Cirkus (2022) Movie Script

Every new idea seems
impossible in the beginning.
The idea of human beings
flying seemed impossible to us
before the invention of airplanes.
Or the idea of keeping
in touch with each other
despite being miles away,
using a telephone.
Or the invention of electricity.
I truly believe science has no limit.
Sir, you mean to say
that in this process,
the donor will be a man,
an egg from a woman,
and it'll be carried to term
by a completely different woman?!
Is this really possible?
Of course, it is possible.
Mark my words, if my research succeeds,
no parent will ever have
to be childless again.
But sir, then that child will have
the blood of the other woman, right?
Then what about the bloodline?
Dr. Pillai
history has borne witness
to real brothers betraying each other,
a son imprisoning his father
to take the throne--
There is no guarantee that
your own flesh and blood
will follow your family's traditions,
or be an honorable member of society.
I am Dr. Roy Jamnadas.
This orphanage doesn't belong to me,
but it has been the only home I know.
And that is Joy
Joy Jamnadas.
Joy and I
were the unluckiest kids in our batch.
We never got adopted.
now, both of us look after
this orphanage and these orphans.
Hey, Joy!
How was your conference
at the university?
The same old things.
You look happy. What's going on?
Mr. and Mrs. Shenoy
and Dev Chohan
are ready
to adopt A and B.
-That's great news, Joy.
This pair of twins is A,
and this pair of twins is B.
A few days ago, someone left them
at the gate of our orphanage.
Now, the good news is that
we have found two very nice families
who are ready to adopt these children.
But then I got an idea.
These kids could help
prove my theory to the world.
What are you doing, Roy?
From now on, these two will live
in Bangalore as real brothers, and
these two will live in Ooty
as real brothers.
You're separating the twins?!
Does this have anything
to do with your theory?
This is wrong, Roy.
Joy, please just hear me out.
Please, Joy.
Despite not sharing the same bloodline,
when they grow up in the same family,
love each other more than real brothers,
and are hardworking,
respectful individuals,
the world will understand
what I've been trying to say
it's the upbringing that matters
and not the bloodline.
Don't worry.
I'll personally keep an eye on them
and tell them the truth
when they turn 30.
And 30 years later, when they find out
you've done an experiment on them,
what will they go through?
Don't worry,
I'll take care of everything.
Now, what are you thinking about?
Whether you'll still be around
in 30 years.
Did you hear that?
The first pair was adopted
by Mr. and Mrs. Shenoy.
They were famous industrialists
from Bangalore.
The second pair was
adopted by Dev Chohan,
who ran a Cirkus
in Ooty and was an old patient of mine.
And here's when things
started to get interesting.
We've got the joy of being parents
because of the two of you.
That's why we will name them
after the two of you.
and Joy.
and Joy.
The next seven years just flew by.
The kids were very happy
in their new homes.
I kept meeting them regularly
and made my case study stronger.
Then one day
Hey! Get out of the way!
Everyone who saw this
was surprised and awestruck
because the electric current
had no effect on Roy.
But look at what happened
to the other Roy in Bangalore
exactly two minutes ago.
What are you doing?
So, Roy
when you touched that wire,
didn't you feel any electric current?
No, I didn't feel anything.
What can I say, Doctor!
We are all just so shocked.
-When did this happen?
around 2:00 p.m.
-Two o'clock?
-Yes, exactly at two o'clock.
At first,
I thought he was pulling a prank.
But as soon as I touched him,
I got an electric shock,
and it felt like a jolt of 440 volts!
He had a current passing through him.
Do you remember anything, Roy?
I don't.
What is going on with my Roy?
The effect of the electric current
passing through one Roy
is visible on the other Roy.
How is that possible?
What are we supposed to call this?
A miracle, what else!
But both the Roys are truly special, Joy.
Dev and his wife passed
away in a road accident.
Roy and Joy immediately decided
to take charge of the Cirkus.
Roy used his unique talent
as the final act of the Cirkus,
oblivious to the fact that he will soon
be famous in Ooty as The Electric Man.
And now, it's time for the moment
you have all been waiting for.
Let's call
the "current" hot topic of Ooty.
With a huge round of applause,
please welcome
the one we all are fans of
your beloved
The Electric Man!
Roy stole the show here in Ooty.
Now, let's take a look at what happened
to the other Roy in Bangalore
just two minutes ago.
-Every time!
-Hey, Roy, I was just about to call you.
Here's the first copy of Col. Vikrant's
latest thriller novel
for you.
Thank you, Annie.
Are you crazy?
I don't want to get electrocuted!
It's okay, Annie.
He doesn't always shock people.
-Come, let's twist
-The weather sings
-Come, let's twist
This is life!
Come, let's twist
-The weather sings
-Come, let's twist
-This is life!
Life too is dancing, my love
-Life too is dancing, my love
-Roy, are you okay?
Come on, let's twist
The weather sings
Come, let's twist
-This is life!
-Just get out!
Hey, watch out!
I told you not to wear red today.
Look at what happened.
Your unpredictable shocks
had the whole library quivering.
And poor Annie
I genuinely apologized to her.
Anyway, the best part is that
I got the very first copy
of Col. Vikrant's latest novel again.
Do you know what my dream is?
I want to meet Col. Vikrant, and--
Roy? What's wrong?
Joy, I feel like two people have been
following me for the last few days.
-And I think I just saw--
-No one has been following you.
Take my advice,
and stop reading Col. Vikrant's novels.
That's the only way to get rid of
your illness of being suspicious.
Let's go.
Now, if you are wondering
who Col. Vikrant is,
then the answer to that is he is the other
Roy's wife, the one who lives in Ooty.
And her real name is Mala.
Because of the fear of her novel failing,
Mala took on an alias name Col. Vikrant.
But her novel became a hit,
and Col. Vikrant became famous.
And coincidentally,
Mala's brother-in-law is her biggest fan.
Look who's here to meet you.
God bless you.
-How are you, Uncle?
How's your writing going?
-Very well.
-I see.
My new novel just released today.
And she has already sold 1000 copies.
-That's great.
-Namaste, Doctor.
Dinner is ready. Please join us.
We'll go freshen up.
-I'll be right back.
Uncle, you remember
you have to talk to Roy today, right?
-Yes, I do. Don't worry.
-Thank you.
Just four rotis?!
-Come on, have some more.
-No, Auntie, I'm on a diet.
Your fifth wedding anniversary
is coming up.
What gift are you planning to give Mala?
I'm still thinking.
Mala has already solved
that problem for you.
-Oh, really?
She wants both of you to come with me
to Bangalore to visit Jamnadas Orphanage.
So, this is what it's about.
I'm sorry, but
I don't want to adopt a child.
But Roy,
I want to adopt a child.
Mala, everything is just fine.
Your novels, our Cirkus.
Then why do you keep
insisting we do this?
You clearly know why.
Son, why don't you agree with Mala?
Uncle, I believe
that a person's bloodline
defines their character.
Take Joy and me for example.
The Cirkus that Dad left behind,
Joy and I worked day and night,
with hard work and dedication,
and went through so many hardships
to keep our Cirkus business growing
and make it successful.
We have maintained the respect
our father had in our town. Why?
Because we share the same blood.
How can I expect
the same loyalty from an adopted child?
That child will be someone else's blood.
How am I supposed to believe
that that child will visualize my dreams
the way I visualized my father's dreams?
You are a doctor.
You must think I make no sense.
But this is what I believe in.
Blood is always thicker than water.
Okay, let's leave this discussion
for another day.
First, you need to go talk
to her and sort things out.
He doesn't know this yet,
but soon, he will
that relationships are not defined
by your bloodline but by your upbringing.
Why are you taking
your anger out on the food?
You know I don't like fighting with you.
And you know what
the doctors have told us.
-I can never be a mother.
If we can't have our own child,
then so be it.
There are so many couples that don't
have children and are still happy.
But I'm not happy, Roy.
I know you love me a lot.
But even you know
I wouldn't insist
if I hadn't thought it through.
Come with me to the orphanage just once.
I am sure your point of view
will change after you see the kids.
Just once?
On our anniversary,
we'll go to Jamnadas Orphanage.
