Circle (2023) Movie Script

Who are you?
Same... same question I asked
myself number of times.
Am I Man... or God!
Ascetics who had done hard penance
have not found answer to this
How will fools like us know?
Hey stupid...
Im the one who has taken contract to kill you...
A hired hand.
Who hired you to kill me?
Hmm! as expected
To anyone who asks thus this
I give a bumper offer.
If you can guess the name of the person
Who hired me.
I'll connect him.
If you both come to a settlement.
Ill leave you.
Then even you will have to pay me.
It's 3.30... I am sleepy.
You have only one chance to guess.
Is it Ram shetty?
How well you guessed!
Ill connect him.
killed him?
Did you kill him?
Is the job done?
Going on...
Going on?
What do you mean?
I feel if you both can talk once,
It will be good.
What... Are you making a deal behind my back?
Shut up!
I'm not that unethical.
I have certain principles.
If The person about to be killed asks who hired me.
I give both parties a final chance.
To settle their issues.
Talk to him once.
What can you lose.
If you say no, He will lose his life.
Im putting phone on speaker, talk to him.
-Hey, Ramudu!
What is this?
we are like brothers.
Ooh! now you remember
Im like your brother.
You compete against me for the contract
How could you do this after knowing
my financial status?
What should I think of you
Now If you sweet talk,
Im going to melt?
Ill handover the contract to you, spare me.
After you die, the contract will anyway come to me.
Ganesh kill him!
Ramudu, Ramudu.
Ganesh, kill him!
Ramudu! Ramudu!
No settlement..
what can I do
Please, don't kill me,
Whatever money you want,
Ill give.
Whatever money you want,
Ill give.
Once we take up a contract,
we have to honor it...
Please spare me.
Don't kill me.
Over In 5 minutes...
Have you to make such a fuss Stupid
It's almost dawn.
you haven't yet come home.
Didnt I tell you, goods delivery is happening
at owner's warehouse.
And Ill be late.
I dont get it...
Most of the nights You are working.
Today is your sons birthday
Do you remember?
How can I forget my darlings birthday?
Are you getting a gift for your darling then...
Are you?
Im getting a gold chain.
Oh wow!
Ok, bye!
Sorry stupid, Im taking without your permission.
Dont mind.
I pray god to give your soul eternal peace.
What is this?
What is this in public,
If you want.. drink at home, not here.
Im sorry!
Sorry! Im sorry!
What sorry, cant you see?
What to see Did I throw on you
I threw it on him I apologized.
Why is it pricking you?
Pricking me?
Is this your fathers property?
Did I say that?
Did I say that its my fathers property?
Are you threatening me?
Am I Threatening or explaining?
Do you know, who I am?
How will I know?
Put a board around your neck
Saying what a big jackass you are
This I call threatening.
Hey you!
Damn my life... police station has become a routine.
My life is cursed.
Police station is such.
Heard he is a famous photographer.
Strongly advise him.
Yes, I will.
Which pub are we going today?
Hm To which pub?
[signals to close the bar]
Sorry sir, we are past 12
We have to close.
How come new rules?
No no nothing like that.
You can stay and drink as long as you wish
Today is Gandhi Jayanthi.
Police will come around
If open case will be registered
Sorry, sir.
Im Aparna.
Two weeks back shifted here.
You stay in the penthouse, right?
I stay right under it 2704
I did my graduation in fashion technology,
Im an aspiring model.
If you dont mind...
Can you shoot my portfolio Please?.
It is now loaded.
I will remove the plaster dont scream.
If you scream
Who are you?
Chatrapati Shivaji.
Is that ok for you?
Puttur Veeranjaneya Venkata Ganesh.
Fondly called Puttur Ganesh.
A contract killer.
My score is 49
With you it is 50.
Half century.
Who asked you to kill me?
As expected...
Okay, I will give you a bumper offer...
Like in the reality show who is going to be a millionaire
phone a friend...
like that.
If you guess correct..
I will connect you to the person.
If you both come to an understanding
I will spare your life.
But then you also must give me commission, stupid.
You know how lucky you are... stupid.
You have two and half hours to make a guess.
guess how much you want.
Wondering why two and half hours?
Now it is 1 o'clock
3:30 AM is auspicious time.
My guruji said if I kill at that time
I wont aquire bad karma
And you know , the one who is dying, i.e you...
will straight go to heaven.
What a fantastic deal for us.
Come! I am hungry. Let's go eat.
Pav bhaji will you eat?
Yes.. yess!
Dying on an empty stomach is good
Only then Postmortem will be easy.
Meanwhile think over who could have hired me.
I don't have any enemies.
Gandhiji himself had enemies,
why wont you have? Stupid
I am a photographer
In my profession
There is no chance of having enemies.
May be in personal life?
I will kill you... Kill you...
In life we dont know when one becomes an enemy.
Think over carefully think.
