Cops and Robbers (1973) Movie Script
Attention all units...
On the Brooklyn Bridge...
a stalled car blocking
the right-hand lane.
As you leave Brooklyn
starting over to the city...
cross on the Parkway.
Very, very heavy
traffic this morning.
Bumper to bumper...
Will you move your ass?
Look at him!
He's got room up there
and he doesn't move!
What is it with
all this traffic?
Nobody's budging,
for Christ's sake.
This traffic
shouldn't build up...
for at least
another 2 exits.
Does everybody work
at 7:00...
in this goddamn town?
Aw, Christ, is it hot.
Coming up, the lower BQE
out of the Brooklyn Bridge...
be prepared to squeeze
to your left again.
The Manhattan-Williamsburg
Bridge is moving...
What are you gonna do?
...might serve
as a possible alternative
into the city.
An accident...
You gotta take the good
with the bad, right?
Starting out
at the Lincoln Tunnel...
You get up, you go in,
you do your job...
you make a buck,
you go home.
What the hell's the use
of complaining, right?
What the hell are
you honking about?
l can't move until
he moves, you idiot!
Forget it.
They got the nerve to
call this an expressway.
Look at that cool
son of a bitch...
sitting there in
his air-conditioned...
Lincoln Continental.
Yeah. l know.
And his lane moves
before ours, right?
lt figures. annual yield
of 5.20% a year.
Now, either way, you're moving
straight to financial security.
That's at the Capitalists
and lmmigrants Trust...
a member of FDlC.
The time right now--
it's 7:05.
Remember that
liquor store...
a couple of weeks ago?
Guy knocked it off
disguised as a cop?
That was me.
lt's too early in
the morning for put-ons.
l'm not putting you on,
l got 233 bucks.
On the level?
On a stack of Bibles.
-You really did it.
-Yeah, l really did it.
What do you think
of your old buddy now?
Boy, you got
some pair of balls.
You bet your sweet ass.
They clang when l walk.
Let's get to work.
The thing
that really got me...
was how easy it was.
Walk in, take it, walk out.
What about the clerk?
He give you a hassle or what?
l got a gun up his nose.
ls he gonna get a medal
holding his boss' dough?
Right. Right.
lt was so easy.
To this day, l can't believe
how easy it was.
Want to hear something
really spooky?
Yeah, sure.
Ever since it happened,
it's never been better...
in the sack
with Grace and l.
You know what l mean?
Go figure it out.
All right, let's listen up.
Be on the lookout
for 3 1/2 cans--
ignition mixture--
stolen from City College.
The perpetrators are
unknown at this time.
Some of it may be outdated.
However, it can be used
as follows...
a report from...
...and l paid
my admission.
You know, l made friends...
and this fella
took me home...
Hey, Sarge.
We got Polansky.
Can l let him
go upstairs?
Then he pulled out
an attache case, you know?
And he had flashbulbs...
and he had all kind of
nudity-type costumes...
Hey, Louie,
l've got the pictures.
This is you, baby.
We got you
and we got you right.
This is your whole
modus operandi.
lt can't be anybody
else but you.
What do you mean, my M.O.?
That was my M.O.
you understand?
lf l had an M.O.,
my new M.O. today...
would be banks
and armored cars...
and as soon as l went in,
bang, bang, bang.
There'd be no witnesses,
you understand?
l tell ya.
Well, this time
there was witnesses.
Man, l don't even want
to hear that word.
Those are seeds.
No drugs, seeds.
Lab canary seeds
for my bird.
Well, where'd you
get the seeds?
Where'd l get the seeds?
Hey, Joe!
What are you
gonna do now?
l'm not gonna
give it back...
if that's what you mean.
l mean, are you
gonna do it again?
l don't know.
See you around.
Did you get anything?
Not from that
son of a bitch.
He gets a ticket.
Don't worry about it.
l'll get us another one.
broken taillight.
What else
could l hit him with?
Oh, hey,
easy in the pool, huh?
...streets and sewers,
built to suit yourself
on rambling, quarter-acre,
wooded lots...
with a lovely view
of Acapulco Lake.
Efficient, clean,
country air...
luxurious space...
Well, this will not make
any Singapore slings.
We'll have
a gin and tonic...
like everybody else,
all right?
OK. Sure there's
enough food?
There's plenty.
How's Maximillian doing?
Huh? Mmm!
Be careful, hear?
-Got it?
George, you're
a screwdriver, right?
Damn right l am!
ls everybody happy?
ls everybody happy?
How you guys
can stand the...
l try, but even in
my own backyard...
Boy, l thank God...
l got out of that
rat race 5 years ago--
everybody pushing
everybody around...
chiseling a buck...
even the cops tearing off
a little here and there.
lt's a natural result
of congestion.
lt's the way of
the world, George.
Not out here.
Out here, it's just
like anyplace else.
You know, you guys think
that everybody is a crook.
lt's being a cop in the city
that gives you that idea...
seeing all that corruption,
having a little part in it.
You got a bug up your back
about something?
lt's all right, Joe.
What's he getting at?
He's not getting
at anything.
Hey, George,
a lot of civilians...
can't quite make it
on their salaries.
You see what l mean?
l mean, the city
distorts your mind.
l mean, you think
everybody's a crook.
George, you come home
every night...
with a sack of
groceries, right?
You don't do that with
any employee discount.
You just pack up the bag...
and walk out the door,
right, Georgie?
Now, wait a minute.
That's a prerogative of
my managerial position.
Now, if the salary
that l was paid...
reflected my true value
to the firm--
you'd do the same thing
in spades, George.
Look, everybody hustles.
Nobody likes it.
What are you gonna do?
The way l look at it,
there's this many people,
there's this much money.
So we gotta steal
a little...
to make up
the difference, right?
Well, now, there l can
go along with you.
l mean, it's right.
You gotta make up
the difference.
Like me in
the supermarket...
you guys trying to get
what you can get.
But the point is this--
Hey, George, will you
knock off that crap?!
l'm sick and tired
of hearing people...
talk about all the corruption
that cops are involved in.
People don't know
the first thing...
about what the hell
they're talking about!
lf Tommy and l
wanted to be corrupt...
we could get
anything we want!
With all we know and
with the position we're in...
we could get anything, man...
and l'm not talking
frozen broccoli...
or potato chips, pal.
l mean anything.
You know what anything is?
But we're good cops...
so we control ourselves.
He's right, Georgie.
Tom? Tom, come on.
We're gonna take
some pictures now.
To be used as evidence
against us in the morning.
Be right there, Mary.
You know, George,
you're not a bad guy...
but you love to bust chops,
don't you?
Hey, let's get
the cops together, huh?
We'll have a mug shot.
Hey, Joe, gonna get
in the lineup?
How about the lineup?
OK, sweetheart.
We're gonna shoot now.
l want that
big smile, now.
Let's do the smile now.
All set?
OK. All together.
Daniel, get out of there.
You're not
in the family.
Get out of here.
OK, smile.
Hold it, honey!
Hold it!
You forgot to look
at the camera!
Get your goddamn hands
off of me!
Lady, we're the police!
Let me go!
l love my husband!
Hold her down
nice and firm!
Aw, throw her in!
l'm not gonna
deal with this!
Hey, get back here!
Stop the bleeding!
For what?!
You do your job...
l do my job!
You're a cop!
Hold her
against the door.
You son of a bitch,
stop this bleeding!
-Where's the stiff?
ln the rear apartment
in the kitchen.
She cut him to pieces.
Let's get her
out of here.
l want my husband!
He's dead, all right.
Look, why don't you
just get up front...
make another call
to the ambulance...
get them over here.
l'll be up there
in a minute.
l gotta deal with
these 2 chickens.
Calm down!
God. l gotta do 2 jobs.
l gotta hold 'em down,
dealing with you cops--
You son of a bitch!
lt's made with those good,
old-fashioned ingredients...
that just can't
hurt your hair...
no matter how often
you shampoo.
You can use it
twice a week...
every other day,
even every day.
Together Forever was made
by our kind of people...
for our kind of people...
and it's completely
You can't
treat me like this.
You killed a guy.
That's enough
for one day, huh?
l didn't kill nobody.
Nobody killed nobody.
l didn't mean to.
l come home...
and find him with...
my baby.
What's gonna happen to me?
There were 2 of them?
And they came in through
the service entrance?
They struck my maid...
and cut the inside
of her mouth.
l sent her downstairs
to see my doctor.
l can have her sent back up
if you need a statement.
Maybe later.
l can't think
why they struck her.
After all, she's black.
And then they came
in here, is that it?
They never came in here
at all, thank goodness.
l have some rather
valuable things in here.
They went from the kitchen
into the bedroom.
-Where were you?
-ln my office.
lt connects
with the bedroom.
l heard them rummaging
and opened the door.
As soon as l saw them,
of course...
l realized
what they were doing.
Then you closed the door?
What did they take?
A typewriter,
portable TV...
and a Mixmaster.
Do you have
the serial numbers?
Well, can you give me...
a description
of the intruders?
l honestly didn't
see their faces.
