Christmas in Harmony (2021) Movie Script

Hey lady, it's Tracey.
Camelia told me
about your new gig.
You should come by tonight,
decorate the tree and celebrate.
I got plenty left over
vegan pumpkin pie.
Hey, Hey Roseanne.
Yeah no, you don't have
to worry about getting
a coffee this morning.
I already got it.
I actually just left the studio,
setting it up for Melo D
Day one girl, post-merger,
Supra meets Sonic Sound,
music-industry giant.
Okay, Beyonce.
It's your mother,
not your assistant.
I'm sorry, mama.
I'm glad you're excited
about your new job.
Same job, mama.
Same co-workers.
Same boss.
The only thing that's
new is the name
and perhaps an expanded
role of Senior Director.
Oh, that reminds me.
I have a senior citizen's
discount on Tuesday.
I should come back
here tomorrow.
These people are far too
proud of their produce.
Whoever heard of $2.75
cents for an apple?
I don't know.
I haven't stepped foot
in a grocery store since
we started coordinating
this merger.
Harmony you have to eat.
Did you get the
cobbler I sent you?
Oh, you mean Mama
Matthew's countdown
to Christmas cobbler?
I went with prune this year.
Oh, you know what, Mama.
I gotta go.
I'm picking up holiday
treats for the office.
It's all right.
I'm just saying it's
either couriered cobbler
or a Christmas visit.
You make the call.
Yeah, okay.
Mama, you made me miss my shop.
I gotta go.
Ruth Anne?
Ruth Anne?
Did you see the sign?
Supra Sonic Records.
We really did it.
You did it.
Everybody knows none of
this would have happened
without you're vision.
Yeah, well now we just need
to get Melo D's
record to home base.
And finalize
details of the tour.
Do you want me to put
these in the conference room,
because your room is full of
boxes and not the bakery kind?
Looks like somebody's
moving on up.
Ah, to the corner office on
the east side of the building.
With a private room.
With all those executives.
It's new territory, baby.
I need to see you in
my office, please.
Of course, Mac.
I'm supposed to be
getting upgraded.
Senior Director level upgraded.
I know, Harmony.
Believe me.
There have been so many
redundancies with this merger.
I told the Supra guys that
you were the real deal.
Well, this deal wouldn't
have happened without me?
And now you're trying
to get rid of me.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm the one who spotted
you out of the mail room
and brought you up
to the top floor.
No, spotting the
act that became
this label's number one
artist is what got me out
of the mail room and
to the top floor.
And making this merger happened
should have gotten me
that promotion Mac.
You're right.
I am on your side.
I know it doesn't seem
like that right now.
You know what?
You're gonna regret this.
And I hope that I'm still
available when you realize it.
I got Supra to keep you
on payroll through year end.
Take the vacation
you never take.
Enjoy the holidays.
After that-
- I'm on my own.
10 years and all I'm
leaving with is crumbs.
I'll call you.
Yes, what is it baby?
I'm coming home.
To save us all
from Satan's power
When we were all astray
Oh tidings of
comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of
comfort and joy
Oh, Harmony!
Oh, what are you doing here?
Your flight doesn't
land for another-
- It was two hours ago.
Ruth Anne got me
an earlier flight.
So I just.
I was gonna get some balloons
and I've already
wrapped you up a piece
of my Christmas prune cobbler.
It's in my purse.
Let me go and get it.
Oh no, no, no Mama.
As appetizing as that sounds,
I am good on the purse prunes.
My baby!
It's good to see you, Mama.
This is the first
Christmas you've come home
I'm all right.
This is supposed to
be a happy occasion.
- Right?
- Right.
Divine timing.
I was just gonna go drop
off some pies at the church
and you can help me.
Oh Mama, I just
wanna go upstairs
and get changed.
Oh hush.
Oh, my baby is home.
I can't wait to show
you off to everybody!
I'm gonna get the pies.
Oh, thank goodness you're
here Mother Matthews.
These people are
testing my testimony.
Oh, love is patient,
love is kind, sister Nia.
Oh, oh thank you Deacon.
My pleasure.
Pies almost smell as good
as you look, Corissa.
I mean, Mother Matthews.
Harmony, you
remember Deacon James,
don't you?
Yes ma'am.
Hi Deacon.
Nice to see you again.
Oh, I was so sorry to
hear about your wife.
Oh, thank you dear.
Last month made three
years she been gone.
God rest her soul.
Mother Matthews, where
are the back up lights?
These all have broken bulbs.
Should we wrap up some boxes
or should we just wait until
people bring in donations.
And then, also could-
- All good questions.
But the real question is,
did you bring some pies for us?
Or are they all
for the food drive?
I mean Keyvon has been talking
about Mother Matthews pies
since last year's fundraiser.
The back up lights,
they are in the
south storage closet.
Also we do need to wrap some
boxes to make this place
look more festive.
And sister Nia,
I brought some pies
for the volunteers.
Like I said, love is patient.
Well, love may be patient,
but I is hungry.
Oh, girl, go, go.
Just like I remember.
Our gracious lady,
Mother Matthews,
Chief Operating Parishioner
of Bethel North A.M.E.
Deacon James,
why don't you tell how many
about the upcoming events
at the church?
Oh, she don't want me to
bore her with church chatter,
big music executive
and all of that.
Oh, there is nothing boring
about this church's events,
especially with a person
so musically inclined
as my Harmony.
Of course, church events.
How serendipitous that
you are here, Harmony.
Music is even
embedded in your name,
and we could use your
musical expertise.
Your mother,
your mother thought
that you could help
with the Outreach Ministries
Annual HHC fundraiser.
The Holiday Hallelujah Chorus.
Oh, wow.
I haven't sung in years.
I mean not on a stage at least.
Well see the choir
director went on a ski trip
and trip is exactly what he did,
from the 1600 meter slope.
Ooh, ouch.
He is healing,
but it doesn't look
like God's time
is gonna coincide with showtime.
So, will you direct the show?
It's just that I,
I have this thing with work.
Well, you could
sing if you preferred.
No, no.
I mean yes.
I'll direct.
Ooh, wonderful!
Oh baby!
Joyous strains
Stop, stop.
