Curbing Violence (2024) Movie Script

[Curbing Violence]
[2016 Jiangyong City]
Check it out.
Who is it?
You keep telling me to stay calm.
How am I supposed to stay calm?
My guy has already infiltrated the gang.
It's an inter-provincial trafficking gang
with five main criminals.
You told me
there would be someone
inside to help my guy.
What's the situation now?
I have to tell you the truth.
They already know there's
an undercover among them.
Your guy and the one who
is supposed to get him
are both in danger.
There was a car accident ahead.
[Director Qin Pengfei]
the goods are here.
Four local mules (local women).
A tall sheep (woman over 170 cm),
white secret goods
(deceived married women),
yellow decent goods (abducted young women),
1.8 jin (18 years old).
I'll take them upstairs.
What happened to her face?
She has a bad temper.
Don't you know she is the merchandise?
she's not gonna make it.
Take her away.
Behave yourself!
where are you?
I'll be right there.
The goods are here.
Where are you going?
Boss, I'm fast.
am faster.
Don't be afraid.
I'm a criminal police officer from the Yongnan
District Public Security Bureau in Jiangyong City.
Listen up.
You're under arrest.
Take her.
This woman...
This woman is a cop!
Li Hongqi.
Qiu Yizhao.
Why didn't anyone tell me
it was going to be a woman?
Qiu Yizhao!
Qiu Yizhao!
Are you okay?
What took you so long?
I got stuck in a traffic jam.
Thank goodness you're alright.
You are
Comrade Li Hongqi from Binzhou?
I'm Huang Zhongyi.
Hello, Captain Huang.
[17 July 2016, 5:31 pm]
There are five main criminals.
Only the fourth one, Liu
Fengchao, remains at large.
We've got information about him.
But that bastard
is very cunning.
He quit.
Where is my candy?
Don't worry, Liu Fengchao
can't get out of Jiangyong.
You're good.
You're not bad either.
Captain Huang,
detain them in your
prison for the time being.
I'll go back to Binzhou
and report the progress
to the leaders first.
Master, thank you for your guidance.
My company has turned the corner.
I've prepared some vegetarian dishes.
Please accept them.
Thank you.
[Painting Pavilion on Clouds]
[Great Grandfather, Cheng
Yaya's Memorial Tablet]
Give me your hand.
Left hand!
Cheekbones burned.
Nails withered.
Why do you look like this
in just a few days?
Please tell me, Master.
The impending doom is urgent and severe.
I'm afraid you'll lose all
your wealth and even your life.
My husband was poor when he was young.
It's all thanks to you
for praying for him in the
ancestral hall day and night.
That he could build up from nothing.
is there any way
to help us?
Please help me prevent the doom.
you came in time.
Now, the green aura has only spread
from your forehead to your nose so far.
There's still a month
for you to do something.
If the green energy aura
reaches your philtrum
and the inexorable doom comes true,
everything will be too late.
Don't wash off the protection charm
for three days.
Now we need a guiding drug to
truly get through the doom.
But your wife is here...
Just say it. It's okay.
You must be intimate
with a specific girl.
You must find the girl according to the
birth date and birthplace on this paper.
I've calculated it.
If you want the girl to be good for you,
she has to look kind.
We can't afford to delay it. Hurry.
If the green aura reaches your philtrum,
there is nothing I can do.
Thank you.
[Laid-off Mini-Mart]
you're back.
Auntie Pan.
Let me help you.
Why have you gotten hurt again?
I'm fine.
Police work is too dangerous.
Hey, Mei!
You're back.
Be careful, Auntie Pan.
I bought your favorite noodles.
Uncle Han!
Please buy a ticket to board the train!
How come he can't recognize me again?
It's always like this.
Uncle Han, it's me, Zhao.
Look at you. You are an adult,
but you don't know how to cook.
And you don't have a boyfriend.
I'm so worried about you.
Why are you nagging so much now?
Am I right, Uncle Han?
Han Mei!
Han Mei!
Here, up here.
Are you off work?
How is it?
Did you miss me today?