You won't change your mind later, right?
I won't.
Love you.
Doctor Uncle, the dessert is ready.
Did you see how quickly
he made that promise?
Whether he'll keep his word or not,
I don't know.
By the way, the Roy who lives in
Bangalore isn't too different.
He promised to meet Bindu,
but he's running late, as usual.
Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce
you to Bindu, didn't I?
Let me introduce you to her
right now. Music, please.
Your love is giving me sleepless night
Oh, I wonder how I am going to survive
Your love is giving me sleepless night
Oh, I wonder how I am going to survive
My eyes are hinting
You have to promise me
You hear what my heart repeats
Just listen
To the tune of your love
Hiding in my heart
Just listen
To the tune of your love
Hiding in my heart
True love won't happen again
So, my poor heart claims
It is meant to be
Together we are to be
For now and forever
Here or there, wherever I go
You are my destiny, you know
For now and for eternity
Yours I am meant to be
I promise together we'll be
Just listen
To the tune of your love
Hiding in my heart
Just listen
To the tune of your love
Hiding in my heart
I am water, you are my wave
This bond is old and grave
Our story is beyond this day and age
You are my soul mate
This is a crazy age
With you I want to spend
The rest of my days
Oh, the effect you have on me
Now, this world is a stranger to me
Oh, my beloved
Heed my prayers
Just listen
To the tune of your love
Hiding in my heart
Just listen
To the tune of your love
Hiding in my heart
Loved it! It was amazing!
-He's just so cute!
-He's just too stylish. Just too styl--
Turn on, moron.
Look, those are the people
that keep following me.
-That's my daddy.
-Daddy! Are you okay?
-Are you okay, Daddy?
Rai Sahab!
Hey, stop!
Stop, please!
Are you alright, sir?
I don't understand.
What, Rai Sahab?
You don't have a switch on you,
then how do you turn on when you see me?
How do I turn you on?
It's a long story, Daddy.
I'll tell you later.
Better than later.
Even I don't understand
one thing, Rai Sahab.
Why have you been following
me for the past few days?
Because you have been having an affair
with my darling daughter
for quite some time.
And as a father,
it is my responsibility to investigate
what you do, what you not do!
That's why!
I have been investigating this matter
with my manager Prem.
Actually, Uncle,
I wanted to meet you for the same reason.
The thing is,
Bindu and I really love each other,
and we want to get married.
But Daddy even I love Roy a lot.
Marriage should be between equals.
For your kind information,
Mr. Whoever-You-Are,
I am the Richie Rich of this town.
Explain this poor chap.
With all due respect, Uncle,
we belong to an affluent family.
We have money.
We have a business, a bungalow,
a car, and servants.
Peeing in the ocean does
not cause a tsunami, son.
Your daddy is very strange.
Shut up, you fatso!
You are poor and strange.
I am strange and rich.
Excuse me, Uncle,
we come from a very affluent family.
I am sure you've heard
of my mother, Shakuntala Devi.
Shakuntala Devi?!
-I think he knows her.
Look at his excitement.
He won't stop dancing.
Uncle, you should come to our
house dancing just like this
to finalize their wedding.
I think he is crying.
Emotionally speaking, a father whose
daughter's marriage is being fixed
is bound to shed tears of joy, right?
You moron!
Baby, my hand!
Daddy's hand! Prem, open the door!
Daddy, are you okay?
tell your mother
Rai Sahab will come over tomorrow.
She just needs to keep the door open.
Keep the door open?!
I cannot ring the doorbell anymore.
Can I say something, Rai Sahab?
He seems like a nice boy.
He is from a decent family.
We were suspecting him for no reason.
My beautiful eyes cannot deceive me, Prem.
I am sure I saw Roy in Ooty
with another girl.
Maybe your beautiful eyes
are deceiving you this time.
I will find out if what I saw
was true or deception.
But first,
we should go and meet this puppy's
mommy, Shakuntala Devi.
I am so nervous.
I wonder what they are talking about.
It's a big house, Shakuntala Devi!
Thank you.
Looking at Roy, you can't tell
that he lives in such a big house.
Looking at Bindu,
nobody could imagine you are her father.
This way, please.
Was this a compliment?
Maybe. This way.
Let's go.
By the way,
do you know the price of this cigar?
It's priceless!
My childhood friend,
the Queen of England sent it,
especially, for me
all the way from London.
Wanna try?
What is your daddy saying, Bindu?
I'm sorry.
The entire globe knows me
as Rai Bahadur.
What is your name otherwise?
Of course Rai Bahadur.
She's trying to be funny and cute.
Your daughter Bindu is the cute one.
Roy just can't stop talking about her.
Because contrary to her name,
this Bindu is not a full stop.
She is a direct comma.
But before falling in love,
it's important to know
the difference between
the girl's and the boy's family status.
But who can explain this
to these kids,
right, Mrs. Shakun-Shukla?
Mrs. Shakuntala!
What difference are you talking about?
Keep the kids out of this,
and tell me what the difference is.
It's like the difference between
being rich and being wealthy.
It's so surprising
that despite living in the same city,
we have never come face-to-face.
Because our ancestors taught us
to only mingle with our equals.
I have to say, they must be
turning in their graves today.
How rude!
I like Bindu.
We'll fix the wedding date
after we match their horoscopes.
-Okay, then.
I'll ask my prehistoric priest
Dhondu to visit us tomorrow itself.
Not tomorrow, Uncle.
What's wrong with tomorrow, son?
We are going to Ooty tomorrow
for some important work.
What's wrong with him?
He just remembered
he has to go to Ooty tomorrow.
-I am going to Ooty tomorrow?!
-You are!
Ooty what work do you have there?
My uncle and aunt are stuck in bed.
If they have decided to stay in bed,
then that's their personal matter.
My son, fatty acid,
he means to say they are unwell,
so he needs to go to Ooty.
It would save him some money
if he went with you.
Fine. Meet us outside the Apollo Theater
tomorrow night at nine o'clock.
We'll leave together.
Hello, Mrs. Shakuntala.
I have some good news for you, Doctor.
We have fixed Roy's wedding.
Oh, congratulations.
That's such great news.
By the way, where is Roy?
Roy and Joy just left for Ooty, Doctor.
-Why Ooty?
-To finalize a tea estate deal.
How Ooty?
I mean, how will they go there?
By train, Doctor.
Their train leaves in some time.
What's wrong?
I'll call you back later, please.
Thank you.
You know the truth, I know the truth,
but the four of them don't know the truth.
Oh, God!
What if all four of them
come face-to-face in Ooty?
It is eminent for me to be
there to handle the situation.
Mango, Chikki, hurry up!
The train is departing!
-Stop the train!
Damn it, they got away.
It's okay, Guruji sir,
I managed to snatch the money they stole.
But they ran away with my gun!
What about that?
What are we supposed to do now?
Ooty's inspector-in-charge,
Vikram, is a junior of mine.
I'll call and inform him
to be ready to welcome them
when the train reaches Ooty
in the morning.
We lost that bag
full of money because of you.
How many times do I have to tell you
to reduce this flab?
That cop got the better of me
and snatched the bag.
Hey, I have been trained
by an expert, you know?
Look, I stole the cop's gun.
Don't get too excited.
You know, I made a long-distance
call to my guru, Polson Dada,
and told him,
"I'll rob a post office
and give you 50,000 as a birthday gift."
You know how happy he was to hear that?
And now, he'll be so sad when he
finds out that I won't be giving him
his birthday gift!
What should we do now, Momo Bhai?
We need to arrange the money
before we reach Ooty, okay?
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
-Kindly excuse.
-Yeah, excuse.
-Kindly excuse--
Hey, he looks like Sunil Dutt, doesn't he?
-What are you doing?
-Counting the money.
I had a doubt if we have the full 500,000.
This is not the place to count money.
Thank God no one saw it.
Are you crazy?
You are always so suspicious.
Mango! Chikki! We got the money!
-Momo Bhai, we only needed 50,000,
and we got 500,000! God is great!
No, Mango.
Polson Dada always taught me
to take only what you need.
We will only steal 50,000.
