Dasara (2023) Movie Script

Never admit defeat
My songs will always be in your hearts
You are always with me
We will never part
This is true
I'm not a Rangoon kid.
I am Rangoon Rowdy!
If one Seetharama Raju dies,
a million Seetharama Rajus
will be born again!
My salutations to all the great people!
My name is Dharani.
These chimney stacks are
at the boundaries of my village.
The village is surrounded
by piles of coal.
One has to carefully look through
the smoke to find our village.
Even the air
around our village is polluted.
The Lord Anjaneya.
The local deity of our proletariat
and our strength.
The cacophony of bomb blasts is constant.
This is our village, Veerlapalli.
Our day starts at a bar.
Bloody hell!
It's been a while since daybreak,
yet he is nowhere to be found.
What's the time?
Every day you stop the bus here
to consume alcohol.
Why do we have to face
this nuisance every day?
Don't you care about your wife and kids?
What are you doing here?
You and your wretched addiction!
- You bloody...
- Your addiction has made my life hell.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
Oh god!
You bloody!
I can't anymore.
Will he come today or not?
Everybody drinks the same alcohol,
but the place where one has to drink
is based on what caste one belongs to.
After watching all this,
don't think of us as addicts.
Alcohol is not an addiction for us
but an integral part of our tradition.
Give it to him.
Hey, hold on, I'll give it to you.
Give it to him.
Kanakayya, the owner of Silk Bar.
His persona is greater than
the sarpanch of our village.
- Hey, scoundrel...
- Hey!
I am declaring a prohibition
on alcohol consumption,
as per my promise
to my sisters and brothers.
Your village is doomed hereon.
Look, Silk Bar has become desolate now
When in pain, there's nothing to console
Without the liquor, dances
At the wedding have vanished
There is no noise heard in the streets
There's no one seen
Accompanying the corpse now
Even when we've wept so bad
Not a single drop of tear is out
Look, Silk Bar has become desolate now
Sundaraiah got sick in the summer
Without liquor
Somanna who nurses people
Has started drinking normal soda
People have ceased all activities
And started searching for alcohol
No one cared about the owner of Silk Bar
Look, Silk Bar has become desolate now
When it is raining
People are sleeping quietly
Sales of mutton have dropped
Due to the liquor ban
Searching for a lucky drop
Of alcohol in the remaining empty bottles
Radhamma lost her sleep due
To the unavailability of alcohol
The baby cried for milk
And her father cried for liquor
Look, Silk Bar has become desolate now
He locked and sealed the bar
Look, Silk Bar has become desolate now
May NTR be happy for wiping away our tears
By prohibiting alcohol,
he gave us the gift of better days
The image of Silk Smitha has faded away
And the village has turned to dust
The Silk Bar has become desolate now
This is me.
Suri is my best friend.
He is practically the other half
of my heart.
This is the first Dasara festival
after the alcohol ban.
Nobody is happy... except me.
She is also my friend.
I always saw her as a friend...
but today,
I see her as a beautiful fairy
from heaven.
Hey, you rascal!
Why did you blow out the lamp?
Hey, Dharani, come here.
If you do that again,
I'll thrash the hell out of you.
Light this up.
Hey, there's some point
of contention there, let's go!
There is no dearth of alcohol.
We have it in abundance.
I will use my power
to bring in more liquor.
What we need is
the right place to set it up.
Peda Nambaiah,
The Sarpanch of our village.
His stepsons,
Rajanna And Shivanna.
Owning a bar was more prestigious
than being in power in his eyes.
Hence he had been eyeing
it for a long time.
The winner of the Sarpanch elections,
will have the sole right to own the bar.
The ownership will be decided
by elections five years later.
What do you say?
Kanakayya realized that once he lost
the bar then he won't get it back.
He resisted.
But the people who were reeling
with no alcohol
turned a deaf ear to Kanakayya's cry.
If you want this village
to be drenched in alcohol again,
have this peg
and commit your support to us.
You have no other option, brother.
Agree to it.
Look at how every pair of
eyes is waiting for alcohol.
Kanakayya was sacrificed
to Nambaiah's politics
Alcohol was the clear winner.
This moment proved to be
a defining turn in Veerlapalli's story.
Hail Lord Rama!
Hail Lord Rama!
Hail Lord Rama!
Happy Dasara, Vennela
Happy Dasara.
Oh, Mother!
Did you get pricked by a thorn?
Don't worry, you'll be fine.
As black as a piece of coal
Oh, Mother!
As white as a piece of chalk
We hum like the buzzing honey bees
We don't stop the entire day
We ride the black buffalo
And roam around the whole town
We forget about having food or water
In the stillness of this classroom
Writing my incoherent thoughts
I'm concealing my writings
Without being noticed by anyone
I await for Vennela
While licking my popsicle
Watching her come across
Feels like butterflies in my stomach...
Guys, I'll tell you one thing
but don't tell anyone else.
I'm in love with Vennela.
That day I realized how much I loved Suri.
Between Suri's friendship
and Vennela's love,
I'd choose Suri over Vennela any day.
Hey! You...
Children! Peda Nambaiah is no more.
We have declared a holiday for ten days.
Go home!
