Crow: Wicked Prayer, The (2005) Movie Script
Like some more salsa with that?
Get back to work. or "m docking
your severance pay when the mine closes.
I fear that you have awakened a sleeping
giant. and filled him with a terrible resolve.
Get back to work.
Save our jobs. Save our jobs.
Save our jobs. Save our jobs.
Attention all units.
Riot in progress at Lake Ravasu Mine.
- Gunfire on the scene.
- Cover his face. Cover his face.
- Cover him up now.
He who liveth by the sword
shall die by the sword.
He who liveth
by the sword shall die by the sword.
An eye for an eye
will make you blind.
An eye for an eye
will make you blind.
He who liveth by the sword
shall die by the sword...
- Somebody shot the priest!
- Get him!
Get the gun. get the gun...
With War. there is no substitute for victory.
Lead the way. Mr. Crash.
lt's your wedding night.
you dirty old bastard.
So. this one time. "m buying the hookers.
Cuidado. homes.
Your local Satanic cult is back in black.
The Four Horsemen ride again.
No prisoners. homes.
Just kidding.
How's it going. Lo?
Better. now that "m with you.
- Will you marry me. Lola Byrne?
- Till death do us part. Luc Crash.
Praise the Lord.
it's almost time for Jesus to rise up.
As preacher. I expect the flock to be in
the church tomorrow on Easter morning.
As tribal chairman. I invite you
to party the night away at Rave-N Fest.
He found himself in mystic places.
Tonight. as we celebrate
the birth of the crow.
and the coming
of our Raven Aztec Casino.
Hallelujah. hallelujah!
Praise Jesus!
And don't forget to eat
your 1 2 lucky grapes for dinner.
One for each month of the coming year.
This Spanish custom worked wonders
for our conquistador conquerors.
and it'll work wonders for you.
'Cause the name of our lucky tribe
is the Raven Aztecs.
Barnaby. there comes
a time in every man's life
when he's just got to face the fact that
the contents of his fridge just ain't cutting it.
And now. I want to introduce
our shaman and my daughter.
Lily Ignites The Dawn.
In times like these.
when our community is divided.
and we hear calls for vengeance.
it's important to remember the old stories.
Killer! Murderer!
We are told
that when someone dies...
...the crow carries their soul
to the land of the dead.
- Then sometimes. just sometimes...
- You hear me? I called you convict.
-...the crow can bring that soul back...
- Shit. here he comes. release it of its burden.
To put the wrong things right.
What gives the crow his strength?
Not hatred.
or bitterness.
or anger.
His strength is love.
Come on. baby.
Rave-N Fest? No.
No. Never again.
Come on. I want them
to see you through my eyes.
I'm off parole at midnight.
We can hit the coast
before anybody notices.
I want them to notice.
I do.
I love you. Jimmy!
You put too much faith in people.
I believe in a lot of things.
Even you. Jimmy Cuervo.
I am what I am.
If you want to escape from here.
you gotta let it go. You gotta let it all go.
I can't. Not without you.
Now. that kind of belief
will get you locked up.
Set me free. Warden.
You know what time I get off.
Don't be late.
Lily. "m gonna let it all go.
I swear on your perfect blue eyes.
Have you lost your mind. sis?
lt's a great day to be alive. ain't it?
lt's takedown time.
Spoke to your parole officer today.
Oh. nice suit. white trash.
Did you rob a grave?
Your jurisdiction ends
on that side of the road. asshole.
There isn't much people
on either side of the road can agree on.
Except that nobody likes you.
Jimmy Cuervo.
Goddamn. I guess I'll fire my publicist.
You better be stopping in to say goodbye.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You're lucky.
Bullet's still in your hand. asshole.
Come midnight tonight. you're free to go.
She's not.
Oh. hell... "m just gonna say it.
Lily lgnites The Dawn...
Will you marry me?
? La la la la laa...
- Lily?
-? La Ia
? La la la
? La Ia
? La
Roses? Lilies would have been better.
But hey. it's your funeral.
And you're late. lnjun lover.
- Come on.
- Nobody keeps the Grim Reaper waiting.
- Luc!
- Blue-eyed lnjun.
And a cold-hearted killer.
Just what the witch doctor ordered.
"Romeo. oh. Romeo.
wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Looks like Juliet's left hanging.
- Hang these. you bitch.
Ugh. God!
I never had the option
to love someone like you.
Is she a firecracker or what?
- Didn't I tell you. Lo?
- Yes. Luc. You told me.
Appetizer was tasty.
Bring on the main dish.
She doesn't deserve this.
Please! Luc!
I always liked you. kid.
You should have just stayed
on your side of the road.
- "m sorry.
- Jimmy...
The object of war
is not to die for your beliefs.
but to make the other
poor bastards die for theirs.
Ever since we were kids in school.
I always thought
your eyes were so pretty. Lily.
They've seen things.
They've never seen shit.
Sometimes. if your eyes can't see.
you have to trade 'em in for a new pair.
Time's a-wasting. Lo.
Go in peace with our love.
You will always be in our hearts.
Your eyes will watch over us.
Your spirit will always be nearby.
We will treasure your memory
until we meet again.
Dude. that's Lily.
Take flight. Mother.
Magnificent fuckers. aren't they?
You wanted to bone her since you were 1 2.
- Keep talking shit about my girl.
- Go get 'em. Tonto.
"By sun's dying flame.
and Hades' wicked might"
"l peer into the darkness"
"To take hold of the light"
Now I have the eyes of a shaman
to unlock the spell.
By sunup. you'll be Satan
and that bitch's tribe will be history.
Such a shame.
Without her eyes.
she'll be lost in the spirit world forever.
You are gonna fucking die.
Ah. Jimbo. you're breaking my heart.
Hearts were made to be broken.
"The killer's heart by love redeemed"
"ln Satan's claw like ruby gleamed"
I feel good.
Pestilence? Famine?
Take these rags to the dump and burn 'em.
This place has been tearing me down.
But "m finally crawling to the top.
Shit. That's the freezer
Momma used to lock me up in.
