Criminal (2016) Movie Script

They mistook my brain. They thought they knew what they receive.
But they were wrong. I do not know. I do not know what happens...
then but what If you hurt me, I'll do worse.
Hi. My wife forgot a brown leather bag here last week.
- We only have one black, sir. - He'll be very disappointed.
Clear. Well thank you very much.
- Hello. Jillian - No dad, is Emma.
- I can not find my Elly. - Cute Hello find it.
- Put Mom on the phone. - Mom, is Dad.
- Hola Billy.
- Hola Jillian.
- When you are back home? - That really depends.
- What are you wearing? - Lingerie Same as always ...
I use when I pick up Emma at school.
That explains the good grades you get.
- Hello? Billy? - Listen, I hang up. I will call you..
- Again in a while. - Good, darling. I'm here.
Hears! Leave that!
Well, we lost on the bridge but has three options.
Waterloo Road, Stanford Street and Waterloo Bridge.
He has been missing for 20 minutes.
I want 2x2 starting from the point of loss.
Hey, Charlie, refreshes all screens.
Yes sir.
We found it!
Anden both. no longer has the bag, or money.
- What time was it? - Is now.
Where, friend?
Just drive. Where is not very fast.
It is a black cab number plate SI-5-2-JGN follow it.
1-5-2 ...
Boyd. William.
Can I borrow your phone, dude? I give 20 extras.
- Do you want my phone? - If.
Make it quick. One call, okay?
Billy is. They are about it. We have not done anything that we have not ...
done before. I want a team on the move now!
Go to the cement factory. HornlinkWay,
toward the docks. I put it on your GPS.
- Just follow the route. - Agree.
The route to the destination has been calculated.
They go to the docks.
Quite romantic.
Turn left at the next corner.
Move it, move!
The outside looks clear, sir.
- This is not the cement factory. - What?
- That this is not the cement factory! - HornlinkWay, it is.
- The GPS does not lie, my friend. - Spin.
- We have it? - We have nothing sir. There is nobody here.
Give me a position on that phone number. Find him now!
If you have never been to a slaughterhouse ... you should go.
To see what we do to those poor animals.
We use this as a form ...
unpleasant to take them to the limit.
Where is our friend then?
Billy ... I respect your silence. For real.
The problem is that I need to Dutch.
- Last chance. - Fuck you, crazy!
Come on. Move it, move!
We walked in silence.
set input. We're right outside, sir.
Check on the right. Revised, it is clear
Bravo, she understood.
Come on, come on, come on!
Objective located. We need a doctor.
Confirmed, it is the Pope agent.
I secured perimeter.
The agent does not respond repeat, the agent does not respond.
Achievement not get to breathe.
Does not respond to my request.
Ready to defibrillate. Loading pallets.
He's dead, sir.
Doctor, I'm so sorry but this man claims to work for the government.
Dr. Franks. I have a job at the moment ... which is to put it in a ...
Airbus A-100, comfortably seated as soon as possible.
Its program memory will be executed. We have an officer down and we need ...
what only he knew.
- You get it back for us. - Do you have some brain activity?
- That was taken a few days ago - I find to five years away ...
- Of human testing. - You have 48 hours to make it work.
Threat to national security worst level.
Can or not retrieve memories of a dead person to a living?
- Yes, what do you need?
My team, my staff, a container, we reach the safe end.
- Do you have a candidate? - It's not like it.
I just hope he knows what he does.
Stuart Jericho. He has been in and out of prison over the ...
half of his life. He has no impulse control, sense of proportion.
He is unable to estimate the potential consequential damage of their actions.
It has a total lack of empathy for anyone or anything.
Feels nothing. No hate ...
no love. But it gets worse.
This is what was the member of a band I tried to recruit him.
Having done this, there is no way to discipline. You can not punish ...
someone who does not know you did something wrong.
The society does not understand or is assumed that people should behave.
