Control (2022) Movie Script
(waves faintly crashing)
(unnerving music)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- [Man] Fire!
(guns firing)
(man grunts)
(guns continue firing)
(man screams)
(Eileen screams)
- [Man] Take her down.
(gun fires)
(Eileen grunts)
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
Phase one commencing.
(Eileen grunts)
- Hello?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- What?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
Complete this task
within the allotted time.
(dark synth music)
- Wait.
Where am I?
- [The Voice] Begin.
- Begin?
Begin what?
(dark synth music)
(Eileen grunts)
(Eileen groans)
I moved it.
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- Now tell me...
(buzzer rings)
(dark music)
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
(Eileen breathes heavily)
- No, no, no, no!
What is this?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- What? The pencil?
- [The Voice] Complete this
task within the allotted time.
- Wait.
What am I doing here?
What do you want from me?
- [The Voice] Complete this
task within the allotted time.
(tense music)
- I'm chained to a chair.
Let me out of here!
Let me out of here!
(Eileen grunts)
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
your daughter will die.
- My daughter.
- Shh.
- Stop!
Stop! Wait!
Why do you have my daughter?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me!
(Eileen breathes heavily)
(Eileen breathes heavily)
(Eileen groans)
(intense synth music)
Come on!
(Eileen grunts)
(intense synth music)
(Eileen shouts)
I did it.
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- No! Wait!
(buzzer rings)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- Eve?
Row, row, row your boat
- Are you okay?
- Mhm.
Gently down the stream
- What are you doing?
- Shh.
The sand is singing.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Come on, Mommy.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(unnerving music)
- Ah.
(spoon scrapes)
(Eileen grunts)
(eerie ambient music)
(tray clangs)
What did you do to me?
I'm talking to you!
Just tell me what you want.
(Eileen sobs)
I just want out of here.
Please let me out.
Just please.
(Eileen sobs)
Let me out.
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
- If you tell me to-
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- Go fuck yourself.
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- No!
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
Eve will die.
- You leave her out of this.
She's just a child.
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
Eve will die.
- I want to talk to her.
- [The Voice] That
is not possible.
- Then make it possible.
If I don't talk to my
daughter right this second,
you're not gonna get
another thing from me..
(machine beeps)
- [The Voice] Stand by.
- [Eve] Mommy?
Is that you?
- Oh my God, Eve.
- [Eve] Mommy!
- Eve, baby, did they hurt you?
Are you okay?
- [Eve] Mommy? I'm scared.
I want to go home.
- [The Voice] Eve will remain
unharmed provided you comply.
Move the pencil.
- Fine.
I'll move the fucking...
(tense synth music)
(Eileen grunts)
(hands slamming)
(Eileen grunts)
(tense music)
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
(Eileen mumbles)
(Eileen grunts)
(Eileen screams)
(Eileen groans)
What am I supposed to do?
(hands banging)
What do you want from me?
I can't.
(Eileen sobs)
Move, God damn it!
(machine beeps)
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- Wait.
Wait, wait, wait!
(buzzer rings)
(unnerving ambient music)
- [Eve] Are you
gonna help me, Mommy?
- Evie, baby?
- Mhm?
- What's going on here?
- We're building a castle.
- Right.
- [Roger] Eileen.
(Eileen gasps)
(machine beeps)
(chain rattles)
- What?
- Eileen.
Where are we?
Oh my God.
- No, get away.
- Are you okay?
- Get away from me.
- Hey, just relax.
- Get away from me!
- Calm down, it's me.
- Get away from-
- Ow! Jesus Christ!
Eileen, it's me, it's Roger.
- Roger?
You're my husband.
- You don't remember?
Have you lost your mind?
(tense ambient music)
- Roger.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I don't...
Roger, I don't...
- [Roger] It's okay.
- I don't know what's going on.
- It's okay.
- Yeah, I don't know
what's going on.
- It's okay, it's
okay, just breathe.
- Yeah.
What are you doing here?
How are you here?
- I don't know.
I can't remember.
Why can't I remember?
What happened to you?
Why are you in this chair?
- I just keep waking up
here, and this voice,
it tells me to do things.
- A voice?
- Yes, Roger, a voice.
She, it.
It said that if I don't
do what she says then...
- Then what? Eileen?
- She has her.
- She?
You're not listening, The voice.
- [Roger] I'm trying.
I'm trying to listen.
- She said that if we
don't do what she says,
she's gonna kill her.
- Kill who?
- Eve!
(Roger chuckles)
- Okay, wait a second.
Let's go back to the beginning.
This voice.
What did she say exactly?
- She said "Move the
pencil or Eve will die."
- "Move the pencil
or Eve will..."
What the fuck does Eve have
to do with a God damn pencil?
- It doesn't matter. We
need to do something.
- I know, I'm just
having a hard time
wrapping my head around...
How do you even
know they have Eve?
- Because I talked
to her, Roger.
I talked to Eve.
They have our baby.
- Okay, okay, okay.
It's okay.
There's gotta be a rational
explanation for this.
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
- Who is this?
- [The Voice] Grab the pencil.
- We're not doing anything
until you tell us
what's going on.
- [The Voice] Complete this
task within the allotted time.
(dark synth music)
- Hey!
I'm talking to you!
I want to speak
with my daughter.
(dramatic synth music)
What the hell is this?
- Another test.
- Well, what are
we supposed to do?
And what happens
when that runs out?
Eileen, you gotta tell
me what's going on.
- There's no time.
- Okay, look.
If they're gonna hurt Eve,
then we need to figure
this out together, okay?
Now tell me, what
the fuck is that?
- I told you.
When it runs out, they kill Eve.
- This doesn't make any sense!
Why would they want to hurt Eve?
- It doesn't matter!
Either help me figure
this out, or shut up.
- Okay, okay.
She said "Break the pencil."
What does that mean?
- I don't know! I guess
we break the pencil!
(intense beeping)
- [The Voice] Only
the primary subject
can complete the task.
- You mean Eileen?
- [The Voice] Only
the primary subject
can complete the task.
- Yeah, I heard
you the first time,
but she's bolted
to a fucking chair.
- [The Voice] Reset
all test materials.
Only the primary subject
can complete the task.
If the task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
Eve will die.
- I'm not taking
any fucking orders
from a God damn
answering machine.
- Roger, just put it back!
- [The Voice] Reset
all test materials.