I miss you.
Who called me?
I'm here.
Someone is calling me!
Remember to think of me!
Let's go.
We're almost home.
Tao. Tao.
Mom, you're back.
Take care of your grandpa tonight.
I'll go to Aunt Qiu's house.
[Qiu Yizhao]
can you come and learn how
to make wontons with me?
You can't ask me to make
them for you every time.
I love your cooking.
You're my sister after all.
Can I make them for you forever?
It's not impossible.
Hello, Huang. What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Captain Huang just called and said
that a girl we saved a few days ago
didn't make it.
She just received her
university admission letter.
you've tried your best.
Don't stress yourself out so much.
you have to be careful
when you drive at night.
Silly girl.
I'm a driver. I'll be fine.
Besides, Dad is in the car with me.
My sister is a police officer.
Who dares to bully me?
I will protect you.
we found the girl.
Have you checked it with the Master?
We have found three in total.
One had plastic surgery,
and the other faked her age.
Only Han Mei checks all the boxes.
She happens to be an
employee of our company.
It's just that her performance is too bad.
It's hard to create a
chance for you two to meet.
Master told me
that I was dying.
Now you're telling me it's hard
to create an opportunity for me?
Is it that hard?
Look at you.
I told you to dress up nicely
for the company party today.
What are you wearing?
Isn't it nice? What's wrong?
What's so good about this oversized shirt?
I can't return it if it's broken.
Welcome to all the guests here tonight.
To thank the core staff of MEDDER Group,
Mr. Cheng has organized this party.
Next, let's give a big round of applause
to welcome Mr. Cheng.
That one
is our boss,
a caring entrepreneur.
He has done a lot of charity work.
Welcome to Medeer Group's employee party.
Hope you have fun tonight.
So considerate.
His wife is not as pretty as you.
Han Mei is here.
Over there.
Don't just eat.
There are so many handsome guys around.
Do you find someone cute?
Why? You'll set me up
with him if I like him?
What about that one over there?
I need to go to the bathroom.
Hello, Huang.
I just sent you a photo.
Help me confirm
if this person is Liu Fengchao.
Liu Fengchao.
Get out of the way. Don't stop
me from catching the culprit.
Who are you?
It's all a misunderstanding.
We are all friends.
This is Ms. Xiaosang, the
manager of the PR department.
You made a mess here.
You have to give me an explanation.
You're obstructing
official duties, you know?
Cheng Xiaosang!
Thank you.
How rude.
I'm sorry.
Forget it.
Let's go.
How can you apologize like that?
I'm sorry.
I am sorry!
I'm sorry.
She is my sister.
I'm Cheng Jie.
Are you okay?
That man is a wanted criminal.
I don't know him.
He came here to hit on me.
You'd better have nothing to do with him.
I'm sorry.
Next, let me introduce
a distinguished guest,
our excellent employee, Ms. Han Mei.
For all these years,
she has been working with
her father with Alzheimer's.
It's very moving.
Great success begins
with devotion to family.
After a discussion with
the board of directors,
we've decided that, firstly,
we'll reward Ms. Han Mei
with a 100,000-yuan bonus.
the group will cover all of Ms.
Han Mei's father's
medical expenses.
From now on,
Ms. Han Mei's child's tuition fees,
whether he goes to elementary
school, high school, or college,
will be sponsored by our group.
we will also hire Ms. Han Mei
as the most beautiful image ambassador
for our company's online
car-hailing service.
Let's give Ms. Han Mei
a big round of applause.
My day has finally come.
100,000 yuan.
It'll be easier for us from now on.
We can take Dad traveling
and enjoy life,
be careful with Cheng Jie.
I don't think it's as simple as it seems.
Zhao, you're overthinking.
Don't be so stingy.
I know you're worried about Dad's disease,
and Tao's tuition fees.
They're all solved.
Han Mei!
Han Mei.
Take it.
Thank you.
Don't waste your money next time.
It's okay.
It doesn't cost much.
Did you get the flowers from the tree lawn?
You can even tell that?
