Criminal Network (2023) Movie Script

[helicopter whirling]
[police siren blaring]
[tires screeching]
[engine humming]
[cars honking]
[sirens blaring]
[radio static]
police radio chatter]
[man grunting]
[engine thrumming]
[sirens blaring]
[man] It's time to go.
[sirens blaring]
[radio static]
[loud blast]
[man] Okay, Constable.
I'll take it from here.
[cars honking]
[pensive music playing]
[camera clicking]
You've been busy, James,
these last 48 hours.
We've been watching you.
Who are you? The police?
Would you prefer
to speak with them?
I'm sure Scotland Yard
will be more than willing
to accommodate you.
Well then,
I suppose you are stuck with us.
I wanna see him.
The emergency services
were too late.
Ryan is no longer with us.
He was too far gone
when we arrived.
Please take all the time
you need,
but we do need to know
everything that happened
from the beginning.
Well, I guess it all
goes back to two years ago.
[clock ticking]
[Simmons] This past year
has been great, Ryan, huh?
Safe to say, you've restored
my faith in teaching.
You remind me
a lot of myself, really.
We're the same, you and me.
You like to play,
and you play to win.
That's all there is, you know.
That's what business is, really.
It's a game.
[soft relaxing music playing]
Too bad a degree won't help me.
[Simmons chuckles]
You can't rely on yourself
more than a degree, Ryan.
I mean, your grades are the best
I've seen in a long time.
And you've made so much
more money, so I hear.
Don't believe
everything you hear.
Well, there's so much more
I would like to offer you.
I would like
to make you an offer.
You get your degree,
and in two years,
I'd like to offer you
a special internship
in one of my businesses.
First, get your degree.
And then, we'll see
how we get on together.
What do you say?
Last investment I made
fell through.
I lost everything.
Can't afford
the tuition fees anymore,
so I'm no longer a student here.
Goodbye, Professor.
[music fades]
So, how did it go then?
Oh, man.
How did you lose it all
[exhaling loudly]
What are you gonna do now?
Are you gonna get a loan?
"We regret to inform you
your loan application
has been denied."
Have you got any friends
that can lend you the money?
You are the closest thing
I've got to a friend,
and I don't even like you.
Well, there's gotta be
something you can do.
What about Professor Simmons?
No chance.
All available funding
has already been taken.
No one can help me.
[gun clicking]
[footsteps crunching]
[Cormac] You're late.
Doesn't look like I've
missed much. Where is he?
He won't be coming today.
In that case, you can
tell him we'll reschedule.
And next time,
please don't waste my time.
You said you wanted out.
-He'd like to buy it from you.
This isn't another one of
his stupid jokes
-he likes to play, is it?
You held up your end,
as you keep saying.
So, he is willing to offer
a price.
How much?
Half the current market value.
Half. Why would
I settle for half
when I could get the full
amount selling it as a pub?
You don't reckon
the price would be affected
if people knew what this place
was used for?
Don't even pretend
you'll let it slip
because you'll be the ones
that end up in prison.
Still playing
the innocent card, are we?
You knew what this place
was to be used for,
and yet you chose to ignore it.
I didn't see anything.
It's amazing
what people don't see
-when there's money involved.
-Look, I'm not stupid.
I know how much he's made here
and what he can afford.
The vans that keep coming in
in the early hours
of the morning?
I didn't have to keep
this place closed, you know.
You owe me.
You're right.
Without you, we wouldn't have
all what we have here today.
So, you'll tell him
I want the full asking price.
Otherwise, I'm selling
this place to someone else,
and you guys can pack your bags.
[pensive music playing]
[James] You know,
I've been thinking a lot lately
about how I've changed,
especially since graduating.
I thought I'd go on
to do great things, but...
it's been two years
since I've seen my brother now.
Well, with how I left things,
I don't know what
sort of trouble he's in.
I wish I could take it back.
I just didn't care at the time.
I wanted to live my life
to the fullest.
Just wish I could say sorry.
But it doesn't look like
that's gonna happen, though.
Anyway, time's up. Back to work.
It's good talking to you.
[paper wrapping scuffling]
[phone chimes]
[train chugging]
[pensive music continues]