Come on!
- Hello Jericho. - Come on!
These men have come to see you.
You take out.
- I have not eaten lunch. - True. Get him his lunch to Jericho.
- Yeah. - Send lunch.
So is. Get him to Jericho lunch.
Lunch at the hole.
Well, enough of this. Trash. lunch is over.
You come with us now. Come on.
I have a chain around my neck.
You know you have to use more than that.
Damned. They are accursed.
Open the cell.
Special helicopter G-EMH, is authorized to approach runway 22-L.
We better wake up.
Take him to the doctor this.
- Do you have allergies. Jericho? - What?
- Something that is allergic - Yes to closure..
- The good or bad? - You tell me.
- Is everything ready, doctor. - Some previous surgeries?
Does past?
- Inyctenle 150mg Hidrozepina. - It is understood. Yes sir.
What are you doing to me?
He had a wound on his head. He was hurt when he was young.
You remember how it happened?
Yes. My mother told my dad ...
he was not my father.
So he called her a bitch and throw myself out the window of the car.
I'll take care. Jericho.
My next guest is Xavier Heimdhal, best known as the founder of ...
Industries Stone Harp. Manufacturers of phones, computers and ...
comunication system. He was recently accused of treason by ...
Spanish government Heimdhal Lord, how do you respond to these serious allegations?
Well, betrayal if denounce corruption
mass at the highest levels ...
and expose political assassinations ...
yes, I am guilty.
But his accusations were never really tested in court.
Of course not. How could that be?
Police, judges and courts are ...
all part of the most powerful criminal enterprise in the world.
So to summarize, he is calling for the overthrow of the Spanish government
I'm not calling for the overthrow of all
the governments. Politicians, fans ...
religious that they wash the brains corporations. Corruption ...
deleted banking system. removed
Washington, Berlin, Beijing. Would cemeteries.
Only then people might understand that there is a way ..
Better to rule this world. And that's what you really want.
- A revolution worldwide. - Governments must fall.
I have one. Elsa belonged to German Special Forces.
- One of Heimdhal. - People, you have to move.
Stuart Jericho is landing now.
- Billy is still breathing? - Artificially. The machine is ...
keeping the body alive, but is dead
You see those diodes? They give a micro load their frontal lobes.
Although the brain is clinically dead, charging active neurons ...
one last time and allows us to see a map of your neural pattern.
And then transfer it to the other's head?
No ... not a transfer. Jericho was chosen because Stuart has syndrome ...
frontal lobe. A trauma to the brain as a child. Incredibly serious.
One in 10 million His frontal lobe remains in an undeveloped state.
Plagued virgin neuronal cells. The stimulate with waves ...
and duplicate the pattern. And did they do this work?
The experiment rats walked through mazes they had never seen before.
Rats? And what about human trials?
He is watching.
What happened to that other guy?
drilling begins.
Subject receiver ready for insertion.
Device ready for insertion.
activated waves
Started stimulation of neuronal cells.
Testing procedure.
The temperature is increasing.
We have a bleeding is at 102. 104.
Put him cold compresses before having an attack.
- What's going on? - We're losing him.
We have to stop the bleeding or die.
Well, let's get the injector.
Listen! Do not remove anything! Go Ahead!
You think I give a damn if he dies?
Go Ahead!
It is stabilizing.
What do we tell his wife?
Nothing. For her, Billy died
10 days ago. But that's not right.
I can not say no miss Billy.
Like you.
Jericho! Jericho!
Jericho. Jericho.
- Jericho, calm down all right. - My head.
I gave an injection only when you take effect in a minute you will feel better.
- You swear? - So is. You can trust me.
- All right. Everyone out. - No no no. There is a protocol that ...
No, you do not. You stay. Others.
Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me. Do you know who I am?
I ... I have a headache I need some painkillers.
Yes, no, I love you give. But first I need you to remember.
- Remember that? - What is your name?
