Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (2000) Movie Script
For years, the Ottoman Turks
have occupied my country,
the Romanian people.
Collaborating with the Turks
are traitorous Romanian nobles,
a privileged class of men
who seek profit
at the expense
of their fellow countrymen.
Hungary, fearing further
Turk aggression, has raised an army
of Romanian patriots to drive
the Sultan's forces out.
Our commander
Prince Vlad Dracula,
feared by his enemies,
who know him as "Vlad Tsepesh,"-
Vlad the Impaler-
yet beloved
by his own people.
And he has returned
to battle the Turks
and crush those nobles
who support them.
Hurry up!
Vlad Tsepesh is coming!
Hurry up!
Vlad Tsepesh is coming!
Hurry up, hurry up!
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
God damn it!
You are a traitor
to your people.
And a thief.
I didn't.
These are now yours.
I've sent you messages.
You've disregarded them.
Father Stefan,
I am fighting a war.
You cannot ignore the Church.
We shall see.
If the Church denounces you,
when you die they will drive
a steel spike into your heart
as one of the godless.
And neither your son,
nor his sons nor his sons,
will ever be accepted as
Prince of Romania by the people.
Thus, I recommend a morsel
of humility with the Church.
You've never met
these men before.
They only know you by reputation,
as Vlad Tsepesh or The Impaler.
You must tell your story
honestly and completely,
if you expect absolution
from the Orthodox Church.
But I don't expect it.
They know the Pope
helped finance this campaign.
I am fighting to free
their country from Turk tyranny!
These men ought to thank me,
not question my methods
or allegiances!
Prince Vlad Dracula,
having performed
many cruel and unspeakable deeds,
is charged with conspiring and
colluding with the Papacy in Rome
and of abandoning
the eternal world of Orthodoxy.
In converting his own faith-
to join into matrimony
with a Roman Catholic woman,
he has forsaken the truth
and the light
and accepted darkness.
My views on
the Roman Catholic Church
are no secret.
The Pope and the Sultan
stink alike.
Vlad Dracula,
in the event of your death,
would you want
your son to succeed you?
Of course.
Then he will need our protection,
not the Pope's.
For without our blessing,
he'll never become
Prince of Romania.
And your dynasty will end.
We have questions
that you will answer.
Where were you born?
My father's house...
Castle Dracul,
in the region of Transylvania.
We are
particularly interested
in the circumstances
of your birth.
Vlad: I know
what you are implying.
You needn't waste your time.
I've heard the folk tales.
Who first told you these stories?
Your mother?
Hardly. My mother died offever
when I was two.
And your father?
My father was
in charge of my education.
If I was destined
to be the Anti-Christ
I'm sure
he would have mentioned it.
I could do no wrong
in my father's eyes.
Good, Vlad.
It was not the same with
my brother Radu, however.
Come on, Radu!
Come on!
Fight! Be a man!
Come on, Radu!
You are not a baby anymore!
Finish him, Vlad.
Finish him!
One day, my father
gave me his ring
that commemorated his induction
into the Order of the Dragon.
Wear this always.
It will keep you from harm.
If anything ever happens to me,
see King Janos in Hungary.
He is a friend.
Why did your father assume
something might happen to him?
The Turkish Sultan
was demanding his yearly tribute.
and 500 young boys.
As Prince of Romania,
my father was refusing.
He was leaving for Tirgoviste
to meet with our country's nobles,
and convince them
to unite against the Sultan.
I remember asking...
Is that possible?
To unite the nobles?
Many have made separate
arrangements with the Sultan.
They profit.
But their people
are no better off than slaves.
Greed is a force more powerful
than any army.
As long as
we are forced to pay tribute,
we will never
truly be free.
Vlad, while I'm away,
you must look after Radu.
He is weak,
but he is your brother.
Guard and protect him
with your life.
I promise, Father.
After what seemed
like days of travel,
we finally arrived
at the Turkish camp.
For the first time
in my life,
I saw the world...
naked and unbridled.
It terrified me.
Do you know who I am?
The Sultan Mehmed.
And do you know
why you are here?
Because our father
refused to pay tribute.
When he relents,
you may be returned to Romania.
you have no reason to fear me.
You will be allowed
to keep your Jesus.
You will be also
taught Islam,
and many other
useful things.
The Sultan's
immediate interest in Radu
was quite obvious.
This one.
You are
a very lucky boy.
When history
will be written,
I will be placed
alongside Alexander,
Caesar, and Hannibal.
I saw less and less
of my brother after that.
One night,
he came to me in tears.
Father's dead.
Who told you that?
The Sultan.
- He's lying.
- No.
Vlad, it's hideous.
What? Radu?
He was murdered.
Buried alive.
I told Radu
that if Father was dead,
they would have no reason
not to kill us.
Stefan: But your father
had been murdered,
by Romanian nobles,
because your father
Vlad Dracul
refused to accept the nobles'
compliance with the Sultan.
And yet the Sultan
Iet you live.
I made myself live.
They starved me, they beat me,
they tortured me.
They threatened to blind me
unless I surrendered to the Sultan.
And then one day,
as if by miracle,
your suffering ended.
I was given
a horse and supplies,
and ordered back
to Romania.
But instead,
as my father had instructed me
years ago,
I decided to seek help
from King Janos of Hungary.
As I left,
I made three vows:
to avenge
my father's murder;
to unite my country;
and to liberate Radu
from the Sultan.
Tell King Janos that Vlad,
son of Dracul, is here to see him.
Give him this.
Your father was a politician
to the marrow.
Unfortunately, he ended up
being all things to no people.
Do you know
who killed him?
Such is the nature
of politics in the Balkans.
One never really knows
who one's enemy is-
- aside from the Turk, that is.
- Your Majesty.
Aside from the Turk,
your real enemies are
the Romanian nobles
who aid the Turkish Sultan.
These are the same men
who murdered my father.
And how can you be
so sure-
so sure
it was the nobles?
Because had my father
fulfilled his mission,
it was them who had
everything to lose.
And your mission?
Is it one of a patriot
or of a vengeful son?
You see, he wasn't just murdered,
Your Majesty.
They say
he was buried alive.
King Janos. Help me.
With your support,
I can make Romania strong.
We should not discuss such matters
on an empty stomach.
Oh, young man,
where did you learn
your table manners?
If you're asking about my origins,
I was born in Transylvania.
- Romania.
- I know where it is.
I am Romanian.
You are Romanian?
Of noble class?
like your father,
wishes the Turk
driven from his country.
I've offered him sanctuary,
and he has accepted.
- Where is the boy's father?
- My father is dead.
Your father
was Prince Vlad Dracul?
He was a great man,
but his vision
was utopian-
in these cursed times.
