Clear Cut (2024) Movie Script

(dramatic orchestral music)
(dramatic music)
(waves swishing)
(dramatic foreboding music)
(dramatic foreboding music
(labored breathing)
(frantic suspenseful music)
(woman screams)
(woman grunting)
(woman screaming)
- Please don't hurt me, please.
(woman screaming)
(upbeat rock music)
(rock music continues)
I'm back on my game
Rockin' these rings
All that and no shame
Well bring on the backseat
I'm falsy and flashy
So bring the champagne
Time choose perfume got me
feeling so damn cute
No blues, yeah I'm
feeling so high
About to elevate the style
so you get the view
When I walk into the room
Everything that I make
Every look I create
Yeah I elevate the mood
Change the game,
make the rules
Everything that I touch
Goes from good to great
Yeah I elevate
(upbeat rock music continues)
Oh I wanna elevate the cycle
(tree crackling)
(engine roars)
- How long until
we reach the site?
Hey, you with me?
- I had a greenhorn
like you once before,
all jitters and nerves.
Couldn't make it through his
first day without screwing up.
Had to learn how to write
again with his left hand.
Things happen out here fast,
and when they do people die.
- Sorry.
- Grab that map
for me, would you?
- It's been a long time
since I've seen one of these.
- Where's Route 216?
- I'll just look
it up on my phone.
- Go right ahead.
(engine humming)
- Yeah, I got no service.
- I don't know about you,
but I like to stick
with what works.
(engine roars)
Where is Route 216?
- Just up here on the left.
- I worked this piece before.
Good stretch of land.
Young, that means
no widow makers.
That means you may not
die today and piss me off.
- No, we wouldn't want
that now, would we?
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- Who's that up there?
- That's Lady Luck.
First season I broke my back,
played cards all winter.
She won me a lot of money.
Ever since, she's kept me safe.
- You're one of those who
just believes in luck.
- (laughing) Yeah, I do.
- Well, that ain't me.
I don't believe there's
anyone out there
choosing our fate for us.
Shit just happens, and
you have to deal with it.
(engine humming)
- Anybody back home?
- There was.
Didn't work out.
- Now what is this?
- How are you, Sam?
- [Sam] About to
make a day of it.
You've been gone for a while.
- Yeah, I had a little business
to take care of up north,
kept me away.
Where's Reggie at?
- Smashed his foot
on the Crawford cut,
he'll be off a couple months.
- So who's this?
- Jack.
- Well Jack, welcome
to the woods.
You make sure you listen to Sam.
He knows his shit better
than anyone around here.
Where you headed?
- West-facing Miller.
- Got a few reports
of grizzlies up there.
- We got bear spray.
- All right, you just make sure
you don't wander
too far off the cut.
I got a busy day and looking
for you two isn't part of it.
- Yes sir.
- All right. Be safe out there.
(engine rumbles)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
- Here's your gear.
No personal items.
(gentle dreamy music)
(door closing)
- How far away is Skutz Falls?
- Up that way.
- Saw it on the map,
looks beautiful up there.
- Well like they say, get lost
in nature, you possibly die.
- Why don't we just
take these ones?
- We call this a cold deck.
They've been on
the ground so long
they're all infested
with termites.
Come across one of these, don't
ever turn your back on it.
Smash a man to putty.
- Jesus.
- [Sam] Come on.
(birds chirping)
- You ready to work?
- Yes, sir.
- All right, let's get at it.
Come on, let's go.
(chainsaw buzzing)
(rock music)
(chainsaws buzzing)
(rock music continues)
(chainsaws buzzing)
She ain't mine
but she looks fine
Gonna take some time
Gonna make her mine
Gonna make her mine
(rock music continues)
I'm the man, I got the plan
When it hits the
fan, do all I can
Do all I can
(tree falling)
(rock music continues)
- Okay, okay, hold on
a sec, you hear that?
That's the death rattle.
One more time and
give it all you got.
(Jack grunting)
(tree creaking)
(tree crashes)
Damn it, look at that.
- What?
- Heart rot.
It's rotted all the way through.
That's why we do a
survey on the big ones.
Better they drop on our time
than on somebody else's.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, (exhaling)
I'm fine.
