Daredevil Musthafa (2023) Movie Script

Over 50 years ago, in the year 1972,
Karnataka's well-known writer Poochante's
compilation of short stories,
'Abachurina Post Office' was published.
'Daredevil Mustafa' is a short story from the collection
on which this feature film is based on.
Based on the structure of the short story;
certain characters, locations and sequences have been created in accordance with the visual medium.
This is entirely fictitious.
The circumstances, mischief, fights and rifts portrayed
in the film fall under the purview of the story.
The film-makers do not intend to generalise
or target any particular community or person.
Sir, one last question.
When you look at children, college-going kids
and the youth of today. What do you think?
Sometimes I feel that they have a great future.
But when I see them being on the forefront of communal
activities or violence...
Sometimes it makes me wonder if they really do have a
Mother, let me comb it myself.
No way! I'm a college student now.
I'm off to college!
Our Ramanju quit milk a few days ago.
Here he is! Stepping into college already.
As long as he doesn't stray away.
College has begun and so has his shenanigans.
May you have a long life.
Look at him carry a single notebook like they do in movies.
It's okay if you don't fall at my feet...
Please get my 'Ramakoti' chant book bounded by cardboard.
Grandma, can I get it done on another day?
Seena's here. - He's here.
Pulakeshi, come along.
First day of college has begun,
but why isn't anyone here to have fun?
Smashies time!
Useless bugger! Him and smashies.
You startled me.
What did you have for breakfast? - Leave me alone.
Smashies time!
Freaking hell! You moron!
It's burning.
Enough of these smashies.
I call it off.
We're now college students.
Smashies were meant for school.
No more smashies.
No more smashies?
You started it and you want to end it already?
Of course I started the bet happily.
But have I done it even once?
It's been you guys all the time.
Wait! The Iyengari-Pulakeshi duo are next.
They will do it next. - Come on now.
Where's Iyengari? Where's Pukleshi? - They're not here.
Smashies time, fatso!
Argh! Aren't you aware that we're not doing Smashies any more?
No more Smashies? Since when?
What the hell!
Wait! No more Smashies!
Bugger off! Smashies are for kids.
We're now in college.
You're right, Iyengari.
They've whacked my thighs until it turned into a red papaya!
Greetings Sir!
You're freshers, right? - Yes, Sir.
Are those thighs or Chinese lanterns?
You're still wearing shorts.
From tomorrow, you'll wear pants to college.
I... I will sir.
I wore pants in the 4th grade itself.
Everyone's at the orientation program.
Do you plan to stray around?
Get going now.
Smashies! - Ouch!
How dare you hit me?!
Let me go!
We welcome you to the orientation ceremony.
Pulli, the cat has passed too.
Enough looking around.
Ramamani joined the Sahyadri college.
What?! Really?! - Quit it!
I've seen her completing the admission procedure with her
We now have Miss. Ramamani, a fresher of our college
chanting the prayers.
Didn't I tell you?
As if she's the only Ramamani in the entire town?
It could be someone else.
Guys! There she is! Our Ramamani!
Sit down! You loafer!
Listen to her sing and enjoy.
Can't believe Ramamani joined our college.
Irrespective of that...
Do you think she'll fall in love with you?
Once more! - A standing ovation! Woah!
You go on, child.
Sit down guys. - Let her sing more.
All hail the nightingale, Ramamani! - Hurrah!
Dear students, we've assembled to welcome freshers.
I'll finish my speech in two sentences.
Thy who is uneducated, is as unpleasant as a vulture prying
over a ruined town, Sarvagna
It is believed that an educated person moves past barbarism
and towards humanity.
Get back inside!
Guys! What's that? - What is what?
Everyone's sleeping right? He's no different.
Not him. The thing next to him in red.
You won't be able to eat it. Let it go.
But it looks very familiar. I just can't place it.
That is a gas cylinder.
You can cook with it.
When I went to Mudigere, I saw it at my uncle's place.
But why is it kept here?
Youth power is the ultimate power.
Youth power is like raging fire.
The connection between fire and smoke is...
Just like summer made way to monsoon turning the Malenaadu
into a muddy pit.
All of us graduating Metric to join Junior college felt like
getting a lunatic married.
Every step led to a disaster and everything we did led to a
Quarrels and Clamour.
Our village is called Abachuru.
Our village bordered the Malenaadu.
Neither did it come under a village council nor under a
municipality council.
Think of it as a small town in between.
Our town's Ranga Vilas' Laddoo, Bhattru hotel's dosae.
It was beyond famous across neighboring towns.
Not to forget the communal violence during every year's
Ganesha Chaturthi rituals.
Ganesha's send off wouldn't happen without a Hindu-Muslim
Never mind it! It's an annual affair.
But last year, the clash went beyond control almost
the Reserve police to come from Chikkamagaluru.
The sole reason for it was the eloping of Rafiq and
Push came to shove to our uncontrollable villagers.
Right when the ambers were still burning under the sand, we
joined Junior college.
College brought an uncontrollable desire to interact with
But even if they came close, our heart would flutter away.
We had to butter up the lecturers, but they were a mixed
Seebayya, our Principal who refused to step out without his
safari suit.
Also, there's the incoherently blabbering Lecturer
Despite retiring and turning into history himself, there was
our history lecturer
...who came to college to teach every day, Mr.
There's Sarpabhushana, the Kannada lecturer who quit the
Mutt to stay at home.
Amidst them all was English lecturer, OSK.
Without whom college would've been unbearable.
You hear the man ringing the bell?
He's Peon Adinarayana.
If you press your ears to the window, one could hear Cricket
commentary from his radio.
All these wild, colourful characters lived in the Abachuru
Government Junior College.
The college was in a British era building.
There you go. The classes have begun!
The idiots, morons and donkeys have all assembled here.
Shouting at all of you every day, my throat's gone to the
Iyengari, what is the lecturer having?
Senior citizens require hot water.
Nope. They need tonic.
They'll need buttermilk. - Present, sir.
Are you guys this dumb?! Good Lord!
That is the elixir. Wanna bet?
Raghavendra? - Present sir.
Ramanuja Iyengar? - Sir, I'm here.
Ramamani? - Yes, sir.
Sit down, Iyengari.
Sampath Kumar? - Yes, sir.
Shankar Shetty? - Present sir.
Varade Gowda? - I'm right here, sir.
Ja... Nu...
What is this?! Erm!
Ja.. Du.. Da..
Ja... Jaya.
Jammo! - What the hell is this?!
The name starts at Abachuru and ends in Kesaruru.
Let me get hold of Adinarayana.
Ja... a.
Jayamala Damayanti Sena!
Silence! Speak up!
When was Akbar born?
When did Babar die?
When did Vasco Da Gama come to India?
When did Gandhiji go to England? - Sir!
Go on! Tell us.
You forgot my name, sir.
Your head. Brat!
Can't find four letters in that puny brain.
All you can do is snigger like a broken door knob.
Sir! - Shut up!
We think we can teach buggers like you.
I can't believe I got stuck with students like you.
My ill-fate is to blame.
Sir, I am Pulakeshi.
You forgot to call out my name in the roll.
Good for nothing!
There he goes! - But sir...
Where is that idiot Adinarayana?
I will use him as a sacrifice.
Where is he? - What's wrong sir? What happened?
Master! - God! No.
How many times have I told you not to do this in front of
the teacher?
If I don't seek your blessings everyday, my mind doesn't
attain peace.
Let it go sir.
Why would you sacrifice Adinarayana?
Hey Adinarayana! Who taught you the letters?
Why do you ask, sir?
Because of you, I became a laughing stock in front of the
If you can't read, how am I to blame? - Shut up!
Did you see this arrogant prick's arrogance?
He's calling me an illiterate.
You seem jobless.
Look at this closely madam.
Can anyone decipher the last name?
I don't get it. He's scribbled it.
What is this, sir?
It's as long as Lord Hanumantha's tail.
It is exactly eight letters long.
He must have written the name and the address together.
Look properly.
No, sir.
This can't be a human being's name.
Must be a botanical term.
Really? I never gave it a thought in that angle.
Come on now. How can it be a botanical term?
What is this Beejakshara chant?
That's only six letters. I need eight.
If madam couldn't figure it out, how can we?
If only it was in Kannada, this wouldn't have been an issue.
Right madam? - How would I know?
Why are you getting angry with OSK? - When did I?
Why is the staff room so noisy?
Not a big deal sir.
This Adinarayana has etched a scripture in the attendance
All of us are researching what it is.
I've heard of Adi Pampa's inscription.
Which one is this?
Adi Narayana's inscription?!
Take a look at it yourself, sir.
Look sir.
This is what's bothering you.
Useless fellow.
He's just joined all the letters.
This isn't right.
Nope. It won't fit in here.
What's wrong Pulakeshi?
Guys, it's not Jayamala Damayanti Sena.
Apparently four mauzies named Jamal, Abdul, Musthafa Hussain
have joined our college.
Apparently, one guy has taken the place of four students.
Apparently, he belongs to the Tipu Sultan lineage.
Apparently, they add meat to desserts.
Apparently, he bathes in perfume.
Apparently, he has a foot long beard.
Apparently, he can fix a tyre without water.
Apparently, he's been baptised.
Jamal Abdullah Musthafa Hussain?
Sir! He's not here.
Jamal Abdullah Musthafa Hussain?
He's not here, sir!
Jamal Abdullah Musthafa?
Would you go to Sultankeri all by yourself? - No way.
Similarly, the Principal has asked him not to join a Hindu
majority college.
Padmini? - I'm here, Sir.
Pulakeshi? - Here, Sir.
I'll lose half the time in taking the attendance.
Why don't you just mark us all present sir?
Silence Kumara.
Pushpabharathi? - Present, sir.
Ramanuja? - Present sir.
Ramamani? - Yes, sir.
Sampath Kumar? - Here sir.
Shankara? - Yes, sir.
Srinivasa? - Present sir.
Varada... - Yes sir.
You forgot the last name sir.
Does it have to be in full glory - Varade Gowda?
Wouldn't Varada suffice?
Not him sir. - Who else?
Jamal.. Abdullah.. Musthafa.. Hussain.
I'm here, Sir.
Who are you man?
Sir, I'm Musthafa. - What brings you here so early?
There's time left for the hall ticket to be distributed.
Where were you all these days?
You're here twenty days after college began.
Like this is your uncle's house.
Don't you speak Kannada or do you not hear?
Sir, the Principal is asking the Mauzi kid to come.
The score is... No. He wants him there.
Did I ask him to go? - No, sir.
Turn the page to Kumaravyasa's poem.
Like a sheep thrown into a den of hungry wolves.
Like a sheep thrown into a den of hungry wolves.
Until then, we never had a Muslim friend.
Therefore, a guy named Musthafa sitting among us was a
historic occurrence.
We tend to imagine Muslims as mystic creatures.
Their professions only added to the mystery.
Leather work, tinkering jobs, halal meat chopping.
They dealt with unknown professions to us, thus raking our
Also, their festivals were very unique to us.
It would take place at night.
