Christmas in Miami (2021) Movie Script

- [MAN2] You bastard.
Guy, we've just arrived
We don't give a damn
Guy, we've just arrived
[IN PIDGIN] How are you?
- [IN PIDGIN] Look at where you're going.
- Okay.
- Aha!
- Passport sir.
- Yes.
How are you Sir?
[IN PIDGIN] Why is he looking
like we did something wrong?
- [IN PIDGIN] Let him be...
- What?
and who is your older son?
Doesn't it say on the passport?
You're going to have to explain.
Explain what exactly?
It's in the passport.
[IN PIDGIN] What kind of explanation
do you need from our biological father?
Ah-ah, don't you know twins?
Dad, this guy is
just trying to be difficult.
Don't you know
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito?
- Guy, please be quick.
- Akpos calm down.
If you know you don't want to
attend to us, let us go to another person.
- Akpos you've started.
- [IN PIDGIN] We came here for a purpose.
- Akpos!
[IN ENGISH] Listen!
Do you guys want to get on
the next flight to Nigeria?
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] It hasn't come to that.
Look, in America you'll
probably call it genetic disorder.
Okay. But for me as a parent,
Children are a gift
from God. Big or small.
He always has purpose for
creating us the way he did.
True, so wait...
So, this little boy is your older son?
- Yes.
- And this man is your younger son?
- [IN PIDGIN] Absolutely.
- That's how it is.
Open your eyes properly so he can see you.
- [IN PIDGIN] He just called you a child.
- [OFFICER] Step in front of the camera.
- Step in front of the camera.
[IN PIDGIN] It seems we are cleared.
Hey, according to your height.
- Akpos!
- Akpos!
- Remove your cap.
- Next.
[IN PIDGIN] Remove his glasses.
Open your eyes so he
doesn't call you a child again.
Thank you gentlemen.
Welcome to America.
Thank you.
This Christmas, from the city of Miami,
and coming to your screens.
Six families chosen from across
six diverse countries and cultures.
Will battle for a chance to
take home one million dollars
by living under the same
roof for one whole week.
While treating us to an awesome
fiesta of cultural magnificence.
Let's meet your host for the
inter-continental christmas fiesta 2021.
- [MAN] Are you guys excited?
- Let me hear it,
- are you guys excited?
Okay. Ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you,
the legendary, the one
and only, Mr. Larry Piper.
- [MAN] Let's hear it.
Hello everyone.
- I like it. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
First of all, I'll like to welcome you all
to the inter-continental Christmas fiesta.
It is really incredible
that you all have come from so
many different parts of the world.
To this amazing celebration
of human diversity.
Christmas is definitely a time to
celebrate what we've accomplished.
We've been through so much as a people.
We have all made it
through an exceedingly difficult period.
And I guess we all can appreciate
the long way we have come.
My goal is to meet as
many people as possible.
People who are in love
with the idea of love.
Who are positive.
People that have more time to
love one another than to hate.
- [IN PIDGIN] Take a look at that ghost..
- Look at this people waiting
- [IN PIDGIN] Are these not people's bags?
- [IN PIDGIN] Where is the bag going?
- Akpos!
[IN PIDGIN] Akpos, go for your bag.
[IN PIDGIN] What is wrong with you?
[IN PIDGIN] Just take a look.
What are you doing?
- Get down.
- No, no, no!
- Come here!
- [AKPOS] No!
- [IN PIDGIN] Look, it's my bag.
[DAD IN PIDGIN] Anything that's
meant to happen so be it.
- [AKPOS] Wait, wait, wait.
- [OFFICER] No, come.
- [IN PIDGIN] I want to get my bag.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[IN PIDGIN] Don't you understand?
It's my bag I want to get.
- Come on.
- Okay, let me make you understand.
[IN PIDGIN] My bag...
I just want to get my bag.
- [DAD] He was just trying to get his bag.
- [IN PIDGIN] It's not like...
meet us at the office.
- [AKPOS] Wait...
- No, no, no
- [IN PIDGIN] You can't do this.
- [DAD] Wait.
- [IN PIDGIN] Dad, they can't do this.
- [OFFICER] Come on. come on.
[IN PIDGIN] This is not how you'll
welcome me to America. I won't agree.
- I won't agree, I won't agree.
- [RAPHAEL] Akpos! Akpos!
-I won't agree. Look,
-[RAPHAEL] Akpos, Akpos...
[IN PIDGIN] You guys shouldn't do this.
that anyone will jump onto the carousel.
Is this your first foreign travel?
[IN PIDGIN] Why do you people
like to underestimate people.
Please tell me, why? Ehn?
This is not the first time I'm travelling.
Look at me,
I've travelled very wide and far.
I've been to Cotonou.
I've been to Puerto Rico.
I've been to Accra.
Check the atlas and you'll be
surprised I've been to Atlanta as well.
like London, Paris, Rome.
[IN PIDGIN] Was my passport not stamped?
They're also foreign trips.
Paris and Rome are not countries.
[IN PIDGIN] Mm-hmm, look at him...
Acting like he knows
it all yet he knows nothing.
[DAD] Look at how he's beign corrected.
Look at how they are scattering
the food we are meant to eat.
- [DAD] What sort of rubbish is this?
- We're going to the kid's room.
- Oh God!
-I'm not a kid
-[DAD IN PIDGIN] What do they want?
We have chocolate, candy,
doughnuts, everything a kid would want.
- Come with me.
- What?
Sir, don't worry he's in safe hands.
- [OFFICER] Come on.
- [DAD IN PIDGIN] Well, go with her.
like marshmallows or chocolate cakes?
Officer, is all of this really neccessary?
I'm sorry that my son
jumped on the carousel
but can you just give us a warning,
so we can go?
- [OFFICER] They can keep this.
- Oh thank you men...
Thank you.
You can't keep this.
- No, no!
- You can't keep this
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] Dad, stop doing this.
- [DAD] It's the food we're meant to eat.
- [IN PIDGIN] What can you do about it.
Let it go, dad.
No, no! Not this one...
- No, they are not drugs.
- How do I explain this to him?
- Tell him.
Tell him that they mix it with local gin.
- like um...
- Local gin.
Tequila. You put tequila in here,
and one shot in the morning.
- Look at me.
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] You'll be erect.
[IN PIDGIN] Your body will be
at attention and firm.
They can keep this.
- [AKPOS] Thank you.
Look, where I come from uh...
We say something like this in lagos.
[IN YORUBA] You're the man.
what does that mean?
[IN PIDGIN] It means that you're the shit.
- [CHUCKLES] I'm the shit.
- No, like Americans say
"You the shit, man"
- Oh, I'm the shit. [LAUGHING]
- [IN YORUBA] You're shit, man. [LAUGHING]
- [IN YORUBA] You're shit, man.
- [AKPOS] Shit, shit...
- You're the shit.
- You can't keep this shit.
[IN PIDGIN] I thought...
[IN PIDGIN] Dad, I don't understand
what is happening here.
What's happening here?
Why are they
putting our things in the bin?
Akpos, please
if you don't want us to go to prison,
Stop talking, please.
[IN PIDGIN] Which prison?
We brought the food that we will eat,
These people are
putting our food in the bin.
What wrong did we do? This is oppression.
[IN PIDGIN] Think about it
I agree black lives matter.
- Black lives matter.
- That's right. [CHUCKLES]
This doesn't matter. [CLEARS THROAT]
Just make sure you trash everything.
- Ponmo.
-So, they work together
-[DAD] It's a combination.
- [IN YORUBA] You're shit, man.
[IN PIDGIN] This guy is crazy.
the world would see how,
how different cultures can be the same.
Sure we might come
from different ethnicities and
different parts
of the world, different countries.
And the one thing that keeps us
from being divided and separated
is love for one another.
We are all same difference.
And that, my friends, is the
true spirit of christmas.
- Celebrate!
Merry christmas to you all. God bless you.
Thank you Larry.
I got word that the Nigerians
are having some issues at the airport.
But we're getting all that straightened
out and they should be here soon.
Raphael Dafe if you can hear me,
please find the nearest officer
and report to the control room.