[indistinct announcement
over speakers]
[James] Got to admit, I was
surprised when you text me.
I thought--
You thought what?
I was expecting
the worst, you know?
Well, you're not far wrong.
Well, it's nice to know
you're not laying in
the gutter somewhere, at least.
Been there, done that.
Ryan, come on.
Can't be that bad, surely.
So, you said something about
needing my help.
-What was it?
-My job.
At the moment, I've been
doing it myself, but...
things are... different, and...
now I'm not too sure.
Okay. Doing what?
I can't really tell you.
I'd have to show you.
Whatever you need. Where is it?
I don't know yet.
Okay. When is it?
I don't know.
You don't know much
about this job, do you?
Are you sure you got a job?
I have to wait for a text.
It's all right. I was, uh,
I'm a bit short of money lately.
I was thinking maybe
I could stay at your place.
I-- I could take the sofa,
if that's all right with you.
-[James] Oh, yeah.
And, uh, I didn't forget,
I just didn't
know where to send it.
I got you, uh, a birthday
present for last week.
Look, I called you here
because I need help with my job.
That's it.
I don't wanna know anything
about your personal life.
I don't wanna play
happy families.
And I certainly
don't want any piece of crap
you managed to afford for a day
that you
weren't even around for.

Why does he seem
to resent you so much?
Well, a few years back,
me and Ryan came into
some inheritance money.
University seemed like
a good idea for the both of us.
I paid for the fees up front.
But Ryan...
he paid for
the fees in installments
and invested his money.
Seems awfully risky for someone
without any experience.
Not entirely.
I mean, he grew quite close
to one of the professors.
They'd talk all the time,
play games, do puzzles.
Ryan made a ton of money
with the professor.
And so, you fell out
over Ryan's success?
Not quite.
I borrowed some money from Ryan,
where he had so much of it.
I didn't think he'd noticed,
but when his investments
fell through,
he found out and he's
resented me for it ever since.
[cars honking]
[James] So, what's there
to do in London
while we wait for this text?
There's a natural history
Uh, pass on the skeletons
if that's all right with you,
-while I'm eating my lunch.
-I don't know.
I quite like looking at
the prehistoric human skulls.
Well, I wouldn't envy them
too much. They're dead.
Yeah. But think
about how they died.
Not hooked up to machinery
with the thought of death
lingering in their mind.
No, they died in
the heat of conflict.
Adrenaline rushing through
their body.
I'll take that over
a hospital bed any day.
Yeah. Don't get too excited.
I only rent the top floor,
but there is a spare room.
[bed creaks]
[sentimental piano music]
[phone chimes]
[James] Are you sure
you got the right place?
That's the point, I suppose.
It's right where no one
would think to look.
But we can't go in yet.
Not until everybody's left.
So, how exactly
is this earning you money?
[Ryan] We'll find out.
Look, if you're
gonna steal something--
I'm not stealing anything.
Unlike you, I don't
take things that aren't mine.
You're still bringing that up?
If I still had that money,
I could've carried on.
But then you would've lost
even more.
[Ryan] So, that makes it yours,
does it?
-Is that what you're saying?
-Well, no. I'm not saying that.
I wouldn't have dropped out.
That money
would've kept me going
for at least another six months.
Look, what do you want me to do?
I've said I'm sorry.
Like, how many times
can I say I'm sorry?
I've spent the money.
If I had it, I'd give it to you.
What do you want me to do?
[Ryan] Well, you can
start by keeping a lookout
while I go in.
Ryan, it's been two years.
After all this time, I'm the
only person you can call?
You're still isolating yourself.
You got no friends.
What are you, a psychiatrist?
I had hoped something
would've changed, I suppose.
[train chugging]
[suspenseful music playing]
[phone chimes]

I'm in.
-What do you see?
-[Ryan] Tunnels.
[Ryan] I'm going further in,
but I might lose the signal.

