Crocodile Swarm (2023) Movie Script
That's it, babe, nearly got it.
Christ, you're taking your time, Cindy.
Come on, girl, straight legs.
I'm trying.
Go on.
Nearly there.
What do you mean, bounce?
You just gotta keep
bouncing, babe, just bounce.
Yeah, that's it, yeah.
Just a bit of a bounce, yeah?
All right.
All right, I got it.
Christ Almighty,
you're taking your time, aren't you?
I'm gonna catch you in five seconds.
The eagle has landed.
- Woo!
- She's in.
If we don't find anything down here,
I swear I'm gonna lose my shit.
All right, lets keep our eyes pealed
for a lighting system.
This place has been left
for the last few weeks
but everything's
supposedly still rigged up.
So let's keep a look out for that.
Makes it a lot more simple
than using these things.
All right, let's drop our
stuff and then go that way.
This lighting situation needs to change.
Can barely see.
Christ Almighty, they said this,
this thing was set up somewhere.
Now this looks promising to me.
It looks like a normal setup.
Color coded.
You know, I'm somewhat of a
magician, myself, as well,
might I add.
You know, I've got one of
the oldest tricks in the book
that I'd love to show you right now.
If I do a little three, two, one.
Oh shit, well done.
Yeah, that'll keep us
better for a while, eh?
What do you reckon this gold's worth?
Enough to sort us out for awhile.
You actually think it's here?
I do.
Holy shit.
This is it, right?
This is where it's meant to be?
X marks the spot and all that.
sorry, I thought I heard something.
Fucking bats scared the shit out of me.
So, what do we do from here?
What's going on?
We're not exactly here for the riches.
Will someone just tell
me what's happening?
Will you marry me?
Well don't leave me hanging like this.
Yes, yes, of course, yes!
I didn't expect it.
Did you all know about this?
What was that?
Where did Faith go?
She went over there.
Shit, maybe she fell in the water.
- Faith?
- I can't see anything.
What if she's in there?
Morgs, hurry!
I think I can hear her.
Go, go, go!
Come on, come on, let's go, come on!
Come on, go, go, go, go.
Keep going, keep going,
keep going, keep going.
Keep going.
Oh, shit.
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy?
Are you safe?
Guys, come on now!
Cindy, go!
Move, Cindy, move!
No, don't jump!
Come on, keep pulling!
Keep going!
Just go!
One at a time!
Where is she?
She's with her friends.
She'll be back any day now.
But where is she now?
She was meant to be here a few days ago.
You said.
I know, I know.
Just give it a bit more time, okay?
She'll be back.
You've spoken to her?
Hey, hey.
did I wake you?
No, it's all good.
Nothing to worry about.
What's up?
I tried calling her and
she's still not answering.
Mom keeps asking me where she is.
I don't know.
I've called her a bunch of times and
with everything that's
going on with Mom, I just...
You said her boyfriend
was gonna surprise her.
I was just thinking maybe,
maybe they just got
carried away or something.
She wouldn't forget to call me.
She just,
she just wouldn't, she knows
what's going on with Mom.
She knows.
Sorry, I was just going
through the scenarios.
Look, she doesn't turn up by the AM,
we'll give the police a call
and see if they can get involved.
Yeah, you're right.
We should.
Look, try and get some sleep,
I'll be around first thing.
I love you.
I love you too.
Sleep well.
Yes, yes, I know, but something is wrong.
I know something is wrong.
I haven't heard from her in
days and then she rings at...
Well, no, she didn't ring back but...
Yeah, but at the same time but...
Look, I know my sister, okay?
My mom, she's sick and she wouldn't.
Yep, okay.
He didn't listen to a
fucking word I was saying.
They won't send anyone to look for her?
Said if I don't hear from her in 24 hours,
I should try again.
That's ridiculous.
What am I supposed to do now?
She wouldn't do this with Mom being sick.
a sound.
Try and get some sleep.
I'm going to the caves tomorrow.
I just can't wait.
You can't go into the caves, Sam.
Firstly, they're not safe,
and second, it's illegal.
Yes, I just can't wait anymore.
with all due respect,
they should never have gone into the caves
in the first place.
They've been shut for months, Christ.
There's not even a safety
check since they've been shut.
That's exactly why I have to go.
If she's down there
and she needs me,
I just,
I can't lose her as well.