Gentlemen, I am so sorry.
I don't know what happened.
- [AKPOS] Hmm.
- You assured me
when you were taking him away, you
said, "Oh don't worry, he'll be okay"
This has never happened before.
It has never happened,
so it's happening with my son first.
[IN PIDGIN] Nothing
should happen to my brother.
I'll cause problems here, dad.
[YELLING] Akpos, stall your hyperactivity.
Am I the one who's lost or Raphael?
Sorry. I'm sorry... I beg God in God's name...
nothing should happen to my brother
If anything happens
to my brother I'll cause problems here.
I'm crazy, I'll break
bottles on all your heads.
[IN PIDGIN] They'll go to Nigeria to
write a statement at the police station.
I can assure you, we'll find him.
[IN PIDGIN] It's the same assurance you
gave that has brought us to this point.
[IN PIDGIN] Where is Raphael?
I understand you're frustrated.
- But you have to trust me.
- [IN PIDGIN] Your father is frustrated.
[IN PIDGIN] Your father is frustrated.
[BOY] You know what I found out
about punctuality, dad?
What son?
Punctuality is waiting
around for other people.
Like the Nigerians.
[IN MANDARIN] Black people
will be late even to their own funeral.
Beautiful country, lovely country.
You see Nigeria is very big.
It's a big nation.
In Nigeria we have more
than 250 ethnic groups.
Which can be split
into 30 or 40 nations, even more.
How does a child know so much?
No, I'm not a child. [CHUCKLING]
Is English your main language?
Uh, English, English... it used to be.
But now we have Pidgin.
How do you say, "How are you doing?"
You say "How you dey?"
- [IN PIDGIN] How you dey?
- How you dey?
It's not, "How you dey?" Uh uh.
You just say it with authority.
[IN PIDGIN] "How you dey?"
- How you dey?
- How you dey?
No! How you dey?
- How you dey?
- Beautiful, "How you dey?"
- Aha! Aha, bravo.
- How you dey?
Alright, how would you say you're mad?
- How would you say that?
- If you want to say, "You're mad"?
- Yeah., right!
- Raphael Dafe if you can hear me,
- "You dey craze?"
- Please find the nearest officer
- "You dey craze?"
- and report to the control room.
"You dey craze?"
"You dey craze?"
Raphael Dafe if you can hear me
please find the nearest officer,
- so he can bring you to the control room.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Are you sure he is still in the airport?
He's been gone for almost how long?
Oh, he's in the airport alright.
I trust that one.
-If it's this one,
he would have been
long gone from the airport.
[IN PIDGIN] Pop, how is this
matter any of my concern?
I don't want to hear a word from you.
[IN PIDGIN] Keep quiet.
[IN PIDGIN] At the end of the day,
I'm the one here with you.
I'm tired of both of you.
- What have I done now?
- I'm tired of both of you.
- Can I talk with to...
- Yeah, go ahead.
Thank you.
- [IN PIDGIN] If you beat me in America...
- Eh, er...
Hello, testing one...
[IN PIDGIN] I'm sure you can hear me.
This is your father.
If you don't want to be unfortunate...
Before I count to ten.
Find any officer in uniform
to bring you to the control room.
Can you hear me?
I said before I count to ten...
Raphael are you crazy
or do you want
your father to be unfortunate?
I was talking to Raphael.
[IN PIDGIN] You dey craze?
- [IN PIDGIN] No, she dey craze.
- Ask him, "You dey craze?"
- [IN PIDGIN] You dey craze?
-You dey craze
[IN PIDGIN] I'm sure you can hear me.
- Raphael, five...
Okay, see you guys. See you later.
[MAN] You dey craze.
- Six...
- Make sure you visit Nigeria
before you die. 'You dey craze?
- You dey craze.
- You dey craze.
See you in Nigeria.
Your late mother wouldn't dare.
- Where did you find him?
- I didn't, he found me.
[IN PIDGIN] Where were you?
I was just in
the airport chatting with some people.
My friend...
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] Dad, calm down
Pop, please don't kill
Raphael and go to prison here.
- [DAFE] C'mon.
- Dad, I just...
- [AKPOS] Keep quiet. You're still talking.
- [DAD YELLING] Get going.
His head looking like corned beef.
Come on let's get going, fool.
[AKPOS] They shouldn't
try this thing next time.
- [DAD] Settle down Akpos.
- Dad, leave me alone.
These are the guests representing Nigeria
at the intercontinental Christmas Fiesta.
Sir, we just got the memo.
We just had issues with
somethings in their bag.
But they're free to go now, sir.
Are you guys okay?
- [IN PIDGIN] Won't you have let us go?
[IN PIDGIN] You were
just delaying us for no reason.
- You treated me like a cow.
- [DAFE] Akpos!
- Akpos!
- [IN PIDGIN] Dad.
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] What is the problem?
- [IN PIDGIN] And you...
I'm watching you.
That nonsense that you did here...
that stunt, pull it again.
Black lives matter.
Make sure to register that.
Akpos that's enough.
[IN PIDGIN] You, were did you go to?
- [DAFE IN PIDGIN] You're talking, right?
-[RAPHAEL] Who are you talking to
-You're also talking about him, huh?
All the things you've done... We're okay.
- No, no. We're okay.
- Don't worry we're okay.
Oh! My name and game
Striking so hot make you go insane
Aye, I be the chosen one
I remain the King of Naija land
My brain working all day
As if I'm not man made
Oh, yeah. The streets
Keep urging me to do more
Once I come up with this brand new one
Ignore animosity, I am the great one
Gossip, mind yourself
I'm beyond your cheap talk
One day, one knowledge, one style
One culture. Just like chameleon
A bastard cannot be on the same level
With a freeborn. I think you should know
So, please, there can't be two captains
On a ship. Don't speak from your sleep
We're the most incredible
Out of Naija Straight from Naija
- [SON] Cheers.
Ah. So son,
of all the families in the house,
which are you most excited about meeting
- and making friends with?
- You know what, dad?
I think I'ld like to meet the Nigerians.
Oh Nigerians, what an interesting choice.
[IN PIDGIN] Are you sure
you can bring all of them?
Michael, what are you even doing here?
I've only been here a few hours.
How did you even find me?
I heard you were doing some...
Christmas fiesta thing, like,
what the hell is that about?
You know what? You're not part
of the show so you should leave.
So we're going to be hostile now.
[DAFE] Wow.
Hello everybody.
Ah! My name is Atiboroko Oghenedafe.
[LAUGHING] We are the Dafes
We're sorry that we're late.
We usually blame lateness on traffic.
So let's just say that it was the traffic.
And this is...
my first son, Raphael.
- [IN PIDGIN] Raphael say hello to them.
- Hello
- [DAFE IN PIDGIN] There's no problem.
It seems this will be difficult.
Seems they weren't told we're coming.
[DAFE] I'm sure they were told.
They should know, really.
- Where is Akpos?
- [RAPHAEL] He's outside.
Let him come and break the ice.
[RAPHAEL] Tell them that
we're coming from Nigeria.
I think we should join them. Let's go.
We will join them. We are here already.
We're here already so let's go join them.
- All that is left is to join them.
- Yes.
[IN PIDGIN] Yeah, they have started.
I've been trying to find you all day,
and then I heard you're doing this... thing.
What do you want, Michael?
Are you still going to be my plus one
for Jack's wedding this weekend?
I already told you I cancelled.
The seating arrangement
has us sitting together.
So why don't you take your girlfriend?
[CHUCKLES] My father is the mayor
of Miami if you have forgotten.
Your father?
Well, you and your father
can go straight to hell.
Yeah, yeah. [IN PIDGIN] You heard her.
Your father is a mayor?
The mayor of where?
Guy, just leave. Just leave.
This is exactly how rape cases come about.
Just leave with your hire purchase car.
I'm sure you rented the car.
Leave. We are here
for a reality show. Leave.
You can't get in. You can't.
[IN PIDGIN] Who wants to touch you?
If I touch you,
you will turn red. Guy, leave here.
[IN PIDGIN] Wow, check out this babe.
[IN PIDGIN] Wow, just take
a look at this place. [CHUCKLES]
United Nations is not more than this.
