Curious Caterer: Forbidden Fruit (2024) Movie Script

(slow rock music)
(cork pops)
(slow rock music continues)
(slow rock music continues)
First, the number one
single in the country,
"Love Me Always."
(group cheers)
Number one!
Now, the number one album.
This US tour was a huge success.
Here's to you, The Faithfuls,
for being the biggest
new band of the decade.
- That's right. (cheers)
(group cheers)
- And here's to Abby for
writing all our amazing songs.
Here's to the night
that changes everything.
(group cheers)
[Nicola] Yeah, yes.
(slow dramatic music)
(thunder rumbles)
(slow ominous music)
(siren wails)
- [Police Radio]
Dispatch, major crash
on Range Road 87,
possible fatality, over.
- [DJ] And there's
a new group rounding
out the top 40 this week.
This is the hit single
by The Faithfuls.
Fall apart
If you would only
love me always
'Cause it's printed
in the stars
That you are gonna
love me always
(slow orchestral music)
Or blue.
Or blue.
(Goldy sighs)
I don't know, which outfit?
Mom, just pick one.
You could rock sweats
and Tom would love it.
(Goldy scoffs)
- Never fear, Marla, your
fairy fashionista is here.
Oh, I love the bob.
- [Goldy] Really, you
don't think it's too short?
- No, oh, my gosh,
no, it is perfect,
and I have just
the outfit for it.
You called in backup?
Someone had to.
(Goldy sighs)
Who are The Faithfuls, anyway?
(pizzicato orchestral music)
I'm sorry, who?
Have you taught her nothing?
[Goldy] Apparently not.
- They are only
the best band ever.
- Your mother and I
were obsessed with them in high school.
Is this what I think it is?
Our very first poster of them.
(both laughing)
(Goldy sighs)
Ugh, I'm so jealous
- you get to go.
- I know.
- Tom must have pulled
some serious strings.
- Why haven't I
heard of this group?
- Well, The Faithfuls
broke up 20 years ago
when their bassist and
songwriter Abby tragically died,
and we never thought
that we would ever
hear them sing again,
but they are coming
back together
for one night only to sing
all of their greatest hits
and it's gonna be epic! (laughs)
- What is even
happening right now?
(slow music)
Listen up, tonight is
an invite-only live
recording at Vogue.
You'll be working with
private security detail
in a device-free zone.
Your phones are cleared,
but guests are gonna have
to secure their cells
in phone lock pouches.
I'll be off duty
tonight, but Mason,
you're running lead.
Okay, rock and roll.
(slow orchestral music)
So this is the night, huh?
- Yeah, yeah, it's
not every day a band
has a 20 year
anniversary, I mean-
- No, I meant for you,
your first date with Goldy.
So did you order a fresh limo?
- Oh, yeah, you don't have
to order a fresh limo.
I mean, it's kind
of a special night,
but your sedan should be okay.
You detailed it, right?
Well, it's okay if
you haven't done that.
I'm sure she'll
love the flowers.
Then again, flowers
are overrated.
[Tom] Mason?
Stop talking.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
- You got chocolates
though, right, Tom?
(phone rings)
- Very Good Catering,
this is Goldy.
Hi, I'm Nicola Martins.
I'm the manager
of The Faithfuls,
and I'm in a bit of a bind.
My caterer just bailed,
something about a broken arm.
Anyway, I really need
an experienced caterer
to take over.
- I'm sorry, (stammers) did
you just say The Faithfuls?
[Nicola] That's correct.
- I cannot begin to tell
you how flattered I am,
but (stammers) I'm
actually attending.
- Oh, yeah, I know,
you're on the list.
That's how I knew
you'd be available.
- I can't, tonight
is, it's very special-
Let me be frank.
This band and I go way back.
The Faithfuls are like my family
and I need to take care of them.
I can get you VIP passes,
autographed merch,
anything you want.
- Nicola, um, you had
me at family. (laughs)
It would be my honor
to take care of them.
- Yes, it's one of the
reasons I became a caterer.
- Great, okay, well, keep
your eye on your inbox.
I'll send you the rider.
(upbeat orchestral music)
(slow guitar music)
(Goldy laughs)
Hi, um-
Oh. (laughs)
(Goldy laughs)
It's not seven yet, is it?
- No, um, I just, I
came to give you these.
Okay, what's going on?
- Well, I know tonight is
our first official date,
and you had to jump through
hoops to get these tickets,
and believe me when I tell you
that I didn't want to do this.
Are you canceling our date,
- is that what's happening?
- No, no.
No, no, no, I'm not canceling.
It's just, I might have
agreed to cater it.
Cater it?
- Goldy, it's supposed
to be your night off.
- I know, but I'll be available
throughout the concert.
I'll be with you, and
Marla agreed to help.
I just, (sighs) I
just didn't want you
to think that work
was more important.
(slow piano music)
- I just want to spend
time with you, okay?
It doesn't matter
what we're doing.
If you're okay, I'm okay.
So I'll meet you there?
Meet you there.
I'm just gonna have
to cancel the limo.
(Goldy laughs)
- [Goldy] Wait, you weren't
really gonna pick me up
in a limo, right?
- No, no, of course
not. (laughs)
[Goldy] Okay. (laughs)
Yeah, come on.
See you later.
Oh, see you later.
(phone beeps)
(Tom sighs)
Yeah, hi, Luxury Limos?
(upbeat music)
(car doors slamming)
- [Goldy] Thank you so much
for stepping in last minute.
Are you kidding me?
I have never been so excited
to air fry in my life.
(both laughing)
Oh, I hope they sing
"Love Me Always."
(Goldy sighs)
(car door slams)
- Of course they will, it's
only their biggest hit.
(upbeat music continues)
(group chattering)
This brings back memories
- Ladies and
gentlemen, I would like
to introduce to
you The Faithfuls.
(both laughing)
Excuse me, testing, one, two.
- Hello, can you hear-
(Sam clears throat)
(ominous orchestral music)
Please stop tapping my mic.
Sam, what is the hold up?
- Sorry, Nicola, I am
rerouting everything
to the generator outside.
This place is too old to
handle modern equipment.
I mean, when was the last time
there was a concert
here, anyway?
Just handle it, please, Sam.
(Nicola sighs)
- Goldy, Marla, I'm Nicola,
I'm the band manager.
- Oh, hi, it's so
nice to meet you.
- Thank you so much for
doing this last minute.
I really appreciate it.
- Of course, oh.
(sign crackles)
- That is nothing
to worry about.
That happens here,
(laughs) follow me.
(group chattering)
- See if you can
find a plug for us.
Thank you.
- [Marla] Mm-hmm.
(electricity crackles)
Who was that?
- You really like
sneaking up on people.
- Don't plug in any
of the appliances.
I didn't touch anything.
- Well, don't even
think about it.
Okay, we are already at capacity
and one more strain
on the electrical grid
and it'll short the whole thing.
- Well, how are we
supposed to work?
That, that plug.
That is the only
plug you can use,
and only one appliance
at a time, okay?
(slow music)
I'm gonna need
verbal confirmation.
Verbal confirmation.
Yeah, confirmed.
I accept.
(slow music continues)
Oh, this is the so exciting.
- They should be here any-
- Here they come.
Oh, oh.
- Just remember,
play it cool, cool.
Goldy, Marla, The Faithfuls.
We've got Derek, guitar,
Selena, lead vocals,
and Jax on drums.
It's very nice to meet you.