Just to let you know,
I'm not directing
the show this year.
Don't worry,
we're gonna have a very special
guest director this year.
How does
she have so many pies?
What should we do with her?
Oh, ooh, ooh.
Oh, hold on.
Let me help you.
What, is someone there?
Oh no, wait, wait,
come on let me-
- No, I got it.
No, wait, no!
No, no, no.
- Oh my gosh.
- Oh!
- I'm sorry.
- Oh!
- I'm so sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.
I couldn't see.
I got pie all over
my Prada pumps.
Speak of the devil.
Sounds like you're new
choir director just arrived.
Come on in!
I'm sorry about the pies.
I, but, they're calling me.
If you could just,
I'm gonna.
I promise I'm
not following you.
My buddy just told me
to come to the stage.
Your buddy?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, my pies!
Oh Mother Matthews does
make some delicious pies.
Everybody, everybody say hello
to our new choir director.
Deacon can you explain
to me what's going on here?
This is not going
to work for me.
Hi Kyle.
Miss Matthews.
Mama got this.
Hallelujah, you just-
Mother Matthews, I
don't even understand.
My baby is all
the way here from New York
and this is unacceptable.
It's my choir.
Wait, you got a
little thing on-
- What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
You just had a little
sweet potato on your-
- No I don't.
It's Lemon Meringue.
This job to start with.
Mother Matthews, I'm
sorry for the confusion.
God is not the
author of confusion.
And this.
Have you ever even seen a
Holiday Hallelujah Chorus?
No, have you?
I have not.
But my momma has told me
all about it for years.
Oh, so I guess that
makes you qualified
to lead the choir, huh?
Well you know, I used to
go to this church, okay.
Once a member of
Bethel North A.M.E.,
always a member.
Eternal membership is
for the afterlife, H.
A.M.E. membership requires
bodies in the pew,
but you wouldn't
know about that.
Yeah well, this body
is no concern to you.
What you need to be
more concerned with
is that pie on your shoes.
Ha, ha, made you look.
It's a little bougie
for Bethel, isn't it?
Just a little bit.
I just came from the airport.
I wasn't expecting this.
I wasn't expecting any of this.
Bodies in the pews.
You know, have you ever
been in town long enough
to be a member of anything?
Weren't you just in
New Orleans last month?
How do you know that?
You've been keeping tabs on me?
Kyle turned down a paying gig
to take over the HHC for me.
I am not going to turn him away.
I'm sorry brother,
but this is important
to Mother Matthews.
And what's important to Mother
Matthews is important to me.
We have mutual friends.
Social media is a thing.
Oh, social media.
Are you saying that you're
up for getting social
while you're in town H?
Is that what I'm
hearing right now?
No one calls me H anymore.
Well Harmony, I'm no nobody.
It's been well over
five years, Kyle.
You're a nobody to me.
Wow, that's, okay.
I guess we'll have plenty
of time to get reacquainted
while you're singing
in the choir that I'm.
You know what?
How about you just rewrite
the intro while I'm directing.
That intro could
use a little help.
Yeah, that's one thing
that we can agree on.
Yeah, I feel like it'd be a
little better if it was like.
Yeah, thanks Barry White,
but I need it a little
more Santa Claus
and a little less slow jams.
Okay, okay.
You know I was thinking
that it would be something
more like.
In excelsis deo
Just beautiful.
Wasn't that something?
That's good,
but I think I could one up you.
Maybe something like.
In excelsis deo
Oh, it's trouble coming?
Well, there
ain't nothing wrong
with a little bit of
trouble, is there?
Are we talking about the show?
I don't know.
Are we?
I think we found our solution.
Yes we have.
I am happy to announce that
the Holiday Hallelujah Choir
auditions will begin
tomorrow as scheduled led
by your new choir director
or rather your new
choir directors,
brother Kyle Noah and
sister Harmony Matthews.
Right in here.
There she is.
What'd you like
some coffee, Melo D?
He meant tea Melo D, herbal.
Cream and sugar?
Melo D Star only takes honey.
For my vocal cord health.
You know, Harmony
would know that.
You have three minutes.
I'm listening.
Well, thank you for
coming in today, Ms. Star.
We understand that you
were a tad bit surprised
by a few of our more recent
personnel changes.
Oh, you're trying
to play me for a fool.
Make that two minutes.
Oh no, nope.
Not trying to play
you for anything.
We're just trying
to make you happy.
How can we do that?
Where's the flavor?
What's your?
Remind me of your name.
Frank Maclntyre, Mac.
Do you need like peppermint?
Are we still talking
about tea here?
Forget the tea.
I'm talking about style, color.
You see this blouse, Frank?
You see this right here?
It's Eelian gold.
And like the eel,
this unique,
specific to my vibe,
creativity inspiring color,
helps me summon the magic.
Y'all think y'all can
really elevate my sound?
Look Melo D,
your contract clearly
states your obligation
to this label and
nowhere in there,
are there any
contingencies or language
about the fashion of our staff?
I suggest that you-
- Oh.
You think the name
means I'm mellow
or that I'm just some
gorgeous songbird,
fa-la-la-laing too busy
to read the fine print.
Oh, but you're
gonna learn today.
You're gonna learn today,
because my contract gentlemen,
obligates me to make
one more record here.
Do you know the big fan base
for how much revenue I take
with me if I left this label
after one record.
I do, it's quite a bit.
Would you like me to make
another gold record for you?
Yes, Eelion gold.
Because, I can do that.
Platinum even,
but I need some folks
around here who get me.
But all I see are some tech
heads who wouldn't know
a bop from a banger.
Please get Harmony back or
I'll be back with my lawyers.
You don't have anything
like this in New York,
do you Harmony?
Oh, no, no, no.
Well, we do have this
tiny little gathering
in Rockefeller Center every year
where they broadcast it
to millions of people.
But no, it's not like this.
Ha, ha, smartypants!
This Christmas lighting is
not a show, it's community.
Mm-hmm, the entire
town comes out,
from the eldercare
to the kinder care.
Harmony, is that?
Oh that's-
- Nope, that is nobody.
You know what, hey I,
I forgot something in the car.
I'll be right back.
No, no.
