Criss Cross (1949) Movie Script

Steve, i had to see you.
He'll get wise.
The last minute,
you'll ruin everything.
I slipped out.
He was dancing.
Oh, steve,
i keep thinking and thinking.
Will you just
not think about it?
[Car door closing]
I'm so worried about you.
I'm all sick inside.
Oh, if it was only all over now.
If it was only this time tomorrow.
You know what to do?
Have you got it right?
Suppose you get hurt.
you'll go to the cottage
at palos verdes.
Suppose something
goes wrong.
You'll wait there.
It'll take time.
A few weeks.
Why do you say weeks?
Why not days?
Just stay at the house
at palos verdes.
Don't try to get in touch
with anyone. Don't do
anything until i get there.
I'll hate it.
I'll hate it every minute
until you're with me again.
You better get back
before he starts
lookin' for ya.
I don't want him
to see the two of us
coming in together.
Go on back.
All those things
that happened to us...
everything that went before...
you'll forget it.
You'll see.
I'll make you forget it.
After it's done,
after it's all over
and we're safe,
it'll bejust you and me.
You and me,
the way it should've been
all along from the start.
Be careful.
Why, yes, indeed,
mr. Dundee.
Just a few moments ago
i noticed her pass by.
I didn't ask, did you
notice her pass by?
I asked, did you know
where she went?
Well, no, no.
I just didn't... oh!
There she is, mr. Dundee.
Now there is mrs. Dundee.
[Rhumba continues,
singers vocalizing]
Where have
you been?
Just a minute.
What do you mean,
In the parking lot.
What'd you go
out there for?
Because it looked like rain.
I wanted to tell the boy
to put the top up on the car.
Why'd you have to
go yourself?
Because i had the car keys.
I had to give the keys
to the boy, didn't i?
Why didn't you send
a waiter? Or waxie
or one of the fellas?
What are you asking me
questions for?
Why don't you answer them?
Will you shut up
and leave me alone?
What are you
lookin' at?
Anybody ask you
to stick around
and get an earful?
No, you see,
i was just...
get outta here!
Yes, mr. Dundee.
Thank you, mr. Dundee.
This rotten line
of work.
The rotten class
of people you have
to put up with.
[Forced chuckle]
Good evening, folks.
Good evening.
How are you tonight?
Table for four, huh?
Follow me.
Why don't you go outside,
steve, and find some other
place down the street?
What's the matter
with this place,
The name is pete.
I'm your friend.
You know what's the matter
with this place.
He's giving a farewell party,
isn't he? I just dropped in
to say good-bye.
He didn't invite you.
The way you know everything.
Look, they're goin' to detroit.
Let them go.
Be intelligent.
Stay outta there.
Stay outta trouble.
[Steve] why should
there be trouble?
Who's kidding who?
You walk in there
and two minutes later,
you'll start swinging.
The way you know everything.
The way you got it all figured out!
There'll be a fight.
You gonna pull me in?
You gonna send me up too?
All right, forget it.
Just excuse me for getting nosy.
That's all right, lieutenant.
That's your business.
[Rhumba continues]
[Audience applauding]
Go on, honey.
Go on out and dance.
But i don't wanna dance.
Go on. Find yourself
a partner.
Take the girls
to the powder room, harriet.
What for? I just
fixed my face.
Go on, dear.
Beat it.
See ya later, baby.
Hello, stevie. Glad you
were able to make it.
Frank, if they're
gonna fight in there,
why don't you stop it?
Not me. I never butt in.
These days, it don't pay.
You can't have people
brawling around.
Gives the place a bad name.
- Pretty soon,
nobody will want to come in.
- You'll come in.
You're my best customer,
morn till night.
She sits on that stool so much
that, frankly, someday i think
she's gonna get stuck to it.
Hey, i thought mr. Thompson
was a friend of yours.
Aw, let them
punch their heads off.
I give it up.
I don't care anymore.
You always wanted
to get slim dundee.
Now's your chance.
What do you mean?
He's got
a knife on him.
I didn't say nothin' now,
[Glass breaking]
[Excited shouting]
[Object clatters on floor]
Just a friendly argument,
Just scufflin' around.
This is too good
to be true, slim.
I was hoping
to get something on you
before you left town.
This is between me and dundee.
I'm not swearin' out any complaints.
You sure you know
what you wanna do?
This is just between
him and me.
You didn't happen to see anything,
did you, walt?
Not a thing.
Neither did you,
vincent, huh?
Anna, who pulled
the knife?
What's-a matter with you,
She's his wife.
You can't get a wife to testify
against her husband.
Everybody knows that.
Can i go out now
and wash up?
Is that okay with you,
Go and wash.
Go to... detroit.
If you should happen
to change your mind
before he leaves...
i'll let you know,
What happened?
He didn't come down here tonight
to have a real fight.
It was supposed to be a phony.
Strictly for the cop's benefit.
What went wrong?
Why did you have to
pull a knife, slim?
He flared up. In the middle
of everything he started to ask
a bunch of screwball questions.
What time did he
come in here tonight?
Where was he?
Was he in the parking lot?
The parking lot?
Don't be foolish, slim.
Let bygones be bygones.
Do you realize how much dough
there's gonna be in that truck
tomorrow morning?
In six figures.
Six figures!
This is no time
to be sore and blow up.
Why should you throw away
the only chance of a lifetime?
After all the plannin',
all the hopin'.
What i say is, let's not be foolish.
I say, let's go right ahead.
Don't you realize
it's even better now?
That cop in there,
he'll never guess in a million years
you both are in a deal together.
Chance of a lifetime.
Six figures, slim.
I went off my head.
I appreciate it,
what you told the cop.
That's the way to talk!
That's the ticket!
What about the third man
on the truck? Don't forget
you gotta do the driving.
Can you get rid
of that third man?
Don't worry.
I'll get rid of him.
I'll be doing the driving.
Then it's all okay.
It's on.
That's the ticket!
That's the way to be!
Boys, excuse me, but i
got a date with my baby!
I had to lay down
the law.
I told my wife,
"no more ordering
on the telephone."
But it's legitimate.
The store charges
for delivery service.
I know, but compare.
Soap powder:
At the great western market,
Six cents difference, huh?
