Coming Apart (1969) Movie Script
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Testing, one, two, three, four.
Testing, one, two, three, four.
Hello. Hello. Hello.
Testing. Testing.
I am frightened and wonder
to find myself here.
I am frightened...
I am frightened and wonder
to find myself here
rather than there,
for there is no reason
why I should be here
rather than there
now rather than then.
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Be more comfortable.
That better?
Tell me what you felt.
What was it like?
Like the burning
of the Hindenburg.
Be serious, Joe.
How was it?
When you do that to me...
Great, baby.
It's like a long trip
into oblivion.
That's the way it is
when you do it to me, Joe.
Next time, Joy.
Huh, babe?
Oh, I... I didn't mean...
They could support the kid.
What's the matter, Joe?
What... what are they?
I just told you.
Will you tell me again?
Cigarette burns...
Cigarette burns.
Is that really so strange?
Haven't you ever done that
to your girlfriend?
Have you ever seen it before?
I mean, with all the girls
you must meet.
Where'd you get them?
I mean, who... who did it?
A man I went with.
I stopped seeing him
a couple of months ago.
He's kind of famous.
If I mentioned his name,
I'm sure you'd recognize it.
Actually, you're...
You're very much like him,
that's probably why
I find you so attractive.
Why is this, uh,
the triangular pattern, huh?
Why didn't he burn
your breasts?
I didn't want him to.
I... I was afraid of cancer
or something.
I don't know.
No, thank you.
Would you like to do it?
Do you mean burn you?
Sure, why not?
What do you mean "sure"?
Well, I mean okay,
if you want me to, I will.
Well, do you want to?
Well, not especially.
I mean, if... if you want me to,
I will, I don't mind doing it.
Be very interested.
But do you really want to?
Well, I don't think it'd give me
any particular pleasure.
I mean, I don't care.
I mean, I will.
I, uh, I'm curious.
No, no, if you, uh,
don't really want to,
if it...
If it wouldn't give you
a great deal of pleasure,
it wouldn't be any good.
Oh, listen,
do anything you want to me.
Just do anything you want,
Well, like what?
Everything, baby,
just anything.
Anything you want.
Yeah, well, what?
Well, I mean, there's only three
or four things we can do, right?
Look, I... I... I could talk
to someone on the phone
while... while you were
doing it to me.
- About what?
- Oh, any... anything you want.
I could... I could tell her
how it is.
Is there anything else
we could do?
Anything, anything,
anything you can think of.
You know, I knew this girl
who told me
about there was a guy
that used to pay her to, uh,
well, he... he put a duck
in a top drawer of a dresser
and, uh,
with just the head out.
And then he put his, you know,
in the mouth of the duck.
And then the chick
closed the dresser and, uh,
the duck clucked with his beak
on the guy's, you know?
That's how he got his kicks.
Would you like to do that?
- Where would you get a duck?
- Oh, I don't know,
I'm sure we could
find one some place.
I don't even have a dresser.
Well, I... I have one,
we can go to my place.
Oh, not today, my daughter
will be home from school soon.
You got a daughter?
How old is she?
Listen, I have a friend,
she might have a dresser.
No, listen, forget that,
I was just kidding, okay?
Uh, how 'bout your boyfriend,
what does he like?
Oh, he liked me to wear
different things.
Like what?
Like, um,
bras and garter belts
and slips
and stiletto heels,
- you know, that kind of thing.
- Okay, this sounds interesting.
I guess we could do that,
couldn't we?
Yes, I can go to my apartment,
I can get anything you want.
Okay, I tell you,
you go get some of that stuff
and bring it up here
and I'll pick out what I like.
Like... like what?
What should I get? Hm?
Oh, you know.
- Boots?
- Mm, boots, boots.
- Okay, okay.
- And those, uh, stiletto things.
Okay, okay.
I'll be...
I'll... I'll be right back.
You like it?
That's nice.
What you got in your hand?
Oh, these shoes?
They're not, uh,
they're too high to walk on,
so, shall I put 'em on?
Yeah, put "em on.
You mean you can't walk
in those?
They're not for walking.
They're for, uh,
special occasions.
Hey, you... you read
the autobiography of Malcolm X?
Yeah, well,
there's a...
He talks about at dances
all the bad cats
would bring, uh,
their sneakers to the dance
in a paper bag.
And then around midnight
they'd go over to the dance
and get really heavy.
They'd take off the shoes
and put on the sneakers.
So, this is the, uh,
stiletto heel.
You like it?
Well, uh, are there
any longer than that?
How could they be longer?
I mean, I can't really see
much difference
between them
and the normal heel.
No, I mean, uh, I don't see
how they could arouse anyone.
Oh, but they do.
They aroused him.
Don't you like 'em?
Yeah, baby, I like 'em.
I mean, I like the other ones
too, I liked 'em just as well.
I mean, I like, uh...
I like to see you wobble
when you walk.
Listen, I'll...
I'll put on something else.
Just tell me.
I can tell you're disappointed,
aren't you?
I'm not disappointed.
Oh, now, baby.
Now. Just... just...
Oh, do it to me now.
Would you help me with this?
I, uh...
Can we get rid
of some of this stuff here.
Yeah, just tell me what. What?
Well, the stockings
and the, uh, garter.
Oh, sure, sure, darling.
Honey, don't put your shoe
on the sofa, please.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, darling, I... I...
Oh, you're raping me.
Oh, you're raping me.
You're raping me,
you're raping me.
Oh, hurt me, hurt me,
hurt me please.
Please hurt me.
- Oh, any way.
- Yeah, but how?
- Please, please!
- Dammit, I don't know
what the hell
I'm supposed to do!
What do you want me to do?
What do you want me to suck
your tits as hard as I...
What do you want me
to kill you?
Anything, anything,
anything you want, baby.
Tell me how, what.
Slap my face, go on,
slap me, slap me.
Slap me, slap me, slap me!
Oh, slap me! Slap me!
Slap me! Slap me! Slap me!
Burn me!
I've said it,
I've really said it.
I feel good, I feel great.
I know! Why won't
you stop saying that?
Hi, are you Mr. Glassman?
Oh, well,
my name is Anita Spitzer
and I live in the building now.
I'm a friend of Elaine's.
Well, she told me
you were a photographer.
- She did?
- Yeah.
That's right.
Well, if you have some time,
I'd like you to look
at my portfolio.
- Are you a model?
- Well, yes.
I mean, I haven't done
any photography for a while,
but I'm trying
to get back into it and...
But if I'm interrupting
No, come in.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hm.
Uh, shall I leave this here?
No, bring it.
Excuse me.
Gee, I hope
I'm not interrupting anything.
Um, I'm not sure
I can do anything for you,
but I'd certainly like
to see your portfolio.
- Come sit.
- Okay, sure.
Listen, would you like a drink?
No, no, thank you.
Well, I'm gonna
freshen mine up.
Would you want one?
Okay, what do you have?
Well, uh,
I got scotch and, uh...
What's that modeling
that you do?
Oh, I'm a... a color test model.
A what?
A color test model.
What's that?
Oh, well, on color television
the colors keep losing
their balance
and they have to be reset.
So, um, I have perfect skin.
I sit in for Walter Cronkite.
You have perfect skin
and you sit in
for Walter Cronkite?
Right, so they balance
the colors on me
and then Walter comes in.
How long you been doing that?
For ages it seems,
but I guess, oh, eight months.
But I don't like it.
That's why I want to get back
into photography.
Well, I'm not
that kind of photographer,
but I'd like to look
at these pictures.
Oh, what do you mean
"that kind of photographer"?
I mean, you haven't
even looked at them yet.
I, uh...
I don't take pictures of models
in set positions.
I, uh, like to photograph things
as they happen.
I'm interested in reality.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Oh, that's a little modeling
thing I did.
I don't like that,
I'm taking that out.
I like it.
I don't like it.
Well, why do you do this, uh,
why do you work?
I mean, who takes care
of your baby?
Oh, well, my husband,
he is in jail.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.
What's he in for?
I don't like to tell people.
What? It's nothing personal.
Doesn't make it
very easy for me.
I have to leave the baby
with my mother in Queens
or... or Elaine,
our neighbor,
a sitter,
or maybe even you some time.
No, no.
You know,
you have a nice place here.
You paint?
No, that's... a friend did that.
I hope he doesn't
want to be an artist.
- Oh, I'm terrible.
- Oh, you paint.
You got paint
all over these pictures.
- What is it?
- Oh, it's oil paints.
Actually, I'm pretty good.
I just did a really good one.
I don't like this either,
do you?
Oh, who's this?
That's an old pal.
- An old pal?
- Yeah, met him
in the flea market in Paris.
