Circle of Iron (1978) Movie Script

[birds chirping]
[gentle flute music]
[crowd shouting]
Morthond! Morthond! Morthond!
Morthond! Morthond! Morthond!
Morthond wins.
[gong crashes]
[crowd cheering]
- Pelele wins.
- [applause]
Agnim! Cord!
Cord wins!
Morthond! Pelele!
[crowd shouting]
Morthond wins!
Cord! Morthond!
this is the final contest.
Morthond! Morthond! Morthond!
Morthond! Morthond! Morthond!
Morthond is the winner.
[crowd cheering]
[cheering stops]
You've, uh, made a mistake.
You gave the medallion
to the wrong man.
Is this your color?
There was no error.
You hit him
after he was down.
There are rules,
and you have broken them.
You have chosen to break almost
every rule of the contest.
You wear no fighting clothes,
you belong to no group.
I am my own man.
Then why have you come here
if you need no one but yourself?
I've come a long way
to compete for the right
to find Zetan
and defeat him
and to see what is
in a book he guards.
What do you know of Zetan
and his Book of Enlightenment?
Only that it's a book.
That it contains
all the wisdom of the world.
Cord, he who is chosen
to find and defeat Zetan
must have the ability to bind an
elephant with the web of a spider.
Not stun him with a kick.
Morthond has been chosen!
Morthond is a dancer!
I'm a fighter!
Morthond has
controlled himself,
You are not yet the tempered
weapon that we need.
One question first.
Why have all the others you've sent
never returned?
The trials along the way are severe.
Zetan has proved himself so far
to be invincible.
It is because you have
never sent the right man!
But I can defeat him!
You will not go.
(Cord) I will defeat
this invincible Zetan!
And I will see
what is in the book!
[all murmuring]
[gentle flute music]
[bell jingling]
[seagulls squawking]
One year ago,
I took a vow of silence.
When did you break it?
Why are you following me?
You're angry
because I defeated you.
You didn't defeat me!
You broke the rules!
Fight me again!
It serves no purpose.
You were born without a brain!
Fight me!
But I want to help you,
not kill you.
It's Zetan I'm after.
[gentle music]
[bell jingling]
[bell jingling]
[distant shouting]
[men chattering
in foreign language]
[foreign language]
[flute whooshing]
[flute whooshing]
[body thuds]
[gentle flute music]
The important thing is eating
the fruit, not how you get to it.
Eat then.
My name is Cord.
I'm looking for a great
martial artist called Zetan.
There's a bee near your nose.
Who are you?
Last night,
I saw you perform miracles.
If Zetan's skills are
even greater than yours, I-
I'm not ready for him.
With all my training
and both my eyes,
I couldn't survive
one second against you.
My skills are not there
to impress you.
I've got it!
Now I know!
You're Zetan.
I"m the one who's blind!
Are you Zetan?
Whatever you think I am,
or want me to be,
I am.
[bell jingles]
Be my teacher.
Explain what you do.
I want to practice.
Tie two birds together,
and though they have four
wings [chuckles] they cannot fly.
(Cord) Well, I'll just
follow you and watch.
And I won't annoy you
by talking.
I can be silent,
believe me.
They say Zetan's
the guardian of a book.
He's had it for many years.
Do you know anything about
this book? Know what it is?
Do you, uh, think
it could be important?
If a man guards a book year
after year, which is more important?
The man or the book?
[monkey chattering]
Is that the secret?
The monkey
tried to circle you
And you wouldn't let him
you kept turning.
The way of the monkey
is to play the fool.
While you laugh at his antics,
he bites you from behind.
Unmask his ego, and you expose
a coward disguised as a monkey.
I'll study them.
I'll watch them
very carefully.
You already imitate
their chattering perfectly.
I don't have any reason
to fight monkeys.
This lesson has no value.
One is taught in accordance
to one's fitness to learn.
I'll tear my tongue out
and put it
[groaning ]
Morthond! Wait!
