Contraband (2012) Movie Script

We have India 114,
Flight 104 is
waiting for your go.
That's it, right there.
There's our guy.
Begin your final
approach to the target.
Flight 104, copy that.
ANDY: Shit!
Walter, wake up. Customs.
What? Who?
We need the fucking bag.
Where the fuck is the key?
Tighten that line.
Now secure the other side.
Easy, easy up.
Okay, okay.
Hurry up. Come on,
put it in the bag.
Come on!
CBP OFFICER: Pull this up.
Come on, come on. Let's go!
WALTER: Go, Andy.
Federal officer! Don't move!
Excuse me. Excuse me,
y'all. Can I have
everybody's attention?
I want to do a quick toast
to the bride and groom,
Danny and Shelly.
I can't believe it, man.
I'm fucking married, Chris.
Danny, I know.
I was standing
right there with you.
Look, what about
this fucking guy?
He's my best friend,
best man at my wedding.
He doesn't even remember
that this is where
my reception was.
Thank God he's sober.
You don't remember?
I remember throwing up
on Kate's shoes.
Yeah, I remember, too.
I apologized for that.
do it like this.
TOMMY: I mean, you were
like the Lennon and
McCartney of smuggling.
How do you smuggle
a fucking Ferrari?
Where do you hide it?
CHRIS: We didn't.
We let customs
seize it in port.
Give me your phone.
You take the guts out.
The transmission,
the wiring system.
Take all that shit out,
hide it inside
other containers.
So, when customs
auctions off the car,
he gets himself
a Ferrari
for next to nothing.
He just bought
the empty shell?
Yes, he got the empty
shell at the auction.
And then we...
Sell him the missing parts.
...sold him back the guts.
And he's got himself
a new Ferrari
for less than
you paid for that
piece-of-shit Honda.
It's a nice Honda.
Yeah, that's
why you live
in it, right?
Because it's a
nice fucking Honda.
Can I dance
with my wife?
Hey, what's up, buddy?
Can I get another one
of these when you
get a chance?
Hey, Chris.
Church, hey.
How are you doing, man?
Long time, no see.
Where you been?
Well, I'm living
out in Algiers now.
The fuck are you
doing out there?
It's nice,
I like it out there.
It's good for the family.
A guy like you
don't belong
in Algiers, Chris.
What are you
doing for work?
I started my own business,
setting up alarm systems.
Fill that up, will you?
Your old man
getting jailed
freak you out? Huh?
I guess.
That, and having
a wife and two little
boys, you know?
You've got to stick to
what you're good at,
though, Chris.
Listen, I offered
to take care of that
ship captain for your dad.
He said no.
Anyway, Chris,
if you're ever thinking
of getting back in,
let me know, okay?
I don't even know
why we're doing this
in the first place.
Just trust me, okay?
It will be cool.
If we try to run,
it will make it worse.
Where are these guys?
Here we go,
here we go.
Be cool, now.
(WHISPERS) Here we go,
here we go.
ANDY: Hey, man.
Customs boarded us,
we had to dump the package.
You did?
We had no choice.
Nothing we could do, man.
That's it.
What did I say?
I told you it was cool.
WALTER: Come on, man,
let's get the fuck
out of here.
It's my brother.
What happened?
Is he okay?
No. We've got to go now.
CHRIS: Walter
is in surgery.
What the fuck
happened, Andy?
It was an accident.
You know what?
You're a shitty liar,
so don't even fucking try.
Look at me when
I'm talking to you.
I was running something.
We got boarded,
and I dumped it.
You dumped what?
The coke.
KATE: Oh, fuck.
ANDY: It was
over 10 pounds.
For who?
For Tim Briggs
and those guys.
They're going to kill me.
Andy, they're not
going to kill you.
ANDY: It was a lot of stuff.
I'm sorry.
You should be
fucking sorry.
Is he all right?
No, the little fuckhead
was running something
and he dumped it.
Now he owes.
Who? Who does he owe?
Tim Briggs.
Ask around,
see what you can
find out, all right?
How is Kate?
Not good.
CHRIS: I can't believe
he did that.
When I quit,
I told him to stay
away from these guys.
Please, if you had
anything to do with this,
just tell me right now.
I just told you.
He's my little brother.
I know. I'm going to
take care of it.
I got you.
KATE: I'll call you
in the morning.
JEANIE: Okay, no problem.
Good night.
CHRIS: So you said
King Security
put the system in?
That's right.
A lot of good it did.
It's a decent system,
but your locks are a joke.
Anybody who knows
the response time
is going to be able
to get in and out.
Can you excuse me
for one second, sir?
What's going on?
SEBASTIAN: It's about Briggs,
Kyle's brother.
Yeah, and?
I don't know, hold on.
Guys! Guys!
How are we doing today?
Is my office still going
to be done last week?
You having a nice morning?
Briggs got out of
prison two months ago.
He hangs out
at the Old Point Bar.
I'll pop over there
after I'm done work and
see if I can talk to him.
Sorry about that, sir.
The cameras are
nice and small,
they'll fit right up
there in the corner.
Oh, shit! (LAUGHS)
Chris Farraday, back from
the dead, man! Yeah!
Good to see you, man.
Oh, shit. This man was
a world-class smuggler here.
You were fucking
Houdini, man.
Yeah, he used to
run with my brother,
God rest his miserable soul.
Too bad your skill
didn't rub off
on your shithead
No, I know,
he's a fuck-up.
But he's my wife's
little brother.
I was hoping you
understand it's family,
maybe we could
work something out.
Well, I don't know.
What do you want to work out?
You want to work out
something with me?
I can figure out
a way to pay you back
the buy money.