- My name? - Yes, your name.
Your name is Bill Pope.
Why are you trying to confuse me boss? I'm sick.
Doctor, I need some kind of injection.
- I need something. - I do not know what for.
Do not look at him. He can not help you.
Only you can help Your name is Bill Pope.
You're an intelligence agent of the CIA.
What the hell is this?
What the hell is going on? What I ...? What the hell is going on?
- Pay attention. - What did you do to me?
- Pay ... Pay attention! - What did you do to me?
Remember Jan Strook The Dutch program.
- Someone related to Heimdhal - need. I need something.
That's better.
Then, a few days ago the Dutch dug ...
a wormhole in the deep web.
Do you want to stop and give me a moment with him? The man just had a procedure,
more cerebral and not tell you anything in that state.
Dutch suddenly becomes a whole control unit.
You can fire a missile whenever, wherever.
But the issue goes beyond it, so the Dutch calls you you, Bill Pope.
Needed protection. He offered to make a deal ...
I need something please.
Contigo, Bill Pope.
I need something. Please. Aspirin, whatever.
Chris, give him an aspirin.
An aspirin will not help, but this will help.
Bill, we had orders to kill the Dutch,
OK? But you ... you forced to cooperate
because you thought you could trust him and that was remember?
Billy, we did it your way. You took him to the shelter.
Do you remember anything? Billy!
Where do you put it? Where is the Dutch now?
That's all we need to know! You go to your location, you picked ...
the money and walked back to close the deal. Remember!
I do not remember anything, asshole.
You're confusing me with someone else.
Try the family.
The name of your daughter going. You remember, how do you call?
Emma. Your wife, Jillian. Jill, right?
Come piece of junk. Remember something! Whatever!
We have nothing at all. A bloody failure.
The theory is fine. Rubbish the theory.
Look at the damn theory! How long have you worked on this?
- 18 years. - We want a refund.
- Bring out the trash. - Yes sir.
Well people, back to the beginning. We started from scratch.
- Hey, Charlie. Put the video of the Dutch. - Yes sir.
- That damn trash. - My name is Jan Strook.
My alias is Dutch. I am now
Vigilant Shield sole administrator.
Control System and Emergency Orders Army ...
the United States. I can authorize and activate any weapons system.
In its arsenal and cancel any current I can order.
I will negotiate the wormhole again with you in exchange for ...
asylum, permanent passports, security, protection, and 10 million dollars.
Turn it off.
Well people, let's look at this. Heimdhal and shelter here.
The shop is here Somewhere between these the Dutch is, right?
Well Where? Hotels hostels. We'd know.
Reviewed and homeless shelters. Where the hell is?
You're not listening to me!
- Hello. - Bill Pope please.
- Who speaks? - An old friend Jan Strook.
Do you find it?
Billy this ...
My husband is dead.
Hello? Hi.
Do I get a minute, friends?
Open the mouth. It is a vasodilator.
It will increase blood circulation and ...
reduce the pressure inside your head.
Thank you Doctor. Would I freed now?
- Beware. - Agree.
- What? - All right.
- One of those. I want that. - $ 4.20.
Number eleven. Your order.
Hears. Hey hey.
You're funny.
Not worth it, buddy.
Who is this guy?
- What happened to your face? - Here's one funny!
- I take your leave. - What?
- What did you say? - I said that I take your leave.
Hey, this fool says that takes our van.
What? Let jokes. Stop bothering Take care, my friend. Now get lost.
Come on, move Come on.
What the hell is going on? What the hell is going on?
My head! Damned.
Damn asshole.
Who is this guy?
I'm cold in the head.
Where is the money, Jil? You know, big bag full of money.
- Say it now. - I dont know.
Do not make me hurt you.
Please you can take whatever you want.
Yes, really?
Changed the PIN.
The PIN code. 6969. Yes things.
silent alarm in the house of Pope.
