Christmas treeo Christmas tree
your leaves are so unchanging
o Christmas treeo Christmas tree
your leaves are so unchanging
not only green when summer's here
but also when it's cold and clear
o Christmas treeo Christmas tree
your leaves are so unchanging
Looking good!
Oh, what are those?
I brought these from home.
These are yourchristmas ornaments.
I've had them in storage in the attic.
I think it's time we bring them out.
Don't you?
Now, this one...
This one has your name on it.
Your mom and I made that
for your first Christmas.
What do you guys think
about putting some of
these on the Christmas tree?
Candy canes?
One of my firstchristmas memories
was one of our neighbors in Berlin,
their tree was just... Covered in them.
It was so festive.
So you do have a Christmas tradition
after all.
I guess so.
Hadn't thought of it like that.
I love that idea.
All right, we've got to make sure
we get them all on the tree.
All of them?
Where's the fun in that?
Here you go.
So pretty!
What's up?
How do you put pictures onto a computer?
Oh, you've got to plug it in.
There's a cord in the back of the case.
Like a phone.
Yeah, like a phone.
I have an idea for a project with photos.
What about?
I can't tell you. It's a surprise.
What? what's wrong?
Uh, nothing. It's from Alice.
I lost track of time.
we have to get ready for "the nutcracker."
What about the tree?
We're going to have to finish it tomorrow.
Alice and Johnny will
be here in 15 minutes.
We've got to get ready.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
We won't stay out too long.
Don't worry about us.
I have plenty of wrapping to do.
Ooh, I'll help.
Well, thank you.
Have fun on your date.
Not a date.
I haven't wrapped this many presents
since I spent a semester
with the marcoux family in Belgium...
All eleven of them.
Oh, my.
And what about your
parents. Do they celebrate?
Yeah, they do...
Just from, you know,
wherever we are in the world,
which isn't usually the states.
When Scott was growing up,
Christmas was our favorite time of year.
I would cook for days.
We would roast chest nuts,
and I would make sure the
house was thoroughly decorated,
of course.
We haven't done that in years...
Not since...
That must've been so hard.
Yeah, it was.
Scott just seems a little lost ever since.
No, that's not the right word.
It's more, um...
Of Katy and himself.
That's understandable.
But it's not sustainable.
He used to beso much more... free.
I just want him to get back to that,
be a bit more open.
Well... maybe he'll meet someone.
More tea?
Sure. thank you.
That was so much fun.
Good night.
Okay, have a good night!
Hey! how was it?
So much fun.
Oh... aren't you tired?
Not me.
Uh, hey, um...
The garage called,
and they're going to bring my car by here
tomorrow afternoon.
So you're leaving?
But she's going to be alone.
Wouldn't be my first time.
I mean, you're clearly having fun.
The company has made it wonderful.
Then keep the company.
It's up to Emory.
As long asi get my article done,
I don't suppose it could hurt.
How goes the article?
Slowly, but at least it's going.
What about you?
You got some work waiting for you
when you get home?
Plenty when all is said and done.
Uh, corporate law?
Good guess...
Thank you.
But wrong.
Uh, good guess once.
Oh, so you once did corporate law.
I worked every single minute I could
and far more than I should.
What happened?
You know, she always begged me
to work fewer hours,
and I... Never listened,
and after she was gone, everything shifted.
After you.
All right, so...
What can we do to make
the most amazing ginger bread house ever?
An ice rink in the back yard!
I'll make blue frosting.
Perfect... I think we need
a fallen ice skateron the ice, too.
Just forauthenticity.
That's mean.
Okay, what else?
We need pine trees.
We can use pretzel sticks
with dyed green rice krispies
or popcorn for the leaves.
If all else fails,
we can just use an overturned sugar cone
with green gum drops.
How do you know all this?
We lived next to a bakery
when I lived in London.
You'll find I'm a wealth
of trivial information
like that.
As I'm learning.
What about the roof?
Oh, I know,
why don't we use graham crackers?
Or brown frosting,
or we could even use some almonds,
you know,
as shingles.
Not almonds.
It's a long story.
Are you familiar withswedish
Christmas porridge?
Let's just sayl'm recently single
because of it.
We could use white frosting
and put snow all around it.
What do you think?
Perfect! I love it.
Snow everywhere.
Finishing touch.
That's a good look for your snowman,
but you need to go get yourself a new hat,
'cause your snow man is presently warmer
than you are.
No colds for Christmas.
Picture time!
Say... snowflakes.