Well, you're not going alone.
So they absolutely went in,
which could be how they got
injured, if they got injured.
So I don't think we should do that.
But there is another entrance.
We can swim under the cave.
And I also found a guy with the boat.
He's willing to drop us
off and pick us up tonight.
Why don't you take the rest
of the stuff in the car?
I'll meet you out there.
Yeah, okay.
I'm gonna bring her back.
Okay, Mom?
I'm gonna bring back Cara.
And the lovely lady, Carol,
she'll look after you
while I'm gone, okay?
We'll be back.
I love you.
I won't be long, okay?
Sure thing.
I'll update you if you need it.
Thank you.
Hello, deary.
I'll give you a tablet, okay?
Oh my God, what are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
You didn't think we'd let
you go on your own, did you?
Nice to see you again.
How you doing, bro?
All right, mate.
this is dangerous, you know.
Are you sure?
Ah, it's fine.
We offered.
I know the mines pretty well from work.
Yeah, Sam, if Cara needs us in any way,
we have to go get her.
I mean, fuck the police
for not doing a search.
We're gonna go do this ourselves.
- Yeah, okay.
- No questions asked.
I had nothing to do with this.
They wanted to do this on their own.
Yeah, let's go get your sister.
I don't know what to say.
Come on.
Let's go.
You must be Sam.
I've been trying to call you.
Sorry, sorry, yeah, I'm Sam.
The signal was really rocky.
Yeah, I began to fear
you were a no show.
No, no, absolutely not.
I thought you said you were discreet.
Oh, no, no, these are fine, honestly.
It won't get out that you helped us.
These mines, what is it
you are doing in there?
My sister, she went
missing a few days ago
and we haven't heard from her.
The police won't send a team out there.
I need to find her.
You must be cautious in those caves.
They are closed off for a reason.
They aren't safe.
I take you out on my boat.
Around the side of the caves,
you'll swim out.
Your safety is your own issue, yes?
I will be back after
exactly eight hours.
You must be there.
I will wait maximum one hour, yes?
Okay, okay, we'll be there.
Payment must be in cash.
Yeah, yeah, 300 fine?
I want no trouble.
I help you but you must keep it discreet.
I will get the boat ready.
Let's go.
You do not have far to go.
Just swim towards that rocky area
and under there you
will find the entrance.
There is a large open clearing.
You will have instant access
to the mining systems.
Okay, everybody, hey,
listen up.
I told your friend here already
that I will be back by 7PM,
I will not stay longer than one hour.
Okay, make sure to make a
note of how to get back,
as those caves are like a maze.
No fear, my man.
I used to work the mines
when they were running.
We got this.
Good luck then.
What were these tunnels
originally used for?
A company believed that they
were great riches down here,
so they funded a mission
to send a group down here
to retrieve the gold.
But the company went bankrupt
just a few months into its works.
The whole place was shut
down overnight and left.
So we could find some
gold down here too.
it should be pretty safe down here, right?
I mean, if they were workers.
I mean, the biggest
threat is the darkness.
If you take one wrong step
and you can end up with
a broken neck or worse.
We need to get us the hell out of here.
What about Cindy?
Cindy was making sound.
We need to be more cautious.
They're everywhere.
We got this, all right?
Nothing is gonna happen to us.
I'm not gonna go in there.
You can't go in there.
You see that small boat over there?
We'll make our way over to it.
Get ourselves over to that wall,
ab sail up it slowly, quietly.
- No.
- Yes.
No, no, there's so many of them.
They'll get you, they'll get us,
we're not gonna go in there.
This is the only way.
So where do we start?
I think we keep to the main
trail, we go along there,
stick together always.
We should be able to lap
this place at least twice
if we pick up the pace.
Hey, look, guys,
I don't wanna be that person
but it's kind of freaking me out.
Us all, you know, being in here
and I'm totally in full support of this,
I want this to happen.
I just,
would you mind if I wait
back at the entrance?
Are you sure, Mindy?
We're gonna be a couple
hours in here at least.
Yeah, no, I signed up to this
and I'm totally okay on my own,
I just didn't know I'd
feel so weird in here.
It's probably best to have
someone waiting back there,
just in case anything were to happen.
Yeah, Mindy, it's all good.
You want us to walk you back there?
No, no, it's fine.
It's not far.
It's just right back down
there, take a left, right?