- Security code, please. - Alpha-218365.
Emma must have given the button again guys. Sorry Luis.
- It's okay. - Where were you? Who's there?
Mom is here. Mom is here.
Mi nombre es Jan. January Strook.
Alias "The Dutch". I'm the only one now ...
Vigilant Shield administrator. The control system and orders ...
Emergency for the United States Army.
I brought, I made you my partner,
I treated you as my son and you betrayed me.
I am seeking cede control to an irresponsible group.
Americans have annoyed me and now I want to kill.
I will hunt you out and the heart, you know?
The anarchist Heimdhal chasing me and ... I can not let ...
I get that crazy bastard because I'm not crazy.
Jan. Please come back.
Come back home. To the house.
I asked for asylum in the Russian Federation and a permanent passport.
I want a better deal, which is guarantees,
protection and 10 million.
It's not about the money, but my freedom.
I will demonstrate my control over Vigilant Shield today at 6 PM.
We wait for the deadline. Let's see what the Dutch can do.
Jillian called the police. They circulated a description of the intruder.
Agrees with Jericho. He said he knew personal details.
PIN number, the security code of the house.
- It's a joke. - I talked to him.
He recognized my voice. He knew my name.
That's fucked up.
The results returned from the lab.
They confirmed that the two were officers in the vehicle.
But the third passenger in the car is not Jericho.
How are we going to find?
- Here we go - You change trash for cash.
Walk. I'm hungry.
Hi. One of those and vanilla with ...
Good Morning. Francois.
Good Morning.
What did I just say?
I am speaking spanish.
It is French ... bastard.
I do not think we've met.
Someone else? Someone else?
- Stop give class animal. - Someone else?
You will end the day fucker talking more and better.
I think you broke my nose.
God, it hurts.
- You're good? - I'm not well!
Hear, you have a book of George Orwell here?
- There's a queue, sir, if you do not mind. - That's right, and I'm the lips sweet face.
Maybe you can tell me where this type Orwell is.
- Fourth floor, section 41. - Good. Fourth floor.
- Fourth floor. - I am sorry.
This is not OK. Where is the bag, Billy?
Where is the bag?
Guys, I sign someone like Billy.
- Must be Jericho. - Oh my God. Block him. Get it out.
- No no. Let it. I want to see you are looking for. - I can not get into the account.
- We left out. - What is the access point?
A computer at the public library in London.
Is this.
It seems that access our phone tracking program.
Dr. Franks.
- Hello - is Quaker. Jericho is on its way ...
toward you've got your location. Do not hang up, do you understand me?
- Do not hang up. - I do understand.
What's up, doc? I need more of these pills.
Because one day does not remember being Bill Pope and squeezes me feel like ...
head from within. You remember?
What if I remember? It seems that I open the damn skull.
And the same will happen to him unless he sees as help.
- Yes of course Yes, yes. clear - Where?
- Where? I'm not hearing anything. - The pharmacy down the street.
Come on.
Hola. Dr. Franks.
Hey hey. Hey, move your ass, damn it.
That was impolite Sorry. Do you hear that? I'm not sorry.
That's Billy the speaker, not me. This guy is bugging me.
Billy Pope's personality is affecting your behavior.
And a damn know about Billy, I know nothing about that. All I know is that ...
I'm living this. I can do things. It was you, okay?
You do not want to put things in my head, I try a mooring.
- You have skills. - So is. I also do math.
I speak languages. I go where I want, I do what I want.
Everything is different. I am completely new.
- Memories are chronological? - I dont know. They are triggered by things ...
I say, I smell, use. Sometimes they come alone. Please, I just need one ...
Well those pills. All right.
All I need is ...
- All I need is a pill. - Billy Pope remember things ...
when in contact with things they shared. Places, touch, smells.
- What about emotions? - If.
- I met his wife and daughter. - Y...
- And there was, there was something. - What do you mean something?