When a well-dressed, good smelling Muslim man with a woman
in Burqa was seen
heading to a mosque or elsewhere, we would watch with a
baffled stare.
In total, their businesses and lifestyle along with another
important thing, their language.
Why man? Doesn't our Kannada hold any value?!
All of this together had made it seem like Muslims were
lives from an alien planet.
That is why when we heard the name Jamal Abdullah Musthafa
...we were startled as if we'd heard the name of invaders.
Adinarayana? - Sir?
Empty his pockets.
There's nothing. - Pipe down. Sir has ordered.
Sir, he's filled it with trash.
Why do you need a matchbox?
Do you smoke beedis?
It's empty. - No sir. There's brick powder.
Brick shreds?
Haven't you brushed in the morning?
Sir, don't you know why?
Oh! Chuck that.
Why aren't you coming to college?
I stay with my sister, sir.
Whether you stay with your sister or your sister stays with
you, it's irrelevant.
Why aren't you coming to college?
I'm not from around sir.
My native is Srirangapatna. I live with my sister.
Sister had come to my place.
So we moved from her place to here.
To hell with that.
I've gotten you admitted here with a lot of risk.
You are the only Muslim kid in the college.
This is a sensitive town.
Don't get into squabbles and create a ruckus.
Don't bunk classes.
You shouldn't create trouble in class.
You dare not back answer the lecturers.
Don't look at the girls.
If ever I receive a single complaint against you,
I'll throw you out with a Transfer Certificate.
Got it?
What did you understand?
I shouldn't look at girls.
If I do, you'll send me home with a TC.
Don't worry. He'll upheld your honour, sir.
Go to your class.
Load your stuff.
Sir, I now know what not to do.
What should I do to hear a 'Bravo' from you?
Don't you have the common sense to seek your lecturer's
permission before exiting the class?
Sir, the Principal... - Madam.
How about a coffee? A tea?
Kumara, you claimed that Musthafa has a foot long beard.
That he doesn't use soap and instead uses his beard to scrub
his back.
Listen brothers.
Principal told me to borrow notes from one of you.
I'll write it and return it.
No way! I'm giving it to you.
As if you've written it. Shut it!
Whatever you said. Spit it out in Kannada.
I did speak Kannada.
Principal told me to... - Aye!
Do you think you're Lord Clive?
To wait with our notes written for you?
Get lost!
If you don't want to give, don't.
Did I ask you for your pony?
I'm no Lord Clive.
Jamal Abdullah Musthafa Hussain.
Jamjam Jumjum Hussain.
Your name will take up the entire book. Where will you write
the rest?
Spoken like a real man!
Thanks man.
Please give me your notes.
Law of Marginal utility.
Namaste sir!
It was him! - Sit down!
Iyengari, what's wrong? Why are you sitting alone?
My brain's fried, Shankara.
What happened?
Shankara, what's wrong with Iyengari?
Iyengari, did you shit your pants?
I was messing with that Mauzi and gave him my grandmother's
'Ramakoti' book, but he didn't even hesitate to put it in his bag.
Ramkoti? What does that mean?
My grandmother was writing the chants, 'Sri Rama, Jaya Rama'
in the book, every day.
She believed that writing it one koti times would
lead her to salvation.
She's been writing it since 25 years.
I wonder what he'll do with the book.
If my grandma finds out, she'll turn me into a curry.
So, Sir ruined her chances of salvation.
While Grandma's worried about the Lord, her grandson's
worried about Musthafa.
Who told you to give it to him?
He was clearly making a deal with Ramamani.
Who asked you to interfere?
Quit mocking me!
Iyengari, what if Musthafa ends up writing Allah's name on
the book?
There he is!
Oy! Give me back my notes.
It hasn't even been minutes since you gave it to me.
There's so much more to write. I shall return it once I'm
Might take me weeks or even months, who knows?
Weeks or Days?!
Stop right there, you thief!
Aye! Stop!
Ravi, give me your bicycle.
It's a serious matter. About his Grandma.
Give it to him!
You're doing fine! Don't worry.
As if he hit you really hard.
It isn't a serious injury.
That bloody Mauzi!
He kicked the ball, turned his ass and cycled away.
Iyengari went chasing him.
You'll see how he'll knock Musthafa's teeth down.
This one's a leaf eating Iyengari. He's a carnivorous Mauzi.
We'll see who'll knock down whose teeth.
He'll return only after teaching Musthafa a lesson.
Hold his head, sucker!
Musthafa whacked him hard and made his nose bleed!
What's happening over there? - Let's check it out.
What did these fighter-cocks get into now?
We shouldn't let him play ever again.
Your life's not in danger.
What now? - Sir!
We were playing football, sir. - So?
Musthafa was standing in the way.
The ball only brushed past him.
That was all. - Really. That was it.
He cursed us left, right and Center in his language.
All we did was ask him what's wrong.
He rammed the ball at Seena's face.
Poor guy.
Musthafa punctured our Seena's nose.
I already told you not to admit him into our college.
Scoundrel has already started to mess around.
What a brat!
I told him in a nice manner.
Not to get into squabbles.
Is your nose crackling?
Are your eyes going blurry?
Do you feel the blood rushing in and out?
There's no danger to his life, right?
The blood hasn't gone down his lungs. He'll be fine.
I told you guys.
That rascal!
I took him in so he could study and prosper.
But he chooses to fight.
No need of such students in this college.
I will suspend him!
Iyengari, there he is.
Mr. Scrap! Give me my notes.
Didn't I tell you already that I'll return it after I'm done
copying it?
Moron! Give me my notes right now!
Why are you getting abusive?!
Give it back! - Let go you!
Give it back right now! - Stop! What's going on?
Namaste sir!
They've begun already.
Walk out of the class.
Ramanuja, you sit down.
Gamaar Abdullah, walk out. - It's not Gamaar Abdullah, sir.
Jamal Abdul. - Whatever it is.
Leave the class.
Why should I leave?
What wrong have I done?
You ask why?
Because the Principal has suspended you.
Suspend me for what?
I haven't done anything wrong. I'm not going.
The sheer arrogance!
Get out!
I've paid fees just like everyone here.
Does paying fee give you the ownership of this college?!
How will you ever get educated?! Get out!
I'm not leaving.
I'll see how you won't leave.
Why are you all looking at me?
Musthafa! - Sir?
I've suspended you from college.
Go and get your father.
You can't return to classes until then.
But why sir? What did I do?
Shut up!
I've advised you like I would advise my own son.
My advice clearly fell on deaf ears.
How dare you hit Srinivasa leaving him with a bleeding
But Sir, I don't know any Srinivasa.
Srinivasa! Get up.
Why did you beat him?
Why should I beat him?
Aye! When did I hit you? - Aye!
How dare you glare at him right in front of me?
He did hurt me!
It wasn't intentional.
What do you mean? - The thing is...
Musthafa kicked the ball.
The ball fell on me. That was it.
Did the ball I kicked land on you?
Sorry Srinivasa. I didn't realise.
You boys!
Making a mountain out of a molehill.
I'm sorry, Musthafa.
Sir, why are you apologising to him? - Tch.
Let it go, Sir.
The boy wasn't wrong.
But he did apologise, didn't he?
That clearly tells that the boy's genuine.
Go back to your seat.
Fine then. You can continue with your class.
Yesterday you claimed that he kicked and turned the tables
Students need to have decency.
Clearly, none of you do.
Sir, my high school Kannada teacher has taught me to be bold
when one isn't wrong.
I'm his favourite student, sir.
So, you're a Kannada scholar, aren't you?
Open your book.
Everyone open your books.
Give me yours.
Turn to page number 40.
Read the poem. Go on.
A crispy fritter? - Which one's he talking about?
Sir, he's speaking about somebody's left thigh.
If Poet Pampa heard you, he would've killed himself before
writing the epic.
You have it in you to blabber nonsense.
Yet your head's clearly empty.
Ramamani. - Yes, sir?
Go ahead and read it.
That is how one reads Old Kannada.
Grab that moron's nose and slap him twice.
No, sir. I can't do that.
Musthafa! Come here.
Don't you understand New Kannada either? Come here!
Ramamani! Do you want me to repeat what I said?!
Go on!
Is this your aunt's house? Come here now!
Come on Ramamani!
Stand here.
GO Ramamani!
Slap him!
Let this worthless idiot realise his value. Slap him.
I'm here. You don't have to worry. Go ahead.
Quit wobbling! Stand still.
It didn't hit him. Slap him harder!
Hit me hard man! Do it!
That's how you should slap him!
It should be loud and clear! - Go for a hard whack!
Girl, didn't you eat in the morning?
One slap and his cheeks should frigging bloat! Slap him!
This won't do! - This doesn't count!
Come on, Ramamani! Harder!
Will you slap him or should I slap you?
Ramamani, no matter what.
You shouldn't have slapped Musthafa.
He won't spare you.
Nah! I don't care.
He'll be watching you. - I don't care.
He'll trouble you. - I don't care.
What if he comes to your place and breaks the flower pots?
I don't care.
What if he comes and hugs you?
I don't...
Will he hug me?
Of course. Didn't he hug the fatso?
Just 'cause I told her that he'll hug, she's frowning in a
Scaring her more will only make it worse.
Instead, go find him wherever he is and fold your hands and
apologise for your mistake.
How long do you plan to remain scared like this?
I'm sorry, Mr. Musthafa. Please forgive me.
Oy! What's your problem? - Mr. Musthafa!
Lady, what's your problem?!
Please don't hug me!
Swear on Thimmappa that you won't.
Sorry! Swear on Jesus.
Wait, no! Swear on Allah that you won't.
If you want, you can slap me once.
Just don't hug me.
I'll neither hug or slap you.
Please, leave from here.
You really won't hug me?
Why are you still standing here?
Didn't I tell you that I won't hug you?
Okay. Thank you.
It's okay. Let it be.
God! I got away!
You're the first sports teacher this college has ever had.
Where were you before?
Which college in Kashmir?
I was in the Army.
Sir, let me show you the Sports Room.
What is this?
The Sports Room, sir.
Not a single article unrelated to Sports should be here.
Empty it all. - Sure, sir.
But where do I put them, sir?
Go and dump them in the Principal's chamber.
It shouldn't be here is all.
An order is an order.
Children, let me tell you this.
Whoever fails in the exam, will not be allowed to
participate in the Talents' Day.
Let them not allow.
As if we have any talent. Aye!
I've listed our names to perform for the Ranadheera Nayaka
Shut up and come practice in the evening.
Excuse me?
What class does the time table say is on now?
Sports Class, sir. - Physical Training.
I play Football, sir. - Good.
What do we in the PT class?
We play. - We do PT.
Then what are you doing in here?
Go to the field and play. - Okay, sir.
Ravi! Sir, gave it to me!
What's with you girls?
Do you need a special invitation?
Go on!
Sorry madam.
Why are you crying?
What's wrong?!
Seeing you cry makes me...
Please tell me.
There's no one around. You can share it with me.
Did the boys create a mess?
Did the Principal say something? - No, sir.
It's that new fellow...
