Christopher (2023) Movie Script

There's nothing
left to sign, right?
- No, Sir.
- Okay.
Sign it. The inauspicious
hour begins in ten minutes.
Listen, Shaji.
It was Abhilash Sir who helped me the
most with my voluntary
I know that it was he who
brought you here, as well.
Recently, I had a chance
to work with him.
Because of that,
I got 5 times the amount which I'll get
from my retirement
fund, within a month.
So, just do what Abhilash
Sir asks you to do.
It's very rare that we get someone
like the one who's in
D-Block is a secured
block, right Sir?
It's empty now.
Nowadays, there is no one who's
worthy enough to be in that
We set up a cell over there
as per his wishes.
And we jammed the camera.
We provided AC, bed
and a coffee maker.
And his food and clothes keep
coming regularly from outside.
I had promised Abhilash Sir that
I will introduce you to
There should not be any
lack of facilities, Shaji.
In my entire service,
I haven't seen any prisoner
who is as dangerous as him.
Sitting here, he can
do anything outside.
We all have families to
take care of, right?
You don't have to
worry at all, Sir.
Abhilash Sir wouldn't send me to
replace you for nothing,
You have a point there!
Good morning, Sir.
I'm getting relieved today.
This is the new superintendent.
Come forward.
Good morning, Sir.
Sir, ADGP Abhilash Sir asked
me to give this to you.
[He is my man.
You can trust him - Abhilash]
Just let me know
whatever you need, Sir.
I'll take care of it.
You too, just let me know
whatever you need, Shaji.
Thank you, Sir.
How are these girls
related to you?
I live next to their house, Sir.
These girls don't
have any relatives.
It's just the two sisters.
When I didn't sense any sounds
or movement in their house,
even after it was
late in the night,
I went over there to check.
What's your name?
And the names of the girls?
The elder one is Vidhya.
She works as a food
delivery girl.
The younger one is Kavita.
She is studying in 7th grade.
Do they usually come home
together in the evening?
Kavita has tuition classes on
Mondays and Thursdays.
Vidhya picks her up
on the way home.
Normally, they reach
home by 7:15 p.m.
But now...
What's the update?
Where is it?
Vinitha, we need to
go to a place now.
Bring her along.
- What is it, Sir?
- You come along with us.
I'll tell you.
- Come, Aunty.
- What is it, dear?
It's nothing, Aunty.
Sarath, Rupesh!
Come with us.
Did anything happen to them?
There is nothing to worry.
- Have you got the location?
- Yes, sir.
- Go quickly.
- Sir.
No. Don't worry.
Just get in, Aunty.
I wonder what
happened to them.
When did you get
the information?
It was reported by two
guys who passed this way.
We have held them here.
- Call them, Hamid.
- Okay, sir.
- Oh no! Isn't it their vehicle?
- Please stand aside,
- It's okay, Aunty.
- What happened to them?
It's okay.
We'll find out.
I'm the Councillor
of their ward, Sir.
I know the girls who
own this vehicle.
- What happened?
- Just a minute. I'm getting a call.
- Was it an accident?
- Just a minute.
They are missing, Sir.
Two girls.
Their scooter is lying on the road,
two kilometres away from
their house.
I checked all the
nearby hospitals.
No accident cases were
reported anywhere.
Seems like we have
a problem, Sir.
About two hours ago, the world came to know
about the
incident which shook Kerala.
Police were searching for the sisters
who went missing last
But at around 7 a.m. in the morning,
some people found the lifeless
body of this girl in the
The girl was cruelly
raped before her death.
Last night, this girl and her
sister, who's studying in 7th
were kidnapped by the attackers,
while they were heading
The younger girl has been found
under extreme critical
from a deserted place,
one kilometre away from here.
The younger girl has been shifted
to Ernakulam General
Police have completed the
preliminary procedures and...
are now shifting the body to
Ernakulam General Hospital.
Protests are blazing against the incident
which shook the
conscience of Kerala.
Protests are rising from different
corners of the country on
social media.
The guys who did this should be killed!
They should be
There is nothing less than that.
They should be killed!
My opinion is that the guys who did this
should be killed in
a much more cruel way.
My prayer is that no one else should
undergo what those
girls went through.
Whom should we talk to?
Who will hear us?
The Chief Minister is evaluating the
progress of this
investigation himself.
In Kochi,
the girl who fell prey to the
attackers' brutality and was
is a symbol.
I'm requesting that the sister
who lived self sufficiently,
in spite of extremely
poor living conditions,
and ultimately fell prey to
sexual abuse and got killed,
should be called "Dheera"
(The brave one) from now on.
Dheera's sister...
will be provided with the
best medical treatment...
and she will be brought
back to normal life.
To investigate the incident...
and for bringing the
culprits to justice...
an investigating team lead by Christopher,
the Head of Division for Preventing
Crime Against Women
has been assigned.
[Indistinct chatter]
Sir! Sir!
Sir, any clue about the culprits?
Sir, what's the status
of the investigation?
Move! Move!
Move aside!
Please talk to us
before you go, Sir!
I'm the Councillor of their ward.
I've been with them
since yesterday.
The girl's condition
is quite bad, Sir.
They said it's unlikely
that she will survive.
Even if she survives,
her condition will be worse.
Please don't spare
those criminals, Sir.
Sir, Christopher sir has come.
[Salutations for "Dheera"
Arrest and punish the culprits
Moving on to an
important breaking news.
The culprits in the Kochi sisters' rape
case have been
nabbed by the police.
Sudeep Rajan, the main accused
was nabbed by the police...
while he was trying
to leave the State.
Immediately after which his accomplices
were nabbed by the
police, using force.
The main accused, Sudeep Rajan,
and his accomplices Chambakkara
Kannan, Rajeesh and Sunny.
have been arrested
by the police.
On the 21st,
that girl came to your
flat to deliver food.
Isn't that true?
She had come there.
And on that day, you
groped her, right?
Your neighbours told us...
that the girl started
screaming then.
Now, tell us.
We have all the details which prove
that you stalked her and
harassed her.
Well, it just happened, Sir.
What next?
Tell me that, Sir.
What next?
What will happen next?
Tell me!
What do you want to know?
No, Sir.
Don't hit me, Sir.
It will be a problem for you.
I too have rights, right?
We know that...
you come from a rich
and influential family.
If you are behind
bars for some time,
your lawyer will take
care of the rest.
if you tell us what
happened that day,
we can conclude this formality.
- Come!
- Leave us!
Please leave us!
- Leave us!
- Lift her!
Let go of us!
Come on!
Please let us go!
I had longed for her as
soon as I saw her, right?
I asked her.
She did not oblige.
But she disgraced me!
She complained to the apartment
association and the police.
That really provoked me, Sir.
That's why I...
Do you know the age
of her younger sister?
But I didn't know that her
sister would be with her, right?
What can I say?
It just happened, Sir.
If she had obliged
when I asked her,
would any of this have happened?
- You...!
- Britto!
We're transferring them
to the Central Prison....
due to security reasons.
Collect the evidence late at night,
when no one is around.
Get down.
- Get me the inquest report.
- Sir.
Make them stand over there.
Open it!
Close it!
Move those aside!
- We can't do that!
- You don't know who I am!
That's my son!
- Move aside!
- We will see!
Mind you!
Move aside!
Where did you dump the body?
Over there.
- I think it was over there.
- Show it.
Proceedings are going on, Sir.
Note it down, Vinitha.
- Shall I call the legislator, Sir?
- Wait.
Your son is with us.
I'll switch on the loudspeaker.
You can talk now.
I'm really stressed, Dad.
This place is teeming with policemen.
They will do something
to me.
Don't worry.
I'm right here.
No one will harm you.
I'm here, right?
That's enough.
Give it to me.
Sudeep, you can escape
from there if you want to.
This is a game between our
superior officer and your Dad.
What is this guy saying?
Come on!
Stop there!