- Why don't you
take a water break?
I'll knock off these
branches and when I'm done
you can pull 'em into
a pile over here.
(Jack sighing)
(Jack exhaling)
- [Maddie] More
bacon please, Daddy.
- [Jack] More bacon?
- More bacon, Daddy!
- This is Officer
Pancake requesting
immediate bacon backup.
We need more bacon
over here, more bacon.
- Bacon. (laughing)
(Maddie laughs)
- Hey, you will be here?
- It's taken care of.
It's like I said, I will be.
- [Rebecca] And they're
all right with that.
- I didn't give 'em
the choice, baby.
I'm gonna be home so much
you're gonna get sick
of the sight of me.
- Ooh, Mommy.
- Come on Officer Pancake.
- Okay, we gotta go.
- Right.
What's the name of the
lady and the dickhead drop off?
The one with a stick up her ass?
- Jack.
- Hey.
- I love Carrie. We
all love Carrie, right?
- We love Carrie,
don't we Maddie?
- Alright then Officer Pancake.
You finish up that bacon,
we've got work to do.
I'll be right outside.
- Ah, I dropped my bacon.
- [Rebecca] Shoes on?
(chainsaw buzzing)
- Hey, leave that for later.
It's the most important
time of the day.
- What's that?
- Lunch.
(Jack breathing hard)
Make the call, kid.
- What's that?
- Whatever you did, it's
not gonna fix itself
until you make that call.
- Some things don't get fixed.
You know what,
I'm going to go take a piss.
- Don't wander off.
(foreboding music)
(foreboding music continues)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(engine humming)
(doors clatter)
- Leave it.
Let's make sure
he's done first.
This guy's a fucking nut job.
(banging on door)
Get that thing outta my face.
- You're early.
- [Eli] I said 11.
- Oh, I thought you meant p.m.
- You think I'm gonna
drive out here in the dark?
- Fuck if I know.
You didn't specify.
Here, hold this.
Gotta go bury a dirt snake.
- [Eli] Hey, is
everything ready?
- Yeah, it sure is.
But if you plan on leaving soon,
you're gonna have to
pack that shit yourself.
- Oh Jesus Christ. Come on, Bo.
I got shit to do.
- Yeah, so do I.
I got a couple homies in
there, they'll help you out.
- Come on.
- [Jasmine] Let's fucking rest.
- [Eli] Get your fat ass
in there, I'm not asking.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(chainsaw buzzing)
(Jack panting)
- Hey! Hey!
- What?
- Quiet.
- (panting) Look.
- Fuck.
(Sam grunts)
(dramatic music)
- Get the money.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
- You recognize her?
- Should I?
She's pretty.
- Oh, hey there.
- Hey, we got nothing,
no sign of that guy.
- Why did you leave
the money in the truck?
Okay, you know what?
First I'm gonna kill you.
Then I'm gonna kill you and
then I'm gonna kill you.
- I told you to get that
thing outta my face.
- Eli, he took-
- Let's get back to the camp.
- He took the money.
- Bring the body.
- Hey. So what are
you gonna do about it?
- Bring the body.
- Are you gonna
help with the stiff?
- Fuck no.
- He's heavy.
- Yeah, that's a you problem.
- Such a fucking dick.
- Anywhere, anytime.
- What the fuck
did you say to me?
- [Keen] Hey, both
of you, come on.
Fuck him, let's go.
- Okay.
- I got you.
- That's a fucking thought.
(labored breathing)
(labored breathing)
(wind whistling)
(labored breathing)
- Now that is perfect.
I'll have the cash
there by midnight.
- Ah.
- Make sure they
weigh the drugs.
Last time it was short.
- You know I don't
package this shit.
- And the other thing is
I need to check in
on our conversation.
All good?
- I don't know.
I mean, these guys
don't like new cash
and you're asking
for a lot of weight.
- I've been on the up.
Enough of this small time shit.
I need someone I can make
some real money off of.
- I'll ask.
These guys don't fuck around
and they'll bury both of
us if we fuck this up.
- And I don't give a shit.
You tell them I'm ready.
You said this would
lead to bigger things.
I need bigger things.