He didn't even let me talk.
He humiliated me in front of all the students.
I've never faced such humiliation in my life.
I mean, he could've asked me politely to let the students go.
Would I have refused?
There was no call for such rudeness.
I can't work with him around.
I'll try to get transferred elsewhere.
Why should you leave? Let's send him instead.
You... Those tears...
Don't cry. Wipe your tears.
I knew it the moment I saw him.
He's a horrible man.
If he can humiliate a Lady lecturer, what will happen to the
girls in the college?
Let's go and complain to the Principal.
If you wish to complain today, you better do it with me.
If it has to be the Principal, then do it on Monday.
Why's that?
It's Saturday. He left early.
Monday it is. It's an auspicious day too.
Write it. A complaint letter.
Note it down.
'Olivia Shobha Kumari. Lecturer.'
'Complaint regarding misbehaviour from a colleague.'
'Respected Sir, '
'In regards to the above mentioned subject'
Sir hasn't come to us at all.
He's teaching only the girls.
Looks like Sir is unmarried.
Go on! Play some rings with the girls.
Go on genius! Play some Ringa-Ringa-Roses.
How about Hopscotch?
Is lazing around a sport now?
Not really. I am exercise, Sir.
What's your favourite game?
Football sir!
Is it? - Yes, sir.
Why so?
Football's a great game, sir.
Sir! It's meant to be played as a team.
Sir! We love to kick things!
Sir! It helps us stay fit!
Sir! Football is a...
A game played with balls.
Come on! Show me your skills. - Yes sir!
Seena, I'm coming behind you. - What's with you?
Why are you sitting over there?
Go and join them. - Okay, sir.
Over here, Seena. - Fine! Wait.
Ravi! Over here!
Very good! You guys play well. - Thank you sir.
You're not familiar with the rules and techniques. But I'll
teach you.
What's your name?
Musthafa, sir. - You play well.
With four players like you and this time the cup will be
You are the Team's Captain. - Okay, sir.
Iyengari is our Team's Captain.
He might be in your team.
But I'm forming a new team.
Musthafa is the captain.
What's your name? - Ramanuja.
You are? - Sampath Kumar.
You both are the strikers. Got it?
Together, let's build a great team.
We shall go on tournaments.
Everybody out there should speak of our college's glory,
I need high spirits, okay? - Yes, sir.
What class do you have next? - Logic.
Go to the class. - Sure, sir.
That stupid Musthafa and a madcap lecturer.
Man, Musthafa hit me hard yesterday. I'll return the favour
to him tomorrow.
Do as you want. - Shush!
Just don't let the ball come to me.
What a game man!
Let's all play Cricket from now.
What about Football?
Nah. Chuck Football.
It's a wretched game.
Weren't you the one saying that "Football is a great game,
Just 'cause the mad lecturer made the Mauzi captain.
You got jealous, huh?
Screw you! Nothing like that.
There's no value for Football in India, guys.
But Cricket...?
What respect it brings to its players.
I feel Football is the best.
Of course you find it convenient.
You're the goalkeeper.
You stand while the ball comes to once in a while and you
catch it.
If you can't, you let it go. Think about us.
We've to keep running.
Get rammed and kicked by others.
You're right.
Yesterday, I got kicked hard by that Budan Mauzi.
That's why I'm telling you.
Why do we need the ill-fate of getting kicked by others
while playing?
Cricket on the other hand?
You neither kick, nor get kicked.
Even better, you never come in contact.
That's why it's called the Royal game.
Oh! Is it?
Do you know the Britishers won over the world playing
You guys play Football. I'll play Cricket.
All hail Cricket!
I don't get it.
Until yesterday, you were calling Football a great game
and today you're picking Cricket.
Tell me what's your problem.
Why Cricket?
Sir, Cricket is a Royal Game.
Sir, it's a game that can be won by one man.
Sir, Cricket is a non-violent game.
Sir, Cricket will not cause exhaustion.
Sir, Cricket is a ball-game and a bat-game too.
If one needs to get drenched in sweat, Football's the best.
Sir, Cricket has a future.
A future, eh?
I very well know that Cricket has a future.
I don't know what game lies in your future.
Sir, it's fixed. - Cricket it is, Sir.
For now, Sir. - What the hell man!
What a dumbass! - Cricket it is.
What will they play with?
Since the time of the Papaya-skinned Britishers, this
college has had a ball and a Tennicoit ring.
There's nothing else.
They collect eight bucks every year as Sports Funds.
Please look into it.
Yeah right. Where will you go find the funds?
What happened to it?
Everything was spent.
Spent on what?
Just like how the Mysore state was rechristened into State
of Karnataka.
You wait and watch until the rechristen Mysore Pak into
Karnataka Pak.
Welcome Mr. Kusumakar.
Oh! Have some Karnataka Pak.
No, thanks.
I just had a cup of coffee with my own money.
Come on now. Have it.
Take some. Go on.
You're young and strong enough to digest rocks for that
I can probably digest rocks.
But how do you digest the fact that you've taken students'
Sir, I have a class to take.
I will see you later.
This Mysore Pak seems heavier.
Mr. Kusumakar. Have a seat and we shall talk.
How much money was collected, spent and currently remains in
the name of Sports Fund.
I need the details.
What will you do it with now?
Sir, there's not a single article in the Sports Room.
Who other than me will ask about it?
Sir, I can't stand corruption.
The money belonged to the students and needs to be spent for
Not just this year's funds.
I want the details about the last five years.
Mr. Kusumakar.
Every year a fresh batch comes in.
Since the wickets are made of wood, they tend to break.
Every year, you collect eight bucks as Sports Funds, don't
Tell me. What did you do with the Sports Fund?
If there's injustice against the students, if their money is
being misused.
It's not just anger...
My blood boils.
Sit here. I'll be back.
You sit down now.
Within the next 24 hours, I need complete details.
Fifty five, Fifty...
If there's injustice against the students, if their money is
being misused.
It's not just anger...
My blood boils.
Time for Emergency meeting!
Adinarayana! - Huh?
What took you so long?
Manja, the hotel guy delayed making tea and packing
Take it all away!
Return it to him.
Tell him to strike off the College's account.
He took it right off my mouth.
Erm! Why are you so angry?
That new PT master! - Yeah?
He's asking for the accounts of the Sports Fund.
What?! Accounts of what?
Is he the Queen to ask for the accounts?
What does Sports Fund have to do with the History lecturer?
I shall go now.
Sit down! The meeting is not over.
To hell with him. Show him the accounts.
What will I show him?! My grandmother's dentures?
All of us have eaten and pooped it out!
In every weekly, monthly and random meetings...
You've all devoured Mysore Pak from Ranga Vilas, Dosay from
Bhattru's hotel.
Should I give him the accounts of that?
What do we do now? - What else can we do?
I've written the share everyone here owes.
Pay up.
You won't understand the agony I'm going through.
Gifts can be handed over to the boy.
There it goes.
Open your eyes and see how our money's floating across the
This PT master has taken the food off our plates and money
off our pockets.
That Volleyball belongs to me.
If it was made out of steel, I would've gotten my name
etched on it.
Let's go now.
Women in this village can't cook anything other than
Chitranna and Uppittu.
None of them have a good taste.
Curd rice! That was Musthafa!
Sorry, that was just Curd rice, Musthafa.
What are you up to? - I was...
My pen... So, I was...
Are you hungry? Eat it then.
If I hadn't come, you would've eaten it, right? Go ahead.
I would've if it was Biryani.
We don't really make Biryani every day.
When we have guests over, we do.
We also have Thili Saaru and Bele Saaru.
Really? I thought you had meat every day.
Do they make Ladoos and Chiroti at your house every day?
They don't. But I wish they did.
Where are you going? Stay here. - The thing is...
Over there... My friends.
Here. - What is that?
Take it.
Something you can eat. - An eatable?!
Musthafa, tell me this...
When do guests come over?
They come for festivals man.
Musthafa, come sit here.
Move aside!
Man, you look awesome!
Girls, he looks so cute, right?
Why don't you give him a kiss?
Stop it! - Tell her to stop.
Son of a gun!
He managed to floor all the girls in one shot!
I feel the same.
These girls never glanced over despite all the
...circus we performed, clearly want to eat him up now.
Namaste Sir!
Namaste Sir!
Fine. Take your seat.
Everyone, come closer.
Let's create a ruckus saying we can't see the board.
I'll handle it.
What is it guys?
What the hell?
I've written it in such big letters.
Sir, the hat's blocking our way.
My hat is?
Ghajini Mohammed's hat is really bothering us, Sir.
Please ask Musthafa to remove his hat.
Well, Musthafa?
Please remove your hat.
I will not remove my hat.
It's on my head and not bothering anyone.
What's your problem?
One shouldn't argue unnecessarily.
You're wearing a hat too.
Ramanuja is wearing a hat.
Is it wrong only if I do?
Well well well!
Look at sire arguing!
Look at this loafer's guts! - Is this how one talks to the
I will not remove the hat. I'm a Daredevil!
Musthafa! - Silence!
Sir, it was those behind me.
What the hell is happening here?
Is this a classroom or the parliament?
Sir, all of them are plotting to make me remove my hat.
No way, Sir.
The hat's pretty cool.
Where did you get it from?
Shimla, Sir.
When did you go to Shimla?
I didn't.
My sister and brother-in-law did.
Why did they go?
To get apples? - Must have been their honeymoon, Sir.
If you have to sit in the front, take off your hat.
If you have to wear the hat, go and sit in the back.
Then ask Ramanuja to remove his hat, Sir.
Sir, nobody's being troubled by my hat.
Well, he's creating a fuss isn't he?
How am I troubling anyone?
I am not going to remove it.
The exams are nearing. We're studious children.
We're unable to see the board.
If they are indeed studious, ask them to sit in the front.
Tell him that all of us can't sit at the front.
What is your problem?! - You are free to sit in the front.
Both of you remove your hats or sit at the back.
Master! - Sir?
You need to keep the class up in good humour.
Ghajini Mohammad invaded India 18 times.
What happened next was...
Shankara! - Yeah?
We're ready.
Catch it!
Throw it!
Musthafa, throw the ball!
Oy! Hold the ball right there.
Are you the fielder or him? - Will his hand break if he
throws it?
You throw the ball! - Wait up!
Will you legs break if you go and get the ball?
Listen to the Captain! You're the fielder, aren't you?
Shut up and get it yourself.
Just 'cause he's the Captain, doesn't mean we'll act like
his slaves.
Quit bossing around.
Musthafa, throw the ball. - Shithead!
Who asked you?
You don't throw. Wait!
Is he your slave? - Yes.
Musthafa is a slave I've paid for. What now?
Musthafa, throw the ball or you'll face my wrath!
You think you can touch Musthafa?
I'm the Captain in the field. Do as I say!
Does this field belong to your father?
Talk about my father and I'll slipper you!
Give respect and take respect.
There's no question of respect in a fight.
Throw the ball instead of standing still like Qutab Minar.
Give me the ball! - Shankara!
Why are you behaving like this? - How dare you hit him?!