How much would a thing
like this cost?
l beg your pardon?
This thing.
How much would it go for?
l believe it was $3,700.
Under 4,000.
For this?
Where were we?
What's your husband do?
He's an attorney.
l don't see what
this has to do--
l was gonna be a lawyer.
l went to night school
for 2 years.
l had to quit when
my wife had a baby.
Little girl.
l believe you wanted
a description.
Yes, of the intruders.
Joe, what would you do
if you had $1 million?
Go to Montana
with Chet Huntley.
l mean, really?
Go to Montana with Grace.
Welcome to Wood Down,
the land of plenty.
But we're here, right?
You know what you told
George last week--
that we could get
anything we want...
only we control ourselves?
Well, what the hell?
Why don't we?
Why don't we what?
Pull off a job.
l bet with all we know,
we'd never get caught.
You mean,
like my liquor store?
l mean a big job.
A supermarket?
No. Like a bank
or a loan company.
You ever think about
doing something like that?
Once in a while.
Yeah. Me, too.
Why don't we do it?
Get everything
we want, huh?
Pull off, like,
a fantastic score.
You know,
something really big?
Like what?
Who cares?
The city's full of money.
We take our pick.
One job, one million bucks.
We get in, we get out.
A million bucks?
l'm serious, Joe.
Something really big.
l get a thrill
just thinking about it.
Anything we want, huh?
One job,
one million bucks.
Can you imagine?
A million bucks?
Hey, l wonder what
the Chinese would pay...
if we kidnaped
their ambassador?
The Chinese don't
have an ambassador.
The U.N. guy.
Are you kidding?
Why not?
They've got
American money.
Where the hell
are we gonna stash...
the Chinese Ambassador?
ln the garage.
ln your garage.
OK, one day my garage,
one day your garage.
We don't want something
we have to give back.
We want something we can
turn over real fast...
and we need a buyer.
Someone with
a lot of money.
A nice, rich person.
What's your name?
Come on, Randy,
you know my name.
Big Tony?
Anthony Morall.
What's your occupation,
What'd you say?
What do you do
for a living?
Wholesale meat.
-A butcher?
-That's right.
Ed, will you
hold this for me...
while l print that guy?
What's your name?
Patsy O'Neill.
You didn't have to
pull me in.
All you had to do
was reach out.
l would have come.
We know that.
What's your occupation,
Mr. O'Neill?
l buy and l sell.
You buy and you sell.
A salesman.
All he had on him
was this piece, boss.
Sit down.
You're wearing a wig.
The feds
take movies here.
l don't want
to be identified.
Mustache phony, too?
Looks better
than the rug.
You tell me you got
no papers on you, huh?
No wallet,
driver's license, nothing.
l don't want you
to know who l am.
You're a cop, right?
And you came here
all by yourself?
We don't take
no defectors.
l'm not offering
to enlist.
But you want to do
something for me, right?
l want to
sell you something...
for $2 million cash.
What bullshit
is this, huh?
Fast talker, boss.
Look, l'm a cop.
l got a friend
who's a cop, right?
We can go anywhere
in New York...
and get you
anything you want...
if you just
tell us what it is...
you'll pay $2 million for,
and you see if it's bullshit.
You want to rob
something for me, right?
That you'll pay
and that we can handle.
There isn't a D.A.
in the world...
would be
dumb enough to...
to set this up.
This has got to be
your own thing.
How can you get hurt?
l don't have
a recorder on me...
and if l did,
it's entrapment.
You know that
as well as l do.
Treasury bonds,
bearer bonds.
l don't want anything
with a name on it.
lf the certificate has
an owner's name on it...
l don't want it.
Only papers that say,
''Pay to the bearer.''
That's rich people's
money, right?
That's right.
Rich, rich, yes.
Very good. Very good.
l'll, uh...
pay you 20 cents
on the dollar.
What? A fifth?
l'm offering you
a good price...
because you're gonna
deal in volume.
Usually it's 10 cents
on the dollar.
lf it says,
''Pay to the bearer...''
why don't l
deal it myself?
Because you want to
get the paper...
back into
legitimate trade.
Hey, Angie, come here.
Come here!
Angelino, come here!
l just remembered.
So we have to take
$10 million worth...
to get 2 million
from you, right?
That's right.
Nothing big.
How big do they get?
No certificates
over 100,000.
U.S. Treasury
goes up to a million...
but they're
impossible to move.
Stick to the small stuff,
How about payment?
Well, you get
the stuff first.
ls there a number
that's good, some--
You give me
your number.
My number?
Oh, forget it.
My wife isn't in on it.
Your wife
isn't in on it?
Your wife
isn't in on it.
All of a sudden...
l believe you're
on the level, kid.
l am on the level.
How good's your memory?
lt's good.
You call from
a phone booth...
a booth you're sure of.
You'll ask,
''ls Archie there?''
They'll say, ''No.''
You'll leave a number.
Archie should
call you back.
You'll hear from me
in 15 minutes.
lf not, try again later.
When you call, you say
your name is Mr. Bux.
B-u-x. Spell it.
And don't call me
with questions.
You take $10 million
in securities...
from Wall Street...
l'm gonna read about it
in the newspaper.
l don't read about it
in the newspaper...
l don't call back.
Hand me that box.
Take one.
This one's
for your friend...
with the dog.
Nice talkin'
to ya, kid.
You'll be hearing
from me.
That's fine.
Give him his gun
at the gate.
He covered
himself good.
-You make him?
Smart and stupid
at the same time...
just like a cop.
l want his name, address...
and what he really
does for a living.
You got it, boss.
OK, hold it up here.
Just relax.
Hold it up.
Just hold it up.
Relax, relax.
Excuse me, officer--
lt'll only be a minute,
only be a minute.
Easy! Easy, easy!
-What's the problem?
-The toilet backed up.
Hey, what's your hurry?
You know what O'Neill
had in his house?
A bowling alley.
No shit?
Go tell him
crime doesn't pay.
What is it
he wants us to rob?
They're called
bearer bonds.
They're pieces of paper.
They're not heavy,
no trouble.
We walk in,
we take 'em...
and we turn 'em
right over.
he smokes Havana cigars.
Joe, l tell you,
this is our guy.
We're going to
the South Seas, kiddo.
...28, down one.
Pfizer 38 1/8, up 1/8.
Allied Chemical
U.S. Steel 31 1/2...
lt's a world
of cops and robbers
...down 5/8.
On the American
Stock Exchange...
sales totaled
Jesus Christ!
Hey, grab it--
it's an artery.
Grab it right there.
The money. The money!
He's got my money!
Shut up about the money!
He took my money!
Will you walk?!
Hey. Hey,
l'm afraid to look.
ls it--is it, uh...
hey. ls it...
Don't worry.
Your goods are intact.
Almost had
his leg shot off!
he's shot in the balls.
A little higher,
he's shot in the heart--
he's dead.
l can't wait
till we do it...
and get the hell
out of all this.
What about the wives?
What about them?
What do we tell them?
What do you mean,
ln the first place,
they'll worry.
ln the second place,
they'll be against it.
ln the third place,
it's none of their business.
Yeah, well, l don't
know about Grace...
but if Mary
suddenly finds herself...
in Trinidad
with a million bucks...
she's gonna suspect
Well, l'm not
telling Grace...
till we get
to Saskatchewan.
Get out here.
lt's in Canada.
l heard they got
terrific farmland...
up there
that's available.
Grace and l always
wanted to be farmers.
What happened
to the old guy...
that was here when they
first brought you in?
Even though
he was so sick...
he was able to joke
and crack everybody up.
Terrific guy.
What did they do,
take him home?
No. He died.
ln the middle of the night,
he fell right out of bed.
l woke up.
lt scared the crap out of me.
He wanted
to get out of here...
and start doing things.
Like what?
He didn't know.
Well, it's getting
a little late.
l think maybe
l better split.
Well, you got
your 20 now.
Well, l'm gonna go.
l'll, uh,
see you around, Paul.
Take it easy, huh?
Thanks for the peaches.
Hold it!
Stay down, stay down! the hallway.
Where the hell
are you going?!
-After them!
-Jesus Christ!
They got a shotgun!
They'll blow
your ass off!
They'll get away!
Who the hell
gives a shit?
Get back in the car,
Come on, Wyatt Earp.
Go call in.
They shot the shit
out of our radiator.
Tell 'em
we need new wheels.
And put your piece away...
before you blow
your foot off.
You slow me up,
all right?
Old timer.
All the yo-yos l get.
Paul, get well!
Come back!
Give me a break, Joe!
Doc Holliday!
You're gonna kill me!
We tell the wives now,
we'll never do it.
OK. We don't tell 'em
till it's over.
Not for 2 years, right?
That's another thing.
l've been thinking
about that.
-Joe, we agreed.
-l know we agreed...
but l don't want
a million bucks...
buried in the ground...
and l get buried
right alongside it.
We just can't do it and run,
for Christ sake.
Yeah, yeah, l know,
but 2 years is too long.
What do you suggest?
-3 months.
