Creepypasta: Deathnet (2024) Movie Script

Creepypastas are
horror myths and legends.
They came anything from videos to images,
to stories that are all spread and posted
all around the worldwide
web, the internet,
on message boards and websites and forums
and social media all over the place.
Creepypastas are all
usually paranormal related
in some frame or mind or another,
but they usually are there to invoke fear
and to creep you out, hence
the term creepypastas,
'cause creepypastas is there
to scare the shit out of you.
They can be tales of murder, mayhem,
paranormal encounters,
otherworldly creatures,
tales of suicide, anything like that.
Anything really grasply
and ghouley and creepy,
that usually has a form of creepypasta.
Now, creepypastas have
been around since 2010.
That's when they started
popping up online,
the tales and everything,
and became the big thing,
the creepypastas.
But these tales, they're
not really anything new.
They've been around for years and years
and hundreds of years back in folk tales,
but they're only really
being discovered now.
So these tales are only coming out now,
but they're nothing new.
Like I said, they've been around
for years and years back
in tales and tall tales
and everything, but only now
are people talking about them.
And creepypastas are bringing these things
out to the public's eye
and everyone's opening up
their eyes and seeing them now.
Oh my God.
Just got this in the mail.
If it contains what I think it does,
we may have proved an infamous
urban legend to be true.
Hey, hon, come check this out.
What is it?
You remember that old puppet show
that aired in the early
'90s here in Charlotte?
It's called Topsy Turvy Town.
You know I don't have
time to watch stupid stuff.
It wasn't stupid.
It was, all right, it was weird,
but it wasn't stupid, okay?
Anyways, so one of our
viewers sent me this tape.
One of your viewers.
Right, okay, yeah, one of my viewers
sent me this tape, all right,
and apparently it contains
a lost episode on it,
which only aired one time or never aired.
How do you lose an episode?
It's not like you
lose it, a lost episode.
It's like it's an urban
legend of a show that,
it aired like one time, or
it never aired at all, right?
So it could have some
really cool shit on it.
I want a divorce.
I know you do, you
always talk about that.
I wanna watch it.
Yeah, me too, let's do this.
You're stupid.
All right.
Here we go.
What do we got?
Today's episode.
Snuffy's Surprise.
You know, Snuffy,
I wish I had more friends.
I get kind of lonely sometimes.
I know what
you mean there, Lynch.
I get lonely sometimes
too, but I got you right?
You'll always have me.
And I got
someone else with me, too.
Really, who's that?
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Are you, what the?
- Oh my God.
What was that?
I don't know.
Kieran, we need to call the cops.
That looked looked a little fake to me.
- All right, I'm not-
- It could be a troll.
Literally, someone just sent this to you.
What are those numbers?
I mean,
possibly, we can look it up.
I have no idea, all right?
I don't know if that's real,
I don't know if it was a hoax.
We need to call the cops on 'em.
It could be anything.
At least let them see this.
I don't wanna
call the cops yet, okay?
Let's look into it first.
It, it could totally just
be somebody pulling our leg.
I don't know.
Yeah. If we call the cops and it's fake,
it's like, oh, you're a dumb
ass, kind of thing, like.
That did not look fake to me.
No, it didn't
look fake to me either, but-
Yeah, but who would do that?
No one would do that, and
then send the evidence to us.
Three, six. Oh.
I'm telling you it's coordinates.
Why would it be coordinates?
My dad used to sail.
All right, it's showing
Newton, North Carolina.
- Told you.
- That's like, close.
Guys, I really just think
we should call the cops.
Right, I know you said that, but.
We don't, we really don't
even know if this is real,
so we have to figure it out.
So we're just gonna go
to some random address.
It might be fake,
and it might just lead
us to something fun.
So let's just go-
You're supposed to be on my side.
Okay, I'm sorry, Jesus Christ.
What else we gonna do today?
We should do something fun.
That sounds awesome to me.
I don't know what else to
do, I mean, coordinates.
From the tape, showed us Newton.
- All right.
- What do you think?
- All right, let's go.
- Yeah!
- Let's do it.
- Mm-hm.
All right, let's do it.
Okay, we're almost there,
and I'm just wondering,
what do you guys think is gonna happen?
I think we're gonna look for something,
but we're probably not
gonna find anything.
I think we should
have called the cops.
I think it's gonna be a joke,
and it's gonna be super funny,
and we're gonna like get
in Guinness World Record
or something.
It's gonna be so fun.
I just glad
we had something to do
instead of sitting at the house all day.
It should be right up ahead.