She'd say. "lt's damnation in there.
You ain't never coming out."
Damnation sure is a happy place.
Yeah. maybe.
If you're dead.
Kick us down a sign.
What do you see with your new eyes?
I see the devil rising up.
He's gonna make
all your dreams come true.
Eat up. Partake in the deviled ham.
eat of the deviled eggs. and for dessert.
feast on devi"s food cake.
Al flambeau.
lt's all been dusted
with Lola's magical peyote mix.
What is this?
Have we all forgotten...
..whose side you're on?
Who's been holding you down?
Who's gonna shut down the mines.
putting your families out of work.
just so they can open up a casino?
Your people. they were enslaved.
Why ain't there a goddamn
government-backed casino
in every street corner of the 'hood? Hm?
For every one of them that dies.
ten of us may die.
But in the end. it's they who will tire of War.
Now you're talking.
Famine. You're the nearest thing
to Montezuma for 500 miles.
How come you ain't got
a piece of that Aztec Casino pie?
- Hell. yes. "d eat that shit up.
- Yeah!
- Pestilence.
- Huh?
Pestilence. do you want to be
a real cowboy?
How long you got to live before that toxic
brew spreads cancer through your gut?
Long enough to see the lnjuns burn.
Satan's gonna walk in my shoes.
'Cause tonight. we'll make 'em hurt.
One by one.
Tonight is about one thing.
And who needs a wedding invite?
Don't be late.
We have to do this before sunrise
or the power is lost.
And we registered for one gift.
A sacrificial virgin
to seal our wedding vows.
Pestilence. Go down to the bar
and score some more peyote.
I'm gonna go visit an old friend.
- Oh. my God.
Shut up!
Oh. my God. what have I done?
Oh. my God. oh. my God!
You believed me when nobody else would.
For once in my life. I wasn't alone.
I always liked you. kid.
But you should have stayed
on your side of the road.
Yeah. cut her eyes out!
Cut her eyes out!
That heart's beating.
What am I?
Hey. Barnaby.
They're gonna love you at Rave-N Fest.
I love you.
You're not a killer.
Call the tribal council.
We have to have a meeting.
Tell my father Cuervo's done it again.
If there's anyone here
who objects to this couple...
? La la laa. la la laa
? La le lee. la la laa
- Speak now. or forever...
- Hey. Luc.
I bet you that virgin bride
tastes just like cherry pie.
Here. don't lose your place.
"Out of..." What?
Good call. hawkeye.
Hello. Moses.
l... I don't want any trouble.
You've done well for yourself.
I've waited a long time
for you to find success.
- They're all useless sluts.
- Please. son.
The only thing I found is God.
Who do you think stuffed your collections
box every time the mortgage was overdue?
I wanted you to taste success.
so I could take it away from you.
Who are you?
I'll tell you for 47 dollars and 66 cents.
Don't you see the resemblance
to the preacher you shot down
for the contents of his collection box?
Wait. I paid for my crime.
I did all this for your father.
to make amends.
I'm doing his work.
I've changed.
Hear that?
He's changed.
the wedding food is ready.
Don't hurt her.
- Hey. Lo.
What? What are you doing?
What are you gonna do...
Pick it up.
If you shoot me first. maybe she'll live.
- Moses! Moses!
- No! No!
- "ve changed.
- Moses. I need you...
Get away!
Moses. help me!
- Go on.
- I won't do it. "ve changed.
- Moses. help!
You bastard!
- Get out of here and call the police!
- Moses...
Good God...
Moses. oh. God.
People don't change.
I'm full.
You take the leftovers.
But leave the wife to suffer.
Luc. where are you going with this?
Let's just go. baby.
Homeboy's just fucking with you.
- Aren't you?
- Blood alone spins the wheels of history.
So I said to him.
"Get your own whore!"
? The man in black
rode down on a horse
? What course they'd run.
he dare not recall
? He'd become a creature.
thirsty and hungry...
They just ain't smart enough
to stay down where they belong.
?...kill them all
They got to spread their
little wings and fly up into the light.
? Perhaps their pain
would help him remember
The package you ordered is on its way.
You said the peyote'd
be here before dessert.
And if it ain't...
...your head becomes
a portal to the fifth dimension.
Get it?
You see that?
There's a new sheriff in town.
? The creature sat naked...
? He held his heart in his hand.
and he ate of it
? The man in black asked.
"ls it good. friend?"
Get off me. you damn hallucination.
? "But I like it. because it is bitter"
? "And because it is my heart"
I guess Famine's momma
was wrong about that freezer.
Where's fucking Luc?
He owes me two lifetimes
and a set of perfect blue eyes.
We misjudged you.
For an lnjun-loving heartless convict.
you sure got a lot of life in you.
What I got in me...
...ain't life.
Join the club.
"Am I a man who dreamt
he was a butterfly?"
"Or a butterfly who dreamt he was a man?"
I'm afraid of what "ve become.
You tell 'em they should be too.
"Oh. hell. "m just gonna say it."
"Will you marry me?"
Oh. shit!
You're not a killer.
Back when Lake Ravasu
had a lake.
I used to take her out on the water fishing.
Time stood still when she laughed.
They said smelting
wouldn't make much mess.
So I let 'em drain the lake.
And when the miners came. I told Lily:
"Mi hija. stay away from 'em.
Stay on your side of the road."
She knew better.
Dear Heavenly Father...
Let us pray.
Give us the strength to forgive.
And drain this outrage from our hearts.
You will always be in our hearts.
Your eyes will watch over us.
Your spirit will always be nearby.
Baby. I miss you so much.
Make your camp here.
What have you done to me?
You made me a fucking monster.
Did you catch him yet?
He just took another one down.
At the bar.
I'll have the state troopers
set up roadblocks.
No outsiders.
We've seen their kind of justice.
They're the ones
that set him free the first time.
But. Dad. our authority ends
at the reservation line.
And we have our kind of justice.
Now let's show the dark prince
our worthiness. pilgrims.
Herd these lambs for slaughter.
Not all of them deserve to die.