Did you just touch Musthafa?
Pulli! Does he pay for our lives?!
Yes, I do. What now?!
How dare you hit me?!
If I lose my life, will you give me yours?
Stop it guys!
Touch me again and you'll be dead right here.
We'll see it happen today! - Come on now!
Try touching Musthafa!
Why are you hitting him?
Kumara! Quit standing like a donkey.
Show me how it's done.
Kumara do it.
Head bent.
Hands raised. They need to be in a line.
Why are the Police in our college?
Seena, I told you not to steal Byrappa's lunch box.
Wait until they thrash you. - No way!
As if I stole gold. It was just morsels of rice.
Inspector Baalegowda's daughter Pushpa...
Quit talking. Pulakeshi, stand over there!
Start with the rhythm. - Go on.
These religious squabbles need to be nipped in the bud.
Else, the entire town will be on fire.
They fight among each other and trouble us.
We'll have to stop this fight from breaking out.
May I come in, Sir? - Come in.
Sir, he's Mr. Kusumakara.
He's our new PT teacher.
Namaskara! - Namaste! What brings you here?
It's just that tomorrow is the day of Ganesha idol's
We're worried that a communal fight will break out between
Since we're short on staff...
If you can send the NCC cadets in your college.
It'll help us.
No way. We can't send our students for this.
Don't worry, sir.
I shall come myself and bring the students along too.
These communal fights are nonsensical.
Adinarayana, come here.
Go and get me some four active boys.
Sure. Shall I also bring four cups of tea?
Sure. Wait... Come here.
Buy it with this money.
Fatty Seena! Come here. - Brother, Manjanna's shop is
Not about that. Come here.
What is it?
Call the boys who are with you. - Like they'll listen to me.
The cops here kid. - Cops? What kind of cops?
The ones who nab and thrash. Go and get them.
I wonder where their heads are.
Get them soon.
You guys!
Something has gone wrong.
The Cops want to see you. - Cops?!
Why will they ask for us?
Remember what you did to Musthafa despite me telling you not
Go on now! They'll break your bones.
Get lost man! Why would anyone complain for such silly
My sixth sister's wedding is coming up. I'm leaving.
Pulakeshi, don't leave us.
Iyengari, why are they walking towards us?
Stop guys.
Don't run away! Let's talk it out.
Iyengari, run along!
Hold this.
Let's ask this kid.
Kid! Come here.
Let's run this side. - Pulakeshi, which way?!
Fatso! - Sir, this side!
What's on that side?
Where's the toilet?
Over there, Sir.
Is it?
What's your name? - Srinivasa T.S.
Burn some fat. - Sure, sir.
Useless fellow!
My tummy's howling out of hunger.
I'll give you money.
Somebody go to Manjanna's hotel and get some food packed.
If you had a sibling, would you say such things?
You want the cops to get us, right? - The cops?! Where?!
Iyengari, what's done is done. Let's just go back home.
Pipe it down and walk.
Shankara, you had to get the sword.
I don't care what happens to you.
Make sure the sword's untouched. Take care of it.
Like I'll eat it. Just walk.
By this time, we would've been by the Ganapati Pandal.
Come on.
That damn moron!
Didn't think he would rat us out like this!
Calls himself 'The Daredevil'.
To hell with him!
All of this happened because of you.
If only you'd fielded well, we wouldn't be in this
Wait a minute! Why are you scolding me?
Iyengari was the one who started the brawl.
All of you had fun stomping the hat but I'm the one to blame
for it all.
You guys did your part but are now acting like innocent
I'm ruined for having been with you guys.
If I go to jail, who will get my sixth sister married?
Shut your trap and sit!
Your father got five of them married.
Won't he do the same for the sixth?
I'm wondering how to face the town after returning from
Shankara! Take the sword away.
Chuck this!
There's no point living any more.
It's better we find a lake or a well and end it all for
I'm going for a lake. Kumara, what about you?
I've never kissed a girl or even held her hands.
I'm not going to die.
If need be, let Iyengari die.
Whether we live or die...
We're in it together.
Take a vow.
Even if we fall into a pit, we do it together.
But won't they burn our Iyengari's body?
What a thing to say!
Shankara! You burnt it, you miserable bastard!
What do we tell Ramachandra now?
I was paying attention, but... - Shankara!
We're done for now.
Even if we don't get jailed for Musthafa's complaint...
We're surely getting jailed for ruining the sword.
Did you look by the Ganesha Pandals?
A lot of boys had stayed back over there.
He's not there either.
We asked all of our relatives.
He's nowhere to be seen.
He's not a small kid, is he?
They'll be roaming around. He will come back.
If he still doesn't return, I'll find him for you.
Hello Priest.
Will your daughter and son-in-law come home for the
All hail Abachuru's Sri Vidya Ganapathi!
By now, they must be distributing Kadubus, Ginnu and
Karjikayi by the Pandals, right?
Instead, we had to die in hunger.
Let's just go home, guys.
They might scold us. But they'll handle the rest.
Your father will bail you out.
You'll be safe. What about us?
What else will you do?
Go all the way to Shimla and buy Musthafa a hat?
Instead, let's go meet Musthafa tomorrow morning and
fall at his feet, beg him to take the complaint back.
Get lost! I'd rather rot in this ruin instead of licking
that moron's boots.
Well! Tell us your grand plan of doom, Captain Ramanuja.
If all of you accept, I have a plan for you all.
How are the arrangements going on?
Your NCC cadets reduced the burden from us.
However, until this procession crosses the mosque, how can
we breathe easy?
Don't worry, Sir. We'll do well.
Cadets. Be ready!
You guys! Make way!
Iyengari! Is this your horrendous plan?
I'm scared to the core.
I'm leaving. - What?!
How can you say that after coming all this way?
It's simple. The Inspector will be inside.
We go in and dive at his feet, beg for forgivance.
Is that all?
Shankara, take the lead.
Me?! No way.
Iyengari leads the way. We only follow.
You boss around all the time.
Go ahead and lead us.
Don't push me! Listen guys!
Who's out there?
Come this side! All of you!
You in the front. Put your hands in the air.
In the air!
One more word and I'll shoot you all! - Please don't.
Please don't shoot us, sir. It wasn't intentional.
He's right. His hat fell while we're playing.
We stomped it. We were wrong. Please forgive us.
If you want, slap us twice.
We'll assume this was our lecturer whacking us and go home.
Are you college students? - Yes, sir.
Kumara, he didn't realise.
Apparently a guy named Musthafa lodged a complaint on some
We are those people. - Put your hands up!
He's lodged a complaint for such a silly thing.
Was it such a grave crime? Please tell us.
No Musthafa or Musthafa's hat has lodged a complaint.
Bringing college matters to the cops. Bunch of dimwits.
Kids shouldn't be at the Police Station at this hour. Get
Really? Can we go home? - Go on.
Okay. Thanks God, Sir.
Didn't I already telling you that he's an innocent
Listen to us, Sir. - Brings a sword to the Police Station.
I'm from a poor family. Please.
Did you get a weapon to create a ruckus?
Sir, we're students.
Bravo! All hail the braveheart!
Who are you guys?!
Where is it?
Vijay, get me the garland!
Couldn't you find a decent one?
Guys! Musthafa is in the station.
Dear Lord!
Is Musthafa here to lodge a complaint? - Really?
Youngsters should be like you.
I appreciate your bravery.
I'll definitely recommend you for the bravery award.
Sir, Musthafa is a good kid.
He's brought glory to our village!
Why are they praising Musthafa to the skies?
Is complaining against us an achievement?
Something else is on and I'm unable to place what it is.
Get me a strong coffee.
Sir, shall I send them away too?
You didn't? Get a signature from them and send them.
Okay sir.
Come out all of you. The officer's asking for you.
I wonder why these guys come here.
Come on now. Keep walking.
Come by the table.
I'll whack you on the face. - Take the pen. Sign here.
Quit staring. - The one behind...
Sign here.
Oy! Come here.
Sign here. - Where exactly?
Right here.
What's your name?
My name is Shankara.
Your alias is? - Oh no, sir.
These are no rowdy sheeters.
They must be a brand new gang.
Last night, they came by the station and were walking around
with a weapon.
I managed to nab them all by myself and put them in the cell.
Get the weapon. Let me take a look. - Sure, sir.
You want a weapon at this age, huh? - No, sir.
Sir, look at this.
I wonder how many people have been butchered with this.
What?! No, sir! - Look at the red blood stains.
Blood?! That's not it, sir.
You can't even cut a lemon with it. It's made of wood.
Sir, you're losing the fingerprints.
We rented it out from the theater company owner,
Yes, sir. - You can ask him.
I know my job.
Pipe it and stand quietly.
You should be ashamed of your sad life!
Bringing a kid's toy and calling it a weapon.
Don't show me your face. Get lost!
Come here for a minute. - Sir, can we leave?
What are your names?
Sir, my name is Sampath Kumar.
I'm the son of Mr. Naresh of Bhoorame Estate.
I'm Ramanuja. Son of Srinivasa Iyengari.
You are the priest's son? - Yes.
Aye! Your parents had come down to the station looking for
They were worried that their son's missing.
Couldn't you tell them where you were going to die?!
We were wrong. - It was wrong of us.
Mr. Ramachandra has my ration card.
If we don't return the swords, he won't return the ration
If you could put in a word... - Just one word.
Fine. I'll tell him. Go on.
Thanks. - We're grateful to you.
Since you're anyway putting in a word...
Tell him two swords. He broke one yesterday.
Are you messing with me in a station?!
Does this seem like a playground to you guys?!
Oh no. Let it be, sir.
Tie it lower. Why are you putting it up there?!
There are good people among them too, sir.
It belonged to Jannapura's Anne Gowda.
We can't even touch it's tail. - Really?
He really must be a Daredevil. - Srinivasa?
Yes, sir? - Where's Musthafa?
He should've been here by now. He'll be here soon.
Once he's here, blow this for me.
I will.
Form a line now.
You stand over here.
Here he is! - Stop!
Knucklehead! How dare you lie that Musthafa lodged a
All thanks to you, we underwent hell for two days!
What a bunch of jackasses!
Is that why you guys were incognito for two days?
After the Police left, I spoke to Musthafa.
He said why should I complaint for such a silly matter.
He told that we're all friends.
What's up Seena? - Hi! Wait!
Dude, what did he even do to receive a parade of this
Did he manage to bring back water to Haralayya's well?
Can't just be that.
Seeing them go gaga, I wonder if he got the road from
Mudigere to Abachuru asphalted?
Wait! Don't any of you know it yet?
Make it clear. Did he buy a new hat?
His bravado is known to all of Abachuru.
Fatso, I'll whack you one right here!
What did that Mauzi even do?!
The thing is...
Jannapura's Anne Gowda's bull...
With a bell on its neck, jingling anklets on its horns, a
howdah on its back...
Dolled up just like a bride, the bull was passing through
the Ganapati procession.
With the drums, trumpets and dance around it, it seemed
unaffected by it all.
Some who had offerings were giving them.
Some were busy screaming celebratory cries and the dancers
were busy dancing.