Before Nambaiah's body could be cremated,
the animosity between
the stepsons went public.
The elders distributed the
properties amongst them,
but failed to decide the fate of the bar.
That's when Peda Nambaiah's words came
to their rescue.
Whoever wins the sarpanch elections
keeps the bar.
That one line limited
the politics of our village to one family.
They divided the bar's flag into two,
a finger-ring and an earring. They were
to be used as symbols by the two of them.
Rajanna believed that the one who had
the power could own the bar.
But Shivanna believed that one who used
the bar well would eventually be in power.
Similarly, people were more influenced
by Shivanna's distribution
of alcohol than Rajanna's word politics.
Eventually, the alcohol won.
The winner might be Shivanna
but the one who defeated Rajanna was
the only grandson of Peda Nambaiah
and son of Shivanna, Chinna Nambaiah.
He is the main reason for
the defining turn in Veerlapalli's story.
Wait, I'll tell you...
Can't you see?
Give it here.
Granny, why do you drink alcohol?
For courage, son.
Where is this Dharani?
Don't you know about him?
He will first drink and get intoxicated,
only then will he come.
- Hey, throw it!
- Throw it!
Hey, Dharani, throw it.
Hey, throw it!
Hey, throw it!
Come on, throw it!
Come on, throw it!
We are either completely
Sober or extremely high
All we do is drink, eat, and sleep
Fight with us and get
Your head beaten to a pulp!
Hey, stop it.
You fools!
You and your bloody chorale.
Hey, give them one more bottle of liquor.
I'll see how they don't beat their drums.
Have a peg, have a peg
Have some lamb to go along with it
Beat the drums
Beat the drums
Make people get up
And dance vigorously to that music
Let's get the heavens down!
Let's have some drinks
And make merry at this Silk Bar
Get ready to rock and shatter the
Dance floor let's see who dares to stop us
Bloody hell!
We celebrate friendship and
The whole village fears our faction
We celebrate friendship and
The whole village fears our faction
Ration rice along with
Chilies is what we eat
Friendship is the only asset we possess
We consider coal from
The ground to be our gold
We live amongst people
With hearts of gold.
This village which provides
Us with food is our mother
The trains which provide
Us livelihood is our father
We bath along the buffaloes in our lake
We have never heard the
Crowing of a rooster! Bloody hell!
We celebrate friendship and
The whole village fears our faction
We celebrate friendship and
The whole village fears our faction
We celebrate!
We celebrate!
A Barbie doll
The beautiful creation of the Lord
How did we find this
Pretty lady in this village?
Seetha had gone to fetch water
And she came across
Rama in this village
One must live like crazy
Life should have some spice
Suck the bone marrow out of goat bones
Don't eat the bland lentils
We wear a dhoti as a staple.
We don't care about anything in our lives
-We drink Ambali but
-We live a King's life
-Every day is Dasara for us
-Bloody hell!
We celebrate friendship and
The whole village fears our faction
We celebrate friendship and
The whole village fears our faction
We celebrate!
We celebrate!
What are we doing here?
Nothing, dude. We got tipsy
in the morning after having a few drinks
and thrashed a policeman
in an intoxicated state.
Manhandling a police officer is illegal,
That's why we are behind bars.
Did you beat a police officer?
Didn't I stop you?
You, bloody!
You get sloshed after drinking,
thrash everyone in an intoxicated state,
then once you are sober,
you act as if nothing ever happened.
What is this nuisance, dude?
Call those boys.
Come here! Come!
You are doomed today.
He is going to take you to task now!
Sir, he's the one who thrashed me.
Get me that lathi.
Hey, it will be used on us.
You senseless idiot.
I swear on my grandma,
one hit of that lathi
and I'm going fall dead on the ground.
There will be no second chance to beat me.
Straight to the graveyard
Please let me go, sir.
I beg you, sir.
You fool!
Are you sure he is the one?
He pissed his pants just
at the sight of a lathi.
Get lost.
Hey, move! Let's go!
What a waste of time early in the morning.
He acts as a daredevil when high
and a cowardly fellow when sober.
Hey, Suri!
What are you doing here?
Bro, greetings!
How's everyone in your family?
I'm Vennela.
First, get that beedi out.
Aren't you ashamed of stealing coal and
then ending up spending nights in jail?
Shut up.
You are stealing the eggs meant
for children and giving us a moral lesson?
Shut up.
Two thieves never discuss their exploits
with each other.
Tell me, why are you here?
To get a kiss from you.
- Kiss?
- Yes.
You are asking for a kiss,
not a bidi from a shop.
- will you give me a kiss or not?
- I will not. Get lost.
How dare you reject Suri's request!
Suri, kiss her. I'll guard the entrance.
Dharani, you had it from me.
I'm going to see your end.
Suri, let me go.
I'm going to kill you today.
Vennela? Vennela?
Stop! You, cowards.
Hurry up, the man who conducts
the census is here.
Bloody, pain.
- Is Suri at home, mother-in-law?
- Don't call me mother-in-law, you witch.
Let us get married.
I'll deal with you then.
This is the new voter list for the
upcoming elections. Give it to Shivanna.
Uncle, Vennela passed this on.
this time we have 150 new voters.