Why are you all
looking at me? What happened?
Hello everyone. How are you all doing?
My name is
Akpos Oboroghenerukohwo Umukoro Dafe.
- [IN PIDGIN] I have arrived.
What's up?
Ah-ah, Pop.
You guys fit right in.
Let me give you a hand.
Don't let my hand touch you.
Don't ask for my hand.
- Ah-ah.
- [IN PIDGIN] Are you Bruce Lee's cousin?
- China.
- China?
- China.
He is made in China. [LAUGHING]
- [IN PIDGIN] Yes, I have more bags. Ah!
I have more bags. Come, come.
[IN PIDGIN] Don't fall.
Chinese don't fall.
You guys have hospitality.
Your hospitality is great.
I'm sure there is a lot
we can learn from each other.
[IN PIDGIN] Yes, we can
learn a lot from each other.
[IN PIDGIN] Bling bling baby... wow!
Wow, a look at Indians.
- [DAFE] You are scaring them.
You just fit in right away. [LAUGHING]
You're looking at me. How are you?
- [AKPOS] How are you doing?
[IN PIDGIN] Mungo Park,
what's up? [LAUGHING]
- [DAFE] Akpos.
- [AKPOS] Pop.
- [DAFE] Yes?
- Why are they looking
at me in a strange way?
What's wrong with them?
You've broken the ice.
- This is Akpos.
- [AKPOS] Wow.
- How are you doing?
- Good.
Your nose is just on point. [LAUGHING]
I am saying, your nose is pointy.
- He's just saying you... you're beautiful
[IN PIDGIN] Your nose is like
a peg, yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- [WOMAN] Peg?
- Peg, peg, peg.
[IN PIDGIN] Looks like it is starched.
Welcome to the
Intercontinental Christmas Fiesta 2021.
- And now...
Let me hear you guys. Let me hear it.
Now that the Nigerians are here,
let's get this show started.
What's Christmas without
the exchanging of gifts, right?
So, let's got to exchanging.
- Aright. Alright.
Merry Christmas to all.
Of course, this will be your favourite.
[AKPOS IN PIDGIN] We've arrived, Dad!
Let the show begin.
The other families are a little...
[WHISPERING] I don't even get this.
[STUTTERS] Do you think... Do you
think the Indians are a little bitter?
Because all they brought
were sweets and spices.
Roy, don't you think
[IN HINDI] They should
have brought their weather.
[IN HINDI] Certainly, that's one thing
no one will forget about the British.
its mind more often than... Trump.
Who wants to watch Nigerian movies?
Ma... Nollywood is the
second largest producer
of movie in the world after Bollywood.
[IN PIDGIN] If you like your Brazilian
jersey, you can move to
Brazil to meet Pele. [LAUGHING]
As I'm standing over here,
That American girl is my type.
I must get her.
Hmm... Maybe we can give them to grandma,
she can make us some
nice christmas sweaters.
- True.
You have to try.
They make good productions.
Yes, we watch, all the time.
- Their movies are really good, right?
- Yes. sure it is.
Don't they like to think they are...
- Aaargh... the worlds policemen.
- Mom.
- Give it a trial before you judge.
- Yeah, you have to watch it before...
[IN MANDARIN] Don't they like to think
they are the world's policemen?
Mom. Mom, mom.
[IN MANDARIN] That the entire
world needs their help.
Without America, the world cannot survive.
No, no.
[IN PIDGIN] Pop, Come let's go in.
If you catch a cold, you're on your own.
Chinese, right? Chung chi...
[IN PIDGIN] What's your mode of greeting?
[IN PIDGIN] What's up?
- Hi
Dude, why are you guys so loud?
You're the loudest people in the house.
- [RAPHAEL IN PIDGIN] Excuse me?
Anything that is good,
we showcase it to the world.
- Bro, you have spoken well.
for anything gives us voice, right?
- [RAPHAEL] Yeah. Correct.
- That's what he's trying to say.
- [AKPOS] Yeah.
- [PAMELA AND DAISY] Oh, okay.
- And by the way...
- [DAISY] That makes sense.
I love your hair, by the way.
Good Lord.
Please, please, don't let that
precious head of yours fall off, okay?
I saw that move. [LAUGHING]
[IN PIDGIN] You've got the style, dad.
- What is wrong with you?
- Ah-ah, you've upgraded oh.
You've gone pass, "I pick
my pen from the golden basket of love."
Don't worry about him, okay? Listen
Remember the connection we have.
Daisy, Dafe.
That's a DD right there.
- [DAISY] Okay.
- [RAPHAEL] Yeah.
She's very pretty.
- [CHUCKLES] Thank you.
- [DAISY] I think so...
[IN PIDGIN] Dad, I saw her first.
- [DAFE] I know you...
- [AKPOS] I get it from my mom.
[IN PORTUGUESE] All your dreams
will start coming true in seven days.
[IN HINDI] With the money,
our business beyond Amritsar
And make a move into the
movie production sector.
We'll start making films about
how the British oppressed
our people before Independence
We are not here to make friends.
At this point, I'm here to win.
- We can do this.
- Mm!
- Okay.
- Hey!
- Hey!
[IN PIDGIN] You China,
Africa does not need your loan.
All the things you've collected
from Africans isn't enough, right?
As the contestants are getting along,
let's find out what they intend to do with
their price money of one million Dollars.
I need everyone to pull it in.
One, two, three...
- I see you baby.
Ladies and gentlemen, viewers at home,
meet our contestants.
From East Asia,
the Chinese.
From North America, we have
representatives from the USA.
From South America,
the Brazilians.
From Europe, the British.
From Africa, the Nigerians.
From South Asia, the Indians.
So, what's common in Slumdog Millionaire?
I'm sure nobody miss the slums
and the happy kids running around.
We want to bring out many kids
from the slums, as much as we can.
And of course prepare them
for a brighter future.
Single parents need help.
A lot of them are widows and widowers
with little to no compensation
from the deaths of their loved ones.
Some of whom died serving this country.
That's who we're winning the fiesta for.
A 100% of the winning goes straight
to the Dasiy Williams Foundation.
Winning this will mean a lot
for your foundation, mom.
Come on darling.
When you think of Brazil,
you think the amazon force
and then the endangered species.
It is the largest rain forest in the world
and home to millions of living organisms.
But it's not just about the animals.
That population includes,
30 million people in
hundreds of indigenous groups.
We want to help save them
by protecting the amazon.
We'll give 80%
of our win to protect the amazon.
In China, rapid economic
development and urbanization
brings more opportunity
but also brings more inequality.
And more and more adults move to urban
center like Shanghai, Jiangsu, Beijing.
More children are left behind
in the over-crowded countryside school.
Where lack of access to infrastructure and
relatives who cannot care for their child.
Hundreds of family need help.
We'll give 70% of our win.
Mom, 80%.
We want to restore
the last culture of evening tea.
Because healthy tea time
makes for happy family time.
And healthy family time,
makes for healthy discuss.
And healthy discuss
births grand strategies.
In which great empires are built.
Like the great British Empire once
conquered half the world and brought you
The Royal family, Royal
great tea, Beetles, London fog.
Like I said we will like to restore
the last culture of evening tea.
Like the great British Empire,
I want to become a millionaire.
Yeah, our charity is geared towards
Street Children to School
in the Niger Delta.
Or as an extension,
slum children to school.
Also in the Niger Delta.
The idea is to make sure that we gather
all of the children in the Niger Delta
and give them access to Education.
For these children
don't have talents, they don't have...
- [IN PIDGIN] They have talents.
- They have talents. What are you saying?
- [DAFE] I will slap your head.
These children don't have a platform
- to showcase their talent.
- [DAFE] Good.
Slum to School Project will help them find
nourish and unleash their talents...
- [DAFE] That's right.
- [AKPOS] Yeah.
After educating them.
And this well make their lives better.
[IN PIDGIN] So, what my dad
and my elder brother just said...
is the truth. They are correct.
We will not act like Nigerian Politicians.
Who will look out
for themselves first before anyone else.
And we know they don't care
even if we come together and protest.