- What are you doing?
- I'm trying to get
you out of this chair.
- No, it's bolted to the ground.
- Okay, you said they
made you do things before.
What did you do the last time?
How'd you get out last time?
- I don't know, I don't know.
I just knew, I just found a way.
- Like what?
- I don't know,
stop yelling at me!
- Then do something!
- I'm trying, just let me think!
- I'm letting you think!
- Right, you want me to
move it with my mind?
- Fuck, here you go with
the God damn sarcasm.
I just want you to be practical.
I don't know, maybe I
can bring you the pencil.
We're running out of time!
- Roger, shut the fuck up!
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- What did she do?
What did you do?
Oh my God, Eileen.
- Roger?
(buzzer rings)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- Roger?
- Oh, good.
You're alive.
- What are you doing?
- Looking for a way out of here.
A door of some kind.
- You're wasting your time.
- How'd that get in here?
We're in here.
There's gotta be a door.
- Even if you find
a way out, I...
- We're gonna find her.
Oh yeah.
We'll find her.
- I don't know.
- So you think we
should just play along?
- I think we should
do as we're told.
- And you think
they're just gonna
give her back to us
after what just happened?
- What just happened?
- The thing with the pencil.
- Roger...
- I saw you do it.
- [Eileen] I didn't do anything.
- I was standing right there.
- It's a trick.
This whole thing is a sick joke.
- No.
It's called psychokinesis.
- Jesus.
- I'm serious,
it's a real thing.
Like Uri Geller, the spoon man.
- [Eileen] That was bullshit.
- Yeah, that's what
they want you to think.
The government,
MK-Ultra, they're always-
- Do you even
listen to yourself?
- Making up this kind
of shit and hiding it.
- Okay, you think a
secret organization
has wiped my memory,
kidnapped our daughter,
and is experimenting on us?
- Not on us, on you.
(tense music)
Have you ever
experienced lost time?
- Oh my God.
- I'm serious.
What if you really
have these powers?
It would explain
a lot of things.
I mean, do you remember
the mirror that fell?
- No.
- We had a big fight around
the time Eve was born.
- I don't remember.
- You screamed at me
about something or other,
and my mother's antique
mirror fell off the wall
at the exact same time,
and shattered all around me.
- We fought a lot.
Didn't we?
- We had our moments.
- Ugh.
- Whoa, whoa,
whoa, take it easy.
- I'm fine.
- Just let me help.
- I said I'm fine.
I just...
I just need a drink.
- Yeah.
You and me both.
- No, I just...
I just...
- You gotta admit...
Something real fuckin'
weird going on here.
- Yeah.
- What's the last
thing you remember?
- Nothing.
- What is it?
You remember
something, don't you?
- Maybe.
No, I don't know.
- You need to eat something.
- I'm not hungry.
- Get your strength back.
Come on, would you
just work with me?
If not for me, then for Eve?
- Not now, Roger, please.
- If not now, then when?
After they kill her?
After they kill our daughter?
- Stop it!
(tray clangs)
(Roger mumbles)
No, I want to sleep.
I need to sleep.
(unnerving ambient music)
- [Eve] Mommy?
Why do you look so tired?
- I don't know, honey.
- You keep going away.
- I know.
I want to stay.
- You have to play with me.
- I know.
I want to, things just
keep getting in the way.
- Sit up.
- Okay.
What are we gonna build?
- A sandcastle.
Gotta do it like this.
Do you think Daddy
wants to play too?
- Daddy?
(unnerving ambient music)
Eve! Eve!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay.
- Eve!
- It's okay, it's
okay, it's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's okay. It's just a dream.
Just a dream.
- How long was I out?
- It's hard to say.
- Ah, fuck!
- [Roger] What is it?
- Nothing. My head's killing me.
- Let me take a look.
- No, don't.
- Just wanna help.
Come here.
Let me see.
Yeah, there's definitely
something under the skin there.
Feels warm.
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
Phase two commencing.
Put the ball in the bucket.
- How many more of these
God damn tests are there?
- [The Voice] Complete this
test within the allotted time.
(dark synth music)
- Answer the question!
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters-
- Tell me!
- Eileen.
- [The Voice] Your
daughter will die.
- Just do what she says.
(dramatic synth music)
Go ahead. Do it.
- Do what?
- Put the ball in the bucket.
- This is insane.
- Just try.
(tense synth music)
- Fuck, this is stupid!
- What happened?
- Nothing. Nothing
fucking happened.
- Okay, you just need to focus.
Try harder.
- Oh, so you're an authority
on how this works now?
- Okay, this isn't the time.
Okay, you can do this.
You moved the pencil.
You know you can do this.
- Even if I did, which
I'm not saying I did,
how am I supposed to control it?
- I don't know.
- No shit.
- Fuck, okay.
(dramatic beeping)
- [Eileen] What are you doing?
- I'm trying to get
you out of this chair.
- We tried that already.
- Maybe we can
loosen these bolts.
- [Eileen] How?
- With your power.
Come on.
Eileen, that pencil snapped.
That tray of food
flew out of my hand.
Now, you have an ability,
and you need to use it, Eileen.
We have a little more
than a minute left
to work a miracle.
So either you want to
save Eve, or you don't.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- I'll try.
- [Roger] If you can
unscrew the chair,
then I can move you
closer to the table.
- The table. The table.
Is it bolted down?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Just like the chair.
- Bigger or smaller?
- Smaller, much smaller.
- Okay.
(tense synth music)
I felt something.
- Holy shit. It moved.
- Yeah, I can't describe it.
It's cold, hard.
I can feel it in my fingers,
but only in my mind.
- Try again.
(tense music)
You're doing it.
You're doing it.
Eileen, you're doing it.
(dramatic music)
That's one leg.
That's two.
(intense music)
Just one more.
Got it!
Come on, come on, come on.
Last screw.
- Push!
- Holy fuck.
- Come on, push!
(Roger grunts)
- I'm trying!
(tense music)
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Look, Eileen.
- It's fine.
- No.
It's not.
I'm sorry.
Really, I am.
I was out of line.
We're in here together and...
I was really only
thinking about myself.
So, what do you say?
Forgive me?
So, when was the last
time you ate anything?
Lucky for you, because Chef
Roger is at your service, hm?
- Oh God, not the French guy.
- [Roger] Mhm.
- You used to make
Eve laugh with this.