You're gonna miss
all the festivities.
Mama listen, I can see it.
I can see it from here.
- You're probably gonna.
- Miss the best part.
I got.
I just really can't.
Let me just.
- It's fine.
- Just for a minute.
I, Oh!
You know we gotta
stop meeting like this.
Three, two, one, lights.
It's beautiful huh?
So you're here with
Felicia Hewitt?
Yeah and my,
my parents and Darius are
around here somewhere.
The whole family.
That's just.
Yeah, that's great,
that's great.
It's just hilarious.
It's so funny.
Yeah, just the three of us,
the two, the three, all of,
just big old reunion, mm-hmm.
It's exactly what
I needed tonight.
Hi, Harmony?
Hi, hi.
I have to get
back to the kids.
Are you ready to go?
You know what it was really
great bumping into you, Kyle,
but I'm just going to
let you get back to your,
to your Felicia,
to your family too.
That wasn't awkward at all.
Oh really, what?
She got no game, Mama.
Rise and shine.
Auditions start in one hour.
Oh, what time is it?
Time for you to wake up.
How is that even a thing?
Oh, the two of you
used to be quite a thing.
And personally, I think
it is a great solution.
Is this the snow globe your
father gave you a long time ago?
Yeah, I like to keep it near.
I remember the day
he gave that to you.
His angel, first born,
going off on her own
to New York City.
Yeah, well I wasn't
supposed to be on my own.
True, but your father felt
that you could handle anything
that the world threw at you.
He used to say,
"Whenever I felt the
world whipping around me,"
just let everything settle
and follow my North Star.
"It'll guide me home."
And look at you, home.
Yep, just like I left it.
Hasn't changed a bit.
Although it will never be
the same without daddy.
You know what
else hasn't changed?
Kyle Noah.
Ugh, Mama!
Listen, I am old,
but I'm not blind.
Yeah, well your memory
must be going too,
if you think that I could
ever, ever be interested
in Kyle Noah after
what he did to me.
Oh, God forgive us for
we know not what we do.
Mm, I don't have
to forgive him, Mama.
I just have to work with him.
Oh all right,
I'll see you inside.
Okay Mama.
Please get harmony back,
or I'll be back with my lawyers.
Did you know
she was coming in?
I had no idea,
but it sounds like
something that she'd do.
Is that Harmony?
Listen Harmony.
Talked to the guys
at Supra today.
You talked to them?
Look if you can
create the perfect sound
for the final track
of Melo D's album,
I think I might just be
able to get your job back.
Yeah my job or the job
I'm supposed to have,
Senior Director.
Harmony, if you can keep
Melo D happy long enough
for her to sign her next
contract with Supra Sonic Sounds,
you can have whatever
position you want.
Just finish the track,
make it amazing.
Joy to the world
The Lord is come
Let earth
Her king
Let every heart
Declare his room
Can I have a.
And Heaven and nature sing
And saved
And Heaven, and
Heaven, and nature sing
Frontline, you guys
are invited to callbacks
after lunch auditioning for
the roles of Mary and Joseph.
And everyone else,
welcome to the chorus.
Thank you.
Thank you.
great, great work today.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Good luck.
Felicia seems very grateful.
She doesn't have the part yet.
Well I think she and Darius
would make a cute couple
as Mary and Joseph.
Listen, you can't cast my
brother in the lead role.
Are you jealous?
Jealous, I'm not jealous.
I just don't want
people to think
that we're giving Darius
special attention,
because he's my brother.
Darius has a great voice.
Okay, it's not great.
Not yet, but I know talent.
And you and I both know I
know how to turn good talent
into great talent.
Listen, this is
me cooperating.
I'll see you after lunch Kyle.
Hey, did you get
those clips I sent?
Yes, front-loaded
with my top choices,
like you asked.
Well, is that the sound of
my career going down the drain?
No, sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
You're at home.
I, I can call you later.
You know I wish I was
in New York right now.
Well then come home.
Girl, you know my mama would
kill me if I left right now.
Besides I've got this,
this thing with this guy.
A thing with a guy?
Not that kind of thing.
It's just a guy I used to know.
I mean, I used to
more than know him,
but, well anyway, it's,
my mom convinced me to
direct, co-direct this choir,
so I will be here
until Christmas.
Well that sounds kind of fun.
You know it kinda is.
Guys, it's Auntie Harmony.
Come on, give her some love.
- Love you!
- Thank you.
Can I get some of that too?
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
am I gonna have to turn
the water hose on y'all?
No hoses mama, no hoses.
'Cause I brought.
Oh, you keep it in the bag?
Oh, and I also,
I got my famous
chocolate chip cookies.
Yes, from the freezer aisle.
Thank you Lord.
Babies, don't you worry.
Your big Mama is gonna
make you some real cookies,
yummy, and buttery, and
crunchy, Christmas cookies.
Hold up mama.
They gonna have to get their
cookies in the morning,
because they going to
pizza with Papa while we-
- Oh, wait a minute.
While we-
- Are we about to have?
- Matthew girls slumber party!
- Matthew girls slumber party!
Yes, we're gonna need
more wine than that.
I got you boo, bam!
So Mama, sister
Nia told Joyce down
at the Majesty Salon that
you and ole Deacon James
was doing a little
tinsel two-step down
at the fellowship hall.
Do tell.
There is nothing to tell.
The kids were down
there showing off doing
that hip tok, ticky hop,
or whatever it is.
Mama and Deacon James
were showing the young ones
how it's done.
On the hop top, she bip bop.
Mop top?
Oh yes, we used
to do social dances.
You know, it was just fun.
Although, Deacon James does fill
out a Christmas sweater nicely.
- Ewe!
- Mama!
Too much, too much, too much.
How much wine have you had?
One why?
How big was the glass?
Was it?
- Big enough.
- Wait, wait a minute now.
This is not right.
How is my little sister and
my mama booed up on Christmas
and I am over here kissing
Santa Claus cookies.
Oh yeah, that reminds me.
What, what?
Hold, hold, hold up.
Oh yeah
Oh, girl where'd you get that?
You've been-
Bam, bam, bam, bam.
Put it in.
She's had that all this time.
Harmony Matthew staring in,
photographed and produced by me.
