Cold Wallet (2024) Movie Script

["Jingle Bell Rock"
playing on stereo]
Jingle bell,
Jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing
And jingle bells ring
Snowin' and blowin'...
You heard it here first,
Tulip coin is the future.
[men] Jingle bell,
Jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing
And jingle bells ring...
I've... I've been
following crypto
since that whole GameStop thing.
You can make money too.
I mean, it's practically a dip
if you think about it, right?
In two weeks, we're going
to look back at this time
and... and think
it's practically a sale.
Jingle bell time
Is a swell time
To go riding
In a one-horse sleigh...
This is the chance
for the little man.
It's about time.
Free money, Mark.
I've been reading Reddit forums
and listening to,
uh, you know, podcasts.
It's amazing
what you can learn from YouTube.
People are buying houses
with this shit.
It's... it's transforming lives.
[on stereo]
Jingle bell, jingle bell
Jingle bell rock...
-[Dom] Cheers, everyone!
To the moon, to the moon!
[Billy] Yep, 10X.
That one right there.
[Billy] Diamond hands, baby.
Diamond hands.
[Dom] Hold on for dear life
right there.
-[Dom grunts]
-[Dom] Happy holidays.
-You heard it here first.
And Merry Christmas
to those who celebrate.
["Jingle Bell Rock" continues]
Oh, my gosh, Dad.
How did you get this?
Mom said there was no way.
This is so cool.
It's all I wanted.
Hey, guess what?
I'm this close
to getting us a house.
So next time you visit,
you can have a little sleepover
if you want.
Are you serious, Dad?
[Billy] Yeah.
We're finally
gonna be together again.
Isn't that great?
[Eileen] Billy.
What are you doing here?
You have your hour
with her next week.
[Billy] It's a Christmas party.
The whole family's here.
Couldn't be without Dad, right?
[Eileen] Hey, you know
what the... what the court said?
I can call the cops if I want.
we're not calling the cops.
-[Billy] It's Christmas, Eileen.
-I'm not-- Don't--
[Eileen] All right,
just get him out of here.
Hey, Billy, come on.
Do us both a favor.
Come back tomorrow.
You can have some
alone time with Stephanie.
Uh, why don't you do us a favor
and go spend Christmas
with your own fucking family?
-[Eileen] All right, come on.
-[Justin murmuring]
[Eileen] Let's go, honey.
Billy, you got her the PS5?
They're like 2,000
bucks on eBay right now.
How about a mortgage payment
[Billy] I paid
the last two months on--
Oh, oh, you paid
the last two months?
What about
the other ten months?
I'm on my fucking own
over here, man.
Wow, you see
how she treats you, Justin?
-She has no respect for you.
-[Justin] We're fine.
The only time we fight
is when you're in our house.
You don't know
what you don't know.
My name's still on this deed,
after all.
I still own this home.
-Yeah, but you don't pay for it.
-Because I'm not liquid.
[Justin] Yeah, well,
you paid for the PS5, big guy.
[Billy] I paid for that
with crypto, okay?
[Eileen] Crypto, oh, my God.
Seriously? Talking about
make-believe money.
Can I sit on your lap,
tell you what I would
like for Christmas, Santa?
I would like somebody to show up
for their fucking daughter.
I would like some money,
some real money,
not this fucking make-believe
bit gold that you got
floating up in your sled
somewhere, and I would like--
Oh, I know,
I would like the last
12 years of my life back.
Can you give me the last
12 years of my life back?
Can you? Can you do that for me?
You can't?
Then get the fuck
out of my house!
-I'm so fucking over you.
-No, don't take her away!
She needs to see
how her mom treats me.
Come on,
let's keep it tranquilo , man.
-[glass breaks, spluttering]
-Oh, wow, this guy, Jesus.
You know, if you had just--
if you had just
listened to me about Tulip.
I listened to you for so long!
You want to see
how far I'm up right now?
-[Eileen] No.
-It's no joke, okay?
None of you know how it works.
None of you
are willing to take risks.
I think outside of the box,
and you shamed me for that.
I'm not shaming you.
I hope to God
I can get Steph out
of this heartless fucking house.
Hold on to some fucking hope.
I hate you.
[tense music]
[Billy] Fuck!
[Billy pants]
What? No!
No! No!
[ominous music]
[tires screeching]
[suspenseful music]
[reporter] The fastest-growing
cryptocurrency exchange,
TPX, is in hot water,
and thousands of clients
have millions of dollars
in frozen assets
with little information.
[YouTuber] Big news
in the crypto world today.
Tulip has crashed and burnt.
the CEO of the Tulip Exchange,
Charles Hegel, died in Kenya
over the weekend.
Apparently, he was the only one
that had access
to the Tulip Exchange
to unlock it.
We're all going broke here
right now,
and I'm trying to figure out
what's going on.
So, Tulip maniacs,
I need you guys
to help me out here.
Go in the comments section.
Let me know what you think.
This is not financial adv--
[breathes heavily]
[computer chimes]
-[Billy] What?
-[faint beep]
[Dana] Hey, Billy! This is Dana
with Layton Brothers Realtors.
Uh, the homeowners are
really excited about your offer
and are looking forward
to seeing your proof of funds.
We haven't heard from you
in a couple of days.
Uh, can you get your bank
to send us proof so we can move
towards making
the down payment?
Don't want
this great opportunity
to slip away
from you and your daughter.
[ominous music]
[computer beeps]
[suspenseful music]
[ominous music]
[keyboard clacking]
[clacking continues]
[ominous music continues]
[grunts, pants]
Hey, Mr. Batista
gave me his blessing
to buy the place.