The criminals who assaulted
the sisters in Kochi,
were shot dead by investigating
officer Christopher Antony
during evidence collection.
Social media and the general public are
celebrating this act
by the officer.
Christopher Sir did
the right thing.
They deserve to be killed!
There's at least one person
to react to such brutalities!
Being a mother of two girls,
Christopher sir is equal to God
for me.
We need a hundred more
officers like Christopher Sir.
Christopher Sir is truly a hero.
I wish everyone becomes
like Christopher Sir.
Christopher Sir
should continue this.
A policeman can
shoot and kill anyone.
If such a situation prevails,
it's not good for the judicial
The people who committed this
cruelty to those girls...
are very influential
in the society.
All of us know what will happen
if they are brought to
How else should we react to such
people? What else do they
A fair trial is mandatory.
Justice should not be enforced by killing
or by committing
extra judicial murder.
Absolutely. The latest breaking
news about this incident is
the High Court has asked the
Government to conduct an
and submit a report
at the earliest.
Now that the Court
has issued an order,
there's no need to
ponder over it, right?
- You can start the enquiry.
- Sir.
We will set up a
team today itself.
This officer should be suspended
during the enquiry period,
This is not the first time
he's killing someone, right?
Suspension is not possible, Madam.
Aren't you seeing what's
happening on social media?
State and Central Ministers,
Parliament members,
political leaders, super stars...
All of them have put up posts,
showering praises on him.
- Isn't it?
- Yes, Sir.
Celebrating extra judicial
manslaughter like this...
It is undemocratic, Sir.
The Home Secretary need not teach me
about the implications
of his action.
Sorry, Sir.
Let him go on leave
during the enquiry period.
- What do you say, DGP?
- Sir.
Let's assign ADGP Askar to handle
the supervision of the
But, investigating officer...
I suggest...
should be a lady.
That would be good.
Let the investigation
have a feminist approach.
Whom do you have in mind?
Have a seat, Sulekha.
Thank you, Sir.
- Good to go?
- Yes.
You team has been hand-picked.
So, no worries.
Make sure the enquiry is
absolutely fair and transparent.
NHRC have begun their
enquiry, parallelly.
I know, Sir.
During this enquiry period,
you should just consider
the legality alone.
Plain legality to the letter.
Just ignore the so-called
media frenzy...
and populous hearsay.
Yes, Ma'am.
All available data regarding the
police shoot-out is in this
Plus, there's a hard disk
containing some visuals.
Check them out.
I'm not going to open
these folders now.
An investigation that's confined
only to this current
No, that's not my agenda!
I'm sure about one thing.
The last finding from
this investigation...
will be that Christopher Sir
is indeed guilty!
Whatever may be the
justifications that are laid out,
and whatever may be
reasons that are uncovered,
police vigilantism is a bloody crime
and that's my
So, I want his story.
History of Christopher.
Where do we begin?
If you want to know his history,
you will have to go back,
by many many years.
The second night of the most
terrifying communal riot in
Move aside!
Come quickly, Bala.
Today is our best chance.
We won't get such an
opportunity again.
Shantha Chechi!
- Who is it?
- We've been sent by Antony Chettan.
Where is your son?
My husband and son went to see if
they could get some rice
and grocery.
- Is that so?
- Who are you?
We will tell you who we are.
Move aside, Chechi!
Oh no!
Hold her!
- Let go of me!
- Dear!
Come over here!
Stay calm!
Let go of me!
- Mom!
- Dear!
My daughter!
Shut the door.
Who are you?
What do you want?
- Let go of me!
- Who are you?
- Hit him!
- Let go of me!
Let go of my hand!
Hold him!
Hold him!
Smash his head!
Drag him inside.
Attention everyone!
Please cooperate with the steps taken
by the police for your
If you come across criminals among
the people shifted to the
inform the police
officers immediately.
Move forward.
Vetrivel IPS.
The brave officer
appointed by the then CM...
to bring an end to the riots,
using his iron fists!
The Godfather of police encounters.
Keep a close watch over everyone
until the situation is
- I'll be over there.
- Okay, Sir.
- Who are you guys?
- Sir...
They have destroyed our homes there.
We're tired of running,
Can you take us
to the camp, Sir?
Hey, give them black tea.
After drinking the black tea,
join this queue.
- Okay, Sir.
- Here you go.
No need to worry now.
Dude, I think we're safe now.
Yeah, I think so too.
- Sir.
- Yes.
When this vehicle reaches there,
the school camp
will become full, Sir.
Send the next vehicle to
Mambaram Cooperative Bank.
I've informed the president...
to accommodate everyone
coming in the vehicle.
Move forward, Chechi.
Come on! Quick!
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
- Leave me!
- Hey!
Who are you?
What's your name?
What's your name?
Tell me!
You are not part
of either sides!
Why did you try to kill them?
It was them!
It was them, Sir.
Come on!
The most risky click
of my entire career!
My newspaper didn't
publish this photo.
The editorial policy was against publishing
anything that
would escalate the riot.
Afterwards, many came...
asking for this photo.
They offered good money too.
I didn't give it.
Have you ever shown this photo
to Christopher Sir,
Many have asked
me for this photo.
You can take it
if you want, Sir.
No, Vasuetta.
If I close my eyes, I still
feel like I am that 14-year-old.
Even today, what's buzzing in my ears,
louder than that gun
is the wailing of a boy
who had lost everything!
Thank you.
Christopher's education
was overseen by...
Vetrivel, who had moved to
Delhi on Central deputation.
When Christopher joined the IPS,
Vetrivel intervened,
to get him his first posting in
Bijapur district of Madhya
Let me go!
Save me!
Shut up, you wretch!
Shut up!
India Today published a cover story
with just the photo of the tribals
who had come to give him
a farewell.
Now, go and
meet Madam Beena.
Once your meeting
with her is over,
let's meet again.
Okay, Sir.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Madam.
S.P. Venkitesh.
My colleagues.
D.S.P. Varadarajan,
C.I. Karthik,
Inspector Vadivukkarasi.
You got the details regarding
the incidents, right?
- Ismail.
- Sir.
Sir, until now there
have been 13 accidents...
in a span of 21 months.
34 people have died...
and there were 3 survivors.
Didn't you get anything
significant from them?
Sir, the survivors
were mortally injured.
Their heads were
brutally smashed.
Lethal blow with some heavy
objects and they were looted
Blunt force trauma.
Basically, this is a series of...
highway robberies.
Yes, Sir.
In the
Pondicherry-Velankanni route,
there is a deserted
area for 12 kilometres.
One side of the route is
a dense forest valley.
They have attacked the vehicles,
with accurate planning.
If you get stuck there,
it's a death trap.
Killings and looting
happen there.
When the idea of a
Special Task Force came up,
it was me who suggested
your name, Christy.
I had to pull many strings
to bring you here.
Okay. We will give you
a heads-up tomorrow.
- Sure.
- Here itself, at the same time.
Okay, Sir.
All the 13 accidents occurred
within this
The autopsy report says that inside
every deceased person's
there were undigested
food particles.
Each one of them had eaten
North Indian Dhaba food.
This particular Dhaba which is around
1.7 kilometres behind
this place...
was everyone's stopover.
We already checked
that possibility, Sir.
That Dhaba is run by an
elderly husband and wife.
And they are clean.
They might not be
directly involved in it.
This Dhaba might be the spot where the
robbers pick and
choose their targets.
So, what's next?
I need a van.
A van that banks use
for filling money in ATMs.
In all probability,
these guys must
be heavily armed.
When we go there under the
disguise of security personnel,
they must be prepared
for a showdown.
are you good with guns?
Yes, Sir.
Your team will have to join the
action, not later than 10
after it begins.
Done, Sir.
- Hello.
- Hello.
We just reached here.
Tomorrow morning, we
will go to Velankanni,
fill up the cash in the ATM
and return safely.
Ever since his wife died, it has
just been him and his
daughter, Sir.
