Creatures of Necessity (2022) Movie Script

[creepy music plays]

[Isabella] I bet
you're wondering who I am,
what I look like.
Maybe someone
you've seen in a magazine,
CNN, you know,
a nobody
with a story to tell.
Popular, notorious
or insignificant.
The fact I have my hands bound,
face covered,
stuck alone here
means I have
a story to tell.
I was donating money to charity,
when I felt a prick in my neck.
Next thing I know,
I'm tied up here,
surrounded by...
three idiots.
I needed my medication,
and when I didn't get it...
my body reacted.
[light flickers]
Just break
the fucking lightbulb, okay?
I'll do angel dust for it.
[glass breaks]
Don't judge me.
Which brings me
back to now.
I can't tell day...
or night.
I was bored
and these idiots
didn't know a thing
about violence, so...
I made their lives
a living hell.
I might have overdone it.
No matter what happens,
I will survive this.
The hood on means they are
protecting their identity.
They are protecting
their plan.
They are protecting
their lives.
They don't want me dead.
Guys, I didn't see anything.
Look at me.
-Look at me.
Say my name.
[intense music plays]
[heavy breathing]
I'm sorry.
I haven't been myself, okay?
I didn't mean what I said.
It's this place.
It's this house, okay?
It's eating
into my head.
You're blaming
the house now?
It's just--
Your friends--
They were
taking care of me,
vomit and all,
and I got spoiled.
Pissed that you weren't
doing the same.
I'm giving you
Isabella Contini.
[camera click]
I'm a good person.
I have no excuse
to have disrespected you.
But you did.
And now you see my face.
You will die.
[creepy music plays]
I am a movie star.
I can make
your dreams come true.
You were a movie star.
Me dead is not going
to help anyone.
My fans need me.
I save lives.
Don't tell me
you believe that shit.
Please don't kill me.
It's been
13 motherfucking days.
13 days?
Done talking, your Majesty.
[Diamond] The wallet
hungers for the bounty.
[Nitro] Fuck!
[Nitro] It was supposed to be
a two day job.
We sent the ransom note,
her mother wires us the money.
It's been 13 days.
It's just 13 days.
13 fucking days.
We asked the mother
not to tell the cops.
The woman has been
seen on every TV station
that would have her.
-Step backs--
-With what?
It's over, Diamond.
Stay calm.
Be calm.
If we get the money, the cops
are going to be on the bills
like flies on shit.
All she got to do
is point to the deal
and we are made.
We are not murderers.
Four weeks ago,
we weren't kidnappers either.
We are looking
at 20 to life
the minute she walks
through that door.
You wanted this.
You wanted this shit.
This is about Aiko.
I should have known that.
You just signed
your divorce papers.
Signed my divorce papers?
How do you know that?
-How does he know that?
-You didn't tell him?
-I didn't tell anyone.
Anyways, I don't care,
it doesn't brother me.
It was 12 years of your life.
It takes more than
a signature to sign that away.
[Nitro] So, what are we
going to do now?
You want to kill me?
We don't have a choice.
We don't have a damn choice.
-You always have a choice.
-You know what we look like.
'Cause you took the hood off.
You shouldn't have
called me a nigger.
I would never say that.
-Did you just call me a liar?
-[Isabella] No. No.
So, you said it.
Let our
blood temperatures chill.
We are chill.
No, my friend, our rage
has overtaken our logic.
I'll say it.
Do you want me
to say I said the N word?
-I'm sorry.
-Emotional aura
clouds the gravity of words.
Really, Platinum.
Gravity of word?
We should row
on calmer waters.
Everything is dandy
on these waters.
Perspective overshadow ire.
She is our ticket
out of the weight
of unpaid responsibilities.
If she meets
a sudden demise,
the months of planning
are all for naught.
What the fuck are you saying?
[Isabella] Hey.
It's me.
I said the word.
I'm the one that's going.
Typical damsel in distress.
Honestly, I'm not sure why.
Deep down,
every guy wants to rescue
every girl he wants to fuck.
The parasite
is probably a barista
who has a script to share.
Aw, token black guy.
I underestimated
how emotionally fragile he was.
Quick to pull the race card.
Wannabe gangster.
Out of this whole...
disorganized crew...
the only one
that doesn't want to fuck me.
I know what you're thinking.
Let me ask you.
Not the person
beside you, but you.
How many women
do you know that look like me,
who marry men like that?
more famous, successful,
or have
a brilliant career, huh?
Let me guess.
And that, my dear friends,
is why men like these
want to fuck
a woman like me.
say your prayers
and tighten your shoelaces.
It's going to be a long day.
[Nitro] We have no choice
in the matter.
Isabella must die.
Let quiet minds focus
on the bounty we can gain.
Let quiet minds
focus on what?
The word nigger
means nothing to you?
The N words power
is dependent upon the beholder.
You selfish prick.
The only thing you give
a damn about is yourself.
Art thou attempting
to enrage me?
You need sharper words.
Then again, the only word
that matters
to the people of worth,
and you are worth nothing.
What did you call me?
It starts with an "N"
and rhymes with rotten.
I called you a nothing.
Fuck you!
You livid in son of whore.
Shut up, Nitro.
Don't make this--
Time travel
from this Shakespearean era.
You are nothing.
You were born nothing.
You will die nothing.
I'm not the one trying
to get a washed up actress
to help me sell my book.
Walk away.
Just walk away.
Walk away from a fight?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
It's not my style.
Let's even things out.
Platinum, why don't you
pull out your gun?
Shut up, Nitro.
Go on, then.
Take it out, pull the trigger.
You know you want to.
Shut up, Nitro, this isn't
the place for your bullshit.
This is so amateur hour.
Platinum, calm down.
Seriously, couples have fucked
and started developing a baby
in the amount of time it takes
this guy to decide to fight.
Even I know this parasite
isn't going to engage.
Platinum, calm down.
I got to pee.
[liquid pours]
We did everything we could
to get out.
I played the right actors
in this game of life--
-The Chubb illusion.
-[Platinum] Yeah. Yes.
The Chubb illusion.
It reveals that
apparent contrasts of an object
will vary
depending on the context
around the presentation.
I know what it means.
The only reason
I got involved was to--
to secure funds
for a Mandarin copy of my book.
What's the title?
Enemies On the Throne.
It's about my life, you know.
I'm really intrigued.
I'd probably
turn it into a movie.
You're gonna turn
your book and do a movie?
Yes, yes. Yes.
Yes, I will.
His book is his life.
And Isabella.
Isabella in his head
is his chance
at life for the book.
His book is the only thing
that justifies him being--
Better than all of us.
He's desperate.
So are we.
But let's not forget,
she might be cute,
sexy and nice,
but she got bazookas
that can blow us up anytime.
-Bazooka Bella.
Ready to blow us up
any time now.
-Any time now.