Did your brothers
deserve to die in mines
that were dug too deep
and too close to the water
so they could profit?
We haven't seen the last of War.
now. have we?
Only the dead
have seen the last of War.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Are you an angel?
Or are you another devil?
I don't know.
Maybe both.
- Come on. "m gonna get you out of here.
- I can't go out there. I just want to die.
I want to die.
But we can't. Not tonight.
All my life...
..."ve been pushing down
this fire inside of me.
Jimmy. stop!
It just keeps coming back up.
Jimmy. stop! Jimmy. stop. Stop.
I'm so fucking tired of running.
You didn't think "d recognize you?
After what you did to our son?
Your husband's still alive.
His heart's still beating.
Who are you?
Dear God.
- Maybe a ghost.
- lt's a miracle.
I'm sorry.
I don't pretend to understand
what just happened.
But don't ask me to forgive you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Now it's time
for Montezuma's revenge.
I like it.
Didn't we kill that guy?
- I don't believe it.
- The truth is. belief's not required.
I know.
He's the crow.
Like in the legend.
God is finally paying attention.
Hello. Jimmy. Jimmy. Jimmy. Jimmy.
Jimmy. Hi.
Tell me. did the blood wash off?
Or did you have to scrub
really. really hard?
Oh. Jimbo. man. Come on. it's me.
I taught you how to fight.
Showed you how to survive.
And then cut out my heart.
So let me get this straight.
I mean.
you're here to make wrong things right.
That's funny.
'cause that's what "m doing. too.
Wait. I have an idea.
Maybe you two should form a club.
- "ve never been much of a joiner.
- Oh. yeah. sure you are. Come on.
Join us in iniquity. Hm?
You can be my best man.
How are you at wedding speeches?
I'm better at eulogies.
That's what "m talking about.
What's the difference
between me and you? Hm?
I'm dead.
Watch out. Jimmy.
He's not the same man he used to be.
What happens to an angel
that loses his wings?
He falls.
"Hellfire rise"
"The heavens drop"
? Ten little. nine little. eight little lndians
? Seven little. six little. five little lndians
? Four little. three little. two little lndians
? One little lndian boy
lt's too quiet in here.
Let's go.
- Where's my daddy?
- Shh. lt's gonna be OK.
- What the hell are you doing?
- He took my hearse.
- Who?
- Jimmy Cuervo.
He had a gun
and a Rave-N Fest costume.
Rave-N Fest?
Don't just leave me here like this.
Oh. fuck!
When he was dead.
he saw that he had not lived.
Jimmy Cuervo. you're under arrest
for the murder of Lily lgnites The Dawn.
Come on. Tanner. I loved your sister.
- You know I didn't kill her.
- Bullshit.
- I don't believe you.
- Well...
Go ahead. Shoot.
lt's loaded this time. I'll kill you.
Man. I wanna die.
I want to die.
Do it. Do it. please. Please.
Go ahead.
Join us in iniquity.
You can be my best man.
Killing is easy.
Forgetting is hard.
See you in iniquity.
You think you can keep any crows
from crashing the party?
"Strength lies not in defense
but in attack."
Oh. hurry up. witchy girl.
My biological clock is ticking.
lt's not too late to break the spell.
You know. we don't have
to go through with this.
We could just get back in the car.
and head to the coast.
Cold feet. baby?
Come on.
What do we have to worry about?
But did we bag a virgin?
Our luck is changing.
We just got one
standing on the side of the road.
- What the hell. Luc Crash.
- Yes. Lola Byrne.
Let's get hitched.
- There's no place like home.
- Yeah.
Think your pimp shrimp's
gonna flip out when he sees us?
Let's hope he's sentimental.
You were always bad for business.
"m not saying
the white weight ain't worth a lookup.
I'm just saying don't buy from Smokey.
Looking good. Carmen.
- You missed me?
- No.
I was counting on never seeing
your ungrateful ass again.
You know. I gave you a chance to get out
of here and make something of yourself.
Nobody ever gave me nothing.
Where is he?
You know what else?
You disrespect my man one more time.
I will split your fucking wig
wide open.
- Fuck you.
- Where's Ni?o?
Check it out.
Crash and Byrne.
Ready to come back
and do some more damage.
You need not reapply. shorty.
I got standards.
Good to see you. Ni?o.
Dig that coat.
lt's El Ni?o.
Get it right. crackerjack.
Some respect.
I'm moving up in the world.
Well. all right.
If we're gonna do this thing.
give me my book back.
I stole it fair and square.
Plus. you never had the eyes to use it.
But now I do.
- And I ain't your shorty no more.
- Don't undercut me. shorty.
You stole the keys to Daddy's car.
But you can't handle the horsepower.
Now. what's it gonna be. homey?
You want to be Satan. or what?
The book.
Kiss it. bitch.
All right.
- We better do something.
- Don't make a move.
I want justice for my daughter.
- We can't just sit here.
- We wait for Cuervo.
How is it you're a virgin?
I guess "m just old-fashioned.
And I was...
I was saving myself
for somebody special.
Hands off.
We are gathered here.
Oh. lust. Oh. hatred.
Gluttony. Greed. Avarice.
And some other real deep heavy shit.
Oh. Satan. What's up. bones?
This is mack daddy. El Ni?o.
calling you up. man.
Quit your basking in the darkness.
and come on up here.
Hitch your bitch.
Oh. Lola. baby. Gee.
This hot bitch is gonna
bang gangbang your evil nasty self.
Oh. lust. oh. hatred...
What's that hearse doing here?
What's with the drive-by?
Nobody move. We're doing this
dead or alive. Keep going. Daddy.
- Cara Mia!
- Just shoot to the end. Ni?o.
Come on. Get up. Get up. Get up.
Come on. Lev?ntate.
So you're not invincible.
We're kicking our homey down.
Our hardcore banger Luc G here.
And. uh... To have and to hold
your immortal badassitude.
Killer. Killer.
And. uh... He'll be your homey.
Now. and for evermore.
Bye-bye. birdie.
This is some serious shit.
lt's not time yet.
