Corrosive (2024) Movie Script

In the near future the World
is struck by a new virus.
Curfews and lockdowns
are imposed once again.
A suburb on the outskirts of Havana.
[deep rain]
[suspense music]
[shovel earth]
[person coughing]
[suspense music increases]
[ peaceful and ironic music ]
[funny music continuous]
LUIS: Come on!
EVA: Come on!
SARA: Hmm.
I love it!
Oh, my Gosh! What a pool!
SARA: It's so wonderful!
EVA: Ugh
SARA: I was crazy to arrive.
EVA: Me too.
SARA: We'll have a great time.
Did you know the house?
Just from pictures.
You have a good eye, you bastard.
ALEX: You've got to see
the rest of the house.
LUIS: Wao! It's awesome!
ALEX: A really great design.
LUIS: This is important Sara;
make sure the drain is not plugged.
[suspense music]
[heater on]
[suspense music continues]
[sounds vanishes]
Do you like it?
Then it will be our room.
Do you think it is a good idea?
What are you talking about?
To rent this house with Luis and Sara.
Love, we still don't know
how long is the quarantine
It would be nice to share the expenses
These have been tough times.
[distant laughs]

SARA: It's so beautiful!
SARA: Guys I love this place!
"Dale" bouncy Latin music
Up! Up!
EVA: Be careful!
SARA: Over there.
ALEX: Again?
LUIS: Make up your mind!
SARA: Careful with the table.
You fool!
Here, get wet!

SARA: Guys, easy with the wine.
LUIS: Nobody has told me how is the food
SARA: Delicious!
ALEX: Spectacular!
Speaking of going to the gym
I just broke my diet with this pizza.
Are you on a diet?
Yes, the Dissociative Diet.
Which one is that?
You don't combine carbs and proteins.
EVA: I didn't know about this one.
How did you find this house?
The owners let in the
care of a friend of mine.
He convinced them to rent it to us cheaper
while the pandemic lasts.
It's huge!
Can you imagine a house
like this just for us?
They don't even use it, only on vacations.
There are people with a lot
of money in this country.
Sure indeed.
I have to get up early
to work on a presentation
Is it important?
If they approve it, I will
have a job for the next 5 years.
That's good.
At least you have a job on these days.
And how are you doing?
Since the pandemic began I
haven't sold a single drawing
No tourism
How have you managed to survive?
Eva gets paid for some
publishing in a digital magazine
well, thanks to that.
If you need help you count on us.
We know.
[women laughter]
For now, we are good.
SARA: Papi...
I need you to rescue me
LUIS: You are happy, sweetheart.
Oh yes!
I am here with the most
important people in my life.
She's drunk!
ALEX: Music, music!
[Cuban music plays on radio]
ALEX: Let's make a toast!
SARA: Sure.
You can use water.
ALEX: Let's toast to us
to friendship
and as Elpidio Valdes would say:
"With or without pandemic...
The machete cuts the same".
[glasses toasting]
Cuban song "La Guaravenganza"
Come on!

ALEX: I am joining the club!
Louder Cuban music
[indistinctly chattering]
My love, now I really
need you to rescue me.
Come, so I can rescue you.
No, not here...
[strong dive]
[loud thud]
[muffled sound]


[indistinctly chatter on TV]
[baseball narration]
[distant broken glasses]
[louder broken glasses]
[suspense music]

[increases tension]
[sudden loud noise]
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
I was hungry and came down to eat.
And I'm thirsty.
You scared me

[tense music]
[suspense music]
[dark music]
EVA: Let us play!
Not worth it.
They are so mean
We'll play later and
you guys will stay out.
They are all the same!
And how are you doing?
One day fine and the other upside down.
But fine.
And you?
Alex doesn't get use to
being at home for so long.
Maybe he needs me to talk to him.
LUIS: Sorry!
ALEX: Throw it over here.
LUIS: Sara, give us the ball back!
Eva, don't be annoying!
[rumbles sound]

[sighs continue]
Let's go, we also have lots to talk about.
[steps approaching]
How did you sleep?
And you?
Thank you my love, I love you.
The smell woke me up.
Honey, can you pass me a fork?
This shelf is huge!
It could fit a cow.
Eva is still sleeping?
Yes, I left her sleeping.
I woke up early, I have to work
on my project presentation.
You have little time left.
I have to get on it.
What are you going to do?
I still have to unpack my luggage.
I can go clean the patio.
Yesterday I saw a barbecue.
We can use it today.
I'll help you when I'm done.