-You're crazy.
What do you suggest?
-A year and a half.
-9 months.
-A year.
-You got it.
-Hand me the wrench.
-Get it yourself.
Thanks, Jack.
Take care.
May l help you?
-Hey, is that me?
What can l do for you?
Jeez, l never been
on television before.
Are you a messenger?
No, l'm just, uh--
l'm looking
for the employment office.
l'm supposed
to come to work here.
Yeah, it's down
on the eighth floor.
Then l'm in
the wrong place, huh?
That's right.
We get 'em all.
l got it.
We do a bomb scare.
We phone in...
tell 'em there's
a bomb in the vault...
then we answer the run
-Won't work.
-But it will work.
lt gets us in.
That's the beauty!
And a couple of other cops
answer the run...
before we get out again.
The problem
isn't to get in.
The problem is to get
out again with the bonds...
and where we stash them.
lt's impossible.
We'll never
figure it out.
l'm gettin' a goddamn
headache from thinking.
''August 17, a week
from Wednesday. 2:00.
Parade for the astronauts.''
That's when we do it.
With all those mobs?
How do we get
out of there?
ln a radio car.
''150,000 people...
''are lining the streets
of Lower Manhattan...
''to watch the astronauts
parade up Broadway...
''to City Hall.
assigned to the job.''
You know the car?
Your radio car...
and the trouble
you've been having?
Well, here's what happens.
l have a very
nervous stomach.
Don't think about it.
You give great advice.
We get in,
we make our move.
lf we can't get
to the vault...
we back down
and get out quick.
Yes, officers?
Got a complaint about
objectionable items...
ejected from windows
on the northeast corner...
of the building.
Somebody's throwin' junk
out the windows.
From this floor?
That's right.
Gotta check it out.
Well, l'll call
Mr. Eastpoole.
Yes, Miss Wells?
l got 2 cops here.
Say there's stuff being
thrown out the window.
He'll be right out.
We'll go back
and meet him.
l'm sorry.
l can't let you do that.
You can't get back there
without an escort.
You can't let us in?
l'm sorry, officer,
but that's my instructions.
Not much doin' here
today, huh?
Nah, not with
that parade down there.
They might as well
close up shop.
Good day for a robbery.
They'd never get
through those doors.
And if they did...
they'd never get
back out again.
He's coming now.
Mr. Eastpoole's
the senior partner here.
He'll take care of you.
Yes, officers.
What can l do for you?
You Eastpoole?
l'm Mr. Eastpoole, yes.
What can l do for you?
We had a complaint
about objects...
ejected from your windows,
Mr. Eastpoole.
From these offices?
That's the report we got,
Mr. Eastpoole.
Have to check out
the northeast corner.
Where's the other guard,
He, uh, went
to the men's room, sir.
You mean he's leaning out
the window...
watching the parade.
Uh, he'll be right back,
Mr. Eastpoole.
We pay for 2 men
at this counter...
Look, Mr. Eastpoole...
l think we better
check things out.
You know, quickly, before
some innocent bystander...
gets his head
cracked open down there.
You know what l mean,
Mr. Eastpoole?
All right.
Come along.
This is Jack out front.
Right. ls Harry there?
Right. Will you tell him
to haul his ass out here?
Eastpoole was just out.
Hold it.
ls there a camera here?
Can that guard
check this area?
No, there's no need,
and there are no windows.
-What you want--
-We know what we want.
Let's go to your office.
We don't have to show you
our guns, do we?
-What is this?
-lt's a robbery.
What do you
think it is?
Mr. Hutchinson called.
Miss Wells,
these people are here--
lt's all right, miss.
There's nothing
to worry about.
What's the matter?
They're not really
We're desperate
criminals, ma'am.
We're engaged
in a major robbery.
There's no way you can
get away with this.
Any of those guards
start getting excited...
while we're here...
and you're all through,
Mr. Eastpoole.
You don't have to
threaten me.
l'll cooperate.
The authorities will
pick you people up later.
Now, that's the way
to think, Mr. Eastpoole.
l don't know what you expect
to accomplish anyway.
We deal in securities here.
We don't have cash.
We're not looking for cash,
Mr. Eastpoole.
We want bearer bonds.
-Bearer bonds?
-$10 million worth.
What denomination?
Nothing over $100,000,
nothing under 20.
All right, look.
You and l are
gonna wait here...
while my partner
and your lady friend...
take a little walk
to the vault.
You understand,
Mr. Eastpoole?
l can't.
Yes, you can.
You're gonna
do just fine.
lt's all right,
Miss Wells.
We don't want
any violence.
You do just
as they say...
and nobody will get hurt.
Now, you go to
the Morrison fund drawer...
and you'll find
just what they want.
Bearer bonds.
Nothing over 100,000.
They'll want 10 million.
You may have to make up
the difference...
from the Ely Kay
You know which drawer
that is.
Yes, sir.
Now just be calm,
do just what l say...
and everything
will be all right.
We don't want any violence,
Miss Wells.
Of course not.
Sit down.
l don't want a whole lot
of shooting.
Neither do l.
We walk
right to the vault.
l understand.
All we want
is the money...
and none
of it's yours.
There are TV cameras
in there, right?
l'm gonna wait
for you right here.
Now remember, when you
get in to that vault...
my partner can watch you
on the monitor.
l'll do just
as you wish.
OK. Go.
-Hello, Miss Wells.
-Hello, Girard.
Lots of excitement
out there today.
Yes, so it seems.
Astronauts go by yet?
No, not yet.
lt's a long parade.
Yes, isn't it?
Come on, come on.
What the--
wait a minute.
What the hell
is going on?!
-Who are they?
-l don't know.
What the hell is that?!
l swear l don't know!
Who called them?!
Answer it!
You gotta be careful,
or l'll blow your brains out.
Pick it up!
What do they--
one moment, one moment.
They want to search
the offices.
What for?
a messenger in the elevator.
Oh, my Christ.
l gotta tell them
You're calling the shots.
All right, tell them
to go ahead and search...
but not in here.
Very well,
go ahead and search...
but not in this office.
They can be sure
there's no one here.
All right,
get me the vault.
l wanna talk
to that girl.
Hurry up, hurry up!
Come on.
lt's ringing.
Come on, come on!
Hello, Miss Wells.
What route
are they taking back?
l'm trying to think!
Anything goes wrong,
l swear to God...
you're the first one dead.
lt's ringing.
ls Miss Wells there?
No, sir, Mr. Eastpoole.
She hasn't been
through yet.
Yes. Bye.
You son of a bitch,
you signaled!
But l didn't!
You're a dead man.
What happened, damn it?
l tried to call you.
There's cops
all over the place.
What the hell's
going on?
There was a robbery
in the elevator.
A messenger was killed.
-What's in there?
-A john.
Lock them up.
We're getting out of here.
Come on.
Get in here.
Move, move!
l'll do that.
lt's all right, Janet.
lt'll all be over soon.
You won't be here
too long.
l'll leave the light on.
OK, Mr. Eastpoole?
What the hell
are you doing?!
Getting us out of here.
What are you, crazy?
Listen to me.
There's been a killing.
They're gonna search
everybody, even us.
Joe, l know
what l'm doing.
lf there's no evidence,
there's no crime.
What the hell
are you talking about?
l'm talking about
tomorrow's newspaper.
When O'Neill sees that, he'll
see we got the whole thing.
Joe, Joe,
we're stealing a headline.
All he has to do is think
we got the bonds.
Now will you help me
throw this out...
so we can get
out of here?
You bet your life.
We're stealing
a headline!
We're getting it all, Joe.
We're gonna pull it off,
no matter what happens.
Whoo hoo!
Hurry, hurry!
l'm hurrying!
What do you want from me?
Come on.
Get everything!
Jesus Christ!
Get these!
Get these!
Wait a minute--here
come the men in blue.
Hey, schmucks...
what are you doing
with your lives?
Hurry up!
Come on, come on.
Get it all!
Look at this!
Whoo hoo!
Here come the astronauts!
They're smiling.
That's the last of them.
Beautiful! Let's get
the hell out of here!
There's some over here.
Get every last piece.
l will, l will.
Now get the window.
Come on,
let's get out of here.
Let's get out of here.
We gotta get an escort
to get out of here.
So, we'll get an escort.
Could you show us
where the elevators are?
Sure. You go
right over here--
l'd sure appreciate it
if you'd show us.
Uh, OK.
Come on.
Those other cops
are coming out.
l wonder if they
found anything.
Sure. Why not?
Find anything?
Aw, must have been
a different floor.
Maybe they
just stopped doing it.
lt could be.
They'll let anybody
be a cop these days.
Hello, Neil and Buzz.
l'm talking to you
by telephone...
from the Oval Room
at The White House.
Hey, how's it going?
l just can't tell you...
how proud we all are
of what you've...
Disguised as police
in a daring
daylight robbery...
penetrated the sophisticated
electronic defenses...
of the prestigious
Wall Street firm...
of Parker, Tillman,
in what may turn out to be
the largest stock theft...
in Wall Street history.