Hurry up.
Make me the fucking antichrist.
- Shoot him. Shoot him.
- No. don't.
You need to keep better track
of your ammo.
lt's been a long night.
Uh... Do we all take him. or vice versa?
I do.
Nice timing. Tonto.
I now pronounce you devil and his shorty.
- I love you. Lucifer.
- Well. kiss the bride. motherfucker.
Kiss the bride.
- Will you marry me. Lola Byrne?
- Till death do us part. Luc Crash.
- Shoot him. Shoot him.
- No. No. don't.
- Shoot him.
- He's the crow. Look. "ve seen his magic.
I'll blow us both to hell.
- Good idea.
- I know your soft spot. lnjun lover.
Shoot him. Shoot him.
He's no crow. he's a killer. Shoot him.
God. This isn't right.
"War doesn't determine who's right.
just who's left."
Better to die a hero at night
than to wake a coward in the morning.
I can't believe
you really did that. shorty.
Look at that. Nice try.
It looks like we're gonna have to get
another dumb fuck to tie the knot. huh?
lncoming on an ass-kicking.
night-riding. suicide machine.
I'm home.
- Call me Lucifer.
Someone owes me two lifetimes.
And a set of perfect blue eyes.
Jimmy Crow.
Let's get this party started. shall we?
By taking out my vengeance on God
and all his angels.
one nail at a time.
Do you really wanna fucking dance?
Come on here. tiger.
Feeding time.
I need sex. baby. and fast.
If we don't do it before sunrise.
the spell breaks.
and you'll be digging a hole straight to hell.
Are you hearing me? On sacred ground
is where these eyes get their power.
lt's all good. baby.
I'm already way deep
in that sacred burial ground of yours.
Is it really you?
Original gangster?
Well. wicked-ass props to you. Mr. OG.
And thanks for representing
all the homeboys.
You still do tricks. right. shorty?
You wanted revenge.
and a deal with the devil.
Take your vengeance. baby.
You're gonna really
enjoy it soon. and learn how to fake it.
Kiss the book.
A little cherry for your cherry.
No. No.
I mean. you promised me. No.
- No! Wait! Aah!
Let us pray.
Dear Heavenly Father...
See this knife? This is the one
I used to carve out your daughter's eyes.
Sorry. folks.
I'd slice all your throats.
but I gotta get to the burial grounds.
Au revoir.
She's itching for a climax.
So I did what you wanted.
Now it's time for you
to ring my bell and lock the spell.
And we're talking. what? Seven days.
seven nights until you have to go back.
Seven days?
You're thinking way too small. princess.
You're in for a seven-year itch
you won't ever want to scratch. Ah!
You want to see the Middle East. huh?
It won't just be the Sahara desert
that's burning hot.
Pick any city. Paris?
Rio? Carnival.
We'll stroll in. set a little spark
like your little fucking mine and casino.
and just watch 'em all
cut each other to fucking pieces.
You see. the world's like an angry dog
on a choke chain. you know?
It lunges. snaps and pulls.
But the chain around its neck
just gets tighter and tighter.
It don't know that all it has to do
to be free is let go.
Oh. Don't fret. Fr?ulein.
The apocalypse is gonna be
one hell of a honeymoon.
'Cause in the morning we're gonna
massacre that lndian tribe for you.
and then move on
to bigger and badder things.
Take him down.
Take down the crow.
...que est?s en el cielo.
santificado sea tu Nombre.
Venga tu reino. H?gase tu voluntad.
en el cielo asi que en la tierra.
Danos hoy el pan cotidiano.
y librenos del mal.
porque el tuyo es el reino...
Is he dead?
- Or alive?
Holy Jesus!
You're in my way.
She believed in you.
She believed in all of you.
She believed in fairy tales.
Who are you to tell me
what she believed in?
I'm the fairy fucking godfather
that's gonna save your fairy fucking tails.
- He's bleeding to death.
- Help him. Help the crow.
How could God pick such a man?
Why not?
She did.
Lily believed in the old stories.
Like the Crow Dance.
They'll think I was a fool.
They already do.
Show 'em how fools dance.
lt's your wedding night. little girl.
And Poppy's a horny little devil.
Look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes.
The book says
you have to look at my eyes.
The book says
you have to look at my eyes.
So close.
The dark prince
was almost crowned. baby.
You can't stop. If the sun comes up
and the spel"s undone.
you're just gonna be a worthless punk.
and I'll just be a piece of white trash. Luc.
Oh. come on.
Don't you have any respect for the dead?
You know what. kid?
You're really pissing me off.
Minor angel wants to play.
Homeboy's going down
in the majors tonight.
So God gave trash like you wings.
He never gave me shit.
Always just took it all away.
Come on. I need a spell.
No. no. but... Damn. Come on.
Please let me find a spell for this.
If you want to escape from here.
you've got to let it all go.
I can't.
You think your bitch's mojo
can save you? Huh?
You're a hiccup. man.
A fart in my gas pump.
Goddamn. they're dry-clean.
lt's alive.
"Quoth the Raven. 'Nevermore'."
You think you're doing God's work.
Killers don't go to heaven. dog.
They go down.
Like my fucking bitch.
Yeah. There we go. Yeah?
Get the fuck back up!
Look at me.
I'm gonna let it all go.
Oh. fuck.
Hail Mary. full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
You hear that? Huh?
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
are riding. man.
Blessed art thou amongst women.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus.
Holy Mary. mother of God...
...pray for us sinners...
You bastard!
- Check. please. and at the hour of our death.
- "m picking up the tab.
- Amen.
Because "m the only
fucking friend you got.
Oh. say... Say. kid...
Do you know what
an angel without mercy is? Huh?
lt's nothing but a devil.
How about a little
sympathy for the devil. huh?
"l saw a creature."
"He sat. and he held his own heart
in his hands. and he ate of it."
"l asked him. 'ls it good. friend?"'
"He said. 'lt is bitter."'
- "'But I like it because it is bitter."'
- May God's fury rain down on you.
"'And because it is my heart."'