- I had all your
posters on my walls,
and I, I just, I
love you all so much,
and I listened to all
your songs every night,
and "Love Me Always" is
my favorite breakup song.
I cried so much
every single time-
(Goldy laughs)
Real cool.
I'm sorry, I panicked.
It's okay.
Put some shoes on.
It was gross 20 years ago
and it's still gross now.
- You know I always
perform in bare feet.
It helps ground me and I feel
a stronger connection to the-
- Stage.
- Stage.
- Guys, (laughs)
cut it out, okay?
You're gonna be onstage
soon playing together
for the first time in decades.
For Abby, right?
That's why we're
all here, remember?
Just put your differences
aside for one night.
- She's right,
it's been 20 years.
- Has it, I guess some of us
can forget easier than others.
That's not what I meant.
Your sister wouldn't
want us to be fighting.
'Cause you know women so well.
- Oh, I'm not gonna
go there, Selena.
Go where, sweetheart?
You are just a
blip from my past.
- Would anyone care for
refreshments? (laughs)
Selena, your tea soother with
Manuka honey and Meyer lemon.
And Derek, you had the
banana berry smoothie
with extra ice.
- There's no, like,
vanilla extract in it?
No, I used vanilla bean.
It's completely alcohol free.
Thank you.
- And for you we have a
lactose-free room temperature
mango banana smoothie
with a splash of rum.
And Nicola, your vegan mango
spinach smoothie, no ice.
Perfect, thank you.
(slow piano music)
So, some nice bling.
Oh, (laughs) thanks.
It's, uh, something that
reminds me of my sister Abby.
Oh, I love that.
You must really miss her.
More than you know.
Losing someone you love feels
like the world
stops making sense.
But it's okay to not be okay.
- That's (laughs) probably
the most honest thing
I've heard in a long time.
(Marla laughs)
It's really nice
to meet you, Marla.
(Marla laughs)
(pizzicato orchestral music)
(slow piano music)
(Nicola sighs)
- You know, if you need
a notepad, I have one.
No, no.
I'm just riffing new
lyrics, "Love Me Always."
Never gonna be as good as Abby,
but I've been spending
some time in the studio,
laying down some tracks.
This one's about regrets.
I'll leave you to it.
(slow orchestral music)
- Oh, no, no, no, no, I am
so sorry, that's Derek's.
- You jerk, what, you trying
to make me fall off the wagon?
Me, you took mine.
What, you think I want
to drink dairy just
before hitting the stage?
- You know what, I'll just
make new ones, no problem.
Hey. (claps)
I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
Goldy, thank you.
Guys, let's go take some
photos or something, please?
(slow piano music)
(Nicola sighs)
Thank you.
- On the upside, if they
play as well as they argue,
we are in for an epic show.
- Okay, (laughs) hey,
shouldn't you get going?
- You're the best
friend, thank you.
[Marla] Yeah, have fun.
- And don't forget,
we put the sauce
on the vegan drumsticks
after they come out
of the air fryer.
I love you.
(slow rock music)
Ooh, you look thirsty.
A little drink for you.
(slow rock music continues)
(slow rock music continues)
- No tickets needed,
baby, we're on the list.
(slow rock music continues)
(car door slams)
Goldy, your hair looks terrific.
- Thank you, Richard,
what are you doing here?
- The owner of The Vogue
is a patient of mine
and he put us on the list.
But you hate this band.
- No, I don't, I love this band-
- Richard, you hated this
band our entire marriage.
Don't blow my cover.
Well, what?
You didn't get my door.
- I'm sorry, um, oh,
uh, uh, this is Claire.
She's president of The
Faithfuls Worldwide Fan Club.
- Oh. (laughs)
(slow orchestral music)
Claire, this is Goldy.
It's so nice to meet you.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
I've heard so much about you,
and you are an OG super
fan, just like us.
- Yes, just like the
two of you, yes, I am.
You know what, when
you get inside,
just make sure you belt
out every lyric, will you,
because Richard can't get enough
of The Faithfuls. (laughs)
- And you are
catering for the band?
I am.
- You know what, I would
love to get my hands
on a copy of the rider.
It would just be such a
score for the fan club.
- You know what, as much
as I would love to do that,
I can't, I'm so sorry, NDA.
Oh, yeah, gotcha.
- Well, you kiddos
have the best time.
- We will, a whole evening
of uninterrupted Faithfuls.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
Yeah. (laughs)
(Goldy laughs)
- Sing it loud and
proud, Richard.
(group chattering)
(slow guitar music)
You look amazing.
- Well, you took the words
right out of my mouth.
[Tom] Oh.
You look so handsome.
You ready to do this?
- Yeah, I think so.
(Goldy laughs)
First date.
[Goldy] First date. (laughs)
- So tell me about this
band you love so much.
- Oh, love.
(slow rock music)
So The Faithfuls broke
up many years ago
when Abby, she's the
songwriter, bassist,
she died in a car accident.
Yeah, and so Jax, her brother,
he vowed that he would
never perform without her,
and up until now,
that's been true.
Derek, he bounced around
from band to band,
but he did tell me backstage
that he's working on
a solo album, so yay.
Selena, obviously a huge career,
but her and Derek used to date.
(audience chattering)
- Wow, I think I know
more about this band
than I do my own family.
(Goldy laughs)
(slow rock music continues)
Thank you.
(slow rock music continues)
(slow rock music continues)
(Marla sings)
- [Speaker] Who do
you think you are?
[Nicola] Are you following me?
- [Speaker] No, I'm
not following you.
We're having a conversation.
- [Nicola] Take your hands off
me or I will call security.
(slow music)
Enjoy the show.
[Speaker] This isn't over.
(slow music continues)
(audience chattering)
(slow music continues)
- Hey, hi, sorry, I
had to get my phone
from the lox box thingy
and there was a huge line.
I remembered that I had
to call my great-aunt.
She's not feeling
well and lives alone,
so, you know, I just forgot
with all the excitement.
But don't worry,
everything's fine.
Your hands are all sticky.
Oh. (laughs)
- [Announcer] Ladies and
gentlemen, this is a reminder
that tonight's performance
will be a live recording event.
Please welcome to the
stage The Faithfuls.
(audience cheers)
(audience applauds)
I love you!
(audience continues applauding)
Where are they?
- [Audience Member] Oh,
there they are, hey!
- [Claire] I love
you, Derek! (cheers)
(audience cheers)
(audience applauds)
(audience continues cheering)
(audience chattering)
- [Derek] Guys, I need the
stage for a few minutes.
[Jax] No, no, no, no, no.
No, that's not how we do this.
- [Derek] Otherwise
I won't go on.
I'll explain later.
[Selena] Seriously?
- [Audience Member]
Love you, Derek!
- [Audience Member]
All right, Derek!
I'm done, come on, let's go.
(audience cheers)
(Selena cheers)
(audience chattering)
What was that all about?
I don't know.
Hey, everyone, I'm Derek.
Uh, I'm the guitarist and I'm
not usually front and center,
so thanks so much to Selena
and Jax for the spotlight.
(audience cheers)
Tonight's a tribute to
Abby, a fearless songwriter
who penned her truth.
I recently found my truth and
then I wrote some new lyrics
to a song you're
all gonna recognize.
This one's for you, Abby.
- [Audience Member]
All right! (cheers)
I love you always.
(audience cheers)
(audience applauds)
(slow rock music)
(slow rock music continues)
(audience continues cheering)
(slow rock music continues)
(slow rock music continues)
(electricity crackles)
(audience screams)
(audience chattering)
[Tom] Police, everyone back!