No, that's worth
Oh, come on, man.
No, come on, man.
You're going to try to
charge me full freight
for a bad run?
Customs boards the boat,
you dump that shit.
You know how it goes.
You know how many passes
I gave your brother
in his day?
Yeah, I hated my brother.
What do you want to do,
a payment plan?
What, do I look like
a bank to you?
No, I was just hoping
you could be
fucking reasonable, here.
Hey! This ain't your
world anymore, man!
You're a tourist,
you can't trade on
status you don't have.
I got bills to pay.
You know, when people
fuck that up, that's
their fucking problem.
You think that's funny?
You got bills?
I like your outfit.
I liked your brother.
MAN: We're here today,
that's the important thing.
So, you know, learning to
let go and let God
is what's been pulling me
through all of this.
You're going to have to
talk me down before
I fucking kill Briggs.
Probably be better off.
I'm one drink away
from the worst day
of my life.
What should I do?
MAN: Sitting in
this circle that's had
that same thought, right?
That's all you gotta do,
is work the steps.
CHRIS: I'm not
doing another run.
No fucking way.
I could probably get us
the buy money, no problem.
No, I finally got
something going.
I'm not going to
chance fucking it up.
It's not going away, Chris.
MAN: Does somebody
want to share?
Sebastian? Want to share
a little bit with us?
Oh, yeah.
Go do your thing.
You don't want
to stick around?
No, I get
far too emotional
hearing that story.
Hey, everyone, I'm Sebastian.
ALL: How are
you doing, Sebastian?
What the hell happened?
Walter died last night.
Briggs came to the hospital.
He said it was all on me.
I keep
getting calls, Chris,
and they're talking about
how they're going to
fucking torture me.
I'm shipping out in
the next couple of days.
I'm not coming back.
Do me a favor,
and don't tell Kate.
Not until I'm gone.
When I stopped
doing runs,
you promised me
you were gonna
stay out of this shit.
What do you want me
to say, man?
Not a fucking word!
I didn't have
anybody to tell me
I was fucking up. You do!
And you put your sister
and the boys in this shit?
What the fuck is
wrong with you?
You don't come
to my fucking place.
I just came to tell you
that I'm going to have
your money within a month.
Just stay away from Andy.
I ain't waiting that long.
Well, I ain't paying
if he's dead.
If a guy dies
owing something,
his family inherits
the debt.
So I'll give you
two weeks.
If not,
I'm going to come
after the both of you.
Then, all the way
down the line.
I'll come asking
your wife for it,
your kids...
Do you think
you're the only guy
with a fucking gun?
You'll get your
fucking money.
But if you ever
mention my wife
and my kids again,
you're done.
You hear me?
You are fucking done!
GIRL: Daddy.
BRIGGS: It's okay, sweetie.
Go back inside.
It's okay, sweetie.
Daddy and I were
just playing, okay?
It's okay.
Yeah, we're just playing.
Yeah, me and Daddy
were just fucking playing.
Get up there.
Yeah, we'll play again.
Daddy is okay.
It's all right.
What the fuck
are you looking at?
CHRIS: You stay in the car,
I'll go talk to her.
ANDY: Okay.
JEANIE: Hey, Chris.
Hey, how are you?
Everything okay?
Yeah, I just wanted to
talk to you for a minute.
I got to get on
the ship with Andy
and try to fix this.
Are you fucking kidding?
What am I going to do,
let him go alone?
No, we're going to
think of something else.
There's nothing
else to do, okay?
I hate to tell you,
but that little
dumb fuck has put us
in the worst
possible position, okay?
And if they don't
get the money from him,
they're coming after us.
So what else
do you want me to do?
You know what
I don't want to do?
I don't want to fucking
visit you in jail like
we're visiting your dad,
and raising
those kids on my own.
So it's my...
I don't want to
fight with you
about this, okay?
I know what I'm doing,
all right?
Will you just trust me?
Nothing is going to happen.
All right? I promise.
BUD: That shitbag
Briggs was here
for a couple of years.
He tried to smash
some guy's head in
with a cinder block.
Look, I mentioned
this to Sebastian.
We're doing another run.
Can you get me
on your old boat?
You mean the Borden?
(CHUCKLES) Remember
when you were little,
you and Sebastian,
you broke into
McTier's warehouse,
stole all that
Mardi Gras jewelry,
and you came back
to the house with a great
big box of them beads?
You thought
they were diamonds.
(LAUGHING) You were
grinning like you just
won the fucking lottery.
And you said,
"You don't have to work
on that boat no more."
I always think about that.
The proudest day of my life
was when you turned legit,
and you started your own
business, and you got
out of the life.
I know you got to do
what you got to do.
I got it.
Family is family.
I'll get you on the boat.
But you get in,
you got to get back out.
CHRIS: Me and Andy are
shipping out to Panama
with the Borden.
The old man's boat?
Yeah, he got us on.
What about Captain Camp?
I know. I know.
Don't worry about it.
What's this?
What's what?
Every time I come here,
you got new shit.
I'm getting it together,
I'm getting the place ready.
It's a bad-ass coffee table.
That is not for shoes.
I must be out of touch.
I don't know
what's bad-ass anymore
because this looks
You're turning
into The Birdcage.
I mean...
So who do we know
in Panama?
Are you going to
go see Ruben?
Dude, no drugs.
What else has that
kind of profit margin?
Edwin is in Panama.
We have to bring back
a shit-ton to make it
worth our while.
All right, so I'll
bring back a shit-ton.
Okay, 15 million on
four stacks this big.
It's like the size
of a Mini Cooper.
Where are you
going to hide it?