He accepts me.
That's great, Dom.
Here. Come on.
Just like
when we were kids, man.
-[Billy] Yeah.
-I get to be a business owner.
[both panting]
[Billy grunts, exhales deeply]
You got to find
your " fudoshin ."
Literally, it means
immovable mind, mental calmness.
You defended
against this last week.
[Dom] Here, come at me.
Get it.
Take control. Dig deep.
[Dom] It's all right,
it's all right.
All right, we're going to go
for a little ride.
-[Billy grunts]
-Nice and easy.
There we go.
All right.
Come on, tap it. Tap it.
-Hit me with something.
-Oh, my God.
-[Dom groans]
No, no, no. That was good.
That was good.
-[Billy] You sure?
-Yeah, man.
I'm tearing up.
I'm going to bleed.
-Oh, Jesus.
-But, uh...
I'm going to go handle this.
[Billy sighs]
[breathes deeply]
[toilet flushes]
That doesn't look good.
Yeah, well, chicks dig scars.
Hazards of the trade.
[Billy] Hey, did you check
your Tulip account today?
[Dom] Nah.
Come on.
[breathes deeply]
Let's "human chess."
Yo, Tulip
really dropped yesterday.
Well, that means
it's going to go back up, right?
You said diamond hands,
diamond hands,
diamond hands, right?
Hold on for dear life.
They're saying it's useless.
Like a... like a scam coin.
A scam coin?
Yeah, and then
the guy who created Tulip,
this dude Charles Hegel,
all of a sudden he died.
And... and... and...
And now the app
is saying that we owe money?
I-- Let me see the phone.
[snaps fingers]
Let me see your phone.
One day it was there
and then, you know,
the next day
it was just gone, man.
I took out a pers--
Let's go. Go.
[softly] I took out a personal
loan to buy this place.
He's not telling anyone,
but Mr. Batista's sick.
They were going to foreclose
on this place without my help.
I was going to adopt a dog, man.
I was becoming the path, Billy.
Where's the money?
[phone beeps]
[phone continues beeping]
How do we owe $67,000?
-How do we owe more?
-There's no way man.
-We were--
-Okay, listen.
It was supposed to be free shi--
There's something else
going on here.
I promise there's
something more sinister.
Like a... like a conspiracy.
I promise you, I'm going to get
your fucking money back.
[tense music]
So you're telling me
you met this person on Reddit?
Technically, yeah, but I mean,
it's deeper than that.
[Billy] We've been talking
online for, like, a year,
but I've never met her
in real life.
This is your solution?
[Billy] I know
it sounds sketchy,
but these hackers get shit done.
Think positive, dude,
think positive.
If shit goes wrong,
we could just leave.
[Billy] I think that's her.
[birds chirping]
[tense music]
So why do you think
this Hegel guy is alive?
Charles Hegel
is a fucking pirate
and you know it.
When Charles Hegel dies,
then 24 hours later,
Tulip crashes,
the TPX shuts down,
which is, come on,
pretty fucking weird, right?
Well, we dug through the ledger,
and I couldn't find anything,
so I started to think,
you know,
he might actually be dead
until Kingpin showed me
a scrambled transaction.
It was massive.
We saw that 69 percent of Tulip
was held by one address.
And they sold all of it
for $259,000,000,
which caused the crash.
My government source told me
that address belonged to...
drumroll, motherfuckers.
Charles Hegel
and the TPX Exchange itself.
-[Dom] What?
I mean,
this Bernie Madoff motherfucker
ran off with all of our money.
And there's only one way
we can get it back.
From him.
They doxxed his address,
and I tracked his Tesla
back to his house.
He's alone.
In a fucking mansion.
It's rural as fuck.
I say we keep it
simple and easy.
We get in there,
get his cold storage,
and we leave.
What? What did she say?
Cold storage. Cold wallets.
It's where you keep the crypto
off the internet.
Off... off the internet?
I thought I had to be
on the internet.
-[suspenseful music]
[Eva] It's one of these.
Your cold wallet
is like the keys
to the fucking safe
in your house.
This USB device holds
the access to all of my crypto.
And I'm betting his wallets
are at that fucking house.
Why don't we go in there
and force him
to log into his accounts?
Then we make him give us
the money right in front of us.
You're not seriously
considering this.
-[Dom] Billy, I didn't sign up
to hold some man hostage.
Dude, he's holding us hostage.
-You're the one...
-Think about it. Think...
[Billy] Clear your mind.
-Focus on right here, right now.
-[Dom sighs]
What is it you want?
No violence.
Uh, that's what we're
talking about, Dom.
[Dom] And...
and we get back
the money that he stole
from everyone else.
We give that all back too.
-Can we do that?
We can send all of his crypto
in a fucking airdrop.
-No way.
-An airdrop.
Like, when we share photos?
It's a way to send
all of your crypto
to a lot of people at once.
Okay, so we're stealing
from the rich
and giving to the poor.
[Eva] We Robin Hood that shit.
But we do need a fucking gun.
["War & Smoke" playing]
What can I get started for you?
[store clerk] That's the
same gun that John Wick uses.
Heckler & Koch P30L.
We got a special
on this pink AR for the ladies.
[store clerk] What I really like
about the AR
is the stopping power.
It's accurate, light,
easy to shoot,
very customizable.
There's barely any recoil.
I kind of just want
whatever the cops use.
-It seems to work for them.
-All right.
You're talking about
the Glock 19 or the Beretta M9.
Versatile, durable, accurate.
More stopping power
than its weight
would lead you to believe.