They will not be bothered.
We are not like that.
We want to help the poor.
- Children.
- The Children.
For today's task, contestants will
choose heroes from their countries,
that they would love to spend
Christmas with, dead or alive.
Let's hear from our friends,
the Indians.
- [NICK] Welcome.
- Amitabh Bachchan
The greatest most influential
actor in the history of Indian cinema.
Showing off is the fool's idea of glory.
- Bruce Lee said that.
- Bruce! [CLAPPING]
- [CLAPPING] Bruce.
- Everyone knows Bruce Lee?
Thank you very much.
Edson Arantes do Nascimento.
- AKA Pele.
The greatest footballer
- of all time.
Ah, Winston Churchill.
Master, great thinker.
The greatest Britain of all time.
And certainly the most famous
British Prime Minister.
And the old boy made smoking
a cigar the coolest thing.
Bro, you ever heard of a
man John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
JFK? Of course.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
The best of America.
Charm, charisma, sex appeal,
patriotisim and family tradition.
Fela Anikulapo Kuti.
He was the pioneer of Afro Beat.
That's right.
- [NICK] Ah.
- Musician Philosopher.
You know what I'm saying?
- Very interesting...
- He not only influenced Nigerians and
Africans but the entire world.
[IN PIDGIN] But dad,
I have thought about it well.
Buhari is our hero.
- You want to get slapped?
- Why the slap?
- Didn't Buhari promise us change?
- [NICK] What happened guys?
He is a man of action.
He's a real action man.
- I love him so, so much.
Bruce Lee broke barriers
and put China on world map.
Didn't your wall do that?
I'll give you a good advice.
Never argue with a woman,
especially Chinese women.
Understood. Sorry.
[IN YORUBA] The Strange One for life.
That's awesome. Let's hear that.
- Also influenced some people... [SNIFFING]
- [DAFE IN PIDGIN] Since they want to end...
- Do you understand?
- [RAPHAEL] Yeah.
- Will you keep playing?
- [RAPHAEL] Yes I will.
- [AKPOS] Dad, I think we can win.
- I don't understand Akpos.
It's glaring.
It seems we can or we have won it.
- [RAPHAEL] Ah-ah, it's clear.
- It seems or we've won already?!
It's clear.
And let me warn you both, eh?
If any of you ruin the chance
of getting this money, eh...
I will kill you both and
- and say Covid 19 is responsible.
- Ah-ah, dad.
- Raphael.
- Yes I have told...
- [RAPHAEL] Has it gotten to that?
- Raphael!
See what clothes are covering. God!
It wouldn't be well with clothes.
Do you want to eat her?
You too are also staring.
Dad, don't ask me if I want to eat her...
This girl is the reason for the season.
- [RAPHAEL] Akpos.
- [DAFE] Akpos.
Akpos there are cameras everywhere.
Apkos there are cameras in this compound.
Raphael, that girl is hot.
She's very hot.
She melts my heart like ice cream.
Stop disturbing yourself.
Don't go and embarrass yourself.
Eh. You are invisible to her.
Don't come out here
and be playing Ozo and Nengi.
Be sure she is single
before you go after her.
Please leave that matter.
What's up my people?
- How are you?
- Hey.
Yeah! Look, er,
Since we have been here
nothing has been happening.
Nothing has been happening.
Has anything been happening?
No! We know they are house rules
but let's forget about this rules.
We can by pass the rules
and do what we want.
Nothing will happen. Look guys,
- Are you above 18 years?
- Huh?
He's a small child.
Please, excuse us. We adults want to talk.
Aha! See, he is under age.
I don't want to get into trouble.
No problem, yeah.
We are in Miami.
They just put us here like prisoners.
Let's go into the city.
My friend is a PRO in a night club.
- Oh, Night club.
- [AKPOS] Yeah.
My friend, there will be many girls.
- It's a night club with girls.
- Alright!
There are girls.
Let's go to the night club.
- Aha!
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] So, let's go.
- We move?
- We move.
[IN PIDGIN] That's right. What is my name?
- Apple.
- What is my name?
- Apple.
- No. My name is Akpos.
- The A is Violent.
- Oh.
Say it again. What is my name?
- Akpos.
- We move.
[IN PIDGIN] Akpos,
you are getting out of line
Mind your business.
Alright, no problem.
What am I doing here? Let me go have fun.
[IN PIDGIN] Akpos, this is Ik.
Have you seen
the guy I asked to come pick you up?
Yes, we're on our way with him.
Home of Afro beat, hip hop meet socco
I go by the name of
Slik305 along side Dj Dose Royze
Let's party!
The only spot in Miami...
The international number one party.
let me bless you. Take my gold.
Take my gold. You deserve
a kiss because you're beautiful.
-Thank you baby
- Akpos.
- Yes?
[IN PIDGIN] Did you
just give her your gold?
Well, I'm not silly.
Don't bother yourself, it's fake.
No, I mean face, face.
I mean your face is beautiful.
- Your face is fine.
- Oh okay.
- You... you're beautiful.
[DJ] Yeah, yeah, yeah... This is
Slik305. You already know the vibes.
Savor worldwide!
No, he's not a beast. He is crazy.
Alcohol. Enough alcohol, he's crazy.
Alcohol, he's crazy. [LAUGHING]
We're partying with the beast.
Slik305, Dose Royze
[IN PIDGIN] It's beginning
to sound like Buhari.
It sounds like Buhari.
I said Warri. Leave change where it is.
[DJ] Woah! hold up!
Come home to ma!
I want you boys to know...
That I see everything on the CCTV.
And for violating the
fiesta's code of ethics,
all your families will be deducted points...
after tonight.
- [IN MANDARIN] You terrible son,
What do you think you're doing?
Hurry up and go to bed quickly!
[IN PIDGIN] If because of this mark
deduction we don't win this show,
I will kill you myself.
I will say It's COVID that killed you.
Are you crazy?
You know me.
You got this crazy nature from me.
[AKPOS MUTTERING] It's not only Covid.
Dad, forget that matter.
This is not the first pandemic.
[DAFE] Should I deal
with you like palliatives?
- Dad, leave me.
- Should I deal with you?
You are crazy.
It seems you want
to wear the orange uniform, dad.
You want to wear the orange uniform, dad.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time for the cooking task.
What is Christmas
without families coming together
to enjoy all those wonderful dishes
from your countries.
For our next task,
I leave you in the hands of the judges.
Good morning team India,
how are you doing today?
Namaste judges, we are doing good.
How are you?
- Namaste. Very well, thank you.
- Namaste. Good, thank you.
What do you have for us today?
We're presenting Biryani today.
One of the dishes we will be
making toady are roasted potatoes.
And we usually serve it on the side
of our main dish, which is the Turkey.
Biryani Is an Indian rich dish.
As the Chinese, we are
preparing Chinese dumpling.
Also known as Jiaozi.
Well of course we are going to be
preparing the quintessential British Dish,
Shepherd's pie.
Thank you. Today we have Jollof Rice.
I think Jollof rice has to be the most
controversial dish in the world right now
because there is so much fight
about what is the best Jollof rice.
Nigerian Jollof rice is the best though.
- There is no...
- [IN PIDGIN] We're the best.
no argument about that
with Ghanaian Jollof.
- [RAPHAEL IN PIDGIN] We're the best.
the cooking contest begin now.
- Dad, these people are learners.
- They're learners.
[IN PIDGIN] Now the world will know
that Ghana Jollof is not the best.
Oh God, Akpos, I will... I will smack you.
- Akpos.
Last card, check up.
- [AKPOS] Hey!
- We're done.
- [AKPOS] We've won.
- [DAFE] Nigeria for the win.
of Christmas is family.
And the purpose
of this competition is unity.
So we want you all to
taste each other's food
and score each other.
We will add that to our individual scores.
[DAFE] Let's go, let's go.
[IN PIDGIN] Akpos, ladies first.
Which ladies?
Let the women go first.
[IN PIDGIN] If you can't eat it, speak up.
Is this the dumplin?
and taste the jollof rice.
[WOMAN] Spicy.
[AKPOS] This Chinese food looks funny.
What is this? is this food?