Yeah, I would stop right
here, I think that's it.
All right,
let's go check it out.
- Oh, okay yeah.
Uh, why does this-
Kind of looks like
someone was living here.
All right, well let's spread out.
I'm not going in there, there's spiders.
All right, why don't you go that way,
I'm gonna check on the
other side here, okay?
- Okay.
- All right.
I'm gonna go check out this area here.
- Come on.
- Scaredy cat.
Says you.
So we came all the
way out here to find a steal.
All right, come here.
Look, look, look, this is the thumbnail.
Hey, girls?
You good?
Oh my God!
What is that?
- Shut up.
- What the fuck is that?
- Shut up.
No, I'm not joking.
What is that?
Don't touch it!
It looks like, it's
like a deer something.
A deer something, a deer what?
Like an antler?
- That is a jawbone.
- That's a human-
- Human, yeah,
did you take anatomy or something?
Like, that's not human,
that is definitely a deer.
No that's.
- Don't touch it!
- Why are you touching it?
Those are
teeth, those are teeth.
- Look, I'm calling the cops.
- Those are human teeth?
- I'm calling the cops, okay?
- No, this is a joke.
Yes, I'm gonna get you the coordinates.
That was fuckin' scary.
That was so weird!
That was so fuckin' weird.
- Yes, this one.
Hey guys, this is looking
like it's not a joke
like I thought it was.
- Her name is Sandy Porter.
If you guys catch the
guy, let us know, please.
Thank you.
Ah, okay.
- Wait, what happened?
- Uh.
- Kieran.
So, apparently they found, yeah.
What, what is it?
What are you doing with that?
How do you even have that?
We already turned that in.
This was on the back porch.
That was just on the back porch?
Now, we have to watch it.
No, this is getting too strange.
We have to watch
it, it's actually for us.
It's not just in.
It's not just random now.
All right, well.
This getting too real now, okay?
They just confirmed a body,
they just confirmed what we found.
I told you guys we
should've went to the cops
in the beginning.
- Now we got a new tape?
I don't want this.
- It looked fake.
- I don't want this.
- It's not our fault.
Fine, fine, it's fine.
- Jesus Christ.
- All right, let's watch it.
Let's see what happens.
All right, but I'm telling you,
this is not good news right now.
You didn't see anybody,
it was just a freaking tape out back?
That's it.
It's the same coordinates
that were on the last one.
What the fuck?
Kieran, that's our pictures.
What the fuck
are we doing on here?
- Oh my God.
- Wait, it's the same guy.
All right.
Kieran, turn it off.
Kieran, turn it off.
Coming soon?
All right, well we.
- Wait-
- Well we gotta call
the fuckin' cops now, we got
our fucking photos on there.
What are we gonna do about that?
Wait, so what do
you think's gonna happen?
I don't know, but I really-
'Cause that's like,
we're forgetting about the fact
that your faces were on there.
We need to call the cops now.
Yeah, I'm gonna go get Kieran.
Hey guys, Coolduder here.
Today we're gonna be
talking about creepypasta.
Creepypasta has taken over
the internet by storm lately.
And basically what
creepypasta is Zaz or Zess,
hopefully I'm saying it right,
but it's known as the night demon,
and it takes your soul.
Once it consumes your soul,
it makes it look as if
you committed suicide.
So, you know, making it look like
the person committed suicide.
But the thing that's really strange is
on the person's computer
or on their cell phone
or anything thing around them,
there's things that have to do with the,
you know, the Zass or
Zass, the night demon,
the creepypasta, things have to do
with that person or around them.
And the thing that's
really strange about this,
the news and the media is
keeping all this quiet.
They're not saying much about it.
It's a real hush-hush thing.
There's very little about
it in the news media.
There's a lot more about it online.
I found a really old document,
the oldest document
that I can find online,
you know, it's related to the creepypasta.
I'm gonna read this out to you guys,
so I get all this right.
I didn't wanna say things wrong.
You know me, I'm always
mixing up words here and there
or saying things wrong.
And I get corrected all
the time in the comments,
so I wanna get this right, okay?
So here's what we got here.
He comes for you when you sleep.
He feeds on your weakness.
He wants your soul,
and he would stop at nothing to get it.
When you see the night
demon, it's too late.
He own your soul, and he
will come for you at night.
What are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?
Hey, it's just a game.
It was just a game.
It's, it's not real.
He isn't real.
I'm so scared.
It was like I was in a trance,
like he had control of my body,
but I was aware of what I was doing.
I know, it happened to
me too, but I fought it.
No, we're in control.