That's my problem.
I need the Borden's
crew manifest.
Oh, God. You got to be
kidding me.
Oh, I like Tarik Mortin.
He's a horrible chef,
but he's great on runs.
Le Cloud's a fucking drunk.
He's not great on runs,
but we've known him
a long time.
Olaf's solid,
we need somebody
in the engine room.
Well, it's no A-Team,
but it's the best we can do.
Come on, work your magic.
Make the call,
get me a TWIC card.
Hi, sweet pea.
I need you to
push through a TWIC card
for Chris Farraday.
I got your message.
It only took you
three years to call me?
Are you back in business?
No, no, no, no, no.
I need something, though.
Remember our last run?
The funny money?
I need that exact
same shit by next week,
but a lot more.
Four times as much.
And we need a van big enough
to transport it, okay?
Okay. I'll be here.
Come on, Mikey!
What's funny money?
Huh? Nothing.
That's just
work stuff for Dad.
Have you ever been
convicted of espionage?
Just answer yes or no,
we'll get through this
really quickly.
Sedition, or conspiracy
to commit espionage,
sedition, treason?
I received your
shipping application, Mr...
Mr. Lakowski.
Seor Lakowski,
I'm getting you
a 20-foot standard dry.
Would you like us to load it?
No, I've got somebody
to take care of that.
I just need the container.
Okay, we'll leave
the container
standing by for you
at the port of Panama.
And what are you shipping?
A van.
Here you go.
It takes money
to make money, baby.
Thank you.
Don't sink, Daddy.
Okay, buddy.
You're going to
miss my playoff game.
I know. I'm sorry.
Your mom is going
to take lots of
pictures for me, okay?
You guys are in charge
till I get back.
I love you, guys.
Just come home, okay?
Thank you for
doing this, Chris.
I love you.
Love you, too.
It's going to be okay.
ID, please.
Finger on the scanner.
Captain Camp.
Get the trunk.
Get that Captain's
carpet cleaner
up to the bridge.
you want to give me a hand?
You're up top.
I get the bottom bunk.
Yeah, no kidding.
Don't act like
you don't like this shit.
Why, is it that obvious?
I love it, but don't
tell your sister.
All right, come on.
You can get your beauty
rest later, let's go.
My arm, my arm.
Keep an eye out.
Hey, someone's coming.
MAN 1: What's up, Chris?
MAN 2: Hi, Chris.
TARIK: Look at
this motherfucker.
Good to see you, man.
What's up, Tarik?
You okay?
What's up, man?
How's your folks?
Everybody's good?
Good, good.
That's a hungry
man's appetite.
This is real good.
How you doing, buddy?
What the fuck are
you doing on my ship?
Did you even check
the goddamn crew manifest?
How the fuck do you
let Bud Farraday's
spawn aboard my ship?
DHS cleared him.
He was added at
the last minute.
All right,
I'm demoting him
to ship's boy.
Yes, sir.
CAMP: You scrub dirt
and stay the fuck
out of my sight.
Otherwise you might
have an accident,
and wind up in the drink.
Show him where
the carpet cleaner is.
Yes, sir.
Oh, man, carpet cleaner.
Let's go, Rug Doctor.
Oh, you got promoted?
They gave you some
new stripes on there.
I'll be ship's boy.
You're still
Captain's bitch boy.
Yeah, yeah.
Yes, sir.
Everybody's drinking
tall boys, and nobody's
fucking working.
TARIK: What's up, man?
Are you bringing
the Captain in
on this or what?
Fuck, no.
Well, I remember
talking to your pops
in this same room.
He said that same shit.
We know how that turned out.
Do you trust me or not?
I do. I do.
So what are we running?
A shipping pallet
loaded up with 5,000
uncut sheets of super notes.
Best counterfeit
money can buy.
And just how the hell
do you think we're going
to stow that much shit?
You worried, buddy?
I mean, where is the faith?
What, I lost my stripes?
Now I got to
start from scratch?
DANNY: Exactly,
that shit's void.
No problem.
Come on, I'll show you.
CHRIS: What do you think?
Looks good. Chris,
you're a crazy fucker.
Not bad? Huh?
Sixty cubic feet.
No fucking way.
No, it's bigger than 60.
Ah, shit! Yeah, man,
this is much bigger than 60.
We got company.
Quick, quick, quick!
ANDY: Hey,
what are you doing?
Chris, stop!
CHRIS: Andy,
be quiet in there.
Come on, come on!
What the hell
are you doing in here?
I needed a scraper.
We noticed some mold
in the lower hull.
The bleach wasn't
cutting it, so...
Well, you shouldn't be
dicking around in here.
Get going.
I was just trying
to keep it clean
for you, boss.
Hey, Chris! Chris!
CHRIS: Bring it
right back up!
Come on, you got it!
You got it, come on!
I can't do it.
TARIK: God damn.
Are you getting on?
Do you want me to
put you back in the box?
That's not funny.
I could have
suffocated in that box.
"I really could have..."
Leave the kid alone, man.
How are you going to
pull this shit off?
We're delivering
We're picking up 500 or more.
We're not going to be
in port that long.
So we got to drive out
to Chorrillo, see Edwin,
load up the bills,
and then drive back
to the boat during rush hour.
It's going to be tight,
but we're going to be good.
It's going to be too tight.
We're cutting it close.
Might not have enough time.
We'll buy more time.
Controllable pitch propeller.
Oh, yeah.
Pitch propeller.
Can you drain
the oil supply?
The hydraulic chamber
won't work.
That's the point,
stupid ass.
CHRIS: Look.
We can do it
while being towed
through the locks.
It will buy us
a couple of hours.