That's right.
Shouldn't be more than 10 minutes.
Hey, I'm sorry.
No, no, it's fine, honestly.
I get it, it's fucking creepy in here.
You go back.
It's a good idea anyway.
You know, just in case you get lost
and we need that boat
guide to come get us.
It's fine.
I hope you find your
sister, Sam, I really do.
Thanks, Mindy.
We'll see you soon, yeah?
All right, let's get going.
All right, I'm going in.
Please, please don't go.
be back in no time.
All right, I'll see you in a few.
Be careful, please.
What was that?
Someone could be here.
Help could be here.
Right, you see something,
you see anything,
shout me.
It's all right.
He's just checking us out.
Where did it go?
Come back to me, please.
Come back, come back, please!
So how long did you
work down here for, Don?
Wasn't it long before
it all got shut down.
Used to work as a foreman
when the company was in full swing.
Then that didn't last for too long.
Sorry, what's a foreman?
It's a fancy word for someone
who essentially manages people.
Sorry, ignore my construction today.
Was their main focus to find the riches?
The company behind it
believed that down here
there were richest to be discovered.
What do you think?
I think we barely got a chance
of giving it a proper look.
do you think my sister's okay?
I think it's really easy
to get lost down here,
especially in the dark.
The worrying thing is not
being able to see to well
when there's sudden drops.
Realistically, I think we need
to be prepared for the worst.
But it's only been a few days,
so let's all hope for the best
and that the gang just got lost.
All right?
Sorry, guys, I think,
I think we took a wrong turn somewhere.
This isn't where we should be headed.
Here, let me take a look.
I thought they would've headed there.
- Okay.
- It's the main point.
What you'd see if you searched it online,
I mean if that boyfriend
brought her here to propose,
it's the most likely place, but we're...
Yeah, let's go over here.
Guys, I don't mean to be...
I'm just a bit worried we're wasting time.
Hey, don't worry.
Won't take long to get back on track.
Hey, hey.
Everything's gonna be
okay, you know that, right?
Just, I have to get on the right path
and we need to find her, okay?
What he said is really
messing with my head.
I just, what if she's falling down a hole
or she's waiting for me.
We've gotta find her, we've
gotta find her now, please.
I get that, but just deep breaths, okay?
Deep breaths, we're gonna be okay.
Just take it easy.
Where's Don?
Where'd he go?
I didn't see him leave.
Bloody hell.
Oh, what's this?
That's Cara's...
That's Cara's phone.
Come on, we're gonna keep moving.
What the hell, Don?
Sorry, I didn't mean to.
You scared me to death.
Guess we found the way they came in.
They were here.
Oh my fucking God.
Cara, you fucking genius.
How much is this worth?
If this is right,
there's a shit-load of
cash in these rocks.
I just got this feeling in my stomach
that something awful's happened to them.
I feel like they're not gonna come back.
Guys, please.
We're here for my sister
and you're fucking,
I don't believe you!
My sister, she's in here and she needs me.
Can't you understand that?
That is so much more important right now.
We'll find her, it's
gonna be absolutely fine.
I feel sick.
No, no, no, she's left her
bags here, she's gonna be fine.
But her fucking
- coat is here...
- She'll come back.
- She's been here for days.
- She'll, calm down.
Calm down.
This place must be living with them.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
What the hell?
What the fuck?
Here, get back here!
Go, quick!
What the fuck?
What the fuck just happened?
Jesus Christ.
Yeah, but how did they get in here?
This place has been
shut down for a long time.
They must have got in
here the same way we did.
There were two of them.
There must be more.
Yeah, the place could be infested but
they've been in here a long time.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Fuck, my sister.
Look, we need to focus on finding Mindy.
I'm sorry, Sam, we need
to get out of here.
We can contact the authorities.
No, no, she's here.
No, we'll contact the authorities.
No, no.
we are gonna get some people, okay,
who can come back and
handle the situation, okay?
I promise you.
Come on, let's go.
We've gotta go.
Keep moving, guys.
It's so dark in here.
They must've shut the power
down in this section too.
Shit, that was the
system, we can't see again.
Oh, shit.
There's more gold down here.
if we hear anything, we
need to alert each other.
Crocs have a way of communicating.
If you hear anything, just freeze.
No, we need the light.
Crocs hunt as well in the
day as they do in the night.