- [MAN] Ah-ah.
- What happened?
- Oh my God
[WOMEN SCREAMING] It's too hot.
[AKPOS IN PIDGIN] What happened?
[IN PIDGIN] Choking over jollof rice?
[DAFE] He is also choking.
[IN PIDGIN] Choking over jollof rice?
a room here primarily?
Rent free.
How does that sound?
[IN PIDGIN] That banana Island
is what you call a cell?
Come, let me take you to Area F.
[IN PIDGIN] Where's my father
and my brother?
on camera adding something to the food.
I didn't put anything
inside the food apart from pepper.
to take out your rivals? Huh?
[IN PIDGIN] Those people have to
be formidable to become my rivals.
They're not capable.
They're not capable on a normal day.
You will do anything
to take out the opposition.
Even if that meant
adding something to the food
to make them sick.
[IN PIDGIN] What did I add to the food?
That's the evidence.
What evidence?
That evidence.
[IN PIDGIN] I told you guys...
it was pepper I added.
Pepper is a normal ingredient
that we add when cooking.
Suya sellers make use
of pepper in selling their meat.
I did not... What
if I had added red bell pepper.
still willing to deny a foul play.
Even after using a slow poison to
take out Harry and his son.
- [OFFICER] What is this?
- [IN PIDGIN] It is inside the kitchen
they had the food.
I didn't take it outside.
We were all in the kitchen.
against the British, huh?
Is that what this is?
[IN PIDGIN] What do I want
to have against the British?
They were the ones who colonized us.
For a few years now,
we have been colonizing them.
Why don't you just admit it?
So we can slice down your charges
- to something that you can handle.
Now you're taking.
If you don't charge me,
charge me with what
I can afford and I will give you.
I will give you money.
They are in the hospital
fighting for their lives.
[IN PIDGIN] Why should I tell them?
You are also speaking English.
I don't know what you're talking about.
It was pepper I added to the food.
- Dave.
talk to you, one second.
[IN PIDGIN] I didn't do anything.
What is all this?
Ha, God please.
Ha! Desmond Elliot.
What was your name again? Akpos?
My name is Akpos. Usually,
the A is violent... not in this condition.
Tell you what?
You eat the food. Show me how safe it is.
We will let you go.
[IN PIDGIN] Oh... You should have
said that all along. That's no problem.
We have the best jollof rice.
Forget what the Ghanaians say. Watch.
You see. It's jollof rice.
I told you. The best in the world.
The only people in contest
regarding this pepper
thing are the Cameroonians.
And that is because we
allowed them in through Bakassi
into Nigeria.
Jollof rice.
[WITH MOUTH FULL] Take a look.
Have a taste so you
would know I'm not lying. Taste it.
It is delicious.
Just have a taste.
Have a taste. It is Irice.
[IN PIDGIN] Taste it so you
would know that I am innocent.
[IN PIDGIN] Can you see what I am saying?
How is it? Look.
Am I dead?
[IN PIDGIN] Tell your partner.
Tell him. Huh!
- [IN PIDGIN] I told you. I told you.
- Dave?
- Dave?
- Oooh!
- [AKPOS IN PIDGIN] What is happening?
- [AKPOS] What is it?
- Are you alright?
- Get him some water.
- [OFFICER] Let's get some water.
[IN PIDGIN] No, what is going on?
- [IN PIDGIN] Oh my God.
- Help
- [YELLING] Dave!
- [AKPOS] Oh my God.
[IN PIDGIN] They don't want
me to leave this country.
The Nigerians are back.
- [WOMAN] You're okay?
Yeah, thank you.
Are you okay?
Thank you.
I'm warning you all in this house.
[IN PIDGIN] If any of you see Nigerian
jollof rice, stay away from it.
Hope you heard me? Nonsense.
what happened was not your fault.
There was this one time, one of my
friend came to India from South Africa
he spent eight days in the
hospital after eating food.
- Were you arrested?
- No. [SCOFFS] Guess what?
Your friend died?
But next time he stayed in India,
he gushed on the food daily
without any repercussion.
Okay. Happy for him.
You tasted our food.
How was it?
Not bad, actually.
Oh, you want the truth?
I spat it out.
No really, I enjoyed it.
I had two helpings.
Thank you so much.
- Oh no, don't do this.
[IN PIDGIN] Have it.
This game is boring.
- [AKPOS] Wait, wait.
- How is it boring?
Wait, let me...
- Will you play?
- Why not?
- Oh... why not?
- [IN PIDGIN] Come, let's play.
- But we are betting.
[IN PIDGIN] We are betting cash.
- Fine.
- [AKPOS] Ehen!
[IN PIDGIN] Put $20 each.
You have got $20?
- Yeah I have.
- [RAPHAEL] Akpos, don't try this.
Do not interfere,
- [IN PIDGIN] let me make some money.
- $20 for Simon, $20 for you.
- Okay.
[IN PIDGIN] Ten, ten equals 20 for me.
Let's go.
- You guys should watch. Spectators.
- Akpos, what you're doing is wrong.
Leave it be. Look at it. six, one.
[Look, I got six now. Your turn.
Oh... good. six, four.
No, you play.
[IN PIDGIN] Oh good. Ohh!
What did you play? You played double six.
[IN PIDGIN] I have won.
- I've won.
- You've won?
- Yes, [IN PIDGIN] Ignore it!
- [RAPHAEL] A...
- [IN PIDGIN] It's not your business.
- It's not your business.
- [DAISY] That can't be right.
- I have won the money. [LAUGHING]
- [DAFE] What is going on there?
- You didn't wait for my turn
[IN PIDGIN] Let's bet again.
[DAFE] What is going on?
Oh em...
- We...
- You play Ludo?
Akpos just taught me how to
play and then betting me out $60.
[IN PIDGIN] We played a bit
of betting and then I won the bet.
I collected $20, $20. That's $40.
Return the money.
[IN PIDGIN] Dad, I won the money.
I said you should give the money back.
How do you expect me
to return the money I won?
- I won this money genuinely.
- [CLICKS TONGUE] Give the money back!
Dad, I won this money.
Dad, leave it alone.
Where is everyone going to?
What's happening?
experience that was really.
We were actually worried.
How are you feeling now?
Well, they pumped my stomach. They filled
me with all kinds of fluids and er...
Oh, I bet you hoped I wouldn't
return so you could win.
- You're arrogant.
- [DAFE IN PIDGIN] Let me go greet him.
Welcome back, the British.
I am really sorry for what happened.
It's okay. I'm fine
I'm fine everyone.
And Nick asked me if I can carry on.
[CHUCKLES] Silly boy. I told him
the British are here to win.
We are here to win.
[DAFE] Hmm, yeah, obviously. [LAUGHS]
I'm going dear. I'm going...
Your sportsmanship was admirable, dear.
No dear. that was just a front..
- I'll make them pay...
[IN PIDGIN] He's acting strong.
- Little pepper.
- [DAFE] Yes.
Same as the money you will return.
No, I won this money.
Dollar man speaking. Yeah!
[IN PIDGIN] So I have been saving up
but I have one intention.
It is called proposal
but I am not proposing yet.
I just want you all to know that
the lady over there, I got my eyes on her.
I got my eyes on you, in this house.
- I'm not interested, okay.
- [AKPOS] Dollar boy.
[IN PIDGIN] Oh my God,
I like the way she walks. Just watch.
Moves her backside like a cat. [CHUCKLES]
She excites me.
- [DAFE] You know this is her mother.
- Yeah!
Isn't it her mother's money
you just collected?
Yes, it is all part of the business.
I will collect the money to pay
for her bride price. I am gathering.
- Are you not ashamed?
- Dad, your hands are too fast.
- Don't you have shame?
- We are in America.
- [RAPHAEL] Akpos, are you okay?
- We are in America.
- Let anyone come and stop me.
- You will
wear their orange prison uniform.
- Did they give birth to you?
- Dad...
- Did they give birth to you?
- You are in America.
Tonight, representatives
from different countries
will be narrating their
Christmas experiences.
I love everything about Christmas.
But my best part...
Driving through the country
to visit my mother,
grand-mother and grand-aunties.