-Excuse me!
We boarded the wrong carriage by mistake.
Can we sit here if you don't mind?
You boarded the wrong carriage?!
Like this.
Ticket? I am sure you guys have a ticket.
We did, but it flew away.
-Like this.
-Please come in.
-We have ample space here.
-Please come in. Have a seat.
-May we? Come on.
-Have a seat.
You have such great hair!
Thank you.
Myself Momo.
Momo! Great name!
It makes my mouth water.
Oh, stop it.
I am Joy, and this is Roy.
-We are brothers.
This is Mango and Chikki.
-Mango, Chikki?!
Their names also make my mouth water!
I kept waiting for him there,
Rai Sahab, but he never turned up.
How can its possible?
Whom are you talking about?
He was supposed to drive Prem to Ooty.
Roy took the train to Ooty
a little while ago.
I dropped him off at the station.
Anyway, come on, Daddy,
let's have dinner.
You go, baby doll.
I'll join you for supper.
Okay, Daddy.
He suddenly left by train
instead of going by car?!
Doubtfully speaking, Rai Sahab,
I think Shakuntala Devi's son
is going by your face and
thinks that you are stupid.
-It's possible.
-Yeah, it is.
We need to expose the secret
he is hiding in Ooty.
-Prem, I need you to do something.
Take my car and leave for Ooty right away.
You need to find the truth at any cost.
We need to find out
what he's doing in ooty.
What he's cooking?
What are you thinking about,
my honest puppy?
Nothing. Just about khichdi.
It's my favorite.
Especially, if it has
all the right accompaniments like--
Shut up
you low society!
Move your bum!
He's thinking about khichdi!
So we'll get going.
We'll get off at the next station
and go to our carriage.
It was a pleasure meeting you.
Thank you for your municipality.
Pardon me?
Horse mentality?
Momo Bhai hospitality.
-Let's go.
-See you.
-Good night, Momo Bhai.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Mango, Chikki
now, we just have to wait
for them to fall asleep.
With stars wrapped around your body
Where are you going, my heart's desire?
Come here
So that my heart can be at peace
Come here
So that my heart can be at peace
Come here
So that my heart can be at peace
-Roy, are you okay?
-Yes, just about.
Momo Bhai, are you--
What were you doing in there?
-Touching my bag--
Who is he? Who are you?
Stay away.
Most of our villages live in darkness,
and you store electricity in your body?!
People grow up and become
actors, inspectors, and contractors
-and you decided to become a generator?!
-Momo Bhai, please take it lightly.
Don't say "light."
-I am being so polite to you.
Don't say "Po-lite!"
Just relax, Mr. Momo.
-I'll go get some water from inside.
I'd rather die of thirst
than drink water from your hand.
Go back inside. Go inside.
Go! Go back inside!
Shock you, man!
-Momo Bhai!
-Go inside!
You were quite rude to Momo.
I suspect that he came here
for our money--
He came here to steal our money.
Look, the zip of the bag is open.
Did you see what your jolts did
to that poor guy?
He'll always think twice before
turning on the fan in his house.
Oh, just shut up.
I have an idea.
I'll shift the money
from this bag to that suitcase.
Yes. You keep an eye on the door.
-Just do as I say!
Hey, wait here.
I'll go and call Mom, okay?
Ram Singh, check in there.
What are you doing here?
Where are you coming from?
From Bangalore.
-What happened to your mustache?
-My mustache?
It looked different when I came
to meet Mala on Raksha Bandhan.
-Where's Roy?
Making a phone call.
Tell Roy I'll see him later, okay? Bye.
-Okay, let's go.
Roy, do you know any
police officers here?
No. Why?
I don't how, but that police
officer knew both of us.
-A police officer?
Forget that, do you know any Mala?
-Who is Mala?
-His sister.
-The police officer's sister?
A police officer in Ooty knows both of us?
Oh, come on. Pick up the bags. Let's go.
If you don't mind, can I say something?
It's because you look naive.
Just think, otherwise, why would
a stranger in an unknown city talk to you?
-You have to be careful--
-Roy, how are you?
Thank you so much for the tickets.
My kids really enjoyed the show.
I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you.
Didn't recognize me?
Maybe because I shaved my beard.
See you around.
What a strange city!
-Why are people trying to be so personal?
-I told you.
We'll avoid talking to strangers, okay?
Let's go.
Is your taxi free, brother?
Yes, sir. Where would
you like me to take you?
-Why should we tell you?
Roy, if we don't tell him where we want
to go, then how will he take us there?
Do you know the way to Century Hotel?
-Yes, I do, sir.
-Then take us there.
-Can I take your bag?
-No, I'll carry it.
You can take that one.
You panicked as if you have
millions stashed in that bag.
Joy, I'm telling you something is
not right. Just think about it.
First, we met those thieves on the train.
Then when we got here,
that police officer claimed to know you.
The ticket collector claimed to know me.
Now, how does he know what is in the bag?
I think all of them
are in cahoots with each other
and are linked to a big gang or something.
Let's hire another taxi.
The poor guy has already
put our bags inside.
-Don't get started.
Let's go to Century Hotel, sir.
Yes, we told you we are going there,
but we won't be staying there.
Sir, who will stay for how long,
and who will leave when
Nagmani knows it all.
-Who is Nagmani?
Please come.
Let's go.
My heart, a bumblebee, has called out
Hear its love song
Oh, hear its love song
My heart, a bumblebee, has called out
Hear its love song
Oh, hear its love song
We have reached Century Hotel.
Just confirming,
we told you
we aren't staying at this hotel, right?
Just repeating,
who will stay and who will leave
Nagmani knows it all.
Won't you be checking into this hotel?
Oh, should I take you to a cheaper hotel?
We have a booking
under the names Roy and Joy Shenoy.
Yes, sir.
Where is it?
Did you find it?
-Here you go. You had left it outside.
-I see.
-Sign here.
-I've seen him somewhere.
Excuse me, someone is walking
toward us with a gun in his hand.
Him? He is the owner of this hotel.
Welcome to Hotel Century.
Can I say something, brother?
I've seen you somewhere.
Even I've seen you somewhere.
I have even seen you somewhere!
Even I've seen you somewhere.
Wait a minute.
Could you please pose like this?
Give me the bag.
-Joy, what are you doing?
-Hold this for a second,
and point your gun straight ahead.
One minute.
Recognize me now?
-Bandit Bagheera!
Bandit Bagheera!
Bandit Bagheera?!
We've seen him in newspapers, Roy.
Can I
call you Uncle?
You opened a hotel?!
I stopped banditry
and opened a hotel instead.
And yes,
all my gang members work in this hotel.
Now, we live a respected
and peaceful life.
How lovely!
I knew you'd say that.
You always make false promises
and back out at the last moment.
Auntie! Please give me
breakfast, I am hungry!
-Let them finish their fight first.
-Their fights will never end.
-Why some other day?
-Good morning, Auntie!
Good morning.
Because I have some urgent work
to take care of today, Mala.
What's going on, Joy?
Roy promised Mala
that they'd go to the orphanage
on their anniversary.
He broke his promise.
-Now he's dealing with the consequences.
-I don't want to hear anything.
Who fights on their anniversary?
Go! Stop them!
Why should I interfere
in their personal matter?
-Fine. I'll talk to them.
Why can't you just tell me the truth?
You never wanted to go to the orphanage.
Mala, how is it my fault that
something urgent came up today?
Something urgent? You don't have
any show scheduled for today.
I don't have any shows today,
but I have an important meeting, right?
tell me the truth.
Does Roy have any meetings today?
No, he doesn't have any
important meetings today.
Lily, I have important meetings today.
Sir, 100% you don't have any meetings.
-You are already a compulsive liar
the least you can do
is not teach her to lie.
You are talking as if
I lie to you every day.
Who knows? You must be.
Mala! Do we have to have this
conversation in front of her?
Yes, we do.
She needs to know the truth about her sir.
The truth, I see!
Joy! Let's go!
You hurt my feelings, Mala.
You just had to follow my
lead, Lily, it's common sense.
Sorry, sir, but you shouldn't have fought
with madam on your wedding anniversary.
