Curse of Humpty Dumpty 2 (2022) Movie Script

Girls girls, come on, wake up.
Sorry, Miss.
We were up all night
I'm sure you were.
It's why you were specially
selected for this trip.
Your aptitude for studying.
You're all so very
good at studying.
I'm glad you're
paying attention.
You are paying,
aren't you, girls?
Good, because it's time
to give you the rules.
At our school are important,
but at our destination,
they are sacrosanct.
You are about to spend a
week in a place with rules
that will one day
save the world.
That's because it isn't just
an ecological caravan park.
It is a future Garden of Eden.
Let's hope there's some
snakes there.
Excuse me, Rebecca.
I just said like, I hope
it's a nice break there.
You have been selected
as the students most likely
to benefit from the
transformative environment
provided by Green Cleanse.
By the end of this week,
your grades will be higher.
Oh, your attitudes
will be a lot sunnier.
Oh, but my goodness, your skin
will be much, much clearer.
Green Cleanse changed my life.
It will change yours too.
But in order to have this
life changing experience,
you have to live according
to the philosophy
developed by the Green
Cleanse community.
I thought we were going
on a holiday, Miss.
You are.
You are taking a holiday away
from your complicated lives,
and to help you do this,
here are the rules.
Rule number one.
No chargers.
Wait, what?
How we supposed to
charge our phone?
That brings me nicely to
rule number two, no phones.
Hand them over.
You'll be begging me to
bury them in the woods
this time next week.
Miss, what if we need them?
Instagram is a want,
not a need, Amelia.
No, what if
there's an emergency?
Simply come to me.
Just one more.
Hurry up, Lisa.
Just two rules remain.
You will consider the
owner of Green Cleanse,
Mr. Steven Brawn, my equal.
As with I, whatever he
utters is absolute gospel.
Therefore, you'll do
what he tells you to do.
Do you understand?
Say, "yes, Miss Harrity."
Yes, Miss Harrity.
We have to do
exactly what he says?
Is he hot?
Is he fit?
Is he sexy?
He is a god.
As for you girls, that
is, do what he says
and your lives will
be transformed.
This is weird.
I dunno, it might be fun.
I like ecological stuff.
Since when did
Harrity and ecological
go in the same sentence?
Wait, ma'am, ma'am?
You said that there
were two more rules.
Obey Mr. Brown and what?
Obey Mr. Brawn.
And no vehicles, we're going
to walk the rest of the way.
Get ready, get packed,
meet me down in five.
I'm not walking.
It's Miss Harrity in front
of the children, Steve.
Oh yes, and we must do
everything properly, right?
You can call me Steve.
You too, Crystal.
I mean Miss Harrity.
Thanks, Steve.
Right, so girls, what
do we make of heaven?
Needs a bit of work, right?
Well, that's where you come in.
You are going to help us to
polish this place into paradise.
And in return, I'm going
to enlist you on a mission
to save the universe.
Sound good?
Does that sound good?
- Yeah.
- Yes.
Yes, Miss Harrity.
I see why you insist on
that, it has a nice ring to it.
It's like music, it's beautiful.
I know that you've
had a long journey,
so I will see if
I can fetch Cody
to help you with your things.
Yes, Steve,
I want you to help the
girls with their things
and show 'em to their caravan.
Yes, Steve.
Good lad.
At least I think
he's a good lad.
Sometimes it's hard
to tell, right girls?
Yes, Steve.
You help this one first.
Off you go.
I'd follow him if I were you.
Dinner's at six in the big tent.
Big tent for a big event.
Here's your key.
Take good care of it.
I mean it.
We want to keep it locked.
Especially at night.
Lots of weirdos in
a place like this.
Weirder than Steve?
Don't think that's possible.
It's not just
possible, it's probable.
Where's your caravan?
Over there, on the way.
Okay, well, see
you later, Amelia.
Salad, great.
Where'd you get it?
My parents left before.
I love you, but you've been
to my house for dinner,
it cannot be worse
than taco Tuesdays.
No queue, where is everybody?
Steve and Crystal
will be down soon.
Okay, sure, but
where's everybody else?
I thought this was
meant to be a community.
It doesn't feel
very community-y.
There's a community all right.
You'll join eventually.
There, you should go
back to your friends.
Come on, I need
more than that.