Could be detrimental without it.
Come on, we need to move.
Guys, wait,
we can't just leave this.
It's fucking gold, I mean, come on.
We need to keep moving.
How much?
Let's find out.
No, Mike.
At least if you're
gonna go, take a flare.
You got 60 seconds to get across there.
Grab as much as you can.
I don't believe you.
People come down here to get gold.
Get your flare on.
Stay still, Lily.
Oh my God!
We gotta go, we gotta go!
Come on, come on!
Mike, where are you?
Mike, Mike, please come!
Come back, Mike!
It's okay.
Cara, oh my God, oh my God.
I didn't think I'd see you again.
You came for me.
Get down, get down.
Help me.
Cara, come on.
Cara, what's wrong, what's
wrong, what's wrong?
It's okay, it's okay,
you're okay, you're okay.
Who did you come with?
My friends.
Where are they?
I lost Mike
They got Lily.
We were running and we saw a
fucking nest of those things.
We got split up and I found you.
I'm so sorry.
No, Cara, no.
Really, this is all my fault.
Listen to me, listen to me.
I'm gonna find Mike, I'm gonna get help.
This is not your fault.
None of this is your fault, okay?
What, what, what is it?
They got...
They got Morgan.
Okay, okay, okay, listen,
you're gonna put all of this
rage and all of this fear
into getting out of here.
For him,
and for them.
We survive this, okay?
Listen, we survive this.
We're gonna survive this.
Come on, let's go, it's time, come on.
Is Mom okay?
She's been asking about you.
I miss her so much.
You know you never look
them in the eye, right?
You know that.
If you look them in the eye,
they take it as if
you're challenging them,
squaring up to them.
Mike, Mike, it's Mike.
What is he doing?
Oh, shit.
Oh my God.
He needs to get out, he needs to get out.
There's one of the now.
Oh my God, oh my God.
He needs to be really quiet,
otherwise they're all gonna come for him.
He needs to get out.
Holy shit.
Oh shit, this is their nesting area.
Oh my God.
They're going to the nesting area.
It's okay, it's okay.
He's gonna get out of here.
He needs to get out
and we need to go
straight to the entrance.
- Mike.
- Mike.
Through here.
No, no.
We need to find out where we are.
How many are alive down here?
They're all dead.
All of them.
We're the only ones.
Mindy's gone.
Look, we gotta take the
passage way back, we gotta...
If we take the north tunnel and we
we can't get confused
when we're down there,
but if you take the south tunnel
it'll leave back and
lead us to a dead end.
How long have we got?
I don't know.
20 minutes.
Christ, we gotta go right now, come on.
Oh no, come on.
Run, keep going!
Keep running, go!
Come on, guys, this way.
What was that?
Do you see anything?
Cara, listen to me,
I need you to of back from here you came.
Take the west tunnel and it should lead,
it should lead back to the entrance, okay?
Go now!
Go, Cara!
We don't have a choice right now.
We don't have a choice right now.
We have to get out of here.
It's the only choice we have.
- Sam!
- Cara!
We've gotta go now!
Cara, please, Cara!
Cara, please, please, please!
Cara, please, Cara, please come!
Cara, please, Cara, please come!
I need you to be ready
the minute she gets here.
Come on.
How long have we got?
Four minute.
Four minutes.
Cara, Cara, please!
Sam, help!
I can't!
I can't, I can't, my leg!
- I can't, I can't!
- Come on, come on!
My leg!
My leg!
Cara, come on, hurry up!
My leg!
Cara, come on.
Come on, we have to get to the boat now.
Come on!
You can do it!
No, no, no!
Come on!
Come on, come on!
Two minutes left.
Come on, come on.
Where are you guys?
Oh God!
Oh God!
The boat!
It's the boat!
Get moving.
Pedro, please help!
Where the hell are they?
Oh my God!
Pedro, please!
Pedro is here, he's here.
It's him and he's coming.
He's coming, he's coming.
Quick, Pedro.
He's coming.
We're so close, we're so close!
Pedro, please!
Come on, Sam, grab my hand!
- Take her, take her!
- Grab my hand!
Help her!
Go, Cara, you got it!
Give me your hand.
Oh God.
Oh God.
What happened?
Where is everyone else?
No one made it.
What do you mean?
Stay away from the edge,
it's still out there!
What is out there?