Any time.
Aiko woke me up
at 3:30 AM...
and in her softest,
kindest voice
she told me to get out...
and told me
our marriage is over.
-Nitro was married.
-[Isabella] To a man?
No, to a woman.
He's divorced.
He is a loquacious
coq au fuego.
I don't know what that means,
but I agree with you.
I never said the N word.
I believe you.
He's a creature
of necessity.
More like elements
of necessity.
Platinum, Diamond, Nitro,
all elements
of the periodic table.
I said creature of necessity.
Creatures of necessity
sounds better.
Divorce seems to have ripped off
a fair chunk of his soul.
So, she must be a real tool
to have married
someone like him.
And she isn't a tool.
She's one of those...
She's one
of those rare gems
that you experience
just once in a lifetime.
She's like you.
But, uh...
you are a movie star.
She walks into a room
and the room stops.
-You're fucking her.
-Absolutely not.
But you love her.
It's okay.
Your secret's safe with me.
No, we're just good friends.
Call me Bella.
My friends call me Bella.
[Platinum] Bella.
Your art is real.
It justifies
your immortality.
As a child,
I cried watching you sing
Waiting For the Moon
in The Last Sunset.
You really
do know my work.
The Last Sunset...
I almost wish
I never did that picture.
After it,
money became my top priority.
None of my other films
mattered after that.
They matter to me.
The smidgen of time
you gave to [indistinct]
made that movie perfect.
I used to matter.
People wanted to
work with me,
wanted to take my picture.
Now, the only way
I get my picture in the news
is through a mugshot.
I will always be habituated
to the work you've left behind.
[heart beats]
[Isabella] There is
an undeniable amount of power
to being on top.
Makes you invincible.
He absorbed
the weaknesses of others
and it become
their strength.
Makes you so much taller
than what you are.
Their pain,
sorrow, failure is
what I feed on to rise.
Even the littlest gesture
could awaken the...
strength of anyone
around me.
I want to take
the best of you...
and make it
a piece of me.
This is--
this is not good.
Oh, this is very bad.
But a good amount of bad
is the same thing
as a bad amount of good.
Let yourself go.

What the fuck?
This is not what you think.
Your tongue was in her mouth
and your hand
was grabbing her ass.
Her naked ass
if I might add.
Yes, I know
how it might seem.
The perspective
is deceiving.
Think, we just added attempted
rape charges against you.
I didn't force myself on her.
It was mutual consent.
Except she's in this house
out of her consent.
[Isabella] Relax, Platinum
and I were just talking.
Nothing happened.
He has a boner
sharper than the Eiffel Tower.
We're just talking.
Wait, wait, wait,
so all that drama earlier
was just
to get in her pants.
[smacking lips]
Where the fuck
do you think you're going?
To my chair.
To be tied up
like the prisoner I am.
Nothing happened.
Sure, nothing happened.
[metal clanking]
-[Isabella] I'm all yours.
-[Nitro laughing]
Hey, guess what, guess what?
Platinum got caught
waving his dick over her
just so he can make out
with her in the bathroom.
Your humor is sublime.
You realize
that's rape, rape?
Exactly what I said.
We were consenting adults.
Being kidnaped by idiots.
Isabella, will you please
tell these two perverts
that you initiated
the locking of lips?
Lord, deliver me
from this nightmare.
I, Isabella Contini,
an Oscar award winner,
with two Golden Globes
and a Tony nomination
will have to admit
to wanting this, this parasite?
It was my idea.
I made the move.
-What do you mean, why?
It's an honest question.
Why did you make
the first move?
Did she do it to survive?
Or were you just
so sexy she couldn't resist?
Don't answer the question,
Miss Contini.
We need to focus
on our next move.
-The next move.
-There's only one thing left.
Isabella must die.
You don't have to kill me.
We're open to ideas.
Look, I understand
why you're doing this, okay?
I know how you people feel.
Isabella must die.
you all talked
to my mother, right?
You never once
let me talk to her.
Let me call her.
She's my manager.
I will get her
to send you the money
and everything else
that you need.
-That's not a bad idea.
-That's worse than bad.
Worse than bad.
They'll track the phones.
-We use the burners.
-They can track burners, too.
-They need 30 seconds.
-All I need is 20 seconds, max.
When she hears my voice,
my fear, she's going to know
this is real.

20 seconds. 20.
Dial star 69 first.
Put it on speaker. Speaker.
[Isabella] Okay. Okay.
Can I stand up?
Don't have to point any--
Okay. okay.
[phone ringing]
[mom] Uh, What now?
Mom, it's me.
Look, I don't have
a lot of time.
I really have been kidnapped.
I need you
to send these men the money.
[mom] Really, Bella?
You had me crying
on TV looking for you
while you're out
on your drug safari again.
You're getting too old
for these kind of games.
This isn't
a fucking game, Mother.
I have been tied up to
a chair for 13 goddamn days.
[mom] Watch your tone with me,
young lady!
I'm sorry, Mom.
[mom] I'm late
for pilates with Ramone.
You know how difficult it is
to get an appointment with him
since he's worked
with Michelle.
-Mom, this really is--
-[mom] Ta ta.
-[phone beeps]
do you want
to call her back?
[phone drops]
Don't touch me.
Don't fucking touch me.
I don't want
to hear about you
or your stupid,
fucking book.
Stay away from me.
Stay the fuck way from me.

You got us into this conundrum.
Don't put this on me because
she doesn't like your book.
At least I wrote a book.
Can you write a sentence?
I don't know how to write book,
but I know how to pay my bills.
You exist for nothing.
Are we sensitive, man?
Did I make you sad?
You know what, I am getting
tired of your untamed words.
So what are you
going to do about it?
-You knew this would happen.
- What?
She wanted to tell you the truth
about your stupid book.
When words fail,
the fists decide.
After you.
[fast paced violins]

[door slams shut]
Are they really
going to fight?
-Do they do this all the time?
-You do realize that they both
-have guns, right?
Why didn't you stop them?
I'm not sure.
Not sure.
You could still stop them.
Three little pigs
walk out the door...
the stiffy,
the parasite and the fragile.
Which one comes back first?
I know what you're thinking.
Why would I aggravate
my kidnapper?
Well, honestly,
I really didn't think
he was going to
take the hood off.
I mean,
I've been treated like an egg
for the past 13 days.
I'm not saying
there's a guidebook
for kidnappers out there.
But, you know,
a few punches are slaps to put
the fear of God
into your victim
would be professional.
All these bitches have done
is swing their guns around
with the safeties on
is pathetic.
And last.
I'm an addict tied
to a fucking chair.
Let's see you keep your cool
going through withdrawal.
You're probably wondering,
why doesn't she just
untie the knots,
break the chair,
smash the window
and escape this haunted?
That shit only happens
in the movies.
Honey! I'm home.
Fuck me sideways.
We need to get down.
[techno music plays]