[distant birdsong]
[crackling fire]
It's very tasty, Papi
Only a few more minutes to go.
Moments like this only compare
to when we are in the toilet.
Where is your wife?
Still sleeping?
Yes, still sleeping.
What did you do to Eva?
She is not used to so much activity!
You're not funny!
Oh God...
Kid is self-conscious!
I'm going to see my friend
because you are boring.
Sara has no compassion for anyone.
I know.
She was always like this since high school.
I remember I was afraid of her back then.
Still am, actually.
[Sara screams] Alex! Luis! Hurry up!
You're on fire.
She has a high fever.
She was perfect in the morning.
How do you feel, my love?
My whole body ache.
And my throat.
Everything will be fine.
Those symptoms may be from the virus.
You think?
We have to take her to the hospital.
No, let's calm down.
No rush.
LUIS: Calm?
She's burning with fever!
It can be a cold.
I'll make her some hot lemonade
with aspirin to lower her fever.
Hey, hold on.
If you haven't noticed
a virus out there is killing people.
Alex, if we take her to
hospital they'll put us there too
as suspected of being infected.
No my problem, Sara.
It's everyone's problem!
In an isolation center
they'll put us together
washing our butts with a
bunch of people we don't know.
I only care about Eva.
Can you stop arguing now?!
We are all care about Eva, Alex.
She is our friend.
If she is infected, it's
possible that we are too.
So we are not indifferent.
I only propose that we wait and see.
Perhaps it is a common flu.
That decision is mine alone.
Quiet my love, we are
going to the hospital.
No, no...
If I don't get better, you'll
take me to the hospital.
I'm counting on that...
But it's true that this affects us all.
Sorry for arguing with you in there.
I was just trying to be objective.
I'm going to prepare the infusion.
I don't want to ruin anyone's plans.
But for me, Eva is above everything.
Be clear about that.
I'm going to get the medications.
[footsteps stomping]
[Eva coughing]
[heavy breathing]
[ ominous music]

[distant noise from kitchen]
[strong bump noise]
[distant noise continuous]
[whistling coffee maker]
[ turn on music on computer]
"Influence" jazz music plays
ALEX: Sara! Luis!
I need help!
Music continuous playing
[rumbling music]
We should take her to hospital.
Eva is not well.
If we take her, we are
going to be confined too.
Maybe not, they don't have
to say we were with them.
Are you willing to take that risk
and not be able to present your project?
After you've worked so hard on it, Luis?
[ominous music]
[music becomes quiet]
[quiet music concludes]
[distant sea sounds]
I've make up my mind.
Today we are going to
take Eva to the hospital.
I'm going to pack my bags then.
What are you doing here?
LUIS: Are you okay?
Yes, I feel much better.
And Alex?
He's in the room, I let him rest.
Are you hungry?
I'm going to make you a coffee.
You really scared us.
Even I was scared.
Sorry for not having decided earlier...
No need to apologize.
I would feel bad now if because of me
you were in an isolation center.
We should have taken you to the doctor.
But maybe it wasn't the virus.
And it was just a cold.
[romantic music]
[steps approaching]
[rumble music]
ALEX: Eva!
My love!
[odd music]
[door opens]
What are you doing?
Isn't that what you wanted?
It is no longer necessary. Eva is better.
[door closes]
[pleasant music]
Do you remember that Math teacher?
The one who was bald
and covered his baldness
with the hair from his back head?
Wait, we had a nickname for him.
ALEX: What was it?
Mr. Toupee!
LUIS: I think that's why.
[chuckles continue]
LUIS: He was crazy!
EVA: You remembered!
[suspense music]
[rumble music]
[panting hard]
[tense music]
Are you crazy? What's wrong?
I saw you! Fuck! I saw you!
What are you talking about?
You and Eva. You and Eva!
You're delirious Sara!
There is nothing between us!
I didn't want to say it like this.
Calm down.
When were you going to tell me?
I had no idea.
The truth is that I am in love with Eva.
Since when?
Six months.
I'm going to ask her to come live with me.
And Alex?
He doesn't know anything.
How could you do this to us Luis?
We had a good thing and you blew it.
Not everything was my fault.
It was your idea to exchange partners.
I did it because I know
how much you liked Eva since high school.
And I thought that by having
sex with her you would get over it.
I didn't.
[door opens and closes]
[melancholic music]
[waving water]
[electric door opens]
[breath deeply]
[suspense music]
[knock the door]
EVA: Come in