You have the right to remain silent.
And anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you don't have one...
Get back to work. or "m docking
your severance pay when the mine closes.
I fear that you have awakened a sleeping
giant. and filled him with a terrible resolve.
Get back to work.
Save our jobs. Save our jobs.
Save our jobs. Save our jobs.
Attention all units.
Riot in progress at Lake Ravasu Mine.
- Gunfire on the scene.
- Cover his face. Cover his face.
- Cover him up now.
He who liveth by the sword
shall die by the sword.
He who liveth
by the sword shall die by the sword.
An eye for an eye
will make you blind.
An eye for an eye
will make you blind.
He who liveth by the sword
shall die by the sword...
- Somebody shot the priest!
- Get him!
Get the gun. get the gun...
With War. there is no substitute for victory.
Lead the way. Mr. Crash.
lt's your wedding night.
you dirty old bastard.
So. this one time. "m buying the hookers.
Cuidado. homes.
Your local Satanic cult is back in black.
The Four Horsemen ride again.
No prisoners. homes.
Just kidding.
How's it going. Lo?
Better. now that "m with you.
- Will you marry me. Lola Byrne?
- Till death do us part. Luc Crash.
Praise the Lord.
it's almost time for Jesus to rise up.
As preacher. I expect the flock to be in
the church tomorrow on Easter morning.
As tribal chairman. I invite you
to party the night away at Rave-N Fest.
He found himself in mystic places.
Tonight. as we celebrate
the birth of the crow.
and the coming
of our Raven Aztec Casino.
Hallelujah. hallelujah!
Praise Jesus!
And don't forget to eat
your 1 2 lucky grapes for dinner.
One for each month of the coming year.
This Spanish custom worked wonders
for our conquistador conquerors.
and it'll work wonders for you.
'Cause the name of our lucky tribe
is the Raven Aztecs.
Barnaby. there comes
a time in every man's life
when he's just got to face the fact that
the contents of his fridge just ain't cutting it.
And now. I want to introduce
our shaman and my daughter.
Lily Ignites The Dawn.
In times like these.
when our community is divided.
and we hear calls for vengeance.
it's important to remember the old stories.
Killer! Murderer!
We are told
that when someone dies...
...the crow carries their soul
to the land of the dead.
- Then sometimes. just sometimes...
- You hear me? I called you convict.
-...the crow can bring that soul back...
- Shit. here he comes. release it of its burden.
To put the wrong things right.
What gives the crow his strength?
Not hatred.
or bitterness.
or anger.
His strength is love.
Come on. baby.
Rave-N Fest? No.
No. Never again.
Come on. I want them
to see you through my eyes.
I'm off parole at midnight.
We can hit the coast
before anybody notices.
I want them to notice.
I do.
I love you. Jimmy!
You put too much faith in people.
I believe in a lot of things.
Even you. Jimmy Cuervo.
I am what I am.
If you want to escape from here.
you gotta let it go. You gotta let it all go.
I can't. Not without you.
Now. that kind of belief
will get you locked up.
Set me free. Warden.
You know what time I get off.
Don't be late.
Lily. "m gonna let it all go.
I swear on your perfect blue eyes.
Have you lost your mind. sis?
lt's a great day to be alive. ain't it?
lt's takedown time.
Spoke to your parole officer today.
Oh. nice suit. white trash.
Did you rob a grave?
Your jurisdiction ends
on that side of the road. asshole.
There isn't much people
on either side of the road can agree on.
Except that nobody likes you.
Jimmy Cuervo.
Goddamn. I guess I'll fire my publicist.
You better be stopping in to say goodbye.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You're lucky.
Bullet's still in your hand. asshole.
Come midnight tonight. you're free to go.
She's not.
Oh. hell... "m just gonna say it.
Lily lgnites The Dawn...
Will you marry me?
? La la la la laa...
- Lily?
-? La Ia
? La la la
? La Ia
? La
Roses? Lilies would have been better.
But hey. it's your funeral.
And you're late. lnjun lover.
- Come on.
- Nobody keeps the Grim Reaper waiting.
- Luc!
- Blue-eyed lnjun.
And a cold-hearted killer.
Just what the witch doctor ordered.
"Romeo. oh. Romeo.
wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Looks like Juliet's left hanging.
- Hang these. you bitch.
Ugh. God!
I never had the option
to love someone like you.
Is she a firecracker or what?
- Didn't I tell you. Lo?
- Yes. Luc. You told me.
Appetizer was tasty.
Bring on the main dish.
She doesn't deserve this.
Please! Luc!
I always liked you. kid.
You should have just stayed
on your side of the road.
- "m sorry.
- Jimmy...
The object of war
is not to die for your beliefs.
but to make the other
poor bastards die for theirs.
Ever since we were kids in school.
I always thought
your eyes were so pretty. Lily.
They've seen things.
They've never seen shit.
Sometimes. if your eyes can't see.
you have to trade 'em in for a new pair.
Time's a-wasting. Lo.
Go in peace with our love.
You will always be in our hearts.
Your eyes will watch over us.
Your spirit will always be nearby.
We will treasure your memory
until we meet again.
Dude. that's Lily.
Take flight. Mother.
Magnificent fuckers. aren't they?
You wanted to bone her since you were 1 2.
- Keep talking shit about my girl.
- Go get 'em. Tonto.
"By sun's dying flame.
and Hades' wicked might"
"l peer into the darkness"
"To take hold of the light"
Now I have the eyes of a shaman
to unlock the spell.
By sunup. you'll be Satan
and that bitch's tribe will be history.
Such a shame.
Without her eyes.
she'll be lost in the spirit world forever.
You are gonna fucking die.
Ah. Jimbo. you're breaking my heart.
Hearts were made to be broken.
"The killer's heart by love redeemed"
"ln Satan's claw like ruby gleamed"
I feel good.
Pestilence? Famine?
Take these rags to the dump and burn 'em.
This place has been tearing me down.
But "m finally crawling to the top.
Shit. That's the freezer
Momma used to lock me up in.
She'd say. "lt's damnation in there.