What Romania
needs is a saviour.
Aron, what news
of the Messiah?
The Messiah?
You haven't heard
the Romanian tales?
This man who's going
to save us from the Turk.
No, Your Majesty.
In religious matters, I rely
on my daughter for information.
And you, Lidia?
No, Your Majesty.
But when I get to Braila,
I will inquire.
Why are you going
to Braila?
I'm entering
the nunnery.
Are you allowing this?
It's what she wishes.
Perhaps you would let him...
dance with your daughter.
Oh, well...
it's been so long
since my daughter danced,
I'm afraid
she's forgotten how.
Then she's met her match.
I doubt if Vlad Dracula
ever learned.
Unless of course, he had lessons
in the Sultan's prison.
Indulge me, Vlad.
Before she renounces
the world forever.
You had never
known another woman,
and yet you were sure
at that moment
you were meant to spend
your life with this one?
Not just my life.
All eternity.
Don't go
to the nunnery.
Your place is with me.
You're mad,
aren't you?
I knew
the moment I saw you...
as if God himself
ordained it.
Or the devil.
Surely he was the one
who loosened your tongue.
To win your heart...
I will accept help
from any source.
Will you walk with me?
I will walk with you.
You've given me back
my life.
Vlad Dracula,
after considering
your request,
I have decided
to grant it,
and bestow upon you
money and arms.
I order you to raise an army
of your fellow countrymen,
and to wage battle against
the Turk and all who support him.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
I will not fail you.
I must remind you,
young man,
your own father
tried and failed.
He once told me greed was
a stronger force than any army.
But I've learned there is
another even greater force.
And what's that?
Stop! Stop!
You! Let him go!
Thank you.
Not that I needed it.
You needed it.
Are you hungry?
We've got
fresh bread!
Mercy! Mercy!
I've done no wrong.
I've done no wrong!
Thank you.
Tell me,
who is that man?
Prince Karl.
Whatever happened
to the old Prince,
Vlad Dracul?
What happens to every
Prince of Romania:
by those who would benefit.
Those people,
what was their crime?
They committed no crime.
Then why?
Because that is the way
things are done here.
Take him away.
- Not any more.
- Friend,
talk like that
will get you killed.
What is your name?
Come with me.
We have much to discuss.
What do you want?
Tell me.
Whatever you wish,
it's yours.
I'm the Prince,
and can make it so.
Who are you?
Please, no.
I lived here once.
I am Vlad Dracula,
son of the great
Prince Vlad.
And in the name
of my father,
I hereby reclaim
the throne of Romania.
My only allegiance
is to you, the people.
My will is to end
Turkish oppression
and the betrayal
of those who benefit.
What I do will bring
justice and freedom
to all Romanians now!
You priests,
you're privy
to the thoughts of your flock.
What do the people say of me?
Not the common man,
people of wealth
and influence.
What do they say?
They respect you.
In spite of my friendship
with the King of Hungary?
A Papist?
No man of property
speaks ill of me?
Not in our experience.
What did you hear?
I have heard that you
are a man
who is vindictive.
And you believe that?
I believe what I see.
A skeptical priest-
how refreshing.
Then you must have seen God
with your own eyes.
I have known God.
And did He speak to you?
Tell me,
what did God say?
God speaks
through the prophets,
and the prophets
have said
that a man
will come again...
who will deliver peace.
A Messiah.
an Anti-Christ.
One who is only
cloaked in peace,
but who will deliver terror.
What is your name,
You're the one
from Snagov, yes?
I shall come by the monastery
tomorrow for a visit.
I wish to continue
this conversation.
As for you others,
my sacred mission is
to bring order to Romania.
There must be security
for all in my land.
If you do not support me
in my endeavors,
you do so at your risk.
You say what you think.
I respect that in a man.
Is that why you came here today,
to tell me that?
My father is buried
here at Snagov.
Do you know
who murdered him?
There's an old
Latin saying...
"The more allegiances,
the more enemies."
May I give you some advice?
You are Romanian.
You are Orthodox.
If you wish our support,
end your allegiance with the King
of Hungary and the Pope.
My father's grave,
if you would.
It's one thing to kill a man,
but why bury him alive?
They weren't
just killing a man.
- They wanted to crush an idea.
- "They"?
The nobles, then.
My friends.
I want you to organize
a celebration,
to be held
here at my home.
Invite your friends.
Every man of title.
And what are we celebrating,
Your Highness?
The birth of justice.
Prince Dracula's
first state occasion.
Won't it seem odd
if the princess isn't there?
The surgeon
won't allow it.
And wives
are not attending.
the talk
will be of treaties
and taxations.
I cannot bear
for you to be bored.
Then you should
never leave my side.
What is it?
I can feel him.
I have been thinking
about the fate
of my land.
And I wanted
to ask you all something.
How many princes
have you lived under
in your lifetimes?
How many?
A simple question.
You, Andrei.
How many princes
of Romania have you known?
And you, Bordeaux?
Too many.
And how do you
explain that?
It's the way of the world.
And whose fault is that?
The people?
Human nature?
The princes themselves?
I will tell you
what I think.
you are the reason.
Your greed,
your disloyalty,
your corruption.
You might as well
be agents of the Turks.
- And now, that is all going to end.
- What?
You betrayed us!
You've answered
my next question.
I was about the ask the murderers
of my father to rise.
What are those noises-
- Princess?
- Call the surgeon.
I'm having my baby.
You have a son.
- Hello, my son.
Your name is Vlad.
He was eager
to see you.
- Vlad?
- Yes, my love?
Last night,
I heard terrible cries.
- Terrible cries?
- Yes.
The sounds
of men in pain.
You were dreaming.
It was so real.
it was a dream.
All that happened here last night
was a state dinner.
You believe me,
don't you?
Of course, I do.
As I gazed into my son's eyes,
I knew
I had acted justly,
that he had been born
into a better world,
purged of the villainy that
had destroyed his grandfather.
What proof did you have
these nobles murdered your father?
These were evil,
corrupt men.
Do you deny
that you returned
to this place
of execution?
Do you deny
you dipped your bread
into the blood
of the nobles?
What's the matter?
Vlad Dracula,
what's the matter?
I have heard
these stories so often,
I'm starting
to believe them myself.
Tell me these rumors
are not true.
What rumors?
What have you heard?
That you bury condemned men
to the waist and behead them.
Who told you that?
Your father?
Did he tell you
I cut the breasts off
adulterous women and force
their infants suck their blood?
- He didn't tell me that.
- Of course he didn't.
I just invented it.
Do you not trust me?
I do nothing unjust.
Grave news, My Prince.
The Turkish force
is invading Romania.
Aron's estate
is under attack.