Since it was an
inter-caste marriage,
his relatives were
not in good terms with him.
His father's brother and
his cousin have come now...
to take care of the
funeral ceremony.
This cousin is also
in the police force.
But I don't think he will
accept the daughter.
His wife and relatives
are dead against it.
The daughter will be
in a dire situation.
I have never seen Christopher being
so tender, before or
after that.
Ismail meant a lot for him.
He looked so vulnerable.
Though he said that he doesn't have
the mental stability for
a marriage,
I forced him to agree to it.
Things were fine for some time.
Just for some time.
Whatever you may have had so far,
only now have you
become perfect.
Being a Rajya Sabha
MP is no mean feat!
I was afraid whether
Thomas would get that seat.
But Mathew Sir kept his word.
He didn't keep his
word for nothing.
I gave 5 crores to him.
Well, when is your daughter taking
charge as the Collector
- Next week.
- Okay.
- Dear!
- Yes.
Why doesn't Christy come
and mingle with everyone?
He went to the room upstairs.
You know him, right Dad?
He is a peculiar type.
Leave it, Dad.
As you say!
Have a drink, man!
I am already vexed seeing
this pompous function.
If I drink now,
I might lose it!
What is this?
By any standard,
Chackochan is the best father-in-law
an IPS officer can get.
You should be fortunate
enough to enjoy it.
You don't have it.
I too have a father-in-law.
Co-operative Bank Manager
Karunakaran Nair.
I had to fall at his feet
and beg him, to buy me a car.
A second hand ambassador car.
Autoland engine.
There's always something
wrong with it! Crap!
- Have dinner before you leave.
- Okay.
You go ahead.
I'll come along.
You guys carry on.
Hey, I'm leaving.
We got a tip-off.
Okay then.
Carry on.
If we are lucky, we will
strike the headlines tomorrow.
Is this how you
go for a combing?
You are drunk!
Not drunk.
I'm in high spirits.
Glad that I could meet everyone
after coming back from
- Okay then.
- Dad!
I'm heading out.
That's not fair!
Stay here.
There are all these guests here, right?
It's not that.
I have to go.
I had promised to be there,
much in advance.
It's a huge deal.
I'll be back soon.
- Hey, take the Benz.
- Okay.
She never listens to me!
Mom, I have an exam tomorrow.
I am going home.
Oh! You and your exam!
I won't be able to
do all this alone!
Help me out, girl!
You don't understand
anything I say!
Oh no!
Let her go and study
if she has exams.
You just do what you can.
I'll tell the folks downstairs.
- Okay.
- What exam do you have tomorrow?
- All the best!
- Thanks!
She's a really bright student, Sir.
Well, the party was
a big bore, right?
- Yes.
- Let me freshen up.
Yes, Abhilash.
Beena, we got a tip-off today.
From Fort Kochi.
A cocaine party.
We have cordoned the hotel.
- We've seized huge quantities
of the substance as well.
And, there are around 12
girls in this property...
who were tricked and brought
here from random places.
Two of them are minors.
The party's main host
arrived a bit late.
He is in our hands now.
- It's Sebastian.
One sec.
Abhi, hush it up.
Please clean it up,
for God's sake!
Don't say anything back to me.
Any trouble from media?
So far, nothing.
- But...
- No but!
You have to do this for me.
Abhi... please!
I'll pass the phone to Dad.
He will tell you what to do.
- Beena... I...
- Dad!
- Dad!
- What is it, dear?
It's Abhilash.
Tell me, Abhilash.
There's a small complication.
I'm leaving now.
- Dad...
- Don't worry, dear.
I'll handle this.
That's how a friction developed
between Christopher and me.
So, did you abort that
night's operation, Sir?
Beena's pleading,
and Chackochan's money power,
along with political pressure,
right from the CM to Mathew
I am not Christopher,
not to succumb to all this.
What happened to those girls?
We dropped everyone back
to the addresses they gave.
Chackochan arranged everything.
He also gave Rs. 10,000
each to those girls.
A clean settlement.
Why are you staring like this?
How can I salute you now, Sir?
I can understand
your indignation.
But 90% of the officers whom
you salute in the department...
are worse than me!
So, your salute can be
the same as earlier.
Hierarchy is hierarchy.
That's the only truth
in the system.
You get me?
Yes, Sir.
Though we don't agree
on so many things,
I do have some affection and
respect for Christopher.
A tinge of admiration that
one feels towards a rebel.
That's why I opened
up like this.
Let's come to the matter.
After that incident,
Christopher ended his
friendship with me.
After that, I met him
around 5-8 months later.
The missing case of three girls in
Kochi which I was
handling then,
was transferred to
the Crime Branch.
Christopher, who had
shifted to Kerala by then,
was heading the investigation.
So, he came and met me officially.
Any other briefings?
Anything specific?
Yes, but not now.
In the evening.
Let's meet at Hotel Sea Lord.
Hey, if I had done
all that back then,
- it was for your family, right?
- Abhilash...
You replaced your second-hand
ambassador with a Ford Escort.
You bought a new
apartment at Marine Drive.
The work you do can be
called by many names.
But that would be a big insult
to those who do that work!
This girl is one among
the ones who went missing.
Annie... and that's
her mother with her.
It's been 54 days since my
daughter went missing, Sir.
But when I see you,
I feel that God has
not deserted me, Sir.
Do you still go to
that house for work?
Your wife's house, right?
No, Sir.
I stopped going there.
But Chackochan Sir was
very fond of my daughter.
After her study time,
she was asked to look into the
accounts of one of his
He used to pay Rs. 1,000
per month for that.
I want my daughter back, Sir!
I am living this
life only for her.
When you suggested that we meet here,
I thought you'd have a
Why are you so serious?
Have a drink.
After you got him
out of that case,
did my brother-in-law get
into any other issue?
Were any other crimes
registered in his name?
Not as far as I know.
What is it?
That missing girl whose photo
you showed me that day...
That girl is your father-in-law's...
She was a part-time accountant
at his crusher unit.
Her mother...
used to work at Chackochan's house
as a maid, for around 5-8
Christy, what are you digging at?
The three missing girls
didn't know each other.
That's your inference, right?
That's the truth.
Someone who knew
these three girls...
or someone who has some
connection with them...
A dangerous sex maniac...
who is a substance user also.
Have you thought of
such a possibility?
Who is on your mind?
Four months ago,
a guy threw his pet dog into the crusher,
while he was high
on drugs.
Four workers witnessed it.
One of them, named
Prakash Babu...
shared this story to his
brother Vimal Babu...
who runs a local tabloid
called "Twilight".
Chackochan paid money and
bought all the 3,000 copies...
of that evening's "Twilight"
which carried that story.
He paid Rs. 2 Lakh
to Vimal Babu too.
Bank statements,
transaction details...
I've got all of it.
But what does it have to do
with the missing girls' case?
Public doesn't
trust the police...
because people like you are
part of the force, Abhilash.
I didn't drink today so that I could
say it in such a
civilised way.
Move aside!
Everyone move out!
Brother, why are you
here with the police?
What's the problem?
Hey! Hey!
Hey, let go of me!
Move aside!
Hair and body particles.
Come on, walk.
Hey! He told us everything!
Get inside!
Get in!
He's my younger brother
after all, Christy.
You know better than anyone about
the bonding between
Well, I was not comparing.
Just because you put my son behind
bars, nothing is going to
But if you had said a word
to me before arresting him,
I would have paid money to those girls'
families. An amount
of your choice!
Now, look what happened.
I had to pay that amount to
this Advocate Dhanapalan.
Abhilash, come on!
This lawyer will
bring my son out...
on the very day he's produced in
court, after police custody
When my daughter said that
she wants to marry you,
a person with no pedigree,
I agreed only because of the
three letters - IPS.
I thought you would be of some
use to me, some day or the
Let my son get released.
Rest can wait until then.