You ain't never coming out."
Damnation sure is a happy place.
Yeah. maybe.
If you're dead.
Kick us down a sign.
What do you see with your new eyes?
I see the devil rising up.
He's gonna make
all your dreams come true.
Eat up. Partake in the deviled ham.
eat of the deviled eggs. and for dessert.
feast on devi"s food cake.
Al flambeau.
lt's all been dusted
with Lola's magical peyote mix.
What is this?
Have we all forgotten...
..whose side you're on?
Who's been holding you down?
Who's gonna shut down the mines.
putting your families out of work.
just so they can open up a casino?
Your people. they were enslaved.
Why ain't there a goddamn
government-backed casino
in every street corner of the 'hood? Hm?
For every one of them that dies.
ten of us may die.
But in the end. it's they who will tire of War.
Now you're talking.
Famine. You're the nearest thing
to Montezuma for 500 miles.
How come you ain't got
a piece of that Aztec Casino pie?
- Hell. yes. "d eat that shit up.
- Yeah!
- Pestilence.
- Huh?
Pestilence. do you want to be
a real cowboy?
How long you got to live before that toxic
brew spreads cancer through your gut?
Long enough to see the lnjuns burn.
Satan's gonna walk in my shoes.
'Cause tonight. we'll make 'em hurt.
One by one.
Tonight is about one thing.
And who needs a wedding invite?
Don't be late.
We have to do this before sunrise
or the power is lost.
And we registered for one gift.
A sacrificial virgin
to seal our wedding vows.
Pestilence. Go down to the bar
and score some more peyote.
I'm gonna go visit an old friend.
- Oh. my God.
Shut up!
Oh. my God. what have I done?
Oh. my God. oh. my God!
You believed me when nobody else would.
For once in my life. I wasn't alone.
I always liked you. kid.
But you should have stayed
on your side of the road.
Yeah. cut her eyes out!
Cut her eyes out!
That heart's beating.
What am I?
Hey. Barnaby.
They're gonna love you at Rave-N Fest.
I love you.
You're not a killer.
Call the tribal council.
We have to have a meeting.
Tell my father Cuervo's done it again.
If there's anyone here
who objects to this couple...
? La la laa. la la laa
? La le lee. la la laa
- Speak now. or forever...
- Hey. Luc.
I bet you that virgin bride
tastes just like cherry pie.
Here. don't lose your place.
"Out of..." What?
Good call. hawkeye.
Hello. Moses.
l... I don't want any trouble.
You've done well for yourself.
I've waited a long time
for you to find success.
- They're all useless sluts.
- Please. son.
The only thing I found is God.
Who do you think stuffed your collections
box every time the mortgage was overdue?
I wanted you to taste success.
so I could take it away from you.
Who are you?
I'll tell you for 47 dollars and 66 cents.
Don't you see the resemblance
to the preacher you shot down
for the contents of his collection box?
Wait. I paid for my crime.
I did all this for your father.
to make amends.
I'm doing his work.
I've changed.
Hear that?
He's changed.
the wedding food is ready.
Don't hurt her.
- Hey. Lo.
What? What are you doing?
What are you gonna do...
Pick it up.
If you shoot me first. maybe she'll live.
- Moses! Moses!
- No! No!
- "ve changed.
- Moses. I need you...
Get away!
Moses. help me!
- Go on.
- I won't do it. "ve changed.
- Moses. help!
You bastard!
- Get out of here and call the police!
- Moses...
Good God...
Moses. oh. God.
People don't change.
I'm full.
You take the leftovers.
But leave the wife to suffer.
Luc. where are you going with this?
Let's just go. baby.
Homeboy's just fucking with you.
- Aren't you?
- Blood alone spins the wheels of history.
So I said to him.
"Get your own whore!"
? The man in black
rode down on a horse
? What course they'd run.
he dare not recall
? He'd become a creature.
thirsty and hungry...
They just ain't smart enough
to stay down where they belong.
?...kill them all
They got to spread their
little wings and fly up into the light.
? Perhaps their pain
would help him remember
The package you ordered is on its way.
You said the peyote'd
be here before dessert.
And if it ain't...
...your head becomes
a portal to the fifth dimension.
Get it?
You see that?
There's a new sheriff in town.
? The creature sat naked...
? He held his heart in his hand.
and he ate of it
? The man in black asked.
"ls it good. friend?"
Get off me. you damn hallucination.
? "But I like it. because it is bitter"
? "And because it is my heart"
I guess Famine's momma
was wrong about that freezer.
Where's fucking Luc?
He owes me two lifetimes
and a set of perfect blue eyes.
We misjudged you.
For an lnjun-loving heartless convict.
you sure got a lot of life in you.
What I got in me...
...ain't life.
Join the club.
"Am I a man who dreamt
he was a butterfly?"
"Or a butterfly who dreamt he was a man?"
I'm afraid of what "ve become.
You tell 'em they should be too.
"Oh. hell. "m just gonna say it."
"Will you marry me?"
Oh. shit!
You're not a killer.
Back when Lake Ravasu
had a lake.
I used to take her out on the water fishing.
Time stood still when she laughed.
They said smelting
wouldn't make much mess.
So I let 'em drain the lake.
And when the miners came. I told Lily:
"Mi hija. stay away from 'em.
Stay on your side of the road."
She knew better.
Dear Heavenly Father...
Let us pray.
Give us the strength to forgive.
And drain this outrage from our hearts.
You will always be in our hearts.
Your eyes will watch over us.
Your spirit will always be nearby.
Baby. I miss you so much.
Make your camp here.
What have you done to me?
You made me a fucking monster.
Did you catch him yet?
He just took another one down.
At the bar.
I'll have the state troopers
set up roadblocks.
No outsiders.
We've seen their kind of justice.
They're the ones
that set him free the first time.
But. Dad. our authority ends
at the reservation line.
And we have our kind of justice.
Now let's show the dark prince
our worthiness. pilgrims.
Herd these lambs for slaughter.
Not all of them deserve to die.