More please.
Okay, Cody is so weird.
Hasn't said a word to me.
- Nor me.
- Nor me.
Nor me.
Oh, I couldn't give
a shit either way.
Wait, he didn't talk to
you about the spare key?
The boy is flirting with you.
He was not flirting.
Maybe you've moved on
from Bob pretty quickly.
You know what, I know
you like quiet guys,
but that's like actually.
Trying to forget about Bobby.
Thanks for reminding me.
Well, try not flirting
with every single
decent guy here, then.
I wasn't flirting,
I was just trying
to get a fucking salad.
I saw him first.
You can have him.
Well, now that we're all here,
I can give you the big speech.
I will try and keep it brief,
as I know that we have a very
early start in the morning.
But you will be working on
a full stomach, thankfully.
I hope you enjoyed
your dinner tonight,
and there'll be plenty
more food in the morning,
after you've had
a bowel movement.
You see, the more you
excrete, the more we complete
is a catch phrase that we
have here at Green Cleanse.
And you'll find that
there's loads more
of these catch
phrases yet to come.
Yes, Lisa.
What does that mean?
What does what mean?
More we excrete,
the more we complete.
What does that mean?
We don't keep animals
at Green Cleanse.
We are a self-sufficient
Our toilet system runs
directly into the growing zone
so that we can spread
your natural energies
created by your bowels
to harvest our crops.
The more you shit,
the more we eat.
That's another one
of our catch phrases
that maybe explains it a
little bit more succinctly.
Now that we've flushed
that issue, we can move on.
Tomorrow your new
lives will begin.
In exactly one week,
Mayor Masterson
will visit Green Cleanse.
We want him to fund an expansion
into our way of life
in the local area.
And we will succeed.
And you will be part
of that success.
Yes, we will.
- Yes.
- Yes, we will.
By furthering our
mission, you are directly
saving Mother Earth.
By spreading the
Green Cleanse ethos,
you will be saving the planet.
We will live in a world
without cars, without phones.
Without phones?
Without shit-free food?
Without fear.
Without pain.
With love.
I am so proud of what we have
achieved in our community.
But we can do more.
We can do better.
We can be better.
Do it for yourselves.
Do it for us.
Do it for your children and
for our children's children,
And for our children's
children's children,
and for our children's
children's children's children.
You get the point.
The future is yet to be written,
but we are the ones
holding the pen.
And the pen is
mightier than the Ford.
This is like nonsense.
He did his own green
cleanse before he came here.
I can see that
you've had a long day.
So I'm going to continue
this speech in the morning.
Oh good, no more
speeches, please.
But remember this, girls.
Whatever I ask you
to do tomorrow,
there is always a reason.
And you will be rewarded.
Yes, you will!
As will we.
Can we trade our rewards
points for McDonald's?
I don't know about you,
but I think that's a gift.
I know.
Oh, I forgot.
So we're having
this for breakfast?
Guys, guys, guys.
Really good.
Oh wait, no.
I need to use your wifi.
If I was a wifi password,
where would I be?
Fuck it, let's go retro.
Pizza, how can I help?
I'll have a large
pepperoni, please.
And I mean large,
large enough to get me
through the next
few days without
having to eat shitty lettuce.
- What's your name?
- It's Lisa.
Where you calling from?
Creepy cabin in
the middle of a place
called Green Cleanse.
I can meet you somewhere else.
Serves me right
for going analog.
Fucking gross.
At least my appetite's gone.
What's wrong?
Shit that smells bad.
Lot of things small bad here.
This is the
countryside, after all.
Don't worry, you'll
get used to it.
Soon enough the entire world
is going to be countryside.
Mother Earth always
wins in the end.
My fucking night.
Jesus Christ.
The showers here are painful.
What the hell?!
Fucking pervert!
Where's my fucking bag?
No phones allowed.
They're bad for the environment.
Humpty, this would
be so much easier
if you were vegetarian.
Sorry I'm late, Miss.
Well, now we're all
finally here, we can begin.
What about Lisa?
Our mate?
Oh, Lisa, yes.
I think she must
still be sleeping.
I'll go-
- No, Lisa probably left camp.
This life isn't for
everyone, right?
Wait, going home's an option?
It most certainly is not.
And I'll be talking to Lena's
parents when we get back.