I just felt like dancing.
Could you not
just feel like dancing
or pissing
on your territory?
Hope you realize
I'm the one with the gun.
Let's get this over with.
I need a bath.
I'm tired of cheap burgers,
and my ass really hurts.
For the last time,
I'm the one with the gun.
Oh, honey...
I'm not the one
that hurt you.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Don't play dumb.
I know you just got divorced.
Does everyone know?
Women have
a different definition
of marriage these days.
Let's not get carried away.
Finish the job.
How do you know this?
How the fuck
does everyone know this?
I was married
when I was 18
to avoid my mother.
It was all about me, me, me.
He was an angel too.
He worshipped me.
I just kept finding
the tiniest things
that just hit him.
And I ignored all
ordinary things he did right.
I remember when
I got my divorce. I, uh...
Sorry, I'm doing it again.
I'm getting carried away.
before your friends come back.
Get what over with?
You want to kill me.
Yeah, yeah, I did.
No, no, no, no, I do.
-I'm ready.
-For the record,
I know you're
screwing with my head.
You're the one with the gun.
I'm the one with the gun.
You're the one with the power.
I'm the one with the power.
You have the power
to give my life back to me.
Or end me.
You shouldn't have
called me a nigger.
I never said that word.
You have no one here to play to.
It's just you and me.
You called me a nigger.
I never said that word.
I have heard
many words wrong in my life.
But no black person has ever
heard that word wrong.
Do what you have to do.
Admit it.
I never said that word.
What about now?
Look at me.
Look at me.
The last thing I see
before I meet my maker
is not going to be
the barrel of your gun.
[music intensifies]
Open your eyes.
I won't shoot you.
What now?
[Nitro] You shouldn't have
called me a nigger.
This is getting boring.
You said I said it.
I said I didn't.
The fact of the matter is,
you have the gun.
You have the power.
It's extremely intriguing
to see how weak a man really is
when he's dependent on a gun.
Look at this fool.
He can't shoot me.
He's not capable
of killing anyone.
So, what does he do?
He uses the gun
to try and humiliate me.
You think
you got this figured out?
You're the big,
bad man with the gun.
You think I can't kill you?
I can't take this anymore.
That's not true.
I believe
that you're a sad,
poor, little boy
whose only strength comes
from the weapon in his hand.
You can't kill me.
That's why you're trying
to boost your killer mentality
by forcing me
to say the N-word.
Then say it!
-You're an impotent man.
-Oh, impotent!
You do realize your wife
is fucking someone else
for a reason, right?
Oh, shit.
Okay, [indistinct]
That's probably a bit too far.
So, I work for a family value
Christian senator...
who liked his hookers
under 21
and his coke clean.
So, I've been to the building.
I've walked up it 100 times,
and see you there.
Next time I'm there,
same place, same time.
There you are
So, I made a move.
13 days later.
This is like
the stupid movies
where the bad guy tells you
his plans for world domination
instead of just
shooting the hero.
All I have the show for it is
your mother would appear
on every talk show
and share her heart.
But not a dollar
for her own daughter?
Isabella Contini.
You have nobody.
Your own mother
won't pay the ransom.
Fuck, I'm about to die! Shit!
Screw you.
If you're going to shoot me,
shoot me in the face,
not the back.
If I can have anyone killed,
I would have
had you killed an hour ago.
Why are you letting me go?
[rapid thuds]
You know...
we live in a world
where demons are misunderstood,
vampires are cool,
witches are cute,
and Lucifer has a show.
Life gets better.
Why are you still here?
The Senator you work for?
What's his name?
You realize how dumb it'd be
for me to answer that
question, right?
My mother's third husband
is Senator Grummer.
Would be a wild coincidence
if you worked for him.
So you believe
your mother's ex-husband
who is a sitting senator
decides to hire us
to kidnap you because?
I never told you
they were divorced.
You're seeming to forget
you're about to die.
Please indulge me.
How much was the ransom?
A hundred million.
Where did you think my mother
would find that kind of money?
A million?
A million.
The woman didn't cave.
To save our face
we told her we meant
a million pesos.
-She didn't bulge.
I mean, even worse, the news
had you missing, not kidnapped.
You may not see it now,
but your mother loves--
Oh, she loves me so much,
she couldn't pay
1,000,000 pesos?
Go home, Isabella.
[heavy footsteps]
He's a methodical machine.
Why would he stupidly
take off her hood?
The N-word.
The N-word means a lot more
than you and I understand.
My blood's boiling.
[Diamond] It will soon be over.
It will soon be over.
The buffoon was right.
Our well's dry.
People have created
Go Fund Me groups
to pay more
for the homeless.
The Internet
had her net worth
over 40 million.
But, we should have
known better than to invest
in the veracity
of the Internet.
No backing out now.
No backing out.
Nitro kills her.
We move on.
Time is an unfaithful mistress.
Do you think
he's taking his time now
by savoring the weight
of her last breath?
Why do you talk this way?
Why do you
echo your words?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I rest my case.
What's up?
It's a beautiful day.
[intense chase music]

[gun shots]
Hands in the air, please.
[Diamond] Dude.
Dude, you want someone
to call the cops?
Wow. You're strong.
Very strong.
Did you kill him?
-Kill who?
No. He let me go?
He did what? Mother--
Such an empty barrel.
All talk and no action.
No fucking action!
-Please let me go.
-I'm not going to jail.
I won't tell anyone.
They have me missing,
not kidnapped.
I could walk home
right now and no one's
going to take this seriously.
Your mother has been
on every news station
and made this
very serious.
Very serious.
Yeah, well,
she's a lousy manager
and a failed actress
looking for roles
through my predicament.
I'm not going to jail.
I'm too pretty.
I will get raped.
I promise you, I'm not going to
tell a soul about this.
I want to believe you,
but I don't.
I thought you were a fan.
I am.
But my life comes first.
Raise your hands higher.
[birds chirping]
Isabella must die.
Isabella must die.
Really, Nitro?
You're such a bitch.
Did she let you
peer at a boob, Nitro?
[Nitro] I whipped your ass once
and I can do it again.
You got me
with a sucker punch.
We can do it again.
Your counsel is desired,
the last bout, four words
rid of its genesis.
Isabella Contini must die.
Yet, look what sits before me.
Isabella perched
on her throne.
Nitro, help me to understand.
Why the fuck
did you let her go?
Why did he let me go?
[Platinum] You had no intention
of killing her from the start.
You expected us to say no.
You wanted us to say no.
-That doesn't make sense.
-I took the fucking hood off.
I'm the smartest person
in this room,
and I literally
don't know what that means.
The minute I took the hood off
I killed her because of...
Aiko, I played God.
I can't even
make my marriage work.
I live in a shoe box.
I lost my home.
I lost my kids.
Lost custody of the damn dog.
I mean,
who am I to play God?
He's lost it.
Yeah, if the prospect of life
in prison getting
sodomized by some hairy gorilla
isn't incentive enough
to wave her life goodbye,
then I would take
the burden off your hands.
What are you doing, Nitro?
Did you not just
hear my speech?
-She has to go.
-Drop the fucking gun, Platinum.
Why is your weapon
geared at moi?
Nitro, drop your weapon!
Nitro, you test my patience.
Turn your metal away from me.
-Take your gun off of her.
-Isabella Contini must die.
Stop saying that.
It hurts my ears
when you say that.
What's that
supposed to mean?
It only sounds good
when I say it.
Have I died
and gone to hell?
-[Diamond] Nitro, drop your gun.
-Tell him to put his gun down.
Options are lost, Nitro.
She has to go.
This was of your making.
Yes, it was.
She doesn't have to die.
Choices are for nought.
Choices is
what choices are.
[Diamond] What the fuck
is that supposed to mean?
I don't know
what it fucking means.
It sounded good
in my head.
Turn your weapon of death
away from me.
Drop your weapon.
You couldn't kill
a woman you hardly know.
Now, you want me
to believe you'd kill me?
Kevin, please drop your weapon.
It doesn't
have to go this way.
You said it, brother.
There's no other way.
This is a one-way street.
[Diamond] Her blood
will be on our hands.
You've done your part
in trying to save her.
You aren't the one
pulling the trigger.
I took
the fucking hood off.
The arrow has left the bow.
We can't pull it back.
Please, please
don't make me shoot you.
You'd kill one of your own?
You'd shoot me for her?
Fuck you, Nitro.
[Diamond] Wait, wait.
Everyone, wait.
-There's no other way.
-[Diamond] There is a way.
The Prince.
-The Prince.
-He's real?
He's in Johnston City.
I tried selling him this house.
This house.
I doubt
he handles this kind of shit.
I can ask. I can ask.
He's a fixer.
What's the alternative?
We have
two dead bodies over here?
There'd only be
one dead body in here.
Fratricide isn't in him.
Sorry, brother,
but I can't have the blood
of an innocent woman
carrying on my conscious.
This drug addict?
A woman so repugnant
her own mother
doesn't want to pay her ransom.
Fucking fairweather fans.
I took the hood off.
Her life belongs to me
until she walks away from here.
You will not kill me.
Platinum, if you so much
as pressure the trigger,
your brain is going to
become a Picasso on the floor.
-You're bluffing.
-Am I?
Yes, you are, brother.
You haven't
pulled the trigger either.
Yes, but I will, brother.
How'd you know
I signed my divorce papers?
How did you know
my 12-year marriage ended
with the mother
of my children a few days ago?
[tense music plays]