She started it.
But you are the one who
broke your promise, sir.
She keeps insisting on
going to Jamnadas Orphanage.
-What other option did I have?
-You know why she wants to go there.
You also need to understand her feelings.
Do you guys really think
that I don't care about her?
I ordered a diamond necklace
for her two weeks ago.
I thought I'd give her a surprise
today on our anniversary.
Then that's what we should do, sir.
Let's go get the necklace first.
You should gift her the necklace.
It will cheer her up.
But you have to promise
to take her to the orphanage.
Lily is right, Roy. We should first
go and get the necklace. Come on.
Let's go, sir.
Come on.
I really like this place, Mr. Vijay.
You've got yourself a deal.
-Shall we, then?
-Let's go.
Mr. Vijay,
I'll feel assured if I could go through
the tea estate's documents.
All the documents are
at my lawyer's office.
Let's do one thing,
I'll ask my driver to take you there.
-You can go there and check the documents.
I would've come along,
but my mother isn't well. Sorry.
-I need to take her to a doctor.
-No problem.
-Yes, sir?
Take him to my lawyer's office.
Okay, sir.
-Okay, then, I'll see you later.
-Excuse me, Mr. Roy!
One minute.
Have you been to Ooty before?
I don't know why, but I have this
feeling that I've seen you somewhere.
I don't know.
Anyway, see you later.
One minute, sir.
Isn't he the man from the Cirkus?
I've seen their show.
It's a great show.
Very enjoyable
How does she know about the current?
He is the current man.
Will you just tell me
where you want to go?
I really need to go home.
-I am getting married tomorrow.
-Excuse me.
-Yes, you can get married.
-Excuse me!
Whom are you looking for?
I was
This is private property. Please leave.
Where does he want to go?
He doesn't know where he wants to go.
-Hello, Joy!
-Reddy Anna!
Reddy Anna!
Good, I caught you here.
You remember
we are celebrating Madras Caf's
25th Anniversary today, don't you?
-Yes, I remember.
-You two have to be there.
Actually, Anna, the thing is--
Your childhood friend,
Vrindama, will also be there.
Vrinda will be there?!
Then Roy will definitely come.
We should go.
We'll catch up with Vrinda as well.
We'll be there.
Come in, young lady. Welcome.
Please accept Yusuf's warm greetings.
No, thank you, I don't need a loan.
-She is with us, Yusuf.
Hey, Roy!
Come. Welcome back.
You have come at the right time.
Your necklace just came in.
Wow! It's beautiful!
I am sure madam will be pleased.
Please pack it right away.
Mr. Roy
who here knows
the true value of a diamond?
"Who here knows
the true value of a diamond?"
-I don't know.
-He's reciting a couplet.
"For under the sun,
even pieces of glass shine."
Well said, Yusuf. That's enough now.
He means to say that we still
need to polish the diamonds.
I'll polish it and deliver
it to you this evening.
Veljibhai, please make sure
it is ready in the evening.
For sure.
-It's beautiful, right?
Listen, I'll just go to the bank
and deposit the money.
Fine, then, see you at the Cirkus?
Good morning, Mr. Joy.
Why is the bank closed?
I'm afraid it's too late.
Why? Who died?
No one died. Today is Saturday.
The bank closes early on Saturdays.
-Okay, then I'll come back on Monday.
Ooty is such a big town.
Where will we look for them?
Where there is a will there is a way.
And there is a cake as well.
Hey, hostipliaty!
Where to, sir?
-Can you drop me off at Clifton Church?
-Not Century Hotel?
Get in.
Where is your brother?
He's busy at work.
-That's the guy with our 50,000!
-Get him!
The car is ready, sir.
Watch out!
-There goes our 50,000!
-Take a hint, mister
-When I honk Pam-Pam-Pam
-He's gone.
-Here anything that moves, rules
-Let's go.
-Come on, move!
Take a hint, mister
When I honk Pam-Pam-Pam
Here anything that moves, rules
To sum it all up
Nothing is right or wrong
Success is all that matters here
To sum it all up
Nothing is right or wrong
Success is all that matters here
Being rickety doesn't matter
As long as it works
Truth or lie doesn't matter
As long as it works
You can go crisscross
And enjoy the ride
You can go slant
And enjoy the ride
Or you can go diagonal
And enjoy the ride
Watch out!
Mala, why do the two of you fight
when you love each other so much?
Is it my fault?
I don't mean that.
I am on your team.
I want small kids
frolicking in our house.
I want someone to call me Uncle.
You know he ordered
a diamond necklace
as your anniversary present.
I saw it with my own eyes.
please don't tell anyone.
It's a surprise.
We'll talk to him
when he gets back.
He'll agree to go to the orphanage,
and he'll apologize to you as well.
You really think he'll agree?
We will convince him together.
I promise.
At least eat before you leave.
The four of us will eat together tonight.
Right, Auntie?
Mala, please take care of the money.
Know the location
midnight operation.
We know where the money is.
We will steal it tonight.
Now, boys, charge!
You have a great aim.
Thank you, Uncle.
There is some serious recoil.
This looks like an antique gun, Uncle.
It's ancestral.
-Excuse me.
Roy, how are you back so soon?
I told you not to leave the room.
What are you doing here?
Where is the bag?
Roy, I came out here alone.
The bag is safe in the room.
Forget that, and tell me,
how did the deal go?
I saw the plantation,
but I couldn't check
the documents because of you.
-Because of me?
-Yes, because of you.
Anyway, we will finalize the deal
and leave tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow morning?
So, then, let's go out for dinner tonight.
Haven't you gone out enough?
Gone out? Me?
-And what will we do about the money?
-We'll take it with us in the bag.
Tell me something,
how did you change
your clothes so quickly?
I've been in these clothes
since Bangalore.
You were wearing green in the market.
But I haven't even
stepped outside the hotel.
I've been with Uncle Bagheera
the whole time.
-So, that wasn't you at the market?
Swear on Mom?
I swear on Mom.
Madras Caf is Roy's
favorite restaurant.
And today's your wedding anniversary.
You get ready. I'll go and get dinner.
Roy, it's Nagmani.
What are you doing here?
I just dropped off a passenger.
Now I am waiting for the next.
Nagmani, tell us where we can find
the best food in Ooty.
-Madras Caf.
-Then let's go to Madras Caf.
-Reddy Anna.
-Welcome, sir.
With me
I have been longing
For you
The night is still young
Come on, buddy, let's have some fun
The night is still young
Come on, buddy, let's have some fun
Don't just sit there
Give us a whistle, fam
Hold your lungi
And shake a leg, man
Seeing you dance, everyone gets shocked
Everyone's heart starts to beat fast
Got current
When I dance, everyone gets current
Got current
When I dance, everyone gets current
My moves are excellent
When I dance, everyone gets current
-Come, buddy
Dance in folk style
Wave your hands, wink your eyes
Dance to folky dizzy steps
The world stopped, I'm rotating
Sailing ship on the shore
Electric current in my body
I've lost balance by dancing
You are a menace
You do a lot of drama
Your attitude is fire
The world knows
And everyone concurs
I know how to light up a party for sure
You are a menace
You do a lot of drama
Your attitude is fire
The world knows
And everyone concurs
I know how to light up a party for sure
Your dance is hardcore
It causes an uproar
Everyone's heart starts
To beat fast for sure
When you dance, everyone gets current
Got current
When I dance, everyone gets current
My moves are excellent
When I dance, everyone gets current
Thank you, everybody!
We've reached Madras Caf, sir.
Nagmani, pick us up from here in an hour.
Madras Caf. Nice place, right?
If their decor is so good,
just imagine how good the food will be.
Roy! Joy!
Vrindama and you set
the stage on fire today.
Mala wants you to enjoy
her personal hospitality.
I'll be right back.
wants us to enjoy
her "personal" hospitality.
I am telling you, brother,
something is fishy.
-Let's get out of here.
You are overthinking this.
Joy? Roy?
What are you doing here?
You just missed
their fantastic performance with Vrindama.
They set the stage on fire.
Look at you partying here after
giving us a hard time all day.
And you
what drama were you doing
this afternoon?