- Lena?
- Lisa.
Lisa's parents?
Oh, stop being so
insolent of me here.
Lisa is fine, I'm sure.
I saw her last night and she
was complaining of a smell,
which is something
that you girls
are going to help us with today.
Excuse me?
Every day that you
stay at Green Cleanse,
you need to contribute
to the community,
and you will be rewarded.
What, you gonna give us
like money or something?
Excuse me?
No, we don't believe in
the capitalist system here.
No, here at Green Cleanse,
we reward your kind actions
with kinder actions.
So what do you
want us to do, then?
You may have noticed
that our caravans
look a little bit grubby.
So you are going to scrub them,
inside, outside, top to bottom,
in advance of Mayor
Masterson's arrival.
Do I look like
a cleaner to you?
Amelia, she is
appropriately dressed.
But luckily for the rest of you,
the community have you covered.
All right, girls.
Chop, chop, get changed.
Oh, please.
Not wearing this shit.
Do you think this
goes with brunette?
I can't wear this.
Work to do.
Off you go.
Come on.
I only wear black, you idiot.
Come on, girls, you can do it.
Not much longer and we
can all take a break.
Come on, hurry up.
He's been taking a
break since we got here.
Have you realized this is
his caravan we're cleaning?
What a fucking joke!
You know, Lisa had the
right idea going home.
Do you really think she left?
Well, she's not here, is she?
Don't see her leaving
without saying goodbye.
Maybe she texted us.
Harrity took our phones.
Oh yeah, she took it
in with her, forgot.
That girl could smuggle
a phone into prison.
I literally never
saw her without it.
If she's gone, that
means we can't use it
to home.
This is where we're
taking our break?
Now, this is a
natural progression
between the work
that you've done
and the work that
you're going to do.
What are you talking about?
Cleaned the caravan, now
you're gonna clean the shower.
Listen, girls,
what we're gonna do
is we're gonna have
a big party in here
when this is all over
on your last day.
So we get a reward?
This isn't it.
No, this is a treat, on
your way to your reward.
Come on.
Off we go.
In you go.
For a hippie, this dude
has capitalist ideology
down to a fine art.
Calm down, Karl Marx.
The workers of the world unite.
All you've got to
lose is your chains.
The sooner we get
this done, the sooner
we can get our crappy reward.
Get back to work.
Leave her alone, she's
working as hard as she can.
We all are.
- Plus.
- She's right.
Yeah, well, the only
reward that I want
is my bag and.
Oh, that's something
you don't see often.
A hoe carrying a pitch fork.
- Oh my god.
- No, no, no.
Guys, stop!
Stop it!
No, don't.
Told you to get back to work.
You've worked
diligently today, girls.
But there is still plenty
more work to do tomorrow.
And the next day.
And the next day.
But luckily, you have
earned your first reward.
Then what is it?
Welcome to your first
meditation moment.
So our reward is just
standing in a field, then?
You're going to be humming...
And dancing.
And humming.
Fuck's sake.
Feel it, girls.
Feel the energy run
through your body.
Feel Mother Earth
coming up to your vagina
and entering your body.
She will be everything you need.
Nothing else matters.
The sun touches your lips...
And resteth slowly on your nose.
Her hands enter
into your mouth...
And down your throat...
To the very pit of your stomach.
We need nothing else...
But love...
And sky...
And trees.
And ferns.
Remember this, girls.
It will always be this way.
Come on, why
don't we have a quickie?
I'm too pissed.
Come on.
You know you want to.
I said no.
I brought you
all the booze you wanted.
Get off me.
Come on, you owe me.
Don't be such
a little fucking tease.
Good morning.
Come on, hurry up.
What we doing?
Cleaning Lisa's caravan.
Ugh, stinks.
Maybe that's why she left.
Lisa didn't leave.
She's here somewhere, live
tweeting from a cupboard.
She's pranking us.
Do you really believe that?
Lisa wouldn't leave
without saying goodbye.
Plenty of people leave
here without saying goodbye.
Like, when does
everyone else get here?
It just us.
Just us for all this?
Your friends have their
own caravans to clean.
Like this is gonna take
two people more than a day.
Sooner you start, the
sooner we're finished.
So what brought
you to this place?
My parents.
Are they hippies?
You could say that.
