Craving (2023) Movie Script

(film reel spinning)
(dramatic music)
(train horn honking)
(police sirens blaring)
(train horn honking)
(flies buzzing)
(dramatic music)
[Policeman] Oh my God.
(dramatic music)
Fuck me.
Did I ever tell you about my first call?
[Policeman] No.
Domestic disturbance.
(dramatic music)
Turned out to be some
wife-beating cracker head.
(dramatic music)
Rotten food all over the place.
Roaches scurrying to and fro.
Dog shit everywhere.
At least I hope it was dog shit.
I never saw a dog.
Turned out to be a bunch
of fucking tweakers.
Had set up a meth lab in
the bathroom upstairs.
Doesn't sound very sanitary.
(dramatic music)
Are you okay?
(dramatic music)
What happened here?
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
I'm not a believer, I'm a knower.
I know Bigfoots exist.
That's because of my first
hand eyewitness accounting
right here in these very woods.
I mean, I saw it dead in the eyes.
But people, they dismiss me.
They say stuff like, "Oh, if they exist,
"then where are all
the bones, the bodies?"
But maybe that's just it.
Maybe the reason we
can't find these Bigfoots
is because they're not Bigfoots
all the time, you know,
like sort of werewolf type situation.
Yeah, I hear some say it could be
a paranormal aspect to 'em.
Don't encourage him, Jared.
I mean maybe, maybe it is paranormal.
But I even heard the other own language.
And if they communicate
like we do, I mean,
who's to say they're not
more advanced than we are?
Maybe the reason we
can't find these things
is because they're just
smarter than us, bottom line.
Well, that's not much of a stretch.
Don't be like that.
I'm telling you Les,
it's just trouble every
which way over here.
Think I'm about to give
up on woman for good.
Well, on behalf of women
everywhere I say, thanks.
Okay, Shiloh, I didn't really mean you.
You'll always be on my dance card.
I've seen you dance.
And let me just say,
funky town is not a place where you live.
(Les laughing)
Okay and what are you
having at old timer?
Oh excuse me, I'm 45.
Yo, buddy boy, you playing or what?
(gentle upbeat music)
You know, I think Rudy
is a really good guy
and you should give him a break.
(gentle upbeat music)
Maybe I'd never work
Can I get another?
Wake up to find the bourbon
'cause I didn't have enough
Come on, dance a little closer
(dramatic music)
It's seven months today.
(gentle music)
That's incredible, I'm proud of you.
(gentle music)
Let's go.
(gentle music)
Damn it.
What can I say
I'm the best around
Now I'm gonna take your money
Double or nothing.
It's your paycheck, buddy.
Hey, that's.
Hey there, catch your show all the time.
Big fan.
Kinda wondering if maybe you'd wanna.
Excuse me?
No way, Jose.
I'm sorry, I just.
Look, I just.
Gosh, just one night,
I'd love to just sit here,
work on my pitch.
Let me ask you something.
Is this the face of someone
that wants to fuck you?
I'm guessing not.
Yeah, because it's fucking not.
Now leave me be.
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
This is the place?
[Joe] That was a great jam.
I'm Joe Phoenix, taking flight tonight
while Gen X is off sick.
We'll be wrapping up
this hour long rock block
with Ugly Kid Joe, Screaming Trees
and a classic by R.E.M.
First is a new one from
Smack Dad on WKGB, The Devil,
wicked rock without selling your soul.
Now listen baby
Talk of me
You go again
What a bitch.
I just wanted a freaking autograph.
It's okay.
I mean, she's addicted to her work.
She's been writing for four hours.
What's a man to do?
Leave a girl alone.
Ah-ha, go boredensky.
(upbeat music)
Something about you
(upbeat music)
What's up motherfuckers?
Hey, hey, hey.
So Frank's outside.
I'm gonna need your truck keys.
Who's Frank?
Now I will miss you
I'm okay
I know that
He's just a friend.
What, you jealous?
Honey, you know I don't like to drive.
Yeah, I know, I thought
I was gonna drive you,
it's my truck.
Oh, sweetie.
Come on, you know we're just hauling him,
you know, some shit, that's all.
It's boring, right.
(upbeat music)
Oh see.
It was that.
(upbeat music)
I'll be back.
(dramatic music)
Isn't John still in there?
Going on green light.
(upbeat music)
Come on man, are you
seriously gonna let her
drive off in your own
truck with another man?