[James] Ryan? Ryan?
There's people coming.
Just do what you need to do
and get out.
They're the police.
[phone chimes]
[footsteps crunching]
[phone chimes]
[motorcycle engine hums]
[suspenseful music building]
[camera clicking]
Ryan, just do what
you need to do and get out.
[gas hissing]
[loud blast]
[fire crackling]
[Ryan grunting]

[Ryan grunting]
[strained grunt]

[Ryan grunting]
[train horn blaring]

[Ryan grunting]
-[fire crackling]
-[fire extinguisher hissing]
[fire extinguisher hissing]
-[can popping]
-[James] Okay, you really need
to start explaining
what's going on.
What was all
that about back there?
You wanted to be a part of this.
I'm happy to help
in any which way I can,
but I need to know
what's going on first.
It all started a while back
when I was homeless.
I stayed in Central for a while.
'Til I was moved on.
I ended up stealing a car.
They normally leave the keys
in the old ones
ready to be broken down,
so I didn't think anyone
would come looking for it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music plays]
[tires screeching]
[car hissing]

I decided to leave the car.
But then,
later that evening, I was found.
I'm not sure who they were.
They took me to this place.
I don't know where it was.
They gave me a phone.
I was told to
await instructions,
and I'd be paid each time
I did a job
with some big payout
coming out at the end.
So, at nighttime, I'd wait
for a message and head out.
It did involve just
taking photos of warehouses,
but more recently,
drugs and guns.
-All packaged.
-So, you don't have any names?
Do you even know
who you're working for?
All I get is these texts
from a man named Mr. Black,
which I'm sure is a fake name.
So, you don't have any names,
you don't know
who you are working for
or what you're
getting yourself into?
No. I don't need to know,
and I don't want to know.
I'm never going back
to how it was.
Ryan, this is clearly
some sort of organized crime.
I haven't done anything illegal.
That's not gonna stop the
repercussions, though, is it?
Look, if you are
not happy with this,
by all means, I'll keep
your half of the money.
So, decide right now.
Do you want
to be a part of this?
If you agree,
there's no turning back.
Okay. Where to next?
[cars honking]
[James] I don't
wanna seem ungrateful,
but have you ever thought about
maybe moving away
and trying something else?
You think you can just move away
from something like this?
Well, I don't
think you've tried.
And what would you have me do?
Nine till five job?
Three kids and a mortgage?
No, thanks.
I'll take my chances here.
Looks like there's police
and security inside.
Yeah. They must
be raiding the place.
Or making a collection.
[footsteps crunching]
[footsteps crunching]
[wind howling]
[tense music playing]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
Ryan, what are you doing?
[ominous instrumental]
There was a girl inside.
All right.
So did they see you?
You don't understand.
She was dead.
Let's just-- [sighs]
let's just go.
-I've got the photos.
-[James] What?
You're not serious.
We can't do that.
Ryan, we need
to phone the police.
The police were already here.
If you wanna talk to them,
go ahead.
We can try a different police.
What good will that do?
-Will it bring her back?
-[James] Whoever done this,
they need to be caught
and stopped.
That's what we're doing.
We're stopping them.
These photos,
someone wants them for a reason.
You're crossing the line.
We're not--
we're not doing this.
I already agreed to do this.
If I don't--
if I don't do it, I--
I don't know what they'll do.
[harmonious instrumental]
All I know is
they're powerful people.
So what?
They're gonna come after us?
So ditch that phone,
and they'll never find us.
You wanna take that risk?
They found me before.
They knew my name,
my situation, everything.
And that was
when I was homeless.
I told you before,
there's no turning back.
This is my job.
I earn good money,
why should I give it up?
Ryan, there's plenty
of other ways to earn money.
No. That's all part of the lie.
That you can have
anything you want in life,
all you have to do is work hard.
Well, I did everything I was
supposed to do. Everything.
And it all failed.
They lied.
They lied to us.
You tell me. You did everything
as you were supposed to.
What has it got you so far?
[somber music playing]
You brought me into this
'cause you had
no one else to call.
You're lonely.
[somber music continues]
[Ryan] I'll phone the police
when we get back.
-Wait. Oh, no!
-[James] What?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
What have you forgot?
[Ryan] My wallet.
I must have dropped it.
Everything was in there.
[sighs] Not your ID? Oh.
[Ryan] Yeah, everything.
My number, your number.
I had it all written down.
Why did you write it down?
Because I don't like having
that sort of stuff on my phone.
Get away from me, James.
Get your own taxi back.
[car honking]
[somber instrumental]