This is connected to your life.
Think over carefully.
Beautiful painting Isnt it?
Beautiful... It looks silly...
Putting all colors on Canvas and brushing them together...
cant be termed art.
No, no... there is a lot of depth
in this painting.
Every color has a meaning.
Is it.
Look you see the yellow colour...
it signifies the vibrance.
You see that red
it signifies... life is an adventure.
And the black and
white spots on either side..
That is balance of life.
What about the blue background?
Basically This painting suggests that
in this infinite creation
Creation is a celebration.
Whoever had painted this... genius
Just genius!
Oh my God.
Am I such a genius?
did I analyze right?
Excuse me.
Yes, Mr. Pallav.
The customer who bought your painting wants to know,
If you want ten lakhs in cheque
or account transfer.
Make it account transfer.
-ok, thanks.
10 lakhs?
Hmm!.. See ya.
I am Kailash, photographer.
Oh Wow! So, our professions are almost similar... Arts.
Your speciality?
I love doing portraits,
Sometimes I do fashion photography too.
So besides painting,
what do you do in your leisure time?
I do Drug peddling and act
in porn films
What about you?
Almost same
Bank robbery and land grabbing.
Where do you stay, Kail?
Jubilee hills Road no 36
Baby Gandipet.
What's your plan
for the evening Kail?
Whatever you say.
Planning to commit suicide for fun...
like to give company?
would anybody reject such a bumper offer.
What is it kail, no smoking, no drinking,
Is this called giving company in suicide?
Already Im inhaling your cigarette smoke.
Thats giving company in suicide.
Do you at least dance?
Try me anytime!
Good morning Kail.
Hi sweety,
Nice fitting.
Yuck, cigarette stink.
What can I do... unable to quit smoking.
Listen to your elders quit smoking.
Smoking is injurious to health.
Okay madam...
Night I didnt observe...
Wow! What a location
feels like Im in Goa.
No one will believe its Hyderabad, Gandipet.
Yes, such a beautiful location.
Beautiful location...
beautiful people.
You live in style sweety.
What doing?
Breakfast Poha.
Last night no emotions were involved.
I know.
So, well treat it like aa...
one night stand?
go get ready
Let's have breakfast.
Give me a second.
What about you, kail
your marriage?
I am now 25...
till 30-35 no question of marriage.
Wise decision.
What about you...
I mean marriage?
No commitments... no compulsions.
Goodbye kail...
We will meet in the next birth.
Every time we meet
Why cant we treat it like a one night stand.
Can you stay without getting
emotionally involved?
will be like the water drop on the Lotus leaf...
When singles mingle life becomes a twinkle
nature tempts them to enjoy the nectar of life
daily dating and naughty chatting
keeps the boredom at bay
like a rose without thorns
everything is joyous
Not wasting a single minute
Take a plunge into the trance of lust
At the moment of seeing each other
a tight hug should be followed by a kiss
When singles mingle life becomes a twinkle
nature tempts them to enjoy the nectar of life
Ya.. ya.. ya.. painting will be ready.
I promise.
Ok dear! It will be ready.
These art exhibits.
What is this?
Can't you see, it's a book.
Modelling photography book.
Brought it at a Sunday Market sale.
Sunday market sale?
I.. I mean
We decided on no commitments.
Oh hello... no big scene here
I thought may be useful to you.
Oh, ok.
Can you do me a small favour.
Can you model for my photo shoot.
I should model for you?
Thoughts of you are tugging my heart
My heart is entrapped in your magic
You said you will be like a drop on lotus leaf
But I am losing my control
and lost in your love
one more.
Very good. Lean back.
shall we marry?
Us Marriage?
Yes... yes... we will...
In our next birth.
I am serious about it.
Me also serious...
Always joking.
Marriage... haha..
I thought you were joking
Are you serious?
I am serious about it.
But we had agreed on no commitments.
Even I thought so Kail...
No commitments no compulsions..
But... once I came to know you.
All Those words sound empty.
Kail, you are so different
I love you, Kail.
I am really in love with you.
Shall we marry?
I understand your feelings...
but I had told you before
I have no intention of marrying anytime soon...
we are fine now.
I want you for life.
Don't you love me?
That's besides the point
Will be happy together.
Why wont you marry me?
Am I looking like a fool?
-What's wrong with you?
-You just use and throw.
Won't you understand?
Don't bother me psycho.
Everything is your wish.
Will you marry me or not?
Madam... whom do you want
Madam wait...
Whom do you want?
Madam wait,
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door... Open the door...
Open the door
Open the door
Why don't you answer my phone?
Why? Tell me, tell me?
Tell me. why?
-Listen to me.
Madam please.
People are watching.
Madam, what are you doing?
Madam, wait.
You, I'll kill you.
I'll kill you... Kill you...
Madam, wait.
I will kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
Hold her.