You're destroying the
environment, you know?
No, I don't.
Go back to your home!
Remember to look at the card I put inside.
Can you believe him?
A card?
"I'm lucky to have met you.
Falling in love with you is my instinct."
So cheeky.
[MEDDER Group]
[The Most Beautiful Female
Driver Award Ceremony]
Thank you, media friends.
The star of today's ceremony is the
company's image ambassador next to me,
Ms. Han Mei.
[Cash check: 10,000]
She is the image ambassador of
our online car-hailing business.
I believe you all have heard about her.
Han Mei,
can the PR team and I
take some personal promotional
photos of you at your home?
It's my pleasure to get in your car.
I'll arrange for a car
to take you back later.
Thank you.
[Online Car-Hailing
Business, Image Ambassador]
[Online Car-Hailing
Business, Image Ambassador]
[The Most Beautiful Female
Driver Award Ceremony]
Please buy a ticket to board the train.
Buy tickets.
Ms. Sang said that today's
shooting was canceled.
Hit here!
Hit here.
Let's go up first.
[All Happiness in the Family]
Mr. Cheng, here, have some water.
Han Mei.
I have a favor to ask.
[All Happiness in the Family]
Mr. Cheng,
what can I do for you?
A master said
that I had an inexorable doom.
If I can't get through this,
my money
and my life
will all be gone.
God is so unfair.
So, I want you
to sleep with me.
Mr. Cheng.
What era is it now?
I can't believe you're so superstitious.
I won't agree to such an absurd request.
I know it may sound ridiculous.
So, besides the 100,000
yuan bonus from the group,
you and your family can
ask for anything else.
I'll agree to them all.
Half a million yuan?
1 million yuan?
You can't ask me for 10 million
yuan for one night, can you?
Mr. Cheng,
although our family is poor,
I can't agree to something
like this just for money.
Do you really think
money can fix everything?
I thought I met a good guy.
But turns out, you're just a hooligan!
If you really believe in superstitions,
this is your destiny.
Get lost.
It's just one night?
Is it that hard?
What's so hard to sleep with me?
What's so hard about it?
You just let me die.
My fate
is up to me.
[Day 1 of the Crime]
Did you see any strangers
around Han Mei's house?
No, no.
Thank you.
Have you seen any strangers
around Han Mei's house?
Did any strangers enter or leave
Han Mei's house last night?
[Laid-off Mini-Mart]
No, I didn't see it.
Okay, thank you.
[Day 1 of the Crime]
He's here.
Move aside. Don't take photos.
I'm asking you! What's your name?
You can talk to my lawyer.
Don't worry.
We will hold a press
conference at the company soon.
I've checked with the hospital.
The best-case scenario for
Han Mei is a vegetable.
Her family...
The phone.
The only family she has is
her stupid father and son.
There's no one else in her family.
But that policewoman the other day
stayed in the hospital for her all night.
The policewoman is her
neighbor and a good friend.
They're very close.
A tomboy.
If she causes trouble,
have her dismissed
from the police force.
Why was Cheng Jie released?
It's not even 12 hours yet!
He's the biggest suspect!
Colleagues from the District Criminal
Police Unit didn't identify him
as a suspect after the investigation.
Shuai has gone there many times.
He's got all the information.
The Technical Squadron of the District
Criminal Police Unit arrived at the scene
and initially ruled out the
possibility of a criminal case.
Han Mei committed suicide.
Say it again. Who committed suicide?
Mei has a family to feed.
There's no way she'd commit suicide!
Senior Yizhao, I'm just
relaying what they said.
You have to stay calm
when it comes to things.
There are ways to do everything.
Tell me what those ways are.
Come on.
The tech lab identified
that Han Mei is left-handed.
Wrist cuts on her right wrist.
There are also obvious hesitation wounds.
It's hard to forge these irregular wounds.
The blade used to slit the
wrist came from her dad's razor.
The fingerprints on the
blade are Han Mei's alone.
Colleagues from the Criminal Police
Unit will continue to follow up
and wait for Han Mei to wake up to ask her.