(audience chattering)
- [Audience Member]
Someone call 911!
- [Tom] Stay back,
stay back, stay back.
[Audience Member] Stay back!
[Audience Member] Is he okay?
He's not breathing.
[Richard] Let me get in there.
(audience chattering)
- [Audience Member]
Oh, my God, what?
- This is not how this
night was supposed to end.
(slow dramatic music)
(stretcher rattles)
(Selena cries)
- The coroner's gonna confirm
it with the histopathology,
but it looks like Derek
Russo was electrocuted.
- We know which amp Derek's
guitar was plugged into?
- That one, we'll take
it in for analysis.
Good catch.
Is that blood?
- [Tom] It looks
pretty coagulated.
- I'll have forensics
take a photo and swab it.
(police radio mumbles)
Detective Tom Schulz,
I'm sorry for your loss.
Can you tell me who
does your electricals?
- That would be Sam, our sound
engineer and electrician.
Where is he now?
I'm sure he's around.
- Just curious, what
did Derek say to you
to make you leave the stage?
You seemed pretty upset.
- Does it really
matter, detective?
He's gone.
It's important.
(Jax sighs)
- I don't want to
talk badly about him,
but as per usual, he
pulled a jerk move.
Derek demanded a few
minutes onstage by himself
or said he wouldn't do the show.
We didn't have a choice.
It was supposed to
be all about Abby,
but Derek made it
all about himself.
Excuse me.
(slow music)
Get (indistinct) Mason, okay?
(slow music continues)
(audience chattering)
(slow piano music)
- Wasn't exactly the
first date I'd hoped for.
No, you can, you gotta
go to work, okay?
I need to check on Marla.
I don't understand.
I had everything connected
to the amplifiers.
I mean, I made a
few modifications
because of the age of the venue,
but it was all up to code.
- Look, maybe you, maybe
you missed something.
This is all your equipment?
- No, I mean, I mean,
yes, it is my equipment.
- Did you leave your
equipment or setup unattended?
- Well, (laughs) I can't
be in two places at once
if that's what you're
asking, so yeah.
Look, I didn't do it.
You're not gonna pin this on me.
- Well, maybe one
of the crew members
or the band might have
tampered with the equipment.
Tampered, as in purpose?
No, no, no, no, no
one would do that,
I mean, it's basic electricity.
We just finished
doing the sound check.
It was all working.
- I stuck my finger in a
socket when I was a kid.
Well, teenager.
(slow orchestral music)
Fine, it was last year.
It hurt, but I didn't die.
- You were probably
wearing shoes.
You know, Derek often
went barefoot onstage.
- Yeah, but this
is a wooden stage.
- Yeah-
- Wait, who else had
access to the stage
after you were finished?
- Me, Nicola,
security, the band,
obviously a crew, the caterers,
and occasionally a
fan slips through.
Here's what I think.
When Derek played the first
chord on his electric guitar,
the current went from
the amp to the guitar
and into his body.
So when his hand touched the
mic, he completed the circuit.
Given the wooden stage,
the resistance was lower,
but that current zapped
through him with lethal force.
But then, again,
I'm no electrician.
(slow orchestral music)
(camera shutters snapping)
A lot of disappointed fans.
Yeah, I'll say.
[Tom] Hey, you two.
- Either of you see anyone or
anything suspicious backstage
when you were setting up?
- I mean, just Sam
fussing with the mics.
- Did you happen to-
No, I did not plug in anything
that killed the lead
guitarist of The Faithfuls.
Of course you didn't,
- of course.
- I know that, Marla.
- [Goldy] Do you think
this was intentional?
Call it a gut feeling.
You know, when Derek went down
and we all rushed the
stage, there was a guy
that bumped right
into me leaving.
He could not have gotten
out of here fast enough.
- Can you describe
what he looks like?
- Yeah, all black,
black blazer, dark hair.
It was pulled back in-
- He walked in the
venue before us.
Yes, that guy.
- His background
check came back clear
and his ID and
ticket were legit,
but his name was odd, John
Dough, as in pizza dough.
- Look at you,
Mason, all grown up.
Excellent police work.
- Actually, I think I
saw that guy arguing
with Nicola in the wings
right before the show.
I kind of snuck
in, don't judge me.
What were they arguing about?
I don't know, (sighs)
but the conversation
seemed pretty intense.
- [Nicola] This
is all your fault.
Okay, well.
[Goldy] What?
We'll go check with Nicola.
- Anything else?
- Oh, it's not fair.
- I don't know if this
matters, but I was backstage
and I could have
sworn someone ate some
of the vegan drumsticks.
- [Nicola] I created-
- [Mason] I'll look
into this mystery guy.
[Nicola] It was just Jax
- and Abby playing in dive bars.
- Okay.
[Nicola] I found Derek,
- I found you.
- What's that about?
- [Nicola] And I
made you all stars.
We never should have agreed
to this recording
in the first place.
- Look, I know you're
upset, but transferring
your guilt onto me is not
gonna bring Derek back-
- What should I
feel guilty about?
- You never forgave
him for hurting you.
All Derek ever wanted was to
get the band back together.
- And you just
jumped right on it.
You couldn't help yourself.
(Tom clears throat)
Sorry to interrupt.
Nicola, can I talk
to you for a second?
(slow music)
You know a John Dough?
- Before the band
took the stage,
a witness saw you arguing
with a man backstage
who was ID'd as John Dough.
I don't know who that is.
- Think anyone
wanted to hurt Derek?
No, no one.
Since Derek got sober, he,
he was on the right track.
- Anyone from his past
who might have reappeared?
- No, Detective Schultz, why
are you interrogating me?
I just lost a beloved family
member to a terrible accident,
so unless you tell me
different, we're done.
(ominous orchestral music)
(footsteps pattering)
- Nicola, do you want me to
send these to your hotel?
- Why don't you and Goldy
share them or give them away?
- Do you need anything
else before I go?
- No, Sam, that's
okay, thank you.
And I'm sorry about Derek.
I liked him.
- I'll get you a police
escort back to your hotel.
We'll go out back to
avoid the media frenzy.
Great. (sighs)
We're gonna take off, you?
- No, I gotta stick
around for debrief.
Look, it's looking more
and more like an accident.
I guess my gut was wrong.
[Selena] Jax!
(dramatic orchestral music)
(Marla gasps)
Or maybe it wasn't.
(siren wails)
Hey, I got here as
fast as I could.
I went to John Dough's
address on file with the DMV.
If he ever lived
there, he doesn't now.
How's Jax?
He was poisoned.
- Yeah, cyanide, they
found trace amounts.
Doctors said that
the food or drink
he consumed must have
slowed the absorption rate.
- I mean, cyanide
is legitimately used
in a lot of industries, but it
can be found on the dark web.
- Yeah, I already contacted
the Cyber Crime Unit.
They're on it.
Is Jax gonna be okay?
- Yeah, they gave him
B12, activated charcoal.
He'll make a full recovery.
Was anyone else poisoned?
- We're doing a full
tox screen on Selena,
Nicola, Sam, as well as Derek.
This is now a murder
- Tom, what did Jax
have to eat or drink?
- He only ate whatever Marla
or Goldy prepared that day.
Mason, you need to bring
Goldy in for questioning.
Yeah, yeah, I'm compromised.
- [Mason] Well, you
don't think Goldy did it?