Madam, Madam.
Madam please wait,
what are you doing madam?
Press button
Madam, Wait.
What are you doing?
(echo: I will kill you)
Is it Arundhathi?
she was the on who hired you... right?
Arundhathi who is that?
Old fling eh?...
My ex- girlfriend.
When I ask you to guess..
The first name that comes to your mind is hers...
You must have used her in and out
What did you do?
Didnt you hear me...
what happened?
She asked me to marry
You must have said nooo...
I wont marry... right?
Why Is she not good looking?
She is good looking.
At that time... at that age...
I didn't feel it was the right thing to do.
At that age you felt the rest of the things
you did with her were correct?
Is she in city?
Heard she settled in Paris.
Poor girl...
must have left the city
with a broken heart.
Could be.
What is on that face sadness?
You are feeling sad for ditching her
Isnt it?
One should not die so sad
It doesn't suit your style.
Look... you say she is in Paris.
By this time She must have got married
to some white guy and settled.
Don't waste your time thinking
about the past.
Try to make the best use of the time
you have to save your self..
Guess.. guess.. who hired me?
If you come to know the inhuman way
he killed the little girl...
your hearts will melt.
The way he talked when he was put on trial...
will chill your blood.
Look at this fellow.. and his over action
He is a satan in human form.
to kill this fellow..
(voices on tv)
I will not even charge a single penny...
[voices on tv]
[voices on tv]
Was it MP Rishinder Reddy who hired you?
How well you guessed...
Tell me tell me tell me Please!
Why does the MP want to kill you?
Tell me.
Didnt that fellow tell you?
I wanted to ask
in our profession, We should not ask why and what...
that's a rule.
You tell me.
I want to talk to him first... Connect him.
You guessed right.
I will connect you.
First tell me the matter...
Why this enmity between you both?
Tell me.
Hey, who are you?
Why are you taking my pictures?
Why are you taking my pictures?
I am so sorry... on spur of moment I took them.
I am a professional photographer.
You were looking divine.
You were looking so beautiful
I am really sorry... I am really sorry.
You shouldnt take pictures without permission.
First delete them.
Delete them right now.
Show me while you delete.
These are the pictures that I clicked.
This was the first photo.
Because they look divine...
How did you get the heart to delete such
beautiful pictures?
I think you like the photos.
If you give me your phone number,
I will WhatsApp them to you.
No phone thats your laptop right?
Email me.
There is no charge in My laptop.
My laptop is there...
Fully charged.
We dont have internet in the temple?
You have your mobile,
put on the hotspot.
No signal on my phone.
I have signal,
I'll give you the hotspot.
Priest sir... seems to be very very updated.
What to do..
Mr. Sambasiva Rao you are here.. come?
Waiting for you only, come.
How are you ?
-Why children did not come?
-Exams right.
Your mail ID?
Nice... so apt.
Butterfly in the garden.
mailed them.
Ok, thank you!
-I'll take leave.
Her name is Malavika...
Our constituency MP Rishinder Reddy's daughter...
After coming to know this
Tracking down her number was easy.
Taking advantage...
Can you do me a favor?
I invited her father as chief guest
to inagurate my photo exhibit.
Kailash could convey all emotions
very easily through his lens...
That is Kailash Photography...
Mark my words..
Kailash not only nationally but internationally
also his work will be recognized...
Congratulations Kailash.
Thank you, sir.
-All the best.
-Thank you.
Because of your father inaugurating the exhibit,
I received great coverage in the press.
Thank you so, so, so much.
That's okay.
Can I take you out for dinner.
Is it a date?
so if its a date gate is closed?
Our parents gave their consent to our marriage.
We got engaged .
that's from when my problems started.
Come on beautiful
can you turn this side...
Perfect Hey topi... hold this
You.. you.. you
Stop it, now
The post My assistant uploaded on Facebook..
Caused the first disturbance between us.
What is this?
Just some fun that happened on sets.
Doesn't look that funny to me.
Latent insecurities in her surfaced for the first time...
As time went by her insecurities became more pronounced
what's so urgent... What is this pooja?
I told you I have a shoot.
-Everyday You have a shoot
Today is auspicious day
What is it?
we are doing Pooja for our new business
So I thought we should have special prayers done on our names...
MP's daughter is going to start a new business?
What is it?
Silk emporium.
Even after marriage you want to run your own business..
Very inspiring.
Me running?
You are the one going to run it.
What do you mean?
Because you are the one going to manage the silk emporium.
Me managing the silk emporium?
I am a photographer...
and that's my profession
and my passion too.
Trust me
There is no future in photography
Ive been watching your career..
Why do you cling to it.
Yeah! like this...
You made demands.. dont do this.. dont do that..
You made me cancel four major ads
If I had done those ads my career couldve been far better...
Are you blaming me
for your career too?
I understand your problem
You are afraid that
if I continue in this profession...