- Ah, good.
You're remembering.
What else?
- The beach.
- [Roger] The beach?
- [Eileen] We took
Eve to the beach.
- [Roger] That's right.
It was her birthday.
- Eve loved the beach.
That's it.
You, Eve, the beach.
The rest is all gone again.
- Maybe that thing in your
head is blocking it out.
So, what do you
think it all means?
- I don't know.
- Well...
Either way...
It's good to hold
on to what you have.
Eve, the good stuff.
If it's still in there
and we keep trying
then maybe we can have
that again one day.
You, me, Eve.
The beach can come too.
(Roger grunts)
- You're right, you know.
- I haven't heard you
say that in a long time.
- You probably haven't
been right in a long time.
(intense synth music)
- [The Voice] Turn the page.
Fill the bucket.
Spin the bottle.
Build a castle.
(intense synth music)
Task complete.
(tense music)
(parts rattling)
- I think you need to put
in the sear spring first.
That's not the sear spring.
That's not it either.
- Just tell me which one it is.
- Thank you.
- Grip safety.
You know, this might go faster
if you organize
the pieces first.
- No, it would go faster
if you just told me
what piece goes where
instead of trying to...
- Trying to?
- [Eileen] Nothing.
Just let me do this myself,
I don't need your help.
- [Roger] Fine, whatever.
- Typical.
- Why this?
- Because you're not helping.
- No, no, no, I mean, why a gun?
It doesn't make any sense.
- [Eileen] Does any of
this make any sense?
- Yeah, sand, balls,
pails, shovels.
That's Eve and the
beach, I get it, that's-
- Stop it.
- These are emotional triggers,
maybe those feelings somehow
amplify your
abilities, but this?
Why do they want
you to learn this?
How to use a weapon?
I mean, we know why
they're testing you,
we just don't know what
they want from you.
- It doesn't matter
what they want.
Now let me focus.
(tense music)
- That's not where it-
- God, you're such
a control freak.
- I'm just trying to help.
- Help me what? Go insane?
- [Roger] Help you control this.
- Funny.
You, an expert on control.
- Funny, you calling me a freak.
- What did you say?
- Forget it.
- No, call me a freak again.
- I said drop it.
- You said drop it.
Then I guess the matter's
dropped now, isn't it?
I don't know what's worse.
Being stuck in this room, or
being stuck in it with you.
- Oh, God, here we go.
I need a fucking-
- You need a what? Need a drink?
Great idea.
Maybe you could pass
out and I would focus.
- Well, maybe if you looked
at yourself once in a while,
you'd understand why I started
drinking in the first place.
- Right, always
blaming someone else.
Of course it's my fault
you're an alcoholic.
- How do you suddenly
remember all of this shit?
I thought they
erased your memory?
Or is that complete bullshit,
just like everything else
that comes out of your mouth.
- The only bullshit thing
here is your whole attitude.
- This isn't about me.
- It's always about you.
- Oh, fuck you, Eileen!
I didn't ask for
any of this shit!
Okay, okay.
We're doing it again. I'm sorry.
- That sounds familiar.
- Eileen, I said I'm sorry.
- Hm, the magic words.
"I'm sorry, Eileen.
It's just one drink.
I'm sorry, Eileen.
Sorry, sorry, sorry."
- Okay.
Calm down.
- I'm very calm.
- [The Voice] Load
the gun, Eileen.
- Hey, wait a sec.
(tense music)
Very good, Eileen.
Task complete, test over.
Hey, look at me.
We're not here to
kill each other, okay?
We're here to save our daughter.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
We're here to save Eve!
- [Eileen] Honey, wake up.
(gun fires)
(tense music)
- [The Voice] Task complete.
(buzzer rings)
(unnerving ambient music)
- We're never gonna finish this.
- But it's already so good.
Did you do all this by yourself?
- Daddy said he would
help, but he didn't.
- Oh.
(unnerving ambient music)
Daddy's so clumsy sometimes.
(tense music)
- Hi.
- Hi?
You okay?
- I'm cold.
I'm so cold.
- Let's get some food in you.
- Do you think they're
ever gonna let us go?
- Yeah, sure.
Just have to keep fighting.
Focus on the future.
- The future?
- [Roger] What we're gonna
do when we get Eve back.
- I just want to hold
her, and never let go.
- Maybe we could start
a magic act one day.
I'll wear a top hat, you can
levitate things from backstage.
Roger the Great.
- Hell.
You could bend spoons.
How did we meet?
- You don't remember?
I can't figure out what you
know and what you don't.
- It's like she or...
The voice or whatever.
They only want to show me
certain things at certain times.
Just pieces.
And then they fade, like...
Like writing on fogged glass.
If I try to force
it, I get nothing.
I don't even know
what I did for work.
- You were a teacher.
Well, studying to be.
- Oh.
What was I studying?
- Oh...
Condensed matter physics.
Don't ask me what it
is, I have no idea.
Just saw the textbooks all
over the kitchen table.
You were so smart.
I'll never know what you
wanted with someone like me.
- Did we meet at school?
- I was in a rock band.
- You played?
- I sang.
You seriously don't remember?
- Just tell me the story.
What was the band called?
- Ocean of Death.
(Eileen coughs)
(Roger laughs)
- That's kind of lame.
- Yeah. You said
that back then too.
But you also said you
loved the ocean, so.
And then Eve came
along and I stopped.
Not a lot of money
in angsty ballads.
- I wish I could
remember any of it.
- Maybe it's better you don't.
I made a lot of
mistakes, Eileen.
- Come on.
- I let you down many times.
- Stop.
I must've made mistakes too.
- Oh yeah, you were
a pain in the ass.
A royal one, sometimes,
most of the time.
But not all the time.
But I always blamed
you for my problems.
Things seemed good but...
It's hot.
Did you do that?
- I...
I needed something warm.
Didn't even realize I did it.
Condensed matter physics, right?
- Hm.
(calming music)
- Roger.
I'm sorry.
- For what?
- I don't know.
I just am.
I wish I could remember why.
(melancholic ambient music)
(unnerving ambient music)
(dramatic music)
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
- Eileen!
Eileen! Get up!
Eileen! Wake up!
- [The Voice] Save Roger.
(dark synth music)
- Eileen! Wake up!
Get me the fuck out of here!
- Okay, just...
Just try and stay calm.
- Yeah, right.