Come on!
Come on, you fucker!
Christ, you're taking your time, Cindy.
Come on, girl, straight legs.
I'm trying.
Go on.
Nearly there.
What do you mean, bounce?
You just gotta keep
bouncing, babe, just bounce.
Yeah, that's it, yeah.
Just a bit of a bounce, yeah?
All right.
All right, I got it.
Christ Almighty,
you're taking your time, aren't you?
I'm gonna catch you in five seconds.
The eagle has landed.
- Woo!
- She's in.
If we don't find anything down here,
I swear I'm gonna lose my shit.
All right, lets keep our eyes pealed
for a lighting system.
This place has been left
for the last few weeks
but everything's
supposedly still rigged up.
So let's keep a look out for that.
Makes it a lot more simple
than using these things.
All right, let's drop our
stuff and then go that way.
This lighting situation needs to change.
Can barely see.
Christ Almighty, they said this,
this thing was set up somewhere.
Now this looks promising to me.
It looks like a normal setup.
Color coded.
You know, I'm somewhat of a
magician, myself, as well,
might I add.
You know, I've got one of
the oldest tricks in the book
that I'd love to show you right now.
If I do a little three, two, one.
Oh shit, well done.
Yeah, that'll keep us
better for a while, eh?
What do you reckon this gold's worth?
Enough to sort us out for awhile.
You actually think it's here?
I do.
Holy shit.
This is it, right?
This is where it's meant to be?
X marks the spot and all that.
sorry, I thought I heard something.
Fucking bats scared the shit out of me.
So, what do we do from here?
What's going on?
We're not exactly here for the riches.
Will someone just tell
me what's happening?
Will you marry me?
Well don't leave me hanging like this.
Yes, yes, of course, yes!
I didn't expect it.
Did you all know about this?
What was that?
Where did Faith go?
She went over there.
Shit, maybe she fell in the water.
- Faith?
- I can't see anything.
What if she's in there?
Morgs, hurry!
I think I can hear her.
Go, go, go!
Come on, come on, let's go, come on!
Come on, go, go, go, go.
Keep going, keep going,
keep going, keep going.
Keep going.
Oh, shit.
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy?
Are you safe?
Guys, come on now!
Cindy, go!
Move, Cindy, move!
No, don't jump!
Come on, keep pulling!
Keep going!
Just go!
One at a time!
Where is she?
She's with her friends.
She'll be back any day now.
But where is she now?
She was meant to be here a few days ago.
You said.
I know, I know.
Just give it a bit more time, okay?
She'll be back.
You've spoken to her?
Hey, hey.
did I wake you?
No, it's all good.
Nothing to worry about.
What's up?
I tried calling her and
she's still not answering.
Mom keeps asking me where she is.
I don't know.
I've called her a bunch of times and
with everything that's
going on with Mom, I just...
You said her boyfriend
was gonna surprise her.
I was just thinking maybe,
maybe they just got
carried away or something.
She wouldn't forget to call me.
She just,
she just wouldn't, she knows
what's going on with Mom.
She knows.
Sorry, I was just going
through the scenarios.
Look, she doesn't turn up by the AM,
we'll give the police a call
and see if they can get involved.
Yeah, you're right.
We should.
Look, try and get some sleep,
I'll be around first thing.
I love you.
I love you too.
Sleep well.
Yes, yes, I know, but something is wrong.
I know something is wrong.
I haven't heard from her in
days and then she rings at...
Well, no, she didn't ring back but...
Yeah, but at the same time but...
Look, I know my sister, okay?
My mom, she's sick and she wouldn't.
Yep, okay.
He didn't listen to a
fucking word I was saying.
They won't send anyone to look for her?
Said if I don't hear from her in 24 hours,
I should try again.
That's ridiculous.
What am I supposed to do now?
She wouldn't do this with Mom being sick.
a sound.
Try and get some sleep.
I'm going to the caves tomorrow.
I just can't wait.
You can't go into the caves, Sam.
Firstly, they're not safe,
and second, it's illegal.
Yes, I just can't wait anymore.
with all due respect,
they should never have gone into the caves
in the first place.
They've been shut for months, Christ.
There's not even a safety
check since they've been shut.
That's exactly why I have to go.
If she's down there
and she needs me,
I just,
I can't lose her as well.
Well, you're not going alone.