Now, you can dance in front of Mala.
She will set you two right.
Please excuse us.
I told you they are all a part of a gang.
That old hag must be
a senior member of the gang,
and Mala is their boss.
Don't you worry, Roy.
Your brother will take
care of everything.
You guys think
we are unaware of the drama
that has been going on since morning?
We are not scared of anyone.
You don't know who we are.
Got it, old hag?
How can she slap?
It is not right to misbehave with Auntie.
Talk some sense into your brother.
What is going on here?
Roy that's the police officer
I met in the morning.
Hold this.
They are being violent and forceful.
Please arrest them. Arrest them.
What is wrong with you?
Why are you behaving like this?
Auntie told me what's been
happening since morning.
I see how it is.
You are also involved with them.
Joy, they all are from the same gang.
But unfortunately for you,
we won't let your plans succeed.
Your Mala can go take a hike!
That's enough, Roy!
I am quiet because of Mala.
Now, get in the car quietly.
-This doesn't look like a don's hideout.
This is what their hideouts
look like these days.
They are homely so that
no one is suspicious.
I read it in Col. Vikrant's novel.
the gang leader.
How are you?
They were at Madras Caf.
And acting smart with Auntie,
so I thought I should bring them home.
They've been acting smart since morning.
I told you their gang has
been following us all day.
You were right, brother.
What happened to your mustache?
Not my mustache again!
Nothing, I just
make sure you lock the door properly.
A gang has been seen prowling
in Ooty since morning.
-Another gang?
-Another gang?
I'll get going.
You know he ordered a diamond necklace
as your anniversary gift.
You thought
I wouldn't find out
if you hide it in the bag?
Come inside with me.
I finally got hold of you.
Why are you sweating so much?
It's so hot in here.
What are you doing?
I took your jacket off
because you were sweating.
What are you doing?
Were you wearing
the same thing this morning?
I promise this is what
I was wearing this morning.
Let's keep this on, shall we?
forget what happened in the morning.
I'm saying
you keep the bag,
-and let us--
-The bag's not going anywhere.
is mine.
-Where are you going?
Are you okay?
-They didn't hurt you, did they?
-I didn't expect this from you, Roy.
I didn't do anything.
She was trying to get close to me.
Forget that, and tell me what this is.
-That is not me.
-That is you.
No, that is me, but that is not me.
Forget that, and tell me what you're
doing with her in that photo frame.
I will tell you what you are doing.
You are cheating on Bindu.
How can I cheat on Bindu?
I just dodged Mala's advances.
What are you two brothers talking about?
What is your jacket doing with her?
And why is she smiling like that?
How would I know?
What did you do with her in the room?
-I didn't do--
-Come on.
Dinner is ready.
Let's go.
Momo Bhai,
-the food looks delicious!
Hey, we are not here to eat.
-We are here to steal the money.
Your gluttony broke my back!
You never pay attention to work.
You guys?! Here?
Yes, we are here.
You know them?!
We'll introduce ourselves later.
Now that we are face-to-face,
let us first tell you why we are here.
It's because we know what's in that bag.
Now, give us the bag
without raising a fuss.
-I won't let that happen.
My guru,
Polson Dada said,
"You should always respect women."
And the two of you are yucky
The two of you are ducky!
The two of you are lucky
because you both are women!
-Mango, Chikki!
-We don't have mango chikki at home.
Will cashew chikki do?
Of course, it will do!
Lock this old fox
-and the nice lady in the room.
-Okay, boss.
What are you staring at, you old fox?
Come on, fox, and you too.
Why don't you just take this bag, and--
No! You go!
-You should go.
-Take care of yourselves.
-Come on!
-Let's go, Auntie.
Hey, go!
My Jalal Agha, give me the bag-a.
Oh my God!
-Momo Bhai!
Your hair is so silky!
Oh, yes!
So black!
-So thick!
-Oh my God!
Can I touch?
Yeah. Please.
Oh your silky, soft tresses!
My hair!
Stay put in there. Got it?
Momo Bhai
Fifteen minutes, Roy.
This necklace will be
yours in 15 minutes.
Oh, no.
What's wrong with the lights?
I don't know. They have been
blinking since this evening.
Roy! Run!
Hey, are you okay?
Please hold this bag.
Let me do something.
-Let's go.
Why so shocking?
Oh Sunil Dutt,
why you take long cut?
There is a shortcut.
You could have taken this route
and been out in a flash.
Why did you take the longer route?
Now, Simon,
go back.
Go back.
Back go.
Bag give.
Not fair. I don't want to play.
What is this?
Sir there is something
wrong with the meter.
Hands up!
Well done, Mango, Chikki!
Momo Bhai, take the bag.
Hey! He took it first!
-Then snatch it back from him, Momo Bhai.
-No! No way!
I get a shock when I touch him.
For Polson Dada's sake, Momo Bhai.
No shock!
Be careful, sir.
Sorry, sir.
Hold this.
Thank you, sir.
Momo Bhai, what are you doing down there?
Down here?
Damn you, I almost died up there!
Down here, you ask?!
Stay away, you scoundrel!
Do you like shocking people?
You can slap me, kick me,
shoot me, curse me, but do not shock me!
Don't shock me!
You shocked me to the core!
This this bag
I'll need to take a larger loan
than what's in this bag
to pay your electricity bill.
Shock you, man!
-What happened?
-A diamond came off.
A diamond came off?!
-How much longer will it take now?
-A couple of hours, at least.
Go home,
I'll send the necklace over
once we fix the diamond.
Let's go.
Happy anniversary!
Why so shocking?
Dear Nirupa Roy,
give me that toy.
First, leave Joy.
Let him go, boss. She has a gun.
She will fire it.
She is an old fox.
She will never be able to get a good aim.
Get out, you bat!
Mango, Chikki!
You don't need to be scared.
That was a flute.
That was a fruit?
Hey, what is the name
of Rajesh Khanna's latest movie?
That was a fluke!
Let's go!
Where are you going?
Wait here, don't go outside.
Auntie, please don't kill them!
-Don't kill them?!
-Don't kill them?!
-Leave us alone, you old fox!
Looks like Vikram is here.
No, Auntie.
I just spoke to him.
He still hasn't left the police station.
Then who is that?
Maybe another gang?
-Another gang?
-Another gang?
It's locked.
Now, what was that?
I am sure it's another gang.
Do one thing, turn off the lights.
How many gangs are there in total?
I don't know
whether I should praise my eyes,
his honesty,
or your betrayal.
I am the one who sent
Prem here to follow you.
And like a good dog,
he sniffed his way to this place.
My honest puppy has let the cat
out of the bag with his bark.
Good boy.
And who is this gentleman?
Someone who is never praised.
-Don't you know him?
Then you don't know me,
-Rai Sahab, either, right?
-No, I don't.
Do you know Bindu? Remember Bindu?
Bindu who?
My darling daughter, Bindu!
Roy, I think he came here
looking for his daughter.
-I see.
-She must have lost her way.
Shut up, fatso.
If you want to whisper,
then do it properly.
I can hear everything.
And for your kind information,
Bindu had lost her way, once upon a time.
But now, I won't let
her lose her way again.
Rai Sahab.
But why are you telling us all this?
Your question is loose,
just like your character.
I never imagined
I'll be blinded in the light
of your salacious acts.
You cheater!
You got slapped, didn't you?
How many times do I have to tell you
not to interfere when
two men are talking?
And you, displaying your strength
on my honest puppy?!
Even the strongest ones wet their
pants in front of Rai Sahab.
I know now, out of fear,
you'll say that this is not your house.
Well, this is my house.
Then you'll definitely say
that you are not married.
I am married.
Now you will say that you
definitely don't have a wife.
I am bound to have a wife
if I am married, right?
How disgusting!
Aren't you ashamed of ruining
a girl's life, you shameless man?
What is he saying?
Will you just wait a minute? Rai Sahab
For deceiving Bindu,
you should be whipped
in the middle of the street.
Roy, are you deceiving Bindu?
Who is this Bindu?
I don't know any Bindu!
-Rai Sahab--
That's where your values are flawed,
and the reason for that
is your deceitful, fraudulent mother!