Did your brothers
deserve to die in mines
that were dug too deep
and too close to the water
so they could profit?
We haven't seen the last of War.
now. have we?
Only the dead
have seen the last of War.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Are you an angel?
Or are you another devil?
I don't know.
Maybe both.
- Come on. "m gonna get you out of here.
- I can't go out there. I just want to die.
I want to die.
But we can't. Not tonight.
All my life...
..."ve been pushing down
this fire inside of me.
Jimmy. stop!
It just keeps coming back up.
Jimmy. stop! Jimmy. stop. Stop.
I'm so fucking tired of running.
You didn't think "d recognize you?
After what you did to our son?
Your husband's still alive.
His heart's still beating.
Who are you?
Dear God.
- Maybe a ghost.
- lt's a miracle.
I'm sorry.
I don't pretend to understand
what just happened.
But don't ask me to forgive you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Now it's time
for Montezuma's revenge.
I like it.
Didn't we kill that guy?
- I don't believe it.
- The truth is. belief's not required.
I know.
He's the crow.
Like in the legend.
God is finally paying attention.
Hello. Jimmy. Jimmy. Jimmy. Jimmy.
Jimmy. Hi.
Tell me. did the blood wash off?
Or did you have to scrub
really. really hard?
Oh. Jimbo. man. Come on. it's me.
I taught you how to fight.
Showed you how to survive.
And then cut out my heart.
So let me get this straight.
I mean.
you're here to make wrong things right.
That's funny.
'cause that's what "m doing. too.
Wait. I have an idea.
Maybe you two should form a club.
- "ve never been much of a joiner.
- Oh. yeah. sure you are. Come on.
Join us in iniquity. Hm?
You can be my best man.
How are you at wedding speeches?
I'm better at eulogies.
That's what "m talking about.
What's the difference
between me and you? Hm?
I'm dead.
Watch out. Jimmy.
He's not the same man he used to be.
What happens to an angel
that loses his wings?
He falls.
"Hellfire rise"
"The heavens drop"
? Ten little. nine little. eight little lndians
? Seven little. six little. five little lndians
? Four little. three little. two little lndians
? One little lndian boy
lt's too quiet in here.
Let's go.
- Where's my daddy?
- Shh. lt's gonna be OK.
- What the hell are you doing?
- He took my hearse.
- Who?
- Jimmy Cuervo.
He had a gun
and a Rave-N Fest costume.
Rave-N Fest?
Don't just leave me here like this.
Oh. fuck!
When he was dead.
he saw that he had not lived.
Jimmy Cuervo. you're under arrest
for the murder of Lily lgnites The Dawn.
Come on. Tanner. I loved your sister.
- You know I didn't kill her.
- Bullshit.
- I don't believe you.
- Well...
Go ahead. Shoot.
lt's loaded this time. I'll kill you.
Man. I wanna die.
I want to die.
Do it. Do it. please. Please.
Go ahead.
Join us in iniquity.
You can be my best man.
Killing is easy.
Forgetting is hard.
See you in iniquity.
You think you can keep any crows
from crashing the party?
"Strength lies not in defense
but in attack."
Oh. hurry up. witchy girl.
My biological clock is ticking.
lt's not too late to break the spell.
You know. we don't have
to go through with this.
We could just get back in the car.
and head to the coast.
Cold feet. baby?
Come on.
What do we have to worry about?
But did we bag a virgin?
Our luck is changing.
We just got one
standing on the side of the road.
- What the hell. Luc Crash.
- Yes. Lola Byrne.
Let's get hitched.
- There's no place like home.
- Yeah.
Think your pimp shrimp's
gonna flip out when he sees us?
Let's hope he's sentimental.
You were always bad for business.
"m not saying
the white weight ain't worth a lookup.
I'm just saying don't buy from Smokey.
Looking good. Carmen.
- You missed me?
- No.
I was counting on never seeing
your ungrateful ass again.
You know. I gave you a chance to get out
of here and make something of yourself.
Nobody ever gave me nothing.
Where is he?
You know what else?
You disrespect my man one more time.
I will split your fucking wig
wide open.
- Fuck you.
- Where's Ni?o?
Check it out.
Crash and Byrne.
Ready to come back
and do some more damage.
You need not reapply. shorty.
I got standards.
Good to see you. Ni?o.
Dig that coat.
lt's El Ni?o.
Get it right. crackerjack.
Some respect.
I'm moving up in the world.
Well. all right.
If we're gonna do this thing.
give me my book back.
I stole it fair and square.
Plus. you never had the eyes to use it.
But now I do.
- And I ain't your shorty no more.
- Don't undercut me. shorty.
You stole the keys to Daddy's car.
But you can't handle the horsepower.
Now. what's it gonna be. homey?
You want to be Satan. or what?
The book.
Kiss it. bitch.
All right.
- We better do something.
- Don't make a move.
I want justice for my daughter.
- We can't just sit here.
- We wait for Cuervo.
How is it you're a virgin?
I guess "m just old-fashioned.
And I was...
I was saving myself
for somebody special.
Hands off.
We are gathered here.
Oh. lust. Oh. hatred.
Gluttony. Greed. Avarice.
And some other real deep heavy shit.
Oh. Satan. What's up. bones?
This is mack daddy. El Ni?o.
calling you up. man.
Quit your basking in the darkness.
and come on up here.
Hitch your bitch.
Oh. Lola. baby. Gee.
This hot bitch is gonna
bang gangbang your evil nasty self.
Oh. lust. oh. hatred...
What's that hearse doing here?
What's with the drive-by?
Nobody move. We're doing this
dead or alive. Keep going. Daddy.
- Cara Mia!
- Just shoot to the end. Ni?o.
Come on. Get up. Get up. Get up.
Come on. Lev?ntate.
So you're not invincible.
We're kicking our homey down.
Our hardcore banger Luc G here.
And. uh... To have and to hold
your immortal badassitude.
Killer. Killer.
And. uh... He'll be your homey.
Now. and for evermore.
Bye-bye. birdie.
This is some serious shit.
lt's not time yet.
Hurry up.