- No, no, of course not,
but whoever had access
to that greenroom
tampered with the food,
and we need to found
out and get to Goldy
before the press does, okay?
Now, Mason!
On it, okay.
(birds chirping)
- Hi, everyone, for those
who are just joining,
I'm Claire Weller, president
of the worldwide fan club,
The Most Faithfuls,
and I was there.
One minute Derek Russo
is standing up on stage,
and the next minute, he's gone.
I saw a spark come
off the microphone.
I thought it was all
part of the show,
and then poof, Selena screams.
- [Goldy] Mm-hmm?
- Is that the same Claire,
AKA super fan Dad's dating?
- It is, mm-hmm. (laughs)
So you okay with that?
Yeah, she's not you, though.
- Aw, I love you
so much, thank you.
Hey, whatever makes
your dad happy, right?
- Right back through
there, there's footage
of the greenroom where
The Faithfuls likely spent some time.
I took the footage months
ago, but you'll get the idea
of how the band reacted
with one another,
how they were spending
time with each other-
[Goldy] The vegan drumsticks.
- [Claire] Moments
before they took-
- Wait a minute,
that's not right.
- The green-
(doorbell rings)
Hold on.
- Mom.
- Yeah.
(slow piano music)
Mason, what a nice surprise.
Come in, I just
put on a fresh pot.
Oh, I need to show
you something.
- Goldy, I need you to come
with me to the station.
It shouldn't take long.
What's going on, is Tom okay?
Yeah, oh, no, he's, he's fine.
I'll explain on the way.
(slow music)
(door rattles)
(phone rings)
(Tom sighs)
- I can't stay, I just wanted
to make sure you were okay.
I wanted to clear this up.
- I- I- I have no idea
what could have happened.
I am devastated.
- I wish I could
stay here with you,
but I need to recuse myself
so our relationship doesn't
jeopardize the case.
Of course, yeah.
I'll call you.
Oh, before you go, uh,
I saw on the news today,
Claire Weller was showing
video footage of the greenroom.
She said it was from months ago.
It was from yesterday.
My food was in there,
my plants, my air fryer.
- Do you think she
could have snuck
into the greenroom
when you weren't there?
I'll get a search warrant.
Hey, Goldy.
[Goldy] Hi.
- I just need you
to walk me through
when the food was
brought in and prepared.
(slow music)
(Marla sighs)
Gosh, I need coffee, you?
- Yes, please, anything
to erase the memory
of that Elk Park PD
special blend, yes.
- Yeah, no kidding,
that coffee should be
on the least most wanted list.
(Goldy laughs)
- [Goldy] Aw, you know,
they should be giving
us some loyalty
points every time
they bring us in
for interrogation.
- Mm, we'd have
gold status by now.
Mine and Tom's first date.
[Marla] Lost innocence.
[Goldy] Yeah.
(slow orchestral music)
- Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
- I'm thinking what
you're thinking.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
All right, so we have
this guy,
with the long,
very nice hair, mystery man.
All right, this'll work.
I'm gonna go get snacks.
[Goldy] Great.
Um, Goldy?
- [Goldy] Mm-hmm?
- I know I'm the one
with the green thumb,
but what did you do
to these poor orchids?
I didn't do anything to them.
(Marla scoffs)
Just brought them home.
(slow music)
- [Marla] Mm-hmm.
What, how, ooh. (sniffs)
Are you smelling that?
It smells like bitter almonds.
There's only one thing that
smells like bitter almonds,
other than bitter almonds.
Marzipan, oh, amaretto.
(ominous orchestral music)
(slow music)
There are no words.
- We call it the Rhythm
and Clues Murder Board.
Of course you do.
So the tox report came back.
- And we found trace amounts
of cyanide in Nicola,
Derek, and Jax.
Selena and Sam were clean.
Goldy, how much
and how fast did the band
consume their beverages?
Well, at first Derek and Jax,
they accidentally
swapped smoothies,
but then they drank only
half of their smoothie,
and they drank it fast.
Nicola barely touched hers
and Selena sipped hers slowly.
Because she had tea.
- Right, she was the only
one with a hot drink.
- Marla, you said you
poured the ice water
on the orchids only after
the band left the room?
That's right.
Well, the cyanide was already
in the ice cubes the
green room provided.
- Yes, that's why the orchids
died, it was really slowly.
Too slowly, anyone who had ice
in their drinks only had
trace amounts in their system.
Yeah, wait a minute.
No, Nicola, she had no ice.
I saw her rub it on her skin.
Well, cyanide is highly toxic,
so even if you rub it on your
skin, it could be poisonous.
- How would the
killer have known
that only Derek was
gonna drink the ice?
- Okay, Jax accidentally
drank ice, cyanide.
Selena, no ice, no cyanide.
Sam, no cyanide, Nicola rubbed
it on her skin, cyanide,
Derek drank the ice, cyanide.
- So if we remove these
people from the list,
we're only left with
one targeted victim.
[Goldy] Derek.
[Tom] Yeah.
- So then that means the
killer had to improvise
and resort to electrocution.
And were in over their head.
(phone chirps)
Oh, no, no, that's not true.
I mean, someone had
to know the likes
and dislikes and habits
of all the band members.
Yeah, like a super fan.
Like a super fan.
Mason just texted me.
Claire's search warrant's
been denied again.
I gotta go.
(ominous orchestral music)
Something wrong?
What are you doing tonight?
- You want to go
on a recon mission,
break into Claire's house?
Sounds good to me,
listen, I got an outfit,
I just have to change.
You need all black for
that to be able to get in
- and get out-
- No,
because that would be illegal.
- I was thinking more
along the lines of dinner
at that new French bistro.
- You know, a date
redo at Ilujarde.
- Well, that restaurant is
booked for the next six months,
but I love that idea.
(slow piano music)
I know a guy.
(bird caws)
(slow music)
So when exactly did you take
that video footage
of the greenroom?
Don't lie because
you're on record.
Before they took to the stage,
I (sighs) snuck in, okay?
I know the security
guard, we go way back.
You were in a restricted area
where a serious
incident occurred,
leaving one band member dead
and another one in the hospital.
Did you touch or tamper
with anything while
you were in there?
- I took a quick video with
my phone and then I went back.
I was there five minutes, tops-
- With a phone that was
supposed to be locked up.
You had a decoy phone.
Well, so what if I did?
I was doing it for my fans.
The Faithfuls' fans?
Did you go backstage at
all, tamper with the amp?
I love this band.
I would never do
anything to hurt them.
- We're gonna need that
video footage and any copies.
And your cellphone.
- Or we could charge you for
trespassing, obstruction.
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
Run a full forensic on
Claire Weller's cell,
call logs, deleted
messages, GPS, the works.
If she's hiding
something, find it.
What's the status
of the blood smudge
on the wall near the amp?
No fingerprints, no partials.
They're running a
chemical analysis,
but the chromatograph is down.
- All right, well,
what else you got?
- I ran some plates
from the venue.
Nothing turned up
at or near Vogue,
but get this, the
phone lock pouches used
to secure the phones have
unique RFID technology.
We used it to track the location
of one bag that was missing.
It was torn and
discarded two miles north
of the gas station.
CCTV showed partial
plates on a black van.
We ran it through
the DMV, got a hit.
- The van belongs
to a Franco Sharpa,
AKA John Dough, a
loan shark from LA.
[Tom] Nice work, Mason.
(traffic roars)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
- Oh, one more floral
bouquet, just what I need.
- Well, (clears throat)
Goldy brought you a treat.