People always told me I did not feel anything ...
this or that ... they speak. I can not ... I can not do this.
- What about now? - Now you're confusing me.
Or improving yourself. emotions are called.
- Whatever they are, they are not useful to me - You do not get far in life without them.
Yes, good. Thanks for the pills, doc.
I need to ask you some tests ...
before the process begins to fade.
I'm not sure how much time you have.
48 hours, do not know. Perhaps there is a ...
way to make it last longer. Maybe I scored, doc. I have things to ...
make money to find. Money?
Yes. A huge bag full.
What will you do with the money when you halles?
I do not know. Maybe...
you buy a house you know? Get me a TV.
A holiday like other people, right?
- Cobra what I owe you. - Go through the house.
Super. Who the hell says "super"?
Luis. Even you owe Billy 20 pounds of that bet. I guess it's just that ...
- Me you pay me, right? - Mike, is fine.
You remember everything, no? Where is the Dutch?
I do not know But I remember that Mike had a bugged ankle.
I do not know what their men do not know how they do, but have to stop beating him.
- Especially in the head. - I understand ... I understand the point.
But it comes on the way here. So who I'm dealing with?
- Is Bill Pope? - No, Jericho. But it is influenced ...
by memories, skills, routines Billy Pope.
If routines. Basically what we do ...
in life I is reduced to subconscious routines.
It is these things that make the leap of Bill Pope to Jericho.
He spoke of money, a bag is what drives it. Offer that money.
And he will give you what you want.
Take it to the last place you had to Dutch.
It triggered memories of Billy Pope and follow the trail.
We hear from our sources The Dutch are trying to do ...
a deal with the Russians. It will give evidence today at 6 PM.
Did you hear that? We're screwed because you wanted a psychopath ...
instead of a hero on our side.
The ransom money in the bag ... We take up the Dutch and is yours.
We have a deal?
We have a deal?
That. That.
Yes, the beach.
I want that too. I want to go there.
Well well. You can go to the beach.
Now, do we have a deal?
Do not shoot! Do not shoot!
Put down your weapons!
Only you can finish this The Dutch Where is it?
- And the money is yours - Everything?
- All. - And I want to go there.
And the beach, yes.
Where to Jericho?
- Right. - Right.
London City Airport
Lord, the facial recognition system just detect a red alert.
Pull over. Pull over!
Put the convict waiting and send home.
- So no more? - The Dutchman has been sighted in ...
City airport MI5 has. We're going over there.
Hey hey! My money. Hey, what about my money?
Elsa, it's yours now I need him alive.
I'm afraid it's not your man.
- I'm wound - Give me the gun.
Do not kill him.
Lord ordain a team of divers to search the body of Jericho.
That fucking disaster. We can not allow the Russians to make the deal.
We will monitor its embassy. Anything that enters or leaves will be filtered, okay?
- Yes sir. - That damn Heimdhal has been behind ...
our from the beginning. I want new passwords.
new firewall. Change. A military channels, Did you hear?
Yes sir.
I very much regret having lost Maybe if.
"Yes Yes Yes Yes! If you had ...
followed closely the Dutch ...
maybe we would have the wormhole!
I must say I'm not ...
- Very happy moment, Elsa. - You want me to leave?
- I apologize. - All right.
We need to find Jericho.
- Mom can watch TV? - Of course dear.
What are you doing in my basement? What is all this?
That belongs to Emma.
- Did you work with Billy? - I do not think ... someone like him ...
never work with someone like me.
They put Billy in my mind.
I have a scar, do you see?
Everything the wise. All I could do ...
I have it mixed inside me. That's impossible.
The first car was a two bought Rover, used.
Smelled of fish and chips. The clutch broke the first week.
Of course I did not have the $ 100 to fix it.
I told you. They put their brain into me.
- Stop. - Mom! Mom, where are you?
- I'm hungry - Just a moment, linda
Sunday night. Chicken and Waffles.