The young guys must remember
only the ring symbol when they
come to vote for the first time.
I'll start the promotions
tomorrow itself, Dad.
Let's begin with the cricket match.
Every player must wear the ring.
This time, even Rajanna's soul must
to file a nomination against us.
The cashier's post.
Let's fire the old man,
who is the cashier at the bar.
The oldie occupying the
cashier's post is of no use to us.
Announce that the winner
of the match will be the new cashier.
They will go crazy.
Once they wear the ring,
the ring will come off
only along with their finger.
This time I'll contest the elections, Dad.
Hereby, the news given to the villagers is
that as always
this time as well there will be
a cricket tournament.
The contest, named after Peda Nambaiah,
will have a winning prize of 1500 rupees
and the winners can drink as much
alcohol as they wish to at Silk Bar.
Not just that,
one member from the winning team would
be appointed to be the cashier of the bar.
So, young and energetic boys
are expected to utilize this
golden opportunity to the fullest.
- Sister?
- Yes.
Get me another ten eggs tomorrow.
You don't need to go to school anymore.
You can stay at home.
The groom's family will come to see you.
Here, have it.
Did I ask you to look for a match for me?
Here drink.
This match is from a good family,
we don't need your consent to call them.
I love Suri and I'll marry only him.
Shut up.
I'll thrash both your cheeks
if I hear his name in this house again!
It is because of this behavior of yours
that your father arranged a match for you.
Shut up and marry the one we've arranged
for you.
- Hey, come on...
- Wait...
Vennela is here.
What are you doing
here at such a late hour?
There are a few people who take a piss
in their bed
because they are afraid of darkness.
Hey, stop it guys.
Why are you here this late?
I am expecting a match tomorrow.
He works at Singareni.
I knew that mother
of yours was an opportunist!
Hey, stop interfering in our matter!
If he likes me,
my folks are going
to get me married to him.
Shut up. Stop dragging
your mother between us.
If you really like me,
convince your mother first,
or else come, I'll marry
you right here, right now.
Pour some more for me.
We've been loving each
other since childhood,
only when you realize
that I'm not your girl anymore,
will you understand my pain.
If something untoward happens,
I'm going to kill myself.
Don't talk about such things.
Where are you going?
I'll come back.
Hey Dharani... Dharani!
Dude, no, listen to me. Let's go back.
What is it? Why are you here?
Come back.
Forget about me.
Where is Vennela, Aunty?
Where will she be?
She's sleeping inside.
She's not there. She's with Suri,
both busy romancing each other.
What nonsense are you talking about?
Look at this.
This is ours.
Listen to me, Aunty.
Get them both married.
How will a jobless fellow
take care of my daughter?
I would rather get her killed
than get her married to that guy.
So you won't get them married?
I won't.
- What is happening here?
- Hello, Mummy.
So, you won't do it?
Not at all.
Everyone, listen up!
If she won't get Suri and Vennela married,
I will jump in this well and die.
Did you see that?
He is blackmailing us.
Shall I give away my daughter
to coal thieves?
My daughter is a primary teacher.
Primary teacher!
We are going to win
the cricket tournament.
We will get appointed to the post
of cashier at Silk Bar,
who every man of
Veerlapalli respects the most.
Will you give your daughter to Suri then?
The bar cashier?
if he becomes the cashier of the bar,
I'm going to give my daughter to him.
I'll arrange a grand marriage
and bless the newlyweds.
That's how it is done!
What about you, Aunty?
I agree to it as we both are
from the same caste anyway.
Suri! Suri, they agreed to your marriage.
Her mother didn't agree at first,
but Dharani has cast his magic somehow.
Hey, what is this?
If you ever raise your voice
at Suri?
Because he is your husband.
It's time to celebrate.
- It's time to celebrate.
- Hey, Dharani!
We are on top of this world!
Call Dharani to the bar.
Did you come already?
Brother, you asked him to come,
didn't you?
He has come.
Did you call me, brother?
You seem to play cricket well.
Yes, sir.
Then, what will happen
if you don't play tomorrow's match?
What will happen? The whole team will get
out within five overs, sir.
And Sai would become the cashier.
That is what I want.
Sai is our new cashier.
What is it?
I have to win tomorrow's
match at any cost.
I promised Suri
that I would get his marriage fixed.
Now, imagine you are returning home
on your cycle
and a truck crashes into you on the way.
If you die in that mishap,
will you possibly play tomorrow's match?
You don't have any respect
for my word, do you?
He is petrified! Bloody, coward!
Hey, why are you dancing?
Catch the ball.
I can't.
Play properly, Darani!
Can't you field properly?
- Go...
- Play properly!
I beg you. Please catch
the ball when it comes to you.
Go, stand there.
What the...
What happened to him?
What happened to him?
RUNS 224
Bloody! We've lost it.
They have made a big score, man.
Dharani, we have to bat
deep to chase the score.
Bro, I can't. Don't
you see my condition?
Dude, how will we
win if you won't play?
Can't you see?
How can he play?
Let's play our best, we shall
either win or lose, and that's it.
You, come with me.
Suri! Suri!
You raised my mother's hopes for nothing
by mentioning the bar
and the cashier position.