I can't keep lying to Alex about us.
Me neither.
Do you agree that we should tell him?
Why would we do that?
I want you to come live with me.
I can't go live with you Luis.
I love Alex.
Our affair was never something serious.
I thought that was clear to you.
Did you say something to Sara?
No... she doesn't know anything.
I am sorry if I made you
think differently but...
Alex is the man I love.
Yes, I...
I love Sara, too.
I just wanted you to know
that you are not alone
That I am willing to take
responsibility if something happens.
What could happen?
Nothing, of course.
Excuse me but...
Alex is about to get here and
I don't want him to find you here.
Of course.

[door closes violently]
[heavy breathing]
[intense music]
[muffled scream]
[continuous heavy breathing]
[intense music concludes]
[water running]
[wind blowing]
Forgive me Sara.
This situation is very confusing.
My encounters with Eva were just
an escape from so much confinement.
You are the only woman I love
and I will love in my life.
[dark music]
[making water]
ALEX: My love, are you in the bathroom?
Is everything okay?
ALEX: Do you remember
the geography teachers
we used to call "Tato and Carmina".
EVA: The meat was delicious.
ALEX: Yes?
Yes, my love.
I think I found the exact
balance for the sauce.
I missed eating anything other than soup.
I know.
Thank you.
Friends, congratulations to my husband...
for being the best chef of this quarantine.
[loud noises at kitchen]
[water running]
[washing dishes]
[tense music]
[water splashing]
[dish ticking in the sink]
[tense music increases]
[tense music concludes]
[wind whooshing]
[metal sound]
[door closes]
Why are you doing that?
If I don't charge the battery now
it will be dead in the morning.
I've not been able to buy a new one.
Are you going out tomorrow?
I have to do the presentation.
Oh, right.
Good luck with that.
[exhaling smoke]
Is everything okay between you and Sara?
It's just... It was
pretty evident at dinner.
[Luis chuckles]
Nothing relevant.
The usual couple's arguments
These are propitious times for that.
That's true.
Seems pandemic has brought
out the worst in us
and made us turn against each other.
Eva and I had difficult times these months.
And are you all right now?
Better than ever.
Sometimes we don't know what we have
until we feel the threat of losing it.
You may be right.
No doubt about it.
We are lucky men to have
these women by our side.
[wind whooshing]
[exhaling smoke]
[sound of the sea]
[engine running]
[suspense music]
SARA: Want some coffee?
You are tense.
[continuous suspense music]
[music become erotic]
What's wrong?
You're not well, you know?
[tense music increase]
[door closes]
[water splash]
I swear I don't know what happened.
I wasn't trying to have sex with Sara.
I know.
I have to tell you something.
I have been seeing Luis these past months.
Seeing him?
You mean you've been cheating
on me with Luis these past months?
[buzzing sound]
[suspense music]
[electric buzz]
[electric buzz]
[suspense music fade]
Does Sara know?
I think so.
Please Eva...
Leave me alone.
[steps go away]
[knocks on the door]
Can I come in?
[tense music]
[door closes]
I guess you already know.
I cannot fix what happened.
And every day I regret it.
EVA: I know you hate me now
and I do not blame you.
I hope that one day you can forgive me.
You will always be my friend.
[SARA chuckles]
In fact yes...
I forgive you.
I thought you had more serious reasons
to betray your boyfriend
and your best friend.
You did it because of your nature.
What you have always been...
A low and mean whore is what you are!
[tense music rise]
[electric buzz]
[electric buzz]
[electric buzz]
[music become erotic]
[electric buzz]
[light kisses]
[music become tense again]
[door closes hard]
[strong steps]
[music fade]
[car engine running]
[engine stops]
[phone ringing]
Didn't she say where she was going?
[phone ringing]
Called her six times already.
LUIS: At what time do you say she left?
Around 10 a.m.
That's too many hours.
Curfew starts in a few minutes.