- It's outta my hands.
- Fuck you, JJ.
You tell them I want two
fucking kilos or I'm out.
I'm out.
- Come on man.
Why you gonna mess this up?
We got such a good thing going.
- Then you make it happen.
You hear me?
You make it fucking happen.
- Okay.
- I'll be there with the
cash. Make it happen.
- [Bo] Can't believe this son
of a bitch is still alive.
Well let's see how he likes
impersonating a marshmallow.
So what you doing
about the money man?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean nothing?
That dude's probably halfway
around the world by now.
- Got a light.
- Fucker.
(flames roar)
(dramatic music)
(Sam screaming)
(Sam screaming)
Oh Jesus.
(Sam screaming)
(gun firing)
Ha ha ha.
- Never seen anything like that.
(dramatic music)
(explosions blasting)
- Oh shit. Whoa.
- What the fuck was that?
- That was a fucking Glock.
That is fucking fantastic.
Now, what do say we go
get our fucking money?
- Would you shut the fuck
up so I can think.
We need to turn off the
logging road to get back here.
- Yeah.
- And they were working
higher up the mountain
than us, right?
- Yeah.
- He has to drive by you
to get down the fucking
mountain, you idiot.
- You two get to the
road and find him.
- Well, at least we
got a fucking plan.
- And no guns.
We don't wanna draw
any more attention.
- I got you.
All right, let's go.
(Keen grunts)
(engine revs)
Fuck this man. Hold on.
- You're lucky I found you.
Listen, next time you want
to get some good photos,
just make sure to keep
the dog on a leash.
You're in the
wilderness out here.
There's not a chance
in hell this guy
would make it through the night.
Trust me.
- Got it officer. Sorry.
- No, no worries.
Come on, I'll get you back.
- I thought fires
were prohibited.
- Yeah, they are.
All right ladies, come on.
(gentle music)
(engine rattling)
- The fuck you doing, I
thought he said no guns.
- Check the truck.
(dramatic music)
- No one there.
(dramatic music continues)
- [Bo] Gotta make sure
this asshole and his truck
can't make it off this
mountain .
- [Keen] You find it yet?
- [Bo] No. You?
- No.
Goddamn bag's gone, Keen.
Yeah, real smart.
Yeah, why not leave a bag of
money in the back of the truck?
Why not just wrap a bow
on it and send it airmail?
- [Keen] You think it was my
idea to leave a bag of money
in the back of a truck?
- [Bo] Well, whose was it?
- [Keen] The big shot.
- Shit for brains?
- Yeah.
- Jesus.
(horn honks)
Hello there, I'd like
my money back, please.
Thank you.
That was my money.
- [Keen] Yeah.
- [Bo] You think I want
to cook meth my whole life?
(boxes clattering)
- Shit for brains.
- Keep looking.
(tense music)
- [Keen] You know what I
have a better idea than this.
- Yeah, what's that?
- [Keen] Well, number one, I
wouldn't be coming out here
to meet somebody like you
in the middle of the woods.
- I'll be your huckleberry.
- You got the clown part down.
First of all, you'd
be coming to us.
It's ridiculous.
You got a plan B?
Or is this plan B?
Is this plan B or A?
Let's just find the money
and get the fuck
outta here, alright?
(truck starting)
(dramatic music)
(Jack grunting)
- Found it.
(men grunting)
- Get outta the way.
Move, Keen.
Keen, move.
(Keen grunting)
(Jack grunting)
Move your ass, Keen.
- God!
(Keen screaming)
- Hey, move.
(high-tension music)
Fuck it.
(glass crashes)
(high-tension music)
(tires squealing)
(body thuds)
(engine roaring)
(truck crashes)
(Jack grunts)
(fire burning)
(fire crackling)
(heavy breathing)
(Jack gasping)
(soft music)
(heavy breathing)
(wife exhaling)
(both exhaling)
(soft music)
- You remember Joe Jacobson?
- You were thinking about
Joe Jacobson right now?
- Yeah.
No. (laughing)
Yeah, I just, not like that.
It was just, you know, he moved?
- When?
- A couple of days ago.
He bought some ranch in Texas.
Saying it's good
town, nice schools.