Now, look what's happened.
My mother won't ever look at Suri again.
I would have found some
other way to marry him.
She would have succumbed
to my grief at least.
After these many years
of our relationship,
one match is going to decide our fate.
Hey, get the money.
He's gonna rip you apart
He has set the bar so high
That no one can reach him
He's gonna break your bones
As easily as breaking crockery
Oh God, no one can stop him
While he's hitting all around the world
Keep calm and watch him roar
When the ball is dancing on his bat
Just watch him till the sun goes down
He's gonna rip you apart
He has set the bar so high
That no one can reach him
If he pulls up his lungi
You are gonna witness
a raging bull on the ground
When he's high after getting drunk
You will witness Shiva's tandava
On the pitch
Oh, no!
He's a rising phoenix
Start playing drums
As he rips everyone apart
Dharani is on the top
You better step back
He is gonna kick you out
Try to stop him if you're a man!
Greetings, everyone!
The peculiarity of this tournament
is the post of cashier!
Who is going to get
that post from your team?
- Suri! Suri!
- Suri! Suri!
- Suri! Suri!
- Suri! Suri!
- Suri! Suri!
- Suri! Suri!
When I started in politics,
one man took great efforts to separate us.
But you...
you proved that the villagers
and the ring are inseparable.
No, you gave him a befitting reply
with your actions.
The idea of giving the cashier position
to the winner
didn't occur to me but to Nambi
and I'm proud of him.
- Long live...
- Brother Nambi!
I hereby announce that Chinna Nambaiah
will be our candidate for
the next sarpanch elections.
- Long live...
- Brother Nambi!
Hey, come on the stage.
Long live!
I was searching for you all around.
What are you doing here?
Suri and Vennela just went away.
So you were providing security to them?
Now they don't need you.
It doesn't matter if someone sees them.
But I know you won't pay heed to my words.
Anyway, I must admit
that because of you Suri is
in the best phase of his life.
Even she is very happy.
Is it?
Are you playing dumb?
You didn't notice her happiness?
Tell me something,
did you really forget her?
Of course.
So you don't have any problem
with their marriage?
It's Suri's marriage.
It should be the talk of the town.
So you've really forgotten all
about her?
I have moved on from her.
Don't irritate me!
How did you deduce that she was there just
by listening to her anklets?
Just because she was upset,
why did you go and talk
to her family instead of Suri?
I pleaded with you to forget
about her but you won't.
At least share your feelings
with Suri but you won't do that either.
If you didn't dare to express your love
why the heck did you even love her?
Do you remember?
It was you who first loved Vennela.
But now you are only concerned
about Suri's marriage, aren't you?
But the bride is Vennela, dude!
Go to hell,
bloody rascal!
Hey Kiddo, that girl is not yours
Let it go now, your paths have separated
Find solace in your mother's lap
Turn into a child, and forget everything
Childhood is so amazing
Every pain is temporary
When a kid is insistent
On touching the moon
He is easily distracted by showing a candy
Adulthood is evil
It exclaims the truth out loud
Hey kiddo, that girl is not yours
Go to sleep like a small baby
I have loved you
Like a devotee worships a deity's idol
I've contained myself to a boundary
Such that I would stay away from you
I've turned the blazing agony
Into the flame of the sacred oil lamp
I've bid farewell to the consecrated idol
Of the deity in my tears
I sent it, I've left it
Like a wingless fly stuck in a whirlwind
Like a baffled man's helpless cry
With no possibility of uniting with you
And the incapability of
Staying away from you
My life's a ruin!
The wounded heart feels
The salt being rubbed on the injuries
But such is my life that
I can't shriek in pain!
The flag on Rajanna's
house is being lowered.
That means Nambanna wins unanimously.
Yeah, he couldn't face the public
when he lost to his younger brother.
Now if he loses
to his brother's son as well,
the humiliation he will have
to face will be tenfold.
In his boxers.
Hey, Cashier.
One more bottle.
Do you have some kind
of sponge in your stomach?
Give me a full bottle.
Why did you come in?
Okay, let that go.
Oh, you must have remembered who you are,
Seeing you roaming
with those pigs all these days,
I thought you were one among them.
You are discriminating against my friends
on the basis of their caste,
what kind of shit-eating pig are you?
Stop your nuisance.
From tomorrow, I will be the cashier.
I'll speak with Nambi bro
and get all of them inside.
You will be the cashier?
Dharani took a full bottle
as a bribe to make you lose the match.
Didn't he tell you yet?
Seems he's a cashier.
if it was enough to scare him,
he would have lost.
But you gave him alcohol,
which backfired on you.
This is what digging your own grave means.
- Hey...
- What?
Bloody hell!
How dare you! You bloody idiot!
Please, sir.
Sir! Let us go, sir.
I beg you, sir.
Sir, let us go. I beg you, sir.
- Sir, please let me see my son once.
- Hey, old man, move aside. Go sit there.
- Sir!
- Sir, please no sir... please
Sir, I beg you, sir.
Hey! Sir!
Hello, Rajanna.
How come you are here?
These are substandard people, Rajanna.
They wrecked the bar.
Bloody fools.