The ringleaders
of the carefully-planned...
and brilliantly-engineered
the brokerage offices...
under cover
of a ticker tape parade...
honoring astronauts...
...the firm Parker,
Tillman, and Eastpoole.
to Raymond Eastpoole...
the senior partner
in the brokerage house...
the gang made off
yesterday afternoon...
with $1 2 million
in negotiable--
$1 2 million?
The perpetrators
entered the premises...
at approximately 1 :10 P.M.
They gained access
to the brokerage office...
by impersonating
police officers...
responding to a complaint.
ls there
any chance at all...
that these were
real policemen?
Well, l'll tell you,
Lou, definitely not.
Their behavior
was definitely eccentric.
You just don't have
police personnel...
in that fashion.
Then you're confident
that the thieves...
have no connection
with the police department?
Absolutely not.
l don't get it.
and that secretary.
That's why they cooperated.
What do you mean?
He ripped off $2 million.
We stole 10,
he reported 1 2.
That's $1 million apiece--
one for him and one for her.
The perfect crime.
And we pulled it
for them.
That slick
son of a bitch.
Watch the road.
The professional criminals
who masterminded...
yesterday's daring daylight
robbery on Wall Street...
have created embarrassment
for the police department...
in their use
of police uniforms...
Hey, Marty.
Reporter Lou Wood spoke with
Police Commissioner Evinrude...
Hello, Pasquale.
Any chance at all that
these actually were...
How are you, Mr. Joe?
l can't complain.
We do not believe
that this is a crime...
which police officers
would have committed.
The police force
is not perfect...
but armed robbery is not
a matter of police crime.
ls it possible
that the getaway car...
really was a police car?
-You mean stolen?
-Well, stolen or borrowed.
The possibility
is being investigated.
So far, we have no evidence
of any missing police vehicles.
-Or borrowed?
-Or borrowed.
And that possibility
is being investigated?
All possibilities
are being investigated.
How's your family?
Very well, thank you.
That's the most
important thing.
That's true.
And how's your family?
They're all right,
thank God.
How's Carmella feeling?
My mother?
Much better, thank you.
Good. which they were
originally submitted...
allowing conditions in paperwork
conducive to cover-up.
What about this thing?
l never thought
they'd do it.
l'm happy for you,
Thank you, Mr. Joe.
The only thing is,
l didn't expect it.
You ain't got no cash?
Put it all into
that Santo Domingo thing.
Use a bag
full of newspapers.
Or use a dozen rolls.
Take out 100,000.
lt won't work, Mr. Joe.
They'll have to see it all
before they go for it.
-How much?
-2 million.
That's a lot of cash.
l got the people,
Mr. Joe.
l can smother them.
Are they cops
or ain't they?
What's the difference?
We gotta hit 'em,
and we'll hit 'em.
But quietly.
Quietly, Mr. Joe.
all right.
But it's your responsibility,
the whole thing.
l understand, Mr. Joe.
Reporter Frank Disney
spoke with private guards...
John Garrity
and Harold Loomis.
Did the perpetrators...
seem to know police
procedure pretty well?
Well, Frank,
l'll tell you...
l was suspicious of them
right from the start.
They just didn't act right.
l was 27 years on the force,
Bridgeport, Connecticut.
l know a cop when l see one.
Did you act on
your suspicions at the time?
Well, l kept
an eye on them.
Could have been
a ruse, you know.
My job is to stay
at my post...
not get drawn away.
Then, in your judgment...
the thieves were not
actual police officers?
Not a chance.
Their hair was too long.
So when do we
call your Mafia guy?
Pretty soon.
You're already past
pretty soon.
Seems more like never.
Last week, l went
into a phone booth.
That took
a lot of guts.
Couple weeks
from now...
you'll probably
drop a dime in.
l don't know. lt's like
we already got away with it.
Why push our luck,
you know what l mean?
Got away with what?
So far,
all we got is air.
l'm scared
of O'Neill, damn it.
Look, l was
afraid of the robbery.
l was scared
out of my head.
But we did it.
This time,
we could get killed.
Do we do it,
or don't we do it?
Yeah, we do it.
l'm expecting--
Well, l have
to make a call, too!
What do you think,
it's your phone booth?
This is Mr. Bux.
Yeah, we need a time
to set up.
No, we'll tell you where.
Abercrombie & Fitch
has a wicker picnic basket.
lt's about 38 bucks
with tax.
lt's the only one they have
at that price, right?
Next Sunday, 3:00,
in Central Park.
Yeah. Right.
Central Park.
Because it's Bicycle Day
and there's no cars allowed.
Because we don't
trust you, right?
All right. You send
no more than four people...
two of them female,
into the park from the west...
at 76th street.
Carry the goods in one
of those picnic baskets.
l'm Mr.. Bux.
You got the package?
You got yours?
Now, l'm not gonna
make any sudden moves...
but l'm gonna reach my hand in
there and take a few.
Who says?
That's the way
it's gotta be.
l have to see your goods.
You'll see them.
Wanna make the switch or not?
Hey, Marty, cops there.
Yeah, l know about that.
That's my partner.
Let's get on with it.
You got the stuff
in the car?
We don't make any more moves
until l check out your basket.
Sure, why not?
l'll do it.
There's no way you can
get a thing with this.
Well, call your partner over,
and we'll talk.
You want the goods,
show us the money.
Relax. lt's good.
They got wheels?
A police car?
What's happening?
l spotted six guys
out there so far.
There's gotta be more, right?
They really don't want us
to get out of here, do they?
Hey, Marty, l hope
you know what you're doing.
That's Papa Joe's bread.
Don't worry about it.
lt's all right.
lt's all right.
They look all right to me.
What do you think?
l don't know.
l guess they're OK.
We'll make the switch
right now.
Go talk to your people.
You really as cool as all that,
or is it bullshit?
lt's bullshit.
What are you gonna do?
You still gotta
look it over?
Yeah--in the car.
The car?
ln the car.
We make the switch
in the car...
or my partner
leaves right now.
OK. lt's all right.
lt's better inside.
Go ahead.
Leave that basket
right where it is.
Keep your hands down.
You make one move,
l'll blow your head...
right out the window.
You guys know
what you're doing?
l hope you do 'cause if
you don't, we're all dead.
Come back!
Hey! Hey, hold it!
Get out of the way, stupid!
They got us blocked!
Try another exit.
Yeah, why
don't you do that?
Keep your face shut!
Austin Drive?
Don't worry about it.
Just keep them bottled up.
lt doesn't change anything.
Come on,
get out of the way!
Oh, Christ, they got
this one blocked off, too!
What the hell, is the whole
park sealed off?!
l told you
not to touch that.
What is this? You guys
are really stupid.
l can't believe
how stupid you are.
Get him out of here!
You're not
going anywhere.
No, but you are.
Get out!
Yeah, that's a good idea.
lf l stay in the car
with you two guys...
l'll be a dead man.
Get out! Get out!
Turn around.
Turn around.
Look at this!
l know these guys.
They got us covered good.
Looks like they got the whole
softball team with them.
Joe, move out,
move out.
Move, move!
Jesus Christ. Get out of there!
Get out of the way!
Hey, get out of the way,
or l'll run you over!
Come on! Get out!
Get out of the way,
will ya? Come on!
Get back here!
Hold it!
Get away from the car.
l'm a cop!
l'll blow your brains out!
You stupid...
Get out of here.
Keep him outside.
This is
a Buster Keaton movie.
These guys
are really stupid.
Hey, over here.
You know what this means, pal?
You know what this means?
And this one, too!
This guy's got a piece
in his back pocket.
Who the hell are these guys?
They're with O'Neill!
How many men do they have,
for Christ's sake?
They're all over the place.
They can't all be ltalian!
Where the hell
is the difference?
They got guns.
They got guns.
They're trying
to take us somewhere.
Hey, look over there.
Joe, calm down.
Let's just be cool.
Be cool.
Get out of here!
At least we're rid
of those goons.
Here they come again.
We've had it.
We'll never get outta here,
goddamn it!
Yeah? Watch this move.
l'm gonna put this tub...
right back where
we stole it from.
What are you doin'?
Hang on, baby.
Here we go.
Joe, what are you doin'?
Get ready!
Joe! Joe!
Here we go!
Oh, wow.
Have l got big ones or not?
You've got 'em.
Let's get outta here.
Jesus Christ.
Come on. Come on.
-How you doin'?
Hey, you with the basket.
You sure you took
the right basket out of the car?
Are you kidding?
Of course.
Over here, we got it!
Allied Chemical
Christ was the first
to rise from the dead.
Let us entrust
our brother Pasquale...
to the God, that he...
may raise him again
in the last days...
and make him one of
his saints in his kingdom.
Let us pray to
Jesus Christ our Lord...
who helped poor Lazarus
when he was dead.
May he wipe the tears
from our eyes...
that you who
raised the dead to life...
may give another life
to Pasquale, our brother.
Let us pray to the Lord.
That you who promised paradise
to the repentant...
may he take Pasquale,
our brother, into heaven.