So they absolutely went in,
which could be how they got
injured, if they got injured.
So I don't think we should do that.
But there is another entrance.
We can swim under the cave.
And I also found a guy with the boat.
He's willing to drop us
off and pick us up tonight.
Why don't you take the rest
of the stuff in the car?
I'll meet you out there.
Yeah, okay.
I'm gonna bring her back.
Okay, Mom?
I'm gonna bring back Cara.
And the lovely lady, Carol,
she'll look after you
while I'm gone, okay?
We'll be back.
I love you.
I won't be long, okay?
Sure thing.
I'll update you if you need it.
Thank you.
Hello, deary.
I'll give you a tablet, okay?
Oh my God, what are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
You didn't think we'd let
you go on your own, did you?
Nice to see you again.
How you doing, bro?
All right, mate.
this is dangerous, you know.
Are you sure?
Ah, it's fine.
We offered.
I know the mines pretty well from work.
Yeah, Sam, if Cara needs us in any way,
we have to go get her.
I mean, fuck the police
for not doing a search.
We're gonna go do this ourselves.
- Yeah, okay.
- No questions asked.
I had nothing to do with this.
They wanted to do this on their own.
Yeah, let's go get your sister.
I don't know what to say.
Come on.
Let's go.
You must be Sam.
I've been trying to call you.
Sorry, sorry, yeah, I'm Sam.
The signal was really rocky.
Yeah, I began to fear
you were a no show.
No, no, absolutely not.
I thought you said you were discreet.
Oh, no, no, these are fine, honestly.
It won't get out that you helped us.
These mines, what is it
you are doing in there?
My sister, she went
missing a few days ago
and we haven't heard from her.
The police won't send a team out there.
I need to find her.
You must be cautious in those caves.
They are closed off for a reason.
They aren't safe.
I take you out on my boat.
Around the side of the caves,
you'll swim out.
Your safety is your own issue, yes?
I will be back after
exactly eight hours.
You must be there.
I will wait maximum one hour, yes?
Okay, okay, we'll be there.
Payment must be in cash.
Yeah, yeah, 300 fine?
I want no trouble.
I help you but you must keep it discreet.
I will get the boat ready.
Let's go.
You do not have far to go.
Just swim towards that rocky area
and under there you
will find the entrance.
There is a large open clearing.
You will have instant access
to the mining systems.
Okay, everybody, hey,
listen up.
I told your friend here already
that I will be back by 7PM,
I will not stay longer than one hour.
Okay, make sure to make a
note of how to get back,
as those caves are like a maze.
No fear, my man.
I used to work the mines
when they were running.
We got this.
Good luck then.
What were these tunnels
originally used for?
A company believed that they
were great riches down here,
so they funded a mission
to send a group down here
to retrieve the gold.
But the company went bankrupt
just a few months into its works.
The whole place was shut
down overnight and left.
So we could find some
gold down here too.
it should be pretty safe down here, right?
I mean, if they were workers.
I mean, the biggest
threat is the darkness.
If you take one wrong step
and you can end up with
a broken neck or worse.
We need to get us the hell out of here.
What about Cindy?
Cindy was making sound.
We need to be more cautious.
They're everywhere.
We got this, all right?
Nothing is gonna happen to us.
I'm not gonna go in there.
You can't go in there.
You see that small boat over there?
We'll make our way over to it.
Get ourselves over to that wall,
ab sail up it slowly, quietly.
- No.
- Yes.
No, no, there's so many of them.
They'll get you, they'll get us,
we're not gonna go in there.
This is the only way.
So where do we start?
I think we keep to the main
trail, we go along there,
stick together always.
We should be able to lap
this place at least twice
if we pick up the pace.
Hey, look, guys,
I don't wanna be that person
but it's kind of freaking me out.
Us all, you know, being in here
and I'm totally in full support of this,
I want this to happen.
I just,
would you mind if I wait
back at the entrance?
Are you sure, Mindy?
We're gonna be a couple
hours in here at least.
Yeah, no, I signed up to this
and I'm totally okay on my own,
I just didn't know I'd
feel so weird in here.
It's probably best to have
someone waiting back there,
just in case anything were to happen.
Yeah, Mindy, it's all good.
You want us to walk you back there?
No, no, it's fine.
It's not far.
It's just right back down
there, take a left, right?
That's right.