Tomato juice:
Two cans for a quarter.
At the western,
- Yeah, i see your point.
- You bet your life. It all adds up.
Hiya, bailey.
Hello, bailey.
Hello, pappy.
Hiya, andy.
Where's thompson?
Isn't he working today?
He's working.
the outside man.
We were discussing
the difference
in shopping prices.
There's one woman
that knows how to shop.
Steve's mother, mrs. Thompson.
She serves the best.
Since my wife died,
i'm a guest there often.
Here you are.
Well, so long,
So long, pappy.
- [Pappy] so long.
- [Bailey] now my wife.
I don't know how much
she spends on the house.
She's extravagant.
Beach in the summertime.
Uses up all my razor blades
shaving her legs.
I don't get sore.
She's for me.
I love that kid.
Bailey. Which one
of you is bailey?
Who wants me?
Your office just called.
Your wife isn't feeling well.
You gotta go straight home.
The office said
it was okay.
My wife?
Hey, steve.
Yeah? What is it?
My wife's sick.
You two guys can manage
without me, can't you?
Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
I'll do the driving.
I'll catch the bus
at olympic.
I better go right out there.
[Engine starting]
I'm worried about
that phone call.
I don't like the smell
of the whole thing.
Do you? It's strictly
against regulation.
Don't worry about regulations.
Man's wife got sick.
I understand that,
but a phone call.
Steve, i really think
maybe we oughta check it.
We got a schedule
to make.
But there's supposed
to be three of us
on the truck.
With a load
like we got today...
what do you want me to do?
Find a phone booth someplace
and stop and call the office?
Anything you say.
No, go on, drive.
We'd be late.
Relax. Everything's
gonna be all right.
I don't know, steve.
I guess you're right.
I guess i'm just
kinda nervous lately.
Sure. Take it easy.
You got a long ride
ahead of you.
It's a 40-minute run
to san rafelo.
Yeah, that's right.
[Anna's voice]
After it's done, after it's
all over and we're safe,
it'll bejust you and me.
You and me,
the way it should've been
all along from the start.
From the start.
The beginning.
[Steve narrating]
It all happened so fast.
It was only eight months ago
that i came back.
I came home.
The los angeles sun was shining,
the way it's always supposed to.
The old trolley line looked the same...
the old street, the old houses.
I was glad to be back.
[Trolley bell ringing]
I'd been all over
the country.
I connected with
a trucking outfit in chicago.
Did construction workdown south.
Drifted around the oklahoma oil fields.
Jobs like that,
one after the other.
Until finally i got her
out of my system.
I didn't come back
on account ofher.
It had nothing to do with it.
I wasn't gonna go looking for her, ;
i didn't expect to run into her.
I didn't particularly
want to see her.
I was sure of that
if i was sure of anything.
But then from the start,
it all went one way.
It was in the cards
or it was fate...
or a jinx or whatever
you wanna call it.
- but right from the start.
- [Barking]
Ya glad to see me, corky?
Huh? How are ya, huh?
Where's mom and slade?
Mom go shoppin' again, or is she out
gabbin' with the neighbors?
Which is it? Say something,
you funny-lookin' little mutt.
Can't ya talk?
All right. You stay here
and watch my bag.
Stay here and watch it.
I'll be back later.
Now watch it.
Watch it.
[Fierce barking]
I went down to the drugstore
to call up ramirez.
Pete ramirez.
We grew up together.
He was an old friend.
I thought i might drop over
and kill an hour.
But it all went one way
that sunny afternoon.
In the cards.
He was out.
His wife told me
he was away somewhere,
working on thejob.
Pete always had the night shift,
but this afternoon
he was on day duty.
This particular afternoon.
And then, somehow,
there i was, in the round-up.
The old place.
The old hangout.
There i was, all right,
looking for her,
whether i felt like
admitting it to myself or not.
A little strange to see
the place in the daytime.
Empty, quiet, dim.
We put in a lot of evenings here,
anna and i.
You wanted something?
A beer?
You the new man
around here?
Depends on what
ya mean by "new."
Where's harry?
[Bartender] harry who?
Harry. Used to be the bartender.
Worked here.
Must've been
before my time.
Ya want a beer?
Does the, uh...
does the old crowd
still come in here?
Lots of people
come in here nighttimes.
Depends on which
"old crowd" ya mean.
Tell me, do you know...
Hey, mister.
You looking for
some special party?
No. No, i'm not
looking for anybody.
Then what are you?
A checker?
Well, what's a checker?
Are you an investigator
for the state liquor board?
- I never even heard of them.
- Well, if you're not lookin' for anybody,
and if you're not a checker
like you say you're not,
what are you tryin' to strike up
a conversation for?
Let's have
some nickels, huh?
well-built man like that,
a checker.
Hot tip.
Hot tip, please.
I think i'll have
that beer now.
If you're not a checker,
then i apologize.
But if it turns out
that you are a snooper,
then i want
an apology outta you.
I think i got that right
comin' to me, ain't i?
Oh, so unlucky.
Too late.
Too late.
Hot tip won $16.
But too late!
[Jabbering in chinese]
Well, for cryin' out loud!
I call up the house,
and outta the blue sky,
eve tells me...
yeah, that's right.
How are ya, pete?
I come right down.
I knew i'd find you here.
You did? How come?
This is your old hangout.
This is where you and anna
always used to go.
I'm not here
lookin' for anna.
You come back
to town on her account,
didn't you?
Why, no.
Well, then why
did you come back?
You know,
all of a sudden like that?
Well, mom's gettin' along
and then there's the kid, slade.
He's runnin' around
with some girl.
He wants to get married.
I thought i'd come home
and get my old job back,
take care of the house. See?
Yeah, i see.
You want a beer?
No, thanks. Say, i'm not
stopping you, am i?
Stopping me from what?
Didn't you want
to use the phone?
The phone?
[Nervous chuckle]
No, why?
Well, nothing. I just
noticed those nickels in
your hand, that's all.
The way you know everything.
The way you figure it all out.
That's for the beer.
Well, peter,
i hate to break things up,
but mom oughta be home by now.
I oughta be getting along.
I'll see you later, huh?
Let me drive you home.
I got the car outside.