-[gun clicks]
[store clerk]
Smith & Wesson M&P 9.
I'd really only recommend
that though if you're a lefty.
If you're interested
in a shotgun,
I recommend the Benelli M4.
It's pricey, yes.
But the recoil's not that bad.
I really love it. [giggles]
That big guy over there,
he could handle it.
Nah, I'm more of a grappler.
These are way more expensive
than I realized.
Yeah, no shit.
The AR-15 is way out
of my price range.
This Beretta's on sale
if you sign up
for our rewards program.
That works.
You take Bitcoin?
[store clerk]
I don't think so.
Uh, I could check
with the manager, though.
[voice on intercom]
1636, your weapon
is now available
at merchandise.
[Billy] Hey.
You okay?
What's up?
This doesn't line up with us
spiritually at all.
We don't need a weapon.
Look, you don't need a weapon.
[scoffs] Your body's
a deadly weapon.
What are we supposed to do?
Use me.
I'll go in.
I'll apply the pressure.
What if something
happens to you?
What do we do then?
Can I get two boxes of ammo?
And what's up with silencers?
[reporter on radio] A historic
blizzard is headed our way,
already causing
major travel disruptions
throughout the region.
Nonetheless, localized areas
can see up to 20 inches of snow,
but it's really
the heart-stopping cold
that's making it
With temperatures plummeting...
Right up here
is a beautiful waterfall.
There's this Shinto ritual
called "misogi,"
where you take on a crazy
challenge once a year.
And, uh, last year,
I did a frigid waterfall bath
as my "misogi."
-Get outta here.
-How long?
-Fifteen minutes.
-Fifteen minutes?
[soft music]
We're officially out of service.
[Dom] This is it. This is it.
This place is huge.
[Eva] This is probably
not even his main house.
All these assholes
use fake names
and hide out
at random properties.
[Billy quietly]
Ah, fuck, all right.
All right, all right, all right.
[crow cawing]
[doorbell rings]
-[Dom] You're sure he's home?
-[Eva whispers] Yes.
[gate opening]
Oh, shit. Is that him?
Is that him?
[Eva] No, that's not him.
Who the fuck is that?
[Dom] Okay.
Billy can handle this.
[man] Can I help you?
[Billy] Sorry, I was just
delivering this food.
You got the wrong house.
[paper rustles]
Is this 12 Mulberry View Road?
There's no one home.
Um, I'm supposed
to deliver the food myself.
Are you Charles Hegel?
Yeah, I can't help you, mate.
[whispering] I think we should
just go out there and help him.
You can distract him
and I can fucking whack him
with this.
Maybe there's a...
a side door or something
that I could...
that I could use.
Are you trying
to get me into trouble?
Oh, no, no, I don't...
I don't want that.
So why don't you
jump back in your van there,
have a sip of tea,
call corporate and tell them
what's happening?
Before I stick
this shovel up your ass.
-[engine starts]
[Billy] This is all
becoming too real.
It's all happening too fast.
I don't know.
I think I just lost
my passion for it.
Maybe I should just give up
and go home.
Yeah, if that's what your
intuition is saying, Bill.
Oh, shut the fuck up
with your fucking
pseudo-spirituality bullshit.
Okay? What about you,
you fucking little bitch?
Crying like
a little fucking baby?
This motherfucking criminal
is in that house
and he stole people's money.
Okay? He stole
your fucking money.
And your money
and your family's fucking money.
Oh, what? So you're gonna
just cut your little dicks off
and put them in a suitcase
and go home? No!
We are going to man up
and do what's fucking right.
So shut the fuck up.
We are gonna wait this guy out
because he's
gonna leave eventually.
And we're gonna go in there
and get some
motherfucking justice.
[mysterious music]
[car approaching]
[engine starts]
[Dom] Robin Hood.
Little John.
[suspenseful music]
[Eva sneezes]
[Dom] Gross.
[Eva] It's fucking freezing.
[Dom] It's so quiet out here.
[suspenseful music]
[Billy] Jesus,
there is someone in there.
-[door squeaks]
-I told you.
[ominous music]
-[Dom] Billy, don't.
[tense music]
[Eva grunts]
Where the fuck is Billy?
[Dom] I don't know.
[alarm ringing]
[Dom] Hurry up.
[Dom] Get here.
Where the fuck have you been?
-[Dom] Where'd you go?
-[door bangs open]
[Dom] Where the hell
were you, man?
[Billy] You ditched me.
[Dom] It's a fricking fortress
in here.
-[glass shattering]
-[Billy] What the fuck?
-[Dom] Sorry.
[Dom] Sorry.
[tense music]
[Billy] Dude, there's fucking
cameras all over this place.
[Dom] I know, yeah.
-[Billy] Fuck.
-[faint whirring]
[soft whirring]
[Billy] It's a fucking
vacuum cleaner.
[Dom] I don't think he's here.
We saw someone
in the fucking window.
He is here.
[voice on intercom] What the
fuck are you doing in my house?
Is that the guy?
[intercom] This is a bad idea.
My security system
has already alerted the cops
and they'll be here
-He's lying.
-[intercom] You should leave
before this gets
really ugly for you.
[loud music]
Oh, fuck him
for playing this shit.
[Billy] Let's go find
this fucker.
[Dom] What?
[Billy] Ah, fuck.
[loud music continues]
[running water]
[loud music stops]
There's a locked door.
[Billy] Hegel!
[Dom] Stay clear,
he might have a gun.
[Billy] We know you're in there!
No one wants violence,
but we have guns
and we'll use them
if we have to!