Shouldn't be more than 10 minutes.
Hey, I'm sorry.
No, no, it's fine, honestly.
I get it, it's fucking creepy in here.
You go back.
It's a good idea anyway.
You know, just in case you get lost
and we need that boat
guide to come get us.
It's fine.
I hope you find your
sister, Sam, I really do.
Thanks, Mindy.
We'll see you soon, yeah?
All right, let's get going.
All right, I'm going in.
Please, please don't go.
be back in no time.
All right, I'll see you in a few.
Be careful, please.
What was that?
Someone could be here.
Help could be here.
Right, you see something,
you see anything,
shout me.
It's all right.
He's just checking us out.
Where did it go?
Come back to me, please.
Come back, come back, please!
So how long did you
work down here for, Don?
Wasn't it long before
it all got shut down.
Used to work as a foreman
when the company was in full swing.
Then that didn't last for too long.
Sorry, what's a foreman?
It's a fancy word for someone
who essentially manages people.
Sorry, ignore my construction today.
Was their main focus to find the riches?
The company behind it
believed that down here
there were richest to be discovered.
What do you think?
I think we barely got a chance
of giving it a proper look.
do you think my sister's okay?
I think it's really easy
to get lost down here,
especially in the dark.
The worrying thing is not
being able to see to well
when there's sudden drops.
Realistically, I think we need
to be prepared for the worst.
But it's only been a few days,
so let's all hope for the best
and that the gang just got lost.
All right?
Sorry, guys, I think,
I think we took a wrong turn somewhere.
This isn't where we should be headed.
Here, let me take a look.
I thought they would've headed there.
- Okay.
- It's the main point.
What you'd see if you searched it online,
I mean if that boyfriend
brought her here to propose,
it's the most likely place, but we're...
Yeah, let's go over here.
Guys, I don't mean to be...
I'm just a bit worried we're wasting time.
Hey, don't worry.
Won't take long to get back on track.
Hey, hey.
Everything's gonna be
okay, you know that, right?
Just, I have to get on the right path
and we need to find her, okay?
What he said is really
messing with my head.
I just, what if she's falling down a hole
or she's waiting for me.
We've gotta find her, we've
gotta find her now, please.
I get that, but just deep breaths, okay?
Deep breaths, we're gonna be okay.
Just take it easy.
Where's Don?
Where'd he go?
I didn't see him leave.
Bloody hell.
Oh, what's this?
That's Cara's...
That's Cara's phone.
Come on, we're gonna keep moving.
What the hell, Don?
Sorry, I didn't mean to.
You scared me to death.
Guess we found the way they came in.
They were here.
Oh my fucking God.
Cara, you fucking genius.
How much is this worth?
If this is right,
there's a shit-load of
cash in these rocks.
I just got this feeling in my stomach
that something awful's happened to them.
I feel like they're not gonna come back.
Guys, please.
We're here for my sister
and you're fucking,
I don't believe you!
My sister, she's in here and she needs me.
Can't you understand that?
That is so much more important right now.
We'll find her, it's
gonna be absolutely fine.
I feel sick.
No, no, no, she's left her
bags here, she's gonna be fine.
But her fucking
- coat is here...
- She'll come back.
- She's been here for days.
- She'll, calm down.
Calm down.
This place must be living with them.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
What the hell?
What the fuck?
Here, get back here!
Go, quick!
What the fuck?
What the fuck just happened?
Jesus Christ.
Yeah, but how did they get in here?
This place has been
shut down for a long time.
They must have got in
here the same way we did.
There were two of them.
There must be more.
Yeah, the place could be infested but
they've been in here a long time.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Fuck, my sister.
Look, we need to focus on finding Mindy.
I'm sorry, Sam, we need
to get out of here.
We can contact the authorities.
No, no, she's here.
No, we'll contact the authorities.
No, no.
we are gonna get some people, okay,
who can come back and
handle the situation, okay?
I promise you.
Come on, let's go.
We've gotta go.
Keep moving, guys.
It's so dark in here.
They must've shut the power
down in this section too.
Shit, that was the
system, we can't see again.
Oh, shit.
There's more gold down here.
if we hear anything, we
need to alert each other.
Crocs have a way of communicating.
If you hear anything, just freeze.
No, we need the light.
Crocs hunt as well in the
day as they do in the night.
Could be detrimental without it.