Well, my parents are hippies.
They'd probably love it
here at Green Cleanse.
Maybe I shouldn't invite them
out, I could introduce you.
I get it, you don't
wanna meet my parents.
No, it's not that.
This place, you shouldn't
bring anyone here.
- All eyes on me.
- Hello, Steve.
You're making very
slow progress, Amelia.
Getting there.
Are we?
We'll be done by
the end of the day.
I hope so.
Right, well, I think maybe
our break is over now.
Yes, let's get on with it.
Stay on the path, Amelia.
We'll save the planet.
If you stay on the path.
Stay on the path, boy.
Yes, Steve.
I'm gonna go check
on the other girls
and I hope that they
have made more progress
than the two of you.
That guy is so weird.
Finally, we did it.
What do you mean almost?
It's completely clean.
The outside is clean.
We have to clean
the inside as well?
We don't.
You do.
Cody, all on my own?
Steve's idea.
He thinks it would be
respectful for you to clean it.
'Cause Lisa was your friend.
Is, Lisa is my friend.
Of course.
Look, I guess I'll
come back tomorrow.
No, it has to be tonight.
Cody, I'm exhausted.
It's been a long day and-
- Steve's orders.
What are you gonna
do when I'm in there?
I'll wait right here.
Try and be quick.
Make sure it's spotless.
This is where the mayor's
going to be staying
when he visits.
Don't forget to
clean the toilet.
- Come on.
- Shh.
Yes, it's me.
Yeah, do you like that?
Cody, I need to speak
to you, this is...
Cody, wait!
What the fuck do you
think you're doing?
You always ruin everything.
I was literally this
fucking close to finishing.
No, I didn't-
- Now where the fuck has gone?
Where's he gone?
Where the fuck are you?
You know, if you think you're
gonna pump and dump me,
you've got another
thing fucking coming.
And it's not gonna be you.
They you are, you little prick.
Where have you been?
I got something I
need to show you.
Hello, girls.
Mind if I sit with you?
I need to talk to you.
What did you wanna
talk to us about?
You said you need
to talk to us, Miss?
Ah, yes, of course.
Rebecca Harrington.
She's been sent home.
She was caught
canoodling with a young man
on the premises,
Mr. Brawn and I thought it
would be best she went home.
We put her in a taxi and
she's with her parents now.
Her parents are both dead.
It's a figure of speech.
Is it?
I'll leave you to your lunch.
It's breakfast.
Amelia, eat up.
You'll need your strength
for what comes next.
Now Rebecca's gone,
you're going to
all have to do so much more.
Lisa wasn't sent home.
Rebecca didn't leave.
- Amelia.
- Look.
I found this in Lisa's
room under her bed.
Not in her hand?
There's something
definitely wrong.
What the fuck is that?
I think I know.
There, look.
Yeah, right, as
in what the fuck?
What is it?
According to the
book, a creature,
an evil god known
as Humpty Dumpty.
Let me reiterate,
what the fuck?
Wait, as in the nursery
rhyme character, the big egg?
A lot of British nursery
rhymes had roots in dark stuff.
Oh yeah, like "Ring
Around the Rosie."
Which came from
an English plague.
And this Humpty is
a plague all right.
This is nuts.
Says he's a god who comes
in the form of a doll.
He grants wishes in
exchange for a sacrifice.
What kind of sacrifice?
The innocent.
Won't find any of those here.
This was in the book
when it was given to me.
Thought it was a bookmark.
Kids are innocent.
This woman was
found with her kids.
She'd murdered them and they
found her with their bodies,
ranting and raving
about a Humpty doll.
This is proof.
How do we stop it?
By closing the book and
moving on with our lives?
This is crazy.
It says that
Humpty feeds on blood
because it has a human heart.
It means blood to give it power.
Like a fucking vampire?
Not quite, no.
It's a god.
But who knows?
Maybe it also inspired
the legend of the vampire.
Look, I asked
how do we stop it?
Yeah. I was getting to that.
It says that Humpty has
a human heart, right?
So destroy the heart,
destroy the doll.
So just like a vampire.
Like I said, all stories
come from somewhere.
Well, some stories
are better than others.
Do you guys seriously believe
that some god-like Muppet
is going around
killing our friends?
I've got a different question.
You're not gonna find
the answer in there.