I'm going to look for her.
I'm coming too.
[tense music]
[tense music fades]
[wind whooshing]
[exhaling smoke]
It's already curfew. It's after seven.
Sara must be at the house.
They would have called us.
We better go.
How did the project go?
They picked another just
because it was cheaper.
They never cared that mine was
more functional and attractive.
So much time work and flattering
the bosses for nothing.
I'm not going to deny that I'm glad.
What's wrong?
I see bad vibes.
Eva told me about you.
Does that make you uncomfortable?
My wife betrayed me
with my best friend...
[exhaling smoke]
What do you think?
I think you stopped
giving your wife something
if she came to me.
[struggling sounds]
[punches and wrestling sounds]
[continuous wrestling]
[police siren]
[engine stops]
[police car drives away in distance]
What happened?
Why are you looking at?
We just told the police
that you were missing.
That's why they asked my name
and laughed when they were leaving.
I went out to clear my head.
Here the atmosphere was a little tense.
LUIS: We went out to find you
and got a ticket for violating the curfew.
Is that my problem?
And those bruises?
They needed to know who
the rooster's in the coop!
Can we talk inside?
[door closes]
[cricket singing]
It was all my fault.
Of course it's your fault!
How could you cheat on me with Luis?
He's our friend but you
know he can be shitty.
I just can't understand
what made you stoop so low?
Making such a bad decision...
It is truly incredible!
[cricket continuous singing]
I made the decision one day when
you were at home watching football,
baseball or a series I
don't remember anymore,
and I was among a crowd of
people buying food for the house.
The queue at the market got violent,
but Luis was there,
like almost every day,
also buying food for his house
When the fight broke out,
I felt afraid,
and he hugged me so that
no one would come near me.
And at that moment I felt envy for Sara.
Because she was at home...
Cared for...
While her man was there.
[music vanishes]
[awkward silence]
I regret having made you
feel unprotected and neglected
That was wrong.
And you told me and you even insisted,
I didn't do anything.
I'm sorry.
But you had the option
of breaking up with me.
What you did was because you wanted it
and nothing justifies your deception.
You were a coward Eva.
You chose not to tell me the truth
over running the risk of being alone.
And you know what?
You ended up hurting two
people who cared for you.
So don't give me a bullshit
story about the market!
[steps moving away]
[door opens and closes]
[water running]
[ sad music]
[ melancholic music]
[deep respiration]
I want to go now!
We can't leave like this Sara.
The rent for this house is
already paid and we closed on ours.
We finished our contract.
I don't care Luis, I want to go now.
We have nowhere to go, Sara.
Are you coming or not?
Yes, of course but we have
to wait until morning.
Right now there is a curfew.
[sheets slipping]
[wind whooshing]
[ tense music comes in]
[mechanical tool sounds]
[car hood closes]
[ music turns awkward]
[car door closes]
[wind whooshing]
[awkward music continuous]
LUIS: Sara!
[steps approaching]
[tense music fades]
What are you doing?
They are leaving.
And you were leaving
without saying anything?
As soon as the battery is charged we leave
But the house is already rented.
That's not our problem.
We had an agreement!
The payment would be in half.
After everything happened
deals no longer exist, Alex
What do you mean?
If you want your money back ask the owners.
That's bullshit!
We paid all the rent.
You owe me half.
That's not gonna happen.
You say you paid but we don't know.
Do you say I'm lying?
We never met the owners,
maybe they don't exist
And you invented all this so
we pay you a quarantine vacation.
How can you say that, Luis?
You shut up! Stop pretending because
you've turned out quite the bitch.
Hey, a bigger whore is your mother!
Vivaldi "Four Seasons Storm" plays
music continuous
[blows and sobs]
ALEX: Ahhh!