I don't know.
I hate when we fuck
with the boat.
I said, I hate
when we fuck with the boat.
CHRIS: Take it easy,
big bear.
Olaf, fuck with the boat.
Take it easy. Easy.
What the fuck?
Tarik. That motherfucker
will eat you.
Okay, out you come.
Do you want to get
any of these for me?
Do we have to?
Yes, Mom.
Yeah? Okay.
KATE: Hello?
Can I help you?
You're pretty.
Do you want to play?
Okay. Bye, asshole.
BRIGGS: Pay the money,
just like you owe me.
DESMOND: What the fuck
are you all looking at?
BRIGGS: Yeah, you like that?
KATE: Get your
fucking hands off me!
BRIGGS: Come on,
put the knife down.
Put the knife down.
Put the knife down.
Leave my mommy alone!
Get the fuck back over there!
Sit your fucking ass down!
It's okay,
I'm just playing, now.
I'm just playing.
Yeah, don't cry.
DESMOND: You seen
a gun before?
You want it?
There ain't going to be
no playing when
I come back next week.
You can tell
your husband that.
You want this?
Get out!
MARCUS: What the fuck?
Get the fuck out of my house!
Get the fuck out of my house!
Put that thing down, man!
You don't think
the police are going
to be coming now?
Get the fuck out of here!
DESMOND: I didn't
mean to shoot at him.
The little shit hit the gun.
You want to send me
back to the farm,
you stupid bitch?
Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
All right, careful.
Not too much.
We don't want to jam it.
I got it.
Chris Farraday,
to the bridge.
He's on his way.
Not too much.
DANNY: All right.
KATE: I wasn't getting
reception on your cell.
Chris, these guys
came to the house.
They had guns.
Jesus, are you okay?
Are the boys okay?
Yeah, we're okay.
We're freaked out.
I think one of them
was Tim Briggs,
Kyle's brother.
I didn't call the police,
I don't want them
here asking questions.
Call Sebastian, okay?
Yeah, okay, I will.
All right, I love you.
Call him.
Trouble with
the missus, Farraday?
Do you want me
to talk to her for you?
Hey, guys, you okay?
You had a scary day?
BOTH: Mmm-hmm.
You know what?
Why don't you guys
just come and
stay at my place?
They're not going to
be back, but just for
my own peace of mind.
You think?
Really? Okay.
CAMP: Slow ahead.
I said, slow ahead!
Reduce to half speed!
Why are we not slowing down?
Oil pressure's down.
All right. Keep an eye
on that temperature.
Full astern!
Full astern, Captain.
Yeah, Captain?
Full astern!
We're going to hit
the fucking dock!
I'm trying,
but I got no pitch control.
The fucking prop is jammed!
You drained too much oil
out! I didn't want you
to crash the boat!
OLAF: Come on!
I'm not getting
any oil pressure!
Let go the port anchor!
Jesus, fucking...
Let go the fucking
port anchor!
It's not moving!
DANNY: Did you
release the brake?
Get out of the way!
Turn starboard!
CAMP: It's too late!
Hard to port, Luke!
Hard to port!
OLAF: I'm going to have
to kill the engine!
We're going to hit!
What the fuck is
going on around here?
What the fuck happened?
Propeller jam.
Someone tampered with it.
I don't think so.
Someone tampered with it.
Sorry about that oil thing.
Don't worry about it.
It will buy us
a little more time.
EDDIE: Hey, Michael,
look. It's like
a spaceship over here.
Wow, Sebastian,
it's amazing in here.
It's coming along, right?
I forgot
you haven't been here
since the renovation.
Hey, don't touch that.
Fellas, you hang on
to this.
Okay, that's good.
Good aim.
CHRIS: Hey, everything okay?
KATE: Yeah
we're at Sebastian's.
Are the boys okay?
Yeah. Are you
in Panama already?
Yeah. Keep
your phone on you.
I love you.
I love you, too.
I'll call you
on my way back.
We're almost there.
You got a lot of
pussy in here.
Good to
see you, man.
Everything good?
Good, you got
the cash, the van?
S, s.
DANNY: Whoa.
What, you don't trust me?
Oh, I trust you.
Est bueno?
No, it's no fucking bueno.
Andy, wait here.
Danny, come on.
Hey, what is it?
What are you doing?
I need some iodine.
The ink is OVI,
the layers are right,
but that paper
felt different.
Hey, qu pasa?
What's going on?
You better hope I'm wrong.
You fucking idiots
didn't print this
on starch-free paper.
I'm sorry, man.
This is the best I have.
I don't have time for this.
I told you on the phone,
I needed exactly
what you
sold me last time.
Gonzalo has it
at the warehouse.
That little shithead
who works for Jesus?
No. There's no more Jesus.
Gonzalo is
running things now.
Why didn't you
send me to him
in the first place?
Are you fucking
playing games with me?
Are you fucking playing...
I tried!
But he doesn't want
anybody going there!
No, no, no.
We're going to
the warehouse.
Let's go.
No, no, no, no, no.
EDWIN: Hey, Chris, man,
look, take the van,
man. I'm sorry.
KATE: Come on, Mikey!
Man, the sun's
really killing me.
That kid is big.
He is.
Number 11 is a big kid.
Hold on, I got to take this.
Hey, man, what's up?
He didn't have them.
All right.
Well, I guess
you're going to have to
bring in some candy.
I'm not bringing in drugs.
Just go and see Ruben.
I told you, I'm not
bringing in drugs. Okay.
It's not an option.
Chris, Chris, Chris,
I'm begging you. Please.
Chris? Yeah, Chris?
Put him in the fucking van.