Can I take my camera
to Johnny's party?
Of course.
I'll go get my hat.
Yeah, uh...
Alice apparently throws a party
for all the families that are in town.
She made sure to invite you and my mom.
That's nice of her.
She's a nice person.
I take it your date went well?
I'm sorry. I'll stop.
I'll stop.
So, you're currently single.
Is that why you came
to spend time alone for Christmas?
A bit.
I guess I came out here
just to, you know, gather my thoughts
and why I...
I don't know, haven't settled down...
And then my editor took advantage
of my quiet alone time.
And then we barged in.
Which has proven to be helpful.
Glad to be of service.
Yeah, it's been...
Actually doing all these things, you know?
Decorating the tree...
Building this girl here.
I didn't realize how much I'd been missing.
Now I just need to figure
out the angle of this article.
Yeah, so, back to this almond thing,
how did that play into you being single?
To be fair,
it wasn't entirely the almond's fault.
The break-up was inevitable.
Well, for starters,
we weren't together enough.
Because of your travels?
Yeah, that was definitely an issue,
Let's just say something was missing.
Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho,
you're going to get it!
I missed! Aah!
Oh no!
Watch out!
You're not hiding well,
I tell you right there.
Get him, get him, get him!
Okay, seriously, truce.
Truce, truce. We're done.
Twice I got you!
Oh, I'm so glad you all could make it.
Great dress, Emory.
Thank you. You too.
Katy, Johnny's upstairs,
making Christmas
ornamentswith the other children,
if you'd like to join.
Can I, dad?
Um, so,
help yourselves to everything.
I'm just going to steal scottfor a minute.
I have some attorney friends
that I would like for you to meet.
She is so lovely.
And smooth.
So smooth.
So yes.
Hey, Marilyn!
Oh, look who's here. Look, I'll be back.
Come meet the travel group.
Ah, fancy meeting hal here.
What a surprise!
It was a very interesting conversation.
They are all members of
the pine grove globetrotters,
and they have invited meto join them
on their upcoming trip down the danube.
That is awesome!
I don't really travel...
Well, not anymore.
Why not?
Well, wheni was younger,
I had to raise Scott,
and then...
I think I just got comfortable, you know,
or maybe stuck.
Gosh, I can't imagine not traveling.
Well, aren't we a pair.
Do you want one?
You want to hear a crazy idea
about what would make
me very happy right now?
Going home... Making tea...
Working on our ginger bread house.
Okay, so it's not just me,
because I have been thinking
about using a chocolate
bar for a front door
all night!
Gingerbread nerd.
I just think you're jealous
that you didn't think of it first.
All right, I'll get the girls.
I'll get the coats.
Christmas is near
Christmas is just round the corner
he's almost here
Santa, he won't be much longer
so bring on the cheer
'cause christmasis
just round the corner
counting his days
Santa, he just takes forever
watch for his sleigh
his reindeerswill all be together
'cause Christmas is near
Saint Nick is just round the corner
get out the tree
put up the lights...
Do any of them have an ice rink?
Oh, no, no, no, just ours,
and our gumdrop trees are the best.
All right.
There were some wonderful entries,
and like last year,
this year's decision is unanimous.
Okay, let's cross our fingers.
For evoking the feeling of
being at home during Christmas,
the winner is...
Number 12!
Oh, my gosh!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's get a shot of the winning family.
No, no. Do a family...
I'm so proud of you, sweetheart.
We did it together.
Yeah, but without your suggestion,
we'd still be in San
franciscoinstead of snuggling trophies.
Can we come here next year?
You bet.
Can we invite Emory?
Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen,
She's been a part of everything,
and a big part of why this is so much fun.
It's true.
She isan unexpected plus,
but you know, she has her own life,
a very full life,
which I'm sure will take her
someplace else next year.
We can still ask her.
Get some rest.
Katy sleeping?
Yeah, the sleep of the victorious.
She asked
if we could come back here again next year.
Oh, well,
I think I'd like that, too.
Yeah. it's been nice.
Are you enjoying being
out of your comfort zone?
Yes, I am, smarty.
Hal, um...
Asked me to joint he local travel group.
They're doing a riverboat
tour down the danube.
I just don't think it's me.
Oh, but it could be, though.
I suppose it could.
Go! travel the world.
Branch out.
Well, at the very least,
I'm going to have hal reserve
this cabin for us next year,
exclusively, this time.
Katy did ask if we could invite Emory.
Well, I don't suppose it would hurt to ask.