Where is Aron?
He's gone.
He didn't stand
and fight?
He didn't defend
his people and his land?
Are you really
I found them,
My Prince.
This is no place
for a fight.
This is a place
for a fight.
Take prisoners.
Take prisoners!
Hello, my brother.
What shall I do with this one,
My Prince?
You're gonna kill me,
aren't you?
You've been a traitor
to your own people,
- and to the memory of your father.
- I never betrayed our father.
Besides, if it wasn't for me,
you'd still be in that prison,
You have
that much influence?
Even as a boy?
Especially as a boy.
What if I told you
you could live...
if you came back home.
If you renounced your allegiance
to the Sultan?
You don't understand.
I'm happy where I am.
We will defend our borders
against all raids.
There will be
no more tribute.
Tell your Sultan that.
You know you cannot win.
The next time we meet
in battle, I will kill you.
It doesn't have to be
this way, my brother.
This is exactly
the way it has to be.
He had
the Sultan's trust.
- He could have escaped easily.
- Maybe he didn't want to.
He betrayed me and his people
because he was weak.
Do you really believe-
They're all weak.
They are all weak.
My father, Vlad.
What is
to become of him?
When he is found,
justice will be done.
It was his duty to defend
his land and his people.
My love,
I've never asked you
for anything.
But this
I beg of you.
Swear to me no harm
will come to my father.
If you love me,
you'll swear to that.
On the life
of our child,
I swear,
no evil will befall
your father.
What is it?
Where is he?
Where did you see him?
What is it, my dear?
You look like you need
a drink of water.
This goblet
is made of gold.
Why does that
astonish you?
And no one
has tried to steal it?
It belongs to all of us.
He brought peace...
and the sword.
They say
he's the Messiah.
- The Messiah?
- Oh yes.
His coming was foretold
by the priests.
At the moment of his birth,
the Virgin wept bloody tears.
Then perhaps
he's the devil.
He's neither
god nor devil.
But he's certainly
more than a man.
His wine cellar
is stocked
with the blood
of his enemies.
Have you never heard
of Vlad the Impaler?
You must be
a stranger to Romania.
Yes, I am.
Why are you still here?
Why haven't you left the country?
One needs money
to bribe customs agents.
- I had nowhere else to turn.
- Here.
It's not enough?
I don't want to expose you
to his vengeance.
Did you really run,
Oh God, no!
- I know that man.
- Lidia, stop!
I must stop this.
Vlad, no!
Vlad, you swore!
You swore!
Let him go.
Goodbye, my child.
I love you.
I swore to make
a better and just world,
- fit for our son to live in.
- Why did you lie to me?
- I never lied to you.
- Only a monster
would allow what I saw
in that square today.
Would a monster...
have let
your father go free?
- You didn't have to kill that sentry.
- That man was asleep on duty.
So you had him killed?!
Believe me,
the next sentry will not
fall asleep on duty.
This is madness.
Have you considered
the cost of this justice?
The cost on
your immortal soul?
My soul, my life,
whatever the cost may be,
- I am willing to pay.
- And what about our son?
Will your methods
die with you?
I will not
let you corrupt him!
- You are a monster!
- No.
I truly don't know you at all.
Don't touch me!
- Lidia!
- Please!
- You're a monster!
- You're not in your right mind.
Lidia, stop!
- Lidia!
- You!
- Call the surgeon now!
The Princess
is not well.
Vlad, come.
Yes, Father.
You're cold.
You cannot go on like this.
Get the Princess a blanket,
Welcome to Romania, gentlemen.
What can I do for you?
The fact is,
Vlad Dracula,
you've ignored all previous
diplomatic overtures.
So, we-
Have your men
take off their hats.
It is our custom
never to remove them at court.
Oh, I see.
Vlad? What do you
think of this custom?
I would like to speak
to my brother alone,
if you don't mind.
Vlad, this is your uncle, Radu.
Radu is a good friend
of the Turkish Sultan.
They call him
Radu the Handsome.
Radu, this is my son.
My successor.
I have no design
on your throne, Vlad.
Why have you come back?
I told you eight years ago,
no more tributes ever.
Romania is now free
and will remain so.
The Sultan grows weary
of your impertinence.
If it continues,
he will attack.
Unlike you, I didn't submit
to the Sultan's whims
when I was a child.
Why should I now?
So we understand one another?
No more warnings.
Let's hope this will
have strengthened your customs,
and keep them in your land
where they belong.
- Mother?
- We're leaving this place.
Do you hear them?
Vlad, come.
- No!
- Take the boy.
What do you hear?
- Cries.
- Cries?
Of the dead.
Begging you for mercy.
I am sending you
to the nunnery in Braila.
It is best for you,
and best for our son.
No! I cannot
leave you alone with him.
When your mind is calm
you will be permitted to return.
It was not a banishment.
It was done out of love.
No one here denies
that you are
a devoted husband
or a loving father.
Perhaps even more loving,
I suspect,
than your own father
was to you.
Who could say?
- Ready?
- I am.
For some time
life went on quietly,
until one day
I was called to the Danube.
Look at that.
What I could do with such an army.
There must be
- Which means...
- ...we are outnumbered 10 to 1.
"My darling, Lidia,
you are my first thought
in the morning,
and my last at night.
Know that you are in my heart.
Always and forever.
We've engaged the Turk,
and have begun our great
and noble fight.
Our men fight
with bravery and honor.
But they are many.
And we are few.
In the year 431 Before Christ,
Pericles eulogizing
over Athenian soldiers
slain in combat with
the Spartans wrote,
'It is for our country
that these men die nobly in battle,
thinking it right
not to be deprived of her,
just as each of her survivors
should be willing
to toil for her sake.
And so, we will persevere
to the very end."'
You need me
to look after Vlad now?
No. I sent for you because
I want your forgiveness.
You are so pure and so good.
But you must understand
that everything I've done in my life
I know I was meant to do.
Without you, I am so lost.
I never stopped loving you.
He's not dead.
My Prince.
Rise now.
Wake up!
We need you.
Take a message
to the princess.
Have I not told you
I was indestructible?
Your men
actually believed that you had
returned from the dead.
Some of
the weaker minded, yes.
You were dreaming.
listen to me now.
We must go away
The Turkish army
will be here.
I have come back
for you and Vlad.
We must leave the castle
before daybreak.
You're dead.
You've risen
from the dead.
No, they thought.
- They thought I was.
- Your soul...
unable to enter heaven.
Or hell.
Do you hear them?
Hear what?
The voices.
The voices?
They're calling to us.
I love you.
Lidia, wait!
Come walk with me.
I will always
walk with you.
My Prince,
what are you doing?
She killed herself,
That means her soul
is in danger,
therefore a mirror...
can steal it.