Billy, What's the plan?
[Billy] We know you're in there!
[Hegel] You have no idea
the apparatus I have in place
to ensure my safety.
No one's coming for you!
[Billy] Yeah!
I'm giving you
a ten count!
You better open this door!
You got me.
You got me.
[Dom] Is this the dude?
-[Billy] Back up, back up.
-[Hegel] Yeah.
-[Billy] Sit down
-[Hegel] Okay, okay.
-and don't move.
-I knew you were fucking alive.
[Billy] Where are
the cold wallets, Hegel?
-Tell us where they are.
-[Dom] Where am I looking?
Look under the fucking bed.
Look everywhere.
[stammering] I don't travel
with them, okay?
Hey, look...
look, you want money?
I can wire it to you right now.
However much you want,
it's not a problem.
My man, give me the devices.
I don't have them.
And even if I did,
you don't want them.
Tulip is dead,
the TPX Exchange is failing.
There's no bailout coming.
All my assets
are being monitored.
They're toxic,
they're worthless.
Why do you think
I killed myself?
This is bullshit, man.
Where the fuck
are the cold wallets?
[Dom] Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, shit.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I got passports, credit cards,
pills, and the cold wallets.
-Yeah, this is them.
-[Dom] We can go, right?
[Eva] I need to list them first.
[Billy] You stole from the
wrong subreddit, motherfucker.
Remember, stay calm, okay?
My intuition led me
right to the cold wallets.
Fudoshin , breathe through it,
center yourself.
Fuck, he's asking
for the passphrases.
What are the passphrases?
You think I'm reckless?
I... I don't keep passphrases
just lying around,
they're in secure locations,
in bank safety deposit boxes
with layers upon layers
of authentication required.
I don't keep
recovery seeds here.
They're not just in
my random impulse mansions.
Take my advice, okay?
We log you into one
of my corporate bank accounts.
Wire you enough money
to set you up
for the rest of your lives,
all right?
Easy, simple, clean.
Receiving a big wire transfer
is asking for trouble.
It's gonna take me time
to go through the hardware.
We have what we need.
We're going.
Damn it. No, no, no.
I'm not leaving here
with the hope
of getting into these.
Who do we have to call
to get it here?
It's simply not possible
with all of the layers
of security.
I just keep repeating myself.
It's like talking
to a fucking child.
Yes, yes!
Think of me as a fucking child!
I don't know
how to use this thing.
It might accidentally
go off on you.
He's right.
[clears throat]
[softly] As you can tell...
my friend
wants to eliminate you.
Unless you give us those codes.
You've destroyed our honor
and the honor of many others.
And we're here to avenge that.
do some soul-searching
for a minute here.
Find a way to find those codes.
-Take a breath.
-[breathes sharply]
In through the nose,
out through the mouth.
I can call my assistant.
Uh... have her move mountains,
it would probably get two,
maybe three of them here
by tomorrow.
Your fucking assistant
knows you're alive?
[Hegel] Yeah, the whole thing
was kind of her idea.
She's a good assistant.
[dramatic music]
[Billy] Whatever I say you say,
nothing else.
Fuck around...
I'll kill the call.
Say you understand.
[Hegel] I understand.
Charlie, you haven't been
answering your calls or e-mails.
Robert is freaking out.
He can't get a hold of Carl
and it's horseshit.
Someone's gotten into his head,
or he's gotten
into his own fucking head.
I have no idea, but you need
to get your man back in line.
Yeah, yeah, look,
never mind all that, okay?
Robert always freaks out.
It's what animates him.
[Kelly] He's telling me
not to leave the island.
Is there news breaking
that I need to know about?
[Hegel] No, everything's fine,
all right?
Don't worry.
Tell her to send
your safety deposit boxes
by tomorrow morning.
[keyboard clicks]
[Hegel] Listen, Kelly, I need
you to do me a huge favor.
There's a safety deposit box
at Trident Trust Bank
in the Caymans.
I'll e-mail you the details
in just a second.
I need you to have the contents
delivered to me here
by tomorrow morning.
[Kelly] Wow, I...
Charlie, with all due respect
with everything
that's going on,
I think we should just focus
on triage right now.
Triage? What the fuck?
[Hegel] No, this helps
with triage, okay?
I promise.
Just get the contents here
to the Lenox location
as soon as possible.
[Kelly] Trident Trust.
We have plenty
of friends there.
If I can get
working on this right now,
I mean, we'll have to fly
a fucking private jet
to get it to you, but...
We'll see if it can land
in that fucking blizzard.
As long as you send me
the contents
by tomorrow morning, seven a.m.,
everything will be fine.
[Hegel] As long as you send
the contents
by tomorrow morning, seven a.m.,
everything will be fine.
It's doable.
I mean,
they're probably expecting
closing business there anyway.
Tell her to do
whatever she needs to do
in order to get there
by seven a.m.
[Kelly] What was that?
[Dom] Dude, hit the mute button.
Sorry, connection's fucked.
-I'm getting some reverb.
-[Kelly] Okay.
Um... I'm counting on you
to make it happen
by tomorrow morning, seven a.m.
Wake up whoever you have to.
Spare no expense.
You can bill
the emergency account.
You know where it is. Use it.
Call Ajaq if you have to.
-[Billy] Uh...
-[keyboard clicks]
Say goodbye and send the e-mail.
I gotta jump.
Thanks, Kelly.
[Kelly] Okay, Charles. Uh.
Yeah, always,
uh, I'll get it done.
-[keyboard clicks]
-[computer chimes]
I just saved your ass.
You're welcome.