It's Cord!
I have brought disgrace
on my brotherhood.
Zetan did this?
Morthond, answer me!
How did this happen?
The first trial.
What was it?
Morthond, what was
the first trial? Where?
Cord. The medallion.
Take it.
How can I help you, Morthond?
Help me die with honor.
[rising crescendo of music]
[echoing voices]
[echoing voices]
[echoing voices]
(blind man) The way of the
monkey is to play the fool.
Unmask his ego,
and you expose a coward
disguised as a monkey.
[loud chattering]
[chattering quiets]
Who are you?
My name is Cord.
Where is your begging bowl?
I'm not here to beg.
You're not here to beg?
I'm here to face the first trial.
Then you will beg.
What school do you come from?
No school.
No school!
I come from myself.
Ah! He comes from himself!
A man with no mother!
[screeching, chattering]
What are you looking for,
man with no mother?
I want to find Zetan.
And you think
that to find him
you must fight me, huh?
what acknowledged style of fighting
do you use?
My style.
[derisive laughter]
[screeching, chattering]
Listen to me,
man who creates himself.
Go back...
the way you came,
in peace.
I don't want to go back.
And I don't want to fight you
unless I have to to find Zetan.
is far away
on the other side
of me.
To reach him,
you must first pass through...
What if I just
walk around you?
That is not
in the order of things!
if I am your trial,
then I am your trial.
You cannot walk around me.
Then I'll have to fight you.
[screeching, chattering]
Now tell me the way
to Zetan.
Embrace the west wind
until you come to a wilderness.
Look for a rose there.
Look for a rose?
Is that the second trial?
You asked the way to Zetan.
Are there others ahead of me?
You are the first to pass me.
But other seekers
have other trials.
Am I a beggar
with a begging bowl now?
I put you in my bowl!
[gentle flute music]
Can I help you?
To do what?
To get out of this
Who's torturing you this way?
No one.
Isn't that barrel
filled with oil?
Of course.
I filled it myself.
I filled it myself, and I
got in it myself. You?
I've been in here ten years.
But why?
To rid myself
of the bottom half of me.
There's very little left of it now.
Your legs look like seaweed.
I hope so.
That thing that terrible
thing between my legs
It's almost gone now,
isn't it?
A mere pimple.
It'll go altogether soon,
I hope.
Ten years!
How do you live
without eating?
My family. They bring me
a little rice, a little water.
Your family?
They know you're dissolving
yourself in oil?
They weren't too happy
about it at first.
Especially my wife.
Now she understands.
But why would you want to
You could have taken
a vow of chastity, like I have.
I took a vow of chastity. I
took ten vows a hundred.
How can a man be
a holy man
when that terrible thing
attaches him to the earth?
I got rid of my money,
I shed my clothes,
I ate a spoonful of rice
each day,
and my mind began to soar.
I felt the universe.
I was the universe.
And then, that terrible thing
summoned me.
Hello! it cried.
Think of the pleasure!
Several times,
I grabbed a knife.
I intended to rid myself of it
once and for all.
But I
I was a coward.
Then... I found a way!
I would dissolve it away
and the legs
that carried it along.
Oh, you are obviously
mentally disturbed.
Mm-hmm. You should
have seen a doctor.
I am a doctor.
You took a vow of chastity.
You won't keep it.
Come in here with me.
There's plenty of room.
we'll keep each other company.
I'm sorry, but I must go.
I'm looking for someone.
Again Zetan!
They all come around
asking about Zetan!
There is no answer
in Zetan. [laughing]
The answer is
in here with me.
[gentle flute music] If you
won't melt it off, cut it off!
Do it now! For whatever your
dreams are, it will ruin them!
It's like a sword,
that terrible thing!
It will
It will cut you to pieces!
[gentle flute music]
[gentle flute music]
[native folk music]
[fireworks popping]
[fireworks popping]
[fireworks continue]
Have you eaten?