Listen, Abhilash Sir.
Our version is that...
Sebastian has severe
bipolar disorder.
He was a regular drugs user.
And he is undergoing psychiatric
treatment under Dr. Thomas
During totally
unexpected occasions,
he unleashes bouts of violence.
Such a medical report...
and the evidence supporting it.
I'm going to submit these
in court tomorrow.
When you bring him out of the
Police Club to produce him in
I have asked Sebastian
to act violent.
Just to put up a show
in front of the media.
You should give strict instructions
to your cops not to
react to it.
Don't be afraid, Chackochan Sir.
Sebastian will
definitely get bail.
Government should enforce justice!
Chacko M.P. must resign!
The political influence of
Parliament member Chacko
who is also the leader of most
prominent ruling constituent
will save his son,
who's the accused.
The families of the
deceased girls believe so.
The defendant has submitted
evidence and documents in
showing that the accused
Sebastian has a mental disorder.
According to legal experts, the court
might take that into
and give some relaxations to
the accused's custody terms.
The accused is the brother-in-law
of Crime Branch S.P.
who is also the
investigating officer.
Christopher is an officer with
an impeccable track record.
While some are praising him for the
honesty he showed in
arresting Sebastian,
despite being his
others are saying that Christopher
should be relieved from
this case,
based on moral grounds.
Arrest Sebastian!
Arrest Sebastian!
[slogans continue]
He took my daughter away...
and killed her, Sir!
I had brought her up so well!
Let go of me, you dogs!
Move aside!
- Let go of me!
- Catch him, Sir!
Let go of me!
Sons of !
Let go of me!
F morons!
Catch him!
You sons of whores!
Let go of me!
You killed my daughter!
Didn't you?
With that, he lost everything.
Beena got separated from him.
The only company he had
amidst his loneliness...
was Amina,
late Ismail's daughter.
A five-year-long legal battle.
Finally, the court declared
that he wasn't guilty
and he got back
into the service.
When Christopher
rejoined service,
he was made to stay
away from Law & Order.
And it was a year back,
that was given the charge of 'Division
for Preventing Crime
Against Women',
upon the Chief Minister's special interest.
And that turned out
to be like this!
Anyway, you should read the court
judgement regarding
Sebastian's death.
It will be helpful.
- Hello, Ma'am.
- It's me, Anil.
Tell me.
- There are two guests at
Christopher Sir's house right now.
- One of them, is
Advocate Amina Ismail, Ma'am.
That activist lawyer?
- Yes, Ma'am.
- The other person is that retired
engineer from Public
Works Department.
- Salam Muhammad.
- Did you get the guy, Ma'am?
- Last week, there was a petrol
attack against his daughter.
That girl is in critical condition
at the hospital, right?
- Yes, Ma'am.
I want to know.
I want to know every move of
Christopher Sir, hereafter.
This Amina... She's almost
like a daughter to him.
If she has taken a petrol
attack victim's father...
to meet Christopher Sir...
There is something brewing.
Keep me updated, Anil.
Sure, Ma'am.
She was born after I crossed
42 years of age, Sir.
We got her after we went
for the Hajj pilgrimage.
Binu, son of Sudharshan,
the liquor baron.
He proposed to Suhra,
around four months back...
with wrong intentions.
She said 'No'.
He harassed her continuously.
I made her file a complaint
at the nearby police station.
Sudharshan's men came
and settled the issue.
I didn't know that he'd have
such a vengeance in his mind.
- Dear.
- Yes.
- Come back early today.
- I'll try, Dad.
- We have to go to your uncle's house.
- I'll come.
- Don't be late.
- I won't be late, Dad.
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Suhra!
- What?
You didn't take
your water bottle.
She is so forgetful!
My dear!!
Doctors told us that...
she won't survive.
She expressed a wish to me.
She wants to meet you, Sir.
She used to say that she wished
all policemen were like you.
Before my daughter passes away
you should come, Sir.
You should meet her.
He will come.
They've reached the hospital
where Suhra is admitted.
It's me, Christopher.
You will be alright.
especially girls...
should be able to say 'No' to anything
or anyone, that or
whom they don't like.
It's the proclamation
of their independence.
We can't, sir.
Girls cannot afford to say 'No', Sir.
My daughter...
I want a 24-hour vigil
on Mr. Christopher.
Yes, Ma'am.
Binu Sudharshan's life
is in serious threat.
Christopher Sir's basic
degree is in IT Engineering.
He developed our Cyber Policing...
single-handedly, since 2009.
I'm sure...
he will locate
Binu Sudharshan...
and something serious
is going to happen.
He is inside his house, Ma'am.
Keep watching.
Sure, Ma'am.
Lights are getting switched
on and off, Madam.
Tell me, Anil
Ma'am, I've sent you a
feed from traffic control.
Christopher Sir has moved
to the airport now.
One minute.
Anil, rush to the airport.
And yeah, details of all flights,
and their destinations...
Domestic and international...
Their passenger lists.
Collect all of these!
Check if Christopher Sir's
name is on any of those lists.
I'm coming to the
airport right now.
Sure, Ma'am.
I've collected all the footage of
Christopher sir entering,
This way.
Come on, play it.
The aircraft left to Hyderabad.
Took off 20 minutes ago.
Aircraft owned by VJ
Group of companies.
- VJ Group of companies.
- Yes.
Thank you so much.
Sir, this is Sulekha.
Christopher doesn't have
any travel restrictions.
He is a senior IPS
officer on leave.
If he goes to Hyderabad,
does it mean that...
he has gone to murder Binu Sudharshan
whom you think is
hiding there?
You're going overboard.
Sir, can't you alert the
Hyderabad commissioner?
Just to have an eye on him.
Damn it!
The Chief Minister, DGP and
Home Secretary have arrived.
They have decided to
summon Christopher
who's facing an enquiry in
the Kochi encounter cases.
Today morning, the body of the accused
in the Kalamassery
petrol attack case,
Binu Sudharshan, was found from a
deserted building in
Panaji, Goa.
Ever since Christopher's
name came up
connected to Binu Sudharshan's
death on the news,
Christopher's name is being
celebrated again and again,
on social media and in
educational institutions.
Some youngsters with similar banners and
placards have come
here, as well.
Along with this, there's
a strong protest against
self enforced justice
through vigilantism.
Based on the evidence, Christopher should
be taken into
custody and interrogated.
This is the demand put forward by around
50 social
activists, in a joint statement.
He has become a headache.
He went to Hyderabad in an aircraft
owned by VJ Group of
based out of Hyderabad.
After three hours,
along with VJ Group of companies chairman,
Venkiteshwar Rao
and his family...
straight to Goa,
by the same aircraft.
Rao and Christopher
are old friends.
When Rao received a
threat from a gang,
it was Christopher who
sorted it out for him,
when he was in Secunderabad.
Sir, there was a private get-together
hosted by Venkateshwar
at Hotel Leela in Goa.
On some photos posted on their
Facebook and Instagram pages,
we can see Christopher
sir's presence too.
I have a strong
suspicion that...
even this whole function was arranged
by Rao, upon
Christopher sir's request.
He wanted to be in Goa...
with a rock solid alibi.
We want justice!
We want justice!
Suhra needs justice!
We want justice!
Suhra deserves justice!
Long live Christopher sir!
Long live Christopher sir!
We want justice!
The accused in the Kalamassery
petrol attack case,
Binu Sudharshan,
who fled to Goa.
Sulekha is saying that you
are the one behind his death.
Do you have anything to say?
Excuse me, Sir.
There is a small correction.
Since the testimonies of the victim and
her parents were not
Binu Sudharshan has no connection
to this Petrol attack
as per the findings of
the investigation team.
- Is it?
- Nothing conclusive, Sir.
Investigation is progressing.
Sir, I was in Goa to attend a private
function, for the past
two days.
Apart from that,
if there is anything which connects
me to the death of the
said person,
I'm ready to co-operate with Goan Police
who are
investigating this case.