Your doing the chicken, the Waffles. I know she likes the syrup ...
only in the bottom.
I fragments arrive. Things going.
Different places. I see things.
Do not ask me how they did it but ...
- They did it. - Why?
They are seeking details of a place where your husband hid a guy before he was killed.
Daughter comes to feed you end up here Yo ...
I'll finish here and go. I will leave you alone.
Billy never could have hurt and I could not.
- Armed missile to port, sir. - That is not possible.
Guidance systems are down. The monitoring well.
- Turn it off. - I can not. We are blocked Mr.
Missile fired. Again, missile fired.
Send self-destruct code before it reaches its target.
Negative, does not respond.
We're safe. No material remained're fine.
- Oh my God. - We do not fired that missile, sir.
Did you know I lost my dad?
Elly gave me for my birthday.
The deeper stronger will.
Do deep.
You got hurt?
- Behind. Emma, come here, please. - No. Mom, we're burying Elly.
- Come here. - He said he was a friend of Dad.
- Go away please. - Can you stay for dinner? He is friendly.
Emma, come in.
Will the Waffles and leave.
- Come and touch. - What?
Come and play.
- I do not know how. - I teach you.
- I do not know if it's a good idea. - It's okay. Come.
Just put your hands well.
Put your hand there and touch.
It's okay.
It's okay. Do it again.
All right. Emma. It's late. It's time to go to bed.
Yes mom. Good night, Jericho. Good night mom.
Good night, honey.
Who you are?
I do not know Most of my life a number.
My brain does not always work well. I have not always done well.
Having your husband in my head made me ...
It made me feel things. Knowing things.
Good bad. I guess it does not matter.
The doctor says it will soon disappear.
Can you tell me what Billy felt?
There was something funny that Billy used to do.
That was his sign to say he loved me.
I know. HE...
I know what that love should mean, but I ...
never. The day of our wedding. You remember?
- If the beach. - The first time you gave to Emma.
Was so happy.
I am sorry. I am sorry.
He love you ... so much.
Where to go now?
I dont know. Where ... I take it.
Then stay here. You can stay on the couch.
It would not be the first time on that couch.
Most importantly our history. A mysterious missile was launched from the ...
coast of Portugal. The question is: Where did this missile?
Good Morning. I brought you some fresh coffee.
Thank you.
Do not worry. It's okay.
Where did this missile, we will not know who will be held responsible.
You're working at the university. There is a cage where there are books, right?
- A bookcase with a wrench. - Yes, the collection of rare books.
Billy and I used to go there sometimes. Why? Does this have something to do with ...
Yes Yes.
All. I need a car.
- And the key for books. - Sure Ten.
We'll have money, Jil. A lot.
I wish I could remain it.
- Emma. up please. - All right.
Come. You must take a shower. Did you close the door down?
Where is Jericho?
Yes. Georgie Orwell.
- You're the guy I killed myself. - Good memory.
- If you hurt me, I'll do worse. - Respect your creed.
Over there.
Lord, I have something. Aku Madhav, Russian FSB operative.
What makes arriving in a fishing boat in Dagana?
It seems that is not stupid enough to try it alone from the embassy.
They are going to bring a team to pick up the Dutch!
Put me in the air, now!
Keep in 1-11. They're heading right toward us.
We will continue to the Russians. They take us to the Dutch.
I do not particularly like children. Never meet expectations.
- Jericho! JERICHO! please help! - Enters.
Do not! High! Please!
High. No more violence.
No more violence. I Lift him.
Take me to the Dutch.
This in there.
Show me the thermal scanners.
Russian rescue team is on the truck. The follow not come.
All units, we are stealthy surveillance. not approximate.
It is understood.
There. In college. No closer until we see the Dutch.
All units, not approximate.
Come. Come on.
Team sniper, what is your position?
Moving sniper team.
- Lord, we see Heimdhal and Jericho - Proceed! Proceed!