Where's your drink?
Your hand is empty.
Don't wish it on me!
The whole world is in commotion,
and you wish me peace!
I don't know what
peace Is. [ don't want it
Don't you listen to the desert?
Even when there's no wind,
the sand sings.
My name is Cord.
Hah! You see? Cord!
Play a chord!
Strike a chord!
Even your name is a noise!
What do you want, Cord?
You want us to play on you?
My wives can make
your skin sing.
Who are you?
It is my wish to provide
everything that is needed.
Tell me what you need, Cord,
that I may find happiness
in providing it for you.
I seek a rose... in the wilderness.
Her name is Tara.
My ninth wife.
You may have her.
But I've taken a vow of chastity.
Hah, hah! Well, taking
her will be a twin sacrifice.
Her of her vows to me,
and you of your vows
to yourself.
(Cord) My second
trial, Is it with you?
Who knows?
Do you know?
[fireworks continue]
[crowd chattering]
Is it still your need,
my friend,
to test yourself against me?
It is my need.
Then put out your hand,
my black brother,
for what you feel will satisfy you.
You came to me
to test yourself,
and in losing,
you have gained your victory.
For now, you are
on the threshold of truth.
That knowledge
That gift, which is what
you really want from me
You have it now.
When do we fight?
After we sleep, my boy.
[soft banjo music]
It pleases you?
- Where is your
- No harm will come to you.
My husband sent me to you.
Is he Zetan?
He is Changsha.
Not the keeper of the book?
What book?
Why did he send you?
This will not violate your vow.
The desired fruit may be enjoyed
without consuming it.
I've been traveling
for a long time.
I've been taking a journey that
was indicated in the palm of my hand.
You're my trial, aren't you?
Let me walk the line in your
palm with you for a moment.
Let me show you.
(Cord) You asked to walk
the line of my palm with me.
You refused me!
Do you invite me now?
[gentle music]
(Cord) Walk with me,
but not for just a moment.
[gentle music]
I'll go with you,
but first we must rest.
What lies ahead of us
will not be easy.
[wind gusting]
[soft flute music]
[animals squawking, chirping]
[wings fluttering]
(male voice)
Cord! I am here.
[frogs croaking]
(male voice)
Cord! I am here.
Stronger than Zetan.
(Cord) Death. I
know you. [snarling]
Why are you so ugly?
Or do you have a different face
for every man?
Shall I go to my knees?
Are you waiting for fear to freeze
my heart before you carve it out?
- Soon, Cord! Soon!
- [chuckles]
Come anytime,
welcome guest.
[howling dog]
[frogs croaking]
[animal squawking]
[gushing water]
(blind man)
It can't be done.
You can't do it
Can't do what?
You can't step twice
on the same piece of water.
[bell jingling]
A fish saved my life once.
I ate him.
(Cord) How long
have you been blind?
(blind man) How long
have you been blind?
(Cord) I'm not blind.
(blind man chuckles) Am I?
(Cord) Do you answer every
question with a question?
Do you question every answer?
Talking to you is like
talking to a wall.
(blind man) Buddha
once sat before a wall,
and when he arose,
he was enlightened.
Do you compare yourself
with Buddha?
Hah, hah, no;
only to the wall.
[seagulls squawking]
You have not told me
of your second trial.
It wasn't a trial.
It was a lesson.
Teach it to me.
Ah, you know it.
You seem to know
Each morning
when I awake,
like a scholar
at his first class,
I prepare a blank mind
for the day to write upon.
A year ago
I took a vow of chastity.
A day ago I broke it.
Gladly, because
I realized we are born to love.
But what I did then was worse
than taking any foolish vow.
I tried to possess
what I loved.
I didn't know then that
the embrace of love
held too tightly
can destroy the one you love.
Each moment that passes
changes you.
You do not
cannot possess even yourself.
How can you hope to possess
anyone or anything else?