Cool as a fucking cucumber.
- I can figure this out.
- Try and stop the sand.
- Okay, I'll try.
- What's going on?
(Eileen grunts)
- I can't!
- I don't have a lot
of fucking time left.
I'm gonna fucking die in here!
- No you're not, I
can figure this out.
Give me a second.
(dramatic music)
- What are you doing!
What are you doing?
- Trying to get a better look!
- Eileen!
- It's sealed.
It's sealed all around.
- Can you break it?
- Let's try.
- That's a good idea.
We can try it together.
- Okay.
- Okay.
(both grunting)
Fucking shit!
Okay, we need to
try something else.
- The chair.
The chair, I'll try to
break it with the chair.
(dramatic music)
(Roger groans)
I'll count to three.
- Just fucking break it!
(Eileen groans)
What are you doing?
Are you kidding me?
Pick it up!
Get the fucking
chair! Pick it up!
Why are you stopping?
Don't fucking stop!
Eileen, save me!
Eileen! Eileen, help me!
(chair clangs)
Eileen! Eileen,
are you kidding me?
Eileen, you can't
let me die in here!
You gotta keep trying,
Eileen, I love you!
- I'm sorry.
(Roger yells)
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
(Eileen yells)
I'm sorry.
(Eileen yells)
I'm sorry!
(Eileen sobs)
Why are you doing this!
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- Fuck you!
(buzzer beeps)
Wait. No.
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- So that's it? I failed?
No. What about Eve?
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- No, no.
Wait, please, please, please.
Please, I'll...
I'll, no, wait, I'll...
Please not her, I'll...
No, no.
Give me another test.
Please give me another
test, I'll try harder.
I promise I'll try harder.
I'll do whatever you want.
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- Fuck your parameters!
(Eileen grunts)
(object rattles)
- [The Voice]
Phase two complete.
(tense music)
(Eve chuckles)
- [Man] Come with us.
- Where's my daughter?
- [Man] Don't make
this difficult.
(tense music)
(Eileen hums)
(eerie music)
(catchy music)
- [Man] Don't let her
within critical distance.
(guns firing)
(men groaning)
- Wait.
No, no, please.
I have a daughter.
(man groans)
(elevator dings)
(calming music)
(tense music)
(elevator dings)
(Roger laughs)
- They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
- Who's like you?
- They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
(unnerving music)
(zipper unzips)
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
(Roger laughs)
They're all like me.
(Roger chuckles)
(eerie music)
- [Man] Fire!
(guns firing)
- Stop.
- What the fuck?
- What the fuck?
(eerie music)
(gun fires)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
(guns firing)
(eerie music)
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(man groans)
Life is but a dream
(eerie music)
(man groans)
Life is but a dream
(elevator dings)
(lighthearted music)
- Eve?
Give her back to me.
Give me back my daughter!
- [The Voice] Phase
three complete.
The test cycle has concluded.
- You mean...
I did it?
- [The Voice] You
completed the test cycle.
- I saved her.
I did it.
Now, where is she?
Let me see her.
- [The Voice] That
is not possible.
- Why not?
You said I completed the test.
- [The Voice] Eve is gone.
- [Eileen] Gone? What
do you mean gone?
- [The Voice] Disabling
selective memory control.
(waves crashing)
(calming music)
- Do you like it, Mommy?
- I love it.
(Eileen chuckles)
- Do you think
Daddy wants to play?
- Okay, tag, you're it!
- Oh!
Now I'm gonna get you!
- Yeah?
Tickle monster!
(Eve chuckles)
- I'm gonna get you!
- Yeah?
Do you think they're
all seagulls over there?
- Yeah, most of them are.
- Oh, look at this one flying.
- Oh. Cool.
(calming music)
- Hey.
We need to clean up.
- Just 20 more minutes.
- We're gonna be late.
I don't want to have
to deal with your mom
and her pocket watch.
- I'm not done with that.
- [Eileen] It's warm.
We have more in the car.
- I said leave it.
Come on, Eileen.
- You promised.
- I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?
You're always sorry.
- Can we not?
Not here, not in front
of the kid, I just-
- What? Suddenly you're
father of the year?
- Jesus fuckin' Christ.
- When, Roger?
When will it stop?
When will you grow the fuck up?
- When I wake up happy!
How 'bout that?
When I'm not fuckin'
depressed anymore.
How 'bout that?
Maybe if you just
showed me one ounce
of the attention you used to.
Just one fucking iota
of what you show her.
Then I wouldn't wake
up in my own house
feeling like a fucking prisoner.
- You're jealous of
your own daughter.
- Shut up, I didn't say that.
- It is. That is
exactly what you-
- Shut up!
- You're pathetic.
(unnerving music)
(Eileen screams)
(dramatic music)
(Eileen mumbles)
It's a dream, she's
still out there.
- [The Voice] Incorrect.
Eve did not survive the
inciting occurrence.
- Someone help!
But I spoke to her.
I spoke to her in the test room.
In my dreams, I spoke to her.
- [The Voice] Reconstructed
neural simulations.
Emotional triggers
used to recreate the
inciting occurrence.
- Why?
Why would you show me this?
Why would you do this?
- [The Voice] Memory
block removal must occur
before reconditioning
in storage.
(door beeps)
Please proceed to
- After...
Will I still
remember what I did?
- [The Voice] You will not.
Please proceed to
- [Eve] You're leaving, Mommy?
- I'm sorry.
- You're not gonna play with me?
(melancholic music)
- I can't.
I can't leave her.
- [The Voice] Eve
is already gone.
- I know.
But there has to be a way.
- [The Voice] There is not.
- Please.
- [The Voice] Proceed
to reconditioning.
Your memory of this and
your subsequent guilt
will be erased.
- But that means
Eve will be erased.
In that test room, in my
dreams, she's still there.
She's waiting for me.
- [The Voice] This facility
only has two functions.
and reconditioning.
Please proceed to-
- Let me go again.
- [The Voice] You
wish to retest?
- Yes.
Yes, retest.
If I can't save her,
then at least let me
believe that I can.
One more time.
- [The Voice]
Permission granted.
Prepare for experiment reset.
- Okay.
I'm ready.
(melancholic music)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
Phase one commencing.
- Hello?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
(intense synth music)
(waves faintly crashing)
(unnerving music)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- [Man] Fire!