I will leave you and settle with someone else?
Look at me...
trust me... Nothing like that will happen.
I dont know all that..
You are not doing photography..
and that's final.
I couldnt believe the girl I loved
could become an obstruction for my career..
I fell in to a confusion..
Hi, Kailash.
- Hi, handsome.
Thousand years
I was about to call you?
And here I see you.
about what?
You know Admin?
That famous perfume brand company.
Yes, I got selected as their model.
Wow! Congrats!
And they are looking for
an Indian photographer.
I have shown them your work...
and guess what
they okayed you.
Thank you so much.
Next month shoot you know where?
They will contact you confirm.
One month in Paris,
ooh la la.
Okay, bye.
What an offer?
You are not doing this Ad.
Because I don't like it.
Why... what's the reason?
I am asking you why?
What is that girl.. falling all over you...
Are there no ethics in your relations.
Ethics.. What ethics?
I dont know all that..
You are not doing that Ad...
Not only this... any Ad..
Next month after marriage
we are starting our business.
Why dont you answer?
There is no way Im going to quit Photography..
Till I die that will be my profession...
And you know what?
I am doing that Paris shoot.
Kailash, you are not doing
that Paris shoot.
And that's final!
If you really love me
you are not doing that.
Now the discussion is not about
whether I love you or not.
Im passionate about photography.
Because of your insecurities and stupidity;
I cant leave my photography.
I never curtailed your happiness..
If you curtail mine, I will not keep quiet.
You mean..
I have to watch silently as you indulge with others...
Thats so cheap!
I think we marrying
Will not be good for us...
What do you mean
After coming this far
You want to call it quits?
Everything is your wish?
Yes! my wish... my life.
Its not your wish.
I am not marrying you.
I am calling off this marriage.
Kailash, you can't do this to me?
Her father tried to convince me,
but I was not ready to marry her...
He tried threatening me...
I did not yield.
At that time it became a public nuisance...
Fearing political damage he became silent
Now that the situation is silent...
He wants to kill me... right?
Stupid woman...
what arrogance
Because your a good man..
you let things be...
if it had been me...
I wouldve chopped her to pieces.
Great... you are great...
By leaving her... You proved you are a real man.
I want talk to him..
First call him...
No use
He will definitely ask me to kill you.
Two reasons for that
One you hurt his daughter,
Two he is a big politician
you hurt his ego..
You first call him.
You fellow... looks like..
you are not going to ask him for mercy...
Instead kill him with your curses...
Shall I tell you a joke?
He is not the person who hired me...
You said it was him.
Just wanted to know your story.
Are you playing with me...
You scroundrell.
What fellow...
Crossing your limit.
auspicious time has come...
Get ready to die
No fun in shooting with a gun.
Slitting with the knife..
Is intoxicating..
Auspicious moment has come
and you did not make a correct guess?
Auspicious moment has come
and you did not guess?
You did not guess?
Not guessed... not guessed...
Tell me...
Who sent you to kill me?
No... No... No..
don't kill me...
I have wife and children...
Please dont
If you put the gun...
Think I will quake in fear and tell you?
Take it away...
Gun is not even locked
Take it away stupid.
[Slaps him]
Have you ever tasted your own blood?
Tastes wonderful.
You thrash me or kill me,
I will not tell you.
Not like this wait
Ill call the police
Call.. call.. call..
I have been waiting for this dialogue.
Call them... Call them.
They will come...
they will take me.
But will that stop your death?
The one who wanted you dead...
is seething with rage...
Tomorrow he will send another.
Like me that person wont wait for
auspicious moments
Just finish you...
When they take you to the station and thrash you..
Not only his name, you will even tell his fore fathers name...
I have murdered 49 people...
On suspicion police took me to station number of times...
And thrashed the daylights out of me...
Did I confess anything..
Did I name anybody..
Let me tell you one thing clearly...
If you want to save Youself...
You have to guess who hired me
[Door bell rings]
Sorry to bother you at this time.
Half hour back I heard some sounds...
I was arranging my house..
flower vase broke.
I heard noises like there was a fight.
TV sound.. good night.
What's that blood?
Hmm, Hmm!
[signals for attention]
What is this?
What's happening here?
Dont shout.. please..
Be silent.
Silence.. silence..
Sir.. sir..
Sir... sir...
Do not shoot that girl sir..
If you want, you can kill me sir.
Don't harm that girl.
You Shut up.. bloody fellow.
You please dont cry..
Sir.. sir.. sir..
Listen to me...
If you want.. kill me..
but do not harm that girl.
You please don't cry,
I will not harm you.
I beg you.
-Please dont cry.
I beg you.
-Please dont harm me.
-I mean no harm.
Please leave her..
Run run..
Please... let me go.
Please I will not harm you, please relax.
- Please relax.
-Please let me go.
Listen to me.