Is that not what they say?
I did not know
you were a believer.
She was.
She was.
The Turks are rolling out
the cannon.
We must go.
People say
I'm a saviour.
I couldn't even save
my own wife.
I'm going to trust you
with my son's life.
It is my honor,
my Prince.
Come now.
She has gone.
Could the river
have taken her?
It's not strong enough.
I need you to be strong for me.
Can you do that, Vlad?
Yes, Father.
I'm going to get help.
But I will come back.
I will come back.
- You understand?
- Yes, Father.
I begged to see you.
I know where
the Impaler is going.
And I know how to stop him
once he gets there.
Who are you?
My name is Aron.
I once owned property
in this country.
A man of privilege.
Is that why you wish
to hurt Vlad Dracula?
and he destroyed
my daughter.
Arrange to have
this intercepted.
So, once again,
Romania is under the Sultan's thumb.
Your Majesty,
I beg of you,
- give me your support.
- My support?
You come here asking
for my support?
These are in your hand,
I believe?
I never signed these documents.
What are they?
to your brother, Radu
to wage war
against my kingdom.
- These are forgeries.
- Was this also foretold at your birth?
That you would stab your one
and only ally in the back?
I never wrote
these letters.
Blood is thicker
than water, Vlad Dracula.
- No.
- Remove him!
I never signed these letters.
I never saw these papers.
These are forgeries.
And how many years passed
in the dungeons
of King Janos of Hungary?
I'm afraid
I lost count.
The light,
it bothers your eyes?
Too much time
in the dark.
I'm sorry
to have to tell you
that it's a sickness
of the blood.
Your father
suffered from it.
And I'm sad to say
it worsens with age.
are you ready to become
Prince of Romania again?
When you were arrested,
you said those papers
were forgeries.
Well, I have
recently discovered
that your allegations
were correct.
A mutual acquaintance
of the guilty party.
Your father-in-law.
there is...
small condition
for my support.
You must marry
my daughter.
She's a Roman Catholic,
as am I.
If you convert,
the Pope has pledged
to send money
to help you regain
your princedom,
in the name of
the Holy Roman Church.
Of course,
the Orthodox priests
will curse you for it.
You have a moment
to make up your mind
and consider the situation
as it presents itself.
And how did the situation
finally present itself,
Prince Vlad?
I accepted
the Pope's money,
- but never his religion.
- You swear that to be the truth?
I need an answer.
Whose banner
I fight under
is of no concern to me.
I will take that
as a "yes."
My Prince.
- Bruno.
- At last. You have returned.
How could you raise
so many men so quickly?
You are their hope.
You've always been there.
This is nothing.
Many more are coming.
How's my son?
You will be
very proud of him.
Tell me.
Tell me everything.
Radu has been Prince
ever since
your arrest in Hungary.
The first thing
that he did
was give the nobles
back their estates
and privileges.
He made Aron
his chief advisor.
It was as though everything
for which we had fought
disappeared in a moment.
How strong
is the Turk force?
After Radu took control,
the main army returned
to Constantinople.
The garrison remains.
We attack tonight.
Or did you have
other plans?
And so you've
come back to Romania
with the Pope's
blessing and support?
The people do not care
about these things.
They all rallied
to my side at once.
The Messiah returned.
I am no Messiah.
What news
of your brother?
For all I know,
he's fled to the Sultan.
Why would your brother
give up so easily?
Perhaps he fears me,
as all of you seem to.
- We all have reason to fear you.
- Why?
Because of the sheer magnitude
of your atrocities.
Skinning people alive,
forcing mothers to devour
their own children.
According to your own census,
you killed over 100,000 people.
Forgeries and lies.
Do you deny that
you murdered your own people?
Those who broke
the law were punished.
They were Romanian.
They were Orthodox.
You are now a Papist.
We all live
under the same God.
All but the godless.
I will leave theology
to the theologians.
I have far
more pressing business.
I have yet
to see my son.
I await your decision.
My son.
I'm sorry.
Do you regret it,
Do I regret what?
Mother always said
you should have left
vengeance to God.
That was never
for me to judge.
Time will tell.
This is now yours.
Sit, Father.
- The priests have deliberated?
- Yes.
Their decision?
The Orthodox Church
has denounced you.
Thank you, Father.
Thank you for all that
you've done on my behalf.
Do you understand the consequences
of excommunication?
My immortal
soul unredeemed,
doomed to remain
"incorrupt and entire."
in heaven, nor in hell.
Your only salvation
is to renounce
What good
would that really do...
if I should abandon
the Roman Church and repent?
Then the Pope and Hungary
will withdraw their support.
And I will be
driven out of my own land.
It's almost ironic,
isn't it?
Two days ago,
I win the great battle,
and just now, with the utterance
of one single word-
I lose the war.
What if I were to lead you
to your brother?
Why, Father?
Because if he joined you,
instead of serving the Sultan,
together you would
no longer need Hungary,
nor Rome.
I have tried.
After you humiliated him?
After you defeated him,
how could he capitulate?
But time has a remarkable way
of softening the pride of youth.
And not only did you spare him,
but he spared you twice.
He's your blood.
He will listen
to what you have to say,
if you say it in peace.
I have no idea
where he is.
He's been given sanctuary
in my monastery in Snagov.
By whom?
By the very same priests
who condemned you.
They plan to turn him over
to the nobles at daybreak
who will then smuggle him
out of Romania.
What would you do,
What choice would I have?
How many men
are with him?
He's alone.
Why aren't you afraid?
Why aren't you begging for your life
like any other man?
Because he isn't
like any other man.
And I knew that from the moment
he was delivered into this world.
God save me, had I had
one moment alone with you,
I would have strangled you
in your crib.
You murdered my father.
Because if your father
was unable to pay
the Sultan's ransom-
I'd be put to death.
For God has said
to the prophets,
there will come an Anti-Christ
that will promise peace
but deliver
only apocalypse.
My fight
was never with God.
It was with you.
All of you.
That is why
you are doomed, Vlad.
Because you fight all of us.
You fight your own blood,
your own people,
and your own church.
Because you are
the Anti- Christ.
And you are doomed.
Your father went
to the monastery at Snagov.
I would imagine
for your sake.
Prepare the bath
with honey and spice,
as my soldiers
will return for the body.
And then?
Then it will be delivered
to the Sultan,
who wishes
to behead it himself.
Yes. As you wish.
I want him buried
inside this chapel.
Your father was denounced
by this Church.
He cannot be buried
in this monastery.
Or you die with him.
Goodbye, Father.
I wanted
to thank you, Father.
You have doomed me
to wander the earth,
incorrupt and entire.
You've given me
eternal life.