(upbeat music)
Guess I should have locked the door.
I will miss you
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
[CeCe] I'm out.
You just got here.
Yeah, I know,
but I do have a lot of
business to take care of.
Okay, but just gimme a minute okay?
What for?
(gun firing)
What was that?
Ah, Les?
That sounds like gunshots.
Maybe they're hunting Bigfoot.
Probably those Sanders
kids with their M80s.
Those goddamn brats.
It's not New Year's Eve, damn Gen X or Y
or whatever fucking number we're on now.
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
Okay, that was a fucking gun.
Les, just call the cops.
Come on Billy, don't be a hero.
Les don't.
(gun firing)
Well fuck this.
(dramatic music)
(guns firing)
Fuck all you motherfuckers.
What the hell?
[Gail] Close that door.
(dramatic music)
(door slamming)
(dramatic music)
You killed her.
(Shiloh crying)
I'm sorry for your last
honey but it wasn't us.
Well then who?
(dramatic music)
They're barricading us in.
Why would they do that?
Check the back.
(dramatic music)
[Will] We need to lock this.
(dramatic music)
Frank's out there.
Oh fuck Frank.
(dramatic music)
[Frank] What the hell people want?
You should be honored.
You are going to purge
this world of a great evil.
Now what the hell is this?
(dramatic music)
She's gone.
You need to get over
there with your friends.
I'm not leaving her.
(dramatic music)
She isn't asking.
(dramatic music)
- I'm not moving.
- Wait, wait.
Come on Shiloh.
Let's go, come on.
(gentle music)
So are you guys like robbing us?
(telephone ringing)
(telephone ringing)
No, wait.
(dramatic music)
Can we cover her up, please?
(gentle music)
You okay.
You girl, over with the others.
It means you too, dude.
(gentle music)
What now?
just take a breath, okay, reassess.
(dramatic music)
Hey, you keep your hands where
I can see 'em, all of you.
check the dorks pockets.
Which one?
(dramatic music)
(Frenzy laughing)
I got this.
Quit fucking around.
And I liked you.
(Frenzy purring)
What are we waiting for?
It's vulnerable after it feeds.
We gotta make a move.
We can't let 'em trap us in here.
Too late.
Guys, the cops are probably
on their way right now.
I mean, they must have
heard all this noise.
Way out here?
What do you people want with us?
What was that?
Let's see how much you talk
when I cut your fucking throat out.
Hang it up.
(dramatic music)
Okay, I was just trying to make a point.
What are we gonna do?
(dramatic music)
[Carl] Now, do you understand?
Why don't we just tie 'em all up?
They're not gonna do shit.
(gentle music)
It's clear.
No windows, no doors.
Maybe, maybe we take a
couple of the hostages,
stage the distraction at the front,
make a break through the back.
Are you crazy?
They'll mow us down
with the other hostages.
I can't be a hostage.
I'm a DJ.
(gentle music)
Go calm the fuck down.
Shut up.
(Will gasping)
Just breathe.
You can handle this, okay, just breathe.
(gentle music)
Hey, where's the monitor?
The monitor for the camera?
Behind the bar.
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
The fuck are they doing?
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
Your time is up.
(dramatic music)
Oh shit.
What's happening?
Are they coming in?
(Frenzy laughing)
Shut up, Frenzy.
How y'all doing in there?
Hope y'all are nice and comfy.
Now, it may come as no surprise to you
that you are surrounded.
The entrances and the exits are sealed.
And we got men on both,
in case you manage to break on through.
What the living fuck.
He's gonna come in here.
He's gonna.
Now what may come as a
revelation to some of you
is that there is a killer, a
straight up monster among you.
Killed a lot of folk.
What's he mean, monster?
(dramatic music)
Now this is where you come in.
Now all you gotta do is knock real loud
and let us know you're
ready to give him up.
And after that you can just walk away
and let us do the rest.
We got no quarrel with you.
You got one hour.
(gentle music)
I don't get it.
What do they want?
(gentle music)
This is not going to end well.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
[Victim] Please, please, no.
I know you're looking for a way out.
It's not gonna happen.
No, no, no, no, please.
No, no, no, please, please no.
(singing indistinctly)
Here, he earned it.
(upbeat music)
He shot them
[Simone] Everything cool in there?
[Killer] Yep, we worked it out.
(upbeat music)
(Carl coughing)
You should really look
at that checked out.
You know I went to the
doc about two years ago.