Look... I am throwing away the gun...
Please relax, please.
He came to kill me.
Look dear...
My family was starving...
I came to steal some rice..
He caught me, tied me and torturing me...
Now you understand..
how he is bluffing?
Night You saw me in the lift around 12
By that time he had already broken into my house.
To kill me!
If what he is telling is truth?
How come I didnt kill him so far...
He was waiting for auspicious time.
To kill me.
Look at him...
When someone comes to kill..
will he wait for good time
or auspicious time?
Look.. you heard some sounds...
He was trying to kill me then..
I saved myself...
overpowered him and tied him to a chair..
He just said I was already in the house when he came.
Now it's 4 o'clock.
What was I doing till now without killing him..
Pav bhaji?
He gave me time to guess... as to who hired him.
He is gone mad.
if I guessed right... said will connect me to the person.
He has totally lost it
Is this kaun banega crorepati game show?
Do one thing...
Whatever I tell now wont make any sense to you.
You go now.
But dont tell anybody, whats happening here...
Dear My dear..
If you don't tell anybody, he will kill me.
Ignore him.
-Dear.. dear
-Leave now.
Please save me...
Do not tell anybody about this.
I won't tell anyone.
This girl is going out,
she will tell everybody,
then your life will go to dogs...
No.. wait.
Please let me go... let me go...
I promise, I will not tell anybody anything.
Please let me go
-Listen to me.
I beg you, wait.
-Please, I beg you too.
I promise, I will not tell anybody anything.
-Listen to me.
Please sit.
-Give me some time. Please, relax.
-Super...super.. scene super..
Let me go, Please.
I beg you, give me time to think.
What is there to think about.
Please! You dont understand.
Just stay here for a while.
You now understand.. what kind of person he is...
Look at that fellow...
He is a psycho...
He came around 12:00 is true..
waiting for auspicious time is true...
Ask me to guess is also true..
What all I was telling was true..
He is a contract killer.
Hey, girl.
Didnt I fool you well..
Why don't you call the police?
You are sooo intelligent...
and he is not.
He is a brute..
A contract killer.
It seems he killed many so far..
Tell the number number..
49 till now
If I had finished him..
In my community, I am Virat Kohli range.
Look at him...
Even we hand him over to the police..
No use.
Till now he committed many murders
yet couldnt be put in jail
I think He has got a political backing..
Backing.. bull shit!
Meticulous planning.
Even Lord Balaji cant decipher my plan...
Even if this fellow is put in jail
Another will be sent in his place...
Persons name.. This fellow wont reveal.
I don't know what to do?
What's your opinion about Himani?
Himani Rajput?
Who is Himani?
His girlfriend.
Am I correct?
She hired you to kill me?
What wrong did I do to warrant death?
Now he has revealed...
why don't you call her and ask?
Oh.. look little pigeon is giving advice.
Mind your tongue or
I will break your teeth!
Once contract is taken..
contact number wont be on the phone...
It will be in my head...
Tell me the number
tell me.
You don't have her number?
I don't have it now...
Now that we know it is Himani...
let us hand over to police.
Oo girl is hyper smart,
Looks like she is infatuated with you
if you get to know about him
You will not come anywhere near him.
I made a mistake...
Not a mistake... which warrants death.
You did.
I didn't.
You did.
No, you are a gentleman...
You could not have made any mistake...
[clicks tongue]
If you listen to his story not gentleman..
you will call him mental man.
Who is this Himani?
Himani is a princess from a royal family...
An international book publishing company...
had planned a coffee table book
with 20 princesses...
Himani Rajput was one of them...
And they chose me to do her photoshoot.
Thats when I met her.
Good morning
Hello, good morning.
-Deepti Talwar. Come
-Hi, Kailash.
Welcome to Gajner palace.
The governments will keep changing
any government for that matter.
But we are from the aristocracy families.
And our job
Is to maintain a good relation
with any government.
Kailash ji from Hyderabad.
came yesterday from Hyderabad.
What time princess gave for the shoot?
10 o'clock.
-10 o'clock?
Please go ahead.
Ok, sir!
I am taking them.
Nice, beautiful.
A little profile.
Nice, turn this side.
Just a second.
Maam, can we put this back.
I think, this will work nice,
-Yeah, sure.
-Make sure you are looking cool.
Excuse me, Sir, Diwan ji is calling you.
Brother.. bring the light here.
Right pan. Right pan.
Want to comb the hair.. Give me the brush.
Come... come!
Please come.. sit.
How is your shoot going?
Good sir... great..
Good, would you like to have tea?
No sir, It's okay, thank you.
Have some tea.. have it..
Shoot goes on.. will go on.
Have some tea.
How much sugar?
Two spoons?
Yes, sir.
Take it.
Thank you.
Hope you are aware that
you are shooting a royal Princess?
Dont touch her.
You are a cameraman
maintain that camera distance from her.