(guns firing)
(man grunts)
(guns continue firing)
(man screams)
(Eileen screams)
- [Man] Take her down.
(gun fires)
(Eileen grunts)
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
Phase one commencing.
(Eileen grunts)
- Hello?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- What?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
Complete this task
within the allotted time.
(dark synth music)
- Wait.
Where am I?
- [The Voice] Begin.
- Begin?
Begin what?
(dark synth music)
(Eileen grunts)
(Eileen groans)
I moved it.
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- Now tell me...
(buzzer rings)
(dark music)
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
(Eileen breathes heavily)
- No, no, no, no!
What is this?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- What? The pencil?
- [The Voice] Complete this
task within the allotted time.
- Wait.
What am I doing here?
What do you want from me?
- [The Voice] Complete this
task within the allotted time.
(tense music)
- I'm chained to a chair.
Let me out of here!
Let me out of here!
(Eileen grunts)
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
your daughter will die.
- My daughter.
- Shh.
- Stop!
Stop! Wait!
Why do you have my daughter?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me!
(Eileen breathes heavily)
(Eileen breathes heavily)
(Eileen groans)
(intense synth music)
Come on!
(Eileen grunts)
(intense synth music)
(Eileen shouts)
I did it.
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- No! Wait!
(buzzer rings)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- Eve?
Row, row, row your boat
- Are you okay?
- Mhm.
Gently down the stream
- What are you doing?
- Shh.
The sand is singing.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Come on, Mommy.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(unnerving music)
- Ah.
(spoon scrapes)
(Eileen grunts)
(eerie ambient music)
(tray clangs)
What did you do to me?
I'm talking to you!
Just tell me what you want.
(Eileen sobs)
I just want out of here.
Please let me out.
Just please.
(Eileen sobs)
Let me out.
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
- If you tell me to-
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- Go fuck yourself.
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
- No!
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
Eve will die.
- You leave her out of this.
She's just a child.
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
Eve will die.
- I want to talk to her.
- [The Voice] That
is not possible.
- Then make it possible.
If I don't talk to my
daughter right this second,
you're not gonna get
another thing from me..
(machine beeps)
- [The Voice] Stand by.
- [Eve] Mommy?
Is that you?
- Oh my God, Eve.
- [Eve] Mommy!
- Eve, baby, did they hurt you?
Are you okay?
- [Eve] Mommy? I'm scared.
I want to go home.
- [The Voice] Eve will remain
unharmed provided you comply.
Move the pencil.
- Fine.
I'll move the fucking...
(tense synth music)
(Eileen grunts)
(hands slamming)
(Eileen grunts)
(tense music)
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
(Eileen mumbles)
(Eileen grunts)
(Eileen screams)
(Eileen groans)
What am I supposed to do?
(hands banging)
What do you want from me?
I can't.
(Eileen sobs)
Move, God damn it!
(machine beeps)
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- Wait.
Wait, wait, wait!
(buzzer rings)
(unnerving ambient music)
- [Eve] Are you
gonna help me, Mommy?
- Evie, baby?
- Mhm?
- What's going on here?
- We're building a castle.
- Right.
- [Roger] Eileen.
(Eileen gasps)
(machine beeps)
(chain rattles)
- What?
- Eileen.
Where are we?
Oh my God.
- No, get away.
- Are you okay?
- Get away from me.
- Hey, just relax.
- Get away from me!
- Calm down, it's me.
- Get away from-
- Ow! Jesus Christ!
Eileen, it's me, it's Roger.
- Roger?
You're my husband.
- You don't remember?
Have you lost your mind?
(tense ambient music)
- Roger.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I don't...
Roger, I don't...
- [Roger] It's okay.
- I don't know what's going on.
- It's okay.
- Yeah, I don't know
what's going on.
- It's okay, it's
okay, just breathe.
- Yeah.
What are you doing here?
How are you here?
- I don't know.
I can't remember.
Why can't I remember?
What happened to you?
Why are you in this chair?
- I just keep waking up
here, and this voice,
it tells me to do things.
- A voice?
- Yes, Roger, a voice.
She, it.
It said that if I don't
do what she says then...
- Then what? Eileen?
- She has her.
- She?
You're not listening, The voice.
- [Roger] I'm trying.
I'm trying to listen.
- She said that if we
don't do what she says,
she's gonna kill her.
- Kill who?
- Eve!
(Roger chuckles)
- Okay, wait a second.
Let's go back to the beginning.
This voice.
What did she say exactly?
- She said "Move the
pencil or Eve will die."
- "Move the pencil
or Eve will..."
What the fuck does Eve have
to do with a God damn pencil?
- It doesn't matter. We
need to do something.
- I know, I'm just
having a hard time
wrapping my head around...
How do you even
know they have Eve?
- Because I talked
to her, Roger.
I talked to Eve.
They have our baby.
- Okay, okay, okay.
It's okay.
There's gotta be a rational
explanation for this.
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
- Who is this?
- [The Voice] Grab the pencil.
- We're not doing anything
until you tell us
what's going on.
- [The Voice] Complete this
task within the allotted time.
(dark synth music)
- Hey!
I'm talking to you!
I want to speak
with my daughter.
(dramatic synth music)
What the hell is this?
- Another test.
- Well, what are
we supposed to do?
And what happens
when that runs out?
Eileen, you gotta tell
me what's going on.
- There's no time.
- Okay, look.
If they're gonna hurt Eve,
then we need to figure
this out together, okay?
Now tell me, what
the fuck is that?
- I told you.
When it runs out, they kill Eve.
- This doesn't make any sense!
Why would they want to hurt Eve?
- It doesn't matter!
Either help me figure
this out, or shut up.
- Okay, okay.
She said "Break the pencil."
What does that mean?
- I don't know! I guess
we break the pencil!
(intense beeping)
- [The Voice] Only
the primary subject
can complete the task.
- You mean Eileen?
- [The Voice] Only
the primary subject
can complete the task.
- Yeah, I heard
you the first time,
but she's bolted
to a fucking chair.
- [The Voice] Reset
all test materials.
Only the primary subject
can complete the task.
If the task is not completed
within acceptable parameters,
Eve will die.
- I'm not taking
any fucking orders
from a God damn
answering machine.
- Roger, just put it back!
- [The Voice] Reset
all test materials.
- What are you doing?
- I'm trying to get
you out of this chair.
- No, it's bolted to the ground.