You know,
you come back empty-handed,
Andy's going to
get fucking hit,
and you're still
gonna have to come up
with the goddamn money.
Look, I'll figure
it out, okay?
Just keep Briggs
away from my family, please.
Yeah, of course.
Hey, I got
a little problem at work
I got to take care of.
See you later, buddy.
Bye, Sebastian.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything's fine.
You got your key?
I'm telling you, man.
Stay away from Gonzalo.
He's been acting
crazy lately, since
he became a boss.
Stay away from him.
DANNY: Chris, we should
have listened to him.
We got less than an hour
to get back to the boat.
It ain't going to work.
It will work.
I mean, do you even know
where Gonzalo's warehouse is?
We're in fucking
Chorrillo right now.
I'm looking for
something to remind me.
We're going to find it.
Here we go. Here we go.
Look, right here! Here!
CAMP: Mortin.
Yeah, Cap?
Where the hell is Farraday?
I don't know, Cap.
I didn't know
I had to babysit him today.
I didn't get the memo.
Don't piss me off, Mortin.
You'll be flipping
shit-burgers at McDonald's
before you can say
"minimum wage."
I'm sorry, Cap. Sorry.
That little visit
you paid Kate,
the kids, Chris' family?
That's my family.
You stay away from them.
Are we clear?
Hi, Sadie.
You know, if you had
hired a real smuggler
instead of Andy,
our package
would have come in
when it was supposed to.
You know,
I'm really sorry about that.
Do you know how fucked up
things are for me right now?
I know.
He said he knew
what he was doing.
I didn't know
he was his brother-in-law.
DANNY: Hey, man,
this is way more high-risk
than I originally
I got a wife now.
I like my wife.
Yeah, I got a wife,
too, okay?
And don't worry
about Gonzalo.
I know him,
he's a little fucking punk.
Don't worry about it.
Oh, yeah? I heard
stories about this dude
cutting people's
heads off and shit.
I'm looking for Gonzalo.
Andy, stay in the van
with the bag.
Danny, it's all good.
I know this guy, come on.
You have one new message.
BRIGGS: Hey, fuckhead,
I'm watching your
sister's kid play soccer.
You don't call me back,
I'm gonna walk out
on that field and put
a bullet in his head.
ANDY: Don't...
Stop talking.
Like I said,
I want you to take
the buy money
and go to that address,
and talk to
a gentleman named Ruben.
If you ever want to see
your little nephew again,
you take the package
and you bring it back,
all right?
DANNY: Hey, is that a wolf?
That ain't no fucking dog.
Excuse me, seor.
Do you mind?
Where is he?
Where is my
old friend Farraday?
Bring the van around.
Sorry for showing up
Edwin was trying to
play games with me.
my buddy Jesus?
We fed him
to the wolves.
What, literally?
I am the new Jesus, cabrn.
It's good to see you.
You, too.
What do you think?
It's all mine, motherfucker.
All those assholes
who thought I was shit?
They're dead por culeros.
We're taking down a truck.
It's a big one.
An armored truck.
Do you want to
join us? Huh?
Are you serious?
Oh, fuck.
MICHAEL: He charges...
Michael, not in the house.
We're guests.
Look at young Daddy.
MICHAEL: He shoots!
He scores!
Go find your mom.
You ain't fucking around,
huh? Looks like you're
ready for anything.
Are you going to
war or something?
I told you.
We're taking down a truck.
Fucking rock and roll.
CHRIS: No shit.
You got all these guys.
What the fuck is
in that truck, man?
You want to know?
Then maybe you should
show these assholes
how it's done.
No, look...
I'll give you
the super notes for free.
Yeah, thanks anyway.
But I got a boat
to catch, so...
Come on. Don't tell me
you don't miss this shit.
I got two kids now,
man, you know?
My cowboy days are over.
Come on, Danny!
The money's gone.
And Andy.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
You come in here
and treat me
like an asshole?
No, primo,
I wouldn't do that, man.
I should fucking
blow your brains out.
Does that offer still stand?
We ride with you,
I get the super
notes for free?
Yeah, there's something
you can do for us.
Grab their wallets.
Give him your wallet.
Give me their IDs.
We're being fined
every minute longer
we sit here, Captain.
We got to take that...
CAMP: What's the status?
Pitch propeller overheated.
It needs oil.
We're working on it.
You got 10 minutes!
It's Olaf.
Chris, you have
got 10 minutes.
That's not long enough.
Have Tarik delay
the loading.
Just stall them for as
long as you can, okay?
Get here.
I'll do what I can.
See, Chris?
This is exactly what
I didn't want to happen.
I mean, what are we
supposed to be doing here?
Blocking the truck.
Right. That's awesome.
We're blocking the truck.
Like human speed bumps.
Tell my wife that...
Will you shut the fuck up?
Look, we're going to
get through this, okay?
I'm not telling
your wife shit!
GONZALO: Okay, ready.
They're coming.
CHRIS: Put your seatbelt on.
He's coming down.
Here we go.
DANNY: Is he going
to slow down?
CHRIS: Yeah, he's going
to slow down.
You said he's
going to slow down!
He's gonna slow down.
He's not slowing down!
Are you all right?
Oh, my God.
CHRIS: Oh, fuck!
Get down!
Danny, are you okay?
I need you to hold
containers D, E and F,
until I say so.
I'm going to pay you
$100, yeah?
You got to be
fucking kidding me!
DANNY: Get down, Chris!
Hold on.
What the fuck
are we doing, dude?
Wait, wait, wait!
CHRIS: Come on!
Shit! Danny,
come on, we're going!
Come on, Danny,
let's go! Shit!