Okay? Have your tea.
Drink.. Please drink drink
Yeah, I studied in Hyderabad like
for around 2 plus years.
Ok, ok.
Hey Topi...
Yes, brother.
Hold the light properly.
Ok, brother!
Not that one.. this.
Pan on the face..
Suman, Go forward
So now how do I pose?
You can do anything, whatever, fine.
We had done for the day...
Hey, pack up.
Mr. Kailash,
Boss... what happened?
Excuse me, Mr. Kailash
At what time are you shooting tomorrow?
we are not shooting.
I mean we are not shooting tomorrow.
Ill return the advance as well.
What happened?
Mr. Kailash.
What happened?
Boss.. think about it.
25 lakhs contract.
How could You just leave it.
Not 25 lakhs even if it was 1 crore.. I will leave it.
What does that Diwanji think?
They are royal family and
We should not touch them.
She didnt say that.
They won't say, they will make the others say.
-Hey leave all that.. time for out flight, go and pack your bag.
Madam came to meet you.
Deepti Talwar?
No.. Princess.
It sems You are not doing my photoshoot.
In certain matters, Im very strict...
Im not a worker in your royal household...
I am a nationally renowned
photographer and you know that.
I don't have to bear up with insults.
I understand where you are coming from
Sit please sit.
Can I offer you some juice?
No, I am good.
This Royalty is an outdated concept.. right?
And an irritating concept too.
It is through ones behavior and thinking One
attains Royalty. Will it come by birth...
No... it doesn't.
The was the reason why I came down
to Hyderabad for my studies..
to escape from all this nuisance.
But wherever I go,
I have to come back here again
can't escape it.
This is my understanding...
But their thinking has not changed...
Mr.Ghanshyam belongs to a older generation..
From my great grand father times
his family travelled with our family..
So you see...
For them royalty is something
very divine.
For the way he spoke with you
I apologize On his behalf.
-No, no.
-I am sorry.
Why are you apologizing?
Please dont
It's okay.
I like your photography.
Thats why I insisted the publishing company,
that you should do my photo shoot.
Did you know that?
Yeah, I know that.
So, will you please do my photoshoot?
Of course, of course, I will.
Wow! Thank you.
Well, I have a meeting to attend right now.
Can you please excuse me?
Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
Ok, Ill see you.
Himani ji.
Drop the ji.. call me Himani.
You know what..
Now you truly look royal to me.
A smile encountered me
the sky came down to walk with me
don't know where this meeting goes
My heart is beating for her
a smile encountered me
After you studied history..
How come you wanted to become a photographer?
To capture pictures of beautiful people like you
and become part of history.
Thank you.
You are moving too closely with
the photographer.
Nothing like that.
Royals mixing with ordinary people
is anathema to Your grandfather..
You know that.
In 6 months time, you are getting married
into the royal family of Mewad.
You are aware of that right?
Sometimes, in life you have to make choices
which you may not like..
That marraiage is a matter of prestige
for our royal family.
Dont forget that madam princess.
royalty has drawn a boundary?
can it be defeated by our union
and open a new chapter in history
When the soul mate is beside
everything will be fine
In which direction this bond is moving?
don't know where this meeting goes
is there a way to know?
the sky came down to walk with me
A smile encountered me
don't know where this meeting goes
my heart is beating for her
very pretty.
She is my mom,
she came from Delhi last night.
Greetings ma'am
You captured my daughters pictures very beautifully.
She is beautiful, maam.
Ill make a move.
All right.
-Greetings, maam.
Mom, I'll just be back.
See you then.
See you.
The sky came down to walk with me
A smile encountered me
Don't know where this meeting goes
My heart is beating for her
Boss, shoot.
Yeah okay.
Out of the blue,
One day
Hiii.. how are you?
I am good.
How are you?
I am good.
What a pleasant surprise.
Umm.. No phone calls.. no messages..
You have forgotten me totally.
Forget you? Never.
You are always in my thoughts.
So how come, you never called me?
I was not sure if I could take
so much liberty with you.
Okay, so how are you placed today?
Are you in town?
Yes... I am.
Can we meet today?
Madam Princess!
Your wish is my command.
Settle your things fast.
Now I will be making frequent visits.
Ya what?
Ma'am... Mr Kailash is here.
Kailash who?
Photographer Kailash.
I wanted to discuss about the coffee table book...
So I called him.
Call him in.
Kailashji.. please come .
Excuse me.
Maam, we have to start right now
for the meeting.
Give me few minutes.
Please come.
So, what's happening?
Nothing much, you tell me?
How do you know him?
You too know him?
You seem to have a very busy day?
Yes, we have a meeting with
the state industry minister today.
For the power project in Telangana.
Oh, wow.
By the way, did Evan from
publishing company call you?
Yes, he called me,
He said the collection
of photos were very good..
especially your photos...