Goan police!
Let that be.
This girl who was attacked...
Did you go and meet
her at the hospital?
I met her. She said she wants to meet me.
So, I went there.
Why did that girl
want to meet you?
If every girl who's attacked,
trusts people like you alone,
what are the police
and courts for, Sir?
There are many committed officers
like Sulekha in the police
force, Sir.
But right now, they all are...
worthless, as far as the
general public is concerned.
Their only hope is
a trigger-happy...
insane cop!
It's really sad, Sir!
Among the messages coming to the
social media inbox of the
80% are for you.
'Christopher should be
reinstated into service.'
'Christopher should investigate
all the important cases.'
'Culprits should be handed
over to Christopher.'
The morale of the police is
being destroyed, Christopher.
Do you have anything
to say, Christopher?
Draft on a national policy
on criminal justice...
submitted to the Central
Home Ministry in 2003.
Yes, Sir.
Submitted by a committee
headed by Justice Malimath.
The Judiciary system in India
is facing two huge problems.
More than 10,000 criminal cases that are
delayed, without judgement.
Secondly, the situation where the
accused in even the most
brutal crimes...
go unpunished because of
money and corruption.
Sir, in Kerala where there
are 172 IPS officers,
I'm not not very proud that people are
sending messages
addressed to me alone,
to the social media
handles of the police.
In fact, I'm embarrassed, Sir.
Why just me?
The reason why people are forgetting
the remaining 171 names
including you,
is the failure of this law enforcing
system which includes
you and me.
The system has become sterile.
It doesn't deliver
any more, as...
the committee report
rightly points out.
In such a desperate situation,
towards a mad cop who's forced to wield
the gun with no
other way in sight,
the public may develop a liking.
They might even develop
an admiration without any logic.
It is based on such
admirations and likings,
that the people trust a leader, vote for
his party and make
them win the elections.
No matter who did it,
Binu Sudharshan got the death he
When Suhra closes her
eyes for the last time,
Suhra should feel that
justice was served.
For that, she will thank God.
The value I give to that
I haven't given that value
to any judicial system.
And never will I, either.
People who have seen this world through the
tears of
helpless victims like Suhra...
will have some
absurd 'Rights', Sir.
If a communist like you don't
understand that, who else can,
Sir, please.
Please, sir!
[indistinct questions by the media]
What do you say about the delay in justice
in cases related
to violence against women?
One response...
Just one response!
Justice delayed is justice denied!
Yes, Sister.
You got the prayer book, right?
Suresh Brother, shall I distribute
these notices at the next
Okay, Brother.
Sister, Praise the lord!
Please read this, sister.
All your problems
will get resolved.
I am not at all into this.
If you move that vehicle,
I could leave.
Don't be blasphemous, sister.
Satan is amongst us.
I'm not being blasphemous.
I had seen you
recently in the court.
How many court cases
do you have now?
Kidnapping, murder...
You have the whole bunch, right?
That's all in the
past, right sister?
Last year, I went for a spiritual
retreat and got reformed.
HE shall take care of the cases.
So be it.
That vehicle...
We will move it.
Praise the lord!
- Brother, please move that vehicle.
- Okay, Suresh Brother.
You may leave, sister.
Hello Mr. Perera!
In all possibility, you might
become the Newsmaker of the
Come on.
I'll tell you the rest.
By the by, will you
lose your job?
I don't care even if I lose it.
But frankly, I feel
really regretful about it.
I was the one who brought
Salam Haji to you, right?
And you went and met Suhra
because of that, right?
But Sir, I never expected you to...
Let me make some black tea.
What have you brought here?
Rice pancake and beef.
Go, have a shower quickly.
I'll set up the table by then.
I'll shower later.
Well, why aren't you attending
your brother's calls?
He was complaining
to me about it.
He is not my brother.
He is my cousin-brother, right?
Cousin-brother is wrong English.
Let it be.
Cousin, it is!
It was when my Dad passed away
that I needed love and
He kept away fearing his
wife and relatives then.
And he's showing affection now,
calling me when no one's around.
What for?
His situation was such, right?
Well, what's with the
rice pancake and beef?
Anything special?
Jokes apart,
I'll tell you the
reason I came here.
Sitaram Trimurthi.
He is the head of Soukhya Group
of Herbal Products, right?
The same.
His wife died recently, right?
Ashwini Trimurthi.
She had come and met me...
four days before she died.
- Hi Amina.
- Hello.
- Ashwini.
- I know.
I asked you to come here because
other places are not safe.
My husband will come
to know about it.
All the tales she told me
were really frightening.
Dark stories of a drug trafficker
who offloads tons of
to the international market under
the label of herbal
using Soukhya Group's goodwill
and credibility as a cover.
Sitaram was my Father's
General Manager.
Still my father thought...
he would make a great
husband for me.
My Father passed
away two months ago.
In every phase of my growth,
he gave me just the
right advice I needed.
My guide and philosopher.
When I lost him unexpectedly,
it feels like a disturbing void.
It's really a vacuum.
I have nothing more to say.
Thank you for coming.
Gurukkal was travelling
to Chennai, right?
Seven kilometres after Salem...
Head-on collision with a truck.
Most unfortunate.
- Strength to you.
- Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
Don't think otherwise.
I don't want to lose you too.
I love you.
All the assets in my name,
including my stakes
in Soukhya Group...
I want to transfer
them to a trust.
- Okay.
- And...
I want to move for
divorce legally.
- Okay.
- Will you help me with that?
Of course.
This contains audited sheets of
all my assets and my net
And another folder...
contains details of all fiscal
frauds done by Sitaram,
that I know of.
if you can initiate an enquiry,
nothing like it.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you, Amina.
Pray for me.
Take care.
Four days after she met me,
she died.
Cerebral haemorrhage.
I have strong doubts
regarding her death.
She was already dead, by the time
she was brought to the
The post mortem was done by the
Forensic Surgeon at General
Can you please enquire?
Just to reconfirm.
I'm heading straight
to Marayoor from here.
How's Jeby now?
He is okay.
I have arranged a homeo doctor.
His breathlessness
has come down, now.
- Convey my regards.
- Okay.
He thinks that all the money you're
sending for him, is
coming from me.
That's okay.
Let it be.
the files that
Ashwini Madam sent me...
I'll mail those to you, Sir.
Please check them
when you have the time.
Did I keep you
waiting for long, Sir?
It's fine.
I'm not in a hurry.
I'm on leave, right?
I know.
I checked the report of the
case you mentioned, once again.
There's nothing
suspicious about it.
Classic case of
cerebral haemorrhage.
This Mrs. Ashwini Trimurthi...
She had high blood pressure
for the past three years.
Maybe she took a break
from regular medication.
What is it, Sir?
Any new developments
in this case?
Nothing, Doctor.
Thank you for the information.
Welcome, Sir.
Well, Doctor...
When Ashwini was admitted
to the casualty that day,
a duty doctor who was on
duty there had identified...
a cherry red colouration
on her skin.
Did you notice
anything like that?
I didn't see anything like that.
In the house where the death happened,
all the windows were
because it's a centrally
air conditioned house.
But at 6:10 a.m. that day,
the windows of Ashwini's
bedroom alone were opened.
It's the testimony of a
security guard over there.
And at 6:20 a.m., the servants in the
house, take Ashwini to
the hospital.
In this context,
this cherry red colouration
is significant.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
After Ashwini's death
was confirmed,
the guy who went inside her room
with necessary
opens the windows.
After that, Ashwini is
taken to the hospital.
I believe that you have observed
the Pulmonary Edema and the
necrosis in Globus Pallidus,
This is enough.
You just panicked, right?
Well, about the testimony
of the security guard...
I was just bluffing.
I just described a scenario that
could possibly have
And you endorsed it with
your body language, Doctor.
Come on, move aside!
Move aside!
Move away!