Call the Prince.
I'm making the call.
Can you please
drop the guns now?
It's George.
Are you still in the city?
[tense music plays]
[door slams shut]
This is
the worst day of my life.
What am I supposed to do now?
You know, I never believed
in God or the afterlife.
The concept of a god who'd
create such fucked up world,
it didn't make
any sense to me, but...
right now, I'm a believer.
I don't want to die.
And if I die,
I don't want to go to hell.
I have done and said
a lot of fucked up shit.
In hindsight, I'm a stupid
insult to parasite's book.
Damn It.
Why aren't they talking?
[door slams shut]
[footsteps running]
We're lucky. Very lucky.
He's some few blocks off.
10 minutes.
He'll be here in 10 minutes.
-10 minutes.
-[Diamond] Wow.
That was intense.
Really intense, huh?
Come on, guys.
We're the Three Musketeers.
The Three Musketeers.
You're making me nervous.
Very nervous.
Say something.
[tense music plays]

How long
you been fucking my wife?
I meant
something happier.
-I never said that.
-You just did.
You said it all
without saying nothing at all.
Was it your fancy words
that got her out of my bed?
Isn't the place for this.
Let me guess.
You were her shoulder to cry on
when I wouldn't hold hands
with her at the park.
Keeping her company
when I worked overtime
to pay
for the big, fancy house,
she'd like
to show off to her friends.
tell him it's not true.
It's not true.
We are long past
fake names, George.
Yeah, Perry.
Tell me to my face
you had
nothing to do with my wife.
Tell him, Platinum. Tell him.
His name is Perry.
Your name is George.
And I'm Kevin.
It's out there.
She knows our fucking names.
Tell him
so we can move past this.
We need
to move past this.
Seven minutes.
You seem disappointed, George.
What do you expect?
You thought
he would repeat what you said?
It's easy for a man
to steal someone's wife
when she comes
to you as the hero.
And she tells you
how much she's suffering
under her mean husband.
And in a bedroom,
she gives
100% of herself to her hero
while her evil husband
isn't there.
A cheating wife always chooses
her love with precision.
Secrecy is very important.
That's why our friend
is always the perfect target.
Five minutes.
Before I signed
my divorce papers,
I waited outside my house
for the adulterer.
He never came out,
so I went in.
[Platinum] Kevin, let's talk
about this some other time.
I'm getting to the best part.
The plan was to kill her
and shoot myself.
I climb on our bed,
put my hands around her neck.
She opened her eyes.
She doesn't scream.
She looks at me.
I love that woman so much
and that bitch knew it.
She slapped my ass off and she
fucks the shit out of me.
Oh, she didn't tell you,
did she?
She came
so many times that night.
She was screaming so loud...
I had to let her bite my hand
so she wouldn't
wake up the kids.
You lie!
You lie?
Is that all you got?
Or did you
run out of fancy words?
You want to die.
You really want to die?
You know
why I signed my divorce papers?
She said because,
"Let me go
and I'll come back to you."
[Diamond] Please.
On Sunday,
a man came to me and asked,
"Do you want to know
the devil's
greatest masterpiece?
Beyond power,
envy, lust and greed?"
"Sure," I said.
And he whispered,
"It's Saturday."
"Saturday," I asked?
He said,
"It is when people kill...
and sin
the most in clubs,
parties and motels.
They are disobeying
the fourth commandment.
The Sabbath day
is on a Saturday,
not Sunday."
He was so proud
of his theory.
I didn't have
the heart to tell him
that most suicides
happen on a Monday,
murders on a Sunday,
copulations on a Sunday.
Anyway, forgive me.
I am 32 seconds early
and wanted
to make an entrance.
Now, I will need a dollar
from one of you
before we begin.
Attorney client privilege.
So please,
correct me if I'm wrong.
You three, fine gentlemen
kidnapped Miss Contini,
hoping to get
a ransom of $1,000,000.
But, her mother
doesn't want to pay.
With the world looking for her
and your identities revealed,
it has led
to an animus decision
on whether she lives or dies.
So, is that our dilemma?
-[Diamond] Yes.
You get the family discount.
$5,000 per hour.
Hopefully, we should be
out of here within the hour.
Who the hell is this guy?
It is ill-advised
to point a gun at a man
unless you are ready
to pull the trigger.
He's the Prince.
I point the gun
where I want to point it.
The Prince.
Thought he was
some old white dude.
All three of you
together get just one.
And that was it.
Do you understand?
You hold on to it for now.
Your hour
has begun, gentlemen.
I prefer cash,
but I also accept
PayPal or Venmo
as long as it's less
than ten grand a transaction.
Now, you do realize
I'm not the kind of person
you don't pay on time?
Yes, sir.
We were hoping
to pay you after we get the--
Would the end
of the hour be good?
Absolutely, George Ramos,
Kevin Hill
and Perry Washington.
I actually need some alone time
with Miss Contini here.
Please don't leave me alone.
Don't be ridiculous, Isabella.
In the words
of Leonardo da Vinci,
"While I thought
I was learning how to live,
I have actually been
learning how to die."
Quick. Go out and talk.
Don't put this shit on me.
Not on me.
We all agreed to get him.
Our names
are in his pocket.
The way he took the gun
was some Equalizer shit.
He knows my last name.
He just took
the gun in my hand.
I didn't give him any names.
No names.
I don't know
how he knew about you two.
Is he serious?
Five grand an hour?
Dude took it out of my hand
before I could even blink.
The whole five grand thing
doesn't ring true.
Five grand is nothing
to someone like him.
-Could be a favor to you.
-No, no, it isn't.
He just took the gun in my hand
before I realized I had.
Okay, enough about the gun.
We need to focus
on the five grand.
Nitro and I bring in 1700 each,
you bring 16.
-[Platinum] Sixteen? Well--
-That's a lot of money.
I mean, he is an attorney.
He can't be that dangerous.
Now, you forget
the equalizer shit.
You don't know
the Dinesh Robert story?
-Date raped by three frat boys.
-Her father.
Father was a council member
who wanted to run for Congress.
Frat boys
had kingmakers for parents.
Two billionaire
donors and a senator.
Father shots his daughter,
shuts her up.
Case closes.
He becomes congressman.
Two years later,
the girl gives up
the necessity of survival.
-She kills herself.
-Someone hires the Prince.
Someone hires the prince.
First frat boy
is in an asylum,
unable to understand
a single sentence.
Everybody thinks he smokes
the wrong kind of drugs.
[Diamond] Second one,
paralyzed from the neck down.
They said
he was drinking and driving.
-And the last one?
-[Diamond] Wasn't subtle.
Wasn't subtle.
He woke up one morning,
one sunny morning,
and he didn't have a penis.
-They took his dick off?
-[Diamond] Yup, took it off.
Clean off.
Just stitches remain.
How do I transfer
1,700 to your account?
Cover me.
You know I'm good for it.
No, you aren't.
This is a life
and death situation.
He will kill me
if I don't pay.
You screwed up
my credit twice.
I told you that
never, never again.
You are so melodramatic.
Kevin, help me out.
First, you fuck my wife,
destroy my marriage,
architect my fall to poverty,
then you want me
to pay your fucking bill?
I can't wait
'til he kills all of us.
It was just a suggestion.
We're all brainstorming here.
-But not with your credit card.
-I don't have a credit card.
How the hell
do you know this Prince?
He's married
to Camilla's sister.
That's great. He's married
to your fiance's sister?
Tell Camilla to ask
her sister to ask her husband
to give us some time
with the five grand.
-What do you mean, no?
Not telling my fiance
that I kidnapped anyone.
No one.
George, unless you have
my share of the five grand,
our lives
are as good as forfeit.
You need
to call Camilla.
No, I won't sacrifice my chance
of happiness for this.
You carry your own cross.
Your cross.
If she loves you,
she'll understand.
[Diamond] What do you know
about love?
You have nobody
depending on you.
Say what you want
to say about me,
but the problem we face is as
a trinity and it must be paid.
Trinity. Really?
More like the both of us,
as usual.
It's the only
logical conclusion
at this point in time.
-You are full of shit.
-It is what it is.
-No, it isn't.
Maybe my words
are missing their mark,
so I'll try to be blunt.
I don't have 1600.
Yeah, but the thing is,
if we get only 3400,
I'm going to have