Oh, it's all right.
I insist. City pays
for it anyway.
It's such a bother.
No bother.
Fella comes home,
been away a whole year.
Wants to see his mother.
Can't wait to see his brother.
Good old steve.
I'll take ya right
to the door.
I'll go to horten's
in the morning, mom.
Pop thinks i can get
my old job back.
Then i'll take care of the house,
same as i always did.
- That's the only reason i came home.
- Sure, mrs. Thompson.
That's the reason.
What else?
You're all set, slade.
Go on
and get married.
Hey, wait a minute.
I don't want to get
hooked into anything.
Just don't rush me.
I might get a better offer.
Well, honestly!
The way you talk.
I realize you're supposed
to be kidding,
but i wish you wouldn't.
Don't mind him.
When they tease you like that...
what they really want
to do is pinch you,
only they know it's
not nice in public.
Why don't you go
with the children, steve,
and take in a picture show?
My first night?
Don't stay home
on my account.
I'll only go to sleep
in a little while.
[Girl] sure, steve.
Why don't you
come with us?
No, thanks. I don't think
i feel like a movie tonight.
You want to go
No, i'm no bowler,
Hey, steve.
Were you gonna call
somebody up or something?
Who, me?
Well, you keep looking
over at the telephone.
Oh, do i?
I didn't realize.
Say, where's
the evening papers?
Look, steve, i still have
your old ice skates.
What do you say
we go to the ice palace
and have some fun?
What is this?
I came home to settle down,
not to go ice-skating.
Leave me alone. All i wanna
do is lie around the house
and read the paper.
Go on, both of you.
Beat it.
I'll do the dishes, helen.
Never mind. Go ahead.
Let me help you,
mrs. Thompson.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Hey. Psst.
Anna. We were married.
About two years ago.
It lasted seven months.
A man eats an apple.
He gets a piece of the core
stuck between his teeth.
He tries to work it out
with some cellophane
off a cigarette pack.
What happens? The cellophane
gets stuck in there too.
What was the use?
I knew one way or the other
i'd wind up seeing her that night.
Oh, steve, if you knew
how many times a day
i think of you.
How are you?
When did you get back?
Why didn't you
answer my letter?
Your letter? Yeah.
Well, you got it,
didn't you?
Yeah, i got it.
Well, why didn't
you write?
Well, l...
l-l-i guess i never
had anything to say.
Oh, steve!
A fella can't write if he's
got nothing to say, can he?
When did you get back?
A couple of days ago.
I don't know.
A week.
A week,
and you never called me up?
Steve, did you come
in here tonight to see me?
Is that why you're here?
- I was just passin' by.
- Oh! Like that!
I saw the old place
and i thought i'd drop in
and have a look around.
I guess i figured i'd see ya.
All the fun we used to have
in this place, remember?
All the good times
we had together?
And all the fights.
The fights we had.
Boy, we sure used to go
'round and 'round.
What did we ever have
to fight about anyway?
It was crazy.
We were in love,
weren't we?
I guess you can't fight
with anyone unless
you really like 'em.
Wouldn't be
much fun, would it?
- Then we'd make up.
- We'd make up.
Those were times,
weren't they, steve?
That was the best part, i think.
The making up part.
Excuse me.
You're sitting in my chair.
You runnin' around
with him?
Steve, this is slim dundee.
I know him.
He's a well-known man.
Steve thompson.
You wanna join us?
No, we just ran into
each other and stopped
to say hello, that's all.
Well, so long.
Wait a minute, steve.
You'll give me a ring,
won't you?
Sure, sure. We'll probably run
into each other now and then.
Why shouldn't we?
Here you are, pop.
Papers from
the bonding company.
Sign 'em
and i'm all set.
How did he make out
on the gun range, johnny?
Did he pass?
Two eighty-nine out of
a possible three hundred.
Two eighty-nine?
I don't know how you
ever got along without me.
Pip, pip.
Look at him go.
I can still shoot
rings around you
any day in the week.
Oh, reading glasses.
Used for reading purposes only.
I've got perfect eyesight.
All the doctors remark on it.
[Alarm bell clanging]
Here they come.
[Alarm continues]
You got a defense
against an aerial holdup?
They're liable to start
coming at you someday
with a helicopter.
I'll tell ya something.
Nobody ever got away with
a heist on an armored truck
in 28 years.
As a matter of fact,
they don't even try anymore.
You hear that, pop?
The deal is off.
Holy smokes!
Is that you, thompson?
Are you comin'
back to work here?
Figured you guys needed a hand.
Holy smokes!
They're takin' thompson back.
Company's goin' to the dogs.
What do you wanna
sit around inside
these armored trucks for?
Take o'hearn.
He's got the jitters.
He goes out to catalina,
spends his two-week vacation
in a glass-bottomed boat...
so he can look out
four directions
at the same time.
Hey, walter.
How's the wife?
My wife? She's at the beach.
We took a place down at balboa.
See, she thinks she's run-down,
needs a change.
Actually, she likes
to take sunbaths.
All women are nuts
about gettin' sunburned.
I don't care. I indulge her.
I'm not picayune.
Steve, you used
to have a wife,
didn't you?
Whatever happened
to her? How is she?
Well, so long, pop,
and thanks a lot.
So long, fellas.
I'll see ya all soon.
So long.
Yeah, take it easy.
I certainly made no hit
with that crack about
his wife, did i?
Well, you know how it is.
He's divorced, but he's
still got her in his bones.
I guess it takes some time.
Oh, but it's all finished.
Now don't get me wrong.
He's all through with it.
There's no question about that.
That's just like you,
calling me up at my house from
a drugstore around the corner.
You're sore?
Keep eatin' that stuff,
you're gonna get
as fat as a horse.
Steve, i wanna
tell you something.
That fellow, dundee?
Slim dundee?
He just asked me for a date.
He just took me out, that's all.
Eat your lunch
these days?
Come on, steve.
Come on what?
You can be a nice guy
when you want to.
I don't think
you eat your lunch.
I think you still spend your money
on costume jewelry junk instead.
Just like old times.
What's like old times?
Bawling me out.
Only this time in front
of a drugstore counter.
I'm not sore because you
went out with somebody.
It's perfectly all right.