Will you walk with me?
For years, the Ottoman Turks
have occupied my country,
the Romanian people.
Collaborating with the Turks
are traitorous Romanian nobles,
a privileged class of men
who seek profit
at the expense
of their fellow countrymen.
Hungary, fearing further
Turk aggression, has raised an army
of Romanian patriots to drive
the Sultan's forces out.
Our commander
Prince Vlad Dracula,
feared by his enemies,
who know him as "Vlad Tsepesh,"-
Vlad the Impaler-
yet beloved
by his own people.
And he has returned
to battle the Turks
and crush those nobles
who support them.
Hurry up!
Vlad Tsepesh is coming!
Hurry up!
Vlad Tsepesh is coming!
Hurry up, hurry up!
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
God damn it!
You are a traitor
to your people.
And a thief.
I didn't.
These are now yours.
I've sent you messages.
You've disregarded them.
Father Stefan,
I am fighting a war.
You cannot ignore the Church.
We shall see.
If the Church denounces you,
when you die they will drive
a steel spike into your heart
as one of the godless.
And neither your son,
nor his sons nor his sons,
will ever be accepted as
Prince of Romania by the people.
Thus, I recommend a morsel
of humility with the Church.
You've never met
these men before.
They only know you by reputation,
as Vlad Tsepesh or The Impaler.
You must tell your story
honestly and completely,
if you expect absolution
from the Orthodox Church.
But I don't expect it.
They know the Pope
helped finance this campaign.
I am fighting to free
their country from Turk tyranny!
These men ought to thank me,
not question my methods
or allegiances!
Prince Vlad Dracula,
having performed
many cruel and unspeakable deeds,
is charged with conspiring and
colluding with the Papacy in Rome
and of abandoning
the eternal world of Orthodoxy.
In converting his own faith-
to join into matrimony
with a Roman Catholic woman,
he has forsaken the truth
and the light
and accepted darkness.
My views on
the Roman Catholic Church
are no secret.
The Pope and the Sultan
stink alike.
Vlad Dracula,
in the event of your death,
would you want
your son to succeed you?
Of course.
Then he will need our protection,
not the Pope's.
For without our blessing,
he'll never become
Prince of Romania.
And your dynasty will end.
We have questions
that you will answer.
Where were you born?
My father's house...
Castle Dracul,
in the region of Transylvania.
We are
particularly interested
in the circumstances
of your birth.
Vlad: I know
what you are implying.
You needn't waste your time.
I've heard the folk tales.
Who first told you these stories?
Your mother?
Hardly. My mother died offever
when I was two.
And your father?
My father was
in charge of my education.
If I was destined
to be the Anti-Christ
I'm sure
he would have mentioned it.
I could do no wrong
in my father's eyes.
Good, Vlad.
It was not the same with
my brother Radu, however.
Come on, Radu!
Come on!
Fight! Be a man!
Come on, Radu!
You are not a baby anymore!
Finish him, Vlad.
Finish him!
One day, my father
gave me his ring
that commemorated his induction
into the Order of the Dragon.
Wear this always.
It will keep you from harm.
If anything ever happens to me,
see King Janos in Hungary.
He is a friend.
Why did your father assume
something might happen to him?
The Turkish Sultan
was demanding his yearly tribute.
and 500 young boys.
As Prince of Romania,
my father was refusing.
He was leaving for Tirgoviste
to meet with our country's nobles,
and convince them
to unite against the Sultan.
I remember asking...
Is that possible?
To unite the nobles?
Many have made separate
arrangements with the Sultan.
They profit.
But their people
are no better off than slaves.
Greed is a force more powerful
than any army.
As long as
we are forced to pay tribute,
we will never
truly be free.
Vlad, while I'm away,
you must look after Radu.
He is weak,
but he is your brother.
Guard and protect him
with your life.
I promise, Father.
After what seemed
like days of travel,
we finally arrived
at the Turkish camp.
For the first time
in my life,
I saw the world...
naked and unbridled.
It terrified me.
Do you know who I am?
The Sultan Mehmed.
And do you know
why you are here?
Because our father
refused to pay tribute.
When he relents,
you may be returned to Romania.
you have no reason to fear me.
You will be allowed
to keep your Jesus.
You will be also
taught Islam,
and many other
useful things.
The Sultan's
immediate interest in Radu
was quite obvious.
This one.
You are
a very lucky boy.
When history
will be written,
I will be placed
alongside Alexander,
Caesar, and Hannibal.
I saw less and less
of my brother after that.
One night,
he came to me in tears.
Father's dead.
Who told you that?
The Sultan.
- He's lying.
- No.
Vlad, it's hideous.
What? Radu?
He was murdered.
Buried alive.
I told Radu
that if Father was dead,
they would have no reason
not to kill us.
Stefan: But your father
had been murdered,
by Romanian nobles,
because your father
Vlad Dracul
refused to accept the nobles'
compliance with the Sultan.
And yet the Sultan
Iet you live.
I made myself live.
They starved me, they beat me,
they tortured me.
They threatened to blind me
unless I surrendered to the Sultan.
And then one day,
as if by miracle,
your suffering ended.
I was given
a horse and supplies,
and ordered back
to Romania.
But instead,
as my father had instructed me
years ago,
I decided to seek help
from King Janos of Hungary.
As I left,
I made three vows:
to avenge
my father's murder;
to unite my country;
and to liberate Radu
from the Sultan.
Tell King Janos that Vlad,
son of Dracul, is here to see him.
Give him this.
Your father was a politician
to the marrow.
Unfortunately, he ended up
being all things to no people.
Do you know
who killed him?
Such is the nature
of politics in the Balkans.
One never really knows
who one's enemy is-
- aside from the Turk, that is.
- Your Majesty.
Aside from the Turk,
your real enemies are
the Romanian nobles
who aid the Turkish Sultan.
These are the same men
who murdered my father.
And how can you be
so sure-
so sure
it was the nobles?
Because had my father
fulfilled his mission,
it was them who had
everything to lose.
And your mission?
Is it one of a patriot
or of a vengeful son?
You see, he wasn't just murdered,
Your Majesty.
They say
he was buried alive.
King Janos. Help me.
With your support,
I can make Romania strong.
We should not discuss such matters
on an empty stomach.
Oh, young man,
where did you learn
your table manners?
If you're asking about my origins,
I was born in Transylvania.
- Romania.
- I know where it is.
I am Romanian.
You are Romanian?
Of noble class?
like your father,
wishes the Turk
driven from his country.
I've offered him sanctuary,
and he has accepted.
- Where is the boy's father?
- My father is dead.
Your father
was Prince Vlad Dracul?
He was a great man,
but his vision
was utopian-
in these cursed times.