What's the question?
Humpty exchanges wishes
for a sacrifice, right?
Who's killing our friends?
Sure he'll talk to us?
We'll make him.
What if he doesn't
know anything?
He knows something.
You've seen how weird he acts.
What's wrong?
You girls have lost the plot.
There is no killer doll
running around this shit hole.
- Sarah.
- Don't Sarah me.
Everyone's lost
their fucking minds.
Miss Harrity doesn't know
where she is half the time,
and you girls are treating
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
like it's some
instructional video.
Something is going on.
Well, it can go on without me.
Fuck all of this.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Most of all, fuck Cody, fuck
Miss Harrity, fuck Steve Brawn,
fuck the Green Cleanse,
and fuck Humpty Dumpty.
Fuck all of it, fuck
this, I'm out, mic drop,
mother fucking peace.
Let her go.
If she leaves, at
least she'll be safe.
Bunch of fucking idiots.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
One of these has gotta work.
Guess we gotta do this
the old fashioned way.
Come on now.
What you doing?
We found something scary, look.
I'm sorry.
What's going on here?
There's some creepy thing-
- It's okay, it's
okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
Steve, you're hurting me.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
You are the last three
that I would expect to see
standing here in front of me.
Isla, Crystal always
spoke so highly of you.
She did?
Why do you think
she had trusted you
to be keeper of the books?
Sorry, keeper of the what now?
And Amelia.
You were supposed to
be the best of us.
I was?
You were supposed
to be cleaning,
and there you were having
an effin' orgy in the woods.
- A what?
- Hang on.
What we did was-
And you.
I don't want to hear a
word out of your mouth.
You know how important
our mission is!
I'm going to have to
separate the three of you.
In advance of Mayor
Masterson's visit,
I can't have you
canoodling in the woods.
We weren't ca...
I am going to assign
you each a cleaning duty.
And I want you to learn...
Not to let your genitals...
Get in the way of
saving the planet.
- He's almost ready.
- How do you know?
I can feel it?
His power.
He's saving my life.
And when we have what we want.
Destroy the
creepy little thing.
Eat its heart
out of its chest.
Take that power too.
We're not supposed
to be together.
If someone sees us and they-
Where is it?
- What?
- This thing.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
And when we have what we want.
Destroy the
creepy little thing.
Eat its heart
out of its chest.
Take that power too.
How did you get that?
You're not supposed to-
- Supposed to what, Cody?
Not supposed to run?
No, run.
Steve's coming.
Come on.
What is this place?
Someone used to work here.
They don't anymore.
It's mostly used
for storage now.
Your phone.
Can I take a look at it?
It's not my
phone, it's Lisa's.
Well, Lisa's phone, then.
What do you
wanna look at it for?
I just wanna see
that picture again.
Look with your
eyes, not your hands.
Look, I can help you.
You just need to trust me.
What's going on, Cody?
- Give me the phone.
- Why did we run?
They need innocent blood.
Innocent blood?
Your blood.
Are you okay now?
I was going to try and
smuggle you out of here
before they could get to you.
Look, I can't let you
go with that phone.
If they found out
you had evidence,
they'd never stop chasing you.
Give me the phone, Amelia.
Then I can get you out of here.
What about Isla?
She'll be fine.
Yeah, she'll be fine.
'Cause we're gonna find her
and tell her everything.
That's a very
bad idea, Amelia.
She's my best friend.
I'm not just gonna abandon her.
You can have the phone
when we find Isla.
But let's wait until morning.
He's strongest in the dark.
We'll hide here tonight.
Find her first thing.
Strongest in the dark?
All the more reason
to find Isla.
Don't you understand?
He's not after her.
He's after you.
I don't care!
I'm going!
I know what I'm talking about.
In here you're safe.
Out there you're a danger
for yourself and others.
How will you feel if
you lead Humpty to Isla?
God forbid he kills her.
No, we wait here until morning.
You promise she's
gonna be okay?
I promise.
Isla, good, you're awake.
I need you to come with me.
It's your friend, Amelia.
She needs you.
Amelia, where is she?
What's happening to Amelia?
Welcome, Isla.
Hello, Isla.
Where's Isla?
Hello there.
Where's Isla?
Who's that?
I don't know who you
are talking about.
Stop playing games.
I like games.