Most important thing though,
he was saying how
clean it was there.
That's all I want
for us, for Maddie.
- But baby, you love the city.
- I don't love it. I like it.
- Well, I'll be honest,
I can't quite imagine
you in cowboy boots.
(Jack laughing)
- Yeah, whatever.
You know what I'm trying to say.
Let's just get outta
here, buy up some land.
Just the three of us.
- You really think they're
gonna let you do that?
(faint rock music)
You're a city boy,
through and through.
It's one of the things
I love about you.
- [Maddie] Dad?
- You promised her ice cream.
- I know I promised her.
You know what, just
gimme five minutes.
We'll be right down.
- He's coming, Maddie.
- I just bought
myself five minutes.
(both laughing)
(men grunt)
(Bo yelling)
- That's just like
punching a vagina.
(fists thumping)
(men grunting)
(truck exploding)
(faint singing)
(distant explosion)
- Come on.
(truck starting)
oh my dreams are sweet
(truck revving)
when I lay me down to sleep
Now I dream of you
(engine rumbling)
- Hey.
- You made quick work finding
those kids this morning.
- They got lucky.
There's something burning
near Miller's Gulch.
- Oh, should I call
the fire station?
- No. Probably just a campfire.
I'll have Jacob check on it.
(truck doors clatter)
- Keen!
- [Eli] What the fuck happened?
- Motherfucker who took
our cash can fight.
That's what happened.
- Where is he?
- I don't know, he
took off somewhere.
- Oh fuck.
Your truck.
We can't let him
off this mountain.
- Eli.
- Come on.
- Eli, we can't leave him here.
- [Eli] Let's go, come on.
- [Jasmine] We can't leave
him, Eli
(liquid burbling)
(rock music)
Hey you, what's goin' on
You make me feel
- [Camper] Goddamn it. You
can't do shit.
Make your way up to the top
Take your breath
and make it happen
(rock music continues)
We ain't never
gonna turn around
Never looking to the ground
Now it's time to change
to make it rain
Make my way up to the top
Take your breath and
make it outta here
(rock music continues)
(truck rumbling)
- Run!
(rock music continues)
(explosion blasts)
(rock music continues)
(trailer exploding)
- All right then, Baker,
- Yes, sir.
- You have any experience?
- Did some landscaping
in in high school.
- Ever used a chainsaw?
- Yeah, I helped my
dad fell a few trees.
- Sure you wanna get
into this line of work?
Got guys missing fingers
and toes around here.
This isn't Starbucks.
The reason I ask is
because a lot of guys
don't know the numbers.
- Numbers?
- Stats.
Logging is the deadliest
profession in the world
by a factor of 30.
I've seen guys
crushed, cut open,
hung, ripped in half,
a lot of other horrible
things I don't wanna remember.
- What do you say, it sounds
- Pay is 16 bucks an hour.
Come back tomorrow,
5:00 a.m. sharp.
Bring a pair of
steel toed boots,
couple of good pairs of gloves.
We provide the rest.
- Okay, great.
Thank you.
- [Jasmine] Eli!
- [Eli] Shit.
- Look at me.
- Oh shit.
- This is not good.
- Not good?
Not good, this is the
king of not fucking good.
(Eli growling)
Look what they did to Carl, man.
- We need to get these
bodies in the hole.
Clean this up before
anyone shows up.
- No, I say we leave it
and we bug the hell out.
- How long you gonna
make it on the street?
He'll fucking kill us.
What don't you understand?
- Fine, I'll go to Mexico.
They'll protect me.
better than working with
someone with shit for brains.
- Eli, please.
He's right, okay?
Hey, hey, we need
to get the money
and we need to get outta here.
There's no covering this up.
- No, fuck that.
We get the money to Oso,
and we make the drop
like we always do.
And then we start over.
First we gotta get Keen's
fat ass off the road
before anyone sees him.
We can't be leaving dead
bodies lying around.
- [Jasmine] Eli.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
- [Ranger] Jacob?
- Yes sir.
- [Ranger] Spotted some
smoke around Miller's Gulch.
Get your eyes up.
- I'm looking now, sir.
(dramatic music)
It's a little hazy but no fire.