- All units, come. - Disable the Russian team.
We need to Jericho alive.
Your wife and daughter just died.
Lands this thing!
- No, he's not there. They do not. - What do you mean?
I just say do not. I just said. Tell you the madman.
It's up there, okay? It is not there. They dont have it.
I will go. Go to the airfield. You have to get out of here.
Get to Dutch. I'll see you there.
Where we go? Here. Jillian's office.
- Where is? - In the corner office.
No me mates.
Shut up. You do not know me but I know you.
You and Pope made a deal. He's dead, but he is honoring.
Your money. Your passport.
- The passport ... - The wormhole Where is it?
- This in a file on my computer. - Prepare it!
No problem.
Do exactly what you say and maybe live to spend all this money.
You're a fucking genius.
This thing here is all crazy. Live and die for the same cause.
- Give me the unit. - I'll give you whatever you want.
- Come on, do not make me wait. - Ten unit.
Thank you.
- Damn bitch. - It hurt?
Heimdhal give Vigilant Shield is a fucking crazy.
- Elsa. - I have it. I am on my way. The Dutch ..
- And Jericho are dead. - Good girl. I'm waiting for you.
Elsa? Elsa.
You need an ambulance sir. If you wait around here I will send a paramedic.
Who is that?
She's dead.
Yes. With all.
Take the computer. Make her look.
An ambulance stolen right outside. A wounded man robbery.
- It fits the description of Jericho. - Is Jericho who has it.
- We're on our way. - To whom to get me their position.
- Elsa? - Do I look like I sound like Elsa cursed?
- Where is it? - I fell sticks. She's dead. The devil ...
it, okay? I have what you want. So this is what will happen.
- You're dictating terms to me? - So is. crazy.
Take the girl. I will send you instructions.
You'll come here and deliver me drive ...
They say something or they die. Jericho. help. I have. Do something.
- Hello. - She will be the first to die ...
so your mom can see, you know?
I'll finish. I'll finish.
Jericho! Jericho!
Do not deliver the unit, you understand me?
- He will put earth, do you get me? - I know how to do this.
Jericho. You do not know how to do anything. You will only fly you head.
- You're not Bill Pope! - The threat with a jerk weapon.
Threatens ... the girl what's her name?
I can not remember his name.
- Emma. It's called Emma. - Connect us to the ambulance radio.
- It is done. You can listen to. - Jericho is Dr. Franks.
I think I can freeze what is left of the implant, Jericho. You can be normal.
But we must do it now before it's gone. Turn around, go back,
and find me.
- And what about Jillian. - It's just someone else at risk.
Jericho. We are all gonna die. Leave them do not matter!
It does to me!
A lesson.
Fallen officers. Official fallen Medical Units way.
We casualties.
It is approaching so get ready.
He's got Emma!
Toss it.
Chuck it!
Give me the unit.
Emma runs.
What are the coordinates down there?
I have a little souvenir for them.
- Quake. - I receive.
Heimdhal just launched one of our cruise missiles 96km north yours.
Evacuate the area. Come out of there.
Hears. Do you have any idea what you've done?
We've killed them all, damn fool!
Hears. Why do not you fired, by God?
Do not worry much. I did...
I had this guy fix.
- Who? - I do not remember his name.
- Jan Strip. - No.
- Dutch. The Dutch - Yes Yes Dutch..
- On the settlement. - Do I Fix what?
Jericho, which managed the Dutch?
The first shot Heimdhal ...
He is to be.
A where he tried to send it back into position.
I told that son of a bitch.
If you hurt me, I'll do worse.
I screwed up.
I'm cold in the head.
I'm cold.
- Are you sure of this? - There has been responding.
Perhaps this do something.
If he remembers something, whatever, Bill Pope remain.
You may not remember me, but I know you.
Is incredible. He remembers.
What will free now? What shall let?
I will offer you a job.