Since Advocate Amina's death has happened
under mysterious
and dubious circumstances,
further details will be known
only after the postmortem.
Her friends and social
workers are shocked ...
by the death of Amina who
was also an activist.
Marayoor Police found the body of
Advocate Amina in a
dreadful state.
I'm the Circle Inspector
here in Marayoor.
This is Sub Inspector Jayakumar.
The postmortem has been completed.
- I need to see the doctor.
- Sir.
Brutal would be too small
a term to describe it, Sir.
In my career spanning 27 years,
I haven't seen such cruelty.
This was done by a person
with extraordinary strength.
He used his bare
hands to hurt her,
to strangulate her.
And then...
heinous rape.
In the genital area, he has
used some blunt object to...
Sorry, Sir.
Sir, some of Advocate Amina's
friends have arrived.
there was a phone
call from a relative.
For taking the body...
No one is ready to
take the body, right?
I'll take her.
I know that you didn't like what
I said regarding Binu
But you should promise
me something.
You should not violate the law's
proper course of action,
Boys, please serve.
Excuse me, Sir.
Mr. Christopher has come to meet you.
Kindly excuse me.
I'll be back.
- Sudev, take care of them.
- Sure, Sir.
- Helga, come.
- Sir.
- Bring me my tab.
- Okay, Sir.
Pleasure meeting you.
I was in a business gathering.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
It's alright.
I didn't take a prior appointment either.
The reason why I'm here is...
Regarding Advocate Amina's death...
you want to ask
something to me, right?
By the way, I'm so
sorry for your loss.
Please accept my condolences.
Have a seat, please.
- It's all right.
- Excuse me, Sir.
In fact, a few days ago...
my wife Ashwini and...
Amina had met each other.
Both of them thought that
wasn't aware of that meeting.
But I was aware.
Take a look.
I have this really bad habit
of spying on my wife.
Four days after they met,
your wife passed away.
That cherry red
colouration on her skin.
Dr. Sajan told me...
that you really
unsettled him, Sir.
I have told him that there's
nothing to worry about.
Yesterday, I immersed Ashwini's
bones and ashes in
Now all that remains is...
her spirit,
if at all there is a spirit.
And... the file containing
the financial transactions...
which my wife handed
over to Advocate Amina.
I'm sure you've seen them.
All those come under the
limits of fiscal crimes.
The ones who should
investigate them...
and take action...
are the IT department,
Enforcement Directorate,
and so on and so forth.
It means...
mind your own business!
As you very well know,
for every murder,
there will be a motive.
financial gain,
sexual jealousy,
etc, etc.
Amina was murdered...
after being raped.
Rape has only one motive.
And that's just rape!
violent sex.
May her soul rest in peace.
Now, if you'll excuse me...
I've got guests over.
My people will see you off.
So that's the logic.
The only motive for rape,
is rape!
So, someone is hired to
rape her unto death.
It's just a hypothesis, Sir.
That's what I would say.
You should be able to prove
it legally, right Sir?
Prove it legally?
For what?
That's a threat.
Don't include me among
helpless people...
who got trapped in front
of Christopher's gun.
I am Trimurthi.
What good is a Trimurthi
in front of a gun?
If the trigger is pulled,
the bullet will pierce through!
What's the testimony of the
people who saw the body first?
They are two locals, Madam.
They do farming at the foothill.
- Is it marijuana?
- No, Sir.
Cloves and cinnamon.
Madam asked you, right?
What's their testimony?
They saw the body
around 60 feet downhill.
But the finding in our
investigation is that...
the molestation had happened
at 40 feet downhill.
Autopsy report says that
it's a single assaulter.
And he must be very familiar with
the geography of this
place, right?
Yes, Madam.
It was Christopher who took that
girl's body with him,
The funeral was also
under his supervision.
People say that she was
like a daughter to him.
- Kottarakkan!
- Yes, Madam.
Address him with a 'Sir'.
He is our superior on leave.
Christopher Sir!
Madam, Christopher Sir
has arrived.
He is sitting outside.
I'm coming.
I was expecting you, Sir.
My condolences.
CM, Home secretary and DGP...
know about the bonding between
you and Amina, very well.
They are really stressed about
how you would react to this,
That's why they assigned
this case to me.
Most of us would have had personal
losses and unhealed
But all those...
are not the rationale to take
the law into your own hands.
I am at the final stage of
the enquiry against you, Sir.
And I guess I know
you well enough now.
That's why I'm telling you this.
Please don't interfere
in this case.
There should not be a
confrontation between us, Sir.
If that happens,
I'll be stern.
And Sir, the person who
did this to Amina...
He will get the highest
degree of punishment.
I promise you that.
That's left to you.
I came to see you for
something else, Sulekha.
There's someone called Jeby
whom Amina met through Facebook.
He was the district topper
in 10th and 12th grade.
He is studying engineering now.
He has a sister.
Amina was supporting
them financially.
Every month...
on the last Friday,
she'd come here to see them.
Just to spend the weekend.
Someone who knew about this
regular visit of Amina...
might have done this.
That might not be the case.
Rape is often impulsive.
That doesn't mean that I'm neglecting
the possibility you
We've summoned that Jeby here.
He is a chronic asthma patient.
Be considerate.
Didn't I tell you, Sir?
Leave this to me.
I am in charge.
Sir, the police have
taken Jeby away.
He is a sick boy.
I'm scared, Sir.
Don't be scared, Seena.
I've spoken to them.
They will take his
testimony and let him go.
Let me know if there
is anything, okay?
She was your elder
sister's age, right?
What did you do to her?
Move away!
He has to take these medicines.
Take complete rest.
If your asthma increases,
you have to come back immediately.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Okay.
Are you sure that you're not
going to file a complaint?
Yes, Doctor.
Chechi, Sir is here.
Look what they have done
to my brother, Sir.
You said they will interrogate
him and let him go, right?
There is not even an inch on
his body left to be beaten up!
Let them beat me how much
ever they want, Sir.
But that officer said so many nasty
things about Amina and
I couldn't bear it.
They didn't let him go,
because you had asked them to.
They did it because I fell on
that policeman's feet and
At what time did Amina
leave your house that day?
That day, we left our house so that
she could catch the 6
o'clock bus.
She was really happy
the previous night.
We spoke so much, had food
and went to bed really late.
It's very cold
today, right Itha?
Didn't I tell you not
to come with me?
Your asthma might increase.
You have exams next week, right?
It doesn't matter, Itha.
Well, it matters.
You carry on. The bus stop is
just at the end of that slope.
No, Itha.
Go on.
- One black tea, Chetta.
- Okay.
- With sugar?
- Yes.
Are you planning to catch
the St. Joseph bus, Sir?
What brings you here, Sir?
I came to see Micheal,
the landlord.
Only few people board the bus
from here regularly, right?
I'm the only one who boards
from here regularly.
I'm the cashier at
Munnar Civil Supplies.
The only other person
is that Tamilian.
By the way, it's been two-three
days since I saw him here.
He must have entered the forest.
He drinks the blood of wild
chicken and wild boars.
That's interesting.
Is he from around here?
He stays on top of that hill.
He works at the farm of
Varghese, the landlord.
He is a peculiar character.
The bus is coming.
How much is it, Chetta?
Ten Rupees, Sir.
Here you go.
Why didn't you board
the bus, Sir?
He was here till I
reached this spot.
He escaped through
the back door.
What evidence do you have to link
this Tamilian with this
crime, Sir?
Troubling people unnecessarily!
Marimuthu hasn't gone for
work at the Munnar market...
for the past 2-3 days.
He has burned his
clothes over there.
- Go, search.
- Yes, Ma'am.
- George.
- Yes.
When you made the list of people with
suspicious presence
from this area,
how come you missed this guy?
You could have found him if you
had investigated properly,
But he's not a person with a
criminal background, Madam.
- Isn't it so?
- Yes, Sir.
There's no room for doubt
if Kottarakkan says so.