Up on the house
top, reindeer pause
Out jumps good
'ole Santa Clause
Down through the chimney
with lots of toys
All for the little
good girls and boys
Ho, ho, ho
Who wouldn't go
Daddy had a wonderful voice.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
He was a beautiful man.
Harmony, that's how
she got her voice.
Lord knows she
didn't take after me.
This almost feels
like old times.
Almost, but not quite you know.
This place will never feel
the same without daddy.
Let's sing, oh!
First comes the
stocking of little Nell
Oh what we did
to fill it well
I forgot Kyle
was here that day.
Mm-hmm, he was here.
One little look
and shut it's eyes
Ho, ho, ho, who wouldn't go
Ho, ho, ho, who wouldn't go
Up from the housetop,
click, click, click
Down through the chimney
with good Saint Nick
Oh, wonderful.
Oh, you are going
to be such a star
when we get to New York.
Thank you baby.
No, you are gonna be a superstar
when you get to New York.
Listen, stay focused,
pay your dues,
and make your parents proud.
Well, none of that
turned out as planned, huh?
Okay, okay.
Oh, that is enough for a minute.
Hey, hey, stop, enough.
So what's it like
seeing Kyle again?
You are not supposed
to say K-Y-L-E.
Uh-uh, mama, I can spell.
Well, since Jen brought it up?
Okay, all right, all right.
I'll admit that
when I first saw him
my heart jumped up in my chest.
Oh yes, he is a very
handsome young man, huh?
But then it shot straight
back down into my stomach.
And there I was all over again
in the airport seven
years ago, waiting.
Oh, do you know,
I never wanted somebody
to turn a corner
so much in my life,
and he never did.
Oh baby.
Hey baby, just put
those right there,
those toys over there.
Oh, Deacon James.
Mother Matthews.
It is always good to see you.
Getting everything ready
for the clothing drive?
Yes, everything is
basically good to go.
I see one of our
clients right now
who could use a preview.
Your interview is tomorrow
morning, right Monisha?
Yes sir.
We'd better rush and
get you a few things that
so you'll have enough
for the entire week.
Why don't you just select some
things that you really like
and then I will
come over in a while
and help you pull
some looks together.
Baby, would you like this?
Thank you.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
I have been waiting to say that.
For what?
Well I appreciate
you for getting Harmony
involved with the Holiday
Hallelujah Chorus.
She's still on the phone
all day with New York,
but not half as much.
Service is an
honorable pursuit.
Harmony has always
had a heart for service,
but unfortunately,
her desire to help
folks with their dreams,
make it easy for her to
forget about her own.
Yes, well for
better or for worse,
sometimes service
can be used as a-
- Distraction.
I knew it, yes, yes.
I know, I've heard that.
Well you do a lot to
serve others too Corissa.
I just hope that you
let someone pour into you
with equal measure one day.
I've gotta get back.
Okay come on,
come on everyone.
Let's gather.
Harmony, what
are you doing here?
Oh, don't mind us, mama.
Okay everybody, listen up.
Let's remember why we're here.
The Holiday Hallelujah Chorus
isn't just some Christmas show.
The money that we raise can
really help some real people.
Hey Harmony, come
check this out.
What do you think?
It's got, it's got
potential right?
Yeah, for a tetanus shot.
Oh now, come on now.
See over here.
This would be
great for a manger.
And over here I can,
we can put my piano
and the band over here.
I mean it's, it's perfect.
Yeah, come, come down here.
Yeah, just fill in.
Fill in all over there.
Hey y'all.
We're gonna rehearse
what we did this morning.
Y'all got it?
Okay, all right, let's do it.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Glo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
In excelsis deo
We did it.
We did it.
All right, all right,
all right, all right.
This is why I knew two
would be better than one
to direct the Holiday
Hallelujah Chorus.
Well, we actually
wanted to know if we could
have the performance here
instead of the church?
I'll get right on it.
Oh yes.
Hey Harmony, what's good mama?
Hey, Hey, nothing just working
hard for you as we speak.
You're always hard at work.
That I can always rely on.
I've made a lot of
money for y'all, right?
Yes, you did.
And you're gonna make a whole
lot more on this new one.
I promise.
You gonna have to make
good on that promise fast.
Harmony, I'm not
that hard to please.
I'm just looking
for a new sound.
A sound that's
timeless, yet relevant.
Strong, but not overpowering.
A sound that people wouldn't
even expect from Melo D Star.
It's not hard at all.
There's a lot at stake.
For both of us Harmony.
I got this.
I hope so.
It's okay.
Ms. Matthews.
Oh Kyle, what are you,
oh are these for me?
After the other day,
I just feel like I owed you.
Oh no, I make a
mean prune cobbler.
Did you want some?
Oh no, no.
You know what, I love
your sweet potatoes.
Hi Harmony.
Let me take this for you.
Oh no, I can.
I got it baby.
You just go ahead.
Kyle, what are you?
What are you doing here?
I just felt like the
mission was so cool today.
I thought we,
we could treat ourselves
with sweet potatoes.
Harmony, over here.
Come on, baby.
Work on this crust.
All right.
You know what?
I think I'll go and
put on some music.
Get the Christmas
spirit up in here.
Baby, you're the only
Oh, subtlety is
not her strong suit.
Well you know your mama
was always rooting for me
when we were kids, unlike your.
Daddy was just being a dad.
He never meant anything by it.
It's just, it's just
kinda cool to be here.
With you.
And she's gone again.
I keep trying to crack
down some kind of wall,
but you just keep going poof.
Like you just-
- Disappear.
Yeah, that sounds like you.
How long you in town for?
Oh I don't know, honestly.
I think I'll be back in
New York by New Year's.
I hope.
I mean I have to find
this miracle unicorn
of a band like yesterday, but.
But what?
If I do, when,
when I do,
I will be headed back to my job.
Back home.
This is not really
my area of expertise.
Oh, let me help you.
What you wanna do
is, try like this.
Like that.
So this doesn't feel
like home anymore?
You know what?
Let's, let's ditch these aprons.
Good, because I have just
about reached my pie dough peak.
Well you know, it's cool.
I just wanna, I gotta
place I wanna take you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
How do they play like that?