Fuck! (GROANS)
What now?
CHRIS: Fuck!
Andy, where's Chris?
Come on,
we got to move!
are you doing?
We got to get our IDs.
CHRIS: Oh, shit!
Take me to
the fucking hospital.
Oh, shit. Danny, help.
Come on, lay down.
Hold him, hold him!
Oh, shit!
Is he dead?
He's dead!
If he's fucking dead,
throw him out the van.
Wait, wait!
Get our IDs!
You got them?
Toss him out!
Okay, boys,
let's warm her up.
DANNY: How much time
do you think we have?
CHRIS: No time.
Get those containers aboard
or we're leaving without them.
TARIK: Chris, where
the fuck are you, man?
The ship's leaving.
CHRIS: Just hold the ship,
we're coming.
Just get your ass over here!
All right.
Any crew member
hasn't come aboard yet,
you make sure
they get searched
before you let them on,
you got me?
All right, come on,
it's going to open up.
we going to make it?
Yeah, he's holding
the container for us.
Come on. Go, go, go!
CHRIS: I'm coming.
Open the container.
When you come to let us out,
bring something to
clean up a bit of a mess.
Don't forget the seals!
Yeah, yeah. Here we go.
CHRIS: Get the fuck
out of the way!
Come on,
get your ass in here!
Wait, stop!
Come on!
The fucking doors are open!
Oh, fuck!
I got it.
Oh, fuck!
Hold up.
What's the rush?
Come on.
I just left some
food on, you know?
Come on, Jack.
Captain has got us
searching everybody
that got off.
Hey, where are you going?
I just stowed
some decent beef.
Ooh! Thank God.
That shit you made
last night was
like chewing ass.
Yeah, you would know.
DECKHAND: Fuck you, Tarik.
Come on.
CHRIS: You got
the cleaning stuff?
You got the seals?
All right, we got on late.
They're definitely
going to check this.
Holy shit!
Let's go, baby.
Will do.
Customs and Border
Protection, Captain.
They want us to take
a look at some containers
that were loaded late.
All right, let's go.
Call in the Second.
Let's go, Danny.
Let's go.
CAMP: Where are
we looking, Chief?
The container
right up here, Captain.
CHIEF MATE: 812504.
Sorry, Captain.
DANNY: Oh, shit.
MAN: I'm gonna check
the heating coils...
Wait, wait!
...I'm gonna need
a couple of minutes.
Come on, let's go.
CHIEF MATE: Oh! Shit, rats!
Shut it!
Watch your hand.
Yo, yo, yo!
We got a sewage leak.
Call Brody, all right?
All right, let's go.
We got two more
containers up here.
That's it, open it.
SECOND MATE: 525524.
That's the last container
that was boarded.
Go on.
No, sir. Smells like
it was just cleaned.
All right, seal it up.
Customs will take it apart
when we get back home.
I need to tell you...
Are you out of
your fucking mind?
Are you fucking crazy?
Where's the money?
Where is it?
It's gone!
I had to use it.
It's what?
Where's the money?
What are you trying to...
What did you just
say to me?
I had to use it.
You what?
I had to use it.
It's in the ceiling.
No, you fucking...
How fucking stupid
are you?
I came out here to help you,
to risk my fucking freedom
and my wife
and my children for this?
What the fuck
am I supposed to do
with all that?
You got to be the dumbest
He said he was
going to kill Michael.
CHRIS: What?
You have one saved message.
BRIGGS: Hey, fuckhead,
I'm watching your
sister's kid play soccer.
You don't call me back,
I'm gonna walk out
on that field and put
a bullet in his head.
Get the bag.
Are you all right?
You all right?
You all right?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm fine.
I'm sorry.
Calm down, calm down.
Everything okay?
Boys all right?
Yeah, they're sleeping.
What's up?
Is everything okay?
Is Andy okay?
Yeah. Don't worry
about it.
Is Sebastian there?
KATE: Yeah, he is.
Do you want me to
get him for you?
No, no.
No, it's okay.
Go back to sleep.
I'll call you in the morning.
KATE: Okay. I love you.
I love you, too.
Chris, I've been
trying to call you.
What's going on?
Andy picked something up.
Really? I thought
we weren't doing that.
I didn't have a choice.
Thank God for Andy
taking the initiative,
though, huh?
Too bad I'm not
bringing it in.
I'm thinking of dumping
it in the sea, actually.
Why would you do that?
Then we would
all be fucked!
Take it on faith.
I need to talk to you.
Is something wrong?
I told you I would
call you with an update.
You've got
a few more days left
before I cut your head off
and stick it up your ass.
And you're asking me,
"Is there anything wrong?"
Well, I got
something coming in.
You don't sound so sure.
I'm sure.
It's coming in.
Flying solo ain't
for sidekicks, Abney.
I fucking warned you.
When you first
came to me for help
in keeping your
little business afloat,
I fucking warned you.
I said, "You've got to
know your limitations.
"Don't live beyond
your fucking means!"
I don't normally
do this fucking shit.
Telling you
what's going to happen
when you don't pay.
What's the fucking point?
You know the rules, right?
You take care, Abney.
Jack, neat.
Somebody's off the wagon.
I want you to go see Kate.
Man, I thought
she was your family.
You know, if you
want to fuck his wife,
you fuck his wife.
But don't waste my time
so you can play hero.
Chris is falling apart
out there.
He's going to
dump the package.
Don't touch her.
Just get her attention.
All right.
Oh, man.
Do you think
it's going to work?
It's going to work.
You think so?
Did you take science
in school, Tarik?
Then you should know
salt dissolves
in water, bitch.
Are you leaving soon?