[seagulls squawking]
I realize now you are my
hidden teacher. [chuckles]
And if I am to survive the next trial, I
must be allowed to follow you and to learn.
You will never endure it.
I will.
Will 1?
Hah, hah, tell me why
I won't be able to endure it.
You will never have the patience.
You will see things and judge them
before you know what
they mean. What things?
You see? You ask what things
even before the things have happened.
Your impatience is beyond me.
I'll be patient.
I'll be an empty vessel!
One condition.
You must ask nothing
about any event
until such time as
I myself give you an answer.
(blind man)
We wish to cross your river.
What is the fare
for the two of us?
You don't look
as if you have money.
Ah! Ah!
Will this be payment enough?
Yes, yes, this will do.
Wait, you old fool!
Let me see.
It's worthless.
If you want to cross the river, swim.
Stop that! This is an honest man.
Like you are a good man in bed,
you silly stick!
No money,
no transportation.
It is my boat!
I will decide.
Your boat?
Your poor son's and mine.
Since when is it yours?
Since I married you,
you ignoramus!
Didn't I pay for it
with the gift of my body...
and the blessing of a boy child?
Hah! The gift you gave me once
twenty years ago!
(ferryman's wife) How do you expect to get the
boat back, you idiot? You never think of nothing.
That poor man.
He's happy.
There's misery in every bone
in his body.
Is not a happy man
one who does not fear death?
Not only does he not fear it,
his days are filled with joy
looking forward to it.
Why'd you do that?
[bell jingles]
(Cord) He wanted to help
us. Is that how you repay him?
You've destroyed
his livelihood.
He'll be defenseless
against her now.
I told you you would
jump to conclusions.
- What are you doing?
- Hiding.
There's nothing here
to hide from.
Not yet.
[all shouting]
Ah! They've seen you.
(Cord) I never thought
you'd run from a fight.
(blind man) It's hard to
kill a horse with a flute.
[all shouting]
- [shouts]
- [horse whinnies]
[foreign language]
[foreign language]
[whip crack]
[foreign language]
[men shouting
in foreign language]
- [horses trotting]
- [foreign language]
[men shouting]
[dramatic music]
[men chattering
in foreign language]
Why do you have to pick now
to do good deeds?
You're feeling guilty because
you kicked in the ferryman's boat,
so you're committing suicide.
You're not only a fool,
you can't keep a promise.
What promise? You said you
would tear out your tongue
- [man shouting]
- [clattering of hooves]
[foreign language]
[horse whinnies]
[men shouting]
The chimney's broken too.
We could fix that.
And the roof needs mending.
[men shouting in foreign language]
[foreign language]
I'm thinking
of saying good-bye.
I was crazy to believe
you were my teacher.
Learn to listen
to that which is not spoken.
I"m tired of your riddles.
There was no lesson in
what just happened.
All I saw was a fool inviting
his assassins to kill him.
The fool is the twin
of the wise.
And you can't step on
the same piece of water twice,
and two birds tied together
have four wings but cannot fly,
and and and the tadpole
loses its strength,
and the sword
can't cut itself,
(blind man) The path and the
gateway have no use or meaning
once the objective is in sight.
(Cord) And a horse has no
udders, and a cow can't whinny,
and up is down,
and sideways is straight ahead.
[seagulls squawking]
Oh, look. Look.
(boy) Who are they? ow!
[bell jingling]
Mister, please.
Do you have a coin?
Coin! Coin! Please.
[foreign language]
[snaps fingers]
[crowd murmuring]
[seagulls squawking]
[bell jingling]
This time I'm leaving.
You must stop
making promises.
This is more than a promise.
Now that I'm free of you,
I"m free to ask questions.
Explain yourself.
What did you mean by
kicking in the ferryboat?
Of the two of us,
you are the one who is blind.
Blinded by what you see.
I want an answer,
not all this philosophy.