You know, you were right.
Yeah, the drinks
are great, right?
The band is great.
The way that the players, each
have their own solo thread.
Yeah the arrangement is like,
it's like this tapestry, right?
It's like unexpected.
Seamless, is the word I'd use.
It's a great
solo, but together,
they're the best.
All right, so I'm pretty
sure I saw Kyle Noah
out there tonight.
Kyle boy.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
All right, let's go.
Going through the
motions like I'm
Doing just fine
Hope no one can see
that you've been
Always on my mind, yeah
Deafening silence so loud
That I can't make a sound
We went our
separate ways but
Happens all the time
Don't close the
door at least before
You find out that
you're in the know
'Cause once you do
A part of you is caught
up in the air before
Don't close the door
At least before
You find out that
you're in the know
'Cause once you do
A part of you gets caught
up in the air before
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you so much, thank you.
Thank you.
Well, you know what?
I have one of my favorite,
favorite singing partners
that just got in town
from the Big Apple.
I'd like all of you
to give a warm welcome
to Miss Harmony Matthews.
Come on.
Harmony, come on
Don't leave me up here solo.
Come on, cheer her on.
Cheer her on now.
This is one of our
favorite tunes, right here,
we like to sing together.
It's okay.
Yeah, y'all keep playing.
Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa,
what are you doing?
Don't go.
What was that?
Oh come on now,
I just miss you.
I just miss us singing together.
That's all.
All right don't leave, stay.
Look you said you
liked the band, right?
The band is good, right?
There you go, please.
Thank you.
You know, that first one.
That's mine.
I did that one.
It's original.
Yeah, I could tell.
You can tell.
How can you tell?
Nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
That little flourish thing.
You do that a lot in your songs.
You really should write more.
Well I wanted to.
I'm just, just waiting
on my muse to return.
Hey, you know what?
Come here.
What are you doing?
No, what, what,
it's been that long?
Come on, let's dance.
You know what I mean?
What are we doing?
This is called dancing.
You fill my heart with joy
My love
And the touch of your hand
Makes me start to understand
My love
When I think of all the ways
I feel when I'm with you
Can I have this dance, again
Mm, there you are.
I've been waiting
for that voice.
There's Harmony.
And poof.
No, no, I'll leave
this for another box.
These boxes feel light.
We're not nearly at
the level we were at
this time last year.
Well, a lot of things can
change in a week and a half.
We still have a lot of time.
Excuse me, Deacon.
Not that much time.
The lease expires
just after Christmas.
Lease, but we dealt with this.
The building owned
an opt to renew.
Our clients are homeless and
they have nowhere else to turn.
I know Reggie,
but a developer has approached
the Board with a proposal
for a multi-use retail
general purpose facility.
Deacon, we can not let
this place close down.
People are depending on us.
I know.
Where else will they go?
Well technically,
we don't need the
sale price to keep
the Board from entertaining
the developer's offer.
What do we need to do?
A deposit of 5%, $10,000.
Mother Matthews.
What's the most, the holiday
fundraiser ever raised?
The best year?
3,200, yeah.
What the church has
done for this mission
over the years has
been nothing short of-
- A miracle.
And that's exactly
what we need now.
A Christmas miracle.
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year.
We wish you a
Merry Christmas.
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin
Good tidings for Christmas
And a Happy New Year
All right y'all.
Do, do, do, do, do
Come on.
Do, do, do, do, do
That's right.
Do, do, do, do, do
Merry Christmas
Do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do
Come on in
the back, let me hear you.
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
We wish you a
Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
Oh, and my feet still hurt.
Thank you, thank you.
All right everyone,
the Christmas coconut cookies
will be ready in seven minutes.
Listen, you want
me to handle that?
No, Jen.
I know I took a oath
to first do no harm,
but sisters before sutures.
No, it's handled.
I'm just gonna go wish
Mary a Merry Christmas.
Oh no, Jennifer.
Jen, Jennifer!
Don't you embarrass me, girl.
Hello, hi.
Get out of here.
Mm-Mm, mm-mm,
mm, mm, mm, mm-mm
I miss that voice.
Kind of wish you were
singing in the choir,
so I could listen
to it everyday.
Yeah well, I'm not
singing much these days.
Too busy creating singers.
I'm good at that.
You're good at singing.
You're a singer.
I was.
I'm not anymore.
Now what we do is different
than now who we are.
Do you know why you're
all up in my business?
Can you take a minute
to mind your own?
What's going on with music
and lyrics by Kyle Noah?
Don't you wanna be heard
outside of some hole
in the wall club?
Well, like I said,
I'm just waiting on my muse.
I keep looking over my shoulder
waiting for your father
to scream at me from downstairs.
"I know y'all better
have that door open."
He gave me this
globe the day that we,
the day that I
left for New York.
He did?
He always encouraged me
to reach for the stars.
Just like the ones
in this globe.
That snow globe came
from someone who loved you
beyond the stars.
He wanted you to always have
some North Carolina with you,
even if you were in New York.
Yeah, well New
York was very lonely.
Harmony if your father
was still living today,
he'd be so proud of you.
Tell them.
I came in to tell you,
both of you something.
It's the mission.
But what you're saying
is even if we miraculously
double the donation total
from past fundraisers,
we'd still come up short.
I don't wanna give up.
And I'm not gonna
give up either.
That's what I'm saying.
The show must go on as expected.
No, we're unexpected.
Where is she going?
Hey Harmony.
You said you
trusted me, right?
It depends, what's up?
How would you feel
about coming to a quiet,
quaint little Southern town?
You know there's
nothing quaint about me,
why would you even
suggest quaint?
You said you wanted
something that nobody
would expect from you.
Listen to this.
Now that might be
worth the plane ride.
How many tickets do
you think we could sell
if we had a featured singer?
Like, oh I don't
know, Melo D Star?
You know what,
I'm going to call my
stylist right now.
I mean, that's
amazing Harmony.
Like really amazing.
But what is Melo
D Star gonna sing?
You want her to take
over my part, right?
I totally understand.
She's Melo D
Felicia, you are our Mary.
And now the world is
gonna get a chance
to see your talent.
Thank you.