- Okay, you said they
made you do things before.
What did you do the last time?
How'd you get out last time?
- I don't know, I don't know.
I just knew, I just found a way.
- Like what?
- I don't know,
stop yelling at me!
- Then do something!
- I'm trying, just let me think!
- I'm letting you think!
- Right, you want me to
move it with my mind?
- Fuck, here you go with
the God damn sarcasm.
I just want you to be practical.
I don't know, maybe I
can bring you the pencil.
We're running out of time!
- Roger, shut the fuck up!
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- What did she do?
What did you do?
Oh my God, Eileen.
- Roger?
(buzzer rings)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- Roger?
- Oh, good.
You're alive.
- What are you doing?
- Looking for a way out of here.
A door of some kind.
- You're wasting your time.
- How'd that get in here?
We're in here.
There's gotta be a door.
- Even if you find
a way out, I...
- We're gonna find her.
Oh yeah.
We'll find her.
- I don't know.
- So you think we
should just play along?
- I think we should
do as we're told.
- And you think
they're just gonna
give her back to us
after what just happened?
- What just happened?
- The thing with the pencil.
- Roger...
- I saw you do it.
- [Eileen] I didn't do anything.
- I was standing right there.
- It's a trick.
This whole thing is a sick joke.
- No.
It's called psychokinesis.
- Jesus.
- I'm serious,
it's a real thing.
Like Uri Geller, the spoon man.
- [Eileen] That was bullshit.
- Yeah, that's what
they want you to think.
The government,
MK-Ultra, they're always-
- Do you even
listen to yourself?
- Making up this kind
of shit and hiding it.
- Okay, you think a
secret organization
has wiped my memory,
kidnapped our daughter,
and is experimenting on us?
- Not on us, on you.
(tense music)
Have you ever
experienced lost time?
- Oh my God.
- I'm serious.
What if you really
have these powers?
It would explain
a lot of things.
I mean, do you remember
the mirror that fell?
- No.
- We had a big fight around
the time Eve was born.
- I don't remember.
- You screamed at me
about something or other,
and my mother's antique
mirror fell off the wall
at the exact same time,
and shattered all around me.
- We fought a lot.
Didn't we?
- We had our moments.
- Ugh.
- Whoa, whoa,
whoa, take it easy.
- I'm fine.
- Just let me help.
- I said I'm fine.
I just...
I just need a drink.
- Yeah.
You and me both.
- No, I just...
I just...
- You gotta admit...
Something real fuckin'
weird going on here.
- Yeah.
- What's the last
thing you remember?
- Nothing.
- What is it?
You remember
something, don't you?
- Maybe.
No, I don't know.
- You need to eat something.
- I'm not hungry.
- Get your strength back.
Come on, would you
just work with me?
If not for me, then for Eve?
- Not now, Roger, please.
- If not now, then when?
After they kill her?
After they kill our daughter?
- Stop it!
(tray clangs)
(Roger mumbles)
No, I want to sleep.
I need to sleep.
(unnerving ambient music)
- [Eve] Mommy?
Why do you look so tired?
- I don't know, honey.
- You keep going away.
- I know.
I want to stay.
- You have to play with me.
- I know.
I want to, things just
keep getting in the way.
- Sit up.
- Okay.
What are we gonna build?
- A sandcastle.
Gotta do it like this.
Do you think Daddy
wants to play too?
- Daddy?
(unnerving ambient music)
Eve! Eve!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay.
- Eve!
- It's okay, it's
okay, it's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's okay. It's just a dream.
Just a dream.
- How long was I out?
- It's hard to say.
- Ah, fuck!
- [Roger] What is it?
- Nothing. My head's killing me.
- Let me take a look.
- No, don't.
- Just wanna help.
Come here.
Let me see.
Yeah, there's definitely
something under the skin there.
Feels warm.
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
Phase two commencing.
Put the ball in the bucket.
- How many more of these
God damn tests are there?
- [The Voice] Complete this
test within the allotted time.
(dark synth music)
- Answer the question!
- [The Voice] If the
task is not completed
within acceptable parameters-
- Tell me!
- Eileen.
- [The Voice] Your
daughter will die.
- Just do what she says.
(dramatic synth music)
Go ahead. Do it.
- Do what?
- Put the ball in the bucket.
- This is insane.
- Just try.
(tense synth music)
- Fuck, this is stupid!
- What happened?
- Nothing. Nothing
fucking happened.
- Okay, you just need to focus.
Try harder.
- Oh, so you're an authority
on how this works now?
- Okay, this isn't the time.
Okay, you can do this.
You moved the pencil.
You know you can do this.
- Even if I did, which
I'm not saying I did,
how am I supposed to control it?
- I don't know.
- No shit.
- Fuck, okay.
(dramatic beeping)
- [Eileen] What are you doing?
- I'm trying to get
you out of this chair.
- We tried that already.
- Maybe we can
loosen these bolts.
- [Eileen] How?
- With your power.
Come on.
Eileen, that pencil snapped.
That tray of food
flew out of my hand.
Now, you have an ability,
and you need to use it, Eileen.
We have a little more
than a minute left
to work a miracle.
So either you want to
save Eve, or you don't.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- I'll try.
- [Roger] If you can
unscrew the chair,
then I can move you
closer to the table.
- The table. The table.
Is it bolted down?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Just like the chair.
- Bigger or smaller?
- Smaller, much smaller.
- Okay.
(tense synth music)
I felt something.
- Holy shit. It moved.
- Yeah, I can't describe it.
It's cold, hard.
I can feel it in my fingers,
but only in my mind.
- Try again.
(tense music)
You're doing it.
You're doing it.
Eileen, you're doing it.
(dramatic music)
That's one leg.
That's two.
(intense music)
Just one more.
Got it!
Come on, come on, come on.
Last screw.
- Push!
- Holy fuck.
- Come on, push!
(Roger grunts)
- I'm trying!
(tense music)
- [The Voice] Task complete.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Look, Eileen.
- It's fine.
- No.
It's not.
I'm sorry.
Really, I am.
I was out of line.
We're in here together and...
I was really only
thinking about myself.
So, what do you say?
Forgive me?
So, when was the last
time you ate anything?
Lucky for you, because Chef
Roger is at your service, hm?
- Oh God, not the French guy.
- [Roger] Mhm.
- You used to make
Eve laugh with this.
- Ah, good.
You're remembering.