Look, Rajanna. I will tell you the truth.
Shivanna has instructed me not
to let them go.
I'm not going to let them go.
I want my boys
to be released within five minutes.
It won't take me more than five minutes
to wreck this police station.
You might be scared that you will have
to face consequences
from Shivanna's people
if you release them.
But if you won't release them, trust me,
the consequences will be much worse.
We thought we would never be released,
They thrashed us badly, Rajanna.
We would forever be indebted
to you, Rajanna.
Contest in this time's election, Rajanna.
Are you crazy?
Shut up and sit there. Go.
Go to hell, idiots. Do as you wish.
You must contest, Rajanna.
Go have something to eat and go to sleep.
No, sir.
This time we have your back
Where were you all these years?
Now that Rajanna has helped out,
he's suddenly become a God for you?
Go and accept that cashier's post
and lick Nambi's boots. Go.
You came to him when you needed help.
I will get the post on licking his boots.
But I don't want a life
where I will be inside
and my friends will have to stay outside.
We never voted for Rajanna.
I agree it's our mistake.
But not this time.
We shall make you win, sir.
I came here to help you
and not for my political benefits.
You will be called a good man
for helping others in need.
Politicize your helping,
you will be called the Sarpanch.
Dude, can we beat the bar?
Everyone has forgotten that
the bar belongs to the election winner.
Let's remind everyone about the same.
Agree to it, Rajanna.
Losing is not new to me.
But this time,
I'll contest the elections for your sake.
Now onwards,
travel with your windows lowered, Rajanna.
Long live Shivanna!
Long live Shivanna!
If someone asks me, "Are you afraid
to stand with your friends?"
If necessary, I will drink a full bottle
to gather courage and support my friend.
Let it happen as it is meant to be.
Who stepped inside the bar after you?
Sign the nominations.
Sign on it.
You don't have to pour an ounce
of liquor for anyone.
Sixty percent of Veerlapalli's
population are women.
So what?
Rajanna, take a look at this.
To date, no woman has voted
in the elections.
If we can make them vote for us,
we don't have to spend
a single penny on liquor.
Yet we would have
a bumper victory!
- Long live!
- Brother Shivanna
I have arranged this urgent
meeting not to announce
my participation in the elections
nor to ask you all to vote for me.
I just want to know why you've never gone
to exercise your voting rights, sisters?
Why should we vote, Rajanna?
Can you tell me about a single thing that
the village has gained from the elections?
Before criticizing me,
take a good
look at your finger, have you ever voted?
You have the right to ask questions only
if you have voted.
Else your words are worthless.
Don't make us speak, Rajanna.
We have requested Shivanna multiple times
to move the bar from its original place.
He responded with a big smile,
but our request was never considered.
You could not change
the location of the bar,
how shall we believe
that you can change our fates?
You are right.
I agree.
Now I feel like asking you for your votes.
Vote for me.
I promise you to change
the location of the bar.
Rajanna, think before making promises.
Don't interfere with the
business of Silk Bar, Rajanna.
It's a sensitive subject.
I have faced every possible humiliation
in the past few decades.
I have nothing to lose.
If I win, I would make sure
there would be no mother
in this village who would be searching
for her son at midnight holding a lantern.
I would make sure,
no woman awaits her husband's arrival
after sunset with tears in her eyes.
Will you really move the bar, Rajanna?
That is in your hands.
Vote for Rajanna and make him victorious.
If your work is not done,
grab me by the collar and question me.
Suri's words made quite an impact
on the ladies.
In the Veerlapalli Sarpanch Elections,
Thurpugutta Rajanna, who contested
the elections on the symbol of the earring
has won against his opponent,
Thurpugutta Chinna Nambaiah,
who contested the elections with the ring
symbol with the bumper majority of votes.
Similarly, Dharani who won as
a member of the tenth ward has
won as Deputy Sarpanch with the support
of the rest of the ward members.
The women's respect for Rajanna
and their trust in Suri's words
made us victorious this time.
For the first time, alcohol had lost.
This is a paradigm shift
in Veerlapalli's story.
There will be no discrimination
in the bar.
Henceforth every man
in Veerlapalli will be treated equally.
Come on.
Long live, Rajanna!
You are such a lucky guy,
my Suri dear...
Enough with your overacting!
Here, have something.
You never know how long it may take.
Who made such a huge decorative mark?
That much is necessary,
such is my beauty!
What are you doing here?
I came here to take a leak.
Is this urine?
That's why I asked you
to forget about her.
I'm unfortunate in this lifetime.
But Vennela will be my wife
in my next birth, I'm damn sure.
If Suri loves her again?
I will sacrifice her again.
I will sacrifice
Vennela again for him.
How can I let him suffer?
He is my friend, bro.
Hey, let go of me... go!
Go and play some music...
I'll come and dance
Look at him, he is crying like a kid.
I would sacrifice anything
for my friends, bloody...
Take them in.
The marriage was a grand event, bro!
Correct bro.
Dharani, the curry you made was
out of this world!
By the way, why are you sober
at your friend's wedding?
- Take this.
- Have it.
- Come, let's go.
- Where to go?
What's happened to him today?
Get up!
Let's go.
Hey, Srinu!