Don't give me that
crazy old lady routine.
You're barely 60.
I'm 50.
Oh, so you remember
that, do you?
Oh, Isla.
She went home.
Said something about
missing her laptops.
That's all, that's all.
How dare you swear at me?
Insolent child.
Where is she?
I know where she is.
You'll see her soon enough.
Are you sure this time?
We were informed
that she would fit the criteria
required by Humpty.
Hello, Amelia.
Fuck you.
We were informed she
would fit the criteria
required by Humpty.
Does she fit the
specifications, Crystal?
Oh, yes, that's me.
What is it?
Does she fit the
specifications or not?
Don't speak to her like that.
You should know the
absent mindedness
is a side effect of a
connection to Humpty.
Her bad memory is a
sign of her good faith.
Quite right.
Only surprised
you don't appear
to be exhibiting any symptoms.
Now, Crystal, is it?
Does this Amelia
fit the criteria?
Is she an innocent?
Oh, she's untainted.
It's the reason her
boyfriend broke up with her.
Should we inspect her, sir?
Just to make sure?
Just to make sure?
No, no, no need for that.
We'll be seeing
plenty of that later.
So, do we have a deal?
Yes, yes.
Give the paperwork to Mary.
She'll do the rest.
Oh, you are not
going to regret this.
We are going to make the
planet a better place.
Let's hope so.
We're going to be living
in it a very long time.
No, no!
She knew the truth
and she came willingly.
She knew the truth
and she came willingly.
I'm so sorry, Amelia,
I tried to warn you
Or was it trick you.
So easy to confuse the two.
Fuck you.
Fuck all of you!
Fucking hypocrite bitch.
All that shit about
playing by the rules
and you're gonna
fucking murder me.
It's not murder, dear.
It's sacrifice.
Very different.
But if you had paid attention
to my history lessons,
you would've already known that.
We sacrificed the
smuggler, and then the whore,
and then the betrayer, and
then the keeper of the books.
And now my son.
Our son.
I'm sorry, Cody,
but Humpty requires
the death of the firstborn.
- No, no.
- And that's you.
- We love you, baby.
- Very much.
No, Cody!
Untie her.
Let her say goodbye.
She's not going anywhere.
Maybe she did love him.
More naive than I thought.
All right, tie her back up.
All eyes on me.
Now we come to the
final sacrifice.
The one that will
let us live forever.
The innocent.
The innocent.
The innocent.
The one that came willingly.
Piss off, he
fucking tricked me!
All hail Humpty.
All hail Humpty.
All hail Humpty.
Now, feed her
the liquid of life.
Soon he will be upon
us, and he will take
this innocence into his jaws.
And as he feasts, so
will we, on immortality.
All hail Humpty.
Everything I have done,
I have done for him.
We will create an eternal
paradise for our immortal god.
And we will join him
in that paradise,
and we will spend
eternity protecting it.
So it is said, so it is
done, for now and forever.
For now and forever.
For now and forever.
He is upon us.
Fucking idiots.
Read a book.
He's a trickster god.
Do you really think he's
gonna give you what you want?
Let me go, please!
All right, fuckers,
you asked for it.
Hey, Humpty Dumpty.
Do you really wanna spend
forever with this lot?
Eternity with this
bunch of hippies?
Does that sound fun to you?
Well, how about...
You're a trickster god, right?
How does it feel to be tricked?
And when we have what we want.
Destroy the
creepy little thing.
You fucking bitch!
- Uh...
- Take that power too.
We just killed my
firstborn child.
Humpty has to grant our wish.
Did you really think that your
little tape would save you?
But you got what you want.
Why do you need to kill me?
Your innocent blood
ties Humpty to us further.
Yes, he is a trickster god.
But your death will
make him more compliant.
He'll be our slave.
He'll give us his heart
on a plate if we ask him to.
You have to grant
the wish of those
that sacrifice their
firstborn, right?
That's right.
Wasn't talking to you.
Well, I already killed mine.
Did it weeks ago.
Kill them.
Kill them all.
No, no!
Amelia, show mercy.
Show mercy, show mercy.
Fuck you!
Have you killed them all?
So you've granted my wish, then.
Do I still have power over you?
Have a great fall.
Oh, fuck.
I never did like eggs.
What happened?
I don't remember.