He said, "You're borderline diabetic."
You know I love me some sweets.
In college, oh, I could tear up
a good German chocolate cake.
I don't touch that shit anymore.
Now I'm the paradigm of self-control.
Take that basic bitch in the other room.
This dumb ass have a nerve to question me.
The old me would've faded that bitch
right fucking then and there.
But I came up with an alternative.
Later, of course.
Control baby, fucking control.
You're right, you're right, you're right.
We have some business to take care of.
Pure beauty, ain't it?
That's how I like it, only the best.
It's kinda one of my modus operandims.
(all laughing)
Praise him, praise him,
all you little children
God is love, God is love
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
(dramatic music)
Praise him, praise him,
all you little children
God is love, God is love
Praise him, praise him,
all you little children
God is love, God is love
(gentle upbeat music)
Let me ask you something.
Do you want that or do you want this?
(dramatic music)
I tell you what,
why don't you come with me.
(dramatic music)
Did you get it?
Yes, son.
It really itches.
[Carl] I don't care if it's on fire,
don't ever scratch it.
Don't scratch it.
(dramatic music)
It's gonna be okay.
It'll never be okay.
You know what we have to do.
Don't say that.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(both crying)
The kids got it bad.
Guess they all do.
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
[Red] Hey, where's Bull and Jim?
(insects chirping)
Why are we here?
(insects chirping)
(insects chirping)
We gotta make things right.
(insects chirping)
Put your mask back on.
(insects chirping)
It's okay, you can look.
(dramatic music)
How do you like me now asshole?
(Frenzy laughing)
You need to get a handle on your bullshit.
Let me tell you something,
your days are numbered.
You hear me bitch?
Sit your ass down, Frenzy.
(Frenzy laughing)
Looks like they're prime to kill.
All they need is a little push.
(dramatic music)
Hey man, it's gonna be okay.
Get you some.
(dramatic music)
I'll take care of you.
[Mac] Carl's good people.
Is he?
If you saw some of the
shit that we've seen.
You have no idea the
things that I've seen.
The things that I've done.
I guess there's monsters in all of us.
(dramatic music)
Now do you understand?
(dramatic music)
It'll be okay.
He's just gonna wait us out.
Seriously, where did you find her?
Carl found her.
Just like you found you,
just like he found me.
Better or worse, she's family now.
Yeah, I've heard the speech.
This is Frenzy and Lo.
It's been a while since our last score.
These gal have a deal for us.
Oh yeah.
What's that?
A guy I know, he's been around.
(insects chirping)
I've bought from him
before, it's good shit.
He's a solid beast, it's that simple.
It's never that simple.
Yeah, we have to do something.
I said no talking.
My arms.
I know.
Here, it'll help some.
(dramatic music)
I'm gonna fix this.
I'm gonna fix this, I promise.
He doesn't look so good.
Is there anything we can do to help?
He needs his medicine.
We don't have any.
(will gasping)
(insects chirping)
[Delores] Don't touch me.
You know nothing about us, nothing.
I know that new dude you're with
is in lockup for heroin
possession, for fuck sake.
Is that the kind of you
want to expose our son to?
It isn't what you think.
And it's nobody's goddamn
business, least of all yours.
No get the fuck out.
What do you mean it's not
my business, he's my son.
- You're my wife.
- Ex wife.
Honey, I'm just trying
to do the right thing here.
Well, you're too late.
You had your chance.
No, we can work this out.
You don't even know what this is.
[Hunter] How could you leave
me for that criminal fuck?
Please go.
For your own good, just go.
[Hunter] He led us to this.
He brought it all about us.
If we could just figure out
who the main outside wants.
Y'all shut the fuck up over there.
When's the last time he fixed?
Funny you should ask.
I was wondering the same thing about you.
[Frenzy] You got something on your mind.
All I'm saying is, you
and Lo are awfully steady.
I haven't seen a single shake.
Look, I'm asking nicely now for the kid.
Are you holding?
No asshole, I'm not holding.
If you have something you should share.
Look, if the kin doesn't
make it, who cares?
He's been nothing but dead weight anyway.
We should probably just
put him out of his misery.
Frenzy heartless cunt.
Nice chat asshole.
You know you should just go and
suck your girlfriend's dick.
(dramatic music)
Oh, asshole.
(Frenzy laughing)
Babe, he just tried to fucking kill me.
Come on.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(Frenzy laughing)
It's just like, you
know, always on my own.