It's none of my business.
What do you expect me to do,
sit home and mope?
I didn't mean to do
anything wrong.
"I didn't mean
to do anything wrong."
Half the time you don't know
what you're doin'.
Trouble is you always know
what you want.
If you're
gonna get nasty.
Workin' these days?
I get jobs.
Department stores, selling.
What'd you want?
I mean, why'd you call me up?
- Do you have to ask?
- I don't know what you're talkin' about.
I made the first move, steve.
You don't have to be proud.
What's being proud
got to do with it?
Do you think i like
meeting you like this?
Don't you think
i know what went on
in your mother's mind...
when she heard
my voice on the phone?
Oh, steve, when i
sent you that letter,
and then when i saw you
back in town, i thought...
well, i hoped...
we'd get together again?
Yeah, steve.
Why not?
Take in the races, the shows?
Start goin' around again?
We could try,
couldn't we?
Maybe even
get married again.
It happens.
Lots of divorced people...
then we start fightin'
like cats and dogs.
The same old business all over again.
What's the use, anna? You know you.
We tried it once before.
It didn't work out.
Wait a minute.
I'm not blamin' you.
Maybe it was my fault.
Maybe it was nobody's fault.
Whatever it is, why don't we
let it go and call it a day.
Every time we get together,
there's nothing but trouble.
All right, steve.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, i know.
You're sorry.
So long.
Can't you see what
you're doin' runnin' around
with people like dundee?
Sooner or later,
he'll breakyour neck.
Thanks for taking an interest.
You're welcome.
Wait a minute.
- What?
- I got the day off saturday.
I'm goin' swimmin'.
Are you?
I'm goin' up
to azuma beach.
Azuma? Where's that?
Up the coast,
past malibu.
What's the difference
where it is?
You wanna go along?
Oh, sure, sure.
We'll fight on
the beach at azuma.
Don't get so funny.
I'm leavin' early.
For once in your life
you'll have to get up early.
Don't worry.
I can get up early.
Be ready at 6:00.
I'll be ready, steve.
You know i'll be ready.
Hello, mom.
Well, that's
a nice thing to do.
Make believe
you didn't catch me.
What are you all
excited about?
I'm goin' out.
You been goin' out every night
since you got back.
What happened?
Get yourself
a new girlfriend?
You're my girlfriend.
That's very sweet.
But i don't see you
taking me to the nightclubs
and to the movies lately.
You gotta wait your turn.
You know, steve,
you're a very nice-looking boy.
Out of all the girls
in los angeles,
why did you
have to pickon her?
Who? Anna.
Oh, do you think
you can fool me?
Don't i know why you came back
in the first place?
Don't worry, mom.
If i wasn't your mother,
i wouldn't worry.
She's all right.
She's just young.
Some ways she knows
more than einstein.
- You sit around watching me
like i was a ten-year-old kid.
- How old do you think you are?
I've voted for two
presidents already.
Aw, look, mom.
You don't understand.
What makes you think
i don't understand?
I understand.
A girl puts on a piece of silk,
and the next thing that happens
a young fellow like you is sure
he knows what he's doing.
You don't know
anything about her.
You had trouble
with her once, didn't you?
Let's forget it.
There's nothing
you can do anyway.
I spoke to pete.
Well, what can he do?
He's a detective.
Look. You, pete,
the whole los angeles
police department...
are not gonna do
anything about it.
I'll make my own decisions.
Better hurry. I got a date.
Well, hurry.
Make your own decisions.
Here, wipe your nose.
Hello, frank.
She here yet?
No, mr. Thompson.
You sure?
Oh, positive.
I'll wait down here
at the bar for her.
Well, now, here's a girl
you can always find
when you want her.
I don't think
i quite like that.
The innuendo.
I think i resent it.
Bad taste.
I beg your pardon.
But he won't need
the table tonight.
Why keep it for him?
I realize that,
but i don't know
how to tell him about it.
It's simple. Just say
i had to take the liberty.
Say i had to
give the table away.
But you don't understand.
He only just came in.
He don't know yet.
Nobody's told him.
Then tell him.
Tell him.
I should tell him?
What do you want me to do?
Get stuck with an empty table
on my hands all night?
Tell him
i took the liberty.
The average fellow,
just because a girl takes
a drink now and then,
right away
he jumps to conclusions,
won't treat her with respect.
Well, i treat everybody
with respect. I have to.
I'm on the public payrolls,
remember? I'm a checker.
Aw, get lost.
I didn't order this,
On the house,
mr. Thompson.
what's the occasion?
Have one with me.
I thought you fellas knew
all about this stuff and never touched it.
What's happened?
Oh, nothin', nothin'.
Only, you see,
i'm in sort of a spot.
Well, i guess it's up to me
to break the bad news.
You see, the headwaiter, well,
he went ahead and gave your table away.
Wait a minute! I want it!
I'm waitin' for her.
Where is that headwaiter?
That's just the point,
mr. Thompson.
I don't think she's going
to be here tonight.
That's why he took
the liberty.
You see, she went to yuma.
But you got it all balled up.
I'm meetin' her here.
I got a date!
I know it's something of a shock.
I could hardly believe it either, but...
she really did go to yuma, mr. Thompson.
You see...
[nervous chuckle]
Well... she got married.
I think what it must be,
nowadays a girl'll marry
anybody that asks them.
A man like slim dundee.
A man with
his known character.
I'm sorry about
that table,
mr. Thompson, but...
He kept on talkin',
I didn't hear a word of it.
I couldn't think.
So she went to yuma.
So she married slim dundee.
Of course.
He had all the dough,
and that's all she ever wanted.
I told myself,
"fine. It was a lucky break. '"
Probably the best thing
that ever happened to me.
I told myself that someday
i'd lookbackand realize it.
But i was wrong.
It was in the cards, and there
was no way of stopping it.
A month went by,
a second, a fourth.
It was all finished.
Done with. Water over the dam.
Only it wasn't.
You know how it is. You don't
know what to do with yourself.
You want to travel,
get away, anywhere.
Every place you go,
you see her face.
Half the girls you pass are her.
Did it ever happen to you?