It's just a game.
It's just a game.
But we summoned him.
Look, we'll be fine,
it's just our mind playing tricks on us.
He's coming.
Zazan is coming.
Look, no one is coming for us.
We're going to be fine.
Look, I got in my own
head, I got freaked out.
I got too far into it.
But it's just a game.
Remember when we used to use a pencil,
back in school, when we didn't
have money for a Ouija board?
When we used to use the
glass to call people?
It's just like that.
It's not real.
I'm so freaked out right now.
I love you.
I love you, too.
We got too far into it.
It's, it's okay.
God, I'm still shaking now.
What about Katie?
She did it first.
It was the three of us.
We need to go check on her.
Yeah, yeah, you're right.
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
You're gonna have my door down.
Is Katie in?
It's Katie in?
Yeah, she's been in the kitchen.
She's been quiet, unlike you.
Thank god, Katie.
She's gone.
How do we break this?
I said this was real.
How the hell do we fix this?
I don't know.
It's supposed to just be a game.
It's, you know, it's
supposed to summon an entity
just by saying some words.
Well, we did.
Look at Katie.
It okay, Alice.
It's all going to be okay.
We're going to be okay.
I'm going to join Katie, now.
She gave me this.
Hey, where you at?
I thought you were coming
with me at this party tonight.
I don't know.
I still have all this homework, still.
Homework, seriously, tonight?
It's Halloween, Jesus, for Christ's sakes,
I thought you wanted to come
out and meet some of the gang.
My mom said if I don't
get my GPA up another point
by the end of the semester,
she's gonna cut off my school payments.
It's hard enough to pay rent.
I can't afford to pay both.
One night's not gonna
make any difference.
I'm starting to think
you don't want to make any new friends.
It looks like
it's getting pretty late.
If I go out now, I won't have time
to finish my schoolwork by tomorrow.
It sounds like another excuse to me.
Everybody's gonna be here.
That's creepy.
Are you even listening to me?
Look, I'm not making excuses.
I'll see what I can do, but no promises.
Yes, I knew you'd come around.
Did you say your brother
Todd's gonna be there too?
Yeah, he should be here any minute, why?
You're not fuckin' with me now, are you?
I'm not falling for this again.
I didn't forget about last year.
What are you talking about?
You didn't send Todd over
here to scare me, did you?
Why would I do that?
I don't even have your new address yet.
You won't give it to me.
There's this guy, he's just watching me.
- A guy is watching you?
Like right now?
I'm in the patio right now,
and I saw this guy in the street
and I thought he was just
some dude in a costume,
but now he is getting closer
and it's kind of starting to freak me out.
What does he look like?
I don't know,
I can't see his face.
It's like covered or
shadowed out or something.
And he's just staring at you?
Yeah, it's, like, super creepy.
I think it's the soul snatcher!
I know you just moved here,
so you probably haven't
heard the story yet.
What the hell are you talking about?
Exactly a hundred years ago from today,
all the city was dried up and
all the businesses were gone.
So the mayor made a deal with the devil
to rejuvenate the city.
And so now every Halloween,
the Soul Snatcher walks
among the trick or treaters
to find a victim for the trade.
How does he know
what victim to choose?
Actually, I've heard
that it's the newest person
in the town to keep the
outside influence gone
and keep the city pure.
Good thing you just moved
here for me.
That's not funny.
I'm really freaked out right now.
Oh, come on.
I'm sure it's just a neighbor kid
or something fuckin' with you.
The story's fake, obviously.
What happened?
I think there's some trick
or treaters at the door.
I'm gonna have to let you go
if you expect me to come out tonight.
All right, all right.
Just text me when you're on your way.
I will.
See you soon.
Hey, I love you.
Love you, too.
On Thursday,
October 18th, 1984
at 8:30 PM Eastern, the
twelfth and final episode
of Regional Speculative
Paranormal Research Program,
Within the Gaze of the Third
Eye, aired on a PBS affiliate
that served rural, upstate New
York, hosted by Danny Dusk,
an occultist and psychic.
All footage of the program
was thought to be lost.
This was not the case, as
a fragment has been found.
Gretchen and her
husband Herd, the Winchells,
a young couple making a life altering move
from the chaos of Manhattan
to a new home in a small town
nestled in the foothills of
the Adirondack Mountains.
A chance at a simpler
life and a life removed
from the tragedy of a stillborn child.
A bucolic start for the young lovers,
lovers who could never
guess that their new home
was located within the
gaze of the third eye.
Third eye, third eye, third eye.
What's wrong?
Not happy?