What Romania
needs is a saviour.
Aron, what news
of the Messiah?
The Messiah?
You haven't heard
the Romanian tales?
This man who's going
to save us from the Turk.
No, Your Majesty.
In religious matters, I rely
on my daughter for information.
And you, Lidia?
No, Your Majesty.
But when I get to Braila,
I will inquire.
Why are you going
to Braila?
I'm entering
the nunnery.
Are you allowing this?
It's what she wishes.
Perhaps you would let him...
dance with your daughter.
Oh, well...
it's been so long
since my daughter danced,
I'm afraid
she's forgotten how.
Then she's met her match.
I doubt if Vlad Dracula
ever learned.
Unless of course, he had lessons
in the Sultan's prison.
Indulge me, Vlad.
Before she renounces
the world forever.
You had never
known another woman,
and yet you were sure
at that moment
you were meant to spend
your life with this one?
Not just my life.
All eternity.
Don't go
to the nunnery.
Your place is with me.
You're mad,
aren't you?
I knew
the moment I saw you...
as if God himself
ordained it.
Or the devil.
Surely he was the one
who loosened your tongue.
To win your heart...
I will accept help
from any source.
Will you walk with me?
I will walk with you.
You've given me back
my life.
Vlad Dracula,
after considering
your request,
I have decided
to grant it,
and bestow upon you
money and arms.
I order you to raise an army
of your fellow countrymen,
and to wage battle against
the Turk and all who support him.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
I will not fail you.
I must remind you,
young man,
your own father
tried and failed.
He once told me greed was
a stronger force than any army.
But I've learned there is
another even greater force.
And what's that?
Stop! Stop!
You! Let him go!
Thank you.
Not that I needed it.
You needed it.
Are you hungry?
We've got
fresh bread!
Mercy! Mercy!
I've done no wrong.
I've done no wrong!
Thank you.
Tell me,
who is that man?
Prince Karl.
Whatever happened
to the old Prince,
Vlad Dracul?
What happens to every
Prince of Romania:
by those who would benefit.
Those people,
what was their crime?
They committed no crime.
Then why?
Because that is the way
things are done here.
Take him away.
- Not any more.
- Friend,
talk like that
will get you killed.
What is your name?
Come with me.
We have much to discuss.
What do you want?
Tell me.
Whatever you wish,
it's yours.
I'm the Prince,
and can make it so.
Who are you?
Please, no.
I lived here once.
I am Vlad Dracula,
son of the great
Prince Vlad.
And in the name
of my father,
I hereby reclaim
the throne of Romania.
My only allegiance
is to you, the people.
My will is to end
Turkish oppression
and the betrayal
of those who benefit.
What I do will bring
justice and freedom
to all Romanians now!
You priests,
you're privy
to the thoughts of your flock.
What do the people say of me?
Not the common man,
people of wealth
and influence.
What do they say?
They respect you.
In spite of my friendship
with the King of Hungary?
A Papist?
No man of property
speaks ill of me?
Not in our experience.
What did you hear?
I have heard that you
are a man
who is vindictive.
And you believe that?
I believe what I see.
A skeptical priest-
how refreshing.
Then you must have seen God
with your own eyes.
I have known God.
And did He speak to you?
Tell me,
what did God say?
God speaks
through the prophets,
and the prophets
have said
that a man
will come again...
who will deliver peace.
A Messiah.
an Anti-Christ.
One who is only
cloaked in peace,
but who will deliver terror.
What is your name,
You're the one
from Snagov, yes?
I shall come by the monastery
tomorrow for a visit.
I wish to continue
this conversation.
As for you others,
my sacred mission is
to bring order to Romania.
There must be security
for all in my land.
If you do not support me
in my endeavors,
you do so at your risk.
You say what you think.
I respect that in a man.
Is that why you came here today,
to tell me that?
My father is buried
here at Snagov.
Do you know
who murdered him?
There's an old
Latin saying...
"The more allegiances,
the more enemies."
May I give you some advice?
You are Romanian.
You are Orthodox.
If you wish our support,
end your allegiance with the King
of Hungary and the Pope.
My father's grave,
if you would.
It's one thing to kill a man,
but why bury him alive?
They weren't
just killing a man.
- They wanted to crush an idea.
- "They"?
The nobles, then.
My friends.
I want you to organize
a celebration,
to be held
here at my home.
Invite your friends.
Every man of title.
And what are we celebrating,
Your Highness?
The birth of justice.
Prince Dracula's
first state occasion.
Won't it seem odd
if the princess isn't there?
The surgeon
won't allow it.
And wives
are not attending.
the talk
will be of treaties
and taxations.
I cannot bear
for you to be bored.
Then you should
never leave my side.
What is it?
I can feel him.
I have been thinking
about the fate
of my land.
And I wanted
to ask you all something.
How many princes
have you lived under
in your lifetimes?
How many?
A simple question.
You, Andrei.
How many princes
of Romania have you known?
And you, Bordeaux?
Too many.
And how do you
explain that?
It's the way of the world.
And whose fault is that?
The people?
Human nature?
The princes themselves?
I will tell you
what I think.
you are the reason.
Your greed,
your disloyalty,
your corruption.
You might as well
be agents of the Turks.
- And now, that is all going to end.
- What?
You betrayed us!
You've answered
my next question.
I was about the ask the murderers
of my father to rise.
What are those noises-
- Princess?
- Call the surgeon.
I'm having my baby.
You have a son.
- Hello, my son.
Your name is Vlad.
He was eager
to see you.
- Vlad?
- Yes, my love?
Last night,
I heard terrible cries.
- Terrible cries?
- Yes.
The sounds
of men in pain.
You were dreaming.
It was so real.
it was a dream.
All that happened here last night
was a state dinner.
You believe me,
don't you?
Of course, I do.
As I gazed into my son's eyes,
I knew
I had acted justly,
that he had been born
into a better world,
purged of the villainy that
had destroyed his grandfather.
What proof did you have
these nobles murdered your father?
These were evil,
corrupt men.
Do you deny
that you returned
to this place
of execution?
Do you deny
you dipped your bread
into the blood
of the nobles?
What's the matter?
Vlad Dracula,
what's the matter?
I have heard
these stories so often,
I'm starting
to believe them myself.
Tell me these rumors
are not true.
What rumors?
What have you heard?
That you bury condemned men
to the waist and behead them.
Who told you that?
Your father?
Did he tell you
I cut the breasts off
adulterous women and force
their infants suck their blood?
- He didn't tell me that.
- Of course he didn't.
I just invented it.
Do you not trust me?
I do nothing unjust.
Grave news, My Prince.
The Turkish force
is invading Romania.
Aron's estate
is under attack.
Where is Aron?