to tell the Prince that
you don't want to pay him.
-You realize he will kill me?
-There's only so much I can do.
And risk Camila of finding out
about your dark dalliance?
She wouldn't find out.
The Prince will kill you
and we'll make up the rest
after you're dead.
-You jest.
-I'm not laughing.
Don't sink
to his insidious level.
This is one tab.
One tab you would have
to cover your own.
-You're both dead to me.
-Good riddance.
Did I mention that I fucked
your wife in the kitchen,
the bedroom, the living room,
and your kids room?
I know
what I'm going to do.
I'm gonna get
my share from the sweet,
large alimony
you gave to my Aiko.
[phone ringing]
How's my sweet
buttercup doing today?
Hello, lover.
It has been
a crazy day, my love.
I wish you could be
here with me.
-[Aiko] Me too.
-How does it feel
to finally be free
of that quicksand of a man?
I'm lucky to have you.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No more tears, my love.
That dark, devouring chapter
of your life is in the past.
Divine happiness
is our future.
[Aiko] You are the best
thing to happen to me.
My life truly began
the first time I saw you.
Hey, babe.
I need $1,600
to tidy a few things up.
Aiko, are you still there?
Yes. I got distracted.
-[Aiko] So.
The 1600.
I promise to pay it back
by the end of the month.
[Aiko] Where the heck
am I going to
get that kind of money?
You just got a $73,000
lump alimony settlement.
I'm not asking for much.
[Aiko] I'm a single mother
with two children.
-I can't start off wasting.
Aiko, I'm coming to you
because you are my heart.
Hello? Hello?
P-- Perry,
I can't seem to hear you.
I can hear you fine.
[Aiko] This signal seems bad.
I'll get back to you.
-Aiko, I--
-[phone beeping]
It's probably the signal.
[Kevin laughs]
Wow. I swear
I didn't see that coming.
[Diamond] This is getting
very depressing.
Very depressing.
For the love
of anything holy,
-please don't call her back--
-I'm not calling his wife.
Wait, wait, wait. Ex-wife.
So, who are you calling?
None of your fucking business,
you pathetic quisling.
[The Prince] Feel free
to ask me anything.
[chair scrapes]
Are you a Prince?
I was a Nigerian with an accent
in an American college
at a time when fraudulent
emails from a number of people
claiming to be Nigerian princes
were asking for money.
-Any more questions?
Are they going to kill me?
Everyone thinks they can
kill another human being
until the reality
of taking one's life
is a split second away.
They don't have it in them.
-Do you have it in you?
-You do.
Me? Kill someone?
Anyone? No.
And you?
It's like sex.
As a virgin,
you have a lot to protect.
Once you've been deflowered,
it gets easier.
Are you going to kill me?
Everything I say
might be the truth or a lie.
The goal is to get a deal
everyone can be happy with.
Look at it
on the bright side.
There is a strong chance
you get to leave here
back to your
three bedroom condo.
You know where I live?
In five minutes,
a kid in his pajamas
typed his keyboard.
I got
your Social Security number,
your pharmacist,
where your mother
has your money stashed up
and your STD results.
-It's okay.
I know about everyone.
Information is the new oil.
My STD result?
Oral herpes.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
50 to 80%
of American adults have it.
[The Prince sighs]
Your friends call you Bella.
-May I call you that?
My wife has only one rule.
As long as
we're in the same zip code,
we have dinner together.
So, if I don't leave here early,
she'll be waiting out for me.
And I don't want
her waiting out for me.
What do you want me
to agree to?
I don't want you to agree
to everything I propose.
I want to
make you happy.
Happy? I'm tied to a chair.
In front of me is an assassin
with two loaded weapons.
I will agree
to anything you tell me.
I am not an assassin.
You just kill people if
they don't agree with you 100%.
[whispering] Why can't I get my
mouth to shut up?
Am I trying to kill myself?
[The Prince]
I'm a businessman
and an officer
of the court.
[dagger shinging]
I don't kill people.
I am positive
you walk out
of here with a smile.
[rope snapping]
[Isabella sighing]
Yeah, right.
He wants me to run so
he could shoot me in the back.
I'm sitting my butt here.
I don't want you thinking I'm
going to shoot you in the back.
[Isabella] Is this psychopath
reading my thoughts?
The million dollar question.
How do we get you
to walk out of here,
pay $1,000,000
to your kidnappers
with a smile
on your face?
So how?
[The Prince]
Okay, good.
Hopefully we're over me
being a psychopath.
Am I going crazy?
I mean I'm still
detoxing or something.
Who the fuck
am I talking to?
Is someone out there?
There are three
factions to this.
First, getting
$1,000,000 from you,
paying off
your inexperienced kidnappers,
and lastly, making that million
worth ten times more for you.
If they're paying you
five grand,
what stops you
from just killing us all
and taking the million?
[The Prince]
I got to where I am
because my name
comes with integrity.
If I stifled anyone, I'll be
out of his business in a month.
Also, I am in a 1% tax bracket.
And you get paid
five grand an hour.
[The Prince]
Actually, I get 10%,
a sort of five grand thing
to get him out.
I wanted to be
here alone with you.
[The Prince]
We'll get to that.
So, how do we get $1,000,000
in the next 30 minutes?
I can give you
the million dollars.
A million?
You have no idea
the kind of shit
I've done to remain relevant.
Well, I'm not interested
in having sex with you
for $1,000,000.
Yes, I know.
One can tell when a man
wants to fuck her.
what do you want?
25% interest
in three months.
[Isabella] How are you sure
I'd pay it back?
In 10 minutes,
I found out your address.
You have herpes.
You have a hidden account
in the Cayman Islands.
As long as you're alive,
I'll get my money back on time.
Okay. If we can just
stop talking about herpes.
I can transfer the money.
Your mother
closed your account.
I don't understand.
She cleared it up.
Even better.
She's misdirecting
the cops of your missing story.
That's why the cops
aren't looking for kidnappers.
[Isabella laughing]
I'm her own
flesh and blood.
[Isabella sobbing]
Once you're sat at the top,
you do anything
to get back there.
She's on the news.
You're niche.
She's mainstream now.
You know, I still remember
her face when I won the Oscar.
12 year old prodigy.
She hated me for it.
We worked on
that picture together.
It was supposed to be
her big comeback.
Instead, I won.
Do you have the money or not?
I owe the IRS 15 million.
That's why I was
stashing everything away
in the Cayman Islands.
My wife's dinner
is getting cold.
You need to make a decision.
-I don't have the money.
-I offered you the money.
[Isabella] How would I ever
pay you back?
You'd be in a better place
by the end of our meeting.
I can't agree to something
I don't understand.
What differentiates
a great actor from a good actor?
Human beings start acting
immediately they're born,
but a great actor
makes you believe every word
that comes
out of their mouth.
When a great actor tells you
the aliens are coming,
you believe
the aliens are coming.
Is he teaching me
about acting?
The second youngest
Oscar winner ever?
Bear with me.
The problem is you didn't
make us believe in your words.
You didn't lock us in
with your words.
Great. What do I know
about acting with words?
That you were not
where you were supposed to be.
You were too busy
going for pop movies.
I won an Oscar
for the Lost Sunset.
You were a 12 year old
singing and acting
the same year your father died,
with a mother everyone knew
was at the end of her twilight.
Even Kermit the Frog
would have gotten an Oscar
under the same circumstance.
I worked hard for that Oscar.
I deserved it!
Deserved it?
Deserving is Peter O'Toole,
Glenn Close,
Angela Bassett,
-And indeed--
-You know what?
I don't come to
your place of work
and tell you that you killed
someone the wrong way.
-Edward Norton. Tom Cruise.
-That's bullshit.
[tense music]
My job is not to kill people.
Your job is to entertain
your audience with your movies.
If I paid 14 bucks
to watch your movies,
I have every right
to criticize it.
-Then don't watch my movie.
-That's the problem!
Nobody watches them anymore.
I don't need you
to watch them.
We Bleed Red.
So, you do watch my movies.
I didn't watch it
because of you.
But the 10 minutes
you were in it,
is the reason
I'm here right now.