Stop here.
[somber music fades]
[phone ringing]
[suspenseful music playing]
Who is this?
Oh, come on.
Surely you haven't forgotten
your old professor.
You were behind all of this?
I am a man of business.
Regardless of the industry,
I'm in to make money.
You really do have no limits.
You were one
of my best students. [sighs]
You could have
been part of all of this.
As I said, we could
have gone far together, Ryan.
But, no. No, you just left.
You took off.
I lost everything, remember?
Your advice on investing.
If you needed money,
then you could have come to me.
I would've helped you.
But, no. No, no, no.
You gave up in the world.
You-- you-- It was too hard.
You just decided
to take it and roll over.
It was easier to have
your dreams taken away
rather than to-- to actually
try risking yourself.
Easier to blame somebody else,
am I right Ryan?
Well, of course, you know
what I'm gonna have to do now.
The same as
what you did to that girl?
Oh, I'm not gonna kill you, yet.
I'm gonna destroy you.
But first, I think
we'll have one more little game.
No, thank you.
Ryan, if you end
this phone call,
I swear you will regret the day
you set foot
inside of my university.
Goodbye, Professor.
-It's Simmons.
-Simmons, who?
-Simmons, Simmons.
As in, Professor Simmons.
He's the one behind all this.
The drugs, the guns,
the distribution,
it all belongs to him.
That sounds like
too much of a coincidence.
I don't think any of
this happened by a coincidence.
He killed that girl.
A bullet in the head.
My guess is she got
mixed up with him somehow and
that's how she ended up.
-We both need to leave.
I won't stay in the flat
in case there's any problems.
There's some things I need
to do, so give me a few hours
and then meet me
at Camden Lock bridge
tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.
Just get out of London, James.
[phone vibrating]
Hello, James.
You. Where's Ryan?
Well, I'd like to tell you
he's unharmed.
But if you're a man
in my position can hardly
let something like this go.
So far, we've given
him a few drops of a--
a potent immobilizing drug.
Probably for the best
as he won't feel what's coming.
Look, you--
you don't need to do this.
-Please, just--
-Ryan didn't want
to play the game,
so you're gonna have to fill in,
all right?
Maybe save his life.
You can talk to him if you like,
'cause he can you can hear
everything you were saying.
I mean, I would talk
to him if I-- if I were you,
this might be your last chance.
I'd-- I'd make the most of this.
What do you want from me?
I want to give you a chance.
I mean, if you win, well,
you can, um, you can save Ryan.
Anyway, you better listen up,
John Wolfe Barry, 1894.
That's your clue.
A clue? A clue for what?
I don't understand.
Jesus. Even Ryan
used to challenge me.
I can see where the brain cells
went in your family.
[James] Okay. Okay. Please,
just give me a moment, okay?
Just give me a moment.
Ryan, if you can muster
the strength
to answer
your brother's question,
then, please, be my guest.
Come on.
Your life depends on it.
I've got it.
He built Blackfriars Bridge.
You cheated.
So, is that--
[Simmons] Well, I see
you've got about 42 minutes
before the cab arrives
on the bridge
to take you to Ryan.
But then if you are not
in the cab when it leaves,
a bullet will
go into Ryan's head.
Well, I'm in Camden.
Well, then I'd a get
move on if I were you.
Oh, and James, I'll be watching.
[tense dramatic music playing]