- [Ranger] All right,
keep a look out.
- Copy.
(dramatic music)
(water burbling)
(water flowing)
(birds chirping)
(water burbling)
(birds chirping)
(water splashing)
(Jack panting)
(unzipping bag)
(Jack grunting)
(dark music)
(dark music continues)
(Jack grunting)
(dark music continues)
(wind blowing)
(fire burning)
(dark music continues)
(fire burning)
(dark music continues)
(wind blowing)
(soft music)
(door closing)
(phone ringing)
- [Caleb] Yeah.
- Thought you said
everything was cool.
- [Caleb] It is cool.
- Then why do I have
eyes on me right now?
- [Caleb] Just go
about your day, okay ?
We've got your back.
- Don't with fuck with me,
Caleb. They know where I live.
- Here we go baby.
- [Caleb] Just be cool.
- [Rebecca] She's
here. She's coming.
- Hey.
- Hey
Come on Jetty Jane. Let's get
up on your way.
- So my folks arrive
at three, okay?
So don't be late.
- I'll try not to. I'm
all over it, baby.
- You know what
my dad's like, so-
- Yeah.
God, I know what
your dad's like.
(gentle music)
- He likes you, really.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Go.
Go get 'em tiger.
Bye, Maddie.
- Y'all buckled up?
Bye-bye, mama.
(car starting)
What is this?
- Welcome to my life.
- Love you mama.
(gentle dramatic music)
(car starting)
You like this one?
(traffic humming)
(quiet music)
I know someone's
birthday's coming up soon,
and mommy says
you want to go whale watching.
And we can go on a
little road trip,
and you're gonna see a lot
more of me soon, kiddo.
I got some time off work.
I'll be helping
mommy out about the,
helping mommy around the house.
(car engine revving)
(tires squealing)
(breeze blowing)
(Jack coughing)
(Jack grunting)
(engine humming)
(gravel crunching)
(engine humming)
- Yeah, he was definitely here.
Left his damn prints
all over the place.
- Guys, blood.
This way.
- That guy's smart.
Keeps moving.
- I'm smarter.
Let's go.
(dark music)
(Jack grunts)
(dark music)
(food wrapper crackling)
(dark music continues)
(dark music continues)
(dark music continues)
(Jack groaning)
(dark music continues)
(truck alert dinging)
(dark music continues)
- Jesus hell.
(dark music continues)
- Jacob, you got eyes up?
Jacob, do you have eyes up?
(dark music continues)
(truck starting)
(dark music continues)
(arrow whistles)
(men grunt)
(dramatic music)
(Jasmine kicks)
(Jasmine screams)
(men grunt)
(fists thumping)
(Jasmine laughing)
- [Jack] Bitch.
- Hey.
Pick him up.
Pick him up!
(dramatic music)
- [Jasmine] Get him, Eli.
(fists thump)
- It's a good day to die,
motherfucker. (yelling)
(Bo screaming)
(all grunting)
(Jasmine coughing)
(arrow thunks)
(woman screaming)
(men grunting)
(woman cries)
(woman shrieks)
(tense music)
(woman crying)
(Eli yelling)
- Come on, Jack.
someone's gonna fuck that
pretty little wife of yours.
(both grunting)
(dramatic music)
(Eli groaning)
(tense music)
- Are there any more of you?
- [Eli] More than you can
count, motherfucker.
(dramatic music)
- [Jasmine] Eli
(dramatic music continues)
- [Eli] This isn't over.
This isn't fucking over.
You fucking pig. (grunting)
(dark music)
(Eli groaning)
You fucking pig.
Fucking pig.
(Eli screaming)
(dramatic music)
- You have to wear the wire.
It's the fourth quarter.
Let's bring it home.
Come on.
- I just feel a
bit bad for Jacob.
He's a good kid.
- [Keller] He's a scumbag.
- Guys, quiet.
- Sorry.
- We gotta go.
- You bring him back to me.
- I always do.
I'll be in the car.
- Thanks, Keller.
(soft music)
- You know.
(soft music)
- I'll wait up.
(soft music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(escalating tense music)
(tense music continues)
(door creaking)
- [Ranger] Jacob?
Jacob, you copy?