[dramatic music]
[Billy] Say your name, the date,
and all the fucking lies
you told.
Shouldn't he have a newspaper,
All the ISIS videos,
they have a newspaper
to prove
that it's like the right day.
-And that they're still alive.
He... he could just say
the date.
-Say the fucking date, go.
-[phone beeps]
You know
there's gonna be metadata
attached to that video, right?
-[whispers] What's metadata?
-[phone beeps]
[Hegel] It means
they'll know it was his phone.
They can track all that.
I don't give a fuck
about metadata, okay?
Say that you're fucking alive
or I swear to God
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
[Dom] No guns.
The fuck?
Fine then, use your body
as a weapon, huh?
You're always talking about
Peruvian neckties.
Go put him in a choke.
Then I'm gonna be on camera.
Well, then put him in an armbar.
I'm gonna do an arm thing.
-Okay, yes.
-But it's gonna be playful.
-[phone beeps]
Okay, okay, okay, okay!
[Hegel] Hello, Redditverse.
My name is Charles Hegel,
founder and CEO of TPX.
Despite what you may have heard,
I am not dead.
The rumors about
a death certificate are false.
That is what
they want you to believe
because they are afraid
of what we are working
to make you wh--
Oh, ah! Okay!
-[Dom] Say you're sorry.
-[Hegel] Ahh!
I did it, I did it!
-Good, we got it.
[ominous music]
[Billy] Easy, easy.
Seven a.m. tomorrow morning,
all we gotta do
is wait ten hours.
Fuck this guy.
He's just buying time.
We have what we need
and we should go.
[Billy] You said it yourself.
Everybody thinks
this dude is dead.
No one is coming for him
because no one is
coming for a fucking dead man.
We have
all the time in the world.
I have a very reliable option
to hack the wallets.
He was on the FBI's
most wanted list when he was 15.
Oh, no, no.
He's testified at Congress.
He can do this.
Sounds legit.
Dude, it's too much of a risk.
We don't know this guy.
How long is it gonna take him?
Can he actually get in?
It's not guaranteed.
We wait here ten hours,
it's fucking guaranteed.
Look, I think we need
to explore this option.
And I'm holding on
to the cold wallets.
I don't think so.
You're acting untethered.
No, I'm not.
Your judgment's
a little cloudy right now.
I'll hang on to the cold wallets
because I'm the only one that
can keep his cool right now.
All right?
[distant howling]
[howling continues]
[faint trickling]
Sounds like
you're done in there.
[toilet flushes]
There's piss everywhere.
[ominous music]
[Dana on voicemail]
Hey, Billy. It's Dana
at Layton Brothers Realtors
I really wish I had better news.
So sorry.
Unfortunately, your mortgage
application was rejected.
The lender was not able
to verify your name on the deed
at your other property.
It's probably just a mix-up.
Oh, look at this. Look at this.
[Dana] There are still
some other routes we can take.
I know how much
you guys want this.
Anyways, call me back.
[somber music]
Yeah, motherfucker.
[mutters] Damn it.
[softly] Piece of shit.
[ominous music]
[ominous music intensifies]
[Hegel] Look at you.
Make yourself at home.
Nice coat.
the house gets a little drafty.
I'd turn up the heat, but...
How's it feel to get ripped off?
Can you feel it
in the pit of your stomach?
I've been ripped off
by more people
than you can possibly imagine,
more times than you can
possibly imagine.
It's called business.
People in my world
feel the way you feel right now,
all day, every day.
It's why they're constantly
trying to devour
their competitors again
and again and again and again.
It's the game.
But this, this, uh, armed robber
with a vendetta charade...
I think
you're confusing yourself
with someone
who actually does this.
Look, there was nothing wrong
with your instincts.
Tulip was considered
bulletproof by everyone.
Don't let anyone
tell you otherwise.
Then how the fuck
did I go wrong?
[Hegel] You got the wrong
fucking friends, for starters.
The right friends
would have told you
when they were dumping.
And then you would have
been popping champagne
in your penthouse
apartment celebrating the W.
But hey, it's not over yet.
You just broke through
the wall today, my friend.
How so?
[Hegel] Look, you seem smart.
Not like your friends.
They don't have it.
But you just need
to take what you've learned,
and flip it on its head
a little bit.
Then you can
enter the big boys' club.
It's a club
you want to be in, right?
It's a club
we all want to be in.
Well, here's your invitation.
When that safety
deposit box arrives,
you need me to open it.
Voice authentication,
retina scan, the whole nine.
But what if I told you
I would only open it for you
if it was just you?
The last man standing
gets the prize.
Winner takes all.
That's how you become
a somebody.
[suspenseful music]
No calf went mega
by swimming with a pod.
You gotta eat it all.
[man on video chat] You know,
it's not an easy process.
This is not like what you see
in the movies where people
just kind of click stuff
and things happen.
Like how long?
You know, possibly
if I haven't seen
this wallet before,
maybe like a couple months
to figure it out.
Months? I don't have months.
We need them now.
[hacker] Yeah,
I mean, that's, you know,
that's just kind
of the reality of it.
I just want to, you know,
set expectations
before we, you know,
get into this.
Well, maybe you worked
on these wallets before.
-Dom, show him the wallets.
-Oh, yeah. Hold on a sec.
So I just got them securely
in my fanny pack. [laughs]
Can you see that?
Okay. Yeah, that looks familiar,
but I see some things on there
that I don't recognize.
Is that like some sort
of custom version or something?
-Definitely custom.
-Uh, yeah.
Do you know who made them?
Like, is there any
identifying markings
or anything like that?