He's gone.
He didn't stand
and fight?
He didn't defend
his people and his land?
Are you really
I found them,
My Prince.
This is no place
for a fight.
This is a place
for a fight.
Take prisoners.
Take prisoners!
Hello, my brother.
What shall I do with this one,
My Prince?
You're gonna kill me,
aren't you?
You've been a traitor
to your own people,
- and to the memory of your father.
- I never betrayed our father.
Besides, if it wasn't for me,
you'd still be in that prison,
You have
that much influence?
Even as a boy?
Especially as a boy.
What if I told you
you could live...
if you came back home.
If you renounced your allegiance
to the Sultan?
You don't understand.
I'm happy where I am.
We will defend our borders
against all raids.
There will be
no more tribute.
Tell your Sultan that.
You know you cannot win.
The next time we meet
in battle, I will kill you.
It doesn't have to be
this way, my brother.
This is exactly
the way it has to be.
He had
the Sultan's trust.
- He could have escaped easily.
- Maybe he didn't want to.
He betrayed me and his people
because he was weak.
Do you really believe-
They're all weak.
They are all weak.
My father, Vlad.
What is
to become of him?
When he is found,
justice will be done.
It was his duty to defend
his land and his people.
My love,
I've never asked you
for anything.
But this
I beg of you.
Swear to me no harm
will come to my father.
If you love me,
you'll swear to that.
On the life
of our child,
I swear,
no evil will befall
your father.
What is it?
Where is he?
Where did you see him?
What is it, my dear?
You look like you need
a drink of water.
This goblet
is made of gold.
Why does that
astonish you?
And no one
has tried to steal it?
It belongs to all of us.
He brought peace...
and the sword.
They say
he's the Messiah.
- The Messiah?
- Oh yes.
His coming was foretold
by the priests.
At the moment of his birth,
the Virgin wept bloody tears.
Then perhaps
he's the devil.
He's neither
god nor devil.
But he's certainly
more than a man.
His wine cellar
is stocked
with the blood
of his enemies.
Have you never heard
of Vlad the Impaler?
You must be
a stranger to Romania.
Yes, I am.
Why are you still here?
Why haven't you left the country?
One needs money
to bribe customs agents.
- I had nowhere else to turn.
- Here.
It's not enough?
I don't want to expose you
to his vengeance.
Did you really run,
Oh God, no!
- I know that man.
- Lidia, stop!
I must stop this.
Vlad, no!
Vlad, you swore!
You swore!
Let him go.
Goodbye, my child.
I love you.
I swore to make
a better and just world,
- fit for our son to live in.
- Why did you lie to me?
- I never lied to you.
- Only a monster
would allow what I saw
in that square today.
Would a monster...
have let
your father go free?
- You didn't have to kill that sentry.
- That man was asleep on duty.
So you had him killed?!
Believe me,
the next sentry will not
fall asleep on duty.
This is madness.
Have you considered
the cost of this justice?
The cost on
your immortal soul?
My soul, my life,
whatever the cost may be,
- I am willing to pay.
- And what about our son?
Will your methods
die with you?
I will not
let you corrupt him!
- You are a monster!
- No.
I truly don't know you at all.
Don't touch me!
- Lidia!
- Please!
- You're a monster!
- You're not in your right mind.
Lidia, stop!
- Lidia!
- You!
- Call the surgeon now!
The Princess
is not well.
Vlad, come.
Yes, Father.
You're cold.
You cannot go on like this.
Get the Princess a blanket,
Welcome to Romania, gentlemen.
What can I do for you?
The fact is,
Vlad Dracula,
you've ignored all previous
diplomatic overtures.
So, we-
Have your men
take off their hats.
It is our custom
never to remove them at court.
Oh, I see.
Vlad? What do you
think of this custom?
I would like to speak
to my brother alone,
if you don't mind.
Vlad, this is your uncle, Radu.
Radu is a good friend
of the Turkish Sultan.
They call him
Radu the Handsome.
Radu, this is my son.
My successor.
I have no design
on your throne, Vlad.
Why have you come back?
I told you eight years ago,
no more tributes ever.
Romania is now free
and will remain so.
The Sultan grows weary
of your impertinence.
If it continues,
he will attack.
Unlike you, I didn't submit
to the Sultan's whims
when I was a child.
Why should I now?
So we understand one another?
No more warnings.
Let's hope this will
have strengthened your customs,
and keep them in your land
where they belong.
- Mother?
- We're leaving this place.
Do you hear them?
Vlad, come.
- No!
- Take the boy.
What do you hear?
- Cries.
- Cries?
Of the dead.
Begging you for mercy.
I am sending you
to the nunnery in Braila.
It is best for you,
and best for our son.
No! I cannot
leave you alone with him.
When your mind is calm
you will be permitted to return.
It was not a banishment.
It was done out of love.
No one here denies
that you are
a devoted husband
or a loving father.
Perhaps even more loving,
I suspect,
than your own father
was to you.
Who could say?
- Ready?
- I am.
For some time
life went on quietly,
until one day
I was called to the Danube.
Look at that.
What I could do with such an army.
There must be
- Which means...
- ...we are outnumbered 10 to 1.
"My darling, Lidia,
you are my first thought
in the morning,
and my last at night.
Know that you are in my heart.
Always and forever.
We've engaged the Turk,
and have begun our great
and noble fight.
Our men fight
with bravery and honor.
But they are many.
And we are few.
In the year 431 Before Christ,
Pericles eulogizing
over Athenian soldiers
slain in combat with
the Spartans wrote,
'It is for our country
that these men die nobly in battle,
thinking it right
not to be deprived of her,
just as each of her survivors
should be willing
to toil for her sake.
And so, we will persevere
to the very end."'
You need me
to look after Vlad now?
No. I sent for you because
I want your forgiveness.
You are so pure and so good.
But you must understand
that everything I've done in my life
I know I was meant to do.
Without you, I am so lost.
I never stopped loving you.
He's not dead.
My Prince.
Rise now.
Wake up!
We need you.
Take a message
to the princess.
Have I not told you
I was indestructible?
Your men
actually believed that you had
returned from the dead.
Some of
the weaker minded, yes.
You were dreaming.
listen to me now.
We must go away
The Turkish army
will be here.
I have come back
for you and Vlad.
We must leave the castle
before daybreak.
You're dead.
You've risen
from the dead.
No, they thought.
- They thought I was.
- Your soul...
unable to enter heaven.
Or hell.
Do you hear them?
Hear what?
The voices.
The voices?
They're calling to us.
I love you.
Lidia, wait!
Come walk with me.
I will always
walk with you.
My Prince,
what are you doing?
She killed herself,
That means her soul
is in danger,
therefore a mirror...
can steal it.