Come on, we need to move.
Guys, wait,
we can't just leave this.
It's fucking gold, I mean, come on.
We need to keep moving.
How much?
Let's find out.
No, Mike.
At least if you're
gonna go, take a flare.
You got 60 seconds to get across there.
Grab as much as you can.
I don't believe you.
People come down here to get gold.
Get your flare on.
Stay still, Lily.
Oh my God!
We gotta go, we gotta go!
Come on, come on!
Mike, where are you?
Mike, Mike, please come!
Come back, Mike!
It's okay.
Cara, oh my God, oh my God.
I didn't think I'd see you again.
You came for me.
Get down, get down.
Help me.
Cara, come on.
Cara, what's wrong, what's
wrong, what's wrong?
It's okay, it's okay,
you're okay, you're okay.
Who did you come with?
My friends.
Where are they?
I lost Mike
They got Lily.
We were running and we saw a
fucking nest of those things.
We got split up and I found you.
I'm so sorry.
No, Cara, no.
Really, this is all my fault.
Listen to me, listen to me.
I'm gonna find Mike, I'm gonna get help.
This is not your fault.
None of this is your fault, okay?
What, what, what is it?
They got...
They got Morgan.
Okay, okay, okay, listen,
you're gonna put all of this
rage and all of this fear
into getting out of here.
For him,
and for them.
We survive this, okay?
Listen, we survive this.
We're gonna survive this.
Come on, let's go, it's time, come on.
Is Mom okay?
She's been asking about you.
I miss her so much.
You know you never look
them in the eye, right?
You know that.
If you look them in the eye,
they take it as if
you're challenging them,
squaring up to them.
Mike, Mike, it's Mike.
What is he doing?
Oh, shit.
Oh my God.
He needs to get out, he needs to get out.
There's one of the now.
Oh my God, oh my God.
He needs to be really quiet,
otherwise they're all gonna come for him.
He needs to get out.
Holy shit.
Oh shit, this is their nesting area.
Oh my God.
They're going to the nesting area.
It's okay, it's okay.
He's gonna get out of here.
He needs to get out
and we need to go
straight to the entrance.
- Mike.
- Mike.
Through here.
No, no.
We need to find out where we are.
How many are alive down here?
They're all dead.
All of them.
We're the only ones.
Mindy's gone.
Look, we gotta take the
passage way back, we gotta...
If we take the north tunnel and we
we can't get confused
when we're down there,
but if you take the south tunnel
it'll leave back and
lead us to a dead end.
How long have we got?
I don't know.
20 minutes.
Christ, we gotta go right now, come on.
Oh no, come on.
Run, keep going!
Keep running, go!
Come on, guys, this way.
What was that?
Do you see anything?
Cara, listen to me,
I need you to of back from here you came.
Take the west tunnel and it should lead,
it should lead back to the entrance, okay?
Go now!
Go, Cara!
We don't have a choice right now.
We don't have a choice right now.
We have to get out of here.
It's the only choice we have.
- Sam!
- Cara!
We've gotta go now!
Cara, please, Cara!
Cara, please, please, please!
Cara, please, Cara, please come!
Cara, please, Cara, please come!
I need you to be ready
the minute she gets here.
Come on.
How long have we got?
Four minute.
Four minutes.
Cara, Cara, please!
Sam, help!
I can't!
I can't, I can't, my leg!
- I can't, I can't!
- Come on, come on!
My leg!
My leg!
Cara, come on, hurry up!
My leg!
Cara, come on.
Come on, we have to get to the boat now.
Come on!
You can do it!
No, no, no!
Come on!
Come on, come on!
Two minutes left.
Come on, come on.
Where are you guys?
Oh God!
Oh God!
The boat!
It's the boat!
Get moving.
Pedro, please help!
Where the hell are they?
Oh my God!
Pedro, please!
Pedro is here, he's here.
It's him and he's coming.
He's coming, he's coming.
Quick, Pedro.
He's coming.
We're so close, we're so close!
Pedro, please!
Come on, Sam, grab my hand!
- Take her, take her!
- Grab my hand!
Help her!
Go, Cara, you got it!
Give me your hand.
Oh God.
Oh God.
What happened?
Where is everyone else?
No one made it.
What do you mean?
Stay away from the edge,
it's still out there!
What is out there?
Come on!
Come on, you fucker!