Just when the procession was to cross the Sultankeri Mosque
and reach the lake.
Right then, the celebratory cries got louder and Anne
Gowda's bull lost it.
Gonibeedu Mahadevanana was flipping the flaming torch in
front of the cart.
That dimwit managed to bring the bull's howdah in contact
with fire!
The bull turned into a mad tusker in the middle of the
It went around stomping and goring people with its horns.
It went bonkers.
People assumed that a clash happened between Hindu-Muslim
and ran helter skelter.
I've no clue what he was thinking.
Then came Musthafa.
He ran to the bull, threw the howdah which was on fire,
stopped the bull and tamed it.
If not for him, I wonder how many people would've gotten
gored to death.
In the end, we managed to immerse the Ganapati idol in the
For having stopped an impending disaster, everybody had high
praises for Musthafa.
What?! He took the shorts off?!
Aye! I mean the shorts hanging across the arch!
Aye! All I hear is 'Mysore! Mysore!' from you guys!
I hear nothing about my town.
Is that all?! There you go!
'Patriotic song'
Sir, we're done with our performance.
We now have a Carnatic vocal performance.
Modern dance performance.
Poetry performance.
Solo-acting performance.
Folk dance.
Film dance.
Film song.
Classical dance.
Manjula! Valli!
Pushpabharathi has to sing!
Our next performance is from the 1st year PUC,
Arts student Jamaal Abdullah Musthafa Hussain.
A patriotic song.
Bring it on! Let's hear it. - Go on man!
I can't sing.
Sing a couple of lines.
If you didn't know, why did you give your name?
I didn't register for... - If you truly are patriotic, go
Now that's how you give it back!
I don't know how to sing! Please don't do this.
Let me go!
I can't sing. Please don't push me. - Get on the stage! Go!
Come on the stage!
I don't know any. Let me go.
I don't know to sing. I'll get off the stage.
Long live Mother India! - All hail!
Long live Mother India! - All hail!
Abracadabra! Let the table appear!
Everything I did till now was my handiwork!
Now I'll perform real magic.
This is called Talisman in our community.
When my Great Great Grandfather had been to Persia...
A Fakir had taught him the Talisman magic with a Fez hat.
This is real magic.
You wouldn't have seen this before, nor will you ever see it
in the future.
Yeah, right.
But we have a problem here.
We need a brave man here.
Who in our college is brave enough for this?
Do we need someone braver than Ramanuja Iyengari?
It'll be fine. Come over here.
Go man. - Why should I go to him?
I thought you were a brave man. Never mind.
Just go man! What's your problem?
Show it to him!
Iyengari! Iyengari!
Ramanuja Iyengari!
Everyone watch! This is a real hen's egg.
I'm keeping this inside a cloth.
I now leave it in Iyengari's pocket.
This will disappear right from the very place, in the exact
condition I left it in.
Let the egg disappear!
The egg will go poof!
Let the egg disappear!
The egg will go poof!
Let the egg disappear! The egg will go poof!
Let the egg disappear!
The egg will go poof!
There's nothing in Iyengari's pocket.
It's completely empty.
Nothing in there.
What the heck!
Please forgive me.
Somebody has ruined my Fez hat.
Therefore the Talisman magic too has disappeared.
The egg hasn't disappeared.
It has broken in Iyengari's pocket.
I was just kidding.
The Mauzi has ruined Ramanuja's caste!
DOWN WITH Musthafa!
Iyengari! Stop man!
DOWN WITH Musthafa!
DOWN WITH Musthafa!
Madam? - Yes. Come in.
The magic show you performed yesterday was good.
But you shouldn't have performed that trick in the end.
One shouldn't hurt others' beliefs.
You should apologise to Ramanuja.
Where is Ramanuja? - He's not come today.
Musthafa made him impure.
I wonder if his family excommunicated him.
They might have sent him to the Mutt to get him purified.
Poor guy! I wonder how much cow urine he had to drink.
Apparently, Ramanuja changed his name.
Apparently, he changed it to Rahman.
No more jokes.
Okay. Let's continue.
To be or not to be.
Who is it?
I'm Ramanuja's friend.
Come inside, dear.
Who's your family?
Ramanuja and I are from the same class.
Oh! My Ramkoti book.
I'm glad. I'd given it to him to get it bound.
Take a seat.
Janaki? - Yeah?
Ramanju's friend is here.
Who is it?
He's Ramanju's friend.
Oh. What's your name?
I'm Musthafa.
Shame on you, filth!
How dare you enter my house?
Get out! - Stop it, Srinivasa.
Quiet, mother!
I've got his top. - Don't talk. Get out.
Look who your son has befriended.
Let him come home! I'll teach him a lesson.
Just a minute.
What was Rafiq to you?
I'm new to this village.
'For the upcoming district-level Cricket competitions, the
college teen selections'
TEAM. - Oh, team selections will happen
'On the 17th of September, Sunday morning at 7 A.M. a
cricket selection trial session has been arranged.'
'Interested students can participate...' Perfect.
Where's Iyengari? He should be informed about this.
Aye! I last saw him on Talents' Day.
He's nowhere to be found since then. - You're right.
Does that mean he won't be coming to college any more?
After being humiliated like that, he won't.
Come on! How can there be a Cricket team without him?
You're right. If he comes to the trials on Sunday, let's go.
If not, let others play. Doesn't matter.
Iyengari! He's here.
District-level Cricket tournament is on.
We'll play only under your captain ship.
Where's Musthafa? - Chuck that loser!
He was reprimanded in the class.
Nobody gives a damn about him in the class. He's in the
library now.
Iyengari? Where are you going?
Teacher scolded him. - Iyengari!
Boy! - Iyengari.
Shankar! Run and hold him back. - Stop there!
Aye! Why did you come home?!
Who invited you over?! - Rama! What's wrong?
Did you come over to destroy everything?!
Your Jubba. - Who gives a damn about it?!
Wear it and go kill yourself!
As if it wasn't enough humiliation in college.
You come home too!
You've become a pain in the ass!
He broke the egg just for fun.
Why are you getting so worked for it?
How dare you take his side?
Aren't you ashamed? - Why? Isn't he Human too?
A human?! He's a freaking moron!
If you come home with the excuse of returning a top or a
bloody underwear...
I'll stomp you!
I think I made a mistake coming to this town.
Sometimes, I feel I made a mistake coming on this earth
Don't feel bad.
There's a reason for Ramanuja's reaction.
He didn't beat you today for breaking the egg.
It was for going to his house.
Is it a grave crime for someone to go to somebody's house?
You won't understand certain issues.
A lot of things have transpired in the town before.
There's no trust between people any more.
Three months ago, none of them knew me.
Yet, why do they have hate for me?
Let it go. You'll realise eventually.
How about a game now?
I'm not in the mood for one. - Come on now.
Shall we see who rides the cycle faster?
Nope. - Come on!
Are you afraid that you'll lose to a girl?
I'm not afraid. - Isn't your cycle fine?
It's just fine. - Then come on.
Come on, Mr. Musthafa.
Let's go.
Mr. Musthafa.
Come on!
Let's go.
How does that feel? I won!
You didn't really win. I let you.
All losers say the same. I don't need your pity.
Let it be. - You think I'm showing pity?
Close your eyes for a moment.
Keep it closed. - How much longer?
What are you doing? - Just a minute.
Almost done.
Okay. - You can open them now.
What is this? - Try reading.
But how? - Try folding it and see.
'Thank you.'
Great. Welcome. - Thank you.
You close your eyes now.
But I lost.
Close it. I'll tell you.
Give me the ball.
Well played, Ramanuja.
You're the Captain. - Thank you, sir.
The rest of you are selected.
There's lots to learn. I'll teach you as we play.
We'll be participating in the Sahyadri College's tournament.
Sure, Sir. - What was that?!
Let me hear it out loud!
That's the spirit.
Okay? Get some rest!
Sir? - Yeah?
Can we keep the Cricket kit?
Those selected will practice a bit and return it later.
Sure. But it's the college's property. Be careful.
Okay, sir.
I was hoping to go home. - Come on now!
Take it.
Don't keep swinging the bat on every ball.
Hold the bat. Swish it.
You just have to flick it. - Iyengari?
Look over there.
Hello Sir!
Start playing. What's wrong?
Let's go, Jamal.
Why are you removing it? - Put it back.
Can't you see us playing?
As if we come every day.
We come only once a week.
This is our College ground. Only when it's empty can others
Monday to Saturday, it's your college's ground.
On Sunday, it's a public ground. - Listen.
We have a tournament in Sahyadri college.
We need to practice a bit.
We've been selected for the International team.
INTERMEDIATE. - Yes, that!
Kumara, put the wickets back.
You guys play too. Who's stopping you?
Won't it make us happy if our Abachuru boys win?
But not today. Start practising from tomorrow.
You guys can play on the side, right?
Somewhere off-pitch? - Yeah, right.
How about this? Let's play against each other.
You'll get your practice and us our game.
Rightly said. - What say?
Shall we play boys? - Sure.
What happened man?
I got him 'cause he's a good bowler. Yet he's leaving.
Let him go! - It's just eight of us now. Let's play.
Let's play, Iyengari.
When will we learn, if we keep playing amidst ourselves?
King or Queen? - Queen.
Damn! King it is.
Poor guy didn't get the Queen.
Come on boys. Let's bat.
Now they'll have it from us.
Move the stone.
Give us the ball. - Come on, boys!
Shankara, stand here!
Ravi's standing there. I'll be here.
Watch him whack him for a sixer!
Kumara! Wasn't it supposed to be a practice match?
Shankara, I'll be asleep.
Wake me up once he's done batting.
Iyengari, I'll throw it from my left hand, if you say so.
Let's bet!
Don't get worried.
Did I ask for fifty or hundred bucks?
Five or ten bucks will do.
Let's bet.
These guys are rookies. Why miss the opportunity?
If we win, we get ten bucks.
The Captain's a dud.
Imagine what his team must be like.
Four wickets this over and four more in the next.
No doubt this match will be ours.
Just in case, what if we lose?
Bugger off! I'll score and win it myself.
Quit jinxing! - Fine. I take it back.
Not ten bucks.
Eleven rupees. - Eleven?!
Watch now! - Iyengari, I'll be at the front.
If need be, I'll go to the back. - Why bother? Sit down
Stop this.
Shankara, go and get the kit.
We'll be going home. - Stop!
Go home. Have Roti. Sleep. Keep moving.
Iyengari, the kit is not here!
Pay eleven bucks and take the kit home.
Until then, the kit will be C/O Sultankeri.
Every day, a rupee's interest money will be added.
Stop right there!
Boy, don't forget the eleven rupees.
Iyengari, be wary.
Who the hell asked you guys to bet with them?
We're not responsible for this.
Let them handle it. We'll go.
Man, they took the kit away.
What do we tell when the PT teacher asks?
'You may give them your love but
not your thoughts'
'For they have their own thoughts'
'You may house their bodies but not their souls'
'For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow'
'Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams'
Excuse me, Madam.