What about physical evidence and witnesses?
Han Mei's phone was not found at the scene,
nor other evidence.
Her neighbor, Jiang Xiaoshan,
met Han Mei at 5 p.m.
He said
that Han Mei was in a low mood,
with her words and actions
showing suicidal tendencies.
Han Mei had sexual intercourse
before she became unconscious.
It was sexual assault.
[Protecting Mr. Cheng starts from me] [Merits
and demerits are equal. He's a good man]
I did have sex with Ms. Han Mei.
I cheated on my wife with her.
But she seduced me.
I've hurt my family
and my wife with this.
I'm sorry.
[MEDDER Group]
I've let down both the public
and the shareholders who
have supported MEDDER.
I'm sorry.
About the rumors
circulating on the Internet,
the hearsay, I want to say
that I'll admit
to what I did.
But I won't admit
to anything I haven't done.
In fact,
I'm also a victim in this matter.
Oh, he's the victim?
What's going on?
[All Recordings]
How can you be so cold
to me all of a sudden?
Money! I want money!
This is not over.
I want money!
[Mr. Cheng, good people are always good]
[Mr. Cheng hasn't said anything yet.
Mind your own business]
I believe Cheng Jie.
In all the years we've been married,
I know what kind of person he is.
He is a good husband.
In the future,
he will be a good father.
Kiss me.
[MEDDER Group]
I hope you'll report this news truthfully.
Thank you.
How can you be so cold
to me all of a sudden?
Money! I want money!
This is not over.
I want money!
How can you be so cold
to me all of a sudden?
Money! I want money!
This is not over.
I want money!
[Day 3 of the Crime]
How can you be so cold
to me all of a sudden?
Money! I want money!
This is not over.
I want money!
The crime happened in the afternoon.
Most of them were still at work.
The kids were still at school.
The elderly were still taking a nap.
[Fire Hydrant]
Jiang Xiaoshan!
Jiang Xiaoshan!
Don't come over.
Don't come over.
Blood distribution is normal.
No signs of coagulation or slow blood flow.
It's hard for blood to be
sprayed with such force
if it's killing or knocking someone out
before staging a suicide.
The blood isn't fake.
But Mei didn't commit suicide.
[Please Regulate the Use
of Freight Elevators]
That policewoman is so persistent.
She went to investigate Han Mei's house.
Where is Master?
He said something happened at home.
He's taking a few days off.
How could you give him days off
when such a big thing happened to me?
You gave him a day off?
Keep an eye on
Han Mei's neighbors.
The plane is here again!
The plane is here!
Made a fortune?
There's a new gambling house recently.
Do you want to try your luck?
Have some fun.
Stop making me gamble!
[Day 3 of the Crime]
[Day 4 of the Crime]
I want to report a crime.
[6 Persons, Overloading Illegal]
How can you be so cold
to me all of a sudden?
Money! I want money!
This is not over.
I want money.
Did you hear anything?
Listen carefully.
How can you be so cold
to me all of a sudden?
Money! I want money!
This is not over.
I want money!
It's a bit noisy.
It was the sound of an airplane.
A plane?
The building where I live with Han Mei
is right below the flight path.
The recording online
recorded the sound of the plane.
I called the airport,
and they said
there was air traffic
control that afternoon.
All flights resumed after five.
If Cheng Jie had stayed at Han
Mei's house when the noise occurred,
that means Jiang Xiaoshan is lying.
There are still many doubts
surrounding the Han Mei case.
[MEDDER Group]
According to the superiors' discussion,
Qiu Yizhao has been appointed as Deputy
Special Investigating Team Leader.
Boss, a call for you.
Hello, Jie.
That policewoman is here.
She can come whenever she wants?
Then we can't let her leave as she wants.
Jiang Xiaoshan,
I paid you off, and you
still called the cops?
Don't you think that's a bit out of line?
I just washed my hands.
I just washed my hands.
I lost my watch.
It's very expensive.
I have to look for it.
Let's see if the watch
is on this lady.
Here it is.
I'm sorry.