[Selena] What kind of treat?
- Homemade gluten-free cupcakes.
- Homemade gluten-free cupcakes?
Those are my favorite.
(slow music continues)
I thought they might be.
I was just hoping it
would buy me a question.
- Ask away, nothing
in my life is private.
That is the cost of fame
and you have earned it.
- I was just curious what
made you kiss Derek onstage.
Because I wanted to remind him
that I was still
very much alive.
Look, I loved Abby, and
it's not my proudest moment
to be jealous of a dead woman,
but I heard that Derek was
writing songs about her
and he never wrote one about me.
(door knocks)
That must be Jax.
He's been released
from the hospital.
Don't ever scare
me like that again.
- Can't be the only one
stealing the spotlight.
Hello to you too, Selena.
Goldy, Marla, nice
to see you again.
- We'll just get these
flowers unwrapped
and just be on our way.
(slow ominous music)
Where did you get those?
[Marla] From my supplier.
- Oh, no, you have to get
those out of here right now.
They're from her stalker.
[Goldy] Stalker?
Goldy, the card.
- No, no, no, don't touch
it, it could be evidence.
- I already know what
it's gonna say anyway,
"Always yours,
always watching, BF."
- Well, do you know anyone
with the initials BF?
- Selena, you were supposed
to open the concert, right?
- Yeah, that's what we
did in the sound check.
That's what we did 20 years ago.
- But on stage,
Derek blindsided us
with a last minute request.
[Marla] But that must mean.
- Selena was the
intended victim.
(slow dramatic music)
- I had a stalker back
when the band was big.
It was always the same,
Himalayan poppies
and the same message.
- "Always yours,
always watching, BF."
Is it the same card?
- Yeah, red border with black
musical notes on the edges.
We'll take it in for analysis.
Knock yourselves out.
You're not gonna find
any prints or DNA.
We'll start there, but Mason,
go back 20 years or more.
See who bought and
sold those cards.
On it.
When was the last time
you heard from them?
Just after Abby's accident,
and then the band broke up and
I figured they lost interest.
- Marla, even though
the order was anonymous,
do you have any idea
who would have left
that cash and the note?
No, it's a first.
- And there was no
security footage
because she doesn't
have cameras.
- Never felt the need
to install them before,
but I will now.
But here's the weird part.
The flowers were
never delivered.
They always just showed up
in my dressing room
wherever we were
and we could never figure
out how they got there.
- Do you think this person's
responsible for Derek's death?
- Well, there's a
lot of possibilities,
but you might
still be in danger,
so we're gonna post
around the clock security.
- Nicola, talk to
you for a minute?
(slow orchestral music)
What's your connection
to this man?
I don't know who that is.
Don't play games.
How much money did
Franco Sharpa loan you?
Do you know how hard it is
to bring together
a disbanded group
that is also dysfunctional
and create one
magical night again?
Not a day goes by
that I don't beat myself
up over Abby's death.
Maybe I could have stopped it
if I'd known she was going
out again that night.
Where was she going?
- That's the million
dollar question.
- So Franco Sharpa
loaned you money.
Why were you arguing
with him backstage?
What does it matter?
The Faithfuls are
done, I'm ruined.
Not exactly.
We looked into your financials.
You purchased key
person insurance
on every member of the band.
- It's standard
industry practice.
I'm assuming all the liability.
I have to protect the investors.
The band is worth more
to me alive than dead.
Why are you asking me this?
(Tom sighs)
- We're investigating
a homicide,
attempted murder,
and now stalking.
How well do you know Sam Baker?
- I've known Sam 20
years, he's solid.
And he was doing the wiring
for The Faithfuls
back then, too?
Yes, why?
(Tom sighs)
(slow piano music)
(crickets chirping)
You look nice, Mom.
Thank you.
[Olive] Dad's here.
Is he not coming in?
- Mom, the woman Dad's dating
is on your murder board.
He saw it when he dropped
me off this morning.
- He wasn't supposed
to see that.
But how well does
he know Claire?
- I mean, they were
chatting online for a while
and they met a few months ago,
and she's organizing a
candlelight vigil for tonight,
and I think that's kind
of nice of her, isn't it?
- I didn't know
there was a vigil.
- 'Cause you're not on
The Faithfuls fan forum.
It's at Vogue, Dad's taking me
and we're picking up Claire.
Whoa, hey, hold on.
- Before you say
anything, it was my idea.
I know she can be
a little extra.
A little?
- But I don't think
she's some unhinged fan.
Dad's saying she's been
taking this pretty hard.
(phone chirps)
I gotta go, have
fun on your date.
- Thank you,
sweetheart, I love you.
- Love you too, and I'll
light a candle for you.
(slow music)
I'm overdressed.
I'm guessing we're
swapping candlelight
at a fancy French bistro
for a candlelight vigil?
- Oh, I love how
well you know me.
(Tom laughs)
(Goldy laughs)
(slow music continues)
I know this isn't exactly
wining and dining,
but thank you for
coming with me.
Is that Olive?
- Yeah, she's taken a
sudden interest in the band.
I think it's really sweet.
(group applauds)
Hi, hi, everyone.
Welcome, friends, to this
very solemn occasion.
We are here today
to honor Derek Russo
and The Faithfuls and the
way they impacted our lives.
Derek Russo was
about to honor us
with a new version
of "Love Me Always."
We'll never know what new
lyrics he was going to write,
but we'll always have Abby's
original beautiful version.
I think we should listen to it.
[Audience Member] Yeah.
What do you say?
[Audience Member] Yes.
- And if anyone wants
to come up and sing,
come and join us.
(slow rock music)
(group applauds)
(slow rock music continues)
- [Audience Member] Here you
go, did you want to sing?
- [Audience Member] Come on!
- [Audience Member] Do it!
- Yeah, you've got it!
- Come on, Goldy!
- [Audience Member]
Yeah, Goldy, come on.
- [Audience Member]
Take the mic, go ahead.
(group chattering)
(slow rock music continues)
When I thought
that I had lost you
I couldn't stand the thought
To see another day
with you gone away
When I thought
that it was over
Like a crashing
rolling coaster
I cried and I prayed
just to hear you say
Love me, love me always
Love will always find a way
When stumbling in the dark
About to fall apart
You'll love me,
love me always
'Cause it's written
in the stars
That you
Are gonna love me always
(slow rock music continues)
You do what you gotta do
And let the time fly by
Like clouds rolled
up in the blue
You'll come back around
'Cause you said it out loud
Say it out loud
Love me, love me always
Love will always find a way
When you're
stumbling in the dark
What's this?
'Cause it's printed
in the stars
Let's go, let's get out of here.
(slow suspenseful music)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
- [Audience Member]
Yeah, I remember being
in high school and going
to my first concert.
They were more than just a band.
They really inspired me.
- [Audience Member] I
played "Love Me Always"
at my wedding-
Yeah, now what am I gonna do?
I don't want to go to jail.
- [Audience Member]
Derek inspired me
to play the guitar
and ditch the violin.
It's the best decision I ever
made, despite my mom's anger.
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
What did she do?
(Goldy yelps)
(Goldy groans)
Oh, that hurt.
(Goldy cries out)
(Goldy pants)
(slow dramatic music)
- Okay, I told you
already, I fell.
- While breaking
into the greenroom?
I didn't break in, exactly.
I was looking for a souvenir.
What kind of souvenir?
- Well, Derek wrote
new lyrics to the song
and he didn't get a
chance to sing them,
so Richard told
me that the napkin
that Derek wrote on
might have been in here.