No, no, no, I am.
Do you still feel
like we're running away
from our problems?
Hold on, I have to record this.
Do you have to do that?
Yeah, it's part of therapy, remember?
How could I could forget?
Look, sweetie, you know, you
shouldn't have to feel like-
Don't tell me how to feel.
You didn't lose a child.
Hey, he was my son too, remember?
Of course, of course.
I just meant that.
It's getting late.
We'll talk about this tomorrow.
I'm gonna take a shower
before I go to bed.
Awake you, awake mother.
The cosmos screams for your progeny.
Find us in the shadow of Mercury.
18 is the integer supreme.
The trio.
Mankind meets our command.
For all our brothers in all the stars.
You all right?
Gretchen, Gretchen?
You all right?
Have you been out here all this time?
Are you all right?
Honey, did you sleep out here?
Yeah, yeah I guess I did.
Okay, why don't
you take it easy today,
and I'll help you unpack some stuff
when I get home tonight after work, okay?
All right, I gotta go, running late.
I'm pregnant.
The night this program aired,
a rolling blackout plunged
much of the broadcast area
into darkness.
18 women miscarried at
local hospitals that evening
with multiple reports of the fetal remains
mysteriously vanishing.
They, they came.
Hooded beings, women and one man.
They cut my baby out and took it away.
I'm telling you, I don't know where.
Some place, some time else.
This, this was in my
bed the morning after.
No, I don't want a
sedative, I want my baby!
I, I want my baby.
18, 18 is the supreme!
Oh, ooh!
What the fuck?
Have you ever
seen the lights go off
in someone's eyes?
The look of shock as they realize
that they're about to
take their last breath?
I have, I've seen a snuff film.
A snuff film is normally
shot by amateur filmmakers.
The video is grainy and
the camera unsteady.
The definition of a snuff film is a movie
in which a real person is
murdered or commits suicide.
And the videotape itself is
commercially distributed.
The first ever snuff film in existence
is rumored to be that
of the Manson murders,
which occurred on August
8th and 9th, 1969.
It is rumored that the Manson
family used a cine camera
to film the actual murders they committed,
and soon after, copies of this circulated
on the black market, and are
still circulated to this day,
but this rumor has never been proved true.
We've all seen horror films
with people brutally murdered on screen,
but these are fake.
They use actors in fake blood
to convince the audience
these look real.
But the viewers watch
safe in the knowledge
that the videos are not real.
But with the introduction
of home video in the 1980s,
there were rumors of snuff films
being circulated all across the globe.
There were many articles in the press,
but one story became myth and legend
within the horror film
community, Snuff Video Store.
The story goes that a video store owner
would rent actual snuff films to customers
from under the counter.
The demand for these was so high
that he couldn't wait for the producers,
as they were few and far between.
So he began making his own snuff films,
distributing them himself
through his store.
The video store owner knew the police
were closing in on him,
so he cut clips from
his homemade snuff films
and edited these into
horror films, family videos,
and even children's video rental tapes.
He knew the tapes would be seized,
so he sold off ex-rental copies
that contained clips and
scenes from the snuff films
he'd created, selling
them at rock bottom prices
so that his work could never be destroyed,
and his legacy would live on.
His plan was as diabolical
as it was simple,
to put the scenes into horror films
so the viewers wouldn't actually know
if they were watching a
real murder on videotape
or a pretend one.
And these scenes, which
feature real tortures
and murders caught on
tape sit on the shelves
of the unsuspecting horror
film collectors today.
He knew the clips within the children's
and family videos would cause a frenzy,
and these were reported to
the police and destroyed.
But can you imagine being a child,
sitting down with your
cocoa to watch a cartoon
and being forced to watch a real murder?
The video store owner
was eventually caught
and sentenced to life in prison,
but his master plan worked.
He'd unleashed his work
on an unsuspecting public.
Hundreds and hundreds of video clips
spliced into commercial videotapes,
all of which featured a
masked man with tattoos.
The men in the video is rumored
to be a video store owner,
though in one video clip,
it appears the mask man dies
and the torch is carried on by a woman.
But after close inspection,
it appears that the man is
killed using fake blood,
and the video itself is the
passing on of the torch,
but only in ritual.
It is believed that the woman in the video
was the man's wife, and it was his plan
that she continue his legacy
of distributing videos
containing real death
caught on camera.
But no videos of his wife killing
have ever been found by the police,
nor to this day has she been
found guilty of any crime.
She now owns a film production company
in the state of Maine, USA,
where they make TV commercials
and low budget horror films.