That's exactly what she said.
Except it kind of does.
Mom, she's not going to say yes.
How do you know that?
Emory is a bright and independent woman
who's traveled the world.
She's not looking to settle down,
and she's not looking to
spend next Christmas here again
at pine grove.
She's spending this
christmaswith us in pine grove.
the roads are clear. The bridge is open.
She decided to stay.
Yeah, but that's this Christmas.
You know, it's sort of fun and spontaneous,
and another one of her stories
that she'll be able to share sometime...
In the future,
to someone else she meets along the way.
I think the one creating the stories,
my darling son...
Is you.
Where's Orion?
Um, right... There.
As pretty as that is,
this isn't a cat am a ran in the Caribbean.
I would advise sleeping in doors tonight.
It is cold.
Yeah, I noticed.
Fortunately, I have a fireplace
I get to snuggle up next to,
get some more writing done.
Oh, you finally figured it out?
The hard part now
is keeping it under 2,000 words.
That's good news, isn't it?
Yeah, it is...
For the article,
and for this book idea
that I've been flirting with
for the last couple years.
Oh, well, nowl'm intrigued.
You can read it when it's done.
How's it feel?
To get it going again?
You know, which isn't always the case
with writing.
Well, it hasn't been for me lately.
Really? I thought...
I thought you loved it.
I do...
But lately, I've been thinking
about, you know,
taking a break from so much traveling
and just... Focusing on the book.
That's funny.
I've been thinking the exact opposite...
How now, katy's getting older
and how she can appreciate
going out and seeing the world.
She's so curious.
That's important, you know.
It's how we grow.
I feel like I forgot how to be curious,
you know.
I forgot how to be open.
I feel like I've been locked up...
A lot.
When Katy suggested we come here,
my first instinct was to say no,
and that never used to be me.
Well, I'm glad you said yes.
I wouldn't have met you otherwise.
Dad, can I have some water, please?
I should probably...
Yeah, I'm right behind you.
Don't forget to come in from the cold.
Coming, sweetheart.
Emory? is everything okay?
Everything's fine.
I just finished my article,
and I just wanted to say hello.
Well, in that case,
congratulations and hello.
How's pine grove?
Oh, it's just beautiful.
Oh, and remember how I emailed you
about the whole cabin mix-up?
Well, I actually ended
up staying with the family,
and we've been going around,
doing as many old-fashionedchristmas
traditions and things
we can think of,
and it's just been... magic.
Christmas magic?
Christmas magic...
And it, um...
It got me thinking.
Yeah, what about?
Why don't we have any Christmas traditions?
But we do.
We do?
For both your mom and me,
the most important tradition
was that we're always
together for Christmas.
No matter where in the world we were,
it was always the three of us,
The three musketeers.
But we aren't anymore.
Well, we always invite you to join us,
but, uh...
You've got your own life to lead now,
and I'm proud of you for that.
Yeah? what is it, sweetie?
Can we make sure
the three of us are
together next Christmas?
Maybe come up hereto pine grove?
I'd like that.
I think that's a great idea.
Whatcha doing there?
Making a stocking for Emory.
It's not as pretty as ours, but...
She'll love it.
Do you think we'll see her after Christmas?
According to hal,
there is a christmashay ride tonight.
They're getting it in
before the big snow storm tomorrow.
I want to goon a hay ride.
Is it on the list?
It is now. Number eight.
You, uh, want to join us?
Sure, I'm game.
Fa la la la la la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel
fa la la la la la la la la
very importants'mores question...
The marshmallow.
Do you scorch, slow roast,
or, please say no... Leave it uncooked?
Okay, don't thinkl'm weird,
but I've never actually had a s'more.
Say what?
All right, well,
that is soon to be rectified.
And by the way, the answer is slow roast.
Ah, slow roast.
Filed away.
I'll be back with the ingredients.
Say cheese!
Is this for your photo project?
Mm.when do I get to see it?
When it's ready. Are you having fun?
I am.
You know,
I haven't been to a Christmas bonfire
I don't even know.
It doesn't matter.
I'm at this bonfire, and I am having fun.
See you!
So, was I right, or was I right?
Oh, man, you were definitely right.
This place has madechristmas special again.
And, um... Emory, is she having fun?
I think so.
I'm glad.
Come on, you'd have to be blind
not to see the chemistry
between the two of you,
and I'm not interested
in chasing after someone
who's falling for someone else.
Yeah, it just...
It just happened out of the blue.
I mean, it's crazy.