If you are a man, then hit me again.
Try it.
Rai Sahab, should we leave?
Who was that idiot?
Forget him.
Let's just jump over
the wall and go inside.
You will jump across the wall?!
And why should we enter
our own house like thieves?
Try to understand what Mala is doing.
She's turned off the lights on purpose.
She's getting even
for what happened this morning.
-Why would she do that?
-Forget it.
Let's just spend the night somewhere else.
It's a matter of a few hours anyway.
We'll come back in the morning
with the necklace. Let's go.
Roy, we don't have
any spare clothes or anything.
And I am sleepy.
"I am sleepy, I am feeling hungry,"
will you ever stop complaining?
You never listen to me.
Do you ever listen to me?
Follow that car.
-Let's go.
-You seem like a reputed man, sir.
I'm a doctor.
Then why do you have me going
around in circles since morning?
Just decide where you want to go.
-I am getting married tomorrow.
-You are getting married, I know.
Now drive.
On this occasion
My heart always sings
May you live a long life
This is all I wish for
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
-Happy birthday to
-Polson Dada!
Happy birthday to you!
Don't touch my feet!
Touch your own feet!
Your own feet!
My own feet?
One minute.
Now, this is what you call self-respect.
-Happy birthday, Polson Dada!
-Thank you.
-Polson Dada
shall we cut the cake?
I don't think he will come.
He has never missed
my birthday in 15 years.
My heart says that he will come, Shankar.
Yes, but how long should we wait for him?
It will go bad.
But that's a cake.
Yes, but it's pineapple
But you said it's mine.
Who is Pineapple?
Who is Pineapple?
I told you Momo will be here!
There he is!
-Polson Dada
-Happy birthday!
-Thank you.
-Sorry, I am late.
Better late than never.
Mango and Chikki, right?
I have heard a lot about you guys.
We have also heard a lot about you!
Momo, Mantu Mombat stole
a Murphy Radio for Polson Dada.
Asif Aari stole an LP
of the superhit movie Padosan for him!
And to keep Boss cool,
Jalaal Jalebi brought him an AC!
That's a fridge.
Yes, but you have come empty-handed.
Won't you give
Polson Dada a birthday gift?
-Polson Dada!
I was going to bring 50,000 rupees
as a birthday gift for you.
-But then, you know what happened to me?
What happened?
Hey, stop!
Are you okay?
-He electrocuted you for so long!
Who is he?
Dada, the person
Momo is talking about is Roy.
He runs a Cirkus in Ooty.
He is also known as The Electric Man!
I've heard electricity runs
through his body.
Yes, that's him.
Roy made a big mistake
by hurting my protg.
Polson Dada will celebrate
his birthday only after
he's got revenge
for the humiliation Momo faced.
Spread the word across Ooty
that Polson Dada is coming down
from Kali Pahadi, finally, after one year!
How may I be of your service?
No service, we want two rooms.
I have only one room.
Only one room?
Darn it!
You have brought me
to such a third-class place, Prem.
This caveman's humongous
hotel has just one room!
-One minute, please.
Walk with me, Prem.
-Got it?
-You have been my confidant,
a loyal, honest employee
for so many years, no doubt, but
remember no one should hear
about "this" incident, okay?
Rai Sahab
faithfully speaking,
I have eaten your salt.
I promise your secret is safe with me.
Come on, son. Let's go.
Ask for the keys.
why does your
left cheek
look swollen to me?
He was slapped hard, twice.
I was also slapped.
But the sound of the slap he got
echoed through Ooty's valleys.
Shut up!
can I leave?
Your wedding is tomorrow, right?
-You are a doctor, right?
Then you should treat yourself first.
You perhaps don't know
but you suffer from a wandering disease.
You don't look like a married man.
-I am not.
That's why you won't let
me get married either.
Here are your
-things. I am leaving.
To hell with the fare!
How rude!
Bloody faithless puppy.
He says stupid things.
I remember now!
You are The Electric Man!
Yes, you guessed it right.
Oh, nephew
I love your mustache!
You look just like Pradeep Kumar.
If I am not wrong
you do have a house in the town, right?
Then why did you come to my hotel
to spend the night?
Fought with your wife, did you?
We need a room.
Here you go.
Room number?
-Have you forgotten?
Someone else's stuff is in here.
I think he gave us
someone else's room by mistake.
Forget it.
If they show up, we'll handle it.
Just go to bed.
Daddy, Roy is not that kind of a person.
I am sure
there has been a misunderstanding.
I saw his house with my
very own eyes, Bindu.
I have seen it with my own
beautiful eyes, darling.
-If you don't believe me,
then take the first train
to Ooty and come here.
Prem will let you know
where you need to come.
Prem, please,
don't tell Bindu about "this" incident.
Sincerely speaking, Rai Sahab,
-you are my boss.
Come what may,
Bindu will never know about it.
I promise you that.
My honest puppy.
-Carry on.
-One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
Hello, Bindu madam.
We are staying at the Century Hotel.
Prem, tell me,
is Daddy telling the truth?
-He is telling the truth.
I saw Roy, Joy, and their house
-with my own beautiful eyes.
And when Rai Sahab called him out
he beat the crap out of Rai Sahab.
He hit him so hard that his one
cheek looks like a Kashmiri apple,
and the other cheek looks like
a steamed idli, Bindu madam.
Steamed idli!
take care of Daddy. I am coming.
A thousand dogs must have died
before you were born!
That's why I am so loyal.
Shut up!
Go and sleep in the toilet, you moron!
Bloody low-status people!
I hate them!
Let's go.
Watch out! Where are you off to, sir?
-Who are you?
-Who am I?!
Well, I am a traveler often
seen frequenting these paths.
I am a traveler often seen
frequenting these paths.
These streets are witness
to it, but they can't testify.
A good one, wasn't it? Keep this.
What is this?
It belongs to you. It's your necklace.
It's not our necklace!
Joking this early in the morning?!
Is it okay if we joke in the afternoon?
You too?
I'll get going.
It's time for the missus to wake up.
I'll get a beating if she
doesn't get her tea on time.
-Keep this.
-Excuse me, mister!
-Come on, man!
what if I have
a doppelganger in this town?
And which Col. Vikrant
novel gave you that idea?
I am serious, Joy.
Fine, let's assume that you
have a doppelganger here,
but then do I have a doppelganger too?
And to top it all, they also have the
same names?! Is that even possible?
I don't understand any of this!
Let's do one thing.
Let's go back to the hotel first,
-and take the first train out of here.
-But what about this necklace?
We'll drop it off
at the police station on the way.
-And what about the deal?
-To hell with the deal! Let's go!
-Give it here.
What are you doing here?
I should be asking you
that question, sir.
You disappeared last night after
I dropped you off at Madras Caf!
You kept me waiting all night,
and now you're coming out of that house.
You have been coming here quite often.
What's so special about this house?
It's a long story, Nagmani.
We'll tell you later.
-First, take us--
-To Century Hotel?
But you won't be staying there.
We won't be staying in this city, Nagmani.
-Let's go.
-I see.
Calm down, Roy.
Let's give Mala the necklace, and then
I am sure everything will be fine.
But tell me, Joy,
should she have done this?
Locking the gate,
turning off the lights like that?
Just drop it.
Let bygones be bygones.
-It's our specialty.
-Yeah, get it.
-I'll send it over.
-Look over there, Roy.
The uncle we met last night.
I'm actually feeling a little guilty.
I shouldn't have slapped an old man.
If you are feeling so guilty,
then let's go there and apologize.
We'll also have some breakfast
while we are at it.
No, please don't be scared.
Last night,
I slapped you in a fit of anger
I wanted to apologize for that.
I am sorry.
So, you are the "hand" behind this art?
-No, well
did you find your daughter?
Don't you dare
take my daughter's name
from your dirty mouth!
Uncle you have a right to be upset.
A person who was so humiliated
and got thrashed last night
is bound to be upset, right?
You are right.
Do you remember
what I said to you last night?
-What did you tell me?
-Just shut up!
Since you found out my lovely
daughter Bindu is coming here
you are pretending to be sorry.