Where did you guys keep the Cricket kit yesterday?
The Science students need it.
Where have you kept it?
Tell me quickly. Why are you wasting madam's time?
Didn't you guys take it?
Sir, yesterday...
After the practice, I gave you the kit, right?
Where did you keep it?
Shankaru! - You gave it to Shankaru?
What? I don't have it.
At Sultan... I mean Santekatte, I gave it to Pulakeshi.
Oh! You gave it to Pulli is it?
Pulakeshi! - Pulli?
Get up. The kit I gave you? Remember?
The one from yesterday. - Well...
Did you give it to Seenu? - Oh ya. Seena!
Seena, why didn't you get it? - Get up!
Didn't you have the common sense to get it today?
Madam... Sorry. Sir, the thing is...
I forgot. Will get it tomorrow, sir.
We'll get it tomorrow.
Idiots. That's the college's property.
Go and get it! Right now!
Please sit down.
Which class is on? - English.
What do we do in English classes? - Learn English lessons.
Then listen to the class. - Yes, Miss.
They'll come after the class.
Within 24 hours, the Cricket kit should be back in college.
Got it?
So where was I?
'You may give them your love...'
'You may give them your love but not your thoughts'
'For they have their own thoughts'
Moron! I would be the one to steal, eat and blame the
How could you do that to me?
Why did you have to tell him that it was in my house?
Why did you?! - Calm down. Let's figure it out.
Do what you want. But if the news reaches my house.
I won't hesitate to go to the PT Master myself and tell him
these guys generously donated the kit to the Sultankeri
Shush! Don't you dare do it.
Nincompoop! Somebody might hear you. Keep it low.
What is it now? The kit costs 150 bucks.
If all of us pitch in 30 bucks, we're done.
Do you think our families own cardamom estate like your
father to spare so much?
Do you think you can go to Sultankeri, pay up eleven bucks
and bring back the kit?
Speaks like a rookie. - Wait a minute!
What a great idea this is.
Come on now! Everyone take out two bucks.
You gave a great idea, right? You pay three bucks.
What?! Bunch of thugs!
I think it's a bad idea to go and beg Usman.
I think it's a bad idea to even talk to you.
Give it now.
I only have a single rupee. - Give me another rupee.
I don't have it. - Go home and get it.
Go now! Quit cooking up stories.
Loan me out a rupee.
I'll return it on the day of the annual fair.
Do you think my father mints money? Get lost!
Srinivas! - Don't you trust me?
Keep moving. We're dealing with a crisis.
Srinivas, this is Ramamani.
Pulakeshi, I'll be back.
Why is she asking for him?
The Fasto of all of us?
Yes. Tell me.
Where's your friend? I don't see him.
They're right there. Useless fellows.
Not them. Musthafa.
I think there might be some rituals at his place.
When will he come to college?
I was heading that way. Shall I find out for you?
Just a minute.
Musthafa had asked for this notebook. - Is that all? I shall
give it.
Okay. Bye.
Thanks you. Welcome.
Ms. Ramamani.
Loan me out a rupee.
I'll return it this new moon day.
Thanks a lot. I'll see you.
Do we have to fall at Usman's feet and beg for it?
If you're that scared, stand behind me.
Will this note work?
Two plus two is four. Four plus to two is six.
Six plus two is eight. Nine and ten.
Eleven it is. Let's go to Sultankeri.
Usman?! - Sire?
He'll whack us!
Usman Bhai!
Who is it? What do you want?
We're his friends.
He's not home. He'll be back in the evening.
You go! - Cleps!
I won. You guys go!
Get in there fatso.
That is all he does.
Where's the bat and the wickets?
Don't get physical. - Where is it?
Listen to him! Let him go!
Do you know who his father is?
Pulakeshi! Sir, I don't know anything.
Somebody help. Iyengari!
Seebayya Sir. Help me sir!
Who pushed him into the water?
Sarvabhushan Sir? Couldn't you have helped him?
Will they listen to me? You don't get it.
One punch and they'll turn into Gulkhan.
One kick and they'll be wall posters.
These brats come home and steal from us. Such crooks!
Who are the crooks here?! It's you. - Puliyogare!
Get out of here!
Take your hands off each other!
Not only have you walked into the college without
you're also abusing my students. Rascals!
Your students are no saints.
These guys came home when we weren't around and stole the
bats, wickets.
Get that back first. - Is that true?
When there was a Cricket kit in the college, why did you
need theirs?
Sir, it belongs to the College.
These guys cheated and took it away.
We won it!
Won what?!
What is this talk about winning and losing?
What's happening here?
What is this nonsense?!
After you left on that day, your students played a betting
match and lost.
We won. - They cheated, Sir.
Yes, sir.
I thought you were a disciplined man!
We bought a truck load of sports equipments.
All that effort to witness this?
I'll talk it out.
You idiots dared to bet college property for a game?!
Let them go! I'll handle you guys.
They did bet! They were wrong. What about you?!
You grabbed the college property and left.
You think that's an honourable thing to do?!
How would we know that it belongs to the college?!
Tell me how much the betting amount was. Take it and leave.
If people learn that pansy cavemen walked into Sultankeri
Usman's home and stole from me.
Imagine what it'll do to my reputation.
No further discussions.
Give us the kit and we'll be gone.
What the heck! Look at their arrogance!
Call the cops. Let them take it from them.
Go ahead! Like we've not seen the Cops before.
The mistake is not ours, it's yours.
Sir, please keep quiet for a while.
It isn't right to call the Police for such silly things and
waste public resource.
I'll resolve this.
Do as you wish.
Not a single item should go out of this college.
Two months' salary of mine has gone into it.
Let's go!
I'll buy you guys a new Cricket kit. - Sir!
No need.
Give us the same kit or we don't want it.
If you still want it, we'll etch the words
This is too much.
Look what you've done.
Thanks to you, rowdies and brats have walked into the
The match ended in a dispute, right?
They claim to have won. You claim that they cheated.
Who saw the game?
Let a fair game happen in front of me.
The winners will walk away with the kit.
How's that possible? We've already won.
There's no turning back.
We won't play either. They're cheaters.
Watch your mouth! - Shut your mouth!
Want the kit?
Play fair. Win. Walk away with it.
This is not fair.
What if our boys lose?
I'll buy a new kit to the college with my money.
What say?
Cheating won't be allowed. I'll be watching.
What will it be?
We're ready, Sir.
We don't need to cheat such cavemen to win.
They will play. The match is next week.
Leave now.
See you then. Salaam!
Let's go! Poor kids!
They'll take a beating and get hurt!
What will it be guys?
It's a matter of your reputation.
A matter of mine and this college's reputation.
You'll have to play well and win.
What will it be?
What is this new headache I've got to deal with?!
Don't worry, Sir.
Excuse me, please.
We'll win. It'll be fun.
Abachuru Youngsters V/S Students XI
What are you guys doing standing over there?!
Plant the wickets in the bowling end.
Do you want me to spoon-feed you?
Okay, Sir.
Three on this side and three on the other.
Bhyrappa, can't you be more serious?
I asked you to move the stones and you're busy elsewhere.
What is this? - What?
So this is where it is.
Ramamani gave me this. - Really?! Give it here.
Wait! What is this? - What is what?
Why does this seem like Urdu?
When did Ramamani learn Urdu?
Give it here. That isn't Urdu. It's Kannada.
Did Musthafa teach her this?
You don't open and read this.
You close it and read it.
'You are a Tree. I'm the Vine'
She's written something about plants and trees.
'The Vine hugging the Tr..'
Another tree. This must be some story about environment.
'The Vine hugging the Tree, is there anything new about it?'
My my my!
This.. is the matter.
He is supposed to be a Tree and she's the Vine.
She's a crook.
On that day, they both were discussing about hugging.
None of you believed me.
Shut it until I read it completely.
'This Vine will wait all day for the tree, right where the
two hugged.'
This has been going on for long.
That bitch will wait in the same place apparently.
'If you don't come, the spring of my love will dry away'
I've been in love with her since 7th grade.
Every time they called out Ramanuja and Ramamani during the
attendance call,
it felt like they were reading out my wedding card.
This cunning bugger ruined that too.
Shankru! What's wrong with you?
I've been worshipping Ramamani in my heart.
Even before I could get a Government job and ask her to
marry me...
What has she done?
Can't believe she ditched us all for Musthafa.
What do you mean "ditch us all?"
Erm. Well!
Women of our town have the disease of falling for their men.
All thanks to Mahalakshmi's loose manners.
Stop it!
You pimp! Since when did you start with this middle man
I swear on my mother. I just found out.
Shame on your existence!
Why are you even alive?
You're going to set the entire town on fire.
I'm telling you, I know nothing.
Fine then.
Bring him and make him say that you're innocent.
Why should I go? You go if you want to.
Well! Who but him deserves the title of a traitor?!
Just 'cause I'm silent doesn't mean you can keep accusing
If you really are a saint, go and get him.
He'll come to college tomorrow. Go and ask him.
One should learn to slide past from a master scamster like
I don't trust you.
Go and get him today!
How will I do that?!
Seena! What are you doing here?
Come in and have Sherbat. - Screw the Sherbat!
Take this. Ramamani gave this.
She wants you to go urgently. Read it.
She seemed anxious. I wonder why.
Go on. Don't forget.
Ms. Ramamani!
Did you see Ramamani around?
Look at him ask us about her.
Check out his arrogance.
Do you want Ramamani?
What are you implying?
Poor saint! Knows nothing. Sly prick!
Since when is this hush-hush business going on?
What business do you mean?
Where's it?
Move your hand.
This business.
Look at it.
'You are a Tree. I'm the Vine'
My my! Go ahead.
'Hugging by the tree. Is there anything new about it?'
'The Vine hugging the Tree' - Shush!
Throw it on his face.
Don't you have any women among your people?
It's not... - Do you want Ramamani?
There's nothing of that sorts. You're mistaken.
Musthafa, why did you do this?
Won't you trust me either? I've not trapped anyone.
You think she'll write a letter if you hadn't fooled her?
If you hadn't fooled her, would she beg you to hug her?
If you hadn't fooled her, would she be shameless to ask you
to come here?
I wonder how he had her hypnotised!
What does he have that we don't?
Want to see?
Stop it!
Stop it! - Iyengari!
Have you lost your mind? Stop it!
You want Ramamani, eh?
Iyengari, is this why you called him here?
Let me go! - Musthafa!
Shankara, how can you watch this and laugh?!
Let my pant go! You bastard!
To hell with you and your mother!
Weren't they here a while ago?
What do you mean you don't know now?
Nobody is in the toilet.
What are these kids up to?
The pansy cavemen are nowhere to be seen.
How will they be thrashed? - To the left, right and Center.
Time to lose today's match! - Eat, sleep and repeat!
Annan Devan's Tea Powder. - Sultankeri will be in Chowder!
Look at this huge crowd!
'Citizen of Abachuru!'
'The game is about to begin.'
'As per the Theory of Probability, the chances of both the
teams winning today is 50-50.'