Christmas is a time of love and joy.
A time for sitting around the
Christmas tree, eating delicious turkey.
In Brazil, like in many
south-american countries.
We celebrate Christmas on the 24th.
Christmas eve.
In China, Christmas is less about family,
and more about friends.
We don't go to Church,
we go ice skating, you know...
We do karaoke.
India, such a diverse country with
diverse religions and populations.
We have that one day we wait for
all year which is Christmas,
where all of us will celebrate together.
Christmas day is the time
that we identify our wicked uncles.
Because when you visit them,
they only give you food.
They will not give you money to buy
other things to enjoy your Christmas.
By doing that,
we would show them the red signal.
- [RAPHAEL] We'll then...
- [IN PIDGIN] Yes, we then give them
-our soundtrack to remind them
- to give us money.
- Money.
Yeah so, we will now say,
[BOTH IN UNISON] Eh... uncle...
We are leaving.
Uncle, should we get going?
So they get the signal and do the needful.
- [RAPHAEL] Then do the needful.
- [AKPOS] Yes.
My favorite part is the gifts.
One year, my mom caught me
sneaking down and stealing some early
and I haven't gotten any since.
I'm sorry mom.
[AKPOS IN PIDGIN] This is how
their kids become wayward.
[IN PIDGIN] Where we're from, our parents
start planning for Christmas in October.
They do all the necessary things,
then get us our Christmas clothes...
And get us our shoes as well.
There's a way our parents
buy us shoes back then.
They make sure to get us oversized shoes,
then pad it with paper.
Just so the shoe becomes
your size for Christmas.
And also save it for the next Christmas or
for your younger brother that is
growing to use that same shoe
for the next Christmas.
That's how we exchange it.
the celebration.
[IN SPANISH] Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and
Happy prosperous year
[in English Jingle bells,
Jingle bells, jingle all the way
Jingle bells,
Jingle bells, jingle all the way
- [IN PIDGIN] Today is what?
- Today is Christmas eve
Tomorrow is what?
Tomorrow is Christmas
- Today is what?
- Today is Christmas eve.
- Tomorrow is what?
- Tomorrow is Christmas.
Hi yah! [CHUCKLES] God.
- Hey.
- Hi.
up here by yourself?
[IN PIDGIN] I don't know if I've
told you before, I've lost my mom.
I do come here for a lone time.
To help me reminisce.
I just wanted to say you did
a really good job in there.
- Oh... oh...
- The presentation was so sweet.
[IN PIDGIN] You liked my presentation?
-Yes, yes
- You liked it?
[AKPOS EXCLAIMS] Hey! laughs]
[IN PIDGIN] Wow, you really don't know
how I feel because of what you just said.
You mean the presentation.
- [IN PIDGIN] What is today?
- Today is Christmas eve
- What is tomorrow?
- Tomorrow is Christmas
What is today
Today is Christmas eve.
You have a good memory. [LAUGHS]
You have a good memory.
Nice one, nice one.
Babe I've made it.
Thank you, thank you. Yeah.
have a good heart.
I think I judged you too quickly
and I want to say that I'm sorry.
[IN PIDGIN] It's not my fault,
that's how I get judged quickly.
like to spend some time together?
Just me and you.
- [IN PIDGIN] Oh me and you.
[IN PIDGIN] There's nothing wrong with
me spending time with you. I'm I crazy?
Are you kidding me?
I would be punished by my late mother.
it was nice seeing you.
Good job.
[IN PIDGIN] You just gave me a hug.
This babe just hugged me. [LAUGHS]
What is today?
What is tomorrow?
There is no better life than this.
The sky is blue for me now.
So what about you? What's your story?
Well... [SCOFFS]
- Do you want to hear the truth?
- Yes.
I want to hear the truth.
Ifeoma and I were friends with benefits.
Friends with benefits?
And um...
Until she turned up pregnant.
She turned up pregnant
or you knocked her up.
- I guess I... I guess I did.[LAUGHING]
When she became pregnant,
her parents insisted we get married.
How long were you married?
We were married for 20 years.
That's really lovely.
We were mostly cats and dogs. [CHUCKLES]
And how are your kids so different?
Um... [SIGHS]
When Raphael was about nine,
they mocked him a lot in school.
They'll tease him, bully him.
So I had to ship him out to
his mom's sister in Enugu.
- Another town in eastern Nigeria.
- Mm-hmm.
And uh...
He thrived there,
he really did well there.
But looking back now I wish I had
-shipped Akpos out as well because
uh, the mother spoilt him rotten.
And he'll get into all kinds of fights.
Then she...
She fell ill. She had cancer.
Then she died.
I'm sorry...
I hear that it's at this age
you want to act Romeo and Juliet.
- Did your Juliet get missing?
Are you asking if I want to play?
[IN PIDGIN] Would you bet?
- Yes!
- [IN PIDGIN] Dad please.
Dad let me win this money.
Ah-ah 100 bucks? Let me put my 20.
Dad, I'm begging you in the name of God...
- [IN URHOBO] Dad, I am on my knees.
- [IN PIDGIN] On my way!
[IN PIDGIN] Please, please.
- [DAFE] Isn't it Ludo?
[IN PIDGIN] You want to play?
We're betting.
[AKPOS LAUGHS] White woman!
Where do you get all this dollars?
[DAFE] Okay Akpos, let me take my leave.
Please dad, just go.
- Enjoy yourself.
- [AKPOS] Absolutely.
[DICE RATTLES] Don't make me...
loose money because of love.
- [CHUCKLES] Ol' boy!
- Ah!
Oh you got six, three?
White lady,
don't worry you'll see soon. [LAUGHING]
- I will deal with you mercilessly.
- You know what I just said?
[IN PIDGIN] I said you always look good.
[AKPOS] Yeah... whatever.
Oh, look at that.
- Hey!
- Boom.
[IN PIDGIN] The white lady
has got a double six.
- Dad.
- Raphael.
- Yes?
There's a problem.
What happened?
That woman won my money at the ludo game.
Really? How? She's a novice.
She's not a novice.
I don't even understand myself.
It seems someone is teaching her.
[BOTH] Dad!
- Oh hey...
- Yes!
You want to count it?
No, you earned it.
I did so good. Thank you for teaching me.
And remember what I told you. Yeah?
Ludo is like life.
You do not show
your enemy all of your sugar.
- Otherwise...
- The enemy will finish you.
- Ah, that's right. [LAUGHING]
- [DAFE] I know.
[IN PIDGIN] Three aside, dad.
May God not spoil your plans.
It is very important.
May God not spoil your plans.
Excuse our family.
Dad come.
Dad, let's go.
[DAFE] What sort of rubbish is this?
Can't I have a break?
Dad, you betrayed your blood.
The last person that did something
of this nature was Judas.
At least the world knows what Judas did.
What did I do? Tell me.
Dad, you're acting
like you don't know what you did?
I don't know.
- [RAPHAEL] Okay.
- [DAFE] Okay wait.
In this three aside, who's the referee?
Okay dad, we have information
that you're sabotaging us by
teaching that white lady how to play Ludo.
[RAPHAEL] Guilty or not guilty?
I'm very much guilty.
- Can you hear him?
- [RAPHAEL] I heard him.
- I'm guilty.
- Dad, you're guilty and claiming it.
Didn't you see me playing
with the white lady before you came?
You then used 20 dollars
to match 100 dollars while betting.
Oh, you thought you wanted to play a fool.
So what happened,
she won all your money, right?
It wasn't just 20 dollars
the lady won from me dad.
How much did she win from you, then?
I converted it to naira and
it summed up to seventy two thousand.
How did she learn Ludo?
You had more than 20 dollars?
She won 72 thousand.
Meaning she won
a hundred plus dollars from you.
Means you're the betrayer here.
- [RAPHAEL] So that means...
- [DAFE] You used 72 thousand
naira to gamble in Miami.
How did you get
the money and we didn't know?
Did you know Akpos had 72 thousand naira?
Never. So at the end it means
I'm in between two betrayers.
- [AKPOS] What is this one saying?
- Are you crazy? Who is a betrayer?