Your sorry can go
down the valleys of Ooty!
Look, all I'm trying to say is that--
You are trying to say
that you are not married,
you don't have a house here,
and she is not your wife, right?
He's back to square one!
I have been trying to explain
this to you since last night.
That is my house, that is my wife, Mala,
I am married,
and this is my brother.
You can ask him if you don't believe me.
He is right.
You must have misunderstood.
Below standard.
Even you are supporting
him, Mowgli's uncle?!
And you I have never seen a disgusting
and vulgar person like you.
-Look, Rai Sahab--
-No, I'm not going to look at anything!
You are disgusting.
You too are disgusting.
You are disgusting as well, and you
are the most disgusting of them all.
-Rai Sahab!
-No! Don't "Rai Sahab" me!
Both of you come from a family of frauds!
And do you know who is the most
fraudulent person in your family?
Your mom!
Not my mom, you old man!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
What is this nonsense?
That's the guy!
Which one of you is the electrician?
Dada, The Electric Man!
Yeah, whatever. The Electric Man.
-Which one of you is it?
-Roy, he looks like a crazy fan of yours.
-I heard you have a current in your body.
I am sure you must've heard
of Polson Dada.
He must be deaf, Dada.
You made a mistake by raising
your hand on my protg!
I slapped him?
I think he is talking about Rai Sahab.
Look, your protg kept saying
that I have deceived his daughter Bindu,
whereas I don't even know any Bindu.
So, I got angry.
-You got married?!
-You have a daughter?!
You named her Bindu?!
-No, I didn't get married.
-But you have a daughter!
How can I have a daughter
if I'm not even married?!
Then whom did you name Bindu?
I don't know.
-I don't know.
-Who is this Bindu?
Who is Bindu?
Who is Bindu?
We are talking about Rai Sahab, not him.
This is the first time we're
meeting this cartoon.
The first time?!
I see.
It's because Polson Dada is here, right?
You are trying to defuse the matter!
Look, everyone,
he got scared of Polson Dada!
What happened?
He shocks people.
All the acts in the Cirkus
are just smoke and mirrors.
I didn't get a shock!
Keep quiet! Dada
not the first time,
-you always get a shock the second time.
I thought
I'd be going face-to-face
against an electric pole,
but he is nothing but a zero-watt bulb.
Nothing but a bulb!
He is not a zero-watt bulb.
He is a bulb that can
blow your fuse away.
-The Electric Man!
-Oh, stop it!
Forget being an electric man,
he is not even an electrician.
He is an imposter! He bluffs people!
He is nothing but a clown. A clown.
-A clown?!
-Where are you going, oh crazy handsome?
-Where are you going, oh crazy handsome?
Everything you want is right here, my love
Please come now, my beloved
Come and extinguish my heart
Burning like an ember
Embrace me in such a way
That the fire in my body cools off
-Monica, oh my darling!
-Get up, Polson Dada.
Hey! What have you done to him?
Shock you, man!
Go left.
Now, go right.
Take a U-turn, go on.
Move back. Get in.
Hey, it's your car!
-Where do I go?
-This way.
Get in. Let's go, guys.
-Shock you, man!
-I am so dead!
-Shall we?
-Let's go.
That's it. I've had enough.
Let's quickly pack our bags and leave.
I have never seen
a disgusting person like you.
Don't you feel ashamed
of cheating on an innocent girl?
An innocent girl?
Mr. Bagheera,
don't go by her innocent face.
Mala is a gang leader.
She's a don.
He is calling his wife a don.
I am not talking about Mala
but Bindu.
How do you know Bindu?
How do I know Bindu?
Bindu, my child!
What do you know about faithfulness?
O my unfaithful lover
Loving is not your thing
O my unfaithful lover
O my unfaithful lover
You betrayed me.
I cannot believe that you'd stoop so low.
You have been married
-for the last five years.
-You have a house here.
And your wife's name is Mala.
No, Bindu, even you are mistaken
just like Mr. Bagheera here.
That is not my house,
I'm not married, and Mala is not my wife!
-If you don't believe me, then ask Joy.
Shut up!
And how dare you raise
a hand against Daddy?!
What did I raise and when? This is
the first time I've met him in ooty!
Another lie!
You ruthlessly slapped him
and Bandit Bagheera saw
it with his very own eyes.
Bandit Bagheera can go take a hike!
You just tell me, did you see it or not?
I am Bandit Bagheera!
Well done, my cheap tiger.
And you Roy, the playboy,
the truth is out
in front of Bindu within 30 seconds.
What truth?
Believe me, Bindu.
Last night, we were kidnapped by a gang.
The name of their boss was Mala.
Well done, sir.
Now, who is she?
She must be his latest fling.
Will you keep quiet for a minute?
Who are you, madam?
Oh, of course.
How will you remember me when you
don't even remember your own wife?
I knew it!
Sir, I cannot believe it!
You made your old wife a don
to make your new girlfriend happy?!
Mala is his wife.
Bindu, I don't even know this girl!
I see!
Then you probably don't know
that you bought this necklace
for Mala madam
as your fifth wedding anniversary gift!
A stranger on the road
gave us this necklace.
Shut up, you liar, scoundrel, P-sycho!
Sailing in storms and intentions that
are wrong often make people drown.
For your kind information,
your boat has drowned.
I am breaking up with you right now.
No! Bindu, no!
Good call, baby doll.
You'll see, I'll find you someone
as handsome and smart as me.
Yes, baby doll.
From an honorable, respected family.
Not like their family.
-Rai Sahab!
-What "Rai Sahab"?
A family without hopeless,
characterless, mannerless boys.
-Rai Sahab!
-Rai Sahab is gone for a hike!
Your upbringing is flawed!
-Rai Sahab!
-And the reason for that is
your pretentious, hypocritical,
snobbish mom!
Not my mom
you old man!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
How many more lies will you tell, Yusuf?
Tell us the truth, where is the necklace?
I know I am just
an ordinary employee here,
but that does not give you
-the right to accuse me.
I gave him that necklace
with my very own hands.
Mr. Roy, I think too many
electric shocks have caused
your brain to fry.
That's why you are
suffering from memory loss.
Yusuf, you have chosen
the wrong day to mess with him.
He has already slapped two people.
I don't want you to be the third.
You should go and sit over there.
-No, I'm good here.
-Just go and sit there, Yusuf.
Sit down, Yusuf.
-One minute.
-Where do I need to sit?
Roy, sit down.
-Just sit down.
-Sit down.
Veljibhai, you knew our father, right?
Yes, I did.
-You've known us since we were kids.
-Yes, I have.
-You know that we own the Cirkus here.
-Yes, I do.
And you still think that we
would do this for a necklace?
But Yusuf too is an old poet of ours.
An old employee of ours.
Why would he lie over a necklace?
This has never happened before.
Then why don't you call the police?
We will all know what is going on.
We are going to the Cirkus.
You can come there if you get
any information about the necklace, okay?
Lily's entry is due, but she is not here.
I came here because both of you
left without saying a word.
I thought we'd all have dinner
together after the show.
-What do you think, Joy?
-Great idea!
-Mala, about last night
-Let's talk about that later.
Mala, I'm glad we found you here.
We've come to introduce you
to the new member of our family.
We have been blessed with a daughter.
-She is so beautiful.
She has taken after her mother.
-What is her name?
-We still haven't named her.
We were on our way
from the doctor's appointment,
so I thought I'd introduce you to her.
Take her and go home.
You go home.
-Roy, it's time for my act.
Get ready quickly.
It's your entry soon. Come on.
-I don't know where Lily is.
I'll go and check.
What's wrong, Mala?
I never told you this.
On one hand,
my heart yearns for a child
and on the other
I always fear
that you'd leave me
and marry someone else.
What are you saying, Mala?
No matter what,
nobody can come between us.
You are the best wife in this world.
And one thing is for sure
we will be the best parents
in this world.
We will visit the orphanage.
I promise.
Go away, you unfaithful man
I have seen your love
I gave you my heart
And that is my biggest regret
So, this is Mala.
Yes, this is Mala, but who are you?
"Who are you? Who is she? Who is he?"