No matter who wins or loses. Our college will suffer the
B.K.Shi, is this how ones does commentary?
Why sir? - Is this an Economics lecture?
Move aside.
You've turned everything into a matter of numbers.
You don't know any game beyond accounts.
There he is.
Life is long time.
Beautiful is short time.
But Sportsman Spirit is all time.
College players - Ramanuja, Sampath Kumar, Shankara,
Pulakeshi and Srinivasa.
Please come to the ground.
The nation's capital is far away, our college boys have gone
The nation's capital is far away, our college boys have gone
Isn't that Pulakeshi?
Looks like they're in a mess.
Keep walking.
Let me see.
Keep walking.
'The great residents of Abachuru. Welcome.'
'In a few minutes, the game will begin.'
'Your patience is our virtue.'
Why is Musthafa with them? - What is he doing with these
'Students XI who went missing are back in the field.'
Where the hell were you guys?
They were right here in the morning. Where did you find
them, Sir?
It's a long story. I'll tell you later.
It's getting late. Let the game begin.
How will they play in this condition?
We'll play. We're absolutely fine.
Go on then, Ramanuja. Let's call for the toss.
Musthafa will call the toss.
He's our Captain.
Looks like the Captains have changed just like the games did.
Musthafa knows their weakness.
Whatever! Let's go for the toss, Musthafa.
Sir, the situation is a bit tense.
I need one small favour from you.
For the first time in Cricketing history, this attender in
Khaki will be doing the Commentary.
Khaki bearing Police on the other hand will do the Umpiring.
Umpire decision is the final decision.
If you guys play tricks or get into squabbles, I'll throw
you both in the cell.
Got it? I'm telling you.
He's the one with the broken face. Tell him.
This isn't new to me.
Play well. Okay?
'The toss winning team's new captain Musthafa has chosen to
'The winners of this decisive match will win a Cricket kit.'
It's easier to observe them and score.
If we play well, we will win for sure.
Right. We'll win the great cup of nothing for sure.
One shouldn't argue with the captain. Let's go and play.
Come on now. We'll win for sure.
The game is about to begin.
The batsmen of Sultankeri are walking in.
What's his name?
Usman Rafee.
Usman Rafee is walking to the pitch. - You heard that wrong.
Usman and Rafee are two different people.
Is that so?
Ramanuja? Who should I give the first bowling to?
Do you as you please. You're the Captain.
Kumara, you bowl first.
Shankara will be the wicket-keeper.
Subbu will stand by the cycle stand. Chandu by the Science
You both stand here. Let's play well and win this match.
'The first over will be bowled by Bhoorame Estate owner Mr.
Naresh's son, Sampath Kumar.'
'He is standing at the Jenu society end.'
'Rafee who works in the Krishne Gowda's saw mill is at the
batting end.'
'Kumar has made the first delivery in a slow pace from Jenu
'Rafee has taken an easy run.'
'Abauchuru youngsters have added the first run to their
Kumara, making him hit this side.
'The second delivery is being made by Sampath Kumar. He runs
'It's a wide. The ball goes past the wicket keeper.'
'Sultankeri community is celebrating.'
'Five runs to Sultankeri's team.'
'Constable-Umpire is now under distress.'
'Confusion lies in whether it was four or five runs.'
'Fret not, it's a clear five runs for the Sultankeri team.'
A four and a wide. So, five runs in total.
'A strong hit! The first boundary of the match is here.'
'Grand six runs to the scoreboard.'
'Sampath Kumar bowls again.'
'Another boundary for Sultankeri.'
Where did you find the boys? What mess did they get into?
I was heading to Gaalikoppa for a case investigation.
On the way, I found your boys fighting near the Manchalli
When asked, they told me that they were playing Kabaddi.
They had injuries all over their body.
In a hurry to get here, I couldn't find out everything.
I took them to Dr. Kuber and got first aid done before
bringing them here.
They were here with me in the morning.
I don't get why they went to Manchalli lake out of the blue.
Let's find out later. - I shall leave now.
I need to go to Gaalikoppa. See you.
Thank you, Sir.
'Sampath Kumar has been given the ball again.'
'First ball of the fourth over. An amazing delivery.'
Come on, Sampath Kumar.
'Abachuru's dear residents are not only facing the heat but
'also mum from witnessing their team's dismal performance.'
'Kumar has bowled well but I spoke too soon...'
Wait a minute!
Stop right there.
Srinivasa, hold on.
What happened to the notes I gave you?
Srinivas, stop for a minute.
'The team's score has now crossed 50 runs.'
'Musthafa however has 56 wrinkles all over his face.'
Kumara, don't let him get to you. Bowl well.
'Usman has now pricked bowler Kumar's ego.'
'Let's wait and watch what a furious Kumar will do about
'Dammit! They've dropped the catch.'
Catch it Shankara! How could you drop an easy one?
We got our only chance. He's thrashing us mercilessly.
Always desperate to keep behind the wicket.
'What an awesome opportunity was presented.'
It's better for our reputation to reach home before they
You're right. - To hell with the reputation.
We'll lose the Cricket kit.
Kusumakara will buy another one.
Why are you so bothered?
You're right. We're not losing anything.
The groundnut seller is facing losses.
At least buy us some to wade time.
Stop it all of you!
Enjoy the match! - Pulli!
'Score stands at 55 at the end of five overs.'
Give me the ball. I'll bowl.
You can bowl the seventh over. Let me bowl.
Number seven doesn't agree with me. Let me bowl or I'll go
You bowl the seventh one. Let me bowl. - Give me!
Boys, any problem? - Nothing, sir.
Quit stalling then. Play.
Even if they lose a wicket, we can turn the match around.
You bowl well.
Don't let get them to you. Do it!
Musthafa uncle will get you some candies later.
'The last ball ends with a single.'
'This was an expensive over.'
'Pulakeshi's new mission has failed.'
'A mammoth 29 runs lost this over.'
Why are you staring?
Ramanuja, can you bowl? - Nah! I don't.
Take the ball.
Sometimes rookies get a wicket.
'Now we see Ramanuja Iyengari coming to bowl.'
Put it in my hand! - Sir, I have no change.
What the heck! Take off your hat!
Let it be, sir!
'Splendid half-century.'
I'll hit a six on your next ball.
'Sultankeri's team have begun to giggle.'
'Usman will go home to his goat and snuggle.'
'Ramanuja has bowled a straight one.'
'Usman has pushed it away slowly and they get two runs.'
Madam, it's very sunny, right?
You get thirsty very soon.
Do you see him? Isn't he thrashing us well?
Actually you see... - I used to play well in college.
Pitch catch matches.
When did you come? - I didn't. He sent me.
'Iyengari has bowled an easy one.'
'But the batsman has missed it and the ball is in the
wicket-keeper's hands.'
'A futile attempt by the ruffian!'
'Another strong hit. The ball goes to the boundary.'
It missed you by a whisk.
Else your face would've turned the colour of the ball.
Looks like OSK madam is leaving. Won't you watch the match?
I don't understand cricket.
Kids are playing and it's fun to watch.
What's there to understand? - You please enjoy.
Come on, Madam. Don't our kids needs your support?
Sit for a while.
My shades.
'With a slow run-up, Ramanuja goes to bowl.'
'Usman hits the ball in the air.'
'The ball reaches the sky and begins to float towards the
'Oh! Hell no! This is not going to make the boundary.'
'Musthafa flies into the air and reaches out to the ball.'
'A splendid catch!'
'Usman is out!'
Usman! You're out as usual! Go home!
That's it. The match is now ours. One more wicket is all we need.
'Sultankeri team stands at 84/1.'
'Their intelligence has gotten the college team.'
'Usman's in the pavilion, Azhar's tresses on to the pitch.'
'Iyengari slowly takes his run-up, but Azhar requests for a
minute to tie his hair.'
'Iyengari prepares for the next ball. He runs and throws.'
'But Azhar has hit his first ball for a six.'
It's a 12 and not just a 6
'The ball is lost!'
'Iyengari's pony has gone into a hiding. Azhar's pony is on
a high!'
Kusumakara is a lowlife.
But doesn't OSK realise that?
Look at them flirting in the open.
If they lose today's match, you'll face a lot of trouble,
What kind of trouble?
Youngsters of our town are playing with the kids of our college.
To witness that, people of our town has assembled at the
What a great moment, isn't it?
Winning and losing doesn't matter amidst all of this.
'Azhar runs the single and is back to bat.''
'The fresh bowler is Captain Musthafa.'
'Will Musthafa's magic make a mark here? We gotta wait and
'Runs like a Camel and throws. He's a frigging leftie!'
'Azhar is saved by a hair's length!'
'The ball zooms past the wicket, into the keeper's hand.'
'Musthafa runs and throws a swift ball.'
'The ball brushes past the bat, hits the wicket throwing it
in all directions.'
'Musthafa has delivered a miracle.'
'Sultankeri now stands at 95/2.'
'Green hat is batting now.'
'Musthafa runs and bowls the delivery. Ball hits the wicket
'Green hat walked in and walked out. In seconds.'
'The viewers are elated!'
'Sultankeri stands at 95/3.'
'If he gets a hat-trick, we will definitely have a new
record in the history of Abachuru.'
'Musthafa will end up being the talk-of-the-town.'
'After grabbing two wickets, Musthafa speeds up, 'Zoooop'.'
'He runs and throws the ball like a speeding ram.'
'The ball touches the bat. - Catch it!'
'The balls reaches the fielder!'
'Iyengari begins to dance with the ball and goddamn it, he
drops the catch.'
'The balls bites the dust and so does Musthafa's chance of a
'Alas fate does it!'
'Musthafa's face is filled with disappointment.'
'While Iyengari's face reeks of embarrassment.'
Ravi is bowling the ninth over.
'Wait! Woah! Mama Mia!'
'Trying to take a brilliant catch and Kumar does it with a
single hand.'
'We're witnessing amazing fielding there!'
'The Students XI are overjoyed!'
'Everybody's rushing to congratulate Kumar!'
'Team Captain Musthafa is experiencing inexplicable joy and
is appreciating the fielder!'
'On one side, Musthafa took a great catch and on the other
'We have another splendid single handed catch from Kumar.'
'Captain Musthafa has taken over the immense responsibility'
'of putting an end to the Sultankeri team's dream-run.'
'With amazing bowling and brilliant fielding,'
'he's turned into the Students XI bright burning hope.'
'A massive challenge lies ahead for our college team in the
form of a target of 105 runs.'
Trust the thieves, but not the midgets.
Kumara, couldn't you shout it from there? Why are you
calling me all the way here?
Chimp! Are you planning to sit on a tree there?!
Like we'll score these many runs and win.
Instead, let's just go home, fill our tummies and save our
If you make your mind, it'll happen.
It's easier said than done.
It's easier done than just talk nonsense.
I'll play my game. Do as you wish.
Iyengari, why is Kumara turning the plates?
What can one man do?
Just play as per my plan.
Son of a gun! Musthafa is your friend.
Can't believe you trapped him and ran.
You really are a traitor.
You told the cops, didn't you?
You guys started the fight.