In Niger-delta,
we are surrounded by water.
Well I can step a little.
What? A little? Hey!
[IN PIDGIN] Don't listen to
my dad, he's a king stepper.
Hmm... He can dance so well.
- Don't listen to him.
But hey, if my life depends on it...
[IN PIDGIN] Dad dances very well.
Jingle bells
Jingle bells, jingle just dey go
Drink all you can and chop all you can
But you don't have to do drugs
Jingle bells
Jingle bells, jingle just dey go
Drink all you can and chop all you can
But you don't have to do drugs
If you cannot buy cow
Oh brother hold my fowl
No matter what you decide to buy
This Christmas must be pure
I will give you something
You will give me something
It doesn't matter what we bring
This Christmas must be sweet
you're getting it, you're getting it.
- Oh yeah, you did so good in there.
- Oh, thank you.
- [PAMELA] Yeah, I had a lot of fun.
- [AKPOS] Thank you.
- [PAMELA] With the fresh steps.
- [PAMELA] I got it, oh...
[AKPOS] Wait.
[AKPOS] Babe,
Permit me to work on these guys.
- In two seconds I will be done.
let me just deal with this.
Jack, what are you doing here?
If Moses won't go to the mountain...
Anyways, Mike says you can't
make it to my wedding.
Well... Mike and I broke up.
He's with the governor's daughter now.
Sarah and I are just friends.
Her father
and mine served in the military.
- That... that's it.
- [JACK] Mike stop it.
Please Pam...
I'd like to see you there.
It's my special day,
but it'll be more special
if you were there.
You with the sweet tongue. Huh?
You know,
we do have a day off on Saturday.
- I guess I could see what I can do.
- Great.
On the condition that I bring my plus one.
[IN PIDGIN] My name is Akpos
Oboroghenerukohwo Umukoro Dafe.
And I am not intimidated.
did you dig this guy from?
Okay, he's my plus one.
Joke man, joke man. How are you doing?
One, zero.
It would be my honor.
If you and your plus...
I mean, one came to my wedding.
Okay. [LAUGHS]
[IN PIDGIN] You see the way
this guy wants to underrate me in public?
- [AKPOS] Look, he finished talking.
[IN PIDGIN] And he's walking away. I asked
to let me handle this guy, you wouldn't
- But he just...
- [AKPOS] I don't...
- Akpos.
Akpos wait...
- [IN PIDGIN] What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
You, what are you doing here?
Well... I'm looking for your son.
You were not the one I was expecting.
Who were you expecting?
Let's go. Let's go and find Akpos.
Not expecting to see you.
Are you on a date with Akpos?
No, I just came to ask him a question.
[DAISY] Aha!
Excuse me.
two aside.
[GROWLS] I'll be back. [MUTTERS]
Is there something going
on between you two?
No, I was just going to talk to him.
Cause it sure looks like a date.
I know but I don't know
what this is about.
I promise mom.
Cause that's not what it looks like.
[PAMELA] I know.
Are you sure there is nothing
going on between you and Akpos?
Yes mom, I'm sure.
Why are you asking me, anyway?
Do you like him?
[SIGHS] I don't know.
I like the way he looks at me.
You like him mom. You really do.
I will say I'm happy.
I can see that.
And if he makes you happy,
then he's good for you.
Thank you. I am.
It's beginning to look
a lot like Christmas.
It's so beautiful out here.
It is.
- Raphael!
- [IN PIDGIN] Dad.
Come here.
- [DAFE] You'll be the referee.
Are you listening?
-You're the referee
-[RAPHAEL] I heard you.
For this matter,
I can't do that.
Why are you acting this way?
What do I have to beg you with? Huh?
You can't step down for me?
I'm your father.
Can't you stepdown for me?
Dad I beg you in the name of the heavens
run your race and let me run mine.
You know that in this journey,
I have reached my destination.
But for you, the journey is still far.
- [DAFE] Please help me.
Eh, listen Akpos,
let me come in. You have to...
- Hey!
- [RAPHAEL] You have to step down.
[AKPOS] Hey, hey!
Just mind your business.
This is not
Nigerian politics where old men want
to die for positions
they don't have the strength for.
Even if I can't rule in that country,
I'm not too young to love.
- Ah-ah, Akpos.
- [DAFE] Akpos.
You're comparing what
I'm going through with politics?
Since your mother died I haven't...
I haven't had sex.
Are you listening?
Being sex starved is a real thing.
What are you laughing for?
My friend keep...
This one is just laughing for no reason.
Dad, we are here for a reality TV show.
You see that Pamela
over there, that's my own reality.
It's either you take it or leave it.
- [DAFE] Akpos!
- Akpos you need to step down.
You need to step down.
Dad, you can see that I've tried.
Please, leave here.
But dad it's about time
you run a DNA test for Akpos.
The kind of attitude he exhibits.
I really don't understand it.
I don't think I'm the father of you both.
Conduct a test for the both of us, then.
I'm looking at you
and the distance between here
and the ocean I want to throw you into.
Yes. I like the guy.
He's a good guy.
Honestly, I think I could do it.
- [JACK] Hey you.
- Oh, congratulations.
- I'm so happy for you.
- [JACK] Thank you.
I am glad you came.
Do you guys have a dress code in Africa?
Who is this?
- Who is this?
- [PAMELA] He's just joking.
I get this.
African peacock in Miami.
He means no harm.
Let's just go get a seat.
I got you.
[AKPOS IN PIDGIN] How are you all doing?
- Hey, man.
- I hope he's sitting back.
- Yeah.
- [PIDGIN] Alright, ladies first.
- [PAMELA] Thank you.
- Thank you.
I'm a Prince.
Quite a princely outfit you have there.
You are welcome.
Akpos, you never told me you are a Prince.
[IN PIDGIN] It's not everything
you tell people because
there are witches everywhere.
Excuse me.
What do you do?
I'm a business man.
What kind of business is that?
The name of my business
is called mind your business.
[PIDGIN] An old woman who talks a lot
and will not let me concentrate.
for coming to this union.
If anyone has an objection
to these two getting married...
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I wonder why they always
ask this at weddings,
it's not like I have ever
seen anyone object.
No one expects you to
object. It's just a tradition.
The gentleman at the back,
you have something to say?
[PAMELA] Oh no!
Akpos, no.
- No, no.
- [MUTTERS] What?!
[JACK] You know him?
- Have you been with him before? Huh?
- No.
[IN PIDGIN] I just want you to know that
those of us
at the back cannot hear you clearly.
We cannot hear anything.
[IN PIDGIN] That's all I have to say.
[IN PIDGIN] Are you crazy?
Let no one mess with me!
I will slay anyone that messes
with me here. Am I your mates?
Hey! You all are not enough.
If you mess with me,
I will show you the stuff I'm made of.
Your father! You all are crazy.
- Ha! You're crazy!
[IN PIDGIN] What have you done this time?
Ehn? What have you done this time, Akpos?
Dad, you know
we do not like to be embarrassed.
They embarrassed
me first and I retaliated.
What did you do?
We did not come here to play.
I had to retaliate.
Pamela had with Michael
is now gone due to
your crazy prank at the wedding.
We should have
your crazy ass locked up for good.
Hey Daisy, he's still my son.
After what he has done,
I'll talk to him any damn way I please.
[IN PIDGIN] Can you see yourself?
Are you happy now?
You keep disgracing me everywhere.
You are spoiling the little
arrangements I have been making.
I believe you're happy now.
Er, babe.
Babe, look...
I invited you to the wedding
and you choose to make a mess
of everything just to humiliate me?
And now you want me to thank you?
Well, thank you, Akpos.
calm down, just calm down.
All I did there was because of love.
Let me tell you the truth.
You are not a simple girl,
so I will not allow that boy control you.
That boy
and his family have a spell on you.
none of your business.
Are you done yet?
Now listen to what I have to say.
Everything you do is destruction.
You got all the boys in trouble
for wrecking this city.
You nearly had poor
Harry and his son killed.
You caused a fight between
the Chinese and the Brazilians.
And I know of your airport escapades.
You are the reason your
family was late to the show.
I can go on and on and I have
barely known you for even a week.