Then you come along and you just got me.
You just have this power over me.
(speaks in foreign language)
Why would you say that?
(speaks in foreign language)
(gentle music)
(speaks in foreign language)
(gentle music)
(speaks in foreign language)
(gentle music)
(speaks in foreign language)
(gentle music)
[CeCe] Hey, look, I just
gotta go to the shitter.
I'll take her.
You know your girlfriend?
Oh, she's real hot.
Shut up and pee.
Look, don't get it twisted.
I mean, you are not too shabby yourself.
Watch it, girl.
I mean, y'all do make a good couple.
Look, I think y'all real cool.
I just don't understand why y'all still
listening to that old ass bitch.
She obviously don't like you
and neither does her goofy ass muscle.
You know what?
Matter of fact, his gun is jammed, right?
See, all you gotta do is get hers now.
(dramatic music)
You know us girl's got
us stick together, right.
Yeah, yeah, you're right, thank you.
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
[Hunter Voiceover] I've
been hunting it so long now.
Sometimes I think maybe never find it.
(voices speaking indistinctly)
(door knocking)
I came that day to win you back.
(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
[Carey] Red, are you sure?
Mama and daddy wouldn't want this?
Mama and daddy are dead.
It killed them.
And I aim to make that right.
You got a problem with that?
(insects chirping)
It has to be done.
We need to do something.
What do you expect us to do?
Are they gonna kill us?
No, everything's gonna be okay.
How do you know?
Shiloh, as long as I'm around,
nobody's gonna take you away
from me, you understand?
I'd never let anybody do anything to you.
(gentle music)
This stupid bitch was trying
a fiscal dollars her ass?
I had to teach her a lesson.
Oh, are you okay babe?
What happened?
Fuck it look like?
She kicked my ass.
You know, you people
really don't understand
what shut your mouth means, do you?
Look, we're not gonna hurt you, okay.
Our fight is out there.
And unfortunately it's your fight now too.
Not my fight.
What do you think they're
gonna do if they get in
or you get out there?
Kill you.
You think they're just
gonna leave witnesses?
Listen, we're just thinking here.
You want outta here, we want outta here.
Why don't we work together,
huh, to help each other?
(Gail laughing)
How are you gonna help us?
Well, I don't know.
But there's safety in numbers, right?
I mean, maybe we make weapons, right,
like Molotov cocktails from the bottles.
That's not a bad idea.
The moment you open up that door,
if we even manage to get it
open, they'll shoot you dead.
Well, cocktails, do still sound good.
Bartender, shots all around.
(dramatic music)
Boys and girls,
how's it going in there?
Now the clock, she is a ticking.
All you gotta do is walk
away and leave it with us.
(insects chirping)
It's gotta be hungry by now.
No, no, no, no, no.
(gentle music)
(Carl crying)
It was all fine.
It was fine.
I had it all under control.
If you hadn't got me thrown in prison.
So this is my fault.
This is all your fault.
(dramatic music)
That's not true.
My wife is dead.
She's dead.
I loved her too.
(gentle music)
Where's the boy?
Where is he?
He's safe.
I'm gonna put down
the animal who did this?
That won't bring her back.
She wouldn't want that.
Well we can't ask her now, can we?
Just get the fuck out.
I'm gonna grieve now.
But know this,
when this ends,
I'm gonna fix this.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
[Travis] What do we do?
So I think I got an idea.
The last one got you clocked.
And if at first you don't succeed.
Hey relax.
It's just something to take
the edge off, to help the boy.
What is it?
It's Xany, okay.
(dramatic music)
Thank you.
Look, I know this is gonna
sound awkward, right,
but the crazy ass bitch behind
you, and her girlfriend,
they said they're gonna kill you.
She told me this in a bathroom.
And then they're gonna make a run for it.
Hey, what the fuck
is going on over there?
None of your business, Benedict Arnold.
What did you call me?
What does that evil mean?
Gail, don't let her play you?
Is that it?
Are you playing me, girl?
Look, I don't have any
skin in this game, right.
But if they pull something
that's gonna affect all of us.
[Mac] I knew that crazy was rotten.
You lying, game playing,
manipulative little.
(dramatic music)
What have you done?
[Frenzy] I don't know
what this said to you,
but whatever it is, it's a lie.
[Mac] Frenzy fuck us.
Look me in the eye
and tell me the truth.
You want truth?
Nice car.
All right, throw me.
[Hunter] You sure?