You like him?
Well, I don't think
he likes me.
A little uptight.
What's this?
A kinetic art object.
A what?
A modern sculptury.
You know, actually,
I'm looking for someone to...
To share an apartment with.
Um, well, I mean,
I can cook and, uh,
you know, clean up
and I'm a lot of fun to be with.
- Yeah?
- Mm.
I'm a little blind.
A little blind?
- Hey, uh...
- Yeah?
Could I ask you something?
Are these breasts
really you?
Are they real?
Well, come here.
Are these really your nipples?
Well, last time I looked.
I mean, the dark part of it
covers the whole front part
of your breasts.
They're a very nice composition.
- Yeah.
- I mean, good photographer.
Oh yeah, I can't remember
what his name is, but, uh,
- he was really good.
- Yeah, there's...
The way they got the guitar
and the ceramics
and the way...
The shape of your...
I never saw... it covers
the whole front part
of your breasts.
The whole...
It's real.
Well, would you like
to see them?
I mean, I mean,
it's okay because, like,
if you were taking pictures
of me you would see them,
wouldn't you?
Well, I, uh...
Maybe I better not.
I mean, uh...
You're very handsome.
Why did you say that?
Did you sleep with Elaine?
I'll bet.
All right, I'll show you
my bosom, uh,
but no kidding around, okay?
Cross your heart?
What do you think?
Are they, uh, made up?
- They are real.
- They are real, honey,
you know it.
All mine.
Hey, why don't you put on
some music?
Do you like to dance?
Ooh, boy.
Well, stop sharing.
Oh, that's good.
You know, I was actually
working for one those, um,
topless places, you know?
Why don't you
take off your skirt?
Oh no.
Okay, but only
if I can trust you.
I mean, really promise?
No, no.
Uh, what's this?
It's an automatic timer.
Oh, so you don't keep it in
too long?
Well, it automatically turns
appliances off and on.
Ooh, that sounds exciting.
Can I kiss you?
All right, but nothing more.
No! Nol.
Is it worth $50 to you?
What's the matter?
Don't you think I'm worth it?
I think you're worth $10,000.
Uh-uh, no, no.
No! Stop!
I never did anything like this
before in front of my baby.
How old is your baby?
Seven weeks.
Two months.
So young.
I mean, you must be mad
to do a thing like this.
I mean, you're supposed
to be a doctor.
What do you want me to do,
move out of here now?
God, how could I ever get
mixed up in a thing like you?
Who would think
of such a thing?
- You only you!
- Now, look here.
This apartment belongs
to a friend of mine.
I borrowed it from him
to work here.
I do not live here.
I live with my wife at home.
How can somebody let you
move into an apartment
- that he's never even been in?
- I found this place for him.
Oh, yes, of course,
and he has exactly your taste.
You haven't seen me
for over a year,
that's all you have to say.
You don't know about...
About what?
You don't know, you don't even
care how well I've been doing.
How would I know? Hm?
I mean, how would I know?
Everyone else knows it
but you.
What is they know? Tell me.
That you're brilliant?
I mean, everybody knows
that you're brilliant.
If you would ever
straighten yourself out.
July's been terrible
without you.
I love you.
I can't believe it,
I just can't believe it.
I don't tremble anymore
when you're close to me.
I love you.
It's too late...
It's too late.
Why did you come
to this place?
Why did you have to come here,
here to this building?
I don't know.
I feel less lonely here.
I mean, it's just an incident
that I happen to live here.
Can't you accept that...
That the relationship is over?
Is it? Is it really?
Yes, yes, it's over,
you see, it's over.
Would you like to try, um,
to kiss me again?
Come, kiss me again.
- You love him?
- Yes.
Are you gonna marry him?
Yes, I'm gonna marry him.
Ah, shit.
Ah, he's so fucking old.
Don't talk about him like that!
Don't you dare!
I am so tired of your games.
I want to be happy.
I'm getting old.
And I want to have children.
I'll give you children.
Well, really, Joe.
Listen, why don't you believe it
when I tell it to you?
It's finished, it's over.
Please, it's over.
It's not the same anymore, see?
Thank God
it's not the same anymore.
It's too late.
It's just too...
When do you get
to decide on this?
I love you.
No, I said no, no!
God, how could I ever have
loved a man like you?
Sorry, I don't get back at you.
Find somebody else, hm?
Your wife,
she's a very nice girl...
Oh, you,
don't you say that to me.
I'll ride
on the elevator with...
No, I don't need you.
Thank you.
Why don't you take off
your coat?
All right.
Very happy to run into you.
I'd forgotten,
do you... you live around here?
I was just running around
taking pictures.
You still have
the same job.
But I'm still a designer.
You work for another architect?
That sounds like an improvement.
It is.
Is today your day off?
Okay, no more questions.
- None of my business.
- It's not fair.
You can ask me about my life,
I can't ask you about yours.
Oh, that's
an interesting problem,
- isn't it, huh?
- Mm.
I was very sorry
to see you leave.
Why didn't you come back?
Shouldn't tell you this,
you'll be angry.
Saw someone else
for a while.
Oh, angry?
How'd it work out?
I didn't like him.
He's too square.
Wasn't as hip as you.
Can I come back now?
I wish you could, uh...
Actually, I'm... I'm cutting down
on my practice.
No, I wish you could.
I wanna do some writing.
I've been given a grant
for a paper I did.
Really? Can I read it?
Mm, you don't read that stuff.
Anyway, if I, uh,
took you back as a patient
I'd have to tell you
to leave now.
I don't wanna do that.
Why not?
I feel like having company
right now.
What's happening with you?
I mean, why aren't you
working today?
At this time of day.
No, it's last night.
Actually, when
I woke up this morning,
there was this guy.
Well, I've never
been to one before.
Maybe I should.
What's it like?
You know...
In the whole group.
I mean, do you have the, uh,
same partner all night?
I mean, what do you do,
you just screw?
It's wild.
It's wilder
than you can imagine.
Well, what did you do
last night?
I got so drunk
I don't even know.
I had, uh, seven, six.
Some fat television producer
was trying to, uh...
You know, go down on me...
...all night.
I wasn't interested in him.
Why am I telling you
all this for?
You're not my doctor.
I guess I trust you.
If I don't trust you,
who can I trust?
I guess I'm just a whore
at heart.
I love to be called a whore.
That's what Earl calls me.
You still see him?
I still live with him.
We like... we just, you know... sleeping together.
I'm lonely too.
You're the only one.
You're the only one
that was ever nice to me.
I'd like to give you something.
You're the only one.
Only one that was...
That was ever good to me.
I wanna give you something.
What's wrong with me?
You're not supposed
to do that to an analyst.
I mean,
you're not supposed to...
Well, I hope somebody does.
Yeah, I'm very tempted.
Having an affair with you
would be fantastic.
You've got to go
back to work
and I have to go home
to my wife.
You're married?
I'm glad you're married.
I thought...
I thought that you were a fag.
Did you really?
One thing though...
I know I'm right about.
What's that?
You're a softie.
- Oh yeah?
- Uh-huh.
- All right.
- Bye.
- Dr. Mindich called.
- Uh-huh.
- Mr. Pell called.
- Uh-huh.
Ken Menenowitz.
Please call back.
Mrs. Tenenbaum called.
Dr. Horowitz:
We'll be in this evening.
And your wife called twice.
She said that
it was nothing important.
Oh, look, you better hold
all those messages, okay?
All right, Dr. Glazer.
Is that why
you're not working today?
Yes, I'm really frightened,
Dr. Glazer.
What happened with Dr. Cohn?
He said he didn't think
he could help me.
Look, Mrs. Minkowski,
call me in a few days.
Uh, call me Tuesday morning,
I'll have someone for you.
Why can't I see you,
Dr. Glazer?
You really helped me.
You really did.
I was getting better.
I can't see you,
Mrs. Minkowski,
I really can't.
I've stopped seeing
all of my afternoon patients
and all my Monday patients.
I don't believe you.
You were my friend.
Why don't you want
to help me?
If you think
I would lie to you,
Like this?
No, it's not the same sound.
I shouldn't tell you this,
but Ted complains
that I make too much noise
when we make love.
He says that
I scream too loud
and that
the neighbors complain.
You mind that?
No, I don't mind.
I mean, he's not very inspired.
Sometimes I think he has
homosexual tendencies.
All right, all right,
all right.
I don't think anybody
could be married to you
and have... have
homosexual tendencies.
Well, what do you mean by that?
You're really in torment, Joe.
I'm... I'm really sorry
for doing this to you.
I really am.
I wish I could do something
to help you,
but you are so hostile.
You are.