Our company.
Okay, cool. So, um,
can I talk to the developers?
Like maybe they can give me
some info about it
before I, you know,
start hacking on it.
[Billy] We fired them.
Yeah, we had to let them go.
It was a bad...
It was a bad split.
[quietly] Shut the fuck up.
Okay. But you still
use their wallets?
-[Dom] Uh, yeah.
-[Billy] Yeah, uh-huh.
[Dom] When we got--
when we fired those guys,
uh, they... they took a bunch.
By the way,
how much do you charge
for something like this?
So I take 30 percent of the
value that's on the wallets.
Thirty percent?
Yeah. I mean, I get it,
you know, but that's...
that's just kind
of how things are.
You know, Eva
explained to me and I--
There's more to explain.
So why don't you come sit down
and explain to him
a little bit more
about the situation
that we're in?
-And then he can understand
kind of a little
what's going on.
Hey, hey, hey.
Eva, I... I feel like you need
to figure out a couple things
on your end first.
-[Dom] No, no, no.
-We have it figured out.
We do. We're just gonna...
we're gonna follow
your lead on this.
[hacker] Something just...
feels off about this.
I mean, you're... you're fine.
Do your thing.
This just isn't me. Okay?
If I were you, I wouldn't
even bother trying to hack
the hardware at all.
I would just try to find
the recovery seeds.
Because if you can get
the recovery seeds,
you know,
that maybe these guys saved
as they were setting up
the wallets,
you can, you know,
control the crypto
and transfer the funds
wherever you want.
[Billy] What'd he say?
-Did he say we don't...
-Hey, I appreciate you
-...need the cold wallets?
-...calling me.
- It was great to talk to you...
-What did he just say?
...but um, I gotta take my kid
to ballet.
-Eva, what the fuck?
-Can I call you later?
Bye, Eva.
I'm still gonna try.
-I'll try you in an hour.
-No, wait.
I'll try you in an hour, okay?
Fuck, Billy.
Did he just say someone else
could access the cold wallets?
What type of shit
are you trying to pull here?
I say we wait a few hours.
That's the better idea.
Unless you and this guy have
some other shit up your sleeve.
Okay, look, I can start working
on the airdrop,
but we can't transfer the funds
-until we have the passphrases.
I don't trust
this airdrop situation.
I don't want to send it
to a bunch
of Wall Street crypto whales.
Okay, yes. We have to make sure
that the money doesn't go back
to Hegel
and his millionaire friends,
but it's not impossible.
I mean,
the whole purpose of crypto
is that everything
is verifiable by everyone.
So I can look through
the ledger and find addresses
of people
who hold two ETH or less,
who also bought Tulip.
Give back
to the people that got robbed
just like us, Billy.
That's all we're trying to do.
[Dom] Can we focus on that?
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[Hegel] Hey!
[tense music]
[distant howling]
[wind whistling]
[wolves howling]
[Dom] I understand how people
could, you know,
lose all their hard-earned money
that they put into Tulip.
How do people owe more money
than what they put in?
You know you don't have to be
his circus bear.
You got it wrong.
Should I play prosecutor,
enumerate all the crimes?
Mm, yeah.
Go ahead, dead man.
Tell me.
Home invasion, robbery,
kidnapping, extortion, torture.
No doubt, some form
of racketeering
and the night is still young,
but I'm guessing
eventually murder, life, life,
tack on a few more
life sentences.
All because you agreed to dance
like a silly fucking bear.
[Dom breathes heavily]
I'm not a bear.
[Hegel] You are a bear.
But you should be the bear
that turns on his handler
because the handler
is leading you to slaughter
and you don't know
the strength of your claw.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah,
I think I know my strength.
I think I know it very well
and I have a very...
intimate relationship
with my strength,
live a sincere life.
and kindness.
All the qualities
that a fraud like you...
would die to have.
I think you're a little
in the dark
about who your friends are.
I offered him a deal.
He seemed pretty receptive.
I'd keep my eye on him
if I was you.
"Entrance of the Gladiators"]
[Hegel] Of course,
I offer you the same deal.
[Hegel] I'd take the deal.
Unless you think
you can trust your handler.
[Dom sniffles] Billy?
Billy, you in there?
[bangs door]
[Billy laughs]
[Dom] Where you been?
Just... wandering the palace.
Man, this place
is fucking huge, bro.
We need to talk.
[suspenseful music]
[phone buzzing]
[phone buzzing continues]
[Eva] You've got
about 100 missed calls
from this guy named Guy.
Who is this guy?
[Hegel] No idea.
Something's happening
that you're not
telling us about.
Let me guess.
You're the one who found me.
The only one with brains,
that's for sure.
Let me guess.
You stole the revolution
and you're mad
that we're stealing it back.
Oh, fuck that.
No pirate gets mad at the game.
See, that is the problem.
Too many of you all think
that this is a game
of toy soldiers.
Speaking of toys,
try to tell me you're not using
the "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots"
for your own goals.
Where'd you dig
those two up anyway?
They're like a walking,
talking highlight reel
from Cops , circa 1993.
They got energy.
Yeah, a burn it all
on meth energy.
You gotta know
those mouth-breathers
are gonna fuck this up for you
one way or another.
They got history.
Small one's got the big one
wrapped around
his little finger.
He says, "Put her to sleep."
Good night, ladies.
You think you're fucking safe?
I'm the only piece
on the board that matters.
Get me out of here.
Get us both out of here,
alive, away from them.
Make the smart play,
work with me.
Take the paycheck.
I think you
should make a deal with me.