Make me the fucking antichrist.
- Shoot him. Shoot him.
- No. don't.
You need to keep better track
of your ammo.
lt's been a long night.
Uh... Do we all take him. or vice versa?
I do.
Nice timing. Tonto.
I now pronounce you devil and his shorty.
- I love you. Lucifer.
- Well. kiss the bride. motherfucker.
Kiss the bride.
- Will you marry me. Lola Byrne?
- Till death do us part. Luc Crash.
- Shoot him. Shoot him.
- No. No. don't.
- Shoot him.
- He's the crow. Look. "ve seen his magic.
I'll blow us both to hell.
- Good idea.
- I know your soft spot. lnjun lover.
Shoot him. Shoot him.
He's no crow. he's a killer. Shoot him.
God. This isn't right.
"War doesn't determine who's right.
just who's left."
Better to die a hero at night
than to wake a coward in the morning.
I can't believe
you really did that. shorty.
Look at that. Nice try.
It looks like we're gonna have to get
another dumb fuck to tie the knot. huh?
lncoming on an ass-kicking.
night-riding. suicide machine.
I'm home.
- Call me Lucifer.
Someone owes me two lifetimes.
And a set of perfect blue eyes.
Jimmy Crow.
Let's get this party started. shall we?
By taking out my vengeance on God
and all his angels.
one nail at a time.
Do you really wanna fucking dance?
Come on here. tiger.
Feeding time.
I need sex. baby. and fast.
If we don't do it before sunrise.
the spell breaks.
and you'll be digging a hole straight to hell.
Are you hearing me? On sacred ground
is where these eyes get their power.
lt's all good. baby.
I'm already way deep
in that sacred burial ground of yours.
Is it really you?
Original gangster?
Well. wicked-ass props to you. Mr. OG.
And thanks for representing
all the homeboys.
You still do tricks. right. shorty?
You wanted revenge.
and a deal with the devil.
Take your vengeance. baby.
You're gonna really
enjoy it soon. and learn how to fake it.
Kiss the book.
A little cherry for your cherry.
No. No.
I mean. you promised me. No.
- No! Wait! Aah!
Let us pray.
Dear Heavenly Father...
See this knife? This is the one
I used to carve out your daughter's eyes.
Sorry. folks.
I'd slice all your throats.
but I gotta get to the burial grounds.
Au revoir.
She's itching for a climax.
So I did what you wanted.
Now it's time for you
to ring my bell and lock the spell.
And we're talking. what? Seven days.
seven nights until you have to go back.
Seven days?
You're thinking way too small. princess.
You're in for a seven-year itch
you won't ever want to scratch. Ah!
You want to see the Middle East. huh?
It won't just be the Sahara desert
that's burning hot.
Pick any city. Paris?
Rio? Carnival.
We'll stroll in. set a little spark
like your little fucking mine and casino.
and just watch 'em all
cut each other to fucking pieces.
You see. the world's like an angry dog
on a choke chain. you know?
It lunges. snaps and pulls.
But the chain around its neck
just gets tighter and tighter.
It don't know that all it has to do
to be free is let go.
Oh. Don't fret. Fr?ulein.
The apocalypse is gonna be
one hell of a honeymoon.
'Cause in the morning we're gonna
massacre that lndian tribe for you.
and then move on
to bigger and badder things.
Take him down.
Take down the crow.
...que est?s en el cielo.
santificado sea tu Nombre.
Venga tu reino. H?gase tu voluntad.
en el cielo asi que en la tierra.
Danos hoy el pan cotidiano.
y librenos del mal.
porque el tuyo es el reino...
Is he dead?
- Or alive?
Holy Jesus!
You're in my way.
She believed in you.
She believed in all of you.
She believed in fairy tales.
Who are you to tell me
what she believed in?
I'm the fairy fucking godfather
that's gonna save your fairy fucking tails.
- He's bleeding to death.
- Help him. Help the crow.
How could God pick such a man?
Why not?
She did.
Lily believed in the old stories.
Like the Crow Dance.
They'll think I was a fool.
They already do.
Show 'em how fools dance.
lt's your wedding night. little girl.
And Poppy's a horny little devil.
Look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes.
The book says
you have to look at my eyes.
The book says
you have to look at my eyes.
So close.
The dark prince
was almost crowned. baby.
You can't stop. If the sun comes up
and the spel"s undone.
you're just gonna be a worthless punk.
and I'll just be a piece of white trash. Luc.
Oh. come on.
Don't you have any respect for the dead?
You know what. kid?
You're really pissing me off.
Minor angel wants to play.
Homeboy's going down
in the majors tonight.
So God gave trash like you wings.
He never gave me shit.
Always just took it all away.
Come on. I need a spell.
No. no. but... Damn. Come on.
Please let me find a spell for this.
If you want to escape from here.
you've got to let it all go.
I can't.
You think your bitch's mojo
can save you? Huh?
You're a hiccup. man.
A fart in my gas pump.
Goddamn. they're dry-clean.
lt's alive.
"Quoth the Raven. 'Nevermore'."
You think you're doing God's work.
Killers don't go to heaven. dog.
They go down.
Like my fucking bitch.
Yeah. There we go. Yeah?
Get the fuck back up!
Look at me.
I'm gonna let it all go.
Oh. fuck.
Hail Mary. full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
You hear that? Huh?
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
are riding. man.
Blessed art thou amongst women.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus.
Holy Mary. mother of God...
...pray for us sinners...
You bastard!
- Check. please. and at the hour of our death.
- "m picking up the tab.
- Amen.
Because "m the only
fucking friend you got.
Oh. say... Say. kid...
Do you know what
an angel without mercy is? Huh?
lt's nothing but a devil.
How about a little
sympathy for the devil. huh?
"l saw a creature."
"He sat. and he held his own heart
in his hands. and he ate of it."
"l asked him. 'ls it good. friend?"'
"He said. 'lt is bitter."'
- "'But I like it because it is bitter."'
- May God's fury rain down on you.
"'And because it is my heart."'
You have the right to remain silent.
And anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you don't have one...