- What, the murder board
was in plain sight.
I knew it was wrong.
I have never missed a concert
and those songs are like
the anthems to my life.
I had to see the lyrics.
You've never missed a concert?
- Which is why you
ransacked the greenroom?
I didn't do this.
It was like this when
I walked in here,
I swear, that's why I fell.
Did you see anybody?
Okay, well, let's, let's talk
about your most recent job.
- Well, I'm a temp, so
I move around a lot.
- The one where you work in a
chemical manufacturing plant
that handles cyanide?
We ran a background check.
- That one, right, uh,
I'm a receptionist,
but I did not put
cyanide in the ice cubes.
Richard, are you serious?
- Okay, I hate to rain
on everyone's parade.
Too late.
- But I need to get
Claire to the hospital.
She might have a concussion.
Olive, I'll take you to Zoe's
house, it's along the way.
I'll be there in a minute.
Don't leave town.
I might have more
questions for you.
(slow music)
[Olive] Mom?
Yes, honey?
- I saw the electrician
and he looked upset.
I heard him mention
going to jail.
- [Tom] How do you
know about Sam?
- It was on the murder board.
- Murder board.
Murder board, yeah.
- How was I not
gonna look at that?
It's literally in
the living room.
So that's why you were here?
It wasn't about the music?
I'm sorry, but I gotta go.
I love you, Mom, bye, Tom.
- Bye-bye, Olive.
(upbeat music)
- [Marla] It's not every day
I get a celebrity in my shop.
- It's not every day that a
Marla comes into your life.
- Well, you trying to butter
me up to pay for your coffee?
I kind of own the place.
(Jax laughs)
- Smart and sassy, then you'd
love The Faithfuls fan site.
Some of their theories are nuts.
Abby's ghost is back
to torment Selena.
(both laughing)
Selena's stalking
herself for publicity.
Derek faked his own death.
- I'm sorry you have
to read all that stuff.
You must be itching to go home.
- It's not so bad being
stuck in Elk Park.
Maybe you want to, I don't know,
hang out later?
(Marla laughs)
- Yeah, I would, but I
have one rule right now,
and you're kind of breaking it.
No leaning on your counter?
- Hey, no jokes about
my counter allowed,
but lucky for you, I have a
soft spot for rule breakers.
Lucky for me.
(Marla laughs)
(slow music)
- So (sighs) I finally got
the results of the red smudge.
Is it blood?
- Sugar, tomato paste,
red wine vinegar, water,
vegan Worcestershire
(Goldy laughs)
Mustard and spices.
- More specifically,
salt, pepper, paprika,
and a dash of red chile.
It's my backyard barbecue sauce
and I used it to make
vegan drumsticks.
(Tom sighs)
- No blood, okay.
- Okay.
With all their food allergies,
who was able to
eat the drumsticks?
Everybody except Selena.
She has a wheat allergy.
- So, wait a second, you
were making the drumsticks
when the band was onstage?
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you sure
about that timing?
- Yes, very, because we could
only plug in one appliance
at a time and the air fryer
was the last to be used.
- Well, the smudge
couldn't have come
from anyone in the band.
- Mm-mm.
(slow piano music)
(bird caws)
What do you want?
The truth.
A witness saw you
arguing with the manager
of The Faithfuls just before
Derek Russo was electrocuted.
Another witness saw
you fleeing the scene.
Is that a crime?
No, but it's suspicious.
Look, tell me the truth
and I'll release you, and maybe,
maybe I'll overlook
the weapons charge.
You want to know, okay, fine.
I'm a big fan of The Faithfuls.
- A huge fan, and I lent
Nicola a whole lot of money
to get this gig together.
All I was asking for
was a backstage pass
to meet the band, hang out,
and she promised it to me,
but then that control
freak went back on her word
and she treated me
like I was a criminal.
First sign of trouble
and I fled the scene.
I know how this works and
I'm not saying another word.
You can either release me or
you can speak to my attorney.
(slow piano music)
(birds chirping)
So Franco Sharpa left town?
- Yeah, we can't rule
him out completely,
but his story checks out.
(slow music)
And what about Sam?
We're still looking into him.
You know, I have a murder
board at the precinct,
but yours has
a lot more
We should hire you.
You can't afford me.
(Tom laughs)
I'm in the wrong line of work.
(Goldy laughs)
Any luck with the card stuff?
- It was discontinued
18 years ago.
No leads, no records.
(slow music continues)
- Is it possible that
somebody's just trying
to wipe out the band?
If Selena would have sung first,
she would have been the
one to be electrocuted,
and if the poison would
have worked earlier,
then the whole band
would have been gone.
- That's an interesting
theory, Goldy Barry.
(door rattles)
(door slams)
Maybe this'll help.
I let myself in, come here.
Okay, so I was talking to Jax.
In fact, we have a date tonight.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
- Really, where?
- Yeah.
Oh, no biggie, we're
just gonna meet up
for cocktails after
I close the shop.
I mean, we can't very
well go out in public.
He'll be mobbed, it's a thing.
- Of course, of course, but
what are you gonna wear?
- Oh, I was thinking
that green dress
with the little sleeves
- and then possibly the brown-
- Oh, that would look
so good on you-
Ladies, ladies?
Yeah, yeah?
(slow music)
The laptop.
- Oh, right, yeah.
- Oh, yeah.
- So this is The
Faithfuls's fan forum.
Most of it is just crazy,
random theories, except this.
- That is it, Derek,
I am done with you.
The next time you open
your mouth onstage,
it'll be your last.
(slow ominous music)
(slow music)
- [Selena] You made me
come down here for that?
Everyone knows Derek
and I had history.
- I know you dated
back in the day.
Fill in the blanks.
- To call it a toxic
relationship is putting it mildly.
He said way worse things to me.
that video is dated
the day of the concert,
and he's not here
to defend himself.
Despite what you may think,
I was gutted about his death.
All I meant by this video is
that I would never share
the stage with him again.
- You know, your career
has really taken off
since the band broke up.
Did Derek reach out to
you a couple of years ago
for a gig and you turned
him down in public?
How did you hear about that?
Of course, the fan sites.
Yes, it's true.
- At any time did you go
backstage before the concert?
- Are you asking me
if I killed Derek?
The answer is no, I loved him.
But he was a tortured soul.
You know,
he broke up with me
the day that Abby died.
I didn't know that.
Not many people did.
At least I could keep that
part of my life private.
Derek was never the
same after that day,
and I thought that maybe
we could try again,
better timing.
He was the love of my life,
he could never say
that I was his.
- To know more
about our suspect,
we need to know more
about our victim.
This is so good.
Thanks, for example?
- Well, what do we know
about Derek's new songs?
- We know that he was
working on a new album
and that he talked
about regrets.
You know, Selena said
he was a tortured soul.
He actually broke up with
her the night Abby died.
- Could Derek have
done this to himself?
He was struggling, he was
a recovering alcoholic.
Maybe he fell off the wagon.
- No, no, no, I see
what you're saying,
but I don't think so, no.
I mean, he was genuinely upset
when he had a sip
of Jax's smoothie,
which had the rum in it.
- What do you know about his
and Selena's relationship?
There's mushrooms in here?
Eggplant, so close. (laughs)
On again off again, but I think
she wanted to be on again.
- Must have been
tough for Selena
to be rejected by Derek again.
I mean, she was the star.
Is it basil that I'm tasting?
- [Tom] Where would
I be without you?