Our photos.
Our photos.
Come inside.
One second.
A small gift.
Small gift?
It's a diamond and gold watch.
You like it?
Must be worth 10 to15 lakhs?
Oh! Come on.
I can't accept this.
You should.
You shown me so beautifully..
Least I can do is reciprocate.
Thank you, thank you so much.
As you said it is a busy day,
It's time for my meeting.
Okay, by the way...
How many more days you are staying in Hyderabad?
I am leaving tomorrow morning.
By any chance,
can we meet again today?
I have a couple of more meetings.
I can understand.
Anyway, thanks for the gift.
Let's go.
[Door bell rings]
Come in... come in...
I am leaving tomorrow...
I don't know when I will see you again.
So just came to say hi.
Day after tomorrow I am shifting
to my new apartment.
-So, it's all messy.
Nice painting...
What time are you leaving tomorrow?
Sometime tomorrow
Are you okay?
Will you marry me?
I cant.
My marriage is already fixed with one Prithvi,
a person from a royal family.
Are you interested to marry him?
No option.
You are a grown-up independent woman,
You have seen so much of the world
How come in this matter?
In our families certain traditions are strictly followed.
I told you about my grandfather...
should marry aristocrats only.
Its their rule.
If I break those traditions now...
I will be breaking their hearts too.
I love my family.
I don't know whether I am right or wrong.
But one thing is clear in my mind.
I love you Kailash.
I love you too.
What is happening here?
Why don't you do something?
I will talk to her.
After she left.. I felt an emptiness..
I missed her.
I missed her badly.
Poor soul! seem to be very very upset...
Why are you here?
Himani Rajputs refusal to marry you...
Seems to have upset you very badly...
Poor soul!
Surprised how I know?
Ghanshyam's close friends Sudhakar
You must have seen him, when you
had been to Himani's guest house.
He is our close relative.
Please go,
You know something?
Because I am very broad-minded...
I put my status aside
and consented to marry you.
Not everyone is like me.
You! broad-minded
You, your ego and insecurities.
You don't have a right
to compare yourself with her.
I am devil and she is divine.. is that?
For her, you are just a time pass.
I don't need to discuss with
mean minded people like you
Go away!
Your ego is unable to handle the truth
Poor soul!
I beg you...
Please leave.
Go, Please!
Mr. Kailash
Understand one thing
Your status is not on par with our status...
Remember that!
She truly loves me.
If we haven't become one It is
because of some very strong reasons.
Family, royalty, is that it?
People who truly love
dont give such excuses.
Like me they will put aside status and come...
I am telling you again.. listen.
For her you are just a time pass.
She never loved you.
She loves me.
Go.. get her
get her
Bloody fool!
stay here.
Hi, how are you?
You could have come to the palace.
You love me, right?
Of course.
Please, please Kailash understand.
I understand now,
I don't have any importance in your life.
Not true, I love you.
I thought I had a special place in your heart.
You are very very special to me.
Then marry me
Marry me.
Kailash, in another two weeks,
it's my wedding.
Try to understand me.
You don't love me.
I am just a time pass for you.
Why do you talk like that?
Will you marry me or not?
Say yes or no?
You seem very disturbed.
Will you marry me or not?
Yes or no.
I cant..
You know it's not possible.
I thought you were something different.
But now I understand it is all a big act...
since ages, it is been there in your familys blood
This ego.
Using people and discarding them
You are marrying a person Without your heart in it...
that is what you are.
You are a heartless .
I loved you...
I truly loved you.
To the person who loved you
You don't show me your face again.
As I watched Himani going away weeping..
I realized...
How big a mistake I made...
I broke her heart...
But an unbearable pain started in my heart.
To overcome that pain I did something
I had never done before.. drink..
Even that didnt ease the pain in my heart...
Eyes closed or open.
I can only see Himani going away crying..
You don't show me your face again.
I have lost the right to ask her for forgivens.
Yes... I made a mistake.
But, this big a punishment?
Himani.. ordering killing..
it all looks unbelievable..
Yes, some things are very difficult to believe..
But there is a strong reason in wanting you dead.
August 18th,
Recollect.. what you have done on the day?
That is 2 months back.
Try Recollecting it...
I met with an accident.
You were punch drunk.. Right?
Yes, I had drink in the pub.
Drunk... What did you do?
You came to the point...
Did Himani come to that pub?
I mistook.
You must have gone up to her crying
Himani.. Himani... forgive me and held her hand
People around her must have slapped and kicked you out.
How could they understand
the feeling in my heart.
But, Himani was not there
Why then did she wanted you killed?
Hold on.. hold on.. now the real story starts...
After the incident in the pub
out of frustration I drank even more.
In that frustration and drunken stupor...
I hit the road aimlessly...
Don't show me your face again.
Aimlessly driving.. somewhere around
shankarpali, You met with an accident.. right?