The minute someone reaches out
to you to touch you,
anything to show you love,
you pull away.
You get scared
and you pull away
and you get hostile, Joe.
I mean, you must have
had some mother, baby.
You keep searching
for your mother.
You... you really
need somebody, Joe.
How do you know my own wife
isn't the one?
- Your wife?
- Yeah.
Well, I think that's obvious,
and not just to me.
But to everyone.
It is?
Would you like to support
Senator McCarthy
in his bid
for the democratic nomination?
Well, would you care to write
to one
of the convention delegates
asking him
to support McCarthy?
- Like that?
- We are just, um,
wipe here in...
What is so funny?
Hey, listen,
are you really Glassman?
Yes, but, uh, disguised
as a mild-mannered reporter.
Don't worry, Glassman,
we won't tell.
You can trust us.
You want me to pick out
any name here
and write a letter.
I think I'll write
Theodore Sorensen.
Dear Ted...
Do you know him?
But I think if we get his vote
we'll get a few others.
What's that?
What's that?
Now can I tell him
how much I hated his book?
What book?
Did you read Kelvman's book?
Well, did you like it?
It's a little better. Not much.
Lady, what's funny?
Well, he's my father.
I like the cover.
I liked his other book.
I like his column.
Thank you.
Will you let this down please?
Thank you.
Look what he wrote.
I summon you to your
moral responsibility
to these members
of the new left.
Hey, he's not Glassman,
look at the signature.
What, you don't expect me
to reveal my identity
to everybody, do you?
I mean, how can I fight crime?
Besides, as Glassman
I'm expected to rise above
political consideration.
That's true.
I'm sorry, Glassman.
It's okay.
Um, are you
a professional writer?
Maybe I should have been,
but, no, I'm not.
Dear Miss Lonely Hearts,
I am 16 years old now
and I don't know what to do
and would appreciate it
if you could tell me what to do.
You like Nathanael West?
Yeah, well, I noticed
that you had it over there.
That's why I thought
you were a writer.
I'm a psychiatrist.
Say, maybe...
Maybe you can help me.
Uh, I think we better go now.
I would invite you
to stay for cookies and milk,
but if the senator
walks by when.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hope you win.
Take off your coat.
Want something to drink?
Do you drink?
So I guess you got caught
in the big downpour?
Wandering about all night,
all day..
I guess you're gonna have
to take off those things too.
I've got a bathrobe.
It's all right.
I'll be fine.
I guess you don't have
much choice.
You'll get a bathrobe
and you can put it on
in the bathroom.
How you gonna behave yourself?
Persevere in the presents.
How old is Mary?
She was married
when she was young.
Well, who picks up her bill?
Her union's medical plan.
What does she do?
She's a feather-paster.
A feather-paster.
She works for a milliner.
She makes ladies' hats.
Nah, John, I don't
think that's for me.
Why not? You have the time.
I know, but
your patients.
You're kidding.
What do you want,
a young blonde?
- Yeah.
- So there.
All right.
I have a young girl,
a high school teacher
in her late 20s.
- Would you be interested?
- Yes.
stand beneath their lies.
I'd be happy
to have a young girl.
I'll send you the young girl
if you agree
to see the old woman.
What kind of deal
you making with me?
Are you interested or not?
I don't know.
Why don't you send
the old woman?
'Cause she's a patient of mine.
I don't know, Jim.
All right, think about it,
will ya?
Well, it's about time
you pay some attention to me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm glad you are here.
Who was that lady?
Who was that
in the elevator?
Woman I know.
Is that the woman
you told me about?
Yeah. How'd you know?
How'd I know? My god,
the two of you looked
like you were gonna faint.
Anyway, she had an accent.
What'd you think of her?
She's very hard looking.
She's not nearly as attractive
as you told me she was.
- She's beautiful.
- Wow.
You're still in love.
What'd you think of the guy
she was with?
You're with me now,
That's all right.
I'm in love too.
I miss Earl.
You miss him?
Where is he?
He's in Brazil,
you wanna go over his place?
What for?
I was just checking.
She certainly isn't
as beautiful as you.
Yeah, well, I wish
I could say the same thing.
How are things
in the bedroom?
He is...
his body is so much smoother,
your skin is too tough.
It is?
He enjoys it more.
You're both typical.
Let's make the best
of a bad day, shall we?
I like technicians sometimes.
Come here.
Let me finish my drink first.
Oh. Where did you get
the lovely tan?
In St. Thomas?
My boyfriend.
He wants to go with me.
I told you.
He wasn't my boyfriend anyway.
You are my boyfriend.
Do it to me.
Okay, now.
You just stand there
and face the mirror.
Like this.
Oh wow.
It's like an orgy.
It looks like
someone else,
you're seeing yourself!
Hey. Can we do it
in front of the mirror?
- You better believe it.
- Shit, man.
Hey, don't do that.
Hey, put that down!
Put it down!
Don't get excited.
Afraid I'm gonna
blackmail you?
Put that thing away.
You... all right.
Put it down!
Dammit, put it down!
I'm not taking any pictures,
I'm looking at the camera.
You're different
than I thought.
How's that?
You really want me to tell you?
You're not as strong
as I thought.
What do you mean?
You're weak-willed.
There's no mystery about you.
You're just gonna sit there?
Ow! Fuck you!
Don't do that to me!
Get down on your hands
and knees.
Hello, how are you?
For the past week,
somehow, I just...
I just expected you would call,
even though you said
you wouldn't, I...
I guess I would like
to see you again.
I can't talk now.
There are some people here.
Who's there?
Joe, can I call you back?
Well, I was just
leaving for the weekend.
If I don't see you soon, Joe,
I think...
I really think
I'm gonna go out of my mind.
I really don't know
what to say.
I can't talk now,
you understand?
I wish I could.
I... I understand.
I'm sorry for calling you.
I'll talk to you soon, okay?
All right.
Dippy Doodle!
Dippy Doodle!
Hi, Dippy Doodle.
Hi, Dippy Doodle.
What are you,
Springfield Sid?
Hm, mushroom.
No, I'm Mr. Blunder.
I'm Mr. Blunder, dopey.
You're a psychiatrist
and you didn't even know that?
That makes me sad!
They feel sad.
Sarabell, be kind.
I wanna be Mr. Blunder.
You wanna be Mr. Blunder.
You want to be Mr. Blunder.
Wait a minute.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm Mr. Blunder.
You're Springfield Sid.
You're Dippy Doodle,
you're Mr. Hello,
you're Princess Earth, Air,
Fire, and Sodie Water.
Hi, Springfield Sid?
Princess Earth, Air, Fire,
Water! Whoa.
Ah, Springfield Sid.
Mr. Blunder.
Oh, hey, hey, oh yeah.
I don't think so, Sarabell.
He likes you, Howdy.
Oh, don't act like that.
I think Sarabell loves you.
Sarabell, yes, I think...
I think if you looked
a little closer,
you could really love
Out of sight.
- Hello.
- Hello. You're beautiful.
I gotta get me some air.
Don't disturb the Princess
of Earth, Air, Fire,
Sodie Water.
- Wait, wait.
- He's got fifties!
Let him rap.
Wait a second,
Springfield Sid.
Springfield Sid.
Wow, Joe.
- Your party...
- I mean, I don't need this!
You're Black.
But we're the shadows,
so you don't want
to play with us, right?
That's the way it goes.
I'm sorry. Your time is up.
Come back with somebody.
It just so happens,
and it's very unfortunate,
but she thinks
just the opposite.
Yeah, well,
you have your theories, Ted,
I have mine.
That's what makes medicine.
Obviously, I have more
training than you have.
Oh, come on, that was just...
No, wait a second,
wait a second,
wait a second!
This is free...
This is free.
Why don't you be the first
to take off your clothes?
I mean, if you were really
healthy, you would.
We're all waiting for
somebody to be the first.
Put on some music.
- Springfield Sid?
- Fuck you.
Come on, put on some music.
She wants to be first.
What you want, baby?
- Aretha?
- Yeah.
Something like that would
just be really nice.
Oh here, let me help you.
Good, baby.
I have something...
Better sit down, sit down.
Sarabell's gonna be the first.
And wait until
you see what I have.
Oh, really?
What is that thing,
what is that thing?
Oh my God.
What is that?
What is that? Wow.
Oh, yeah, beautiful!
Yeah! Oh.
Oh yes.
Come on,
let's do a number.
Oh yeah, all right!
Aww, Joe.
Oh, it's cool.
Don't blow it.
We need dope.
Where are you going?
Talk to me.
I'm looking for the man.
Oh! Go, Joe, go.
Joe, go.
I'm looking for the man
on the moon.
I'm looking for the sea
of tranquility.