He has such a clean
track record, right?
But in this case,
this Tamilian is the culprit.
Sir, please don't...
I want that man.
I have sent a photo on WhatsApp.
Please give me some backup.
Cover all the entry points
from Marayoor to Tamil Nadu.
Please go fast, Bro.
Hey, be calm.
We will reach there exactly at 4 oclock
Everything is ready there
for you to go to your home-town.
But I should get my money.
Don't you trust me?
You'll get your money the
moment I reach my home town.
In that case,
stay calm.
- Hello, Sir. Greetings!
- Greetings.
Mari, give him that paper.
This one?
- How are you, Sir?
- I'm fine.
- See you, Sir.
- Get going!
- Shall we have food and then leave?
- Okay, Bro.
Greetings, Bro.
I'm taking a banana.
Sit down.
I'm starving!
- Hey, eat and go!
- Come!
Where are you going?
Hey, stop!
Hey, come this way!
Hit him!
We can complete the
formalities later, Madam.
For now,
transfer the accused.
- George.
- Yes, Ma'am.
- You take him.
- Okay.
Well, he has the mainour.
- A bag.
- Okay.
Are you okay, Sir?
Thank you, Sir.
Considering the skill and
network of Kerala Police,
you could have
easily nabbed him.
But that didn't happen.
You were being misled.
How did the most corrupted officer
in our force end up in
your team?
It'll be good if you
think about it.
The bag Marimuthu had with him,
had 10 lakh Rupees in it.
He is paid.
Don't end the investigation
with Marimuthu.
Thank you, Sir.
You shouldn't be thanking me.
It's Vadivukkarasi,
the S.P. of this jurisdiction.
She is an old friend of mine.
She was very helpful.
Call and thank her.
Sure, Sir.
I'll do that.
Put in some more
effort, everyone!
We have to start the
packing by 11:30 a.m.
In the General Hospital,
we have to start distributing
Biriyani by 1:00 p.m.
Stir this, Thoma.
What is it, Sir?
When we nabbed the culprit of
a murder case from Marayoor,
we found 10 lakh
Rupees on him.
In one of the cash bundles,
there was a bank slip
from a cooperative bank.
When we traced the account,
it was yours.
Do you have anything to say?
Dear Sir,
I withdrew Rs. 10 Lakh from
the cooperative bank...
and went to Adimali for
a real estate deal.
I had kept the cash in the car.
When I came back after having a tea,
the bag full of cash
was missing.
I went to Adimali police station
and filed a complaint
I have the FIR copy, Sir.
Please see this.
The original document is
inside the house, Sir.
Just think about it, Sir.
Had I paid the Tamilian and sent
him away as soon as the job
was over,
I would've been trapped,
if something like this came up.
"Pathalam Suresh has not reformed even
after attending the
spiritual retreat.
He is still taking up
high level hitjobs."
A rascal was saying this on TV,
just last week.
After finishing that girl,
I had asked him...
to come to Adimali
to collect the money.
I went to the station and filed an
FIR before giving him the
What if they check
the tower location?
That day, he was in Adimali.
Me too!
He hasn't confessed
to the crime yet.
And that chick is doing
the interrogation herself.
That's all fine.
I have asked him to confess to
the crime after two days.
My biggest tension is that
Christopher got involved in this.
I was diverting her.
Christopher got involved and the
next second, he got caught!
Christopher is a problem.
That woman is also a problem.
So, what I'm saying is that...
you should play
Christopher's game.
What game?
Why are you honking so much?
No one is going to move
it hearing your honking!
We should do it ourselves.
What are you waiting for?
Go and move it!
I need to pee.
Go and make him pee
instead of sitting there!
Should we waste
more time for that?
Remove his handcuff
and hold his hand.
Get out!
Stop there!
Welcome, Madam.
I'm Vadivukkarasi, S.P.
Yes. We spoke over
the phone, right?
Sir has told me everything.
You know about that
Velankanni operation, right?
Back then, I was an Inspector.
Madam, this is one of
our black sites...
for secret operations.
No one knows anything
about this place.
What is this, Sir?
How can you do this?
Do you know what really
happened to Amina, Sulekha?
Tell her everything
that you told me.
Say it!
The person who paid him Rs. 10
Lakh to commit this crime...
was Pathalam Suresh,
a notorious criminal.
There's a nexus between
Suresh and Kottarakkan.
To topple your investigation,
and to include Kottarakkan
in the investigating team...
A kingpin who's powerful enough
to do that is part of this
Sitaram Trimurthi.
Eliminating Amina
was his necessity.
I had asked you not to hurt Jeby when you
summon him for
interrogation, Sulekha.
Sir, that...
happened by mistake.
Without my knowledge,
Without your knowledge?
Aren't you not
ashamed of yourself?
To send Jeby back home,
do you know what Kottarakkan asked
Jeby's sister Seena in
I can't stand Kottarakkan's
harassment, Sir.
He didn't let go of
Jeby for nothing, Sir.
What can I do?
He would have killed my
brother if I had objected.
He's not allowing me to
live peacefully, Sir.
He's threatening me, saying
that he will arrest Jeby.
To be with him again...
I can't live like this, Sir.
If something happens to me,
at least you should know this.
I'll give this video
footage to you, Sulekha.
What can you do to this
subordinate officer of yours?
If Seena's complaint becomes
a case, police will grill her.
Whatever she says,
they will establish that she
made up all those stories...
so as to avenge
her brother's arrest.
In order to safeguard the
morale and image of the police,
the system will go
to any extent.
In the end,
she will either become insane...
or she will commit suicide.
Kottarakkan, who'd be suspended
from duty until then...
will rejoin with a promotion.
And that is how this
bloody system is working!
You can take him if
you want, Sulekha.
can you give me your word...
that my Amina will get justice?
Our system took eight years to
hang the accused in Nirbhaya
Everyone behind him...
including the all powerful
Sitaram Trimurthi...
Will you be able
to convict them?
If the answer is 'Yes',
you can take him, Sulekha.
If not,
leave him and them to me.
as a committed police officer
who believes in law,
I must take him.
But I am a woman too.
A woman who can understand the pain
Amina and Seena had to
go through...
A woman with many
unhealed wounds within.
I'm leaving him with you, Sir.
Sir, they are all coming for the
soft opening of our hotel
All our guests are
coming from Georgia.
So, they're coming from
Dubai or Georgia?
Georgia, Sir.
Once I'm back after the opening of our
hotel in Kasaragod
we'll settle the rest, okay?
Gentlemen, we'll have
to continue this later.
Okay, Sir.
Can you fix an appointment
for the next Tuesday?
It will be done, Sir.
Sure shot! It was
Christopher who shot me!
If so, he would have
shot Marimuthu.
Or else, he will
be in his custody.
We have lot of limitations
in that forest.
After 1.5 kilometres,
it's Tamil Nadu state.
Hey, say something!
In case Marimuthu is in
Christopher's custody,
it will be a problem.
It will be a big problem.
For whom?
Marimuthu's direct
and only contact...
is Suresh.
Suresh will leave to Dubai from Mangalore
tomorrow, using
another passport.
And from there to Georgia.
He will come back only after
everything settles over here.
The time from today until Suresh
boards the flight tomorrow
It's crucial.
If Christopher nabs
Suresh by then,
it will out of our hands.
If he nabs him,
I'll show you what happens.
If you shoot a rapist, you'll
become a hero, Sir! A hero!
The investigation will also end with it.
What say?
This is the video Suresh
shared with me...
on the very day you
went to his house.
He did it to convince me that
his dealings are transparent.
If Christopher gets this....
That pig!
I told Suresh that it's a
risk to go to Mangalore...
in his own vehicle along
with his gang.
I have asked him to come to
our private dock tonight...
to meet you.
I have told him that you'll arrange
for the transportation
and security...
to shift him safely from
there to Mangalore.
Latest Glock 17.
50 metres shooting range.