That night
That river
That Silence
How beautiful if that silence could encompass me...
Everything will be at peace.
At that moment I felt how peaceful it would be if I die.
Decided to die...
[Groans in pain]
As my leg was fractured
Leave alone dying..
I couldnt stand on my feet.
Somebody please kill me.
Somebody please kill me.
Somebody please kill me.
Somebody please kill me.
What happened then?
Somebody came and stood near me.
what did you do then?
Please kill me.. please throw me into the river...
Kill me, please.
Please throw me into that.
Kill me, Please.
shoot me, shoot me.
Bullets... Bullets...
Kill me.
Kill me, Please.
Kill me, Please.
Kill me, Please.
Kill me, Please.
Please. Kill me.
That day.
on the bridge.
It was me.
What dear, after giving me contract...
I come to kill..
He beats and ties me up.. is it fair?
Kill me.. kill me.. You asked,
let me kill you.
You mean at the auspicious time
you really wanted to kll him...
You seem to be more stupid than this fellow...
Auspicious time was an excuse I took...
To put the fear of death into him and
make him understand the value of life.
But at that moment...
This guy reversed the scene?
Then at least, you could have told me?
If I had revealed then.. you couldn't have
narrated Himani story in such detail..
Why all this?
Only when death peers into your face..
You realize the value of life
How many such faces I had seen.
I felt a sadistic pleasure as I watch those faces...
Their screams of terror and pain..
Was like music to my ears...
Life is a circle.
The same death peered into my face too..
In the form of my son.
Where is the policeman?
ta ta ta
ta ta ta
My son was my life...
One day while playing he hurt himself badly.
Your son is in serious condition..
Injury on the spinal cord.
If not operated with in 24 hours...
His life will be in danger.
Sir.. please do the operation.. sir.. please do...
Not here.. it will be done in corporate hospitals..
may cost you 10 to 12 lakhs.
Arrange the money.
Sir, so much money?
10, 12 lakhs in 24 hours... that much
money I didnt know where to raise...
I began approaching all the people I knew.
Hoping some one could loan me..
Everybody either gave me excuses or reasons.
I couldn't raise the loan...
The deadline given by the doctor was nearing...
I didn't know, what to do.
It is said.. the sins committed by the elders
will return as curses on their children.
The sins I committed brought my son to the edge of death..
I felt my life worthless, if I couldnt save my son.
I hated myself for that.
I cannot see my son's death.
wont see it.
Decided to commit suicide.
[Aims at self]
Huh.. My death that easy
I forgot that there were no bullets in it.
Please kill me, push me into the river.
Please, kill me.
Shoot me.
Shoot me.
Shoot me.
Please kill me.
Watch..Take this watch. Gold watch...
Kill me, Please!
Kill me, please.
Kill me, please.
Kill me
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
You put the expensive diamond watch
in my hands and fainted.
I felt God had come in your form.
[Sobs aloud]
I sold that diamond watch you had given
and got my son operated
If he is alive today,
It is because of you.
How strange life can be..
I came to know that in the hospital...
It must have been 4 days after the operation..
my son was recovering.
I saw your photo in the paper.
I came to know that you are a famous photographer.
It was also written that the accident
occurred because you were drunk
But what the public didnt know was...
That you attempted suicide that night.
I looked at my peacefully sleeping son...
And thought of you...
I who never gave a thought to anybody...
Began to think of you.. I became curious
as to why you wanted to kill yourself.
I who never thought
twice before killing
Began to think of the way to save you.
From then onwards I started following you.
I watched You drink in pubs
and public places.. Punch drunk
crying out aloud Himani.. Himani..
I learnt that you are in pain...
I came to understand you were
pining for a person called Himani..
I understood that it was a tragic love story.
But only after coming here, I came to understand
It was something bigger than that...
You are not able to forgive yourself For
abusing the one person who loved you truly...
In these death moments you must have understood
How small a matter it is..
Now are you going to forgive yourself or not?
You will forgive yourself
I know that...
Ok, call the police now.
Take good care of this gentleman.
You have committed so many murders.
Are you absolving yourself of them.
That night on the bridge You made a wretched
like me understand the value of life.
If I have to forgive myself
I need to face punishment.
Your name?
Last night in the lift
you seemed to have asked something..
I am an aspiring artist,
I was hoping if you could do
a photo shoot for me.
Let's shoot tomorrow.
Welcome back Boss...
It's all yours.
Move right,
Aah!.. hold it beautiful.
Circle of life
The magic of life
With strange turns in an endless run
You see victory and defeat
You have dreams and nightmares
This is the circle of life
Circle of life
The magic of life
In this path of ups and downs
Isn't this a blind fold game?
How to know the reason for this quest?
Isn't this search a futile effort?
What will be known?
What could be the fate?
In the hands of the player
We are the puppets
This is life
Circle of life
The magic of life