Tranquility I lost.
In the craters of the moon.
We're looking
for the sea of tranquility.
Of tranquility we lost.
In the craters of the moon.
Fucking incredible sometimes.
Fucking incredible
They really teach you that
in that, uh,
fashionable finishing school?
What are you,
a longshoreman?
One of those cops
beat you around the head,
you smut-mouth.
And I went out to the Cape?
Yeah, I know, you told me,
five trips.
But why don't you wanna
make love to me?
you're all tripped-out,
queen of speed freaks.
You're screwy, baby.
You ever see the inside
of a 24-hour cold capsule?
That's what your chromosomes
probably look like.
If I knock you up,
we'd probably have a giraffe.
Do you really think that?
You scared?
Come on, baby.
Look, Joe.
Suppose my parents find out.
Will you adopt me?
Are you finished?
Aren't you gonna
fuck me anymore?
- That's what I came here for.
- Hey.
I thought I could count on you
at least for that.
You know,
you didn't satisfy me.
Hey, hold it down.
You're just gonna
leave me like this?
Please! I can't
stand it anymore.
What am I supposed to do?
Shh! Goddammit.
I can't masturbate anymore,
it doesn't do any good.
I'm leaving, Joann.
Well, what do you want
me to do?
What do I want you to do?
What do you think
I want you to do?
You can go.
I'm not leaving,
you're not kicking me
out of here.
I'm staying here.
You don't know what
you're talking about, Joann.
I want you get dressed
and I want you
to just get outta here.
I'm not leaving, baby.
You got some place to go,
you can just go.
You're not kicking me
out of here,
not after what you did to me.
What I did...
What did I do to you?
What did you do to me?
You ruined me.
I lost my job
because of you.
You'd keep me up all night
making me
screw your friends.
Earl kicked me out
because of you.
What do you mean,
he kicked you out?
He kicked me out,
I got no place to live.
No place to live.
I don't even know
where my clothes are, baby.
And you did that, you just
take care of me, you fag.
You think I'd come to you?
You can't even fuck me
if I could get anybody else.
You are the bottom
of the barrel,
you're the last one.
They all kicked me out, baby.
I hate men, you understand?
I hate men!
They degrade you
wanting to be female,
just being female.
You can't stay here.
Why not, if you're
not gonna be here?
You're not gonna be here?
You're not gonna be here...
I got no place to go!
You used me!
You used me.
You betrayed my trust.
You exploited me,
you wrote that...
You wrote that about me.
You better let me stay.
You're not... no,
I'm gonna report you.
I'm calling your wife,
you're not...
No, you see,
you ruined me.
You better take care of me now.
I don't give a damn
what you do,
I just want you to get dressed
and I want you
to get outta here.
You don't even know
what you're talkin' about.
Please let me stay.
Let me stay,
I got no place to go.
I don't want you here, Joann.
I want you out of here.
I do not want you here!
All right, I'm gonna ask you
one more time.
I'm gonna ask you, please,
you're gonna get out of here
before I kick you out of here.
No, I hate you, I hate you.
- I don't want you here.
- I don't wanna be here!
Don't you...
Don't you understand?
I've got no place to go.
Let me stay here one night.
Oh, you'll find
some place to go,
don't worry about that.
I don't want you here, Joann.
- Why?
- Because you stink!
You know? You smell,
you know that?
You screw everybody,
you fuck everybody!
Don't you ever bathe?
Why don't you
change your clothes?
It's your fault
that I stink!
I've got no place to bathe,
I don't even know
where my clothes are, baby.
All right, here they are.
You just get yourself together
and you get outta here.
No, it's killing me! Don't!
It's killing me!
If I get pissed,
you can be sure I'm leaving.
I'm not coming back.
You can beg me...
you can beg me,
you ain't getting it.
You do to women
what castrated women
do to men.
You don't castrate women,
do you?
You just give them
You just give me
a hysterectomy.
I'm leaving!
Get out.
Oh, I wouldn't wanna
forget this.
Oh, wow.
Well, the odd thing is
is that, uh...
I can pretend
that I'm there now,
watching this, watching...
all of the film so far
so that I'm...
look a certain way,
move a certain way,
and talk a certain way,
and I...
I'll never change.
Don't you feel
like we've done this
a long time ago?
If we did,
it's something
I would have remembered.
But I do feel
very comfortable with you.
I don't mean that in any, uh...
I know what you mean.
Me too.
What's the matter, Joe?
Marilyn, uh,
I have to tell you something.
- What is it?
- I lied to you.
Uh, I thought
you wouldn't like me
if you knew the truth.
Marilyn, I-I-I,
I see what's happening
between us now
and I want you to...
I wanna tell you.
Sure, Joe.
- Tell me all about it.
- Sit, sit.
Well, I...
What did I...
What did I have this...
this machinery on for?
Don't run away from anything
that isn't real.
Make me stop.
Aw, shit.
Does anybody know
that you're here?
Anybody at all?
So what are you gonna do?
I mean, what are
you immediate plans,
as we say?
Hey, Joe.
You listening to me?
This is Monica speaking.
I came here to see you.
I am Monica,
do you know who I am?
I'm going to leave
very soon, Joe.
However, I don't like
to leave you like this.
So if you don't want to tell me
what you want me to do,
then I'm gonna have
to think of something myself.
Did I do this to you, Joe?
I mean, is that perhaps
what you're trying to tell me?
That I did this to you?
I mean, are you doing
all this to yourself
only in order
to get back at me?
I mean, only to show me
that this is what I did to you?
That's pretty dumb, isn't it,
for someone as brilliant as you.
I know that
you're listening,
and I know that
you're playing a game.
So I'm going to talk, okay?
I don't...
see, I don't want you
to haunt me
for the rest of my life.
'Cause I haven't done
anything to you.
So I don't want that,
you understand?
I don't love you anymore.
I, uh...
I can't help that, can I?
I mean, that's not really
my fault.
So... so why are you
doing this to me?
And I don't want you
following me around
for the rest of my life.
It's as simple as that.
So I want you
to get out of this building.
And I'm gonna see to it
that you get out.
And you're very sick, but...
I'm sorry about that.
But you see,
I do have the right
to live my life in peace, too.
But you need help.
Even if this is
some sort of joke,
I think you need help.
You ought to be
in a hospital, right?
You should have somebody
taking care of you.
I'm going to call Noelle.
what did you want?
You must want something.
I mean, you're not just
throwing away your life
for a whim.
Please, Joe, tell me.
I'm here speaking to you.
I know that you're sick.
Do you understand me?
Joe, please answer me!
I mean, give me a sign!
Nod, yes, something!
Oh, Joe, come on.
I'm your friend.
an address.
Was there anything else on it?
I knew what it was about
the moment I saw it, Joe.
I'm no fool, really.
I knew what it was about
the moment I got it.
Who is Joe Glassman?
Have you had...
many women up here, Joe?
Answer me,
I know the answer,
I just wanna hear it from you.
Yes. Many.
I want a divorce, Joe.
Didn't you?
Asked for one
a long time ago.
Not leaving me
in the best of circumstances,
you know.
What would you do
if I were poor, Joe?
If I didn't ha...
I'm sorry.
I don't want anything from you.
I know you've been sick.
I know you don't have anything,
not even a job.
New York?
Far away.
I may.
You will.
You're so conceited!
I bet you think
I could never forget you!
Why do you have
such contempt for everybody?
Spoken already to a lawyer.
I hope things work out for you.
- Is it on?
- Mm-hm.
- I don't believe you.
- It's on.
This is it here?
Can you hear it now?
Can I see it sometime?
- What?
- The film.
You mean I can never see it?
Why do you want to see it?
Because it's important.
It was important;
It's not important now.
Are you sure it's on?
I said it was.
Can we leave it on?
Yeah, we can leave it on,
if you'd like.
What shall we do?
I feel strange, Joe.
What do you feel?
I don't know.
Let's make a movie, okay?
- About what?
- About us.
I already did, didn't I?
No, about us now.
I really feel
very, very strange.
- Yeah?
- Really.
Will you turn it off
so we can start again?
No. Just leave it on.
Oh no, turn it off.
Let it run.
- Why?
- Why not?
Well, this is our movie.
Our movie within the movie.
- Please turn it off so...
- Let it run.
- Okay?
- Okay.
The electrical dust
is starting to rust
her trapezoid thermometer taste.
Find somebody to love.
Data control and IBM,
science is mankind's brother.
But all I see is draining me
on my plastic fantastic.
Plastic fantastic, yeah.
Plastic fantastic.
Her neon mouth
with a blinking talk smile
is nothing but electric sign.
You could say she has
an individual style.