[taser buzz]
intense Vivaldi music continuous
[taser buzz continuous]
You freak, you almost kill him!
[music fades out]
[taser buzz stops]
[distant thunder]
[Luis crying]
[deeply sobs]
Oh, my God!
[thunder sound closer]
What have we done?
[whistling wind]
He is our friend
We are guilty.
We are not guilty of anything Luis.
Take him to the backyard
and bury him in the back.
[present thunder]
What are we going to do with her?
I don't know.
I'll think of something.
LUIS: Hmm.
[deep rain]
[body drags on the floor]
[ON TV] "Good cut!"
And if the machete doesn't dent...
"The Machete is a good iron company!"
"And the things that a
man can do with a machete
And women!"
"Well, I have seen men cut a
coconut holding it in their hand
You say like this."
ON TV: "Yes, ah, like this..."
Where is Alex?
Alex is dead.
[sobs uncontrollably]
Stop crying...
[continuous crying]
Stop crying, damn it!
[taser beeping]
[Eva stops crying, defiant]
[SARA sobs]
[taser crashing loudly]
What are you going to do with me?
I do not know.
I am pregnant.
You are the first to know.
Who is the father?
I don't know.
[raining intensify outside]
Luis is taking too long.
[suspense music]
[tense music accelerates]
[strong hit and moans]
[repeated hits]
[rain hits the grass]
[body hits the floor]
[steps approaching]
[SARA crying]
[screaming out loud]
[loud thunder]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music increases]
[door open abruptly]
[tense music vanishes]
[vibrating metal]
EVA: Hurry up!
[heavy steps approach]
EVA: She's coming!
[tense music]
[tense music vanishes]
[heavy door opens]
[engine dead]
You have to connect the battery.
EVA: Come on! They cut the wires.
Be careful.
[suspense music]
[groans and panting]
[groans and sobs]
[blood coming out]
[strong hit]
Run Eva, run!
[tense music increases]
[ringing phone]
[phone keeps ringing]
Come quickly, please!
It is an emergency!
A person has died!
Number 57 in front of the beach.
[principal door opens]
[slide the key]
[busy tone]
[dark music]
[phone off]
[music increases in tension]
[door closed]
[strong steps]
[suspense music]
[door opens]
[holding breath]
[door creaks]
[tense music increases]
[door opens and creaks]
[from inside door creaks]
[increases tension]
[breath in hold]
[tense music vanishes]
[steps running away]
[strong footsteps]
[door opens]
[deep rain]
[heavy breathing]
[dark music]
[thunder in distance]
[door creaks]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
[action music]
[splashing steps]
[tense music]
[drum rolls]
[crash metal]
[metal crash and thunder]
[cut throat]
[splashing blood]
[SARA falls to the ground]
[rain stops]
[melancholic music]
Stopped raining?
[EVA sniffing]
Alex, Alex, Alex...
Wake up.
You can't die!
I'm pregnant.
Am I going to be a dad?
Don't worry.
Then I'm not going to die.
[police siren approaching]
[dark music]
[sad music plays]
[distant cry and police sirens]
[police sirens increases]
end credits music plays