What else?
- The beach.
- [Roger] The beach?
- [Eileen] We took
Eve to the beach.
- [Roger] That's right.
It was her birthday.
- Eve loved the beach.
That's it.
You, Eve, the beach.
The rest is all gone again.
- Maybe that thing in your
head is blocking it out.
So, what do you
think it all means?
- I don't know.
- Well...
Either way...
It's good to hold
on to what you have.
Eve, the good stuff.
If it's still in there
and we keep trying
then maybe we can have
that again one day.
You, me, Eve.
The beach can come too.
(Roger grunts)
- You're right, you know.
- I haven't heard you
say that in a long time.
- You probably haven't
been right in a long time.
(intense synth music)
- [The Voice] Turn the page.
Fill the bucket.
Spin the bottle.
Build a castle.
(intense synth music)
Task complete.
(tense music)
(parts rattling)
- I think you need to put
in the sear spring first.
That's not the sear spring.
That's not it either.
- Just tell me which one it is.
- Thank you.
- Grip safety.
You know, this might go faster
if you organize
the pieces first.
- No, it would go faster
if you just told me
what piece goes where
instead of trying to...
- Trying to?
- [Eileen] Nothing.
Just let me do this myself,
I don't need your help.
- [Roger] Fine, whatever.
- Typical.
- Why this?
- Because you're not helping.
- No, no, no, I mean, why a gun?
It doesn't make any sense.
- [Eileen] Does any of
this make any sense?
- Yeah, sand, balls,
pails, shovels.
That's Eve and the
beach, I get it, that's-
- Stop it.
- These are emotional triggers,
maybe those feelings somehow
amplify your
abilities, but this?
Why do they want
you to learn this?
How to use a weapon?
I mean, we know why
they're testing you,
we just don't know what
they want from you.
- It doesn't matter
what they want.
Now let me focus.
(tense music)
- That's not where it-
- God, you're such
a control freak.
- I'm just trying to help.
- Help me what? Go insane?
- [Roger] Help you control this.
- Funny.
You, an expert on control.
- Funny, you calling me a freak.
- What did you say?
- Forget it.
- No, call me a freak again.
- I said drop it.
- You said drop it.
Then I guess the matter's
dropped now, isn't it?
I don't know what's worse.
Being stuck in this room, or
being stuck in it with you.
- Oh, God, here we go.
I need a fucking-
- You need a what? Need a drink?
Great idea.
Maybe you could pass
out and I would focus.
- Well, maybe if you looked
at yourself once in a while,
you'd understand why I started
drinking in the first place.
- Right, always
blaming someone else.
Of course it's my fault
you're an alcoholic.
- How do you suddenly
remember all of this shit?
I thought they
erased your memory?
Or is that complete bullshit,
just like everything else
that comes out of your mouth.
- The only bullshit thing
here is your whole attitude.
- This isn't about me.
- It's always about you.
- Oh, fuck you, Eileen!
I didn't ask for
any of this shit!
Okay, okay.
We're doing it again. I'm sorry.
- That sounds familiar.
- Eileen, I said I'm sorry.
- Hm, the magic words.
"I'm sorry, Eileen.
It's just one drink.
I'm sorry, Eileen.
Sorry, sorry, sorry."
- Okay.
Calm down.
- I'm very calm.
- [The Voice] Load
the gun, Eileen.
- Hey, wait a sec.
(tense music)
Very good, Eileen.
Task complete, test over.
Hey, look at me.
We're not here to
kill each other, okay?
We're here to save our daughter.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
We're here to save Eve!
- [Eileen] Honey, wake up.
(gun fires)
(tense music)
- [The Voice] Task complete.
(buzzer rings)
(unnerving ambient music)
- We're never gonna finish this.
- But it's already so good.
Did you do all this by yourself?
- Daddy said he would
help, but he didn't.
- Oh.
(unnerving ambient music)
Daddy's so clumsy sometimes.
(tense music)
- Hi.
- Hi?
You okay?
- I'm cold.
I'm so cold.
- Let's get some food in you.
- Do you think they're
ever gonna let us go?
- Yeah, sure.
Just have to keep fighting.
Focus on the future.
- The future?
- [Roger] What we're gonna
do when we get Eve back.
- I just want to hold
her, and never let go.
- Maybe we could start
a magic act one day.
I'll wear a top hat, you can
levitate things from backstage.
Roger the Great.
- Hell.
You could bend spoons.
How did we meet?
- You don't remember?
I can't figure out what you
know and what you don't.
- It's like she or...
The voice or whatever.
They only want to show me
certain things at certain times.
Just pieces.
And then they fade, like...
Like writing on fogged glass.
If I try to force
it, I get nothing.
I don't even know
what I did for work.
- You were a teacher.
Well, studying to be.
- Oh.
What was I studying?
- Oh...
Condensed matter physics.
Don't ask me what it
is, I have no idea.
Just saw the textbooks all
over the kitchen table.
You were so smart.
I'll never know what you
wanted with someone like me.
- Did we meet at school?
- I was in a rock band.
- You played?
- I sang.
You seriously don't remember?
- Just tell me the story.
What was the band called?
- Ocean of Death.
(Eileen coughs)
(Roger laughs)
- That's kind of lame.
- Yeah. You said
that back then too.
But you also said you
loved the ocean, so.
And then Eve came
along and I stopped.
Not a lot of money
in angsty ballads.
- I wish I could
remember any of it.
- Maybe it's better you don't.
I made a lot of
mistakes, Eileen.
- Come on.
- I let you down many times.
- Stop.
I must've made mistakes too.
- Oh yeah, you were
a pain in the ass.
A royal one, sometimes,
most of the time.
But not all the time.
But I always blamed
you for my problems.
Things seemed good but...
It's hot.
Did you do that?
- I...
I needed something warm.
Didn't even realize I did it.
Condensed matter physics, right?
- Hm.
(calming music)
- Roger.
I'm sorry.
- For what?
- I don't know.
I just am.
I wish I could remember why.
(melancholic ambient music)
(unnerving ambient music)
(dramatic music)
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
- Eileen!
Eileen! Get up!
Eileen! Wake up!
- [The Voice] Save Roger.
(dark synth music)
- Eileen! Wake up!
Get me the fuck out of here!
- Okay, just...
Just try and stay calm.
- Yeah, right.
Cool as a fucking cucumber.