She's part of a colorful time,
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Testing, one, two, three, four.
Testing, one, two, three, four.
Hello. Hello. Hello.
Testing. Testing.
I am frightened and wonder
to find myself here.
I am frightened...
I am frightened and wonder
to find myself here
rather than there,
for there is no reason
why I should be here
rather than there
now rather than then.
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Be more comfortable.
That better?
Tell me what you felt.
What was it like?
Like the burning
of the Hindenburg.
Be serious, Joe.
How was it?
When you do that to me...
Great, baby.
It's like a long trip
into oblivion.
That's the way it is
when you do it to me, Joe.
Next time, Joy.
Huh, babe?
Oh, I... I didn't mean...
They could support the kid.
What's the matter, Joe?
What... what are they?
I just told you.
Will you tell me again?
Cigarette burns...
Cigarette burns.
Is that really so strange?
Haven't you ever done that
to your girlfriend?
Have you ever seen it before?
I mean, with all the girls
you must meet.
Where'd you get them?
I mean, who... who did it?
A man I went with.
I stopped seeing him
a couple of months ago.
He's kind of famous.
If I mentioned his name,
I'm sure you'd recognize it.
Actually, you're...
You're very much like him,
that's probably why
I find you so attractive.
Why is this, uh,
the triangular pattern, huh?
Why didn't he burn
your breasts?
I didn't want him to.
I... I was afraid of cancer
or something.
I don't know.
No, thank you.
Would you like to do it?
Do you mean burn you?
Sure, why not?
What do you mean "sure"?
Well, I mean okay,
if you want me to, I will.
Well, do you want to?
Well, not especially.
I mean, if... if you want me to,
I will, I don't mind doing it.
Be very interested.
But do you really want to?
Well, I don't think it'd give me
any particular pleasure.
I mean, I don't care.
I mean, I will.
I, uh, I'm curious.
No, no, if you, uh,
don't really want to,
if it...
If it wouldn't give you
a great deal of pleasure,
it wouldn't be any good.
Oh, listen,
do anything you want to me.
Just do anything you want,
Well, like what?
Everything, baby,
just anything.
Anything you want.
Yeah, well, what?
Well, I mean, there's only three
or four things we can do, right?
Look, I... I... I could talk
to someone on the phone
while... while you were
doing it to me.
- About what?
- Oh, any... anything you want.
I could... I could tell her
how it is.
Is there anything else
we could do?
Anything, anything,
anything you can think of.
You know, I knew this girl
who told me
about there was a guy
that used to pay her to, uh,
well, he... he put a duck
in a top drawer of a dresser
and, uh,
with just the head out.
And then he put his, you know,
in the mouth of the duck.
And then the chick
closed the dresser and, uh,
the duck clucked with his beak
on the guy's, you know?
That's how he got his kicks.
Would you like to do that?
- Where would you get a duck?
- Oh, I don't know,
I'm sure we could
find one some place.
I don't even have a dresser.
Well, I... I have one,
we can go to my place.
Oh, not today, my daughter
will be home from school soon.
You got a daughter?
How old is she?
Listen, I have a friend,
she might have a dresser.
No, listen, forget that,
I was just kidding, okay?
Uh, how 'bout your boyfriend,
what does he like?
Oh, he liked me to wear
different things.
Like what?
Like, um,
bras and garter belts
and slips
and stiletto heels,
- you know, that kind of thing.
- Okay, this sounds interesting.
I guess we could do that,
couldn't we?
Yes, I can go to my apartment,
I can get anything you want.
Okay, I tell you,
you go get some of that stuff
and bring it up here
and I'll pick out what I like.
Like... like what?
What should I get? Hm?
Oh, you know.
- Boots?
- Mm, boots, boots.
- Okay, okay.
- And those, uh, stiletto things.
Okay, okay.
I'll be...
I'll... I'll be right back.
You like it?
That's nice.
What you got in your hand?
Oh, these shoes?
They're not, uh,
they're too high to walk on,
so, shall I put 'em on?
Yeah, put "em on.
You mean you can't walk
in those?
They're not for walking.
They're for, uh,
special occasions.
Hey, you... you read
the autobiography of Malcolm X?
Yeah, well,
there's a...
He talks about at dances
all the bad cats
would bring, uh,
their sneakers to the dance
in a paper bag.
And then around midnight
they'd go over to the dance
and get really heavy.
They'd take off the shoes
and put on the sneakers.
So, this is the, uh,
stiletto heel.
You like it?
Well, uh, are there
any longer than that?
How could they be longer?
I mean, I can't really see
much difference
between them
and the normal heel.
No, I mean, uh, I don't see
how they could arouse anyone.
Oh, but they do.
They aroused him.
Don't you like 'em?
Yeah, baby, I like 'em.
I mean, I like the other ones
too, I liked 'em just as well.
I mean, I like, uh...
I like to see you wobble
when you walk.
Listen, I'll...
I'll put on something else.
Just tell me.
I can tell you're disappointed,
aren't you?
I'm not disappointed.
Oh, now, baby.
Now. Just... just...
Oh, do it to me now.
Would you help me with this?
I, uh...
Can we get rid
of some of this stuff here.
Yeah, just tell me what. What?
Well, the stockings
and the, uh, garter.
Oh, sure, sure, darling.
Honey, don't put your shoe
on the sofa, please.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, darling, I... I...
Oh, you're raping me.
Oh, you're raping me.
You're raping me,
you're raping me.
Oh, hurt me, hurt me,
hurt me please.
Please hurt me.
- Oh, any way.
- Yeah, but how?
- Please, please!
- Dammit, I don't know
what the hell
I'm supposed to do!
What do you want me to do?
What do you want me to suck
your tits as hard as I...
What do you want me
to kill you?
Anything, anything,
anything you want, baby.
Tell me how, what.
Slap my face, go on,
slap me, slap me.
Slap me, slap me, slap me!
Oh, slap me! Slap me!
Slap me! Slap me! Slap me!
Burn me!
I've said it,
I've really said it.
I feel good, I feel great.
I know! Why won't
you stop saying that?
Hi, are you Mr. Glassman?
Oh, well,
my name is Anita Spitzer
and I live in the building now.
I'm a friend of Elaine's.
Well, she told me
you were a photographer.
- She did?
- Yeah.
That's right.
Well, if you have some time,
I'd like you to look
at my portfolio.
- Are you a model?
- Well, yes.
I mean, I haven't done
any photography for a while,
but I'm trying
to get back into it and...
But if I'm interrupting
No, come in.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hm.
Uh, shall I leave this here?
No, bring it.
Excuse me.
Gee, I hope
I'm not interrupting anything.
Um, I'm not sure
I can do anything for you,
but I'd certainly like
to see your portfolio.
- Come sit.
- Okay, sure.
Listen, would you like a drink?
No, no, thank you.
Well, I'm gonna
freshen mine up.
Would you want one?
Okay, what do you have?
Well, uh,
I got scotch and, uh...
What's that modeling
that you do?
Oh, I'm a... a color test model.
A what?
A color test model.
What's that?
Oh, well, on color television
the colors keep losing
their balance
and they have to be reset.
So, um, I have perfect skin.
I sit in for Walter Cronkite.
You have perfect skin
and you sit in
for Walter Cronkite?
Right, so they balance
the colors on me
and then Walter comes in.
How long you been doing that?
For ages it seems,
but I guess, oh, eight months.
But I don't like it.
That's why I want to get back
into photography.
Well, I'm not
that kind of photographer,
but I'd like to look
at these pictures.
Oh, what do you mean
"that kind of photographer"?
I mean, you haven't
even looked at them yet.
I, uh...
I don't take pictures of models
in set positions.
I, uh, like to photograph things
as they happen.
I'm interested in reality.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Oh, that's a little modeling
thing I did.
I don't like that,
I'm taking that out.
I like it.
I don't like it.
Well, why do you do this, uh,
why do you work?
I mean, who takes care
of your baby?
Oh, well, my husband,
he is in jail.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.
What's he in for?
I don't like to tell people.
What? It's nothing personal.
Doesn't make it
very easy for me.
I have to leave the baby
with my mother in Queens
or... or Elaine,
our neighbor,
a sitter,
or maybe even you some time.
No, no.
You know,
you have a nice place here.
You paint?
No, that's... a friend did that.
I hope he doesn't
want to be an artist.
- Oh, I'm terrible.
- Oh, you paint.
You got paint
all over these pictures.
- What is it?
- Oh, it's oil paints.
Actually, I'm pretty good.
I just did a really good one.
I don't like this either,
do you?
Oh, who's this?
That's an old pal.
- An old pal?
- Yeah, met him
in the flea market in Paris.