Why is he here so late at night?
The marriage just concluded
and you're already at the bar?
Suri is here,
come on let's go inside, bro.
Bro, weren't all the guests sloshed?
They slept in the function hall, right?
Then who are these guys?
Bro, the bar is closed.
They don't look like locals
Bro, there are too many of you.
This much won't suffice for all of you.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Run! Run!
Come on, move...
Oh god!
Let's go! Get on the bicycle.
Don't worry.
You'll be alright.
I am here for you.
Once, you were my childhood friend
Now, you are my life partner
Once, you were my childhood friend
Now, you are my life partner
Today you leave us in a pool of tears
Your death leaves us inconsolable
Who is going to light the pyre?
My toe-rings
And the bangles which you put
On are still intact
Look, my dear
The marriage celebrations
Had not fizzled out yet
And we see death
Dancing at our doorstep
Which God
Is to be blamed for my ruined fate?
Your friends who always accompanied you
Who dared any extremes for you
Follow your corpse today
They didn't leave you alone even in death
Your childhood friend now becomes
Your companion in the other world
Don't go away from your people
From your relatives
And your faction
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up, please wake up
Once, you were my childhood friend
Your death leaves us inconsolable
- Have you gone mad?
- Hey!
See how you're bleeding.
I got scared, Suri.
You know everything
about me except this.
I was scared you'd leave her as I did...
if you got to know that I loved her.
I have no idea...
how heartbroken you were when you learned
about it.
Forgive me.
Get back to me at least once.
I want to drink alcohol with you.
Except for these posters,
we didn't find any weapons
or any other evidence.
Those guys should say it now.
Then ask them.
They destroyed the village,
and now they are sleeping.
Now who should be held responsible
for the village's situation?
If they really put up posters
and killed people
then they would kill with guns.
Have you ever seen
them chasing anyone like this?
That is true.
Think at least once.
What did we do, Rajanna?
Why would they want to chase and kill us?
Even what you said is true, Dharani.
They would kill with guns,
why would they kill anyone
by chasing them?
Okay. Forget about that.
What is this bruise on your head?
He fell from a bicycle.
Tell the truth.
He injured his head
when he hit it with a bottle.
This is it!
He doesn't remember
that he hit his own head last night.
How can he remember
what he did when he was drunk?
It's not a mistake to forget
what you did when you were drunk.
It's a mistake to forget
what kind of a mistake you've made then.
He beat up the police when he was drunk.
He broke everything at the bar.
He went to people's houses
and created a mess.
Let's forget all about these things.
But now...
he has forgotten about
a big mistake he made.
What's wrong?
Four men and one woman's life.
But the thing is...
he doesn't even remember
that his friend also died because of him.
Even now, he's here with a drink.
Now should we go to the village council
because of him?
And he's the head?
And we're here,
setting aside all its work.
Let's go.
don't leave him alone
when he is drunk.
Take care of him.
He doesn't remember that
he hit his own head last night.
How can he remember
what he did when he was drunk?
Now he has forgotten about
a big mistake he made.
But the thing is,
he doesn't even remember
that his friend also died because of him.
Four men and one woman's life.
don't leave him alone
when he is drunk.
Take care of him.
This is the village where we
grew up, can't I roam in this village
at night without being intoxicated?
Hey, Nambi!
Come out!
Where is your husband?
What happened?
We won the cricket match.
We broke everything at the bar.
We made Rajanna win.
Why did he kill them all just for that?
Nambi! Come out!
Mark my words.
Today will be the day
of your husband's death.
You bloody... Nambi...
My husband is not in the village.
He will arrive tomorrow morning.
Let that scoundrel come.
When he gets here,
I'll kill him immediately.
You made him win the cricket match.
You beat up Sai at the bar.
You triumphed to be the Deputy Sarpanch.
You did all these things,
then why did he kill your friends?
For Vennela.
He killed Suri for Vennela.
He lusts after her.
His lust is at such peaks
that he will burn the whole tree for
a single leaf that obstructs his view.
My husband knows how
many saris she has and in what colors.
While looking at her from this window,
he used to put his hands on me.
His lust was so intense that he used
to go and smell her when she was out.
The anger that you are feeling now
because he killed your friends,
is equal to the anger that he feels
when he doesn't get to sleep
with the woman he likes.
He killed Suri the other day
in only one shot.
He killed the others so
that no one would suspect him.
He once killed Padma's husband as well.
You are challenging a guy like him.
Now, that naive girl's life
is more important than your vengeance.
If possible,
see that Vennela
won't end up like Padma.
It depends on you if you can hide
her or make her leave this village.
Come play with the sword after that.
Then I'll accept you as a man,
no matter whether you kill him or die.
But you have to do it
before tomorrow's ritual.
Suri's soul is still restless,
that's why no bird has
yet touched the food.
It seems like you paid a visit
to my house yesterday.
My wife told me everything.
If you want to take her away
from this village, as she said,
then erase those thoughts now.
I'll take her away,
sooner rather than later.
Only my hands should touch her body.
Got it?
What happened?
Get the vehicle to Vennela's house.
Cute doll and the beloved doll of Siva
Where are those smiles
Of the cute baby now?