But that kiss, I mean,
that was something.
Really, I don't,
I don't recall it.
- Well, maybe you
just need a reminder.
- What would I, how do-
(slow orchestral music)
(slow guitar music)
Is it coming back to you now?
You know, um,
that's quality
evidence right there.
So she was making a point.
Don't women always?
- You know, you don't
forget a kiss like that.
- Mm-mm.
- So either Derek's
heart changed,
or it belonged to someone else.
By the way, I wasn't
trying to make a point.
I just really
wanted to kiss you.
Another pastry?
Yes, please.
(slow music)
All right, well, thanks
anyway, it's worth a shot.
(phone beeps)
Bad news, dead end
on the dark web.
Cyber Crime couldn't
trace the purchase
of the cyanide back
to the IP address.
So we have another problem.
(ominous orchestral music)
[Tom] What am I looking at?
[Mason] Sam Baker.
The electrician?
I'm confused, that's Sam Baker.
Well, you checked
him against the DMV.
- Our Sam Baker gave us a bogus
electrician's license number
that belongs to that
guy, Harold Gustoffson.
There's no record of Sam Baker
as a licensed electrician
that matches him.
- Are you telling me
the sound engineer
for The Faithfuls who's
been working for decades
and responsible
for all the wiring
and the electrical work is
not a licensed electrician?
Looks like it.
Bring him in.
(phone rings)
(slow suspenseful music)
(fingers tapping)
Am I going to jail?
That depends on you.
Okay, look, I admit,
I exaggerated my
credentials a little.
- It's fraud, practicing
without a license,
falsification of documents,
do you want me to continue?
Okay, a lot.
I know I should have come clean,
but to me, it's just
a piece of paper,
you know, and over time, it
became less and less important.
I started getting hired
based off of word of mouth
because I am an
excellent electrician.
- It's never a problem
until someone dies.
(door creaks)
Sorry to interrupt.
Analysis for the amp came back.
(slow dramatic music)
It shows crossed wires.
The ground wire was cut,
disabling the safety,
and the live wire to the guitar
and the neutral wire to the mic,
they were tampered with
to complete a circuit.
This was intentional.
(slow dramatic music continues)
It's a cruel way to go, but
it showed cold-blooded intent.
I need a lawyer.
Yeah, you do.
(slow dramatic music continues)
(door rattles)
[Nicola] Hey.
Are you leaving?
- Well, I'm not
leaving Elk Park,
but I can't stay at
this hotel, I'm broke.
I'm crashing with a friend.
Sorry to hear that.
You know, I've been,
um, meaning to ask you,
actually, um, is
there anything that
you could share about Derek
and Abby's relationship?
- What relationship,
they were friends.
Derek was dating
Selena, not Abby.
(slow piano music)
But if you don't mind, Goldy,
I'd really prefer not to
talk about that night.
It still hurts.
(slow piano music continues)
You know, I was the one who
had to ID her at the morgue?
The image of Abby's
bloody vintage white gown,
it haunts me.
Bye, Goldy.
(slow orchestral music)
- All right, well,
thanks anyway.
(phone beeps)
DA's not ready to press
charges on Sam Baker,
isn't the only one
with backstage access.
- Speaking of, everything
off Claire Weller's phone.
What do we got here?
Is that?
- Abby Flannagan
from The Faithfuls.
That's her car crash.
(slow suspenseful music)
- How did Claire
get photos of it?
The cops would never
release it to the public.
This takes super fandom
to a whole other level.
Oh, it's okay, Tom.
No, I was actually about
to call you to postpone.
I think Olive may have
sprained her ankle
at fencing practice.
No, she's, she's okay, yeah.
I actually need to call Richard.
He's not responding to my texts.
Okay, yeah, I'll talk
to you later, sorry.
(phone beeps)
Tom says he hopes
you feel better soon.
(slow ominous music)
- [Olive] I've seen
that card before.
That card?
- Yeah, it was in a hutch,
there was a whole stack of them.
Where did you see that card?
At Claire's house.
(slow ominous music continues)
Excuse me, you can't
just come into my house.
- The search warrant in
your hand says we can.
What, what is this about?
Mason, in there.
- [Claire] Excuse me, where
do you think you're going?
Would you please tell
me what's going on here?
Mind explaining this?
What's there to explain?
- Claire Weller, you're
under arrest for stalking.
Turn around and place your
hands behind your back.
- No, this is a,
this is a mistake.
I haven't done anything.
- You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and
will be used against you
in a court of law.
You have the right
to an attorney.
If you cannot
afford an attorney,
one will be provided for you.
Do you understand these rights
as I've read them to you?
- Yes, but this is a
big misunderstanding.
- Well, you can explain
yourself down at the station.
For now, you're
gonna come with me.
Mason, bag the ice.
(slow suspenseful music)
[Speaker] Thanks, officer.
[Officer] No problem.
(phone rings)
"For your long night ahead."
(phone continues ringing)
(paper rustles)
(ominous orchestral music)
(ominous orchestral
music continues)
(phone clicks)
(ominous orchestral
music continues)
- I just, (sighs) I
don't understand what,
what is so threatening
about cards and flowers?
- You snuck into
Selena's dressing room
and left anonymous
notes, even back then.
I always signed them, BF.
Biggest fan.
(Tom sighs)
- [Tom] "Always yours,
always watching"?
I was always watching.
I've never missed
a concert before.
I love The Faithfuls. (laughs)
- So why'd you stop
sending notes and flowers
when Abby died, then
you started again now?
- Well, I never stopped
because Abby died,
I stopped because The
Faithfuls stopped.
When they reunited, I
wanted to wish Selena well.
Just don't tell her that
I'm not the biggest fan
of her solo album, it's.
(Tom sighs)
- What about the car
crash photos, huh?
(slow rhythmic music)
Where'd you get these?
Oh, awful.
Uh, from the police.
(Claire scoffs)
A lady never kisses and tells.
I didn't release them, okay?
Trust me, I could have,
but there are some lines
that even a super
fan won't cross.
(slow music)
- [Tom] Why did you
poison the band?
- Poison, well, what
are you talking about?
- So you didn't slip
something into their ice?
Of course not.
- [Mason] Why don't you just
admit you ate the drumsticks?
- [Tom] Yeah, we found a
smudge of sauce near the amp
that killed Derek.
An amp?
Okay, I was backstage
for just a second,
but an amp, I mean, I
don't know the difference
between a light switch
or a light bulb.
All right, I helped
myself to some drumsticks,
but it was dark in there
and I was wearing
these new high heels,
so I lost my balance and
I grabbed onto the wall.
So arrest me for being clumsy.
We can't arrest her for that.
So, uh,
how did you just happen upon
the cards in Claire's hutch?
- I, uh, might have said I was
thirsty and went to go look
for a glass while she
was talking to Dad.
Huh, oh, did you, now,
even though you brought
your water bottle?
These are pretty napkins.
(Goldy laughs)
Nice deflection.
(Olive laughs)
(slow music)
- [Olive] There's
writing on this one.
[Goldy] Hmm?
It looks like lyrics.
(slow piano music)
- Derek, Derek was
writing lyrics.
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
"But now they'll understand,
the crash that broke the band,
the very last day,
I heard you say,
'Love me, love me always,'
a secret safe with you,
a ruby ring
and you were gonna
love me always."
What does it mean?
- "The crash that
broke the band.
The crash that broke the band."
What is it?
- Well, I took a picture
of Tom's murder board.