(walking stick hitting table)
(Jack gulping water)
(door opening)
(Jacob whistling)
(dramatic music)
(Jack growling)
(body slams)
(Jack roaring)
- Jack, Jack no come on.
(Jack roaring)
(Jacob groaning)
Come on, Jack.
You don't have to do this, man.
(Jacob grunts)
(body thuds)
(Jacob coughing)
(high-tension music)
No Jack.
No Jack, no Jack, please
- Yeah, Jacob.
Jacob, you got ears?
Jacob, you copy?
(shuffling footsteps)
- Finally, some luck.
(dragging bottle)
(Jack grunting)
(Jack exhaling)
- Jacob?
Jacob, do you copy?
You got ears?
Jacob, do you copy?
- Help!
- Fuck.
- Help.
- [Eli] Over here.
(Eli coughing)
(birds chirping)
You mind telling me what
the fuck happened here?
- Long story.
- I warned you about this.
(dark music)
- Fuck you, Ike.
(tense music)
- Okay.
(Eli grunting)
(Eli gasping)
Nice knife, this.
(dark music)
Shame for it to go to waste.
(high-tension music)
(Eli grunting)
(knife jabbing)
(high-tension music)
(tense music continues)
(gun firing)
(tense music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(bullet whizzes)
(dark music)
(tires squealing)
(car crashing)
(Maddie crying)
- Maddie?
Get down sweetheart.
You keep your head right down.
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(Maddie crying)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(car revving)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
(guns firing)
- Wait, wait.
What are you doing?
(guns firing)
(car exploding)
(thug screaming)
(gun firing)
(high-tension music)
(high-tension music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(Jack groaning)
(dramatic music)
(Jack groaning)
(Jack yelling)
(dramatic music)
(Jack grunting)
(labored breathing)
(Jack groaning)
(dramatic music)
(Jack grunting)
(Jack yelling)
(Jack grunting)
(high-tension music)
(Jack screaming)
- That's my baby.
Get off me.
Get off me.
That's my baby.
(Rebecca crying)
(phone ringing)
- [Jack] Hello, it's me.
I'm getting out of
the hospital next week
and I just wanted to see you.
I know you don't
want to talk to me.
I'm, I'm going in
protective custody.
I won't be around for a while.
Please call, it's me.
Hello, it's me.
(phone ringing)
Hello, it's me. Hi.
Hey, I won't be around
for a while, call me back.
Hello, it's me. I'm going in
protective custody
(somber music)
(phone ringing)
(phone ringing)
- [Keller] Jack look,
I can't find Jacob.
We've tried every lead we have
and the kid's gone,
probably dead.
I'm sure the other shooters
have gone missing too
and jumped bail.
I'm gonna keep looking.
Sorry man, just
wanted you to know.
- [Jack] Hi, it's me.
I had Keller get
your new number,
and I'm sorry to call you,
but I just wanted to
tell you ...
that I...
I can't do this anymore.
(motorcycle rumbling)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(doorman grunts)
- What the fuck, you?
(dramatic music)
(bat blows)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
- [Jack] Where's Jacob?
- I don't know. Ask Jesse.
- [Jack] Fuck you.
(bat thwacks)
(dramatic music)
(door creaks)
(woman screams)
(bat thumps)
(motorcycle running)
(man grunting)
(bat thwacking)
(dramatic music)
(bat thwacking)
- Where's Jacob?
- Listen man, listen man.
Go, go, go talk to Shelly.
Look, you know, you know
I wasn't even there.
I don't even, I don't even
know where the guy is, okay?
She's been talking. Shelly's
been talking. (grunting)
(dramatic music)
(motorcycle running)
(dramatic music)
(door slams)
(dramatic music)
- Fuck.
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(engine rumbling)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(dark music)
- Ike.
- So how'd we do?
- Give him the money.
Listen Ike, I wanna talk
to you about the cut.
- [Ike] What about the cut?
- It's a little deep.
It's a lot of leg work.
- Cut's what the cut is,
or these deals can
stop right now.
- Yeah. All right.
- [Ike] You fuck up,
there's no second chances.
How are we looking
for next week?
- Everything's on schedule.
- Good.