What do you say?
[Indistinct chatter]
Thank you.
This is the gun you gave
Kottarakkan, to finish me off.
I was loyal to you.
You fd me over!
Kottarakkan Sir!
Shall we leave, Sir?
It's an all-night
drive, right?
Tell me.
I don't have patience,
Who asked you to kill him?
Tell me.
You have two options.
I will kill you,
right here, right now.
You must finish off Trimurthi.
I'll stand by you.
After that,
as per the plan...
you can go to Dubai or Georgia.
I don't have anything
against you.
It's him whom I want.
What do you say?
That pig who betrayed me...
I'll put him to sleep myself, Sir.
He finished off Kottarakkan himself.
But you...
I asked him to spare you for me!
You hired this guy to
kill one of our officers.
DYSP George Kottarakkan.
And now you're done
with him also.
So now you're setting me up.
It was a gamble.
It was either you or Suresh.
But like Christy said,
it's you.
North ADGP Gaurishankar.
He's not part of your circle.
A man of integrity.
My batch-mate.
So I'm taken.
But an arrest is not...
Christopher's style, right?
No more gun toting?
This is just a prelude.
Let's go, Sir.
Take him.
You're right.
This is the prelude.
When you pray for rain,
you better be ready
for the flood too.
[Lack of security. Trimurthi
shifted to Poojappura central
[Pathalam Suresh murder case;
culprit Sitaram Trimurthi
[DySP George Kottarakkan's
murder was a hit-job]
[Suspicions regarding Ashwini Trimurthi's death.
branch has begun investigation]
[Sridharan Gurukkal was
killed in an accident]
Sulekha Madam will submit the enquiry
report on Christopher
Should we proceed with what
we discussed the other day?
He will be released from here,
in a couple of days.
I'll let you know, Shaji.
Let's see what the
report says, first.
My lawyer and auditor
are coming tomorrow.
Will take a call tomorrow.
What did you say his name was?
You just have to pay him the
cash you promised. He will do
Crap! What have you written
in this so-called report?
Is it Christopher's biography?
Your sentimentalism
is just disgusting!
Shouldn't the life and career of a
person like Christopher
be referred in such
an enquiry report, Ma'am?
You should be understanding it
more than anyone else, Madam.
How dare you!
How could you dare to take personal
freedom with me like
2001 January 7th.
A drug combing case that
you and your father settled,
using your money and influence.
ADGP Abhilash Sir
had told me about it.
I haven't included
it in this report.
But... for your brother
and his friends,
some girls were brought to the hotel
where that cocaine
party was happening.
Twelve girls who were devastated when
they realised that
they were duped.
In the end, they even received
your Dad's generosity.
Rs. 10,000 for each one of them.
Abhilash Sir doesn't remember
the faces of any of those
Had he remembered,
he would have recognized me!
I'm not being
sentimental about this.
But there isn't a single
day in my life...
wherein I don't remember
that night's sea and cries.
I can understand
Christopher Sir, somewhat.
His wounds, his loneliness,
his frustrations,
his anger.
Maybe he takes anti-depressants
to get sleep, just like me.
Being a partner,
you should have understood
him a bit more.
You shouldn't have isolated him.
Sorry for being personal.
My report is final, Ma'am.
Askar Sir and you can take
any decision you want, Ma'am.
Thank you.
I'll handle it, Sir.
Thank you, Sir.
- It was Abhilash Sir.
Hi Sir.
It's a new SIM.
The report is in
favour of Christopher.
After the meeting with Sulekha,
it's surprising that Beena Ma'am
has endorsed the report.
our CM has a soft corner
towards Christopher, right?
So, Christopher is
rejoining service, right?
Without a doubt.
So, his ex-wife's hatred
towards him is also gone, huh?
Lucky fellow!
I want to see Christopher...
Sir... that...
You call him directly...
and tell him that I
want to see him.
He will come.
He likes a face-to-face.
Okay, Sir.
What else?
Murthi Sir, shall
I say something?
It's not wise to assign a team of outsiders
to deal with
Christopher right now.
We enquired about Manikantan
whom Shaji Sir suggested.
The one who is getting
released from here.
It's a perfect choice.
So, Shaji...
Assign it to him.
At a place of his choice,
to a person of his choice,
my lawyer will hand
over the money.
I need five minutes...
I want to be with them alone.
Okay, Sir.
Carry on.
Now listen to me carefully.
I want to wreck Christopher
before I finish him off.
It's been 21 years since I had any
kind of communication
with you.
21 years, during which you
and I have changed a lot.
There's no point in thinking
about what you were to me...
or what I was to
you before that.
Time changes everything.
Two days ago,
Sulekha told me that...
I could have been
a better partner.
It might be true.
I used to think only
about my losses.
If I have considered the
losses you faced as trivial,
it might be from my feeling
that I was there by your side.
Thank you for coming.
You may leave.
We need to talk.
You may leave, Shaji.
I'll be outside.
He is scared...
to leave you and
me together here.
No place is safer than the
jail to meet you, Christopher.
is the safest place to meet you.
When you came to meet me
after Amina's death,
I realized,
that you are really sentimental.
Losing your loved ones
will drive you insane.
Your history says that.
But I'm not
sentimental like you.
When you look into my eyes,
what do you see?
No love.
No compassion.
You see nothing.
I will ruin you...
sitting here, in this prison cell.
You have no second chance.
You asked me...
what I see when I look
into your eyes, right?
Tell me.
What do you see when
you look into my eyes?
There's no creation or
sustenance in my actions.
Only destruction!
I am the embodiment
of destruction.
It's useless to talk
about the past, right?
Nothing will be as it
was before, right?
when you feel really lonely,
I'll be there to talk to you
for some time, as a friend.
Just a phone call away.
And when I feel the same,
I'll call you as well.
I'm not saying
anything more, Christy.
Take care.
Losing your loved ones
will drive you insane.
Your history says that.
I'll ruin you...
sitting here,
in this prison cell.
You have no second chance.
Where are you?
I am at home.
I'm stepping out now.
Don't go anywhere
until I reach there.
What happened?
- I'm on my way.
- What's the matter?
I'll tell you when I reach there.
Hello... Christy?
- Where is Beena?
- She is upstairs, Sir.
She wasn't opening the
door when I called her.
We are shocked by the
death of Beena Chacko,
the State Home Secretary.
The police investigation has
reported it to be a murder.
The cause of death was the inhaling of
dangerously high
levels of carbon monoxide.
The crime was committed by releasing
the gas through the AC
in her room.
All the cameras in her
house were disconnected.
We might be able to find the
culprits when we get more
regarding the Wi-Fi device that
was used for releasing the
Christopher was present there
when Beena Chacko died, right?
Is there anything
dubious about it, CM?
There is nothing dubious about it.
Christopher will assume duty as
Headquarters ADGP, very
There's a rumour that Sitaram Trimurthi
who is in Central
is involved in the death
of the Home Secretary.
I cannot reveal the details
regarding the investigation
Clear evidence regarding Home Secretary
Beena Chacko's
murder have been found.
There are strong rumours about
Sitaram Trimurthi's
involvement in it.
The money has been sent to
the place he had mentioned.
Christopher should not live,
beyond tomorrow.
Hey, Manikantan is
over there, right?
Ask him to come to D-Block.
Safest place in the world.
you played it really well.
Leave this to me, Sir.
I must do at least this much
for my Amina, right?
Abhilash Sir will stand with us,
come what may!
Sitaram Trimurthi, who tried to
murder the superintendent...
was killed during the superintendent's
attempt to defend
That's the official version, right?
Yes, Sir.
And that's the truth too.
Have you heard this, Abhilash?
Truth is just a construct.
Truth is something
that's made up.
Here's the school transfer certificate
and the medical
report, Sir.
I have arranged for the admission.
She would need counselling
for some time.
That's also taken care of.
Sir, are you making her stay in
the hostel during her
At my home...
with me!