Aren't you bored of asking
these questions, Ooty's Oaf?
Now you will ask me, "Who are you?"
Ask me! Hurry up!
I know both you scoundrels,
but who is she?
There he goes again
with his third-grade acting.
Did you see that, Bindu,
my darling daughter?
So, you are Bindu!
Thank God he found you.
Your daddy got slapped
by me because of you.
Don't you have any shame?
Now, you refuse to recognize
me because Mala is here?!
Didn't I told you, my darling daughter?
We should thank Bandit Fakira
for bringing us here
and showing us your true faces.
Not Fakira, it's Bandit Bagheera.
Yeah, whatever, Jaljeera.
Roy had promised to marry me.
Oh, yeah!
Mala, your husband
is a little bit of naughty.
Like just iron breaks iron,
and a diamond cuts diamond,
there will come a day when
he too will be bitten by a dog.
Roy, you need to be on the stage
in three minutes.
I am coming, Aalim!
What is all this nonsense?
I will tell you.
Roy has been deceiving both of us.
And now I know why.
You wanted to marry me
so that you could have a child
and give it to Mala.
Mala, that isn't true.
-what is she saying?
-Trust me, Mala.
This is the first time
I am meeting this woman.
Why are you lying so much, madam?
I am not lying, you are lying!
If you don't believe me, then ask Joy.
-What will she ask Joy?
I have never seen you before.
Good one, baby doll.
So, you're also involved in this?!
She is lying, Mala.
Good one, Mala! Burst that balloon!
So, I was right.
You were going to marry Bindu
because I can't have a baby.
Mala, it's not what you think.
If all you wanted was a child, then you
should've just gone to an orphanage.
I am fed up with telling him that.
Both the girls think alike.
They are poles apart!
Cinematically speaking, Rai Sahab,
this looks like a scene from a movie.
And the name of this movie is
"Bull-Bull, attack me."
-"Take the bull by the horns!"
-This father and daughter duo is crazy.
-Shut up!
You are the crazy one,
you hot-air balloon!
Hot-air balloon?
Where have you been, Lily?
Forget where she has been!
Ask her where she is going!
She says she won't work with us anymore.
What happened to you now?
I decided to quit this job the moment
I saw both of you at the hotel.
At the hotel?
Madam, you should leave this marriage
just like I am leaving this job.
Well done!
Double well done!
-Well said, my Billy.
Okay, just chilly!
-Roy, it's getting late.
You shut up,
human lollipop!
And dear daughters, Bindu,
Chilly, and Mala
look at this man very carefully.
I am sure this monster will once
again use the excuse of a child,
and prey on another innocent woman.
-You are crossing your limits.
-Shut up!
He will beguile and charm
an innocent girl and ruin her life.
This is my last warning, please be quiet!
How can I shut my loud mouth?
Till the time monsters like you roam
the streets on an empty stomach,
girls like Mala, Bindu,
and Green Chili are not safe.
I have said this before,
I am saying it again,
and I will keep saying
it until my last breath.
The reason for all this
is your blacklisted,
poisonous, injurious, arrogant
Roy, hit him!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
What fun!
Don't spare that old geezer!
I don't understand what is happening.
Nor do I, sir.
What happened that made you
decide to go to the police station
before heading to the railway station?
We have to give this necklace back.
Your town is very strange.
Someone gives us a necklace,
some gangs show up to rob us,
and then there are times when people
say, "We've seen you before."
To be honest, sir,
even I feel like I have seen you before.
Now, you don't get started.
What happened now?
Now, I know why people have
been coming after you.
Have you watched the movie Ram Aur Shyam?
You have doppelgangers here!
But I don't get this
how can there be two Rams and two Shyams?
So, this is where you two
have been hiding!
Momo Bhai, you?!
Yes, me!
You disrespected Polson Dada's
self-respect in the middle of the road.
We are here to seek revenge for that!
-We disrespected him?!
But this is the first
time we are meeting him.
You are lying!
I've seen the two of you
with my very own eyes!
I am not deaf!
You are mistaken.
I think you saw our doppelgangers.
Yes, sir, they have doppelgangers here.
-I think he is telling the truth.
-Thank you.
Let's go look for their doppelgangers.
But how will we recognize them?
They are lookalikes, Polson Dada.
Meaning they look the same.
Lookalikes, my foot!
They are lying, Polson Dada.
So, the two of you are delicate!
The two of you are desperate!
-The two of you are
-Momo Bhai, duplicate.
The two of you are duplicates!
I apologize, Roy.
I thought you are cheating on Mala.
I didn't know
Bindu is his fiance.
Yusuf gave your necklace to him.
Yusuf, you cannot be let loose
even inside your own house.
-To grace the occasion, I'd say--
-Shut up!
Sit down, mister. Sit down.
Darling daughters, this is proof
that wherever and whenever I was slapped,
I was slapped by this harmful creature.
But no offense,
because my darling son-in-law
is gold, pure gold.
Uncle, the one that gave you
a tight slap at the hotel
was your son-in-law.
Shut up, Prem!
Sir, what time should I come tomorrow?
for slapping you at Madras Caf.
I thought
you were our Joy.
You slapped him?!
It's okay.
I'm sorry for the way I behaved with you.
It's okay.
And I'm really sorry I slapped you.
-It's okay.
-And what about slapping me?
I'm sorry for that as well, baby.
You slapped me as well.
Yes, I am sorry, everybody!
Last night
what happened in the room
I am sorry, I didn't
It's okay.
-What happened in the room?
-What happened in the room?
What exactly happened in the room?
Tell me, what happened in the room?
-What happened?
-What happened?
-What happened?
-How would I know? Ask him!
-What happened in the room?
-What happened?
Nothing happened!
Don't let him go, baby.
Honestly, nothing happened.
I'll tell you what happened.
Because of all the confusion,
Auntie took us to your house last night,
and we thought you were Mala Don,
the gang leader.
Mala Don?
Yes, it's all thanks to his craze
for Col. Vikrant's novels.
Col. Vikrant!
Col. Vikrant!
You don't know Col. Vikrant,
my favorite writer?!
Why are you laughing?
Because your favorite writer
is standing right in front of you.
This is Col. Vikrant.
You are Col. Vikrant?!
Gender change!
Yes, I am Col. Vikrant.
Oh my God! Col. Vikrant!
I am your huge fan!
-I have been dying to meet you.
-Now you've met her. Very good.
One minute, please.
-You are my favorite writer!
Wait a minute.
we understand that you guys
are lookalikes.
But how are your names the same?
Two Roys and two Joys?
How is that possible?
I'll explain that.
-Doctor Uncle?
-Doctor Uncle?
The truth is that the two of you
and the two of you
are real brothers.
You kept us away from our real brothers.
You kept the truth hidden
from us for all these years.
Do you think you did
the right thing by doing
this experiment on us?
No, Roy.
This wasn't an experiment.
I wanted to use your example
to tell the world a truth
they don't want to hear.
Everyone is so busy questioning each
other's caste, religion, and bloodline
that they are unable
to see the person behind it.
It's true.
You tell me,
do the bottles
in the blood bank have labels
stating whose blood it is
and which religion they follow?
This is what I wanted to prove.
When the world learns that
despite sharing the same blood,
you were adopted and raised
in different households
by people that don't have
the same blood as you
and you still managed to be loving,
capable, and worthy individuals,
that's when they will understand
that it's only and only
the upbringing that matters.
This will, perhaps,
change the way the world looks at orphans.
So, in the end,
Roy and Mala did adopt a child.
The games nature plays with us.
I spent my entire life insisting
my child should be my own flesh and blood.
And today,
my own story has taught me a lesson.
It's your upbringing
and not your bloodline
that defines your character.
We have two reasons to celebrate today.
I became an uncle
-and we got a mother as well.
Our family is now complete.
Who are you?
Uncle, we heard that this
place provides free meals,
and lodging, and boarding.
Can we get five rooms, please?
Or we'll even make do with four.
He means to say
that we don't have anybody.
We are orphans.
That's why we have come here.
Can you help us?
What are your names?
I am Gopal.
-How wonderful!
Gopu, relax!
Please come in, your rooms are ready.