Let us pray to the Lord.
On the Brooklyn Bridge...
a stalled car blocking
the right-hand lane.
As you leave Brooklyn
starting over to the city...
cross on the Parkway.
Very, very heavy
traffic this morning.
Bumper to bumper...
Will you move your ass?
Look at him!
He's got room up there
and he doesn't move!
What is it with
all this traffic?
Nobody's budging,
for Christ's sake.
This traffic
shouldn't build up...
for at least
another 2 exits.
Does everybody work
at 7:00...
in this goddamn town?
Aw, Christ, is it hot.
Coming up, the lower BQE
out of the Brooklyn Bridge...
be prepared to squeeze
to your left again.
The Manhattan-Williamsburg
Bridge is moving...
What are you gonna do?
...might serve
as a possible alternative
into the city.
An accident...
You gotta take the good
with the bad, right?
Starting out
at the Lincoln Tunnel...
You get up, you go in,
you do your job...
you make a buck,
you go home.
What the hell's the use
of complaining, right?
What the hell are
you honking about?
l can't move until
he moves, you idiot!
Forget it.
They got the nerve to
call this an expressway.
Look at that cool
son of a bitch...
sitting there in
his air-conditioned...
Lincoln Continental.
Yeah. l know.
And his lane moves
before ours, right?
lt figures. annual yield
of 5.20% a year.
Now, either way, you're moving
straight to financial security.
That's at the Capitalists
and lmmigrants Trust...
a member of FDlC.
The time right now--
it's 7:05.
Remember that
liquor store...
a couple of weeks ago?
Guy knocked it off
disguised as a cop?
That was me.
lt's too early in
the morning for put-ons.
l'm not putting you on,
l got 233 bucks.
On the level?
On a stack of Bibles.
-You really did it.
-Yeah, l really did it.
What do you think
of your old buddy now?
Boy, you got
some pair of balls.
You bet your sweet ass.
They clang when l walk.
Let's get to work.
The thing
that really got me...
was how easy it was.
Walk in, take it, walk out.
What about the clerk?
He give you a hassle or what?
l got a gun up his nose.
ls he gonna get a medal
holding his boss' dough?
Right. Right.
lt was so easy.
To this day, l can't believe
how easy it was.
Want to hear something
really spooky?
Yeah, sure.
Ever since it happened,
it's never been better...
in the sack
with Grace and l.
You know what l mean?
Go figure it out.
All right, let's listen up.
Be on the lookout
for 3 1/2 cans--
ignition mixture--
stolen from City College.
The perpetrators are
unknown at this time.
Some of it may be outdated.
However, it can be used
as follows...
a report from...
...and l paid
my admission.
You know, l made friends...
and this fella
took me home...
Hey, Sarge.
We got Polansky.
Can l let him
go upstairs?
Then he pulled out
an attache case, you know?
And he had flashbulbs...
and he had all kind of
nudity-type costumes...
Hey, Louie,
l've got the pictures.
This is you, baby.
We got you
and we got you right.
This is your whole
modus operandi.
lt can't be anybody
else but you.
What do you mean, my M.O.?
That was my M.O.
you understand?
lf l had an M.O.,
my new M.O. today...
would be banks
and armored cars...
and as soon as l went in,
bang, bang, bang.
There'd be no witnesses,
you understand?
l tell ya.
Well, this time
there was witnesses.
Man, l don't even want
to hear that word.
Those are seeds.
No drugs, seeds.
Lab canary seeds
for my bird.
Well, where'd you
get the seeds?
Where'd l get the seeds?
Hey, Joe!
What are you
gonna do now?
l'm not gonna
give it back...
if that's what you mean.
l mean, are you
gonna do it again?
l don't know.
See you around.
Did you get anything?
Not from that
son of a bitch.
He gets a ticket.
Don't worry about it.
l'll get us another one.
broken taillight.
What else
could l hit him with?
Oh, hey,
easy in the pool, huh?
...streets and sewers,
built to suit yourself
on rambling, quarter-acre,
wooded lots...
with a lovely view
of Acapulco Lake.
Efficient, clean,
country air...
luxurious space...
Well, this will not make
any Singapore slings.
We'll have
a gin and tonic...
like everybody else,
all right?
OK. Sure there's
enough food?
There's plenty.
How's Maximillian doing?
Huh? Mmm!
Be careful, hear?
-Got it?
George, you're
a screwdriver, right?
Damn right l am!
ls everybody happy?
ls everybody happy?
How you guys
can stand the...
l try, but even in
my own backyard...
Boy, l thank God...
l got out of that
rat race 5 years ago--
everybody pushing
everybody around...
chiseling a buck...
even the cops tearing off
a little here and there.
lt's a natural result
of congestion.
lt's the way of
the world, George.
Not out here.
Out here, it's just
like anyplace else.
You know, you guys think
that everybody is a crook.
lt's being a cop in the city
that gives you that idea...
seeing all that corruption,
having a little part in it.
You got a bug up your back
about something?
lt's all right, Joe.
What's he getting at?
He's not getting
at anything.
Hey, George,
a lot of civilians...
can't quite make it
on their salaries.
You see what l mean?
l mean, the city
distorts your mind.
l mean, you think
everybody's a crook.
George, you come home
every night...
with a sack of
groceries, right?
You don't do that with
any employee discount.
You just pack up the bag...
and walk out the door,
right, Georgie?
Now, wait a minute.
That's a prerogative of
my managerial position.
Now, if the salary
that l was paid...
reflected my true value
to the firm--
you'd do the same thing
in spades, George.
Look, everybody hustles.
Nobody likes it.
What are you gonna do?
The way l look at it,
there's this many people,
there's this much money.
So we gotta steal
a little...
to make up
the difference, right?
Well, now, there l can
go along with you.
l mean, it's right.
You gotta make up
the difference.
Like me in
the supermarket...
you guys trying to get
what you can get.
But the point is this--
Hey, George, will you
knock off that crap?!
l'm sick and tired
of hearing people...
talk about all the corruption
that cops are involved in.
People don't know
the first thing...
about what the hell
they're talking about!
lf Tommy and l
wanted to be corrupt...
we could get
anything we want!
With all we know and
with the position we're in...
we could get anything, man...
and l'm not talking
frozen broccoli...
or potato chips, pal.
l mean anything.
You know what anything is?
But we're good cops...
so we control ourselves.
He's right, Georgie.
Tom? Tom, come on.
We're gonna take
some pictures now.
To be used as evidence
against us in the morning.
Be right there, Mary.
You know, George,
you're not a bad guy...
but you love to bust chops,
don't you?
Hey, let's get
the cops together, huh?
We'll have a mug shot.
Hey, Joe, gonna get
in the lineup?
How about the lineup?
OK, sweetheart.
We're gonna shoot now.
l want that
big smile, now.
Let's do the smile now.
All set?
OK. All together.
Daniel, get out of there.
You're not
in the family.
Get out of here.
OK, smile.
Hold it, honey!
Hold it!
You forgot to look
at the camera!
Get your goddamn hands
off of me!
Lady, we're the police!
Let me go!
l love my husband!
Hold her down
nice and firm!
Aw, throw her in!
l'm not gonna
deal with this!
Hey, get back here!
Stop the bleeding!
For what?!
You do your job...
l do my job!
You're a cop!
Hold her
against the door.
You son of a bitch,
stop this bleeding!
-Where's the stiff?
ln the rear apartment
in the kitchen.
She cut him to pieces.
Let's get her
out of here.
l want my husband!
He's dead, all right.
Look, why don't you
just get up front...
make another call
to the ambulance...
get them over here.
l'll be up there
in a minute.
l gotta deal with
these 2 chickens.
Calm down!
God. l gotta do 2 jobs.
l gotta hold 'em down,
dealing with you cops--
You son of a bitch!
lt's made with those good,
old-fashioned ingredients...
that just can't
hurt your hair...
no matter how often
you shampoo.
You can use it
twice a week...
every other day,
even every day.
Together Forever was made
by our kind of people...
for our kind of people...
and it's completely
You can't
treat me like this.
You killed a guy.
That's enough
for one day, huh?
l didn't kill nobody.
Nobody killed nobody.
l didn't mean to.
l come home...
and find him with...
my baby.
What's gonna happen to me?
There were 2 of them?
And they came in through
the service entrance?
They struck my maid...
and cut the inside
of her mouth.
l sent her downstairs
to see my doctor.
l can have her sent back up
if you need a statement.
Maybe later.
l can't think
why they struck her.
After all, she's black.
And then they came
in here, is that it?
They never came in here
at all, thank goodness.
l have some rather
valuable things in here.
They went from the kitchen
into the bedroom.
-Where were you?
-ln my office.
lt connects
with the bedroom.
l heard them rummaging
and opened the door.
As soon as l saw them,
of course...
l realized
what they were doing.
Then you closed the door?
What did they take?
A typewriter,
portable TV...
and a Mixmaster.
Do you have
the serial numbers?
Well, can you give me...
a description
of the intruders?
l honestly didn't
see their faces.