[Hua Xun Pin]
Cheng Jie asked people to mess with you.
As soon as you make a move,
complaints against you follow.
The complaints show he's panicking.
I'm drawing him out of hiding.
If I quit due to complaints,
what kind of police am I?
The complaint
is just Cheng Jie's first step.
He will definitely deal
with you in the future.
You must
stay calm when it comes to things.
There are ways to deal with things.
Eat more.
Eat more.
let's have a drink together.
What are you doing?
I want to make friends with you.
You're so beautiful.
Come on.
You pervert!
Don't go.
What are you doing?
Watch and learn.
I'll show you how it's done.
Stop pretending!
Come here!
He's a pervert! Someone help me!
He's a pervert! Someone help me!
What are you doing?
I'm a police officer from
the Yongnan District...
I'm your father.
Who hit me?
I'm a police officer.
You assaulted a police officer, okay?
Qiu Yizhao.
you're a police officer!
Your actions and behavior are
subject to the people's supervision.
If you really want to help Han Mei,
before you have evidence,
you have to bear it,
no matter how tough it is.
[Day 4 of the Incident]
[Day 5 of the Incident]
What are you doing here?
I came to see you.
This is the company's
compensation for Han Mei.
I think you gave it to the wrong person.
Trying to bribe the police?
You've got a lot of nerve.
Everyone has a price.
If it's not enough, name your price.
Take your money. Get lost.
She's quite pretty.
Put it down.
I'm sorry.
My hand slipped.
These dumplings
don't look good at all.
This policewoman is so stubborn.
What should we do?
What do you mean?
What are you even good for?
Figure it out yourself.
Have a drink.
Hello, Master.
You finally called me back.
I'm sorry.
I messed it up.
You have to help me out,
Let's see if we can do some rituals
or add more incense.
The day after tomorrow?
How about this?
I'll book you a private jet tomorrow.
I'll wait for you at the lodge tomorrow.
You're a big boss,
how can you still believe in that?
Hey, don't look at me like that.
Did anyone tell you
you're going to have a very bad day today?
I don't believe such things.
Whether you believe it or not,
you can't laugh at me anymore.
You can't laugh at me anymore.
Where are you?
[Day 5 of the Incident]
[Day 6 of the Incident]
You've been looking for me.
Are you here to turn yourself in?
Cheng Jie sent you, right?
Hello, Huang.
We caught Si.
[Day 6 of the Incident]
[Day 7 of the Incident]
Ms. Han Mei
was once an employee
of our group after all.
No matter what choices
she made in her life,
I'm personally very sorry for
what happened to her today.
I hope this can help her and her family.
[Compensation: 100,000 yuan]
[Compensation: 100,000 yuan]
I don't want your money. You're bad guys!
Go away!
I want to put you through college too.
Come, let's look over here together.
Go away!
Don't touch my family
with your filthy hands.
Let's go, Uncle Han.
Mr. Cheng, may I ask
what's the development plan of MEDDER
Group for the second half of the year?
Let me ask you something
that's on everyone's mind.
What do you think about the incident
between you and Ms. Han Mei?
We've already answered this question
in the last press conference.
As I said,
I'll bear the consequences
of my mistakes.
What else can I say about this?
I can only say that
it takes two hands to clap.
Cheng Jie.
If you slap someone's face with one
hand, it will still make a sound.
Officer Qiu.
Ward No.6 is in danger!
Go and have a look.
It's Han Mei's bed number.
Thanks for all your help
on the divorce lawsuit.
You're welcome, you're my sister after all.
I want to start a new life.
For Tao and Dad,
I have to live well.
[Day 7 of the Incident]
[Day 8 of the Incident]
Comrade Qiu Yizhao.
We all feel sad about Han Mei's death.
With her family's approval,
the team has requested an autopsy.
In the next few days,
Xiao Shuai and I will continue to investigate
the movements of Cheng Jie and others.
On behalf of the team,
why don't you visit the family?
You messed it up.
The aura is about to reach the people.
We can only find something
to joyous to offset it.