You like him?
Well, I don't think
he likes me.
A little uptight.
What's this?
A kinetic art object.
A what?
A modern sculptury.
You know, actually,
I'm looking for someone to...
To share an apartment with.
Um, well, I mean,
I can cook and, uh,
you know, clean up
and I'm a lot of fun to be with.
- Yeah?
- Mm.
I'm a little blind.
A little blind?
- Hey, uh...
- Yeah?
Could I ask you something?
Are these breasts
really you?
Are they real?
Well, come here.
Are these really your nipples?
Well, last time I looked.
I mean, the dark part of it
covers the whole front part
of your breasts.
They're a very nice composition.
- Yeah.
- I mean, good photographer.
Oh yeah, I can't remember
what his name is, but, uh,
- he was really good.
- Yeah, there's...
The way they got the guitar
and the ceramics
and the way...
The shape of your...
I never saw... it covers
the whole front part
of your breasts.
The whole...
It's real.
Well, would you like
to see them?
I mean, I mean,
it's okay because, like,
if you were taking pictures
of me you would see them,
wouldn't you?
Well, I, uh...
Maybe I better not.
I mean, uh...
You're very handsome.
Why did you say that?
Did you sleep with Elaine?
I'll bet.
All right, I'll show you
my bosom, uh,
but no kidding around, okay?
Cross your heart?
What do you think?
Are they, uh, made up?
- They are real.
- They are real, honey,
you know it.
All mine.
Hey, why don't you put on
some music?
Do you like to dance?
Ooh, boy.
Well, stop sharing.
Oh, that's good.
You know, I was actually
working for one those, um,
topless places, you know?
Why don't you
take off your skirt?
Oh no.
Okay, but only
if I can trust you.
I mean, really promise?
No, no.
Uh, what's this?
It's an automatic timer.
Oh, so you don't keep it in
too long?
Well, it automatically turns
appliances off and on.
Ooh, that sounds exciting.
Can I kiss you?
All right, but nothing more.
No! Nol.
Is it worth $50 to you?
What's the matter?
Don't you think I'm worth it?
I think you're worth $10,000.
Uh-uh, no, no.
No! Stop!
I never did anything like this
before in front of my baby.
How old is your baby?
Seven weeks.
Two months.
So young.
I mean, you must be mad
to do a thing like this.
I mean, you're supposed
to be a doctor.
What do you want me to do,
move out of here now?
God, how could I ever get
mixed up in a thing like you?
Who would think
of such a thing?
- You only you!
- Now, look here.
This apartment belongs
to a friend of mine.
I borrowed it from him
to work here.
I do not live here.
I live with my wife at home.
How can somebody let you
move into an apartment
- that he's never even been in?
- I found this place for him.
Oh, yes, of course,
and he has exactly your taste.
You haven't seen me
for over a year,
that's all you have to say.
You don't know about...
About what?
You don't know, you don't even
care how well I've been doing.
How would I know? Hm?
I mean, how would I know?
Everyone else knows it
but you.
What is they know? Tell me.
That you're brilliant?
I mean, everybody knows
that you're brilliant.
If you would ever
straighten yourself out.
July's been terrible
without you.
I love you.
I can't believe it,
I just can't believe it.
I don't tremble anymore
when you're close to me.
I love you.
It's too late...
It's too late.
Why did you come
to this place?
Why did you have to come here,
here to this building?
I don't know.
I feel less lonely here.
I mean, it's just an incident
that I happen to live here.
Can't you accept that...
That the relationship is over?
Is it? Is it really?
Yes, yes, it's over,
you see, it's over.
Would you like to try, um,
to kiss me again?
Come, kiss me again.
- You love him?
- Yes.
Are you gonna marry him?
Yes, I'm gonna marry him.
Ah, shit.
Ah, he's so fucking old.
Don't talk about him like that!
Don't you dare!
I am so tired of your games.
I want to be happy.
I'm getting old.
And I want to have children.
I'll give you children.
Well, really, Joe.
Listen, why don't you believe it
when I tell it to you?
It's finished, it's over.
Please, it's over.
It's not the same anymore, see?
Thank God
it's not the same anymore.
It's too late.
It's just too...
When do you get
to decide on this?
I love you.
No, I said no, no!
God, how could I ever have
loved a man like you?
Sorry, I don't get back at you.
Find somebody else, hm?
Your wife,
she's a very nice girl...
Oh, you,
don't you say that to me.
I'll ride
on the elevator with...
No, I don't need you.
Thank you.
Why don't you take off
your coat?
All right.
Very happy to run into you.
I'd forgotten,
do you... you live around here?
I was just running around
taking pictures.
You still have
the same job.
But I'm still a designer.
You work for another architect?
That sounds like an improvement.
It is.
Is today your day off?
Okay, no more questions.
- None of my business.
- It's not fair.
You can ask me about my life,
I can't ask you about yours.
Oh, that's
an interesting problem,
- isn't it, huh?
- Mm.
I was very sorry
to see you leave.
Why didn't you come back?
Shouldn't tell you this,
you'll be angry.
Saw someone else
for a while.
Oh, angry?
How'd it work out?
I didn't like him.
He's too square.
Wasn't as hip as you.
Can I come back now?
I wish you could, uh...
Actually, I'm... I'm cutting down
on my practice.
No, I wish you could.
I wanna do some writing.
I've been given a grant
for a paper I did.
Really? Can I read it?
Mm, you don't read that stuff.
Anyway, if I, uh,
took you back as a patient
I'd have to tell you
to leave now.
I don't wanna do that.
Why not?
I feel like having company
right now.
What's happening with you?
I mean, why aren't you
working today?
At this time of day.
No, it's last night.
Actually, when
I woke up this morning,
there was this guy.
Well, I've never
been to one before.
Maybe I should.
What's it like?
You know...
In the whole group.
I mean, do you have the, uh,
same partner all night?
I mean, what do you do,
you just screw?
It's wild.
It's wilder
than you can imagine.
Well, what did you do
last night?
I got so drunk
I don't even know.
I had, uh, seven, six.
Some fat television producer
was trying to, uh...
You know, go down on me...
...all night.
I wasn't interested in him.
Why am I telling you
all this for?
You're not my doctor.
I guess I trust you.
If I don't trust you,
who can I trust?
I guess I'm just a whore
at heart.
I love to be called a whore.
That's what Earl calls me.
You still see him?
I still live with him.
We like... we just, you know... sleeping together.
I'm lonely too.
You're the only one.
You're the only one
that was ever nice to me.
I'd like to give you something.
You're the only one.
Only one that was...
That was ever good to me.
I wanna give you something.
What's wrong with me?
You're not supposed
to do that to an analyst.
I mean,
you're not supposed to...
Well, I hope somebody does.
Yeah, I'm very tempted.
Having an affair with you
would be fantastic.
You've got to go
back to work
and I have to go home
to my wife.
You're married?
I'm glad you're married.
I thought...
I thought that you were a fag.
Did you really?
One thing though...
I know I'm right about.
What's that?
You're a softie.
- Oh yeah?
- Uh-huh.
- All right.
- Bye.
- Dr. Mindich called.
- Uh-huh.
- Mr. Pell called.
- Uh-huh.
Ken Menenowitz.
Please call back.
Mrs. Tenenbaum called.
Dr. Horowitz:
We'll be in this evening.
And your wife called twice.
She said that
it was nothing important.
Oh, look, you better hold
all those messages, okay?
All right, Dr. Glazer.
Is that why
you're not working today?
Yes, I'm really frightened,
Dr. Glazer.
What happened with Dr. Cohn?
He said he didn't think
he could help me.
Look, Mrs. Minkowski,
call me in a few days.
Uh, call me Tuesday morning,
I'll have someone for you.
Why can't I see you,
Dr. Glazer?
You really helped me.
You really did.
I was getting better.
I can't see you,
Mrs. Minkowski,
I really can't.
I've stopped seeing
all of my afternoon patients
and all my Monday patients.
I don't believe you.
You were my friend.
Why don't you want
to help me?
If you think
I would lie to you,
Like this?
No, it's not the same sound.
I shouldn't tell you this,
but Ted complains
that I make too much noise
when we make love.
He says that
I scream too loud
and that
the neighbors complain.
You mind that?
No, I don't mind.
I mean, he's not very inspired.
Sometimes I think he has
homosexual tendencies.
All right, all right,
all right.
I don't think anybody
could be married to you
and have... have
homosexual tendencies.
Well, what do you mean by that?
You're really in torment, Joe.
I'm... I'm really sorry
for doing this to you.
I really am.
I wish I could do something
to help you,
but you are so hostile.
You are.
The minute someone reaches out
to you to touch you,
anything to show you love,
you pull away.