So I'll see you next week.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(gravel crunches)
(Jacob coughing)
- Do you like pancakes?
- What?
- Pancakes?
- Yeah.
- She loved 'em.
Especially with Bacon.
Couldn't get enough
of the stuff.
- Jack, Jack, I don't,
I don't know what it is you
think that I did, but, but-
- More bacon, more
bacon, she'd say.
- You got the wrong idea
about what happened.
But I'm, it's, it is not
my fault what happened.
That was Ike's deal, man.
I had nothing to do with it.
- It was irresponsible.
- No, it was, it was Ike's deal.
It was Ike's deal.
I didn't, I didn't,
I didn't do anything.
I didn't do, I didn't
mean to fuck you up, man.
I didn't mean to
fuck you over, okay?
- You didn't keep
your mouth shut.
(soft music)
- You're a cop.
- She was five years old.
(dark music)
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about
your daughter, man.
But it wasn't me, okay?
It was, it was Ike's plan.
- Don't even worry about it.
You got your money.
- Hey, what do you think is
going to happen here, man?
Ike is gonna kill us both.
You, you think you got some
fucking grand plan here.
Ike is gonna kill us both.
Do you understand that?
He's gonna fucking kill us both.
- Her name was Maddie.
No way.
- No, dude, don't,
don't you fucking, don't, Jack.
You still got a
chance here, man.
You still got a chance.
Stop fuck! (screaming)
Jack stop.
(Jacob coughing)
(tense music)
Don't fucking do this!
Don't fucking do this!
No, no!
(Jacob blubbering)
(tense music)
Jack, don't, don't.
Jack don't.
Jack, don't, don't buddy.
(Jacob grunting)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Jacob grunting)
- Jacob.
(Jacob grunting)
(high-tension music)
(high-tension music continues)
(lighter clicks)
(fire exploding)
(Jacob grunting)
(fire blazing)
(Ike grunting)
(Jack grunting)
(both grunting)
(high-tension music)
(Jack grunting)
(Ike grunting)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(Jack grunting)
(gun firing)
(Jack growling)
(tense music)
(Jack roaring)
(Jack grunting)
(fire roaring)
(bottle smashing)
(both grunting)
(tense music)
- Why?
Just tell me why,
why kill my guys?
Why burn up my operation?
Why not just run with
the cash and disappear?
- I thought you might
recognize my voice.
And then you never
really listened.
- I know you?
- It's been a while
since we last spoke.
We did a deal
back in Portland.
Didn't end well
for either of us.
- You're Jacob's friend.
That fucking DEA snitch
that cost me millions.
- You're smart. You
kept Jacob off the grid.
Never meet anyone face to face.
That's why it took
me so long to find
where you been hiding him.
- I put a hit on you.
There was a kid, right?
(somber music)
- My daughter.
- They told me you were dead.
- It's called
witness protection.
Got out a year ago.
- So you came all this way,
and did all this fucking
shit just to get at me?
You could have killed me.
You could have burned me
alive in my own house.
Shot me on the fucking toilet.
- Thought I'd dismantle you
the way you dismantled me.
- Fuck you.
Fuck you!
(strap snapping)
(logs rolling)
(logs rumbling)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
- I was prepared to die.
(gun firing)
(somber music)
(gun firing)
(somber music continues)
(Jack labored breathing)
(wind blowing)
(phone dialing)
(phone ringing)
(phone ringing)
(phone beeping)
- Hey,
it's me.
I don't even know if this
is your number anymore.
I know you don't wanna see
my face these days.
I couldn't look at me either,
all I could see was Maddie.
(Jack sniffling)
from her first steps
to her last smile.
How perfect.
(melancholy music)
I got 'em, Becca.
(melancholy music)
I got the fucker that did
this to our little girl.
(melancholy music)
(sniffling) I got all of them.
(dreamy music continues)
They're all gone.
(melancholy music continues)
I love you, Becca.
I love you so much.
I'm so sorry.
(melancholy music continues)
(melancholy music continues)
- Jack?
(somber guitar music)
(somber guitar music continues)
(somber guitar music continues)
(rock music)
(rock music continues)
(rock music continues)
(rock song ends)