[MEDDER Group Scandal Ends,
Cheng Jie Announces Twins]
[Young entrepreneur Cheng Jie's
twins are born. Rumors are over.]
[Congratulations to entrepreneur Cheng
Jie on the birth of his children]
[They're doing just fine. It must
be a fake rumor on the Internet.]
[The dust has settled, and you've wrongly
accused such a great young entrepreneur.]
[Why do stocks rise after a crash?]
[Selling at high level for several
consecutive days with high turnover]
Mom, I'll burn some
money for you this time.
Don't be thrifty there.
Han Mei, I'm here to send you flowers.
Han Mei.
Jiang Xiaoshan!
Where have you been?
Let me ask you.
How did Han Mei die?
Did Cheng Jie kill her?
Tell me!
Say it!
I don't know!
Don't hit me.
Don't hit me!
Jiang Xiaoshan.
Jiang Xiaoshan.
Jiang Xiao...
Qiu Yizhao.
Jiang Xiaoshan.
Get someone to watch him.
Treat him first.
You're too cruel.
Look at Jiang Xiaoshan.
He can't testify to anything now.
This is a token from the
team to Han Mei's family.
Have a look.
The technical department
conducted an autopsy on Han Mei's body
and ruled it a criminal case.
They inferred that Han Mei's wrists
were slit while she was awake.
It appears that the contusion on
the wrist was caused by struggling.
Han Mei's case has been officially transferred
to the Municipal Criminal Police team.
before conviction,
we need solid evidence.
For this,
Captain Huang fought a
lot with the leaders.
Get out.
He's lost so much weight.
Get out.
Why are you talking about that?
I'm fine.
[Autopsy Report]
[Cheng Jie: case suspect]
[Married with kids] [Wife] [Siblings]
These are the people close to Cheng Jie.
His wife, Zhang Lu.
Her family business failed.
In order to get funds,
she married Cheng Jie.
His sister Cheng Xiaosang.
She doesn't share the same
mother with Cheng Jie.
He ordered her to handle some grey cases.
Liu Tianzhu.
[Cheng Jie: case suspect]
[Page from a magazine]
He gave a chance suggestion during
the rise of Cheng Jie's career
and now he's kept in his family's shrine.
the breakthrough
is not clear currently.
If a crime was committed,
there's no way these guys are ironclad.
[Cheng Jie: case suspect]
[Congratulations to the Chengs. Young investor
Cheng Jie announces his wife is pregnant]
[Congratulations to the Chengs. Young investor
Cheng Jie announces his wife is pregnant]
[Sheraton Grand Hotel]
Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Chen.
I have an appointment.
Please wait a moment.
You want a divorce?
We met before.
I don't remember.
Premature cesarean section
can be very harmful to both
the mother and the babies.
Is it worth it?
Problems sort themselves out in time.
There's nothing to it.
You're rushing to give birth to the kids
when they're less than six months old.
Have you ever thought about the children?
Master said
we should have our children earlier.
How early?
Are you crazy?
It's only been six months.
Master said we have to
have something joyous.
Otherwise, our family won't
be able to get through this.
Cheng Jie.
How could you risk me
and our children's
Be good.
I'll go to the hospital with you tomorrow.
Cheng Jie!
Are you human?
What do you take us for?
Your tools?
We have to do it at 10 tomorrow.
I'm sorry, Mr. Chen is fully booked today.
Why are you getting a divorce?
It's good to turn a blind eye, no?
You got yourself into a hot seat or
a prickly situation as Mrs. Cheng?
Do you know something you shouldn't?
In order to get a bigger
share of the divorce,
you're looking for evidence
everywhere and Cheng Jie knows this.
Your Mr. Chen is upstairs.
It's not that he's busy.
He can't see you at all.
He's Cheng Jie's lawyer, not your lawyer.
Don't you understand?
I used to think
I was the lady of the house.
I didn't realise
the children and I were just pigs in a poke
until I was
put on the operating table.
From the beginning,
when the company supported Han Mei
and gave her awards,
it was all a trap set by Cheng Jie.