I can't do it.
I'm not gonna make this.
I can't do it.
[Simmons] Does it make you
feel sad, James,
to see that you're such
a failure as an older brother?
Does it make you
feel depressed that,
despite being surrounded
by thousands
and thousands of people,
you've never been more alone?
Listen, I am going to let you
earn an extra 30 minutes.
I want you to walk
into Victoria Station,
and I want you to say
at the top of your voice,
"Attention, there is a bomb
in the building."
You're insane.
Clock's ticking, James.
I'd a get a move on
if I were you.
[cars honking]
Are you sure about this, boss?
It might be
even too much for us.
We don't know who James and Ryan
have been talking to.
We don't know who they work for.
We have to discredit anything
they may have said.
After that,
you can give the order.
[woman speaking over the PA]
[James] Attention! There is
a bomb in the building.
[crowd screaming]
[police siren, cars honking]
He's done it.
They've got
his name and picture.
[siren blaring]
I'm here. I'm here. Where is he?
[woman speaking over the PA]
My men can't see you.
You said Blackfriars Bridge.
[chuckles] No,
you said Blackfriars Bridge.
I said you cheated.
Oh, you were so close, James.
You bastard.
[chuckles] Listen,
by my watch you have--
you've got about
10 minutes anyway,
so perhaps another little clue.
Um, it's 801 feet long
and 213 feet tall.
The Tower Bridge.
Ah, 9:50, James.
[determined instrumental]
How are you doing, Ryan?
You're still hanging in there?
Drugs not wearing off?
God, you must be
very disappointed
at this feeble attempt
to save your life.
You know, you mean
nothing to your brother.
He's not even trying.
I was more family to you
than he ever was.
Ah, he must disappoint you.
But then,
you burnt down my stores.
Did you think
I would let that go?
I own this city.
I own this city.
I mean the public, they just
go about their everyday lives.
They haven't got a clue
what's going on.
They don't really understand.
They're totally unaware
of what's really happening.
Unaware that I am king.
[tense dramatic music playing]
[James] Ryan, Ryan, if you
can hear me, don't worry.
-[James] I'm coming, mate.
-I'm almost there.
-I'm almost there.
-[James] I'm almost--
-[Simmons] Goodbye, James.
[somber music playing]

All right. Calm down, sir.
Right. Just take a moment.
Take your breath and, uh,
would you care to sit down?
Sit down?
I haven't got time for that.
We need to get him now.
All right. Okay. Let me just
take a few details.
Uh, right. So what's your name
and your brother's name?
-I'm James.
My brother's name is Ryan.
Ryan. Okay. Ryan.
And, uh, where do you think
he might be now?
I spoke to him 30 minutes ago.
Can-- can you trace my phone?
All right. When and where
did you last see him?
-Soho Square.
-Soho. Okay. And, uh,
who do you think
might have done this and, uh,
where do you think
we might find them?
A professor from the university.
His name is Professor Simmons.
Professor Simmons. Okay.
Just you wait right there, sir.
I need to radio this through.
[car honking]
[pensive music playing]
[gate clangs]
[train rumbling, chugging]
[phone vibrating]
-Yeah, I'm okay.
Simmons, he's-- he's turned all
of disused underground London
-into some kind of network.
-[James] A network?
Yeah. Transportation.
Any disused tunnel,
service track, railway,
he's turned them all
into some sort
of distribution network,
all connected.
With The King's Head pub
right at the center.
Ryan, you have to know I tried.
I really,
really tried finding you.
[Ryan] Yeah.
I know.
[emotional music playing]
[Ryan] Who would've thought
two years ago
that this is how it would go?
I did my best, but it never
seems to be bloody good enough.
Are you safe?
If I can find my way
out of this place then... maybe.
Come and meet me
before you do anything.
There's police outside looking
for me and probably you too.
I'll call you when I'm ready.
Ready? Why? What'd you need?
The king's head.
[thrilling music playing]
[gate creaks, closes]