If i hadn't been hangin'around
the union station that day,
if the clerkat the newsstand
hadn't picked that moment
to run out of cigarettes...
to reach down
for a fresh pack...
[car horn honking]
I just saw you leavin'.
You did?
You got on the train.
I saw you.
You and him both.
I just saw him off,
that was all.
Well, i can't stay.
Why not?
Vincent'll see us together.
Yeah, he's driving me home.
Might get
the wrong idea, huh?
That's right, he would.
He leave vincent
to keep an eye on you
while he was outta town?
If you wanna
put it that way.
Shame i can't stay.
What a shame.
[Car horn honking]
There he is. Don't turn.
Don't let him see you.
You don't have to worry.
He won't see me.
Thanks a lot.
Here i am, vincent.
I can't take ya home.
You can't?
They gotta drive the car up there,
meet him at las vegas.
I thought ya knew that,
didn't ya?
Yes, i did,
but it can wait, can't it?
He wants the car up there.
He wants it fast.
You know how he is.
Yes, i know.
You can take a cab.
All right.
There's a bunch of them
right over there.
All right, vincent.
I'll take a cab.
[Playing piano,
You smoke a lot, don't you?
You pass the time.
You happy?
Oh, i love it.
He gives you everything?
- You want me to go?
- Go. Don't go.
Anything you like.
I didn't think he was the kind
that married people.
Oh, he did. He did.
I take my hat
off to ya.
Yeah. Yeah, i'm a prize.
- Tramp.
- Tell me all about it.
Cheap, little no-good tramp!
Stick around.
You make it all so nice and sad.
Why did you do it?
You told me why.
Why? Why did you do it?
Your mother, your brother,
your whole family.
And your lovely friend, ramirez!
You didn't know.
What did he do?
Told me to stay
away from you!
He was afraid i was poison.
He told me to get out of
los angeles and stay out.
How could he do that?
He said if i didn't,
he'd run me in every time he saw me.
He said he'd frame me.
Frame you?
That's right. Send me
to the women's prison
at tehachapi.
He wanted me up there
with the rest of them,
my hair cut short,
wearing striped cotton,
digging potatoes
and working in the factories.
I don't believe you.
Ask him.
Go and ask him.
He brought me
down to headquarters.
Sent two men in plain clothes.
Why didn't you
come to me?
Because i was sick
and tired of running
after you all the time.
Begging you.
"Please, steve! Please, please,
don't get sore, steve."
Because i was sick of you,
your mother and your
wonderful friend, ramirez.
Because every day you were away,
slim was after me.
You didn't know that, did you?
Slim always wanted me.
Always wanted to give me
everything. And i got sick
and tired of being a fool!
I got fed up and didn't care!
Oh, steve!
What happened?
How did it happen?
How did i get all mixed up?
I didn't know, anna.
I didn't know.
I'm scared.
They'd kill us.
Kill us!
I can't even sleep.
Look, the way he treats me.
oh, steve!
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
What do ya say,
mr. Thompson?
I'm perfectly all right, frank.
Nothing for you to worry about.
You know, you came in
You been sittin' there
stewin' all by yourself.
You been beltin' that stuff
into you since 9:00, 10:00.
That's not good, mr. Thompson.
That's not like you.
Mr. Thompson, don't you
think you've had enough?
Don't you think
you're outta line?
Yeah, i guess so.
Don't you think you oughta
mind your own business?
I'm sorry. My error.
All right.
Bighearted joker!
Too many bighearted jokers
around here.
Bad day at the races?
How did you guess?
No kidding.
Did i hit it right?
Right on the head.
I can size a person up
like that.
You know everything too.
Is that it?
I didn't quite say that.
See, everybody's got their
own individual problem.
I can always spot it.
You people got a gift.
Well, i call it
intuition, rather.
Size frank up for me.
Hey, what is this, anyway,
an inquisition?
Go ahead.
You're a sizer-upper.
Size him up for me.
What's his problem?
Fallen arches.
Say, what are you
getting at anyway?
You got nothin' to worry about.
You know everything.
- I didn't say that.
- You people got intuition.
Look, mister, i'm sorry
you lost at the races.
I know what it's like myself,
but you shouldn't bet if you
can't afford to lose!
I'll bet anything
i like.
Gosh, what have i
said now?
And i'll bet
anytime i like.
Say, what do you think
you're doin'?
Nothing. Nothing.
Slow down, mr. Thompson.
This isn't like you at all.
It's about time
somebody did something
about you nosy jokers.
Please don't make a commotion.
It's all right, frank.
I'll handle it.
Well, the lieutenant.
I had to phone him,
mr. Thompson.
That's perfectly all right.
You needed a pal, the way
you were beltin' it in.
That's all right.
It's all right.
We're always glad
to see the lieutenant.
Matter of fact, i got a question
i want to ask the lieutenant.
Come on, steve.
Did you see anna?
This is no time...
did you go and have
a little talk?
Not now.
Let's go.
No. I wanna know.
Is it true?
Steve, how it happened.
Your mother...
never mind my mother.
Did you tell anna
to get outta town?
Did you say you'd
send her to tehachapi?
Yes, i did.
I said it. It's true.
Was that nice,
tryin' to throw a scare into a girl,
tryin' to bluff her?
I wasn't bluffing.
I meant it.
Oh, you meant it.
Well, now, that's fine,
lieutenant. Sincere.
I wanna thank the lieutenant.
[Customers murmuring]
Come on, steve.
I'll take you home now.
You'll take me no place.
You done me enough favors.
Frank, tell 'em
the show's over.
Come on, boys. You heard
what the lieutenant said.
Come on. Get back.
You saw her.
You're going
to keep on seeing her.
- I told you to stay out of it.
- I tell ya, i'm not wrong.
I tell ya, i know it
when i see a bad one.
Do i have to sock ya again?
Okay, let it go.
- But leave that girl alone.
- You're gonna try to stop me?
He'll stop you.
Don't you see that?
Dundee. He'll get you.
He'll throw a knife into you.
I can handle him.
Get away from me.
You don't use your head.
You don't know
what i'm talkin' about.
You don't hear me.
Hear me, steve.
I hear ya!
I'm not drunk, i'm sober.
Cold sober!
I'm gonna see anna.
I'm gonna see her
anytime that i want.