Come on, let's go.
Okay, but if Felicia
it's still playing Mary,
then what is Melo D gonna do?
What is she gonna sing?
The song you're
about to write her.
For Melo D Star?
I'll help.
Help does not begin to
describe what this is gonna do
for my career Harmony,
but if we're going to do this,
we've gotta spend a
lot of time together.
Like a lot of time.
I mean, are you
really ready for that?
I mean, no poof.
I'm ready.
Really, no poof.
Da, da, da
Da, da
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da
You know what I think?
I think you bit off
more than I could chew.
Yeah, I think that's
the pizza talking.
'Cause modesty isn't
really a quality
I remember you having
a large supply.
Okay you know what-
- No, it was no shade.
I'm just saying you don't
need to be modest, Kyle.
We have turned a country choir
into a collection of voices
that is Melo D Star worthy.
I did not bite off
more than we can chew.
I kind of need this.
You do?
Yeah, it's gonna help
me get my job back.
But is that really
what you want?
Excuse me.
Harmony, you're a singer.
Okay, okay, look, look,
you're incredibly successful
at being an exec.
Thank you.
Yes, but is that really
where your heart is?
I think I have a
better track record
at protecting my
heart than you do, so.
Okay, okay time out.
Hold on, time out.
Let's just breathe
in, breathe out.
You know what?
I think a breath of fresh
air is exactly what we need.
I don't get it.
What do I need a
Christmas tree for
if I don't even
have a coffee table?
Okay so being at my mama's
house reminds me of how good
it feels to be joyful.
And you're bachelor pad,
doesn't exactly spark joy.
Okay, excuse me.
How about this one?
Does it sparkle or whatever?
We need a hit
maker tree and this,
mm, that ain't it.
Ah, look.
How about this one?
Does this feel like Christmas?
Yeah, all right.
Christmas spirit?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Okay, you were right.
Yeah, of course.
As if there was any doubt.
It, the place feels alive.
It actually feels like
someone lives here.
Yeah it really takes
a special kind of touch
to make a place feel like home.
Oh okay, yeah, yeah.
Let's not get too cozy.
We got a lot of work to do.
Come on.
You can't rush
inspiration, okay?
- Uh-huh.
- You can't do that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
After you.
Thank you.
All right, show
me what you got.
All right.
Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da
Feels good, right?
Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da
Well that, that's
certainly felt good.
Come on, don't get poofy on me.
I'm not getting poofy.
I'm just finishing
what we started.
I'm talking about
the tree, Kyle.
Let's see, what is
all of this back here?
Can't let you do anything.
Well, wanna do the honors?
Yes, thank you.
Here, can you help me?
Got it?
Just like that.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Yeah, come here.
Thank you.
Okay, what was
it that you said?
Inspiration can't be rushed.
Oh sorry, I walked
right into that.
- Yeah you did.
- Yeah.
But you know,
that's what we really need.
You know you're right.
I've got an idea.
Need inspiring?
Inspiration point.
- Wow.
- Mm.
We used to come
out here when we
were like 16.
16, yeah.
And you would stare up
at the stars and wish
for all our dreams to come true.
New York was our
dream, wasn't it?
You were my dream, H.
Not necessarily New York.
Kyle, why didn't you
come to the airport?
You can't even explain
yourself, can you?
Can we just forget
about the past?
Let's just be here
right now in real time
with real feelings.
I know you feel it too.
That's it Kyle.
I know what role
Melody D. should play.
The Christmas Star.
Okay and you'll come in
after the four count Melo D
Oh, ooh, ooh,
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Look up to the sky above
on this silent night
Searching for a
sign to lead me home
Oh, you sound amazing.
You sound amazing.
What do you think?
Well, I think
it's amazing too.
I think it sounds good.
What do you think
about the part Melo D?
Oh, well it looks like
I'll be seeing you Friday
at the holiday hoedown.
Here we go.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah
It's hard to believe
that just three weeks ago,
this place looked
like something out
of all Halloween horror movie.
I mean, but suddenly it's-
- It's Christmas.
Ah, and you know what?
Ever since Melo D got involved,
my mama said that
all the tickets,
they are almost sold out.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
We've got a problem, Harmony.
Adding Melo D to the call.
Harmony, I'm so, so sorry.
Wait, what?
Sorry, why?
Why are you so sorry?
We can't get
Melo D on a plane.
All the flights out of
upstate have been canceled.
It's literally a snowpocalypse.
You know I'd be
there if I could.
You know that.
Yeah, I do.
I know that.
What can you do?
Thanks, thanks.
Bye guys.
All right darling, bye.
So what are we gonna do?
I don't know, but I tell
you what I'm not gonna do.
Get my job back.
Come here, sorry.
Chase away the darkness
Chase away the fear
You got it, you got it.
I can't.
I'm sorry, Harmony.
I'm just not gonna be
able to pull it off.
You have an amazing
voice Felicia.
We can get you where
you need to be.
By tomorrow night?
Let's, let's just take
it from the top, okay?
No, wait, can
we try something?
Harmony, how about
you just sing it?
Just, just to,
just to show Felicia how
you want it to be done.
Oh, okay.
I can find the light
to guide my way
I know it's here
inside of me
To chase away the darkness
Chase away the fears
Yeah, yeah
And we found our
Christmas Star.
Oh, oh no.
No, can we just take five?
Can I talk to you?
It's like she's
a professional.
She was phenomenal.
What are you doing?
We need to be a united front.
Harmony, you need
to be out front.
All right, you're
the obvious choice.
I thought you'd be
overjoyed that I'm trying
to level your girl up.
Okay, you know what?
First of all, Felicia
is not my girl.
She's my friend.
And second of all,
why are you so afraid
to level yourself up?
I'm not afraid.
I'm not a singer.
You are a singer.
Not anymore!
Who says?
Says every audition I went
on for the first five years
I was in New York.
Says hundreds of
nightclub promoters,
and concert managers,
and Sonic Sound.
What are you talking about?
I started out in
the mail room there,
because I thought that I
could just slide my demo
to an executive like I was in
some "Living Single" episode.
I put my CD in a manila envelope
and I put it on Mac's desk
like it came in the mail.
Okay and?
