Crying Wolf (2016) Movie Script

Listen very carefully
to what I'm about to say.
Who is this?
It's not important who we are,
but what we want.
If you ever want to see your son again,
you do as I say.
Are you listening?!
I am listening.
These are the latest
reports from Russia.
Come in!
This just came in, sir.
Are you gonna get that?
Uh, yeah.
Is this line secured?
I need a moment here.
Sure boss.
It is, indeed.
How can I assist you?
My son has been abducted this afternoon.
I'm listening.
What do you want me to do, bin Qasim?
I want you to deal with it!
I need you to deal with it habibi.
I can put a team together.
As matter of urgency
the kidnappers gave me 24 hours,
to pay the ransom money.
Soon as we gather the intel,
my boys will be ready to roll.
It cannot get out to the public,
do you understand that?
You don't have to worry about that.
I know.
That's why I called you.
One more thing habibi.
If my son dies,
he dies without a name.
I'll get to it right away.
You do that my friend, you do that.
Consider it done.
Did you assemble the team?
Yeah I did but um,
due to the limited time that I had,
it's just like,
Are they ready?
That's what I want to hear.
You bet.
Inside that folder,
you'll find all the intel you need.
You might want to consider briefing
the team before going to the county.
Well, the chopper's ready,
we're ready.
It's gonna be a walk in the park.
Better be,
you don't want to disappoint the Sheikh.
His name is Al-Thani.
Qassim Al-Thani.
As you all are aware now,
the Al-Thani family
has not negotiated with no terrorists!
What they do instead,
is offer every one of us a million quid.
If we deliver their little
boy home, safe and sound.
Daddy bought some time
to extend the deadline
just enough to stall the kidnappers
killing his precious one and only son.
Gentlemen, this is a
typical POV situation.
But due to the lack of
time we have available,
there is no human nor technical
intelligence to rely on.
We were able to track
down the prince location,
before the RFID signal was cut off
The place is a rundown mansion,
only occasional village
gatherings taking place.
It's a fucking maze, as
the owner describes it.
At the south side of the building,
Alpha will make their way to the inside.
Bravo team sneaks in through the roof,
while Charlie standing
by the main entrance.
As blueprints are absent here,
the only thing to rely
on is your teammate.
It's old school,
we go in, get the kid,
and get the fuck out
guerilla style of a mission.
Approximately 20 minutes ago,
the tangos clashed with
the police by unknown reasons,
not far from the scene.
Killing three of the men in blue.
Reportedly they are
carrying melee weapons,
but we can't be sure
that's their only arsenal.
Soon the countrywide manhunt is on,
as the old bill is furious.
And we don't have much time,
before they find them again.
This is a covert operation,
so act like it.
We don't want to spook the enemy,
as they might execute the hostage.
But make no mistake,
you have green light to shoot to kill.
And get your ponchos ready.
Rain is acid like Strongbow in there.
Eagle One to Big Daddy,
we are approaching
the landing site,
ETA one minute, over.
Copy that Eagle One.
Alpha team, you are clear to engage, over.
Big Daddy, this is Alpha.
We are inside the nest, over.
Bravo team to Big daddy.
We are approaching our point of entry.
No hostiles in sight.
Keep your eyes and ears open.
Big Daddy over and out.
Approaching door.
Standby for entry.
Go, go, go, go!
Room is clear.
All clear.
Approaching door.
Room is clear.
Bravo Team, this is Alpha.
What's your status, over?
Bravo team standing by.
How's it looking down there, over?
All quiet Bravo.
Maybe too quiet.
Watch your six Alpha.
Bravo team over and out.
These fucking ponchos in 30 degrees?
Strongbow my arse!
Alpha to Big Daddy, come in, over.
I have eyes on the prize.
Approach with caution Alpha,
it might be a trap.
Roger that.
Clearing the room.
All clear.
Don't move an inch,
or I blast you.
Nod if you understand.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Bravo team to Alpha.
What's happening down there?
Alpha this is Big Daddy.
Report on hostage condition, over.
I can't see it from here.
Hey, are you ok?
Nikolai, check if he's alive.
We have no time to fuck around.
Okay, Okay.
Don't rush me.
Holy shit, hostage is down!
Fucking hell man!
What the fuck?
Oh shit, he's critically injured!
Don't worry, we get you out!
Bravo team, make your way down
and clear the way for Alpha!
Charlie, get ready to intercept
the hostage for immediate evac!
Charlie in position.
Alpha team, we are making our way down,
what's your location?
Cover us, chief.
No worries, you guys go ahead.
All clear.
Moving on to next location.
Alpha team, we are on ground.
What's your 20?
What's the update on the hostage?
He needs medical attention,
and he needs it now!
We have to move him,
there is no time!
Now we are fucked!
Alpha, come in over!
They're not answering the fucking radio!
What the hell?
Enemy behind you!
Alpha team, do you read me?
Bravo team, do you copy?
Houston, we have a problem.
Charlie team, you are
the last men standing.
Find the hostage and get
the hell out of there!
Stand by for contact!
Tango down, I repeat tango down!
Double tap it, make sure it stays dead!
Where the hell is the squad leader?
He's fallen behind,
I told him to cover.
Charlie team, do you read me?
Charlie come in, over!
Okay, it's time to pop a smoke.
Big Daddy it's Charlie squad leader
come and get me I'm badly injured.
Calm down son!
Do you have the hostage?
Fuck the hostage he's dead!
They're all dead,
do you read me?
Send the chopper
We are coming for you,
don't die on me just yet!
Eagle One, get ready for firestorm,
fucking media got their hunch,
they are on their way!
Copy that Big daddy,
five by five.
Where's the fucking chopper?
Hang in there son,
we are coming in hot!