[water running]
[helicopter whirring]
[police siren wailing]
[tires squealing]
[cars honking]
[tires squealing]
[sirens blaring]
-[radio static]
-[man] Nick,
the boss needs you
in right away.
I'll make a move now.
Where is he?
[man] Looks like
he's heading towards Soho.
[man] We don't know where
he's going yet, Nick.
The units have lost him.
He's heading back to
Soho Square.
Be ready for me
and keep the public away.
[motorcycle engine roars]
[floor creaks]
[pensive music playing]
[Simmons speaking
other language]
[floor creaks]
Well, you're
remarkably resilient.
So what's this, huh? A truce?
You take one more step
and I'll have
your fucking head blown off.
That girl...
I found her body.
Why did she have to die?
What could
she possibly have done?
It's just business, Ryan.
It's a game and she lost.
I don't force anyone
to take part in this.
People choose
to do it themselves.
And-- and-- and then
they blame someone else
when they don't
get their own way.
I don't remember signing up
for any of this.
[chuckles] Oh, you-- you did
when you burnt down my stores.
Who paid you?
Why would I tell you anything?
[Simmons] You don't have to.
In fact, I think
it's about time we ended this,
don't you?
After all, I think we both know
only one of us is gonna
walk out of here alive.
So what do you say, Ryan?
One last game?
One bullet, six chambers?
Or I could just take you down
to the station right now.
You think you've beaten me.
Well, you haven't.
I have the best.
The justice system works for me.
And I own this city, kid.
Now, if you lock me up today,
I will be out next week
and you better look
over your shoulder
because I'll be coming for you
and your brother.
Unless, of course,
we settle this now.
[motorcycle rumbling]
[police siren blaring]
It's time to go.
Where is he now?
[man 2] He was seen running past
Soho Square.
Shit! He's not going
to Ryan's place,
he's going
to The King's Head pub.
Tell the boss to get out now.
[helicopter whirring,
cars honking]
I've got eyes on him.
It's now or never.
What's the boss say?
[man 2] We can't get a hold
of the boss right now.
[static crackling]
[man 2] Under no circumstances
can James be arrested.
Gotta be taken out
before he can talk.
I know the route he's taking.
Meet me at Ramillies Place.
[motorcycle engine roars]
-[motorcycle thrumming]
-[police siren blaring]
[masked man]
We're holding the public back.
You got five minutes before the
other units start turning up.
You know the blind spots,
don't miss.
-That's not gonna work.
-Ryan, what happened to you?
The Ryan I knew was like me.
You know, I-- I blame
those nine to five simpletons.
You know,
they try and drag us down.
Am I right, Ryan? No?
Shut up.
[Simmons] But tell me,
could you live with this?
Wondering if
you could have been with me?
Do you remember
what I always told you?
Do you remember?
We're the same.
We have to play
and we have to win.
What do you say?
Shall we find out
who's the better man?
[pensive music playing]
[police siren wailing]
Got ya.
[motorcycle rumbling]
One bullet, six chambers.
One bullet.
Six chambers.
Oh no, you first.
I'll take
whatever bullet you don't.
[barrel clicking]
-[gun clicks]
[gun cocks]
-[gun clicks]
[gun cocks, clicks]
[gun clicks]
-[gun cocks]
[gun clicks]
[gun cocks]
-[heavy thud]
Ah, you shot me,
you little prick!
Oh, why didn't you just kill me?
Goodbye, Professor.
[floor creaks]
[police siren blaring]
Ryan, I didn't teach you this.
[loud blast]
[car honking, sirens]
And that's all you know, is it?
Were you expecting more?
Should you divulge
any of the information
I'm about to share with you;
you'll be swiftly taken to the
UK's maximum security prison.
Now, Professor Simmons
is the remnant of a dying breed.
People like this we know about.
But due to
his extensive criminal network,
we've experienced difficulty
dealing with him.
He has judges, police officers,
even secret servicemen
under his control.
Any attempt
to bring him down failed
until he became involved
with a young woman,
a woman,
unknown to the professor,
the daughter of someone
of great importance.
-So why didn't you do anything?
-We did.
But we needed to know exactly
what we were dealing with
in order to avoid
the legal ramifications
of an official inquiry,
which would've given
the professor
a distinct advantage.
You paid Ryan.
You sent him the phone.
We needed to find someone close
to him and Ryan was selected.
Of course,
Ryan was unaware of any of this.
But we did agree to pay over
a sum of money on completion,
which I have no issues
on passing onto you.
Very convenient for you,
wasn't it?
That Ryan's investment
just suddenly fell through
right when he needed the money.
If it hadn't,
he might still be alive.
As I told you before, James,
we were too late for Ryan.
[pensive music playing]