When the lady is given a divine head bath
Lord Rama hasn't come down here
When she was being made a widow
Where did Lord Krishna vanish?
When her pearl bangles were being broken
Where did Lord Venkatesha go away?
When the nocturnal thread
Was being removed
Where did Lord Paramesha disappear?
No Lord has come down here
No Lord has come down here
Vehicle ready.
No Lord has come down here
Why have you come here again?
Did you come here earlier
to make her a widow?
You said that he's your friend
and married her off
to a person who was going to die
and made her life miserable.
What else is left
to do now for you here?
It's been ten days,
she hasn't said anything.
She won't listen to our words either.
Is he not the reason behind all this?
Tell me!
You're making her wear a nuptial chain
when she's just become a widow?
Do you have the courage
to marry our family's girl?
You scoundrels.
Shut up, you scoundrels!
Why are you talking about caste?
For the last ten days, no one looked at us
to see whether we were alive or dead.
Mind your tongue!
I'm asking this to protect
the honor of our caste!
I don't care about caste
if she's getting a way to lead her life.
Why should you bother when their
own family doesn't have any problems?
take her with you.
The food...
You're not aware
of what you've done.
Your help will lead to his death now.
I'm going to cut off everyone's necks
this Dasara.
He's not Lord Rama,
and she isn't Sita to escape.
However, I certainly am Ravana.
Got it?
His head should fall off
in one fell swoop.
If we kill him now, then we
won't get to know who chased us.
And he doesn't come off so easily.
We should do something
that he comes out all by himself.
Bloody hell!
Let's do it at the right time.
Let's kill them altogether.
- Teacher.
- Teacher.
For how many days will you be like this?
Students have been asking me
about you every day.
That's why I brought them here.
Yes, Teacher Vennela.
I brought you mutton too.
So this is the time for you to come out?
Seems to me
that you haven't experienced anything yet.
Hey, Saida!
Dharani is just a waste.
He doesn't even dare
to do anything unless he's drunk.
Then what can he do for you?
However, marriage is not your thing.
Shall I tell you one thing?
If you get married,
then you have only one husband.
But if you're a widow, then...
Padma, tell her more.
If you ever trouble my wife again,
I'll pluck out your...
I don't care about the consequences...
let's see.
Whose permission did you take to marry me?
Is it the right thing to do?
To marry a girl without her consent?
All the people of this village think
that I'll go
and marry anyone.
They don't know
that your armlet has made me helpless.
I didn't even realize that I was
in your house till dawn.
Am I a toy from the market?
I don't know where to go or what to do.
Everything is happening
because of you.
I'm getting angry and I want
to kill you when I see you.
But I don't have any strength left in me.
Why did you marry me?
You are my friend, Vennela.
I've seen you wearing beautiful clothes
and jewelry ever since we were children.
When I came back,
I saw people breaking your bangles
and removing the bindi on your face.
I couldn't endure that.
I was scared that
maybe they'd take away your smile too.
That's why I married you.
It was my mistake
to marry you without asking you.
I didn't know what to do at that time.
Forgive me.
I want to say one thing to you.
Loan sharks came
to my house after my husband's death.
I didn't know what to do.
Chinna Nambi paid off my debts
and then exploited me physically.
So I surrendered to him
for the sake of my children.
People say that a woman is like
the Lord Bathukamma.
But they don't let widows celebrate
the Bathukamma festival.
Dharani made your life easier than mine.
Even though he married you,
he called you a friend.
Where will you get a good
husband other than him?
If you don't want to treat him
like a husband,
treat him like a childhood friend.
What is this?
What do you want to do
with these weapons?
I'm asking you!
Why don't you answer me?
We've collected these to kill
the people who killed my friends.
Don't shout at me now!
You've been a coward all along,
but now you have animosity with Nambi.
My limbs tremble at the
thought of its aftermath.
Are you aware of the path you are taking
with these weapons you have collected?
Yes, we are aware of that.
What will happen?
We'll die. That's it.
Then take our dead bodies
and dig a grave beside my friends' graves.
What are you saying?
Suri didn't leave my hand before he died.
I used to be so scared,
but he gave me the courage.
Now I can't live like this,
knowing that he is no more.
If it would've been him, dammit!
He would've killed them by now.
He wouldn't wait this long like me.
Do you know how hurtful it is to watch
a close friend die in front of your eyes?
No matter what you say,
if not now,
I'll kill them tomorrow.
Then why did you bring her along?
If she becomes a widow again,
do you want her to live like me?
Look at me.
Even Suri, who died,
would wish for a long life for you.
On the other hand,
you want to die for them!
We should be the ones to die in your hands
not the other way around.
I can't watch more people dying.
I can't.
Drop those weapons here.
I beg your pardon, please.
Your friends won't go far away from you.
Like the sun that goes
away and comes at dawn,
they'll come to you in
the form of your kids.
- When is the wedding?
- The day after tomorrow.
- Is Dharani here?
- Yes. He is here, uncle.
- Come.
- Dharani.
Inzamam's father is here
Why are you here suddenly?
My daughter's marriage is approaching.
So I'm here to invite you.
Why all these formalities? We'll come.
You used to come when your friend was here
but now everything has changed.