I'm gonna do anything
i please,
and you and dundee
and nobody else is gonna
tell me what to do.
Anna. What is it?
You gotta hide.
You gotta do something
quick, today.
What happened?
He's on his way back.
He's gonna go looking for you.
How do you know?
He found out.
He must've.
The crazy chances we took
being seen together.
Steve, we were crazy.
When is he
coming back?
I don't know.
Tonight. Tomorrow.
You gotta hurry!
I'm not leavin' ya.
Oh, steve, please.
Look, there's one thing sure.
You're not staying with him.
Oh, forget about me.
I don't care what happens to me.
I'll go to him.
I'll tell him.
Tell him what?
To let you go.
What's the matter with you?
Don't you think i've talked
to him a hundred times?
You don't know him
the way i do.
You don't know the people
he's got around him.
He'll kill you. He's got ways.
The minute he sees you...
stop it! We'll work it out.
We'll... we'll go away together.
Where? How?
Where can we go?
We've got no money.
Don't you understand?
We haven't got a cent!
He'll always find us.
You go up to the house
at palos verdes.
What for?
Stay there. Wait for me.
I'll clear it up here.
You can't!
I'll find a way.
I've got to.
[Door closing]
What was that?
Refrigerator door.
Why don't you come down
and join us?
You don't mind it, do ya?
Our helping ourselves, i mean.
Hello, baby.
You know, uh,
it don't look right.
You can't exactly say
it looks right now, can you?
I asked her to come here.
I wanted to reach you.
I wanted to talk to you.
Oh. So it was me
all the time.
Between you and i,
i had it all wrong.
So it's not the way
it looks, is it, baby?
- No, it's not the way it looks.
- That's right, slim.
Just like he says.
He wanted to talk to you.
You were out of town,
so i said i'd come over.
You really wanted
to see me?
Tell me now, stevie,
what kind of business could you
and i possibly have together?
Well, why come to me?
'Cause you're
the only crooks i know.
Is that polite?
Is it hospitable?
Tell me, stevie.
What kind of a job is this
you need crooks?
- Where i work.
- [slim] where you work?
Armored trucks.
What are ya talkin' about?
You can't hijack
an armored truck!
It can't be done.
You know it can't be done.
It can be done.
If you have
an inside man.
Picturesque, ain't it?
Down the hall
to the right. 113.
What are we meeting here for?
Who lives here?
Finchley? Gee whiz,
i thought he was dead.
But why do we all
have to go to him?
When they're the top men
in their line, you go to them.
Hello, finchley.
I'm glad to see ya.
I mean it.
I thought you was dead.
they're all waiting.
A lunatic idea.
I told you.
Won't go near it.
Wouldn't be bothered.
Finchley, there's a month's
credit for you at conrad's
liquor store on hill st.
I'm going out this evening.
A previous engagement.
We can't go ahead
without you.
You're top man!
Relax. It'll take
just a minute.
He'll come around.
You don't like the whole thing,
call it off!
I'm not taking any short count.
I figured it all out.
It's a two-way split.
One for you, one for me.
Cut your half
any way you like.
In a pig's eye.
Can you work it
without me?
You know i can't.
Let's get this straight
before we start.
This is the way i want it:
That boy is no fool.
He's got cards in spades.
Don't worry.
There'll be plenty left
for all of you.
Slim, he's right.
You're the boss man.
Any way you want it.
Where's finchley?
Why don't you go see
what's holdin' him up?
Just a minute, slim.
You know finch.
You can't rush him.
Slim, why do i have to stay here?
Why don't i go to a movie?
What do you wanna go
to a movie for?
Don't you wanna stick around?
Doesn't this interest ya?
Sit down.
Come on.
Hurry him up.
Here he comes.
Walt talked him into it.
Just dropped by to tell you
you're wasting your time.
We know all that, finchley.
Come on. Let's go to work.
Believe me, i know more
about the armored truck
business than you do.
You'd be surprised.
I work for them.
Indeed. Indeed.
Now, that certainly makes
an interesting problem,
doesn't it?
You think you can lay it out
for us, finchley?
What have you in mind?
The bliss company
At san rafelo?
That's right.
Very interesting.
What's so interesting about it?
You're on the coast
at san rafelo.
There's only one highway available to you
until you pass the bridge.
Don't you see how that
complicates your getaway?
I don't think that's so wonderful;
i think it's rotten.
Give me the road map.
Hmm, that'll take
some doing.
I suggest that you
send out for sandwiches,
or what you will.
It is definitely settled,
the arrangement down
at conrad's? Hmm?
Paid for.
All been paid for.
Thank you.
Take these cigarette
butts off the table.
Can't stand the stink of'em.
How long's your run?
Forty minutes.
What time do you leave?
on the dot.
[Cable car bell dinging]
Who's your chemical man?
[Chattering quietly]
What's your experience?
I know my stuff.
Can you get
what's needed?
I can put my hands on it.
You sure?
He makes it!
He's a registered druggist.
What's that?
I can't read it.
I thought you said
you knew your business.
Thompson, you're lookin'
for something?
Ran out of cigarettes.
Take my pack.
Who's your getaway man?
I got a ferrari motor in my job.
I can take anything out.
I wouldn't handle
the money that way.
Mine's the fastest heap
there is. I can do 114.
No, i'd use
the slowest vehicle
to take the money out.
The very slowest.
Something that nobody
would suspect.
- An ice cream wagon, say.
- Hmm, that's a new wrinkle.
An ice cream wagon.
How can it miss?
Here. Take a drink.
You deserve it.
When i'm finished.
In the roubel ice factory
holdup years ago,
they knocked off an armored
truck for 427,950 dollars.
But the cops caught 'em,
every one.
They're all dead now.
Electric chair, everything.
Yeah, i realize.
But 400 grand!
[Chattering continues,
Where's anna?
Just stepped outside
for a paper.
You're gonna need
a cover story.
Why do we need
a cover story?
For the getaway.
I told you,
that's the ticklish part,
the most intricate.
That's where you'll need
the oil truck.
A big one? What for?
To stall at the proper time
and block the bridge.
Oh, jam the truck sideways,
right across the road.
That'll give your people
a bit of a head start
for the getaway.