How much would a thing
like this cost?
l beg your pardon?
This thing.
How much would it go for?
l believe it was $3,700.
Under 4,000.
For this?
Where were we?
What's your husband do?
He's an attorney.
l don't see what
this has to do--
l was gonna be a lawyer.
l went to night school
for 2 years.
l had to quit when
my wife had a baby.
Little girl.
l believe you wanted
a description.
Yes, of the intruders.
Joe, what would you do
if you had $1 million?
Go to Montana
with Chet Huntley.
l mean, really?
Go to Montana with Grace.
Welcome to Wood Down,
the land of plenty.
But we're here, right?
You know what you told
George last week--
that we could get
anything we want...
only we control ourselves?
Well, what the hell?
Why don't we?
Why don't we what?
Pull off a job.
l bet with all we know,
we'd never get caught.
You mean,
like my liquor store?
l mean a big job.
A supermarket?
No. Like a bank
or a loan company.
You ever think about
doing something like that?
Once in a while.
Yeah. Me, too.
Why don't we do it?
Get everything
we want, huh?
Pull off, like,
a fantastic score.
You know,
something really big?
Like what?
Who cares?
The city's full of money.
We take our pick.
One job, one million bucks.
We get in, we get out.
A million bucks?
l'm serious, Joe.
Something really big.
l get a thrill
just thinking about it.
Anything we want, huh?
One job,
one million bucks.
Can you imagine?
A million bucks?
Hey, l wonder what
the Chinese would pay...
if we kidnaped
their ambassador?
The Chinese don't
have an ambassador.
The U.N. guy.
Are you kidding?
Why not?
They've got
American money.
Where the hell
are we gonna stash...
the Chinese Ambassador?
ln the garage.
ln your garage.
OK, one day my garage,
one day your garage.
We don't want something
we have to give back.
We want something we can
turn over real fast...
and we need a buyer.
Someone with
a lot of money.
A nice, rich person.
What's your name?
Come on, Randy,
you know my name.
Big Tony?
Anthony Morall.
What's your occupation,
What'd you say?
What do you do
for a living?
Wholesale meat.
-A butcher?
-That's right.
Ed, will you
hold this for me...
while l print that guy?
What's your name?
Patsy O'Neill.
You didn't have to
pull me in.
All you had to do
was reach out.
l would have come.
We know that.
What's your occupation,
Mr. O'Neill?
l buy and l sell.
You buy and you sell.
A salesman.
All he had on him
was this piece, boss.
Sit down.
You're wearing a wig.
The feds
take movies here.
l don't want
to be identified.
Mustache phony, too?
Looks better
than the rug.
You tell me you got
no papers on you, huh?
No wallet,
driver's license, nothing.
l don't want you
to know who l am.
You're a cop, right?
And you came here
all by yourself?
We don't take
no defectors.
l'm not offering
to enlist.
But you want to do
something for me, right?
l want to
sell you something...
for $2 million cash.
What bullshit
is this, huh?
Fast talker, boss.
Look, l'm a cop.
l got a friend
who's a cop, right?
We can go anywhere
in New York...
and get you
anything you want...
if you just
tell us what it is...
you'll pay $2 million for,
and you see if it's bullshit.
You want to rob
something for me, right?
That you'll pay
and that we can handle.
There isn't a D.A.
in the world...
would be
dumb enough to...
to set this up.
This has got to be
your own thing.
How can you get hurt?
l don't have
a recorder on me...
and if l did,
it's entrapment.
You know that
as well as l do.
Treasury bonds,
bearer bonds.
l don't want anything
with a name on it.
lf the certificate has
an owner's name on it...
l don't want it.
Only papers that say,
''Pay to the bearer.''
That's rich people's
money, right?
That's right.
Rich, rich, yes.
Very good. Very good.
l'll, uh...
pay you 20 cents
on the dollar.
What? A fifth?
l'm offering you
a good price...
because you're gonna
deal in volume.
Usually it's 10 cents
on the dollar.
lf it says,
''Pay to the bearer...''
why don't l
deal it myself?
Because you want to
get the paper...
back into
legitimate trade.
Hey, Angie, come here.
Come here!
Angelino, come here!
l just remembered.
So we have to take
$10 million worth...
to get 2 million
from you, right?
That's right.
Nothing big.
How big do they get?
No certificates
over 100,000.
U.S. Treasury
goes up to a million...
but they're
impossible to move.
Stick to the small stuff,
How about payment?
Well, you get
the stuff first.
ls there a number
that's good, some--
You give me
your number.
My number?
Oh, forget it.
My wife isn't in on it.
Your wife
isn't in on it?
Your wife
isn't in on it.
All of a sudden...
l believe you're
on the level, kid.
l am on the level.
How good's your memory?
lt's good.
You call from
a phone booth...
a booth you're sure of.
You'll ask,
''ls Archie there?''
They'll say, ''No.''
You'll leave a number.
Archie should
call you back.
You'll hear from me
in 15 minutes.
lf not, try again later.
When you call, you say
your name is Mr. Bux.
B-u-x. Spell it.
And don't call me
with questions.
You take $10 million
in securities...
from Wall Street...
l'm gonna read about it
in the newspaper.
l don't read about it
in the newspaper...
l don't call back.
Hand me that box.
Take one.
This one's
for your friend...
with the dog.
Nice talkin'
to ya, kid.
You'll be hearing
from me.
That's fine.
Give him his gun
at the gate.
He covered
himself good.
-You make him?
Smart and stupid
at the same time...
just like a cop.
l want his name, address...
and what he really
does for a living.
You got it, boss.
OK, hold it up here.
Just relax.
Hold it up.
Just hold it up.
Relax, relax.
Excuse me, officer--
lt'll only be a minute,
only be a minute.
Easy! Easy, easy!
-What's the problem?
-The toilet backed up.
Hey, what's your hurry?
You know what O'Neill
had in his house?
A bowling alley.
No shit?
Go tell him
crime doesn't pay.
What is it
he wants us to rob?
They're called
bearer bonds.
They're pieces of paper.
They're not heavy,
no trouble.
We walk in,
we take 'em...
and we turn 'em
right over.
he smokes Havana cigars.
Joe, l tell you,
this is our guy.
We're going to
the South Seas, kiddo.
...28, down one.
Pfizer 38 1/8, up 1/8.
Allied Chemical
U.S. Steel 31 1/2...
lt's a world
of cops and robbers
...down 5/8.
On the American
Stock Exchange...
sales totaled
Jesus Christ!
Hey, grab it--
it's an artery.
Grab it right there.
The money. The money!
He's got my money!
Shut up about the money!
He took my money!
Will you walk?!
Hey. Hey,
l'm afraid to look.
ls it--is it, uh...
hey. ls it...
Don't worry.
Your goods are intact.
Almost had
his leg shot off!
he's shot in the balls.
A little higher,
he's shot in the heart--
he's dead.
l can't wait
till we do it...
and get the hell
out of all this.
What about the wives?
What about them?
What do we tell them?
What do you mean,
ln the first place,
they'll worry.
ln the second place,
they'll be against it.
ln the third place,
it's none of their business.
Yeah, well, l don't
know about Grace...
but if Mary
suddenly finds herself...
in Trinidad
with a million bucks...
she's gonna suspect
Well, l'm not
telling Grace...
till we get
to Saskatchewan.
Get out here.
lt's in Canada.
l heard they got
terrific farmland...
up there
that's available.
Grace and l always
wanted to be farmers.
What happened
to the old guy...
that was here when they
first brought you in?
Even though
he was so sick...
he was able to joke
and crack everybody up.
Terrific guy.
What did they do,
take him home?
No. He died.
ln the middle of the night,
he fell right out of bed.
l woke up.
lt scared the crap out of me.
He wanted
to get out of here...
and start doing things.
Like what?
He didn't know.
Well, it's getting
a little late.
l think maybe
l better split.
Well, you got
your 20 now.
Well, l'm gonna go.
l'll, uh,
see you around, Paul.
Take it easy, huh?
Thanks for the peaches.
Hold it!
Stay down, stay down! the hallway.
Where the hell
are you going?!
-After them!
-Jesus Christ!
They got a shotgun!
They'll blow
your ass off!
They'll get away!
Who the hell
gives a shit?
Get back in the car,
Come on, Wyatt Earp.
Go call in.
They shot the shit
out of our radiator.
Tell 'em
we need new wheels.
And put your piece away...
before you blow
your foot off.
You slow me up,
all right?
Old timer.
All the yo-yos l get.
Paul, get well!
Come back!
Give me a break, Joe!
Doc Holliday!
You're gonna kill me!
We tell the wives now,
we'll never do it.
OK. We don't tell 'em
till it's over.
Not for 2 years, right?
That's another thing.
l've been thinking
about that.
-Joe, we agreed.
-l know we agreed...
but l don't want
a million bucks...
buried in the ground...
and l get buried
right alongside it.
We just can't do it and run,
for Christ sake.
Yeah, yeah, l know,
but 2 years is too long.
What do you suggest?
-3 months.
-You're crazy.