Otherwise, it's a game
of last man standing
and, come on.
Be smart.
Make the right play.
Cotton candy?
[branch creaking]
[Dom] So, uh...
that guy make you an offer?
Because, uh...
-he made me one, and, uh...
you didn't... you didn't mention
anything about him
making you one.
Dude, don't listen
to Hegel's hostage bullshit.
We're here for the wallets,
all right?
How do we know
she's not gonna play us?
I... I'm not that--
How would she even do that?
Hackers? I don't know.
They do crafty shit like that
all the time.
Maybe you were right.
I shouldn't have been
so quick to trust her.
She's not you and she's not me,
so what the fuck, Dom?
I don't know, man.
[whispers] I just don't want
to give her any chances
to pull the money out
from under us.
If the airdrop works,
she's gonna get her money.
She'll get her piece.
We just eliminate
her crafty ass. You know?
It's not right.
I can't... I can't--
-[door opens]
-I think someone's here.
Come on.
[ominous music]
-There's someone here.
Wait, where are you going?
Where are you going?
I'm back here! Help! Help!
Shh! Shh!
Stop screaming, please.
I don't wanna have
to choke you out.
Jesus. Fucking animal.
[wind whistling]
Evening, Bruno... [mutters]
Mr. Morello?
[Eva] Where the fuck did he go?
[kettle whistling]
[Eva] What?
[kettle whistling continues]
[kettle whistling continues]
[groundskeeper] Fuck! Fuck!
-What was I supposed to do?
-You have a fucking gun!
-Fuckin' just stay patient.
All right?
Deep breaths. Can you breathe?
Think Billy.
Think fuckin' think, Billy.
-Um, we gotta get out of here.
-Give me time to think.
Put your hands up, Uber boy.
I have to go.
[Hegel panting]
[Dom] Billy. Billy.
[Billy breathes heavily]
[tense music]
[floor creaking]
[dramatic music]
[phone buzzes]
[phone buzzing continues]
Hi, baby. What are you doing up?
[Steph on phone]
Playing Fruit Ninja.
Don't worry, I won't tell Mommy.
Wait, is that the new house
behind you?
Uh... yeah. Yeah, yeah, it is.
[Steph] Show me the inside.
No baby, not right now,
it's... it's not ready.
[Steph] I don't care.
I... I want it to be perfect.
It's just better we wait,
you know?
Are you okay, Dad?
Yeah, I'm just upset, um...
Some of the work in the house
got messed up.
Just don't get too angry.
No, baby.
[Steph] Are you crying?
Yeah, I'm just so happy
to see your face, that's all.
[Steph] Daddy, can we play
Transformers at the new house?
Yeah, only if you
let me win though, okay?
Stephie, timer went off.
Oh no, Mom heard me.
It's getting late,
I have to go. Love you.
I love you,
Steph... Stephie...
please just don't forget,
Daddy loves you.
[Steph] I won't.
Good night, baby.
[Steph] Good night.
[tense music]
[snow crunching]
-[wolves howling]
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
You just shot and killed a man.
Now I've got the rope
around my neck...
but which one of us
is worse, huh?
[Billy] You're a menace.
And you're a child.
What'd you come here for?
You want an apology?
You're not fucking
getting it out of me.
But that's not why you're here.
You're here to man up
and take all that shit
for yourself.
That's what you want.
I fucking know
that's what you want.
You've taken one life.
What's two more?
Who the fuck do you think I am?
You're the guy
who walked through that door,
tied me down, and said,
"This is what I want."
You're that fucking guy.
[Eva] Hey.
Come here.
[Hegel] Me or him?
Oh, him.
Okay, I'll stay here.
Look, I set us up
with a multi-sender app
to simplify the airdrop.
This is the
username and password
so we can all access
the account.
Download the app,
sign in so you can access it.
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
I'm gonna need
your ETH addresses too.
Are you talking
about sending an airdrop?
[Hegel] You're fucking joking.
We're gonna turn back
the clock on your fake death.
You're giving it back.
Are you going along
with this shit?
Just text me your addresses.
Oh, this is horseshit.
This goes against
the very culture
you say you're about, man.
Crypto is capitalism.
It's peak fucking capitalism.
What is this?
Fucking socialist
woo-woo wah-wah,
everyone's equal bullshit?
You know what else is bullshit?
Multi-sender apps.
So is she.
We hire coders, okay?
Do you know what the fuck
she's talking about?
[Billy] She's on it.
[Hegel] Jesus, I'm like
a fucking camp counselor here.
Do you realize
she could just be making up
that super simple app?
Text me your ETH
addresses and then what?
Hm, she's gonna
miraculously send it to you
and everyone else?
I mean, I guess, maybe.
More likely, she's gonna send it
to one address, hers.
She can very easily
swipe it all,
leaving you with nothing.
Just in time.
You better get
your boy's head right.
He's talking about giving
all the coin to the girl
so she can walk away with it.
She's gonna scam you guys.
You know, kind of like margin
trading your homie's tokens
and not telling them
about it, right?
Margin trading.
Do you wanna Google it?
It's like the free Tulip
the TPX gave us
when we signed up.
[Hegel] Free Tulip?
Is that what you told him?
It's a loan.
He took a loan
from the app and it crashed.
Man, shut the fuck up.
Come on, let's go.
That's why you owe more
than you put in.
You borrowed
from the broker.
I bet he'll fuck you over again.
Just as soon
as those passphrases
come through the door.
D ude, he's full of shit, man.
He's lying, I Googled a ton
about trading on margin.
He doesn't know
what he's talking about.