Trouble is, there's radio nowadays.
Two-way radio.
Now, what are you going to tell 'em
if they find you up ahead, hmm?
What's your story?
I'm takin' a trip...
to detroit.
Up along the coast,
by way of san francisco.
But really go there.
Advertise it.
Let the cops downtown
put it on their teletype
so that everybody knows.
We'll pass the word around
and then give a big party
the night before.
Good. Good.
Do you understand?
Steve, steve.
You're going
to palos verdes.
I wanna cry.
I wanna cry.
Go up to the house
and wait for me.
I wish
we'd never met.
It's done and settled.
It's the only way.
I wish you'd
never seen me.
You'll stay there.
You'll wait for me.
It'll take time to get away.
They'll hold me,
ask me questions.
But stay there,
and don't worry.
You gotta hand it
to the old man.
Now, is the new bridge
up there all finished?
Who checked the highways?
What about the detours?
There you are.
There you have it.
The way i understand it,
there'll be no shooting.
No shooting whatever.
No matter how it goes,
i don't want nothin' to happen
to the old man that's with me.
Is that understood?
You're the boss man.
Anything else
you'd like, boss?
Yes. Who handles
the payoff?
What's the matter?
You worried because
i'll be in detroit?
Don't tell me
you don't trust me.
That hurt your feelings?
No. Anything you like.
Who do you want?
Him? Him?
Pick anyone.
I don't care.
What about her?
I don't know
any of the boys.
Okay, let it be her.
Is that okay with you?
I can handle anna.
When you get that
ice cream wagon back to town,
give the money to her.
It's a deal, then.
It's all set.
It's all set.
That's the ticket.
That's the ticket.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
This is it now.
The payoff.
Nothing will stop it.
Another five minutes
and we'll cross the bridge.
Another five minutes to san rafelo,
to vincent and the ice cream wagon,
to the rest of them.
Another five minutes to go.
Steve, there's a car tailin' us.
It's your imagination.
No. Big black car.
Swung out as we passed.
Lots of black cars
on the road.
Let her out, steve.
What for?
Open 'er up. Let's see
if they stay with us.
All right.
I don't know what's
the matter with me.
Getting jittery.
Take it easy, pop.
I'll be glad
when this run's over.
Another four minutes.
There they go:
Walt, mort, midget.
The oil truck.
On the nose.
Perfect timing.
[Chattering, indistinct]
[Alarm sounding,
horn blowing]
[Coughing continues]
[Siren approaching]
[Whistle blowing]
[Sirens wailing]
Here, son.
Here i am, steve.
[Mrs. Thompson]
He's coming out of it,
He'll be kind of rocky
for a while, mrs. Thompson.
Why don't you all
come back in the morning?
He'll feel more
like seeing you then.
You're a mighty
lucky fellow, thompson.
You know that?
How's pop?
You're all right, steve.
Don't worry about your arm.
The doctor says
it's going to be fine,
just as good as new.
Holy smokes, steve.
If you only saw
the newspapers.
How's pop?
[Mrs. Thompson]
Not now, steve.
You did your best.
You can't blame yourself.
We're proud of you.
Pop's dead.
What more could you have done?
You fought them off,
you saved half the payroll.
It's in the papers.
"Quarter million
armored car holdup."
And here's your picture.
You're a hero.
"Steve thompson, now in
the angel of mercy hospital,
saves half of payroll,
foils perfect crime."
He'll be all right.
Hejust fainted.
Why don't you all come back
in the morning?
Hello, pete.
Lieutenant, steve.
You were in with them.
You were part of it.
Is that why you came up here?
To pull me in? Book me?
They don't hijack
armored trucks, steve.
It can't be done.
They know it can't be done,
not unless they've got an angle.
You were that angle.
What do you want me to do,
give myself up?
Put up my other hand?
They used you.
They took you.
Who did?
Slim, anna.
You worked for
the armored trucks.
They had to have an inside man.
You were it.
You were the inside man.
You've got it all figured out,
haven't you?
Yeah, i figured it out.
Go ahead.
Keep talkin'.
You still haven't said anything.
You're no crook, steve.
You weren't born
for a holdup.
I don't get it.
How did they ever get you
in on this deal?
What did she do,
make you promises?
Were you gonna
run away together?
What kind of a stunt
did they pull on you?
Did they get you into a tight corner
where there was no other way out?
Tell the truth, steve.
Didn't they workyou
for the prize sucker
of all time?
Shut up.
You don't know what
you're talkin'about.
Get your stupid cop's face
outta here.
You don't believe me.
You thinki'm wrong.
I'll tell you something
that might interest you.
Slim isn't dead.
You didn't kill him.
He got away.
What about it?
So he's alive.
What are you driving at?
Just this, chump: ;
if she double-crossed you,
if she's with slim now,
then you're all right.
A smashed shoulder,
a crippled arm,
forty bucks a month pension,
a thousand-dollar bonus.
But if she's on the level with you,
if she double-crossed slim,
if she's really
waiting for you somewhere,
then he'll get you.
Never forget that.
You see that door?
He'll send a gunman for you
right through that door.
And he'll get you!
Get out!
You got nothin' on me.
You can't prove a thing.
So you still think i'm wrong, huh?
What do you want me to do,
put a pair of police guards
outside the door?
She's with slim.
Get out!
I should've been
a better friend.
I should've stopped you.
I should've grabbed you by the neck;
i should've kicked your teeth in.
I'm sorry, steve.
I'm sorry.
Well, here we are,
mr. Thompson.
How are you comin' along?
Going to go dancing with your arm
up in the air like that?
Eh, you're my last customer.
I'll get you settled down
for the night,
and then i'm off duty.
Butjust think.
Isn't it terrible?
I have to go all the way
out to monrovia, ;
a barbecue at my friend's
house in monrovia.
Say, you don't know
how lucky you really are.
Nurse. Nurse, would you
do something for me?
Would you raise my bed?
Oh, mr. Thompson,
that's not the idea at all.
You don't want to
move that arm.
Lift me up. Please.
Well, all right,
seeing that you're a hero.
Can't refuse a hero.
And up we go.
Now how's that?
High enough?
That's fine. Thanks.
Now, then,
you've got to do something
for me in return.