Walk with me.
[Isabella] This is the part
where you tell me
where I fit into
your stupid story.
[The Prince]
I go to a Hollywood party
and Zhang Hyang harasses me
to read this script,
Queens of the Revolution.
You know Zhang Hyang?
Yes, I invested
in We Bleed Red.
I was in it.
You funded my movie.
Your movie?
Let's not push liberties.
You weren't
in the top 50 billing.
-It was a team effort.
Keep telling yourself that.
I didn't see
your name in the billing.
Because it wasn't there.
Anyway, I read a script
and immediately I'm thinking,
"Danai Gurira,
Tika Sumpter or Yvonne Orji?"
Yes, the lead actress is Black.
Of course, she isn't.
But you just named
all Black actresses.
It was
my 10 million on the line.
I was picking
who I wanted.
-Really? Ten million?
-Can I finish my story?
Yeah, sorry.
Then I got
a call from Zhang
that he's met
with Chiwetel Ejiofor,
and he wants him
to play the lead role.
The studio feels two Black
leads make it a Black movie.
-I kind of see their point.
-Of course you do.
Anyway, then I get
a call you're here,
I push your name with Zhang
and he likes the idea.
-For-- for what role?
-Jeno Shion, the lead.
[swelling music]
-The lead?
I'm not shitting on this.
I will do a porn if-- if
Zhang was directing it, but...
this can't be real.
It is. It is very real.
I thought that
Zhang didn't notice me.
I mean, he directed it.
But why would he
remember me?
Why would anyone want me?
I'm a has been.
Both he and I were
blown away by your ten minutes.
It was raw. It was real.
And most importantly,
you are trending.
-Trending. I'm trending.
-Mm hmm.
You're on every news channel,
foreign and abroad.
You can't buy
that kind of publicity.
The role is yours
if you want it.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah...
But I have to ask, the drugs?
-Zhang's old school.
-Oh, it's just uppers.
It won't affect my work.
-You were binging on coke.
-I've crashed since then.
13 days tied up here,
puking, sleeping,
those punks have done
what no rehab facility
has been able to do.
I'm clean.
It seems like
a perfect day then.
And the million?
That can wait
'til after you get paid.
They're going to pay me
a lot more than a million.
Holy shit,
I'd do this for free.
Isabella Contini,
you're the it girl now.
Those three men out there
have done for you
what people would kill for.
Before I received this call,
I could have sworn
you planned
the whole thing.
And I applauded it
as a master comeback.
The world is in your cage,
own it or it will
come back to devour you.
Never a victim.
Nobody worships the victim.
You are the goddess
right now.
How do I explain
all of this?
That's the best part.
You don't.
-I don't?
-You walk out of here.
We drop you with
a hood over your head
close to
the police station.
You walk in face bloodied.
Don't tell them
anything about this.
I refuse
to say anything.
It will be remembered
for years to come
as a trauma
you refuse to share.
-Not even with a shrink.
-So, I'm selling a mystery.
Make the world wonder,
"Was she beaten,
raped, tortured?
Did they kill
any other part of her?"
You will be the hot cheerleader.
Everyone will want to
get into your panties.
And talk shows.
Tell Ellen everything
except what happened.
I've always
wanted to be on Ellen.
She will beg
for an exclusive.
The cops, they might
want to involve the feds.
You're not obligated
to tell them anything.
As long as you don't lie,
you haven't committed a crime.
They're going to
want to run a rape kit.
Let them know
it's too traumatic.
You don't want
anyone touching you.
You want to
go home, shower,
burn your clothes,
and go to bed.
My face, my body.
These fuckers
didn't leave a scratch on me.
We'll get one of them
to do a touch up job on you.
I doubt these pussies
could even kill a spider.
You're going to
have to do it.
Follow me.

Screw you!
[glass breaking]
Mommy didn't
give you any money?
Whoa! What are you doing?
All right, Musketeers,
no more mommy banter,
no more loser jokes.
I was your brother.
I had your back for decades.
Not months, not years. Decades.
What did I ask for?
A measly $1600.
Then you humiliate me
over 1600 dollars!
Brothers don't screw
each other's wives.
-That is beside the point.
-That is the point.
I have the gun in my hand,
so shut up and listen.
I need the two of you
to lend me $1600.
I'd rather die from your bullet
than lend you a dollar.
You're still emotional,
so I'm going to
-give you time to cool off.
-No, no.
-What do you mean, no?
-You still owe me.
I have the gun
in my hands.
-Oh, is this a robbery?
-It's a negotiation.
-With the gun in your hand?
-The Prince will kill me
if I don't give him
the money.
It's about the principle.
The principle.
You asked me to co-sign
for your rent and car.
I did. Now, I find myself
paying for both.
This is different, George.
It's my life on the line.
It's about the principle,
Perry, the principle.
You came to me
in debt up to your eyeballs
and asked me for
my help with the abduction.
I didn't blink
an eye to abet you.
That's a load of shit.
A load of shit.
You're here because
of a third of $1,000,000.
We were supposed
to be brothers.
You aren't my brother!
You've always been
a vile human being to me
and to your ex-wife.
I'm happy that
justifies what you did.
Poor Aiko.
She had to deal with your
bitching about your work hours
while she slaved away
for your children.
-Don't mention my children.
-You want know the truth?
I'm a better father
to your children.
Hear my words clearly.
You and I are done!
We were done the minute
you kicked me off your mansion.
Fuck you.
Fuck both of you.
-Right, blame us all
for your inability
to handle the truth.
The truth?
I'll call Camila right now
and let her know that
you're nothing but a miscreant.
Kidnapping poor,
innocent girls from the street.
-What are you waiting for?
-George, no!
No, no.
He will call Camila now.
He will tell
my fiance the truth.
You know I can't call.
I smashed my phone.
This whole plan
reeks of sabotage.
How the hell did the Prince
get here in ten minutes?
We're in the middle
of nowhere.
You both think
you're so special.
You're nothing in this world.
You'll be forgotten
in less than a generation.
Screw both of you.