You get scared
and you pull away
and you get hostile, Joe.
I mean, you must have
had some mother, baby.
You keep searching
for your mother.
You... you really
need somebody, Joe.
How do you know my own wife
isn't the one?
- Your wife?
- Yeah.
Well, I think that's obvious,
and not just to me.
But to everyone.
It is?
Would you like to support
Senator McCarthy
in his bid
for the democratic nomination?
Well, would you care to write
to one
of the convention delegates
asking him
to support McCarthy?
- Like that?
- We are just, um,
wipe here in...
What is so funny?
Hey, listen,
are you really Glassman?
Yes, but, uh, disguised
as a mild-mannered reporter.
Don't worry, Glassman,
we won't tell.
You can trust us.
You want me to pick out
any name here
and write a letter.
I think I'll write
Theodore Sorensen.
Dear Ted...
Do you know him?
But I think if we get his vote
we'll get a few others.
What's that?
What's that?
Now can I tell him
how much I hated his book?
What book?
Did you read Kelvman's book?
Well, did you like it?
It's a little better. Not much.
Lady, what's funny?
Well, he's my father.
I like the cover.
I liked his other book.
I like his column.
Thank you.
Will you let this down please?
Thank you.
Look what he wrote.
I summon you to your
moral responsibility
to these members
of the new left.
Hey, he's not Glassman,
look at the signature.
What, you don't expect me
to reveal my identity
to everybody, do you?
I mean, how can I fight crime?
Besides, as Glassman
I'm expected to rise above
political consideration.
That's true.
I'm sorry, Glassman.
It's okay.
Um, are you
a professional writer?
Maybe I should have been,
but, no, I'm not.
Dear Miss Lonely Hearts,
I am 16 years old now
and I don't know what to do
and would appreciate it
if you could tell me what to do.
You like Nathanael West?
Yeah, well, I noticed
that you had it over there.
That's why I thought
you were a writer.
I'm a psychiatrist.
Say, maybe...
Maybe you can help me.
Uh, I think we better go now.
I would invite you
to stay for cookies and milk,
but if the senator
walks by when.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hope you win.
Take off your coat.
Want something to drink?
Do you drink?
So I guess you got caught
in the big downpour?
Wandering about all night,
all day..
I guess you're gonna have
to take off those things too.
I've got a bathrobe.
It's all right.
I'll be fine.
I guess you don't have
much choice.
You'll get a bathrobe
and you can put it on
in the bathroom.
How you gonna behave yourself?
Persevere in the presents.
How old is Mary?
She was married
when she was young.
Well, who picks up her bill?
Her union's medical plan.
What does she do?
She's a feather-paster.
A feather-paster.
She works for a milliner.
She makes ladies' hats.
Nah, John, I don't
think that's for me.
Why not? You have the time.
I know, but
your patients.
You're kidding.
What do you want,
a young blonde?
- Yeah.
- So there.
All right.
I have a young girl,
a high school teacher
in her late 20s.
- Would you be interested?
- Yes.
stand beneath their lies.
I'd be happy
to have a young girl.
I'll send you the young girl
if you agree
to see the old woman.
What kind of deal
you making with me?
Are you interested or not?
I don't know.
Why don't you send
the old woman?
'Cause she's a patient of mine.
I don't know, Jim.
All right, think about it,
will ya?
Well, it's about time
you pay some attention to me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm glad you are here.
Who was that lady?
Who was that
in the elevator?
Woman I know.
Is that the woman
you told me about?
Yeah. How'd you know?
How'd I know? My god,
the two of you looked
like you were gonna faint.
Anyway, she had an accent.
What'd you think of her?
She's very hard looking.
She's not nearly as attractive
as you told me she was.
- She's beautiful.
- Wow.
You're still in love.
What'd you think of the guy
she was with?
You're with me now,
That's all right.
I'm in love too.
I miss Earl.
You miss him?
Where is he?
He's in Brazil,
you wanna go over his place?
What for?
I was just checking.
She certainly isn't
as beautiful as you.
Yeah, well, I wish
I could say the same thing.
How are things
in the bedroom?
He is...
his body is so much smoother,
your skin is too tough.
It is?
He enjoys it more.
You're both typical.
Let's make the best
of a bad day, shall we?
I like technicians sometimes.
Come here.
Let me finish my drink first.
Oh. Where did you get
the lovely tan?
In St. Thomas?
My boyfriend.
He wants to go with me.
I told you.
He wasn't my boyfriend anyway.
You are my boyfriend.
Do it to me.
Okay, now.
You just stand there
and face the mirror.
Like this.
Oh wow.
It's like an orgy.
It looks like
someone else,
you're seeing yourself!
Hey. Can we do it
in front of the mirror?
- You better believe it.
- Shit, man.
Hey, don't do that.
Hey, put that down!
Put it down!
Don't get excited.
Afraid I'm gonna
blackmail you?
Put that thing away.
You... all right.
Put it down!
Dammit, put it down!
I'm not taking any pictures,
I'm looking at the camera.
You're different
than I thought.
How's that?
You really want me to tell you?
You're not as strong
as I thought.
What do you mean?
You're weak-willed.
There's no mystery about you.
You're just gonna sit there?
Ow! Fuck you!
Don't do that to me!
Get down on your hands
and knees.
Hello, how are you?
For the past week,
somehow, I just...
I just expected you would call,
even though you said
you wouldn't, I...
I guess I would like
to see you again.
I can't talk now.
There are some people here.
Who's there?
Joe, can I call you back?
Well, I was just
leaving for the weekend.
If I don't see you soon, Joe,
I think...
I really think
I'm gonna go out of my mind.
I really don't know
what to say.
I can't talk now,
you understand?
I wish I could.
I... I understand.
I'm sorry for calling you.
I'll talk to you soon, okay?
All right.
Dippy Doodle!
Dippy Doodle!
Hi, Dippy Doodle.
Hi, Dippy Doodle.
What are you,
Springfield Sid?
Hm, mushroom.
No, I'm Mr. Blunder.
I'm Mr. Blunder, dopey.
You're a psychiatrist
and you didn't even know that?
That makes me sad!
They feel sad.
Sarabell, be kind.
I wanna be Mr. Blunder.
You wanna be Mr. Blunder.
You want to be Mr. Blunder.
Wait a minute.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm Mr. Blunder.
You're Springfield Sid.
You're Dippy Doodle,
you're Mr. Hello,
you're Princess Earth, Air,
Fire, and Sodie Water.
Hi, Springfield Sid?
Princess Earth, Air, Fire,
Water! Whoa.
Ah, Springfield Sid.
Mr. Blunder.
Oh, hey, hey, oh yeah.
I don't think so, Sarabell.
He likes you, Howdy.
Oh, don't act like that.
I think Sarabell loves you.
Sarabell, yes, I think...
I think if you looked
a little closer,
you could really love
Out of sight.
- Hello.
- Hello. You're beautiful.
I gotta get me some air.
Don't disturb the Princess
of Earth, Air, Fire,
Sodie Water.
- Wait, wait.
- He's got fifties!
Let him rap.
Wait a second,
Springfield Sid.
Springfield Sid.
Wow, Joe.
- Your party...
- I mean, I don't need this!
You're Black.
But we're the shadows,
so you don't want
to play with us, right?
That's the way it goes.
I'm sorry. Your time is up.
Come back with somebody.
It just so happens,
and it's very unfortunate,
but she thinks
just the opposite.
Yeah, well,
you have your theories, Ted,
I have mine.
That's what makes medicine.
Obviously, I have more
training than you have.
Oh, come on, that was just...
No, wait a second,
wait a second,
wait a second!
This is free...
This is free.
Why don't you be the first
to take off your clothes?
I mean, if you were really
healthy, you would.
We're all waiting for
somebody to be the first.
Put on some music.
- Springfield Sid?
- Fuck you.
Come on, put on some music.
She wants to be first.
What you want, baby?
- Aretha?
- Yeah.
Something like that would
just be really nice.
Oh here, let me help you.
Good, baby.
I have something...
Better sit down, sit down.
Sarabell's gonna be the first.
And wait until
you see what I have.
Oh, really?
What is that thing,
what is that thing?
Oh my God.
What is that?
What is that? Wow.
Oh, yeah, beautiful!
Yeah! Oh.
Oh yes.
Come on,
let's do a number.
Oh yeah, all right!
Aww, Joe.
Oh, it's cool.
Don't blow it.
We need dope.
Where are you going?
Talk to me.
I'm looking for the man.
Oh! Go, Joe, go.
Joe, go.
I'm looking for the man
on the moon.
I'm looking for the sea
of tranquility.