- I can figure this out.
- Try and stop the sand.
- Okay, I'll try.
- What's going on?
(Eileen grunts)
- I can't!
- I don't have a lot
of fucking time left.
I'm gonna fucking die in here!
- No you're not, I
can figure this out.
Give me a second.
(dramatic music)
- What are you doing!
What are you doing?
- Trying to get a better look!
- Eileen!
- It's sealed.
It's sealed all around.
- Can you break it?
- Let's try.
- That's a good idea.
We can try it together.
- Okay.
- Okay.
(both grunting)
Fucking shit!
Okay, we need to
try something else.
- The chair.
The chair, I'll try to
break it with the chair.
(dramatic music)
(Roger groans)
I'll count to three.
- Just fucking break it!
(Eileen groans)
What are you doing?
Are you kidding me?
Pick it up!
Get the fucking
chair! Pick it up!
Why are you stopping?
Don't fucking stop!
Eileen, save me!
Eileen! Eileen, help me!
(chair clangs)
Eileen! Eileen,
are you kidding me?
Eileen, you can't
let me die in here!
You gotta keep trying,
Eileen, I love you!
- I'm sorry.
(Roger yells)
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
(Eileen yells)
I'm sorry.
(Eileen yells)
I'm sorry!
(Eileen sobs)
Why are you doing this!
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- Fuck you!
(buzzer beeps)
Wait. No.
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- So that's it? I failed?
No. What about Eve?
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- No, no.
Wait, please, please, please.
Please, I'll...
I'll, no, wait, I'll...
Please not her, I'll...
No, no.
Give me another test.
Please give me another
test, I'll try harder.
I promise I'll try harder.
I'll do whatever you want.
- [The Voice] The task
has not been completed
within the specified parameters.
- Fuck your parameters!
(Eileen grunts)
(object rattles)
- [The Voice]
Phase two complete.
(tense music)
(Eve chuckles)
- [Man] Come with us.
- Where's my daughter?
- [Man] Don't make
this difficult.
(tense music)
(Eileen hums)
(eerie music)
(catchy music)
- [Man] Don't let her
within critical distance.
(guns firing)
(men groaning)
- Wait.
No, no, please.
I have a daughter.
(man groans)
(elevator dings)
(calming music)
(tense music)
(elevator dings)
(Roger laughs)
- They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
- Who's like you?
- They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
(unnerving music)
(zipper unzips)
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
They're all like me.
(Roger laughs)
They're all like me.
(Roger chuckles)
(eerie music)
- [Man] Fire!
(guns firing)
- Stop.
- What the fuck?
- What the fuck?
(eerie music)
(gun fires)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
(guns firing)
(eerie music)
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(man groans)
Life is but a dream
(eerie music)
(man groans)
Life is but a dream
(elevator dings)
(lighthearted music)
- Eve?
Give her back to me.
Give me back my daughter!
- [The Voice] Phase
three complete.
The test cycle has concluded.
- You mean...
I did it?
- [The Voice] You
completed the test cycle.
- I saved her.
I did it.
Now, where is she?
Let me see her.
- [The Voice] That
is not possible.
- Why not?
You said I completed the test.
- [The Voice] Eve is gone.
- [Eileen] Gone? What
do you mean gone?
- [The Voice] Disabling
selective memory control.
(waves crashing)
(calming music)
- Do you like it, Mommy?
- I love it.
(Eileen chuckles)
- Do you think
Daddy wants to play?
- Okay, tag, you're it!
- Oh!
Now I'm gonna get you!
- Yeah?
Tickle monster!
(Eve chuckles)
- I'm gonna get you!
- Yeah?
Do you think they're
all seagulls over there?
- Yeah, most of them are.
- Oh, look at this one flying.
- Oh. Cool.
(calming music)
- Hey.
We need to clean up.
- Just 20 more minutes.
- We're gonna be late.
I don't want to have
to deal with your mom
and her pocket watch.
- I'm not done with that.
- [Eileen] It's warm.
We have more in the car.
- I said leave it.
Come on, Eileen.
- You promised.
- I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?
You're always sorry.
- Can we not?
Not here, not in front
of the kid, I just-
- What? Suddenly you're
father of the year?
- Jesus fuckin' Christ.
- When, Roger?
When will it stop?
When will you grow the fuck up?
- When I wake up happy!
How 'bout that?
When I'm not fuckin'
depressed anymore.
How 'bout that?
Maybe if you just
showed me one ounce
of the attention you used to.
Just one fucking iota
of what you show her.
Then I wouldn't wake
up in my own house
feeling like a fucking prisoner.
- You're jealous of
your own daughter.
- Shut up, I didn't say that.
- It is. That is
exactly what you-
- Shut up!
- You're pathetic.
(unnerving music)
(Eileen screams)
(dramatic music)
(Eileen mumbles)
It's a dream, she's
still out there.
- [The Voice] Incorrect.
Eve did not survive the
inciting occurrence.
- Someone help!
But I spoke to her.
I spoke to her in the test room.
In my dreams, I spoke to her.
- [The Voice] Reconstructed
neural simulations.
Emotional triggers
used to recreate the
inciting occurrence.
- Why?
Why would you show me this?
Why would you do this?
- [The Voice] Memory
block removal must occur
before reconditioning
in storage.
(door beeps)
Please proceed to
- After...
Will I still
remember what I did?
- [The Voice] You will not.
Please proceed to
- [Eve] You're leaving, Mommy?
- I'm sorry.
- You're not gonna play with me?
(melancholic music)
- I can't.
I can't leave her.
- [The Voice] Eve
is already gone.
- I know.
But there has to be a way.
- [The Voice] There is not.
- Please.
- [The Voice] Proceed
to reconditioning.
Your memory of this and
your subsequent guilt
will be erased.
- But that means
Eve will be erased.
In that test room, in my
dreams, she's still there.
She's waiting for me.
- [The Voice] This facility
only has two functions.
and reconditioning.
Please proceed to-
- Let me go again.
- [The Voice] You
wish to retest?
- Yes.
Yes, retest.
If I can't save her,
then at least let me
believe that I can.
One more time.
- [The Voice]
Permission granted.
Prepare for experiment reset.
- Okay.
I'm ready.
(melancholic music)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
- [The Voice] Increment
and initialize.
Phase one commencing.
- Hello?
- [The Voice] Move the pencil.
(intense synth music)