I need to talk to you.
It is ill advised
to point a gun at a man,
unless you are
ready to pull the--
You will listen
as I speak.
Or what?
You know, everyone needs
to stop messing with me.
I will shoot
the gun if I have to.
-Drop the gun, you fool.
-Who are you calling a fool?
[The Prince]
Point the gun back at me.
You will let me pay
my 1600 in a month's time.
Are you telling me
or are you asking me?
two months, motherfucker.
[phone rings]
Don't pick up
the fucking phone.
Yeah, mmm-hmm,
yeah, yeah, yeah.
Here with her now.
Talking with her.
Yeah. Mmm hmm. Yeah.
Talking with her now.
-It's looking good.
-Hang up the fucking phone.
Yeah. Let me confirm.
Your agent's
Will Shorsky, right? Okay.
-Send a document.
-You will respect me.
You fucking nigger.
Let me call you back.
You now have
my undivided attention.
Stay where you are.
In the year 1640,
three indentured servants
try and escape
their employers.
They get caught.
The judge listens
to the case from all three men
and sentences
only one, John Punch,
the Black one,
to a life of servitude
to the Virginia planter,
Hugh Gwynn
for the rest
of his life.
That is how racism
became legal in America.
Just by a judge
looking at a man
who didn't look like him
and sentenced him.
I'm warning you to stop.
Most people would say,
the white man
who shouts "nigger,"
is the biggest racist.
But now, I happen to like
the way of the alt right.
They don't like me.
They don't like my children.
They don't like my progress.
And they don't hide behind
the etiquette of society.
Don't fucking come any closer.
Now, the enemies
the Black man needs to fear
are the ones
with smiles on their faces
who see the progress
of the war on their throne.
I swear I will shoot you
if you come any closer.
They are quick
to try to make us forget
that Henry Boyd
created the bed.
Stay the fuck back.
Garrett Morgan created the gas
mask and the traffic lights.
Charles Drew, the blood bank.
Alice Parker,
the gas heating furnace.
Mary Davidson,
the sanitary belt.
Philip Emeagwali,
the supercomputer.
For the last time,
stay the fuck away from me.
But this is my favorite,
three teenage girls in Africa
create a pee power generator.
And all of a sudden,
Ivy League professors come out
and say to the world
peeing on a generator
is not a big deal
to create,
even though it has
never been created before.
And you call me nigger.
Born of a history
older than Christianity, eh?
Older than the Greek Empire.
Older than the Torah.
Of a time [indistinct] before
man to walk on two legs, eh?
You cultureless baboon.
You are a worthless nothing.
[gun fires]

What have you done?
Please take it.
Somebody please take
the fucking gun from me.
Put it on the floor.
[breathing quickly]
He just came at me.
-It happened so fast.
-[Isabella] No, he didn't.
He called me a nothing.
Yeah, and that's why
you shot him, you psychopath!
It was an accident.
The Prince
had everything figured out,
-you stupid asshole.
-Don't call me stupid.
What are you going to
do about it, huh?
-You stupid asshole.
How are you going to
let her talk to me like that?
His name's Diamond.
Be fucking professional.
I'm not supposed
to know your names.
I know this is
beside the point,
but why isn't
she tied up?
Really? That's what
you're concerned about?
Not the dead body on the ground?
It's a question,
a simple question.
I suggest we all walk away.
Somebody else
will find the body.
Excellent plan, Einstein.
The only problem
is my key code.
My fucking key code
shows I was the last person
to show this place.
Well, why don't you
just tell the cops
you were
oblivious to everything?
Let's face it,
nobody seems to care that much
about finding
missing Black kids,
not to mention hunting down
the killer of some gang banger.
You must be
so proud of yourself.
I am a writer, I have
a very fertile imagination.
We need to call the cops
and tell them everything
that happened.
You want to go to jail?
You want to get raped in jail
by a hairy gorilla named Bruno?
I say we vote it in.
I'm not going to
fucking jail.
So, we know your vote.
One for the cop,
and one against George.
George? George.
Think about Camilla.
Think about the wedding.
Think about the man
you want to be for Camilla.
Ah-- I say
we call the cops.
-[Nitro] Yes!
- Wait.
-She gets a vote, too!
-[Nitro] Are you serious?
She already had everything
figured out with the Prince.
It's over, Perry.
We're calling the cops.
We're calling the cops.
I vote against
calling the cops.
What do you mean
we vote against?
It means she doesn't
want us going to the cops.
That's eight years
without your families.
And, yes,
you'd both get raped in prison.
Why do you care?
You walk away the victim.
That's the problem.
The victim.
What's the story, huh?
I get taken by three
inexperienced kidnappers
who kill a guy,
call the cops, and let me go?
Sounds as ridiculous
as you three.
Now, I control the narrative.
Now, the world is in my cage.
I own it.
I have no idea
what that meant.
Me neither, but who cares?
I like where this is going.
Let's just take kidnapping
off the table.
-The Prince has resolved it.
None of
your damn business.
Well, I think it is.
We are all in this together.
No, Nitro.
This is me helping you with
your friend's stupid choice.
-Don't call me stupid.
-He is not my friend.
I don't give a shit
what he is to you.
The only thing I know
is the only thing between us
and walking out that door
is this dead body.

More like stopping
three of us.
what are you doing here?
Walk out that door.
You have done nothing wrong.
Go. Go, Miss Contini.
This is not
your cross to carry.

There's a dead body
on the ground.
How do we handle it?
We're surrounded by trees.
We could dig a hole,
dump the body in there.
Nobody would ever find it.
Have you ever met
Camilla's sister?
Well, she would burn
this whole city to ashes
looking for her husband.
Never underestimate
the length a wife will go
for the love of her husband.
This goes
way beyond love.
You think
he was scary?
You haven't met
Francesca Ortega.
Great. Someone new
to weigh on our dilemma.
-I got a story.
-[Diamond] What? What story?
George and I walked in
and saw Perry shot the Prince.
I go down,
we all go down.
You must have
missed the memo, Perry.
-There was no kidnapping here.
-[Isabella] For the love of God.
Stick to Nitro,
Platinum, and Diamond.
No fucking real names.
Were you kidnapped,
Miss Contini?
I think we have a story here.
Let's say
what this is really about.
This is about Aiko.
If it hadn't been me,
it would have been
anyone else off the street.
But, it was you.
You I would have
taken a bullet for.
Don't play broke or ignorant,
you knew a divorce was coming.
You had $73,000 stashed
to pay Aiko off.
And to you
that makes everything okay?
Well, Miss Contini,
we seem to be
in a bit of a bind
because the last person
the Prince talked to
knew he was with you
and wait for it,
it might have been
Francesca Ortega.
Not to mention your prints
are all over the place.
So, I advise you to reconsider
if you were ever here.
-But you killed him.
-[Platinum] Yes, I did.
But the question for the judge
and the jury will be,
did I do it alone?
God knows, I might have
to be the star witness
for the prosecution,
letting them know how
Isabella made me do it.
[Diamond] For once, Perry,
handle your responsibility.
Stop telling me
your fucking names.
[Platinum] I just remembered
another sweet, juicy detail.
Your fingerprints
are also on the gun.
I didn't kill anyone. No one.
Yeah, but it confirms
the story. Who knows?
Maybe I was
forced to do it
by the angry black man and
his gay lover who both wanted
to impress the movie star.
-I'm gay now.
-What do you want?
I want-- No, I need
for us to figure out
how to flush this shit out!
You two faced bastard.
Forgive me, George,
if I want to fucking survive.
Let's chill. Let's chill.
The only thing we have
to worry about is the Prince.
So, it would seem.
We can't bury him because
his wife might dig around
and somehow
find out the truth.
So our solution...
we let the world
see the man shot to death.
At the same time,
we exonerate ourselves.
We can't be accessories
to his murder.
This is progress, three
Musketeers doing our thing.
[Platinum] I've got it.
The Prince came in here
trying to rape and murder
Isabella, and I shot him.
Nice touch
with the rape.
A man like me saving her
from a man like him.
The press and the cops,
they would love it.
And you raise the hero
the world has been looking for.
Everybody needs
a hero to look up to.
One tiny thing.
-What's that?
-Francesca Ortega.
Again, with this woman.
The evidence is there, her
husband is an attempted rapist.
We all saw it.
Hiding the body is the better
plan compared to this
because Francesca Ortega
will find us, torture us,
and kill us in ways
that we have never imagined.
Screw this.
If she was
so dangerous,
why have I never
heard of her before?
You told us about the Prince.
Why not his dangerous wife?
Because some things
are safer not said.