He loved it, right?
Because you're a star.
You need to know that.
Yeah he loved it.
And then I told him
I was the singer.
"But you're a nobody."
That's what he said to me.
Okay, just because
your boss doesn't see
how special you are.
That's on him.
That's not on you.
It was on me to turn my
failure into a success.
If I couldn't make it,
then I was going to
do everything I could
to support those who could.
I made a career out of
making dreams come true.
What about your dreams?
I woke up.
You woke up.
Harmony, you've
got an opportunity
to do what God put you
on his planet to do.
You have to do this.
You can do this.
We would have to
change all the marquees.
Tell every ticket holder that
Melo D Star is not coming.
Okay, that's fair,
we can do that.
This is crazy.
I haven't performed in years.
Look stop, H get
out of your head.
Get into your heart.
What does your heart say?
I do miss it.
And it misses you too.
Let's just get back in
there and talk to the choir.
Come on, Felicia
can't do the part.
Yeah, she made
that very clear.
I just wanna get with Keyvon
to see if there's enough time
to change the
Christmas Star costume.
You mean Melo
D Star's costume?
Well I guess it's
my costume now.
I was just heading out.
Is everything going smoothly?
Oh yes, I just need
to find more rows.
But other than that,
everything is looking great.
Yes it does.
Oh, Reginald, stop that.
So how are ticket sales going
now that Melo D canceled.
Well, like you said,
we're gonna need a
Christmas miracle.
But what this show is doing for
everyone's Christmas spirit,
you can't put a
dollar amount on that.
Yeah, it is indeed important
to recognize the things
that are valuable in life.
Is there something
else you need?
Well, kind of.
Well, I was just
about to head home
and getting for tonight.
About that,
how about picking me
up at six o'clock?
I thought you'd be
staying here with Harmony
and getting ready for the show.
No, I'm gonna be busy
getting myself ready.
For our date.
Yes, our date.
I know it's been 40
years since I had a date,
but I think it is still
customary that a gentleman
pick a lady up at her home.
It is.
Six o'clock, sharp.
Okay, sharp.
Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
Oh, you found some more robes?
Just put 'em over there.
That's not all I found.
Ms. Felicia was out there
doing the mistletoe tango
with none other than Mr. Noah.
All right, we.
All right now,
where's my star?
Come on.
How could you?
I'm confused.
Don't act innocent.
Nia saw it all.
You were doing the
mistletoe tango?
Y'all put a dance in the show?
No mama, Kyle and
Felicia, lip to lip.
- Oh!
- What?
Wait a minute.
I didn't say nothing
about Felicia and Kyle.
Then who?
Yeah, what's going on?
Yeah, what is,
what's going on?
No, fine.
Darius and I have been
going on for months now.
Wait Darius, my
brother Darius.
Why wouldn't y'all
have told me this?
Well I don't know.
We didn't want to jinx it.
We wanted to make
sure it was a thing
before we subjected
it to the rumor mill.
Look Harmony,
Kyle and I are only friends.
You'd know that if he'd
just tell you the truth.
Kyle, Felicia's right.
You should tell her.
Ms. Matthews, I-
- Ah, I, you, you,
you two need to talk.
Everybody out.
Come on, get out.
What part of out
don't you understand?
Move it, move it, faster.
Ooh, could you move
faster than that.
Now talk.
Harmony, you
need to understand
how much your father loved you,
how much he believed in you.
Yes, he wanted you to
have every chance to shine.
Wait, what are you
two talking about?
Harmony, you ready?
The day we were supposed
to go to New York.
I came to the house,
so we could go to
the airport together
instead of you meeting me there.
Yeah, you mentioned something
about that the other day.
I never knew that.
Yeah, well you were gone.
Some going away with your girls.
Oh and Kyle,
he was just so excited.
I mean the two of you had
the whole world ahead of you.
- But what, Kyle?
Your father had his doubts.
He didn't think I should
have gone to New York?
No, he had his
doubts about me.
He was afraid that you would
spend so much of your energy
making sure I pursued my dreams,
that you would lose
focus of your own.
He felt that once you
got your feet under you,
then things would be different.
You'd come home for Christmas.
And he would support
the two of you,
so everything could get
back to the way you left it.
But, your daddy passed.
You never came back.
Why didn't you say anything?
Either of you?
Your father swore
me to secrecy.
Oh baby, I was wrong.
I mean, we were wrong.
I just thought it'd be
better for you to hate me.
Instead of hating your father.
It was Kyle who gave your
father that snow globe
that you love so much,
'cause we wanted you to
have some of North Carolina
no matter what you were.
Give this to her.
This is not something
that you can't,
the two of you,
can't make right.
God has sent you home for
a moment such as this.
So, you let me go.
It was the right thing to do.
No, the right thing to do
would have been to come with me.
I would have done that for you.
That's why I didn't go.
I didn't want you to
have to do that for me.
No, I get it now.
I get it.
All of this,
You were just trying to
clear your guilty conscience.
You didn't believe in me then,
and you definitely
don't believe in me now.
That's not true Harmony.
I am not going out
there and making a fool
out of myself again pretending
like you're gonna support me.
You know what?
We're cutting the
Christmas Star solo.
Wait, wait, wait, no.
Listen, we can't go back.
Yeah, you're right about that.
You know what?
Even if we make a
penny for the mission,
it'll be worth it.
But after tonight, you and I,
this do over,
it's gonna end the same way
it did in the beginning,
with me on my own.
Harmony, listen.
I love you.
You hear me?
I've always loved you.
I've loved you
since we were kids.
I love you now.
No you don't, Kyle.
The Bible says that
love always protects.
It always persists.
And you gave up on us.
You gave up on me.
Gave up?
Harmony, you
didn't go to New York
to become some exec.
Singing Director?
Look in the mirror.
You're a singer.
No, I didn't give up on you.
You gave up on yourself.
Harmony, did you
know there are a lot
of media trucks outside?
Oh, as usual Ruth Anne.
You saved the day.
Thank you.
Good news everyone.
Melo D Star is on her way,
and she should make it
here in time for her solo.
Maybe, hopefully.
Okay, places in 20.
You know what?
For the fundraiser's sake, I am,
I'm happy that
Star is on her way.