He is
superstitious to the point of obsession.
He can do anything.
On the day Han Mei died,
I saw him
come home
and get rid of a piece
of bloodied clothing.
I didn't ask anything.
Until he...
He hurt me and the children.
When I was looking for
evidence for divorce,
I recovered a recording on my computer.
It had been deleted.
Only then did I confirm
that he killed someone.
I want to sue him.
Let me advise you.
Don't bother.
I'm a man of my word.
I'll be responsible.
Name your price and I'll transfer
it to your card tomorrow.
I don't want your money!
Why should I take your dirty money?
I don't want your money!
Be rational.
Don't you have elders at home?
And a child, right?
They have a future.
This is the child.
I even know where he goes to school.
I'm a person
who can turn against you at any moment.
Han Mei.
I got the parcel for you.
I'm Jiang Xiaoshan.
Han Mei, are you alright?
Open the door, Han Mei!
Han Mei!
Han Mei, it's me.
I don't want your money!
I won't let you off!
What are you doing?
Mr. Cheng.
This is good.
This tribulation is over.
It's good luck
for the next 20 years.
[Mr. Chen]
Hello, Mr. Chen.
Mr. Cheng, your wife
just came to my company.
She was taken away by a
female police officer.
She texted me before she came
and said she found a new piece of evidence.
It's a recording.
How is it?
Did the stock rise again?
I've calculated for you.
In the next nine years,
the company's stock price
will rise all the way.
Hello, Cheng Xiaosang.
Book me a flight to Europe.
Bring cash.
Mr. Cheng!
Mr. Cheng!
Where's the Master?
Tell me
how you will solve this disaster today.
[Criminal Police Branch]
Don't go easy on them on this operation.
Zero tolerance,
go hard against the criminals.
Zero tolerance!
[Criminal Police Branch]
Witness Zhang Lu voluntarily
testified against Cheng Jie.
The recording she provided
disproved Jiang Xiaoshan's perjury.
Suspect Cheng Jie is suspected
of intentional homicide.
As Cheng Jie failed to appear at the trial,
the Municipal People's Procuratorate
has approved the arrest.
[Arrest warrant]
[Day 15 of the Incident,
15 August 2016, 4.23pm]
Ensure the safety of
the people at the scene
and evacuate them in time.
Police arrest.
All unrelated personnel,
evacuate immediately.
Move in groups.
[Renjie Lodge]
[Renjie Lodge]
Is the helicopter here?
You take the elevator.
You did so many dirty things for him.
Was it worth it?
Turning yourself in is your only choice.
You're just one of Cheng Jie's tools.
Why are you helping him?
I'm willing!
Cheng Jie!
Cheng Jie, come out!
Cheng Jie.
Unrelated personnel, please evacuate.
Cheng Jie.
You can't run away.
Then I won't.
You're just a little cop.
Why are you so stubborn?
Cheng Jie.
On suspicion of intentional homicide,
and unlawful detention,
I'm arresting you officially.
Search every floor, every corner.
Come out.
[Binding rope]
I was wrong.
I'm really sorry.
give me a chance to turn
over a new leaf, okay?
I have two children.
They're in a hospital incubator.
I don't want them to lose their father.
I'm begging you, let me go, okay?
I beg you, okay?
When you killed Han Mei,
did you think about her
child and her father?
Didn't I admit I was wrong?
Why can't you just let me go?
You're the one who didn't let them go.
[Three months later]
Defendant Cheng Jie
intentionally and unlawfully
deprived another person of his life
and caused his death.
His behavior has constituted
intentional homicide.
[Jiangyong Focus]
I made it myself.
Eat it while it's hot.
Let me show you my drawing.
This is you.
This is Auntie.
[Name: Han Bin]
Uncle Han, don't worry
about Tao.
[Name: Han Bin]
Is it pretty?
It's ugly.
- [According to Articles 232, 236, 238, and 128 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the defendant Cheng Jie]
- [was convicted of intentional homicide, rape, unlawful detention, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.]
[The offences were combined and he was sentenced
to death and stripped of political power]