Okay. We'll leave.
Please come to the wedding.
- Sure.
- Bye, sister.
let's make this wedding a big celebration.
Hey, sister-in-law, he looks
Dashing in a dazzling shirt
He winked at me wearing goggles
Hey, sister-in-law, he used to sit
At home wearing a tattered shirt
Hey, sister-in-law, he lies
On the bed in a shabby lungi
I sprayed perfume in
The days when we were newly married
I was right behind you all the time
I was kissing you and getting flowers
Your talks were so sweet as sugar
You changed and your voice is loud now
I got addicted to liquor
Hey, sister-in-law, after getting drunk
He beats me up badly
Just once in a while half-heartedly
He makes loves for his needs
Man in dazzling shirt
Never brings me any gift
Hey God!
Hey God!
He came in like a thief while
I was in the kitchen
He was pinching at my waist
Now he always is pointing out my mistakes
He says not to overreact
I took such great care
Of you like a baby
Didn't I always console you?
You always overreact everywhere
Aren't you ruining my prestige
In the streets?
What's wrong with him and
What has possessed him?
Maybe I got old, I can't bear it anymore
He's ruining my image
In public in return now
Hey, sister-in-law, he looks
Dashing in a dazzling shirt
He winked at me wearing goggles
Hey, brother-in-law
She never asks anything openly
Hey, brother-in-law
She never does what I said
She always sits in the neighbor's house
And keeps complaining about me
Hey, brother-in-law
She says she was harmed
Hey, brother-in-law
She always is into weeping
Your sister, when I try to begin some chat
She always is into over criticizing me
Either in dark or at the front door
A husband protects like the eyelids
Even in any mess when you are with him
He stands opposing
And wins over the hurdles
Even when in any great troubles
He keeps you safe in his heart
Your bindi and your bangles
Are his valuable life forever
I made mistakes in life due to politics,
but never have I committed sins!
It's despicable enough that you crave
another woman while being married.
But you've stooped further
by killing people for her.
A ten-headed demon died at the hands of
a single-headed king because of a woman.
Are our lives
greater than myths?
I made a mistake by giving birth to you.
Have you ever loved someone?
Oh my God!
Who is that girl?
I was a child when I first saw her
on this street at the Bathukamma festival.
You know how beautiful she was
when she wore her
short plait from back to front,
accompanied by the sound her anklets made
as she walked by slowly.
It was as if Goddess Gauri was
carrying Goddess Bathukamma in her hands.
I thought she was the one for me.
Did you confess your love to her?
I was scared.
After that, she fell in love with
another guy.
She's married as well.
Oh! She's married?
Have you ever thought of her?
It's been 15 Dasara festivals
since I last saw her.
But I'm stuck there.
Hold tight
It's done! Let's move there...
Hail Lord Rama!
Which do you believe is greater,
love or lust?
I'm asking you.
Which do you believe is greater,
love or lust?
Lust is greater.
Do you know how beautiful you were in
that white sari the day Suri died
and you were crying over his dead body?
Even when you were crying
you looked so beautiful.
I'm the one who killed Suri.
How can you get scared just by this?
I killed him for you.
Suri married you
because he had no idea that if he did,
he would be dead.
That's why I killed him.
I thought you'd be mine if he died
and I waited for ten days.
But Dharani entered and married you.
He married you even though he was aware
that I would kill anyone who did so.
Just to save you from me.
But I'm scared of one thing.
The love Dharani has for you.
It was as if Goddess Gauri was
carrying Goddess Bathukamma in her hands.
I thought she was the one for me.
Dharani's love for you scares me.
Even though he sacrificed his love
for Suri,
his love for you has brought you together.
Now I'm scared,
what if his little moment of love,
is greater than 12 years of my lust?
That's why I'll kill Dharani today.
Here you go.
You don't have a sari
in this particular color.
On Dharani's 11th day after his death,
wear this sari and be ready.
You belong to me.
Hail Lord Rama!
Hail Lord Rama!
Hail Lord Rama!
Hail Lord Rama!
Hail Lord Rama!
This Dasara won't be like last year.
Bloody hell!
I promise you...
what happens will happen eventually.
Let's see.
What's happening here?
Nambi is the one who killed my friend.
The memories that are engraved
In the heart forever
Bury them.
Bloody hell!
Please let me go, sir.
I will kill him and come with you
I beg of you, sir.
I will kill him and come with you
- Hey!
- Hey!
She went to Narayana's home
to help a pregnant woman.
You've given birth to a girl.
How are you, dear?
What's wrong with you, sister?
My husband became a drunkard and died.
Suri's words about holding one's collar
for his unjustness are gone with him.
It would've been better
if God had given me some beauty.
I would've prostituted
for the sake of my children.
How many women in
this village have smiles on their faces?
Our lives are like this.
I thought that the village had changed,
but it hadn't.
Who are you to burn the bar?
Hey, Dharani!
Only the ones who haven't lost
their family members
to drinking can step forward.
If anyone else tries to put this fire out...
I had assumed we had
more female voters...
because the male birth rate
was low in this village.
I didn't know that it was because
all women were becoming widows.
Bloody hell!
Shame on us all!