Don't fuck with me, man.
(birds chirping)
[Hunter] I've been looking
for you for a long time.
Who did this?
Those are the people who did it.
That's the money Simone paid
them for offing your brother
just before they stormed the
apartment and killed everyone.
(gentle music)
Why should I believe you?
They killed your brother,
that much is certain.
What's uncertain is what are
you going to do about it?
What's in it for you?
(birds chirping)
They killed my wife
and my boy.
I just want,
(birds chirping)
Just bring them to me
and I'll do the rest.
[Gail] We didn't even
know you had a brother.
Oh, please, Gail, I've seen the photos.
[Gail] Photos?
Photos of you and Carl
leaving the scene of the crime
with a big pack of money.
And Mackey boy over here driving.
(dramatic music)
(CeCe laughing)
Now all y'all get
behind the fucking bar.
[Shiloh] CeCe.
Don't be stupid kid.
[Frank] You got two
shells left in a gun,
you little snake.
[Carl] I like your odds.
Well that means two of you are dead.
And then there's four
against two, in our favor.
So how do you like those odds, bitch?
(insects chirping)
Time's up.
(insects chirping)
[Gail] Do what she says.
You think she can actually do it?
Fuck round and find out.
[Travis] CeCe, come on man,
what the fuck are you doing.
Shut up you piece of shit.
Get behind the fucking bar.
Oh, your creepy ass
girlfriend is gonna miss you.
(gun firing)
(Will crying)
(dramatic music)
It's her.
(gentle music)
Give it up, Mackey boy.
Stay back.
I'm gonna make you pay
for what you've done.
Simone killed your brother.
Nice try.
(dramatic music)
Oh fuck.
[Hunter] Come on boy, he's coming.
[Red] He better hurry up.
(dramatic music)
Something isn't right.
We just need to burn this place down now,
get the fuck out of here.
This is how it's got to be.
I mean, we don't even know
if fire's gonna kill it.
Not before it feeds.
Besides, you gotta answer to him.
Now, we're couldn't find it without him.
We're gonna play it his way.
- It's him.
- It hurts.
(dramatic music)
(Frenzy gasping)
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
No, no, no.
(dramatic music)
I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
(Frenzy crying)
It's okay, it's okay.
No, no, I'm so sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's happening.
If you have a bullet
left, put it in my head.
I can't do that.
No, please.
(Will crying)
(Will gasping)
(Gail crying)
(Gail gasping)
(Gail crying)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(Gail crying)
(Gail crying)
(gentle music)
(Gail crying)
(gentle music)
Do you think I'm a monster?
This is the price.
He was attacked.
Without this and he becomes what hurt him.
What killed so many others.
This poison,
it's all that can save him.
(gentle music)
You don't believe me now.
But you will.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(Frenzy crying)
(gentle music)
[Mac] The guy is late.
This feels off.
He'll be here.
There's a bar around the bend.
We'll slip inside,
split the stash in cash.
[Gail] We'll meet you there.
[Carl] You do that.
(dramatic music)
[Will] What do I do?
You go with them.
I'm not a child anymore.
I know what I'm doing.
Why do we always have to do this?
You know why?
You know why?
And that'll never change, son.
(Gail crying)
I'll keep an eye on him, okay.
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
Where the hell's that coming from?
Help Gail.
Keep him safe.
(dramatic music)
[Travis] What the
fuck is wrong with him?
I'm not leaving you here.
Go, do it.
(gun firing)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
I'm outta here.
What are you doing?
Are you fucking crazy?
Those guys out there, they
don't give too about me.
Unless of course they're fans.
(dramatic music)
Hey asshole, let me out of here.
I'm not part of any of this.
(dramatic music)
Let me the fuck out of here.
What in the Sam hell?
[Rylee] Hey, do you hear me?
Fuck this.
(dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
You're a monster.
I think we both know
who the real monster is.
(gun firing)
(dramatic music)
(Will moaning)
[Rylee] Let me out, let me out now.
[Frenzy] Open the fucking door,
this wasn't part of the deal.
God damn it, open the door.
(dramatic music)
(Will growling)
Fuck shit.
[Rylee] Hey, hey let me out.
Let me out, let me out now, let me out.
(dramatic music)
We did everything that we could.
What the ever fuck?
(dramatic music)
[Mac] Don't move movement,
it senses movement.
(dramatic music)
(Frenzy moaning)
(dramatic music)
(Frenzy moaning)
(dramatic music)
[Travis] Rudy.