I damaged the boat
because if I hadn't,
the soldiers would have used it
to cross the river,
and the old man and all his
family would have been killed.
Achieving his happiness,
But how did you know
the soldiers were coming?
- Did you hear them?
- No.
The stone wall.
Why did you stop to repair it?
There was a bag of coins
partly exposed in the stones.
I repaired the wall so the
soldiers wouldn't find it and steal it,
leaving the widow and
her children without means.
You couldn't see the bag.
Did you smell it?
The boy. Explain the boy.
The boy.
You mutilated the boy. You
broke his nose, a beautiful boy.
Too beautiful.
He was a tyrant. He would
have grown up to be worse.
I freed his parents from
their bondage to his beauty.
Hah! You didn't even
touch his face.
How'd you know what he
looked like? Did you sense it?
No. But I freed his parents
and the boy too,
and now,
I free you of me.
Well, I haven't finished yet.
You didn't hear the soldiers,
and you didn't smell the bag,
and you didn't sense the boy.
[ Want an explanation.
I knew.
[gentle flute music]
You were through here before!
How many times?
[flute music continues]
What is this?
Hah, hah, yes, Cord!
The man I entertained
in the wilderness.
The very same Cord, yes.
not the same.
Not quite.
But you're still
looking for the same
Hah! Yes.
He's very near.
Oh. Very, very near.
All you have to do
is pass by me.
I have no quarrel with you.
No quarrel?
Hah, hah,
but what of your love,
Did I not crucify Tara?
But I myself,
with these two hands
I myself, with these two hands.
Not the same Cord.
you do not
confront me with hate.
Then why confront me at all?
Join me.
Take my hand.
Ah, I can show you a world
where you will find no night or day.
The sun will never
rise or set.
My goal is Zetan.
Ah, yes.
At daybreak then.
Along the beach.
[rhythmic drums]
Not the same Cord.
Your way lies
across the water.
You are the chosen.
[dramatic music]
You have sought Zetan.
Zetan is here.
My dear Cord.
I am so pleased to see you.
Extraordinary what the soil
here does for the perfume.
Who are they?
They are the Near Ones.
They are studying
the perfecting of perfection.
Are you their teacher?
No, not really.
We have found
that the best way is
for the teacher, so called,
and the student
to produce the teaching
What do you think?
Yes, it sounds reasonable.
Is something disturbing you, Cord?
You seem somewhat puzzled.
I want to know
when we fight.
You and I.
About what?
The book.
The book.
The everlasting book.
Very well.
We will go to the terrace and
rehearse you in the ceremony.
What ceremony?
The one that precedes your
being made the keeper of the book.
Wait! Wait!
I don't understand.
This is the seat of harmony, Cord.
There seems to me to be
nothing but harmony on this island.
Yes, it, uh, permeates
everything here.
Try the seat, Cord.
Goon, try it.
Can you see your future, Cord?
Endless days of peace.
Is there any man
who can wish for more?
The book,
The book.
You have survived
several trials, I am sure.
Very frightening
they must have been,
but what you are
about to see now
may be even more alarming.
You can take my place here, Cord,
without looking into the book,
just as I did many years ago.
! must look first
The seekers fight their way here,
year after year,
willing, eager to pay
a terrible price
to see what is in that book.
And when they fling it open
in blazing expectation
of finding all the answers
to all life's questions,
what do they find?
There is no book, Cord.
No enlightenment
outside yourself,
There is nothing
to take back?
They are here, most of them.
Others have gone back
into the world,
and in all manner of disguises,
they have provided the trials
such as you have experienced.
Some become teachers.
And one of them
plays a flute
that only I can hear!
[laughs] I was your age when
I was sent to find the book,
and I became the keeper.
Now you, Cord
you can be the keeper.
You will enjoy it
The endless peace and pleasure!
Release me, Cord!
Release me.
[soft flute music]
[soft flute music]
You've looked at the book, Cord.
And what did you see?
[gentle flute music]