What do you suggest?
-A year and a half.
-9 months.
-A year.
-You got it.
-Hand me the wrench.
-Get it yourself.
Thanks, Jack.
Take care.
May l help you?
-Hey, is that me?
What can l do for you?
Jeez, l never been
on television before.
Are you a messenger?
No, l'm just, uh--
l'm looking
for the employment office.
l'm supposed
to come to work here.
Yeah, it's down
on the eighth floor.
Then l'm in
the wrong place, huh?
That's right.
We get 'em all.
l got it.
We do a bomb scare.
We phone in...
tell 'em there's
a bomb in the vault...
then we answer the run
-Won't work.
-But it will work.
lt gets us in.
That's the beauty!
And a couple of other cops
answer the run...
before we get out again.
The problem
isn't to get in.
The problem is to get
out again with the bonds...
and where we stash them.
lt's impossible.
We'll never
figure it out.
l'm gettin' a goddamn
headache from thinking.
''August 17, a week
from Wednesday. 2:00.
Parade for the astronauts.''
That's when we do it.
With all those mobs?
How do we get
out of there?
ln a radio car.
''150,000 people...
''are lining the streets
of Lower Manhattan...
''to watch the astronauts
parade up Broadway...
''to City Hall.
assigned to the job.''
You know the car?
Your radio car...
and the trouble
you've been having?
Well, here's what happens.
l have a very
nervous stomach.
Don't think about it.
You give great advice.
We get in,
we make our move.
lf we can't get
to the vault...
we back down
and get out quick.
Yes, officers?
Got a complaint about
objectionable items...
ejected from windows
on the northeast corner...
of the building.
Somebody's throwin' junk
out the windows.
From this floor?
That's right.
Gotta check it out.
Well, l'll call
Mr. Eastpoole.
Yes, Miss Wells?
l got 2 cops here.
Say there's stuff being
thrown out the window.
He'll be right out.
We'll go back
and meet him.
l'm sorry.
l can't let you do that.
You can't get back there
without an escort.
You can't let us in?
l'm sorry, officer,
but that's my instructions.
Not much doin' here
today, huh?
Nah, not with
that parade down there.
They might as well
close up shop.
Good day for a robbery.
They'd never get
through those doors.
And if they did...
they'd never get
back out again.
He's coming now.
Mr. Eastpoole's
the senior partner here.
He'll take care of you.
Yes, officers.
What can l do for you?
You Eastpoole?
l'm Mr. Eastpoole, yes.
What can l do for you?
We had a complaint
about objects...
ejected from your windows,
Mr. Eastpoole.
From these offices?
That's the report we got,
Mr. Eastpoole.
Have to check out
the northeast corner.
Where's the other guard,
He, uh, went
to the men's room, sir.
You mean he's leaning out
the window...
watching the parade.
Uh, he'll be right back,
Mr. Eastpoole.
We pay for 2 men
at this counter...
Look, Mr. Eastpoole...
l think we better
check things out.
You know, quickly, before
some innocent bystander...
gets his head
cracked open down there.
You know what l mean,
Mr. Eastpoole?
All right.
Come along.
This is Jack out front.
Right. ls Harry there?
Right. Will you tell him
to haul his ass out here?
Eastpoole was just out.
Hold it.
ls there a camera here?
Can that guard
check this area?
No, there's no need,
and there are no windows.
-What you want--
-We know what we want.
Let's go to your office.
We don't have to show you
our guns, do we?
-What is this?
-lt's a robbery.
What do you
think it is?
Mr. Hutchinson called.
Miss Wells,
these people are here--
lt's all right, miss.
There's nothing
to worry about.
What's the matter?
They're not really
We're desperate
criminals, ma'am.
We're engaged
in a major robbery.
There's no way you can
get away with this.
Any of those guards
start getting excited...
while we're here...
and you're all through,
Mr. Eastpoole.
You don't have to
threaten me.
l'll cooperate.
The authorities will
pick you people up later.
Now, that's the way
to think, Mr. Eastpoole.
l don't know what you expect
to accomplish anyway.
We deal in securities here.
We don't have cash.
We're not looking for cash,
Mr. Eastpoole.
We want bearer bonds.
-Bearer bonds?
-$10 million worth.
What denomination?
Nothing over $100,000,
nothing under 20.
All right, look.
You and l are
gonna wait here...
while my partner
and your lady friend...
take a little walk
to the vault.
You understand,
Mr. Eastpoole?
l can't.
Yes, you can.
You're gonna
do just fine.
lt's all right,
Miss Wells.
We don't want
any violence.
You do just
as they say...
and nobody will get hurt.
Now, you go to
the Morrison fund drawer...
and you'll find
just what they want.
Bearer bonds.
Nothing over 100,000.
They'll want 10 million.
You may have to make up
the difference...
from the Ely Kay
You know which drawer
that is.
Yes, sir.
Now just be calm,
do just what l say...
and everything
will be all right.
We don't want any violence,
Miss Wells.
Of course not.
Sit down.
l don't want a whole lot
of shooting.
Neither do l.
We walk
right to the vault.
l understand.
All we want
is the money...
and none
of it's yours.
There are TV cameras
in there, right?
l'm gonna wait
for you right here.
Now remember, when you
get in to that vault...
my partner can watch you
on the monitor.
l'll do just
as you wish.
OK. Go.
-Hello, Miss Wells.
-Hello, Girard.
Lots of excitement
out there today.
Yes, so it seems.
Astronauts go by yet?
No, not yet.
lt's a long parade.
Yes, isn't it?
Come on, come on.
What the--
wait a minute.
What the hell
is going on?!
-Who are they?
-l don't know.
What the hell is that?!
l swear l don't know!
Who called them?!
Answer it!
You gotta be careful,
or l'll blow your brains out.
Pick it up!
What do they--
one moment, one moment.
They want to search
the offices.
What for?
a messenger in the elevator.
Oh, my Christ.
l gotta tell them
You're calling the shots.
All right, tell them
to go ahead and search...
but not in here.
Very well,
go ahead and search...
but not in this office.
They can be sure
there's no one here.
All right,
get me the vault.
l wanna talk
to that girl.
Hurry up, hurry up!
Come on.
lt's ringing.
Come on, come on!
Hello, Miss Wells.
What route
are they taking back?
l'm trying to think!
Anything goes wrong,
l swear to God...
you're the first one dead.
lt's ringing.
ls Miss Wells there?
No, sir, Mr. Eastpoole.
She hasn't been
through yet.
Yes. Bye.
You son of a bitch,
you signaled!
But l didn't!
You're a dead man.
What happened, damn it?
l tried to call you.
There's cops
all over the place.
What the hell's
going on?
There was a robbery
in the elevator.
A messenger was killed.
-What's in there?
-A john.
Lock them up.
We're getting out of here.
Come on.
Get in here.
Move, move!
l'll do that.
lt's all right, Janet.
lt'll all be over soon.
You won't be here
too long.
l'll leave the light on.
OK, Mr. Eastpoole?
What the hell
are you doing?!
Getting us out of here.
What are you, crazy?
Listen to me.
There's been a killing.
They're gonna search
everybody, even us.
Joe, l know
what l'm doing.
lf there's no evidence,
there's no crime.
What the hell
are you talking about?
l'm talking about
tomorrow's newspaper.
When O'Neill sees that, he'll
see we got the whole thing.
Joe, Joe,
we're stealing a headline.
All he has to do is think
we got the bonds.
Now will you help me
throw this out...
so we can get
out of here?
You bet your life.
We're stealing
a headline!
We're getting it all, Joe.
We're gonna pull it off,
no matter what happens.
Whoo hoo!
Hurry, hurry!
l'm hurrying!
What do you want from me?
Come on.
Get everything!
Jesus Christ!
Get these!
Get these!
Wait a minute--here
come the men in blue.
Hey, schmucks...
what are you doing
with your lives?
Hurry up!
Come on, come on.
Get it all!
Look at this!
Whoo hoo!
Here come the astronauts!
They're smiling.
That's the last of them.
Beautiful! Let's get
the hell out of here!
There's some over here.
Get every last piece.
l will, l will.
Now get the window.
Come on,
let's get out of here.
Let's get out of here.
We gotta get an escort
to get out of here.
So, we'll get an escort.
Could you show us
where the elevators are?
Sure. You go
right over here--
l'd sure appreciate it
if you'd show us.
Uh, OK.
Come on.
Those other cops
are coming out.
l wonder if they
found anything.
Sure. Why not?
Find anything?
Aw, must have been
a different floor.
Maybe they
just stopped doing it.
lt could be.
They'll let anybody
be a cop these days.
Hello, Neil and Buzz.
l'm talking to you
by telephone...
from the Oval Room
at The White House.
Hey, how's it going?
l just can't tell you...
how proud we all are
of what you've...
Disguised as police
in a daring
daylight robbery...
penetrated the sophisticated
electronic defenses...
of the prestigious
Wall Street firm...
of Parker, Tillman,
in what may turn out to be
the largest stock theft...
in Wall Street history.