Tranquility I lost.
In the craters of the moon.
We're looking
for the sea of tranquility.
Of tranquility we lost.
In the craters of the moon.
Fucking incredible sometimes.
Fucking incredible
They really teach you that
in that, uh,
fashionable finishing school?
What are you,
a longshoreman?
One of those cops
beat you around the head,
you smut-mouth.
And I went out to the Cape?
Yeah, I know, you told me,
five trips.
But why don't you wanna
make love to me?
you're all tripped-out,
queen of speed freaks.
You're screwy, baby.
You ever see the inside
of a 24-hour cold capsule?
That's what your chromosomes
probably look like.
If I knock you up,
we'd probably have a giraffe.
Do you really think that?
You scared?
Come on, baby.
Look, Joe.
Suppose my parents find out.
Will you adopt me?
Are you finished?
Aren't you gonna
fuck me anymore?
- That's what I came here for.
- Hey.
I thought I could count on you
at least for that.
You know,
you didn't satisfy me.
Hey, hold it down.
You're just gonna
leave me like this?
Please! I can't
stand it anymore.
What am I supposed to do?
Shh! Goddammit.
I can't masturbate anymore,
it doesn't do any good.
I'm leaving, Joann.
Well, what do you want
me to do?
What do I want you to do?
What do you think
I want you to do?
You can go.
I'm not leaving,
you're not kicking me
out of here.
I'm staying here.
You don't know what
you're talking about, Joann.
I want you get dressed
and I want you
to just get outta here.
I'm not leaving, baby.
You got some place to go,
you can just go.
You're not kicking me
out of here,
not after what you did to me.
What I did...
What did I do to you?
What did you do to me?
You ruined me.
I lost my job
because of you.
You'd keep me up all night
making me
screw your friends.
Earl kicked me out
because of you.
What do you mean,
he kicked you out?
He kicked me out,
I got no place to live.
No place to live.
I don't even know
where my clothes are, baby.
And you did that, you just
take care of me, you fag.
You think I'd come to you?
You can't even fuck me
if I could get anybody else.
You are the bottom
of the barrel,
you're the last one.
They all kicked me out, baby.
I hate men, you understand?
I hate men!
They degrade you
wanting to be female,
just being female.
You can't stay here.
Why not, if you're
not gonna be here?
You're not gonna be here?
You're not gonna be here...
I got no place to go!
You used me!
You used me.
You betrayed my trust.
You exploited me,
you wrote that...
You wrote that about me.
You better let me stay.
You're not... no,
I'm gonna report you.
I'm calling your wife,
you're not...
No, you see,
you ruined me.
You better take care of me now.
I don't give a damn
what you do,
I just want you to get dressed
and I want you
to get outta here.
You don't even know
what you're talkin' about.
Please let me stay.
Let me stay,
I got no place to go.
I don't want you here, Joann.
I want you out of here.
I do not want you here!
All right, I'm gonna ask you
one more time.
I'm gonna ask you, please,
you're gonna get out of here
before I kick you out of here.
No, I hate you, I hate you.
- I don't want you here.
- I don't wanna be here!
Don't you...
Don't you understand?
I've got no place to go.
Let me stay here one night.
Oh, you'll find
some place to go,
don't worry about that.
I don't want you here, Joann.
- Why?
- Because you stink!
You know? You smell,
you know that?
You screw everybody,
you fuck everybody!
Don't you ever bathe?
Why don't you
change your clothes?
It's your fault
that I stink!
I've got no place to bathe,
I don't even know
where my clothes are, baby.
All right, here they are.
You just get yourself together
and you get outta here.
No, it's killing me! Don't!
It's killing me!
If I get pissed,
you can be sure I'm leaving.
I'm not coming back.
You can beg me...
you can beg me,
you ain't getting it.
You do to women
what castrated women
do to men.
You don't castrate women,
do you?
You just give them
You just give me
a hysterectomy.
I'm leaving!
Get out.
Oh, I wouldn't wanna
forget this.
Oh, wow.
Well, the odd thing is
is that, uh...
I can pretend
that I'm there now,
watching this, watching...
all of the film so far
so that I'm...
look a certain way,
move a certain way,
and talk a certain way,
and I...
I'll never change.
Don't you feel
like we've done this
a long time ago?
If we did,
it's something
I would have remembered.
But I do feel
very comfortable with you.
I don't mean that in any, uh...
I know what you mean.
Me too.
What's the matter, Joe?
Marilyn, uh,
I have to tell you something.
- What is it?
- I lied to you.
Uh, I thought
you wouldn't like me
if you knew the truth.
Marilyn, I-I-I,
I see what's happening
between us now
and I want you to...
I wanna tell you.
Sure, Joe.
- Tell me all about it.
- Sit, sit.
Well, I...
What did I...
What did I have this...
this machinery on for?
Don't run away from anything
that isn't real.
Make me stop.
Aw, shit.
Does anybody know
that you're here?
Anybody at all?
So what are you gonna do?
I mean, what are
you immediate plans,
as we say?
Hey, Joe.
You listening to me?
This is Monica speaking.
I came here to see you.
I am Monica,
do you know who I am?
I'm going to leave
very soon, Joe.
However, I don't like
to leave you like this.
So if you don't want to tell me
what you want me to do,
then I'm gonna have
to think of something myself.
Did I do this to you, Joe?
I mean, is that perhaps
what you're trying to tell me?
That I did this to you?
I mean, are you doing
all this to yourself
only in order
to get back at me?
I mean, only to show me
that this is what I did to you?
That's pretty dumb, isn't it,
for someone as brilliant as you.
I know that
you're listening,
and I know that
you're playing a game.
So I'm going to talk, okay?
I don't...
see, I don't want you
to haunt me
for the rest of my life.
'Cause I haven't done
anything to you.
So I don't want that,
you understand?
I don't love you anymore.
I, uh...
I can't help that, can I?
I mean, that's not really
my fault.
So... so why are you
doing this to me?
And I don't want you
following me around
for the rest of my life.
It's as simple as that.
So I want you
to get out of this building.
And I'm gonna see to it
that you get out.
And you're very sick, but...
I'm sorry about that.
But you see,
I do have the right
to live my life in peace, too.
But you need help.
Even if this is
some sort of joke,
I think you need help.
You ought to be
in a hospital, right?
You should have somebody
taking care of you.
I'm going to call Noelle.
what did you want?
You must want something.
I mean, you're not just
throwing away your life
for a whim.
Please, Joe, tell me.
I'm here speaking to you.
I know that you're sick.
Do you understand me?
Joe, please answer me!
I mean, give me a sign!
Nod, yes, something!
Oh, Joe, come on.
I'm your friend.
an address.
Was there anything else on it?
I knew what it was about
the moment I saw it, Joe.
I'm no fool, really.
I knew what it was about
the moment I got it.
Who is Joe Glassman?
Have you had...
many women up here, Joe?
Answer me,
I know the answer,
I just wanna hear it from you.
Yes. Many.
I want a divorce, Joe.
Didn't you?
Asked for one
a long time ago.
Not leaving me
in the best of circumstances,
you know.
What would you do
if I were poor, Joe?
If I didn't ha...
I'm sorry.
I don't want anything from you.
I know you've been sick.
I know you don't have anything,
not even a job.
New York?
Far away.
I may.
You will.
You're so conceited!
I bet you think
I could never forget you!
Why do you have
such contempt for everybody?
Spoken already to a lawyer.
I hope things work out for you.
- Is it on?
- Mm-hm.
- I don't believe you.
- It's on.
This is it here?
Can you hear it now?
Can I see it sometime?
- What?
- The film.
You mean I can never see it?
Why do you want to see it?
Because it's important.
It was important;
It's not important now.
Are you sure it's on?
I said it was.
Can we leave it on?
Yeah, we can leave it on,
if you'd like.
What shall we do?
I feel strange, Joe.
What do you feel?
I don't know.
Let's make a movie, okay?
- About what?
- About us.
I already did, didn't I?
No, about us now.
I really feel
very, very strange.
- Yeah?
- Really.
Will you turn it off
so we can start again?
No. Just leave it on.
Oh no, turn it off.
Let it run.
- Why?
- Why not?
Well, this is our movie.
Our movie within the movie.
- Please turn it off so...
- Let it run.
- Okay?
- Okay.
The electrical dust
is starting to rust
her trapezoid thermometer taste.
Find somebody to love.
Data control and IBM,
science is mankind's brother.
But all I see is draining me
on my plastic fantastic.
Plastic fantastic, yeah.
Plastic fantastic.
Her neon mouth
with a blinking talk smile
is nothing but electric sign.
You could say she has
an individual style.
She's part of a colorful time,