[Dom] I built up my credit,
paying off my Jeep.
And you took it
and then you brought me here
and then you killed a man.
That was self-defense, dude.
The old man
was pointing a gun at me.
What was I supposed to do?
You kill someone
and it's not your fault.
It's always
someone else's fault.
Everything he says
feels like it's true,
but he's lying, man.
You don't actually
fucking believe him, do you?
Every thought,
every action, every word
leaves a karmic imprint
on you, Billy.
And this murder,
that's on me too, now.
I'm desperately
trying to plant seeds, Billy.
And you're planting poison.
So, um...
I'm out.
I suggest you do the same.
[soft whirring]
[suspenseful music]
[phone buzzing]
-[keyboard clicking]
-[computer beeps]
-[phone buzzing continues]
-[computer beeping]
[vape crackles]
[phone buzzing]
[man on phone]
Charlie, can you hear me?
Those fucking transfers
alerted the Feds.
You gotta get out of the house.
This is not a drill.
The Feds are coming.
You gotta get out of the house
right fucking now. Char--
I can't let you leave, man.
We've come too far, man.
What are you gonna do
to make me stay?
[Eva] Billy?
Billy? Dom?
[Eva shouting] Billy?
Dom, where the fuck are you?
[Eva gasps]
No, Dom. Stop it. Stop it!
Don't, don't, don't.
[Eva] Billy!
You're just like him.
[tense music]
-[arrow whizzes]
[tense music continues]
[heavy breathing]
[Hegel] I want to renegotiate.
Instead of giving everything
to the last man standing...
I'm going to be
the last man standing.
[ominous music]
[arrow snaps]
[Billy gasps]
[Hegel] Billy, Billy!
Come on, Billy goat!
You fucking animal.
No, no, please no. No, no.
The seed phrases
are in the whale.
They're in the house.
They're in the whale, please.
[Billy] Get up.
Come on, let's go, get up!
[Hegel groans, coughs]
[breathes heavily]
[breathes deeply]
[engine starting]
[suspenseful music]
Come on, let's go.
Get in there, man!
[Hegel] You fucking
broke my rib.
[Billy] Sit!
Don't move.
[tense music]
Looks like
you're the last one standing.
[case clanking]
There's supposed to be three.
You gonna airdrop it, Billy?
[notification beeps]
[breathes deeply]
[Billy] No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
There's nothing on these!
What the fuck is going on?
[Hegel] My partner must have
cleared those accounts.
[Billy shouts] Dude, do you have
a fucking death wish?
-Are you asking me to kill you?
-[Hegel] No, please.
-Because I will.
There's only two sets
of passphrases.
What's the third set?
I don't know, I thought there
were three. I swear I thought--
What is the third set
of passphrases?
Tell me you have it
fucking memorized!
Give me
the other recovery seeds!
I swear to God,
if you don't tell me,
I'm gonna fucking
blow your brains out right now.
Tell me the fucking passphrase,
Call me Ishmael!
Tell me the fucking passphrases,
I swear to God!
That's it, that's it.
That's fucking
"Call me Ishmael,"
that's it, I swear to God!
That's it,
that's the passphrase!
-It's the only one that matters.
-That's it?
It overrides everything.
You type that shit in.
Come on, let's go!
[Hegel grunting]
-[Billy] Type it in!
-[Hegel] Okay.
Come on!
[Billy] Transfer it
to this address.
[keyboard clicking]
[suspenseful music]
You better not be
fucking with me, man.
[notification beeps]
[Hegel] Uh...
Uh-huh, look at it.
[Hegel breathes deeply]
You don't have to airdrop it.
It's all yours.
They're gone now.
[Hegel sniffles, coughs]
You have what it takes.
Welcome to the rest
of your life, Billy.
You're one of us now.
[distant sirens wail]
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
[helicopter engine rumbles]
Fuck. Who the fuck is that?
Who did you call? Who is that?
I don't know, I swear.
I swear I don't know.
I swear to God,
I'm gonna fucking--
Please, please,
I did what you told me.
I sent the money,
come on, please, just...
[sirens blaring]
[tense music]
[Hegel] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[knocking on door]
Okay, okay. Okay, okay, okay.
He went out the back.
He's got a gun.
He went that way, I think.
[FBI agent] Charles Hegel?
We have a warrant
for your arrest.
[Hegel] What?
Multiple counts of fraud,
racketeering, tax evasion,
perjury, and obstruction.
Cuff him.
[Hegel] What are you
talking about? [groans]
I was robbed, okay?
They held me hostage
all night long.
-And now he's running out the--
-[FBI agent] Let's go.
[suspenseful music]
He's a guy with a gun.
He's running, he's running.
You don't care? You don't care
about the dead body inside?
There's a killer on the loose.
[breathes heavily]
[camera shutter clicking]
[Steph] Daddy!
[Steph giggling]
[Steph] Dad!
[Steph laughing]
I'm here.
[laughter continues]
-[laughter echoes]
[cell phone pings]
["Who's Gonna Take Me Home"
[radio newscaster] With much
of the country suffering
from an Arctic blast,
the crypto markets
appear to be coming
out of winter and heating up.
A huge amount of Ethereum
landed in thousands of accounts
last night
in what they're calling
a "crypto Christmas miracle."
[Eileen] Hello, Stephie.
No more screen time.
Give me the phone, please.
Hey, mom, what's ETH?
What is this?
I think Daddy sent it.
[radio newscaster] They're all
asking the same question.
Who is this Robin Hood?
["Who's Gonna Take Me Home"
[song fades]
["Christmas Roses" playing]
[song ends]