I have a story to tell.
Please tell.
We're at the denouement.
This house?
Is it on the market?
[Diamond] Yes.
-Yes, I'm the realtor.
You brought me in
for a showing.
I really liked the house
and I thought about buying it.
Loving the story already.
What? What are you doing?
Trying to get
an estimate of the distance
from where the bullet
was fired to where he got shot.
There's nothing like a woman
with meat in her brains.
[Isabella] Okay, so you
bring me in for a showing.
You already said that.
What next?
How did you guys meet?
No phone records, no emails.
My office.
You just walked in
and demanded to see
this property
from my catalog.
Yes, but unknown to us,
this dude,
let's call him
Mr. X, follows me.
[Platinum] I like it.
He follows you.
So you show me the house,
take me home, Mr. X follows me.
He attacks me. I fight
back but he overpowers me.
Maybe Mr. X injected you
with a sleeping drug.
[Isabella] Is that how
you guys got me here?
Not our proudest moment.
[Nitro] But this ties George
to the place.
Why didn't he
call the cops?
I wasn't aware I was
the last person she met.
She was reported missing
two days after.
Okay, that might fly.
The stalker biz might work too.
Celebrities have
a lot of them.
Hmm, hmm. We sure do.
I mean she sure does.
So, the stalker
brings me back here.
He tied me up.
How did he get in
without breaking in?
You need a key code
to get into this place.
Uh, he must've snuck in
while we were browsing
this place
and left a window open.
Too premeditated. The cops
wouldn't think of that.
It was probably
another realtor.
Another realtor
that has the key code.
If he used your key code,
it's someone that knew you.
Let's move on.
We'll come back to that.
What happened after
he tied you up here?
Um, he did everything
you guys did.
What's his motive?
What did he want with you?
Same thing
every crazy fan wants.
He sees me on TV,
thinks he knows me.
He believes
that we belong together,
that we deserve
to work together.
The whole fan in love
with the star story
is a little ordinary.
I agree. We need to spice
Mr. X up a little bit.
He wants to convert
his dreams to reality.
He needs to tap into your being.
He wants to figure out
the mosaic of your soul.
He studied you.
He asked you questions.
He needed to understand what
you felt when you did a scene.
Your addictions,
your sorrows, your woes.
Okay. That works.
Did Mr. X sexually assault you?
What's wrong with you?
It's a valid question.
If she was sexually assaulted,
there'd have to be bruises
or something to show.
No, he didn't.
It was more of a mind game.
He told me that
I would come to him.
I was going to
beg for his love,
beg for his attention.
[sniff] I tried.
[sobs] I broke.
He was right.
[sob] So sick...
how much
I grew to love him.
Maybe it was
just the essence.
How was that?
It-- it was good.
I mean it was true!
-[Diamond exhales]
The Prince.
How do we factor in Mr. X?
[Diamond] Phone records would
show I called him today.
His wife or whoever
was on the phone with him
knew he was
coming here.
And even if he didn't,
the GPS in either the car
or phone
would lead them here.
Got it!
You said you would
meet me here today
for a second look
at the house.
And I promised
to make an introduction
with the Prince.
[Nitro] If the Prince knew
Isabella was still missing,
-why would still he come?
-That's probably why he came.
Why he came, he figured
she just might show.
Yes. Yes.
So he comes in,
finds me tied up, rescues me.
Mr. X comes out of nowhere
and shoots him in the chest.
I love it.
That should cover our tracks.
And now,
the million dollar question...
who is Mr. X?
[Platinum] Some wanderer
off the street?
Can't be.
Doesn't justify us
getting in the house
with George's key code.
[Diamond] It has to be
someone who the cops
would believe
has my key code.
It has to be someone
smart enough...
to want more
than just my body.
Someone who might have
prior knowledge
of my first showing
of this place to Isabella.
Someone who would
like to work...
with you.

[plastic rustles]
I'm gonna need you
to give Mr. X some room.

we can figure this out.
Nobody needs to
get hurt.
It's the only way.
If you kill me,
it's cold blooded murder.
It's self-defense.
Aren't you going to
do something?
She wants to kill me.
Look it on the bright side,
someone will finally
read your book.
You don't have
the guts to take a life.
A life that takes nine months
to grow in a mother's womb.

[shouting] For fuck sakes,
somebody stop her!
[gun clicks]
-[Isabella gasps]
-[gun clicking]
[relieved chuckle]

-[knife slicing]
-[Platinum grunting]
-[Platinum grunting]
Messing things up for me!
-[knife slicing]
-Fuck you!
Fuck the police!
Fuck the [indistinct].
Fuck you
and your fucking [indistinct]!
-You fucker!
-[Isabella screaming]
[knife slicing]
[Isabella sobbing]
[knife slicing]
[Isabella sobbing]
[breathing heavy]
Our story seems solid.
[breathing heavy]
[plastic rustling]
Do you feel like
throwing up?
You just stabbed a man
to death multiple times.
I don't know.
Right now,
I just don't feel like it.
How do you guys know
I'm not going to kill you next?
I'm just kidding.
I can't justify your deaths.
The right answer would be
it's inhumane to kill
another human being.
That's not funny.
I'll see you
at the wedding.
[door clicks]
[door shuts]
What happens now?
I'll give you my card.
And I'll become your manager
for the usual 10%.
Hey, Kevin, this truly
has been a bonding moment.
But I think managing
someone like me
right now in my career
is below your pay grade.
If I can manage an idiot
like Senator Grummer
to win an election,
you have nothing
to worry about.
[fast rewind]
My mother's third husband
is Senator Grummer.
It'd be a wild coincidence
if you worked for him.
-[Platinum] You had no intention
of killing her
from the start.
You expected us to say no.
You wanted us to say no.
Don't play broke or ignorant.
You knew a divorce was coming.
You had $73,000 stashed
to pay Aiko off.
Before I received this call,
I could have sworn
you planned the whole thing
and I applauded it
as a master comeback.
You may not see it now,
but your mother
loves you in her way.
Even better,
she's misdirecting the cops
with your missing story.
That's why the cops
aren't looking for--
I took the hood off.
Her life belongs to me
until she walks away from here.

-[keys jingling]
-Perry's keys.
His car's parked outside.
Drive five minutes south,
you'll hit the police station.
Bust in, scared and confused
with a bloody knife.
You're white and pretty.
They won't shoot you.
I'll leave the contracts
with you tomorrow.
For now, we'll keep
this on the hush-hush
until this blows over.

Why'd you take
the hood off?
For the story to click.
George and I were never here.
My mother paid you.
Why fuck it all up
by taking the hood off?
Think about it, Bella.
The only reason
we are partners...
is because
I took the hood off.

[door slams]

[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
Your daughter is safe.
The deal has changed.
You screwed up the agreement,
enjoying a life
and not delivering
the million.
I will be seeing you soon.

[music fades]