I didn't tell the cops anything.
Why did the cops come? You guys have Musthafa the captain.
I'm clueless as heck.
What happened there?
After you left from here, the Police...
'In a few moments, the game will begin again.'
'Will Biryani win or will it be Bun's turn to win.'
'We need to wait and watch.'
Don't you have any time sense?
My time's just gone bad.
Musthafa who will go to bat first?
Ramanuja and Ravi.
This isn't an impossible score. Don't look at the total.
You've to play well. Okay?
Show me the spirit! - Yes, Sir!
Madam, why did you move from there?
The kids are sitting there.
But the kids can... - Sir, take this.
They taste like Shankarpoli.
They're Rose cookies.
'The star smasher of our college, Ramanuja will open.'
Hold your wicket. You'll start to score.
We'll win this. Come on!
Whether he holds his wicket or lets it go, we know what's
What are you guys up to?
The Lord of Dharmasthala won't accept this behaviour!
'The first over and the first delivery is from the Green hat
'Iyengari plays a defensive shot.'
'Another defensive shot.'
There's no risk nor runs when you defend.
How can we win if they play like this?
I can't believe you still think we have a chance of winning.
God save us!
'Another ball from the Green hat man!'
'Then comes another defensive shot.'
'The viewers are now on the offence.'
Throw the ball quickly!
'Before the fielder could throw it to the wicket keeper,'
'the batsmen took a single run to open their account.'
'They only need 104 runs more.'
Scoring isn't as easy as stealing from one's home. Try
'Will Iyengari hit it or dig it? We'll need to watch.'
'A brilliant shot!'
'The team's score is 7 without any loss of wickets.'
Throw it! Quickly!
They shouldn't run more than once.
Take another run! Quickly! - Throw the ball here.
No need! Stand right there!
'Koli Ravi's been run out.'
'The first wicket of the Students XI has fallen.'
'Koli Ravi heads home without scoring a single run.'
The ball's right there.
He's desperate to bat!
Kumara! Go ahead.
Losing the match to avenge Musthafa is nonsensical.
I'll play my game.
If you'd been humiliated with egg instead of Iyengari, you
would've realised.
He eats three chickens in a week. How will he understand?
All of us stomped Musthafa's hat together, we should've felt
his agony, right?
Bhoorame Estate owner Mr. Naresh's son, the show-off
Sampath Kumar is here to bat.''
Iyengari, people have started to laugh at us.
For the talent you possess, we can still win the match if we
hold on to our wickets.
Mind your own damn game!
Thinks he can teach me.
Check it out boys! There's the Jeans clad Chinese item.
He's a hitter. Careful when you bowl.
'Quick runs coming in. The score's rising.'
'Sampath Kumar is sending the balls in all possible
'Four more runs thanks to Sampath Kumar's splendid batting.'
'Sultankeri is laying the nets to trap Sampath Kumar.'
Looks like you had a lot of curd rice.
Sampath, run! - Throw it here.
Run for another.
Throw it over there. - Don't run. Go back!
'Sampath Kumar slips and falls. Time to run back to the
'A cloud of doom looms over the Students XI.'
'While the Sultankeri boys are floating on the silver
You did well. Iyengari will manage the rest.
Have you lost it, you lunatic?
Can't you see what he's up to?
We'll have to see who'll bat now. - Bhyrappa.
Iyengari will play. Stand by him.
Pailwaan Bhyrappa is here to bat.
Come here.
How dumb is Iyengari?
Instead of getting everyone else out.
He could get out and ensure the loss, right?
If Iyengari gets out and another batsman plays well?
We don't have any other good batsman.
If he gets out, it'll mean that we've lost.
Isn't that the truth?
Then people will say, we lost 'cause of Iyengari.
If he plays till the end and we lose...
People will say that he played well but his team didn't
stand by him.
Another wicket down?
Wait up. I'll be back in seconds.
Srinivasa! - I'll return your rupee soon.
Why are you running away from me ever since I gave you the
The thing is... I never gave your notes to Musthafa.
I forgot.
There's something happening beyond my notebook.
Why have they all hurt themselves?
Your notebook.
Manchalli lake.
Everything went haywire because of you.
What's wrong with you guys?
Why are you troubling me so much?
What have I done to you guys?
Rafiq took Mahalakshmi.
You'll take Ramamani.
While we watch as mute spectators.
Which Rafiq and Mahalakshmi do you mean?
Iyengari's sister.
After she eloped, the humiliation his family faced
is something you'll never understand.
Like he doesn't know.
I really don't know anything.
Just because somebody did something, how can you hate me?
You joined our college to fool girls and pick them up.
Who knows how many girls other than Ramamani he has
I swear on Allah. I did not mess with Ramamani's mind.
Get lost! Who will believe you?
What can I do if you don't? - Leave this college.
We'll believe you then.
Okay then.
I'll accept that Musthafa is a saint.
It was Ramamani's fault entirely.
Ramamani is wrong.
If I have to believe you.
You'll have to do something we want you to do.
What is it?
In the cricket match that will take place today...
You'll have to play with your Sultankeri boys.
But you'll help us win.
I'll never do anything to betray them.
I'm asking you to betray them to prove that you're not the
You only want to win the match, right?
Let us all play together and win the match. What's the big
Look at the plot he's schemed!
Can't hold the bat for the game's sake.
What more do we need to lose the game?
If all of us unite and play the game, we will win.
But if we lose?
If we lose, I'll leave this college like you said.
Fine then.
You are our Captain.
If you make us lose, you'll have to leave the college.
Not just this college, I'll leave this town.
You give me your word? - You have my word.
We only need 22 more runs with two overs to spare.
Even if we score 11 in each over, we can win.
No chance.
Every fluke six won't repeat itself.
They won't be throwing slow deliveries always.
Listen, if you play, we will win.
Remember our deal?
Are you done with your leisure meeting?
'Usman has tripped Iyengari!'
'He obstructed a great run, derailing the batsman.'
Keep running.
He's saved in the nick of time.
Oy! Wait! Move aside. - Stop it.
Haven't I warned you not to fight in the game?
Go back and play the game!
Give me the ball.
Get back to your positions.
'Iyengari prepares to face the next ball.'
You play man!
'A ferocious Usman has chosen the War of Visions.'
'Firing straight from his eyes.'
'A fierce throw and it hits Iyengari in the guts! Oh no!'
'Iyengari writhes in pain.'
'Boys! Get him some water.'
Iyengari? - Drink some water boy.
You'll be fine.
'In a decisive point of the match, will Ramanuja retire from
the injury'
'or will he get back on his feet and play?'
'We will have to wait and watch.'
Are you tired? Have this.
Shall we begin?
Iyengari's eating something Musthafa gave him.
He's been playing since the first over.
In times like this, how can you wonder who the help is
coming from?
That bugger doesn't drink a glass of water in my house.
Just because I ate the date, don't think you're my friend.
I haven't eaten anything since morning.
Want another one?
Get lost.
'Injured Ramanuja Iyengari is prepared to bat again.'
'He now hits the ball which bounced to his chest into the
air, displaying aggression.'
'Viewers cheer Ramanuja to the hilt.'
'Usman who got schooled by the Police runs in full speed to
deliver the ball.'
'This time it's a fabulous hit!'
'The ball goes out in the skies!'
'A sure-shot sixer for Students XI.'
Shankara, Iyengari has joined hands with Musthafa
to win the match.
Did he fool us by getting us out earlier?
Of course he fooled you.
Looks like Iyengari has learnt his lesson.
Clearly, you haven't.
Ramanuja Iyengari!
'A straight delivery to the bat from Usman and Iyengari
plays it defensively.'
Talk to me!
Where's Sister?
Get out!
'Another straight delivery from Usman and Iyengari goes
ahead to defend again.'
You saw that? Iyengari is doing it just as discussed.
I don't get it. I wonder what's in his head.
Iyengar's wagger, Shankara. Is your head full of shit?!
Is there any honour in intentionally losing a match?
'The final deciding over. 9 runs needed off 6 balls.'
'The Goddess of Victory is acting jittery.'
'One leg on this side and another on the other side.'
'But victory will be on whose side?'
'Usman has handed over the responsibility of the
last over to the terrific Spin Wizard, Azhar.'
'Spin Wizard Azhar's ball's spinning like my head.'
'The viewers' heart is beating faster.'
'9 runs needed off only 5 balls. - Laugh Shankara! Go on!'
If we lose the match, it's not Musthafa who loses face.
Iyengari, you and I will all lose face.
Musthafa broke the egg.
He fooled Ramamani into falling for him.
Musthafa kicking us mercilessly in the football game.
None of this matters to you, does it?
We got him suspended on Day 1.
The things we did because he was named the Football Captain?
We stomped on his hat for no reason.
We intentionally planted the letter and fought with him.
If we take a count, we've done far worse things to him.
Did we trouble him any lesser?
But still, Iyengari is our friend right?
Shouldn't we take his side always?
'Another futile attempt.'
'Smashing bat in the air won't get them runs.'
'No run whatsoever.'
'4 balls to go. 9 runs needed.'
'Another failed attempt.'
'Musthafa shined with the ball, but fails with the bat.'
'9 runs needed in only 3 balls!'
'Finally, with the ball touching Musthafa's bat and rushing
to the boundary.'
'They score a straight four.'
'Only five more runs needed in two balls.'
Run Ramanuja Run!
Come on Ramanuja! We can take two runs!
'An attempt to take two runs but Iyengari has refused.'
'Last ball to go. Four runs are needed.'
'Victory or Loss is now in the hands of Iyengari.'
'The last ball of the match. The match is riveting.'
'Nobody predicted this yet the match now stands on the last
'In the last ball, the STUDENTS XI need four runs.'
'It is our fortune to have witnessed a historic match like
'Until the last ball, both the teams have had a thrilling
face off with each other.'
'Victory might be anybody's.'
'Words won't do justice any more.'
'Our only job now is to hold on to our breath and watch the
last ball.'
Rafee! Where the heck are you throwing it?!
The ball has been overthrown. Run Musthafa!
Run Musthafa Run!
Congratulations, Sir! - Thank you.
Thank you, OSK ma'am. Actually, what does OSK stand for?
Olivia Shobha Kumari.
Thank you. The Rose Cookies were great.
O' lovely Shobha Kumari.
Okay. Ready, sir?
A little to the left.
Sir, just a minute.
Musthafa hasn't come yet. - He won't ever come.
He asked for the Transfer Certificate the day before.
He collected it today.
Ready, Sir? Okay.
Iyengari, shall we go straight to his house?
Why are you so naive?
Why are you sitting in the bus?
Musthafa are you really leaving town?
Yes. - But why? We won.
Are you really going?
I wish to live with you guys too.
My brother-in-law has been transferred to Chitradurga. I'm
I'll see you, Seena.
Pulakeshi, Shankara, Kumara. I'll see you all.
Ramanuja! - At least give us your address.
You know our address, right? Write a letter to us.
Musthafa, C/O Syed Burhan,
Seedikatte, Mayakonda, Chitradurga District - 577534.
I'll see you guys.