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
Oh come on.
What even are you?
(Rylee screaming)
(dramatic music)
Now I'm gonna kill you people.
(dramatic music)
[Mac] What you doing?
(gentle music)
I'm so sorry.
I promised Carl that I
would take care of you
and I failed.
(gentle music)
I know, I know you're in there, Will.
(gentle music)
Come on you ugly motherfucker.
[Gail] Don't.
That's right, come on.
(dramatic music)
I'm sorry, Will.
(dramatic music)
(Gail screaming)
(dramatic music)
Sorry Carl.
(dramatic music)
(Gail screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Shiloh screaming)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
How did this happen to you?
It was a scratch.
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
Let's see what we got.
You got this?
Remember aim for its heart.
(gentle music)
[Carey] Damn.
[Red] God damn.
Hurry up dummy, let's find this fuck.
Is that you, boy?
We've been looking for
you for a long time.
It's all over now.
What do you got?
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
(Shiloh coughing)
[Carey] Damn girl.
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
Carey, Carey.
You're not Will.
[Red] Shoot him.
(upbeat music)
Back to back
(upbeat music)
(gun firing)
(upbeat music)
Well I've been holding it in
Since God damn Monday morning
It's the end of the week
I'm a b, b, b, b bout to blow
(upbeat music)
(guns firing)
Walking to the honky tonk
like pack of wolves now
(upbeat music)
Order up a round of shots
Ask which way to go
We just go down, go down, midtown
Order up another round of shots
Get drunk, get some, have fun
Here comes trouble
baby, like it or not
I'm a deadbeat drinking beer
Drinks slinging, la,
la, la, dancing machine
(upbeat music)
[Victim] Get way.
And I need to blow off some steam
(upbeat music)
Got to blow off steam
B, b, b, b, b, b blow off
I've got to blow off some steam
B, b, b, b, b, b blow off
[Victim] What the fuck?
I've been holding in
through the whole work week
Now it's Saturday night
and I'm about to blow
(guns firing)
(upbeat music)
[Victim] Shit.
[Bystander] What the hell is that thing?
Well it's a hoedown, hoedown, get down
Order up another round of shots
Gonna get drunk, gets some half of
Get this, come on baby, like it or not
I'm a deadbeat drinking beer
Drinks slinging, la,
la, la, dancing machine
Been a hell of a week
And I need to blow off some steam
I got to blow off some steam
B, b, b, b, b, b, blow off
(gentle upbeat music)
I got to blow off some steam
B, b, b, b, b, b, blow off
(gentle upbeat music)
I got to blow off some steam
B, b, b, b, b, b, blow off
I got to blow off some steam
B, b, b, b, b, b, blow off
I've been holding in
through the whole work week
Now it's Saturday night
and I'm about to blow
(upbeat music)
It's Saturday night
And I need to b, b,
b, blow off some steam
It's Saturday night
And I need to b, b,
b, blow off some steam
(upbeat music)
It's Saturday night
And I need to b, b,
b, blow off some steam
It's Saturday night
And I need to blow off some steam
(upbeat music)
Stay still
(upbeat music)
You're in the line of fire
They set their sights on you
You're like a shot in the dark
To a bottle with a smoke or two
(upbeat music)
I said, oh down you go
(upbeat music)
You better shut that off
Or down we go
(upbeat music)
Oh, oh, now
(upbeat music)
I said down
(upbeat music)
I said whoa, I'm damned to go
Baby shut them up
I'm damned to go
(upbeat music)
Oh, I'm damned to go
(upbeat music)
Shut them up
I'm damned to go
Whoa damned to go
(upbeat music)
I said steel breaks
Don't you realize
Violin, mandolin, the
way that's stole eyes
Side step
Put 'em on it
Open up your eyes
Feel it now
Let's supersize
Supersize my sight
You can see what I miss
Crying out
Every bodies dies
It takes no breaks
Don't you realize
Ain't no way
Ain't no way this drum dies
(upbeat music)
Breaks, breaks, steel breaks
Don't you realize
You flying off that handle
Ain't no way this drum dies
(upbeat music)
Like a thief in the night
Under the pale moon light
(gentle music)
They'll come to still kill and destroy
And rob you of your joy
(gentle music)
They can be white, dirty or small
They hold the power to wreck it all
If there's one thing that I've learnt
It's that secrets can kill
(gentle music)