Don't judge, do as
I say, not as I do.
(slow ominous music)
One ruby ring.
(slow ominous music continues)
"A secret safe with you."
(phone rings)
(slow music)
We got enough to take her in.
(slow music continues)
- Either she's the
greatest actress
or she's genuinely clueless.
- [Mason] I vote
clueless. (chews)
(slow music continues)
Still staying at that car crash?
What is it about that photo
that's not sitting
right with you?
I don't know, it's just,
(slow music)
sitting right, sitting right.
(dramatic orchestral music)
I'll be in forensics.
(dramatic orchestral
music continues)
Oh, Goldy, tell me you didn't.
I didn't.
But you, you did.
I did.
Claire didn't do it.
- I know, I know, look, so
the night of the car accident,
Nicola said they
all went to bed.
So why is Abby all dolled
up in a vintage white dress,
driving around in the middle
of the night by herself?
- I had forensics
measure the distance
to the driver seat.
It was too far for her
to reach the pedals.
Abby was short, there's
no way she was driving.
She was moved and placed
there after the accident.
- Which means that she
wasn't alone, exactly.
Look, despite all of their
grievances with Derek,
there is only one person
that lost more than
any of them that night.
"A loss money can't replace."
A ruby ring.
- Marla.
- Marla.
We, we gotta go.
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Dispatch, requesting
immediate backup
at Main and 24th Street.
- Too bad you have
to leave tomorrow,
but at least you're
all safe now.
- Just when things were
getting interesting.
(Marla laughs)
Well, tonight we will toast
to new friendships.
(phone rings)
(phone beeps)
And once we get
back to my place,
I have just the drink,
my new ruby red cocktail,
in honor of Abby.
(phone rings)
(phone beeps)
What did you say?
What do you know about Abby?
Well, you know, a ruby.
(phone rings)
Who's calling?
Oh, it's just Goldy, I,
maybe I should get that, I just-
[Goldy] Marla, it's Jax!
Get out now, Marla!
(phone beeps)
- You know, this
has been really fun,
but you have to
leave early tomorrow,
so maybe we should
just call it a night.
(lock clicks)
I don't think so.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
- [Tom] Wait, what
are you doing here?
- What, you really think
I wasn't coming in?
- [Tom] Oh, come on, you-
- I took this from
your car, let's go.
Don't do anything you're
gonna regret, Jax.
[Goldy] Marla?
[Tom] Marla, are you okay?
(Marla whimpers)
[Jax] Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Stay back, put
the gun down, Tom.
Worst date of my life.
- Jax, put the weapon
down now, okay?
We know what happened.
You don't know anything.
I mean it, lose the gun.
- We know that Derek was
the one driving that night.
He caused the accident.
I found Derek's new lyrics.
He was in love with
your sister, Jax.
No, he wasn't, he killed her!
They were gonna get married.
That's why she had his ring.
[Abby] Love you.
[Derek] Love you more.
- Derek, look out! (screams)
(tires screeching)
- Derek came to in
the driver's seat,
but Abby, she was gone.
- In the records, Abby's
blood alcohol level was high.
Most likely so was Derek's.
Panic set in, he placed
her in the driver's seat,
forgot his ring on her
finger, and fled the scene.
Derek left her there to die!
He didn't even call for help,
like my sister's
life meant nothing.
[Goldy] Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Jax, calm down.
How do you know this?
- The Sacramento PD
gave my mom a box
of my sister's personal effects.
My mom passed recently
and I got the box.
When I opened it and saw
Derek's stupid ruby ring,
I knew that coward was involved.
- So then you, you
confronted Derek, right?
Yeah, and he confessed.
Instead of turning
himself in, he,
he saw dollar signs,
like he had any talent.
There's no way I was letting
him profit from Abby's death.
- You should have
gone to the police.
I did!
But the DA said it was
my word against his.
He refused to reopen the
case, insufficient evidence.
- You, you were the one that
ransacked the greenroom.
- You wanted to bury his
lyrical confession, right, Jax?
- I didn't want to give
him the satisfaction
of a clear conscience,
even in his death.
Jax, put the weapon down.
I can't.
I'm in too deep.
Hey, hey, where are you going?
- Hey, hey, don't-
- It's okay, it's okay.
Jax, look at me, look at me.
Put it down, come on.
- We understand, you just
wanted justice for your sister.
That is why you killed Derek.
- I was her brother, I
should have protected her.
At least now justice
has been done.
- [Tom] So when you
were forced offstage,
you switched the good amp
for the one that
was tampered with.
- [Goldy] It was
your backup plan
in case the cyanide didn't work.
You even went as far
as poisoning yourself.
- [Jax] It was only supposed
to be in Derek's drink.
- The reason that you were
horrified was because you
accidentally drank Derek's
smoothie laced with cyanide.
Have you heard the new
lyrics to "Love Me Always"?
You want to hear them?
When I thought
that I lost you
Couldn't stand
the thought to
Hide behind the truth
When I buried you
And now they'll understand
The crash that
broke the band
And the very last day
I heard you say
I mean it, kill it!
Love me, love me always
Love will always find a way
And I lost everything
And the ruby ring
Stop singing, drop the gun!
(Marla whimpers)
We're leaving now.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
(Marla cries out)
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
(slow dramatic music)
(Marla whimpers)
Jax, where are you gonna go?
(sirens wailing)
You're surrounded,
there's nowhere to go.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
- Hey, hey, look, Jax.
- No!
You're surrounded, Jax.
Hey, hey, look, look, look.
I'm putting my
weapon down, okay?
I'm putting my weapon down.
(gun clinks)
(car doors slamming)
(police radio mumbles)
Love me, love me always
And you
Stop singing that song!
Love me always
(Jax grunts)
(Marla cries)
You're okay.
(police radio mumbles)
- Mr. Flannagan,
you're under arrest
for the murder of Derek Russo,
and I'm sure the DA
has other charges, too.
- Criminal mischief.
- You're okay.
You're okay.
- Unlawful administration
of a controlled substance,
reckless endangerment.
Get him out of here.
(slow orchestral music)
Marla, are you okay?
It's all right, all
right, all right, now.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
You're all right now.
(Marla cries)
- Yeah, I think a dating
hiatus is in order for now.
[Goldy] Yeah.
[Goldy] Let's go inside.
Come on, come on.
Let's get you inside.
(slow guitar music)
(door knocks)
Hi. (laughs)
Is that backup?
Maybe. (laughs)
Come on in.
(slow guitar music continues)
- [Goldy] This is so good,
you did such a good job.
- I had to do something
special, you know?
It's not Ilujarde.
It's perfect.
I just want you.
(slow guitar music continues)
To our first date.
To our first date.
(glasses clinking)
(slow guitar music continues)
(Goldy laughs)
I'm so proud of you.
[Tom] Proud of me?
- Mm-hmm.
You get to wake up
to this every day.
(slow guitar music continues)
Goldy, who are we kidding?
We are
far past a first date.
(Goldy laughs)
We're beyond renting limos
and doing the whole
song and dance of,
should I call you or is
it too early to text?
I want you to be my
partner in crime,
if you're okay with that.
And for the record,
it doesn't get more
special than this.
(slow rock music)
Wait a second, did,
did you cut your hair?
- Ugh, Schulz, would you
just kiss me? (laughs)
When I thought
that I had lost you
I couldn't stand
the thought to
See another day
With you gone away
When I thought
that it was over
Like a crashing
roller coaster
I cried and I prayed
Just to hear you say