The ringleaders
of the carefully-planned...
and brilliantly-engineered
the brokerage offices...
under cover
of a ticker tape parade...
honoring astronauts...
...the firm Parker,
Tillman, and Eastpoole.
to Raymond Eastpoole...
the senior partner
in the brokerage house...
the gang made off
yesterday afternoon...
with $1 2 million
in negotiable--
$1 2 million?
The perpetrators
entered the premises...
at approximately 1 :10 P.M.
They gained access
to the brokerage office...
by impersonating
police officers...
responding to a complaint.
ls there
any chance at all...
that these were
real policemen?
Well, l'll tell you,
Lou, definitely not.
Their behavior
was definitely eccentric.
You just don't have
police personnel...
in that fashion.
Then you're confident
that the thieves...
have no connection
with the police department?
Absolutely not.
l don't get it.
and that secretary.
That's why they cooperated.
What do you mean?
He ripped off $2 million.
We stole 10,
he reported 1 2.
That's $1 million apiece--
one for him and one for her.
The perfect crime.
And we pulled it
for them.
That slick
son of a bitch.
Watch the road.
The professional criminals
who masterminded...
yesterday's daring daylight
robbery on Wall Street...
have created embarrassment
for the police department...
in their use
of police uniforms...
Hey, Marty.
Reporter Lou Wood spoke with
Police Commissioner Evinrude...
Hello, Pasquale.
Any chance at all that
these actually were...
How are you, Mr. Joe?
l can't complain.
We do not believe
that this is a crime...
which police officers
would have committed.
The police force
is not perfect...
but armed robbery is not
a matter of police crime.
ls it possible
that the getaway car...
really was a police car?
-You mean stolen?
-Well, stolen or borrowed.
The possibility
is being investigated.
So far, we have no evidence
of any missing police vehicles.
-Or borrowed?
-Or borrowed.
And that possibility
is being investigated?
All possibilities
are being investigated.
How's your family?
Very well, thank you.
That's the most
important thing.
That's true.
And how's your family?
They're all right,
thank God.
How's Carmella feeling?
My mother?
Much better, thank you.
Good. which they were
originally submitted...
allowing conditions in paperwork
conducive to cover-up.
What about this thing?
l never thought
they'd do it.
l'm happy for you,
Thank you, Mr. Joe.
The only thing is,
l didn't expect it.
You ain't got no cash?
Put it all into
that Santo Domingo thing.
Use a bag
full of newspapers.
Or use a dozen rolls.
Take out 100,000.
lt won't work, Mr. Joe.
They'll have to see it all
before they go for it.
-How much?
-2 million.
That's a lot of cash.
l got the people,
Mr. Joe.
l can smother them.
Are they cops
or ain't they?
What's the difference?
We gotta hit 'em,
and we'll hit 'em.
But quietly.
Quietly, Mr. Joe.
all right.
But it's your responsibility,
the whole thing.
l understand, Mr. Joe.
Reporter Frank Disney
spoke with private guards...
John Garrity
and Harold Loomis.
Did the perpetrators...
seem to know police
procedure pretty well?
Well, Frank,
l'll tell you...
l was suspicious of them
right from the start.
They just didn't act right.
l was 27 years on the force,
Bridgeport, Connecticut.
l know a cop when l see one.
Did you act on
your suspicions at the time?
Well, l kept
an eye on them.
Could have been
a ruse, you know.
My job is to stay
at my post...
not get drawn away.
Then, in your judgment...
the thieves were not
actual police officers?
Not a chance.
Their hair was too long.
So when do we
call your Mafia guy?
Pretty soon.
You're already past
pretty soon.
Seems more like never.
Last week, l went
into a phone booth.
That took
a lot of guts.
Couple weeks
from now...
you'll probably
drop a dime in.
l don't know. lt's like
we already got away with it.
Why push our luck,
you know what l mean?
Got away with what?
So far,
all we got is air.
l'm scared
of O'Neill, damn it.
Look, l was
afraid of the robbery.
l was scared
out of my head.
But we did it.
This time,
we could get killed.
Do we do it,
or don't we do it?
Yeah, we do it.
l'm expecting--
Well, l have
to make a call, too!
What do you think,
it's your phone booth?
This is Mr. Bux.
Yeah, we need a time
to set up.
No, we'll tell you where.
Abercrombie & Fitch
has a wicker picnic basket.
lt's about 38 bucks
with tax.
lt's the only one they have
at that price, right?
Next Sunday, 3:00,
in Central Park.
Yeah. Right.
Central Park.
Because it's Bicycle Day
and there's no cars allowed.
Because we don't
trust you, right?
All right. You send
no more than four people...
two of them female,
into the park from the west...
at 76th street.
Carry the goods in one
of those picnic baskets.
l'm Mr.. Bux.
You got the package?
You got yours?
Now, l'm not gonna
make any sudden moves...
but l'm gonna reach my hand in
there and take a few.
Who says?
That's the way
it's gotta be.
l have to see your goods.
You'll see them.
Wanna make the switch or not?
Hey, Marty, cops there.
Yeah, l know about that.
That's my partner.
Let's get on with it.
You got the stuff
in the car?
We don't make any more moves
until l check out your basket.
Sure, why not?
l'll do it.
There's no way you can
get a thing with this.
Well, call your partner over,
and we'll talk.
You want the goods,
show us the money.
Relax. lt's good.
They got wheels?
A police car?
What's happening?
l spotted six guys
out there so far.
There's gotta be more, right?
They really don't want us
to get out of here, do they?
Hey, Marty, l hope
you know what you're doing.
That's Papa Joe's bread.
Don't worry about it.
lt's all right.
lt's all right.
They look all right to me.
What do you think?
l don't know.
l guess they're OK.
We'll make the switch
right now.
Go talk to your people.
You really as cool as all that,
or is it bullshit?
lt's bullshit.
What are you gonna do?
You still gotta
look it over?
Yeah--in the car.
The car?
ln the car.
We make the switch
in the car...
or my partner
leaves right now.
OK. lt's all right.
lt's better inside.
Go ahead.
Leave that basket
right where it is.
Keep your hands down.
You make one move,
l'll blow your head...
right out the window.
You guys know
what you're doing?
l hope you do 'cause if
you don't, we're all dead.
Come back!
Hey! Hey, hold it!
Get out of the way, stupid!
They got us blocked!
Try another exit.
Yeah, why
don't you do that?
Keep your face shut!
Austin Drive?
Don't worry about it.
Just keep them bottled up.
lt doesn't change anything.
Come on,
get out of the way!
Oh, Christ, they got
this one blocked off, too!
What the hell, is the whole
park sealed off?!
l told you
not to touch that.
What is this? You guys
are really stupid.
l can't believe
how stupid you are.
Get him out of here!
You're not
going anywhere.
No, but you are.
Get out!
Yeah, that's a good idea.
lf l stay in the car
with you two guys...
l'll be a dead man.
Get out! Get out!
Turn around.
Turn around.
Look at this!
l know these guys.
They got us covered good.
Looks like they got the whole
softball team with them.
Joe, move out,
move out.
Move, move!
Jesus Christ. Get out of there!
Get out of the way!
Hey, get out of the way,
or l'll run you over!
Come on! Get out!
Get out of the way,
will ya? Come on!
Get back here!
Hold it!
Get away from the car.
l'm a cop!
l'll blow your brains out!
You stupid...
Get out of here.
Keep him outside.
This is
a Buster Keaton movie.
These guys
are really stupid.
Hey, over here.
You know what this means, pal?
You know what this means?
And this one, too!
This guy's got a piece
in his back pocket.
Who the hell are these guys?
They're with O'Neill!
How many men do they have,
for Christ's sake?
They're all over the place.
They can't all be ltalian!
Where the hell
is the difference?
They got guns.
They got guns.
They're trying
to take us somewhere.
Hey, look over there.
Joe, calm down.
Let's just be cool.
Be cool.
Get out of here!
At least we're rid
of those goons.
Here they come again.
We've had it.
We'll never get outta here,
goddamn it!
Yeah? Watch this move.
l'm gonna put this tub...
right back where
we stole it from.
What are you doin'?
Hang on, baby.
Here we go.
Joe, what are you doin'?
Get ready!
Joe! Joe!
Here we go!
Oh, wow.
Have l got big ones or not?
You've got 'em.
Let's get outta here.
Jesus Christ.
Come on. Come on.
-How you doin'?
Hey, you with the basket.
You sure you took
the right basket out of the car?
Are you kidding?
Of course.
Over here, we got it!
Allied Chemical
Christ was the first
to rise from the dead.
Let us entrust
our brother Pasquale...
to the God, that he...
may raise him again
in the last days...
and make him one of
his saints in his kingdom.
Let us pray to
Jesus Christ our Lord...
who helped poor Lazarus
when he was dead.
May he wipe the tears
from our eyes...
that you who
raised the dead to life...
may give another life
to Pasquale, our brother.
Let us pray to the Lord.
That you who promised paradise
to the repentant...
may he take Pasquale,
our brother, into heaven.
Let us pray to the Lord.