Enjoy it.
You know,
not everyone gets that kind of magic.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Help. I'm spinning.
But you almost kissed.
Yeah, but we didn't.
Now he's talking to perfect Alice,
and they look happy and... perfect,
with their laughing and their touching arms
and their perfectly-suited lives.
Oh, I do not miss this part.
I just keep thinking
about what William said,
how no regular guy would want to date me
because I travel too much.
That's not how I remember you telling it.
Especially a regular guy with a kid.
Okay, look. Focus.
Communication is key.
Go to Scott and tell him
exactly how you're feeling,
and see if he feels the same way.
Are you crazy?
No one does that!
Fine. then kiss him.
You'll find out one way or the other.
so, uh, rapture or mortification...
These are my options?
Welcome to love.
Now, I've got to go feed my kids
and communicate to my husband
that there's a limit to how
many college bowl games
one person can watch in a day.
Good luck.
We're gonna be okay.
Yeah, well,
you did spend a lot of
time with her this week.
I think we've always known
where we stand, though.
Mm.she is lovely, though.
She is.
No, she's great.
She's really great, you know.
We've had some fun moments,
but I just don't think she's it.
Well, I'm glad you figured that out
before anything happened.
Yeah, that would've been awkward.
You and Emory, however...
You okay, Emory?
Actually, I'm not feeling too well.
Do you know if there's a cab around?
I don't want to bug Scott or Marilyn.
I can take you home.
Thank you, hal.
Come on.
I thoughti would never feel this again.
You do?
You do? You do.
Mom, you don't...
You don't think being drawn to someone else
is a betrayal?
No, I don't.
I think it's the most
natural thing in the world,
if it's the right person.
Is she?
She might be.
Then don't wait, Scott.
Never, ever postpone the chance for joy
if you get it, all right?
Promise me.
I promise...
But that goes for you, too, okay?
You've spent a lot of your
time taking care of me and Katy.
Yes, becausel've been worried about you.
Well, you don't have to worry anymore.
No, I don't, do I? I don't.
I love you.
I love you, too.
After you. Thank you.
After you.
Go on, honey. Let's go.
All right, ladies.
Good night, sweetheart. Love you.
Good night, good night,
good night, good night.-: Say good night.
Good night. Goodbye. Let's go, let's go.
Well done.
Thank you.
There you are.
Hal said that you weren't
feeling well last night,
and you had to leave a bit early.
Ah, sleep helped. I'm fine.
Well, my famous pancakes are almost ready.
Where are you going?
Wait... what?
Yeah, my editor called,
and I got a new assignment.
I've got to go to katmandutomorrow.
But, I mean... Tomorrow's Christmas day.
I know, that's...
That's the way it goes sometimes.
But we still haven't gone sledding,
or watched Christmas movies.
I know, sweetie, I'm sorry. I really...
I wish we could have done those things,
Emory's leaving!
What? it's Christmas Eve.
So you can't leave a little bit later?
Like, after Christmas?
I'm afraid not.I...
Plus, there's this storm coming in,
so I should probably head out
before I get... Stuck again.
It was so nice to meet you!
Oh, you, too, Emory.
And you, little one...
You have been one of the best parts
of this whole christmasgetaway adventure.
I wish you could stay longer.
All right, I'd better go.
Emory, wait.
Why do I feel like there's
something more going on here?
I'm really sorry to disappoint Katy.
Then don't.
Merry Christmas, Scott.
What happened?
I have no idea.
Hey, uh,
your rear tire'sa little flat.
Okay, calm down.
I am calm.
Crushed, embarrassed,
and heartsick, but calm.
Why are you embarrassed?
Because it's always embarrassing
when you put yourself
out therefor another person.
But you didn't.
Not really.
That's not true.
No, you did the whole subtextual
thing with your eyes,
but you never actually
put yourself out there
by telling him how you feel,
or kissing him.
And it turns out, that's a good thing
because I now have a tiny sliver of dignity
onto which I'm now clinging, thank you.
Well, if there's one positive thing
that's come out of this,
it's been your writing.
You know,
I thinkl'm going to take some time,
try and work on the book.
That's good news,
especially after this last article.
You liked it?
I loved it.
You put more of yourself into this one,
by far.
What do you mean?
Well, lately,
you've been traveling so much,
it's like you've developed this detachment.
Yeah, more and more,
especially in your holiday articles
where you write about traditions...
Almost like an anthropologist.
I had no idea.
I know.