So the question is, do you
own an actual snuff film
in your collection?
And will you become the next victim?
Will you become the next victim?
Trick or treating
isn't just a child's game.
It doesn't stop when you grow up.
And it's not all innocent.
I knew it.
It's gotta work.
As the name implies,
you are asking for two
things, trick or treat.
Trick or treat.
Trick or treat.
It's not fair, it's not fucking fair!
As with all magical holidays,
the missing step is always the same.
We forget to believe.
Trick or treat.
Oh man.
All right, come on, man,
give me something good.
Gimme something good, okay.
Oh, give me something good, man.
Something nice.
Something shiny.
Trick or treat.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ow, ow,
Oh, man.
Man, I can do this all night.
Come on, come on, come on.
Pick up, pick up.
Don't open it.
Whatever you do, don't open it.
You open it, sound is its weakness.
And don't come home, it's not safe.
Here you go.
I didn't order that.
I know.
Well, you've been here for three hours
and didn't get any anything yet.
And it's a little weird, but,
so this one's on the house.
Thank you, I'm sorry.
I meant to order something,
but I just got wrapped up.
It's totally fine.
I don't know if you noticed,
it's kind of dead right now,
so it's okay.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
Are you okay?
Hey dude.
Hey man, what's up?
We still on for Matt's surprise party?
Oh, oh fuck.
Um, sorry, I just, I just got home.
Dude, what?
This is your idea in the
first place and you forgot?
Anyway, look, none of
us can get ahold of him,
so do us all a favor and get
his out of his apartment.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Hey, who's that?
Don't open it,
whatever you do, don't open it!
If you open it, sound is its weakness.
And don't come home, it's not safe, ah!
No, no, no!
Come on, fucking play, please!
T, are you listening to this?
Look, Johnson's head's in the clouds.
No one can maintain 7%
growth year on year.
It's not sustainable.
Johnson's a space case,
but it doesn't change the fact
that last year was six nine,
the year before was six eight.
Yeah buddy, but the last
two years, that's not seven.
It's not the
end of the world either.
Rough night?
Rough life.
It gets better.
Or so I've heard.
I don't need your
empty platitudes, okay?
So take your pop psychology,
motivational poster bullshit
somewhere else.
I was just trying to be nice.
Smooth move, Romeo.
She'll get over it.
Maybe it's none of my business,
but I just think maybe-
Look, take the hint.
I don't wanna talk, I don't wanna be pals.
I want to have my beer in peace, capisce?
Let's just turn that off.
I thought I did.
I didn't install anything.
I didn't either.
You too?
Probably a virus.
Don't even open it, just delete it.
And how would you do that?
Lemme see.
There you go, my lady.
Spooky app all gone.
Okay, this is really
starting to creep me out.
Uh, Jocelyn, look.
Why did you open it?
- Check yours.
- No.
Just do it.
I really hope this is a joke.
Probably nothing.
Hey Mario, can I see your phone?
Right here.
Hey buddy, did you get this too?
I got mine a long time ago.
What's wrong with it?
Because I'm special.
What's in the bag?
Hey asshole, don't ignore me.
What's in the bag?
Nothin' personal.
We need to talk.
Why aren't you in the morgue?
I guess we're both special.
Hey, I'm not done talking to you!
Who the fuck do you think you are?
I just watched my best
friend die, I wanna know why!
You wouldn't understand.
Try me.
There's a bug in the code,
and I'm trying to fix it.
What code?
The app.
Bullshit, it's just an app.
That's what they want us to think.
I saw them too.
Who are they?
I don't know who they are.
When they gave me the code,
I didn't know what it did.
When I finally figured
it out, it was too late.
The damage was already done.
I've created something
that I can't control,
and I can't stop.
It doesn't matter what I
try, every test has failed.
Nothin' personal.
Why didn't your test work on me?
Why am I still here?
If I knew the answer to that,
I wouldn't be here, and neither would you.
I used to care.
I really did.
Now, I just want it all to end,
and it doesn't matter who
gets hurt along the way.
Yes, it does.
I hope you like company,
cause it looks like
we're gonna be together for a while.
But the last two years, it's not seven.
It's probably nothing.
Come on, Mom, I'm fine.
I'm not a 14-year-old anymore.
It simply came to a very easy end.
Yes, Mom yes.
You are always right.
No, Nigel was an idiot.
I gave him enough chances and in the end,
he turned out to be really creepy.
All right Mom, well look,
I've got to get up early tomorrow,
so we'll speak then, okay?
Okay then, speak to you tomorrow, Mom.