Yeah, Sebastian is
dropping the boys off.
We're going home.
Oh, that's right.
Chris is coming home.
So, you'll be
all smiles
in the morning?
I hope so.
You get out of here,
I got it.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, baby.
I'll lock the door.
Oh, my God!
Get the fuck away from me!
My friend will be here,
he'll kick your...
I'm going to be
perfectly fucking clear.
You call your husband
and you tell him not to
dump it in the water!
You tell him that you,
Michael and Eddie
are all depending on him.
Do you understand me?
Stay away from my kids!
He's got a gun!
Whoa! What
are you doing?
Are you all right?
Honey, I want you
to get in the truck
with me.
The kids are inside,
all right?
You smell like alcohol.
Yeah, I had a drink.
You're driving
my kids around drunk?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Relax. What did
he say to you?
Come on, get out.
We're going in my car.
Let's go.
SEBASTIAN: Kate! Guys,
get back in the car.
Kate, what are you doing?
Kate! Kate!
Get in the truck.
the kids' names.
Hold on,
you're breaking up, okay?
Let me go outside.
Oh, fuck.
Cell service sucks
here on the river.
Hold on, I'm going outside.
Hello? He told me
to tell you...
No, hold on.
I can't hear you.
He told me to tell you
not to dump it in...
He told me to tell
you not to dump it.
Who did?
Who? The asshole
who came to the house!
Who the fuck told him?
Are the boys okay?
They're here.
We're at Jeanie's.
Kate? Hello?
Chris, please come home.
Hey, how did it go?
We boarded up
the front window.
The cops took a report.
They're looking for the guy.
All right.
They want to talk to you.
Yeah. I'm going to
go by in the morning.
They want to
talk to you now.
But we have no stuff.
I've got to go to
Sebastian's to get our stuff.
Would you mind
watching the boys
for a second?
Look at your forehead.
Are you sure you don't
need me to take you
to the hospital?
No, it's just...
It looks worse than it is.
It just hurts.
Like a bruise, you know?
I think I should
go now before I can't.
You know what I mean?
I'll see you
in a little bit.
Goodbye, Mom.
I love you.
Be good boys.
Did you tell Briggs
I was going to dump it?
No. I didn't
tell nobody.
Don't lie to me.
Chris, I'm not
fucking lying to you.
I didn't say shit.
Where did you get the drugs?
From a guy called Ruben.
KATE: Sebastian?
Hi. I'm just
getting our stuff.
Are you hungry?
Let me make you some food.
No, I can't.
The boat's not coming in.
I got to get back
to the boys.
Chris will be back tonight.
No, he's not. He's not
coming home tonight.
I mean, the boat's
not coming in for, like,
I don't know, tomorrow.
Chris told me that
I had to take care of you,
so I'm going to
take care of you.
are you not hearing me?
We'll be fine, okay?
Yeah, we're fine.
Okay, good.
All right. Good.
Give me a hug.
It's been such a big day.
What the fuck are you doing?
I'm not doing anything.
I'm trying to give
my friend a fucking kiss.
What's your problem?
What's your problem?
Kate, come on.
Look, I mean,
did you even see this?
Stop it.
How long have we
known each other?
You know what?
Get your hands off me!
Kate? Kate!
Leave me the fuck alone!
Jesus Christ. Kate!
I'm trying to have
a conversation with you,
and you're acting
like a fucking child.
Okay. Good.
Why don't you just
walk away from the door,
and let me get out of here.
An ungrateful child.
A little fucking brat,
who's not grateful for...
Do you want to talk
to Chris about what
a fucking bitch I am?
I'm going to
fucking call him
on the phone right now!
Don't call Chris.
Sweetheart, I love you,
but open the door.
I'm calling Chris!
Don't mess with
his head now!
Why don't you
fucking tell him?
Honey, I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Kate, it's not funny.
Stop fucking around.
You're going to be okay.
You're going to be okay.
Kate! Kate!
I know what you did.
I know Briggs works for you.
You stay the fuck
away from my family,
or I'm going to kill you.
You hear me?
Just bring in
the package. Everything's
going to be fine.
I'm not bringing in shit.
You'll never see
that fucking package.
You know,
I didn't know about...
I can't believe you.
You fucking played me.
I'm not playing you.
I'm coming.
I'm coming for you.
Captain Camp.
What do you want, Abney?
Chris Farraday
is running shit.
He's going to
dump the package.
If you make sure he doesn't,
I will give you his share.
Jesus, Abney.
You are one cold rat bastard.
All right.
But if Farraday
don't give it up,
I'm going to call in
the dogs, and your package
is getting seized.
No, he'll tell you
where it is.
He won't risk doing time.
CAMP: Next time you want
to run shit on my ship,
you do it right
and pay a fare
like everybody else.
CAMP: Where is it?
Where's what?
You're running something.
I know you're
running something.
I'm not running
anything, Captain.
You want to play that way?
This is your one chance.
You give it up now,
or you want me to call CBP?
I'm not running anything.
Your wife asked me
to bring some
Panamanian dog shit home
for her to eat and rub
in her fucking cunt...
Fuck you, you piece of shit.
But I didn't have time.
You dumb-ass motherfucker!
This is how you want it?
Yeah, this is how I want it.
You want to go down
just like your
dumb-ass daddy,
you piece of shit mick?
Fuck this.
You made it now,
Whatever it is,
CBP is going to find it.
Yeah, he's in the cafeteria.
You're clear.
Come on, come on.
Pick up the phone, buddy.
Customs and
Border Protection,
Port of New Orleans.
It's Redmond, line two.
Yeah, John,
I've got a good tip.
Somebody's making
a run on my ship.