Is that not what they say?
I did not know
you were a believer.
She was.
She was.
The Turks are rolling out
the cannon.
We must go.
People say
I'm a saviour.
I couldn't even save
my own wife.
I'm going to trust you
with my son's life.
It is my honor,
my Prince.
Come now.
She has gone.
Could the river
have taken her?
It's not strong enough.
I need you to be strong for me.
Can you do that, Vlad?
Yes, Father.
I'm going to get help.
But I will come back.
I will come back.
- You understand?
- Yes, Father.
I begged to see you.
I know where
the Impaler is going.
And I know how to stop him
once he gets there.
Who are you?
My name is Aron.
I once owned property
in this country.
A man of privilege.
Is that why you wish
to hurt Vlad Dracula?
and he destroyed
my daughter.
Arrange to have
this intercepted.
So, once again,
Romania is under the Sultan's thumb.
Your Majesty,
I beg of you,
- give me your support.
- My support?
You come here asking
for my support?
These are in your hand,
I believe?
I never signed these documents.
What are they?
to your brother, Radu
to wage war
against my kingdom.
- These are forgeries.
- Was this also foretold at your birth?
That you would stab your one
and only ally in the back?
I never wrote
these letters.
Blood is thicker
than water, Vlad Dracula.
- No.
- Remove him!
I never signed these letters.
I never saw these papers.
These are forgeries.
And how many years passed
in the dungeons
of King Janos of Hungary?
I'm afraid
I lost count.
The light,
it bothers your eyes?
Too much time
in the dark.
I'm sorry
to have to tell you
that it's a sickness
of the blood.
Your father
suffered from it.
And I'm sad to say
it worsens with age.
are you ready to become
Prince of Romania again?
When you were arrested,
you said those papers
were forgeries.
Well, I have
recently discovered
that your allegations
were correct.
A mutual acquaintance
of the guilty party.
Your father-in-law.
there is...
small condition
for my support.
You must marry
my daughter.
She's a Roman Catholic,
as am I.
If you convert,
the Pope has pledged
to send money
to help you regain
your princedom,
in the name of
the Holy Roman Church.
Of course,
the Orthodox priests
will curse you for it.
You have a moment
to make up your mind
and consider the situation
as it presents itself.
And how did the situation
finally present itself,
Prince Vlad?
I accepted
the Pope's money,
- but never his religion.
- You swear that to be the truth?
I need an answer.
Whose banner
I fight under
is of no concern to me.
I will take that
as a "yes."
My Prince.
- Bruno.
- At last. You have returned.
How could you raise
so many men so quickly?
You are their hope.
You've always been there.
This is nothing.
Many more are coming.
How's my son?
You will be
very proud of him.
Tell me.
Tell me everything.
Radu has been Prince
ever since
your arrest in Hungary.
The first thing
that he did
was give the nobles
back their estates
and privileges.
He made Aron
his chief advisor.
It was as though everything
for which we had fought
disappeared in a moment.
How strong
is the Turk force?
After Radu took control,
the main army returned
to Constantinople.
The garrison remains.
We attack tonight.
Or did you have
other plans?
And so you've
come back to Romania
with the Pope's
blessing and support?
The people do not care
about these things.
They all rallied
to my side at once.
The Messiah returned.
I am no Messiah.
What news
of your brother?
For all I know,
he's fled to the Sultan.
Why would your brother
give up so easily?
Perhaps he fears me,
as all of you seem to.
- We all have reason to fear you.
- Why?
Because of the sheer magnitude
of your atrocities.
Skinning people alive,
forcing mothers to devour
their own children.
According to your own census,
you killed over 100,000 people.
Forgeries and lies.
Do you deny that
you murdered your own people?
Those who broke
the law were punished.
They were Romanian.
They were Orthodox.
You are now a Papist.
We all live
under the same God.
All but the godless.
I will leave theology
to the theologians.
I have far
more pressing business.
I have yet
to see my son.
I await your decision.
My son.
I'm sorry.
Do you regret it,
Do I regret what?
Mother always said
you should have left
vengeance to God.
That was never
for me to judge.
Time will tell.
This is now yours.
Sit, Father.
- The priests have deliberated?
- Yes.
Their decision?
The Orthodox Church
has denounced you.
Thank you, Father.
Thank you for all that
you've done on my behalf.
Do you understand the consequences
of excommunication?
My immortal
soul unredeemed,
doomed to remain
"incorrupt and entire."
in heaven, nor in hell.
Your only salvation
is to renounce
What good
would that really do...
if I should abandon
the Roman Church and repent?
Then the Pope and Hungary
will withdraw their support.
And I will be
driven out of my own land.
It's almost ironic,
isn't it?
Two days ago,
I win the great battle,
and just now, with the utterance
of one single word-
I lose the war.
What if I were to lead you
to your brother?
Why, Father?
Because if he joined you,
instead of serving the Sultan,
together you would
no longer need Hungary,
nor Rome.
I have tried.
After you humiliated him?
After you defeated him,
how could he capitulate?
But time has a remarkable way
of softening the pride of youth.
And not only did you spare him,
but he spared you twice.
He's your blood.
He will listen
to what you have to say,
if you say it in peace.
I have no idea
where he is.
He's been given sanctuary
in my monastery in Snagov.
By whom?
By the very same priests
who condemned you.
They plan to turn him over
to the nobles at daybreak
who will then smuggle him
out of Romania.
What would you do,
What choice would I have?
How many men
are with him?
He's alone.
Why aren't you afraid?
Why aren't you begging for your life
like any other man?
Because he isn't
like any other man.
And I knew that from the moment
he was delivered into this world.
God save me, had I had
one moment alone with you,
I would have strangled you
in your crib.
You murdered my father.
Because if your father
was unable to pay
the Sultan's ransom-
I'd be put to death.
For God has said
to the prophets,
there will come an Anti-Christ
that will promise peace
but deliver
only apocalypse.
My fight
was never with God.
It was with you.
All of you.
That is why
you are doomed, Vlad.
Because you fight all of us.
You fight your own blood,
your own people,
and your own church.
Because you are
the Anti- Christ.
And you are doomed.
Your father went
to the monastery at Snagov.
I would imagine
for your sake.
Prepare the bath
with honey and spice,
as my soldiers
will return for the body.
And then?
Then it will be delivered
to the Sultan,
who wishes
to behead it himself.
Yes. As you wish.
I want him buried
inside this chapel.
Your father was denounced
by this Church.
He cannot be buried
in this monastery.
Or you die with him.
Goodbye, Father.
I wanted
to thank you, Father.
You have doomed me
to wander the earth,
incorrupt and entire.
You've given me
eternal life.
Will you walk with me?