How do you even sleep at night?
- [IN PIDGIN] Babe, please stop this.
[IN PIDGIN] Just leave me alone.
Today's task is of dramatic reenanctment.
Let's see our contestants
display their thespian skills.
starts with a decision to try.
Ask not what your country can do for
you, ask what you can do for your country.
Thank you.
Never before in the
course of human conflict
have so many
owed so much
to so few.
Thank you.
Listen madam. In the year of 1936
India was playing against Pakistan
in Bakri stadium Mumbai,
I cannot consider this consideration
because I cannot consider...
Therefore, the consideration you're giving
me has to be ultimately considered.
But finally this time around,
ultimately both of them get out.
- Hmm.
So masterful my son.
If anyone wants to challenge
Lee, very beautiful
performance. Thank you.
- Dance!
- Having fun, everybody?
- Hey, hey, hey!
Thank you.
- [IN PIDGIN] Where's that one going to?
- [DAFE CHUCKLES] Alright.
- [AUDIENCE] Yeah, yeah.
So we are going to tell you
that leadership in Africa
from time immemorial to time
Imo river has been the same.
If you tell them to go forward, they don't
know whether to go forward or backwards.
If you tell them to go right, they don't
know whether to go right or go left.
So we're going to give you
a little demonstration
- because they're all like zombies.
- [AUDIENCE] Yeah yeah.
Alright. [CHUCKLES]
Slow march!
Right turn!
Left turn!
About turn!
Double up!
Open your cap!
[IN PIDGIN] Open your butt!
Fall down!
[IN PIDGIN] I said fall down
and you're standing at attention.
- [AKPOS] But that's how our leaders be.
- Leadership in Africa makes no sense.
[CHUCKLES] You know!
Thank you.
- Everybody say, "Yeah yeah."
- Yeah, yeah.
[DAFE] Thank you.
It's okay baby. I'm trying
to get help right now. Okay, sweetie?
Mommy has really bad service.
But trying to get some help. Okay sweetie?
Don't worry about it.
Excuse me sir? Sir?
Excuse me sir.
I need some help with the tire, please.
I'm in a competition, I can't do it.
I'm competing.
It's okay.
- [WOMAN] Please.
- [IN PIDGIN] What is wrong with your tire?
Right here in the front sir.
- Okay.
- Thank you so very much, I appreciate it.
I have it right here, thank you.
I have a baby in the car.
- Thank you sir.
- You have a baby?
Yes, I have the baby in the car, please.
Please sir.
Thank you, thank you so much.
- Thank you so much, sir.
- [AKPOS] Here we go.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
-Oh yes. Lovely, lovely
We are all together as one family.
So much to cheer about, isn't there?
There is fire crackling, chestnuts
roasting. My butt is a little warm.
Wow, what a day!
You have all shown
amazing physical abilities.
It's good to know
that you all still got it.
Yes. Of course.
Of course we got it.
- We've got it all.
For the women's swimming, the winner is...
Lucy for the English team.
Now for the men's marathon challenge.
The idea of putting this show together
is to promote the spirit of Christmas,
which is love, sharing and sacrifice.
There is someone I want you all to meet.
During the men's challenge,
we had Sandra here
and her child pretend to be
stranded by the roadside.
The idea is to see if any
of our contestants can put
love beyond material
gain of winning the contest.
To help a stranded
woman and her little baby.
And boy, are we wowed with the results?
Talk about zero to hero.
Yes, Harry won the contest
and has the point for his team.
But for this extraordinary act
of kindness sacrifice and affection,
Akpos and the Nigerians
are awarded double points.
So, the winners are the Nigerians.
- No, no, no, no.
- Yes, Akpos we made it.
- We made it.
- But that can't be.
- They tricked us. It's not fair.
- [RAPHAEL] Akpos!
You could not help a stranded lady, James?
- [IN PIDGIN] What did you say?
- Akpos, We have won.
we are here to be good Samaritans.
- [IN PIDGIN] What did you say?
- We have won.
- Won what?
- The marathon.
-Are you joking?
- Are you joking?
- Yes.
We won?
- I cannot believe it.
We won.
We've won. Oh my God.
[YELLING] Warri! Warri!
- We won? India.
- Yes.
- We've won?
- Yes.
[EXCLAIMS] Oh! That woman.
So the help I rendered paid back?
Oh God!
It pays to do good. Oh God!
It is good to be good.
- [AKPOS] Oh God!
So my kindness paid off.
Oh God, you are too kind. Hey!
Mom, I wish you were alive.
You cannot imagine
what dad has done to me today.
- Go and call dad. Tell him we won.
- Okay.
Tonight, we shall witness a complete
exhibition of cultural exchange.
As contestants switch costumes.
my name is Roy Patel
and here is my amazing wife Rani Patel
And here is my amazing
daughter, Preti Patel.
And today, we are dressed up
as the amazing Nigerian Delta people.
We've got to win this so...
- All in.
- All in.
All in dear.
Today, we are going to be
performing a samba dance from Brazil.
Thank you very much.
[DAFE] Thank you.
most of us grew up
on a steady diet of Indian films.
And tonight we are going
to pay homage to one of the
most memorable
Indian films that Nigerians love.
How do you say good evening in Nigeria?
There you go, everybody hands together.
America invented hip-hop
And now, it is worldwide and also in China
So we pay tribute to hip-hop.
- Let's do gangnam style.
- Yes.
This is brilliant, right?
- Okay, here we go. Ready?
- Yeah.
What is it like, the jumps?
I have no idea. I'm going to
do "the white man over bike"
There we go. Thank you.
That's Korean.
- [IN PIDGIN] Dad, don't make me fall.
I will pluck a flower for you.
Thank you.[CHUCKLES]
The journey that brought
six different families.
From six different countries
Will be landing at it's
final destination tonight.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Viewers at home.
From Miami, Florida
I welcome you all to the grand finale of
the Intercontinental Christmas Fiesta.
And now, the moment
we've all been waiting for.
- Yes!
You've all been an amazing demonstration.
Of what the spirit of christmas brings.
And that is love,
sacrifice and togetherness.
We make mistakes.
We err.
We mess up.
That is just what makes us human.
The ability to rise from our lows.
To give ourselves
a beautiful life, a life
predicated on love.
Sharing, forgiveness
And of course to sacrifice.
Now, your family may not be the
recepient of the 1 million dollars.
However, we're all winners.
This is love.
And this is what brings the
true spirit of Christmas.
Indeed this family has done itself proud.
It has demonstrated to all of us
that we're not perfect human beings.
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the
Intercontinental Christmas Fiesta is
Very simply,
[IN PIDGIN] Dad, dad, dad!
Dad, we did it. Dad!
[AKPOS YELLING] Oh, we won!
- We're the best!
[AKPOS] Warri!
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
And as a sign of love,
-of all the things you've said
It is my pleasure to say that
every family gets
ten thousand dollars each.
[RAPHAEL] Ah-ah.
[AKPOS] Hey, British, Queen's English.
[IN PIDGIN] Queen's English came around.
[AKPOS] Thank you.
Eh, wonderful.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
What are you doing now?
To tell you the truth,
the money doesn't mean
anything to me suddenly.
- Aww!
- Um,
But you do.
I know I'd like to see you again.
- I'd like that.
- You will?
[CHUCKLES] So I just didn't come here
to win the money. I won a family.
- A new family.
- [DAISY] Yeah.
[RAPHAEL] Exactly.
[DAISY] Thank you.
Okay, let me go
and say a word to your girl.
Can I steal her for a second? [CHUCKLES]
Um, I think I love your mom.
Um, I know it's sudden and...
But I really think that we
will make a good family.
Are you serious about her?
- I am.
- Okay.
And if you don't mind,
I'd like for us to be a family.
- [DAFE] You know so lets...
- [AKPOS] Will you eat Jollof rice?
- [DAFE] Ah!
- [AKPOS] Taste it you'll like it.
- [DAFE] No!
Nothing is happening. We're here to stay.
[AKPOS] Dad, babe is adapting fast.
Oh, my God.
If you don't follow us
to Warri then we will move in with you.