I brought you some pills
and i want you to take them.
They'll let you sleep tonight.
Just a minute.
Who's that man
out in the hall?
What's he doing here?
Oh. Oh, a visitor.
Just a visitor.
Poor man!
He's taking it so hard.
He's so devoted.
He's been sitting there for hours.
His wife, she was hurt
in an automobile accident.
He hasn't left her
for a minute.
He's from bakersfield.
His name is nelson.
W-would you ask him
to come in here?
I want to talk to him.
Well, uh...
all right.
Mr. Nelson.
Uh, mr. Nelson!
Will you come here a minute?
I hear your wife
was in an accident.
Oh, yes.
I'll never forget it
as long as i live.
I'll never forgive myself.
You see, i was doing
the driving at the time.
It had to be her, only her!
It couldn't be me!
I didn't even get a scratch.
I'm sickabout it.
[Nurse] mr. Nelson,
you mustn't reproach yourself.
That's foolish.
And your wife's going to
be perfectly all right.
Do you know who he is?
Did you see
the evening papers?
Steve thompson.
He's famous.
We often get
famous patients.
Oh, is that so?
That's certainly nice,
ain't it?
Now, then,
here's your nightcap.
Drink it up and you'll get
a good night's sleep.
Not now.
It's just the pills.
Leave it there.
I'll drink it later.
Oh, all right.
I've got to hurry.
Monrovia. Barbecue.
Now, if you want anything,
just press the buzzer.
And don't forget
to take your pills, hmm?
Good night.
Good night, mr. Nelson.
Good night.
Can i get you anything?
That table is a little
out of reach, isn't it?
[Table rolling]
What have you got there?
My... my order book.
My sales route.
You see, i'm from bakersfield.
I got a wholesale
hardware business.
What's the matter?
Nothing. I'm just a little nervous.
You understand.
Forget it.
Oh, sure.
I can realize.
Well, i guess i'd better
be gettin' back to my wife.
No, don't!
Don't go.
Mr. Nelson, could l...
could i ask you...
would you do something
for me? A big favor?
Anything you want.
Close that door.
The door?
Would you stay here
with me?
Would you sit in that chair
and watch the door?
If anyone comes,
don't let 'em in.
If you hear anyone coming,
would you wake me up?
Would you do that?
Well... i don't think
i exactly know...
i'd be very grateful
if you'd do that.
I want somebody to stay with me.
Would you do that for me, please?
Would you?
Of course.
[Bell tolling]
Come on, thompson.
I waited.
I got your clothes.
You're comin' with me.
- Where?
- Slim wants to see you.
Wants to find out
where the money is,
where anna is. Come on.
You can't get me out of here.
You can't do a thing to me.
Not a thing.
[Cord drops on ground]
[Steve groaning]
You're driving me
to slim?
Do you hear me?
What's he paying you?
Two hundred? Five?
Take me where i want to go
and i'll give you 10,000.
Ten grand.
Are you listenin'?
What are you afraid of?
What difference does it make who pays you?
What can go wrong?
Can i cross you?
How can i cross you?
You worried about slim?
Don't be a sap.
He's a dead man.
Cops are after him.
Do you hear me?
This is a big chance
for you.
Ten grand.
It's a lot of dough,
but i got it.
You know i got it.
Come on. Be smart.
Take me where i want to go.
Ten grand.
Ten grand.
Anna, you're here.
I knew it.
I knew all the time
everything would be
all right.
Who is he, steve?
Give him ten thousand.
Pay him off.
Pay him, anna,
and let's get rid ofhim.
Don't shut the door.
Keep the door open.
Here's your money.
I didn't know
what to think.
[Door closes]
They got their hands
on the money,
then they started shootin'.
Suddenly out of nowhere,
the whole crazy thing
blew up in my face.
[Car driving away]
I knew they'd double-cross me,
slim and the rest of them.
But i didn't care, anna.
It meant nothing so long
as i could count on you.
Pete said you were part of it,
that you were in on it
with slim from the start.
That dumb cop.
He had it all figured out.
Who was that man,
That man.
How did you get away?
Tell me!
Who was that man?
Oh, he came to the hospital.
Slim sent him.
It's all right.
He's got his money.
We're through with him.
You think we're through.
Don't you see?
Don't you know
what's gonna happen?
He's on his way back to slim.
He'll tell slim where i am
right this minute.
Don't worry about slim.
I talked to pete.
The cops'll pickhim up
the minute he shows his face.
I have to get away.
You don't know what you've done
bringing him here.
I have to pack.
I have to hurry.
You're going away?
You're gonna leave me? Here?
How far could i get with you?
What kind of a chance
would we have?
You can't move.
You couldn't last a day!
Don't you understand?
You need help, doctors.
You could never make it.
What do you want me to do?
Let him get us both?
Would that make you feel happier?
Does that make sense to you?
No. Not anymore.
Why did you have to come here
in the first place? Why? Why?
It was all working out.
Everything was fine.
Papers said you'd be
in the hospital for weeks!
All those things
you said to me...
you weren't lying.
I know you meant it.
You love me.
Love, love!
You have to watch out
for yourself.
That's the way it is.
What do you want me to do,
throw away all this money?
You always have to do
what's best for yourself.
That's the trouble with you.
It always was, from the beginning.
You just don't know
what kind of a world it is.
Well, i'll know better next time.
People get hurt!
I can't help it!
I can't help it if people don't know
how to take care of themselves.
I'm sorry i can't be like you.
I'm not like you.
I wasn't born that way.
Yes, you're right.
I am different.
I never wanted the money.
I just wanted you.
After we split up,
i used to walk the streets
in strange cities at night.
I used to think about you.
I just wanted to hold you in my arms,
to take care of you.
It could've been wonderful,
but it didn't work out.
What a pity it didn't work out.
I'm sorry.
I can't help it.
I'm sorry.
[Car approaching]
Steve! Steve!
I figured you'd bribe nelson
to take you to anna.
You always wanted her,
didn't you, thompson?
You really loved her.
You know, i did too.
But you won out, thompson.
You've got her.
She's all yours now.
Hold her.
Hold her tight.
[Three gunshots]
[Sirens wailing in distance]
[Sirens continue, louder]