All right, listen up,
guys and gals,
I want an interdiction team
ready for deployment
in 20 minutes.
Let's go.
Flight 104, copy that.
Three minutes to contact.
Ready. Standing by.
Holy shit!
Well, it was good
while it lasted.
Who the fuck
called the cavalry in?
Inspection, please!
All crew. Everybody.
Who's in here?
Welcome aboard.
All right, gentlemen,
sit down.
What the fuck
is going on?
Larry, check the ceiling.
Take it down.
Wow! Look at this.
There's nothing in there.
There's nothing
in there?
SECOND MATE: That's enough.
A tarp.
Tool box with
nothing in it.
You said you thought
it smelled funny, right?
Yes, Captain.
Maybe it's
just been cleaned.
That's about it.
Could be covering up
something, maybe?
Could be.
Watch your step.
Just put the carpet
cleaner in the trunk.
You got it?
Just put it right there,
that's fine.
Oh, shit.
DAVIS: The van in D-7.
What about it?
We're taking it apart now.
But you can just
save us the trouble,
and tell us what's in it.
I would love to help you,
but I don't know
what the fuck
you're talking about.
Do you think we're stupid?
LAIRD: And who is
Jib Lakowski?
It says right there,
he's the guy
shipping the van,
so maybe you
should talk to him.
He died in 2004.
Then I guess he's not
going to need the van. Huh?
What's up, Houdini?
You got something for me?
What are you talking about?
Come on, man.
Just give it to him.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Come on, man!
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Say goodbye to Andy.
Chris! Chris!
MARCUS: Shut the fuck up!
ANDY: Don't fuck me, man!
What are you doing?
ANDY: Chris!
Run, Andy!
Fuck, Briggs.
Pull the
fucking trigger!
You don't get
your dope if I'm dead.
This is it right here.
Right here?
What, you got
your grandma
selling cocaine?
It's my friend's place.
BRIGGS: You better not
be messing around,
I'll put a bullet
in your face.
CHRIS: All right,
take it easy. Come on.
DESMOND: Is your friend home?
CHRIS: Quiet.
Trust me,
you don't want to
wake this fucker up.
state your position, please.
We have a home security alarm
triggered at 452 King Drive.
BRIGGS: Hey, you got
some rich friends, man.
Come on.
Shut that door.
Whoo! That's some
world-class smuggling
right there, man.
MARCUS: We got it now, man.
Check this out.
This is
the shit, man.
Check this out.
Oh, that's some real
booger-sugar right there.
It's good?
Yeah, yeah.
Great. I'm going
to take a piss,
I've been holding it
since I got off the boat.
All right, you do that.
It doesn't want
to come out, man.
They make it
Who the hell are you?
What the fuck
are you doing
in my goddamn house?
Go back to bed, old man.
MARCUS: Shit, it's Five-O!
Get the fuck out!
Pack that shit up, man.
Jeanie, is Kate there?
She's not
picking up her phone.
Are the boys with you?
Yeah, the boys are here.
She left a while ago.
Said she was
going to Sebastian's
to get their stuff.
Listen, if she calls you,
tell her to
call me right away.
CAMP: Absolutely
fucking ridiculous.
I've never seen these
idiots before in my life.
That one dumbshit
right there is bleeding
all over my couch,
and they're
cutting up their drugs.
CHRIS: Kate?
I want you guys
to pour the cement
on the south corner first.
Can we start on
the south corner first?
We're set up for the
other side. No, we can't.
South corner first,
hurry the hell up.
You guys have milked
this fucking job long enough!
Hold it!
MAN: We're pouring over
on the south corner.
Take it over there.
What the hell's going on
here? I thought we were
doing the other side.
Why are you moving
the cement truck?
You're blocking
the fucking trucks.
You send guys
to my house?
Huh? I trusted you with
my wife and my kids.
And I fucking loved you
like a brother.
Where is Kate?
Where the fuck is Kate?
One more fucking time.
Where's Kate?
She's gone.
Are you okay, Seb?
MAN: Whose phone is this?
Who left their phone here?
Turn that fucking
thing off, now!
Oh, my God!
Turn that fucking thing off!
Call an ambulance!
Oh, fuck.
Call an ambulance!
Call a fucking
ambulance, now!
MAN: Yeah,
I need an ambulance...
CHRIS: Oh, shit. West Bank
Trucking Company.
Yeah, right away.
Are you sure this
is the right place?
These are the coordinates
Chris gave me
when he dropped it.
We're definitely
in the right place.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I got that.
And you got one.
You cheated.
It's mine.
DANNY: Oh, man!
I can't believe it.
A sea full of money!
We got to get in.
Get it in here.
Pull it in. Be careful,
it's slippery right there.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
And I have sold it.
Next one.
Call lot number 122.
Come bid 300.
A high of 300,
I have to get 400.
Got 400, got a $500 bid.
Five to six-and-a-half.
I'm going to seven,
going to seven-and-a-half.
Can I have an $800 bid?
Get an 800?
And I have sold it.
Seven-and-a-half to
number 77. Thank you,
sir. Next one.
CHURCH: I'll take it off
your hands for 2.5.
CHRIS: I'm not taking
any less than three.
Okay, three.
Come on.
So you were down
in Panama, were you?
Did you hear about
that famous painting
by Jackson Pollock?
It got ripped off
in Panama.
Come on, it's been
all over the news.
No. No idea.
What's that thing
worth, anyway?
About 140 million.
What's that,
At least.
I'm in the wrong
business, huh?
Get in, get in.
Hurry up!
Wow. Whoo!
Twenty! It's twenty!
CHRIS: Twenty million.