But to me,
our Christmas Star is standing
right here in front of me,
afraid to shine.
Hello, welcome everyone to
the Holiday Hallelujah Chorus.
Tonight, we will be
singing some songs,
special ones that we've
prepared just for you.
And I hope you enjoy.
In excelsis deo
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
The kingdom of His world
Is become
The kingdom of our
Lord and of his Christ
And of his Christ
And of his Christ
And he shall reign
forever and ever
And he shall reign
forever and ever
King of kings
The Lord of lords
King of kings
And Lord of lords
And he shall reign
He shall reign
forever and ever
So, as I'm sure many
of you were expecting,
the next song is supposed to be.
What are you doing?
Skip, skip the solo.
You got this.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Yes baby.
Look up to the sky above
On this silent night
Searching for a
sign to lead me home
All the doubts and questions
Am I even where
I'm supposed to be
Then I hear your
voice telling me
Shine your light for
all the world to see
There's nothing
but possibilities
Miracles happen
every Christmas Eve
And you got the
magic in your heart
Whenever you need
me, I'm not far
I'll be the
lighting of the dark
Your Christmas star
I believe
I can find your
light to guide my way
I believe
I know it's there
inside of me
I believe
To chase away the darkness
Chase away the fears
And I hear Him say,
Yeah, yeah
Shine your light for
all the world to see
There's nothing
but possibilities
Miracles happen
every Christmas Eve
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
We got the magic
in our heart
Yeah, yeah
Whenever you need
me I'm not far
I'll be the
lighting of the dark
Your Christmas star
Your Christmas star
Come here, come here.
It was so good.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh, look.
Look everybody, Melo D Made it.
Melo D Star.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry.
I just sang the song
you were supposed to sing.
I know, you sound amazing.
Well I mean, do you
know "Carol of the Bells?"
I think so, yes.
She can do "Carol
of the Bells."
Yeah, yeah, great, great.
All right, okay.
Let's do it.
Everyone, Melo D Star.
Hark the bells sing
Christmas is good cheer
Hark how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say
Throw cares away
Christmas is here
Bringing good cheer
To young and old
Meek and the bold
Ding dong dong
That is their song
With joyful ring
All caroling
One seems to hear
Word of good cheer
From everywhere
Filling the air
Oh how they pound
Raising the sound
O'er hill and dale
Telling their tale
Gaily they ring
While people sing
Songs of good cheer
Christmas is here
Merry, merry, merry,
Merry Christmas
Merry, merry, merry,
Merry Christmas
Harmony, you were amazing!
Oh, thank you.
Deacon, Deacon has been listening
to the donation tracker.
We hit the $10,000 mark.
Oh we did?
Oh, thank God
Melo D Star made it.
Oh your father,
he would be so proud of you.
Yeah, he would.
Listen, we're gonna go mingle.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You, you were brilliant.
You are brilliant.
Thank you.
No thank you.
Congratulations, Harmony.
It is good to have you back.
Thank you for saying that.
Listen, Ruth Anne tagged
me in the livestream.
It was amazing, really.
I mean the whole
thing was top notch.
Yeah, well I'm glad
everyone enjoyed it.
Do you think you
can get the choir
to New York City this week?
Record the single?
I want it to drop
by New Year's Eve.
I think I can handle that.
And after the New Year,
I wanna get you that
office you've been wanting.
The C-suite?
You've earned it Harmony.
I don't think I'm gonna be
coming back to any office.
Yeah, no.
I told you that you
would want me back,
and unfortunately
I am unavailable.
I'm committing to
some new dreams,
rather recommitting
to some old ones.
Bye Frank.
Uhhuh, that's right.
Like that?
For real, just like that.
Hello, hey Miss Hit Maker.
Now who knew you were
the hit in the making?
That's very sweet
of you to say.
Listen now, when I say something
it's because I mean it.
I really think you
should be a solo artist.
Well I just got a promotion.
Senior Director
of Acquisitions.
You deserve it all, but no.
Yeah no, that's
exactly what I told him.
That's my girl.
That's right.
I, I actually have some
other things in mind.
I'm gonna be a singer.
Oh, listen Harmony,
you've had my back
from the start.
What do you think about?
What do you think about
a little investment?
What do you mean?
I mean, the most amazing A&R
is a free agent right now.
I'd started an Indie label.
You think 250 grand
will get you started?
- What?
- Money.
Yeah, I don't, I
don't know what to say.
You're gonna say yes.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Oh, Ruth Anne is
getting a huge promotion.
Ooh, I'm gonna sign
myself as my first act.
Wait, can I do that?
Yes, of course you can.
You better?
Oh, okay.
Please count me in
as your second artist.
That is, this is just, I-
- Wow.
This is a once in a
lifetime opportunity.
I owe you big time.
you keep turning those
dreamers that the gatekeepers
called nobody's and
turn them into stars,
and that's all
you'll ever owe me.
Thank you.
All right.
All right.
Love you too.
- She is a hoot.
- What?
I could, can you just,
I, oh okay.
So I didn't know that I
was gonna say no to Frank,
but when he offered me
everything I wanted,
I realized that I didn't
really want it anymore.
It is time for me to
focus on my dreams.
Am I a part of that dream?
I'd really like that, Kyle,
but you're here and I'm going
back to New York.
Back to New York.
Yeah I mean, I knew
that was gonna happen.
December 26th,
4:45 PM departure.
I booked a flight.
I wasn't sure if you were
gonna give me another shot,
but I knew it was time
for me to shoot mine.
You're coming to New York.
No, not coming to
New York, moving.
Darius is taking over my
lease and I've already set up
an interview with a
church in Brooklyn,
and I've got some choir
and some big time
superstar next week.
I mean, it's kind of crazy.
So we're gonna be in New York.
- Together.
- Yeah.
About time, right?
Harmony, I cannot
imagine a world
where you're not making
your dreams come true.
I've always known that.
And ever since the
day you got back
and pummeled me with that pie,
I knew right then that I
wanted to do everything
in my power to make you happy.
We talk about once in a
lifetime opportunities,
I've already missed one once.
I'm not gonna miss it again.
hallelujah, hallelujah