That's why I kind of fibbed
about the Phil laskert situation.
He didn't get stuck on an ice floe again?
No, he did,
but he could've still written the article.
Then why did you ask meto do it?
Because as your friend and your editor,
I was hoping that if you
hada reason to get involved
in the kind of Christmas
you never had growing up,
maybe you'd understand
what makes it so special,
and you might develop
a deeper connection to it.
Well, that worked out better
than you could've hoped.
Can I show you something?
Always. what do you got?
It's mychristmas present
to you and Emory.
I e-mailed it to her, too.
Just in time.
All right.
"Thank you for helping me
make the best Christmas.
the snow's coming down
I'm watching it fall
lots of people around
baby, please come home
the church bells in town
are ringing in song
full of happy sounds
baby, please come home
they're singing deck the halls
but it's not like christmasat all
'cause I remember when you were here
and all the fun we had last year
pretty lights on the tree
I'm watching them shine
you should be here with me
baby, please come home
That was just beautiful, Katy.
I love it.
You were right.
Emory? I can barely hear you.
I said you were right.
I never really put myself out there.
I never told him how I felt.
I just bolted.
Honey, I think you're
saying really important things,
especially the part about me being right,
but the reception is awful.
Oh, no!
Veronica, can you hear me?
I'm on a road right outside of pine grove.
Emory? Emory!
Okay, you, it's time for bed.
Very busy day tomorrow.
Okay. love you.
Good night.
Good night.
Hey, hal. What's up?
Emory's car broke down.
Her friend, Veronica, just called me.
Did she say where Emory was?
No, her phone cut out.
Okay, I'll check the direction
that I saw her drive out.
Uh, stay in touch.
Emory's car broke down.
She's somewhere on the side of the road,
Be careful!
Merry Christmas.
You've really got to think
about getting a new car.
-You think?-Come on.
How did you know?
Your friend called hal, and hal called me,
and I came looking.
Well, thank you.
We're not in the clear yet.
I mean... This visibility's dangerous.
I almost turned back.
Why didn't you?
I care about you.
You know, until we can see clearly again,
we're going to have to wait this out here,
so it looks like
you're stuck with mea little longer.
I'm sorry about all this.
I know it isn't exactly part
of your Christmas plans.
I just...
I just, I don't know why you left.
I told you,
my editor gave mea new assignment.
C'mon, Emory.
Something happened.
Just be honest with me.
Tell me, why did you leave?
I was trying to make it easier for you.
I heard you talking to marilynabout me...
How we're not suited for each other.
So I decided
to get out of dodge, so to speak.
I said that about Alice...
Whom, let the record show,
I have zero romantic interest in.
But she's perfect.
Not for me.
You know, I happened to notice
that your car is facing north,
instead of south.
I was headed back to the cabin.
I got the email from Katy, with the photos.
I saw it, too.
I tried to convince myself
that what I was feeling wasn't true.
But then she captured it.
She did.
Let me be perfectly clear with you.
You captured all of my attention
from the moment you threatened me
with krav maga.
That's what you get for
crashing my vacation.
You crashed mine.
Scott, I've never felt this
way about anyone before.
It feels right.
So we're in this together?
All the way.
I'm no Rudolph,
but I'll guide you back home.
Thanks, hal.
I'm just happy!
Hey, why aren't you in bed?
I'm waiting for Santa.
Oh, thank goodness.
Oh, honey.
You came back!
Well, rumor has it
the best Christmas ever is happening here,
so how could I miss that?
You couldn't.
Wouldn't miss it for the world.
It's called risgrynsgrot.
Is this theswedish tradition
with the almond?
You know it?
I travel a lot with my mother.
In fact, you'll meet her. She's
coming on the April cruise!
Wait, you're going?
I am.
Okay, now, what...
What exactly is this tradition all about?
Whoever finds the almondwill
be married within a year.
You are exempt, little lady.
I have all sorts of ideas
for the travel group.
You know, Costa Rica
is the most bio-diverse
place on the planet.
That could be our next trip.
As long as you bring lots of candy!
Oh, I will... But no almonds.
They're singing deck the halls
but it's not like christmasat all
'cause I remember when you were here
and all the fun we had last year
pretty lights on the tree
I'm watching them shine
well, what do you say?
baby, please come home
I like this tradition.
Me too.
Best Christmas...
Come here.
Can I take a photo?
Of course!
What a great idea!
...and all the fun we had last year
Say Christmas tree!
Christmas tree!
I'd hold back this tear
but it's Christmas day